aloisgauinger · 2 years
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Reposted from Heidi #Sequenz @heidisequenz #lobauaustrocknung Die Obere Lobau erhält bald zusätzlich Wasser, über eine Rohrleitung aus der Neuen Donau in die Panozzalacke , zusätzlich zur bereits bestehenden Dotation (blauer Kreis ganz links). Das ist die gute Nachricht! Viele BürgerInnen, NGOs und auch die Grünen kämpfen seit Jahren dafür. Nur die Obere Lobau ist bereits sehr gut versorgt, es musste die Wasserzufuhr sogar schon mal reduziert werden, weil es über den berüchtigten Dammbalken zu fließen drohte. Und das ist die Crux: Dieses viele Wasser darf aber nicht in die Untere Lobau weiterfließen, die massiv von Austrocknung bedroht ist. Das verhindert eben dieser Balkendamm (blauer Kreis rechts) Die MA31 befürchtet eine mögliche Kontaminierung der Brunnen in der Unteren Lobau, die für den Notfall gedacht sind. Es befindet sich aber auch ein Brunnen (Markethäufl) in der Oberen Lobau, der in den letzten 20 Jahren keinen Schaden nahm durch die Dotation mit Wasser aus der Donau. Nun will man nochmals jahrelang untersuchen welchen Einfluss die ZUSÄTZLICHE Wasserzufuhr auf genau den gleichen Brunnen Markethäufl hat🥺 um daraus Schlüsse für die Brunnen der Unteren Lobau zu ziehen? Damit gehen wieder viele Jahren verloren in denen die Untere Lobau verdurstet- jener Nationalpark der den absolut höchsten Schutz genießt. Anträge zumindest einen wissenschaftlichen Versuch zu machen wie sich eine Dotation auswirken könnte auf die Brunnen in der Unteren Lobau, werden von allen Parteien unterstützt außer der SPÖ. https://tvthek.orf.at/profile/Wien-heute/70018/Wien-heute/14155587/Neue-Wasserleitung-fuer-die-Lobau/15263564 #ticker #wohnblogAT (hier: Lobau) https://www.instagram.com/p/CldDrULNrXQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jt1674 · 9 days
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arkhammaid · 4 months
just had my final discussion with my internship mentor, i passed my internship so all good
the text i got once i left was "everything went well?" from my fellow student aka the overachiever (who i actually talked about with my mentor) and i was like "yeah totally 👍"
totally in like, i talked about you to my mentor and asked her to NOT pair me up with you again, i talked about specific examples WHY i wouldn't like to be paired up again, i talked about why i think other people are going to have major issues with you BECAUSE YOU DONT LISTEN
but it went well lol
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okay zweite Frage: do you agree that very long & even longer explored each others bodies 🧍‍♀️
hm also sie sind schon ziemlich fruity, das kann man nicht bestreiten (natürlich nur echt mit den Deutsche-Comedy-der-2000er homophoben Untertönen)...
wenn man aber jetzt von der anderen Seite kommt, und fragt, ob ich es shippe... eh. es ist wie mit so einigen pairings, die in gewissen fandoms groß sind - ich sehe, woher die Leute kommen, aber meins isses nicht.
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topicsfromatoz · 1 month
In "The Equalizer 5: Diamanti nel cielo, aprendo il vaso di Pandora" Robert McCall affronta nuove minacce dopo aver vendicato la morte di Susan Plummer nel capitolo precedente. A seguito di una serie di esplosioni coordinate che hanno preso di mira McCall e le persone a lui vicine, Brian Plummer muore, ma Emma Collins sopravvive, anche se in coma. McCall si infiltra nella CIA per indagare su una misteriosa operazione chiamata "Diamonds in the Sky". Scopre che l'accesso ai file dell'operazione richiede chiavi speciali detenute da funzionari di alto rango, nome in codice Eagles. Dopo una serie di intensi scontri, McCall mette al sicuro le chiavi e scopre un video che rivela un legame personale con l'operazione. Il colpo di scena scioccante arriva quando Brian Plummer, che ha simulato la sua morte, si rivela essere la mente dietro il complotto, motivato dalla vendetta contro McCall per aver ucciso suo fratello. Il climax presenta una battaglia ad alto rischio, con McCall e una Emma Collins recuperata che affrontano Brian e la sua squadra d'élite. Nonostante gli elaborati piani di Brian, McCall ne esce vittorioso, ma non senza l'inquietante avvertimento che la sua vittoria potrebbe aver scatenato più pericoli. Il film si conclude con McCall determinato a continuare la sua lotta contro le forze oscure dietro il "vaso di Pandora".
#TheEqualizer #DenzelWashington #ThrillerDazione #GiustiziaVigilante #Redenzione #Protezione #SceneDiCombattimento #GiustiziaCriminale #AngeloCustode #Pensionamento
Denzel Washington, eroe giustiziere, thriller d'azione, Robert McCall, commando operazioni nere, sequenze d'azione intense, scene di combattimento, giustizia criminale, angelo custode, temi di redenzione, serie cinematografica 2014, sequel 2018, genio tattico, complessità morale, performance coinvolgente, giustizia per gli indifesi, resistenza alla crudeltà, abilità nascoste, ex commando, vita da pensionato,
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tastierearranger · 4 months
Dilagano progressioni di accordi negli arranger
Il recente lancio di nuovi arranger nell’area delle tastiere di primo ingresso ha evidenziato un elemento comune che merita attenzione. Non so quanti di noi l’abbiano notato. Roland Go:Keys 3 (e Go:Keys 5), come Yamaha PSR-E383 (e PSR-EW320) includono interessanti funzionalità per la riproduzione di sequenze degi accordi. Queste funzionalità, già presenti da anni negli arranger di fascia alta,…
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datenarche · 9 months
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silviadeangelis · 1 year
Impaginazione senza tregua di tempo futuro assottigliato dal logorio verderame di sequenze oscure. Rari nuovi affreschi tessono scansioni d’alfabeti d’incerte lettere svuotate d’essenza nei verbi indefiniti taciuti quasi nell’incomprensione di rito. @Silvia De Angelis
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exceltricks · 1 year
Wie man in Excel eine Liste eindeutiger Zahlen ohne Duplikate generiert
In diesem Beitrag geht es um das Erzeugen einer Liste von eindeutigen Zahlen in Excel, ohne dabei Duplikate zu haben. In dem folgenden YouTube-Video bekommen Sie gezeigt, wie Sie vorgehen können, um eine Liste von zehn eindeutigen Zahlen zwischen 10 und 30 zu generieren. Dies können Sie in Excel erreichen, indem Sie die Funktionen INDEX(), EINDEUTIG(), ZUFALLSMATRIX() und SEQUENZ() in Excel…
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billykildi · 1 year
Quel ballo ancora oggi travolgente.
Il ballo fra John Travolta e Uma Thurman (sulle note di You Never Can Tell di Chuck Berry), è una delle sequenze più amate dei film di Quentin Tarantino.
Pulp Fiction vinse una Palma d'oro nel 1994 e un Oscar per la sceneggiatura nel 1995.
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aloisgauinger · 2 years
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Reposted from Heidi #Sequenz @heidisequenz #lobauaustrocknung Die Obere Lobau erhält bald zusätzlich Wasser, über eine Rohrleitung aus der Neuen Donau in die Panozzalacke , zusätzlich zur bereits bestehenden Dotation (blauer Kreis ganz links). Das ist die gute Nachricht! Viele BürgerInnen, NGOs und auch die Grünen kämpfen seit Jahren dafür. Nur die Obere Lobau ist bereits sehr gut versorgt, es musste die Wasserzufuhr sogar schon mal reduziert werden, weil es über den berüchtigten Dammbalken zu fließen drohte. Und das ist die Crux: Dieses viele Wasser darf aber nicht in die Untere Lobau weiterfließen, die massiv von Austrocknung bedroht ist. Das verhindert eben dieser Balkendamm (blauer Kreis rechts) Die MA31 befürchtet eine mögliche Kontaminierung der Brunnen in der Unteren Lobau, die für den Notfall gedacht sind. Es befindet sich aber auch ein Brunnen (Markethäufl) in der Oberen Lobau, der in den letzten 20 Jahren keinen Schaden nahm durch die Dotation mit Wasser aus der Donau. Nun will man nochmals jahrelang untersuchen welchen Einfluss die ZUSÄTZLICHE Wasserzufuhr auf genau den gleichen Brunnen Markethäufl hat🥺 um daraus Schlüsse für die Brunnen der Unteren Lobau zu ziehen? Damit gehen wieder viele Jahren verloren in denen die Untere Lobau verdurstet- jener Nationalpark der den absolut höchsten Schutz genießt. Anträge zumindest einen wissenschaftlichen Versuch zu machen wie sich eine Dotation auswirken könnte auf die Brunnen in der Unteren Lobau, werden von allen Parteien unterstützt außer der SPÖ. https://tvthek.orf.at/profile/Wien-heute/70018/Wien-heute/14155587/Neue-Wasserleitung-fuer-die-Lobau/15263564 #ticker #wohnblogAT (hier: Lobau) https://www.instagram.com/p/CldDqvCtL4F/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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spatort-audiopsie · 1 month
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Wir sind wieder da!
Nachdem wir uns nun etwa ein halbes Jahr Päuschen gegönnt haben, sind wir wieder zurück und haben Bock auf Das Herz der Schlange!
Diese Staffel gibt es ein leicht verändertes Konzept: Es sollen insgesamt 20 Folgen werden statt 30+, wir gehen also etwas gestraffter durch die "Case of the Week"-Segmente, nehmen uns aber immer noch jede Menge Zeit für die juicy Szenen.
Eure Fun Facts könnt ihr sehr gerne weiterhin in das Rehsearch-Dokument eintragen (den Link gibt es per PN). Wir werden die Submissions ab sofort nicht mehr für jede Folge einzeln öffnen und schließen, d.h. ihr könnt nun auch weit im Voraus eure Beiträge einreichen.
Neue Folgen erscheinen wie immer sonntags und werden hier auf unserem Blog angekündigt, also folgt uns, um immer up to date zu sein.
Wir freuen uns!
Eure Hosts @tiny-steve, @spatort & Leopold
*** Häufig gestellte Fragen ***
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In jeder Folge analysieren wir eine Szene oder Sequenz aus dem Tatort Saarbrücken – chronologisch, angefangen bei Das fleißige Lieschen, Timecode 00:00:00. Unnütze Fakten, Filmfehler, Insiderwissen und viel zu tiefgründige Analysen erwarten euch!
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sommerregenjuniluft · 4 months
@rosekillermicrofic june 11 — memory — 860words — aka baby rosekiller in canon universe 🪄
The first memory Barty has of Evan is from second year.
Looking back Barty knows he’s noticed Evan before, in their first year. A blurry morsel of a sequenze, hazy moving pictures of white blonde curls—two heads more often than not—and smooth tan skin disappearing under violet shimmering robes and crisp dress shirts. He’d known from his father where to sort in the name Rosier, one of the Sacred 28, after all.
But the first distinct memory is from DADA class, second year.
It had been sometime late spring, early summer. June, maybe.
A sharp breeze filtered in through the open window of their tower classroom but the air had been warm, tousling Barty’s hair as he levitated his chair to the side of the room as they’d all been asked to by their Professor. Today’s topic: dueling practice.
Barty’s grin had been razor sharp.
Their Professor makes the Slytherins and the Gryffindors have a go at each other first, which is as much entertaining to watch as it is boring as Barty stands to the side and fiddles with his blue tie, waiting for his turn. In retrospect, he should have tried observing the classmates that were soon to be his opponents but for a 12 year old Barty it had been much more fun messing with the Professor’s talking raven.
Once it was his turn, Barty won the first few rounds easily. Even back then he’d already had a fair ensemble of mean jinxes and curses memorized. Bones were turned back to solid, students were picked off the ground, stiff like Honeyduke’s teeth breaking candy and deposited on the tables and classroom equipment was fixed from being shattered only moments prior.
Then Barty was faced with Evan Rosier.
And while Barty was pretty bloody good, Evan was offensive. The second the Professor gave the go Evan was firing something at him. Barty deflected the spell just in time but he was so stunned for a moment that he almost forgot to start attacking as well. Though Evan taking another step forward and waving his wand had done the trick. Barty jumped into action. He fired off two in a row and then another at Evan’s feet. Evan spelled a protection shield and then returned with three curses as well.
A laugh tumbled out of Barty when he recognized the spells. Impressive. Evan Rosier really doesn’t hold back, huh?
Barty twisted, dodging the spell. But Evan was quick and he managed to fire off another that grazed Barty’s shoulder. Something hot and stinging. His aim was incredible—still is, of course. Barty hissed in pain but he managed to hurl two more jinxes in Evan’s direction nonetheless. Evan deflected and then he caught Barty, hitting him square in the chest with something that threw him back several feet.
Barty landed on the floor with a dull thud and he groaned. He was about to scramble back up when Evan hit him with something that made Barty’s body spasm, the muscles in his limbs seize.
It was like electricity shooting through Barty’s veins and for a moment he couldn’t do anything but laugh, stars dancing in his vision.
Barty managed to prop himself up on his elbows, arms still shaking, just in time to see Evan move his wand again, and what rendered Barty immobile then wasn’t the result of another spell but rather the sharp grin on Evan’s face.
And Evan always smacks him when Barty says it but, well, if that wasn’t love at first sight what else is?
Whatever foul curse Evan was hurling his way though gets redirected away and to the side, hitting the stone wall with a green spark. Barty didn’t know why a slight wave of disappointment washed over him.
“That’s quite enough, Mister Rosier,” their Professor said.
Evan nodded once, giving a curt hum in response before pocketing his wand.
Barty stood up and shook his arms out, shuffling around on the spot to get rid of the tingling feeling in his body.
Their Professor called out two names and Evan walked to stand on the side. Barty followed.
“You’re good,” Barty stated, inspecting Rosier’s side profile. His nose is small and upturned, like a doll. And his lashes are dark and long.
“I am,” is all Evan replied.
“You gotta teach me that last spell you hit me with sometime,” Barty said, nudging their elbows together.
Evan turned and simply scowled at him.
Barty’s grin widened, “I feel like I’ve been bitten by a Swedish electric Grindylow.”
“A Finnish electric Grindylow, you mean,” a high voice chimed behind him. Barty turned and stared into the same face. The same button nose, the same brown eyes, only framed by longer, wavy hair. Pandora Rosier. She’s pretty. She looks just like her brother.
“But I like your comparison.” The girl tipped her head sideways, blinking at Barty, before breaking out into a big, close lipped smile, eyes crinkling. “He’ll show you,” she announced in her twin’s stead.
Evan had only grumbled but he hadn’t denied it. And a few days later (after some relentless bugging from Barty and more fauxly sweet nettling from Pandora) he’d taught Barty the spell.
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Sequenze di.... sensualità
Buongiorno Tumblerini ☕
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topcat77 · 6 months
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Sequenze quadrangolari - concetto di distorsione
Mario Ballocco
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