#sentinel guide AU
jackluvsdaniel · 2 years
** Now Complete **
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Read on ao3 | Buddie | Sentinel/Guide AU | 31k | Chapters 9/9
Summary: Evan Buckley was only a year old when he came online as a Guide. At 27, he's never met a Sentinel who calls to him, until suddenly he's being pulled onto the spirit plane while he sleeps, by two unknown spirit animals in extreme emotional distress.
Tagging some friends and people who've interacted with the snippets and posts now that the fic is completely posted :)
@monsterrae1 @loveyourownsmiilee @lostinabuddiehaze @thekristen999 @mansikkaomenabanaani @mr-and-mr-diaz @gayhoediaz @gaydisasterdiaz @hippolotamus @ajunerose @spotsandsocks @mikereads @dickley-buddie @eddiediazisascorpio @bekkachaos @ci5mates @rogerzsteven @blaidddrwg1982 @hmslusitania @swiftiediaz @daughterofbuddie @prettyboybuckley @elvensorceress @finduilasclln @jobairdxx @the-likesofus @nottoolateforthegame @onward--upward @peaceofficerdiaz
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satashiiwrites · 10 months
Scintillation, Chapter 3
First of the month, time to update some fics since NaNo has ended…
Title: Scintillation, Chapter 3
Fandom: MCU
Pairings: Tony Stark/James “Bucky” Barnes, Erik Killmonger/T’Challa, one-sided Steve Rogers/James “Bucky” Barnes
Fic summary:
Everything changed for Tony Stark in a cave in Afghanistan.  For years he’s been dealing with the fallout of the shrapnel imbedded in his chest—both physical and mental—in his own ways. He’s got an arc reactor in his chest and demons that stalk him in his mind as he becomes Iron Man and eventually an accepted part of the Avengers during the attack on New York City.
All he has to do is keep giving people what they want.  That’s the lesson learned. 
Die, resurrect, live as much as you can. Wash, rinse, repeat.  He thought he’d known why he was the way he was… but he and everyone else missed one tiny little detail caused by his repetitive brushes with death. 
Or, a guide coming online as he almost dies yet again at the hand of a friend shatters the controls put upon the Winter Soldier and sends Sentinel James Buchanan Barnes fully online and into a feral rage in the middle of Siberia. 
Steve’s lucky T’Challa’s there to rescue him from his best friend gone feral. 
Tags/warnings: MCU canon levels of violence. Howard Stark’s A++parenting, panic attacks, PTSD, unhealthy coping mechanisms, Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt, will eventually have bonding sex (and other explicit sex acts for enjoyment—no rape), issues of consent with Sentinel bonding with a guide to save their life, Sentinel/Guides are known, spirit animals, Discussions of racism (T’Challa, Erik and Tony have some talking to do), interrelationship and partner violence mentioned, Discussion of child neglect (Tony and Erik) and poverty (Erik, Steve, Bucky), Not Kind to Steve Rogers (eventually he gets better), other tags to be added later—will warn at top of chapter if not listed here although I feel like Erik is his own kind of warning. 
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T'Challa wakes before Erik. He exhausted his sentinel last night, pushing them both to the point where there hadn't been any residual resistance in their bond, which hums strongly between them.  
That lingering resistance had been maddening. A constant tug and irritation that he didn't have his sentinel fully because they'd been interrupted before they could complete the bond like they had last night. 
He shouldn't have listened to his mother or Zuri for so long—he'd hurt his sentinel with his reticence. The one thing an orphan from California hadn't needed from his true-match guide was hesitation because he wasn't one of them. 
Read chapter 3 here on AO3
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hoodedmiho · 6 months
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse) Rating: Mature Relationships: Leon S. Kennedy/Luis Serra Additional Tags: Serennedy Week 2024, Game: Resident Evil 4 Remake (2023), Fix-It, Luis Serra Lives, Alternate Universe - Sentinels & Guides, Alternate Universe - Sentinels and Guides Are Known, Sentinel/Guide, Bonding, Secret Identity, Pining Summary: Back in that cabin, anytime an infected grabbed Luis, the adrenaline that flooded Leon’s body felt different. It was no longer just his hero complex, it doesn’t feel like the protectiveness over Ashley… Whenever Luis is in danger, the sentinel in him wants to growl and shred the assailants to pieces. There’s something about the man that seems to directly affect his preternatural side – which doesn’t make any sense because Luis is a mundane. It shouldn’t matter that he’s making Leon go a little bit insane with his quips and smiles and the way he moves… He shouldn’t react like this.
I had the idea for this AU since the game came out and now it’s a year later but it’s finally done! Written as part of @serennedyweek for Day 5: Soulmates.
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khalixascorner · 2 years
Lost Without You
Summary: Tony is at a MIT speed networking gig with Rhodey when he meets Peter, a brilliant but clearly struggling sentinel who he soon realizes is also Spider-Man. The kid is getting himself into murky water with his latest research so Tony offers a different solution to his problems. Fill for Blind Date.
Tags: Alternate Universe - Sentinels & Guides, Sentinel Peter Parker, Guide Tony Stark, Both are still heroes, Peter hides his abilities, so does tony, Later chapters include sugar daddy Tony, College Student Peter Parker, Age Difference, Sentinel/Guide Bonding, Sugar Baby Peter Parker
Read on AO3 Here
Tony sat at the bar passing the time as he tried to ignore the press of people against his mental shields. Rhodey had dragged him here as a plus one for the annual MIT alumni speed networking. His friend had claimed that it was good for Tony to connect to young minds, but frankly none of the kids here were worth the headache being around so many people caused. SI had headhunters that would find the good ones after they had matured a little. And until then, he would hide in the corner and try to shore up his shields while drinking virgin mixed drinks. 
“Excuse me Mr. Stark?” a timid voice said next to him.
“Look kid, I’m not here for autographs tonight,” Tony said, not even looking up from his drink. The voice’s owner barely pinged his shields, which made it even easier. 
“Oh, ah, I know sir, it’s just, you see, Colonel Rhodes said I should talk to you sir,” the kid stuttered out. “But I can just, ah, go. Sorry sir.”
“Hold on kid, you said platypus sent you over?” Tony said, actually looking at the kid. At first glance, he didn’t look like much. While he had a cute set of curls on him and a pretty face, he took the starving college student look a bit far if the skinny frame and just this edge of gaunt cheekbones were anything to go by. He also barely had a presence to his guide senses, which was a blessing. Briefly Tony wondered if Rhodey had sent him over because he was in clear near of a sugar daddy and it wouldn’t be the first time Tony had put a twink through school unofficially.
“Yes sir,” the kid said and Tony gestured to the stool next to him.
“Take a seat then kid,” Tony said. “Tell me a bit about the person that got Honey Bear’s attention. Must have been impressive because he knows I like a brain to go with my pretty faces.”
The kid flushed bright red, and stammered out something unintelligible before falling quiet again. Tony briefly wondered if the kid was a sentinel, albeit a weak one. 
“So? Don’t keep me waiting, kid,” Tony said, startling the kid, and confirming Tony’s suspicions. A lot of younger sentinels had a tendency to appear lost in thought when their surroundings were too much. 
“Ah, sorry sir. I’m Peter. Parker. Peter Parker,” the kid said, glancing up at him shyly. “I’m in the Biochem program with a minor in engineering.”
“Ah, called it. Knew you’d be a smart one,” Tony said, gesturing for the bartender to get him another drink. “Can I get you anything?”
“A coke would be nice sir, if it’s not too much trouble,” Peter replied, and Tony grinned.
He could already imagine the sort of fun he was going to have with this kid. Sentinels were always so sensitive and the shy innocent ones always responded so well to learning new things. 
“So what were you talking to Platypus about that got his attention?” Tony asked once they had their drinks. “Must have been something special.”
“Um, I mean, I didn’t think so?” Peter started hesitantly before falling into full on rambling. “I was asking about how you guys handled the interfacing on the suit UIs for your armors because I’ve been trying to get my program to interface with a physical apparatus, but I can’t get it to talk to it properly and I wasn’t sure if it was a coding language error or if you guys needed specific hardware to handle the software.”
“Oh? What are you trying to make, kid?” Tony asked, curious why this would be a sticking point. “Plenty of programs interface with physical apparatuses.”
“Um, well, you see, I’m trying to create a medical assistant of sorts, I guess. Kinda like Baymax, only like, wearable?” the kid said, then hurried to add, “But not, like, full armor or anything. Just like a watch or bracer and headset? Something to help people with different kids of medical conditions that’s smart enough to react as needed based on the situation.”
Tony froze. Visions of ULTRON flashed in his head followed swiftly by the guilt over JARVIS’s demise. The kid tensed next to him and Tony realized he’d let his shields slip. He slammed them back into place and took a drink to cover the misstep. He needed to do damage control here, not scare the kid off. 
“Seems like an interesting concept kid,” Tony said, hoping his face was pleasant enough to not give him away. “I can’t really troubleshoot it without seeing the setup and system though. How about we head back to your lab and I’ll take a look?”
“Really Mr. Stark? You wouldn’t mind?” the kid asked, tension fading away as he practically vibrated with excitement. Tony paid his tab and shot Rhodey a text before responding. 
“Not at all. Gotta nurture the next generation and all that jazz so lead the way,” Tony said.
Peter had been nervous about attending the MIT Alumni speed networking night. Since the bite, his latent sentinel traits had suddenly been not-so-latent and his introverted nature became a necessity for his sanity. His Spider-man suit served to insulate him from the world when he was out helping people, but even then it could be too much.
This could be a game changer, though. With Mr. Stark’s help, he might be able to finally create an artificial guide or at least something close enough that could help people like him. While Peter’s case was extreme, his research had shown how so many sentinels that had been given a low sensitivity grade were often prevented from getting help. Guides, especially strong ones, were so in demand for the sentinels that “needed” them, after all. 
Without a second thought, Peter led Mr. Stark outside and started to order an Uber. 
“What are you doing kid?” Mr. Stark asked, causing Peter to jump. He blinked, not realizing he had started to zone a bit while staring at his phone. 
“Sorry sir, I just live kinda far to just walk, so I was going to call us an Uber,” Peter explained hurriedly, trying to cover the lapse. He couldn’t afford to fuck this up now, even if his senses were still on edge from the gathering. 
“I have a car, just give me the address,” Mr. Stark said, already tapping on his own phone. Peter quickly rattled his address off, and flushed a little when Mr. Stark gave him an unimpressed look.
“Sorry sir,” Peter mumbled, playing with the hem of his shirt absently. The texture was soothing against his skin, and helped ground him. “My scholarship didn’t cover room and board, and I couldn’t afford anything closer.”
“Just make sure we don’t get mugged,” Mr. Stark said with a huff, and Peter swore he could feel edgy irritation worry pulses of emotion from the other man before suddenly it was gone again. It was odd because only guides could do that, and Mr. Stark definitely wasn’t one. Right? 
He shook off the train of thought and realized he hadn’t responded out loud again, leaving the older man staring at him with an odd blend of concern and impatience on his face. 
“Yes sir, don’t worry I’ll protect you sir,” Peter said with the biggest smile he could manage. He was Spider-man after all, he could definitely do that. 
“Yeah no, on second thought, if something happens, just get behind me and stay quiet,” Mr. Stark ordered. “Pretty sure a strong wind could knock you over, let alone a determined mugger. Don’t need those headlines.”
Peter winced but held his tongue. He knew he didn’t look like much after all, and he wasn’t quite ready to admit to being Spider-man. If the older man even believed him. 
Luckily it didn’t come to that, and they made it to Peter’s apartment with no problems beyond Peter struggling to keep his body from trying to zone in the car. It was frustrating, as he normally had better control, but every since he had gotten close to Mr. Stark, his mind had started wandering more. Thankfully he was ready when they arrived. 
“This way, Mr. Stark,” Peter said, leading the other man into the building and up the stairs. “Sorry, the elevator is broken again, but it's only a few flights.”
Tony almost wished Rhodes had just sent the kid to him for a supplemental scholarship. Clearly he needed it. The kid’s apartment was much like everything else about him, everything in it having seen better days. Even the kid’s computer that housed his precious work was held together by duct tape and hope as far as Tony could tell. 
There were also strange parts of what appeared to be wearable tech laying around the room. For a second Tony wondered if the kid was a cosplayer or into larping. But then he saw it: the crumpled blue and red fabric sticking out from under a pile of dirty clothes. Tony looked at Peter, still apologizing for his slow computer, then looked back at the mechanical gadgets on the floor. Gadgets that he was 95% sure shot the synthetic webbing used by one slightly infamous friendly neighborhood web slinger. A web slinger that had been seen a lot less in Queens lately. 
It was a strange feeling to realize that the elusive Spider-man was just a kid, and the mental math involved made his chest so tight with worry that he was sure it was leaking through his shields. The kid had been doing this since he was a teenager, and he was wearing this shitty gear while doing it. 
“Sorry again about the delay sir,” the kid said, embarrassed. “It takes a bit to boot up.”
“It’s fine, kid,” Tony said, waving it away. He used the time to examine Peter more closely, feeling startled when he realized how much stronger the kid’s presence was now that they were away from the crowd. The press of a sentinel’s presence was growing stronger against his shields. It wasn’t forceful though, so much as just there, calling to his own abilities instead. 
 “I know everyone probably says this, but I really am a huge fan of your work. I’ve read your papers on robotics and AIs so many times,” Peter said suddenly, drawing Tony from his thoughts. 
“Yeah? For this project of yours I assume?” Tony asked, all the while having FRIDAY discreetly gather everything she could on Peter Parker. “Tell me more about it.”
“Well, like I said, it's for a medical assistant. For sentinels that don’t have their guide available or who haven’t been partnered yet specifically, though I think it could have a lot more applications with just a little tweaking,” Peter said hesitantly. “There’s a wrist band and headset that monitor vitals to tell if a sentinel is in danger of zoning. Then, if they start to slide, I’m hoping I can program the assistant to help pull them out of it, or at least alert help so it doesn’t get worse.”
“It’s an admirable goal, kid, but I’m not sure you’ll get anyone to back it,” Tony said carefully, reading between the lines as he did. Clearly the kid didn’t have a guide and was concerned enough to try to build this in response. “At least not for the reasons you want them to. The military will snap the idea up but they’ll use it for more than just helping sentinels not zone in the unlikely event they don’t have a guide handy.”
Tony watched as Peter frowned, then blanched as his brain finally made the connections that Tony had from the beginning. 
“I’m not trying to do that,” Peter rushed to say. “I don’t want crazy robots or, or things to hurt people. I swear Mr. Stark, I just, I want to help.”
“I know, kid, but that’s not how these things work when you need funding,” Tony said, his heart going out to the kid as he remembered the days of being told he had to make weapons because it was the Stark way. Even after finally deciding to stop and being told he couldn’t for a million and one reasons. He didn’t want to hurt people either, he just wanted to protect them. “Let me take a look, maybe we can figure out an alternative that can’t be twisted into something you didn’t intend.”
The computer had finally booted up and Tony waited a moment before turning to see why the kid hadn’t unlocked it, only to find him frozen. No, not frozen, zoned .
“ Shit,” Tony swore as his eyes darted around the room, his brain unhelpfully pointing out random things. “Kid? Kid! Can you hear me?”
Peter started to tremble and then collapsed. Tony darted forward, managing to cradle the kid so he could lower him gently to the ground. As he did, their skin touched and Tony sucked in a breath at the sudden wave of input that managed to slip past his shields. 
He fought through it, not wanting to drop the poor kid, and got them settled on the ground as he leaned against a wall, Peter in his lap. 
“Alright kid, confession time, I have no training beyond managing my own shields but I’m gonna go out on a limb and say your attempts at an artificial guide mean you don’t have anyone to trust this with,” Tony said with a sigh. “Honestly, kinda in the same boat, so you keep my secret and I’ll keep yours.”
Peter didn't respond, not that Tony expected him to, but he kinda wished the kid would have. He’s seen it done before of course. Everyone sees the movies and in health class, but he’d never actually tried to pull a sentinel back. 
Following his instincts, Tony reached , feeling for the sentinel’s presence against his shields. Ever so carefully, he lowered his shields, only to be assaulted by input which caused him to bring them back up again. Honestly if that was what sentinels felt, it was not wonder they got overstimulated, Tony retorted mentally, trying to use the quiet his shields bought him to think. 
Then it struck him. If his shields protected him, why not just wrap Peter in them too? With a grounding breath, Tony lowered his shields just enough to have a firm sense of Peter’s presence. Then he reached and extended his shields around that feeling at the same time. Guide bullshit had always seemed so arbitrary and so against science but in this case it worked for him. By will alone he cocooned Peter in his shields, and he felt the body in his arms relax in response. 
“Mr. Stark?” Peter’s voice was soft with awe. “What’s going on? It’s so quiet.”
“Just helping you out a bit, that’s all kid,” Tony said with a sigh. “I think we need to have a talk though, don’t you, Spiderling?”
“What, I, uh-” Peter started to flail, only to stop at Mr. Stark’s unimpressed look. It probably didn’t help that he could feel the older man’s emotions more easily, and the guide wasn’t exactly hiding his disdain at Peter’s stuttered responses. “Um, I guess so, sir.”
“Look, kid, I’m not going to rat you out to the Accords folks or anything, but you need a guide,” Mr. Stark said, irritation disdain bitterness flavoring the conversation when he mentioned the accords.
“When I got bit, everything changed, sir,” Peter said softly. “I had already been tested and was just a null with latent sentinel abilities that barely registered on the scale. But after the bite, it was like everything was constantly dialed up to 11. And I couldn’t just get retested because what would I tell them? Oh, by the way, I got bit by an experimental spider while on a field trip to Oscorp.”
Mr. Stark snorted at that, and Peter flashed him a wry grin. 
“Yeah, trust me, after the whole fiasco a few years back, it makes me wonder who ever thought they were a good place to take kids, but it was a bit too late for me then,” Peter said, remembering the huge explosion and the lizard person that had attacked the city. Then his face turned more serious. “Even now I don’t know what I’d do or say, sir. I don’t want to end up locked away in some government facility while they run tests on me so that they can intentionally engineer super sentinels. That’s why I need this AI.”
“No, you need a guide. An AI like this is dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing, and it’s not going to fix your problem,” Mr. Stark point out. Peter could taste the fear concern panic that coated Mr. Stark’s thoughts.
“I know that there have been issues before,” Peter started hesitantly, and Mr. Stark snorted again. “Ok, fine, one nearly destroyed the world, but I can’t get a guide sir. Even if I was able to tell someone, what if I hurt them? I’m Spider-man. Who could I possibly trust to stop me if something happened?”
Tony wanted to argue, but it was hard to. The kid had a point, though the swirl of sorrow pain loneliness rolling off of him was a bit much. 
“Alright, kid, I see your point, but I’m telling you this AI is not the answer, so I have a different suggestion,” Tony said, already hoping he wouldn’t regret this. “I’ll help you out, provide the support a guide does.”
“In return for what?” Peter asked, looking at him suspiciously. 
“You’ll be my plus one to all of the boring functions I have to go to, and you have to come to me in New York,” Tony said, already thinking of how he could play off Peter being around to where people wouldn’t be suspicious. Sentinel/guide pairs needed lots of contact and time around each other, or at least that was what they were led to believe, so he was going to need a cover that would work. 
“I can’t afford that,” Peter spluttered but Tony was quick to wave him away.
“Billionaire, remember? I’ll have a plane waiting for you after your last classes of the week, you’ll come to New York for the weekend, stay with me, be my plus one, and be back to school by Monday,” Tony said, grabbing his phone and starting to make arrangements. 
“But I don’t have the clothes or anything, either!” Peter argued. “And what if something comes up?” 
“I’ll take care of it, kid,” Tony assured him, not even looking up as he felt Peter’s resistance being chipped away beneath the onslaught of Tony’s will. “Look, kid, you need this, and you’re right that we can’t trust just anyone. So I’m asking you to trust me, ok?”
At that, Peter’s fight collapsed and he just nodded. Tony felt the acceptance but also tentative joy that was budding in the little spiderling, and couldn’t help but pat his head.
“Good boy. Now get some rest, enjoy the quiet while I work. We don’t have long before I have to get back but I’ll have the arrangements made and see you next weekend,” Tony said. Peter obeyed, eyes slipping shut as the boy finally relaxed. And if Tony made a few other arrangements, including grocery deliveries for his little spider, well, no one would know but him anyway.
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christinesficrecs · 11 months
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I am a big, BIG fan of Sentinel AU's. But it seems like the post I had went poof! Anyway! Enjoy. ❤️
Unmapped by Jerakeen | 11.3K | Explicit
Stiles can never leave a good mystery alone.
I'll Tie You (In My Arms) by Kian | 19K
Derek doesn't want a Guide after his last attempt at a bond nearly got his whole family killed, and Stiles doesn't want to be one if it means losing the last of the family he's got. But Fate doesn't take requests.
I Want You Under My Skin by FunkyinFishnet | 6.6K | Mature
Stiles is a Guide who looks after catatonic or feral Sentinels. One day a grief-stricken fugue-state Derek is brought in and Stiles realizes that he's found his Sentinel. Now they've just got to get Derek out of his own head and able to bond.
Bonding for Beginners by Ember | 43.2K | Explicit
Sentinel AU where Stiles is a Guide looking for real connection, and Derek is a Sentinel forced to get a Guide.
Collide by Green | 36K | Mature
Guide Stiles Stilinski has been waiting his whole life to meet his one and only Sentinel, knowing everything will fall into place perfectly once he's bonded. Then along comes Derek Hale, his werewolf Sentinel, who already has a mate (alpha werewolf Peter Hale) and doesn't want anything to do with a new bond. Does Stiles even fit in the picture? Will he ever get his happily ever after, or was that just a childish dream?
On Anchors and Rudders by Unloyal_Olio | 15.1K | Mature
Stiles might be a sentinel, but Derek is a werewolf. Derek is not and never will be a guide.
There is no way in hell he’ll be a guide. No. Way. In. Hell.
The Normal One? by hellbells | 10.9K | Explicit
Stiles had always prided himself on being the normal one in the pack. He was until an Alpha fight shows him just how wrong they all are. It just might be that he needs Derek to anchor him as much as Derek needs him.
It Started Out as a Feeling by flitterflutterfly | 15.4K | Explicit
When the newly bonded Sentinel Scott joins Derek Hale’s pack, Derek had just been happy that his group was growing larger and stronger. But Scott brings with him his old-temporary-guide-turned-friend named Stiles and the rest of Derek’s pack begin to conspire to get them together. And while Derek is attracted to Stiles, Stiles doesn’t want a full bond and Derek would never force that.
Who Needs A Guide? by LadyDrace | 3.7K
Derek is a sentinel who doesn't need a guide. Good thing, too, because what he ends up getting is in fact not a guide.
Ochre Moon by SOABA | 13.3K
Stiles has unknowingly spent years on medication designed to fully suppress his Sentinel Gene. Then, one day, the medicine stops working and it’s definitely Derek’s fault.
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wanderingjedihistorian · 11 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi Characters: CC-2224 | Cody, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Clone Trooper Waxer (Star Wars), Jocasta Nu Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Sentinel/Guide, Force Dyad (Star Wars), First Meetings, Bonding, Instincts are hard, Enhanced senses are harder, Sentinel CC-2224 | Cody, Guide Obi-Wan Kenobi Series: Part 1 of Here Comes the Sun, Part 9 of 212th Bingo 2023 Summary: As soon as Obi-Wan stepped off the shuttle, anticipation started to buzz under his skin. The very Force around him seemed to hum soonsoonsoon. Obi-Wan had no idea what it could possibly mean. Then he heard a voice.
For the "Sentinel AU" square of @clonefandomevents​ 212th Bingo!
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Featuring at commissioned from the lovely @amikoroyaiart​!
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getoed5725 · 5 months
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"Have you seen them?" "Yeah, above. 3rd floor." "Very good. Now, are you willing to turn into a beast for me, Satoru?"
五夏 Sentinel/Guide au: Sentinel Gojo x Guide Geto. Strongest Sentinel & Strongest Guide formed pair.
Context for the art:
- on an undercover mission in a hotel
- they're fully bonded at this point
- the ages can stay like in the fic (below) or not. but i think Gojo will be excited to see his lieutenant/boss/lover/bonded guide looking young again with the hairstyle :>
inspiration: this Chinese Sentinel/Guide Goge fic and the official art for hotel collab:
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nicki0kaye · 1 year
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here we've got Pre-Empire, lower levels hive-rat Sasha Kallus and Good boy Junior Guard Captain Garazeb Orrelios for the @bahrynfestival prompt 'In Another Life'. Zeb characterization and general Lasan HCs courtesy of @sidhebeingbrand
Now, I could be normal and say this is just a 'oh what if these two met before the Empire' thing but I'm far from normal and that's not JUST the story behind this pic. Yeah, they're meeting before the Empire, but there's also a bunch of other nonsense going on. Lemme explain;
Sasha Kallus hasn't felt like a person since inheriting his 'magic'. It's been a quirk of his family for generations, but lucky him, it seems he's been gifted a particularly 'bad' case. Instead of being able to influence the 'magic' in others, like his baba and older brother, Sasha is burdened with generating an overabundance of 'magic' in himself. It sizzles in his veins like a live wire, heightening everything, dialing up his senses, his reflexes, his strength, keeping his mind buzzing all the time, hyper-aware and overly sensitive. Without his brother Tuz there to bridle that magic, Sasha runs the risk of becoming something dangerous, of becoming so overwhelmed, he loses himself and lashes out in a way he can't take back. 
And he hates it. 
He knows he's scaring his family, that there's a 'good reason' Tuz keeps him on such a short 'leash', but Sasha resents it all the same. He wishes he could get rid of his stupid magic. He wishes he could run away and never look back. 
The family trait he knows as 'magic' is unheard of on Coruscant, and it's not quite the same as channeling the Force. Its two distinct flavors, however, are common and even revered on the planet Lasan as a gift of the Ashla. On Lasan, there are Watchers, who see with the Ashla's light, and their Guards, who shield the Watchers and aid them in honing their gifts. 
Junior Guard Captain Garazeb Orrelios is visiting Coruscant as part of his Queen's entourage. Personally, he finds the planet a disturbing, lightless place. Excluding the Jedi in their temple, it feels like no one here has been touched by the Ashla. He was told to expect as much, that there are no Watchers or Guards among humans, but still. It's freaky.  It makes this durasteel hive of a planet feel all the more dead inside. 
Perhaps it's because he's particularly freaked out that, when the faint spark of a Watcher's soul  suddenly appears several levels below them, he's the first to notice. Perhaps it's his disposition–his talent for meshing so well with any unbonded Watcher that might be in need of his aid–that keeps his awareness locked on this stranger, this lost soul. 
No, not lost, there is a Guard's presence keeping the Watcher stable, but. It's too fraught a union to be a healthy bond. The Watcher is in distress. 
Garazeb's duty is to all Watchers, even alien ones hidden in the depths of off-putting city-planets. He asks permission to pursue this stranger, to ensure personally that all is well. 
That's how Garazeb meets Sasha. 
Now, there's one last thing. On Lasan, it's understood that the Ashla has made every Watcher a Guard to compliment and complete them, and every Guard a Watcher, in turn. Bit of a soulmate thing. It's not guaranteed one will find their match, but it's likely and extremely obvious when it happens. Even for a talented Guard like Garazeb who seems to naturally compliment every Watcher he meets, the work of shielding his intended would be frictionless. 
Garazeb has been searching for his Watcher ever since he was small and learned one might be out there waiting on him. He had not expected to find a human, let alone one who considers his Ashla given Sight a curse, has no concept of a 'bonded pair', and has only known a Guard's influence as 'leash' to keep him to heel. 
There's no denying it, though. They meet, and even his superiors can tell the bond is special. Garazeb never, ever expected to forsake his home for the hellscape that is Coruscant, but for his Watcher? He might. Assuming Sasha will let him.
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spacedoutdandelion · 3 months
Thinking about a Sentinel & Guide AU for KN8 and how that’d work for any given pairing 😩
For the sake of my sanity:
If set before Hoshi gets 10, then it’d be Sentinel Kafka with Guide Hoshi. Because even with Hoshina’s cool demeanor he’s a softy at heart and he’d 110% have a weakness for Kafka with his puppydog eyes and how he recklessly overuses his senses to help others at his own risk.
Imagine how Narumi pushing Kafka to use his potential would just piss Hoshina off because he’s not there all the time to help Kafka reset his senses and it makes him worry. 🥺
But I imagine Hoshi after getting 10 being more like a sentinel. So Sentinel/Sentinel with them struggling to control their senses and unable to find comfort in each other despite not wanting anyone else. Very bittersweet.
Iharu would definitely be the guide! I think of this scene and how supportive he was for Reno and it makes my heart soft. Iharu would have chosen Reno, before Reno even realized they were a good match up for each other. They’d start out platonic and grow into more over time because their both stubborn about acknowledging their feelings.
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Thinking about Sentinel/Sentinel NaruHoshi and how they’d bring out the worst in each other, pushing each other past their limits and being each others downfalls but not caring in the slightest. Because why would that matter when they feel so free in the moment as they strive for greater heights - who cares if their senses are getting absolutely destroyed, one of them needs to be better and they both have that “it’ll be me” mentality.
but uh this is just my brainrot ramblings…don’t take me serious or anything 🫠
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kanda-franca · 2 months
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Here's more web weaves for @mcytblraufest 2024! This is for my wonderful writer Pancho!! Sentinel and Guide AUs are some of my favourite soulmate tropes and smalletho fit them so perfectly so please check out their fic here!
The Five Senses and Etho by @pancho-pinto
A day to day in the life of a Sentinel can be rather spontaneous, no two days the same with all the input of sensory information from the world. With their extraordinarily acute senses, Sentinel's are expected to know how to handle them, their Guides always there to aid them when needed. And Joel, best of the best, has everything under control. For the most part. And that is where Etho comes in. or: An exploration/study of the individual senses from a Sentinel's perspective. And one from the perspective of the Guide.
Credits below the cut!
The Lunch Table (1944) - Susan Ryder | Volta - The Crane Wives Isolated silhouette of a couple slow dancing - Noel Powell on Shutterstock | Kiss (1897) - Edvard Munch | I don't know if love's a feeling... - Marguerite Duras | I choose to love you in silence... - Rumi | Sentinel AU on fanlore | I want to know what's... - @titsay | Diner Booth - captjackhaddock on reddit | Futon (1966) - Duane Keiser | quote from @leoworld | The little things? - Jon Kabat-Zinn | asofterworld comic | Human Inner Ear Anatomy Diagram - fineartamerica | sound wave collection (edited)
Fair - The Amazing Devil | Canary Wharf - Glyn Macey | you are not chained to the ones you love (edited) - @archbudzar | New York (2011) - Lennarts Dotter Olausson | Bullitt (1962) - Frank Gregory | And the Hound - Yaelokre | Embrace - Peter Wever | Absence XVII (2017) - Luciano Goizueta | tumblr post - @eddiegettingshot | ONE HUNDRED SLEEPLESS NIGHTS 1 (2017) - Andrea Vandoni | Jane Eyre - Charlotte Brontë
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infiniteeight8 · 2 months
Please I NEED more of the sentinel and guide au
I realized I never specified that the boys are still heroes in this AU. They are sentinel and guide and Iron Man and Doctor Strange. However that works. lol. That’s how they knew each other in the first ficlet and how Stephen got to Tony so quickly.
The first part of this AU is here.
Courting Stephen Strange is surprisingly low key. At this point in their lives, they both get more than enough excitement without feeling like they have to go out and find more. They eat in a lot. Stephen takes Tony sightseeing to some inaccessible places—both conventionally and interdimensionally inaccessible. Tony takes Stephen to a couple of shows. But mostly, they eat in and talk. 
And practice guiding Tony’s senses, of course.
That’s practical, but it’s also great for building intimacy. Grounding a Sentinel requires activating multiple senses. Tony gets to know trembling touches and the rumble of a deep voice and the hint of dust and tea that clings to Stephen’s robes. Stephen gets to know the rhythm of Tony’s pulse and intricacies of his breath and the focus of his eyes. 
Inevitably, the time comes for them to meet in the spirit world the first time. Despite how well the courtship is going—and it is going well—Tony isn’t looking forward to it. People don’t generally react well to his spirit guide. As a result, when he opens his eyes to the blue-green landscape of the spirit world, he’s not surprised to find himself alone. He’s also not surprised to find himself somewhere other than the jungle. The jungle is a common spirit world setting for sentinels and guides alike, but it’s not the only one, and it’s never been one Tony identified with. The cornfield is a surprise, though.
Eventually, the tall stalks rustle and rustle and Stephen emerges from between them. Their gazes mutually go automatically to their spirit guides, and after a moment they both start laughing.
Spirit guides are, almost universally, large predators. Wolves and panthers are most common, followed by other big canines and cats, but bears and even crocodiles are not unheard of.
Tony’s spirit guide is a crow. The judgment he sees in the eyes of guides with wolves at their sides has been the nail in the coffin of more than one potential bonding. 
Despite their compatibility, it had never occurred to him that Stephen might also have a non-standard spirit guide. His is a cat, but not one of the big cats. It’s a common housecat, riding on Stephen’s shoulder just as Tony’s crow is riding on his.
Their laughter runs down and they link arms, setting off on a rambling walk through the corn, their spirit guides calmly riding along. 
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jackluvsdaniel · 2 years
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Thanks for the tag @monsterrae1 💜
Here's a sneak peek at chapter 3 of The Pause Between, which is being edited now.
“What?! What do you – Buck, how? I think you need to tell me the whole story now, kiddo because that makes no sense.”  
So Buck tells her the entire story, all the way back to the very first visit. He had strongly downplayed the distress of the spirit animals and the effect it had on him the first time he talked to her about it. It had felt too deeply personal to share at the time, and he had only fully explained it to the Alphas because he’d needed their help. He’s realizing now that he had needlessly cut himself off from support that he’d definitely needed.  
Athena reached out for his hand as she listened, squeezing tightly when he couldn’t stop a few tears from leaking out. Athena’s eyes went wide when Thalia appeared suddenly and hopped on the couch, resting her head on their joined hands. She didn’t comment though and continued to listen silently.
The relief he felt as he shared the heavy emotions he’d carried for months was immeasurable. He’d been cycling between elation and heartache for so long, and he should have known that just sharing that emotional burden with Athena would help considerably. From the look she was giving him right now, she thinks he should have known better too.  
“They aren’t always hurting or in distress, which is a profound relief. It started that way, and for a long time, there was always an element of that in the visits. More often than not lately the visits seem to be about comfort and bonding, which is just as unexplainable since they’re not even online yet,” he said.  
Tagging: @bekkachaos @lostinabuddiehaze @firemedicdiaz @dickley-buddie @loveyourownsmiilee @gayhoediaz
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alea-says · 3 months
Fic writing be like...
Me: Oh, here's a great idea for a one-shot!
My brain: but have you considered:
100 pages of world-building
20 subplots
3 possible sequels
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airu27-rkgk · 1 year
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Kaishin One Prompt Challenge 2023 by @dcmkkaishinevents 💙
Guide [Edogawa Conan] and Sentinel [Kaitou KID].
Kuroba Kaito, a self-proclaimed Neutral, moonlights as Kaitou KID to look for Pandora, a jewel that grants immortality. (His backstory follows canon, more or less.) Kaito is actually a Sentinel.
Kudou Shinichi is a Guide whose guidance is too complex for most Sentinels to follow through. He uses facts and logics to build mental sanctuaries — where Guide communicates with their Sentinel, calms them when they’re on the verge of Zoning, etc.
Their first meeting is during a heist. Shinichi’s first impression of KID is that the thief is a show off who wastes police resources for his own entertainment. A clever, tricky entertainment, filled with his favourites — riddles and mind games, puzzles, pranks, traps, oh how witty, he just escapes, which gives him a great rush of satisfaction for being able to decipher them — and are harmless enough, a refreshing break from murder cases he encounters daily, but still, show off.
Kaito’s first impression of Shinichi is that the detective is a nerd. Who even counts — himself not included — the number of cards that were used and draws conclusions based on that to pinpoint his disguise… The cards are from a dozen pack…??? Plus the guy uses a voice changer — in the form of a red bow tie — to redirect the officers Kaito had fooled with his own voice-changing abilities… This guy is not to be messed with. Definitely a nerd, though. He looks good with those glasses.
Anyway, on their nth showdown, Black Organization shows up and they were forced to work together. Their Sentinel-Guide soulmates connection forms an unbreakable bond, accidentally.
Thus, Shinichi recognizes Kaito when Ran and Aoko bring them for a meetup.
Gradually, Shinichi comes to know why KID steals. With Shinichi holding the Spades and Kaito the Clovers, the pair traverse the world to search for Pandora. Their connection of Hearts are tested, again and again, all for the sake of one Diamond, which shall end this game of cards once and for all.
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marmarthehatterverse · 8 months
An excerpt from the first thousand words of my buddie fic, because maybe if I get enough positive reinforcement I'll actually finish it. This takes place during the covid era, btws
“You sure are big for a guide.”
Buck slows for a moment, but returns to his brisk pace so quick it would be nigh unperceivable if you didn’t know him very well. His mask mostly obscures his reflexive smile as he continues to carry the little girl out of the crumbling building. She’s looking up at him with big green eyes filled with wonder.
“Well, what makes you so sure I’m a guide?” His voice is light, teasing.
The little girl’s eyebrows furrow, this was clearly not a possibility she had considered. In her defense, very few ever clock him for what he is. “But you’re making me feel so calm and safe. You must be a guide…?” 
Her head is cocked now, scrutinizing him the way only small children could. Buck glances down at her, still moving at a quick pace, trying to get away from the crumbling halls and to safety so she could be given a proper look over. “Maybe you feel so calm and safe because you’re no longer in a room collapsing around you?” He gestures to behind him with his head.
“No,” she wrinkles her nose at this, giving a decisive shake of her head, “I felt safe from the moment you grabbed me from my room. It should have been scary with all the walls shaking like that, but as soon as you grabbed me I knew I was going to be okay.”
The thing is, most people forget that sentinels, before anything else, are guardians. They exist to keep people safe, and those being saved by them can instinctively tell that the sentinel will do everything in their power to get them out as unharmed as they possibly can. People forget that sentinels changed first, and that guides, with their empathy and soothing existence, developed in response to the sentinels’ needs. 
Buck slows to a stop in front of the ambulance, and gives the little girl his undivided attention, “I am big for a guide,” her face starts to break into a grin of triumph, “But I’m only a little over average for a sentinel.” He winks at her gobsmacked face as he hands her over to Hen.
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cissi-sh01 · 26 days
rybalenka Sentinel/Guide AU??!?
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Sentinel! Aryna & Guide! Elena
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