#send some love to your local dirt wizard
ariadne-mouse · 1 year
Have you ever...
...wanted to stick your hands in some warm bread?🍞
Have you ever...
...neglected showering for a little too long?🚿
Have you ever...
...had a cat who is definitely a fey creature?🐈
...coveted some high quality paper?📃
...been harmed by and wanted to challenge The Establishment?🔪
So has Caleb Widogast.
Vote Caleb Widogast: the people's wizard.
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ziezie13 · 3 years
So I watched The Mummy for the first time last night and I am appalled that there is only one Drarry Mummy AU. The thing practically writes itself. Rick O'Connell = Harry Potter, Evelyn Carnahan = Draco Malfoy.
After the war, Draco was exiled either officially or socially and has taken up residence in Alexandria, Egypt where he works as a librarian, restocking the ancient library that had been lost. Over the years he has also become the foremost experts in dead languages. But he never wins any grants for his research because of the bias around his ex-death eater status. One day an artifact comes across his desk, a strange puzzle box. Draco solves the thing over evening tea, of course (also he has reading glasses now because that is hot). Inside is a map to Hamunaptra, the ancient Egyptian city of the dead that has become no more than legend and most people believe never existed. Draco is ecstatic because the last recorded location of the Book of Amun-Ra and most myth is founded in reality as he knows. He takes the map to his boss who laughs in his face and accidentally burns off a piece of the map with a badly placed candle. Draco asks where the puzzle box came from and someone tells him it was confiscated from some treasure hunter at the local prison. Draco goes to the prison only to find Harry bloody Potter in chains and looking very disheveled.
Potter's hair is long and greasy, he had a matted beard, covered in dirt and grim, and wearing rags. But Draco would recognize those bright green eyes anywhere. Potter does not seem to be as surprised to see Draco as Draco is to see him which frustrates him to no end. Turns out Potter dropped out of the Auror program years ago and has been working as a freelance curse breaker in the Egyptian desert ever since. He landed his ass in prison after a drunken bar fight where he was arrested with multiple legal magical artifacts. After composing himself, Draco asks Potter about the puzzle box.
"You want to know about Hamunaptra." A statement not a question.
"How did you know the box was connected to Hamunaptra?"
"Because that is where I found it."
"You've been to Hamunaptra."
"Why should I believe you?"
Potter's smile fades immediately at those words. "I don't lie, Malfoy. Besides, you have the proof in your hands."
Draco weighs Potter’s words and shows him the damaged map. "Could you complete this?"
Harry studies the map for a few seconds. "No."
Draco wilts.
"But I could take you there. If you can get me out."
The next day after a few well placed bribes Draco picks Potter up from the prison. "So what first?"
"First I need a shower and a shave."
They go to Draco’s flat where Potter cleans himself up. He emerges from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and fuck Potter has absolutely no right to look like that. His skin has a bronze hue, golden from the sun, and there are just so many muscles. His facial hair has been trimmed to a sexy scruff and his long hair is now clean and dripping wet. Draco follows the path of a drop as it drips down Potter’s chest and disappears into the towel.
"I don't suppose you have any clothes that might fit?"
Draco gives Potter a shirt and trousers. Potter pulls his hair into a messy bun. The trousers are too long, so Potter rolls them up a bit. Both the trousers and shirt fit snugly in more that a few places. Draco knows a charm that would fix that but decides to keep it to himself.
"Why are you so set on getting to Hamunaptra? Need some more dark artifacts to round out your collection?"
Draco frowned. "If you must know I am searching for the Book of Amun-Ra so that I can return it to the Library."
"And this has nothing to do with the fact that the book is made of solid gold."
"You know your history, Potter?"
"I know my treasure."
They then go into town to get supplies and transport. Turns out there is a group of Americans also headed for Hamunaptra and they have a guide who also claims to have been there before. And so the race is on. The city is magicaly protected so they can't apperate or use a portkey. They will get as close as they can using the river then ride camels the rest of the way. What they don't know is that there is a secret society that has protected Hamunaptra from outsiders for centuries. On their first night on the boat they are attacked. A masked figure tries to steal the map and the puzzle box. Draco and Potter jump overboard and escape but they lose the map. Doesn't matter though, because Potter assures Draco he knows the way. Their clothes and supplies are still on the ship though and Draco is in pajamas. They find a local market and Potter pays for some new clothes for Draco and a couple of camels. They set off for Hamunaptra and arrive at the exact same time as the Americans. They wait for the sunrise to reveal the ancient city and ride in. They set up separate camps and dig sites. Draco uses his expert knowledge to find them a prime location. That night the masked riders return and attack both camps. They warn both parties that they have one day to leave or they will die. Draco gets drunk and has a heart to heart with Potter.
"Can I kiss you Potter?"
"Only if you call me Harry."
Draco moves in close but passes out on Potter’s chest before they can kiss.
The next day it is back to business because they are on a clock now. The American's find the Book of the Dead and an ancient magic settles over them as they pull it out. They read from the book and accidentally activate an ancient curse that awakes the Mummy.
The mummy sucks the life/magic from one of the Americans becoming more alive looking.
Some other people die. Harry and Draco manage to escape but not before Draco is marked by the mummy.
They regroup at a hotel in a nearby town and devise a plan. One of the Americans decides to peace out and tells the others to have a nice life. The leader of the masked men shows up and chastises them for activating the curse. He tells them about the mummy, Neferkarê. Neferkarê was an ancient priest, i.e. wizard, sentenced to death along with his lover after breaking his vows. He placed a curse as he died that would ensure that one day he would awaken and resurrect his lover. The mark that he placed on Draco signifies that Draco will be the sacrifice to bring Neferkarê's lover back. Draco reads from the Book of the Dead and they learn that Neferkarê is weakened still and will need to suck the life/magic out of the Americans who unearthed the book before he can do the ritual to resurrect his love. Draco also figures that there must be a spell that can stop Neferkarê written in the Book of Amun-Ra. He goes over the layout of the city in his head as well as everything he has read about it and deduces where the book must be. Potter then locks Draco in the bedroom.
"This is for your own safety. The Mummy marked you, not me. I will rescue the American, get the book, bring it back, and then you can fix it."
Potter and the masked man go after the American who left, to warn him. Meanwhile Draco dies of boredom. He paces in the room trying to find a way out. Neferkarê shows up and drains the two Americans that Harry left behind to guard Draco. He then becomes sand and enters Draco’s room reforming. Draco fights him but Neferkarê has drained all four Americans at this point and kidnaps Draco.
Potter arrives just as Neferkarê grabs Draco and dissolves into a dust storm.
Potter chases after them across the desert on a broom.
Seeing Potter following them he stops and sends a sandstorm right for Potter. Draco attacks Neferkarê again and breaks his concentration so that Potter can get away. Potter crashes his broom but Draco is hopeful that he is still alive after all Potter has survived much worse.
Neferkarê finishes taking Draco back to Hamunaptra and ties him down to the ritual alter. He begins to prep the ritual and Draco can only hope that Potter shows up with the Book of Amun-Ra. Things look pretty grim for a moment but Potter shows up at the last minute and severs Draco’s bonds. Neferkarê resurrects other mummies that begin fighting Potter and turns his attention back to Draco. Draco meanwhile is trying to get the book open but it requires a key i.e. the puzzle box which is now in the possession of Neferkarê. Draco and Neferkarê battle a third time. Draco knows he is no match for Neferkarê, Harry might be - maybe, but he is otherwise occupied at the moment. So Draco outwits Neferkarê and gets the key. He reads from the book but before he can finish the spell Neferkarê recovers and turns on Draco again knocking the book away. Harry finished up with the undead army but he doesn't know if he should go for Draco or the book. Draco makes the decision for him.
"The book, Harry! Get the book."
Harry obeys and flips the book open to the right spot.
"I can't read this Draco."
"Just describe the last symbol to me."
At this point Neferkarê has begun to choke Draco to death.
"It’s some kind of bird. A stork!"
"Ahmenophus." Draco chokes out.
Draco manages to say the entire incantation and Neferkarê drops him and staggers back. But after a beat he seems fine and goes after Draco again.
Harry steps in and fires off a spell. "I thought that was supposed to kill him."
Draco shakes his head. "It made him mortal."
The structure begins to shake and threatens to collapse in on itself. Draco and Harry share a look and head towards the exit. Neferkarê refuses to leave his lover and ends up buried alive.
Draco and Harry emerge from the sand unscathed and share a passionate kiss before riding off into the sunset.
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Meriam Craweleoth & Felin Haracwen, as girls in normal nobles clothes, wandering the local magic forest; Hope you didn’t forget chapter one, because it’s about to hurt.
Tale 19: Meriam Craweleoth: Mage Queen of The Grand West  (chapter 10.1 -
Another Day 10/10) part 4. Stories of Old
           At dawn, Meriam, Fredrick, and Eatheltwein, headed down to the dining hall for breakfast. To their surprise, they saw they had a guest; who was sitting across from princess Charlette, Eathel’s new wife. No one had stopped their intruder for one reason: they had seen him before.
           Murdoc was helping himself at the table, surrounded by books, and his panther familiar Stearra, purring at his ankles. He ate like a small child, that just learned to use a spoon. Everyone took their seat, as the servants brought them dishes. They all ate their food quietly as dawn light poured in.
“Pardon me, master Monafyra-” The king started.
“You can call me Murdoc.” He said, without looking up. The pure audacity made everyone in the room livid, but not so much as to make any of them speak up.
“Yes. Murdoc... Why are you in my dinning room? And how and when did you intrude our palace?”
“I walked in the front of course,” Mudoc said, continuing to eat. He was wearing his plum and black wolf fairy robes, which made apear like an animal. He looked older than Meriam had remembered; she had lost track of time.
“You had many guards, but none of them stopped me. Either they knew who I was, or what I was. All of this is irrelevant to the fact I came to deliver some news; again. Then, there was gravy, eggs, and bread; And I saw no point in refusing the kindness of others.” Murdoc continued, whilst gesticulating and chewing. Fredrick waved his hand, letting Murdoc carry on; now that he had finished his food.
“I come to give lord Eatheltwein my journals, as I am retiring form magic to settle down in my homeland; don’t seek me. King Edmond used his power to give me refuge. Th people of The Far North believe mages can be made to give up magic. Your kingdom however, Meriam, is not so polite. I have visited each of our mage friends, only to see a trail of bodies. All our dear friends are nothing more then illustrations of tragedy, on my parchment. At the hands of wizards, I’m sorry to say. Common folk no longer think that mages are necessary to wield magic; as if that’s was all our worth. Even my brother Tiberius, and his daughter Fyra, turned out to be dead on my way here. I have good stealth magic to evade people. Unlike you, Craweleoth.”
“You come to tell us mages are dying, wizardry is spreading, and that the people of the Grand West of Anglia, are coming to kill my wife?” the king coughed.
“Aunt Merry can use time magic; she can get away, I’m sure.” Eatheltwein said, looking at Meriam, who stared back in fear. Everyone knew of the Mage Queen, but no one knew Eatheltwein was a mage. They had been led to believe he was a wizard, just as she had planned.
“You have all the time to run away Meriam, but no matter which way you turn, the events that transpire in Ealden Cynedom always snap back; you will die. Eventually. They will come for you shortly, I suppose.” Murdoc said. Then he read the room. Meriam looked petrified, Charlette was confused, Eathel was sad, and the king looked unwell. “I know death when I see it, my lady.” He concluded. Murdoc got up, thanked the servants, left all his journals next to Eathel and Meriam, and left.
“On a good note, we were invited to the borders of Francia, by my king father; to shake hands for peace! Aren’t you happy Queen Merry? Peace at last! We can all heal because of you.” Charlette chimed. The king coughed on his food, and Meriam rubbed his shoulder staring unblinkingly at Charlette. Eatheltwein seemed exuberant. Charolette’s words did not comfort Meriam. She was equally scared to go to boarder. Meriam hadn’t been there since she was off to get married; and saw her friend be murdered by her own people. To think, she was excited not two days earlier.
           The royal court traveled steadily to the border between Francia, and Anglia. It rained, and then it shined, and then they reached the open meadows, that were starting to yellow as harvest season approached. Both parties stood a hill apart. Charlette waved to her father, who walked forward.
“Dear, I still feel unwell. Would you like to shake for peace? This was your mission.” Fredrick asked. Meriam nodded. She slowly walked forward through the grass. It smelled woody and dry, and brushed her skirt like when she used to run around as a girl. She continued onward. The uniforms of the Francian guards accompanying their king, hung loose, and their faces were sad and tiered. Meriam continued. Just at the border pole, Meriam stopped; there was some clover blooming by it, and dirt trailing along the boarder. The king stopped and held out his hand. He was not happy.
“Mage Queen. Your nephew is pleased with my girl, who appears to be in good care. We are tiered, and we wish to retire. Why do you not shack on peace, now that I’m repenting for my foolish legacy? Instead, you stare at clover that is at our feet.” The Francian king snapped. Meriam stared at it, and a tear went down her face.
“Did you know I was born in Francia, by Fort De Lapin. The magic forest of The Rat Rate. I grew up here, and I learned magic here. My mother left, thus my father found the daughter of a warlock, who had also recently had a baby. My milk sister Filen Heracwen, meant the world to me. She died here, trying to see me off as I was forced to marry against my will; she was shot by one of your men, for trying to leave with me. Possibly to send a massage of your own people, the reason doesn’t matter. I bet there isn’t anyone alive who remembers her name, or that she loved magic and her kingdom. She wanted to be my hand maid, and go with me on quests. Yet she died here, without a family to burry her, or siblings to mourn her. She passed before she could wed; unlike me, She wanted to merry a farm boy, and have three kids. Have her first daughter named Odette. Felin thought it was a pretty name for a girl. She went dark to open the Rat Gate, even though she was a commoner, because she loved magic so much, she wanted help it. Yet, she died before wizardry could give her that. And her only kin, uncle Normanwe was not there for her, because he was dying on your behalf in far off battle. I look at the clover, because it reminds me of her. This is the closest thing she will ever get to a funeral. Fourty years too late. I am sad, because I never got to attend. I am sad, because a young lady needlessly died, when she had a future in front of her. I am sad soldiers would kill a civilian. I am sad I got taken away from my home, and now that I am back, I wish to leave.” Meriam sobbed. Her voice echoed across the field to both sides, as it grew in volume and tears. Everyone stopped, and looked at the clover. Everyone had forgotten, or was oblivious to, why Meriam wanted to stop the war so badly. It wasn’t because she saw Francia was an enemy; but because she didn’t want anyone else to die. It was too sad. Meriam didn’t want to have this funeral. Everyone began to cry, and not know why. In the absence of a head stone, or body, they felt like they were attending the wake of not just a girl, who could have lived, but for everyone they loved who died; For a war that had long lost its purpose, and unjustly claimed many. Everyone, on every side, had lost someone. And no one, on either side, had truly had the time and relief to just mourn. Meriam, who was considered the most formidable player around the world, reached out and shock the king’s hand. She held her chest and went to her knees wailing alone in the field. Shacking the hand of a man who was responsible for her pain. At long last, Meriam no longer felt hate, only pain.
           When they arrived home, the king was ill. No doctor could figure out why, but he remained in bed. Meriam tended him, while Eatheltwein took up royal duties. Fredrick would not get better, no matter the rest or medicine provided. Meriam even tried magic methods. She was given her own chambers, as they feared she would catch his sickness. Then one mourning, the doctor came to Meriam in her study, and told her the man she loved, wed, and had shaped her whole life, was dead. He had lived long, but Meriam wished she could give him more time. She could, with magic, but she pushed away that intrusive thought. We will all die eventually; she could hear Murdoc say in her mind. But time is precious, and she could not let go of the possibility of saving everyone, if she went back for them. Meriam took three days to leave her bed. And wore her purple dress to Eatheltwein’s coronation, and to dance with him. She did not smile like the last time she was adorned like a courtly lady. She wondered if Fredrick would have liked to see her wear his favourite dress one last time. She even wore her Francian pearls, from when she was young, but was never aloud to wear. She wore no makeup, and had a pearl comb holding her hair back in a knot. In the mirror, she had aged half that of her husband, due to magic changing her appearance.
Before bed, she took off the dress and held it; the fabric was still warm. In her bath, Meriam realized she loved that dress too. It felt like she was dancing with Fredrick again when she wore it. Remined her of his smell and smile. The dress was perfect, and barely worn. It was light, airy, flowy, soothing, and feminine. Unlike her black crushed velvet fairy robes. Her protective fairy robes were a magic gift made by the Fairy King, yet had half the value of that periwinkle gown. Then, Meriam wondered something: if all mages had fairy robes, which protect against spell and sword, why did they all die if they knew wizards were coming? Why did they choose to remove their robes and surrender to death?  She thought. Meriam did not sleep well, as she mulled over mortality, and impending doom. She didn’t want everyone’s stories to end while hers continued. Her bed felt so cold without Fredrick next to her.
           In the middle of the night, Eatheltwein came into Meriam’s new chambers, and sat next to her bed.
“Are you awake, aunt Merry?” He asked. Meriam shrugged in response. Eathel put the candle on the side table, and lay next to her on top of the sheets.
“Charlette told me to come and see how you’re doing; without uncle. I am so sad. We have peace at our borders, and wives hold their husbands; but you are alone. No other mages, children, or husband. Just me. I will miss you too someday. Are you also scared of the Wizards? What will you do if they come here for the raven gate, and for you?” Eatheltwein whispered. Meriam never thought about that. She was busy wishing for other people.
“I wish you to tell everyone you’re a wizard, and to not go into the shadow veil to see your cousin Odette. I want you to hide, bury or destroy the Raven Gate, so no one wanders into it. I want you to be happy, when I’m gone.”
“You would let them take you, so that they can feel secure? Even if it is a lie, and mages will still be born to magic families?”
“I don’t know. But I think that may have been what happened to my friends around the world. Remember Eathel; magic does not have sides, or possess malice. It would make sense not to fight, and instead accept destiny.”
“I don’t think your capable of either of those thing’s, aunt Merry.” Eatheltwein laughed. He was still a source of sunshine. Meriam reached over her sheets to hold his hand.
“Can you stay? For tonight.” Meriam asked. Eatheltwein nodded.
“Can we go on one last adventure, before I’m a wizard and king, figuring out how to transition power before our people invent guillotines. For old times sake?” Eatheltwein asked earnestly. Meriam laughed and grabbed his hand closer.
“Yes. Yes, we may your majesty. I think Fredrick would have wanted us to be happy too.”
           Just before dawn, while the servants woke and prepared for the day, Eatheltwein and Meriam snuck out of the palace in their fairy robes. A note was left for Charlette; telling her to keep their location secret, unless they never returned. Which she was inclined to do, as keeping secrets is exciting if you’re a noble woman. In the streets, the peasants were busy starting work and waking, and the knights were changing shifts. Merchants started to set up, or pack to leave to their next market. Meriam didn’t even need to freeze time to get by. Only as they reached the Raven Gate, in the square, did Meriam pause time.
“Eathel, where do you want to go?” Meriam said, clasping his hands in excitement. She had hit the point of sadness, that results in manic giddiness when you can no longer cry, and have sleep depravation.
“Bantia! I’ve never herd or seen a single person from the land south the of Dania, and north of The Far South of Hispania. I bet that is the only magic forest you haven’t seen aunt Merry!” Eathltwein gleamed with the glow of dawn.
“No, actually I haven been to the wolf gate in North Moon, nor plan to…. Which means Bntia must have the Tree Gate… Magic plants… That colourful forested area in the shadow veil.” Meriam mused. Now she was curious; her seer nature made her thirst for magic knowledge once more. Meriam grasped Eatheltweins hand, and they leapt into the shadow veil through the Raven Gate one last time.
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lvmosity · 4 years
deadly secrets | draco malfoy [prologue]
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pairing: draco malfoy x pureblood!slytherin!reader
genre: romance, angst (well an attempt)
word count: 2.2k
plot: some secrets are better off not being kept, but what if some secrets are better left unsaid? especially when they are deadly.
warnings: none as of now
a/n: this will possibly be a long fic, possibly one with 20 parts or so depending on how much i write in one part. the idea i have for this story is just something that popped up in my head whilst also reading draco fics lmao; i guess i got inspired and created my own ideas. let’s just hope i’m decent enough at writing it out, i haven’t wrote in years! so yeah, i’ll be rusty for the first few chapters so have faith in me readers! i hope it’s interesting enough for you to stay till the end hehe
please read!: this story will be set at chamber of secrets and as it progresses, the characters will age and so on, meaning we’re following the saga except i add my own twist into it. so in this chapter, the characters will be 12. sadly, draco won’t be mentioned yet but will appear in the next chapter. anyhoo stay tuned ♡ 
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It was early in the morning that you had arrived at Kings Cross Station with your childhood best friend, Hermione, along with her parents which were twenty minutes away from your neighbourhood. Hermione was set to leave today to head back to ‘boarding school’ apparently, at least that’s what she told you a few months ago. She struck you with the news of her sudden change to a new school. A boarding school really? Out of all the local schools where some are known to be ‘the best to ensure a child’s successful future’ she chose a boring, drabby school that lies in a location of god-knows-where and goes by the name of ‘hoggywart’ or something weird. 
You vividly remember her rushing into class squealing and grabbed you by the shoulders, jumping up and down. Being startled and slightly grumpy seeing someone so energetic on an early Monday morning, you calmed her down so you could find out what bizarre breakfast she had that made her so crazy. Hermione squeals once more before pulling out a thick, yellow-tainted letter out of her coat pocket. “I’m going to a new school!” you remember feeling so devastated hearing those words as it wasn’t what you were expecting to hear.
You wished for the last few months of your final year at primary school to be full of joy, excitement, adventure and other happy words that can be associated with it before you move up to your first year of secondary school. Unfortunately, it was going to be different once Hermione told you she was moving.
However, that wasn’t the only irritating part as it was the fact that she left you all alone to attend the school you both promised to go and graduate together. You had to force yourself to interact with others and make new friends when you started in your new school the last September.
Nevertheless, during the twenty-minute car ride to the station, you and Hermione had closely bonded for old times sake and it made you realise how lonely it was without her since she switched to a new school. You haven’t been in contact with her since then due to the multiple failed attempts at contacting her by sending letters that you concluded your longterm friendship was over as Hermione wasn’t sending letters back.
That was until she came back for the holidays and knocked on your doorstep. once you opened it, Hermione teared up at the sight of you and whined at you “Why didn’t you try to contact me?” 
After explaining what had happened, the sadness faded from her face as she burst out of laughter and responded “You were supposed to owl me silly!” of course, when you heard her statement, you gave a confused look. You weren’t sure if she meant a real live animal was to be sent to her or what but you shrugged it off and stepped aside to let her inside your house so you both could catch up on lost time. 
‘It probably was another saying for ‘mail me’ that she took up in her school.’ assuring yourself.
Throughout the winter holidays, she started saying phrases and words such as “Merlin!” or that she would pass up on hanging out because she had to do some ‘reading up on Herbology’. The more you spent time with her, the more you realised this girl was talking absolute nonsense and something was off about her. You figured it would be the school she was attending that caused her abnormal behaviour. But being the nice friend that you are, you offending her was the last thing you’d do so you didn’t dare try to bring it up.
but the day that Hermione was set to leave and board the train back to her school, was the day your suspicions of her became true. 
You had witnessed something horrific, something that would possibly haunt you for the rest of your life. Witnessing Hermione run full speed with the cart full of her suitcases towards the pillar and had completely morphed into it was an image you’ll never get out of your head.
It’s understandable when people say children have such creative minds with the sorts they come up with for entertainment, but will people really believe a twelve-year-old who kept trying to explain that she had seen her best friend become one with a brick wall? Yeah, they’d think it was best to leave the child alone.
Yet surprisingly, your parents reacted differently. Your parents instantly believed you and begged you to share any evidence that made you come up with a bold statement. You had brought up the multiple scenarios that have occurred in the past; her abnormal behaviour, the words and phrases she’d spill out and the most bizarre one being you seeing Hermione hold a stick and doing motions with it the other day. Thus with that, your parents realised that everything was coming together.
“Y/N, Hermione’s a witch.”
A witch? Surely your parents are the crazy ones now. You can tell the differences between fact and false and witches existing on earth was obviously not true.
“Listen to me dear, your best friend is a witch and what you have explained to us is true about Hermione.” Your mother kneels, putting both of her hands on your shoulders and stares deep into your eyes. You were starting to feel uncomfortable under her stare as well as feeling intimidated by the tension filling the atmosphere. You gulped.
“How do you know if it’s the truth mum?”
Your mother bites her lips, turning her head to the side to look at your father. both of them look unsure on how to respond but then you noticed it was like they were more scared to do so. Your father gives a shaky sigh and it was his turn to kneel and make you face him.
“Your mother and I... we’re also the same...” 
Silence fills the room once again, not one daring to speak up, it was just multiple serious looks being exchanged between the family. That is until:
“...and so are you Y/N.”
You won’t lie and say it wasn’t terrifying hearing your own heartbeat fast. It was basically the only thing you could hear in the room due to how deadly quiet it was after what your father had declared to you. The words continued to echo throughout your ears. All your life you have been living like a normal child, your childhood being the most enjoyable experience as you were the only child in your family. Up until now, your parents have spoilt you with so much care, love and attention that you didn’t care for another younger or older sibling. Instead, you considered Hermione as your only sister more than best friends as you both grew up together.
Unfortunately, that has quickly come to a halt once you realised you were living your life as a lie. You’re not a normal girl anymore and your life was going to change from now on.
“What do you mean I’m the same? That can’t be true, I’m not like Hermione!” you yelled, pushing your mother’s hands away and stepped back. “Don’t lie to me!” you were experiencing variations of emotions at this moment, you weren’t sure if you should feel angry or upset, or possibly a hint of happiness that you and Hermione are similar?
Your mother sighed, standing up and dusted the dirt off her pants, your father also following her actions. Both of them took a seat at the dining table, facing you.
“It’s a secret we’ve been keeping from you since you were born,” your mother revealed. You slowly make your way towards the table to also take a seat in front of them. You had to know the reason as to why you have only just been told today. “You was born as a pureblood witch, your father and I share the same blood.”
“A pureblood?” 
“It means every one of your descendant family members was born as wizards and witches, not one is a muggle.” your father added onto your mother’s explanation. “Muggles are non-wizard people. We made you pretend to live as one--”
“And why did you? Do you realise all this time I’ve been living my life as a lie and that I actually have something unique in me? Do you realise I’ve been seeing my best friend as a freak when I’m also the same? Do you--”
Your father slammed his hands on to the table, immediately shutting you up.“ENOUGH!” he roared, your mother jumped as her eyes widened in shock. “There’s a reason why we kept this a secret from you Y/N and you should be thankful that we did.”
“Thankful? for what exactly?” You scoffed earning a stern look from your mother. Sighing, your father sits back down as your mother strokes his arm in an attempt to calm him down. You figured you weren’t going to get an answer from your parents soon as the both of them stayed silent once more. Bowing your head down in defeat, you asked one more question in hopes that this will be answered but it was overclouded by a higher percentage of doubt.
“Why did you keep it as a secret?” you whispered. Still looking down, you fidgeted with your hands nervous for what is about to come.
"It’s best that you don’t know Y/N... maybe when the time is right, you’ll soon find out... and we hope it will be from us.” your father forces a small smile, his eyes clouded with guilt and sadness as he’s forced to make up an excuse and hopes you will accept it as an answer and move on. You slowly nodded and give up on asking more questions as it will only end up in more lies and excuses. 
But what will it mean for you from now on? Now that you discovered your true blood and the powerful abilities you hold as a witch – well not powerful yet as you’re a novice in the magical world – will your life continue to be the same or will it change for the better or the worse?
Whilst your mind was zooming with thoughts and questions, you didn’t seem to notice that your parents were heavily discussing something. Pulling out of your thoughts, you could see them facing you with a serious look.
“Y/N, your father and I have been discussing your future...” your mother said, one of her hands slowly moving to lie on top of her husband’s hands. Giving a short but warm smile, she continues her sentence, “and we both decided to let you attend Hermione's school.”
Eyes widening, you felt an enormous surge of happiness rushing inside you. your face beamed with excitement as you jumped out of your seat and rushed to the other side of the table to hug your parents. “Oh thank you, thank you!” your parents laughed in response and you pulled away to shower them with more gratefulness.
“But promise us one thing dear...please stay safe,” your mother pleaded with you, turning her head to stare at you with a slightly distressed look but also supporting a small smile. anticipating for an answer, your father added onto her words, “Please...we beg of you.”
Holding both of their hands, you smiled.
The next morning arrived and you couldn’t wait to start a new day, not as a normal twelve-year-old who wore girly pyjamas to bed, but as a witch. Yes, you were finally going to live your life as one. Maybe, just maybe, it wasn’t going to be so bad and weird like you initially thought when you discovered the truth for the first time. Maybe learning spells and wearing a pointy, black hat like the ones you read in books might not be bad too.
You skipped your way to the dining room to eat breakfast, sitting in your usual seat once you entered the room and waited for your mother to bring the food around. Except your parents were already seated and there were no plates and cutlery set on the table.
Instead, a mysterious, very thick and old looking letter laid in front of them. wait–that’s the same letter you saw in hermione’s hands on that very day she told you she was moving to a new school. 
“Is that...”
Your parents nodded, your father pushing the letter towards you while you strode over to rip it open.
You pulled the piece of paper out and to your surprise; it wasn’t like any normal letters you see in your father’s hands. Instead of the usual white paper, this one appeared to look and feel old and roughed up like it was soaked in coffee for a long time. Your eyes landed on the first few sentences before seeing your very own name addressed on it, seeing it made your heart skipped a beat. however, the next sentence was what really got you breathless:
‘We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.’
final a/n: please let me know what you think of it so far! i’m open to any feedback and constructive criticisms as well as any mistakes on my writing. i’m also open to any questions you have that might have confused you or needed more explanation on. thank you!
edited 16.02: fixed writing errors! hopefully all of them hehe
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wwoww-au · 5 years
West of Yesterday
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Jameson sat on the faded couch of the Crime Department's time room, ornate tea cup in hand. It was his routine to arrive early to have his tea, a special blend that would help him gain his strength before the strenuous task of opening a time portal to the distant past. Today he was tasked with opening a portal to the tiny town of Incantation, Arizona, in 1868. At 2:56 pm, to be exact. He looked up from his cup when he heard the door open, Dark striding in with an abnormal look of excitement on their face.
"Good morning, JJ," Dark said. They were dressed in their normal clothes, only today they had added a vest and a bandanna around their neck. They held a black cowboy hat in their hand, cane tucked under their arm. 
"Dark, this is a pleasant surprise." Jameson placed his empty cup on the small table next to him, an amused smile tugging at his lips. "I thought you didn't like dressing up in ‘silly costumes’."
"I grew up watching westerns," they countered with a smile. "There's no way I'm passing up the opportunity to be a cowboy for a day."
“Ah, well history and man made each other,” Jameson chuckled. Dark looked at him with the expression they gave when they didn’t understand what he was saying, but also didn’t want to stick around or try and find out. 
"Let's get that portal open." Dark moved toward the center of the room, placing their hat on their head. "We've got an outlaw to catch."
Dark landed on their feet with a small thud, stirring up the sand underfoot. They looked up to find themselves next to a dusty wooden sign that read Welcome to Incantation. A couple yards ahead was the town in question. It was only a couple blocks of shabby, wooden buildings. A few people milled about in the street, going about their daily lives. From where they were standing, Dark noticed that some of the townsfolk had abnormally colorful hair or clothing for the time. Wizards. Stealing themself, they walked casually into town. 
As they made their way down the street, Dark noticed a few of the locals staring and whispering. This wasn’t too abnormal, they were used to some curious glances, but normally their outfit didn’t gain too much attention, especially from wizards. Wizards were known to dress oddly, it’s what they did, and what Dark was wearing wasn’t even all that odd. The extra attention made them bristle a bit, straightening their posture as they headed straight for the best place to start- the saloon. 
The saloon was an old building, the floor well worn with the traffic it had gotten over the years. It was a fairly lively scene for three in the afternoon, though not completely full. There was a young man in a vest and suit, playing out a bouncy tune on a piano in the corner. A group of about four people by the piano were drinking heavily and laughing at a friend’s failed attempt to dance to the music. Another group was sitting at a circular table in the middle, exchanging shifty glances and smoking cigars as each played a different game of cards. A couple of other patrons were scattered about, some in pairs and some alone. One gentleman in all white sat at the bar having an idle chat with the bartender, who was polishing a glass.
As soon as Dark swung open the saloon doors the room went silent. A dozen pairs of eyes stared at them for an uncomfortable amount of time before slowly going back to their previous activities, but Dark paid them no mind. They were too focused on one of the patrons in particular, sitting on a table and clapping and cheering to the music. Clad in bright pink and yellow and nursing a martini glass that they’d never seen empty, Wilford stuck out like a sore thumb.
“Warfstache,” Dark commanded in a slightly raised voice. The rest of the saloon returned their attention to the two, silently watching as they stopped a few feet in front of Wilford. He noticed Dark approaching, brightening his smile and sitting up straighter. 
“Hello, Darky! Come to join the party? They’ve got some lovely music here, I can show you the main attraction after a song or five!”  Wilford gestured toward the pianoman, signaling a request for the music to continue. Dark sighed, taking a step closer as their hand moved to their pocket where they were keeping their pair of magic handcuffs. They weren’t going to take any risks of losing them again. 
“You know I’m not. Come with me now,” Dark said rigidly. They could feel the eyes of everyone in the room on them, watching their movements with apprehension. They could feel the ripple of unease through the air as hands moved to their holsters in response to Dark’s reach. 
“I’d love to but I’d hate to miss the shooting part! They invented exploding sticks, isn’t that marvelous!” Wilford shifted one of his legs off the table, attempting to take a sip from his martini but largely unsuccessful. “Why don’t you come with me? It’ll be fun!”
Dark stepped forward, bringing out and raising their official WC badge as they pointed a finger at him. "By order of the Wizard Committee you have been-“ 
“How did you FIND ME!?” Came a very loud shout from behind Dark, startling them out of their skin. They whirled around to find themself facing one of the gentlemen from the poker table, with a large mustache and a wide cowboy hat. He was also wearing a pair of old jeans, from a brand that hadn’t been invented yet, and sunglasses also severely ahead of their time. The man had a glass in one hand and a gun in the other, which he was pointing wildly at Dark while slowly backing up towards the door. 
”Whoa whoa whoa,” Dark said, clearly bewildered. They held their hands up next to their head, taking a step back. They looked somewhat panicked, they had no idea who this was but he was clearly deranged. They just hoped he didn’t decide to actually fire the thing. “Look, why don’t you calm down and-“
“YOU’LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!” the man shouted, firing off two shots that just barely missed Dark. He ran out the door as everyone else watched him go. The crowd didn’t react much, and Dark even heard a few mutterings of “him again”. Confused, they watched him go before turning back to Wilford. 
“Look, why don’t you just-“ But he was gone. They looked around wildly, but it seemed Wilford had left while Dark was distracted. They cursed under their breath, putting their badge away and walking over to the bar. If anyone could tell them where Warfstache had gone, it’d be the bartender. 
As Dark approached, they saw the bartender and the stranger in white eyeing them suspiciously. They leaned against the bar, avoiding a sticky puddle of some old liquid and the bar stool, clearing their throat and tapping on the bar top to get the bartender’s attention. There was a dirty spittoon that they’d nearly accidentally kicked, they noted, and it smelled something foul. 
“Excuse me,” they asked politely. The bartender looked up at them, putting down the cup he was polishing and walking over to them. 
“Can I help ya, sir?” He asked in a thick western accent, tone tense and neutral. It was clear he was a wizard even though he wasn’t wearing a coat, what with the bright rainbow shoes and the small collection of wizard booze hidden just behind the bar. 
“Not sir, exactly, uh-"
"Sorry; can I help ya, partner?"
“I’m looking for Warfstache. Do you know where he might have gone? He mentioned a ‘shooting part’, is there some kind of event going on?” Dark asked, calmly but a bit rushed. The bartender’s eyes narrowed at them before looking them over. Dark suppressed a small shudder at the thought of how much he must be judging them. 
“You're a Wizard bull, huh?” He asked, eyeing them suspiciously as he set the glass in his hand down, crossing his arms and leaning near the bar top. 
“Yes, I am,” they almost hissed, quickly flashing their badge at him. “I need to know if you know where he went.”
“Maybe I do, maybe I don’t, but I reckon that ain’t none of your business,” the man droned. “Now why don’t you head on outta here, we don’t want none of your kind ‘round here.”
"My kind?"
"You Wizard Committee folks, always messin' around with the business of others. Our community is managing just fine without your meddling."
"Okay," Dark rubbed their temples. "If you just tell me where he went, I'll be out of your town as soon as possible. And I'll make sure the Committee doesn't send any more officers this way, alright?"
The bartender stared at them for a minute, sizing them up, before nodding and putting his hands on the counter. “Alright, but if ya cause any trouble I’ll be right there with a big fifty to cut ya a path outta here. He should be heading off to the hill a little ways out of town, they're havin' a shooting contest up there later."
"Thank you," they nodded. With that, they turned and stepped out of the saloon and into the dirt road. Up ahead of them, they could see the hill. A few people milled up top, setting up a row of targets. They strained their eyes to try to spot a blur of pink among the distant crowd.
"What are you looking at?"
Dark spun around to see Wilford, intently staring at the hill, too. "Why you-" they grabbed him by the lapels of his coat. "You're not getting away this time!"
"Of course not, why would I want to get away?" He shrugged. "This town is lovely! I think you agree, you really dressed the part this time. Did you see the horses? I know someone who would’ve loved to see the horses, she- "
"Enough nonsense! You're coming with me!" Another bullet rang out high above Dark's head, prompting them to release their grip on the thief's coat and drop to the ground, hands over their head. As soon as the echo of the gunshot died out, they jumped to their feet and whipped around. "What is your problem?"
The time displaced stranger from earlier stood a few paces down the road, smoking gun still aimed at Dark. "You're my problem!" He took another poorly-aimed shot.
Dark ducked out of the way again, though it wasn’t necessary as the bullet hit a tree a yard to their left. "What have I ever done to you?!"
"Don't play dumb," the stranger began reloading his gun. "I know the Committee sent you to take me in. Well you tell them they'll never catch the great Ed Edgar!"
There was silence as the others tried to comprehend why that name held any meaning. Dark was the first to speak up. "Who?"
"Don't play dumb," Ed sneered. "I was the most feared outlaw of the Dark Ages. I robbed and tricked countless numbers of unsuspecting mundanes into buying useless items! I broke too many laws to count! I robbed the largest wizard bank in the United States! My name was known for miles around!"
This time Wilford broke the silence. "I'm sorry, friend, but I've met plenty of famous outlaws in my time, and it may be because my memory isn't too good these days, but I have no idea who you are."
Ed seemed barely fazed by the comment. "It seems we've reached an impasse. I think there's only one way to solve this little conundrum of ours, a good ol' fashioned wizard duel! High noon, tomorrow when the clock strikes twelve!"
"Well, first of all," Dark began, "anyone familiar with the wild west would know that high noon is not when the clock strikes twelve, but actually when the sun is at the apex of the sky. Second, I'm not interested in participating in some useless duel-" but Ed was already gone from sight.
Wilford clapped his hands together. "Well this is going to be fun! A good old fashioned duel! Haven't been to one of those in ages! Or maybe it was last week? I get time jumbled so much, you know-"
"I'm not going."
"You're not? But it can be so much fun!"
"I don't see much fun in getting attacked by that delusional cowboy again," Dark roughly grabbed the man by the back of the coat. "And I'm here to arrest you, remember?"
"Okay then, I'll make you an offer," Wilford twisted out of their grip and shrugged, bouncing on his heels. "You participate in this duel, and if you win, I'll go quietly."
"You mean that?" They gave him a skeptical glare.
"Sure I do! I may be the wizarding world's most wanted fugitive, but I am a man of my word," he crossed his heart.
They crossed their arms and looked away for a moment, trying to ignore Wilford's infectious smile. "I guess it might be cool to fight a real outlaw in the wild west…"
"That's the spirit!" He patted them on the back. "Now something tells me you've never been in a duel before so I'll give you a few pointers."
"Wait, have you ever been in a duel before?"
"Yeah, I think so!"
"That doesn't exactly inspire confidence," Dark grumbled.
"Well I remember fighting someone outside a tavern in medieval Europe. I got a few solid punches in, before all his buddies showed up and gave me what for."
"That's not a duel, that's a bar fight."
"Close enough, it's all about finding your opponent's weakness. Now this Edgar fellow seems like a time wizard to me, so be prepared for him to use all kinds of portals and time skips to mess with you. But I think you still have a good shot against him. You use life magic-"
"Soul magic."
"Really? I could've sworn- ah, whatever. Soul magic, huh? Oh well, same premise. You've just gotta hit him before he can make a jump."
"That's it?"
"Just, hit him? That sounds like bad advice."
"That's the only kind of advice I have!" Wilford said cheerfully. "Now come on, we have all day to rest up before the duel. We could check out that shooting competition on the hill. I know someone who would have loved this sort of thing…"
Dark spent the night in a rented room over the saloon, and spent the whole morning getting prepared for the duel. By the time they arrived on the dusty main street of town, a small crowd had gathered. Mundanes and wizards alike gathered on the side of the road and crowded around windows to see the duel. Ed stood alone down the street, fiddling with his sunglasses.
"Ha," he said. "I figured you'd be too scared to show up."
"Let's just get this over with," Dark glanced over at Wilford, who stood near the front of the crowd. He gave them a thumbs up and a genuine smile. They thought it strange how even after all this time they spent trying to capture him, he still showed them kindness. They shook the thought off as quickly as it came across their mind, they had more important matters to focus on. Like the person on the sidelines who had already begun counting down from ten to signal the start of the duel.
The moment the countdown hit one, an orange portal opened beneath Ed's feet and he vanished. No more than a moment later he reappeared to their right, hitting them hard in the jaw before disappearing through a portal again.
Dark spun in circles, trying to figure out where Ed would appear next. However, it seemed what the time wizard lacked in aim, he more than made up for in unpredictability. He had Dark stumbling over their feet trying to get a hit in, while he pelted them with a constant string of cheap shots. Dark knew he was trying to confuse them, and he was doing a real good job of it too. They tried to focus on a spell, but between Ed’s incessant attacks and the noise of the crowd, all they were getting was a headache. Finally, something snapped, and they cried out, sending out a large shockwave of red and blue magic.
The spell knocked them both down, the impact stirring up clouds of dust. Dark found themself on their back, the pain from the fight making it difficult to find the motivation to get up. As the dust began to settle, they heard people in the crowd gasp and murmur to each other. They looked up to see they were all staring at their face in horror. It was in that moment when Dark lifted a hand to their left eye and realized what had happened. When they fell over from the blast, the bangs that covered their face fell out of place, revealing the scar underneath; a patch of charred skin with unnatural veins of red and blue etched into the flesh. At the center was their eye, clouded and blue.
They quickly fixed their hair over their scar, and stumbled to their feet. With the duel now over, the crowd began to disperse. Wilford was the only one who stayed on the sidelines as Dark limped over to him. He clapped his hands together. "Excellent job out there! You really showed him what for!"
"Let's go," Dark growled, straight to the point as always. They picked their hat up off the ground, dusting it off before placing it back on their head.
Wilford frowned, "Why?"
"I won the duel," they said, pointing back to where Ed began to stir on the ground. "You said that if I won, you would go quietly."
"Yes, but that wasn't really a win now, was it?” Wilford reasoned, leaning back on his heels. “You both got knocked over at the same time and well, that's a draw. Not a win. I best be going now." He turned on his heel and reached into the recesses of his oversized coat, retrieving the Time Wand. With a flick of the wrist, a bubbling portal began to open in front of him. 
"No, you don't get to just walk away. We had a deal!" Dark moved in front of him, blocking his path to the portal. "You're not going anywhere!"
Wilford ignored their yelling, eyes drifting to the portal behind them to catch a glimpse of the scenery of its destination. A surprising look of vague recognition flickered across his face. He grinned, "You're right, I'm not going anywhere!"
Dark couldn't even process what he said before they were shoved back into the portal. They tried to reach out to grab at Wilford, but they couldn't do anything to help themself as they fell back into the unknown.
Dark hit the paved ground hard, only making their injuries worse. They sat up quickly to see the last pink bubbles of the portal spit out their cane before popping out of existence, giving them no other response as they sat yelling obscenities at empty air.
"Dark?" a voice behind them said.
They twisted around to Abe and Mare standing above them, staring in disbelief. That's when they realized where they were. The portal Wilford opened had dumped them onto the steps of Crime Department headquarters.
"What's with the cowboy costume?" Mare said, snickering as Abe bent down to help them to their feet. 
"Never mind that," Abe looked them over with concern in his eyes. "What happened to you? You've been missing for weeks!"
"Yeah, I was hoping you died."
"What?" Dark ignored Mare's comment. "I was only gone for a day." Abe and Mare only looked more perplexed, and suddenly it hit Dark. "That idiot thief pushed me into a time portal. He must've dropped me weeks after I left."
"Well, I'm glad you're alright," Abe said, giving Dark a gentle hug. "I was worried sick about you." He pulled a small watch out of his pocket. "I'll have to let JJ know to call the search parties back, and cancel my meeting with the Committee."
"Meeting?" Dark prompted. They were always anxious when Abe mentioned meetings about them. It was hardly anything good.
Abe hesitated, glancing cautiously over at Mare, whose scowl only deepened. "Well, the search parties haven't been able to find you, and since it's been so long, certain people were starting to presume you dead. I- well, I was meeting with the Committee to see about transferring the case to Mare."
"Oh," Dark glared at Mare. "Then it's a good thing I'm still alive. I can continue working the case as soon as possible. That reminds me, did any of the search parties manage to find Warfstache? It seemed like he was staying in Incantation after he pushed me through that portal."
"No, there wasn't a single trace of him when the search party arrived," Abe shook his head. "But, there was this one time wizard raving about being 'the world's most wanted outlaw'. Turns out he was wanted for some minor thefts back in the Dark Ages, so we took him into custody."
Dark scoffed, “Well at least someone got what they deserved.” They began to push past Abe before he stopped them with one arm.
“No so fast,” Abe said, turning them back around. “You’re not getting back to work yet. I want you to go get those injuries checked on, and then I want you to go home. You need to get some rest.”
“But—” Dark began to protest.
“Don’t make me have Mare escort you, Dark,” Abe threatened.
They huffed out a sigh. "Fine, but not for too long. I've already missed so much time." 
"I'll walk you to Henrik's," Abe looked over to Mare. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"Yeah whatever," the other detective crossed his arms, before storming off. Once he was out of ear shot, Abe smiled at Dark, gesturing for them to walk next to him as they began the short walk to the nearby clinic.
"So, how was it, getting to visit the Old West? I know you love westerns, it must have been exciting."
"Besides having to deal with two insufferable time travelers who knew nothing about it, I have to say, I quite enjoyed it." Dark just barely smiled.
"Well I'm glad you enjoyed yourself," Abe nudged them on the shoulder. "Partner."
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hpdabbles · 5 years
Muggle Jobs
Draco was still trying to get the hang of things, live as an honest man by his own means. He really was. 
Sure it was hard to live without magic, hard to fight the urge to reach for the floo to run home but living among muggles and avoiding everything magical was the best damn thing he’s ever done.
His parents didn’t get it. Not really, but even they ran away from the Britain wizarding world to go somewhere in Italy, or Brazil or whatever summer home the Malfoys still owned.
They may be away but they were still around people who knew what the family had done. His parents put on a brave face, held their heads up high and never bucked under judgment.  
Not Draco. He wanted nothing to do with those memories, those pointed stares, and those soul-crushing regrets. He put the past behind him and made sure it stayed in the dust for good.
After the final eighth year of Hogwarts, he packed up his things and embarked on a self-discovery journey in the muggle world. At first, it was rather difficult, despite his many talents, Draco didn’t have a muggle formal education nor identification making finding a job an aching pain.
Yes, he could reach into the Malfoy’s vault and convert that into muggle money, never have to work a day in his life but that would mean braving the trip to Gringotts. It would also mean relying on his parents something he swears he would never do again.
They let him down too many times already. 
He still wrote them, still visited when he could but Draco was stubbornly independent of them.
Draco started out as an underpaid, overworked janitor at the local community college for nearly three years struggling to find food and pay rent. He had to live under a bridge for a few months once, a far cry from the lushes mansions he used to live in but damn if he wasn’t proud of himself when he held his first paycheck.
It was around the middle of his fourth year that his big break came to be. It was an honest accident. Draco got a discount of the classes for being staff and one day he saw a flyer announcing “Metal Jewelry Making” summer course.
He stood in front of the flyer, mind buzzing when he saw at the bottom of the paper “Sell your own vision at the school crafts Fair!”
When he had been a kid, he often dreamt of selling his own brand potions, or brooms, or any other magical thing he loved. He wanted people to want things he made, like the pictures he used to draw for his parents.
 A silly dream, but a dream none the less. It was a short-lived dream because his father explains, that Malfoys didn’t make products to sell, they ran business and had other commoners make the products for them. 
He signed up just to spite his father. Maybe it was a whim, maybe it wasn’t overly smart but Draco turns out to love every second of it. He was good at it. The class was long, and he needed to buy his own materials but it was relaxing after a long day of cleaning.
It was also the only thing he let be somewhat connected to his past. Most of his pieces had some magical influence. Dragon earrings, looping over his ears. Snake rings, curling and coiling on his fingers and knuckles. Witch and Wizard hats engrave into bracelets.  Potion theme ankle braces. Wand earings. 
Some pieces were non-magical but still elegant and as fancy as he wanted. 
He wore his creations around. Send his mother some as gifts. Share them with awe stuck classmates. Sometimes ripping them apart to make something new. It wasn’t a big deal to him.
He sold out at the School Crafts Fair. Granted he had like only twelve pieces ready but still. He hadn’t expected to sell any so it was a victory! One of the people he sold to asked for a card, for other of his work specify the pixie theme rings, visibly wilting when he admitted having nothing else and Draco find himself promising to start a website (the internet was starting to pick up then and wow did it rock).
She brightens asking if he did commissions and left her student email with some details of a renaissance sword necklace she wanted.
Draco didn’t particularly have any plans to make a business out of it. Yet he found himself with a website, dubbed Constellation Jewels, and orders. The girl was part of some nerdy renaissance group and spread his name to her friends.  Those friends spread his regular pieces to their friends and those friends spread it on and so for.
Towards the end of Draco’s fourth year in the muggle world, he was finally making enough money to not worry about the rent from something he loved to do. He was a hit at the college, and it wasn’t long before he started to pop up at markets, creating and selling like a possed man.
Some markets went well, some he sold nothing but it was fun. It was a new bright light in his otherwise bleak life. Eventually, he started to save up, dreaming of opening his own shop. 
He wasn’t there yet, but each day he was getting closer and closer. 
That’s how he found himself on Tuesdays evenings every week, during his days off, working on new pieces. Draco didn’t cook on Tuesdays since those were his “relaxing day” and thus he always ordered delivery from the various restaurants in the area. 
It was the only day a week he did so, as he wasn’t made of money (anymore).  Today he ordered a pizza since he was in the mood for something greasy and cheesy. He was adding some bright cheap stones to earings when the doorbell rang.
Leaning back from his work station, Draco got up. He grabs his wallet on the way to the door, rolling his neck because well the action of jewelry making was relaxing it was still sitting for hours hunch over. It could give you such a creak in the neck.
Opening the door, Draco pulled out the exact amount for his order including a five-dollar tip for the delivery person. He looks up from his wallet with a smile and froze. 
No. No no no-no-no. He put the wizarding world behind him. 
It’s been four almost five damn years, so why in the world was Harry Fucking Potter standing outside his dirt poor apartment wearing a bright red shirt and wearing a stupidly bright red hat holding his pizza?
Maybe it wasn’t him. Maybe it was some other male with green eyes, wavy dark locks pulled into a small ponytail, round spectacles, and lighting scar? That was common right? 
“Malfoy? Is that you?” The guy who looks like Harry Potter but can’t be Harry Potter said with surprise. 
 “What are you doing here?” Draco demanded, ignoring the question. He felt his head rining, cold numbness spreading into his fingers. He left that world. Left that part of his life. 
“I’m ugh, I’m the pizza delivery boy?” 
“...Harry Potter?”
Draco closes his eyes, taking a deep breath through his nose.  “Harry Potter is a pizza delivery boy”
Potter says nothing for a while then Draco hears him say  “Are you going to pay for this or what? I have five other places I have to be.”
Draco snaps his eyes open, frowning at the way Potter eyes him. Those eyes. He knows those eyes. The eyes of someone wanting to see what a Death Eater was doing in public.
“Here. Keep the change as a tip” He grouches, grinding his teeth as he all but shoves the money at Potter. He grabs the boxes, itching to slam the door as quickly as possible. “Good day-”
“I like your earrings,”  Potter says unexpectedly. “What brand are they? Where did you get them?”
Draco only now notices that Potter’s ears have been pierced, tiny green stubs in each one. They look good on him, he hates to admit, but yeah Harry Potter looks good in them. 
“Thier Constellation Jewels,” Draco says instead of slamming the door because he proud of his work sue him. “I made them.”
“Really?” Potter says, his green eyes shining in genuine curiosity “That’s cool. Well have a good day Malfoy”
Draco watches him go until Potter climbs back into his car, the pizzeria logo he apparently works for, printed on the side and pulls out. He keeps staring until the red beat down car is on the main road, blending into the traffic.
He closes his door, leaning back against the door, and closing his eyes. 
“Behind me” He whispers to his tiny home.  “It’s all behind me.”
He eats his meal, goes back to work and puts this meeting out of his mind. The following week he orders pizza again. Usually, he doesn’t get the same thing twice but he has to confirm that Harry Potter really is a pizza delivery boy. 
He put all behind him...but he just wanted to confirm it’s him, the very same Boy-Who-Lived.  He’s always been too obsessed with Harry Potter to not at least try. 
Potter does show up again, this time wearing one of Draco’s pieces in his ears causing the blond to stare.  “I found your website.”
“You’ve got talent”
“Thank you.”
There is a long pause of silence before Potter holds out the pizza box and the litter of Pepsi.
“Well, that be twelve nine five.”
“Here. Keep the change.”
“Thanks. See you around”
Draco closes the door after he once again watches Potter drive away. He eats his meal, finishes a commission and nearly spites out his soda when he notices that Potter wrote on his pizza box three hours later.
Call me Malfoy.  
What in the world does he do now?
It took another two hours before his hand finds his house line and he types in the numbers. There are four rings, causing a small panic to settle in his stomach before someone picks up.
“No, this is Ron”
Can he hang up?  “Oh sorry I-”
“Harry phone for you!”  Weasley shouts causing Draco to lean away. Seems the redhead is still loud. “Give him a minute”
Draco makes a noise to let him know he understood and then stood for a few minutes until someone else picked up.
“Malfoy you called!”  Was it his imagination or did the Harry Potter sound excited? To get a call? From Draco?!  
“I did”
“Great. Want to go on a date with me then?”
The wizarding world is behind you Malfoy. Don’t get sucked in, not by Harry Potter of all people. A voice in his mind says but Draco finds himself saying.  “Sure” 
He can hear a smile in the ex-Gryffindors voice.  “Wonderful.”
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farklelucas · 6 years
lmao some of these are titles i’ve used for fic because i’m curious what you’d write about with the title: Nightmare in Dreamland, on the outside (looking in), someone else was in control, solace, The Changeling, Ladies First, Seven ways to commit a murder?
ooh boy
“nightmare in dreamland” - (malvie eutopia/dystopia au) mal was brought up to believe that their lives were perfect; that everything was the absolute best it could ever be. (you kind of have to believe that, after all, when your mom is kind of in charge of everything.) the rich were the rich, and the poor were the poor; the rich lived in mansions, and the poor lived underground where they belonged. but when she meets a kindhearted servant girl named evie, with dirt on her face and a twinkle in her eye, mal begins to think their system might be corrupt - for how could a girl as fair and kind as this deserve to suffer?
“on the outside (looking in)” - (stanlon hurt/comfort fic) mike is hurting; he feels like an outsider, lonely and separated. stan doesn’t know how to fix it, but he’ll be damned if he isn’t going to try.
“someone else was in control” - (sciles angst fic) scott doesn’t understand what stiles did - what he had to do. what kind of a best friend is that?
“solace” - (jaylos hurt/comfort fic) upon missing the isle, jay and carlos find solace in each other and their memories.
“the changeling” - (kaspbrough dark fantasy au) prince eddie has been acting strange lately; a cold and aloof change in his fiery demeanor, an increase in appetite, an argumentative and angry attitude towards everyone (richie says this is normal, but no one listens to the court jester anyway). bill, eddie’s trusted protector and head of the knights’ court, is beginning to get suspicious; he brings it upon himself, three trusted knights from his court, the court jester, and a local wizard to find out what really happened to the prince.
“ladies first” - (jelsey friends to lovers au) everyone is annoyed that jen and kelsey won’t admit their feelings to each other - this includes jen and kelsey. in which kelsey spends an entire day blasting “tell me that you love me” from her desk, jen break dances sadly to try to express her feelings, and everyone else is honestly tired of them.
“seven ways to commit a murder” - (scisaac reincarnation au) scott and isaac keep falling in love. then scott keeps dying. in every life time.
send me a made up fic title!
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