maxsix · 2 years
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Yangjaecheon, Seoul, South Korea | Original photography by J. Shim via Unsplash
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missmyths · 2 months
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I have a ticket on zone 411, row N 243k won all cost included Transfer ticket at the concert hall.
Paypal or Korean bank
Please contact me if you're interested or through my Twitter: https://twitter.com/linhcalledlun/
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gabriellaleo · 5 months
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neocatharsis · 1 month
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© jenowley
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 8 months
Keep Quiet For Me | Choi Yeonjun
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Summary: Yeonjun does his best to stay quiet while you make him feel good Pairing : dom f!reader x sub Yeonjun Word Count: 4.6k~ Warning: Explicit Language, age gap (four years), Noona kink, oral (male receiving)
My best friend Minji and I arrive at the party that Yeonjun invited us to at his friend's place and we both can't help but feel out of place since the party is being held in a penthouse suite in one of the most expensive districts in Seoul.
"Hey guys glad you could make it!" Yeonjun says greeting us at the door. "Yeah it took me a while to finally get her out the door but we're here" I admit gesturing towards Minji. "Thanks for inviting us" she says elbowing me in the side. He ushers us inside and takes us around to introduce us to the others and then gets us a drink. "What the actual fuck?" Minji says after taking in our surroundings and the kind of people at this party.
"I know, see why I didn't want to come here?" I say shyly looking around the room for the tenth time tonight. "Are you kidding me? These people are fucking loaded! Maybe one of them knows someone who could check out the music I've been working on" she says wandering off into the crowd. "Minji wait!" I say calling after her but my pleas go on deaf ears as she heads over toward the dance floor.
"Hey is everything okay?" Yeonjun says placing his hand on the small of my back while simultaneously handing me a flute of champagne. I can't help but jump a bit at the sudden contact but relax as soon as I find out it's him. "Yeah everything's fine, Minji just wandered off. She never acts like this unless we're at a party. I swear sometimes I don't even recognize her and seeing how she's acting now I can tell that tonight is not gonna end well" I say starting to regret my decision of coming. "It's okay, she'll be fine. My friends will take care of her I promise" he says giving me a soft reassuring look. "Alright" I say still feeling a bit reluctant.
"Wanna get some air?" he questions. "Yes please" I agree and he takes my hand in his and leads us towards the balcony. I can't help but feel that same jolt of electricity between us just like the first time we met. As we head outside I feel myself catch a chill but I ignore it in favor of escaping the heated atmosphere that is offered in contrast. He notices my change in body language and takes his jacket off and drapes it around my shoulders.
"Thanks" I say almost silently. He leaves his hands on my shoulders and leads me towards the edge of the balcony to take in the view of the city. I lean up against the railing and take a moment or two to admire all the beautiful lights. "It's so peaceful up here" I say talking a deep breath. "Yeah, everything seems so small and insignificant from up here. It kinda puts your life in perspective looking at a view like this" he admits following my lead and leans against the railing as well, taking in the sights and sounds from down bellow.
"Wow look at my little one getting so philosophical" I say bumping his shoulder with my own. He turns around and leans up against the railing but now choosing to face me instead of the city scape. "Come on Noona I thought I asked you not to call me that, you're only 4 years older than me" he says crossing his arms physically reflecting the start of his bratty behavior. "Four years is basically a lifetime at our age. You've still got a lot to learn" I say reaching my hand up to pat his head.
He grabs my wrist before I'm able to and brings it down towards his lips. "And I'm sure there's a lot of things you could teach me aren't there Noona" I widen my eyes at his boldness and slide my wrist out of his grasp while clearing my throat. "I mean I'm sure there are but there are some things you've just gotta figure out through personal experience and self discovery" I say shying away and going back to face the city. "Personal experience you say?" he says mulling over my words for a bit.
"What kind of personal experience?" He says scooting a bit closer. "Well lots of things" I say starting to feel breathless from his efforts to get closer. "Like going through struggles and overcoming them, getting into trouble and figuring out how to get yourself out of it" I say listing off a few nervously. "What if I don't want to get myself out of it?" he says determination coloring his tone.
"Huh?" I say turning towards him. "I said" he starts taking a chance to lean in closer "What if I don't want to get myself out of trouble?" he says almost challenging me. "Yeonjun please, we've talked about this. What will everyone else think?" I say trying to bring him back to his senses. "I don't care what everyone else thinks. All that matters to me is what you think" he says leaning in even closer and I freeze once feel his breath on my lips.
"This isn't a good idea" I say glancing down at his lips briefly. "Good thing I'm full of bad ideas" he says a hairs breath away from me. I can't help but feel the need to lean in the rest of the way to connect our lips. I give into the tensions and lean in to finally make our lips touch. Fuck it who says I'm not allowed to have a little fun of my own too.
We kiss for a bit and he starts to stand up straight but places his hand on my hip in an effort to get me to follow him and keep the kiss connected. I get up on my tippy toes continuing to kiss him a bit more but ultimately lose my balance and am forced to lean into him. I place my hands on his chest regaining my balance and am met with firm muscle that I can feel through his shirt. I pull away to catch my breath as I realize this kiss has gone on for much longer than originally anticipated.
"Wow" he says panting lightly also feeling a bit breathless, "Yeah" is all I say in response. I feel my head start to fog up still in a daze not believing that actually just happened. "So, you ready to be a bit more reckless?" he says before turning to head inside. "Wait where are you going?" I start to question.
"We" he says placing his hand in mine "are gonna go dance" he finishes while leading me back inside. "Wait but you know I can't dance" I say in protest. "Can't or won't?" he questions with an air of mischief around him. I open and close my mouth a few times trying to come up with a response but before I can he places his hand on the small of my back and leads me towards the dance floor.
He turns me around so I'm facing towards him and places my hands on his shoulders and grabs me by the waist to pull me in. "This is so embarrassing" I say bringing my vision down to the floor where I do my best to mirror his steps. "It's okay noona no one is even paying attention to us, look" he says urging me to take a glance around the room. And just a he said everyone is absorbed in what they're doing. Whether it be dancing with their friends or grinding on their partner while swaying to the beat. I look away and can't help but blush at the sight.
"Hey" he says bringing my attention back to him. "The only one you need to focus on is me. Just follow my lead and feel the music, relax and let yourself have some fun okay?" he says tilting his head looking down at me and I nod in response. I avert my gaze to the people around the room again and I can't help but feel shy under his gaze. "Noona" he says using a feather light touch on my cheek to bring my gaze back to him. "Didn't I say you should focus on me?" He says tilting my chin up towards him. I feel as though my only option is to make eye contact with him so I nod almost admitting to my shyness.
"Is everything okay?" he says bringing his hand back down to his original placement on my waist. "I just, I don't know what to do. Should I talk to you? Should I just dance? Sho-" I'm cut off feeling his lips against mine again. It isn't forced or rough at all, it almost feels like it's meant to be, it just feels so natural with him. He waits a moment or two and pulls away leaning his forehead against mine. "You talk too much" he says amused at my dazed expression. I take my hand off his shoulder and place my hand on his cheek and bring him closer for another kiss. This one almost feeling a bit needier than the ones before.
I'm not sure exactly how I got here but one second I'm on the dance floor and the next I'm in an unknown bedroom getting drunk off Yeonjun's kisses. As soon as he closed the door behind us he goes in for another kiss. I can feel how needy he is, needy for me. He keeps our lips connected as he pins me to the wall. Not nearly as aggressive as I had expected which is refreshing.
He places one hand on my jaw, keeping my face angled up towards him. And the other he uses to feel me up. He runs his hand down my thigh and brings it up to wrap around his waist as he grinds against me showing how much my simple touches have affected him. I gasp at the feeling and pull away from the kiss only to feel him start to kiss down my neck and finally settle on a place that makes me let out a breathy moan.
"Yeonjun" I breathe out. He hums in acknowledgement but continues to grind against me and in turn keeps me in place. "Yeonjun I don't think we should be doing this" I say hardly being able to hold back a moan that is begging to be released. "Noona shhh don't think" he says bringing his face back to mine. He stops and hovers right over my lips. "Tell me you don't want this, that you don't want me. Then I'll stop" he says in a deep tone, just above a whisper almost daring me to say no. "I-" I start, locking my gaze with his and I can't help but look down at his lips and kiss him again.
He smiles into the kiss and grabs my other leg, wrapping it around him and carries me over to the bed and places me down. He stands up and takes his shirt off then comes back and continues to kissing me until I'm gasping for air. "Wait who's room is this?" I question. "Don't worry it's his parent's bedroom. No one would dare to come in here, except for me" he says smirking and going back in to kiss my neck.
"No wonder you said you were full of bad ideas little one" I tease. "Noona, please don't don't call me that" he pleads softly. "But I thought you liked it when I tease. Or was that just me?" I say teasing yet again hoping to get him to be a little more aggressive. I like sweet and gentle but my whole body is on fire and I need more.
"Don't temp me" he says in a warning tone. I push him over so he's now lying on the bed and I follow him, in turn straddling his lap. "Or what?" I question gaining more confidence. I'm older than him and more experienced so maybe it's my turn to take the upper hand. He lays there slightly stunned by my dominance and I can see the wheels in his head turning, trying to come up with a cheeky response. But to no avail, it seems I've left him speechless.
"Didn't you say you wanted me to teach you something?" I say reminding him of our conversation on the balcony. He nods his head in response. "What's wrong little one? Cat got your tongue?" I question. He opens his mouth to respond but I cut him off going down to give him a short kiss leaving him chasing after my lips. "Actually why don't you be a good boy and keep quiet for me. Think you can do that?" He nods his head and I can see a gleam of excitement reflecting in his eyes as well as anxiousness from not knowing exactly what to expect.
I gather all my hair over to one side and go down once more to kiss him. I feel him eager to take over the pace but I pull away and hover over his lips yet again. "Calm down little one, you need to follow my lead. I promise I'll make you feel good, just be patient okay?" he nods again keeping in mind that he needs to be quiet for me. "Good boy" I say sitting back up to look down at him.
I wore a button up blouse and I'm so glad I did, now that I'm placed in this situation. I can see him getting needier with every passing second and I can't help but laugh slightly at the state he's in. "Does someone want more attention from Noona?" He nods his head almost furiously but tries to refrain from whimpering as he's clearly affected by me. "Patience baby, didn't I say I would take care of you?" he slightly pouts at the fact that he's not granted the instant gratification he was initially anticipating on his way over here with me.
As I start unbuttoning my shirt little by little I see his eyes starting to sparkle at the thought of seeing me bare. I stop once I open the button that starts to show my cleavage. I feel him squirm trying to gain friction after seeing the sight in front of him. I made sure to sit right above his hips so as to not provide any contact from me in the place he's desperately craving for.
"You need to be patient if you want to be rewarded. You want noona to reward you right? "He nods clearly anxious at the fact that he had disobeyed me. "You've been very good so far. Should I keep going?" I say placing my fingers on the next button. He whimpers as a way to plead me to continue. "Shhhh" I say leaning in and running my hands along his chest and torso while also providing him a clear view of my cleavage. "I know baby, soon" I say and go back to sitting up straight.
I reach for the next button and the one after that and finally reach the last one and let my shirt fall off my shoulders. He takes that moment to admire me in the dirty position I've put myself in. "Okay now listen very carefully, I need you to open the clasp on my bra. Do you think you can do that?" he nods his head clearly excited at the thought.
"But the thing is, I need you to keep your eyes on me. Do you understand? You cannot look down and you cannot me touch until I tell you. Is that something you'll be able to handle?" I say tracing a line from his collarbone all the way down to where our bodies connect. He shakes his head showing how desperate he is for some sort of contact with me. "Oh come on, I'm sure you can" I lean back down and then whisper in his ear "I believe in you"
He whimpers again at my encouragement. "Okay baby if you think you're ready then I give you permission but remember, don't look, don't touch. Only look at me, do you understand?" I repeat making my instructions very clear. He nods again finally mustering up the confidence and self restraint to do so.
He reaches up and makes sure to only reach for my bra but he accidentally makes contact with my lower back. He studies my face in panic but I nod urging him to continue. I can't help but get wet seeing how submissive and pretty he looks in this position. "You're so handsome and such a good listener" I say praising him. I hear him whimper again clearly satisfied with the praise.
"Does my baby like noona's praises?" he quickly nods his head with zero hesitation hoping to gain even more praises. "You're such a good boy being so responsive and staying so quiet for me" he places his hands back down on the bed after having undone the clasp. I let my bra fall off and throw it to the side. I see him widen his eyes trying his best to maintain eye contact. It's funny to think I was shying away from his eye contact just moments ago.
I lean in to kiss him and make sure to slide down his torso and hover above his lap so as to provide me a better angle to kiss him and in turn brush my breasts against his chest. He can't help but let out a shaky moan at my actions and slightly bucks his hips hoping to gain some sort of friction. I pull away from the kiss slightly gasping at the contact.
"I'm sorry Noona I didn't mean to!" he says in a panic. "It's okay baby. You've been such a good listener so far, so I'll let it slide" I respond satisfied with his quick apology. "Noona" he says before I go to connect our lips again. "Yes little one?" I say pulling away and giving him a soft smile. He continues to keep eye contact with me still obeying my earlier instructions.
"C-can, can I touch you?" he says with vulnerability coloring his tone. "Sure baby you can touch me" I say and he immediately places his hands on my hips and works his way up towards my breasts. He looks up at me in a pleading manner waiting for my permission. "Go ahead" I say so satisfied with his obedience. He grabs my breasts and plays with them to his hearts content. I moan at the feeling of finally being touched and go down to kiss him again, making him swallow my moans.
"Take your pants off" I say between kisses. He sits up with me still on top of him and I climb off of his lap and wait for him to oblige. "Wait!" I say before he can continue. "Leave your boxers on" I order. He looks at me in confusion but does so all the same. He lays back down and goes to pull me back down onto his lap but I stop him and go to do the same as he had just done, except I strip myself completely. I see his eyes light up in excitement as he drinks in the sight before him.
"Lay down" I say placing a knee on the bed and pushing him gently onto his back. I climb onto his lap but hover right above where I can see his length clearly growing more and more at the quick escalation of the situation. "What do you want me to do handsome? Should Noona rub her wet cunt all over you?" He moans at the idea and quickly agrees. He grabs my hips and guides me down where he's been craving the most attention. "Fuck" we both say in unison as we finally come in contact.
"Noona please" he says bucking his hips up to rub his tip against my clit. "So needy" I breathe out through a laugh. I lower myself down and start to grind my hips against his, hearing him take in a sharp breath finally getting the attention he's been begging for. I let out a shaky breath and throw my head back getting lost in the feeling. I place my hands on his chest using it to help me regain some balance and provide me better support so I can pleasuring the both of us even more. I start to rub myself up and down his shaft faster and I can't help but start to let out breathy moans at the feeling.
"Noona you're so wet" he says trying keep his voice even. "You wanna know what made me so wet?" I say bringing my gaze back down to him. He widens his eyes laying in wait to hear my response. I continue my actions and do my best to keep a level head as to not lose my dominance. "It was because you were such a good listener, you just look so pretty under me. I love seeing how my touch affects you. You're so responsive that I just can't help but want to toy with you even more" I say making sure to lean down in an effort to connect our lips.
I stop just before I reach him and smile at his adorable reaction trying to angle his head up in an effort to chase my lips again. "Aww how adorable" I say praising him but also denying him. I suddenly feel myself being flipped over ending up with my back against the bed. "I've let you have some fun but please no more teasing. I need you" he says with an almost painful expression on his face. "Does baby need to have some fun of his own?" I say laughing at his effort to take over. He nods his head and looks down to where our bodies are connected.
"Okay how's this. Why don't you use those pretty lips to pleasure Noona? Do you think you can do that? After that I'll let you have all the fun you want" I propose waiting for his response. "You promise?" He says going to rub himself against me again. I let out a moan louder than my previous ones feeling myself getting closer. "Noona I want to be inside you. Please" he says almost sobbing at the thought of being denied release.
I take a second to study him and decide that I should go a bit easier on him since it's our first time trying something like this. "Do you want me to touch you?" I propose giving him a chance to chase his high sooner but not giving him what he want right away. "Yes please anything, it hurts" he says letting out another sob.
"Okay baby take these off and sit at the end of the bed" I say toying with his waistband. He does as he's told and stands waiting with eyes full anticipation and vulnerability. I kneel down in front of him and reach for his shaft slowly pumping it in an effort to get him to leak a bit more precum so I'm provided with something that'll make my movements a bit slicker. He moans immediately at the contact and bucks his hips up against my grasp. "Shhh baby soon" I say urging him to be patient.
"Please Noona I can't" he begs. "Do you want my mouth?" I question and am met with an immediate yes. I lean forward and lick a long strip from base all the way back up and suck a bit on his his red tip visibly begging for release. I take him in slowly and bob my head up and down at the same time. I know he's close and I want to reward him further so I reach up and place one of his hands on the back of my head. He gets the message and asks for permission. "Noona can I fuck your throat?" I hum in approval and immediately feel him thrust further down my throat and I gag at the sudden intrusion. "I'm sorry I'll go slower" he chokes out.
He continues and instead chooses to help me bob my head a bit faster instead of thrusting in an effort to not hurt me. He's so fucking adorable, even though I've been torturing him this entire time he still makes sure to be gentle with me. His hesitation is endearing but it seems funny thinking that now with his dick pushed down my throat. "Fuck Noona look at me." he lets out in a restrained voice. He brushes my hair to the side in an effort to gain a clearer view of my face and I in turn look up at him with the roundest doe eyes I can muster.
"F-fuck I'm cuming" he says warning me in an effort to give me the option to pull away. I lean in closer waiting for him to release in my mouth and I feel his grasp get a bit tighter as he thrusts and picks up the pace for a second until I feel him let out a low moan as he cums down my throat. He thrust himself into my mouth a few more times fucking himself through it until he's done. I pull away and get up to kiss him but wait and give him the option not to. He pulls me in roughly and brings us both back down on the bed and plants lazy but needy kisses all over me.
Once he slows down and lays down on the bed I roll over on top of him. "You did so well, made sure to take good care of me even though you wanted to be rougher. I'm so proud of you" I say placing a few kisses on his chest. "T-thank you Noona" he says through labored breath. "You're welcome little one" I say planting a soft kiss on his lips. "Do you wanna rest for a bit?" I say propping my chin on top of his chest. "Yeah just... just give me a second" he says clearing his throat. "If that was too much for you you would've told me right?" I say tracing featherlight patterns on his torso.
"Yes of course Noona I loved everything, I promise. I would've told you no if I couldn't handle it and you listened to me when I said I couldn't wait and that was exactly what I needed you to do. You took very good care of me" he says reassuring me. "Okay I'm glad you liked it" I say happy that I was able to satisfy him. "But" he starts out but pauses to clear his throat. "Do you think we could stop? I feel like my whole body is on fire" he says clearly exhausted from all of the over stimulation.
"Of course baby you can always tell me when you're finished. Don't hesitate to speak up if you feel the need to. Especially if you want to stop" I say taking the chance to look him in the eyes as a way to reassure him. "But, Noona you never came" he says eyes full of concern realizing the state he left me in. "It's okay baby I'm fine. You can help me out next time" I say giving him a soft smile.
"No!" he says flipping us over and making his way down to help take care of the throbbing sensation between my legs "Let me make you feel good".
Read pt. 2 here > Keep Quiet for Me Noona | Choi Yeonjun
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parkduris · 10 months
adsb andersson bell exhibition, dongdaemun design plaza. with @ofsujis.
exhibitions were always something that duri enjoyed, truth be told. though, he has more experience in going to art exhibitions, over actual fashion exhibitions. but, he really wanted to go to more of them, if possible, since he was, in a way, entering the fashion industry, and hoping that maybe someone wants to give him an ambassadorship for a fashion brand. simply because duri thinks that's something that's really cool and he thinks he'd just get really better, overall in his confidence and fashion game, if he were to actually get one. not to mention, also attend more fashion exhibitions overall. an exhibition at seoul fashion week seemed like the best bet to get more experience in attending one.
luckily, this one was doing a more private time, having a special private event ticket - which seemingly meant duri would have more time to look at the items on display, study them, see what they were like. fashion is art, you treat it much like you do a painting, right? at least, in some kind of sense; especially when it has a major theme like this. dream and recycle - the two words put together for a theme was something that was really intriguing to duri, and he wondered how it was going to go into a fashion scape.
he's moving along, and that's when he manages to come across suji, a sunbae that duri really looks up to when it comes to fashion, and things of that nature. so, it was really cool that she was here to, at least to him, and that probably meant duri was going to do a lot of talking. "hello suji-sunbae!" duri greets, bowing towards the other. "this is really interesting, right?" he says. "i think it all really goes along with the theme, seeing them recycling materials into fashion and yet, everything feels so... dreamy in a sense too? i think they really hit the nail on the head," he said, a soft giggle leaves his lips as he looks around. "i think what they're really showing off is kind of... really cool fashion?"
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brinnanza · 1 year
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listen. listen. bnha in general is some of thee best disability allegory fiction I've ever consumed, and vigilantes turns it up to 11. something happened /to/ this guy, resulting in his body being permanently changed so he can no longer do things like /use the bathroom/ and the issue isn't that he hates his new state of being it's that society isn't set up for him!! sure he can apply for public housing but regular sized/able bodied people don't have to do that!!
I genuinely love that the allegory is so heavy handed tbh because it's SO easy to brush off disability allegories when they're subtle. like, Sci fi isn't about predicting the future, it's about critiquing the present and vigilantes came out and said "societal infrastructure is insufficient for disabled people". obviously I'm reading this through an American lens without a lot of knowledge on, say, disability culture in Japan but I did just this morning read about folks in wheelchairs disrupting public transit in I think Seoul during rushing hour simply by riding the trains bc they're not accessible and like it's a pretty global problem even apart from the very specific type of hell scape I'm experiencing as an American
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dramioneasks · 2 years
Hello! I'm looking for a fic where literally the only detail I remember is a Gingerbread house building competition in the ministry. D and H are both coworkers (?) and there's something to do with a supply closet. I believe it's only one scene in a much longer multi-chap, though I could be wrong. Much appreciated if you could identify it!
Edit: Thanks!
seoul-scape: Sugar Flurries, Candy Storms by mightbewriting https://archiveofourown.org/works/27663685?view_adult=true
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mykpopwire · 1 month
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Live Nation Singapore is thrilled to announce that the popular K-pop group, NCT DREAM, will be bringing their highly anticipated 3rd world tour to Singapore this coming June! Following their sold-out show last year, the group is returning to Singapore for a two-night extravaganza on 29th and 30th June 2024 at the Singapore Indoor Stadium. NCT DREAM is a South Korean boy group formed in 2016 under SM Entertainment, comprising of MARK, RENJUN, JENO, HAECHAN, JAEMIN, CHENLE and JISUNG. NCT DREAM’s musical style embodies the vibrant energy of youth. Their songs, primarily pop, seamlessly blend elements of R&B, hip-hop, and dance music. They are known for their bright and upbeat sound, often incorporating powerful vocals, catchy hooks, and intricate rap verses. Their songs often explore themes relevant to teenagers and young adults like love, friendship, self-discovery, and chasing dreams. Beyond the music, NCT DREAM’s stage presence shines through with their synchronized and energetic performances, as they are widely known for their sharp choreography, often featuring intricate formations and powerful moves. NCT DREAM has seen impressive commercial success since their debut. Their 2019 EP, “We Boom”, became a massive hit in Korea, landing them in the top 10 for physical sales and earning them various music awards. Their 2020 EP, “Reload”, achieved impressive pre-orders, and their success skyrocketed with the release of their first studio album, “Hot Sauce” in 2021. It became the best-selling album on the Gaon Chart in the first half of 2021 and was named Best Album at the 31st Seoul Music Awards. Thereafter, NCT DREAM continued to receive tremendous success and recognition with each music release, dominating domestic and international charts as well as clinching prestigious awards. Their youthful and relatable music also garnered international recognition, as they were the first Asian act to be featured three times on Billboard’s “21 Under 21” list and were included on Time’s “25 Most Influential Teens” list, solidifying their impact on the K-Pop scene.
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2024 NCT DREAM WORLD TOUR <THE DREAM SHOW 3 : DREAM( )SCAPE> in SINGAPORE with LOTTE DUTY FREE will take place at the Singapore Indoor Stadium on 29 June (Sat) & 30 June (Sun) 2024. Fans who have signed up for “NCTzen DREAM” Membership (GL) Pre-Sale on Weverse will be able to grab their tickets first on 2 May (Thu), 12pm to 11:59pm. Visit livenation.sg/nctdream2024 for more information. Live Nation members can secure tickets during the Live Nation presale on 3 May (Fri), 12pm to 11:59pm. Visit livenation.sg for free membership signup and presale access. Tickets for the general public will go on sale on 4 May (Sat), from 12pm onwards via www.ticketmaster.sg.
*photos courtesy of Live Nation Singapore
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Seoul | Evening in Myeongdong
Back at the hotel, we ventured to the rooftop restaurant and bar with plans to have a drink but were turned away for not having a reservation. We could see Seoul tower from the bar, as well as the surrounding city scape, and after enjoying the view for a few moments I fell back on trying some new NA beers from the convenience store next to the hotel before we set off for dinner, deciding on an all you can eat sushi buffet called Qoo Qoo in the Myeongdong area. A quick google search tells me this location has since closed, but the buffet was reasonably priced, and with a seemingly endless offering of sushi, nigiri, sashimi, and hot bar foods. Although we all were diet restricted between vegetarian/occasionally pescatarian Devin, Kosher Josh, and pregnant Lauren, there was something for everyone and I gorged myself on plates of cooked sushis and hot bar foods, finishing with creme puffs and other small desserts before waddling home past the Myeongdong Cathedral. SaeRam had been trying to get Stephen and I to try a frankly unappetizing sounding Korean dish of marinated raw crab for some time and I happened to spot it at the sushi bar. Thankfully I could fall back on being pregnant as an excuse not to try it tonight!
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delaneypayne · 1 year
Started the first day off in Seoul this morning! To start my morning I ordered a 바나나 카페라떼 (Banana Cafe Latte). It was delicious! I highly recommend it.
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After having my morning coffee I was fully prepared to start my day. Our first location was “N” Seoul Tower. This location was beautiful. The drive there also allowed time to enjoy the Korean scenery and appreciate the city scape.
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The views from the tower were amazing…
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Next stop was Gyeong Bok Palace. The complex was huge and my jet lag definitely started to kick in here but the place was gorgeous. Hopefully, next time I come I can rent a Hanbok.
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We wrapped up our day shortly after here by having Samgyeopsal (삼겹살) for dinner! I will definitely be needing more of this before leaving! Afterward we got to continue to explore the city a little bit on our own.
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Until my post tomorrow!
안녕히 가십시오!
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olivieblake · 3 years
hey Olivie, this isn’t so much an ask but a thank you. Yesterday was my birthday — my second in this pandemic — and leading up to it I have been struggling with a lot of anxiety about what feels like losing another year of my life, even as there are so many conversations around me about re-entering society/post-pandemic plans. As a person who likes to ~do things and who has, for a better part of my life, has placed my self-worth upon the altar of my accomplishments, the NOT doing anything of the last year has been difficult to accept. I think it’s coupled with the fact that I am now properly in my mid 30s (and that dreaded age where I am now considered geriatric/high risk in terms of child-bearing) and it quite literally feels like my “last chance” of finding someone and starting a family was taken from me. Logically, I know this isn’t true at all and that it’s both unfair and unkind to give this narrative any sort of consideration but there’s something about starting a pandemic at 33 and now being 35 and having what feels like crucial years just being wiped from my life. I know that this can be said about so many people’s experiences but it has been something that I have been personally struggling with in the lead up to my birthday. All this to say, I spent a good amount of yesterday re-listening/watching your videos about women in their 30s and aging and just general surviving this time which brought a lot of comfort & helped ease the pressure I have been feeling. So thank you :)
oh man I feel you, that’s one of those years where A LOT happens in terms of the female experience. isn’t it crazy how time can be so relative? like sure, you can lose a year between 22-24 and it’s whatever (it’s not, but close enough) but compare that to a year of a child’s social development? or a year between a “normal” pregnancy and a geriatric one? I actually know a lot of people who are 35 who decided to have babies this year and put off their weddings/marriages for later, so it definitely seems like the pandemic has had and will continue to have a ripple effect socially. which doesn’t help you, obviously, but in fairness the only thing I can think to say is that things work out however they work out. I know what you mean about being achievement driven and how that might make you feel like you’re falling behind, but who you share your life with is not an achievement, you know what I mean? it’s not some kind of deadline you can run late for. whoever they are, you will find them when you find them, and while I know that’s not exactly reassuring, I think it’s just the truth. the pandemic made things harder for you, yes, but it’s probably made things harder for them, too—or maybe it’s a good thing! cut me some slack here (I’m a storyteller so I know this is just a story) but maybe this person, whoever they are, wouldn’t have been ready for you if not for the pandemic. maybe they were with the wrong person and spent the last year realizing it, or maybe as a result of isolation they had to change jobs; maybe something unexpected happened and now they are on their way to you. maybe the way you find a family partially means meeting someone who has kids of their own. maybe something completely different. maybe you’ll meet them tomorrow and you’re not “behind” at all. so I think the point is that it isn’t about when your life comes together, but how and with whom. I hope that at least reframing that for something unpredictable will make you feel a little brighter about what’s ahead
and happy birthday! I know I personally love having you in my life, and if it helps, I know that all the imaginings you have for a life with love and family and, yes, achievement may come to you later than you thought, but there is no deadline for happiness, no finish line you’re too late to cross. it’s just being open to all the wonderful things you have yet to dream
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tokyxlights · 6 years
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cascadeofdreams · 5 years
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stever92 · 6 years
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Cyberpunk Seoul www.instagram.com/steveroe_
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impressionsofseoul · 6 years
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Sans Titre
(Leica X Vario / Type 107)
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