#send me a fire emoji and get an unpopular opinion
astrabear · 2 years
You didn't specify a topic, so I will default to TOG.
I don't like reactive headcanons. "Other fans write Character as X, so I will write him as even more Y!" I get the impulse behind it, especially when X feels very hostile to the nature of the character, but it still feels flat and shallow to me. Which means that there comes a point in the "Joe is a sweet sweet ball of sunshine" characterization where I nope out. Yusuf al Kaysani will slit a man's throat and wipe his sword off on the dying man's clothes. He has a temper. He has chosen a life of violence. He is also very warm and loving, and an artist, and a confused red panda when suddenly awakened, and an incurable romantic, and he makes corny jokes to defuse tension. I love him, and I love all of him, including the parts that aren't soft. I love that he's a complex character.
(None of this is meant to throw shade at the Soft Joe fans. Like I said, I get where that's coming from, and I prefer that approach to the one they're responding to. But it's not for me.)
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essayofthoughts · 2 years
Okay, for shits and giggles: any C2 or C3 character of your choice, given you know just the barest things about them. I'm curious, and asking about any of the classic C1 characters you poke at feels Dull
For Reasons, I'm gonna go with Fearne.
favorite thing about them
Fae stealy vibes. A lot of people don't grok the particular sideways way that fae entities can operate at - Matt does, as evidenced by how he handles Artagan, but I think a lot of the fandom doesn't so much, with how I've seen Artagan (and consequently Garmelie) written at times. Fae aren't necessarily snide! They can be, but they can also completely forget something and flit onto something else. They can fleetingly fixate on a fun new idea.
And everything I've seen of Fearne shows that Ashley gets this. I am very much looking forward to watching C3 for this exact reason.
least favorite thing about them
I can't think of anything, but then I've not watched C3 so I don't have a full picture.
favorite line
Not really a line, but I love her stealing the... I believe Allhammer earring from the... I believe Loxodon. Elephant guy. And similarly, her thieving back and forth with Ashton. It's very cute.
Chetney. Grouchy werewolf and cheerful fae faun is a combo I think is very entertaining.
@nanyoky has pre-emptively converted me: Callowmoore. Largely due to Nell, I do think that Fearne's fae possessiveness would actually help Ashton's own insecurities about being left behind a lot, in much the same way many people have speculated that Vex domme-ing Percy would help him with his self-worth issues. A persistent reminder that someone finds them worthwhile enough to hold onto and hold close, who will steal them from others, who won't see them left behind because they're hers. I think that'd help Ashton a lot and it'd also be a fitting culmination to the thieving game.
*shrug emoji* Don't know enough for C3. I guess Orym, because he seems to be gay and not bi, and also because their platonic bonds as part of the Crown Keepers is a Good thing that helps to complicate the Bells Hells in a similar way to how the twins complicated Vox Machina, or, say, Caleb and Nott complicated early Mighty Nein. Pre-existing platonic bonds can make potential splits from the group more likely and that is fun. Yes, Laudna and Imogen knew each other pre-Hells, but we actually have a better idea what experiences Fearne and Orym share.
random headcanon
Fearne taught Mister to play patty-cake. It involved a lot of fire.
unpopular opinion
Fae conceptions of ownership and non/personhood haven't fucked Fearne up quite as people might expect. After all, she is fae. She knows those conceptions - she holds them and applies them herself - and so having them applied to her isn't really that strange.
It's not that which necessarily fucks her up.
But being left behind and forgotten does. The passage of time being irrelevant does. Because she grew up in what felt fleeting to her parents, and she was abandoned - and we know she holds onto what she finds and claims from her own, from Mister to Orym (resurrecting him) to what little items she steals.
song i associate with them
favorite picture of them
@agarthanguide's original Crown Keeper's art for her I think? Or... if I'm to be specific the second splash page. This one:
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I like the glowy eyes and the play of light, the twist of the branch that Mister is on being so similar to the twist of her staff. I think it's really cool. Plus how, as the druid and so nature-based, she almost blends into the nature of the background. I think it's very clever and while I know Hannah may not have thought of it like that while drawing it, I still think it's very neat.
Send me a character and I'll answer for each of the above for them
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claudia-kishi · 1 year
fire emoji superstore ?
HNGGASLKDFJALKSDJFLKASJDF amyjonah is actually perfect. except for the way they got together. i remember when the goddamn sex tape thing happened and i feel like fandom was freaking the fuck out. i was not. i was just disgusted bc that was so ooc and it was kinda fucked to hear the showrunner (i think it was him) be like yeah we want amy to be miserable and for shit to happen to her basically it was odddddd!!!!!!!!! very odd!!!!!!!!
but besides that i think they are 1 of the very very very few couples that worked after they got together. but fuck man that was so bad it was like they didn't know how to actually get them together so they said oh let's have them stream a sex tape that'd be hilarious ha ha ha!!!!!!! (it's not)
send me 🔥 and a topic for an unpopular opinion lulz
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theha1r · 19 days
🔥🔥🔥 im loving this
( send the fire emoji for an unpopular opinion )
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1 - this isn't that unpopular but ... the current trend of everything being remakes, sequels, reboots or prequels is just - so incredibly disheartening to me. don't get me wrong, there's plenty i'm excited for - but nearly every upcoming disney film falls under the above categories & i'm just tired of hardly seeing original ideas anymore. & then when there IS (this is more specific to disney but also kinda in general) they're marketed horribly & flop & bomb at the box office so there's no incentive to make more ... & it's just a cycle i'm tired of seeing
2 - if someone likes/watches/reads/sings/whatever else something or someone or whatever that's problematic ... that does not automatically make them a bad person or say they have those same opinions or whatever or whatnot. i am so TIRED of seeing things that basically say 'if you like x you're a horrible person & no one should love you'. people can like something that's problematic bc they enjoy the universe or the art or the story that's being told or whatever. if they're not harming anything by liking it - why does it even matter?
3 - this probably sounds slightly hypocritical with above but ... there ARE lines that shouldn't be crossed, even in fiction - unless it's to tell a story - it doesn't matter if it's not real. there's certain things i don't think should be portrayed or shown or normalized in any manner. just bc it's fiction, there's been multiple things that have shown fictional things can bleed into the real world & cause bad things. idk i'm not wording this right but i hope it makes sense
4 - i was gonna do only three for the three emojis but i'm adding this one bc i thought of it - ... GIVE FICTIONAL TEENAGERS, OR EVEN REAL LIFE ONES, A FUCKING BREAK! THEY ARE TEENAGERS! THEY'RE STILL KIDS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! yes they might be old enough to know right from wrong, etc, etc. BUT THEY ARE STILL GROWING & LEARNING & IMPROVING! GIVE THEM TIME! THEY'RE GONNA BE STUPID & SELFISH! YOU JUST GOTTA ACCEPT THAT! also if you're a fully grown adult why is a fictional 16 year old pissing you off that bad anyways. like maybe you need to talk to someone ...
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astromechs · 1 year
unpopular opinion about ME. im joking whats your fire emoji opinion about rey
rey is basically wasted potential: the character, and honestly... that sucked. because if these movies had actually taken time to invest in a story for her character, they would've been a lot better. but instead of actually dealing with a lot of character beats that merited exploration (such as her anger), we're left with this character that embodies a lot of the Strong Female Character that especially proliferated in 2010s mainstream media.
so, like, yeah. if rey had been a character more than an idea, that would've been cool, actually. and that's my hot take
send me a 🔥, get unpopular opinion
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mifunebooty · 6 years
🔥 me
My unpopular opinion of you is i love you babe but im unworthy being mutuals with you, you're gorgeous and it's an honor miss roosevelt to serve beside you
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milkantis · 7 years
people who ironically act like weeaboos/kboos to be funny + edgy + self-aware are bad. like, u kno acting like this is racist + gross and ur doing it anyway for funnyman points? lol fuck off. ironic racism is still racism
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boasamishipper · 3 years
character: talk to me about Trent Crimm!
002 | Trent Crimm (The Independent)
How I feel about this character: (marge simpson voice) i just think he's neat! honest answer - i don't feel super strongly about trent one way or the other. i think james lance does an excellent job of portraying trent, and i Always enjoy trent being an A Plus (Super Sassy) Journalist in the press room. i'm curious to see where his character is going to go now that he isn't working for the independent anymore - i'm a huge fan of the theory that he's going to be writing a book about The Lasso Way (tm) and the team's journey to winning a premier league title. (i'd also love to meet his daughter!)
All the people I ship romantically with this character: @themardia singlehandedly got me on board with trent/ted with her amazing fic Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered, and i got further on board after seeing trent bat his eyelashes at ted in the parking lot and talk about how much he Loved Their Chats in the s2 finale. my trent-centric otp which is slowly taking over my heart is trent/sharon (and i am more than happy to talk about them if pressed). i am also Eyes Emoji at the idea of trent/beard.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: trent&ted, trent&beard, trent&rebecca. i also think that trent and sassy would get along like a house on fire.
My unpopular opinion about this character: dani's hair is more majestic than trent's. i also headcanon trent as bisexual, and i believe - though i could be wrong, as i'm not super plugged into that particular corner - that most of the fandom headcanons him as gay.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i'm actually pretty pleased with how he's been portrayed in canon (see above neutrality towards trent), so no wishes here!
my OTP: trent/sharon.
my crossover ship: i was going to leave this as n/a, but now that i'm thinking about it, trent and cj cregg from the west wing would be interesting...
a headcanon fact: trent's daughter's name is cassie. looking at trent, everyone thinks that cassie is short for something Obsure and Literarily Pretentious like cassiopeia or cassandra, but it is literally just cassie. his ex-wife (with whom he is amicably divorced) chose the name, and trent chose cassie's middle name, which is beatrice.
send me some questions!
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bvckleydiaz · 3 years
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Can I just say I can’t believe I’m already celebrating 500 followers?!
I hit 500 about a week ago, just in time for my whole theme change, but I didn’t really know how to celebrate because I’m not very artistic (without my camera) 😂 so shoutout to my sunshine for giving me multiple ideas!
You guys don’t know how much y’all mean to me. I never would’ve thought I’d get to this point? I mean 500?!! Wow it’s crazy to type or say out loud. Thank you to every single person who has reblogged my stuff, who’s responded to me (because I love getting responses), and even to those who just like my stuff. I’ve reached over 600+ notes on things before and that’s too insane to even comprehend. Just a HUGE thank you to everyone. I’m not very good with words, so I’m just gonna wrap it up here.
🎉 So let’s celebrate 500!!!! Send me any of these emojis! 🎉
💯- I’ll give your blog a rating! 1 (being eh it’s a good blog) - 10 (being I’M OBSESSED with your blog)
💭 - Send me any of YOUR posts you want me to reblog!
🎶 - I'll shuffle my playlist and give you the first song that comes on.
❤️ - if you want a (small) love note from me to you.
🌼 - if you want a compliment on your blog.
🐙 - I’ll send a random meme from my camera roll.
👀 - give me an unpopular opinion on anything 911/Lonestar/Chicago Fire/Criminal Minds/Outer Banks related and I’ll rate it based on what I think out of 5! 1: ehh I don’t agree 5: I wholeheartedly agree.
💫 - just come talk to me! I love getting to know others and I could always use some more besties on here!
Once again, thank you!!!
Tagging my beautiful moots who continue to bring me so much joy everyday 💕 @kelly-severide @burzekbrettsey @loveyourownsmiilee @doctornineandthreequarters @mistmarauder @tkstrrand @tkandbuck @imaginebuck @sunshinestrand @seik-o @fireladybuckley @florenceandthemachine @gins-potter @gilbxrt-blythe @h-isforhome @juddsryder @javachik @matan4il @fernnette @buddie-buddie @sneetchestoo @alexlvnn @princessfbi @sixringss @carlosreyess @tulipsfrom-medusa @evanbuckos @118hasmyback @hotchsbabygirl and there’s probably some I’ve missed, but my brain can’t focus right now. If you aren’t tagged, it’s not because I don’t appreciate you or what you bring into my life/onto my blog. I’m grateful for you all!
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roguish-gallery · 3 years
fire emoji: tell me ur thots on the NOLAN batman movies
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion
Everyone here GENUINELY has the sex appeal of a fucking rice cake. I would sooner get railed by the cast of Seinfeld. I am the last person to judge but like??? come on
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astrabear · 2 years
🔥 about clothing
This isn't unpopular on tumblr, but it seems to be unpopular most other places - I want to bring back fashion that's based on the idea that men like to be looked at. Eye-searing 70s clothes? Great! Gender-bendy stuff? Awesome! Speedos and other tiny swimwear? Yes please! I almost always see these things treated like jokes, but I am very serious. I don't care about body types; what I or other people find personally attractive is irrelevant. I want men to have options to express themselves creatively through their apparel. I want "being looked at" to not be treated like a gendered thing. (Men are those who look, women are those who are looked at. I could do a whole post just on that.) I think a lot of aspects of modern American culture would improve if we could do this.
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joeys-piano · 3 years
In return, may I ask: ☀️, 🎵, 💥, 🐶, 💫, and rebound the question 🐵?
If this is too many (and I wanted to ask more!), please feel free to choose which you'd like to answer. =)
☀️ what do you like the most about your best friend?
They helped me know what it's like to be a human being. In all of its messy, fucked-up, sweet and recoverable moments.
🎵 name 5 songs you love at the moment
Teeth by 5SOS
Lover of Mine by 5SOS
Time in a Bottle by Jim Croce
Love Yourself by Ed Sheeran
Light by Sleeping At Last
💥 what are some unpopular opinions that you have?
I actively avoid a lot of people's opinions on the Internet so I don't know what's popular or unpopular by relativity. Mostly because I don't care and I carve out my own bubble that's like my chill place while I watch everyone else crumble into a dumpster fire.
I'd say my "most unpopular opinion" would be that there are certain tropes or concepts that I don't think should be as popular as they are. It's more of a preference thing and I get that people have different preferences and have their things that shoot dopamine into their brains when they need a break from reality. I get that.
There are just some prevalent tropes/concepts that don't do that for me while they do for other people. And that's okay.
🐶 send me 3 fictional people and I’ll choose my favourite!
Odasaku - love his aspirations and that it's the simple things that bring him joy, can very relate
Tom Riddle - love his aesthetic and how he's a devious little shit; before his soul became unstable and he threw caution to the wind
Ethan Winters - unabashedly human in the face of horrors that he's able to stare into the abyss and not turn into what's staring back at him; that's some goals right there
💫 who inspires you?
Ethan Winters from Resident Evil 7 & 8. He's just this normal ass guy who gets shoved into fucked up situations, and stays true to himself and his convictions. He's a nice breather character that I miss a lot in creative mediums, and he carries the "average joe" charm really well.
I guess he's an inspiration to me as a writer and somewhat as a person. In that you're not stagnant, you're ever-changing, and you get better at things when you take the time to work on it. And just holding true to who you are in the face of stress and everything falling apart. And that what's meaningful to you is worth holding on.
🐵 which quotes changed you?
"Finally, in a low whisper, he said, "I think I might be a terrible person." For a split second I believed him – I thought he was about to confess a crime, maybe a murder. Then I realized that we all think we might be terrible people. But we only reveal this before asking someone to love us. It is a kind of undressing."
-- Miranda July
Emoji Ask List
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theha1r · 19 days
( send the fire emoji for an unpopular opinion )
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1 - i do not give a fuck how long someone's like a celebrity/show/fandom/whatever. i do not care if someone is 'brand new' & 'hasn't been there since day one'. i don't care how long they've been there to support, as long as they're supporting now & i generally don't understand why others do. the only thing i might feel is SAD they didn't come in sooner bc they missed out on certain jokes/memes/things & the like (as someone who's missed out on some myself). & i also don't care if someone is a 'local' & has only listened to a few songs or watched a few episodes or whatever. like idk it's just simply never that serious ... (UNLESS - they were a hater ofc. then yes, pls get out of my house)
2 - random af but our/my generation truly had the golden age of children's/teen's media. like sorry but what we had was goated & nothing that comes out now can possibly live up to it. i get it might be because i don't understand current generation's humor & such - but idc. what we had was the best & there's gonna be nothing like it ever again & i'll forever be incredibly nostalgic over it
3 - i don't think there's anything wrong with saying 'unalived', or using 'censored' words or whatever. like, i really don't. it's not that cringe-y to me & i've actually used some myself. even when it wasn't to get past censors, words are literally just words who cares what people use. especially if it makes them more comfortable? i dunno - i literally don't care if someone chooses to use those over the 'real words', as long as i know what they mean, i'm good
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gins-potter · 3 years
IMAGINE THERE'S A FIRE EMOJI HERE I'M OLD AND DON'T KNOW HOW TO PUT THEM IN DESKTOP. unpopular opinions on either Flora or Nabu. (or, to pander, unpopular opinions about the One Chicago franchise as a whole - I only know of it through you so like. might as well see what constitutes as unpopular.)
But seriously, the way I was like "I don't have any unpopular opinions about these two" and the next second had come up with several is just hilarious to me. I'll try and limit myself.
She would never be a vegetarian/vegan. I'm sorry for those who headcanon that but it doesn't make sense to me personally. She literally is the fairy of plants (fuck that nature title) why would she choose a diet that includes eating more plants? If anything she would eat a really balanced diet of meat and vegies because she believes in the circle of life and all that jazz.
Her title of Fairy of Nature is kinda bullshit and she should have stuck with being Fairy of Plants (yes I know she had a couple spells early on that included animals/bugs but mostly her magic was about plants and that's the way it should have stayed).
I personally don't subscribe to the very popular fan headcanon of Chubby!Flora. Chubby!Flora is amazing and totally valid, but I imagine her more toned and muscular because of all the gardening and other outdoor activities she'd be into like hiking.
This is more a fandom one in relation to Nabu, but fandom has a tendency to forgive (and totally forget) Nabu's earlier faults (like lying about who he really was and lowkey stalking Layla) which would be fine if other characters *cough* Sky *cough* didn't get absolutely crucified by the fandom for those same things.
(Fandom don't kill me for this one) If a specialist *had* to die in s4 and I had the chance to change who it was, I probably wouldn't (sorry!!). Nabu's lovely, but as a character he doesn't interest me that much (in canon!! fanon nabu is a different story), he's a little too perfect, and he was also just the last one in so first one out I guess.
Also gonna do the One Chicago ones because why not and also I love that you know about it through me now.
Chicago Fire:
(This one might not be unpopular so much on Tumblr but it definitely would be unpopular in the Twitter fandom) But Dawsey's toxic cycle of Dawson not listening/respecting Casey's opinion and Casey not communicating the best wasn't something that popped up in s5 or 6 but was there right from the beginning of their relationship. Even in s2 when Dawson asked Casey's opinion about her becoming a firefighter she didn't listen to his (very reasonable) advice/opinion, and he was never able to be totally honest with her about his head injury.
Chicago Med:
Sorry fandom but sometimes y'all are waaaaaaay too hard on Ethan. People will (rightfully) point out how terrible and borderline unethical most of the others doctors are a lot of the time but then will call Ethan a hardass and an asshole when he follows the rules and expects everyone else to do the same.
Chicago PD:
Ooooof kinda pains me to say it but the PD cases are pretty boring and too complex a lot of the time. If it wasn't for the characters and the personal arcs I don't know if I'd stick with the show. The episodes were balanced a lot better in the s1-3 era when they still had patrol and comedic storylines.
Send me a 🔥 and a topic and I’ll give you my unpopular opinion
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cosmoshe · 3 years
fire emoji cuz mobile buuuut.. anything marvel!
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion. ( accepting. )
90% of their comics + D/C comics suck at writing queer people. A lot of them don't get that instant gratification of " look! those 2 dudes! they tonguin'!! " is only fun for the first 10 minutes but after you sit down & realize " wow, there was no build up to this at all, huh? " vs the 25 arcs that the het pairing gets because they're unaware of their market ( not because it's been a majority str8 dudes ) but because there's a growing market that wants to see those stories grow and mature, not just get 2 panels of them making out & never have it brought up again.. or worse, use them as tokens. looking at you, young ave/ngers. for like, 7 years they used my fav hul/kling as a placeholder bf when he's literally the heir to the largest two empires in the universe, canonical messiah, space king arthur, & future king of the universe but noooooooo let's have him be a house husband!! yes!! this is what they want!!! ( thankfully he got something recently but, like, damn. they starved me to the point where i lost all interest. )
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ohkraken-a · 4 years
Fire emoji :>
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send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion.
people can write villains. people can thirst after villains, whatever, i get it, villains can be hot. but for the love of god i really just want people to like. remember they’re villains? remember they did terrible shit? and not excuse it or anything? ( not every villian needs a redemption arc oh my god) i don’t care if people write villain muses, but i think it’s important to be mindful of what characters have done and the weight that carries and, just like with characters we love and support, have a respect for that weight, y’know?
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