#send to mikah
princessofxianle · 9 months
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2ha spoilers without context pt.2
pt.1 | pt.3
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sansloii · 2 years
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“I wish I was allergic to whatever shit they put in sedatives so it'd just kill me instead of puttin' me t'sleep.”
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kauma-kardia · 2 years
Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with?
Issea Waali Valémede — Sereih Valémede
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Issea has a younger sister by the name of Sereih. She's about 7 years apart and because of being tossed out of his own world at a young age, was absent for most of her childhood years. She was only about 5 when he disappeared, and when he came back 8 years later, there was a lot of lost time and questions to make up for.
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It's been a few years since then and while they're on good terms, she's a lot more independent that he was used to her being. As time goes on, and things start developing in the story where Issea is under constant surveillance and she's doing background work bringing together people on the grounds of activism.
Mikah Illumin — Anya Illumin
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Mikah has an older sister that he used to look up to but was left bitter toward her as her responsibility as heir to the Illumin Estate pushed her to go off and seek higher education and work immediately after, leaving him in a cold and unloving home by himself. He still sees her strength and views her as a goal to overcome as her family's constant comparisons of his failures to her successes, seeking to show everyone that he, too, can restore the esteem their family name used to have and lost over the course of the past few years.
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Anya, growing up, was a doting yet teasing older sister to Mikah. She herself, being ball and chained to the expectations of her birthrite, was primed to make the most of her talent, even to the detriment of her social competence. She's got strong instincts, strong intellect, and is overall just powerful, but put her in positions she's not used to and she can easily end up misreading a situation. Despite that, she's been quite successful in playing her role to the family and career-wise. As such, she's prized by her business mogul boss as she rises into the upper echelons of high society to raise the Illumin family standing, playing the part she's known all her life.
Alexei Mág — Titania Mág
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Alexei and Titania come from a longtime military family. Similar to Mikah, Alexei grew up idolizing his older sister Titania, but when she went away to join the Military, he instead believed that even if he might not be fit to lead, that supporting a cause to keep their land safe was a righteous one. However, once he and Lana were thrust in a situation where he needed to leave behind his post at an Aether Reactor to help defend the village it was located in, a long string of events made it clear that the reactors were actively harming the planet, he was now treated as a deserter by the military in an attempt at a cover up.
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Titania, a Technical Engineering Specialist for the Teraqian Military, took quickly to life under the military. Much easier than her brother, at least, even with their upbringing. Most of the Teraqian Armory is manipulated by this world's earth magic, so there's a constant need for front lines personnel who can fight, repair, and replace /utilize the tools without the entire machine being functional, so her familiarity and adeptness with geomagnetism found her extremely versatile and a shoe-in to follow in her father and grandfather's footsteps. But upon confronting her brother and seeing just how far he's willing to go despite the military having it out him, has Titania questioning her allegiance and her superiors who called for his arrest.
Petrokolos Perez — Loukas Perez — Julez Perez
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Peter is one of Ira's closest friends and brother student to Ira, under Gerason, and is secretly a prince of the Kingdom of Petr. Petrokolos was born the eldest son to King Athan Perez, who died when he and his siblings were still young, from a Demon Raid. Since their land is the area where the dimensional border to the demon realm is the weakest, it is said that their ruler needs to be powerful enough to maintain a strong presence and ward off any would-be intruding devils. And Peter just didn't have that kind of power.
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His younger brother Loukas however, held the natural strength and talent that his father had, and so at an early age, it was decided that the next ruler would instead be him. As such, Peter was viewed as a disgrace to all those except his family. And upon recommendation by their retainer, he was sent to go off and train under the esteemed legend Gerason. Under Gerason, the prince made great strides but by then, he no longer sought the crown. Even so, with Loukas' adulthood and coronation fast approaching, the lad wanted to go out and see more of the world; especially the land he would soon come to rule.
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As such, with Peter now on his own as a Demon Hunter, known widely as the Red Diamond of Petr, Loukas enlisted him to take him under his wing and show him around. A little adventure to expand his horizons before he would need to take up the mantle of King. Their youngest sibling Julez, only a year younger with just as much potential as the both of them, also begged to go, but should something happen to the both of them, she would be the next heir to take the crown. So, for the future of the kingdom, she was made to continue her studies in the safety of their castle until at least Loukas becomes king.
"Iris" Ly'Bai Daraen — Marc Daraen
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Iris and Marc spent so much time together growing up that having come into the future to find him unable to remember her was more than a little bit heartbreaking. Growing up tossed between the Halidom of Ylisse and Regna Ferox and never truly belonging anywhere before it all went to hell, each other was all they really had. They shared everything, from weapons and essentials down to some clothes, when they were both young and around the same build. Hearing that their mother was gone and that Marc could remember nothing of her or their time struggling to survive made it difficult to be around him for a while, initially.
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Marc had been one of the last summoned to the past before the final encounter with Grima. So even with the little he could remember about his mother, he was similarly frustrated by his only connection to this world, the only last recipient of his love, also being gone. Not to mention the hurt he could feel from Iris, being unable to recall even her face initially. Their adventure together, alongside Nah, helped to resurface most of his memories, but their bond was unmistakable in the moments where they were relying on one another. Her presence was more of a comfort, even in the moments of strife.
Lana Mahina — Leia Mahina
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So these two odd cousins. The thing about Lana and Leia is that they don't really end up meeting until well into Lana's own journey by herself, after the first part of her story. Lana's father was Leia's father's brother, and in reality, Lana was born first, about a year and a half older, though you probably wouldn't be able to tell based on their demeanors. To be fair, however, Lana isn't even sure of her own age because Mithra hardly bothered to keep track. He didn't even know her birthday until he was already in custody of her.
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The Mahina family specializes in Alchemy, so them seeing a Mahina focus on Magics studies is more than a bit odd when she first gets welcomed into the household. Their lineage is actually a far branch of the Sombra Clan, from before even Cross (One of the Ancient Heroes from alongside, Master Mithra). The two of them together have something of a sibling rivalry, with the traditional ways of the Mahina House and Lana representing the free form style of magic straight from imagination. They don't disagree on much but the estranged nature of their relationship means they don't really get too far or go out of their way to see each other often.
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ateez-himari · 7 months
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Himari 🐯| AM 9:20
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Tiny-Ya, did you know that Yoongi oppa turned 31 years old today? My big brother's getting older...it's kind of strange ㅋㅋㅋ I can't post it on other platforms since he's not a part of ATEEZ but please go send lots of love to him! Translated by Google
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Mikah | AM 9:20 Happy birthday to the Hand of Midas! A real musical genius❤️I hope you two had at the chance to spend at least a little bit of time together!
Himari🐯| AM 9:21 He came by during Lunar New Year 🤗We all played basketball together at an old court we used when we were kids! Seeing him without hair again was weirdㅎㅎㅎ
Nyangnyangari | AM 9:22 seeing pictures of them together always makes my day 🥹i love how she's so much like him even though they're not biological siblings
Joonghosteddybear | AM 9:22 I can't wait to see more of their interactions in Yoongi's movie🥰It kind of feels weird to have watched both of them grow up cuz it all went by so quickly
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[2 NEW MESSAGES FROM 'Little Tiger 💕']
'Oppa happy 31st birthday! 🎉Thank you for filling the past year with lots of memories before leaving for your service, I hope we can make more music together when you come back! I don't know when your gift will come since I sent it yesterday and forgot that they take a little while to get to base 😿The members say happy birthday too, I'll send you the video after this message! Stay healthy this year so that we can have lots of fun again when you're back. I love you big brother❤️'
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thatoneluckybee · 9 months
OKAY PROPAGANDA TIME! @yttd-enjoyerNo pressure for any of these lol, I added a lot because rambling and procrastination. I’m copy-pasting some descriptions from another post of mine. I was trying to look for some with good lore and magic systems, or that had great characters.
Cursed Princess Club: This one is adorable and hilarious. It’s a fantasy and comedy. The Pastel Kingdom has four children. The eldest, Maria, is 18, and so beautiful that forest animals follow her when she sings. The second oldest, Lorena, is 17, and so beautiful that flowers grow where she sleeps. The third child is prince Jamie, who is so beautiful that he is constantly GLOWING (literally.) And his twin sister, Gwendolyn, is the sweetest and perhaps most loved of all! The three sisters are happily engaged to the Plaid Princes. When Gwen meets her soon to be betrothed, though…. he finds her to be really, really, ugly. Gwen has to learn to love herself as she is with the help of a club for cursed princesses (and one prince who wants to change the club name desperately.) It’s hilarious. Someone swallows her fiance whole. Jamie can taste feelings through food and keeps accidentally violating HIPPA. Lorena beats the crap out of a bunch of clowns. Gwen keeps getting mistaken for an evil witch. There’s a really spoiled drunk llama named Laverne. Maria buys merch of her boyfriend’s fanclub. There’s an omniscient clam. It’s a glorious disaster. (Also that was what the screenshots I was losing my mind and spamming last night. I relate to the plaid guy on an eerie level. This one has INCREDIBLE character arcs and parallels and foreshadowing and details and AUGH)
Space Boy: This one is one of my all-time favorites, and I believe it deserves an award for it’s realistic character arcs and characters. I’d be convinced if you told me they were real people. Sci-Fi Romance. (A lot of romance. Not a particular favorite genre of mien it’s just like 70% of all Webtoons.) In the far future, humanity is exploring the furthest reaches of space using the freezing sleep thing (real thing, forgot name.) Amy lives happily on a mining colony in deep space, until her father loses his job, and she and her family are sent away from the colony, and everyone she knows, back to Earth, where she wakes up 30 years later (frozen sleep thing.) Amy is adjusting to life on Earth, the new technology, and trying to come to terms with the fact her best friend is now in her 40s and she’s missed it all in sleep. Amy’s identifying trait is synesthesia: to her, people have flavors to match their personalities! Well, everyone except a strange boy she meets a school, who refuses to speak to her, and doesn’t have a flavor, Oliver. Amy decides that she WILL find this kid’s flavor if it kills her, and manages to get herself roped in the most chaotic mystery involving ancient cults, alien artifacts, unsolved murders, a government conspiracy, and whether or not Oliver is actually who he says he is. It’s so sad but I love it so much and I want to send everyone to therapy. I don’t even like sci-fi usually so this was amazing for me.
Nomads: ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVORITES. The concept is your stereotypical “there were five kingdoms after a war 100 years ago:” the Sun, Sea, Sand, Sky, and Snow kingdoms. To maintain the peace, traveling between the kingdoms is banned for average citizens. You may, however, choose to become a Nomad, and travel for a price: you can never have a permanent home. Lance of the Sea Kingdom REALLY doesn’t want to be a Nomad. However, his little brother Mikah goes missing, and Lance has to find him in one year (once Mikah turns 18 it’ll be impossible to find him.) It’s going well and dandy until some unfortunate circumstances result in him, his new traveling buddy Satra, and a magic talking cat-thing being mistakenly accused of kidnapping a prince. And now they’re wanted bounties. (This comic is HILARIOUS so many shenanigans and I love Satra so much.)
Castle Swimmer: Can’t reveal TOO much of this ‘cause spoilers but it’s a really really good story. It’s a fantasy romance too. In this society of “Mers” (merfolk), every kingdom has long awaited the day a mysterious, mythicaeing known as the Beacon arrives. He will grant each kingdom’s prophecy, be that granting them fortune or saving their lives. When the Beacon arrives, though, turns out he’s literally just some kid named Kappa who has no idea what he’s doing. Siren is the prince of the shark kingdom. They have a curse that will cause them to suffer and become covered in scars and eventually die. The only way they can break the curse is whenever the Beacon arrives—and Siren, as predicted, will kill him. The only problem is that Siren REALLY doesn’t want to be a murderer, and Kappa REALLY doesn’t want to die, and they both are pining HARD. 
Suitor Armor: This is a romantic fantasy but I like it because it doesn’t feel boiled down to JUST a “will they won’t they.” Fairies and humans have been at war for as long as anyone can remember, with heavy losses on both sides. A Lord rescues a child, a little girl named Lucia, to be his daughter, Kirsi’s, lady-in-waiting until Kirsi marries a nearby king. The only issue? Lucia is a fairy, and she and the Lord must hide that if she wants to live. After they’ve grown up, Kirsi and Lucia go to the nearby kingdom to prepare for the wedding, where Lucia meets their mage’s newest creation: an enchanted, sentient suit of armor named Modeus. And now we’re all aggressivley shipping a tin can with one of the coolest women ever. (And I LOVE the magic system in this… we don’t know everything yet, it’s being revealed as time progresses, but it’s amazing in my humble little opinion.)
Homesick: Recommending this one since you’ve read School Bus Graveyard! It’s almost a “sister series” in that the fanbases overlap lots and the creators have done collabs too! Disclaimer that it’s mature for a reason. It covers a lot of dark topics and is a HORROR FOR A REASON. School Bus Graveyard is incredibly dark, but it sort of eases you in to the terror while Homesick tosses you in like a flailing child. If you do choose to read it I can provide trigger warnings, though it may spoil some plotlines a bit. Rayne (my pfp!) wakes up on a rooftop with no memories at all and meets a boy named Samael, who quickly informs her that it’s the apocalypse. Cannibalistic creatures called murks roam the land, feeding on anything that makes eye contact. Rayne and Samael form a deal to survive, but things get really, REALLY messy when they encounter someone from Samael’s past and get wrapped up in something that might just be worse than the apocalypse. On top of it all, Rayne has noticed some strange things about herself, including terrible headaches that warn her of murks… (It’s so good I love it but good lord it gets dark. I really want to say more about it but the story doesn’t jump right into the main action or plot right away so I CAN’T WITHOUT SPOILING IT SOB.)
Okay limiting myself to six for now sheesh I typed a lot.
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teddyreblogslotf · 4 months
whats the bennu lore. estoy curioso
okay you've opened the can of worms
so bennu enlisted in the army during WW2 because almost all young men did that. he had an arranged marriage with Ebube (his wife) because her parents wanted her to get out of Nigeria and Nigeria and England had connections, yknow. So they forcefully got married. He joined the army.
He meets Arthur Merridew (Jack's dad), Henry Allebach (Ralph's dad) and Mikah Volkov (Roger's dad). He ends up becoming Lieutenant Colonel by the time his service is almost over. Early in his career, the army sees a cannibalistic attack on the soldiers spanning the course of two years. Bennu helps solve this, but he gets PTSD because he watched his friends and colleagues be EATEN, and he witnessed one of the attacks firsthand. Hard to erase that memory.
Okay so in his final battle, he serves under Arthur (Major General) and he gets sent on a suicide mission, essentially. Arthur knew it was a suicide mission and just didn't tell Bennu. However, Mikah is with him and figures it out quickly and sacrifices his life to save Bennu's. His last words to Bennu are 'Take care of Roger for me.' because roger's mom had died of cancer 3 years earlier.
So Bennu adopts Roger for about 8 years (ages 4-12) before Roger goes into foster care. He acts as Roger's caregiver, but when Roger gets back from the island, Bennu pretty much disowns him because he doesn't have the money or facilities to take care of Roger, who is extremely mentally ill. He doesn't want Roger to suffer, so he sends him to a hospital to get treatment. He doesn't hate Roger for killing Simon, because he knows it wasn't really Roger.
But Simon is still dead. Simon is like his only child btw because him and Ebube just aren't in love. So he is an alcoholic for about 4 years after the island.
Roger finds him again when he's 16. Bennu goes to rehab and sobers up and readopts Roger.
Roger eventually learns how to fake empathy from observing Bennu's behaviour. Bennu essentially teaches Roger indirectly how to have humanity. It isn't genuine, but it keeps Roger from being executed for murder.
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theroseceleste · 5 months
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Nursing Miguel Back To Health
This was the 200 followers on twitter celebration prize. I had the scenario in mind and then I wrote the winner's OC into it.
In this scenario, poor Miguel is sick with a cold. But with him being so stubborn, Mikah struggles to convince the sniffling team leader to rest and look after himself.
Contains : FTM OC, descriptions of suffering with a cold, discussions and descriptions of self care, foreplay and penetrative sex.
Word Count :- 6224
The sun was beginning to set on Nueva York and the Spider Society building that was just one of the many skyscrapers in the city.
The colossal building was bustling with spider people, swinging with their webs, or walking around the complex maze of corridors. Some were heading to the cafeteria, some were about to make their way to their universe after a busy day in HQ.
It wasn’t quite time for Mikah to go home yet, however he didn’t have much else to do.
Miguel, the Spider Society leader, had been awfully quiet and absent the whole day. Even during the anomaly mission that Mikah had to go on earlier, he wasn’t as vocal and snappy as he usually was.
A smirk grew across Mikah’s face and his bunny ears twitched - a thought had popped into his mind. Perhaps he should go to the control room and see what Miguel was up to. He pictured a comical image of Miguel helplessly stuck in his own webs or something, which would explain his lacking presence.
Upon entering the control room, Mikah was stunned to see the leader of the Spider Society sitting down at his desk. His platform that he’s usually perched on was even lowered instead of being high up for antisocial reasons.
Miguel never sat at his desk. He thought sitting made people lazy or inattentive. It was serious business monitoring the multiverse - a job Miguel never took lightly.
As Mikah approached the lowered platform he could see Miguel’s muscular frame shudder slightly before reaching for a tissue and sneezing into it.
“Ew… bless you,” Mikah commented playfully as he hopped onto the platform and slid comically into Miguel’s field of vision with a grin.
The leader’s nose was red from sneezing and blowing his nose. His eyes were almost closed and his lips were parted as he struggled to breath normally.
Miguel turned his head lazily towards Mikah with an unimpressed and tired expression on his face. “What do you want?” he grumbled. He was in no mood for Mikah’s shenanigans today.
Mikah folded his arms across his chest and leaned against Miguel’s console. He was careful not to sit on any buttons this time. That made Miguel really mad when Mikah accidentally sat on a button, putting HQ on high alert for an escaped anomaly, sending all spider people on a wild goose chase. It was pure chaos. The thought of it still made Mikah chuckle slightly.
His eyes wandered over Miguel for a moment before speaking. “Oh, you’re sick…” he commented. The idea of giving Miguel sass popped out of existence. Pop!
The visibly ill man shrugged nonchalantly as if it was nothing, but to Mikah, he could tell Miguel wasn’t feeling at all well. “It’s just a cold. I’ll get over it-” He coughs suddenly, his hands - which were full of tissue - covering his mouth.
Mikah couldn’t help but laugh at Miguel’s inability to lie. “Oh, come on! You’re sick and you need to go to bed.”
Another cough came from Miguel before he spoke again. “This is nothing and I’m not a child - I don’t need to go to bed.”
“Sheesh Miguel, you sound and look rough - you’re definitely sick and it sounds bad,” Mikah replied, although he knew this wasn’t going to go down with the leader all that well.
Miguel’s eyes widened with frustration. “I have a job to do, I can’t just drop everything and go to bed!” he yelled before coughing again. “Ugh…” An exhausted groan filled the air as Miguel leaned forward and rested his head in his hands.
A smirk spread across Mikah’s face - another idea popped into his mind. “Lyla, can you take over monitoring the multiverse?”
The sound of a chair scraping along the floor echoed around the cavernous control room as Miguel stood up suddenly, swaying slightly when he got to full height. Peering down into Mikah’s face, he growled. “I told you, I’m fine.”
The facade didn’t last for long though. He had stood up far too quickly and felt light headed. Miguel’s sway became more obvious. Taking a step back, he tried to reach for his chair again.
Mikah could see what was about to happen. He rushed forward and helped settle Miguel back down in his chair. His incredible weight almost pulled Mikah over as he tried to stop him from falling down instead.
By this time, Lyla had flickered into view and took note of the situation. She folded her arms and walked over to the Spider Society leader in mid air. “I’m with Mikah on this one. You should rest up.”
“Ay dios! I’m fine!” Miguel exclaimed in an exasperated fashion. Clearly he was being driven mad by all of the fuss.
Crouching down next to Miguel in his chair, Mikah fixed his gaze on him. “You’re not the only one who can do what you do. Stop being a martyr and let people help you.”
Miguel looked away, his frustration was apparent. He didn’t like the fuss he was getting and would rather suffer in silence. However, there was something about Mikah’s behaviour that threw him off guard. This member of the Spider Society was all sass and a pain in Miguel’s ass a lot of the time. He had never seen this side of Mikah before. Perhaps this team member was genuinely concerned…
Miguel could sense Mikah lean slightly to try and get his attention again. He shifted his gaze back, watching Mikah from the corner of his eye with a frown.
“Why run an entire society of spider people when you think you can do everything yourself? There’s no ‘I’ in team, Miguel…” Mikah’s voice was soft, almost pleading.
For a brief moment, it looked like the Spider Society leader was going to relent. Mikah’s words struck a nerve. He had a point. However, the fuss was still making Miguel’s skin crawl. “I said, I’m fine…”
Mikah’s lips pressed together in a thin line, his brows knitted together with concern. It took him a moment, but he decided to call Miguel out. “Bullshit…” His tail wagged in defiance, not that Miguel noticed though.
A threatening stare was shot at Mikah. He wanted to retort back at him, but he didn’t have the energy for it.
“You’re sick, run down and stressed. Just give yourself some time off. Hell, I’ll care for you if you won’t.” Mikah’s last sentence surprised himself. But thinking more about it, he would stand up and take care of Miguel, if it was necessary.
Miguel’s indignant glare dropped suddenly, however, his expression hardened once more. “Why would you do that?” It was almost like he didn’t believe Mikah’s words.
Standing up next to Miguel, he looked down at the sick leader. “Ever heard of compassion?” he asked, his tone was short and to the point.
Compassion… Miguel couldn’t remember the last time anyone had shown him genuine compassion. His gaze searched Mikah’s face for a moment. Trying to discern if his team member was being genuine or not. He did seem fairly serious… for once.
Before he could answer, Miguel’s stomach let out a growl, making him place his hand against it. His face blushed slightly, feeling embarrassed.
“When was the last time you ate?” There was an air of suspicion in Mikah’s voice. If he was to guess, Miguel probably wouldn’t have had any food that day.
Miguel’s embarrassed expression deepened. He didn’t want to admit he hadn’t eaten for a couple of days.
A lack of response was enough of an answer for Mikah. He looked to Lyla who knew what he was about to say. “Keep an eye on things at the console,” he paused before he turned to face Miguel, “and you; you’re coming with me.”
Lyla gave a cheeky salute and flickered out of existence.
Miguel felt Mikah tug at his wrist, heaving him up out of his chair. He figured arguing against Mikah was only going to make things worse. Without a word of protest, he followed his team member out of the room, sniffing and coughing along the way.
Mikah marched Miguel into his private room. On the way there, he mentally developed a care plan for the sniffling leader of the Spider Society.
Once the door was closed, Mikah instructed Miguel to get into bed. He turned away so Miguel could deactivate his suit in private and crawl under the covers.
Feeling his head rest against the pillow and the cool bed sheets against his skin, his body began to feel heavy. He was allowing himself to relax now that he had no other choice.
Sitting down next to Miguel on his bed, Mikah watched over him with a small smile. There was something rather sweet about seeing Miguel covered up to under his chin with his bed sheets. “I’m going to go to the cafeteria and get you some food and drink. What do you fancy?”
Thinking for a moment, Miguel tried to decide what he wanted to eat. The thought of a comforting chicken soup made his mouth water and stomach threaten another loud, embarrassing growl. “Soup… please…” he requested as his eyes began to feel heavy.
“Soup it is; I’ll go get some. Don’t you even think about sneaking back to your desk - Lyla will tell me.” Mikah said in a demanding tone, but there was a slight hint of a smile on his lips.
Miguel could only give a nod in response. His eyes were getting heavier. It felt like he was sinking further into his mattress. Sleep was threatening to take him.
Standing up slowly, as to not disturb Miguel too much, he leaned over the bed and tucked him in gently. The Spider Society leader looked so peaceful and comfortable, he couldn’t resist brushing some of Miguel’s hair out of his face. His fingers gently caressing his forehead. “I won’t be long,” Mikah promised before leaving the room and closing the door quietly.
Ten minutes later, Mikah arrived back in Miguel’s room with a tray laden with food. While in the cafeteria he went overboard and grabbed some chocolate, fruit, numerous bottles of water and some cold relief medicine.
Settling the tray down on the table in Miguel’s room, he turned his attention to the bed. Miguel was fast asleep, snoring softly. A smile spread across his face as he saw the peaceful sight before him, his floppy rabbit ears perked up slightly. It almost seemed a shame to wake him, but Miguel’s soup would get cold.
Mikah climbed onto the bed carefully. Crawling on his hands and knees until he could reach Miguel. After hoisting his long sleeves up his arms, his hands took hold of Miguel’s warm, broad shoulders. Shaking him gently, he tried to rouse him, but he was in a deep sleep. “~Come on sleeping beauty~…” Mikah cooed jokingly as he gave Miguel a few light taps on his cheek, which seemingly did the trick.
Miguel’s eyes fluttered open, his vision was blurred for a moment as he woke up from what felt like a deep sleep. “W- what is it?” he asked groggily, his voice sounding rough.
“I’ve got you food. Eat up before it gets cold,” Mikah explained as his bunny ears rose slightly upon seeing Miguel wake up. He got off the bed to allow Miguel to sit up carefully.
The Spider Society leader watched in awe as a tray full of food was carefully placed on his lap. Mikah went all out for him and got some extra goodies.
Miguel couldn’t help but feel a little moved by this. A small smile broke across his face. “Thank you,” he said softly as he looked at the hopping spider, who gave him a slight shrug as if to say it was nothing.
The rising steam of the soup wafted invitingly into Miguel’s face. The smell of it alone made Miguel feel warm and comfortable. Sipping the soup from a spoon, he could feel the delicious warmth fill his stomach. He enjoyed the delicious mix of chicken, vegetables and noodles. A contented sigh filled the air as he already started to feel more human.
The soup bowl was empty, an orange and some grapes had been eaten and the chocolate had been nibbled on slightly. It was safe to say Miguel enjoyed what felt like a feast after not eating for a couple of days.
Mikah watched Miguel after taking the tray from him and settling it back down on the table. Returning to Miguel’s bed and sitting down next to him again.
Miguel stared at Mikah when he joined him back on his bed. He felt content and a little more friendly, despite still feeling ill. His eyes rested on one of Mikah’s bunny charms - a white rabbit head that hung from his belt on a yellow strap. Miguel’s hand reached out and gently took one and turned it over with his fingers to inspect it. A small smile broke across his face. “I’ve always wondered what these were. They look cute.” His comment brought a smile to Mikah’s face.
“Thanks, they’re just there for decoration,” a slight pink hue lit up his cheeks. He could feel the slight tugging of the charm while Miguel still had it in his grasp.
After a short while, another idea formed in Mikah’s mind. “I think you could do with a nice relaxing bath.”
Miguel’s eyes widened before he lifted his arm to sniff himself. “I smell alright don’t I?” Was Mikah up to his silly jokes again?
Mikah chuckled softly. “No! I just mean, it might help you feel better. The warmth of the bath might clear your chest, and a general wash might make you feel more refreshed,” he paused for a moment, considering his next words, “I’ll even throw in shampooing your hair and giving you a head massage?”
It was now Miguel’s turn to blush. “You- you’d do that for me?” The thought of having someone giving him a head massage did pique his interest in having a soak in a warm bath.
“Sure, I said I’d look after you, so that’s what I’ll do,” Mikah replied honestly.
“Alright,” Miguel paused, as he thought of something, “but I’ll wear swimming trunks in the bath. I don’t want you having a sneaky peek,” he joked, but a part of him wouldn’t put it past Mikah to attempt something like that.
A chortle filled the air as Mikah nudged Miguel in the arm. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
The soothing smell of jojoba and sandalwood filled Miguel’s ensuite. Mikah had run the Spider Society leader a hot bath and may have squirted a little too much soap into the water. A tidal wave of bubbles rolled in slow motion over the edge of the bath as Miguel stepped into the room. His eyes widening at the bath overflowing with bubbles. The thought about complaining crossed his mind but eventually he rolled his eyes and accepted it.
Miguel’s body melted instantly as he settled into the bath. The steam of the hot water entered his lungs as he breathed in deeply. It felt like his airway was opening up better. He leant back in the bath and rested his arms on the sides. Some of the bubbles had burst and the large mass wasn’t as high as it was.
Mikah began to delicately pour water over Miguel’s hair. He tilted his head as far as he could to make things easier and to stop it from going in his face. The feeling of Mika’s fingers running through his hair made him melt even more. His eyes closed, as he enjoyed every sensation he was feeling.
Sitting on the side of the bath, Mikah began to massage shampoo into Miguel’s hair. His fingers scrunched Miguel’s water soaked locks, as he mixed in the soap. Slowly, his hands massaged every inch of Miguel’s scalp. Even Mikah could feel the stress and discomfort leaving Miguel which made him happy.
Once his hair was fully lathered up with shampoo, Mikah began to pour water over Miguel again. He took extra care in not getting it in his eyes.
As the shampoo was being washed away, Mikah’s fingers ran between his locks to make sure all of it had gone. He also began to tug on Miguel’s hair slightly which brought extra relief to the Spider Society leader’s stress levels.
Miguel couldn’t resist letting out a slight groan at the sensation of his hair being tugged. His eyes had been closed the entire time. Despite his protests at the beginning of all of this, it seemed he had begun to enjoy the care and attention he was receiving. Not like he’d actively seek it again, but if it was offered, he’d think twice about declining next time.
“There,” Mikah said softly as he set down the showerhead on its rest next to the bath. “All done.” He felt a sense of pride as he successfully washed Miguel’s hair and didn’t end up getting shampoo in his eyes. Taking care of Miguel allowed Mikah to see the team leader in a different light. It felt good to take care of him and there was something soothing about seeing Miguel in a more laid back setting.
After towel drying Miguel’s hair, Mikah burst out laughing seeing his dishevelled dark brown locks. A stark contrast to his usual attractive, slicked back style.
Miguel frowned slightly as Mikah chuckled but eventually saw the funny side of it, shaking his head and laughing quietly.
Mikah had sat Miguel down on a chair so he could reach. His five-foot five-inch height wasn’t quite enough to style Miguel’s hair while he stood. He used a comb to tidy him up and gently tease any knots that had formed from towel drying it. Soon, he was back to how Miguel usually looked.
It felt rather awkward having his hair combed by someone else to begin with, but he quickly realised how some mundane tasks instantly felt so much better when someone else did it. The feeling of the comb’s teeth gently raking through his hair made him shiver slightly as tingles ran through his body.
He watched Mikah in the mirror. His eyes began to wander over the hopping spider’s figure, admiring his curves and his cute spider outfit.
Taking the time away from monitoring the multiverse allowed Miguel to see that Mikah was more than a sassy team member who liked to talk back and rile him up. He could now see that when it really called for it, Mikah was compassionate and empathetic. His touch was always soft and gentle. Miguel could sense Mikah’s concentration when washing his hair. He took the time and paid his full attention to the task. A smile developed on Miguel’s lips as he thought of the events over the last hour or two.
“How are you feeling now?” Mikah asked with a soft voice as his hands came to rest on Miguel’s shoulders.
Taking a deep breath, the team leader tried to assess how he was doing. He did feel an improvement. Breathing was easier and he wasn’t sneezing so much. With food in his tummy and having had a relaxing bath, he began to feel like a whole new person. “Good, thank you. I guess I could do with some sleep.” Miguel finally answered.
After taking some cold relief medicine, Miguel had crawled back into bed. It was getting late in the evening.
Mikah promised Miguel that he’d return in the morning to check on him. Right now, Miguel needed rest more than anything and probably would do that better if he was alone and didn’t have to worry about sleeping in front of someone.
Miguel heard the door close softly, leaving his room dark and quiet. He turned over in his bed and clutched onto a spare pillow, holding it closely to his chest, wrapping his arms around it. Before he drifted off into a deep sleep, his last thought was Mikah’s smiling expression when he brushed his hair. He fell asleep with a calm and contented smile on his face.
The digital clock in Miguel’s room clicked over to 7am. He had slept solidly the whole night, clutching the pillow close to him. For once his dreams weren’t so full of stressful scenarios which made him feel he had a more restful sleep. The sound of his door opening slowly caused him to stir slightly. Mikah had arrived on Earth-928 early to check on Miguel as promised.
The feeling of the mattress moving as someone sat on his bed woke him up more, however he assumed that it was Mikah as he was expecting him.
A bedside light was turned on so Mikah could see Miguel blink sleepily and turn over to face the brightly dressed hopping bunny.
From what Mikah could see, the team leader did in fact look a lot better. It seemed a full night’s rest and the care he received the night before made a noticeable difference. “You look so much better today,” Mikah commented as he gave Miguel a friendly pat on the shoulder.
A smile spread across Miguel’s face in response. “I have you to thank for that.” Even his voice didn’t sound too groggy.
Silence fell upon the room as they both gazed at each other. Their eyes met briefly as they both thought about the night before. Mikah had thoroughly enjoyed looking after Miguel, while Miguel enjoyed being cared for, once he allowed it.
The Spider Society leader wanted to show Mikah his appreciation, but he wasn’t sure how.
The hopping spider decided to break the silence. “I guess I should let you get on with sleeping, or getting ready for the day,” he said softly as he began to stand. He didn’t manage to get very far though. Miguel’s hand suddenly darted out and grabbed Mikah’s firmly, but gently.
“Wait,” he said in a hushed tone, but there was a slight air of desperation too. “Don’t go.”
Sitting back down, he watched Miguel with a slightly concerned expression. Why would Miguel want him to stay?
“I want you to hang around. I have actually enjoyed your company and I don’t want it to end yet,” he paused, “if that’s okay with you?”
Mikah looked into Miguel’s almost pleading eyes and nodded. He watched as Miguel began to sit up in bed, his sheets falling from his shoulders, unveiling his bare, muscular chest.
“I’ve been thinking about the way you fixed my hair last night. I really enjoyed how it felt,” he paused with slight hesitation. “Could you do it again for me?”
“Oh, sure. Hang on, let me find the comb,” Mikah replied with a small smile, but he was pulled back after he attempted to get up again.
“No - use your hands. I like your touch.” Miguel’s voice was just above a whisper while his eyes remained locked on Mikah. He patted the area of the bed, next to himself, inviting the hopping spider to join him.
Mikah’s heart began to pound. He wasn’t expecting Miguel to behave like this. But the thought of running his fingers through Miguel’s hair brought a smile to his face. He followed the Spider Society leader’s instruction.
“Lay here, and if it’s okay with you, can I rest my head on your chest?”
A blush grew across Mikah’s face, however he didn’t complain. “Sure…” he replied as he opened his arms to accept Miguel’s advancement. “I’ve never seen this side of you… Are you feeling alright?” His voice carried a tone of intrigue.
There was a brief pause before Miguel answered. He had fully settled against Mikah’s chest before answering. “I don’t get touched often. Probably because I intimidate people a lot of the time, or don’t seem the type to enjoy being touched,” he paused to think about his next words. “To a degree, I don’t like it if it’s unnecessary. But if someone does it right - I’m all for it.” He looked up into Mikah’s eyes before continuing. “You seem to be one of those people who do it right.”
Those words… Those words hit Mikah like a freight train, but in a good way. His heart gave a single more pronounced thump when he was told that his touch was greatly appreciated. His arms carefully enveloped Miguel. His yellow, baggy sleeved sweater provided extra warmth to the embrace. Gently and lovingly, Mikah began to run his fingers through Miguel’s hair as he felt the team leader relax once more.
Mikah could feel Miguel reciprocate the embrace by wrapping his arms around him too. It seemed funny to Mikah that someone so big and tall would be holding onto someone much shorter and smaller. However he didn’t think that made it any less sweet.
The usually stoic and straight faced team leader nuzzled into Mikah’s chest and groaned softly as he enjoyed the feeling of his hair being stroked and played with.
“Is that good?” Mikah asked softly as his ears twitched slightly. He watched as Miguel slowly nodded his head and groaned again in response.
After several minutes of silence and comfort, Miguel reluctantly pulled away. His skin instantly felt cold the moment they separated. He was enjoying the feeling, but he felt he should make an effort to return the favour somehow.
Reaching forward with his hand, he caressed the side of Mikah’s face. His thumb brushed against some of the stubble on his cheek. “I want to return the favour Mikah…” he spoke softly as his gaze locked with his team member’s. His reddish brown eyes were heavy, creating a seductive atmosphere between them.
It felt like a switch had been flipped inside Miguel. He was eager to please Mikah after all his care giving the night before. A valuable lesson was learned, too: it was okay to accept help if needed.
For once, to Miguel’s surprise, it seemed Mikah was lost for words. There was always some kind of comeback from him so it felt strange when there was no cheeky retort.
Leaning in closer, the Spider Society leader began to whisper. “Let me return the favour, please.” He was almost begging now, his voice was growing thicker with lust and need.
Feeling Miguel draw closer, Mikah gave a nod to answer the team leader’s request. He could feel Miguel’s breath roll against his cheek, sending pleasant tingles rushing down his spine. Miguel’s fingers had left Mikah’s cheek and slipped into his short dark brown hair, making him close his eyes and enjoy the feeling of the team leader’s warm and moreish touch.
Miguel did well to avoid touching Mikah’s bunny ears, and horns on the top of his head. He knew they were sensitive and didn’t want to take away from the intimate moment they were sharing. He noticed Mikah close his eyes. A gentle sigh came from him as he enjoyed Miguel’s attention.
It was a precious moment. Miguel sat on the bed, leaning in towards Mikah and stroking his hair. As the seconds turned into minutes, Miguel found himself leaning in closer. His lips were merely inches away from Mikah’s. The gap was gradually closing between them.
A smile spread across Miguel’s face as his gaze flitted between Mikah’s eyes and lips. He could feel his cheek being caressed by the hopping spider’s fingers which only encouraged him to move even further forward.
Their lips met as Miguel was practically dominating Mikah’s small form on the bed. Leaning further into the kiss, deepening it as time went by. Both of them closed their eyes and breathed heavily, their breath caressing each other’s faces.
Miguel eventually placed both of his hands on either side of Mikah’s face and gently climbed on top, making sure not to squish him. He used his knees to open Mikah’s legs and rest in between them as he continued his passionate kiss.
A soft moan left Mikah’s lips as he felt the Spider Society’s team leader make himself comfortable on top of him. He could tell Miguel was being careful because of the size and weight difference between them. Having him on top brought Mikah a sense of security. A feeling of warmth, safety and desire consumed him as he returned the passion that Miguel was giving him in their kiss.
Hearing Mikah’s moan triggered a reaction in Miguel. He felt a familiar stirring sensation under his boxers as he pressed his hips more against his team member’s. To express his need and desire, his tongue began to flick and tease at Mikah’s lips; seeking entry into his mouth.
The hopping spider’s mouth opened, allowing Miguel to enter. His tongue danced with the society leader’s, serving to deepen the kiss again. He could feel Miguel become more heavy but not enough to be uncomfortable. His fingers tantalisingly slipped down Miguel’s body, feeling the smooth skin and every contour of his muscles. Then he felt Miguel grind against his hips between his legs and the sensation of something growing harder with each stroke. Mikah’s breath hitched, he could feel his arousal grow knowing that Miguel was becoming increasingly turned on and seeking pleasure.
Miguel finally broke the kiss, taking in a deep breath. Lifting his body off of Mikah’s, he rocked back, kneeling on the mattress.
Clothes began to fall onto the floor as they undressed one another. Hot, passionate kisses punctuated each item of clothing being removed. Hands ran down each other’s bodies, caressing, admiring, teasing sensually.
Once the pair were completely naked, Miguel’s hand wrapped around the back of Mikah’s neck, pulling him up into a kiss, cradling his top half above the bed. Fingers ran around Mikah’s breasts and teased his nipples by squeezing them gently, eliciting a moan from him.
Breaking the kiss once more, Miguel nuzzled against Mikah’s face, his lips brushing against the hopping spider’s cheek. His breath hitched as he felt Mikah gently wrap his hands around Miguel’s hardened, throbbing shaft, stroking firmly. Closing his eyes, he groaned as he felt the pleasure begin to consume him. He couldn’t resist thrusting his hips slightly into each of Mikah’s strokes, seeking more stimulation and pleasure.
Reaching down, Miguel’s free hand sensually slid over Mikah’s curves and found their way between his legs.
Mikah’s body reacted immediately to the sensation of Miguel’s fingers teasing and playing with his sensitive clit and his glistening, wet pussy. All the kissing, admiring each other’s bodies and teasing helped prepare Mikah for what was coming. He was ready for Miguel and couldn’t wait to experience him.
A dark, seductive growl filled the air as Miguel’s fingers slipped inside Mikah’s entrance. “Hmm… I think you’re ready for me,” he whispered into his team member’s ear as his fingers continued to thrust into him. Miguel’s cock continued to twitch in Mikah’s hand. A bead of pre-cum glinted at the tip as his need for Mikah grew more intense. Another gentle thrust of his hips into a stroke made his whole body shudder.
Pressing his forehead against Mikah’s, Miguel muttered seductively. “I want you to ride me…”
Mikah didn’t need to be asked twice. He began to move the moment Miguel told him what he wanted.
They rolled on the bed, Miguel using his strength and momentum to pull Mikah onto him, allowing him to straddle his hips. He groaned as he felt his cock get trapped between his body and Mikah’s.
To start with, Mikah slowly ground his hips up and down Miguel’s urgent cock. The moistened lips of Mikah’s entrance massaged him, rendering the Spider Society leader completely at the hopping spider’s mercy.
With each grind, Mikah’s clit was also stimulated and pleasured by the irresistible warmth of Miguel’s length. He could feel every pulse and throb of need.
“P- please…” Miguel begged, struggling to say a single word. The view of Mikah sitting and grinding against him was almost too much to bear. His gorgeous, seductive frame undulated, giving Miguel a mind blowing, sexy display. “Take me…” His voice was only just above a whisper, raspy and full of need and desire.
Mikah bit his lip, seeing Miguel plead like that made his heart flutter. An ache of need throbbed deep inside at his words. Evidence of his arousal coated Miguel’s shaft, lubricating him more.
As Miguel requested, Mikah leaned forward and placed his hands on the bed for support. With the new angle and a clever trick with his hips, he began to sink down onto Miguel’s length. Taking him inch by delicious inch.
The air was immediately filled with the both of them moaning with pleasure.
Miguel filled Mikah entirely. His warmth wrapping tightly around him was almost enough to make the Spider Society leader explode right there and then. His body tensed as he tried to gain some semblance of control.
Mikah leisurely rode Miguel’s cock, rippling his body, grinding his clit against his partner’s pelvic bone. Leaning further forward, he kissed Miguel tenderly on the lips, making him rise slightly and moan.
Large hands rested on Mikah’s hips, applying pressure. Milking every ounce of pleasure out of each grind. More moans and gasps filled the air between passionate kisses.
Looking down at Miguel, Mikah could see he was in absolute bliss. When they weren’t kissing, Miguel’s eyes remained closed while his lips parted, letting every moan, groan and faltered breath escape.
Occasionally, Miguel would raise his hips slightly, meeting Mikah halfway on a grind. His long fingers grasped Mikah’s hips tightly. The fur of Mikah’s bunny tail tickled his fingertips. “You’re so tight, Mikah…” Miguel managed to grunt out, with another thrust up into the grind.
A shaky breath left Mikah as he could feel his climax building up. With Miguel’s hands gripping and pushing his hips, his orgasm was fast approaching. Miguel’s godlike body, toned and muscular, felt perfect beneath him. The look of Miguel struggling to keep his climax at bay was intoxicating. He had looked like he was on the cusp of blowing a load since the moment they began.
The tension within Mikah was almost at breaking point. His muscles, particularly his abdominal and pelvic began to tighten as he approached the precipice. “Fuck…” Mikah gasped out as he pushed down, grinding harder against Miguel. His fingers clutched the bedsheets firmly.
Suddenly, Mikah’s body jolted in pure pleasure as every nerve in his body came alive. Tingles rushed around his body, a whirlwind of pleasure consuming him as he cried out uncontrollably. To add to this, Miguel ran his fingers up and down Mikah’s back lightly, making him flex his spine. It tickled, but it also felt delightful. His orgasm heightened every touch and caress.
As Mikah’s cries and moans of pleasure died down, Miguel slowed Mikah’s movements to a stop by holding his hips in place.
Pushing up with his own hips, Miguel lifted Mikah effortlessly so he was resting more on his knees and not having his legs splayed out either side so much. He wanted there to be a gap between their hips, allowing room to thrust upwards.
Miguel looked up into Mikah’s eyes, as if he was non verbally asking if he could proceed. His lips parted as he panted with anticipation.
Mikah nodded in response. He was ready for Miguel to fuck him. Resting his hands on Miguel’s broad shoulders, he began to prepare himself for the ultimate ride.
It started off slowly. Miguel’s narrow hips lifted off the bed and up into Mikah’s pussy. His hands remained on his partner’s hips, holding him in place for leverage. As the seconds passed, his thrusts sped up and had more power behind them. Mikah tilted his head back as Miguel’s cock thrusted deep inside.
“Fuck!” Miguel breathed heavily as he continued his onslaught of movements.
“Yes!” Mikah called out as he felt his pace quicken again.
Miguel’s jaws clenched tightly as he approached his climax. “Oh, fuck!” he growled out followed by a series of grunts with every thrust.
His eyes opened to watch the blissful expression on Mikah’s face, and his body being rocked by Miguel. Another grunt erupted from his chest as he thrusted up into Mikah a few more times, before pulling out suddenly. One of his hands released Mikah’s hip and stroked his cock furiously until he came, releasing hot, thick spurts of his seed over his stomach.
Both of their bodies glistened with sweat and they panted heavily until the afterglow eventually died down.
Mikah leaned forward once again, planting tender kisses along Miguel’s jawline and fiddling with his hair.
Miguel groaned at the thought of getting up and spending yet another day of running the Spider Society. “I’ve got to get up and get to work. His voice was still husky from his exertions. “I’d rather be here though…”
“Leave it a little while longer… We’re having too much fun.” Mikah’s playful and cheeky side had made a comeback. His fingers left Miguel’s hair and trailed delicately down his perfectly shaped cheekbone to his lips.
A slight grin grew across Miguel’s lips. “Alright, a little while longer…”
After they cleaned each other up, the both of them lay back down on the bed in each other’s embrace, feeling peaceful and content.
I hope you enjoyed this short story. Thank you for taking the time to read it.
Any suggestions of other short stories and scenarios are welcome.
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annetictac · 10 months
Like I used to watch you sleep- Chapter 8
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Danny Ric: Little bird-ndo, says Anna Pearson was in attendance to new year’s bash.
Was the first text Max read when he woke. It was midday, he’d gather from Lando they didn’t have to leave the room ‘til they wanted to and he’d consciously taken off all the alarms. He rolled his eyes at Daniel’s gossipy nature.
Maximus Prime: Yeah, so?
Max texted quickly throwing his phone back to bed. He’d had a nice night of sleep. It had been some months, since before the season ended that wasn’t the norm. He’d stayed with Martin and Anna after they had returned to the party sharing knowing smiles, lingering touches, not willing to part. He’d collected Lando from dance – jumping, jacket lost forever.
The soft ding made him break his memories and make a grab for the phone again, curious. He’d always been too curious for his own good.
Danny Ric: No one knew where you BOTH were at 12.
Danny continues, adding memes of intrigue and eyebrow wiggling. Max feels the heat returning to his whole face, remembering their unplanned encounter. Fuck. He’d felt a bit regretful when he’d reached the empty hotel room, they hadn’t had the time to talk about anything when Martin found them little after they had rejoined the party.
Maximus Prime: Yeah, so?
Max insists, knowing stubbornness is his strong suit for this. Fuck Lando. Max’d thought he’d be too drunk to notice they’d been gone. He hadn’t said anything when they went up for the party, Lando too trashed to find his room alone.
Danny Ric: You forget my friend who was the one who covered for you back in 2019.
Danny continues then sends a photo. It’s the front page of some newspaper he doesn’t recognize. Anna arriving to the party, arm up waving at the camaras.  Rachel and Mikah following her closely from behind. She looks beautiful as usual, naturally poised, people in the background staring at her in awe. It looks like a perfume add.
Then without any other written message in between comes the second photo, of her exiting the party a drink in hand, her other arm wrapped around Rachel, coat open flapping behind her. She’s grinning widely to her friend, clearly not aware there’s a camara at work.
Danny Ric: Find the differences.
Danny adds, knowing Max too well to expect any quick comment. At first Max thinks Danny is only talking about how much happier she looks in the second photo, perhaps her missing reds, and her hair is much curlier. All to be expected after a new year’s party. Perhaps something does settle on his stomach hoping a portion of that smile might be because of him. Then he reads the article’s title, that has been purposely included: “A party worth losing your stockings over”.
Fuck. He thinks once again. Knowing Danny like he does, the Australian had probably been fishing and didn’t know he’d caught a whale.  
Danny Ric: have you been naughty Verstappen?
Max has to be thankful there are no photos of Lando or himself that his PR team sees important to share with him. If there were, his first message in the morning most definitely would be from Patricia – the head PR liaison.
He’s tempted not to respond, but at the end he knows Danny knows him. There’s no sense in lying as he knows Dani won’t be blabbering to the press, nor to anyone else that is not already familiar with Max and Anna’s past.
Maximus Prime: fuck you.
It’s as good as a confirmation as the Australian will get. He adds a hand flipping a finger to which Danny responds with a selfie grinning widely. That will do for the rest of the day, he thinks.
Danny Ric: so proud of you.
He glances back at the second photo. Max knows the missing stockings were in the insides of his jacket. He’d planned to get them clean but now he doesn’t know if they were worth the trouble. An idea pops into the dutch driver’s head. He tries to dismiss it but once again he opens Danny’s conversation, knowing he can fight it but at the end it’ll be better to ask Danny.
Maximus Prime: can you get me her telephone?
Fuck. Max thinks again, knowing Dan will be having a field day.
Danny Ric: you erased it?
Maximus Prime: No.
Danny Ric: then you already have it, she hasn’t changed it.
He hadn’t erased it but he had changed her name. It had been at the top of his contact list and he’d changed it so it would stop popping every time he had to search something over it.
He opens the conversation bubble, a knot on his stomach when he reads the last texts she sent him, still there saved by some weird miracle.
Annie P: I think we’ll be there after the last practice.
Annie P: Long bath, room service, you and me?
Annie P: See you soon champ! Be careful!
For a moment, he’s discouraged from writing her, past history making its way to the present. He tried a couple of greetings before erasing them. He felt like a stupid teen again. Max decided to take a shower and maybe ask for breakfast or find Lando.
It was between these tasks he wrote the first thing he thought, waited a second for the message to pass through – what if she blocked him?-  and when the double check appeared, he quickly hid his phone inside his pocket before knocking on Lando’s door.
Anna woke early as usual. She tried meditation but her mind would not quiet down. When she went downstairs, she found Mikah sleeping loudly at the same couch she had left him with a glass of water. Rachel was nowhere to be found downstairs, which was expected. Anna tried making as little noise as she could as she made coffee and left with a thick cape for the cold deck outside. Her black lab Susie following her eagerly, throwing herself at the little snow that still covered part of the long yard.
There was no one outside, most of the staff had been given the day off. Only security remained.
Susie rolled around the snow patch getting wet quickly.
“Suz!” She called and the dog came excitedly, brushing her mane on her pj bottoms. “Aren’t you a happy little princess?” she cooed as the dog continued to brush her legs as she moved from one side to the other. She let her play while she drank the big cup of steaming coffee.
She sat at the only dry deck chair, taking her time before checking her phone. There were many texts congratulating the new year, most coming after she went to bed and the rest of the world welcomed it.
Lorena S: did you guys have fun at least?
Her lawyer wrote after sending her one of the many versions of her photo leaving the party stocking less.
APea: I think that’s evident XD
Lorena S: then don’t worry, we’ll take care of it. I will need to schedule a call for tomorrow morning if it’s ok.
APea: something wrong? We can talk now if you want.
Lorena S: No, don’t worry. Just technicalities.
Anna knows Lorena never calls her with technicalities, usually her team is in charge of any logistic that has to be summoned. She doesn’t insist, appreciating the one day break she gets from her duties. She trusts Lorena to know how much a problem can wait before it explodes.
That’s when another message reaches her phone.
Maxie: you know what’s also good at this hotel?
She would have spat her coffee if she’d been drinking it. Her brain had been half occupied by Max Verstappen from the moment he had kissed her. She’d debated whether she should wait to contact him, but he’d won again.
Annie P: sorry, who is this?
She erases before he sees it.  
Annie P: the beds? 
She leaves her phone in one of the long pockets of her cape, when Suz chooses to come back to her, asking her for her breakfast with her nose half nuzzling, half pushing her inside. Anna leaves her out to search for her towels to dry her as much as she can, before preparing the dog’s breakfast.
With her second cup of coffee she takes a pair of scones to the oven. She hears the rhythmic sound of Mikah’s snoring, confirming nothing had changed inside.
Maxie: it’s very rude to erase messages, you know?
Annie P: curiosity killed the cat, you know?
Maxie: it sounds like you are deflecting
Annie P: it’s you who’s not answering
He takes a few minutes to answer.
Maxie: the pillows
And somehow, she knows he chickened out from answering what he first thought.
Annie P: better than the wonderful breakfast buffet?
A picture of scrambled eggs with bacon comes back, with Lando sleeping over his plate.
Annie P: is he alive?
Maxie: I’ll check after I finish my eggs.
Annie P: priorities well stablished.
Suz comes to get her once she finishes eating, making her happy full belly dance. She takes a small video of Suz and sends it back to him.
Maxie: is that you after breakfast?
Annie P: my soul animal represents me.
Maxie: that she does.
Annie P: how do you know it’s a she?
Maxie: I know you and she probably has human name.
It doesn’t feel as weird as she thinks that after all this time, he still does.
Annie P: Susie, Suzette, Suz.
Maxie: Susane when she breaks something?
Annie P: Susana Carolina. She’s good though, almost never have to use it.
Maxie: right, Latin-American traditions and all.
Annie P: Yup. Are you staying the whole day there?
Maxie: have no idea, Lando was the thinking machine. He seems to be coming back to consciousness. Brb.
Scones are gone from her plate. She keeps her phone in silence, to avoid falling into staring at it for his next text. She puts away her plate and cup. Goes to her desk to find what she left ready the day before. Usually for the first of January she likes to begin a new notebook for her thoughts, lyrics and writing exercises.
She smells the new notebook, taking her black pen to write the date on the front.
It comes back to her. It’s not new, but something she thinks she wrote once before.
“Please don’t ever become a stranger, whose laugh I could recognize, anywhere,” she sings two, three, ten times changing tunes ‘til one comes better than the others. Temptation is strong. She returns to the living room, turns on the fire, tucks Mikah under the blanquet that fell to the ground. She sits nearby at the piano.
She plays softly the piano, not wanting to wake Mikah up. He’s always been a heavy sleeper and the song’s tune is not too loud. She repeats and repeats, stopping to catch in her note book what she likes.
She remembers to record herself, like Mikah tells her to do and that’s when she finds again unread messages that makes her heart flip over.
Maxie: alive and showered, my duty here is done.
Maxie: we’re on our way back to London.
Maxie: tomorrow I should go back to Monaco.
Maxie: are you alive?
Annie P: I am.
Annie P: should = will?
Her fingers play nervously the notes she had played before, but her mind is now focused on her screen returning to life. The notes escape her, she stops the recording.
Maxie: what?
Annie P: you should return to Monaco, is it negotiable?
Maxie: Victoria and mom are coming with the kids.
Annie P: kids?
Maxie: Luka and Lio, Victoria’s.
Annie P: uncle Maxie?
Maxie: … uncle Max.
Annie P: uncle Maxie! 
@labelledejourr @jeconnaismeslimitesus
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psychcdelica · 6 months
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@kauma-kardia sent: Issea at 6'2 for the wifey & Mikah at 6'0 even with Megumin SEND ME YOUR MUSE’S HEIGHT, AND I’LL COMPARE IT TO MY OWN’S!
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princessofxianle · 1 year
can we please get a round of applause for canon aroace Xue Meng who still proceeded to pull not one but TWO pretty fine ass men that would choose him over their own positions in their sect in a heartbeat...?
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fanciestghost · 1 year
hi i saw u were doing the "send me 10 characters" thing and ik you probably dont know anything abt them, rate them w the stuff based solely on vibes
mikah, char, vannie, sammy, cass, alex, john, jaime, hyaki, ryan
go ham
Henry in my ask box REAL?!?!? /lh hiii
I dont know anything about them but I will gladly answer X3c
Marry: Vannie
Drink tea with: Sammy
Party with: Char
Kiss: Alex
Go on a date with: Jaime
Push down the stairs: I DONT WANNA PISH ANY OF THEM DOWN THE STAIRS, but I'll go with Hyaki. There can only be two 5'5" in this town /j
Slap: I don't wanna slap any of them either WAAAAA.....but ill say John because I'm jealous of the turtleneck
Invade the dreams of: Cass (because of the alt! Thatcher drawing. we'd just fight but I immediately die HAHAAVA)
Take a nap with: Mikah
Rob: Ryan (i need that underwear from the drawing you sent me >:3c)
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sansloii · 1 year
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What does someone have to do for an instant unfollow from you? + What was a mildly annoying thing that has happened to you rp wise? | would u like salt with ur fries?
do not pester me for answers/replies to stuff 10 seconds after you send them. if you think i'm your friend before you do it, you will learn that i'm not afterwards :) and i'm not talking like. asking if i got something or double checking if tumblr is being weird. i'm talking like. i'm doing something else and i tell you i'm doing something else but i will respond when i'm done and you respond by filling my ask box with 10 asks in succession and then smile at me. like no. we're not doing that
that leads into this second question, also including the person that did the above. so i had a plotted ship with mikah with this person's muse. and i mentioned that evan is very close with mikah, so sometimes mikah will talk him. sometimes he'll come hang out with them, you know? and it's feasible to say that evan will meet this muse. and you know, evan's a little bit of a whore and very flirtatious but he has boundaries and when they asked me about whether or not evan would sleep with their muse if they came onto him before they and mikah started dating, i made sure to tell them "if mikah tells evan not to sleep with someone they're interested in, he will not do it." mikah is someone evan cares a lot about, so as much of a lil trash man he is, he's not going to do that to them. tell me why they "joked" about a threesome with both mikah and evan when i already said he would not do that ( and that's not even touching on how mikah would not be okay with that. at all. ). or why they seemed so much more interested in sending asks for their muse and evan as opposed to mikah... when the ship was supposed to be for them and mikah. or when i tried to give them evan for another muse they had, the interactions died off. because evan wouldn't be 100% dominant in that situation, they'd be switching. it was just very annoying and i got very peeved about it. like i love evan and he's a very fun muse to write. but if i say he won't do something and you still want him for that specific type dynamic, what do you want me to do? and if it feels like you don't really want mikah and just want evan to fuck your muse, you do not need him. there are countless other muses that sleep around just like evan does. get out of here.
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NAME: Mikah Wabey
AGE: 19
he is canonically latino and i'll kill anyone who whitewashes him :D also hes trans, genderqueer and bisexual. also! he has hEDS (hypermobile ehlers-danlos syndrome) so he easily dislocates his joints and occasionally needs a cane or joint braces.
he had to leave home at a young age and move in with his older brother Atlas due to some unfortunate circumstances. he helped atlas run his mechanics shop where he was allowed to get into inventing like he always wanted to. he took his brothers chosen last name (theyre both trans) because fuck their parents </3
some stupid extra facts that i had laying around:
Tried to make wings once, they didn't exactly.. fly. Good thing he did a test run before sending it out to the public! at least he didn't wrack up extreme debt with all the lawsuits he would have gotten! ignore how he fucked up his arm no one tell atlas about that
Studied anatomy and was going to go into biology but never did
tried to find jesus, turns out jesus isn't a 5 ft long mechanical rat that moves and acts like an actual rat, with something similar to artificial intelligence. huh.
you know those guys who go "does this street cat cuddle good?" on tiktok? yeah he does that. cats ADORE him
auugh i don't really know how to do these so ermmm,,, brown eyes, dark wavy hair, he has something similar to a wolfcut for hairstyle, tan with a shitload of moles & freckles, generally has like a skater boy style for his clothing with giant fucking pockets so he can commedically pull out like 5 wrenches. also like 5'11 ish (he bullies his brother for being 5'6 constantly) (i love them)
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corpusdxlicti · 2 years
“Why are you so TALL?” (to one Mr. Vincent Black from Mikah)
send “Why are you so TALL?”  for my muse’s reaction.  
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             MORTUUS— STARING FOR A MOMENT at the person with the unnaturally dyed hair, as if he needs a moment to consider why someone would do so to themselves, he mutters quietly "I think that my height is the least of your problems.."
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starzfield · 2 months
🔗 (Mikah and Duncan)
Send 🔗 for our muse to break the law together.
“How the fuck did you convince me of this again ???”
Duncan hissed quietly, unable to fully silence his annoyance despite the need for them to be stealthy. Grumbled words kept passing his lips no matter what.
But in truth, the man perfectly knew how, and why, and his annoyance was more aimed at himself than at the other person in the room.
It had been a job like many others, on a construction site. Nothing out of the ordinary, tiring days but at least the paycheck wasn’t too bad.
The only problem was the manager.
That guy wasn’t the one who did the recruitment - or else Duncan may have got the fuck out after maybe five seconds of them talking - and he met him day three on the job, meaning he would have been too annoyed to have worked those days for nothing, and so had to clench his jaw and endure.
And he managed it, fucking congratulations and pat in the back to him, someone find him a medal… Until that asshole, who apparently decided Duncan was offending him by existing, somehow, took his phone. On his last day of work.
Duncan was just looking at the time. And that paunchy idiot took his phone as if he was some kid in a class. It was a miracle the manager didn’t get punched in the face, honestly. Actually, the ex-mafioso had just been so shocked by the sheer ridiculousness and audacity of the action that that dumbass was already walking away before his brain kicked back into track.
And of course. Of fucking course. Duncan didn’t try to get it back right away - too angry, and he had a job to finish, and no hope that asshole would give it back anyway - and when he went to look for the manager… 
The guy had vanished. Already gone.
Fuming - he needed his phone, Duncan didn’t even have a computer ! - he had waited a bit, for everyone to leave the site. The manager had this kind of office in a block, in one corner of the site, where he ‘worked’ when not on his worker’s back. Or where he napped, rather, Duncan assumed.
Out of old habits, he had noticed and retained the door code, having seen that asshole punch it. So it was a piece of cake to enter there.
Considering his phone was some old junk, there was little chance the manager had kept it, so the thing was probably somewhere in the office…
That’s where Mikah, his damn neighbor, found him snooping around with a torchlight.  
Hearing the door - which he had closed behind him - open, Duncan turned around and froze, expecting to be caught.
And could hear his brain make some blue screen noise as he recognized who was entering the office.
“What the fuck are you doing here ?”
He angrily mumbled, though more surprised and relieved than anything.
Apparently the manager had some fishy business going on, and Mikah were interested in… Whatever he was hiding, Duncan didn’t follow and didn’t pay much attention.
The situation ended in him monitoring the surroundings while Mikah did the snooping, with the added mission of finding his phone while they were at it.
Yup, that’s how the ex-mafioso ended like this. He sighed, glancing at the other quickly before focusing on the surroundings again, trying to do the math of what his karma would be after that night.
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machimachilegends · 6 months
‘Casually Topless’ | Mikah
Send ‘Casually Topless’ For the sending muse to find the receiving muse topless. Alternatively send ‘Casually Bottomless’ For the sending muse to find the receiving muse bottomless. Add '+REVERSE' For the roles to be swapped. Remember to specify muse for multi-muse blogs!
? ! ? !
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"What the what!?" Suki cries, despite walking around at her leisure just an instance ago. "When did you get here?"
She simply did not expect him at all, so she was more defensive than usual.
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