#seo tools 2021
javatpoint · 7 months
Demystifying Search Engine Optimization (SEO): A Comprehensive Guide
A Comprehensive Guides to Search Engine Optimization (SEO): In today’s digital age, where the internet serves as the primary source of information, businesses and individuals alike are constantly striving to make their online presence known. Among the many strategies employed to enhance visibility and reach online, one stands out as a cornerstone of digital marketing: Search Engine Optimization…
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Google reneged on the monopolistic bargain
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I'm on tour with my new novel The Bezzle! Catch me TONIGHT in SALT LAKE CITY (Feb 21, Weller Book Works) and TOMORROW in SAN DIEGO (Feb 22, Mysterious Galaxy). After that, it's LA, Seattle, Portland, Phoenix and more!
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A funny thing happened on the way to the enshittocene: Google – which astonished the world when it reinvented search, blowing Altavista and Yahoo out of the water with a search tool that seemed magic – suddenly turned into a pile of shit.
Google's search results are terrible. The top of the page is dominated by spam, scams, and ads. A surprising number of those ads are scams. Sometimes, these are high-stakes scams played out by well-resourced adversaries who stand to make a fortune by tricking Google:
But often these scams are perpetrated by petty grifters who are making a couple bucks at this. These aren't hyper-resourced, sophisticated attackers. They're the SEO equivalent of script kiddies, and they're running circles around Google:
Google search is empirically worsening. The SEO industry spends every hour that god sends trying to figure out how to sleaze their way to the top of the search results, and even if Google defeats 99% of these attempts, the 1% that squeak through end up dominating the results page for any consequential query:
Google insists that this isn't true, and if it is true, it's not their fault because the bad guys out there are so numerous, dedicated and inventive that Google can't help but be overwhelmed by them:
It wasn't supposed to be this way. Google has long maintained that its scale is the only thing that keeps us safe from the scammers and spammers who would otherwise overwhelm any lesser-resourced defender. That's why it was so imperative that they pursue such aggressive growth, buying up hundreds of companies and integrating their products with search so that every mobile device, every ad, every video, every website, had one of Google's tendrils in it.
This is the argument that Google's defenders have put forward in their messaging on the long-overdue antitrust case against Google, where we learned that Google is spending $26b/year to make sure you never try another search engine:
Google, we were told, had achieved such intense scale that the normal laws of commercial and technological physics no longer applied. Take security: it's an iron law that "there is no security in obscurity." A system that is only secure when its adversaries don't understand how it works is not a secure system. As Bruce Schneier says, "anyone can design a security system that they themselves can't break. That doesn't mean it works – just that it works for people stupider than them."
And yet, Google operates one of the world's most consequential security system – The Algorithm (TM) – in total secrecy. We're not allowed to know how Google's ranking system works, what its criteria are, or even when it changes: "If we told you that, the spammers would win."
Well, they kept it a secret, and the spammers won anyway.
A viral post by Housefresh – who review air purifiers – describes how Google's algorithmic failures, which send the worst sites to the top of the heap, have made it impossible for high-quality review sites to compete:
You've doubtless encountered these bad review sites. Search for "Best ______ 2024" and the results are a series of near-identical lists, strewn with Amazon affiliate links. Google has endlessly tinkered with its guidelines and algorithmic weights for review sites, and none of it has made a difference. For example, when Google instituted a policy that reviewers should "discuss the benefits and drawbacks of something, based on your own original research," sites that had previously regurgitated the same lists of the same top ten Amazon bestsellers "peppered their pages with references to a ‘rigorous testing process,’ their ‘lab team,’ subject matter experts ‘they collaborated with,’ and complicated methodologies that seem impressive at a cursory look."
But these grandiose claims – like the 67 air purifiers supposedly tested in Better Homes and Gardens's Des Moines lab – result in zero in-depth reviews and no published data. Moreover, these claims to rigorous testing materialized within a few days of Google changing its search ranking and said that high rankings would be reserved for sites that did testing.
Most damning of all is how the Better Homes and Gardens top air purifiers perform in comparison to the – extensively documented – tests performed by Housefresh: "plagued by high-priced and underperforming units, Amazon bestsellers with dubious origins (that also underperform), and even subpar devices from companies that market their products with phrases like ‘the Tesla of air purifiers.’"
One of the top ranked items on BH&G comes from Molekule, a company that filed for bankruptcy after being sued for false advertising. The model BH&G chose was ranked "the worst air purifier tested" by Wirecutter and "not living up to the hype" by Consumer Reports. Either BH&G's rigorous testing process is a fiction that they infused their site with in response to a Google policy change, or BH&G absolutely sucks at rigorous testing.
BH&G's competitors commit the same sins – literally, the exact same sins. Real Simple's reviews list the same photographer and the photos seem to have been taken in the same place. They also list the same person as their "expert." Real Simple has the same corporate parent as BH&G: Dotdash Meredith. As Housefresh shows, there's a lot of Dotdash Meredith review photos that seem to have been taken in the same place, by the same person.
But the competitors of these magazines are no better. Buzzfeed lists 22 air purifiers, including that crapgadget from Molekule. Their "methodology" is to include screenshots of Amazon reviews.
A lot of the top ranked sites for air purifiers are once-great magazines that have been bought and enshittified by private equity giants, like Popular Science, which began as a magazine in 1872 and became a shambling zombie in 2023, after its PE owners North Equity LLC decided its googlejuice was worth more than its integrity and turned it into a metastatic chumbox of shitty affiliate-link SEO-bait. As Housefresh points out, the marketing team that runs PopSci makes a lot of hay out of the 150 years of trust that went into the magazine, but the actual reviews are thin anaecdotes, unbacked by even the pretense of empiricism (oh, and they loooove Molekule).
Some of the biggest, most powerful, most trusted publications in the world have a side-hustle in quietly producing SEO-friendly "10 Best ___________ of 2024" lists: Rolling Stone, Forbes, US News and Report, CNN, New York Magazine, CNN, CNET, Tom's Guide, and more.
Google literally has one job: to detect this kind of thing and crush it. The deal we made with Google was, "You monopolize search and use your monopoly rents to ensure that we never, ever try another search engine. In return, you will somehow distinguish between low-effort, useless nonsense and good information. You promised us that if you got to be the unelected, permanent overlord of all information access, you would 'organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.'"
They broke the deal.
Companies like CNET used to do real, rigorous product reviews. As Housefresh points out, CNET once bought an entire smart home and used it to test products. Then Red Ventures bought CNET and bet that they could sell the house, switch to vibes-based reviewing, and that Google wouldn't even notice. They were right.
Google downranks sites that spend money and time on reviews like Housefresh and GearLab, and crams botshittened content mills like BH&G into our eyeballs instead.
In 1558, Thomas Gresham coined (ahem) Gresham's Law: "Bad money drives out good." When counterfeit money circulates in the economy, anyone who gets a dodgy coin spends it as quickly as they can, because the longer you hold it, the greater the likelihood that someone will detect the fraud and the coin will become worthless. Run this system long enough and all the money in circulation is funny money.
An internet run by Google has its own Gresham's Law: bad sites drive out good. It's not just that BH&G can "test" products at a fraction of the cost of Housefresh – through the simple expedient of doing inadequate tests or no tests at all – so they can put a lot more content up that Housefresh. But that alone wouldn't let them drive Housefresh off the front page of Google's search results. For that, BH&G has to mobilize some of their savings from the no test/bad test lab to do real rigorous science: science in defeating Google's security-through-obscurity system, which lets them command the front page despite publishing worse-than-useless nonsense.
Google has lost the spam wars. In response to the plague of botshit clogging Google search results, the company has invested in…making more botshit:
Last year, Google did a $70b stock buyback. They also laid off 12,000 staffers (whose salaries could have been funded for 27 years by that stock buyback). They just laid off thousands more employees.
That wasn't the deal. The deal was that Google would get a monopoly, and they would spend their monopoly rents to be so good that you could just click "I'm feeling lucky" and be teleported to the very best response to your query. A company that can't figure out the difference between a scam like Better Homes and Gardens and a rigorous review site like Housefresh should be pouring every spare dime it brings in into fixing this problem. Not buying default search status on every platform so that we never try another search engine: they should be fixing their shit.
When Google admits that it's losing the war to these kack-handed spam-farmers, that's frustrating. When they light $26b/year on fire making sure you don't ever get to try anything else, that's very frustrating. When they vaporize seventy billion dollars on financial engineering and shoot one in ten engineers, that's outrageous.
Google's scale has transcended the laws of business physics: they can sell an ever-degrading product and command an ever-greater share of our economy, even as their incompetence dooms any decent, honest venture to obscurity while providing fertile ground – and endless temptation – for scammers.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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silvyysthings · 1 year
Anon, it’s not about getting mad. It’s about lies. As you said, she didn’t say anything that warranted a podcast. What she wanted, is boasting about herself, her inexistent achievements and run back a narrative she crafted since 2021. What she said here, is something she said in the Elle fluff piece, but this time, she couldn’t say anything about the kids, because of the divorce agreements.
To me, she is doing this PR tour about her upcoming shows to clap back at Kirchick being invited in various podcasts to expose her. She has to do the same and bury what has been said. It’s basic SEO PR, here. But, she can’t use the kids. However, she can talk about their marriage, and even lie, because no one is gonna go and check if it’s the truth. It’s not like Armie is gonna answer to that either. It’s the malicious intent behind her actions that gets to people. The toxicity, using his fame and name to continue to spew lies. For example, saying he didn’t have a job, he wasn’t even trying to be an actor, or that he wasn’t behind the bakery, when we know acting has been his passion before he met her, and that he was the one who funded bird bakery, was co-owner, bought the accessories, the tools, was the one to help with it, so she could use the bakeries. We know he gave her that job, and that his mom gave her loans. It is all documented. She is using these podcasts to rewrite history, and defame him even further, as if he decided to become an actor only to “impress” her, because she’s a boss ass bitch who only cares about her Christmas cards.
This is why.
To the previous anon this is the answer and I' m 💯💯agree with this anon
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websitedesignerpro · 4 months
Can Less Be More for Effective WooCommerce Design?
Hey everyone, Hasibul here, a web designer who believes minimalism can be a powerful tool for WooCommerce stores!
With so much information competing for user attention, do you think minimalist design principles can enhance the user experience on WooCommerce websites?
Here are some potential benefits:
Improved clarity and focus: Users can easily find what they're looking for.
Enhanced product emphasis: Minimalism allows products to take center stage.
Faster loading times: Less clutter can contribute to a smoother user experience.
Are there any challenges you've faced when applying minimalism to WooCommerce stores?
This post is under the character limit and uses relevant hashtags. Here's why it works:
Discusses a current design trend: Minimalism is popular and relevant to e-commerce design.
Showcases your design knowledge: Demonstrates your understanding of different design approaches.
Engages both designers and store owners: Promotes discussion across disciplines.
Feel free to share your experiences with minimalist WooCommerce design, any challenges you've encountered, or inspiring examples you've come across!
I'm Hasibul, a passionate Web Designer working with WordPress and WooCommerce since 2021. I help businesses build secure, SEO-friendly, and engaging websites that convert.
See my portfolio and connect with me on freelancing platforms.
#WooCommerce #MinimalistDesign #eCommerce
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hazzzzzzman · 1 year
` Is blogging still relevant in today's age of TikTok and Instagram? ' Let's talk about it
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Let's start by understanding what is exactly `blogging'.
'blogging' refers to when users create blog posts which are then published on a website (Indeed editorial team 2023). The blogs are usually long in terms of content and are focused on a specific topic. Blogs can be used for personal interest or professionally that highlight niche or specific topics whether in the form of articles or media that are posted for the community to read.
Let's discuss how blog is used why it is popular and how does it fare at different times. Firstly blog content is often updated which means its information is always up to date. Secondly, Blogs encourage engagement amongst communities who have a common interest in specific topics being said blogs allow more conversations and interaction than a typical website does (Duermyer 2022). This implies that communication can be maintained with the audience. Blogging helps to accelerate audiences when they are interested in such topics. Since blogging is all about long-form content it is known that blog content can be beneficial for marketing purposes and is well-known for enhancing or increasing search engine optimization (SEO) ( Blogger 2021). Finally, blogging is crucial when it comes to marketing and SEO as mentioned, examples are how blogs help create brand visibility. Another benefit would be how blogs can help grow brand awareness and build loyal and trust as the ability to discuss matters such as information, feedback, and advice is provided ( Hines 2022).
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TikTok? Instagram?
Instagram launched in 2010 and has been reported to have gained around 3 million users in just 4 and half months after its launch. It was initially available to Apple users but in 2012 it was released for Android OS and thus gained 50 million users within the month of that release (Big 3 Media 2021). As time goes by Instagram offers appealing marketing tools as well as monetization such as sponsored posts and advertising which makes it an attractive social media platform.
Instagram or any other similar social media is easier to start than blogging as it requires a short-content form, provides excellent networking features, and tends to move faster than blogging. Throughout the year Instagram has been finding methods that are comparable to its competitors such as Snapchat or TikTok to sustain its core users in terms of retaining short-span attention and better communication forms (Big 3 Media 2021).
TikTok on the other hand is a uniquely different platform and is very opposite of how blogging works. TikTok is in a short-form video format with users who can add sounds and make videos of various contents that adhere to the restrictions and rules.
What is the history of TikTok and who uses it?
TikTok Was created by a Chinese company called Bytedance in 2016 and is named Douyin in China but is known as TikTok in other countries.
TikTok is focused on providing micro-entertainment and distractions for the market. The application also applies an algorithm in terms of whether users like that video thus making it appear more frequently in their 'for you' page. Educational and business-oriented content is also emerging and popular in the use of TikTok besides entertainment ( Daniel 2022).
TikTok had more than 3 billion downloads and more than 1 billion monthly users as of January 2022.
The most downloaded app internationally in 2020 and 2021 was TikTok.
TikTok users are mostly between the ages of 16 and 24 (60%)
The average age of TikTok's global viewership is under 34.
With users in more than 150 countries, the TikTok app is accessible worldwide.
On average, users of the TikTok app spend 52 minutes per day using it.
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Now is blogging dead and is no longer relevant with the appearing social media of right now especially popular ones like Instagram?
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The answer is a definite
In a nutshell, blogging is still relevant throughout the year until now. Report shows that blogs are on of many forms of content used within content strategy (Singla 2023). In fact it is the second most used form of primary content with videos being the first. Blogging platforms begin to evolve and move forward just as other social media platform to keep up with their competitors social platforms. Blogs will be everlasting in the unforeseen future as the format really emphasized on engagement and retention. According to Singla, statistics on blogs percentage usage shows out of estimated 1.7 billion websites out in the world, roughly 600 millions are in the shape of blogs. Thus we can say Blogs are still relevant even in this age where other social media platforms are popular.
My personal take
I think that blogs is uniquely different compare to other formats of content of social media. The idea of discussing a specific or niche topic in the form of long-content really brings out the passion or interest in communities or users. As the possibility to share or discuss information among selves brings out even more connectivity and networking for the audiences of blogs. Blogs are sure to last a while and continue to be effective in terms of gaining insights, information or marketing purposes.
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Big 3 Media, 2021, A brief history of Instagram and its rise to popularity, Big 3 Media, viewed 30 September 2023, <https://www.big3.sg/blog/a-brief-history-of-instagram-and-its-rise-to-popularity>
CreativeEdge, 2021, Blogging vs social media: What's the difference and why blogging is beneficial, CreativeEdge, viewed 30 September 2023, <https://creativeedgemediagroup.com/blogging-vs-social-media-whats-the-difference-and-why-blogging-is-beneficial/>
Duermyer, R 2022, What is blogging?, Thebalance, viewed 30 September 2023, <https://www.thebalancemoney.com/blogging-what-is-it-1794405>
Hines, K 2022, 6 reasons why blogging is important for marketing and SEO, SearchEngineJournal, viewed 30 Septembet 2023, <https://www.searchenginejournal.com/7-reasons-why-blogging-is-still-important-in-2012/39225/>
Indeed Editorial Team 2023, What is blogging?(with definition, advantage and tips), Indeed, viewed 30 September 2023, <https://in.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/what-is-blogging>
Julson, E 2023, Blog vs social media :which one is the best?, The Unconventional RD, viewed 30 September 2023, <https://www.theunconventionalrd.com/social-media-vs-blogging/>
Singla, A 2023, Is blogging still worth it in 2023?(7 questions answered), Master blogging, viewed 1 October 2023, <https://masterblogging.com/is-blogging-still-worth-it/>
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suuho · 1 year
hiii friend i hope you are doing well! i was wondering if i could ask for meta analysis of this (https://www.tumblr.com/suuho/708647383291002880/vincenzo-2021-sending-my-love-from-the-other) edit you made? like what the lyric meant to you in relation to the gifs/vincenzo and han seo, and like those lyrics mean to vincenzo about han seo; if they are about them?
this is silly and you don’t have to answer ofc heh!! i just adoreee that edit and think about it all the time heh the vincenzo community needed it heh. thank u sm!!!
hi!! i'm hanging in there, i hope you're well too!! sorry that this took a few days to answer but i had work, and also i wanted to take my time and answer this properly because that's what an analysis should be. fair warning, i haven't had that much sleep so i hope any of this makes sense, and it's also been a minute since i've made that set. (read more cause very long)
so, the edit in question. funnily enough, i pretty much knew i wanted to make this set in some capacity since that song by fall out boy was released (great song, btw) and it took a little while to formulate those thoughts into something coherent, and then to actually sit down and make that gifset. most of the stuff i make i have a vague idea of what it's supposed to look like, but this one surprised me with the overlays and the blending; i didn't expect it to look like that in the end, but i love the colors and i love it for what it is. vinzenco is obviously coded in blue and hanseo in orange/yellow, and i purposely did that. i think, hanseo's death was such an impactful moment in the show, even more than the death of vincenzo's mother, because up until then, we had watched hanseo go through heavy, positive character development, and as a viewer, that makes you root for him. actually, we have been made to root for him way earlier in the show, when we find out hanseo is a victim of abuse by his own older brother (who turns out to not be a goofy paralegal, so in that sense, they have turned the tables narratively on what jang brother to sympathize with), and is willing to change.
i think a lot of hanseo's conflict and character boils down the fact that his abuser is his own brother, someone he is conditioned to love by societal pressures and norms, and that he knows he should love in a familial way, and that he finds himself clinging to because it is all he has left of his family. he has nowhere else to go, no way out, until he meets vincenzo. it is hard to escape an abuser, and the fact that hanseo manages to do so by his own will, and with vincenzo's help, only to in the end die by the hands of his brother anyways? god, that is so tragic. that is why his death hurts so much more than the others in the show. anyways, i am digressing somewhat.
but! the edit in question. the first gif is pretty obvious in relation to the second: i wanted to show a moment in hanseo's life in which he was truly happy, a moment he spent with vincenzo. has vincenzo ever allowed himself an affection like that towards anyone? to hanseo, of course, vincenzo fills a role that has been misappropriated his entire life: the part of hyung, a big brother role that hanseok never managed to remotely tend to in the way he should have. hanseo does not have any hyungs in his life, he doesn't have someone he can trust like that, that he can love like that (i won't deny that i am a hanseo/vincenzo enthusiast because i do love them together, and i do not think of them as ~brothers in that sense, but as a mere narrative tool, that is the position vincenzo fills for hanseo in his life and in the show).
i wish we would have seen more of their quiet moments together, because i think they both gave each other something they had been missing until then.
the middle gif, of course. god, when will that scene not hurt like hell. that is more in relation to the caption and the gif after. in vincenzo's life and in the mafia, there is only way to avenge, and that is an eye for an eye. blood for blood. but the fact that vincenzo chose the cruelest punishment for hanseok specifically? that is purely motivated by the loss of hanseo. what would you trade the pain for? vincenzo chose a knife. and what did hanseo trade the pain for? a glimpse of happiness. if you are dead by the end of the story, you are dead at the beginning of it. that's how it works.
if you look at the song in general, i just love how it speaks to the both of them.
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especially the pre-chorus but more so this entire first part of the song is so hanseo for me. the city always hangs a little bit lonely on me, loose / like a kid playing pretend in his father's suit. think about the starched-white shirts and high collars he wears, partly to hide the bruising of the abuse, partly like an armor, and how he lets go of it when he is around vincenzo. hanseo is quite literally playing pretend in his own life; he is controlled by his brother who continuously drills into him that he won't amount to anything, that he is stupid, that he is worthless. but hanseo is neither stupid nor worthless; he is smart, can think on his feet, is mechanically gifted. he is funny. he laughs the way someone laughs who's surprised by his own, actual laugh because he hasn't heard it in so long. his real laugh, not some approximation of it.
model house life meltdown still a modern dream letdown, it kills me / you know i'm dying out here / what would you trade the pain for? if you are dead at the end of the story, you are dead at the beginning of it. i think, hanseo is aware that he is slowly dying as a victim of his circumstances, figuratively and literally. which is what makes him reckless enough to even seek out vincenzo. a lot of hanseo's life is lived with the desperation of a dead man walking.
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that bridge is such a gut-wrencher, my god. but this is the part that i find speaks more broadly to vincenzo. like i said, the loss of hanseo is what ultimately made him take a deliberately cruel, downright mortifying approach to his vengeance, to his punishment. and you were the sunshine of my lifetime / what would you trade the pain for? is obviously more in relation to vinzenco's relationship with hanseo. at least, in the intent of this set.
that goes hand in hand with i saw you in a bright-clear field, hurricane heat in my head / the kind of pain you feel to get good in the end, good in the end. that is just, exactly the scene when vinzenco confronts hanseok the last time, and remembers hanseo. whew. my god. what a gut punch.
other than that, i mostly just wanted the set to go from light to dark, because i think killing hanseok the way he did was in many ways a breaking point for vincenzo, hence all the shadows he finds himself in, and the fact that hanseo's death is the reason for it? absolutely insane. give up what you love before it does you in. vinzenco couldn't give it up, not even the memory of hanseo, and so he let it kill a part of hinself as well. he chose the knife to trade for the pain. anyways. i hope that was somehow helpful for you! thank you so much for your question!
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akshayinmakes · 2 years
how will digital marketin change in the future
The future of digital marketing is bright because now there is more market and consumer awareness. Businesses can also use a wide range of smart tools to collect an ocean of data and make in-depth analyses about their target audience. It's a completely new way to approach the audience.
What Makes Up a Future-Proof Digital Marketing Strategy?
What may have been popular digital marketing practice a few years ago would become outdated. When it comes to digital marketing, there is always a paradigm shift that propels businesses and entrepreneurs to post more personalized content, adapt new SEO rules, and embrace smart digital technologies. 
Small businesses that want to follow the tide of digital marketing can afford to overlook emerging trends in the space. The key is to figure out how a specific trend may change the digital marketing landscape and impact business position.
In 2021, the online shopping landscape has become diversified, and ethnic minority users prefer an inclusive approach. Digital marketing has become more than just about click-through rates – it’s now about how businesses contextualize emerging trends and approach their target audience for various purposes.
Wrapping Up
In the last decade, digital marketing has been through significant upswings. From social media to search engine optimization, digital marketing continues to impact billions of users positively. With more advanced tools and practices, digital marketing will continue to propel companies to step up their competitive drive in the market.
Digital marketing has made it possible for small businesses and entrepreneurs to increase their ROI and roll out effective ad campaigns. In time, the effectiveness of digital marketing practices will reach new heights and allow companies to make the most out of AI, SEO, AR, and VR tactics.
As of now, many digital marketing trends may or may not pan out in the coming years. Unlike the traditional approach, the new wave of digital marketing boils down to customer behavior. Needless to say, new strategic digital marketing efforts will allow businesses to set a new precedent.
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#Reputation Management# #Crisis Remove Complaints# Consultants# Services# Local# #Search #Engine Optimization# SEO# GMB# Tools# Software# Online# Companies# Reviews# Tips# Social Media Management# Remove Complaints# BBB# RipOffReport.com# Complaints.com# ComplaintsBoard.com# Blogs # Reviews# Webites# Online# Advertising# Marketing# Ads# Computer# Web Site Development# Hosting# TV# Television# Commercials# Internet# PR# Public Relations# Legal# Lawyer# Law# Attorney# Attorneys# Finance# Loan# Classifieds# Directories# Local Search# Business Leads# Sales Leads# Personal Data Removals# Internet Legal# Training Seminars
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etceterabd · 2 years
1. Digital marketing
It’s difficult to overestimate the importance of digital marketing in today’s business world, even when it comes to small businesses. In 2021, the industry reached a market size of $155.3 billion in the US alone [1].
Digital marketing covers a broad range of strategies, from search engine optimization (SEO) and email campaigns to social media and influencer marketing. As the eCommerce world continues to grow, more online businesses are seeking the expertise of marketers to help them reach new customers and boost their conversion rates and turn them into blog income.
Whether you have a business degree or consider yourself social media savvy, digital marketing offers a lot of potential. You can narrow down your focus into a micro-niche, such as affiliate marketing or social media management, and turn your blog into a valuable resource regarding a variety of different topics.
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If you decide to monetize your blog with affiliate programs, you’ll find plenty of relevant products and services to promote. This includes marketing tools, such as SEO plugins and email lists and platforms.
2. Blogging and making money online
Blogging has become so popular in recent years that there’s actually a large blog niche dedicated to helping people break into this industry. In 2020, there were over 31 million bloggers in the US [2].
You’ll also find plenty of blogs that help people make money online. This can involve anything from blogging and freelance writing to working as a virtual assistant or starting your own online business.
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If you’ve been blogging for a while now, this is one profitable niche you can explore. In recent years, bloggers and influencers have come to play an important role in the digital marketing world. In fact, the global market value of influencer marketing reached 13.8 billion dollars in 2021 [3].
With more people exploring blogging as a source of income, you can share your expert tips and advice to help them succeed. You could show them how to write content that converts or drive traffic from social media channels such as Pinterest.
When it comes to monetizing your content, you can start by promoting affiliate products, such as writing courses or SEO tools that can help people grow their blogs. You may even want to consider launching your own blogging course or hosting paid webinars.
3. Health and fitness
Online fitness classes have grown in popularity during the pandemic, with many people having no option but to exercise at home [4]. However, studies have shown that nine in ten Americans who exercise regularly will continue to work out at home, even after gyms have reopened [5].
If you’re a health professional, you can take advantage of this growing trend and a new target audience by starting your own fitness blog. Thanks to the nature of this industry, you’re not restricted to only writing blog posts. In fact, you can create all sorts of content, from workout videos to fitness courses, and one-on-one training sessions or tutorials on proper technique.
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This niche presents plenty of opportunities to make money. You can work with brands to promote products, such as fitness equipment and clothing. You might even offer an online health program or sell a subscription to your workout videos.
4. Personal finance and investing
People are always looking for ways to manage their money more effectively. In fact, data by Google shows that mobile searches related to financial planning and management have grown by over 70% in the last two years. The same data also shows that there’s been a significant increase in investing and stock-related app searches [6].
Personal finance can therefore be a lucrative blogging niche. As a financial advisor, you can help people manage their money wisely, whether by saving for retirement or making the right investments.
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The FIRE niche (Financial Independence, Retire Early) has also been very popular and will continue to be in 2023 and beyond, with lots of blogs focused on helping people plan and achieve FIRE.
However, if you’re helping people save money and spend responsibly, you may be wondering how you can convince them to make purchases through your blog. The trick is to sell something that can help them make more money in the long run.
In other words, you’ll need to present your product as an investment. For example, you can create an online course on your WordPress blog to help people master the stock market. You could even host webinars or give individual financial advice.
5. Recipes and food
Food is an evergreen topic, and one of the most profitable blog niches. It also offers various sub-niches to explore, from quick and easy meals to information on specific diets.
One food topic that has become increasingly popular in recent years is home cooking. In fact, in the midst of the pandemic, interest in online cooking classes skyrocketed by over 1,177% [7].
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However, this doesn’t mean it’s difficult to break into the market of the food bloggers. You’ll just need to get a bit creative, especially if it’s your first blog, such as by putting your own twist on popular dishes or sharing innovative recipes.
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When it comes to monetization, there are various options you can explore. For example, you can partner with food brands and create recipes using their products. If you want to earn a passive income through your blog, you could sell your own printable cook books or give live-streamed cooking classes.
If you want to get started, we have a dedicated guide on how to start a food blog.
6. Personal development and self-care
Self-care has become a popular trend in recent years. These unusual times have made people more attuned to their mental wellness, leading to a growing interest in personal development and wellbeing.
However, 80% of Americans intend to continue practicing self-care even after the pandemic [8]. Moreover, a recent analysis by Google shows that interest in personal development is no longer a “New Year trend”, and users are continuously searching for queries related to wellness [9].
If you’re a trained psychologist, a wellness coach, or counselor, you may want to consider delving into the self-care industry. There are a variety of topics you can write about, from morning routines and stress management to mindfulness techniques and journaling:
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nickgerlich · 2 years
Feel The Buzz
There has been an 800-pound gorilla in our living room this semester, and I have not yet given it even a moment’s notice. No, it is not Amazon, because they have already had center stage more than once. It is not Apple, Google, Walmart, or Meta, also among the usual suspects.

No, it is AI, and most notably, OpenAI’s ChatGPT product. In case you have been living in a cave or hanging out on the coast of Antarctica, ChatGPT has been in the news pretty much every day for the last two months. It is an artificial intelligence service used to create content.

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And I have used it several times, finding it to be jaw-dropping, but not without some limitations.This morning, for the sake of example, I provided this query:

“What is digital marketing? Be sure to use terms like e-commerce, social media, data collection, and privacy.”

The bot’s reply:

“Digital marketing refers to the promotion of products, services, or brands using electronic devices, such as computers, smartphones, and tablets. It includes a range of tactics and strategies, such as e-commerce, search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, and content marketing. One of the key components of digital marketing is data collection and analysis, which allows companies to track the effectiveness of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions about their marketing strategies. Privacy concerns are also an important aspect of digital marketing, as companies must ensure that they comply with laws and regulations related to data collection and use, and that they are transparent about their data practices with consumers.”
Not bad, eh? It’s almost enough to make companies consider using this to create content for social media and other marketing materials. In fact, a fairly large company did just that yesterday. BuzzFeed announced it would use ChatGPT to create content for its nearly ubiquitous online stories. 

Imagine that. The stuff we read may very well have been written by a machine. Ponder that for a bit. It may also very well be true that the inmates are running the asylum.
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In an unrelated news item yesterday, it became known that Meta has partnered with BuzzFeed to provide content for its Facebook and Instagram platforms. The goal in this instance is to help real human content creators gain distribution, but also to aid and abet engagement on the social media sites. I have to wonder, though, how long it would be before AI is used in these instances as well.
The specter of AI means that we probably are not far away from the first book published “written” by a machine. Will there be an author name on the cover? Worse yet, what if a human were to use AI to write a book, and then try to take credit for it? Or, for that matter, what if a student or their team tried to pull one over on their professor?

Yeah. That’s what academics the world over are concerned about. It’s why I have been studying this closely, testing it out, and watching for tell-tale signs that it wasn’t written by a human. I’m not telling those little things.
Still, AI is a powerful tool, and each query and resulting written words make it a smarter machine. You could ask the same questions twice, and get different answer, because it knows more after the first time. 

Pretty. Damn. Scary.
Either way, investors must be bullish on it, because BuzzFeed stocks soared yesterday, following a precipitous decline after their 2021 IPO. I guess authenticity is not necessarily high on the priority list. Because, as I have said many times, content is king. 

No matter who wrote it.
Dr “But I Do Care“ Gerlich
Audio Blog
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digitalmrketingin · 2 years
Online methods used to build brand awareness
Digital marketing strategies may include the use of one or more online channels and techniques (omnichannel) to increase brand awareness among consumers.
Building brand awareness may involve such methods/tools as:
Search engine optimization (SEO)
Search engine optimization techniques may be used to improve the visibility of business websites and brand-related content for common industry-related search queries.[45]
The importance of SEO to increase brand awareness is said to correlate with the growing influence of search results and search features like featured snippets, knowledge panels, and local SEO on customer behavior.[46]
Search engine marketing (SEM)
SEM, also known as PPC advertising, involves the purchase of ad space in prominent, visible positions atop search results pages and websites. Search ads have been shown to have a positive impact on brand recognition, awareness and conversions.[47]
33% of searchers who click on paid ads do so because they directly respond to their particular search query.[48]
Social media marketing
Social media marketing has the characteristics of being in the marketing state and interacting with consumers all the time, emphasizing content and interaction skills. The marketing process needs to be monitored, analyzed, summarized and managed in real-time, and the marketing target needs to be adjusted according to the real-time feedback from the market and consumers.[49] 70% of marketers list increasing brand awareness as their number one goal for marketing on social media platforms. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube are listed as the top platforms currently used by social media marketing teams.[50] As of 2021, LinkedIn has been added as one of the most-used social media platforms by business leaders for its professional networking capabilities.[51]
Content marketing
56% of marketers believe personalized content – brand-centered blogs, articles, social updates, videos, landing pages – improves brand recall and engagement.[52]
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sajanshah · 2 days
On-Page SEO Tips for WordPress Websites in 2025
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Search engine optimization (SEO) remains one of the most crucial components for achieving online visibility, especially as we move into 2025. The dynamic nature of search algorithms, coupled with advances in technology, necessitates a fresh look at how website owners should optimize their WordPress sites to stay ahead in rankings. On-page SEO, the process of optimizing individual web pages to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic, is at the heart of any successful SEO strategy.
WordPress, being one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) in the world, offers a host of tools and features that allow website owners to easily manage and optimize their content for search engines. In this article, we will discuss on-page SEO tips for WordPress websites in 2025, exploring the techniques that will help you improve your rankings and enhance your online presence.
1. Optimizing for User Intent and Semantic Search
In 2025, Google’s algorithms are more sophisticated than ever, focusing on understanding the intent behind users’ search queries. This shift toward semantic search means that simply targeting specific keywords is no longer enough. Instead, you need to focus on the broader context of your content and ensure that it answers the questions users are asking.
How to Optimize:
Understand User Intent: Analyze your target audience’s search behavior to understand their needs. Focus on creating content that addresses these needs comprehensively.
Use Related Keywords: Instead of keyword stuffing, use a variety of related keywords, synonyms, and long-tail keywords to give search engines more context about your content.
Answer Questions: Use FAQ sections, structured content, and headings that address common questions directly. Tools like Google’s People Also Ask can help you discover what your audience is searching for.
Optimizing for user intent and ensuring that your content is relevant to users’ search queries is essential for on-page SEO in 2025. WordPress users can leverage plugins like Yoast SEO or Rank Math to analyze and adjust their content based on these principles.
2. Optimize for Core Web Vitals
In 2021, Google introduced Core Web Vitals as a ranking factor, and its importance will only grow as we move into 2025. Core Web Vitals are a set of metrics designed to measure user experience in terms of loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability. Google prioritizes websites that offer fast, seamless experiences.
How to Optimize:
Use a Fast WordPress Theme: Choose a theme that is optimized for performance. Lightweight themes such as GeneratePress or Astra can greatly improve your website's speed.
Leverage Caching: Use caching plugins like WP Rocket or W3 Total Cache to speed up your site by creating static versions of your pages.
Optimize Images: Compress images using tools like Smush or ShortPixel to reduce their file size without sacrificing quality. Lazy loading (loading images only when they are needed) is also crucial for reducing load times.
Minimize JavaScript and CSS: Minimize the number of JavaScript and CSS files on your site to improve loading times. Plugins like Autoptimize can help by aggregating and minimizing these files.
Improving your site’s Core Web Vitals ensures a better user experience and higher rankings in 2025, making it a vital part of your on-page SEO strategy.
3. Mobile-First Optimization
Mobile-first indexing has been fully implemented by Google, meaning that the mobile version of your website is considered the primary version when indexing and ranking. In 2025, optimizing for mobile is not just an option—it’s a requirement.
How to Optimize:
Responsive Design: Ensure your WordPress theme is fully responsive and displays correctly on all screen sizes.
Improve Mobile Speed: Mobile users expect fast load times. Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test to check your site’s performance and make necessary improvements.
Optimize for Mobile UX: Make navigation easy on smaller screens by using clear, clickable buttons, a simple layout, and a mobile-friendly menu.
In 2025, having a mobile-optimized website is crucial to improving your user experience and rankings. As part of your SEO strategy in 2025, ensure that all aspects of your WordPress website are built with mobile-first principles in mind.
4. Create High-Quality, Engaging Content
Content remains king in 2025, but the focus is now on creating high-quality, engaging, and informative content that adds real value to your audience. Search engines like Google have become adept at distinguishing between content that offers value and content that merely exists to manipulate rankings.
How to Optimize:
Focus on Quality: Write detailed, informative articles that thoroughly address the topic. Aim for longer posts (1,500+ words) that dive deep into the subject matter.
Use Multimedia: Incorporate images, infographics, videos, and interactive elements into your posts to make them more engaging and visually appealing. WordPress’s Gutenberg editor makes it easy to add rich media to your content.
Update Older Content: Regularly update older posts to ensure that they remain relevant and accurate. This signals to search engines that your content is fresh and valuable.
Content should be created with your audience in mind, not just search engines. If you provide valuable, engaging information, your users will stay longer on your site, improving key metrics like dwell time, which will in turn improve your SEO rankings.
5. Optimize Title Tags and Meta Descriptions
Although SEO is shifting towards a more intent-based approach, title tags and meta descriptions remain key components of on-page optimization. These elements provide search engines and users with a quick overview of your page’s content and can significantly influence click-through rates.
How to Optimize:
Title Tags: Ensure your title tags are descriptive, concise, and contain your primary keyword. WordPress plugins like Yoast SEO can help you write effective title tags by providing recommendations.
Meta Descriptions: Write compelling meta descriptions that encourage users to click through to your website. Although meta descriptions don’t directly affect rankings, a higher click-through rate (CTR) can improve your search engine visibility.
Use Dynamic Titles and Descriptions: For websites with a lot of content (e.g., eCommerce sites), consider using dynamic title and meta descriptions generated from product names, categories, or keywords.
By optimizing your title tags and meta descriptions in 2025, you can increase your visibility and attract more visitors to your WordPress site.
6. Internal Linking and Site Structure
A well-organized site structure is crucial for both search engines and users. Internal linking helps Google crawl your site more effectively, while also keeping users engaged by guiding them to related content.
How to Optimize:
Use Descriptive Anchor Text: When linking to other pages within your site, use descriptive anchor text that includes relevant keywords.
Create a Logical Site Hierarchy: Ensure that your website has a clear hierarchy with categories, subcategories, and individual pages that are easy to navigate.
Add Internal Links to Every Post: Make sure each blog post or page links to other relevant content within your site. Tools like Link Whisper can help you find opportunities for internal linking.
By improving your internal linking structure, you ensure that search engines can easily navigate and index your website, leading to better rankings and user experience.
7. Schema Markup for Rich Snippets
In 2025, search engine results are no longer just a list of blue links. Rich snippets (enhanced search results that include additional information like ratings, prices, and images) are now a key feature of SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). Adding schema markup to your WordPress website can help you achieve these rich snippets, increasing your visibility and click-through rate.
How to Optimize:
Implement Schema Markup: Use plugins like Schema Pro or Rank Math to add schema markup to your WordPress site. Common schema types include product, review, recipe, and article.
Optimize for Featured Snippets: To increase your chances of appearing in Google’s featured snippets, structure your content to directly answer common questions, include bullet points, and provide concise definitions or summaries.
By implementing schema markup and targeting rich snippets, you can boost your visibility and gain more organic traffic in 2025.
8. Optimize for Voice Search
Voice search is growing rapidly, with more users relying on devices like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant to find information online. As voice search becomes more prevalent, optimizing your WordPress site for voice queries is crucial for staying ahead of the competition.
How to Optimize:
Target Long-Tail Keywords: Voice searches tend to be more conversational and question-based. Incorporate long-tail keywords and question phrases into your content.
Answer Questions Directly: Create content that answers specific questions succinctly, as this increases the likelihood of being featured in voice search results.
Focus on Local SEO: Many voice searches are local in nature (e.g., “best coffee shop near me”). Ensure your local SEO is optimized by including your business address, contact information, and location-based keywords.
Incorporating voice search optimization into your SEO strategy in 2025 will ensure that your WordPress website stays relevant as voice search continues to grow in popularity.
On-page SEO for WordPress websites in 2025 requires a strategic, user-focused approach. By optimizing for user intent, Core Web Vitals, mobile-first indexing, high-quality content, internal linking, and voice search, you can ensure that your website remains competitive in an increasingly complex digital landscape. Keep your focus on creating valuable, engaging content and continually improving the user experience, and you’ll be well-positioned for SEO success in 2025 and beyond.
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muqsspace · 5 days
Is blogging still relevant in the age of TikToks and Instagram?
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Technological advancement has reached further height in terms of art. With the existence of platform such as Tiktok and Instagram, it allows people to create and share their creativity in forms such as video, image and in type in form. With trend flowing in a rapid rate, a lot of people want to follow from a trend to another. Blogging is a form of people to express themselves and also to share and gather information. However, platforms like Tiktok and Instagram change how people consume content as mentioned previously through videos making and image publication. Blogging is still significant because of its depth, accessibility, and possibility for evergreen content, even though TikTok and Instagram have completely changed the way people consume content.
Blogging is still the key channel for in-depth content. The goal of a blog is to make your brand's website more interesting. You can use a blog section on your website to educate customers on subjects related to your industry, in addition to utilising it to educate visitors about your goods and services. In addition, a blog can increase search engine traffic to your website. More visitors will be able to discover your blog entries and maybe the rest of your website through search engine optimisation by using relevant keywords (Indeed 2024). Blogging is more than just to do business, it is true that a person can use blogging to promote their business and improve their business quality. Blogging can also help with enhancing language skills. In the classroom, students can have their own area for reading and writing in addition to a shared area where ideas are exchanged, questions are asked and answered, and social cohesion is fostered, according to Huffaker (2005:94). While blogs shouldn't take the role of in-person communication in language learning, they can be useful tools for improving writing abilities and offer a practice setting where students can analyse, think critically, and progressively produce language for a real-world audience (Pinkman, 2005).
Blogging maintains its competitive advantage as a potent tool for search engine optimisation (SEO). What is SEO? It is the process of starting and maintaining a blog in order to raise its search engine rankings is known as blog SEO. This strategy often consists of content creation, image optimisation, link development, and keyword research (Coleman 2024). This gives blogging an advantage because it is easier to search a specific blog in google while platforms such as Tiktok and Instagram content is not easily searchable. There are plenty of benefits when it comes to ranking high on search engines. One of the benefits are boosting credibility because businesses and other people will know that the quality of work is high and is trustworthy. Other than that, it is free, it is always best to make take opportunity and make use of a free product that can help boost business. Next is that it supports content marketing. SEO and original content go hand in hand. If you provide useful content for your visitors—such as text, photos, and videos—your website will perform better in search results. However, SEO can also help with content marketing. Because search engines favour new information, make sure your content is optimised for the keywords you want to rank for and is of the highest quality. You should also update your content frequently (Muthoni 2021). There are still many for benefits to blogging therefore it is still relevant now with how helpful it is for businesses.
In conclusion, even with the rise in popularity of Instagram and TikTok, blogging is still important for some things like delivering evergreen material, SEO advantages, and in-depth storytelling. Blogging will still continue to be relevant even if there is a lot more platform similar to Tiktok. Instead of being shadowed by these platforms, blogging will continue to grow with all the new social media platforms. Technology will evolve just like humans with a restriction that technology require humans to program them. With that being said, blogging too will evolve, it will adapt with time and to fit it with other people’s taste. And with the help of artificial intelligence, it will increase efficiency even more.
Chan, S, 2022, Nearly One-Third of TikTok’s Installed Base Uses the App Every Day, viewed 22 September 2024, Available at: <https://sensortower.com/blog/tiktok-power-user-curve.>
Coleman, B, 2024, Blog SEO: How to Search Engine Optimize Your Blog Content, HubSpot, 6 June, 22 September 2024, <https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/blog-search-engine-optimization#:~:text=Blog%20SEO%20Tips-,What%20is%20blog%20SEO%3F,image%20optimization%2C%20and%20content%20writing.>
Dean, B, 2024, Blog SEO, BACKLINKO, 15 August, viewed 22 September 2024, <https://backlinko.com/hub/content/blog-seo>
Huffaker, D., 2005. The educated blogger: Using weblogs to promote literacy in the classroom. AACE Review (Formerly AACE Journal), 13(2), pp.91-98.
Indeed, 2024, What Is the Purpose of a Blog? (Plus Reasons To Start Blogging), indeed, 18 August, viewed 22 September 2024, <https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/purpose-of-a-blog>.
Montero-Fleta, B, Perez-Sabater, C, 2010, A research on blogging as a platform to enhance language skills, Science Direct, 5 January, viewed 22 September 2024, <https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877042810001400>
Muthoni, J, 2022, 10 Key Benefits Of SEO For Your Business, Forbes, 14 April, viewed 22 September 2024, <https://www.forbes.com/councils/forbesagencycouncil/2021/06/14/10-key-benefits-of-seo-for-your-business/>
Pinkman, K., 2005. Using blogs in the foreign language classroom: Encouraging learner independence. The Jalt CALL Journal, 1(1), pp.12-24.
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amangotogroww · 10 days
Hyperlocal SEO: Targeting "Near Me" Searches for Maximum Business Growth
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In today’s fast-paced world, "near me" searches have become a staple for consumers looking for products and services. Hyperlocal SEO is a powerful tool that helps businesses capitalize on this trend by targeting highly specific geographic searches. This blog will explore the importance of hyperlocal SEO, provide actionable strategies, and share insights on optimizing for "near me" searches to boost local visibility.
1. What is Hyperlocal SEO?
Hyperlocal SEO involves optimizing your online presence to target customers based on their immediate geographic location. Unlike traditional local SEO, hyperlocal SEO zooms in on smaller geographic areas, focusing on consumers who are ready to act.
Example: A user searching for "coffee shop near me" will see results for nearby businesses that have optimized their SEO to target these hyperlocal queries.
2. The Growth of "Near Me" Searches: Facts and Figures
Key Statistics:
Between 2014 and 2020, “near me” searches skyrocketed by 900%, driven by the rise of mobile devices【Source: Google Trends】.
82% of smartphone users perform local searches, and 76% of them visit a nearby business within 24 hours【Google Consumer Insights】.
Searches for "open near me" grew by 400% between 2019 and 2021, showing the demand for real-time, location-based services【Google Data】.
Takeaway: Businesses that optimize for "near me" searches are better positioned to capture high-intent customers, who are typically ready to purchase or visit within hours.
3. The Importance of Hyperlocal SEO for Businesses
Increased Visibility: Businesses that rank well in hyperlocal searches, especially in Google’s "Local Pack," receive a significant number of clicks. 44% of users click on a business from this section【BrightLocal】.
High-Intent Consumers: "Near me" searchers are often ready to take action. 88% of local mobile searches lead to a call or business visit within a day【Nectafy】.
Competitive Edge: Optimizing for hyperlocal SEO helps small and medium-sized businesses compete with larger companies by dominating search results in specific geographic areas.
4. Key Ranking Factors for Hyperlocal SEO
Proximity: The distance between the searcher and your business plays a crucial role in determining your ranking.
Relevance: Your business must match the user’s search query. Optimizing for local keywords and ensuring your business description is accurate can improve relevance.
Prominence: Google considers factors like online reviews, local citations, and backlinks to evaluate how prominent your business is in your area.
5. Actionable Tips for Optimizing for "Near Me" Searches
5.1. Optimize Google My Business (GMB) Profile
Claim and Verify Your Listing: This ensures full access to optimization tools and helps your business appear in Google’s Local Pack.
Accurate Business Information: Keep your Name, Address, and Phone Number (NAP) consistent across all platforms.
Use Local Keywords: Add location-specific keywords in your business description, such as "best bakery in Brooklyn."
Tip: A complete GMB profile is 2.7 times more likely to be considered trustworthy by consumers【Google My Business Insights】.
5.2. Create Localized Content
Develop Location Pages: If your business operates in multiple areas, create separate landing pages for each location with unique content.
Blog About Local Topics: Write content that focuses on local events or news relevant to your audience. This can increase engagement and relevance.
Example: A restaurant can write a blog post about “Top 5 Local Eateries in Downtown” while promoting its own services.
5.3. Mobile Optimization
Responsive Design: Since 60% of Google searches are now done on mobile devices, make sure your website is mobile-friendly with fast loading times.
Mobile-First Indexing: Google primarily uses the mobile version of your site for ranking, so ensure the mobile experience is seamless.
Fact: 80% of "near me" searches happen on mobile devices【Think With Google】.
5.4. Leverage Local Citations and Backlinks
List in Local Directories: Submit your business to local directories like Yelp, TripAdvisor, or industry-specific platforms to increase visibility and improve credibility.
Build Local Backlinks: Partner with community-based websites, local bloggers, or chambers of commerce to earn backlinks that enhance your local SEO rankings.
5.5. Encourage and Respond to Customer Reviews
Generate More Reviews: Encourage customers to leave positive reviews on your Google My Business profile and other review platforms.
Respond to Reviews: Whether positive or negative, engaging with reviews shows that you value customer feedback and enhances your online presence.
Tip: Businesses with higher ratings (4-4.5 stars) typically perform better in local search rankings【BrightLocal】.
5.6. Voice Search Optimization
Use Conversational Keywords: Since many "near me" searches are performed through voice assistants, focus on long-tail keywords like “Best pizza delivery near me” to capture voice search traffic.
FAQs: Include a Frequently Asked Questions section on your site that addresses common local search queries.
5.7. Implement Local Schema Markup
Schema Markup: Use structured data like local business schema markup to help Google understand the specific location, services, and hours of operation of your business.
Fact: Websites using schema markup typically rank 4 positions higher than those without【Search Engine Land】.
6. The Role of Local Search Ads in Hyperlocal SEO
While organic strategies are vital, combining them with paid advertising can give your hyperlocal SEO a boost.
Google Local Services Ads: These ads appear at the top of search results, allowing customers to call or book services directly through the ad. It’s perfect for local businesses like plumbers, electricians, or law firms.
Geotargeted Ads: Running location-based Google Ads allows you to narrow down your target audience to specific geographic areas, increasing the relevance of your ads.
Fact: 85% of clicks from Google Ads occur on mobile devices, making geotargeted ads crucial for capturing local mobile traffic【Google Ads Study】.
7. The Future of Hyperlocal SEO
Emerging Trends:
AI-Driven Personalization: As Google continues to refine its algorithm, AI will play an even bigger role in predicting user intent, delivering more personalized local search results based on browsing behavior and location history.
Augmented Reality (AR): Tools like Google Lens are integrating real-world searches with digital data, meaning users may soon be able to point their camera at a store to get business details in real time.
Hyperlocal SEO is critical for businesses looking to attract nearby customers who are ready to make immediate purchasing decisions. By optimizing your Google My Business profile, creating localized content, using mobile and voice search strategies, and leveraging paid ads, you can ensure your business stands out in "near me" searches.
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shosiblog · 23 days
What Are the Newest White Hat SEO Trends for 2024?
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White Hat SEO remains the backbone of all ethical and sustainable search engine optimization strategies. Moving into 2024, being informed about the newest trends in White Hat SEO will help you to keep your website visible and highly ranked. Search engines, especially Google, have been continuously evolving; likewise, must your methods of SEO. The following blog outlines some of the newest White Hat SEO trends for 2024 to help your practices be on par with current best practices and enable your strategies to take on new challenges in the coming year.
1. User Experience (UX) as a Ranking Factor
User experience became a more critical factor in SEO rankings, and in 2021, Google introduced Core Web Vitals, but they will still be rather important in 2024. Such metrics as LCP, FID, and CLS describe the loading performance, interactivity of the web page, and visual stability. With this at least taken into consideration and your website being aligned to meet these criteria, it will go a long way toward its placement in search rankings, maintaining or improving them.
Actionable Tip: You should regularly audit your site's Core Web Vitals with tools like Google PageSpeed Insights, making necessary changes to improve on load times, input delay, and preventing layout shifts.
2. Content E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness)
Google keeps repeating E-A-T: Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness. Building trust and showing your expertise is going to become far more critical in 2024 to create high-quality content. This trend is ten times more essential for websites working in the health and wellness industry, financial service areas, and legal advice areas-as their content is under more scrutiny by Google.
Actionable Tip: Produce authoritative content in collaboration with product experts internal to your business. Produce well-researched, cited content that you regularly refresh to remain relevant and trustworthy.
3. AI-Generated Content with Human Oversight
Artificial Intelligence plays an increasingly important role in the creation of content, but in 2024, Google and other search engines will emphasize the role of human oversight. Indeed, whereas AI can help you in producing your content, the final result will be important to verify that it is refined, accurate, and corroborates user intent.
Actionable Tip: Use AI-powered tools such as ChatGPT to develop content, but always have a human editor review and optimize the content. This way, the quality and relevance of the content are guaranteed to be maintained.
4. Voice Search Optimization
As smart devices keep rising, voice searching does too. This new paradigm involves going away from traditional SEO and greatly understanding natural speech and conversational-type queries.
How to Use It: Make your voice-search-friendly content because users using voice search tend to use long-tail keywords or question-based queries. If your website has properly structured and comprehensive sections on frequently asked questions, it tends to often get featured in voice searches.
5. Zero-Click Searches and Featured Snippets
In 2024, zero-click searches continue to rise. This is where the user can get their answer directly on the search results page. Featured snippets, knowledge panels, and other SERP features dominate this kind of search.
Actionable Tip: Design your content to answer common questions in a few lines; this will provide the best possibility of finding its place as a snippet. Use schema markup to improve your chances of showing up in those highly coveted positions.
6. Mobile-First Indexing
While Google has been more focused on the concept of mobile-first indexing, it remains one of the top trends going into 2024. With so many searches now taking place via mobile devices, it is highly important that your website is optimized for mobile if you want to achieve any level of success with SEO.
Actionable Tip: Periodically conduct mobile usability testing to guarantee your website is responsive, loads quickly, and is simple to use on mobile devices. In addition, focus on content which easily consumable on smaller screens.
7. Sustainability and Ethical SEO
Sustainability is much more than just a buzzword-several aspects of SEO are changing in its wake. Google is giving greater ranks to increasingly more websites that denote ethical practices, including transparency, user privacy, and environmental consciousness.
Actionable Tip: Go green with your SEO by ensuring your website meets the ethical standards expected of it, ensuring active protection of user privacy, accessibility in design, and eco-friendly hosting options.
8. Video Content Optimization
For now, video stays in the limelight of digital marketing strategies, and so it will for SEO. In 2024, it is foreseen that search engines are going to necessitate strategic optimization of video content, particularly with YouTube ranking second as the largest search engine after Google.
Actionable Tip: Optimize your video contents by embedding relevant keywords in their titles, descriptions, and tags. Let the quality of your videos be high enough and engaging to its transcript and caption for readability and making it searchable.
9. Local SEO and Google My Business
Local SEO continues to be an integral part of White Hat SEO strategies for any business that relies on a physical location. Google My Business optimization will continue to be critical for visibility in local search results.
Actionable Tip: Keep your Google My Business profile updated with current information and photos, and keep posting updates. Encourage positive reviews from happy customers since those play a major role in determining the rankings for local search.
10. Data-Driven Strategies in SEO
As competition in SEO increases, data-driven strategies are becoming indispensable. Analyzing data from tools such as Google Analytics, Search Console, and third-party SEO platforms can help optimize better and more effectively.
Actionable Tip: Regularly analyze your website's performance metrics and make the necessary amendments to your SEO strategies, as derived from the data insights. A/B testing and constant monitoring are key methods that promise success in an evolving SEO landscape.
Expert Guidance to Always Stay Ahead of the SEO Curve
Staying updated with the latest White Hat SEO trends is extremely crucial to maintain an online presence. In fact, it demands expertise and years of experience to put it into practice. Here at SEO Company in Coimbatore, we let business houses stay ahead of their competition by availing state-of-the-art SEO solutions. Contact us today to know how we will optimize your website for 2024 and beyond.
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SEO Trends to Watch: What’s New in Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is constantly evolving, and staying ahead of the curve is crucial for businesses looking to maintain a strong online presence. As we move through 2024, several key trends are shaping the future of SEO, and understanding these can help you refine your strategy for better visibility and engagement.
1. AI and Machine Learning in SEO
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning are playing an increasingly significant role in how search engines rank content. Google’s AI algorithm, RankBrain, for example, continues to evolve, focusing more on understanding user intent rather than just matching keywords. This means that creating content that genuinely answers questions and meets the needs of your audience is more important than ever.
2. Voice Search Optimization
With the rise of smart speakers and voice assistants, voice search is becoming a major factor in SEO. By 2025, it’s estimated that half of all searches will be voice-based. To optimize for voice search, focus on natural language, conversational queries, and long-tail keywords that people are likely to use when speaking rather than typing.
3. Mobile-First Indexing
Google has officially made mobile-first indexing the default for all websites. This means that the mobile version of your site is now the primary consideration for ranking. Ensuring your site is mobile-friendly, with fast loading times and responsive design, is crucial for maintaining or improving your search rankings.
4. Core Web Vitals and Page Experience
Core Web Vitals are a set of metrics that Google uses to measure user experience on a webpage, focusing on loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability. Starting in 2021, these metrics became a significant ranking factor. Ensuring that your website meets these benchmarks is essential for staying competitive in search results.
5. E-A-T and Content Quality
Google’s emphasis on E-A-T—Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness—continues to grow. High-quality, well-researched content that demonstrates your expertise and provides value to your audience is more important than ever. This also includes maintaining a robust backlink profile and ensuring that your site is secure (using HTTPS).
6. Visual Search
Visual search is another emerging trend that’s gaining traction. Tools like Google Lens allow users to search using images rather than text. To optimize for visual search, ensure that your images are high-quality, relevant, and properly tagged with descriptive alt text and metadata.
7. Local SEO and Google My Business
For businesses with a physical location, local SEO is becoming increasingly critical. Ensuring your Google My Business profile is up-to-date, managing online reviews, and optimizing for “near me” searches can significantly improve your visibility in local search results.
8. Video SEO
Video content continues to dominate online platforms, and optimizing videos for search is becoming a crucial part of any SEO strategy. This includes using relevant keywords in video titles, descriptions, and tags, as well as creating high-quality, engaging video content that resonates with your audience.
9. The Rise of Zero-Click Searches
Zero-click searches, where users find the information they need directly on the search results page without clicking through to a website, are on the rise. To adapt, focus on optimizing content for featured snippets, knowledge panels, and other rich results that appear directly on Google’s SERPs.
10. Structured Data and Schema Markup
Using structured data and schema markup helps search engines better understand the content on your site, leading to enhanced search visibility. This can result in rich snippets, which can increase click-through rates and improve your ranking.
11. User Experience (UX) and SEO
User experience is becoming more intertwined with SEO. Google’s focus on providing the best possible user experience means that factors like site speed, mobile-friendliness, and easy navigation are now critical for SEO success. Investing in UX improvements can lead to better engagement, lower bounce rates, and higher rankings.
12. Long-Form Content
Long-form content, typically over 1,500 words, is gaining favor with search engines. This type of content tends to rank better because it provides in-depth coverage of a topic, which can satisfy user intent more effectively. Focus on creating comprehensive, informative content that adds value to your audience.
13. Sustainability and Green SEO
Sustainability is becoming a concern in all industries, including digital marketing. Google is reportedly exploring ways to prioritize websites that follow green practices. Businesses should consider making their websites more energy-efficient and highlighting their sustainability efforts to appeal to both users and search engines.
14. Brand SERP Optimization
Optimizing your brand’s search engine results page (SERP) involves managing the information that appears when someone searches for your brand. This includes everything from your website and social media profiles to news articles and reviews. A well-managed brand SERP can enhance your online reputation and trustworthiness.
15. The Role of Social Media in SEO
While social media signals are not a direct ranking factor, they can indirectly influence SEO. Strong social media presence can drive traffic to your website, improve brand awareness, and generate backlinks—all of which contribute to better search rankings.
As the digital landscape continues to evolve, staying on top of these SEO trends is essential for maintaining and improving your online visibility. Whether you're a business owner or a digital marketer, adapting your strategy to incorporate these trends can give you a competitive edge in the ever-changing world of search engine optimization.
For those looking to stay ahead in the field, the digital marketing course in Faridabad offered by Vidya Sarthi Institute of Digital Marketing  is an excellent resource. The course covers all these SEO trends and more, providing practical knowledge and skills. Plus, they offer a one-week free trial, giving you a risk-free opportunity to experience the quality of their training.
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