#seonghwa timestamps
1024-pm · 2 years
[20:22] — seonghwa
friends don’t look at eachother the way we do
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♡ִ🩰𓈒𓂅🥂 ໋𖦹
the wedding you’ve attended with seonghwa as his plus one, was extravagant. the couple chose a royal like theme with a touch of masquerade, you’ve never seen something like this before, the entire time you’re there you just admire the beauty in awe. everyone was having a good time, but you really didn’t know anybody except seonghwa, so you stuck by his side.
“hey, you okay?” he nudges you and gives you a sympathetic smile. he knows you’re not fond of these people and he’s been trying his best to make you feel comfortable which you really appreciated.
“yeah i’m okay, i just feel a little hot actually.” you said looking for any sort of exit for fresh air, the room was quite full. you feel his hand grab yours and he nods toward the door.
“let’s get out of here.” he says, and you follow his steps. he leads you safely outside past everyone, your hand still holding his, as he takes you out to the end of the venue garden, away from the crowd, you were quite far, but you could still hear the music playing in the distance. you let out a sigh of relief as does he.
“wow, this definitely feels much better.” you say looking around admiring the garden and turn to seonghwa, who was already looking at you, with a shine in his soft eyes. you couldn’t help but feel like you’re turning red, you hope he doesn’t notice.
“may i?” he holds a hand out. you realise a slow song comes on from inside the venue. you give him a smile and a soft nod and place your hand into his. he pulls you close to him and carefully places his hands just above your waist. you place your hands on his shoulders and around his neck as you both start slowly moving side to side with the music.
“you know, i’ve been waiting all day to tell you how beautiful you look tonight.” he says quietly, your eyes immediately leave his as you look down towards the floor with a grin on your face from shyness. you just knew he was smiling too.
“thank you, you’re too kind.” you say as you begin to look up, you feel his hand under your chin to lift your face back up, both of you making eye contact. you both stay there for a while, still swaying, taking the opportunity to admire the other.
“do you know what i think?” he whispers to you.
“what’s that?” you tilt your head slightly not breaking eye contact.
“friends don’t look at eachother the way we do.” he replied. you feel your stomach explode with butterflies, you didn’t want to hide and be shy again.
“well may i ask , if we’re not friends, what are we?.” you respond confidently with a subtle smirk .
“im working on it.” he laughs shyly.
he tightens his grip on your waist and pulls you in closer, now touching foreheads, as you continue to sway side to side. dancing into the night.
— ♡ִ
[i take requests!! feel free to request in the ask box!!]
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parkjiminiemouse · 2 years
Part two to Seonghwa’s “The little things” drabble which can be found within the master list
The look in his eyes made you sick. How dare he look at you with those sultry eyes. Blood covered his hands as you both absentmindedly listened to your boss scold you two. You both didn’t really care though, you knew your boss wouldn’t inflict further punishment on either of you. Listening to him berate you both was useless.
“Y/N.” He says later that night, hands ghosting your waist as you simply throw him a look over your shoulder.
“Hm?” Was the only thing that escaped your lips as you packed your things. Your job here was done and now you’d move on to the next one. Seonghwa was supposed to be doing the same but it was no surprise to you both that he was not. How could he when he was in your presence?
His eyes don’t miss the knife you slip into your bag and he smiles to himself a little. The knife he had given you before your first mission together. Damn, he really loved you didn’t he?
Soft kisses were pressed against your neck, his hands gripping onto your waist tighter than before. You found it amusing. How tight his grip was on you. As if you would push him away. “You can’t be doing this Hwa. We both know I leave tomorrow morning.” You say, voice barely above a whisper as he nips at your neck.
“To Busan right?” He scoffs at the thought, “We worked together so well last time. Now he wants us apart again?” You chuckled at the question. “I’m pretty sure the boss is tired of cleaning our messes, my love.” There it was, the nickname you used for him and only him. He could’ve sworn he fell in love with you even more right then and there.
“You’re not supposed to be here.” You mumble, now twirling the knife you both cherished between your fingers. Seonghwa only smirks at you, a smirk that makes you want to slap it off of him. You now remembered another reason your boss didn’t want you two together. As much as you loved the man, you were both competitive. You both ended up taking it too far.
“Sorry darling~,” he says teasingly which only makes you scoff. How annoying he was, taking the joy out of your job. “Now I remember why we aren’t together anymore.” You say, wiping your knife off. His smirk falters at this statement as his eyes darken.
“Don’t act like you don’t want me back.”
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edenesth · 2 months
[2:36 PM]
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"Holy crap, I'm stuffed! I feel like I've eaten enough to last a week," you exclaimed, embracing your bloated belly in amazement as you glanced at Seonghwa, who was still happily devouring his meal. You'd been indulging at the all-you-can-eat buffet for hours, yet he showed no signs of slowing down. "Thank god one of us has a black hole for a stomach; I swear, Hwa, you make every buffet meal so worth it."
Your boyfriend chuckled, "You say that now, but I bet you'll be craving convenience store snacks by tonight like always," he teased, feeling a rush of affection for you as you stuck your tongue out playfully.
It was your fourth anniversary together, and he had let you choose the venue for your date. You opted for the Japanese buffet near your shared apartment, knowing it would make him happy. And it did; he was over the moon, utterly in love with you for your thoughtfulness. So much so that he could propose to you on the spot. In fact, he had a ring ready and was eagerly planning to seize this perfect moment to pop the question.
As he finished his bowl of ramen, his heart warmed at your immediate response—reaching over to delicately wipe the corner of his lips with your napkin. You smiled, asking, "Was it good?"
He nodded, holding your hand and planting a kiss on your wrist after you finished cleaning his mouth. "Everything tastes better with you around, my love. Now, be a good girl and wait here while I go get us some desserts."
You giggled before exclaiming, "Ooh yes, I want to come with you!" as you began to rise from your seat. But he panicked and stopped you, "N-no, please, let me take care of you today. I'll be back real quick, I promise," he said before darting out of the private room you had reserved. He had plans to hide the ring in one of the cakes for you to discover later, and if you were to go with him now, he wouldn't be able to execute his plan.
With a satisfied hum, he admired how perfectly he had hidden the ring in one of your favourite cakes. Oh, he couldn't wait to see the look on your face when you realised what was inside. Walking back to the room, his heart raced and his mind swirled with all the possible romantic outcomes of this surprise. If all went well, you'd be his fiancée by the end of this meal.
It's going to be perfect.
"Yay, you got all my favourites! Thank you, Hwa, you're the best," you cooed, pulling him down by the collar to give him a chaste kiss on the lips before allowing him to return to his seat across from you.
He grinned, biting his lip excitedly as he watched you begin to eat, "Anything for you," he murmured. His attention was momentarily diverted when his phone chimed with a few texts from his friends in their group chat. He clicked open to find a couple of silly memes, offering a quick 'Haha' reaction before returning his focus to you.
"Hwa, say ahhh," you said, holding out some cake to feed him. Absentmindedly, he looked up from his phone and accepted the bite. "Thanks, babe. You enjoy it, I'll get more later," he said, his words slightly muffled as he spoke with cake in his mouth.
Wait a minute, I—
His eyes widened in horror as he realised the ring was in his mouth. He was dangerously close to swallowing it when he attempted to push it back out, causing him to choke violently and startling you in the process.
"Oh my god, are you okay?" you rushed over to his side immediately, lightly slapping him on the back. Your concern intensified as his body shook. "Cough it out, Hwa!"
And he did, eventually spitting out remnants of the cake onto his trembling hand. In the midst of the mess lay a shiny object. You didn't know what it was, but one thing was certain: it clearly was not meant to be in a cake. "Wh-what's that? Why would they put something like that inside a cake? Are they trying to harm someone? This is unacceptable; I'm going to file a complaint."
"N-no, babe!" he called out, gently grasping your wrist and pulling you close before you could scold anyone for his own mistake.
"But Hwa, you could have died—"
He sighed, "It was me, I put it in there." He grabbed a few new napkins and cleaned up the mess in his hands, and your eyes rounded, your breath catching when you recognised what was in his hand. It was a ring you had once jokingly shown him, telling him how pretty it was and that you would love it if he could propose to you with it. You didn't think he would actually do it.
"God, this went way differently in my mind. You were supposed to discover it on your own; it was supposed to be so romantic, and I ruined it all because I'm an idiot—"
You silenced him with a kiss, pressing your lips to his and cradling his face while you caressed his cheeks, tears tracing down your own. Pulling back slowly, you rested your forehead against his with a soft chuckle.
"Well, I think it's rather romantic."
"I swear, I'll redo it properly—wait, really?"
"Mhm. Oh and, yes, I do."
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ATEEZ Masterlist
Look what you made me do, @itstheghostofmypast😭 this was a little something my pookie and I came up with while we were talking hehe ilysm istg pls never stop feeding me these ideas.
Anyways, hope y'all enjoyed this random little timestamp and as always, let me know your thoughts! <3
General ATEEZ Tag list:
@aurasblue @marievllr-abg @itsvxlentine @minghaoslatina @huachengsbestie01 |
@evidive @weedforthoughtz @minkiflwr @cheolliehugs @ho3-for-yunho |
@the-kpop-simp @itstheghostofmypast @vantediary @green-agent @skzline |
@sharksandminhos @writingwieny @heyitsmetonid @tinyteezer @hollxe1 |
@pandabur666 @vampzity @tournesol155 @lilactangerine @oddracha
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itstheghostofmypast · 3 months
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Corporateworker Choi San x (F)Reader
Summary: He was glad he took her to Japan on a business trip, one of the best decisions of his life.
Genre: Fluff (suggestive at the end)
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2k
Est.Read Time: 10 min
Networks: @cromernet @k-labels
Ratings: nc-17
Banner: @cafekitsune
Linked with: Must Be Love
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"What year is it?" she hissed, curling into the blanket even more, humming as the cool material soothed her burning, aching body, while ducking into it because for some reason her lover had declared 'And let there be light.'
"It's almost 2 pm", his knee dipping into the mattress, hands gripping the soft covers that she was cocooned in, trying to pull them off her head, but she groaned in refusal, "Go away, I am in pain because of you."
Quirking an eyebrow at her muffled accusation, he shook his head, his glasses at the tip of his nose as he tried to think of what she meant by the statement. Choi San was supposed to attend a conference in Japan for a business deal, and since he now had the perks, he had asked her if she would like to accompany him on the three-day trip, he would be busy during the first two days but he had promised to show her the city and spend time with her like actual tourists on the last day before they were to leave. She had instantly agreed, like she would ever say no to him - well, he couldn't say no to her either, so perhaps this was a two-way act of 'simping '. He was also glad that her business was doing well and that she was able to hire a good assistant manager to help out Jongho when she wasn’t around- Yunho was a great guy.
The two had arrived at a decent time yesterday, checked into the hotel, tested out the springs of the mattress, as she’d like to call it, and had a nice meal at a local restaurant nearby, when he had told her about the gym at the hotel, one of the many facilities his job gave him access too, for some reason she had been very eager to ‘hit the gym’ with him, not that he had any issues, he loved working out with people, so who better than her?
He had a meeting early in the morning, once he had come out of the shower, he had thought of waking her up so she could go for breakfast, but the sight of her blissful slumber had him reject his own proposal, opting to tuck her in tighter and kissing her goodbye, much like their usual routine. The meetings went well since Yeosang and the lot had provided him with sufficient material, and for once, Mingi had decided to send the right papers. His meeting had ended early, and lunch meant he had some time on his hands, which is why he had dropped by to check up on her, to make sure she was enjoying herself. Was she…perhaps upset with him? Should he have checked up on her sooner? Maybe she wanted to spend more time with him- he had been very busy for the past few months, and this trip was probably the most time the two had spent together without him being called to work or her being called to the café because Wooyoung and Jongho disagreed on to add resins to the cookies or not. Maybe she thought the two would spend more time together here- well, technically he did say they would, but not on the first day and it wasn’t like her to be irrational, she had always respected his work ethic, only interfering when it became too hectic for him- one of the many things he loved about her. Then it must have been something else. Was she mad because she couldn’t go to the breakfast buffet? If that was the case, then he had the answer to spend some quality time with her and for her to eat.
"I know you must be hungry, that’s why, I got Mrs.Choi breakfast, let’s eat together before I have another meeting,” his words soft, noticing how her grip loosened, peaking up from behind the covers, pouting at him, “Say that again.” She whispered, slowly pulling up, her back resting against the pillows as she looked up at him, reaching for the strings of his hoodie, “Say that again, please.”
All too soon her lover's soft expressions morphed to a cheeky Chesire-like grin, eyes twinkling with curiosity, his whole being oozing with confidence, “Say what again?” his expressions laced with faux innoncence, pouting at her, cupping her face staring at her intently when she mumbled, “What you said earlier.”
“What? let’s eat together before I have another meeting?” lowering himself, he watched her sigh, grateful for how soft the pillows were, but she gently shook her head, “Before that.”
“Ohhh- you mean, ‘I know you must be hungry’,” he paused smiling down at her when her eyes snapped open, her expressions laced with annoyance, he knew what she meant, but why give it to her so easily when he could have some fun-
“OW!” pulling back he placed a hand on his chest, rubbing his pec through the cotton material, trying to sooth the pain and burning sensation, “Did you just pinch my-
“That’s what you get for acting all cocky, Mr.Choi.”
“Well, Mrs.Choi, are you going to come eat or not? I have another meeting at four.” He said with a huff, still rubbing the area, as he stood up, it was then that she noticed his change of attire- did he not wear a suit for the meeting?
“I can’t move and did you go to the meeting dressed like this?” she asked only to shiver at the cold air hitting her form when he pulled the covers off her, frowning, “What do you mean you can’t move? I showered after coming back- Are you hurt? Did you pull something at the gym last night? Why didn’t you tell me?” His questions were thrown around as he started to manoeuvre her body, ignoring her yelp when he grabbed her ankles and pulled her down so she was lying on her back, “Is it your ankle? Did you sprain it while on the treadmill?” He asked before flipping her over onto her stomach, “Or your back? Is it a throbbing pain or a shooting up your spine kind of pain?”
“It’s the ‘I went to the gym to stare at my husband workout but he didn’t get the hint and thought I wanted to become Mr. Muscle like him’ so we worked out for two hours kind of pain.” Her words were muffled by the mattress, only for her to squeak when he flipped her around, glaring down at her, though she only smiled at him, admiring the way the onyx tuft of hair had grown back- he never did approve of that couple’s magazine anymore- poking out from under his grey hood.
“I’m married to a perv.”
“I wasn’t the one who flashed my neighbour- SAN WAIT!” heaving her up bridal style he clicked his tongue, shaking his head as he walked towards the coffee table as she gripped onto him for her dear life, “First of all I didn’t flash you, I was fully clothed and secondly, I told you I’m on the clock and would like to enjoy a pleasant meal with my perverted wife.” Setting her down easy on the couch he smiled at her, no hint of annoyance on those sweet features of his, leaning closer to peck her cheek before lifting the lid of her personal, traditional Japanese breakfast, consisting of the usual; steamed rice, miso souple, pickles, grilled fish, tamagoyaki and even some tofu. Admiring the presentation of the food she smiled, picking up the utensils as he brought a chair and sat next to her, she was plating it for him, grabbing a piece of the rolled omelette and raising it to his lips, “Sannie, did you pay for this separately? I don’t think they serve breakfast at 2 pm.”
Smiling at her he gratefully took the bite, admiring how she still made sure to feed him well, even if it were pointless considering he’d always be in the mood to have a meal with her. Not answering her question he nodded towards the food, “It tastes better warm, Mrs.Choi.”
She was eating quietly, while he was busy typing on his phone, this was often how it would go for the two, the comfortable silence enveloping them into their own little bubble, where the two would be too engrossed in their own activities, yet, be hyper-aware of each other’s presence. The only words exchanged would be nonchalant, casual chatter, which to the outsider would seem immensely pointless, but it wasn’t for them. He’d love the way she’d chide in with the ‘try this, Sannie’ and feed him even if he was too busy reading a report. She loved how even if he was busy typing away, he would be attentive enough to notice her little needs, like when he’d stop typing to reach for the bottle of water, unscrew the cap and pour it in a glass for her, then casually going back to work, or how he’d hand a napkin before she would ask.
“We should get little Kang, something too.” She stated, putting the dishes away in a neat manner so she could cover them with the lid, “Though he still isn’t sure if it’s a boy or a girl.”
“I don’t think either would make a difference though,” he mumbled chewing on his lower lip, thumb scrolling on the screen as he stared at it, “I’m sure he’d be thrilled either way.”
“That’s true,” she sighed, thinking of how happy Yeosang was when he told the two that he was going to become a father, he even asked San to become the child’s godfather, which had the broad-shouldered man sobbing like a little boy, nodding as he hugged the dad-to-be to death. That is until the others pulled him away, once they noticed Yeosang turning blue, only for her husband to whine and hug her instead, mumbling onto her shoulder, declaring how happy he was for his friend.
“Do you…have a preference, Sannie?” she asked, leaning closer to him, placing her chin on his shoulder, though he didn’t look away from his phone, it must be something important then, but she really did want to know, did he have a preference? She knew her parents didn’t, especially how they raised her like a little princess, but maybe San did- truly a conversation you have before your marriage but maybe his ‘I don’t mind’ changed to something more specific.
“I…” he paused to stare up at the ceiling as if waiting for a revelation of some kind, “Don’t have a preference, I told you, boy or girl. I would love our child endlessly.” His words had her heart doing backflips, swooning over him even more if that were possible, but his next statement had her figuratively bawling in pure bliss, “Though I get to name her if she’s a girl, princess treatment from day one.” With that, he went back to typing, as if he had not just said something extremely important, something extremely intimate.
“Then, I can’t wait for when we’re ready,” she whispered, leaning closer to peck his cheek before she got up, only for him to grab her arm and throw her over his shoulder as he stood up, ignoring the way she screamed, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING??”
“Fulfilling the desires of my wife.” He stated all too simply, as he marched towards the bed, and tossed her on the bed, watching her whole-body bounce at the soft impact, “What? WHAT? Don’t you have work- NOW? LIKE NOW-NOW?” she crawled backwards, till her back pressed against the headboard, watching him take off his glasses then throw the phone on the couch.
“Meeting got delayed, it’s at five, I have enough time for,” With a slight groan he pulled off his hoodie, a small smirk gracing his lips when he noticed her visibly gulp, gripping onto the sheets with anticipation and excitement, watching him get on the bed, crawling towards her as his hand found its destination, cupping her warm, blushing cheek, face a breath away from her, “a practice round or two.”
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Taglist: @edenesth @yessa-vie @marsvillee
@mlysalt @spooo00oky @the-kpop-simp
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hwatermelons · 9 months
heyyy 🤭 i love love loveee ur ateez writing!! can u do a soft n fluffy bf!ateez when cuddling at night? u can do any writing style u want! <3 thank uuu
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ateez ⋆ cuddling at night with them
⋆ 1.6k words ⋆ bf!ateez x gn!reader ⋆ fluff! so much fluff ^^ ⋆ warnings: lots of close physical contact, face touching and chaste kissing ⋆ a/n: ngl i giggled and kicked my feet while writing this even though it took me forever (i'm so sorry about that;;) thank you sm for the request! also, wooyoung is a history nerd.
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hongjoong ⋆ art
hongjoong smiles as he runs his fingertips down the side of your face, snuggled into the blanket facing you. when you'd asked him to trace your face to sleep, he'd wondered why anyone would ever want to be touched that closely at first. but when you explained that it was something your parents used to do when you had a nightmare as a child, he was delighted to offer the same level of comfort.
hongjoong outlines the perimeter of your eyes, nose and lips, working his way from the top of your forehead to the tip of your chin. soft kisses follow his fingers. your eyelids grow heavy as he smooths back your hair, tracing each strand from the root to the tip. he's in no rush to finish his masterpiece, and helping you fall asleep in the middle of it is an added bonus.
you were the most fascinating person hongjoong knew, a tapestry woven in five senses. so to him, you deserved his full attention in order to do justice to your likeness. your lover studies the way the way your lashes flutter in your sleep, memorizes the sound of your steady breathing, contemplates the texture of your skin and all its lovely imperfections that give life to your form. if he could, hongjoong would paint a vision of you on the insides of his eyelids so he could see you every time he dreamed. he settles for painting your face instead, the slow movements of his fingers detailing each cherished feature.
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seonghwa ⋆ solidity
seonghwa always loves to surprise you with back hugs during the day, especially with the way you melt into a puddle in his arms every time. so it's no surprise that his favorite way to fall asleep at night is flush against your back, face pressed into your hair and hands holding onto yours, wrapped around you in a tight embrace. seonghwa needs your weight against his chest just as much as you need his solid reassurance behind you. the best part is being able to feel his heartbeat pump out a steady rhythm, the perfect white noise for quieting down any extra thoughts before you fall asleep.
you lean into him, eyes slipping closed. the familiarity of it is impossible not to sink into. seonghwa presses a kiss into your hair as you drift off, his arms a firm reminder that the outside world can't get to you here.
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yunho ⋆ beauty
yunho can't imagine falling asleep in any other way than watching your eyelids droop inches from his face through his own sleepy haze. and that's exactly where you are tonight, just like the night before, and so many nights before that. forgetting about the weight of the world in your lover's arms, even if it's only for a couple hours. unknown to you, however, said lover is currently busy fighting a losing battle in his mind against the urge to shower your sweet, drowsy face in kisses.
yunho sighs. he's been trying so hard to hold back for the past hour. but it's late, and he can't sleep, and more importantly he just can't resist anymore. he leans in and touches your foreheads together, then rubs your nose with the tip of his. in his defense, he can't help it! you're just too adorable to him. but when you open your eyes, he panics.
"ahhh, was that too much? i should've asked--" you interrupt him by pulling him into a tight hug. yunho yelps in surprise as you bury your face into his chest, hiding the rapidly rising blush across your cheeks. "it was perfect," you mumble, the words muffled by the soft fabric of his shirt.
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yeosang ⋆ trust
the only reason yeosang shies away from touching you in public is because that's something he wants to share only with you. it's sacred. to him, physical touch is a promise between two people, that they'll hold on and never let go through all the bad times, and celebrate all of the good together. from a kiss on the cheek stolen by san or wooyoung to a smothering group hug from the other members, yeosang only allows those closest to him to touch him. so when he lets you wrap your arms around him and tuck yourselves into a blanket burrito and smooth back his hair and press kisses to his temples, you know he can finally fully trust you. you smile to yourself as you hear yeosang's breaths even out, your cherished angel slipping into sleep.
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san ⋆ smile
san holds you like he's afraid you'll leave if he doesn't keep up his vice-like grip. to him, there's no such thing as being too close to you. he rarely leaves you completely alone during most of the day, taking the chance to smother you in hugs or kisses whenever you let him at home, and he's always a text away if you two are apart. at night, you're all his, and he loves the fact that you have no escape now. your arms mirror his, wrapped tightly around his waist. but you add your own touch by massaging up and down his spine, earning a soft sigh from him. you can feel his back muscles relaxing through the shiba inu patterned pajamas as he settles his head in between your neck and shoulder, leaving a kiss at the spot he ends up at.
and then san looks up at you with one of those smiles. the ones where his eyes scrunch all the way up but he's too elated to care about how silly he looks (in his opinion, not yours). no matter how long it's been, he still can't believe he gets to see you from this angle every night, the way no one else can.
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mingi ⋆ envelop
mingi physically cannot fall asleep without using you as his personal teddy bear. his favorite way to hold you is with his chin resting on the top of your head. you'd be curled into his chest, and he'd have his arms around you like he can't bear to let any part of you escape his grasp.
your princess adores being able to protect you, to watch over you, to feel needed in such a fundamental way. he kisses the top of your head, and you feel him relaxing into the embrace, the tension leaving his muscles. mingi tries his best to keep his eyes open for you, but ends up drifting off first from your warmth. as you shift into a more comfortable position, he subconsciously pulls you in tighter, soft breaths tickling your scalp.
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wooyoung ⋆ tale
"tell me a story," you probe wooyoung as he lays his head on your stomach. he loves being pampered by you, and he always looks forward to the end of the day for this. his hair is the longest it's been in a while, and you've been absentmindedly braiding and unbraiding sections of it as he replays one particular step of the choreography he and the others had worked on today on his phone. you can tell he isn't nearly as satisfied with it as he wants to be. but it's getting late and inspiration isn't striking him, so he decides to set down the phone and humor your wish.
wooyoung always seems to have some interesting tale to tell, like the adventures of a legendary historical figure, or the origins of a certain korean tradition, or even the story behind the most seemingly mundane things.
tonight's feature is the latest gossip from the servants working behind the closed doors of an ancient prince's private grounds in the Joseon era. apparently, he’d been busy plotting a coup against his father, the king (“right under his nose!”). but it was completely justified because he planned on passing the throne to his youngest son instead of him ("the audacity!"). wooyoung enthusiastically details the bloody fratricides the prince committed ("i'm pretty sure one was enough to send the message??"), eventually scaring his last remaining brother into abdicating the throne after less than a year ("a single year!").
unnoticed by wooyoung, you fall asleep in the first five minutes of his retelling. he goes on for half an hour before he realizes you've started to snore. at first he's half-jokingly offended, but he knows you were exhausted from the long day. still, that doesn't stop him from taking a picture of your face smushed into your pillow for future blackmail purposes, before snuggling up in the sheets with you. you won't be spared from the story over breakfast tomorrow (hey, you asked for it!), but for now he's perfectly content with hooking his arms around you and falling asleep on your chest, careful not to wake you up in the process.
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jongho ⋆ serenade
jongho loves loves loves singing you to sleep. and he loves it even more when you ask him to. from the crook of his arm, you look up at him and softly make your request known. his eyes sparkle in assent, and the gentle hum of 'star 1117' fills the room as he plays with your fingers resting on his chest. you reach up to pinch his cheek, finding him too adorable in this moment, and he makes a face. jongho pinches both of your cheeks harder in retaliation, refusing to let go and chuckling when you swat at his hands. "when i said i'll return all of your love tenfold, i meant it," he teases, fully prepared to smother your face in a bear hug if you dared to acknowledge the cheesiness of his words.
⋆ likes/reblogs appreciated ⋆ do not repost ⋆ taglist: @gottagetback2u, @mazeinthemiroh
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scarfac3 · 4 months
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Scenario :: i couldn’t sleep and was craving brownies, so here we are
Genre :: fluff
Word count :: 542
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You’re standing in the kitchen, making a small batch of brownies as your cravings for sweets randomly hit you like a bus in the middle of the night. You pour a cup of chocolate chips into the batter, fold them in to spread them around in the batter before picking up the bowl and pour the batter into a greased pan covered in parchment paper. Making sure the batter is even in the pan, you pick it up and pop it into the preheated oven to bake, setting a timer for 20 minutes to keep track. You sit down in one of the chairs and decide to play a game on your phone while waiting for the brownies to get done.
About 15 minutes later, you hear the heavy footsteps and quiet groans from your boyfriend as he makes his way downstairs to you; the sweet and delicious aroma of the brownies filling his nose as he gently rubs his tired eyes.
“Baby, what’re you doing down here?” Yunho questions as he sits down next to you, placing his head on your shoulder while looking at you playing the game on your phone.
“I’m baking some brownies. I ended up getting a sudden craving for some sweets, they’re almost done,” you answer, glancing down at him trying his hardest to not fall asleep right then and there. “What’re you doing up, my love?”
You feel his head perk up a bit at the pet name that you gave him, seeing his ears turn a bit red. “Well, I went to sleep with you in my arms and woke up with you not in my arms . You know how hard it is for me to sleep without you.” You see him softly pout at the thought of you not being there while he’s sleeping.
A sudden ring of the timer goes off, letting you know that the brownies are done baking. Yunho automatically moves his head from your shoulder and lets you stand up to take the pan out of the oven. You let it cool down for about 5-10 minutes before cutting it into even squares for you and Yunho and place them onto two plates. You then remember that there’s ice cream in the freezer and take it out, putting enough scoops on your guys’ plates next to the brownies. You take two spoons from the kitchen drawer and give Yunho a plate as you sit down next to him before taking a bite out of the late night dessert, satisfying your cravings for sweets.
You see Yunho do the same thing and hear him let out a hum. “This is really good, you did great, baby.” He tiredly compliments, eating more spoonfuls of it.
You feel warmth spread through your chest, your cheeks heating up at his compliment. You already know that it’s good, but hearing it come from Yunho makes you feel all giddy and happy inside. You two finish the last few bites and put the plates in the sink, heading up the stairs to lay in bed. You and Yunho get in the bed under the soft covers, your limbs tangling together, and drift off into deep slumber as soft snores fill the quiet room until morning.
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Tags :: @miucries @ikozen @yeagersex @hoori @vampzity @edenesth @kittykat-25 @adoringsan @dreamingofyeo @evidive @fekixfmp @brrrkdslek @luvt0kki @skzline @yeopans
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hwapetals · 4 months
[02:36] - seonghwa
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every little sound of a notification from your phone made your body jolt with excitement, then disappointment as you laid down, staring up at the cute darth vader plushie blankly, praying for time to go by faster. 
your hands darted out to hug it, pressing your face into the fabric with a groan. what was taking him so long? at this time, seonghwa would have already called you, and he would be rambling on about his day happily to you.
he was studying overseas, having gotten a scholarship for english literature and your timezones were vastly different. it was either that you would stay up late to talk to him, or he would have to, but you were willing to stay up late for him. 
your legs kicked against the bed impatiently, getting up slightly to check your phone again, before you jumped. your phone rang loudly with your ringtone, seonghwa's profile picture showing up on the screen. 
you squeaked loudly from happiness, your heart pumping quickly from the adrenaline as you accepted the call.
"finally! i missed you," your eyes locked onto his figure on the phone screen, though it was angled downwards, so that you could only see from below his chin. despite that, you didn't care, as long as he was there with you. you grinned almost stupidly, a little giddy from getting to see him and talk to him.
"i missed you too, i'm sorry for calling you so late, the bus came late," seonghwa apologized, straightening his shirt as he piled some of the contents of his backpack onto the desk. "today was so tiring, ugh. but seeing your cute face makes everything so much better."
you laughed, shifting on the bed to sit against the headboard, propping your phone in between your knees as you pulled your legs up, a little closer to your chest. seonghwa just always knew how to make you feel appreciated, with his cheesy one-liners.
"oh, shut up," was all you could muster up, a loud yawn resonating through your room before you spoke again in a softer tone, rubbing your eyes. "what happened today? your professor giving you a hard time?"
"not really, just that he made us study a ridiculously cryptic poem again. thinking of it makes my brain want to eject itself out of my head in an attempt to self destruct," seonghwa replied, panning the camera up with the help of his book to allow you a full view of his face. he looked as stunning as always, his eyes shining with affection for you. your face was lit up solely from your phone screen and your bedside lamp, in an effort to not strain your eyes much.
"you always have weird ways to describe what you're thinking," you blurted out. it wasn't a bad thing, you found it cute. and plus, it was easier to empathize with him in that way. 
"i know, i'm an intellectual," he said, snorting softly, embarrassed at his own satirical praise. seonghwa leaned in, paying attention intently to you as you spoke, rambling slightly about your day.
as time passed, you felt yourself get sleepier and sleepier, and it seemed like seonghwa noticed, frowning slightly.
"isn't it like super late for you now? you should get to sleep," seonghwa said after he finished his sentence, something about the cafeteria food there. "you look really tired."
"but i want to talk to you," you tried to protest, but it seemed like seonghwa was firm on you getting your beauty sleep. he was stubborn, even more than you, and he won again. "okay, okay, you're right. i feel like i'm about to pass out."
"oh, dear," he cooed softly, pouting slightly as he leaned in a bit more. he didn't really want to part from you, wanting to talk more but he cared more than you were not too sleep deprived. "why not stay on call with me? i can study while you sleep and you can get some comfort knowing i'm on the other side of the line."
your eyes lit up from his suggestion, and you nodded happily at it. it was a great idea for you. 
"what if i snore?" you asked, raising an eyebrow briefly before leaning back with a soft groan.
"doesn't matter, i think it's adorable. now, sleep! i love you," seonghwa demanded in a playful manner, with a tinge of seriousness in his tone. he blew a kiss to you, definitely wishing he was there to kiss you in person, but this would do for now.
"i love you too, i'm gonna snuggle with your plushies to pretend you're here in person. goodnight, make sure to call me earlier tomorrow," you mumbled, blowing a kiss back to him. a chuckle could be heard from the speakers of your phone as you put it aside, next to your head on the pillow. your hands were occupied, holding the plushies tight to your chest, remnants of his scent and cologne on the material.
seonghwa could feel his heart ache slightly, panging with loneliness as he sighed. but your soft snores and mumbles as you slept soothed him, relaxing him as he worked on his assignments, wishing to see you and hold you securely in his arms again in the near future.
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thisthatpinkvenom · 1 year
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⤏ Synopsis: Seonghwa's always there when you're in dire need of a hug; especially when it finally hits you that your daughter is growing up fast.
⤏ Genre(s): drabble*, fluffity fluff fluff
⤏ Content: established relationship!au, parents!au, non-idol!au
⤏ NSFW Warning(s): none
⤏ Note*: this content is completely fictional.
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It was nearing nine o'clock when Seonghwa stood outside the classroom where four and five year olds trickled in one by one; Spider-Man, Hello Kitty and a few other familiar icons making appearances on their miniature backpacks. He looked at the small Cinnamoroll backpack that hooked around his two fingers by its handle loop, a melancholic smile making its way onto his face when his eyes found sight of the small girl who stood three heads shorter than him. There's not an inch of personal space between the two of them as she idled between his parted feet, eating away at her fingernail while she quietly observed the kids whom she had to call her classmates in the next few minutes. Seonghwa clicked his tongue softly, and pulled her hand away from her mouth.
"Don't bite your nails, Yuha."
He dangled the backpack in front of Yuha and left gentle taps on her arm, waiting for her to stretch her arms for him to slip the straps onto her shoulders. And before he could, she spun on her heel and dove face-first against his tummy, basking in the comforting scent of her father's cologne. Seonghwa's button-up was soon dampened by the tears decorating his shirt and Yuha's backpack dropped to the floor just as his knee did. And he tried—he really did—not to shed tears of his own as he listened to his baby wail into his shoulder.
"Daddy, d-don't leave me!" she pleaded, nuzzling her sniffling nose into his neck.
"I'm not leaving you, Baby," he assured her, "I'll come back for you in a few hours." His hand smoothed over her back as he swayed her side to side, the other cradling the back of her head.
"Why can't I be with you?" Yuha croaked when she faced him, her eyes puffy and glistening under the fluorescent light. Seonghwa sighed and cupped her small face in his hands, his thumbs battling the continuous trails of tears pouring onto her cheeks.
Seonghwa tried explaining in the simplest way he could and murmured, "Daddy has to go to work, Yuha. It's big grown-up stuff…it's not fun."
Yuha looked down at her feet, finding temporary solace in her similarly matching Cinnamoroll crocs. The white dog smiled warmly at her from below, his bright blue eyes and pink cheeks never failing to spark a tinge of happiness in her. He'd always reminded her of her father: quiet, but good and helpful and liked taking naps.
"I'm scared…" she mumbled, once she gathered the courage to look back up. "I dunno anybody."
He nearly melted into mush right there on the spot, brushing the strands of hair let loose to the back of her ear.
"You have to start somewhere. Mommy and I were so nervous to meet you for the first time and look at us now. It's okay to be scared, but it'll go away if you want it to." 
She perked up at his word of advice, tears becoming obsolete as her eyes began to glint a promising sparkle in them instead.
"Really, Daddy?"
He hummed and reassured her, "You're a good kid, Yuha; I know you can make a friend. And if you don't make one today, well…that's okay, try again tomorrow. You can always try again."
"Okay," she said, meekly. A small smile crept onto his lips before he enveloped her into another tight embrace.
"Now, don't cry anymore, okay? You're a strong girl—just like Mommy," Seonghwa whispered, patting Yuha's back.
He felt her firm nods against his shoulder before he pressed a kiss to her cheek, picking up her backpack and finally fixing it behind her. Yuha's tiny hands gripped her shoulder straps as she recited words of encouragement under her breath, her eyes finding purchase in her foam shoes again. They soon followed the trail which ended where her father's face resided, and his warm smile forever engraved itself in the back of her mind, ready to appear whenever she found herself in distress. Without a word, she lifted her arms and waited with small, antsy steps in her place and like he's read her mind, she's hoisted into his arms.
"Did I not give enough hugs?" he asked with a playful lilt in his tone.
Yuha huffed, "No, never."
"Yep"—he chuckled—"you're just like your mommy…"
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"And she really cried yesterday?" you asked, searching for confirmation in Seonghwa who hummed. You frowned, trudging to your shared bed where your husband was settled upright. If you weren't so caught up in reliving how your daughter ran into her classroom this morning without so much so looking back at you, you'd take more than just note of the glasses fashionably sloped down his nose while he read a news article on his phone. Sometimes, you couldn't believe this man really made a baby with you and was the extra source of warmth in your bed every night. You must've done something great in your past life, that's for sure.
And when you flopped next to him on your belly, he let out a passive laugh and placed his hand on your bottom.
"What's the matter, Baby?"
You flipped onto your backside, staring at the little nooks and crannies of the popcorn ceiling.
Sighing, you confided, "She didn't do that with me today."
Seonghwa shifted in his place, looking at you with an incredulous stare. Meeting his eyes, you pouted and let out another sigh.
"What? Don't give me that look, Hwa."
"You're saying you wanted her to cry?"
"It's not that, I"—you pinched your nose bridge—"she just gave me a little hug and ran off. She wasn't being a baby, Hwa." Your husband found it to be difficult to contain the amusement threatening his lips as he listened to your voice crack and your words quake. "I-I mean, my baby wasn't being my baby," you whimpered.
"Aw...Honey, she is," he cooed, inviting you with opened arms to which you accepted in the next sniffle you made. "Not like she's doing taxes, she's still learning one plus one—"
"By the time we both blink, she will be!" you whined into his chest.
"We'll get through this, Baby. You're strong," he gently hushed you, aware of the time as the darkness washed over the sky. Brushing his fingers through your hair while he listened to your staggered breaths, he chuckled. "Can you loosen your grip a bit?"
You huffed, "No."
Like mother, like daughter.
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ourzbi · 8 months
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♥︎ㅤ ˒ 산 — 🧸 ۫ .
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˖ ࣪ 𓂃 i got the feels for 𓄼 you ! ៹
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6:36pm | Park Seonghwa
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Pairing: Park Seonghwa x Reader
Request: From Anon for a drabble challenge I did on my old account. Requests are Open!
Synopsis: Seonghwa surprises reader with dinner. Using prompt: “You did all this for me?
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 218
ATEEZ Masterlist | Tag List Sign-Up | Requesting Guidelines
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“I’m so sorry I'm late,” Y/N apologizes to her boyfriend as she hurries through her apartment door and take her shoes off. She notices the lights dimmed and a faint glow coming from the small dining area.  
Making her way into the dining area, she finds Seonghwa standing there in a nice shirt and pair of jeans. The table is set with food Wooyoung and Mingi helped him cook and the candles she keeps in your bedroom, lit on the table.   
“You did all this for me?” She asks pleasantly surprised before a thought enters her head. Her face drops. “Are you leaving again already?” It feels like he only returned home not long ago.   
“I’m not going anywhere, not for a while yet,” he assures her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close. “I just wanted to do something special for you.”   
“I really do have the best boyfriend,” She smiles lovingly at him, feeling her heart swell with all the happiness and love she feels for him. “Thank you for this,” she says as she gives him a soft kiss. “I feel under-dressed.”  
“You perfect,” he smiles, kissing her again. “Saranghae.”  
“I love you, too,” she replies, pressing one more kiss to his lips before pulling away and sitting down to enjoy their dinner. 
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Likes, Comments & Reblogs are welcomed and appreciated. 
©️ 2024 CRAZYFORMFICS. No one has permission to copy, translate and/or repost my fics on here or any other site.
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TAGGED: @staytiny2000 - @dancelikebutterflywings - @kpopmenace143 - @treehouse-mouse - @alexxavicry - @jedi-dreea - @rainydayteacups - @green-agent - @tinyelfperson - @yeonjunnie - @hollxe1
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a-soft-hornytiny · 1 year
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Seonghwa x female!reader (or reader with boobs)
Notes: this was requested by an anon! Its short but sweet. I thought this would be a perfect release for Hwa day. Happy birthday my love!! Boob cuddles for daysss
Taglist: under the cut (let me know if you want to be added)
You had just finished cleaning the bathroom when you heard the front door open. A smile flashed over your face instantly . It was late and you had already awaited his arrival at home for hours. “Seonghwa?” You called through the corridor while washing your hands. But you got no answer, instead you heard his shoes falling onto the floor, his jacket following immediately after. 
You left the bathroom after drying your hands off and met him in the living room. He smiled at you tiredly. You immediately went from happy to see him to worried about him and rushed over to embrace him in a big hug. 
“What’s wrong darling?” Instead of answering, he buried his face deeper into your neck, wrapping his arms around you. You gently put one hand on top of his head and stroked his hair slowly. It was still silky, even after a long day, and felt soft under your touch.
A few seconds of silence passed before he carefully removed himself. His eyes were slightly red and his cheeks puffed. His shoulders were slouching down and it looked like he had no strength left. 
“Everything hurts.” He stated, falling onto the couch afterwards. You gave him a pitying smile before sitting down next to him.
“Can I get you something? A drink? Snack?” You asked, gently taking his hand into yours. He immediately intertwined his fingers with yours and firmly held onto your hand. 
“Can you just stay and cuddle me?” His eyes were big and glassy, causing your heart to melt. You instantly pulled him closer and gave him a kiss on his head.
“Of course my love.” You answered. Seonghwa chuckled at the nickname, shuffling against you to find a comfortable position. It wasn’t long until he found his head laying on your chest, burying his face in your boobs. You chuckled. 
“So that was your intention?” You gently caressed his neck, running your fingers through the back of his hair. In response he just hummed against your skin. 
“Do you know how adorable you are?” You asked, not expecting an answer. The way he was curled up half next to, half on top of you, his head lying on your chest, made you incredibly happy. You were glad to be his comfort. His safe haven. You let out a happy sigh, making him look up. 
“I’m gonna get a sugar shock from your cuteness.” You said before pressing a kiss on his forehead. Seonghwa blushed and immediately went back to hiding his face in your chest, but his red ears gave it away.  You continued massaging his head until you felt him get heavier. He had fallen asleep. Men are so easy to please you thought smiling, before this feeling of comfort and warmth rose into your head, making your eyelids heavy.
Tags: @jonghoisbabie @multidreams-and-desires @little-precious-baby @yunhofingers-writes @serialee @crimsonbubble @cometoceantrenches @em--ilysm @deja-vux @kawaiiloli00 @ddeonghwva @aaaaajonghooooo @sansbun @cookies-n-joong @plonys @hijirikaww @nari-nim @yunkiwii @mingi-ivity @racheloveyunho @seongsangsgf @jhmylove @lizsvcks @yunhobabygurl @leoninadecorazones @kerra-that-one-random-fangirl @star1117-archives @hoshischeekss @yeosangsbiceps @euphoric-emily16 @anyamaris @shinestarhwaa @seomisaho @starillusion13
510 notes · View notes
[21:38] This is arguably the most relaxed you had been in a long time, you were currently lay in bed with your leg draped over the man of your dreams. One of his hands is slowly caressing up and down your thigh whilst his other arm is supporting your head.
‘How’s my sleepy baby?’ your boyfriend Seonghwa asks you. ‘Content’ you reply, slightly tilting your head to look up at him. The hand that was on your thigh now snakes it way up to your lower back as his pulls you in for a kiss. Though you hadn’t dated for too long, you felt as though you had known this man forever. He gave you a sense of comfort and peace that you had never experienced before. When you talked about something you were passionate about, he would lean in and hang on every word you said, when you were tired he would hold you close and tell you beautiful stories to help you drift off and when you were sad, he would hold you close and let you express your emotions in a safe place with no prejudice. This man really was one in a million. Seonghwa was someone who deserved love in the most beautiful and purest of ways. Sometimes you questioned whether you should be the one who was lucky enough to call him yours, but you knew that no matter what, you would do your best to make him happy, and with that you decided to be the first to say something that was currently still unspoken in your new relationship, because for everything he had done for you, he deserved to be the first one to hear it. ‘Seonghwa’ you whispered after breaking apart from your kiss. ‘Hmm’ he responded looking into your eyes. ‘I love you’ you said with bated breath, ‘don’t feel any pressure to say it back, I just thought you should know’. A smile slowly spread across his face as he cupped your cheek, ‘I love you too y/n’ he grins, ‘I think I have from the moment I first set eyes on you’. You both smile like idiots looking into each other eyes with the excitement of forever.
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mingkist · 1 year
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[8:45PM] Wooyoung is a liar. So is Mingi. So is San, Yeosang, and Yunho apparently. To sum it all up your friends were all filthy liars who likes to make your life a little more 'exciting' as they say it.
"For the last time," you say sternly. "I am not going to propose to someone just for us to get free dinner." And then, frustratingly, you remind them what they'd told you earlier this afternoon. "You five said it'll be on you this time."
"Well that was before we remembered that we're all 'engaged'," Wooyoung says. "I literally got 'engaged' to San last week, they won't believe us."
"And you think that me going up to a stranger, then asking for their hand in marriage will magically pay for our dinner?" You retorted.
"I mean it worked before," Mingi mumbles, "I got engaged to Tzuyu, and they even gave us a balloon."
You blink at him. "Who's Tzuyu?"
"This girl I proposed to for free dinner," he shrugs. "Girls will always say yes when you're as handsome as I am."
"Or Tzuyu is just a really nice person who likes to help people scam restaurants," you snickered under your breath. "I'm still not going to go up to a total stranger and propose to them, that's just stupid. Why can't I propose to Yeosang or Yunho?"
"Because we're engaged," Yunho answered with a bright grin, he lifts his left hand up and scrunched his nose. "I accidentally ate our ring."
By ring, Yunho means ring pop, of course.
At the look on your face, San smiles reassuringly. "You’ll be fine,” he mumbles first, reaching into his pocket. “That guy looks our age." He then adds, handing over a velvet box that contained your ‘engagement’ ring. "Go ask him."
And with a final shove, you got up onto your feet, taking in a deep breath as you approached a table where three men around you and your friend's age were sat.
"Hi," you say first, smiling —albeit awkwardly. You lowered your voice once the three gave you their full undivided attention. "Would you mind doing me a super quick favour?"
"What is it?" A man with tiny hands and split dyed hair sets his utensils down.
"This restaurant does this thing where if you get engaged you'll get dinner on the house," you explain. "And I was wondering if one of you could get 'engaged' to me?"
The man brow's furrows, his attention turning to his friend with platinum blond hair and the other who looked more than just amused. "What do you think, Hwa?"
Before 'hwa' could answer, the other man chirps in. "What's in it for us?"
"You could also get free dinner?" That was a lie, or a half truth, you didn't know. There was a chance they could also get free dinner but you weren't sure. "I think?"
"You think?" The man chortles, and the man with the tiny hands warns him off with a stern 'Jongho, behave.' He then turns to Hwa, watching him as Hwa observes you. "How about you propose to Seonghwa and in return he gets your number?"
Your eyes narrows at Jongho, was he being for real?
But . . . It’s just a small price to pay, for free dinner you guessed. "So—" You turn to 'Seonghwa' (at least he was cute). "— my number for a little white lie?"
Seonghwa nods, and stands up. For a split second the two of you looked at each other without so much as a word, unsure of what the other is doing. And when his eyes shifts to your hand, and the tiny velvet box in it, he reaches for it. He gestures towards his seat. "Sit."
And when you're doing what Hwa’s told you to, the man with the tiny hand asks you for your name —full name. You tell him yours and he tells you his in return. "Nice to meet you, Hongjoong."
"You too."
In front of you, Seonghwa gets down on one knees, eyes sparkling as he looks up at you. From the side of your eyes, you spot your friends —Wooyoung to be specific, holding his phone up as he lets out a loud cackle at the scene before him.
Seonghwa says your full name with as much affection he could muster. "Within the last five years (minutes, he means) I've known you, I've felt nothing but love for you." He pauses dramatically, opening up the box and you play into your role by gasping, a hand delicately placed on your chest in surprise. "Will you do me the honor in letting me be your husband?"
You choke out a fake sob. "Yes!"
Seonghwa returns the hug when you quite literally throw yourself into his arms. You then made quick work in thanking the three once more, adding your number into Seonghwa's contacts before leaving with another thank you.
Once you were finally out of ear shot, Hongjoong turns to Seonghwa with a mischievous look. "So when’s the wedding?"
Seonghwa turns to the side sheepishly, his cheek turning the slightest tinge of pink. "Shut up."
half way through writing this i decided that i hated it, but oh welllllll
p. ateez: @italiekim @realjonko @aestheticsluut @rielleluvs @youngestdelacour @alanniys @dogsongy @mingiholic @sankatchu @stopeatread @miriamxsworld @ka-ni-ma @sstarrysshit @nvmbheart @lazypostfandomer @side-effectss
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daemour · 11 months
[10.45] Park Seonghwa
pairing: seonghwa x reader
wc: 226
warnings: none
genre: fluff, established relationship
why are all my timestamps set in the morning wtf lol
When you wake up, the sun is streaming through the wndows, falling oh-so-aesthetically on Seonghwa’s face. Fighting off the urge to sleep, you let your gaze trail over his features, enraptured by your boyfriend.
No matter how long the two of you had been dating, you fell increasingly in love with this man. The way he’s always so gentle with you, how you’re always the first thought on his mind His unbridled passion for you is what reminds you of the beauty of life on both the best and worst days.
“Mmh, I can feel your eyes on me,” Seonghwa mumbles, cracking open his eyes. In response, you squeeze your eyes shut and you feel rather than hear his gentle laughter. “Not how that works, baby.”
“That’s definitely how it works,” you mumble into his chest, holding back your laughter.
He laughs one more, tilting your face up to plant a kiss on your forehead and his lips linger on your skin. You can’t help but tilt your face up to properly kiss him, bringing your hands up to cup his face. The kiss is kept short and sweet and when you pull away you see Seonghwa looking at you like you made the heavens and the earth.
“I love you,” you murmur, and Senghwa leans down to peck your lips again.
“I love you too.”
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itstheghostofmypast · 1 month
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Non-Idol Choi San x (F)Reader
Summary: So maybe 'colour with numbers' was a serious activity after all.
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.6 k
Est.Read Time: 15 min
Rating: SFW
Networks: @cromernet @k-labels
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"Um...in my defense um...at least she can colour well! Look, it's inside the lines." Scratching his eyebrow he smiled nervously at the paper in hand, who knew his daughter's teacher would call him in from work for this, the poor taekwon-do sabom had to leave his students in the hand of his newest trainee- let's just say he didn't trust the kids with Wooyoung, especially since they spent the last time he had left them alone, playing Uno for two hours straight.
"Mr.Choi, I understand you're a busy man, and running a dojang is difficult, however, I specifically remember telling you that your daughter still needs to work on her 'colour with numbers' skills." She sighed, rubbing her temples, this was an ongoing issue and she was yet to understand why the father of this cute little girl would not understand the gravity of learning colours and numbers.
"I- I know, Miss, but I- I tried, I even took Saturdays off from work to teach her, but she just doesn't listen, and she's very convincing when she has a certain point of view, I think she gets it from her mother." He chuckled, trying to use all tactics he'd learned in damage control, it is not like he didn't try, he did, but when he tried to explain to his little girl how the world works - the world of colouring with numbers- she had simply refused. She had looked up at her father with a similar pout, one that he knew resembled him, as mentioned by his wife ever since she was born, her hair tied up in a ponytail with a purple ribbon, little heart-shaped clips decorating the rest of her hair, matching her clip on heart earrings- her mother really did treat her like a doll sometimes- as she pointed at the flower and let out an "Appa, I like this colour more." And that's exactly how and why he let her colour the flower blue, the leaves yellow, the sky purple and the sun green. His little princess liked it that way and who was he to say no?
"Really now." The woman crossed her arms, leaning back against her chair as she eyed the bigger man, from the way his eyes turned into feline-like slits when he gave her that dimpled smile, his uniform jacket making him look bigger or perhaps he had grown bigger, and that- "What happened to your thumb?"
"Oh...I scratched it," he mused, eying the clock on the wall, 12.56 PM, thank god this was over, he probably couldn't take any more of this interrogation, honestly who was he to tell a child what to do and what no- when it came to colouring that is, otherwise Choi San wasn't the most lenient father, even with his daughter, he was soft, there was no doubt about that, but there was a set routine she was to follow, a balanced life is a healthy life. He wasn't swayed the slightest when she'd ask for dessert after bedtime, or when she'd ask to stay up late- his little girl deserved the best, so she'd get that cookie she asked for in the morning, but there was no comprise on her sleep schedule and he was glad his wife agreed with him most of the time, unlike when it came to colouring.
"Mr.Choi," she called out, snapping him back to reality as he cleared his throat, nodding at her, though his eyes averted from the table to her face, admiring the serious look she had adorned, one that the children loved, there was something about her that radiated 'authoritative figure' energy, no wonder it was difficult for her to daughter to not call her umma in class sometimes, but then again most of the children did, which is why she let it slide. Though her authority came with a sense of femininity, of maternity and empathy, where she'd know when to use the carrot and when to use the stick- his eyes flickered back to the clock, 12.58 PM before back at her eyes when she continued, "You need to understand, she'll fall behind in class and saying 'I like blue flowers and a purple sky' isn't an excuse, Hana is smart, mature too but she can't win her way out of it just because she gives her point of view."
His shoulders slumped in defeat, perhaps to her teacher, Hana was just another student, one that had the potential to excel and she would do her best to mould and shape that raw potential into the star her parents wanted her to be.
"I understand, Miss." He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck as he sat and stared at the papers on the table again, "I'll... talk to her about it, she can read though and can count to two hundred, my wife and I make sure to use interactive learning tactics with her, the whole relate and remember strategies." At this point he looked more guilty than a cat caught in the rain, head dipped in shame- did he forget he's the parent and not the student who is being talked about?
Shaking her head in disbelief she leaned forward to collect the papers, neatly stacking them together and placing them beside her purse, "I understand Mr.Choi, and not once do I doubt your efforts. Choi Hana is the brightest in the class, so I'd prefer if we keep it this way, I'm sure your wife would agree, even if it means telling your little girl she can't always have her way." She smiled at him gesturing towards the door, "Thank you for dropping by on such short notice today, knowing a parent is concerned about their child's progress, especially when both parents work, brings me great joy. I'm sure your wife is proud of you, especially since you came to the Parent Teacher Meeting, even if a bit late, it's nice to see a man supporting his career-oriented wife."
As soon as her monologue ended he stood up straight he gave her a respectable, grateful 90-degree bow, mumbling a thank you as he quickly made his way out of the classroom, closing the door as he leaned against the door, letting out a sigh. God, that woman was horrifying, it was like he was back in school again, no wonder he was horrified of going to school as a child, it's not like the woman was bad or evil, but why the hell did he feel like he was being punished, truly a nightmare.
He'd have to talk to Hana about this, he thought to himself, moving away and rolling his shoulders, trying to ease the pain, was this...old age- no, no, San it isn't, it was just the words of this teacher that made you realise the burden you carry, a responsibility you love, the responsibility of your wife and child. Taking his phone out of his pocket he glanced at the time, 13.00, finally, it was over, to think a parent-teacher conference could be this long and excruciating.
"Ready to go home?"
He turned to glance at the woman coming out from the class, closing the door behind her as she gave him a gentle smile, one that deceived his poor heart all those years ago, making him think he had fallen for an angel, who knew he was falling for -
"How was the PTM?" She asked again, wrapping her arms around his arm, shaking him slightly to bring him back to her, looking up at him with an all too familiar look, Hana, she'd look up at him like that when she knew she was winning.
"Great, babe." Smiling down at her he began walking towards the exit, "The teacher though was horrifying, she gets all worked up when she wears that blue cardigan, it was like I was her student and she was scolding me." He exasperated, opening the glass door for her, walking out to stop at the platform when she pulled away, hands on her hips as she frowned up at him- oh boy.
"Choi San, I specified what her weak areas were, she'll become stubborn if you keep this up- did you just call me horrifying!? And what's wrong with my cardigan!? Yah. Stop walking away." She called out, running down the stairs to catch up to him, watching him walk down the stairs, "Choi San!" Finally grabbing his hand when he reached the bottom of the stairs to wait for her, raising his eyebrows when she huffed out a breath, "Man, this used to be easier-"
"Old age, love?" He teased only to be smacked on the shoulder, whining in response, though he got a scoff in return, "Oh please, if that hurt you, then you should shut down the dojang."
"Nope, I can never win in this house," he mumbled shaking his head in defeat, though he tenderly laced his fingers with hers as the two continued to walk towards the gate of the primary school.
"Why were you so late?"
"I had a feeling the teacher would scold me, so I wanted to make sure no one else was there." He glanced down at her, smiling when she chuckled, "You deserved it."
"I know, I know, Saturdays are my tutoring days- I won't let my wife and my daughter down." He huffed puffing his chest with pride as he smiled at the sight of his little girl standing next to Wooyoung, waving at him- he probably let the kids go home early, that would've upset San, but seeing his two favourite girls could fix any ruined day in a matter of seconds.
Smiling up at him she squeezed his hand lovingly, taking in the way he gazed at their daughter with all the love and admiration in the world one could muster, "Like I said, I'm proud of you, both of you, and always will be."
"Yeah, that's why you're our favourite teacher, Mrs Choi."
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Taglist: @edenesth @yessa-vie @jaehunnyy @mlysalt @the-kpop-simp @spooo00oky
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hwatermelons · 1 year
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ateez ⋆ one day at a time
⋆ 24 hours of drabbles with ateez. they are not connected to each other! ⋆ 1.2k words ⋆ bf!ateez x gn!reader ⋆ tooth-rotting fluff, a little angst (hongjoong, yeosang) ⋆ warnings: slightly suggestive (wooyoung) ⋆ a/n: lowkey wrote yeosang's based on what i'd want someone to do for me;; help
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[3:07 a.m. <snooze - agust d>]
mingi jolts upright, looking around frantically, trying to determine if he’s still stuck in the nightmare. his eyes fall on your warm figure snoring lightly next to him, and his gaze immediately softens. he sighs in relief, knowing that at least you're safe in real life. as he lets himself lay back down, he gently puts an arm around you and snuggles up to you from behind, never intending to let you go again.
⋆ "don't ever scare me like that again, my angel." ⋆
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[7:24 a.m. <ateez - aurora>]
san pulls you in for more cuddles, burying his face in your chest. you would've gladly stayed there for the next few hours, but there was a slight problem: you were deadly ticklish. you try to pull away unsuccessfully a couple times but eventually give in, not in any small part because of how calming his morning voice is. he could say anything with that voice and you'd give him whatever he asked for, even if it meant painfully stifling your laughter until he was satisfied.
⋆ "let's sleep in," he mumbles, "the world can wait a little longer to see your beautiful face today." ⋆
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[8:52 a.m. <ateez - if without you>]
seonghwa is making you both breakfast. when you awoke, you half expected to still be wrapped in his arms where you fell asleep last night, the two of you further enveloped in a blanket burrito against the cold. instead, the smell of the eggs cooking draws you into the kitchen, still half asleep. there, you see him expertly cracking the next egg into the pan with one hand. he smiles somewhat boastfully as he sees you come in, staring in disbelief at the perfectly halved eggshell.
⋆ “it was a trick my mother taught me. i can show you, if you’d like.” ⋆
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[1:02 p.m. <ateez - light>]
you and yunho are out on a lunch date, taking a walk in the dog park and enjoying the breezy day after having some slightly overpriced yet delicious gourmet sandwiches at the family-owned cafe down the street. as you sip your iced tea taken to-go from the restaurant, you notice that every dog seems to want to approach yunho. he smiles back at you sheepishly, he can't help that they all seem to like him (and you can't blame them, either.) you both stop to pet all of them and eventually end up laying in the grass under the shade of a tree, breathing in the scent of freshly turned earth and contemplating the addition of a new family member:
⋆ "should we get a dog ourselves next time?" ⋆
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[3:33 p.m. <christopher - bad>]
wooyoung took you shopping at the mall, and he just came out of the fitting room for the sixth time with a new outfit. it doesn't bother you, since you had just changed into your fourth in the room next to him a couple minutes ago. you and him both insist on only buying entire outfits at a time, never settling for a single good piece that didn't go with the rest of the clothes you had. just as you're about to suggest how that jacket would be much better on him in red than in black, he suddenly pulls you into his stall and closes the door without warning, a shit-eating grin on his face.
⋆ "how do i look, babe?" ⋆
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[4:17 p.m. <hongjoong - draw and draw>]
you decided to follow hongjoong into the studio today. he'd promised to take you on a tour recently, and you were curious about the place where he spent so many of his waking (and what should've been his sleeping) hours. you both have an insightful conversation with the edenary team about what it's like to be a professional producer, since writing and producing music had once been a hobby of yours and you were familiar with some of the equipment and techniques, impressing hongjoong. he knew you'd made a couple songs but didn't really know how much you were interested in this. also, he hadn't pushed you about those songs because he was afraid they might be too personal to you. he knew from firsthand experience how making music could be a deeply emotional experience, and that those songs were the result of many nights spent aching alone in your room years ago. but after your studio date, he decides to take a risk:
⋆ "you know, i would love to hear some of your old songs, if you're willing to show me." ⋆
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[10:22 p.m. <mr. kitty - after dark>]
you had noticed yeosang looking a little overwhelmed at today's fanmeet. his professional smile had seemed to be fixed on his face and he had hardly spoken a word once they got out. and when you asked him if he wanted to go to the usual place, his only answer was a nod. the skate park is completely empty at this time, and you watch in awe as yeosang pulls tricks that make it seem like he's flying against the backdrop of stars. out here, he seems to release all his worries to the cool night breeze, his concentration fully on his feet, the rises and dips in the concrete, and the board he's trusting his life to between them. unnoticed, you slip away to the fried chicken shop a couple blocks from the park, knowing the owners will greet you with a meaningful smile as you and yeosang had come here countless times before. tonight, however, the restaurant is packed with students enjoying some fast food for a weeknight dinner, and you want to save yeosang the trouble. when he sees you returning with the chicken, the corners of his mouth immediately pull upward and he almost looks like he's holding back tears. he holds it inside, but he wants to thank you for everything, for noticing how he felt today, for offering to come to the skate park with him, for knowing what he needed without him having to ask, because you know he would never want to put anything on your shoulders. but you don't need all of those words to understand, so he doesn't say all of that, because you already know. and for that, he will forever be grateful.
⋆ "thank you." ⋆
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[11:17 pm <ateez - one day at a time>]
the night has just begun at the coin karaoke you brought jongho to, and you're smiling ear to ear as he shows to you with each passing moment that this was the perfect place to bring him for valentine's day. singing was your absolute favorite thing in the world, and even though you couldn't hit the high notes as flawlessly as he did, you're both on top of the world as you belt out the lyrics to everything from ballads to musicals to rock. you already know all the rap parts to the songs you both chose by heart, and have a lot of fun almost outrapping top names in the industry. jongho teaches you the dance moves to some classic girl group songs, and you giggling at him only motivates him to dance even harder. around 2 a.m., you both end the night on a beautiful, familiar melody:
⋆ " when it's overwhelming, hold on tight i'll be here, don't forget it, cause in life, sometimes you need a helping hand, you'll be alright, just take it slow, one day at a time." ⋆
⋆ likes/reblogs appreciated ⋆ do not repost ⋆
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