#senti and op to each other
i-mean-technically · 1 year
some more thoughts about this:
Sentinel is going to be experiencing the most dramatic change in personality/character growth. ofc our beloved Op os also going to be having different experiences and therefore growth (in which direction is up to chance). but rn we're talking about our favorite asshole, Sentinel.
he's completely destroyed by Ultra Magnus, lost someone he would call family later on after many tough conversations and learning that there's more out there than someone's worth, and honestly probably doesn't even have his rank anymore. maybe Optimus keeps his bc of Magnus' favoritism, and another thing for Sentinel to focus on instead of his grief and trauma.
(maybe these three cadets were an experiment, past the test of Arachna 9. the lost of one promising up and comer is less than ideal, but these 2... these 2 need to be watched. but why? :3)
Sentinel has all of these emotions now, and only Optimus as his anchor and punching bag. (Optimus' everything needs to be its own post).
Optimus is the link and the reason, as he's ignoring his own culpability in the situation.
the first emotion, after they get kicked out, is denial. denial about what happened, about what they did, in what his hero just did. it manages to push past the shock.
"T-They can't do that! We're part of the Machine! We don't deserve this!"
Elita probably was given some sort of memorial/a rank post mortem, and then immediately pushed to the side and forcibly forgotten. Which adds to Sentinel's sort-of mental break. no one but him and Optimus, and ofc Magnus and some of the Council, know about what happened. Or even think about Elita at all besides a brief note in the history books about what happens when you don't follow orders.
the second emotion is rage, which he takes out on himself and on Optimus. rage is a useful emotion in his mind bc he can use it. what use is grief and sadness and confusion when anger makes him stronger?
but rage doesn't last long, especially someone raised like Sentinel was as an Autobot. depression is quick to follow. but Optimus is once again his savior and keeps him moving.
if Magnus gives Op and Senti jobs to keep tabs on them, OP makes sure that they do it. he keeps Senti alive.
that's all either one of them can do for a while.
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diodellet · 4 months
So many good options for the art appreciation asks but let's go with 3, 4, 13, 14 and 27.
hi hi ner! thanks forda qs!! these are all prettie incharestinge!! (<-girlie who didn't know she'd be Yapping-Yapping)
3. and 4.) Go to [fandom] tag and reblog some art you like that has under 100 notes ++ Go to the art tag (or similar) and reblog some art you like that has under 100 notes
noted, i will undertake this mission with great care 🫡🫡
13. What are your go-to Ao3 filters?
ok i have a confession, i used to be a sort by word count++completed works only++exclude crossovers-kinda person 🤧🤧ANYWAY that was changed, now i only really exclude chat fics (ahaha,,,,theyre not really my go-to genre, like sure they're amusing but i read a really good one once* and it ruined every other chatfic for me)
*this one's for u haikyuu-natics, esp team captain stannies
hm.... i'm not super-duper picky so most of the time i can just scroll through each work's summary and tags.
but if a fandom is popular (or if i dont have the spoons for sifting through works), i stick to just reader inserts HAHAHA, maybe oc x canon if there haven't been any new x reader fics and if there's rlly nothing oough ig i have to write her myself 😭😭 sometimes doe, the curiosity strikes and i'll try looking if there are any fanfics in filipino... i really find it interesting to see how a chara's dialogue reads if theyre speaking in tagalog (tbh i think one would have more luck finding filo socmed aus on twt? but i only know about haikyuu socmed aus)
14. Best fanfic tropes ever?
oH...there are too many... u can't make me choose the best out of all my faves that's unfair 🥺jk lol
i read* this jamikali fic (i like my ships with a bit [read: a LOT] of tragedy/disaster-ness to them. it's so so so compelling to read!) and i just love the "Dubiously Unrequited Love" tag. bcs yes, the feelings are technically mutual, but there is a whole slew of other factors keeping the relationship from being a thing, which it could be a thing, but there's also that awareness that it won't last, sometimes a couple doesn't have to be endgame for the love to mean something, ykw?
this entire oneshot series....has me in a chokehold... my introduction to "Non-Sexual Intimacy" (and "Non-Sexual Nudity" i guess?) like??? holy shit??? the tension?? the way op just encapsulates the poignancy of being in such a vulnerable position without teetering too much into the cliche of roëmænce it has me On My Knees!! (like i love my smut and romance cliches, but some days i jus want a liiiitle bit more spice and variety)
Shoutout to the "Unreliable Narrator"++"Ambiguous Ending" combi that reaaaaally makes you work for understanding the plot, idk how to word it but being able to leave Just Enough Breadcrumbs and having enough trust in your readers to Get what ur implying, also forcing me to reread the fic immediately is so foul (in a good way). like there's an enjoyment in a good satisfying read, and then there's the Itch of never being sure in your interpretation, the feeling that u just need to go over it another time, spot another detail u missed, get wrecked all over again, rinse and repeat. idk i love fic.
27. If someone wanted to make you a creative gift, what's the thing that would make you the happiest?
oh anything featuring my fave charas is sure to make me happy! i mean i'm just not super picky abt gifts. well, maybe a creative gift has to be smth that can last a long while? (a strong hoard-ability kaya idk im senti??)
as long as the thought and intent was there, i'm already happy enough🥰💕💕 but i guess in the context of getting fic gifted to you, probably what matters most to me is that the writer enjoyed the process of making it as well. (i'm kinda drawing off of my experience writing this fic for one of m'oomfies and the vdays drabbles*** so i could be just rambling who knows?**)
(art appreciation ask questions, please bug me to rb some underrated art and fic)
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maestro04yayyy · 2 months
OK, so you asked ab9out my world building and here is the main gist of it, regarding the Kwami at least.
Firstly, I divide the Kwami up into epochs relating the the creation of natural forces or concepts that tend to come grouped in trios.
Secondly, each trio has their own 'EPIC MAGIC' when combined, but nothing quite as big of a deal as the Wish rewriting all of reality.
Thirdly, I basically fuse the Butterfly and Peacock, Sentimonsters are now familiars & the alternative use to making Akuma, they can become "Manifested" if kept around long enough but it takes time, not just energy.
Fourthly, this allows the Senti-plot if one wants because Emilie using it to make Adrien is like giving fifty times the amount of blood that is safely recommended, it didn't kill her right away, but she basically destroyed a lot of integral "Veins" manifesting Adrien right away.
Fifth, I reduce the number of Kwami by fusing them with others who have similar ideas, creating more expanded power sets with less clutter. Bull & Turtle are just variations on a theme for example, so I fuse them.
Sixth, I tend to make it that all Kwami have two domains & two powers, or at least, interpretations of their powers, Migration for example can teleport, or open portals, or sort of just fling the user around, Also one can use more minor versions of the powers more than once, single teleport takes less than a big portal, but the overall rules remain limiting. This is also why the Eldest trio have both a lot of power but also fairly simplistic abilities.
With that in mind, the Kwami!
Creation (Planck) Ladybug - Creation & Purification Cat - Destruction & Mutation Snake - Ouroboros & Time
Elemental (Matter) Tiger - Combustion & Chaos Bee - Order & Subjugation Dragon - Storm & Power
Life (Abiogenesis) Peacock - Evocation & Transmutation Mouse - Multiplication & Duplication Turtle - Protection & Resilience
Animal (Caveasphaera) Horse - Action & Migration Fox - Mirage & Materialization Butterfly - Emotion & Transmission
Prodigious I also fiddle with the Prodigous some, though I never can settle on the Renlings, I have a solid take on Mei-Shi, namely:
Incarnation & Transmigration!
IE, manifesting incorporeal beings into physical form & the movement of your own or someone else's soul. Hence Mei-Shi possessing the statue but also having a Kwami form. They even have a Miraculous tool, the ball, which is fun. I tend to regard them as a Lion Dog or Shishi.
The Renlings are harder & sometimes I ignore them entirely, other times I tinker with them being like:
A butchered pseudo Miraculous using animals spirits. Or ther concepts are tied to none cenrtain ideas so they can't embody the whole concept of justice cos all justice is different, ETC.
Or something like Kwami, namely Predation & Prey, but cos of the making process they don't have a binding command like the Kwami & or they indirectly effect the user to become animalistic.
Older versions also had Mei-Shi as Fission & Fusion (Nuclear energy!) Or Magma & Melting for Renlings (Earth counterpart to Longg)
I added mutation to give the Cat something to balance then, out with Tikki without majorly disrupting anything. Whether mutation or Purification cancel the other out is a coin flip as is the result of mutation so it can be either obscenely OP or useless. Hence not seeing much use but being a potential game changer.
The Peacock's power is to emphasize existing traits. Like re-organizing a metal into its strongest or weakest state; or to change the elemental composition of its target into another state. Its era represent multi-cellular life, plants, metamorphosis, & generally how things became competitive hence defense being there too.
The final four have some of the broadest powers, but also the hardest to control as they embody a lot of chaotic, thinking, feeling entities.
Kaalki has it easiest, being variations on moving from one locale to another, but there's a lot of ways it can go wrong. Fox can get into the minds of others, hence mirage, or materialize thoughts, illusions, which can get messy. This also means most people are using it wrong, amusingly.
The Butterfly can tap into a great many things but as we've seen with Akuma, but not strictly 'control' them, merely guide. Hence being able to create such powerful Akuma, but not really control the specifics. IE, Noroo is one of the most powerful, but also has the least direct control over their power, while the creation trio have some of the most simplistic powers, but have near total control.
Not sure what the epic magic for each trio would be. But adding a fourth or substituting a different Miraculous doesn't work. You can unify two different eras fine, and be a powerful holder. But you can't jury-rig EPIC MAGIC.
Also using it tends to be ah... Bad?
Like, if you use the second trio to make a sun, you also have a black hole on your hands, they're in many ways kind of useless apocalypse magic. Or will do stuff like, weaken the boundaries between the living and dead worlds. So great, now we're all haunted by the narrative, thanks Gabriel! XD
Sorry for the ramble!
Don't be sorry!!! I asked after all!!!! And I love reading/hearing people ramble!!!!!
Also that's some good worldbulding!!!!
And yeah the kwami are a lot and probably too many, so merging some toghter is the right choice.
Also giving wach kwami more aspects and power is always nice!!!
I usually make that all kwami have at least a swcond power like the ladybug but maybe even more, and unlocking them depend on training amd affinity with their concept!!!
Also I espand on their concept a little(like plagg represent darkness too)
Also the idea that all trios have a super apocalittic magic power is awesome!!!!!! And yeah it has some very bad conseguences!!!
(Really thanks gabriel!!!)
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gentil-minou · 3 years
Theory: The Black Cat miraculous was made to counter the Peacock
So a while back I reblogged this post (which was deleted by op so idk if they want me to tag but I can remove the link if they want)
But in that post, they talked about how it was possible each miraculous had a counter, in case the holder became evil. So like, the Ladybug is the counter to the Butterfly and probably has its own counter as well.
But that got me thinking, as I mentioned before in that post, that the counter for the Peacock could very well be the Black Cat, but the heroes might not even know it.
Since the evil Peacock is meant to create puppets, the Black Cat could have a special power up to literally cut the strings that tie a senti to its holder.
Meaning the Black Cat would literally be the perfect miraculous for Adrien. It fits with why he wasn't as good as the others when he tries to be Mister Bug or Aspik, because he was made for the Black Cat, unlike how Alya and Marinette were both shown to wield other miraculouses successfully.
It could be the narrative's way of showing us that for Adrien, he can only be one, he can only be the Black Cat.
Because the Black Cat is what will ultimately sever his ties to the Peacock, and grant his freedom once and fur all.
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juliokav · 5 years
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Ocultismo Não Institucional na Era das Redes de Comunicação
Este texto não contém nenhuma verdade, São apenas mais dados para completar a informação.
Desde que a Voyager 2 deixou o Sistema Solar, eu me senti Livre para falar: ______________________________ Chamando as Filhas da Galáxia ~>@ Chamando os Filhos da Galáxia ~>@
De #AleisterCrowley @ #AaronSwartz; Tudo Está Publicado.
“O Ocultismo Não_Institucional na Era das Redes de Comunicação" Imagem da Capa: #K@Oz #MagicK and the #Kosmische #Kabbalah
- JCAV _______
Dia Sol a Pinus ºTº 22/12/2019 Hemisfério Sul Solstício de Verão
Muda-se a percepção, mudam-se os mapas. Como Estrelas no céu, do sistema Solar à Galáxia; Da politica representativa, a representação individual; Do broadcast, as redes; Da verdade de um único livro, sobre outros livros,a verdade de muitos livros; De uma única possibilidade & forma,a infinitas opções; De um sistema de organização baseado no sistema solar, onde só existe uma Estrela, a um sistema de organização baseado na Galáxia,onde existem muitas Estrelas, cada qual com sua própria orbita, em seu próprio caminho, muito maior do que a soma de suas partes. Do reducionismo partidário de classe, à complexidade. Das leis, a liberdade.
Quanto mais descondicionado o corpo e a mente, melhor você surfa a grande onda das redes de conexão, que emerge sincronia pela resposta rápida dos que não tem barreiras, como mil_agres unidos para realização de um único ato, o momento presente. A mobilidade da auto organização natural é o K@Oz para as hierarquias dos homens.
Free(dom) for all. - JCAV - ºTº ___________________________________ This text contains no truth, It’s just more data to complete the information. Since Voyager 2 left the Solar System, I’ve been free to say: Calling the Daughters of Galaxy ~> @ Calling the Suns of Galaxy ~> @ “Change perception, change maps ”From #AleisterCrowley @ #AaronSwartz; Everything is Published. “Non-Institutional Occultism in the Age of Communication Networks” #K@Oz #MagicK and the #Kosmische #Kabbalah - JCAV Change perception, change maps. Like stars in the sky, from the Solar system to the Galaxy, From representative politics, to individual representation, From broadcast, to networks, From the truth of a single book, over other books, to the truth of many books, From a single possibility & form, to infinite options, From a Solar-based organization system, where there is only one Star, to a Galaxy-based organization system, where there are many stars, each with its own orbit, in its own way, much larger than the sum of its parts. From partisan class reductionism to complexity. Of laws, freedom. The more deconditioned the body and the mind, the better you surf the great wave of the networked individual, who emerges in sync with the quick response of those without barriers, such as united miracles to perform a single act, the present moment.The mobility of natural self-organization is K@Oz for men’s hierarchies. Free(dom) for all. _JCAV - ºTº ____________________ Referências: 1 - “Liber II” – Aleister Crowley; “ Todo homem e toda mulher é uma estrela”, e cada estrela, move-se numa órbita determinada, sem interferência. Existe lugar para todos; é apenas a desordem que causa confusão.“<> “com o automatismo inconsciente de um órgão aperfeiçoado pela evolução, à sua sugestão mais sutil, ao seu gesto mais amplo.” http://www.thelema.com.br/espaco-novo-aeon/livros/liber-ii-a-mensagem-do-mestre-therion http://www.thelema.com.br/espaco-novo-aeon/ensaios/a-lei-do-forte-esta-e-a-nossa-lei-e-a-alegria-do-mundo 2 - “Dançando com as Estrelas” @ Salvador Nogueira “Ainda assim, temos muitas estrelas vizinhas que também seguem seus caminhos em torno do centro da galáxia — cada uma em sua órbita própria e com sua velocidade e direção.” https://mensageirosideral.blogfolha.uol.com.br/2015/02/18/dancando-com-as-estrelas 3 - “Collective Intelligence Will End Identity-Based Politics” - By Geoff Mulgan http://nautil.us/blog/-collective-intelligence-will-end-identity_based-politics 4 - Recortes - JCAV “Quanto mais descondicionado o corpo e a mente, melhor você surfa a grande onda do k@oz___do não-Ser taoísta de Hakim Bey (…)…,emerge sincronia pela resposta rápida dos que não tem barreiras_____mil_agres unidos para realização de um único ato, o momento presente. - JCAV – Julio Carvalho https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpwf8Le_KFY 5 - "Study of starling flight reveals message from turning bird sweeps through flock at constant speed”-  by Bob Yirka https://phys.org/news/2014-07-starling-flight-reveals-message-bird.html 6 - “Network Society Documentary” - Systems Innovation https://youtu.be/7OwjgxkuypI 7 - “Anarquismo Taoísta” -  Ken Goffman e Dan Joy https://pt.scribd.com/document/26592034/Anarquismo-Taoista 8 - “Chamando os Filhos do Sol” - Marcelo Ramos Motta http://www.thelema.com.br/espaco-novo-aeon/bau-thelemico/chamando-os-filhos-do-sol-marcelo-ramos-motta 9 - Inter-city networks to the rescue https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/10/how-cities-not-states-can-solve-the-world-s-biggest-problems 10 - Aaron Swartz https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Swartz 11 - O que aprendemos desde que o Voyager 2 deixou o Sistema Solar https://olhardigital.com.br/ciencia-e-espaco/noticia/o-que-aprendemos-desde-que-o-voyager-2-deixou-o-sistema-solar/92706 #NetworkSociety #AmazonRainForest #MegaBioDiversity #Cultural #KaOzMagicK #Swarming #Ecosystems #Kosmische #Kabbalah #Mapuche #Cajuru ##Oxlahun Recorte: “Demonstrators gather and illuminate smartphone flashlights during a rally organized by civil servants at Chater Garden in the Central District of Hong Kong on Aug. 2.2019” https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/5d4497d6240000a94593742d.jpeg “Made in Hong Kong: così si fa la protesta più tecnologica di sempre” https://www.rollingstone.it/politica/made-in-hong-kong-cosi-si-fa-la-protesta-piu-tecnologica-di-sempre/473931 “Jornadas de Junho - Brasil” https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jornadas_de_Junho “'O Chile acordou': autora da foto viral que marcou protestos conta o que sentiu ao capturar imagem” https://www.bbc.com/portuguese/brasil-50229216
References: 1 - “Liber II” - Aleister Crowley; http://www.thelema.com.br/espaco-novo-aeon/books/liber-ii-a-mestagem-do-mestre-therion “Every man and every woman is a star,” and each star moves in a certain orbit without interference. There is room for everyone; it is only disorder that causes confusion. “<> "with the unconscious automatism of an organ perfected by evolution, its subtlest suggestion, its broadest gesture.” http://www.thelema.com.br/espaco-novo-aeon/ensaios/a-forte-este-e-a-our-olegio-de/ 2 - “Dancing with the Stars” @ Salvador Nogueira“Still, we have many neighboring stars that also follow their paths around the center of the galaxy - each in its own orbit and with its speed and direction.” https://mensageirosideral.blogfolha.uol.com.br/2015/02/18/dancando-com-as-estrelas 3 - “Collective Intelligence Will End Identity-Based Politics” - By Geoff Mulgan http://nautil.us/blog/-collective-intelligence-will-end-identity_based-politics 4 - Clippings - JCAV “The more deconditioned body and mind, the better you ride the big wave of k @ oz___Hakim Bey’s non-Taoist Being (…) … emerges in sync with the quick response of those without barriers____mil_agres united to perform a single act, the present moment. - JCAV - Julio Carvalho https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpwf8Le_KFY 5 - "Study of starling flight reveals message from turning bird sweeps through flock at constant speed” - by Bob Yirka https://phys.org/news/2014-07-starling-flight-reveals-message-bird.html 6 - “Network Society Documentary” - Systems Innovation @ https://youtu.be/7OwjgxkuypI7 - “Taoist Anarchism” - Ken Goffman and Dan Joy https://en.scribd.com/document/26592034/Anarchism-Taoist 8 - “Calling the Children of the Sun” - Marcelo Ramos Motta http://www.thelema.com.br/espaco-novo-aeon/bau-thelemico/chamando-os-filhos-do-sol-marcelo-ramos-motta 9 - Inter-city networks to the rescue https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/10/how-cities-not-states-can-solve-the-world-s-biggest-problems 10 - Aaron Swartz - https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Swartz #NetworkSociety #AmazonRainForest #MegaBioDiversity #Cultural  #KaOzMagicK #Swarming #Ecosystems #HongKong Photograph: “Demonstrators gather and illuminate smartphone flashlights during a rally organized by civil servants at Chater Garden in the Central District of Hong Kong on Aug. 2.2019” https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/5d4497d6240000a94593742d.jpeg?ops=scalefit_970_noupscale“ Hong Kong protests could trigger global recession, Harvard economist warns” https://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/news/hong-kong-protests-world-recession-harvard-economist-carmen-reinhart-china-a9075876.html “Made in Hong Kong: così si fa la protesta più tecnologica di sempre” https://www.rollingstone.it/politica/made-in-hong-kong-cosi-si-fa-la-protesta-piu-tecnologica-di-sempre/473931
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zirad93 · 7 years
High school life, oh my high school life... ❤
8 years since I left one of the most memorable moments of my life.. Moments I spent with my best buddies, my HS guys and gals. I miss laughing with them. Medyo senti lang ako ngayon kasi namimiss ko na sila. 😄
It's hard to catch up with each one of them these days bcoz ya'know, adult life 😆 But we still keep in touch and see each other whenever we can.
Shoutout to my brothers and sisters for life, Kath, Cherry, Tricia, Mary, Manelyn, Jeh, Shine, Dexter, Paul, Jemar and Rodel.
I hope to see them all soonest. 💗
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(With my sisterrettes after our Christmas Party. 4th year, 2009)
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(During one of our dance practice for P.E. class, 4th year)
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(Photo-op in between school event where I won as singing mathematician. Wow 'mathematician'?? Yung totoo? 😂)
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(Syempre, pictyur-pictyur habang walang teacher 😆)
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(Field trip! I wasn't in the picture kasi ako may camera eh di ako din ang photographer! Lol)
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