#series: wie goed doet goed ontmoet
sgt-scottymoreau · 25 days
First birthday
Summary: The 141 found out about Scotty's birthday.
Warning: None
Words: 966 // Masterlist
A/N: It's August 30th. Which means Scotty's birthday (and mine) so here have a little fic about her first bday with the 141 ❤️
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It was a rather calm day at the base. The usual day anyone would take to finish to fill reports and double check on what had been put on hold for a long time. Ghost lifted his eyes from his screen to see her again on her phone. If it was that boring, why wasn't she talking to him? Whatever Scotty was looking at least it brought her a smile. Gaz passed behind her and glanced at her phone. Whoever was sending her message, it wasn't a language he recognized. "What does that mean?" He asked, leaning a little closer. "Ge..Geluck… Ver.."
"Gelukkige verjaardag." She scoffed at his attempt. "It's dutch, it means happy birthday."
By the number of messages he saw with the same words… "Wait, it's your birthday? Today?" 
Scotty realized that she never told anyone and honestly had not expected to do it. Her days back at boot camp, before she joined the BSF, still felt like pain when she remembered the first time anyone figured out her birthday. Over the years, this date also became more of a regular one. It was a day like any other, nothing special really. It wasn't like she was a kid. As she grew older, it was less of a party with friends and balloons. In the past five years, it was hanging out with some friends in a calm restaurant and that was it. That is if she wasn't on the field. Not that she didn't consider the 141 friends. She did, it just never crossed her mind to tell them anything. "Yes." She replied sheeply. 
Gaz grabbed her by the shoulders. "You should have told us! Happy birthday!" He gave her a hug.
"Thanks. I mean, you know it's just a day like all the others, no need to bother anyone with this." 
"Bother? Come on, Scotty. It's your day, enjoy. I-" 
A loud creak on the floor stopped their conversation. They both looked in the direction of the noise only to see Ghost's chair empty, still spinning. Gaz and Scotty looked at each other confused. Soap eventually came into the room. "What's with Lt? Never saw him running that fast before." 
"Don't know, maybe he got an important email." Scotty replied, ready to go back to her papers. 
"Soap, it's her birthday!" Gaz ratted her out. She glared at him. Soap was surprised. 
"Wait what! Why didn't you tell me! Come here!" He opened his arm ready for the hug. She shook her head and embraced it. Obviously, he had to double down on the tightness, almost breaking her spine, and lifted her up off the floor. She laughed begging him to not break any bones, she needed them still. Gaz then joked that they should make her a cake or something, at least to make it special. Scotty kept begging them to not mind it, it was fine. But once Soap had an idea, you couldn't take it away from him. He grabbed Gaz and told him that they needed to do something quick. She shook her head, having a little idea of what it could be. They indeed came back not long after with a muffin and a candle. Probably found at the mess hall. Price followed not far behind. Wishing her the same as everyone. It wasn't much, but they wanted to make a small gesture. She thanked them. 
Between all of that Ghost hadn't shown up back. Must have been something very important. Everyone was back to their work and she found herself alone in the room. She had returned typing the few pages she had to fill in before she could move on to another task. Her eyes looked at the screen one last time to make sure all was good. With a sigh of approval, she allowed herself a minute of break. Her phone buzzed. It was probably more birthday wishes. She checked it and saw a message from Ghost who asked her to come to the rooftop. The one they often used for some quick time together. Without too much thought she made her way there. 
She pushed the staircase's door and saw him standing, arms in his back. Scotty frowned, that was a strange behavior. "What do you wanted to talk about, sir?" She teased. 
"I'm not good with gifts… but I thought… this might do." From his back, Ghost revealed a small bouquet. Scotty's eyes went from it to Ghost a few times before she could process what was happening. "Happy birthday, Camille." 
"Wait.. when…" It hit her in the face. "Did you… Is that why you ran away so fast?"
"Figured I could do something for you at the last minute because you didn't tell me anything."
She grabbed the bouquet, with a soft smile on her lips. "Didn't take you for the kind of man who would do that. Thank you, Simon." 
Whenever they used their first name, it always made them feel something warm inside. Telling him about birthday wasn't something she had in mind when she knew he was still struggling with expressing his emotions. He probably even looked up what he could do. The intention was nice. "Can I ask for something else?"
Ghost raised his eyebrows behind the mask. "What?"
"Is a kiss too much or acceptable?" She scoffed. 
He smiled. He lifted his mask just enough to free his lips and press them against hers. When he broke the kiss, he noticed the gaze she had. "What more?"
"Now that you know when my birthday is, are you… going to tell me about yours?"
"No. I don't do birthdays, love. Not my thing."
She pouted. "Fine. Thanks again for the flowers." 
What Ghost wasn't aware of was that she had a plan to surprise him eventually. 
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johanpronkfotografie · 4 months
Portretten van Lisa
Wie goed doet, goed ontmoet. Deze oude Nederlandse uitdrukking is een waarheid als een koe. Het betekent dat wie goede dingen voor anderen doet, soms ook goede dingen terug kan verwachten. Zo kwam onlangs Lisa, een echte Helderse, weer langs voor een nieuwe serie portretfoto’s. Vorig jaar hadden we een fotosessie in Den Helder (lees hier het bericht: “Lisa, een echte Helderse”). Deze foto’s en…
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maksandcheese123 · 4 years
Opdracht 3 - monster
Voor deze een na laatste opdracht gaan we het hoofdpersonage, Alex dus, confronteren met een monster, mythische god, sprookjesfiguur of een voorhistorisch monster. Omdat in de dromen er de hele tijd een mysterieus griezelfiguur tevoorschijn komt, ga ik hem nu karakteriseren.
Alex had de wijnfles op en ging een beetje wankel naar zijn bed toe. Het uitkleden was het ingewikkeldste dit ging ontzettend moeilijk. Toen hij eindelijk in bed was duurde het niet lang voordat hij heftig stond te snurken maar met het slapen, komen ook de nachtmerries weer tevoorschijn. Uit de verre hoek van de kamer kwam een gruwelijk beest tevoorschijn, het was groot, wel 10 meters lang en het stonk naar riolering. Het monster was een basilisk, het was slijmerig, had gigantische schubben, vlijmscherpe tanden en een gigantische, vieze vuile, zwarte slangentong. De stem was verstenend, bij het minieme geluid dat uit zijn bek kwam stopten je spieren, geparalyseerd en werd je overgelaten aan je lot. Alex begon te zweten, hij had het ijskoud en zijn bed werd langzamerhand een zwembad, een zee van zweet. Toen begon de Basilisk te praten.
-       Ssstop waar je mee bezig bent, kijk naar mij, bereid je voor je lot.
-       Novak, ben jij dat?
-       Nee, ik ben de Francissscusss de Basilissssk en de koning der ssslangen.
Alex was nu gewend aan het idee dat het monster Novak symboliseerde, dat hij degene was die zijn slaap kwam verstoren. Hij Had nog nooit het monster zo goed bekeken en dacht dat het heel erg leek op de Basilisk uit de Harry Potter serie. In dat boek werd er gezegd dat als je de Basilisk recht in de ogen keek, je doodging. Alex wist n u wat hij moest doen, hij hoefde simpelweg niet te kijken in de ogen en op een gegeven moment zal die wel weg moest gaan.
-       Franciscus, wat doet u hier in mijn gedachten? Wat wilt u van een man die alles heeft verloren, en zelf niet weet waarom hij leeft?
-       Ik wil je helpen, ik wil je terugbrengen naar waar je behoort.
-       Dat geloof ik niet, u ziet eruit alsof u mij gaat vermoorden, in koudbloed, met uw enorme venijnige tanden.
-       Die tijden zijn over, elke basilisk stopt met die activiteiten rond hun 200ste verjaardag, ik ben net 250 geworden.
-       Nou, wat doe je dan hier?
Alex is nog steeds heel erg bang, maar hij voelt dat zijn spieren weer een beetje kunnen bewegen, hij voelt dat zijn vingers en tenen bevrijd zijn, misschien zegt die basilisk wel de waarheid.
-       Een trouwe vriendin van mij had gevraagd om bij de dromen van ene Berger langs te komen, ben jij dat?
-       Ja, maar wie is die vriendin dan?
-       Een schoonmooie vrouw die ik daarboven heb ontmoet.
-       Die oude vrouw op de derde verdieping?
-       Nee, daarboven, in de hemel.
-       Gaan basilisken nu opeens naar de hemel? Hoor ik dat goed?
-       Ja, zoals ik al eerder heb gezegd, rond de 200ste verjaardag gaan alle basilisken door een transitie periode, waar ze helemaal van slecht naar goed gaan. En dan komen we in de hemel terecht.
Alex had het begrepen, Camille was zeker weten in de hemel! Het kon niet anders, dit zou ook uitleggen waarom er een monster in de dromen voorkomt, dit is simpelweg nog een versie van Camille, in zijn dromen is nooit iemand anders geweest dan Camille!
-       Camille? Ben jij dat?
-       Ja, ik kom wegens haar, ze wou zeggen dat je Novak moest vinden maar dat het niet zijn schuld was dat zij is overleden, ze zei dat het lot niet door jou wordt bepaald, maar door het universum. En als het zover is, al ze trouw op jou wachten in de hemel.
-       Ok, ik zal het doen, stuur nog kusjes naar Camille
-       Vaarwel, Alexxxx
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Kom morgen langs voor de laatste opdracht!
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bookaliciousjourney · 6 years
Dat het zomer is en voor veel mensen ook vakantie betekent niet dat er niet alweer een heleboel mooie boeken aankomen de komende maand. Er verschijnen namelijk weer genoeg boeken en vandaag zet ik degene op een rij waar ik zelf het meeste naar uitkijk.
I Love Nora – Annie Robertson
7 augustus 2018 ~ Uitgeverij Q
Nina werkt in een kleine boekhandel in Londen. Ze is gek op Nora Ephron, en dan vooral op de film When Harry met Sally. Daarom is ze ooit begonnen aan het scenario voor een vervolg, maar dat heeft ze nooit afgemaakt. Dan betrapt ze haar vriend Will met een andere vrouw. Uit woede om Wills verwijt dat hun relatie onder andere mislukt is omdat zij nooit iets afmaakt, besluit Nina het tegendeel te bewijzen en haar scenario af te schrijven. Tegelijkertijd krijgt ze ook te maken met ruzies en huwelijksproblemen in haar omgeving en twee ouders in een flinke midlifecrisis.
Als er een optie op haar script genomen wordt in Hollywood, moet ze samenwerken met een professionele scenarist die ze wel erg bijdehand vindt. Heeft ze nou te veel Nora Ephron gekeken en gelezen, of klinken ze toch verdacht veel als Harry en Sally?
Valse hoop – Clare Mackintosh
7 augustus 2018 ~ De Fontein
Een jaar geleden beëindigde Anna’s moeder haar leven op exact dezelfde wijze als haar vader een paar maanden eerder. Sindsdien probeert Anna wanhopig zichzelf op de been te houden.
Een kaart op de sterfdag van haar moeder zet een reeks gebeurtenissen in gang die Anna doet vermoeden dat er meer achter de dood van haar moeder zit dan waar de politie vanuit ging.
Graven in het verleden blijkt gevaarlijk te zijn, soms is het beter alles te laten rusten. Maar dat is nu te laat…
Moord. Zelfmoord. Of zit het toch anders?
Wie er breekt – Laura Lippman
7 augustus 2018 ~ Boekerij
Polly en Adam ontmoeten elkaar in de lokale bar van het stadje Belleville. Polly is op weg naar het westen, Adam zegt ook op doorreis te zijn. Toch blijft ze en hij blijft ook – geïntrigeerd als hij is door deze mysterieuze en zwijgzame roodharige vrouw. Een zonnige, hete zomer lang verliezen Polly en Adam zich in een hartstochtelijke liefde.
Toch weerhoudt iets ze ervan zich compleet aan elkaar te geven. Gevaarlijke, zelfs dodelijke, geheimen staan tussen hen in. Dan valt er een dode. Was het een ongeluk of onderdeel van een plan? Inmiddels zijn Adam en Polly zo verweven in elkaars levens en leugens, dat ze geen van beiden weten hoe ze elkaar de rug toe kunnen keren – en of ze dat wel willen. Wie zal als eerste breken?
Een jaar met jou – Julia Whelan
14 augustus 2018 ~ HarperCollins
De Amerikaanse Ella volgt haar droom: een jaar studeren aan de universiteit van Oxford, in Engeland. Na dat jaar zal haar een plek wachten in het campagneteam van de eerste vrouwelijke presidentskandidaat van de Verenigde Staten. Tot die tijd dompelt ze zich onder in de Engelse cultuur en literatuur. Maar haar jaar verloopt anders dan verwacht. Haar poëziedocent Jamie blijkt zeer aantrekkelijk, ook al blijft hij afstandelijk. Ze worden friends with benefits; Ella is immers maar een jaar in het land. Langzaam ontdekt Ella echter dat Jamie een groot geheim bij zich draagt, een geheim dat hun relatie – en Ella’s toekomst – volledig zal veranderen. Als het einde van het universiteitsjaar nadert, staat Ella voor de onmogelijke keuze: blijft ze of gaat ze terug?
Nog lang en gelukkig – Cathy Kelly
14 augustus ~ Boekerij
Een prachtige roman over een heel herkenbaar probleem: hoe vind je je plaats in een andere familie? Bess wil iedereen laten zien hoe gelukkig ze is in haar kersverse huwelijk, en daarom wil ze een groot feest geven. Ze stort zich vol overgave op de plannen, maar op de achtergrond beginnen zich scheuren te vertonen. Waarom is deel worden van een familie zo moeilijk?
Jojo, Bess’ stiefdochter, wil een punt maken. Bess is niet haar moeder en zal ook nooit de vrouw vervangen die ze nu al twee jaar lang elke dag mist. En zal ze ooit de kans krijgen om zelf moeder te worden?
Cari, Jojo’s nicht, is een echte carrièrevrouw die nergens bang voor is – behalve om de man onder ogen te komen die haar voor het altaar in de steek liet. En laat hij nou net op de gastenlijst van Bess’ feest staan. Is het tijd om de liefde weer toe te laten in haar leven?
Een familie, drie vrouwen en een onverwachte gebeurtenis… Leren de Brannigans hoe je lang en gelukkig leeft voor het te laat is?
Alleen maar jij – Mia Sheridan
14 augustus 2018 ~ Zomer & Keuning
‘Alleen maar jij’ van Mia Sheridan is geen zoetsappig liefdesverhaaltje. Het is het verhaal van een jonge vrouw die weliswaar beschadigd is, maar niet geknakt. Wanneer hoofdpersoon Ellie de mooie Gabriel ontmoet, wordt ze verliefd op hem. Maar ze vindt dat ze eerst zichzelf moet vinden, voor ze een liefdesrelatie met hem kan aangaan. ‘Alleen maar jij’, ja, maar dat kan niet zonder ‘ik’. Mia Sheridan weet op een prachtige manier te beschrijven dat de liefde pas kan bloeien als degene die liefheeft dat doet.
In dromen lieg je niet – Malin Persson Giolito
14 augustus ~ De Geus
Is Maja een doodgewoon meisje van achttien – populair, goed op school – dat onverhoopt verzeild is geraakt in een vreselijke tragedie? Of is ze terecht de meest gehate tiener van het land?
Wie ze ook in het echt is, iedereen kent inmiddels haar naam. Negen lange maanden heeft ze in de gevangenis een rechtszaak afgewacht. Ze wordt beschuldigd van de massamoord waarbij ook haar vriendje en beste vriendin omkwamen. En nu is het eindelijk tijd om de rechtszaal te betreden …
Grenzeloos – Lis Lucassen
21 augustus 2018 ~ Zomer & Keuning
Lis Lucassen, de populairste New Adult-auteur van Nederland, brengt met ‘Grenzeloos’ het eerste deel van een tweeluik over de eenentwintigjarige Rebecca. Zij verruilt het leven in Nederland voor dat aan een Amerikaanse universiteit. Lis Lucassen schreef met veel vaart een spannend en sexy boek. ‘Grenzeloos’ is New Adult met een Amerikaanse setting en een Nederlands sausje.
Torenhoog (Duizend hoog #3) – Katharine McGee
31 augustus 2018 ~ Moon Young Adult
New York, 2119. Leda, Watt, Rylin, Avery en Calliope leven in de toren en hebben allemaal zo hun eigen problemen. Een onbereikbare liefde, een politieonderzoek, bedrog, listen en leugens… Wie weet zich staande te houden in deze duizend verdiepingen tellende toren?
Wat een mooie boeken weer. Ik kijk vooral heel erg uit naar het derde deel in de Duizend hoog-serie, want ik vond de voorgaande boeken echt heerlijk om te lezen. Daarnaast ben ik ook heel benieuwd naar de twee nieuwe New Adults die bij Zomer & Keuning verschijnen. Naar welke boeken kijk jij uit?
Te verschijnen boeken | Augustus 2018 Dat het zomer is en voor veel mensen ook vakantie betekent niet dat er niet alweer een heleboel mooie boeken aankomen de komende maand.
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sgt-scottymoreau · 4 months
Ghillie, guns and death
Summary: A recent mission trigger an old memory Scotty thought was long buried and forgotten. She didn't expected it to come back so strongly.
Warning: Mention and description of death, mention of blood, anxiety, military inacuracy most likely
Words: 4.2k // AO3 // Masterlist
A/N: Really enjoyed writing that one ;w; love the angst in that one.
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It was very common among the military that the field would leave scars. Be there physically or psychological. It was almost impossible to go from recruitment to retirement without any consequences. However the difference was how each individual could handle the aftermath. Everyone had different ways to cope or recover. Most importantly, not everyone had the same trigger of a traumatic event. For some the slightest thing could be, for others it would need more. 
That was what she knew, that was what she always believed. Because it was true. Scotty went through many things during her few years in the army. While she handled these situations a certain way, she saw friends being the polar opposite. She often joked it would take a lot for her to completely break, she could take it. That’s why when a recent mission triggered a very deep, hidden almost forgotten memory, it surprised her as much as it did the others. 
Laying down on her belly, Scotty scoped the surroundings with the binoculars. A gust of wind pushed part of the ghillie in her face and she quickly moved out of her vision. “I see movement North-East of your position… Seems to be civilians.” She reported quickly to Gaz. 
“Roger that. Moving closer to the target now.” 
A deep breath escaped her nose as she adjusted her position. Soap moved next to her and replaced his grip on his sniper. “What’s with the sigh? Bored?”
“What are you talking about? I didn’t... Did I?”
“Relax. Everything is going well. As soon as Garrick grabs the package and is out, we go home.”
“Mhm.” Her shoulders rolled. Her body was more tense than she thought. “To be honest, not that I hate ghillies, but this is not my favorite kind of mission.”
“Don’t like crawling around or getting dirty?” Soap teased. 
“That’s not it. It’s something else but… Gaz careful two hostiles 200 meters on your left… But I don’t know what or why.” 
Soap let the subject go and kept an eye on the targets Scotty called out. Now that the Scotsman had them, she took this chance to look around and make sure their position was always safe. In the distance, she saw two vehicles. One stayed on the same road heading towards the exit of the sector. Meanwhile the second one turned left heading in her and Soap’s direction. They quickly warned Gaz of their situation. Soap hid his gun. The binoculars away, they both watched the group who exited the car, armed and on what looked to be a patrolling pattern. Their breath quickened, their minds focused on the threat ahead of them. Scotty’s palms were sweaty, her throat dry and her muscles so tense it was almost painful. The group walked past them and two even paused for a moment, casually chatting. Her heart was beating fast, it was about to burst out of her chest, she felt the vein in her neck pulsing at each beat. Scotty remained as still as possible, focusing her breathing and her mind on the grass in front of her. They kept talking till a gunshot echoed. The patrol was startled, the two operatives remained calm not moving an inch. Because it was clearly a miss fire, someone had accidently pressed the trigger or maybe it was intentional, but it was not directed at Soap or Scotty. This shot resonated in her ears for a moment. Her mind suddenly panicked. Her hands clenched and her head calmly turned towards Soap. She stopped breathing.
One guard had his gun hanging above Soap’s head. The guard was relaxed so he wasn’t a threat. However at this very instant, lay down in the green grass of a remote area, the world stopped and she was thrown back 8 years ago. No muscles moved, she held her breath, her eyes were wide open to capture every single second that was unfolding. The guards laughed and finally walked away. Soap followed them till their car drove away. He turned to Scotty with a small joke in mind to ease what happened, but when he saw the fear in her eyes he kept it down. He crawled closer to her. Scotty remained immobile, frozen in the same position, fear growing by the second. “Hey Scotty, they are gone. You can relax.” 
Silence. He carefully placed a hand on her shoulder and shook her. “Scotty, what’s going on? … Talk to me… Hey!... Camille!”
Scotty snapped back to reality. She was in a green field, high grass, the familiar blue eyes of the Scotsman fixed on her with a lot of worry. In the distance she heard birds and a gust of wind blew over the area. Gaz’s voice cracked through the radio to which Soap was the one to reply. Soap wondered again if everything was fine. Despite a dry mouth and a still fast heartbeat, Scotty assured him all was fine. They had a mission to finish.
Everything else went smoothly and the three of them returned home successfully. Scotty couldn’t stop thinking about what happened, how she froze in a situation that would have required her to stay alert all time. She apologized to her teammates for this. However when they tried to have her say why this happened, she refused to explain. She didn’t want to talk about it and promised it would never happen again. But the rest of the flight back home was a restless one.
Finally home after the long day, Scotty decided to take it easy for a while. Her mind was always going back to what happened and she wanted it to stop. Maybe mindlessly watching the tv or a movie or anything to keep her thoughts at bay. After preparing a cup of tea, she wrapped herself in a blanket and let herself fall on the couch. The first ten minutes were spent going through channels, there had to be something there. She eventually settled on a rerun of a comedy show. It took a few punchlines and hearing the crowd laugh to ease her mind a little. Half an hour in, her mind relaxed, so did her body and she was able to laugh along. It felt good for a moment, but Scotty was well aware that her problem was always lingering in the back and was about to come back now that the stand up was about to end. As a prayer answered for her need to find something to keep her busy before the anxiety crawled back, the front door opened. 
With a happy smile, Scotty almost ran to greet Ghost who had just locked the door and was taking off his mask. He returned the smile and pressed a kiss on her forehead. “How was work?” She asked.
“The same as usual. How was your ops?” He dropped his bag on the entrance table and took off his jacket.
“Mhm, it went well. No problem, the captain was happy with what we did.” Her hands were hidden behind her back. She fidgeted with her nails.
He tried hard to not to frown, Ghost didn’t want to look suspicious. “Nothing else to add?”  
“No. Well! Now that you’re home, what do you want to eat tonight? I could go for some pizza. Or we have week-old leftovers in the fridge.”
“I finished the leftovers while you were gone, love. Pizza sounds good. You wa-”
“I’m on it!” The Brit didn’t have the time to say another word, she was already dialing up the number. It would be their usual then. He didn’t push things any further for now, if anything it looked like he should let the evening go as usual, pretend that all was ok. While waiting for the delivery, he noticed that she was much more chatty than usual, going back and forth on subjects. She listened as he complained about some mundane things with so much focus it was also strange. When the pizza arrived, they sat on the couch turned the tv on and lazily enjoyed their meal with some rerun series in the background. Eventually, Scotty curled up in his arms as they kept watching and stayed very still. His chin on her head, Ghost decided to go for it.
“Soap and Gaz talked to me, you know.” He felt her tense up. “They told me what happened.”
Her gaze remained on the screen, her position the same. Not daring to look him in the eyes. “It’s nothing. I got scared a little, I mean who wouldn’t. But everything is fine, no need to worry.”
“Are you sure? They looked very concerned for you, it feels like it might have been more.”
Scotty pushed his embrace away, sat straight and turned to him. He tried to read her face, nothing. She looked at him for a second and turned her head away. “I’m tired. I’m going to bed.” 
Ghost didn’t stop her. He watched as she disappeared in the dark in the direction of their room. His phone buzzed. A quick glance on the screen and saw Gaz’s name. He was asking if he had been able to get her to talk more. A short no was Ghost’s answer. Of course the idea of forcing her to explain, to question her till she finally says all didn’t sit well with him. But neither was seeing her so out of her usual self. What was troubling her?
It was the middle of the night, Ghost fell asleep less than two hours ago and he was awakened by a rustling noise. The bedsheet being tugged in all directions. It took him a few seconds to realize it was Scotty. Whatever she was dreaming of, it was upsetting her. Through the faint light that came through the curtains, he saw her hands crisped on the cloth, a slight frown on her face as she whimpered, mumbling some words. Ghost hesitated for a moment; should he wake her up or not? Hand hanging in the air as he was uncertain, he didn’t have to ponder any longer. Scotty woke up with a small cry, eyes wide open, sitting straight in less than a second. Her breathing was fast, sweat rolled down her temples and her knuckles were turning white. A nightmare. A very nasty one obviously. Ghost quickly turned the light on. He softly called out her name. “Everything is ok love. You are at home, you are safe. Deep breath.”
Her brown eyes stared at his hazel one as she did. After a minute, Scotty had calmed down. On the outside; on the inside her mind was still replaying the nightmare she experienced. It had been years since this day came back to haunt her. Ghost pulled in his arms, gently stroking her hair. She had dealt with him and his nightmares in the past. It was normal that he would return the favor now. Yet he didn’t pressure her into anything. She would talk when she was ready. For another ten minutes, Scotty stayed in his arms in silence. His presence was enough to remind her where she was, that all was just a bad memory and that it couldn’t hurt her more than the psychological wound it left years ago. Ghost’s scent calmed her distressed mind, eventually helping her rationalize more and more till all her worries fade away. “Are you ok?” Ghost calmly asked. He brushed a few wild hairs behind her ear. 
“For now, yes.” Her eyes closed with a sigh of relief. “I’m ok Simon. Let’s just go back to sleep. We… We can talk about this tomorrow. We both need some rest.”
The next morning, Ghost woke up alone. Music softly played in the distance, the smell of fresh brewed tea reached the bedroom. He made his way to the source of it. There he found Scotty sitting at the table, wearing his hoodie and two cups of tea still warm. She turned to smile at him with a nice good morning. It didn’t look like she had much sleep after what happened. Before taking a seat next to her he lowered the music leaving it loud enough to be a white noise in the background. A quick kiss on the head as he lowered himself on the chair and his hand reached for hers. She squeezed it gently. “We don’t have to talk about it so early.” He smiled.
“It’s like a plaster, need to remove it quickly.” She smiled back. “It will hurt a lot, but only for a few seconds.”
“Alright then, what is troubling you so much since you came back?”
“Camille, please be careful.” Her mother worried for the hundredth time.
“Maman it’s alright.” The young woman rolled her eyes. She just finished packing her bag and was ready to head out. “I told you, this time I’m not being deployed in a direct battlefield, it’s a support mission. I won’t even be away from home that long, 6 or 10 months.”
“You know I don’t like when you act like this. As if this job of yours wasn’t deadly at all. You do know that you…”
Camille stopped her mother rambling with a quick kiss on the cheek and a hug. “I know you worry because you had to go through that with dad and now it’s my turn to give you white hair, but it will be fine. It’s my third time away from home, and I always came back in one piece.” 
Suzanne shook her head. She was her father’s daughter no doubt. They both took their job too light to her taste and nothing could be done about this. She only hoped that her daughter will always come back safe and will never have to go through a traumatic event like her husband did. The latter was actually a hopeless wish. 
This conversation was the last one Scotty had with her mother since she left almost three months ago now. Now, she was joking around with her friends as the car drove on the rather bumpy road, making it almost a fun ride. In her unit, there were old and new faces, people she had been working with before and fresh out of the training program recruits. The atmosphere around was like any other before, talking about what was coming and then the casual conversations. A few insults here and there to tease. 
“Hey Moreau.” She turned her head to the soldier next to her. “Stop daydreaming and tell us about your last date.”
“Fuck off, Villeneuve!”
“What? Heard you and her connected very well.” 
Scotty hit him on the helmet. “Well, don’t be jealous that I slept with more women last night than you did in your whole life.” 
This had the whole group howling at the comment. Villeneuve mumbled something and let the subject go. The convoy arrived at their location not long after. A small remote village where their mission was to help the locals to defend themselves against traffickers. They would provide training and small armaments and in the meantime they would also give protection. It would be considered like an easy task; moderate risk. Since the army had been deployed, traffickers' activities had been low. The group before hers had encountered some on the road and they had quickly ran away. Since then, it has been calm. A spotting or two that showed they were likely gathering information on the new situation. Her unit actually expected something to happen in the coming days.
The next two weeks went without a hitch. Scotty’s main job was patrolling, keeping the area secure and making sure the residents still felt safe. When she was ‘off-duty’ she did play with the kids. They were nice ones. Most of the time they listened to the rules with some exceptions obviously. One day, one of the kids tried to get to her pistol in her holster. She was distracted talking with other kids. The curious one was approaching from the back, tiptoes. The slightless tug movement was enough to have her hand fly so fast it surprised the little crowd in front of her. The little culprit was speechless as her fingers collapsed on his wrist with such force she feared she might have left some bruises. A quick warning to never do this again was all they needed. Since, no more incidents. The atmosphere in the village was heavy despite these small lighthearted interactions. None of the soldiers could rest easily.
A week later, Scotty and four others were sent with a group of locals to retrieve water for the village. Usually, this would have been a long walk that would have taken half a day, thanks to the army vehicles they cut that time in half. The locals did appreciate this luxury. However, this was also the opportunity their enemies had been waiting for. 
As they drove back to the village, all radios attached on the vest blared with the same order and urgency. The rest of the unit was under attack and by the description of it, overwhelmed. Outnumbered. De Smet was driving and he made the engine roar. They had to come up with a plan, it would suicide the jump in the fight without one. First of all, they had to protect the civilians with them. Leave them in a secured location. The best option for this would be to stop the car before entering the village area. With this they would also gain the advantage of surprise. Unless they were expected that remained to be seen. Second, they had to guess the situation with very little knowledge besides what their captain was reporting on the comm. They were outnumbered, but one to what? The best was to expect the worst. One to three sounded like a good start. Third… Their thoughts were interrupted by the noise of gunshots and a loud explosion. De Smet hit the brakes hard. This was the cue to leave the car and civilians behind. Scotty jumped out of the car in second and followed her lieutenant. They advanced hoping to not be too late.
The village was eerie. A few minutes ago, it had been a battlefield rage with a cacophony of noises. Now it was silent, not even birds or cricket. “Villeneuve, try to contact the captain now.” The lieutenant ordered. No answer from their superior, even after three attempts. The group reached the first house of the village. Dead bodies everywhere. Fresh tracks of tires in the dust suggested that the few lucky ones to be alive were as lucky anymore. Probably been taken away already. Hidden behind the building, Scotty leaned to check the main place. 
“I see five vehicles still.” She whispered. “There are…seven… ten hostiles near them. Could be some remaining in the houses.”
“Good Moreau. Alright, let’s stay close to the edge till we reach this building.” The lieutenant pointed to the communal house. It was a place most of the village would get together throughout the day for various reasons. “We will use the window on the east side to get in. Villeneuve, De Smet, you will head to the second level and provide cover. Moreau, Kamal with me, we will try to surround the remaining son of bitches.”
“Yes sir.” They all replied. 
They could hear the hostile casually talking in the distance. They weren’t aware of their presence, good. Scotty followed Kamal, her mind racing. It wasn’t the first time she found herself in a situation like this, but it was always stressful. The fact that the enemies were so relaxed gave the idea that the rest of the unit were probably all dead by now. Again not a first for her to see allies fall in combat, but it always left a bitter taste. The five of them reached the building, climbed through to open the window. The view that was offered to them made them sick to the stomach. A good part of the villagers had been regrouped in there and to put it bluntly had been executed. Men, women, children. Scotty recognized one of them as the kid who tried to get her pistol. Her hands crisped on her gun, jaw clenched. However their reality check was stopped by chatter coming their way. The stairs were on the other side of the room, crossing would give away their presence, Villeneuve and De Smet remained with the group. The lieutenant told them to drop on the ground and hide their gun. “I know this will sound out of place, but use the blood on you.”
“What for?” De Smet asked with wide eyes.
“We want to keep the effect of surprise right? Play dead.”
It made sense. They all quickly dropped near or on a body and remained as still as possible. Scotty watched as four men entered the place. Casual chatting, their gun hanging in a relaxed stance. She couldn’t understand what they were talking about, but not like she needed to. She didn’t understand why her lieutenant didn’t want to jump at them now. Right now, they outnumbered them. But the superior silently told them to keep it low. A minute passed, a second, a third. Scotty’s eyes were the only part moving in all directions to keep an eye on her teammates. 
That was when the first shot echoed. Villeneuve jolted. Scotty moved her head very slowly to see what was going on. One of the men had his gun pointed at a corpse and fired a second one, which made his friends laugh. Scotty’s eyes met Kamal on a diagonal and they both feared for everyone's life. Another man aimed another corpse. Same idea. She turned her head again to see a true vision of horror. Before her brain could even process what was happening the shot fired directly in the head of De Smet. The poor man died instantly. A cry caught in her throat, she remained still. They had to move! They had to do something! Why was their lieutenant not say - Another gunshot aimed at the man in question. 
“We need to move.” Villeneuve mouthed silently to her.
“They will kill us all for sure if we do!” She replied in the same silent tone. Another gunshot echoed. At a civilian corpse this time. Scotty kept going back and forth in silence with the other sergeant about what to do, till she saw it. The muzzle hanging on top of his head. Three against four, they could make it right? She should move, she should do something to protect the remainder of her squad. Not just stare at him. “Do something! Move Camille!” She yelled at herself. “Save him!” 
The shot passed through his head in a gruesome way that she saw in detail she wished she could forget right away. It was down to her and Kamal now. She could barely breathe. Raged filled her eyes, tears on the edge of giving her away. Patiently Scotty watched as the feet walked in her direction and stopped only a few centimeters of her face. The man moved her head with his boot, he said something and aimed at her. Every part of her screamed to fight. She fought… to keep her breath steady. At this moment, the conversation with her mother came back. She promised her to come back home… Click… Click… The gun was jammed! The man cursed. If that had not been lucky enough, a voice rose outside and the four men left the perimeter. Scotty and Kamal remained on the ground for a long time, till the last engine noise was heard leaving. To be sure the area was safe they stayed there another five minutes afterwards. Scotty lifted her head finally, only to hear more engine noises. However these sounded familiar. Kamal pushed himself up and joined her to observe if they were right. Indeed, it was the cavalry. Soldiers jumped off the trucks to assess the situation. The two survivors came out of the building, hands up. 
“They took us back to base, along with the civilians. Kamal and I were sent back home three weeks later after that. We weren't allowed back till we went to see a therapist. It took me months even with it to stop having nightmares and live with it. Today again I still feel guilty for Villeneuve, but I was young and scared I suppose.”
“Now I understand why you froze during the last mission.” His hand held hers stronger. “Hit a bit too close to home.” 
“I was sure Soap would die right here and there… I’m glad he did not.”
“Now that this wound have been opened again, is there anything you need? Can any of us help in any way?”
If anything this mission really reinforced her hatred for any missions which required her to stay still as the enemies walked by, anything that would put her in the situation as now. “What about making sure Price will never make me wear ghillie on a mission ever again? I don’t mind crawling around, the mud, the puddles of water, the sand getting in your face, bugs crawling on you. But being face to face with a patrol? No. I just can’t.” 
Ghost promised her to talk to Price, with her. Scotty promised she would be fine, simply needed time to rationalize all that happened. Eventually this will fade away again.    
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sgt-scottymoreau · 3 months
Lay low and learn
Summary: Trying to pick up the pieces left behind after what happened 3 months ago, Scotty and Task Forces 141 found themselves in a dire situation that requires them to stay low and hidden for a while. But where to go in a country where you don't know who to trust anymore? Well Scotty might have a solution, but... can she reveals her secret to them? Can she trust them?
Warning: None.
Words: 5.9k // AO3 // Masterlist
A/N: Back to the main timeline with a fic that I have been work on ever since I created Scotty. An idea that I had back then, but I struggled so bad to feel in the gap between some scene, then wrote more fic that I could connect to it and eventually spend so long on the ending. Technically this is like a 2.0 version of it, I rewrote the whole thing after like a year(?) and honestly I'm just glad it's done! Italized text mean that they are speaking French here. For the sake of being used a lot and not wanting to have a character translate everything or such, I just did so.
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It started like any other operation. The intel was good, their luck was running high and honestly nothing that made it feel like it would turn sour in a matter of hours. A cover mission to help the BSF after what happened 3 months prior with their ex commander. He apparently had more connection then they thought and even if he had by now been court martial, his allies were still roaming around. So, when the intel came in, they trusted it. They followed it till they realized that a very important detail was missing and now they were on the verge of a diplomatic incident with the French authority. For now the 141 had to cut themselves from everything, lay low till they could figure out a way to fix all of this. This is how they found themselves in the middle of nowhere in the countryside, in the darkest time of the night. 
"That ain't the worst that could happen to us." Soap tried to light up the mood.
"Sure, it's not like Laswell isn't coming for our asses after that." Gaz replied with a hint of sarcasm. "But being alive has its advantages."
"Very funny you two." Price groaned. "Well for now we should probably camp for the night. There’s nowhere to go until we figure out some plan." They all agreed. Despite the risk, they still lit a small fire so they could see what they were doing. After a quick meal from their rations, they made bed with whatever could be comfortable; their bag and some leaves. Wouldn't be the first time the night would be spent like this. Of course no sleeping under stars would be complete without taking shifts. The night started with Ghost on first watch, Gaz second, Price third. 
Price looked at the time on his watch. Three in the morning. It was time to wake Scotty up. He stretched his sore muscles and got up. He softly shook her shoulder. "Rise and shine, lass." He whispered. Scotty mumbled something but eventually woke up. "Everything is calm so far, hopefully it stays that way. At 6 you wake up Soap, understand?"
"Yes sir." She said, rubbing her eyes. Scotty took the spot next to the fire where everyone had been keeping an eye on the surroundings. It was eerily silent. She didn't mind it, but it also made her feel uneasy. Even the bugs weren't making a noise. Which was a little strange. She remembered all those summer nights where some cicadas would be annoying almost till early morning. Maybe the forest was different. At least the captain was right when he said all was calm.
She threw some small branches in the fire to keep some warmth, for a night in June, it was chilling. Her mind drifted for a moment, eyes lost in the dancing flames thinking about everything that happened. There was no real point in trying to understand why, but maybe it could give a foundation to their next step. She wondered if they could even attempt to contact the French authority and make them understand the reason. They were usually reasonable from what she remembered from her days in the BSF. However this time it was different. The team was not supposed to operate in the country without their knowledge and… it is precisely what they did. It would be hard to explain themselves. A rustle startled her. Her eyes scanned the surrounding, hand already on her gun. It was only Soap moving in his sleep. She let out a sigh of relief. However her body tensed up again when this time, it was a shadow she saw in the distance. It moved fast. The sergeant jumped on her feet, grabbing her pistol. As if her worriedness vibrated through the ground, the rest of the task force emerged from their sleep. She advanced toward the last position of the hostile. "Come out!" She ordered. "I know you are there and I won't hesitate to shoot!" 
A man came out, hand raised, and stood there. "I mean no harm." He explained in French. A civilian? No, not by his clothes. He looked different. "I'm with the AGIGN!" What in the world would they do here at night? Her gut feelings made her reach for her upper arm and rip the flag off her uniform before shoving it in her pocket. 
"What is going on here?" Price asked her once he was by her side. 
"GIGN, captain. Technically a sub branch of it." She replied, her eyes and gun never let go of the man. 
"Hey Thierry what is going on?" Another French voice came out. Five other men joined the one named Thierry, also surprised to see the 141. 
"Oh, on peut vous aider?" The probable captain of the group asked. 
"We don't speak French." Scotty said. Price looked at her from the corner of his eyes, his expression remaining calm despite her statement. He could see the frown and her concern. He understood that he should just play along. 
"My captain asked if we could help you." Thierry translated. He lowered his arms. 
"You are special forces? We could use some help to get in contact with our base. We need extraction." Price explained before the Frenchman translated. 
Scotty put back her pistol where it belonged, keeping an ear to what was being said. Thierry and his captain said that it wouldn't be a problem. They had their headquarters not far away, they were welcome there. The 141 grabbed their belongings and followed the men to their cars. Without much more, they climbed in, Soap and Ghost in one, Gaz, Scotty and Price in another. For this one time, Price wanted to keep her nearby. Especially that she was acting odd. 
"I thought you spoke French?" Gaz whispered to her once the engine was on and the vehicle drove off. 
"Let's just say it's better that way." She replied. Price gestured to Gaz that if Scotty thought so, it was better to follow. 
They drove them for an hour before stopping again. This looked like an old village, almost abandoned. The kind of village only locals would know of. "We have arrived at the HQ." Thierry said, getting out. The 141 did the same. 
"What base?" Soap inquired, not seeing anything as usual. Even if it was a makeshift one, he couldn't figure out anything that resembled it. 
"C'est un peu plus au nord, dans la montagne." The driver of their car said, not even caring about them understanding. Him pointing up the mountain gave them the idea that the base was maybe there. Some more walking to do. 
Soap, who was also wondering the same as Gaz approached Scotty as they walked back into the forest. "Why don't you talk with them?" 
"Because something is not right." She whispered. "I could be wrong, but I know the GIGN and I know that none of their branches are in this area." This small information was enough for them to be on high alert. They followed in silence. One thing Price couldn’t shake off since they were found by the AGIGN was how no one questioned what four British SAS officers and one unknown military personnel were doing in France, lost in the forest. He trusted and believed Scotty when she said something wasn't right. Because anyone with the slightest common sense would have been concerned.
While the Frenchmen chatted like they had nothing to worry about. Scotty tried her best to not reveal her secret, but Soap and Gaz wanting to know what was going on made it hard. She shortened the whole conversation to they were making fun of them because they are Brits, making comments on Ghost being scary and other small talk. 
"How long we still have to go?" Price asked. He was getting irritated that they had been walking for a long time without even a sign of being close to any building. 
"I'll ask." Thierry said. He looked nervous himself. "Captain, we should hurry, they are getting impatient." 
"Thierry, tell them we are almost there and everything is alright. Once we are in the clearing, a bullet for each one of them. They won’t even know what’s happening." 
Scotty, who was watching her footing, snapped her head back up and she stopped in her tracks hearing this. Every part of her body tensed up. Her arm flung in front of her captain to stop him, surprising everyone. "Fils de pute!" She yelled. Son of a bitch. All the Frenchmen moved a step back finally realizing what was going on. She took her gun and pointed at the French captain. "Captain, they plan to kill us! There never was a base!" 
"Son of bitches!" Soap cursed, raising his own weapon. It was only a matter of seconds now. The first to pull the trigger would save their team. The 141 reacted fast taking advantage of the Frenchs being shocked that someone had been listening all along. Their bodies dropped dead quickly. A better look at their uniforms confirmed Scotty's suspicions. They had a logo resembling AGIGN, but it was botched. Good enough to trick anyone from afar. After more look around, they connected these men to the terrorist they had tried to take down. If these men could find them in the middle of nowhere, the 141 definitely had to lay low for sure. Disappear. They walked back to the village, finding the cars still there. At least they could now travel easier.  
"Let's get out of here." Price ordered. "Gaz, you drive."
"Captain, with all your respect, I should be the one driving." Scotty interjected. "I probably know the region more than him." He agreed and took the passenger seat while the other three men squeezed in the back.
She had been driving for an hour now. The dark sky was slowly lighting up on the horizon, a sign that the sun was making its breakthrough. Her eyes looked in the rear mirror, to see the three men still sleeping, even Price was softly snoring. The road signs began to look slightly blurry, reading the town and exit’s names was difficult. Tiredness was on the edge of her brain and she knew she had to stop soon. Scotty had two options. Stop and let Soap drive or keep driving till they are safe. There was a reason she decided to take the wheel. Well at first it was mostly a wild guess and hoping she was right. Once they hit the big road, Scotty did figure out they were in an area she knew well indeed. They weren’t too far now, if her brain could let her stay awake just a little longer. She finally took an exit, went through the center of town which was completely deserted at this time of the day, maybe the local bakers were already working, and took an old dirt road. 
His head hit the window after a small bump that made him emerge from his slumber. Price fully woke up when the engine came to a complete stop. Before he could comprehend what was going on, he saw Scotty walk out of the car to the house in the distance. He watched as she knocked at the door, waiting restlessly and when the door opened it looked like she was talking with the owner. Glancing at the radio’s clock, it was already five in the morning. A shifting from the back caught Price by surprise. Gaz moved up between the front seats. “What's going on?”
“We will see.” He pointed at Scotty who was jogging back to the car. 
“I asked these kind folks if we could stay for the rest of the ‘night’ and they said yes.” She explained.
“How did you convince them?” The captain wondered.
“Hmm… You know a simple little lie!” There was a hint of nervousness in her tone that he dismissed. If this place was safe enough, they might as well take the chance for now. The captain ordered everyone out, grabbed their bags and walked to the door.
A woman and her husband welcomed them in. They looked like they just had been awakened from their sleep and weren't exactly sure what was going on. "Bonsoir, we have some bedrooms for you, messieurs. Et madame." The woman said shyly. 
"Thank you ma'am. We won't be staying too long." Price reassured. The husband brought everyone upstairs and showed them the room. With a heavy accent he explained that the kids weren't home at the moment and they could use their room. Apologized for the mess the little ones might have left behind. Once everyone was tucked back in, Scotty made her way back to the kitchen on her tiptoes. Awakened by a second wind, she didn’t feel like sleeping at the moment. The woman was there making tea, and her husband grabbed three mugs. Scotty leaned on the counter as the woman put down the kettle. Her eyes glared at the sergeant.
"I haven't seen you in months, not even a phone call and you just show up at my door in the middle of the night!" The woman berated her.
"I'm sorry, Gabrielle!" Scotty apologized. "We were in the area and we need somewhere to lay low for a while and then we will be out."
"Cam, I have no problem with having you here, but I don't have enough to feed all of them. Have you seen their size! Even Nathan looks small next to them!" The husband raised an eyebrow unsure whether to take this as an insult or not. Camille assured her that it wouldn’t be a problem, she could also help with any extra groceries. Gabrielle sipped on her drink with a snort. “So much for wanting to keep your family out of your job. Who are these guys anyway?” 
Camille realized she had a lot to catch up with her sister. She was sure she had mentioned something about her new career path, but then again so much had happened she might have only mentioned being transferred to another country and didn’t mention the task force. A quick recap of all that happened since the beginning of this year was enough to bring Gabrielle up to speed. Sometimes, she wondered how sister could handle such a life. After their cup was done, Camille finally felt tiredness coming back and decided to give in. 
Later in the same morning, Scotty woke up feeling like last night was a terrible nightmare and wished that it was the case. But reality hit back when she woke up on the floor of a room decorated with stickers, posters of a football team and toys all over the carpet. Her body was stiff from the hard floor, the only spot she found to sleep on when she sneaked in the room. She pushed herself up holding down a groan of pain. Soap was still snoring in the very small bed. Ghost was sleeping on a mattress that was on the floor facing away from her. She caught herself staring at his shoulders that were slowly rising up and down. She approached to check if… Yes he still had the mask on. She smiled, that was crazy to her. Silently, she made her way out, at the same time Gaz came out of the other room. "Mornin'." He greeted her. 
"Morning, slept well?" 
"Oh, not so bad. Better than in the woods. Are Soa-" He was interrupted by her grabbing something from behind him. Gaz was quite surprised by this strange reaction, even more by the forced smile she put up. Was she hiding something? He was curious, however with the lack of really want to know what was going on, he simply let it go. "Are they still snoring?"
"Oh yes, sleeping like babies." The smell of eggs and fresh pastries reached their nose. Their stomachs growled. With a laugh they headed to the kitchen for some grub. Price was already there trying to help to set up the table. If he had to be a guest here, he would at least be a good one. The two others helped around till the last two finally woke up. After a good late breakfast, it was time to take it easy for a lack of knowing what to do. Eventually they discussed how long they should remain low. The consensus was at least a good week or two. Give time to whomever to clear them out of trouble. Hopefully Laswell or the BSF could help. The captain admitted that squatting here was an option, but also felt abusing the kindness of these people.
But Scotty told him it was fine, she talked with the owners and they were happy to have them around. He raised an eyebrow. She already did so? Without him knowing a single word of it until now? It sounded a little odd that some random French civilians would be so inclined to accept English military personnel in their house, but if they didn’t mind then so be it. Ghost didn’t touch much of his breakfast till Gabrielle and Nathan left the table to clean the dishes. Something Gabrielle commented in a whisper to Camille. The sergeant excused her lieutenant saying he usually never shows his face to anyone. If it could make Grabielle feel better she herself hadn’t seen his face yet either.
Later in the day, the couple said they would head to town for some extra groceries. Left alone in the house, it feels like a relief for Scotty. No more reason to play translator. Gabrielle and Nathan’s house was far from the town, maybe forty five minutes drive, surrounded by large terrain and trees. Not a destination anyone would go to by accident… You had to know exactly where they lived. A question Soap was too eager to ask, which she deflected by saying that she was simply looking for some place to stop for the night quickly and it was not unusual to have a house like this when she saw the off road path. The perfect spot to disappear.  
With not much to do, the boys helped around; chopping woods, cleaning the terrain, sparring with each other. Taking advantage that the owners were away to clean their guns and do an inventory check on their remaining gears. Scotty and Soap finished their last lap around the premises a little before the sun had completely set. Ghost was watching them arms crossed. “Takin’ vacation, sergeants?” He smiled behind his mask.
“If running half a marathon is considered vacation, sure.” Soap joked.
“You wish we ran one third of one.” Scotty rolled her eyes. Ghost leaned on the fence and looked at them. For a split second she swore her eyes met his and her gaze darted away quickly. Recently, Scotty didn’t know how to interact with him outside of mission. She tried hard to convince herself that it had nothing to do with the crush she was developing on him. It wasn’t high school anymore, who had crushes in their late 20s! But it was very obvious this was the reason. Scotty swore it all happened since that ops a few weeks ago, but it only became worse in the recent days. She knew the implication and problem that dating would cause, if he even returned the feeling and so she did all she could to keep it secret. Hoping it would one day fade away and it was indeed a small crush, nothing more. At least when the others were around, she was capable of keeping it together and not making a fool of herself.
On the fourth day, Scotty was on the porch watching the surroundings with Gabrielle next to her, enjoying a lemonade. It was rather warm today but that didn’t stop Ghost from still wearing his mask while chopping wood. “At this rate, Nathan won’t have to do anything until winter next year.” Gabrielle snorted. 
“I’m sure he will appreciate the time off. More time with the kids, unless he enjoys all the hard work.” She teased. Taking a sip of her drink, Camille gaze lingering on Ghost from afar. Only with a t-shirt on, his muscles tensing and being defined at each movement, his tattoo out in the open, the fabric tight on his chest as sweat made it stick to his skin. It was a sight for sore eyes. She couldn’t take her eyes off him even if the more she watched the hotter the weather was. Or it was her. A little detail Gabrielle noticed and was too happy to point out.
“Someone is in love.” She teased, nudging her. Camille turned fast to her with a glare and red cheeks.
“I’m not!” 
“Oh please, you have this look you always had when you were looking at your crushes. You can’t fool me. What are you finally settling down after all these years? It’s about time.”
Camille took another sip of her drink to cool off a little.“I’m not like I used to be in the army. I calmed down a while ago, you should know. But even then Gab. It’s not like I could do anything about it for a various number of reasons. There’s rules! Anyway, it might pass.”
Gabrielle nodded, not believing her entirely on the idea that it would pass.. “But seriously from all these men, you go for the one with that creepy mask, who barely talks and feels he could kill you in your sleep. You are weirdo.” Camille laughed at her insult and nudged her. She missed their casual teasing.
After a week, everyone was rather itching to go back into action. Vacations were always welcome, but most of the days were the same because no one could go out to town for a change of scenery. It was getting boring. Till the woman of the house took Scotty aside. Nathan had left earlier this morning without saying why. While the men were talking about something, Gabrielle spoke up about a little detail that was worrying her. “Camille, listen, we might have a problem.” 
“If it’s money, I can help. Just tell me and I can pay for it.” Camille did agree that all five of them did eat their fair share of food with not so small portions. She did feel bad for her sister, however also teased her that this was only a trial to show her how it will be when the kids will be teens. 
“No not that, although I wouldn’t refuse that. But that’s not it! If you wanted to keep us a secret, it might be complicated. Nathan’s parents called. The twins were at their place for two weeks and there was a problem in their house. The boys have to come back home.” The information hit Camille like a rock to the face. Gabrielle and her husband understood the importance of playing along but her nephews? Not a chance they keep it down. She let out a swear loud enough that even without understanding the language, the 141 turned their heads. She gestured that it was nothing. Her sister confessed that Nathan should be back in an hour or less by now. Scotty’s heart sank down her feet. She had barely time to make a choice. Either tell her teammates about her family and trust them or say nothing and hope to catch the kids before they come in. However Gabrielle wasn’t too keen on allowing her children to lie when she always told them it was bad. But was it so bad if it meant to protect them? Gabrielle apologized for putting her in such a situation on short notice, but they themselves learned about it only last night, hence why Nathan left so early in the morning. 
Scotty took a deep breath and joined in the conversation of the boys. However it was easy to see her uneasiness. Price’s mind raced to try to figure out what could cause this. Would they need to leave this place? Wouldn’t be surprising. Did things turn sour and they will have to remain hidden longer? No, he would be the first one to know. “Everything is alright Scotty?” 
“Well, I don’t know how to explain this.” She started. “You know we all have our secrets right… Things we don’t want others to know, like Ghost and his face.” It made them laugh, except for Ghost who crossed his arms.
“Just spit it out, sergeant.” He said, rolling his eyes. Scotty opened her mouth to explain. The door flung open with a man shouting in the back and two small humans bursted in. 
“Auntie Camcam!” They both shouted jumping on her, completely ignoring the four men sitting on the couches. All of them looked at her surprised and she timidly smiled. The kids started to ask her plenty of questions till one of them noticed the 141 and they went silent quickly. The twins watched each man carefully. They looked like giants! One of the boys grabbed at Camille's jeans half hiding behind her, while his brother looked much more enthusiastic. 
"La tête de mort il est trop cool!" He said pointing at the masked man. Ghost tilted his head to look at the boy. It was his usual look, nothing out of the ordinary. But the twin hiding being Scotty started to sob. She quickly kneeled to his level to reassure him.
"Je veux pas que la mort t'emmène!" He started to cry. She hushed him, promising that this was not Death but just a man with a mask.
"Tout va bien Mathéo. Il ne te fera rien." Camille said, kissing him on the forehead. Mathéo stuck his tongue out at him, still upset and ran to his mom. The 141 looked at her eager to know what just happened. Even if they had a little idea. 
"Nicolas found Ghost cool while Mathéo thought you were Death coming to take me. I had to reassure him that that was not the case." Soap didn't hold his chuckles as she translated. Neither did Gaz and even Price had an amused smile on his face. 
"Maybe Lt should take off his mask or the lad won't come out ever again." Soap teased. Ghost shook his head and firmly reiterated that the mask stayed on. Gabrielle hushed the boys to their room, leaving the task force alone. Scotty felt very uneasy at the moment. The silence was heavy.
‘’I took a risk by bring you here, but this was the only safe place I could think of back then.’’ She let out after a while. “I really wanted to keep it a secret.”
‘’Everyone wants to keep their family safe, especially with our job.’’ Price reassured her. ‘’That would explain why they have been so kind to keep us for so long.’’  
Scotty chuckled, rubbing the back of her neck. It indeed explained a lot. Even if she knew that they had no issue with that, Scotty was torn between everything. She never planned on revealing the location of her family. It was a calculated risk that she thought of with a very tired mind when it all happened and yes when her sister admitted that the twins weren’t home, it did sound like it would all work out for the best. The sergeant just wanted everyone to be safe on all sides. She barely knew the 141, only for a few months and she knew she could trust them in a way, but Scotty still had this feeling that she did something wrong. Even her old colleagues only knew she had family somewhere and that was it. They never saw a picture, even less met them in person. But what was done was done, she can’t change anything she might as well live with it and hope for the best.
Later that night, they were all around the table for dinner. Scotty didn’t have a second for herself. Flanked, surrounded, ambushed with the twins who kept asking questions about her work and babbling about what they learned at school recently and what they were doing at their grandparents. Gabrielle had to intervene so they would let her eat in peace. The sergeant said that nothing could surpass the children's interrogation which made everyone laugh.
Scotty went to grab a plate that was slightly further from her. Ghost, noticing that she was obviously struggling to get it, kindly helped by handing it. For a second, their fingers touched each other. Scotty thanked him, her cheeks already coloring with a soft pink. A reaction that didn’t go unnoticed by her sister, nor nephews. Mathéo tugged on her sleeve so she could lean and he whispered in her ear. Whatever the little one asked, it was enough to make her face turn red and straighten up quickly. 
“What did he say?” Soap asked amused. 
“N-nothing! Nothing important. No Matt I-I don’t.”
“But you are all red just like when mom gets a compliment from dad!” That remark made his parents chuckle as well. Camille suddenly really wished this dinner could be over already and was oh so glad none of her teammates knew French. At least the rest went without an itch. After dessert, Nicolas tried his best to interrogate the rest of the task force. Mathéo on his side simply stayed in his aunt’s arm in silence, listening. Soap and Gaz answered to the best they could, having some fun along the way. Making their stories more unbelievable sometimes as well as much more kid friendly. Price shook his head with a smile. To Scotty this moment reminded her when her dad would be telling her stories of his deployments. These were the days, the innocence of a child. Eventually, the twins crashed from their busy day. Their energy completely drained and they passed out quickly. The parents picked up their children and brought them upstairs. 
After an eventful day, Scotty needed a break. She headed outside, walked a few meters away from the house and lay down on the grassy ground. It wasn’t comfortable but the view made it all worth it. Being far from any town, Gabrielle’s house offered a clear view of the stars. Left alone with her thoughts a lot of turmoil resurfaced. On one hand she felt like a hypocrite to be demanding to protect her family when she was the one who took the decision, on the other she knew it would all be fine. Did she regret bringing the task force here? A little perhaps. But at the time, it was the only safe place she knew of and they needed it. Would she do it again if a situation demanded it? Most likely. The safety of her teammate was as important as her family. Deep down, Scotty was aware that this need to keep her family secret came from make up scenarios, horror stories she heard again and again in the past years. There was no need to be so mysterious about her loved ones. Most of her work was done in the shadows rarely engaging with any enemies who would make retribution 
What if? The lingering question that made her so worried. She let out a deep sigh as the turmoil cleared out of her mind leaving her alone with the stars. The sound of the crunching peebles and gentle rustle of the grass caught her attention, but she remained in her position. Whoever it was, it was friendly. The smell of cigar gave away who stopped next to her. Scotty started to push herself to sit, but Price gestured to stay still. With a groan, he saw on the grass, arms resting on his knees. “It’s a nice view.” He simply said. 
“The first time my sister invited me to her house after they bought it, I spent all night outside.” She smiled. They remained silent for a little while. 
“I understand it might have been a hard call to make, but I’m glad you did so. Scotty, you know we won’t betray your family.” Price said casually blowing off the smoke. “No matter what.”
She pushed herself in a sitting position. “Thanks Cap. … Can I speak freely sir?” The captain nodded. “If anything happens to them, you are the first ones I’ll go after, no friendship will change that.”
“A little dark side of yours?” He had a playful grin on his face. She returned the playfulness, but Price knew she meant what she said. “I promise it will never come up to this, lass. No worries.”
As they watched the sky they saw it. A shooting star flew in the dark blue. Jokingly Scotty told the captain they should make a wish. Price scoffed. They stargazed a little longer, till maybe five minutes later, his phone buzzed. The brightness of the device illuminated his face, he had to squint a little the time his eyes adjusted to the light. A heavy frown lowered on his eyebrows. An unknown number had sent him something. You and your team are cleared and can return home. Laswell sends her regards. Tell Kabouter hello, she will understand.
Price read the message out loud to the sergeant who couldn't help herself but chuckle at his pronunciation of kabouter. “Who is that?”
“Someone we can trust, captain. An old friend of mine at the BSF.” Scotty stood up and dusted herself off. “I suppose it’s time to go home.”
“I know some lads who will be happy to.” Price stood up a few of his joints cracking. Years of hard work.
When the news was brought to the others about their probable departure, the rest of the task force was rather glad that their unprompted vacation came to an end after only a week! Laswell eventually contacted the captain with more information and where safe areas they could reach to return to England. They would need to find a way to reach any of them which was a little logistic problem but they can figure something out. Gabrielle, although sad to say goodbye to her sister, was also happy to see them leave. There were a lot of people in the house for far too long. The only two who were devastated by the news were the twins. They barely had the chance to see their aunt long enough and they just met these four awesome men! It took a little time to make them understand why they had to leave. 
They finally embarked on a plane in a military base nearby who could provide them transportation back home. In a little more than an hour, everything will be done. The five of them allowed themselves to completely let the pressure down, relaxing at the thought of home. 
“So who wants to join in for a drink?” Gaz proposed as they barely stepped a foot on the tarmac.
“Didn’t we spend enough time together?” Scotty chuckled and threw her bag over her shoulder.
“Aye! Count me in.” Soap replied. “Come on Scotty, one drink and then you can go home.”
She lifted her finger to emphasis on the only one drink. The captain excused himself, rather liking to get on with some paperworks. They shouldn’t forget about it. Ghost was on the same page as Price. Ghost passed behind her and stopped for a second. “You have a nice family.” was all he said in a monotone tone. 
Scotty was a little taken aback by this comment. What did he mean? Why? Nonetheless. “Uh thanks sir.”
Her eyes lingered a little longer on him as he walked away, discreetly biting her lower lip till Soap pulled her out of whatever thoughts that were forming in her mind. Right, drinking with friends now, thinking about her crush, later.
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sgt-scottymoreau · 6 months
Lesson of life
Summary: Everyone has their way to learn what Death is. What are the implication of this stage in life that can come at any moment without a warning. But not everyone learn it at the same stage og their life, some ealier than others. More importantly, not everyone handle it the same..
Warning: Mention/Talk of death, description of panic attack
Words: 2.1k // AO3 // Masterlist
A/N: Ok back to the regular schedule, if there's even one lol Anyway I have a few fics to post either from the main serie or the AU, it just recently I didn't had much the heart to post them. Or even write anything... I have a few ideas why and I really hope it will get better. Anyway, enjoy some angsty fic <3 (Likes are appreciated but reblogs are loved!)
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"How do you do it?" Gaz asked.
"Do what?" Scotty raised an eyebrow. They were all relaxing in the common room waiting for Price to finish his debriefing before going out for a drink. 
"Be so." He gestured his hand in all directions. "So you. So calm around death? I know with our work we need nerves of steel, but never heard you complain about anything."
"Yeah." Soap chimed in. "We all have our nightmares, you don't have any?"
She weakly smiled. "I do have mine. I just learn to cope with them. Truth is, I learned at a young age what death really meant." 
Scotty saw Soap and Gaz on the edge of their seats, ready for a little story. Ghost didn't show much interest, but his head had turned in her direction as well. She knew his scars by now, he did not know hers. Scotty let out a sigh. "Ok, so the day I learned about the army and death, the day I hit a reality check I was around 7-8…"
Like every time before, Suzanne would bring her girls to the base when their father would be back from his deployment. As usual, he would always be happy to see them, despite the tiredness, the arching muscles, the hard work, it always paid off to see his two girls with a smile. He would have his arms wide open ready to receive the blowing hugs from them. But also be ready to answer Camille's billion questions about what happened and what did he do. Henri loved her innocence about all he had to go through and hoped to never break her ideas. Even if deep down he knew he should be doing so since she started to show a lot of interest in military life. To Suzanne's despair. 
Of course, Henri was never alone on his way back. More than a decade ago he enlisted with his best friend, Didier. 
The two men had gone through almost all their life together. As far as they could remember they have been there for each other since forever. Didier was a good friend of the family and someone Henri considered like a brother. Both men had no siblings and so found family in each other. Even in the army, they were placed together in the same unit, same mission and everything. It was to say they were a good team. To the girls he was known as Uncle Didier. Although he had a wife, he didn't have kids, yet. In the meantime he considered Camille and Gabrielle like his own. Just like Henri he would often get the warm welcome of Camille running toward him and jumping in his arms. This was the routine.
Till it wasn't. Until one day, it all changed. The four girls were waiting for their husband/father to show up in the flood of officers coming back. Camille was more restless than usual. It has been a while since her father and uncle left for so long and she was impatient to hear their story. Gabrielle was also excited, but kept a calmer state than her sister on the outside. Suzanne and Didier's wife were chatting, eyes looking through the crowd for them. The crowd eventually thinned and throughout the happy face, Suzanne saw it. A mile away, she could tell something was wrong with her husband. Normally, he did have his head up and was impatiently searching for his little girls. But today, his head remained down, his gaze avoided her when he caught Suzanne's eyes. Yet the worse was to come. Because Didier wasn't by his side. At first, the women thought it's because he was held behind by some superior or forgot something, and was late. But the look on Henri's face… 
"Gabrielle, Camille, stay here please." Suzanne told her kids with a tone they never heard before. The two girls looked at each other with confusion. Suzanne and Didier's wife ran to him. In the distance, Camille watched silently as the three adults spoke. She wanted to step in, but Gabrielle stopped her, reminding what their mother said. Camille frowned, not pleased that she couldn't see her father. Then she heard it. A scream, a wail filled with so much pain, it scared her. In the distance she saw Didier's wife holding onto her father, crying, shaking, begging. Her mother grabbed her by the shoulder as if she tried to calm her down, but the woman only fell on her knees. Camille pushed her sister's arm away and ran to her dad, who had seen her. Henri had a little idea of what she would ask and this wasn't the question the mourning woman needed to hear. He quickly crossed the distance between them to make sure his daughter wouldn’t be too close. 
"Dad! Where's Uncle Didier?" Camille asked once he had scooped her in his arm. Henri didn't have his usual smile, he looked different which made her worry. 
Henri didn't know how to bring this to her. She knew what death was, but not like this. She had been too young when her great-grandmother died to remember anything. Since then the family didn't had much loss. This would be the first she would be aware of it. He had to be careful of his words, but he also didn't want to shield her to the reality of things. "Uncle Didier…." His throat tightened. 
"Why Auntie Thérèse is crying?" Henri bit his lips feeling the tears coming up again. He grabbed her and hugged her tightly. He stroked her hair, his shoulders shaking under the silent cry. "Dad?" 
"I'm sorry, Tulip. Uncle Didier is not coming home."
"When he is coming back?" The innocence of children. Oh, he wished to have this again. 
"When we got home, we had a long discussion about why he would never come back home." Scotty said, fidgeting with her fingers. "He explained what happened, not in detail, but vaguely what caused his death."
"Must have been hard." Gaz sympathized. "Losing anyone on the field is always a blow." They all agreed to this. 
"How did this affect you?" Ghost asked. He had been very silent but attentive the whole time. 
"I realized that war wasn't the fantasy idea I made up in my mind from my dad's story and the movies. We all knew this had been rough for my dad, but no one, not even myself realized how much it changed me." 
She was on the playground, sitting on the bench, mindlessly dandling her legs. It had been a week since her dad came back and he had changed. Camille had listened to the grown up conversation in secret, when she was incapable of sleep. She heard all of her dad's sorrow. How her mother tried to support him. Everything resonated in her mind like a strange unharmonized symphony. As the days went by without seeing her dear uncle, reality just kept hitting her in the face all the time. Two kids came up to her, taking her out of her mind. "Cam, wanna play war with us?" 
"Yeah, okay." She didn't sound too sure, but it was usually her favorite game. Having someone in the military other kids looked at her for some stories and game ideas. Even if sometimes, Camille would tell them that it didn't work that way normally and it should be like this. In the end, they always had fun. 
And she did at first. The girl had to warm up a little to the game, but eventually got more into it. Till one of the kids pretended to die. In a way that resonated close to how her uncle did. All of a sudden, Cam froze. The stick she held as her 'gun' dropped in the ground. The dead kid was still laughing while on the ground, talking with the others. Her mind couldn't handle this. The kid got up, using his time as a dead soldier, to go grab a snack, when she grabbed him by the wrist. "No it doesn't work like that!" Her voice cracked under the pressure. 
"What are you talking about?" The boy frowned. 
"When you are dead you don't get up! It's not like that!" Her breathing grew faster, her eyes watered, her grip was almost painful on his wrist. "You don't come back home!" The last sentence came out in an almost cry. Every kid around stopped what they were doing and a nearby teacher was alerted by the noise. Camille let go of the boy and crouched on the ground as the tears flowed down, her breath was erratic. Her head felt so light, she couldn't feel her body. All she could do was cry and scream about not coming back home because that's death. Death means you don't exist, you are gone. The teacher called for help while he tried to focus on Camille who seemed to ignore him completely. Another teacher brought the other kids away. 
Camille eventually calmed down after ten minutes of intense emotions. She was resting in the infirmary, feeling so drained. The nurse was watching over her when her parents finally arrived. Suzanne was slightly panicked, she grabbed her daughter in her arms. "Are you okay, Tulip?" 
The little girl felt too exhausted to talk, so she nodded. Henri looked at his kid, guilt took him by the guts. Gabrielle was older and had been able to process some of the situation better because she had some memories of death in the family. But Camille was still young. This was a huge reality check. He took a seat on the small couch she was resting on. She looked at her father with glassy eyes. Suzanne understood that for now it was best to leave them two alone. The nurse followed the mother outside. Camille buried her face in her dad's chest. "I don't want you to die dad." She weakly let out. 
"Don't worry, I'll always come back." He hushed her with a kiss on the head. "Camille, listen. I want you to talk to me when you feel sad or afraid ok? Never be ashamed to come ask for help. Your mom and I will always be there and if we can't, we will find someone who can." 
"How do you do it? How can you be so calm when people die?"
Henri smiled weakly. "I'm maybe calm, but I'm still hurt. This is my job, we all know the risk. Didier knew them as well, but we love our job. We want to protect our country and save people. But when we lose a friend, it's always hard. That's the reality of things."
Camille hugged her father thigher. "I still don't want to lose you." Tears flowed back again, but this time she was just sad. No panic. 
He smiled. Henri could either keep going in circles with the reality of life or he could try to throw some humor to get her to think of something else right now. "I'll be with you till I'm so old and crazy, you will want to kick my ass because I ate all your favorite cookies!"
She stopped crying with a gasp. "No! You can't do that!"
"Oh I can and I will! No more cookies for you!" He tickled her. She laughed and told him to stop. 
"After that I went to therapy a couple of times till they were able to work out with me all that happened. Eventually, I accepted this just like my dad and…. Here I am." She finished her story. 
"That's hell of a tale." Soap said. He gave her a pat on the shoulder. They all sympathized with her. Even Price who joined mid story gave her a calm smile. But life was still going and for now it was time to get some relaxing time at the pub. Gaz, Soap and Price left first. Scotty was about to get up and follow when Ghost stopped her. He grabbed her wrist and forced her to turn around to face him. 
"Do you still think about this often?" He asked calmly. His hand reached for her face and he brushed her cheek. She melted under his touch. 
"Not too much. I sometimes think about him and how he would be proud of who I became. He was a nice uncle. He would have liked you."
Ghost pulled her into his arms and she gladly accepted the hug. Even after all these years and the therapy, talking about this still leaves her with a lot of emotions. "Thanks for sharing your scars." He whispered. 
"About time I shared them with you. Maybe I should tell you about others." 
"You don't have to, love."
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sgt-scottymoreau · 8 months
Secret and Revelations
Summary: All it take it's one slip up. One little mistake, one bad decision to let a secret be out in the wild. At least if the worst as to come, they had some good time before right? Or maybe all will be fine.
Warning: None
Word: 6.6K // AO3 // Masterlist
A/N: Just wanted everyone to have some fun times and totally not inspired by Alejandro mentioning he has a ranch and does have some bbq with his Vaqueros. It just for fun <3
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One month had passed since they had to stop Hassan and the missiles. While they could have already started to look around for Makarov, getting intel on this man proved to be hard and no other major threat was on the horizon. So when the invitation came through, the 141 was rather glad to accept. They earned some vacation, and if something came in the meantime, they could always leave and come back. Alejandro had proposed they come for a few days to his ranch. He did promise his Vaqueros a feast to celebrate the good work they did. It came a little late as they had to first rebuild their HQ, thanks to the Shadows company and Graves who had forced their hands on being slightly destructive to get rid of them. It took a few weeks, but eventually they were back in full operation. Of course, Alejandro and Rodolfo had to work hard to also make sure El Sin Hombre would remain in custody. Which so far, compared to her promise of being out in 24 hours, it seemed to be all going well. She said this almost a month ago. 
The trip to Las Almas went without a hitch, but did feel strange. The 141 was used to travel together, but for serious matters. No recreational and fun matters. Pulling some strings, the captain was able to get a carrier to get them in the country, instead of the regular commercial flight with civilians. This made it a little more comfortable for Ghost. Not being in uniform in the transport dragged some jokes from all of them. 
They just stepped out on the tarmac, Rudy was already there to greet them. He excused Alejandro for not being present but the colonel was busy back at the ranch. 
"Oh wait, Alejandro has a ranch?" Soap said much more excited than he wanted. 
"Si, he sometimes invites everyone and we make asada. A way to show he cares about his men."
"What's that?" Gaz asked. 
"You will see when we are there. Vamos." He gestured at the team to hop in the truck. 
Las Almas had changed slightly since their last visit. Traces of the cartel and, sadly, Shadow Company passage were always visible in some parts. But the guns on the street had almost vanished. It was only kids and balloons, according to Soap. The grief of the lost one was all along the houses. This gave a bitter taste to the three operatives who had to see the bloodbath. None of them commented on this. Eventually the city gave way to greenery and a long view of trees. The drive took another hour or maybe longer, Scotty wasn’t too sure as she started to doze off while her gaze lost in the scenery. She woke up just as Price took a picture. She frowned, half sleepy. The captain showed her the shot, with a smile. Apparently, the travel had been rough on all the sergeants. She has been napping on Gaz’s shoulder, who in return had used her head to rest. Soap had eventually slowly dozed off as well, using her shoulder for support. Scotty smiled silently. She could still feel the heaviness of both men and who she was to wake them up now. 
Rudy eventually announced they were almost there. The three sergeants emerged from their slumber, awkwardly stretching in the small space. The ranch was as they expected; big. In the distance they could already make out some party tents, smoke from barbecue and some figures here and there. Big and small ones. Very small ones. "Some of us want to keep their family safe, but sometimes they will bring them here." The second in command explained to the silent question that loomed over them. 
The 141 joined the party that had started a little while ago, everyone was going around with plates, serving drinks, and playing with the young ones. Music filling the background. It really felt like a nice well earned party. As they approached some Vaqueros raised their drinks to them or tried to catch their attention; they all remembered what they did for them. Alejandro was busy with the cooking, he barely saw Rudy coming with them. “You are finally here!” He rejoiced. He put down his cooking tools and gave everyone a good handshake. “Make yourself comfortable, no pressure. We are here to have fun!”  
"Thanks for the invitation." Price replied. He gladly took the drink that was offered to him. 
The party was entertaining. It was a relaxed ambiance, where everyone could either chat in peace, play games or eat. The 141 blended themselves in the crowd. Scotty found a man she had helped during the prisoner break. He thanked her again for saving his life because this meant his son still had a father. A little baby who was barely a year old. Scotty could barely keep it together when she saw the cute infant. With a laugh, the man said she could hold him. She scooped him gently from his father. It had been years since she had held a baby. "I have two nephews and oh boy does this bring back memories." She smiled. 
"How old are they?"
"Five. Enjoy the time they are so small and calm like this, after that kids become little tornados." They laughed at her remark and kept on chatting a little more. 
In the distance Ghost was watching, in silence. A few kids had approached him to ask questions about the mask, but didn't interact much more than that. Eventually he joined Scotty. He waved the Vaquero and leaned a little closer to Scotty. He looked at the sleeping baby who was not even moving an inch. 
"Not thinking of having kids of your own are you?" He whispered to her. 
"I can't." She replied this without ever looking away from the small face, softly stroking the cheek with her index. Ghost frowned a little behind the mask. She said that so casually, as if it didn't bother her at all. 
"You can't?"
"Yeah. Some medical reason that I don't need to bother anyone with. Before you ask, no it's not a problem for me, I don't feel sad about that fact. With work it's better than way and I have my nephews."
"I see." Ghost looked at the baby. It also brought some memories to him. Memories that he pushed away quickly. He mostly asked her this as a joke, although it suddenly sank into him. The idea of having kids? This felt so rushed; they were barely dating for a few months by now. However, now that he knew that secret of hers, it explained things. Scotty eventually handed back the baby to his parents. 
"What about we grab something to drink, lieutenant?" She smiled. He nodded and they walked to the coolers. Alejandro and Price were discussing near them. Seeing the two of them coming, Alejandro quickly grabbed drinks and handed them to Scotty and Ghost. 
"Price was telling me about what you all did with Hassan." He raised his bottle. "Cheer to that. I have to say I'm impressed to see that Soap and Scotty can work seriously."
She raised an eyebrow. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"I have seen how you two act…"
"Like real idiots on the field?" Ghost chimed in. Scotty nudged him in the side. Alejandro snorted. 
“Go fuck yourself Lt.” This remark resulted in a stare from the captain and the colonel, but Ghost remained impassible. “You would know, Colonel, that Soap and I are very capable. It’s not because we crack a few jokes here and there that we can’t get the job done.” 
In the corner of her eyes, she noticed a group playing with football. It sparked an idea. 
“Colonel, what about we settle down with a little game? You and one extra person of your choice against Soap and I on the football field.”
“You are on.” Alejandro smirked with a laugh. If he was to play against two persons who said their communication skills were on top, he might go with Rodolfo. They had known each other for long enough that a simple look meant everything. It would be easy. Scotty jogged to find Soap and told him all about the challenge. The Scotsman was more than pleased to show off their capabilities and his goalkeep talent. The four of them walked to the makeshift playground. The current players gladly left their place to see how this would turnout. Price and a Vaquero were chosen as referees, to keep things even. 
“Rules are no dirty tricks, two against two, no permanent goalie so make your decision counts.” Price reminded each party. “Take your position.”
Soap and Scotty high fived for good luck and she took place at the center facing Alejandro. The colonel had to admit that she had a smile he had never seen before. Something more confident than ever. Price dropped the ball; the game was on. Scotty reacted as fast as Alejandro, but agility allowed her to get the ball first. The man expected her to move forwards, but instead she kicked the ball behind. It took him a little bit by surprise, till he saw Soap passing by. Rodolfo was quick to intercept him. He slipped the ball away from Soap and made a dash for the goal. Alejandro yelled to make a pass. Rudy executed it, flawlessly. However Scotty was quicker and took advantage. She picked the ball as it passed by. The two Vaqueros looked at each other, they wouldn't let her advance back to their side. They were able to force her to remain on her side, unable to go any further. Eventually, Alejandro was able to regain control of the ball and ran for the goal. With a well placed kick, the ball flew directly in the center. What the two men didn’t notice was that while they were focused on Scotty, Soap had the time to prepare himself. He stopped the ball midair. The Vaqueros on the side cheered at this. Alejandro smiled. They were very clever. 
Soap threw the ball as far as he could reach. It missed Scotty by a meter who had to dash to get it. Rudy did a bold move, sliding on the grass to kick the ball even further away. It wasn’t a dirty trick per say, but Scotty had to jump to avoid tripping over him. Alejandro catched up with the ball and made a sharp turn back. “Rudy, left!”
He avoided Soap who was coming towards him and actually kicked the ball in the opposite direction getting the 141 by surprise. Rudy was way ahead, he wouldn’t be able to stop him. “Scotty, all yours!” He yelled.
She made another dash to catch up. The second in command understood and didn’t give her the chance. He kicked the ball. Scotty did her best. She did catch the ball, but in the motion, she landed in the goal. Another roar of cheer rose around. Even though this counted as one point, it was still impressive. They kept playing for a few turns, the end score; 4-2 for Scotty and Soap. Alejandro was catching his breath, holding himself on his knees. Rudy was on the grass exhausted. Soap sat next to him. Scotty was still standing despite her heavy breathing.
“You win in more than one way.” The colonel admitted. The way they played on the fields, how it felt like they knew each other's next move, the anticipation. “You two are really something.”
“We know each other's strengths and weaknesses like it is ours.” Scotty breathed. “It’s like we are in each other's head.”
“Didn’t you say something similar but with Gaz once?” Price raised his eyebrows. 
“Yes, we also have a good connection.”
“Especially when it comes to taking a piss at the Cap.” Gaz chimed in. They chuckled.
“Someone is looking to get a kick in the arse.” Price placed his hands on his sides. He looked at the three sergeants unphased. Meanwhile, the three of them looked at each other. Another idea sparked in their mind.
“Up for another challenge?” Soap grinned. Price and Alejandro were at full attention. “Same thing, but this time, three against three. Sergeants against higher rank. That means you Ghost.”
The masked man who was barely paying attention glanced at him. “No.”
“Why not?” Scotty taunted. “Afraid to get your ass kicked by us? You chicken." 
The men around her chuckled or gasped at her audacity. Ghost planted himself a few inches from her face. She usually wouldn't back down, but this time she did move a step back. The energy that came from him, she might have gone a little too far. "You are on, Moreau. Don't come crying when you lose." 
Him using her last name made her realize that he meant business. And she was, personally, in trouble. Rudy would be the referee this time. Just like last time everyone took their place. However this game, a permanent goalie was allowed. With Soap as theirs, Gaz and Scotty felt pretty confident. Alejandro, who had been running around in the previous game, decided to take it a little easier and took the goal spot. Once the ball hit the ground, Gaz was already on it, making his way towards Alejandro. Price tried to stop him, but he passed the ball quicker to Scotty. She was about to receive, but Ghost caught the ball. Making a sharp u-turn, she ran after him. Curse is taller legs, Ghost could cross the distance faster. Gaz attempted to stop him: a fail as he slipped on the grass finishing his slide a two meters further. Ghost kicked the ball, a direct traject in the goal. Thankfully Soap's reaction was fast. He stopped it just in time. "No this time Lt!" He smirked. He threw the ball in Scotty's direction who caught it first with the head. It was time to play it dextrous. Gaz understood. While she was dancing around Price and Ghost, he advanced closer to Alejandro's goal. 
Her mind was on high alert. It was a miracle she hadn't tripped yet, but better kept it that way. Ghost came right in front. Scotty swiftly pivoted the ball back, then herself rolled around him. Her back brushed against his chest. She passed the ball to Gaz who in return kicked it to the goal. Alejandro had been focusing on the two sergeants at the same time, didn't not see it and so the first point of the game was marked. The two attackers high fived while Ghost and Price grumbled something under their breath. "If they win we will never hear the end of it." Price said a little louder to his teammate. 
"I know." He glanced at Scotty. When their gaze met, it didn't see the softness she would often give him in the distance. Or the respect of work. Not, it was burning with the desire of crushing him in that supposedly friendly game. She would rub it in his face for days, if not weeks. "I fucking know Price…" 
The captain and the lieutenant were able to mark a few points. This was, however, not enough. On that day, they discovered that the three sergeants were a menace when working together. In a way, their loss was worth it. Price caught himself feeling almost sorry for the enemies who would dare cross the path of these three together. Maybe one day, he should give them a mission together. For now, he has to endure, or appreciate, their over cheering on beating their superiors. 
Soap and Gaz were holding Scotty on their shoulders. Her stamina and running endurance always amazed them and it had been their best asset. They cheered her as she tried to catch her breath. She had been pushing her limits but it was for a good cause. "Eat that Lieutenant!" She teased Ghost. The man rested his hands on his waist, unimpressed. "We should totally have bet something!"
"Like what?" He raised an eyebrow. 
"We get to be captains for a day?" Soap laughed. 
"I could let Price investigate the next fish nursery we go to." Gaz smirked. 
"Fuck that would be amazing! Can you imagine bossing Ghost around?" Scotty had a huge smile on her lips. He frowned, his eyes silently telling her to be careful of her next choice of words. 
"You three would go mad with power, yes." Price chimed in, shaking his head.
The two sergeants dropped Scotty who was still defying Ghost. "Would be great to tell you to keep up. Or tell you to fuck off when you are annoying." 
"You just crossed a dangerous line, sergeant. I think someone needs to cool off." He knew she didn't mean the last part, she was trying to find a way to tick him off and it worked. He lifted her on his shoulder to everyone's surprise. Scotty yelped and told him to put her down. Which he did, once he reached the small pool that had been set for the party. He dropped her in like a rock. Not graceful at all. The water was cool, and it felt good, but the shock made her gasp once she resurfaced. Scotty grabbed on the edge and pushed herself back out. She was drenched. 
"Ghost! Are you fucking serious!" She laughed. 
With no one too close by he allowed himself to be a little more casual. "I warned you, love. Should have been careful with your words." 
"Maybe I didn't want to." 
"Oh I know exactly why you are acting like this, but you are not getting anything. Not while everyone is around. Watch your arse once we are alone though." 
She bit her lips. Yes, this had been her goal, ever since he took off his hoodie for the game. Since she was his muscles flexing from the running around. But he was right, now wasn't exactly the best place to flirt around. Eventually, they spend the rest of the afternoon chilling around, drying off for her, eating and drinking. All in all, they were all having a good time. 
The sun slowly started to set. Some Vaqueros bidded farewell to everyone as they headed back home. Some had setted tents in the fields and were slowly retiring for the night. A few people still up, lit small fire camps to keep warm. The sky let the stars pop one by one till they covered the dark color with millions. It was a beautiful sight. Price was the first one to call it night after some stargazing. Gaz and Soap followed not long after, both being half asleep by the time they walked to the room Alejandro gave them. Talking of which the man had been working and running all day, the calmness of the night finally caught onto him. He wished goodnight to everyone. Rudy left half an hour after. Scotty was left alone in the group. She looked over her shoulders where they had seen Ghost separating himself from everyone. He needed some time alone after so much interaction. He was laying down in a long chair, watching the sky. 
Scotty wrapped herself in a blanket and walked to him. "Mind if I join you?" 
Ghost turned his head slowly. "You will have to sit on the ground if you want." 
She scoped the surroundings. Either people were too far to make out who they were in the dark or sleeping. "I'm sure if you move a little bit, we can share the chair. " 
Ghost didn't have the time to say anything and she forced herself next to him. Even making sure the blanket would also wrap around him. He let out a groan. They squirmed a little bit before finding a comfortable position. The chair creaked under their weight, but held it together. They stayed in silence, stargazing a little longer. 
"It's so beautiful." Scotty breathed. "It's sad that we miss such a view when living in the city." 
"Yeah." Ghost replying. It felt like he had something else in mind, but preferred not to talk. His eyes glanced at Scotty who was absorbed by the stars. She looked at them with such softness and awe. Just like he was doing with her. He loved her when she would play rough and pretend to not be scared of him. But he loved her even more when she was like this, when she was herself. Someone who looks at the world with wonder and hope. With care. She turned her head and caught him staring at her. A soft smile drew on her face. She leaned closer to press a kiss on his covered nose. 
"Enjoy the sky, you can look at me another day." 
"I suppose I can let you order me this, captain." His arm that was around her, wrapped tighter as she giggled. They returned to stargazing in silence. 
After four months together, Ghost was still struggling inside. He still couldn't quite understand why him and not someone else. Would he ever be enough? Does he really know how to love? So many questions that always faded away when he felt her close by. He didn't get actual answers to these questions, but he figured that whatever small gesture she made proved many things. Like now as she wrapped an arm around him and replaced herself to be half climbing on him. 
"Don't fall asleep, love. That wouldn't be wise." 
"I know. I'm just resting my eyes for a few minutes." 
Ghost was watching the sky again till he heard it. Her soft breathing. The one she had when she was sleeping. He knew he should be waking her up, but he didn't have the heart to do so. Not when she looked so peaceful. His eyes were also heavy with tiredness. Maybe he could allow himself a five minutes as well. 
The five minutes turned into hours. They never woke up at the same time throughout the night. Not wanting to wake up the others. Ghost woke up to her sleeping so deep she was half drooling on him. Scotty woke up to her hand softly raising with his chest. It would be a shame to disturb his peace. The warmth under the blanket contrasted with the cold, none of them dared an arm out and so never had the courage to eventually get up. They spend the night sleeping in what looked like the most uncomfortable long chair. They were used to weird places to sleep anyway.
Sun slowly lit the sky in the distance. The dark sky lit up, but not a ray of sun yet. Scotty nuzzled in his hoodie a little more, her embrace tightening. Ghost shifted in his sleep, keeping her close. The world around them had disappeared long ago and so had the worry of something more important. 
Soap was the first one to emerge from his slumber with a pressing need for a bathroom stop. Through the window, he catched a glimpse of the quiet field. Sleep was still hanging on his eyes, he had to triple check that his mind wasn't playing tricks on him. "You bastards." He whispered, a huge grin on his face and all his morning problems vanished. He was wide awake now. He turned on his heels, returned to the room to grab a sweater. Gaz heard the rustle and woke up. He watched him wondering what was going on. 
"Can't you be a little quieter? It's way too early." Gaz whispered with a groan. 
"Not when I'm fucking right!" He said back. Gaz frowned.
"Right about what?" Price's sleepy voice rose next to them. In his euphoria, Soap had forgotten to not wake up the captain. Him or Gaz figuring out that they were dating was one thing. The captain is another. 
"Uh, nothing sir. Go back to sleep." He awkwardly slipped the sweater above his head and exited the room. Gaz and Price could have let go but obviously whatever put him in such a state at the dawn of the day should be worth checking. They silently made their way down and through the same window, Price noticed what Soap had seen. 
Ghost was emerging from his sleep with sore muscles. His back was already hating him. With a groan, he turned his head to take his surroundings into account. Scotty was still sound asleep, always nuzzled in his chest. The sky was a little more boring now without the stars. Some birds started chipping. Price, Gaz and Soap were standing next to them… Wait! Ghost tensed up and jolted wide awake when he realized that. His jerked motion woke up Scotty who was facing back to the three men and was still unaware. "What's going on Simon?"
"Ain't it cute, she even calls him Simon." Soap grinned like a madman. 
Scotty turned her head so fast, she thought she snapped her own neck. She tensed up just as much as Ghost. The Brit didn't give her the time to react more. He pushed her off him like she was on fire and she didn't blame him for that. The cold morning was a shock, but went almost unnoticed compared to being caught. She got up dusting off the dirt of her clothes. "That's not what you think!" She blurred out. All the heat migrated to her cheeks. 
"The way you two were wrapped together, I think it's exactly what it is." 
"I would say it was cute." Gaz chimed in. 
"Shut the fuck up! It's nothing, you saw nothing!" The three sergeants got caught in a small playful fight over what just happened till Price cleared his throat. This brought them back to reality. Ghost had not spoken a word since. But his captain's eyes were on him. He couldn't quite make out what emotion he was feeling. He had known the man for long enough to guess that… he was probably disappointed he had not followed regulations. The atmosphere around the 141 felt heavy. 
After a silence that seemed to last for an eternity, Price let out a sigh. He also has known Ghost for long enough that he felt a soft spot for him finally allowing himself to love. ‘‘Soap has been saying that you two might be dating. Is that true?’’ The proof had been right in front of him, but honestly how to bring such a touchy subject.
They could deny it or come clean. Four months they have been keeping it secret, this despite all the operations, missions. If it was really only this one slip up, and Soap, that made Price aware of their current relation, then they proved that they could remain professional. Never putting the life of the other above anything else. Scotty and Ghost glanced at each other. A silent statement that was enough for Price to not push the subject any further. ‘‘For now, you are not in trouble. But once we back to base, we need to have a talk.’’ He patted their shoulders before leaving to return to the house.  
Scotty glared at Soap. A rare thing. It was obvious she was filled with rage at the moment. Even Gaz noticed and he wasn’t the target. ‘‘You really had to open that big mouth of yours!’’ She yelled, taking everyone by surprise. It echoed in the fields, hopefully not waking up anyone. 
‘‘It was an accident. I didn’t think they would follow when they woke up.’’ He raised his hands in front of him. 
‘‘Fuck you MacTavish! Like hell you couldn’t lie to them? Fuck!’’ She passed him, bumping into him without a care. Soap was about to go after her, but Ghost stopped him. 
‘‘Trust me Johnny, let her cool off for now.’’ He said. But his eyes had the same annoyance that she had. Soap gulped. Maybe he did fucked up a little here. 
The sun eventually rose completely. The rest of the Vaqueros woke up one by one. After the party, they were all taking it easy in the morning. Remaining in smaller groups, some leaving after packing their tents, but at least none had noticed the drama going on with the 141. Except for Alejandro and Rodolfo. They noticed her missing at the table for breakfast, along with the strange calmness of Soap with a touch of heaviness among everyone. They didn’t quite dare to ask what was wrong when Ghost dryly said that everything was fine. Scotty returned home a little before noon. She was polite to everyone around, however as soon as Soap approached, she snapped at him. 
She thought that after a long walk and some running, she would have been able to cool off but the truth was she had not. Her mind was racing too much about the consequences of Price knowing about her relationship. When they all started this, they knew they were against the rules, they knew that if they ever got caught, it would mean trouble. Scotty sort of prepared herself in case it happened, but she never expected to happen so fast and so out of her control. She also blamed herself. If she had listened to Ghost about not closing her eyes last night. If she had been less stupid and got up in the middle of the night, none of this would have happened. Scotty slammed the door behind and sat on the porch of the house. It was a turmoil of emotions inside her head. She kept it together all morning but now, she felt like letting go. And she did. Silently letting the tears of rage roll down her cheeks. The door creaked behind her and someone took a seat next to her. 
His eyes catched the reflection of the sun on the tears. She never once looked at him, either forwards or the opposite side. Soap took a deep breath. ‘‘I’m sorry Camille. I didn’t mean for this to happen. It’s just…’’
‘‘You have been teasing for months now and were too happy to shove it in my face that you were right.’’
‘‘Yes, but no. When I saw you with Ghost this morning, it did felt like a small victory yes.’’ Her head snapped to him with a deathly glare. ‘‘Easy. I got a little too excited and accidently woke the captain and Gaz up. I should have diverted their attention to something else, I know. I’m sorry for involving them both.’’
Her features relaxed as his apologies did sound genuine. Her shoulders slacked as the tension left. Rage was replaced by worry and sadness. ‘‘I tease you only because you are my best friend and I'm glad to see Ghost with someone. You both deserve it, especially him. It’s nice to see someone love him."
A weak smile appeared on her lips. ‘‘Soap… I’m just scared that everything will change now.’’ She finally admitted. ‘‘I could lose everything that I have, just because I was stupid to fall in love with my superior. Being caught wasn’t only because I could lose Ghost, but also lose 141. I love the team, I don’t want to leave.’’
‘‘Don’t worry lass, I’m sure Price will be understanding. Hey, you guys fooled us for… how long now?’’
‘‘Four months.’’
‘‘No fucking way? That long! So…wait… I was right then! Something did happen during that mission in Siberia!’’ Scotty punched him on the shoulder. ‘‘Ok ok, this aside, you proved that you two can still work as if nothing happened. It will be fine and I'll keep annoying you while we get the baddies." He opened his arm for a hug, which she accepted leaning against him. 
"Thanks Johnny. But don't think it's over." They laughed and stayed like this for a few minutes till she got up. Soap stayed outside, allowing her some time to process everything. Although not even a minute later the door opened, Ghost came out first, followed by her. The Scotsman didn't have the time to say a word. Ghost grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, forcing him back on his feet. Scotty quickly pulled him by the legs, making him fall head first on the porch. Ghost reacted faster, grabbing him under the shoulders. Soap didn't put up much of a fight. Whatever they had planned, he deserved it. At first he thought they would dunk him in the pool. Wouldn't be that bad. But they passed it, heading for something behind it. A mud puddle. 
"Oi! Wait no! I don't even have spare clothes!" He started to jerk to free himself. 
"Lie. You will be fine. Ghost, on three." They even took the time to swing him for more impact. He hit the mud, face first and flat. He groaned as he quickly wiped the mud away. 
"Happy?" He smiled. 
"It's a start." Ghost replied. 
They returned to base the next day. The trip didn't feel that awkward but there was a lingering feeling of it. Of course as soon as the plane landed, Price told them he would be waiting for them in his office. They could unpack, unwind from the trip, but they had to put things clear today. A million scenarios had gone through her mind since they found out about them. And most of them revolved around a bad outcome. How could they ever hope to have a good ending with this? 
They sat there in front of him waiting for the judgment. Price was pinching the bridge of his nose, face resting in his hands. How to bring the subject? How to process this situation in a way that would make everyone happy? Laswell had to be informed of this as the head of the task force. Or at least the main liaison. It would take a lot of convincing on his side for this part. For now he needed to know where things were going. "How long?" He finally asked after his mind made a choice. 
"Four months, sir." Scotty weakly admitted. Price looked at them quite surprised by this. He thought it was something recent, a few days or weeks old. That was some information he wasn’t aware of and he had to think about it. His mind took in consideration all that happened in the last months. The missions, the down time… He never suspected a thing! Well yes, he had seen that they had been acting differently than when she first joined, but he thought it was because they were getting along, like she did with Gaz and Soap. The captain shifted in his seat. 
"I'm impressed. Not that you kept it secret, but that it never reflected in your work."
"Captain..." She interrupted. Price raised his hand to tell her to not. 
"However, you know the rules. This is not acceptable. If Scotty had not been a permanent part of the 141, maybe I could have turned a blind eye."
She gulped, her eyes slowly lowering to her knees, too upset to even look at Price in the eyes. Was she really about to lose everything and go back to her old PMC? Probably. And how to keep a long distance relationship with jobs who barely give free time on top of dating someone who was slowly learning to date. No offense to Ghost. Her body screamed to stand up and accept this faith, yet she remained sitting patiently waiting for the rest in agony. “Should I also mention the conflict of interest about your ranks? This is my main concern.” 
The captain shifted back in his seat with a more relaxed position. He smacked his lips. "You know lads, I should really do more than that, but… I'll let you go with a warning. And make me a promise; never let these feelings get in the way of the job.”
Scotty and Ghost looked at each other, the same expression of astoundment. What was going on? “No consequences?" Ghost asked. 
"I might not look like it but I'm a big softie."
"That sounds like bullshit." Scotty smiled. Price frowned at her with the same playful smile. 
"Don't make smartass comments that will get you in trouble, lass. I still can get you for that. Scotty, you are dismissed. Ghost, I still want to talk.”
The sergeant nodded and made her way out silently. To say that all her worries were gone would be a lie. What Price had to talk with Ghost? She would also tell Soap and Gaz about the verdict. Speaking of them, she found them in the barracks, still taking it easy from the trip back. When they saw her in the door frame, they stopped what they were doing and waited for her to speak up. On her way there, she debated if she should lie to them to see their face or not, but felt that it would be too mean. Even if Soap deserved it. “Sadly…” She started but was cut short by the Scostman.
“No, Price kicked you out of the task force?” He sounded genuinely worried. Scotty chuckled, which confused him.
“Sadly, I’ll still be stuck with you till I do something worse than dating Lt I guess.”
Soap’s muscles relaxed instantly. “Why would you start your sentence like this, you idiot.” 
“So, it’s official you and Ghost uh?” Gaz crossed his arms on his chest. He had a grin on his face. “Never expected him to be soft.” 
Scotty simply shrugged this, she wasn’t the one to speak for Ghost. Soap wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close to him. “Alright Scotty, time to be honest with me now. I’m your best friend right, so you can share everything.” Oh, she didn’t like how this was going. “Four months ago, back in Siberia… Did you and Ghost… you know had more than a kiss?”
“No but really, you son of bitch!” Scotty groaned in French. “You're never gonna let go of this! Even if something happened, I’m not telling shit. Keep going this way MacTavish and next time you need help for extraction, I’ll give my mags to the enemies.”
While Scotty was dealing with the other two, Ghost stayed in the office with Price. The captain gave a soft smile to his lieutenant. He had known Ghost for a while now, he knew the man probably as good as himself. He had changed a lot since Price formed the 141. Ghost was still a master in solo ops and of course given the choice would rather like to operate alone, but he had warmed up to the idea of teamwork. Even allowing some friendship to grow. However, to the point of letting someone in his life? To have loved one? Price never saw this coming. Not that he thought he wasn’t incapable of love, far from it. It simply didn’t seem like him. 
Ghost wasn’t the nervous type. He had been in control of himself since they got caught, beside his reaction of pushing Scotty away. So why was he feeling his palm sweating and his breath itching? Price hadn’t said a word yet. What does he want to talk about? Should he be the first one to speak up? Might as well if the captain wasn’t going to say a thing. “What do you want to talk about?”
“Do you really know why I let this go, Simon? Because everyone deserves a little bit of love and I’m glad you found it, lad. It would be mean of me to take it away from you.”
“Much appreciate it, Price.” 
The captain dismissed him finally. Ghost had the hand on the handle, when another question came out. “How did she do it? How did she get through your ‘cold heart’?” The last word is almost spoken in a joking manner.  
Ghost opened the door, looked over his shoulder and simply replied. “She just did.”
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sgt-scottymoreau · 22 days
Second first date
Summary: What happened in Siberia could be seen as some sort of date. But an actual date, something regular people would do? That they never did before. Well there's a first to everything.
Warning: 18+
Words: 4.6k // AO3 // Masterlist
A/N: Took me weeks but I'm finally done! I hadn't wrote smut in a long time so kind of blocked around there and also that it's the first time that ever wrote romatic smut lol It was fun!
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The plane finally landed after a painful six hours. Sun was timidly rising in the horizon, clear sky and all Scotty wanted was to run inside. Clothes still half soaked, sand in her shoes, dirt sticking to her face and hair, the smell of travel, sweat and whatever, she needed a shower right now. With sore legs, she disembarked on the tarmac, every possible joint screaming in painful relief. That be the military life; wrecking your body before the ripe age of thirty. Sometimes she wondered how her knees were able to still hold her. Her phone buzzed a few times. She ignored it, it was most likely a bunch of messages finally coming through and she couldn’t bother to check them now. Later once she will be home.
The small studio she found a few weeks ago, wasn’t so far from the base which was a good thing. An hour drive wasn’t so bad; she did more back at home. And there was nothing better than having your own place instead of whatever the barracks offered. Obviously it was pretty small, the bare minimum room, it didn’t bother her, she wasn’t often home depending on the ops. Door barely locked behind her, Scotty dropped her bag, took off her shoes to the relief of her feet who had been trapped in these for days. As she went around the place preparing to jump in the shower, Scotty scrolled through her messages. A few emails without interest, a few texts from her family that she should remember to reply later today, some agenda reminder. Very mundane. Scotty jumped in the shower letting a long sigh of relief as soon as the warm water rolled on her skin. One of the best feelings ever! She didn’t stay too long however, she wanted to catch up on some sleep before eventually returning back to work later today. There was much to do after all. 
Scotty woke three hours later. She didn’t remember setting an alarm yet it was her phone buzzing who woke her up. Also forgot to put it on silent, then again it wasn’t so bad it prevented her from sleeping until the afternoon. Half awake, she looked at who did it. A smile grew on her lips as she saw Ghost’s name. Involuntarily, Scotty straightened up as she read the text. 
I was thinking and maybe we should have an actual date?
She was actually surprised to receive this, very unexpected of him. Well come to think of it, it has almost been a month now, give or take, that they were dating. True there’s been some blowing of the steam moment, but never a date. It felt strange in a sense to imagine Ghost in such a social event, Scotty herself wasn't a connoisseur in date. She can’t even remember the last time she went on a proper one. Yet…
Sure! That sounds fun. When? 
After work? Will you come pick me up? ;)
Very funny, love. Whoever finishes first gets the other.
And just like that, their first date was planned. 
However, faith, life, whatever you wanted to call it, decided otherwise. The whole day was nonstop running around with barely a second to breathe. When they could finally do such, they were both too exhausted to do anything else. Maybe it was best to simply reschedule to another day where they will both be sure to have some time off. To say she wasn’t disappointed was a lie. Although Scotty played it relaxed and not minding too much about the date, she was really looking forward to it. Curiosity had a stronghold on her mind since and she was dying to find out how all would unfold. Laying down in her bed, in the silence of her small flat, she exchanged a few texts with Ghost to make sure the date will still happen, some day. Soon. It didn’t take much back and forth to finally set it for the coming Saturday, if nothing happened in between. In the meantime, she received another message from Gaz who was asking if she would be up to join him and some friends for a drink on the same night the date was planned. She politely declined, but said that she would love to come by another time. Making more friends outside of the task force sounded like a good idea as well. 
The rest of the week rolled off without any incidents and when Saturday showed up around the corner, Ghost didn’t know how to feel about all of this. He wasn’t the kind of man to give up easily, however it crossed his mind quite often. What was he supposed to do? To say? What date’s activities? The internet was full of everything and nothing; it was a mess to figure out what was the right way to act. For fuck sake, he was a grown ass man who had a job who put his life in danger every days, yet the thing that had him sweating like a shy teenager about to make a presentation in front of hundred people, knees almost shaking, was a date. Ghost only wanted this day to go well and hoped that she’ll be happy in the end. This was maybe the only tip he found that made sense during his research. It should be easy to make sure that she would enjoy her time… But what if Scotty just took pity on him and pretended it was okay? Ghost shook his head to keep this voice down. It was still hard for him to accept that he allowed someone so close in his life, to accept himself worthy of her and sometimes, bad scenarios would crawl in his head. He took a deep breath. His reflection in the mirror wasn’t too kind of him either; he looked so tired! But no smudged black paint this time. Neither a full balaclava. He wasn’t trying to attract attention to them. He grabbed a regular mask that was hanging near the sink, strapped it around his ears and looked one more time at himself. Not too bad. His fingers brushed in his hair, an attempt at making something out of them. He didn’t have a style in mind, did he need one? Simply brushing them roughly would certainly do. “Come on Simon, it will be fine.” He hyped himself up. 
His phone buzzed. “Hey.” He replied.
“Hey, I’m here.” Scotty’s voice came through. 
“Couldn’t ring the bell?”
“I forgot the number.” He heard a chuckle. Sure, she ‘forgot’. “I’ll wait for you to come down, big guy.”
A small smile grew behind his mask. Better not make her way any longer. Ghost grabbed his vest and headed down quickly. 
A gust of wind blew her loose hair in her face as she was about to greet him. Talk about a start! But so be it. The forecast had predicted some wind, yet mostly sunny day, perhaps a few clouds here and there, but overall a rather nice day. Not too warm, nor cold. Scotty brushed the rebellious strand behind her ears. She could tie them up and be free of any problems, but the occasions she had to let them lose were rare; she had to take the opportunity. They stood there a little awkward till Scotty proposed they just walk around as a start. You can take a man out of the military, but not the military out of him. Ghost’s mind was already working like this was a tactical assignment, trying to think about what should be the next move to do. All the information he gathered clashed in a whole mess, but one came out victorious. Small talk! 
“Ever been to England before? Before joining the task force.”
“Twice, when I was younger. My dad has a friend who lent him his flat while he was away.”
“What was your favorite city?”
She thought for a moment. It has been so long since these vacations, probably over a decade. Since then, the only time she came back was now when she had to deal with the Lambert case. “Birmingham and Manchester. I think some parts of these towns reminded me of home in a sense, but it has been so long since, I’m probably mixing things up.”
He hummed an approved answer. “I’m from Manchester.”
Scotty turned to him, eyes wide open, surprise all over her face. Did he say something wrong? “Isn’t that supposed to be classified information?” She teased him. Only now did Ghost realize how tense he was when he felt his muscles relax under her joyful tone. 
The rest of the day was enjoyable. They mostly walked around, stopping at a small café for a bite when their stomach begged for some food. After that they kept going around. The more the date went on, the more Ghost slowly felt at ease around her. Obviously, he let her do most of the talking. He didn’t mind, in fact he loved to see her all excited about the subjects. Seeing her be happy was all he wanted. A brush against his fingers dragged him out of his thoughts. He was so used to wearing gloves with work, that when he left them behind, his skin felt much more sensitive to any contact. His eyes glanced down at what had done this.
Scotty had decided to attempt something a little bold. It was a gamble to know if he would be ok with this or not. Seeing that he was distracted enough, she went for it. Her hand slowly moved towards his as they walked down the street toward a park. Her fingertips brushed against him, softly sliding further into his hand once she realized he wasn’t moving back. Her palm found his to rest on and her fingers closed around his hand gently. Scotty kept on with the conversation, playing this gesture like it was a reflex, nothing to mind. It took Ghost a second, but he eventually held her hand. He was so unsure, doubting if he was doing the right thing or not, but it felt nice? There was something different about this hand holding. It was hard to put words on what exactly. They held hands before… to help one another get up after falling or pulling the other up while climbing. It was always work, brute force, hanging for their life. Here, it was calm, appeasing, enjoying the moment. 
The sky cleared of all clouds, the wind died down, allowing walk through the park to be like one in this movie as cheesy as it sounded. Sun pierced through the leaves, kids screaming in the playground nearby, joggers going for laps around, dogs barking at the birds. In this crowd, Scotty and Ghost blended perfectly. A regular couple strolling on this nice summer day. “I don’t know if this would be out of place.” She shyly asked. “Do you have a family?”
His eyes who were watching her quickly darted away. His demeanor changed so suddenly. Maybe she had crossed a line? “You don’t have to answer! If it’s a secret, it’s ok!” Scotty stumbled on her words. She truly didn’t mean to upset him. Ghost remained silent. His grip tightened around her hand before he dared to look at her again.
“You will have to bear with me a little longer before you know any of this.” In the corner of his eyes, she noticed the smile he was hiding behind the mask. Ok, he wasn’t upset. But for sure something bothered him when she asked. Noted. An awkward silence followed as they kept walking along the path. A path cursed with some not dry spots who were always muddy and slippery. A trap for the ones who were not vigilant of their footing, just like Scotty. Head lifted up to watch the birds, her heel landed in the mud. Ghost didn’t have the time to react or even tried to hold her hand. In fact, her fingers slipped as well from his grip, Scotty saw herself already full of mud. She frantically tried to hold onto something, but the Brit was not in reach, her arms flailing as her body let gravity do all the work. One second she was standing, the next she was on the ground, pain in the arms and rear, clothes covered in mud dirt and wetness. 
“You alright?” He worried, crouching next to her, ready to give her hand to get up.
She rested on her elbows. Scotty saw how much he was holding it back. “Go ahead laugh, I have nothing broken.”
He let out a good chuckle. The face she made as she fell, hilarious. Ghost helped her up and asserted the damage with her. Her palms were a little scratched, nothing to worry about. But her clothes were good to throw in the wash and maybe a shower to clean off all the dirt. All to say that their date wouldn’t go any further. Ghost proposed that they returned to his flat as hers was a little far. 
As soon as the door opened, Scotty felt like she was stepping in his boundaries again. It was like another secret being revealed. The place was well organized, a little on the minimalist side, natural colors mixed with neutrals who gave a soft fall atmosphere to the whole place. Surprisingly, some very low maintenance plants here, the kind that would definitely survive if he went away for a long time. Or maybe there were fake ones simply there to give more life to the place. She must have spaced out for long because she felt Ghost’s hand rest on her lower back and pushed her further in. Ghost suddenly felt more comfortable, being in his home, safe place, that his demeanor changed. Much more confident. He walked her to the bathroom, gave her a towel if needed and some dry clothes. His clothes. Scotty changed quickly and realized two things. One, she would need to clean her clothes. Otherwise why would she even be changing. Second, the muddy water had soaked her completely. Even her underwear. Her bra was fine, but the lower was too damp. She passed Ghost’s t-shirt above her head, letting it fall on her like a dress. She was floating in it! She didn’t even dare put on the jog pants; even with the strings pulled too maximum, it would probably still be too big. A quick check of her hair. No mud thankfully. Her fingers brushed them to remove any tangles. Talk about a day! Ending in Ghost’s flat, with her barely dressed. To Scotty, this was a good date day so far.
Ghost was taking a breath and sat on his couch. With one easy move, he removed the mask. His head stretched back. It seemed like this date went well. She looked happy most of the time and that was the most important. He didn’t screw up in the end. He heard the shower running to which he didn’t pay much attention, it was obvious. So he let her do till she finally came back from the bathroom. “I hope you don’t mind that I hang my stuff in your bathroom.” 
Ghost’s head straightened back and this was a sight he wasn’t expecting to see. There she was standing, in front of him, in his shirt that looked like a short dress. A very short one. The kind that would reveal a lot if she bent over… He took a good breath to focus back. “No problem.” God, she looked gorgeous in his clothes.
Maskless, the lieutenant was so much more easier to read. His eyes were always the hint to his emotions, but the small cue of his cheeks and lips that normally would be hidden, were in the bare wild. It was obvious how much he was devouring her. The question was how long would it take him to snap and the sergeant was more than happy to figure this out. Scotty smiled, crossed the distance between them and sat next to him. The shirt was pulled higher above her thighs, her skin more exposed than before. “It was fun today. Really had a good time! We should do it again.”
“Minus the mud part.” Ghost silently laughed, picturing her face once more as she slipped. 
“Hmm true. Well the good side of this, I get to see the inside of your place. You have some good taste.” Scotty stretched, on purpose. The shirt lifted along. Ghost’s eyes glanced, his hand crisped on his jeans. Was she even wearing something down there? A silent question she caught on his face; jackpot.
“T-thanks.” His throat closed tight, his mind trying to keep him in check. Scotty was looking at him with this smile he knew well, the one that meant trouble.  
“Everything was wet or needed to be cleaned so… I do have nothing under your shirt.” The emphasis on his shirt made him shiver. His hand slid behind her back and pulled her toward him. Actually made her sit on his lap, legs spread open, facing him. Said hand kept its position on her lower back, the other gently brushed on her skin, before he gave a soft squeeze to her thigh. Scotty felt the rough jean’s fabric on her lower part, she bit her lip. “What now, Ghost?”
His forehead rested on the crook of her neck, he pressed a kiss on her covered collarbone. 
“No, Ghost, no lieutenant or sir. Just Simon.” His tone was soft. It sounded like he was letting himself be even more vulnerable, letting another layer of himself open to her. There’s been so many revelations today, this one surprised her but Scotty quickly recovered from it. Her fingers brushed in his hair on the back of his neck. She returned the soft kiss.  
“Ok, Simon. Call me Camille then.” His touch was much softer than usual. In their position, normally, they would already be a breathing mess, rolling around whatever surface was holding them, just some raw action to let all the stress out of their system. However right now, even as his hands trailed along her sides, the emotions were different. Oh sure they both wanted to give in yet it wasn’t the same. There was something more intimate this time. Ghost wanted to keep it that way. He liked this. The feeling was strange to explain, but it felt right. Scotty cupped his face, her thumbs gently brushing on his cheeks and lips. She had seen him maskless many times before, probably more than anyone else in the 141, but every time she had to look at him. Engrave his features in her mind as if he would disappear soon. She leaned closer to his face, her lips met his with care, as she would break him if it was too hard. His hand took a hold of her neck, pulled her closer to him, as if he would lose her if he let go. Their kiss went till their lips almost felt numb. Without a warning, Ghost stood up always holding her and walked them to the bedroom. A very modest room with the bare minimum, maybe some small decorations on the wall, but she didn’t have the time to analyze more of it. She wasn’t there for this and she knew it. The lieutenant dropped on her bed. He climbed on top of her, the mattress shifting under his weight as he watched her from above. Hair spread all over the pillow like an earthy veil, brown eyes grounded into his soul capturing every detail of his features. Breathtaking. 
His hand ran from her thigh to her waist, not hesitation as to also lift the shirt. Ghost leaned, his nose rested on hers, his lips hovering on hers. He pressed a kiss as carefully as he would be touching porcelaine. Scotty melted under the gentle kiss. The whole room was filled with so much tenderness, it was easy to do so. Ghost placed himself between her legs and she didn’t give more time to think. Her hands blindly found his belt, and worked on undoing his pants while their lips were still sealed. Awkwardly, he helped remove it only breaking the kiss when he had to turn around and easily slip them off. He returned another kiss who was also interrupted only when Scotty removed his shirt. Her hands grabbed on his forearms, feeling the muscles contracting under her fingers. Her fingertips slowly traced some part of his tattoo. “I like that.” He breathed out, straightening up. His hands closed around her waist.
“What do you like?” She smiled. 
“Whatever this is. It feels nice.”
A small joke burned the tip of her tongue, but never came out. She understood what he meant and it was best to let him enjoy it. She would have many other occasions to joke around. His thumb dug in her skin, tenderly, then his hands went up along her side, pulling the shirt up just above her breasts. He shivered in anticipation, a need to have more yet the desire to remain romantic. This is how he would describe this moment. It truly felt like these romantic moments people always describe. He left a trail of kisses from her collarbone to her chin, leaving a ghostly sensation near her lips. His fingers finally trailed on her skin on their way to her cunt, rested a little there, before he moved in a circular motion. Scotty let a weak moan out. He teased her for a little while, his lips never letting go of hers. He pushed two fingers inside of her. This small gesture sent a wave of relief to her craving. Finally! Without a word, her hands tugged on the elastic of his underwear, slid in and grabbed his half erect cock. That was enough to have him harden more. A few strokes and he was ready. Yet he didn’t try to change position or go to the next step, he actually enjoyed that mutual touching like this. After a few minutes, Ghost had rolled on his side to be more comfortable. By doing so, he accidently caught her hair under his shoulder. Scotty whined. “Ow! Careful big boy.” A chuckle followed. He apologized, feeling bad, but her small laugh was enough to reassure him that it was okay. Scotty rolled on her side, her body half rested on Ghost. She pressed a playful kiss on his collarbone, her hand ran down his chest back to his cock to keep the handjob going. “What’s next?”
He brushed her hair behind her ear. “What about a little change? I want to see if you are still as beautiful when you are on top, love.”
“Sure!” She bit her lower lip. “Could I do something first, Simon?”
Saying it like this, Ghost would let her do anything she wants! Never has his name sounded so good. Scotty smiled, crawling back till her head was just at his crotch level. Without breaking eye contact, she pulled down his underwear. He had an idea of where this was going, however he didn’t expect how far it would go. At first, she teased; licking and kissing the tip of cock. Always eyes locked on him. Then she finally lowered her mouth on him. It felt good! Ghost watched as her head bopped, small grunts and moans in the back of his throat. What took him by surprise was how far deep she went. His lips parted, tried to say something but whatever words he had, they disappeared in a low moan when his tip touched the back of her throat. Scotty chuckled around him, nose pressed on his happy trail. Ghost’s hand flew on her head, tangling in her hair as he gently pulled her away. “Oh fuck that was… Woah.”
“I barely did anything! You should at least let me do more.”
“Oh I’m holding you into that, definitely. But I really want to fuck you, now.”
Scotty gave one last kiss on his cock and placed herself on top of him. She slowly lowered on him, giving time to enjoy the sensation. One hand rested on the pillow to hold her, the other slipped between Ghost’s fingers. She leaned to kiss him more. Ghost bucked his hips. Scotty bounced on him the best she could, legs getting tired at the minutes passed by her climax on the edge of crashing all over. Now was not the time to stop. He was also chasing after his own release feeling close to this moment, that he eventually held her by the waist to help her up and down. Not a single word was exchanged during that time, only their whimpers and moans gave away how everything was, how they liked or loved it. 
His muscles tensed up, his fingertips dug in her waist and he came with a long relieved grunt. Hearing him losing all restraint sent Scotty to her own end and she collapsed on his chest. 
She moved to the side once the position became too uncomfortable for her legs, but she appreciated the cuddles. So she kept close to him, fingers tracing on his chest to his forearm and making out the lines of his tattoo. “Can’t get your hands off me?” He smiled and pressed a kiss on her head. 
“I could say the same to you.” Another kiss on his chest. “Simon? Can I stay with you for the rest of the day?”
“You don’t even have to ask, love. Camille?” It felt strange to use her name, but he liked it. Her eyes perked open with interest. His mouth opened, the words caught in his throat. He had said these before, yet today, right now, in the moment, it was hard to say them. He didn't know why, but it flustered him. “I-I love you.”
“I love you too.” She had a soft smile that melted him.
Ghost watched her still sleeping, not a single worry in the world. This expression of calmness and tenderness that was a constant lingering on her face was ten fold in this moment. Last night’s memories floated in his head peacefully. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt like this. If he ever. He doesn't have a coldheart, truly he was simply careful when it came to trust and letting people close. Ghost saw who she was, how caring and kind she acted around everyone. Every day he could see her goof around with Soap and Gaz, giving a hand to help with anything. Yet he knew Scotty was capable of breaking as many bones as he could. But it was the former, the caring, that made him fall for her, one of the many reasons. Why he felt comfortable letting his guard down and be vulnerable. With her he knew he could be himself safely. So why? Why deep down, in the back of his head, he could still hear small voices tormenting him about this? Maybe it was a deep fear that she might turn on him? That all of this will only be short-lived. Ghost wished these thoughts would stop, he desperately tried to remind himself that he was worth it all, at least a part of him was, but they kept haunting him. The room was silent. Outside life was slowly emerging from the slumber; people hasting to work, birds going around, dogs being walked. Scotty rolled on her side, facing him. Hanging somewhere between awake and asleep, she smiled, her hand reaching for his. “Morning.” Her voice was so weak from being half awake. In an instant, his thoughts calmed down. They were still clinging, but less loud.
“Morning, love.” Calm and peace for a moment.
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sgt-scottymoreau · 12 days
Summary: After what happened, Scotty need to learn how to feal with the scars it left her. It's a dark place, she struggles, but she knows she came make it. Right?
Warning: Mention of trauma, anxiety attack, triggering memories, depression, dealing with said trauma, mention and talk about misscariage
Words: 3.7k // AO3 // Masterlist
A/N: Disclaimer, I'm not a therapist, some stuff going there is based on what member of family handled their own struggle/depression (althought none were based with military trauma) , there's probably some innacuracy in some places I'm sorry. Remember mental health is important, take care of yourself and your loved ones around you!
I definitely suggest that you read this fic before diving into this one. Healing is a companion fic to it, as it technically a follow up on what happen after the event describe in Ghillie, guns and death.
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“That was a good session today, I’m proud of your progress.” The woman said, closing her notebook. 
“Does this mean I’m allowed to go back on the field?”
“Camille, we talked about this last time. You are not ready yet there is-”
“Still too much to work on, yeah yeah I know. Fine. Next week, same time, same place, see you doc.” Scotty rolled her eyes, stood up from the couch and headed outside the cabinet. 
The sun blinded her when she stepped out of the building. The street was eerily calm for the middle of the day, then again it was a weekday. People were at work, kids at school, no time to roam around town. With a sigh, Scotty disconnected herself from the world as soon as she allowed the music to play through her headphones as she began her walk home. A month has passed since she had been sent back home since her last deployment. Actually, she was forced to come back earlier after what happened. It annoyed her that her superiors didn’t want her to be on the field. Forcing her into these endless therapy sessions. Why couldn’t they understand that staying here, doing nothing, stuck in almost a desk job was the thing that was making her worse. She needed action, she needed that real world.
No you don’t. Your therapist told you this is reckless behavior. It’s guilt.
A small voice of reason that desperately tried to remind her that the loudest thoughts she experienced here and there were in fact dangerous to her. A constant battle between rationality and so many scenarios who played like a broken record in her mind. Her eyes caught a glimpse of the children playing in the school’s playground. They looked all so happy, screaming, laughing, running back and forth. Scotty stopped for a moment, a pained smile on her lips. They reminded her of these kids she met in the village back then. 
Her first clenched hard all the sudden. Images of the bloody small corpses came back.
There’s nothing you could have done for them. It’s not your fault, you weren’t there when the first attack happened. Their death is not your fault.
“But their death was mine…” Scotty whispered to herself. Her throat tightened, her heart began to race, breath was hard. Oh. Here it comes. She had to do something about it right now. The young woman started to walk away, at a fast pace. Faster and faster till it turns into a small jog.
Yes, sure, run away from your problems. Like you ran away from your friends!
You didn’t run away, you were following orders. You didn’t know how it would end.
This has not been a good session, the therapist lied! Why was she feeling like this? Normally her mind was at much ease afterwards, why were the voices battling? They were supposed to be silent! Scotty ran around the corner, barely avoiding a car that was taking its priority on the road. When the driver honked at her, she ignored it and kept running as fast as she could. Till she was out of breath and even then. She came to a stop near a tree. A quick glance over her shoulders and around, coast was clear. Scotty held down a scream and punched the trunk. Her knuckles scraped on the wood, bleeding slightly, and her hand was painful. But at least, her mind shut up. Was pain a solution?
Better tell her therapist about this next session…
The line was barely moving. The two counters were occupied by the two old ladies who had a lot of questions about their medications. Scotty gently balanced herself up and down on her heels. Breath in and breathe out. Paper in her pocket, she had to patiently wait her turn. Sleep had been getting worse and worse. Nightmares over nightmares. The day playing over and over, every time with the same outcome despite her imaginary attempts at changing everything. Wasn’t all these sessions supposed to help her with this? Why was it only getting worse? Why couldn’t she get… be better! Why…
“Good day miss, how can I help you?” The pharmacist called her back to Earth.
“Oh. Hmm I’m supposed to get these.” She handed the prescription. The man looked at it a little surprised after she handed it with her first. The neat paper was now all crinkled. “I- I’m sorry.”
“No worry. Alright, give me a minute.”
Leaned on the counter, Scotty let her head fall in her hands. It was getting exhausting. Her body and mind aren't in sync anymore. It was like she had no control over her actions sometimes. 
Well at least you still have a body. You are still breathing unlike others.
In the last two weeks, this voice had been taunting far more than her reason. The latter had been locked behind bars by her struggles. The hardest part of all is that Scotty was aware that she was slowly slipping down that hill and… she didn’t want to go back up.
“Here miss. Here are some tips about these medications. First, do not take them at the same time, they both might make you feel drowsy. Obviously these should be taken before bed time to sleep, so I would suggest taking these during the day. Even if you feel better, do not stop taking any without your doctor recommendations. Do you have any other questions?” 
“No, thank you.”
She left the store with only one thing in mind; put the voices to sleep. Scotty truly hoped that these pills will help. 
“It should have been me.” Her voice cracked as the word came out.
“Why?” The woman asked. 
“I…” She thought for a moment. “Not me, but I should have helped. I should have fought back, not stay down like an idiot!”
“Camille, what did we say about insulting yourself? You were scared, shocked, this is a normal reaction. A human one.”
What does this woman know of your work life? She just stays in a cozy, safe office. Fuck her. 
“What have you been doing recently?”
“I have been going out.”
“To see friends?”
No strangers who take my mind off of all my worries… by sleeping around. “Yes.”
“Good, that’s a great improvement.”
Scotty didn’t like to lie, but neither did she want to be judged in her activities. Her mother would do that enough if she knew. The young woman returned home that day not feeling lighter or heavier. It was somewhere in between. Sure it has been three weeks now and finally she came around the reality that the guilt survivor had her on a chokehold. Talking about it helped a little, yet it didn’t stop any of the nightmares. It didn’t help the ghosts that haunted her. They still came at night to blame her. Villeneuve… He was the worst of all. His face… so disfigured by the shot screaming at her, accusing her of all sins for not saving him. The pills weren’t as effective, but she was scared. Scared that using more would create other problems she didn’t need, so she started to look for other options. What would ease her tormented mind. Exercise was a solution, but she couldn’t really go for runs at midnight. She had to find release in another way. In the best way she could ever remember enjoying releasing all the stress and tension. Where was it? Her eyes looked on at the phone, certain she saved his number somewhere after they met at the café. If not in her contact she definitely sent him a message but which… Ah! Maybe he would be up for something.
The next morning, Scotty was the first to wake up. One of the rare nights of dreamless nights. She didn’t feel rested, but it was better than nothing. She rolled on her side. The young man was alway sleeping, softly snoring even. Carefully, she sat on the edge of the bed. The sun was barely lighting the room and she struggled a little to find her clothes around the room. Silently, she dressed up, left a note on the table about last night and left the apartment without a word.
Her mind felt lighter today.
Henri pushed the door. A small creak followed as the light timidly entered the dark room. The sun was still desperately trying to pierce through the curtains, being the middle of the day it was hard to have any total darkness. The atmosphere felt heavy. He hadn't stepped inside yet and he felt it wash over him. It was a familiar sensation.
"Camille?" He softly asked. He was afraid to startle her. His vision adapted to the room, allowing him to see the shape on the bed. Curled, back facing the entrance, blanket wrapped on her.
Not a muscle moved. Camille remained in the same position. "What?" Her tone was weak, but also dry. He knew she didn't mean it to be so rude. There were some days where it was darker than others, days where they really worried. But then there were the better days which gave her parents hope.The bed shifted under his weight as he sat on the edge. At first his hand reached for her shoulder, but revised himself and simply rested on his knees.
"Your mom and I were thinking of going for a walk in the park, would you like to come with us?"
His eyebrows furrowed. He hated seeing her like this. It has been a few days since she left home, except for work or her therapy session. As soon as Camille came back, she went directly to her room. She never showed up for dinner anymore. Henri heard her sometimes in the middle of the night going to the kitchen, she wasn't starving herself at least. "I think it would be good for you to go out a little. To get some fresh air, instead of being confined to your room."
"I'm fine, I just need some rest."
"Camille please."
She finally pushed herself up, the blanket flew away, eyes piercing at her dad. "I don't need you or mom's pity. Don't need you to hold my hand, because none of you know what I'm going through! What it feels like!"
These words hit him like a knife to the heart. "You think I don't know how it feels?"
"You don't." Two words punctuated with so much anger, it hurt him even more. “You were air force, you had it easy!” His soft fatherly smile vanished quickly. His eye, the only still working, looked down, a glass veil covering it in pain. Without more, Henri stood up. Pain was replaced by anger which he knew he shouldn't act on. That was not what she needed. So the anger turned into sadness.
"Right... I don't know." He whispered. Henri stood up and left the room in silence. However, he stepped one foot outside the door frame and stopped. He really didn't want to be mean to her but... "Next time I visit Didier, remind me to tell I don't know how it is to lose a friend..."
This comment washed over like an icy cold wave. Her mouth opened, no word came out. A slap to the face reminded her that day. She suddenly felt ashamed. 
You should apologize!
Yeah, don’t be such an ungrateful selfish kid.
For once the voices seemed to finally agree instead of tearing her apart. Scotty pushed herself out of the bed. She climbed down the stairs, trying to reach for her dad but the door closed before any of the parents noticed her. A wave of disappointment washed over, she truly messed up this time. She sat in the stairs, memories of her childhood gently coming back. All these times her father would make her laugh, make her smile. The surprise pick-up after school when he came back from his deployment unannounced. A spark lightened up. In retrospect, Henri might have hidden more than he let on just to make sure she would smile… Her face fell into her hands. “I’m sorry.” She let out.
The wind gently blew across the field. The weather seemed to have read her mood today; gray, cloudy and cold as October slowly made its way. Then again, this was the kind of weather to be expected for the coming months really. Scotty placed a rebel hair strand behind her ear. Hands back in their pockets, she bounced to get rid of the chilling sensation.
“Hey. It’s been a while since I came here.”
This is so stupid… Why are you doing this? He can’t even hear you…
“I thought it would be nice to talk a little. I guess the last story I ever told you was about that day at school.” She scoffed. “Yeah… I haven’t been the best niece. Alright I know you would tell me this is bullshit…”
Leaves tumbled on the grave. This was the only sound in this resting place. “So, I’m pretty sure dad told you all about how Gabby and I grew up to uh? You know… I was quite mean to him yesterday. I haven’t been able to apologize. I wanted to but I could find the courage or words to. I don’t know… Everything is… It’s just so hard these days. I don’t know who I am anymore, everything hurts all the time and… I’m starting to hurt the people around me.” Tears rolled down her cheeks, her voice croaked under the emotions. Her legs wanted to give up, but she refused, trying her best to remain standing. Like a good soldier. An arm wrapped around her shoulders and pulled her against someone. The familiar smell eased her mind.
“Tulipe you know we might not have followed the same path, same branch.” His voice was calm and soft. “We haven’t fought on the same battlefield, we didn’t go through the same stories, but both have scars. We both share losses, decisions we wish we could have taken differently.”
Camille turned around, closing the embrace on Henri. Her face buried on his chest and… for the first time since she came back, three months after the massacre, two months after she came home and tried to keep going, she let go of everything in front of her dad. Her grip tightened hard on his coat, her knuckles hurted. The sobbed choked in her throat; she didn’t want to make too much of a scene in the cemetery. Henri hugged her back, his hand gently patted her head, brushed her hair. No matter how old Camille was, she was still his little girl.
“I should have saved them! I should have ignored that stupid order and protected my teammates. They would be alive now.”
“Or you could have died.” He rested his chin on her head. “What happened there happened and there’s nothing we can do about it. No matter how many times we replay it, no matter how your head tries to tell you that this or that would have worked. Believe me, Camille, I did it too. The long night, wide awake, thinking of how I could have saved him. Till I accepted that it is what it is. I was alive, he wasn’t. Living in the past would do me no good and he would definitely have kicked my ass…”
“He probably did.” They chuckled.
“Maybe. The truth is you and your sister are the one who kicked it really. I realized that I still had to go on for you two, you still needed me.”
They remained in each other's arms as they paid their respect to the deceased man. The fog that had been on her mind for so long cleared. Only a little but this conversation had more impact than any sessions. Well, by speaking openly of what was troubling her to someone else, which had been recommended by her therapist, proved to be the right thing. 
“I wish Uncle Didier was still around sometimes.”
“Me too, tulip. A true brother, even if we weren’t related.”
“Papa, when does it stop? You know all the things in the head.”
“It’s different for everyone. I can’t say. But no matter how long, I’ll always be there for you.”
Christmas and New Year were usually the time families gathered together, spent time together, and caught up on what they have been missing. Unless you are part of the Moreau family. For a few years now, it was hard to get everyone under the same roof. Henri had missed a few holidays when the girls were younger. When they finally came of age, one joined the army making it again hard and eventually Gabrielle moved to France earlier the previous year. Yet, there was always a moment they could find time for each other, even if it wouldn’t be during the holidays. Gabrielle and her husband were visiting for the extended weekend. 
Camille has recently been allowed to return to the field, but with some restrictions. Point is, she was still in town for now, no one knew for how long. So better make the most of it! The nightmares had calmed down in the last weeks, what would trigger reactions in her everyday life were more under control. She was still far to be out of the dark, but the light was shining in the distance. Hope was there at the end of all. 
The two sisters were alone in the living room after the others had given up on staying awake any longer. They were chatting about everything and nothing, enjoying that alone time they didn’t have in so long. The last time they had time with only the two of them it was three years ago. They really tried to make the most of it even if it meant less sleep. 
“Oh what I would have given to see the look on his face!” Camille laughed, tears in her eyes. 
“Oh, worth one million! He will never live this down.” Gabrielle laughed as well, but it seemed like she held it down. 
Actually, Camille had noticed during the evening her older sister had been quite quiet. More than usual. “Is there something wrong?”
“Looks like you have something in your mind. Want to talk about it?”
Grabielle’s hands crisped on her mug. She shrugged. “I don’t want to bother you with that. You have your own problems to deal with. It’s nothing.”
“Come on Gabby! You always have been there for me, it’s normal that I return the favor.” Camille moved closer. 
“No it’s ok really. My problems are nothing compared to yours.” The youngest could see in her face. It was as big, if not it hurted her as much as Camille had been hurt recently. No way she would let her handle this alone. 
“You can tell me everything, I promise it will stay between us.”
Gabrielle bit her lips, her eyes avoiding looking at her sister. She took a sip of her tea, took a deep breath. “I haven’t told mom and dad about it because… Well… Nathan and I… we…”
She didn’t press her, but her mind was thinking of all the worst scenarios. “We are trying to have a child, but… it’s my second miscarriage. I…I…” Gabrielle kept on admitting that this was the real reason they didn’t come for Christmas or New Year. It happened a week prior and Gabrielle didn’t have the heart for any festivity. She was afraid that this meant she would be just like her sister, incapable of having children. That their mother would be sad to never have grandchildren. How she was thinking of just giving up. That there was no hope.
No! Camille saw exactly where this would go, she understood the meaning, the feeling and she refused to let Gabrielle experience what she went through. Maybe not for the same reason, but it was still a slippery slope that would drag Gabrielle to such a dark place. She didn’t want to suffer the way she did and still was. The youngest removed the mug from her sister’s hand and pulled her into a hug. “Don’t care about mom. Don’t do it for her, you do it for yourself.” 
“I didn’t express myself correctly. Yes I worry what she would feel, but of course I do this for me. Don’t think I have no idea what having kids means.” 
“I know I know, you take the rational decision. I act first, think after.”
This made Gabrielle chuckled a little, a smile replacing her sad features. “I want to try once more but I am so scared it will happen again. I’m not sure I can handle it.”
“Take your time. I’m no doctor but there’s probably a reason why. Maybe stress, not the right moment, maybe who knows. Who knows maybe it’s when you won’t try that it will happen. But don’t force things, it will only make you feel worse. And don’t make up ‘what if’ scenarios. Not good! … I sound like my therapist… Damn.”
“Seems like you have learned a few things from these sessions. Thanks Cam. Promise you won’t tell the parents about this?”
Gabrielle hugged her once more. “Thanks again. Talking about it with you felt good, lessen the burden a little to have someone in the family aware of this... Alright, I should get some rest as well. Goodnight, troublemaker.”
Camille smiled and wished her sweet dreams. Left alone in the room, the young woman thought about what happened. This sudden need to protect her sister, to make sure she will keep hope and it seemed to have work? Camille liked the feeling that it left. It was like she saved her… Save… She stood up and checked by the window. It was softly raining in the dark street, the light from the inside lamp reflecting and giving the illusion of a light outside. Maybe there were different ways to save people. She failed her friends, but it didn’t mean she wasn’t capable of helping others. Life goes on and there will be new people in her life that she could protect. This time, she would do anything to assure it will happen. Anything.
That’s reckless behavior.
It is the kind of recklessness we always had.
“This is who I am and I won’t let anything let me doubt this.” She smiled at her reflection. Scotty felt like herself again. And that night, she dreamed of the good times before the accident, good memories which left her more rested than ever.
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sgt-scottymoreau · 2 months
Summary: Ghost is not a birthday fan, especially when it come to his. Scotty is willing to do anything to make that change, a little.
Warning: None, just fluff
Words: 1k // Masterlist
A/N: Wrote this one a long time ago, but I was waiting for the day to post it! July 13 is my headcanon for Ghost's birthday! Ok, more I did a spin the wheel kind of thing, but considering this was so close to my mom's bday, I kept it XD So, it is July 13 today, happy birthday to my boy 😘😘
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Ghost woke up already wishing the day was over. He will have to push through the day like it was any other day because, it was the case right? Just a regular day with nothing special. He got out of bed, looking over his shoulder. She was still sleeping like a log. He smiled softly at sight and went to the bathroom to shower. She was off duty today so better let her get some rest. He let the warm water roll down on his body, trying to let go of this dreadful feeling that was growing on him. He has hated this day ever since… Ghost rather not dwell on it. This was almost twenty years ago. Once he was done, he went on with his usual morning routine before heading off the base. 
When she woke up, Scotty found the flat empty, no noise, no one around. She sighed. She missed him! She was supposed to tell him something important. After knowing each other for more than a year and dating for almost a year, there was still some stuff he didn't tell her. Things that Scotty knew she could just pretend to ignore and let them be. Ghost opened up to her a lot last time during New Year, which was probably something he never did before. That's why she never tried to pressure him into talking about anything else. If the subject of his past had to come up, it was because he wanted to and felt safe to share. 
However there was one thing, one small detail that Scotty had to go behind his back to obtain the information. It was three months ago that she went into Price's office with one idea in mind.
She pushed the door, determined to get the date. Ghost had been evading the subject so much, it was impossible for her to get it. Price who was filling some reports on his computer lifted his eyes and looked at her. "How can I help you?" He asked taking this interuption to stretch his back.  "I was wondering if I could see the Lieutenant’s dossier."  "You know he is your superior, as such, you are not allowed to do so… Why do you need it anyway?"  "Well…" She rubbed the back of her neck. "He refuses to tell me anything about his birthday. I thought I could sneakily check it out myself?" Price smiled at her answer. At least she was honest and straightforward. He went to the files cabinet behind him and started to look for it. 
July 13th. This was the date she had been desperate to find. Scotty went on a guts feeling that he might not had many happy special days if he tried so hard to keep it secret. So she thought she could surprise him a little this morning. Just wishing him a happy birthday, but he left without a sound, she missed the opportunity. Being off duty meant that her day was already filled with other tasks that needed to be done. But maybe there was still a bit of hope. If she could squeeze it between two shores. Her guts also told her that Ghost might do everything to avoid coming back home before the end of the day. 
It was late afternoon when she turn off the car’s engine in the main parking of the base. She was still dressed in civilian clothes, only wearing her pass on her t-shirt. She grabbed the bag from the passenger seat and carefully made her way to Ghost's office. Scotty didn't want anyone else to be aware of what she was about to do. 
Ghost spent his day between the gym, filling reports and training recruits. Anything that would keep his mind off this very regular day. His eyes were reviewing some papers, yet he could feel the heavy burden on the back of his mind. He put down the paper and grabbed his head in hands and let out a deep sigh. Just a few more hours, then he could go home. Spend the evening with her pretend that nothing was going on. The usual routine and honestly this idea brought relief to his mind. 
A soft light caught his attention. He lifted his eyes, seeing a pastry, the size of a single slice, with a candle on it. He frowned. He shifted in his seat to straighten his back and he saw her standing there, with her soft smile. The same one he fell in love with long ago. "What is this?" He asked. 
"Happy Birthday." Scotty’s voice was calm, yet it was easy to notice the hint of excitement and sincerity behind it. 
Ghost looked at her puzzled. "H-how did you know?"
"I asked Price, I did promise I’ll keep it to myself. You kind of avoided the subject and… I wanted to do a little something. This isn't much but I thought you would appreciate it. Maybe next year we could do something better."
The lieutenant remained silent. His gaze shifted between the small gift and her. "I didn't want you to be alone today, but it was complicated with our schedule. But seems like I was able to make it between a few tasks." She walked over him. His vision blurred. He cursed under his breath. It reminded him of the times, his mother would try to make this day a little more special despite everything, despite the absent shithead of a father he had. Till the day he said that he didn’t want to bother with this anymore, the day he decided that his birthday was nothing but a normal day. 
"Are you alright Simon?" She worried. As soon as she was in arms reached, Ghost wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his head on her belly. His shoulders jolted up and down. Scotty smiled and hugged him back, pressing a kiss on top of his head. 
"Yes I am. It's just… I don't deserve you!" Ghost sniffed against her. 
"You don't mean it."
"You are always so kind to me… Wish I could return the favor."
"We talked already about this, Simon. Your love will do more than enough. But if you really wish to return the favor, what about you quitting work earlier so we can spend more time together?"
"Aye, that's possible." He stood up, kissing her on the forehead through his mask. On this they headed back home. Ghost's mind felt lighter and maybe birthdays weren't so bad.
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sgt-scottymoreau · 4 months
BSF Protection
Summary: After 4 years in the military, Scotty starts a new chapter of her life with new challenges and new workmates. First mission in the brand new life; protecting a politician. Rather the mudane and easy task, unless things don't go according to plan.
Warning: None
Words: 7.8k // A03 // Masterlist
A/N: This fic is actually two idea stitched together, one was an idea I got while I was sick and sort of had to rework the concept around lol But I still had so much writing that one. Also, De Keyser was only a name quickly mentionned in a previous fic. He was supposed to be a nobody really, welp he is now a fully fledge character now (even sketched him ooops!)
In case, Kabouter is Dutch for gnome.
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June 13th, 2018, 00:38, Luxembourg 
A few drops of rain hit the windshield, clouds slowly covered the starry sky. The radio was barely audible, as to wonder why it was even on. It provided some white noise in the silent car. She watched the lights pass by, the highway was calm. Not much traffic, they could cruise to the speed limit without worry. Scotty’s eyes glanced at the rear mirror. The man was on his laptop, typing, phone on the other hand. She was surprised that he wasn’t in some important conversation right now. Then again it was so late at night, most of his associates were probably asleep. And it was also forbidden. That was until his phone rang. He was about to answer, when Scotty turned around and put her hand on the device. 
“This is important, I need to pick it up.” He groaned. 
“Sir, unless this is your wife you are not allowed any communication at the moment.” She reminded him. 
“This is ridiculous…” He refused the call and closed his laptop. If he couldn’t do what he wanted, sleeping was at least one thing they had no control over. Scotty rolled her eyes as she faced the front again. A few minutes later, they could hear the soft snoring of the passenger in the back. De Keyser scoffed as he watched the man in the rear mirror, then his eyes glanced as his teammate..
“Remind me what VIP protection you did before?” He asked.
“Twice. But in a much more hostile environment than right now.” Scotty looked by the window, her mind slightly bored to be honest. The nice streets were much different than the sandy ones in other countries, the wideness of the highway clashing with the narrow street she remembered. It didn’t feel like the same rush of adrenaline, no danger at every corner. She turned her head to check on the man. Always sleep. “Is it me or is he a little bit of a jerk?”
“What because he doesn’t listen to what we tell him? Politicians. Not the first, not the last. Just have to deal with it, newbie.” He smiled, his eyes focused back on the road.
She frowned with an unamused smile. “I told you it’s not newbie. Scotty will do fine.”
“What about kabouter Moreau?”
Scotty let out a groan complaining that this was much worse. “I might be smaller than you, it’s not a reason to insult me.”
They laughed quietly after their little conversation almost woke up their VIP. The quiet radio took its place back in the vehicle. They drove for another ten minutes, always cruising on the highway when a car passed them on the left and changed lanes in front of them. It would have been understandable if De Keyser had been slow and they wanted to pass him, but the fact that the new car was now slowing down itself was not making sense. The man made a quick maneuver to pass the car. As he did, Scotty couldn’t help but watch who was driving. She straightened in her seat when all the windows turned out to be shaded. This was odd. Yet they were able to pass it without a problem. Till it repeated its first act. This time however, De Keyser and Scotty noticed another similar car approaching in the back. The front one slowed down again forcing the man to apply brakes. Their minds went on full alert. The car behind them accelerated, its hood ready to hit their trunk. De Keyser made an abrupt turn on the right lane, the engine revved when his foot hit the gas pedal to the floor. The VIP woke up with a loud gasp grabbing on the handle above. He opened his mouth to ask what was going on. He was quickly cut by the sound of bullets ricocheting on the windows. De Keyser pushed the car to the maximum and put as much distance as he could between them. But it was obvious whoever was after them, they wouldn’t let the BSF agents escape so easily. They attempted again to slow them down, tried to hit the back of the car to make them lose control. But the lieutenant had great driving skills and avoided their tricks. After a few meters of chases, the two hostile cars slowed down and put some distance. Scotty looked at her teammate worried; this was not a good sign. 
In the rear mirror they both saw it. A dark figure leaning on the side, holding what seemed like a heavy weapon aimed right at them. Before De Keyser could even react, their car was sent flying, rolled over and finished its course against the cement wall. It all went so fast and blurry. It took her a good minute before Scotty recovered any sense and spatial awareness. She was upside down held in place by the seat belt. She heard voices in the distance followed by one or two loud thud noises. Her hands blindly searched for the lock. She had to get free and assess the situation asap. As the world around became clearer despite the blood rushing to her head, she saw in the still intact mirror the rear door being opened. Someone crawling out. It was the VIP! Panic surged in every part of her and she fanatically battled the stuck belt. “Sir remain inside!” Scotty yelled. 
But the man ignored her. All he wanted was to be out of the metal prison. His head was painful, he might have a broken rib but this should be the last of his worry. De Keyser finally made his door budge and was free to get out of the car. As he did, he was greeted by a wave of gunshots that forced him to take cover by the wreckage. Scotty kept pressing the release button to no avail. Her hands searched then for her knife along her tac vest. When she found it, she was quick to cut the fabric. She fell on the roof and crawled by the broken window. Always on the ground, Scotty only turned her head to see the VIP standing. A second later, he fell back on the concrete of the highway. The sergeant scrambled to get to her gun and shoot back at whomever was standing in front now. Direct hit in the shoulder, a second in the chest as the shadow was running away. She pushed herself in a kneeling position, this time aimed with a steadier stance and hit the head. Tires screeched on the road leaving the two agents behind with a total of three dead bodies. Scotty stood up and ran to the VIP’s body. A quick pulse check, at this point mostly a reflex than hope, nothing. A perfect clean headshot. 
June 10th, 2018, 10:42, Belgium
There was nothing to be worried about. It wasn’t her first day anymore. No more introduction to everyone, feeling a little awkward from being the new fresh recruit around. This was two weeks ago! Yet as Scotty was seated at the table among the others, waiting for the commander to come in, she couldn’t help but fidget with her fingers. Her face never showed an ounce of worry though. It did help when the woman next to her started to make small talk. It was her first briefing for an important mission that was all she knew. The door finally opened, everyone went quiet and the commander stepped in followed by two others. 
“Gentlemen, ladies.” Commander Peeters spoke up. This was enough to get all their attention in a second. “Here’s your next assignment. Willem Müller is a high ranking politician who needs to be at a convention in Paris in the next few days. His voice could tip the balance on new law. This is a joint effort with different countries' special forces. Tomorrow, Mr Müller will be given to us from the KTC coming from Rotterdam. From here, it will be our task to escort him to a town in France to be transferred to the GIGN.”
The rest of the briefing went on to explain their plan of action. Because of the possible threat that someone would like to see Müller dead, the plan was to not take any obvious route to the rendezvous point. Even if it would take more time, the long road was a better option. Despite all the precautions they took with their intel, no one wanted to take any risk and so decoy escorts would be sent on different routes. With enough luck this will keep the VIP safe long enough. All ten agents present were assigned to their task; either decoy or communications.
“And finally, De Keyser and Moreau. You will be tasked with escorting Müller. You will be given instructions about your route ten minutes before the handover. This is an important mission, I do trust you to bring him safely to destination.” 
“Yes sir.” De Keyser was quick to reply. Scotty nodded determined. 
“Everyone dismissed.” The small tension that had built up dropped slightly. De Keyser turned to Scotty. He had seen her in the hallway in the past weeks; it was always easy to spot newbies. But he never approached her, he never really had a reason for it. Till today. He extended his hand.
“Aangenaam. First assignment here?” 
Scotty shook his hand firmly. “Yes, sir.” 
“Mind if I ask a few questions? I like to know who I work with.”
“Go ahead.” 
De Keyser went on asking the basic questions she was expecting. What was she doing before; four years in the army. Why did she decide to join the BSF; she wanted a different challenge in life but not to compromise the military lifestyle. Her experiences in general with handling protection of high profile. What she considered her strongest and weakest points. Felt like a second interview and she handled the situation just like one. Maybe a little more lose on some answers with a few little jokes in between. She didn’t want to give the impression of being too serious. 
On his side, De Keyser gave a quick overview of his days in the military as well; ten years, then he decided to settle down for something less high risk. Although as a PMC, he was still part of dangerous missions but they were more in the country. Or nearby. He did enjoy the change of pace. “How long have you been working here?” She asked.
“Five years and not a day I regret. I do get to see my family more.” 
“That’s great. You have kids?”
He scoffed. “I’m not going to tell you all the secrets yet, newbie.”
Scotty frowned at the nickname. She didn’t like being called so it felt like she was incompetent. “They call me Scotty back in the army. I rather like that.” 
“Noted, newbie.” He winked before leaving the room. That will be a fun team up.
June 13th, 2018, 03:26, Luxembourg
Scotty stood near the truck, arms crossed, her eyes half blinded by the light of the ambulances, police cars and flashlights moving here and there who clashed with the darkness of the night. In one ambulance, they finally load the corpse of the VIP, hidden in a bag. Another one took the two bodies of whomever attacked them. In the third one, De Keyser was being checked for his few injuries. Luckily their injuries were superficial. A faint smile grew on her lips when she saw him wince under the care of the paramedic. The injuries didn’t bother her, what worked her mind to an anxious state was the idea that they had failed their mission. Scotty wished it could have been anything; being late, broken down car, sickness that would have failed it. Something a little more mundane, less about to cause political problems. Talk about a first assignment! In the distance they saw their commander finally arriving on the scene. It was hard to say if he was mad or not. When he was in talking distance, his face remained so neutral it was impossible to read him. Scotty’s eeriness only grew bigger. They fucked up really bad didn’t they? Every part of her body tensed up as she kept a straight posture, De Keyser also sat better even with the paramedic still finishing on his arm. Once this was done, Peeters asked that they be left alone. They were both ready for any consequences that might come their way.
‘‘When I choose to send one of my most trusted and best operatives, this is not what the result I expect from them.’’ The man said in a rather calm tone. Scotty figured out he was addressing De Keyser. The lieutenant knew his commander for a long time now and even him still couldn’t tell what emotion he was hiding behind his calmness. But he had the feeling something was being kept from him. 
‘‘I know it won’t change anything sir, but I am sorry. This is my fault, I was the driver. I should have taken us out of the situation better than this. But we were clearly ambushed and they had heavier weapons than us.’’
‘‘I saw someone leaning and then our car was sent flying.” Scotty added. “I would say some rocket launcher, very heavy caliber for sure. Whoever they are, they have the resources, sir.”  
“We are well aware of this.” The two agents looked at each other confused. Their commander sighed. “I haven’t been completely honest with you and this was for the security of our VIP. Seeing the current situation we are in right now, proved to be a good decision.” 
De Keyser hopped down the ambulance. “What the hell are you talking about? What is going on?”
“The truth is, you were the decoy of a decoy to put it bluntly.”
“So a bait?” Scotty deducted. That was a plot twist she didn’t expect and wasn’t sure how to feel about it. Commander Peeters nodded.
“In some way. We were aware that there had been a possible leak or mole. We aren’t sure where from, it could be KTC, could be us or anyone in the personal protection of Müller, but we know for sure the threat is real. The man you were transporting was an impostor.”
“You gotta be kidding me! That’s not true, the man we had in the car… he looked just like…”
Peeters went on to explain about a not so well known way of impersonating someone. Using plastic surgery to make an almost look-a-like in a twin. Obviously, the man knew the risk this meant, but he was well paid. Thankfully he also had no family meaning no one would look for him if he died or went missing. The way this was described made Scotty very uneasy. Impersonating was one thing, but to go through that length to make sure your enemies wouldn’t kill you? This was a new level of weirdest things she ever heard of. No mentioning how inconsiderate the last part felt; using someone who had nothing to lose, no family, this was low. Politics and the rich were a world league apart from hers. The two agents looked at one another still baffled by what they learned, but had to put their heads back in the game. “So what now, Commander?” De Keyser asked. He sure hoped they wouldn't be sent home right away. 
“Now that we know who we have looked out for,” He was referring to the two bodies. “I have another job for you. Müller has his family with him. Wife and kid. They won’t follow him to the convention, but will be in a nearby area, at the border of Belgium and France. They will be remaining in the country and we will provide security. They can be potential targets. Go to this address as soon as possible and take over the police agents.” 
He handed them a paper with said address written on it. Minimizing the leaks.
June 13, 2018, 10:00, Belgium
She slammed the car’s door. De Keyser made remarks about it, but she was exhausted; she couldn’t care less. He rested on their way here, she did not. Scotty noticed the two cars in front of the house. Regular civilian cars in the distance, on a closer inspection not so much. To be honest, she was still shocked by the idea of someone using a total stranger as a decoy. In all years in the military, she never heard of such a story and it did sound like some plot from a terrible movie. Always half lost in her thoughts, the young woman knocked at the door, four times as it was instructed on the paper. A few seconds later, a police officer answered. A quick exchange of formality, any important information and two hours later, the police left.  
Sitting in the living room, the two agents were left with the politician’s family in a rather heavy atmosphere. Prior to their arrival and because they didn’t know, De Keyser and Scotty agreed on not talking about what happened in Luxembourg. Who knew what secret Müller kept from his family. In the couch in front of them, Müller’s wife was sitting, arms crossed and an annoyed look on her face. Next to her, their son who was nose deep in a book. Whenever his eyes would lift up, he shared the same annoyed look as his mother. Scotty rolled her eyes internally; this would be fun.
De Keyser was used to this and didn’t really care. He actually found it funny to see his teammate reacting the way she did. Even if she didn’t show it, he could read it all over her face. “Scotty, why don't you go around the house and check the perimeter?”
“Yes sir.” She stood up, started on the ground floor. The house wasn’t big, it would be a standard size but Belgian convention. What made it a little more luxurious was it was detached from others; not the typical sandwiched houses. Clearly, its only use was for witness protection or the likes of it. The interior design lacked the charm, the comfort and welcoming feeling of a normal house. In retrospect, this could explain the sour mood of their ‘guests’. As she climbed the set of stairs to the first level, nothing to report ground one, she wondered how many times they had to be kept safe in such a place before. Probably not their first time. First floor had the necessary for a small family; two bedrooms and a bathroom. Just like before, no sense of interior design. So bland. She checked the window for any movement outside. All she noticed from the high ground was a small camera hidden in the trees around the house. These were directly connected to the various screens Scotty saw in the kitchen. No one should sneak up on them in theory. Scotty returned to the living room only to be greeted by an annoyed wife who was demanding to speak to her husband. De Keyser was calmly repeating for the ten times that this was not possible; not till the agents themselves heard anything from their commander. 
“How often do you go through this ma’am?” 
“Every single time he needs to go prove something to the world. I just want to know if he is alright, can’t you check then? Why is it so hard to get an answer!”
“Well ma’am, you should know how it works by now. No communication with the exterior world till they contact us. Now that this is clear, would you like some tea to calm your nerves maybe?” He made a small bow, hands pointed to the kitchen. The woman huffed with a renewed annoyed expression, yet accepted the offer. Scotty was impressed by the boldness the lieutenant showed. He patted her shoulder with a smile. The young woman was left alone with the boy who had his eyes just above the book. He quickly returned to his pages when he noticed that she was watching him. Scotty tilted her head to read the title of what he was hiding behind. A smile grew on her lips.
“I read that book when I was your age.” She said, retaking her place on the couch in front.
“Good for you.” He replied with a tone that matched his mother. Scotty analyzed the book. The binding was thorn, pages yellow by the exposition to the sun, the cover’s corners were in a bad shape. Either folded or teared. It didn’t look like the boy never really cared for the book, in fact, it seems like he probably read more than two times. 
“Comfort book?” The boy lowered his possession, surprised. “How many times did you read it?”  
“Every time my dad is not around.” So quite often. 
“Have you read the rest of the series?”
The boy suddenly closed his book and stood up. “I know how it is with people like you, try to make small talk to make me feel like everything is ok, no need to worry, your dad is important that’s why you need protection bla bla bla. Save your breath, I don’t need that.”
Scotty raised her eyebrows taken aback. The boy hurried upstairs to avoid any more of the conversation. Yet a minute later he popped his head only to admit that he never did because his dad thinks it’s a stupid series and never bothered to buy him more of the books. The young woman shook her head with a smile. Kids.
Later that day as both Müller went to bed, De Keyser and Scotty were left alone, keeping an eye on the cameras and about to decide who would take the first watch. Scotty was letting her mind wander as her eyes were fixated on the screen showing the backyard. This was so much different than she expected when she accepted the job offer. She thought that she might do more exciting missions such as counter terrorism or covert assignments. VIP protection? Not sure it was her cup of tea and especially not with all the secrets she was discovering at the moment. However, she still had seen some action. Being almost blown off on your first day? That was worth the years in the army; very much well prepared for that. The chair creaked next to her brought her back to reality. De Keyser replaced himself, arms crossed on his chest. “Don’t be upset about all of that, kabouter, if anything this is your new life now. Alright, it won’t be VIPs all the time, but these kinds of strange things you learn. The little secrets, if you knew half of the things I heard before.”
“You did look as surprised as I was back then. And secrets you say?”
“I’m not spilling a single one. There’s a reason our motto is Tacita Vox. Silent voice. We do our job, make sure it is as incognito and silent as possible and never speak of it ever again.”
“Thanks for the language lesson, Lt. Who’s taking the first watch?”
“I will. Go get some rest, Scotty.” De Keyser wished her goodnight and followed her till she disappeared behind the corner. He didn’t know how she ever found out about the BSF but he was glad she did. She had good potential.
December 12th, 2017, Belgium
“You know my cousin is working for this… Oh what it is called… PMC! Yeah and he said they’re will be an entrance exam soon.”
She whipped the grease of her hands and turned to Kamal. He was leaning on the open hood of the vehicle. “So mercs?”
“Sort of. I mean it doesn’t stop them from undercover shit and all of that. According to my cousin of course. He might be saying things to make it sound like it���s better.”
“And you are telling me this because?” 
“You are the one who mentioned you want new challenges, something different than the army.”
It was true that she was looking for something that would change from what it felt like a routine almost. The army was great, Scotty didn’t have to complain about anything. However, she wanted more than just being randomly deployed at advantage points. She had enough action that wasn’t the problem, but it never like what she did made an impact in the world. Not in the way she would like. She might have been inspired by all the stories she would hear from other nations like SAS or Navy Seals, even the KTC. Of course a PMC was a completely different branch. Their operations were rarely ruled the same as the army or special task force. In that case it would be jumping in the unknown. Which in itself didn’t sound so bad. Scotty would need a few days to think about.
“What about you?” She asked, closing the hood and putting back away her tools.
“Me?” Kamal scoffed. “I considered it for a moment, but honestly I’m done. I have seen too much bullshit for one lifetime. I quit for good, I can’t handle this anymore.” He stayed silent for a moment, his eyes looking down to the ground. “I’m still not over what happened back then.”
“Kamal, it’s been two years…”
“Not everyone can get over it as easily as you did, Moreau! For fuck sake.”
“Easy? It took me months to get back on my feet as well. Don’t think I don’t still feel guilty that we survived and them not. But what can we do about it? We can dwell as much as we want on it, it won’t bring them back. I’m not stopping you from quitting, but quitting won’t change that guilt. I just want you to be able to live with it and not let it get to you, you know.”
Kamal nodded, not wanting to add more to this part of the conversation. “So, hmm, interested in the PMC?”
“I could check it out. What is it called?” 
“Belgian Silent Forces.”
June 15th, 2018, 14:37, Belgium
The last few days have been quiet in all possible ways. No threat had been detected so far, and only received very short news about their politician. He had been transferred to the GIGN without trouble and was well on time for his convention. De Keyser was used to this, a few updates, however he wished his commander could send more. At least the wife would leave him alone with all her questions. It was to wonder why she was still even with the man if she couldn’t handle this lifestyle. Then again, love was blind and worth the sacrifice, right? There were  moments he was so close to lose his patience. He was being bold at times, he knew it but this was nothing compared to letting go of all his professionalism and filters. At least, Scotty seemed to do better with the boy. 
They had dusted off one of the many boring board games they found in the closet. It took Scotty almost a whole day to get Paul to trust her a little and be able to open up. It was much easier after she convinced him she didn’t care for small talk either. All she wanted was to make sure he wasn’t bored out of his mind. “Do you have kids?” He asked as he finished his turn. 
“No.” Scotty grabbed the dice and rolled them. Not a bad score there. She moved her pawn accordingly. 
“Yes. A sister. You?”
“No. Otherwise I wouldn’t be alone here.”
“Fair enough.” That was how much their conversations went most of the time. Short, simple to the point. Paul was the winner of this round and they went for a fourth one. The day was slow, the sun shyly shining through the windows. The atmosphere reminded her of home in a way, if she ignored the potential threat.
June 17th, 2018, 4:56, Belgium
Her eyes felt heavy. Either Scotty needed to get up to grab some more coffee or she should ask De Keyser to take over. He was sleeping, half snoring on the couch in the room next door. Their task was almost over; the patriarch of the family had given his speech back at the convention and would be on his way back soon. He didn’t want to stay too long in the same area and missed his family. Maybe. This meant Paul and his mother would also soon be escorted out of the country. Scotty admitted that she would miss the kid, he was a nice one once you get past his ‘I’m broody kid’ facade. She even promised him that she would try to get him the rest of the book series. She probably still had them somewhere at home, then she needed to find a way to get them delivered to him and voila! 
The sergeant pinched the bridge of her nose with a silent groan as fatigue took a stronger hold on her mind. She had to wake the lieutenant up and take a rest. One last quick glance at the cameras, she got up to shake him. De Keyser mumbled something before he woke up. Without even exchanging a word, they traded places in less than a minute. Scotty let herself fall on the couch, arms above her eyes to cover any lights and let her body take the rest it deserved. Five minutes later, she began to fall asleep. 
“Hey Scotty.” De Keyser’s voice sounded far, yet clear.
“We got movement outside.” The chair scraped the tiles underneath. 
“Where?” Her arm moved away from her face to grab on the cushion and pushed herself up. As the two operatives were slowly raising the alert, a knock echoed in the room. A very monotone one. They were fully awake, standing two meters away from the entrance, hands resting on their guns. The unknown knocked again at the door. Same regular pattern. 
“Police!” A voice rose from behind. De Keyser gave a nod in the stairs direction. Go get the wife and kid. This was not the police. They knew what to say and used a signal to announce themselves. And most importantly, they were not expected here. Scotty climbed to the first floor quickly, waking up both VIPs. The lieutenant took his gun out and approached the door. “Open up!”
The chain was always locked, De Keyser opened, his gun hidden but ready. A crack open, he looked outside. “Yes, how can I help you sir?”
“We had a call about this house.” The man  was clearly dressed as a police officer but his behavior seemed off. “Complaints.”
“At this time of the day? Well it must be a mistake, my family and I were sleeping.”
“Let us in and we can discuss.”
Scotty put her fingers on her lips. Paul and his mother understood to keep it quiet. The three of them tiptoed downstairs as De Keyser was stalling the unknowns. The woman led the two outside using the backyard door. Barely one step outside, she heard a loud crash noise. The next thing she saw was the lieutenant running towards her yelling to get the family in the car now. No need to tell her twice. She pushed the woman and the kid to their car and grabbed the wheel. De Keyser threw himself on the hood, slided and reached the passenger seat. In less than five minutes, the car was reeving down the streets as the others chased them. It gave some déjà vu. Scotty hoped they wouldn't pull out another RPG. It was early enough in the day that the streets were mostly empty. It was the time the night shifts encountered the early shifts on their way to the respective destination. Both were rather surprised to see a car speeding in the main road, followed by two other cars. Scotty took a sharp turn to the right, she had to get out of town and get on the highway. Gain more speed and try to lose them. 
“Where do we go!” Scotty asked as they got on the highway. Traffic was more dense than in town and she had to maneuver around the cars.
“Keep going and take the next third exit! I think we might be able to lose them there somewhere.”
The first wave of bullets, surprisingly it took this long to be shot at, hit the rear window almost making it shatter. Paul and his mother screamed before ducking on the seat. De Keyser used the opening in the back to shoot back at the aggressors. Scotty pushed the pedal forcing the car to go past its limit, made an abrupt change of lane and another one to avoid the slower traffic. Her hands were crisped on the wheel, it was painful. The third exit came into view to her relief, making more abrupt changes, she exited the highway at very high speed. She slammed the breaks when the curve appeared, turned the wheel and drifted along it. Everyone in the car was roughly pressed on one side, till the road was straight again. Scotty kept driving to an old abandoned building to where De Keyser told her to stop. Parked the car inside it to hide their present, hopefully. “Everyone out.” The lieutenant ordered.
“What is this place?” Scotty asked, frowning. She slammed the door. “Secret hideout?”
“Found it when I looked for a possible hiding spot in the area. After we arrived.”
“An old building about to collapse? How in the fuck is that going to help?” De Keyser’s head turned surprised to hear her swear like this. 
“This is may not-”
“The best place? No shit Sherlock! How are we supposed to protect them here? This an open place for a fucking ambush!”
“Sergeant! Watch your tone!” Scotty realized she might have crossed a line here. However she wasn’t wrong. Right now the main room was completely open with no cover. Broken doors or simply opening in the walls lead to other rooms but there was no idea what they looked like. It could be the same or as worse as now. De Keyser crossed the distance between them planting himself only a few inches of her. “Now is not the time to question my decisions. Now is not the time to pretend to know better. We need to find a way to get rid of these guys without putting in danger our VIPs, we need to divide and conquer, understood? Staying in one group will only be a hassle. You take the kid, I’ll take care of our lady. Stays on comms and doesn't take any unnecessary risk, but neutralizes the threats. Did I make myself clear, sergeant?”
“Yes sir.” She greeted her teeth. Scotty didn’t mean to lose her cool like she just did and accepted how harsh her superior talked to her back. But this felt ridiculous! But this was his order, so be it.  She grabbed Paul’s hand and pulled him towards one of the openings De Keyser pointed her to head to. 
Scotty found what seemed to be an old office room… or infirmary. There was a desk, two beds and a closet. Not many hiding options. But she had to find something quick. It didn’t take long after they split to hear the cars, followed by shouting and heavy steps echoing in the main room. It was hard to make out how many men there were. A rough guess, at least eight if both cars were full. They would be outnumbered one to four. The small hand tighten around hers brings her back to reality. He was scared, almost shaking. Very different than the boy she met a few days ago. He was clearly aware that the situation was bad. “Are they trying to kill us?” 
What to say? Scotty didn’t know herself if these men wanted to kill them or kidnap them and ask for ransom. But she was sure of one thing. “They won’t. I won’t let them. Now…” Her eyes looked everywhere around the room and she saw it. “The vent! Ok, Paul, have you seen Hollywood movies where they hide in a vent?” 
The kid nodded. “Alright, let’s play hollywood. You go hide in it and you don’t make a noise. You don’t get out of it unless I say so.” Scotty grabbed on the side of the vent, pulled the grid and gave a push when Paul climbed in. Once he was secured in, she smiled at him promising that all would be fine. The grid back in place, Paul was left with only his breath and heartbeat thumping in his ears. 
The sergeant turned around, checked to make sure it didn’t seem obvious that the kid was in there and carefully returned to the door frame. Her gun out, she leaned to scan the hallway. Footsteps echoed clearly toward her position. Her next move had to be well calculated. She could already start shooting, but she was outnumbered. Every bullet must count. Letting them get closer was also an option but a risk to Paul and would be more dangerous for herself as well. Another third option was to remain as silent as possible, hoping they would just pass them by. De Keyser’s voice cracking in her radio startled her. “How’s your status, Scotty?”
“VIP is secure for now. I have possibly four hostile people approaching my location. You?”
“Took care of one, three more to go. Madam Müller is scared but safe. Remember, don’t do anything stupid.” 
“Roger that, sir.” Nothing stupid right… She stowed her gun back in the holster without securing it. She will always be able to quickly draw. The four men outside stopped their run and calmly walked in the hallway partially looking in every room. They talked about something she didn’t quite catch because of the echo. Not that she needed to anyway. Another glance at the vent; still looked like it hadn’t been opened in years. Good. A creaking noise made her turn around. One of the men entered the room, gun pointed at her. She raised her arms on the side of her head. 
“Easy gentlemen.” Scotty said calmly. Another man came in, in the same stance as his friend. “Let’s talk about all of this, like civilized persons.” 
“Shut up! Where’s the kid!” The one on the left shouted.
“What kid?”
“Don’t play dumb with us, where is the kid!”
“Obviously not here.” The man grew tired of her attitude and put his gun at the ready. “Sure shoot me. I mean that’s the best way to know where the kid is right.”
Her leverage. Kill her and they wouldn’t know, keep her alive there was a slim chance. The two men seemed to have the same reasoning. They lowered their guns and approached her. “Last time I asked, where is the kid?”
“You know, I have seen more shit than this before, it will take more than that to make me talk.”
He grabbed Scotty by the collar. “You think you can play smartass with us? Very well, we will make you talk.” His fist flew hard against her jaw, sending her on the ground. 
Paul tensed up when he saw the punch. His fists clenched, his fingernails dug in his palm and he remained still. He watched the man lift her up and punch her second time in the face. Repeated the same thing but this time the punch landed in her stomach. The boy wanted to scream for help. He bit his lips to keep it down, he had promised no noise. He hated the sounds of her grunting as the men punched her again. She was getting hurt because of him. Because she tried to protect him. 
Scotty wiped the blood from her mouth, slowly raising up. Her jaw was jolting in pain, her sides as hurted. She took a deep breath. “Come on boys. That’s all you got? Even a rookie in the army punches stronger than that!”
The left man saw red. He threw himself at her, just like she wanted. Scotty dove under his arm, the punch brushing above her back. Pivoting around herself, she grabbed his wrist, her shoulder placed right at the junction of his elbow and crack! The man cried out in pain. Her hand reached for his gun who was hanging there and fired two shots at the other opponent who dropped without even reacting. Always holding the first, Scotty pressed the nuzzle on his chest and pressed the trigger. Two less to worry about. Gunshots came through the door as the last two prepared to enter the room. Scotty flipped the desk and used it as cover. Better than nothing. However the two men went with the same idea, using the bed that was closer to them. They shot first. As soon as it seemed like they would have reloaded, Scotty mounted her pistol on the desk and aimed. She shot one warning and hoped it would be enough to trick them. One raised his head a few millimeters too high and this was perfect for her. She pressed the trigger; bullseyes! 
Yet she was exposed. Lucky the last remaining threat fired while being behind cover and missed all his shots and she ducked behind her cover. “Why don’t we talk, girl!” The man shouted.
“You saw what talking did to your friends, are you sure?” 
“Is it really worth getting yourself killed for these people?”
“I could return the same question!”
This little banter came to an abrupt silence. Scotty looked around her cover and saw nothing. She returned to her previous position, a gun pressed on her temple. Sneaky bastard! He ordered her to drop the gun and get up. Reluctantly, the sergant did. The man kicked her weapon far away. “Talk now!”
“He is in the vent there.” The man gestured to her to get on and open the grid for him. Scotty did. Paul was always there, terrified.
“Trust me.” She whispered. The kid shook his head refusing to get out, she couldn’t blame him. “I can’t reach him, he doesn’t want to get out!”
The man groaned and sweared, he pulled Scotty away and climbed himself to get at the vent height. This would do. Scotty grabbed the knife hidden in her tact vest and plunged the blade in his thigh. He screamed in pain, his grip around his gun loosened. In a reflex, she reached for it and fired three shots in his chest. This time the kid let out a shriek, covering his ears, tears rolling down his cheeks. The calm eerie silence regained its place in the room. Scotty allowed herself to breathe, but no time to rest. She radioed her lieutenant to know his situation. They were actually en route to rejoin them. That was some good news. Scotty returned to the vent.
She extended her hand to Paul. “It’s over, you can come out now. You are safe.” Shaking, he grabbed into her and crawled out. Back on his two feet, he looked at her, fear in his eyes. Without even a second of hesitation, Paul hugged her and cried. Scotty was surprised at first. Eventually, she returned the hug with a pat on his head.
Half an hour later, the police, ambulance and other operatives of the BSF arrived on location. It gave her another déjà vu, the difference this time everything had a good ending. Müller was reunited with his family which would explain the heavy surveillance. Scotty was surprised to see the real politician… she hoped. The paramedic was tending to her. De Keyser took a seat next to her. 
“How are you doing?”
“A terrible pain in the head, a few bruises. I’ll live.” He nodded. Scotty’s eyes looked down for a moment then back at him. “I’m sorry for earlier. I didn’t mean to disrespect you.”
“Do you often question your superiors?” She shook her head. “Don’t sweat it Scotty, you are all forgiven. Given the context, anyone would have had such a reaction, but don’t forget to trust your superior. Also, you did surprise me.”
“Turns out I’m not so reserved and obedient?” She chuckled. 
“So it would seem, I like that. You know when to point out when something is wrong and not afraid to speak up your mind. I would choose my words carefully however if I were you. Swearing isn’t too pretty.”
“Sorry Lt, no can't do. Swearing is like breathing, it’s a good stress relief.” They both had a laugh. Their commander joined them to thank them for a job well done with the family. The man of the house was very grateful to have his wife and kid still alive. They watched as they loaded in the car ready to be escorted back home. Scotty suddenly remembered something. She jumped off the ambulance and ran to the vehicle and knocked on the window. The wife rolled it down, wondering what was going on. The sergeant asked Paul if he could give her his address. A quick glance at his parents who silently accepted. All she said is that she had a promise to keep. She would need to dig in some boxes back at home, but she would send the rest of the book series for sure.
The car gently rolled away as she waved goodbye. She then climbed on her own with the lieutenant ready to go home.
“One more question kabouter, do you like your new job?”
“You were doing so great Lt!” She groaned as he used this nickname again. “But yes. It’s not so bad. I think I’ll like it here.”
January 6, 2022, BSF Headquarters, Belgium
She was sitting against the desk doing some casual chatting with her colleagues. It was a calm day with not much paperwork to do and she was mainly waiting on a new assignment. A few jokes in the conversation, she saw De Keyser approach.
“Hey Johan!” She greeted him.
“Scotty.” He matched her enthusiastic tone. “Commander Peeters wants to see you. He said he has another special mission for you. Alone. Again.”
“Aww, are you saying you miss the good old days?”
“And have you as a pain in the ass? Yeah a little. Don’t make him wait, he doesn’t look too happy today.”
On this, Scotty hastened to the commander’s office. She knocked on the door before entering. The man was sitting at his desk, a dossier in front of him. He gestured at her to take a seat. “I have something for you. It’s a job I want to be well done, with no failure. I trust that I can count on you for this?”
“Yes, sir.” She took the dossier and read between the lines quickly.
“Then, I want you to find and stop this man. Hans Lambert.”
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sgt-scottymoreau · 4 months
Behind the nickname
Summary: Scotty as mamy nicknames from the people around her. But it seems like a pattern or an unspoken rule revolves around some of them. One particular. Ghost is about to find out the meaning of it.
Warning: None
Words: 1.3k // Masterlist
A/N: This was supposed to be a very small fic, turning into an above the 1k one. Welp. Also, although it is in my plan to visit Keukenhof (I tried this year but schedule didn't work out BUT next year for sure!) I haven't gone yet and so I was very vague on the description of it. Not helped that timeline wise they would have visited in 1997, what did the park even looked like back then?! Anyway, just a little fluff fic! Oh, Scotty's kid/baby pictures are inspired by my own.
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“Auntie, what was the thing I was supposed to say if grandma was about to embarass you?” Nicolas asked as soon as his head popped in the door frame of the kitchen.
Camille lifted her head from the drawing she was making with Mathéo, rather confused. “I don’t remember, why?”
“Grandma is about to show an album to Uncle Ghost.”
“What! SHI- Mom!” Camille dropped her pen, jumped off the chair as if it was on fire, the said chair creaking loudly on the floor. The woman passed her nephew, almost shoved him out of the way in the wall. “Sorry Nic!” The two brothers looked at each other confused. 
Scotty arrived in the living room out of breath, hands crisped on the doorframe and sadly too late. Suzanne was seated with Ghost next to her, him half bent to check on the album she had placed on her and his laps. He lifted his head, a grin behind his mask. Despite being considered family, he wasn’t too comfortable yet to show more of his face. Yet she could still see the glimpse of amusement in his eyes when their gaze crossed. “A little hippie? That’s adorable.” 
“Shut it, Riley. That was for the carnaval, my mom did a great job on the costume.” Scotty rolled her eyes and joined them. She saw the picture he was commenting on. She was maybe five or six, all smiling with baggy pants and white long sleeve shirt, a too big headband on her forehead decorated with a peace sign, and a necklace with an even bigger one. In retrospective, she found herself ridiculous in this, however Ghost wasn’t so wrong, it was also adorable.
“Oh wait, this one is my favorite!” Suzanne said pointing at a picture on the next page. On this one Scotty was around the age of two, a cup of chocolate mousse in her hand and a nice little chocolate mustache on her face. “Her first time trying mousse. It was a mess to clean.”
“Mom, please!”
“Don’t be so embarrassed, tulip.” Henri chimed in from behind his newspaper. “She hasn’t shown him you naked in your first bath at least. Well, not like the young man hasn't seen you naked already.”
“Papa!” Scotty almost shrieked, face turning red.
“Henri! Pour l’amour de Dieu!” For the love of God. Her mother agreed on the boldness her husband just showed. The glare she gave him meant a thousand words. He cleared his throat and adjusted his newspaper, making himself as small as he could in the seat. Ghost was sitting there with a smile spread on his face. It was funny to see them like this. However, a little something caught his attention and the question burned his tongue. It wasn’t the first time he heard them calling her that way. Actually it seemed they were the only ones to do it. He never heard her sister or nephews use it.
“Why do you call her tulip?” He simply asked. There was a small silence. Not the awkward kind. The look Camille gave to her mom silently begged her to not tell the whole story. But the woman had none of it. She waved at her daughter to take a seat because if this man wanted to know the story behind the nickname he would have the whole story.
“It was her first word.”
It has been a long road trip from their town to the Netherlands. Especially with two young kids. Luckily one of them slept almost the entire three hour ride. Gabrielle was getting restless near the end and as soon as the car stopped in the parking lot she was ready to jump out and stretch her legs. She was already working on the seatbelt keeping her restrained. Her mother was quick to tell her to wait till her dad would do it. Suzanne stretched her back, went on the other side of the car and took care of the baby who was slowly waking up from her slumber. 
Anyone would have wondered why a florist who would see flowers on the daily, work with them, arrange bouquets for all occasions five days a week would want to travel such a long distance to see flowers. Simply because Keukenhof had a reputation to have one of the best gardens of many species of plants. Although mainly known for its field of tulips, her favorite. 
It had been awhile since the whole family had been able to do something together, for once that Henri was home, Suzanne appreciated having all her loved ones together. To make it a better day, the sun was shining bright, not a single cloud in the sky. She couldn’t ask for anything better. Little Camille started to wiggle in her seat, smiling as her mother lifted her up and placed her in the scarf. The woman wrapped the rest around and secured the cloth in her back. Her daughter was facing away from her so she could see the world around them. Once everyone was ready, the family headed to the entrance eager to start their walk in the park and see what beauty it had to offer. Gabrielle held both her parents' hands, skipping happily as they walked down the path, already seeing some beautiful composition and arrangement here and there. The mix of different colors was pretty making up for very nice pictures. Henry took a few of them hoping they would turn out good once developed. He was never the best photographer in the family. 
“Mom, when do baby speak? Because all Camille does is…” She imitated the babbling her sister always did. Camille wiggled in the scarf with a small laughter. 
“It depends, but probably soon.” Her mother replied. Suzanne was stroking the baby’s cheek and Camille was more than eager to bite on her finger. Her mother’s reaction made both girls giggle. The family kept walking around till they found themselves in front of a small field of tulips. Suzanne’s favorite. 
Gabrielle went ahead to check on the small pond followed by her father who better keep an eye on her. The wind gently blew in the field, allowing some sensation of cool as the day was getting hotter. For a spring day, it was warmer than expected. Carefully, Suzanne crouched at the flowers level. Gently her fingers brushed on the soft petals. Camille whined a little from the change of position before extending her arms, trying to grab at the flowers. The woman moved her out of the scarf to be more comfortable sitting on her laps. “Carefully sweetie. They are pretty, aren’t they? These are tulips.”
“What?” Suzanne looked at her daughter surprised. Camille repeated the word, hand reaching for the flower. It suddenly hit her that she just spoke her first word! A wide smile grew on her lips and called up her husband, happy to share the news! 
“It’s Henry who then started to call her Tulip afterwards. It became our nickname for her.” Suzanne’s fingers lingered on a picture of a baby Camille sitting with a background of tulip. “Surprisingly, Camille grew to also love these flowers. Alright I think I embarrassed her enough for today.” She closed the album, put it back where it belonged, just in time when her grandkids came to ask if they could go buy some ice cream to the store. Scotty proposed herself and Ghost to take them. It would be nice to take a breath of fresh air, they could easily walk there.
As the two boys walked four steps ahead of them, Ghost leaned closer to her, his hand taking hers. 
“Too-pip uh? That's a good call sign, I like it.” He teased. 
“Don’t you even dare mention this to anyone. This is between you and me, you take this to your grave!”
“As you wish, Too-pip.” Scotty elbowed him hard in the side, but it was worth the laugh.
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sgt-scottymoreau · 10 months
MWII Event: Alone
Summary: With one less missile in the wild, the 141 can rest a little, but when they return to Los Vaqueros' base thing seems to have changed.
Warning: None
Words: 2.3k // AO3 // Masterlist
A/N: This part as a lot dialogues from the game, mostly because this mission is by far my favorite and I had to include some of the banter <3
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Driving back to base, the atmosphere in the car was jovial. Scotty and Soap joking around as usual. Alejandro liked to see that and jumped in a little. Ghost remained silent but was proud of his sergeants. Even if the mission wasn't over; they still had to find Hassan. Hopefully Valeria would talk a little more. "I can't wait to get dry clothes." Soap said, taking off his sweater.
"Well at least you finally did your laundry." Scotty joked looking at him in the rear mirror. Alejandro laughed while Soap made an offended gasp. He went on saying that he was a very clean man.
"Yeah that's why they call you Soap."
"Fuck you, Scotty!" He laughed heartily. Alejandro's base came into sight. The rather happy mood turned upside down quickly. Shadow agents were stationed at the entrance. One waved at the vehicle to stop. Scotty and Alejandro, having the clear view, exchanged a look of confusion. They both silently agreed that something was off. As soon as the car came to a full stop, Alejandro stepped out. 
"What is this?" He asked. He was visibly pissed off. Scotty exited the vehicle and glanced at Ghost. He was also having a bad feeling about this. They stayed at a safe distance, while Graves explained how he was taking over the base. Two shadow agents moved to Ghost and Scotty's side. She remained calm, but her muscles tensed up. It was like a pack of wolves slowly closing on their prey. She was paying half attention to the conversation. 
"What the fuck did you just say to me, pendejo…" Alejandro bitterly chuckled.
"You're out of line, Graves." Soap intervened, holding the colonel back.
"Don't do that. Don't. do that. No one needs to get hurt here." Graves warned. That did not sound friendly at all. Something the four of them caught quickly, but Ghost was faster to reply.
"Are you threatening us?" First word he spoke in a while. Scotty was eyeing the Shadows. They looked impatient. Adjusting their weapons, shifting their weight. She knew that if anyone made a single move to be at the ready, this would aggravate the situation. The idea of simply resting her hand on her pistol was tempting, but this would mostly likely be seen as a sign of aggression. Maybe they could still talk their way out. However, her hand rested against her thigh, right where she discreetly had access to her throwing knife. 
"Soldiers, I don't make threats. I make guarantees. So let's not do this." So much for parley. At least, Soap had a good idea that could clear up this mess.
"I'm calling Shepherd." What followed made them go on high alert. The fuse had been lit, it was only a matter of time before it all exploded. Every word, movements, glance had to be careful.
"General Shepherd sends his regards. He told me y'all wouldn't take this well."
"He knows about this?" It was rare to hear surprise in Ghost's voice, so when it did it sent a chill down Soap and Scotty's spine.
"He's putting me in command of this operation from here on out. So y'all need to stand down. It's time to let the pros finish this." Soap and Ghost looked at each other. A silent agreement to be ready. An order Soap relayed to Scotty by giving her the same look. "And why the hell are we talking like this is some kind of a negotiation? It's not. I have my orders and now you have yours."
Alejandro was beyond pissed now. "And who the fuck you think you are, cabrón? My men are inside!"
"I'm afraid not. Your men have been… detained." This was the last straw. Alejandro jumped on Graves, but was intercepted by other agents. Without a second thought, this was the signal the three others had waited to act. The Shadow agents opened fire. Soap grabbed the one behind him and used him as a shield. Ghost and Scotty took care of the one near them with their knives. Scotty ducked behind the car and saw Soap hit the ground. He was wounded. Ghost who was right behind her held her down.
"Go Johnny, get out of there!" He ordered. "Soap...Go!" The few seconds it took him to get up and jump up the road barrier was enough to give him to give order to Scotty. "Let's get out of here. Go!" 
She nodded. They sprinted in the opposite direction, toward a dark area they could blend in and disappear from the Shadow’s eyes.
The way to the city was not easy. Shadows were crawling everywhere killing anyone that was deemed to work with the cartel. Ghost and Scotty made a path as stealthy as possible. No weapons, only knives. However, they got separated at some point not far from the outskirts of the city when a patrol almost caught them. Scotty was advancing on her own, but kept radio communication. Waiting for a patrol to pass before moving towards, Scotty switched the channels of her radio. "Are you planning on leaving Soap behind?" She asked her lieutenant when she switched back to his channel. The idea of leaving a friend behind was not her cup of tea. However it wasn’t something that would surprise her coming from Ghost. Seeing this in action was still chilling.
"If he's even alive. I’m used to working alone… For now we need to get ourselves to a safe place where we can have advantage." Ghost said. ‘‘See the church in the distance? RV there.’’
‘‘You’re used to working alone, yet here you are still around and talking to me? Simon don’t bullshit me.’’
‘‘The difference between you and Johnny is that I know you are still breathing…’’
‘‘And the difference between you and me is that I’m not going to give up on Soap just yet.’’
She returned to switching channels. "Ghost, Scotty, this 7-1, do you copy?" Finally a sign of life on his part! She had to hold down a yelp of victory and had to hold it together to not rub in Ghost’s face that it was a good thing she kept hope. They had to focus for now, celebration later. Hopefully there will be some. Scotty quickly notified Ghost about the right frequency and they switched from here. 
Scotty found her way through the city at a slow pace. Shadows were everywhere, leaving a bloodbath behind. Even if some of these people were working with the cartel or some police officers allowed the cartel in exchange for the safety of their family or money, it sickened her to see such disregard for fair trial. Not that a fair trial would have brought better justice but at least she wouldn't have to hear all the wifes and childrens crying, begging for the partners or fathers's lives.
Despite her old days in the army, hearing Ghost giving advice to Soap about the art of improvised weapons was welcomed, interesting and distracting. In a good way. Hearing their voices kept her going, pushing through the situation. Even cracked a few jokes with them. It was a familiar feeling that also dated from her army’s days. 
"Two fishes are in a tank. One says to the other, do you know how to drive this thing?" Ghost said. "Little army humor."
"Very little." Soap replied. 
"Because you think you can do better MacTavish?" Scotty taunted. Not that she should be doing it as she had to watch a patrol pass by and time her next move. If it wasn't from the fact that she was down to her last knife and would be against three shadows, she would have gone for a kill. She found a bottle on the ground and used it for diversion. 
"Why don't shrimps share? Because they are little shellfish." The Scotsman said. Even through the radio, he could sense Scotty rolling her eyes. But the snort she made was proof that it was not bad. "What about you?"
"Ok… What do you call a soldier who survived mustard gas and pepper spray? A seasoned Veteran." She would have given all her money to see their faces. If Ghost remained silent, she heard a small snort coming from Soap. After the small exchange another silence came. She kept crawling in the street avoiding all Shadows. She had to go inside and start to look for anything she could use for distraction according to Ghost's instruction. The first building she made her way in, she started to open all the cupboards, looking in every room in total darkness. She would kill for a light. Scotty was able to find some chemicals, old candles and bottles. Makeshift smoke bomb, it will come handy. 
She was hiding under a car, carefully watching the patrol step away and make a silent run for the store that was in her sight. Still with no headlight, she made her way in relying on the faint light coming from the lampost. She advanced calmy, hyper aware of her surroundings. She could hear the chatter of Shadows in the distance. They weren’t too far.  "I'm in a clothing shop across from a coff- Son of a fucking bitch!" She took a sharp breath to not scream. Her heart was pounding in her chest to the point she thought it would burst out. 
"What? What's wrong Scotty?" Soap came in through the radio. It took her a good minute to answer, which worried both men on the other side. Should she admit it? Should she really say why she just had an almost heart attack and threw her only knife at? She got up to retrieve said knife. 
"Fucking mannequin…I thought it was a Shadow." Scotty groaned. She hated these with a passion. 
"Oh, you know who just opened yourself to a lifetime of teasing." Soap smirked. 
"Sergeants, focus." Ghost chimed in. "But he is right." 
"Fuck off you two… Soap is that you see in the coffee shop?"
"Aye. I'll wait for you." The Scotsman looked by the window and noticed her. He also saw Shadows coming her way. Grabbing a bottle that was on the counter, he threw it in the opposite direction. Scotty understood the message and crouched to cross the street. She climbed the stairs in an almost crawl. 
"Good to see a friendly face again!" She smiled as he patted her shoulder. 
"Likewise. Now that I fixed your problem, let's get Ghost's problem fixed."
"What's my problem?" His voice came through their earpiece.
"The mask…take it off." Scotty's eyebrows raised at Soap boldness. Then again, the two men had known each other for much longer than she did. Had Ghost really never shown himself to him?
"Show my face?"
"Yes sir."
"Negative." Obviously that would be the answer. 
"Are you ugly?" Soap replied with a cocky smile. Scotty shook her head with an amused smile as she kept looking around for material for more improvised weapons. Oil and bottle, perfect cocktail! 
"Quite the opposite."
"I doubt that." She was glad to not face Soap as they finished that exchange because the Scotsman didn't see her whisper how indeed she could confirm Ghost was more than the opposite. A Shadow patrol was nearby and they had to move to the next building. 
‘‘Still upright?’’ Ghost asked after a five minute silence.
‘‘So far so good.’’ Soap replied while Scotty was looking around the corner. Clear. They moved interior, 
‘‘You get caught out there, they’ll kill you slow...’’
‘‘Mercs or Narcos?’’ They watched hidden behind a desk two Shadows passing in front of the window. Their lights shined just above the two sergeants' heads. Then the footsteps walked away.
‘‘Narcos… they’ll take videos.’’
‘‘I’ll give them your email so they know where to send them.’’ Soap said this all while looking at Scotty. She didn’t hide the smile and the judging look. 
‘‘I won’t watch them… more than once anyway.’’
‘‘Watching Soap being tortured and killed might be interesting. Might watch it twice.’’ Scotty teased. Soap punched her shoulder.
‘‘LIke they won’t do the same to you, if you get caught.’’
‘‘Let’s be honest, they might do something else before the whole torture and kill part… I don’t think any of you want to see that. Anyway… not like you, or I, would let them. Better get moving.’’ The two men agreed once they understood what she meant. 
The two sergeants then continued on roaming the city till they reached the tunnels. The water was cold, if they were about to fall asleep from tiredness, they were wide awake now. A quick swim to pass the heavy armored patrols, last fly of stairs and the church was in sight. All they had to do was cross the plaza to join Ghost. Soap preyed open the door as she covered his back. In retrospect, she should have covered his front. The door opened to a Shadow who was more than happy to bash him with the back of his gun. Scotty readied her weapon, but the man dropped dead quicker. And so did the other two. This had to be Ghost. She helped Soap to get back on his feet and they made haste to the stairs of the church all while avoiding the remaining hostiles in the area. The few smoke bombs she still had proved useful. They pushed forwards just as Ghost came out with Shadows on his heels. He finished them quickly, jumped over the fence and took cover with them. They had to find a vehicle to escape. Scotty pointed out the pick-up truck she noticed earlier and they agreed to make their way there. They made one final push to reach it.
No time to check for seating space or anything. Ghost took the wheel, Scotty cramped between the two seats and Soap was shotgun. They ducked as two Shadows fired from behind. Ghost didn't waste time to just back up and roll over them. "That's one way of doing it." Soap snorted. His eyes caught on the enemy that was aiming. He forced Scotty to remain low, pushing on her back. "Get back!" He told Ghost as he aimed for him. Without a second thought, Ghost pressed the pedals and the truck roared. They were safe for now.
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sgt-scottymoreau · 9 months
Alliances - Part 1
Summary: They all say there's a begining to everything. They also say that when the opportunity present itself, you should take it. After a terrorist slip throw her hands, she found herself need of foreign help. Call it faith or dumb luck, but this is how Scotty would describe how she got to meet the 141.
Warning: None, probably lot of military innacuracy and other things like that, but we are here for the fun not the realism :P
Word: 4.8k // Part 2 // AO3 // Masterlist
A/N: This will be a two part because no way I'm post 11k fic in one post here lol But the A03 version is the full fic no cut.
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The final dot on her report was written and she let out a sigh of relief. This was so much more work than she expected to be, but at least now Scotty could plead her case. She had worked too hard in the last few weeks to compile all the intel needed and was so close on catching this one man terrorist operation. Technically, she almost had her hands on him, if he hadn’t detonated a bomb in the port that caused enough distraction for him to flee. She should have seen this outcome coming and prevented it, however at the time her intel had no information on this. Obviously because most of this operation was not meant to be known to the public, a cover up story had to be made after the event. Her superior didn’t blame her, still he was not very proud of this mess up. She wasn’t either. The only thing that made her sleep at peace, was that no civilians had been injured or killed in this explosion. She then spent the last two days reviewing all that she had, trying to make connections with all the pieces, even if some were a little far fetched.  Now, with all that she had gathered, Scotty could help her case to demand authority to pursue in a country they normally didn’t not intervene. 
Confident, Scotty headed to her commander’s office to plead her case. The so-called terrorist, Hans Lambert, had fled to the United Kingdom with the help of outside allies. Despite committing his act alone, it wasn’t surprising that he would have help on the outside. She knocked on the door. “Come in.” A voice rose from behind.
Scotty did so, walked to the desk and handed him her papers. The commander lifted his eyes only when he saw the file in front of him. “I presume this is your end report, Moreau?” 
“Yes, and no, sir.” She replied as he took it for inspection. He raised an eyebrow. “This is my report on the possible next target of Lambert. All I need is for you to review this and…”
“Godverdomme! I already told you, we have no jurisdiction outside of the EU.” The commander sighed. “I can’t let you pursue him in England, I can’t give you this kind of authority. Not only because of our rank, but in general.”
“Sir, there must be a way.” Scotty pleaded. “If we don’t stop him now, there’s a high chance he will strike again. This time, I don’t think he will be alone.”
The commander put down the files and shifted in his seat. “Listen Moreau, you are a good soldier and like any of them… Sometimes they mess up. You just need to live with the consequences. For now, all I can do is to transfer this intel to some capable hands in an outside country.” 
It wasn’t the fact that he said she messed up that rubbed her the wrong way, but the idea of someone else taking over the case. Scotty was used to do her work from A to Z without anyone in the way. Not that she didn’t trust anyone, she simply liked to make sure that the job was done. She bit the inside of her cheek to avoid saying anything out of place. “With all your due respect commander, I would rather like to see this mission till the end.” She said, taking back the file. “We probably have allies, connections, anyone who can help us…”
“Like I told you sergeant, I can transfer the file to a competent authority in the country, end of discussion. You.” He pointed at her with a stern look. “You can’t participate in any of this besides letting go. I know this is not how you work, but there’s nothing more I can do. I’ll give you time to wrap your head on the idea. But the longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to catch this man. I would suggest you make up your mind before the end of the day.”
The commander dismissed her. Scotty smiled and left the room, upset. He was right that she was not acting for the greater good at this point. If she could just accept that some other PMC or military agencies would take over, this whole situation would be done sooner. But her guts told her to not do that. Out of frustration, she let herself slide fall against the wall and slide down as she groaned, face buried in her papers. What made her more annoyed was that this mission was supposed to be her promotion, to see if she would be able to handle missions solo. So far… she was not doing a good job. At least not on her own terms. “Rough day?” A voice said with an american accent. Scotty lifted her eyes to meet with the woman standing in front of her. Dirty blond hair, probably in her late forties. She extended her hand to help Scotty get up. 
“Thanks ma’am. Not much of a rough day, just some disagreement with Commander Peeters.”
“Little trouble with authority?” The woman smirked.
“Not all. My superiors only have my utmost respect.” Scotty waved the file. “I’m simply not allowed to follow up this investigation I have been working on for weeks now. The target escaped to England and the BSF has no authority there. My commander asked me to transfer all to competent personnel but…”
“You don’t trust the job will get done?” Scotty nodded. “May I?” The woman asked gesturing that she would hand the file to her. Scotty did and waited patiently as she read through it quickly. “I know some people you can trust with this kind of situation. They are very capable.”
“I don’t doubt it ma’am, but… would it be selfish to say that I want to be there when this son of bitch is caught? I worked too hard to get where I am, I want to see the endgame.” 
The woman looked at Scotty with a soft smile. “Let me see what I can work out.”
The sergeant was slightly surprised by this turn of event. A complete stranger helping her out? That felt odd but appreciated. She followed the woman back into the office. Commander Peeters was also surprised to see his sergeant coming back with an old acquaintance. “Chief Station Laswell. I didn’t expect to see you here. What brings you to my base?” The man stood up to shake hands. 
“I was coming for a special request, Commander, regarding some smuggling of illegal arms in the area. I need some intel on it and to avoid any diplomatic issues, you were my first choice.” Laswell explained taking a seat. She brought up Scotty’s file. “A last minute request has been added.”
The commander straightened his back and cleared his throat. “This matter has been already discussed with Sergeant Moreau and she knows what needs to be done at this point.”
“I am aware of this. But she showed great interest in the case. By the look of this report, which seems like she worked hours on it,  it would be unfair to cut her completely out. Don’t you think?”
“Indeed.” His hands crisped together. He glanced at the sergeant. She had the guts to go above him. Scotty didn’t flinch at the glare. “She is one of my most valuable assets, it would be a loss to have her leave the country when I’m sure Moreau could help you in your original request.” 
“No doubt, but I found myself insisting. I know exactly who can take over from her work, but having her in person can provide better and deeper intel if needed.” 
Peeters looked at both women. He knew that Scotty was stubborn and wouldn’t let go, especially now that she was given an opportunity. Had it not been from Laswell intervention, she most likely would have dropped the case. He let out a sigh. “Very well, Moreau, you have authorization to follow Laswell’s order from now on. However, I expect a report on any findings on Lambert.”
“Yes, sir! Thank you ma’am.” The sergeant replied, keeping her excitement to a normal level. Laswell handed her back the file and told her to wait outside the time she would be discussing the other matter. 
Scotty left the room with much more hope for the end result of the mission. This was all that she wanted! She was still curious as to how an American would have contact in England. Then again if it was through another PMC, it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary. She waited outside the officer for maybe another half an hour before Laswell came out. The CIA agent gestured at Scotty to walk with her. Scotty thanked her one more time for being on her side. “If I may ask, I’m curious to know why?”
“I know how hard it can be sometimes to give up something you worked hard for, how the guilt can be if anything goes wrong. For now, I would suggest you pack your personal belongings and follow me. When you are done, meet me at the tarmac. I’ll explain all you need to know on the plane.” 
In the plane, Scotty was first told to tell Laswell all that she knew about the man. Give more details about his operation and his activities. What should they be expecting and anything else that would make the apprehension of Lambert easier. Lambert used to be a regular civilian who had no past of misconduct. A pretty normal past with no indication that he would be prone to such violence. However, in the last two years, he had been connected to many bombing attempts, hostage situations and transfer of illegal weapons. His intentions are still unknown as of why, but all that matters is that he is put in prison soon. So far, no innocent people have been victims of his coup, but this is only a matter of time. One wrong move and it could all change. 
Laswell nodded. “I won’t be disembarking here, I must return to the US for other work related issues. When we land, Captain John Price will be waiting for you. From here, he will be the one in charge. It was a pleasure to meet you, Moreau.”
“Likewise, Laswell.” Scotty learned to drop the ma’am and simply use her last name. The trip from one base to the other lasted barely an hour and half, which wasn’t much to give all the information, but enough for Laswell to know what she would be sending the team in. Scotty figured that all just told the chief station would have to be told again to the captain.
She climbed down the stairs and saw a man standing. Hands behind his back, fisher hat and looking directly at her. He nodded a little when she was closer. Once she was in reach he extended his hand for a shake.
“Welcome to England, sergeant. I’m Captain Price.” He said with a warm smile.
“Sergeant Camille Moreau, pleasure to meet you.” She shook his hand confidently. 
“I’ll introduce you to the rest of the team and from here we will see what we can do to help.”
Scotty followed him inside the building to what looked to be his own office. He opened the door and went first. When he moved to the side, she was greeted by three other men sitting around the room. The captain introduced the sergeant to them, telling them to be nice with the lady. She could help but snort at this. 
“Here you have Gaz, Soap and Ghost.” He pointed at each of the men. The two first either gave a quick wave or a nod to her, meanwhile the one named Ghost didn’t not flinch, just kept looking. Scotty nodded back and caught herself wondering why would anyone wear a mask like Ghost would? It was ridiculous and impractical; this had to be in the way of his peripheral view. However she did notice how compared to their captain, the three of them had been named with what sounded more like a callsign than their actual name. A detail she pointed out. Price said that it was mostly what they used, although himself still often switching between Kyle and Garrick with Gaz. MacTavish was also used for Soap. Ghost… always Ghost.
“Got any?” The man named Soap said with a Scottish accent. She grinned. This would be funny. 
“Yeah, they call me Scotty.” She replied, shrugging.
Soap snorted. “Quit shitting me. What is it really?”
“No I swear, that’s the one. Take it or leave, Soap.”
“Feisty eh? I like that.” 
After the quick introduction, Price allowed Scotty to recap, again, all that has happened since then and what led her here. Gaz was a little surprised that the task force would be asked to work on such a small threat than they had been used to in the last few years. They had gone after much worse, this Lambert sounded like an isolated case. Still dangerous but nothing compared to other terrorists who would bring war between two countries. Scotty did agree with him, but in her words, they were her ticket in the country to act without any political issue. Not that England and Belgium were on bad terms, but you couldn’t never be too careful. Price examined all that information she had. “Any ideas of where he might be now?”
“Well because I still had no clue on his real intentions, it’s a little hard to know who helped him get out of the country and with whom he might ally himself.” She admitted.
“So we are working with a half finished job?” Ghost finally spoke up. Scotty frowned. As ridiculous the mask was, it did make her feel uncomfortable to try to look him in the eyes. Not being able to see his face made it hard to tell if he was being serious or joking. He didn’t look like the jokester type. 
“I did most of the work alone.” Scotty defended herself. “The man has been off the grid since he started to blow shits up, not quite easy to track him.” 
Ghost didn’t say anything after that. “He could have fled to any country.” Gaz pointed out. “Why would it be England? Even by being off the grid, this is not really the first option of many terrorists.”
“Before he vanished from the system, he used to work for a pharmaceutical company, which has many operating buildings in the EU and England.”
“How is this relevant?” Soap asked.
“Well because, two years after he quit on good terms according to his former employer, a lot of their shipments went missing or were the target of bombing. From what I dug on them, the company had a few shady transactions in third world countries. Easy trials to deny if anything goes wrong.”
“I thought you said you didn’t know Lambert’s intentions.” Ghost chimed back in.
“I said his real intentions. So far it seems like he just wants to sabotage the company, but recent information suggests it might be worse. Smuggling weapons in a country is a whole new level then disrupting your ex company’s business.” 
Price took a moment to think about their possible actions. For now, they needed to gather more information on the company and who might be helping Lambert. From his point of view, if he was going against his former employer for unethical business, it wouldn’t be out of the possibility that other employees still working were on his side. Which in itself was a lead. The captain asked her what her speciality was. Obviously, recon and scouting. Price then proposed the following plan. Soap and her would infiltrate the company HQ, to find any information on their next shipments and possible contact with Lambert from the employees. In the meantime, the other three would go to the nearest port to investigate any unusual activity. 
This done, they were all dismissed. Price proposed himself to show her around, to get her bearing. She gladly accepted the offer. He showed her the armory, the training ground and most important by this time of the day, the mess hall. She still had a question in mind. 
“Captain, how much do you know about this woman… Laswell?” She asked hoping she was not crossing a line. 
“We go back a long way. Why?”
“Why would she agree to help a complete stranger like me to stop what, according to Gaz, is a low threat risk? I’m not against the help, I really appreciate it, but it does feel…off.”
“Kate is a good person with a great tactical mind. She might have connected something you haven’t yet. Don’t sweat it, lass.” He patted her back. “As for Garrick, this will just bring him back to his good old days, I’m sure he will appreciate it.” 
Scotty smiled feeling slightly reassured, but not completely at peace. To be fair, this was her first time working with an outside task force. She never had the chance to do it, some of her colleagues did and they always enjoyed the experience. It really opened their eyes to new possibilities. Even if this just happened by spurt of luck, she should take the chance and make the best out of it. Price excused himself as he had to make some preparations for tonight's mission, in the meantime she was free to do whatever she wanted. Her eyes glanced over the mess hall when she saw someone waving at her. It was Soap. Scotty joined up with him and Gaz. She took a seat next to the latter.
“So they are adding another sergeant to the team.” Soap chuckled, taking a bite from his tray.
“You say that like it’s a bad thing and it’s temporary, really.” Scotty raised her eyebrows. 
“We shall see how long is temporary.” Gaz smiled. “It just feels like the captain has more ‘kids’ to take care of.” Scotty and Soap laughed softly at the remark.
“Truth is, this mission was supposed to be my promotion. Once it was done, I did become Second-Lieutenant. Not a lieutenant, but I would be granted more than a sergeant.”
“You work for the army?” The Scotsman asked.
“Used to. Changed to a PMC, Belgian Silent Forces. Gives a little more liberty than just fighting in the front somewhere. Isn’t that what you guys are?”
“Oh no! 141 is a smaller group. Only the four of us. We still get the job done, with some allies here and there.” They spend another two hours talking about what they used to do before joining their respective forces. Gaz and Soap told the stories of their past missions since the 141 was formed a little more than three years prior. Scotty was rather impressed by the job they were doing. It sounded much more interesting and useful than what she was doing. Most of her work revolved around giving a hand to the three surrounding countries; France, Netherlands and Germany. Luxembourg was also a place, but very rarely. She was doing some international work but not as international as the 141. And while she also dealt with some low threat terrorists, most of her recent work was against cartel or illegal transport of weapons. The biggest thing she worked on was to stop human trafficking, but it was still far from stopping a missile. The two men assured that any work that made the life of the civilians safer was a great accomplishment. 
Time finally arrived to infiltrate the HQ and retrieve any information they could find. As they bypassed the security on the exit door, Soap did comment on how this wasn’t his usual type of work. “I’m more a sweep through, brute force.” He whispered, closing the door behind them. “Lt is better at this recon stealth type mission.”
“Lt?” Scotty wondered.
“Oh that’s another nickname I have for Ghost.” They crouched at the intersection of the hallway and checked the surroundings. All clear.
“He’s a lieutenant?” Soap nodded to confirm. “I see… talking of which, what’s the thing with the mask and all?”
Despite the few attacks on their other buildings in Belgium, they didn’t seem to have upgraded their security. True that most attacks happened during the day, when there were more people and higher chances of the CEO to be in. Well this was to their advantage, it made all of this much easier. They reached the room in a record time. The most complicated part started now. Access the mainframe and look up for what they needed. 
“He likes to keep his privacy. I have been working with him for three years and I still don't know how he looks under that bloody mask.”
Scotty chuckled. It wasn’t rare in their fields of operation to have people who wanted to keep their identity secret, but in Ghost’s case it felt like taking it to the extreme. They slowly advanced in the hallway. Thanks to the late hours, there was barely any personnel inside. Their target was the main data base on the third floor. They pushed up in the emergency staircases, tiptoes and silently. Soap was impressed by how little noise she made, even with all the gear they had. She joked that there was a reason they were called Belgian Silent Forces. 
As she browsed through shipment registers, Soap relayed the information to Price. One interesting cargo to look at was on who just arrived today from Kosovo. Another one from Pakistan. This done, Scotty and Soap looked through the data collected by the company itself, aka their employees emails. It felt wrong, but right now morale was not on the menu. Scotty looked at all the names list, till one clicked as a familiar. Eleanor Goldberg. She had seen this name before during her investigation on Lambert. She quickly scrolled through the emails, mostly filled with questions from other departments, requests and authorization. Nothing personal per say. 
“Look at this one.” Soap pointed the screen to an authorization email. In it, Goldberg had given permission for the transfer of thirty boxes of medications to be delivered to Yemen. However the transit number corresponded with the cargo who came back from Pakistan. Something wasn’t adding up here. Scotty pulled up the full registry of the shipment. It all clicked.
“Captain.” She radioed.
“What is, Scotty?”
“The cargo that arrived from Pakistan made a stop in Belgium two days ago.”
“Roger that. We will check it now.” 
Obviously this had probably a connection with Lambert escaping to England. If it wasn’t via the container, he most likely boarded the ship that transported it. If Goldberg was connected to it… Scotty quickly looked up her personal information. Maybe getting to her address would lead them to Lambert. She took a picture of the screen and told Soap they could leave. As easy as they got in, they were out.
They later rendezvous at the entrance of the port where the other three were. Gaz was there to greet them and brought them to the container where the plot thickened from here. If this cargo had delivered its shipment of medications, it should be loaded with crates from the company. but it wasn’t. That was because after closer inspection, crates were filled with weapons. Military grade ones. Price looked at the crates with concerned worry. Even Ghost had to admit that Lambert wasn’t playing small games anymore. The two sergeants shared some connections they made and the captain said that they would raid Goldnerg’s house now. They had lost enough time like this. 
They climbed their respective car and headed to the location. Soap at the wheel, Scotty had time to quickly send her commander a sitrep on the situation who had advanced much faster than she expected. They arrived at the house one hour later. They parked their cars on the opposite street and took a look at their surroundings. 
“Scotty and Ghost, you will get in from the backyard. Gaz, Soap and I watch for squirters on the other side.” Price ordered once they were clear on what to do. The captain bet all his odds on the stealth of the two operatives.  
Thankfully the access to the backyard was easy. The suburb was in expansion and the construction had just begun behind Goldberg’s house. Ghost and Scotty climbed the fence and landed on the grass. The lieutenant gestured to her to follow him. Crouched, weapons at the ready they crossed the distance to the building and made their way in through a door that gave to the basement. All clear. 
“Light on on the floor above, watch your steps.” Ghost whispered. Scotty nodded.
They climbed the stairs silently. Ghost scanned the surroundings. Light on, tv still playing in the background, the air smelled like food had just been done cooking. Yet no one in sight. They slowly made their way to the first floor upstairs. Bathroom was clear, the first bedroom was clear, and the second also. Then they heard it. A creaking noise coming from above. Scotty looked up, saw the trap to the attic still moving. She pointed it without a word to Ghost. He grabbed the rope and on the count of three pulled it. The ladder-stair came down with a loud thud. Scotty climbed carefully one step at the time, pistol in hand, light resting above to light the room. She scouted every corner. A shadow quickly ran behind a pile of boxes. The sergeant climbed the rest of the ladder without letting go of the position she saw the shadow. 
“Come out now and no harm will be done!” She warned. “We are looking for someone.” 
A  woman rose from the shadows, hands up. She showed no fear or hostile intention. Ghost climbed the stairs. “Who are you?” Scotty asked while the lieutenant looked around the attic.
“Eleanor Goldberg. What are you doing in my house?” The lack of emotion in her voice ticked Scotty to be on her guard. 
“We are looking for Hans Lambert. Intel tells us he might be here.”
“Never heard of this man before. Unless you have a warrant, I would ask you to leave before I call the police.”
“Scotty, come here.” Ghost said. Never lowering her gun, she walked backwards to the desk he was inspecting. There were a few papers with a writing she recognized as Lambert’s. By the look of it, it had been written recently. His sentence was not finished, like he had to leave in a hurry.  “He was here.”
The sergeant returned her attention to the woman who had lowered her hands by now. “You claimed not to know the man, yet he was here. Where did he go?”
“You can’t stop him. It’s too late.” Goldberg replied with a stern tone. “It’s time they pay for their actions. If you are against us, this means you are with them and so are the enemy.”
“The fuck are you talking about?” The grip on her pistol tightened. 
“This is the end of the suffering. Quds Force was right and so was Lambert.” A small clicking noise echoed in the room. Scotty and Ghost knew this sounds too well. Without hesitation, she fired two shots to the chest. Even if it wouldn’t change much, they had a better chance at surviving. Goldberg’s body dropped on the ground, her hand letting go of the grenade. Ghost grabbed Scotty by the jacket and pulled her behind the desk he quickly flipped over. The two soldiers took cover, lay down flat, covering their heads as the explosion happened. The shockwave sent the desk flying against the wall which caused them as well to be crushed between the two. The window above them shattered. It took them five seconds to regain their bearings and be able to reply to Price almost screaming on the radio. Their ears were ringing, their vision slightly blurred by the shock. Ghost helped Scotty back on her feet. Luckily, the desk, which was made of metal, absorbed most of the shock, yet they still felt bruises on their legs and arms. A piece of wood had cut through her pants and left a wound. But she could still stand. The lieutenant pressed her to get out of here, but she insisted on taking all they could before leaving. 
“We don’t have time for this! Let’s get out of here. This attracted enough attention.” He groaned.
Not wanting to annoy her superior further, Scotty only had the time to grab a map and they made their way out before the police and fire department showed up.
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sgt-scottymoreau · 9 months
What happens in Siberia, stays in Siberia - Part 2
Summary: After months of secretly feelings, things lead that another and some of these feeligs comes out in a rather messy way. But honestly nothing is ever easy.
Warning: 18+, we are going in a steamy territory here folks. Be careful!
Words: 4k // Part 1 - Part 3 // AO3 // Masterlist
A/N: Yeah this is going to be a 3 parts because I still have more in store for this fic. You know like what happen after that. It could be it's own fic, but might as well all keep together under one main idea.
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He slammed the wooden door open with aching muscles. Ghost was not the type to complain, but once his boot stepped on solid ground, free of constraints of the heavy snow, he let out a groan. This had been an exhausting five kilometers. Between reduced visibility, high knee snow, all their gears and strong wind, it felt like they had walked triple that amount. Even Scotty, who was considered to have a very high stamina, had to admit defeat. It took all her remaining strength to not allow herself to fall on the floor and just lay down there for the rest of the night. 
The safe house was small; one bed, a small couch, smaller table with just one chair, a fireplace that could be used as a stove and one toilet. The basics for someone coming here to hunt or whatever. They didn't even dare ask how Gaz found this. They were just glad to have somewhere to wait out the blizzard. She dropped the backpack on the ground, gently to not damage any drivers, and then took her bulletproof vest, her coat off and removed her hat and protective goggles. It felt like she had just lost ten kilos. Her back felt so light it was a relief. Ghost said he would be back in a minute with some woods he saw next to the house. Warming up the place sounded great. While he was bringing what was needed in, she looked in the cupboard. Filled with some cans of who knows what, it was written in Russian. "I suppose this is someone's hunting spot." She sighed, feeling guilty to take anything from the shelves. 
"Whoever it is, they are not coming today so don't feel bad." He replied. "We have to do what we can to survive."
Watching by the window, she had to admit he was right. Better squat in someone's place than be dying in the cold. Ghost removed his own top gears to cool the sweat that was growing on his back as he prepared the fire. The fireplace quickly warmed up the small space, but obviously the furthest point was still too cold to remove any coat or warm clothing. Close to it was just perfect to keep the coat open but still on the shoulders. Scotty groaned internally thinking it will be one of these nights. Too cold to catch any sleep. Finally settled down, they both grabbed some rations they had packed in case of. What was in the cupboard should only be used if they had to stay longer. Scotty was kind enough to give him some privacy while he ate. After all these months, she still hadn't seen him under his mask. He was pretty good even when they would eat together in the mess hall to barely show anything. She may have seen a chin at some point but nothing more. At the moment, he deserved to eat without constraint. A gesture he noticed and appreciated when she turned around. "So… lieutenant." By her tone, he figured he might not like what was coming. "Can we talk about the… pistol thing?" 
God Scotty was glad she was facing away from him because her cheeks colored again at remembering what happened. Himself was also glad. He cleared his throat. "No, we are not going to talk about this, sergeant." Of course he would rather avoid the subject. 
They stayed in silence for a few minutes. "Can we talk about what happened before we left for the mission?" His silence gave her the go to keep going. "Why did you look so tense at the table?"
"What do you mean?"
"While I was joking with Soap and Gaz… You might have a mask, but you are still easy to read through the eyes, and you looked tense. When I tried to catch your attention, you had that gaze. The one you give when you are upset."
"I was not tense… It was simply ridiculous. You were all acting like annoying teenagers." Oh, so he didn't like that? She swore it was because he was jealous. Scotty felt stupid to think it would have been anything else than annoyance. 
Ghost focused his mind on the ration he had in front of him. She read him like an open book! How did she do it? He watched her from the corner of his eyes. Her back was much more curled than before, her shoulders slacking. Did he say something wrong? "If you find me annoying then…"
"You are not." He said calmly. What was he supposed to say now? Talking was not his strength. Feelings were hard to discuss, find the right words. 
Scotty didn't know what to do anymore. It was getting confusing at this point. "So that… reaction you had was just because you were too close. Sounds fair and normal enough, typical man reaction am I right?." She let out a nervous laughter. Why did she make it sound like she was hurt? Hopefully he didn't catched on it. 
Ghost stood up, put his food aside. "You can sleep on the bed, I'll take the couch." The room felt heavy. Tension had built up so fast, none of them knew what to do anymore. She nodded too lost in her thoughts to say anything. He went to lay down on the couch, his back facing her, mask back on obviously. "You are fucking moron Cam. Really thought a man like him could love…" She beated herself up. Wanting this day to be over, Scotty crawled in the bed looking at the dim light of the fireplace.
Ghost had no idea how much time had passed since. All he knew was that he hadn't been able to sleep. The wind blowing outside was not the cause. His mind was just working at figuring out where he missed any signs. The way she first asked her question... It seems like she didn't mind what happened. There was also that one time, months ago, when they had to lay low for a while. Her nephews had been annoying her, but her reactions? The blushing and diverting the subject to something else. Scotty probably thought he had not noticed, but he had. At first he blamed this on the fact that it was always embarrassing when kids or family teased you about things. Not that he would personally know of this, but he heard. However, put back into retrospect, maybe there was more. What if Scotty was also a fool just like him? He silently pivoted to look over his shoulders. The fireplace was barely alive by now, he had no light to see her. He could make up her shape of her, but not if she was awake or asleep, neither if she was facing him or not. "Scotty, you are sleeping?" He whispered. 
"No." She whispered back. "It's too cold." Scotty heard a rustle, then the wooden floor creaked, the bed shifted and she felt his back against hers. Her heart skipped a beat. "Sir?"
"No need to be so formal, Scotty." This bed must have been first cheap price quality, because she was sure it moved when he chuckled. "If you don't want to, I can always return to the couch."
"It's fine." Scotty grabbed into the thin blanket even tighter. "So you sleep even with the mask on? I thought that was a myth."
"Not always, but it keeps the warmth." Another awkward silence fell. 
"I still want to know why you reacted like you did in the locker." She tried to tease.
"Fucking hell, you and Soap are very alike, you know. When you have something in mind you don't let go." He sighed. That was a harsh reaction. "I don't know why it happened. I suppose it is because…" Even him couldn't find a good reason to explain all of that. At least without saying the truth behind it all. He rolled on his other side, facing her back. She was still looking away. "Maybe it's because I liked the closeness and being just us." His mind said. Ghost slapped himself mentally, that sounded so cheesy. His heart was pounding fast in his chest; it was to wonder how it hadn't burst out yet. His arm wrapped around her waist pulling her closer to him. 
"I don't know why… My mind is a mess right now." He groaned. 
Scotty froze when his hand rested on her belly. That was unusual from the lieutenant or at least she did not expect him to be so… touchy? He always felt so cold and distant. Her own mind couldn't process what was happening. Was it even real or would she wake up soon? She sure damn hoped for the former. "What do you mean?" She softly asked. The way he was acting gave her a hint, but it was best to not have high hopes. Scotty teased him about the whole 'pistol' thing, but she wasn't better. His body against her like this was enough to spark something inside her. His breath, although slightly blocked by the mask, was warm on her neck. Ghost fumbled over his words. He really sucked at expressing himself. Actions were better…
"Turn around, eyes closed." He ordered. She did so without him ever moving his arm. Eyes closed, she heard a rustle. "No matter what, you keep those eyes closed." A hum was her answer. It took all her willpower to control herself and not break the promise; despite all, her hopes were high! His breath felt much warmer than before against her, as if nothing was in the way. His lips touched hers softly at first, as if he was hesitating. However he felt her relaxing under his touch and he pressed more eagerness into it. Her hand rested on his neck pulling him even closer. They broke the kiss only when the need for air was strong. Scotty remained with her eyes closed till Ghost told her she could open them. 
When she did, her eyes met his, through the openings of his mask, looking at each other as if they were trying to reach each other’s souls. There was barely any light, no curtain on the window at least allowed some to come through, but the blizzard blocked anything the moon could give. However it didn't matter, he was close enough she could make out his mask feature and the glimpse of something in his eyes. Her mind was at a loss for words. This felt so unlikely of him and yet it happened. What was she supposed to do or say now?  "I don't even get to see your face.." She pouted. 
Ghost's shoulders moved up and down in a chuckle. "We will see later about that." For now, as much as he wanted to kiss her again, a different urge grew inside of him. She felt something against her thigh. 
"Your pistol is in the way again." Scotty teased, pushing herself closer to him. 
"I know and this time it's here to stay." His hand slid down to her butt squeezing it. Her hips moved against his as a reflex. Ghost softly laughed at this. His hand ran back up under her clothes, caressing the skin of her back.
Her mind was all over the place. It couldn't be happening, this has to be a dream for sure! One of her many fantasies playing tricks on her. She let him do what he wanted. Why would she complain? It was something she also desired, for a long time. Her chest rose and fell heavy at every breath, anticipation building fast. Scotty didn't know herself what to do. She should also touch him in return but how? Their current position made it all a little awkward to do some movements. 
Something passing her in front of her eyes took her out of her thoughts, followed by a wave of cold. It didn't take long to realize it was because he had removed her sweater; so lost she didn't notice herself making it easier for him to take it off. She shivered. Her hand went to his chest, on the zipper of his vest. She opened too fast to her taste, giving away her eagerness to go to the next part. Ghost helped her take all his upper clothes off, leaving him in the same shivering stay once the cold touched his skin. 
Her fingers lingered on his chest. Scotty had seen it before, always covered but they were times his shirt would be very fitting to his torso. She enjoyed the naked view. While her gaze was not on his eyes, Ghost's hand brushed on her cheek, moving a strand of hair behind her ear. Her skin was soft to the touch. Lazily, his hand went down her neck, to her shoulder to venture on her back to the clip of her bra. He struggled just a little at first, however just with one hand Ghost was able to undo it to her surprise. Not that she minded much.
Her hands went to his trousers, her knuckles pressed against his happy trail, undoing the zipper. Scotty wished she would be more shy or unsure or had too much respect for her lieutenant to not give in easily. Not look like she was desperate for him. Because as soon as she gave herself the space, her hand went to grab his fully erect cock. She stroked it through the fabric, which took a few deep hums from Ghost. He was not moaning, yet. However he did enjoy the attention he was getting. 
Tossing aside her bra, Ghost grabbed her to turn her over as he rolled up on his back. She was not sitting on him, her bare chest in full view and easy reach for both his hands. Both hands ran up from her waist to her breast and he grabbed them. Squeezed, circled them. Resting her hands on him, Scotty moved back and forth on his slightly covered cock. His pants were now halfway to his tights leaving only his underwear as a barrier. "Fuck, Scotty." He grunted. "Stop moving like that or…" The rest of his words got lost in a moan. 
She did stop, chuckling at his reaction. Ghost pushed himself up, enough his face could bury in the crook of her neck. Through his mask, he pressed a few kisses on it, making her moan slightly. She liked the rough sensation of the fabric on her skin. His arms wrapped around her waist. His head resting against her bare breast. He was getting so clingy, his hips almost moving to get in her. 
"Bloody hell, enough messing around!" Ghost grunted, lifting her up and laying her back on the mattress. He didn't wait any long to remove her pants, toss them aside, and do the same to her panties. Her cheeks turned red quickly in the dark, the heat reaching everywhere in her body. It was both arousing and terrifying to be naked in front of a towering Ghost. The bulge was showing big under his underwear. Holding himself over Scotty with one hand, the other brushed from her stomach to her inner legs. She hummed in anticipation, moving her hips just enough to tell him he could go on. Without any more teasing, he slid two fingers inside. It was now when he heard himself breathing out that he realized he had been holding it for so long. Her cunt was already so wet, it was so easy to finger her. She spread her legs to allow him more access to which he didn't hesitate to add a third finger making her moan silently. "There's no one in the neighborhood, don't hold it." He chuckled. 
"I've never been much of a screamer." Scotty smiled smugly.
"Let's see if we can change that." The taunt in his voice made her horniness rise up. His thumb circled around her clit as he slowly pushed his fingers in and out. She squirmed under his touch. God Scotty loved what he was doing, loved it so much she felt herself already on the edge. She grabbed his forearm with two hands to his surprise. Her mind was already hazed by lust. 
"More…" She breathed out. "I want more!" 
"If I get to hear that sweet voice of yours, you might get your wish, sergeant." She gulped letting go of his arm. Her chest rose and fell fast as he worked his fingers inside her cunt. Scotty closed her eyes letting her thoughts wandering to her fantasies; imagining him eating her out, fucking her hard with his cock, pulling her hair, holding her down with all his might. That was all she needed to be sent from the edge to her climax. Ghost felt her clenching on him, bucking her hips up. She didn't not scream, but her moaning was loud  that he was happy with that. 
His now wet hand moved to his underwear, pulled them down so his cock was finally free. Holding it firmly, he rubbed the tip on her entrance, teasing her oh so slowly. Scotty whimpered, almost begging him for more. He felt more than obliged to do it. Ghost, once positioned, pushed his cock inside. She felt so good around him, he had to take a moment to pull himself together. Both hands beside her, his hips against her as he had reached the limit to how much he could bury himself inside her. "Fucking hell Scotty, ball deep really? You can take it, bloody jesus." 
Scotty let out a moan of relief to be filled. It was so amazing and he had not even moved yet! "You say that as if you expected less from me. I'm hurt. You should know by now I'm full of surprises." The sky was finally clearing out and through a small glimpse of light he saw her face. Her brown eyes were watching him intensely and with a hint of mischief. He could make out some soft redness on her cheek; she looked gorgeous. His hips moved backward, removed half of himself and then forwards. Scotty did let out a whimper of pleasure. Ghost tried his best to control himself, to not give in too fast. He wanted this moment to last as long as he could.  But after a few thrusts, he couldn't take it anymore. His pace became faster, slamming hard. His fingers digging in the mattress, his knuckles turning white. 
Scotty tried her best to keep control of herself. As she said she wasn't much of a screamer, but he sure made her be a little louder at every thrusts. She could hear herself, she felt slightly embarrassed by the noises she was making in front of her superior, but he was the reason why she even made them in the first place. "Kiss me again, please!" She begged. "I won't look, I promise." Eyes closed, she waited. When his lips touched her again feeling the roughness of his three days old beard on her skin, she moaned. 
Ghost grabbed the back of her neck, never breaking this kiss, pounding ever more. Her arms wrapped around his neck as if she tried to keep him close. He kept fucking her for who knew how long when he felt his climax reaching his limit and came at the same time that she came a second time. 
They broke the kiss out of breath, panting hard. "You can look again." He chuckled, resting his forehead on hers. "Warm enough now?" He let himself fall next to her, pulling the blanket back on them. 
"That will do." She turned on her side to watch him. Getting down from her high, Scotty still had a hard time to realize it did happen. It could have been a dream, if not from the soreness in her legs. She couldn't stop smiling like an idiot. This had been like a huge relief from all the tension of today and she was hit by tiredness quickly. Her eyes felt heavy and she could feel herself about to pass out. "Ghost." She whispered.
"I… love you." These were her last words before she was softly breathing to sleep. It had been a while since she was that exhausted. Ghost remained awake, these words haunting his mind. He didn't know what to do with them. To think she had feelings for him was a thing, but actually hear it? It made everything more serious than he expected. What was supposed to happen next? He glanced at her, so peaceful with not a worry in the world. He felt his heart beat faster. He had feelings, but was it love? Yes Ghost felt a certain relief after the messing around and fucking, like he has been bottleling up everything for a while. However, these words, not that they sounded hollow, but they felt strange to him. He barely knew or remembered what love was. If anything he learned a side of it with the very few friends he made in the army. But that was something completely different! He knew of the love she meant, but was he worthy of it? Was he capable of love like she does? Part of him wasn't sure he could but still worth trying, the other tortured him that this would mean so much problems and maybe it was best to not. He was her superior after all, their career was fighting dead almost every day, the risk of not making it back… He tortured his mind with all those questions till it was too much and simply shut down his brain of any thoughts and tried to get some rest.
The next morning, he was awakened by the ray of sunshine coming through the uncovered window. He was facing the ceiling, a weight on his chest. She was clinging to him, arm wrapped around him. His mind still coming back to reality, he didn't catch what that buzzing noise in the background that seemed to come and go was.
"Ghost… copy?... Scotty? How…" He groaned when he came back to his senses. It was their radio! Ghost moved her to get out of the bed. Bare chest he made his way to the radio in the cold morning. The bed was much better. He pressed the button on the receptor. 
"Ghost, we are good." His voice was still raspy and half alert. 
"Finally an answer." Soap laughed on the other side. 
"Ghost, heli will be there in 5 minutes." Price said. "Better be ready to get your asses out of here."
"Roger, sir. Out." He turned around to see Scotty stretching mostly after being awakened by the call. "Enough beauty sleep, evac will be here soon." 
She muttered under her breath about the cold, but eventually got out of the bed and got dressed. While packing their belongings and making sure they didn't forget anything, Scotty's mind was still thinking about the night before. "About last night…" She started.
"What happened here, stays here." He cutted her short. He had this direct and strict tone. She understood what he meant; no one needed to know about this. No need to talk more about it either. But she did want to do so, because some parts still felt unclear to her. The helicopter was right on time, blowing snow everywhere as if the blizzard hadn't been enough. Scotty closed the door and quickly joined the lieutenant. It was like he was back to his old self; keep the talk to the minimum. The vehicle took off as soon as they were buckled in. The traject to the main base for transport by plane was mostly reduced to what had been done and retrieved during the infiltration. Price looked content with the makeshift idea of stealing the hard drives directly. Afterwards, the rest of the trip was silent. When they reached their destination, they quickly boarded the plane ready to head back to base. Ghost didn't particularly ignore her, however she noticed the lack of conversation. Then again he was also barely talking to anyone. He probably had something in his mind. Nothing to worry about. But… it did make her wonder if what happened would be just a one time thing and now that they had left it will indeed remain back in Siberia.
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