#seriously I love Rob and Maurice so much
theonethatyaks93 · 1 year
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Hi everyone!! I’m not dead, I’m back!! I apologize for the lack of posts recently; I was taking a break. But now, I’m ready to make regular posts again. But before we get back to our regularly scheduled programming, I have some exciting news! Last night, I attended both performances of Animaniacs in Concert!!! I finally got the opportunity to see this after two years of wanting and wishing. I was so excited!! Both shows were absolutely amazing and there were so many incredible songs, both recognizable and unreleased. I also laughed so hard that I got a minor headache. But it was worth it! I had the time of my life and it was so cool to see the number of fans who also love this show. So many people were wearing t-shirts or carrying the Animaniacs Loungefly backpack around. There were even some younger fans there and that was so awesome. I, of course, went all out, wearing an Animaniacs t-shirt, Pinky and The Brain leggings, a Pinky and The Brain sweatshirt, Pinky and Brain socks, my own Animaniacs backpack, and my cool Nike Air Force Ones which I’ve christened my “space shoes.” I got to sit in the third and second row at the venue (which I’ve been to many times) and I cheered and clapped as loud as I could. The talent here was unbelievable. Rob was incredible and I can’t believe he can sing this good. He is truly my inspiration. Randy was amazingly talented and it was great to finally see him. I was ecstatic when Maurice came on stage since I’ve never seen him in person before. The real Pinky and Brain were right in front of me!!! Ahhhhhh!!! This show was not only entertaining and hilarious, but I also learned a few new things and got to hear a few songs I’ve never heard before (I can’t get that song about things getting smaller out of my head!). Even my parents, who aren’t as into the show as I am, had a great time. Seriously, whenever they come back, I’m buying tickets pronto! This was incredible and I loved it so much. However, the best part of this experience would come before and after each show.
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(This is kind of a real name reveal so surprise!!)
I met both Rob and Maurice not just once, but twice!!! OMG!! This has been a dream of mine for a long time and it’s come true. I hope I can meet them again soon! So, I’m going to get into a little story about what happened and what has happened in the past few months. Back in June of 2022, I got a surprise Cameo message from Rob, which made my entire summer! I actually started crying when I got the surprise and I thought that my dream of meeting him would never come true. I mean, he did respond to a few of my questions on Instagram Live back in October of 2022 (I stayed on for four hours!) but I really wanted to meet him. Thankfully, I got my wish when for an early Christmas present from my parents, I got to meet and talk to Rob for over an hour on Cameo. It was a great experience and my parents enjoyed it, too. I still wanted to meet him in-person, but this was close enough. And then, Animaniacs in Concert came around. I got tickets to both shows as a Christmas present back in December and I expected just to have a fun time. I did not expect to meet both Rob and Maurice twice! I met Rob before the first show. My mom pointed him out just walking into the lobby and I, of course, rushed over to him. It took a minute, but he did remember me and my family from the Cameo. We took some pictures and he was just the sweetest person you’ll ever meet. We even hugged! I was so excited and I was even shaking a little. After my family went home for an hour after the first show, we came back and though I’d seen it before, I was still excited. And then, when we were pulling into the parking lot, we saw Maurice walking down the street!!! We rushed to park and we got to meet him! I was so ecstatic! He was really nice and I got some pictures with him. It was an honor!! After the second show, my family waited so we could maybe meet Rob and Maurice and get them to sign my book (Which was in fact Rob’s book, Voice Lessons). We were about to leave when my mom said that they were just hanging out in the auditorium. We rushed in there and waited a few minutes. Rob even remembered my name! Eeeeeeeeeeeee! We got to meet him again and the Maurice showed up and joined us! They both were the sweetest things and they both signed my book! We got some pictures and I even got to show some of my impressions to them. They liked my voices especially when I did both Yakko and Pinky. Some people were even surprised! I told them how much Pinky and Brain meant to me and it was so cool of them. They were so sweet and nice. I was so excited and I didn’t want to leave. It was a true honor and of course, I hugged Rob goodbye. I hope I can see them again, maybe for a convention. It was a dream come true and I’ll never forget it.
So, yeah. All that happened in the span of about 8 hours. It was crazy and I’m actually still processing it currently. My dream came true and I had so much fun! I hope to see both Rob and Maurice again and maybe, Animaniacs in Concert will come around. Alright, that was my experience! It was so amazing and I couldn’t recommend it more. Don’t worry, I’ll be back to regular posting either tomorrow or the next day! Thank you guys for sticking with me!!
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"Happy Narfday"- Further Thoughts
Let's start with some positives:
One thing I forgot to mention was the vocal performances in the episode. I praised to song, but that's not even the half of it. Rob is able to make Pinky sound so sad and innocent at the climax, and Maurice makes being angry look so easy but I know it took so much time and dedication to get to skill he's at. I love those goobers with my whole heart and seriously hope they get another chance to play these characters (maybe we'll finally hear an announcement for a Pinky and the Brain movie in a few years???).
Another thing was that this episode was the second in a series of episodes that tie into Brain's arc I like to call "Brain realizing how much Pinky means to him". The arc consists of the following episodes:
"Run Pinky Run"
"Happy Narfday"
"Plight of Hand"
"Mouse Madness" (the best representation of his arc)
"Narf Over Troubled Water"
This is such an important arc to me because all of these episodes include at least one moment where Brain realized how much he needed Pinky. If y'all want, I can go further in depth about this in a future post, so let me know below!
Okay, now for the negatives (yes, I have more words to say):
If there was ANY episode in the reboot Pinky needed a backbone, it would be this one, but it just isn't there. It's nice that we eventually saw this in "Talladega Mice: The Ballad of Pinky Brainy", but Pinky deserved a chance to put his foot down for ONCE. We got our first Pinky centric episode this season, and the one time we get a Pinky birthday episode, it's not even really about him; it's about Brain tricking him and then they make up. I get that he's more of a reactive character, but that shouldn't mean he lets Brain get away with EVERYTHING.
On another note, thinking about how Brain feels about birthdays, Brain seriously didn't think it was odd that the entirety of March passed and Pinky hadn't brought up his birthday? The way my mind is, I'm torn between being upset at how Brain only cares when it's his only viable option, and eating up his angsty arc about working harder to care about Pinky as if they were in their final moments.
I think that's all I can really think of at the moment, so I'll end it here.
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ckatwriter · 1 year
Fuck it, I'm going to start using my Tumblr like I did with my Livejournal back in the day. Just an online diary to go with my actual physical ones. I feel like my blogs here have been much more fandom/reblog the cool stuff blogs but I shall now sprinkle in the little updates on my life like this one. AND since Tumblr doesn't have a little cartoon to show my mood I'll post my mood for each entry in the tags. Seriously, you had to be there in 2006 during the LJ days 😋
No idea why it took me so long to finish part 4 of Disenchantment. Maybe because part 3 bummed me out so much? But I muscled past the trauma and enjoyed the newest episodes for the most part. (ESPECIALLY Bean telling Luci she loves him and gratefully smooching him on the nose. That part was almost worth my near meltdown when Luci got his head chopped off.)
And on the subject of Matt Groening shows, starting to get hyped about Futurama returning AND I'm going to a convention soon and I'll get to meet one of the cast I haven't met yet; Maurice LaMarche 🤩 I have like 10 things I want to say to him and I have them all written down in an easy to carry list. Rob Paulsen will be there with him and even though i've already met him I have some questions for him too ^^
I maaaaay be slipping back into my Luci bs so I hope ya'll are prepared.
On the book front, I handed in my latest draft to my editor and now I have to wait until she's done with it and it goes to the next stage. I'm excited but I'm feeling really annoying and impatient about it. I'm sure she doesn't need to give me daily updates but my little lizard brain that lives for feedback wants it now 😝
I'll try to be patient. I know she's got other clients to help.
But hope everyone else is doing great. Send me a reply if you feel like it.
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Talkin Toons Highlights 5-7
Okay lets just get this out of the way. *Yakkos World Commences*
"(He's) really handsome. Not that I care cuz ya know I'm as straight as a pin as it were."
"I went to college for like an hour and a half....I think it was almost 67 minutes."
"I mean I'm just about the most average looking white guy you can imagine."
"If you found them (Rob's live action movies) you know they suck and I dont want you to find them if you dont know where they are."
"What are we up to, Kevin about 20 minutes and some change...27! Oh wow. See? *sighs* I really do ramble."
Yakko: Hes so limited in his cognitive ability
Pinky and the Brain taking over Robs Podcast
"We're practically kissing"
Maurice: Seriously...No, not really seriously...All kidding aside. No, not really that either. Because do we ever put kidding aside? You and I never do. Rob: Although Kidding is sitting right over there. Rob as Kidding: I'm over here. I'm Kidding. I'm set aside. I hate it.
Maurice's fascinating story about Frank Whelker (Fred Jones, Runt, Chicken Boo), teaching him specific voice over techniques. Particularly on how to turn the page without making a sound.
Rob: It would take me awhile to think of a real asshole that I work with in voice over, ya know in cartoons. Maurice: I have two. While you spoke that sentence I came up with two.
Maurice: We dont talk to each other as Pinky and the Brain. We become two idioit cockneys. *They proceed to talk to each like they're in a bad Monty Python Sketch*
Maurice: I love you man.
I wanted to give special attention to this piece of advice from Rob that really struck a chord with me:
"Make sure you embrace whatever talent you have....all of it is important in the development of your confidence....If you're able to hone all the skills which you posses to the best that you can obviously you can keep working until you die. I mean I'm still doing it."
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megalomice · 4 years
What are your top ten favorite Pinky and the Brain episodes?
Hey there! I’m sorry I took a while to answer your ask.
Top ten, huh...this was actually kind of hard. Note that I’m not listing these in order of most to least favorite I just listed them as they came to mind (:
1. Snowball
Okay well, pretty much all the Snowball episodes, but the first one especially. The flashback to them as lil babies is really one of the most heart-wrenching moments of the series for me. Poor Brain and Snowball were so traumatized. Also the way their relationship deteriorated from friends to arch-enemies is horribly sad - the only criticism I have is that the circumstances of this deterioration is very vaguely explained, but that’s what fanfiction is for, right?
2. Welcome To The Jungle 
This one, again, because of Snowball. Think it’s the first episode where we really start to see how mentally ill he is. Brain has this intense hatred of him but at the same time he seriously pities him. Also, Brain was just so out of character in this episode, I’m not saying that as a criticism, it was due to his surroundings. I found it really interesting to see him in an environment where he has no choice but to rely on others because he can’t do anything. Until he completely kicks Snowball’s ass in that fight towards the end lmaoooo. And Pinky...his superior survival instincts really threw me for a loop the first time I saw this episode. He managed to tie up and EAT(??) an entire boar, what even??
3. Brain Noir
There were some things I didn’t like about this episode (mainly Billie, although I liked the twist at the end which actually surprised me) but overall I still like it enough to put it in my top ten. I always liked the noir episode trope, so this was right up my alley. The little hats and trenchcoats were too cute! Also, Snowball.
4. Brainwashed
I’m just gonna count this as one big episode if that’s okay lol. Anyway there are many criticisms of this three-parter but I loved it. The Schmeerskahoven, Brain and Pinky having to save the world (not from Snowball for once). I really liked the twist with Precious at the end. Also, last appearance of Snowball. Unfortunately I think Roddy McDowall (Snowball’s voice actor) passed away a month after it aired. I wonder if he even got to see it, he was pretty sick with cancer. ):
5. A Pinky and the Brain Christmas
Because how could I NOT include this one...in a previous ask I said this was my favorite episode but my opinions have changed since then, I don’t have a single favorite episode I can’t pick just ONE. Ugh the feels. This episode is like...the main reason why the PatB fandom is called the crying mice fandom especially around Christmas. I went into more detail about what I liked about this episode here.
6. A Pinky and the Brain Halloween
AGAIN. THE FEELS. This episode made me cry the first few times I watched it, Pinky willingly signs himself over to Satan and goes to HELL so that Brain can have the world. AAAHH. Also I liked how they gave Brain a talent for rhythmic gymnastics, that’s cute. AND THEN WHEN BRAIN LOSES THE COMPETITION “HAVE FUN BEING TORTURED FOR ALL ETERNITY” AS HE’S SOBBING AND PINKY’S SOBBING AND HE’S WALKING AWAY JUST STAB ME IN THE HEART 
7. Megalomaniacs Anonymous
This one. I absolutely LOVE this episode. We get another dimension to Brain that we didn’t see in other episodes. I would show this episode to anyone hell-bent on calling Brain a villain - this is affirmation that he’s definitely an anti-hero. Brain’s motivations for taking over the world really are to make it a better place. Even though he has an inflated ego and can be extremely selfish (coughcoughAPINKYANDTHEBRAINHALLOWEENcough), and it is kind of all about him, underneath all his bad traits he has a very good heart. 
8. Brinky
Some people like Romy, some people don’t. I for one LOVE him, and I hope to see him in the reboot. This episode was just too adorable. There was a post somewhere on here that said Romy is just THE perfect blend of Pinky and Brain. It couldn’t be more true. Also, extremely cute fun fact - Maurice LaMarche voiced younger Romy and Rob Paulsen voices Romy as an adult, so they’re both credited for his role. It’s so fitting.
9. This Old Mouse
I like all the sad episodes, lol. Poor Brain and his mid-life crisis. It was really sad to see Pinky go all that way to warn him about the avalanche, just for Brain to tell him he can’t save him because the future can’t be changed. But Pinky wouldn’t take no for an answer, and saved him anyway thank goodness. Poor babies...
10. Broadway Malady
Brain was just...a massive dick in this episode, but granted it was because he was incredibly salty over Pinky’s musical becoming more successful than his. At least he realizes how awful he was to Pinky in the end. And in that one scene when he sees how lonely Pinky is despite the fact that his musical is a hit, because he doesn’t have Brain, and Brain just breaks down. You just can’t separate these two at all. ): Also, just...how it became less about the plan to take over the world, Brain put that on hold for the sake of his art. Priorities, lol. 
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The Ghost (Part 1)
Pairing :Wrench x Reader
AO3 Link
The Chicago Dedsec branch struck up a deal with the San Fran Dedsec branch and the two will start working more closely from now on. The Chicago branch also believes that giving a few people from their “clean up” crew would help out the other branch significantly and luckily for both of them, you happened to already be moving to San Francisco with your family.
Funny enough. You meet the man who unintentionally coaxed you into joining Dedsec in the first place.
“Wait, hold up. As in, The Ghost? The one who helped out The Fox?” “They say whenever you took a job, the victims would disappear without a trace. A recording of their crying would be left on the premise, acting as their ghost wails.” “Oh, am I a household name already? Oh, how embarrassing.”
Note: This is the first Watch dogs fic I've written so I'm sorry if anyone seems too OOC. One big difference would be that Marcus's group doesn't kill unless absolutely necessary. Aiden and Reader on the other hand are a bit more... Morally Ambiguous at times.ALSO! Reader is Asian (Specifically Southeast Asian), I try my best to to mention it too often (Mostly with their family and a passing comment) so you guys can still relate to them more. Also, certain characters will have their own pronouns for reader cuz they don't know (i.e Marcus says He/him but Ray calls them She/her). They also have a certain kind of body type similar to mine, but like the race, it won't be mentioned too often! Different pronouns will be like this until a certain point so I am sorry if you aren't into that!
Chapter 1: Moving Day
God, who fuckin’ knew moving was gonna be hell on your back? You had already packed everything from your room and started helping your family with the rest of the packing up. Boxes are now your worst goddamn enemy, at this point a close second to Blume.
So, the Chicago Dedsec branch struck up a deal with the San Fran Dedsec branch and the two will start working more closely from now on. The Chicago branch also believes that giving a few people from their “clean up” crew would help out the other branch significantly and luckily for both of them, you happened to already be moving to San Francisco with your family.
“Hey pumpkin, could you get some of these boxes for me?” Your mother comes into the room, interrupting your glaring battle with the room full of boxes (of which you were totally winning), with a tower of even more boxes in her arms. Quickly, you took half of the stacked boxes in her arms and placed them with the pile, you can now see her tired eyes that were previously covered by cardboard.
“Thank you, pumpkin. My arms were killing me,” Your mother emphasized her point by stretching out her arms and a few popping noises accompanied the movements. “So, how are you feeling about the move? I know we’ve lived in this house since you were a baby but… A change of scenery is always nice. Right?” You let out a little sigh. You really are going to miss those places you’d go to as a kid. The Honeymoon Cafe, that Thai restaurant, hell you’re gonna miss that damn dog that would bark through the night every day.
“Plus you can always make new friends over there!” You know your mom was trying to comfort you but, making friends was never your strong suit in the first place. Plus…
“Mom, I’m 20 years old now.”
“Just cause you’re 20 it doesn’t mean you can’t make friends.”
“I take classes online and stay inside for weeks straight half the time. The other half being at work. ” Work being, well, Dedsec. Clients always preferred going at night. Granted, cleaning up the area during the day is much harder than at night considering all the bystanders during these jobs.
“Oh! You should be able to make friends with your new coworkers at the other branch then! Speaking of work, that reminds me, sweetie. Make sure to bring mace with you whenever you get back home. I don’t know why you’re so adamant on keeping this job, you work so late!” It’s not like mace is gonna fully stop someone. Especially not the kinds of guys you deal with on the daily.
“It plays really well!” Might not have insurance, but, still. Clients pay good money. “And anyway, by that logic, you should have been able to make friends with your old coworkers too.”
“That’s different, honey. I hated my old coworkers.” She gave you a sweet smile but you could feel the rage that was hidden underneath. But you just rolled your eyes.
“Yep. Had an earful of that info everyday. Thanks.”
“You’re seriously just as bad as mom now when it comes to complaining, sis.” Your aunt finally came out of the bathroom and was currently heading towards your grandmother's room to help her out of bed.
“They could barely organize their files! Madeline couldn’t even train me properly!” You and your aunt just gave each other a knowing look before giving your mom little nods as she went off on another tangent about her coworkers. After that whole spiel, you finally got around to carrying your sweet pit bull, Ripley, into the car trunk (All the boxes were in the moving truck just behind you all).
“God, she’s just a big baby, aren’t you?” Your mom baby talked to the big dog often, who in turn gave a happy bark as if saying ‘I am! You gotta love me!’, your mother then turned to you. “I’m still shocked you can carry her so easily like that… She’s as big as you!” To which you just shrugged. Finally, your aunt came, grandma in one hand and helped the elder woman in the car before taking her seat next to grandma.
“I guarantee you’re gonna love it in California, mauppy.” Your aunt said. She did live in California for almost ten years now, so she was the expert compared to the rest of you. You just rolled your eyes at the nickname and another one of these ‘hey new places to live but you’ll love it!’ talk.
“I think Uncle Scott is gonna be the happiest out of all of us, he’s gonna have his impulse control back.”
“Yeah, he ate two large pizzas by himself in under an hour just the other night.”
“I don’t see what’s wrong, that’s just a Tuesday night.”
“Sweetie. I’m going to marry him in a couple months. Next thing you know he can’t even fit into his tux and just have his whole gut out while we say our vows.” You wince at the image. Yeah that… That looks kind of sad.
“ Next thing you know you’ll have to roll around your husband to his clients !” Your grandmother joked around before taking a puff of her inhaler. You all laughed at the thought before you quietly checked your purse for your daily asthma meds and inhaler.
Good. Everything is ready to go.
Goodbye, Home.
Hello, San Francisco.
As you fell asleep during the road trip, you dreamt of a familiar masked man.
You smiled at the image of his hidden face.
Finally, it was time to move everything in the new house. Just as you got out of the car, you stood still as if the ice queen herself froze you.
Both your legs were asleep.
“Aw, while your legs are waking up, make sure to help Ripley get used to the new house!” Your aunt said as she helped grandma from the car, you let out a pained groan that your aunt took as an affirmative sound.
After all the boxes were in the house and you got the dog’s bed in your room, you flopped onto your bed. Exhausted to the bone. Unfortunately, you just received a text message. Limply, you flipped yourself over and reached for your phone.
Oh, It’s Clara!
It's been a couple years since you’ve seen her. She and Aiden finally got together soon after the whole Damien and Maurice situation, moving in with Aiden’s sister and nephew. Good riddance, they always gave each other googly eyes.
So gross.
Wonder how he’s doing now?
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You let out an exasperated huff at the memory.
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Yeah but like… The man has a justice boner sometimes. Not literally but, he tried to catch every. Single. Crime  he walks past. That man has never relaxed a day in his life.
Someone got robbed on the street over? Guess who’s already there. The almighty masked vigilante! The man’s probably never relaxed a day in his life, hell, you never even seen the dude take a nap.
God… You already missed Chicago.
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You put your phone on charge on top of the nightstand near your bed, turning off the lights and finally getting into bed to sleep off all the work.
Tomorrow is going to be a long ass day.
You can feel it in your gut.
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polygamyff · 5 years
7. Part 4
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Stretching my body out as my eyes fluttered open, my eyes still hooded as I stared to the side of me. An empty bed, no sign of Maurice. Last night I went to sleep before him and wake up after him, clearly he had slept in the bed but no comfort in this, no comfort from his touch against me. The biggest sigh left my lips, I have the worst feeling that today is not what I seem it’s going to be like, I have only come to spend time with him but he’s just always doing something. I think he knew he annoyed me last night, that face he pulled when the word marriage came out from my lips, it was like he suddenly didn’t want to know. It was ok when he was making love to me but now the word marriage is scaring him, but what about me. He scared my ass when he did that, he has pissed me off with that and I am still just that. He plays himself off because of money, nobody fucking cares about money, I really don’t anyways. I wish I placed my phone close by because now I have to drag myself out of bed, annoying. Maurice is so much more loving in California then here, his mind is never mine and he’s always thinking or doing something. I didn’t want to be here to be his second shadow or even burden him, he should have just been upfront with this.
Picking my phone out from my bag, a text from mommy. I actually didn’t call her, damn. She is not going to be happy at all. Unlocking my phone to read the message.
From: Mommy
To: Robyn
Hope you have got there ok Robyn, your dad is blowing a fit. You said you would let us know, remember this is hard for us, you’re with a man we don’t know, so please be mindful. Love you x
Taking in a deep breath, I did really forget about it. I know my parents are not happy. They want to know this man, they hearing about this unknown guy and I am flying away to him. It is a lot for them, but my mom knows my feelings to Maurice is strong so that is why she has backed down, I do feel bad in texting her at least but let me reply back now.
To: Mommy
From: Robyn
I am sooooo sorry mom, it slipped my mind. As soon as I saw him it just got hectic but I’m fine, I’m with Kellen too so don’t worry and Tif is here x
I just want my mom to have a peace of mind because I don’t care about them two but she will feel more happier that I am with some people she knows, I hope she don’t get annoyed at the fact I forgot but knowing my mom she will be. Placing my phone on top of the table in the room, I am not about to wear this out there. I did bring Maurice’ hoodie with me so I can wear that, walking slowly towards my suitcase. Crouching down, grabbing my slides and placing them down. I am sure I placed the hoodie right at the bottom, shifting the clothes a little to the side. There we go, yanking it out of my suitcase, I would actually walk around like this but I have no bra on and my panties be riding up my ass too, there is other boys out there too. Placing my feet in the slides as I placed the hoodie over me, I can deal with my legs being out. I hope I don’t look too much of a mess, dragging open the bedroom door. It’s weird because in the bedroom you don’t hear shit, open the door you hear everything. They are even listening to music, and being rowdy.
Slowly walking the hallway that leads straight into the living area, I instantly see Maurice in a wife beater “hold the fuck still, seriously. Like I am here helping your ungrateful ass” that chick is here again, it’s early in the morning. I am not feeling her being crouched down right in front of Maurice “it’s just a small mark, it’s wiped off now. You out here complaining” she is wiping something off his black slacks he got on “cool, pass me my belt” Maurice said as he paced away from her, Shawn is even awake and Malik. He is smoking a blunt “Robyn, you awake” my eyes dragged to Maurice’ face, he walked towards me but I was quick walk around him. That shit is not it and it was not something I expected from him, I think I am so right. These rich men have sex with everyone, I am not about to start anything because I don’t know this chick “your belt….” the girl dragged out and stared at me, she is a girl. I don’t know her like that “Rob G in the morning” I wish the kitchen was in a different part but it’s literally here, they can see me still. I want food before I slap someone “you want some food? We can go and get some?” staring at Malik “where is the food?” I asked “we have pizza from last night, I was hungry. You have options, you can either order it here or we can go there or we get Ally to go, we have options. I am hungry too” I assumed this was a hotel, I thought wrong but I am not about to cook “Maurice already ate, Ally bought him his stuff. Perks of having an assistant” he didn’t even think of me, not only does he not want to marry me he is forgetting me “do I look ugly?” I asked Malik “no, it’s crazy you walk out looking fine no matter” I’ll take that “we can go and get some food” I need to eat.
Placing my shades over my eyes, these braided pigtails have lasted through the night but will be a pain to do later. We can be quick and get some food I guess, I just need some food “where you going with your shades on?” oh he comes now “ain’t you busy having some girl crouched in front of you or are you used to that position?” Maurice’ mouth fell open “wow Robyn, that is messed up. How you going to say that to me? She is my assistant, we work every day together. Why you being like this?” I ain’t being like shit, just stating the truth “assistance don’t be on the their knees ok? You may not be used to having a partner but shit works differently. I am going to assume you not used to having a girl around, I am a woman. I know this shit, don’t be play me. I am going to get some food” pushing by him, he really think I am stupid. Assistant my ass, I will keep making remarks and being pissed with him until he can admit it. Walking into the living area “Malik, come on” Shawn looked confused, he is too high to notice shit “I have a better offer now Ally, I don’t need you” Malik said to her but I don’t know what he was speaking about.
I am kind of regretting walking around with just a hoodie on in New York, I am mess. I ain’t even washed my ass, I am walking around this place “we could have got a SUV, you do know that?” this long ass line in Subway is not it, it’s the closest thing but even this wasn’t as close “so I have to speak to your brother” I was determined to not “oh, why y’all not speaking already?” Malik likes to not stand still, does he have ADHD “because I have a feeling he used to fuck with that girl, his assistant. I don’t want to see her in my face, or even in that position and then we was just talking and I said marriage. Maurice like brushed me off, he didn’t even want to know so that annoyed me “oh” Malik said, looking down at his hands and he is really scratching his hand, like there is an open wound already on there “are you ok?” turning fully to him “you’re like hurting your hand” grabbing his arm “stop it” he moved his hand away “I am fine, but yeah. My brother does like you, he wouldn’t fuck Ally. They just close, Maurice wouldn’t let me shoot my shot if that” grabbing Malik’ hand and looking at the wound “you’re making me want to fix that for you” squinting my eyes staring down at the wound “you burnt yourself? Does it not hurt? This is fresh, did you not disinfect it? Seriously stop poking it” looking up at Malik, he is sweating “we need to check on that” I am not going to question him on it.
I was going to bring this back to eat at the apartment but decided against, I will eat it here. Now that I am actually seeing Malik, I can see the difference in him. He was very much fine but there is really something odd with him, I don’t want to say anything but he is not eating either and I spent money on that “Malik” I said his name, he has been staring out of the window for the longest “Malik!” I half shouted, he looked at me “why are you staring at the guy? He is getting annoyed” every symptom is screaming drugs, I can see it all over him and know I am stuck with him “he’s after me, I know it” god help me “I doubt it” maybe we should go back “you got a problem nigga?” some guy said behind me, Malik stared at me like the fuck am I going to do “speaking to you nigga!? You got a fucking problem?” looking behind me “he doesn’t, there is no issues here. So please” this guy is so scary, my god “not speaking to you princess, you fine” I will just take that “we are going now, just please” getting up from the chair “you lucky she is here, don’t be staring at niggas like that!” he pointed at Malik, I felt like today wasn’t going to be good.
The moment where I have to hold Malik’ hand, he keep touching the wound and I don’t like it “we have to bandage that up for you” I got a few things from the store, you know what. I should stayed my ass in California, Leon would have been laughing at me if he was here and say this is what I deserve “sorry” Malik said “for what?” I said holding his hand as we got to the complex “I am ok, I mean I am trying to be” clearly he’s not, dragging open the door and walking into the building “I understand, you just need help” pressing the button the elevator “does Maurice know you are taking drugs?” I have to know “he said suck it up” he knows, still let me go with him. This is what I get for searching for food, my life. Tapping the keycard and pushing the door open, how am I even juggling things like this. Least someone is dressed, I would compliment how handsome he is but I won’t, Maurice mean mugged me so hard “why are you holding my brother’ hand!?” he shouted, I forgot all about that “it’s not about you ok? Come, let’s get your hand bandaged” I am caring, I have to see this through now so forget him.
I am just glad to have bandaged that up, he can stop poking it for whatever reason he is doing it. Maurice on the other hand cleared the living room, there was a few people here “now you can’t touch it” holding Malik’ hand up, he smiled at me “you nice” that is just me “the fuck is this!?” here he is “are you blind? Can’t you see your brother is suffering? He is coming down from drugs, he hurt himself” Maurice looks furious, he is so very mad. I have never seen Maurice mad, why would I. I always see the nice side to him “what did I say to you? This should have happened” Maurice reached over and gripped Malik from his top and dragged him straight off the couch, I gasped “Maurice” I said in shock “stay there!” he spat, he is dragging his poor brother “I would stay out of it Robyn” Shawn said, he is so calm about this. The door banged shut “but what is he going to do to him? Seriously?” I don’t like this “see what happens, he won’t hurt his brother. It’s fine, just let it happen” I want to know what, what is he doing.
I am not happy with Maurice at all, like what ever he doing to him is wrong. It just makes me wonder how bad his parents are, both of the kids like that. Broke my heart seeing Malik like that, Maurice finally appeared out of the bedroom and closed the door. Staring at the door waiting for Malik to appear out but he didn’t, looking back at Maurice’ face wondering what he did. His Tuxedo is intact “sorry you had to deal with that” Maurice apologised “don’t say sorry, I want to know if he is ok?” Maurice walked off and into our bedroom “come with me” he gestured, getting up from the couch and followed him to the bedroom “I would like to know what you did?” He acting all cool and calm right now but I want to know, closing the bedroom door behind me “where is your brother Maurice? There was no need to do that at all, dragging him off like that. He harmed himself” Maurice is the least bit happy but his brother needs help “I assumed he would have been ok but obviously not” Maurice turned to face me, I felt slightly awful because I can see the stress all on his face. This is what he deals with everyday, I am just seeing the bare minimum “you good though yeah? I shouldn’t have let you gone with him, I saw he was ok but he wasn’t. He didn’t harm you or anyone?” Shaking my head “do I look harmed? I held his hand to bring him home that was it” Maurice nodded his head “look, I did what I had to do. Until I have got the time to take him” raising an eyebrow “do what? Exactly?” Did he knock him out or something “I erm, I let him have some drugs to calm him and help him” my eyes bulged our “what!? Are you trying to kill him? He needs help, not the drugs, oh my god” this is stressful “I don’t need this, I don’t need him acting out right now. I am late and I need to go, you more than likely think what Kellen thinks of me but I got to do what I go to do” this is a mess, this whole trip is a mess.
I feel a little helpless, this is his family so who am I. I can only support him, no wonder he’s always stressed and like this. Maurice remained silent with me, with the huffing and puffing he is thinking “I just want you to get him help, please” I said in a whisper “I will, not just right now. I get it, it’s a mess. I’m sorry, I really wanted to see you and this is what I get, I am sorry my family is crazy I didn’t want to expose you to that but it’s too late” his phone started ringing, he didn’t bother to touch it but just closed his eyes and sighed out “Robyn I need to go, I’m sorry. I will be busy today, I will be at my hotel. Shawn will take you to the event, I am sad I am missing it with you. Please forgive me. Tonight I will be yours, I promise” I want to be mad with him, I want to scream out how dare you make me come here but everything is a mess in all ends “I’m so sorry” clenching my teeth together as I breathed out heavily through my nose, walking over to Maurice. Placing my hand over his clasped hands and moving them down, getting onto my tiptoes and wrapping my arms around his neck “you looks so handsome” I said in his ear, Maurice held my body close “I am embarrassed, like that shit actually happened. I will come back, please take a picture so I can see you ok?” Moving back from the hug “I will, you better be back for me tonight, I came here for you and right now you need me to hold you down so you better” Maurice nodded his head, he pressed a kiss to my lips.
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I feel like shit is becoming a living hell, I didn’t think stupid over here would have done that with Robyn. I don’t even want to speak to Malik, I just want to get this thing over and done with so I can go back to Robyn, I think I need to make it up to Robyn after today. Even though Malik fees like shit he has not choice but to come here, I told him we doing this together “get out of the car” I said to him as I got out of the SUV, slamming it shut. Fastening up my button on the suit jacket, least Robyn says I’m handsome, that all that matters. I know last night I kind went off with Robyn, she said marriage I was like nope. I just need to get out of one marriage first before that, Robyn doesn’t know that though. Malik dragged himself out of the SUV “you can do this, it’s a couple of hours. We got this” I just want to get him in rehab now, staring down at Malik’ hand. That inner surgeon came out of her “I’m trying, I’m fine now. I just want to party now” he smiled at me, he will be sticking right by me so he can think again with that.
As soon as I got into my hotel Ally is already waiting for me “did you get dressed?” I pointed laughing “ha, ha, ha. Hilarious, your dad is here. I mean everyone is here” I wonder what she mean by everyone being here, the party ain’t until tonight here that is when I am running “ok, take me to them” following behind Ally “is that your new fuck buddy?” Ally openly asked “who?” I said confused “that girl walking around just half dressed coming out of what I think is your bedroom” Ally need to shut her mouth “you don’t need to worry about her Ally, and she’s not a fuck buddy” I corrected her with that, Robyn is not my fuck buddy she is my girl but I won’t say that just yet “then she is something to you, where you get her from?” Ally is asking too many questions “if you know me so well then you will work it out” Ally side eyed me “California, you spent enough time there” see she knows “there you go” walking into the ground floor meeting room “you’re such a whore” seeing Nalah, she is always here “oh, well. Look at this, the family are all together” it’s a sign of hell “and Naomi” I knew she would come “she bought her family, great. I need a drink” my mom shook her head at me “anyways, I am so proud of you my boy. You have so many hotels under your belt, now Santa Monica. I am so very happy” nodding my head feeling not good, I want the day to end already “if dad just maybe gave me them, life would be great” my dad just smiled at me “Malik, what did you do your hand?” my dad asked him, looking behind “I hurt him but it’s lit, we lit. We good, Robyn helped me” my eyes widened, is he stupid “who is Robyn?” my dad asked “she is my friend” clearing my throat “so anyways, y’all ready to just get to the events?” I want to drop kick his stupid ass.
My soul feels like it’s not here, like these events. I feel they are so tedious to me and I really just want to be back with Robyn, I only come here because Tina is a very good client and she invited us. We make a hell of a lot of money with the party alone at the hotel, she wanted us to come to her fashion shit like we do every year. I have got Robyn in the Gucci gig, Tome ford too and a few more but these a far from here. By the time we go back to the hotel she will be there, so it’s like a miss with that “come here you” Tina pointed at me, I ain’t about the camera bullshit “me?” my dad pushed me, walking onto the red carpet “in my dreams I am dating him” I mean if she was younger I would have but I’ll pass on that, placing my arm around Tina “he is a very close friend, treats me well. I have known Maurice since he was born” she said to the camera “come on” Tina shouted at my family to come over “Davenport family, we have all been in a hotel that your family practically own. Are you excited to see the fashion show?” nodding my head “as we do every year, support Tina the whole family. I am excited to see it all” I have no idea who I am speaking too “thank you Mr Davenport, take some pictures now” Tina laughed out loud “girl you don’t mind me stealing him” seeing Naomi right next to me “it’s ok Tina” Naomi said, I want the ground to swallow me right now. My heart is in my mouth right now, I just can imagine Robyn seeing this. Naomi placed her arm behind my back.
I am sweating my balls off, I swapped seats with my mom so I am now sitting with Nalah. I wanted to sit next to Malik but clearly my dad has got him “look over here” Nalah said at the side of me, looking over at her and then seeing her phone out. I smiled as she took the picture “you actually taking normal pictures, my little brother” my sister said looking down at her phone “you know” she paused mid-sentence “I always wanted to take that away from you” she locked her phone “take what?” I asked “this burden, not in a bad way but you take all the shit for us but it should be me. I am the oldest. We get away with it all, I do feel bad but I am proud of you. You have done so well with things, but I can so tell Malik has had something. He is so odd” rubbing the side of my face “I gave him a line, he was going crazy. I just wanted to get today done and Nalah. My life was written out for me as soon as I was born, I never had a choice. I was in diapers and travelling with dad, he was never going to leave it. I never saw mom, I was with dad. I had a carer that is how less I saw of you all, that time I was with you guys we near got taken away because of what happened. But it’s something that is happening to me, I don’t want you to feel bad. You still my older sister, even though you a bitch at times, you my sister” Nalah hit my arm “you an asshole still” I can take that because I am just that.
I am deadass staying away from Noami, I don’t want to be near that. Holding the care door open for my sister “we partying now?” Malik has been saying nothing but that “I swear to god, you annoying” Nalah complained, my smile grew seeing my hotel. It looks great, fit for a luxury party for the fit anyways. I don’t even think there is a single regular guest in here, it is just filled with the rich and famous “wine” sir the waiter outside of the red carpet asked “no for me but my sister will” I knew should have took a glass “help me got up these stairs” Nalaha hooked her arm around mine as we walked up the stairs “I hope to god I meet ASAP Rocky, I want his babies” scrunching my face up “you old though and you taken by some old man” my sister scoffed “you ruin everything, stay away from me” she walked off away from me, I am glad she gone. I can just try and just make sure things are going ok so I worm my way out.
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To be sat at a Gucci fashion show is amazing but also to be sat next to Shawn and not my man hurts, I wanted him with me but it’s whatever. I didn’t know this place has assigned seats and Maurice got me on front row, like how does he do it. I have clocked Tif, she is in the back. My heart fluttered seeing someone point at me, that is so awkward “why is someone pointing at me?” I said to Shawn “maybe they like you, probably. This place is full of designers” he got a point “what you think though? There is a few things I like you know” shifting in my seat “I like the bags, that is a thing I may actually buy” Shawn’ eyes are so beautiful, they draw you in. That shit is scary “cool, you like it then? I don’t really come to these things but it was actually decent” I wish Maurice is here “thank you for coming, I wanted to be mad at Maurice but I couldn’t, you know. We really wanted to see each other and we did but he’s busy. He has so much going on” Shawn didn’t look fazed “honestly Robyn, I hate it for him. I see him stressed free with you, when he came back from Cali I was like you a whole ass new man, you are good for him” smiling a little “you think Maurice would move to California? I want to ask him” Shawn chuckled “you know what, you ask he will do it but he will always be going Texas once a week. But you could change that, I feel you can” Shawn thinks I can, that is crazy.
I actually want to see Maurice’ hotel, I heard it is like one of the tallest hotels in New York “we are close to Davenport hotel right?” I said to Shawn “just around the block why?” he said, I want to go there and see it “maybe we can go there and and then get Maurice to come home” Shawn paused not saying a word, he just stared ahead “why don’t we just go back to the apartment?” waving him off “you can follow me” I am sure he will, walking off. I want to see my man’ hotel so why not, he never took me there so I want to go there “Robyn, wait up” see I knew he would come, placing my jacket over my shoulders “you men are so predictable” looking over at Shawn “how so? I couldn’t let you walk on your now” I grinned to myself “such a gentleman” I hope I see Maurice there “just that there is an event there and it’s like an exclusive event” what is Shawn trying to get at with this “I will just tell them to get Maurice, I did that last time. He saved my ass from the doorman” Shawn’ smile grew “why?” Maurice is forever saving my ass “because I parked my car outside the hotel and he was like you can’t do that, he chased me all the way inside and I goes to him speak to Maurice he knows. He assumed I didn’t know him but obviously Maurice said it to him and he was quiet after that” I just want to spend some time with Maurice, I am being so calm about this.
The hotel is huge, it looks beautiful but wow “this was the second hotel that the Davenport family bought back then, Texas was the first hotel. I still don’t understand how his great great grandfather got it, they say the guy was a con artist but we will never know. But they are very much business men, they have a whole neighbourhood in New Jersey. It’s literally named their street, it’s an amazing business they are in but there is a lot of family politics. Back in the day they made that stupid rule, it has to be you first born son. It’s something that has been passed down, which to me sucks. Nalah would have been fine with it” Shawn should be a tour guide “ever thought of being a tour guide?” Shawn snorted laughing “perhaps but we can just see it, I did text Maurice and they are busy still” nodding my head “I just want to see” these doormen are bodyguards, scary ones too. Walking up the steps “names please” one of the guys said “Shawn, should be on their with the family” Shawn said behind me “what about yours?” the guy looked at me “are you asking for yourself or to check the sheet?” the bodyguard just busted out laughing “wow!” he shook his head “well it can be both ways, you funny” he pointed at me “get inside, I am guessing you’re with Shawn” shaking my head “not really but thank you” I winked at him.
Shawn is laughing so much at me “do you know you can use your face for everything? Got niggas just letting us come in” I can hear the music in this place “can we just have a little look, just one little peek. I will be good” Shawn slouched forward “you are a pain, just stay close” twirling around and skipping towards the music, I have no idea where I am going. Grabbing the wine as I made my way down the hallway, the music getting louder as I got close. The double doors opened up and the music is well and truly blaring out, that hall looks amazing “he’s such an asshole Shawn! I am so fucking done with him” looking behind me, wonder why she is upset “you’re here Naomi!” Shawn spat but that lady just pushed passed him, Shawn shook his head “let’s just go!” he shouted, I really don’t want to go though. Downing the wine, I think I have seen enough though. Staring down into the hall, I cam see Maurice from here “we should go, I want to get some pizza too” staring at Maurice with this woman, they are both laughing a lot. My hearts wants me to go in there and hug him, this makes me so sad. So close but yet so far, Maurice placed his arm around this woman “that is Tina, she is a client” Shawn said, dragging my eyes away “let’s go” I think I want to go back now.
These heels hurt like a bitch, placing the empty wine glass down on the reception desk “come again” the lady said, I didn’t even know she was sat there “complimentary for the business” she held out a magazine “thank you” taking it from her, smiling at her faintly walking off “come on then Shawn, let’s get pizza” New York pizza is supposed to be nice actually, walking out of the door “leaving so soon? That was quick” twirling around to the bodyguard “maybe I was never supposed to be here and you let me in?” he doesn’t know that “never thought of that did you?” his face dropped “why did you come here for? You’re out now anyways” I shrugged “to sight see, thanks for the wine boo” blowing him a kiss “you cali girls are crazy” I am just that at times.
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diamond-song42 · 6 years
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Pone Reviews 66: School Daze, Part 1 and 2 IT'S HERE! Welcome back to Pone Reviews. I have been so excited to share my thoughts on our new season opener with you. I won't leave you waiting: Here's my take on "School Daze!" To start, the moral. "Everything is unique, so the way we teach must be adapted to be unique as well." The episode stresses this with friendship specifically, but it's really applicable to any subject. Learning "by the book" isn't a great way to learn for many people. The simple classroom format with blackboard lectures and workbooks can go over people's heads. That's why each subject that is taught should be changed depending on the subject. Look at the School of Friendship curriculum, for example. It's hard to instill kindness when it is on paper and not hands-on. Teach it with cute animals! Laughter is similar. Can't do enjoyable activities like games and magic tricks when you're just reading about them. The whole situation reminds me of how traditional colleges don't mesh with some people when trade schools, beauty schools, or liberal art schools would do the trick. And I appreciate that the show is up to the time. They're not shunning traditional education: They're showing that different things work for different people and different teaching methods work for different subjects. Thanks, show! Now, the plot. Turns out the world is more than just Equestria... let's open a school! I'm going to get really philosophical here, guys. If anything, I believe this episode is actually a political commentary on racism. Chancellor Neighsay was insistent on going by the book, which is understandable with his organization basically being the all-mighty school dictator. His big problems were rooted in how he saw the yaks, dragons, griffons, hippogriffs, and Changelings. Neighsay believed the non-pony creatures were lesser than the ponies and thus undeserving of the same lessons. He partially based his decision to close the school on how the five non-pony students "attacked." Of course, the leaders were pissed, but he stood by his opinions. Neighsay's behavior brings to light a sad but real truth our world faced (and still faces). I am having trouble formulating words to describe this situation as it is such a strong subject. What was our nation's mindset that we thought lesser races weren't full people? It is an especially important message in this political climate. Somehow, we still think we have the right to be cruel to people of other races, genders, and sexualities. If anything, we should treat the character of Chancellor Neighsay as a reminder not to be that way again. We *can't* go back. As the song said, friendship always wins. It's moments like these that remind me how much I love and appreciate this show. (Seriously though, if you are a white supremacist, get the hell off my blog. I don't want trash like you near anything I create. Back to the review.) Here are some more moments from this episode that are going into the yearbook: *Ocellus. Every time Ocellus was on screen. She is a gem and must be protected at all costs. She is so pure. I love her so much. This blog might be converted to an Ocellus appreciation blog. *Gotta hand it to the students for thinking of the Castle of the Two Sisters. It's isolated and has tons of areas to live in. Also the students running away together has to be one of the sweetest things I've ever seen in this show. *DANG STARLIGHT! That pep talk was incredible. Mad props. *"STAIRS!" Silverstream is basically a bubble child. You know Cameron from the Total Drama series? She's the female equivalent of him. Her finding out about all these outside things may be a bit annoying to some, but I find her enthusiasm absolutely delightful. *Maurice LaMarche as Chancellor Neighsay everypony! For those unaware, Maurice is a voice acting god. He has done roles in animations like "Pinky and the Brain" and "Zootopia." So seeing him here is a great surprise. And he'll be back! Don't suppose we could get Rob Paulsen to do a role alongside Neighsay next time? *THE MOVIE IS CANON, FOLKS. THE MOVIE IS CANON. *The Gallus puppy dog eyes kill me. PWEEZ GWAMPA GWUFF *Gotta get an appearance from our favorite grey Pegasus... what was her name again? *The students' plan to reappear during the Friends and Family Day party is... actually pretty good. I like logic and the logic makes sense. Good on ya. *PUKWUDGIES! Another Harry Potter creature emerges in the Poniverse. *Love the busts of the Pillars of Old Equestria. They essentially formed the Mane 6's partnership - it would be right to give them some love at the school! *Oh, what up, Pharynx! I love the look on his face - he's just as confused as the rest of us. *CUPCAKES ARE BEST CAKES!!! And here are some moments from this episode that are getting an F: *Gotta love how Twilight says that the school is for every creature when Yona, Silverstream, Ocellus, Gallus, and Smolder ARE LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES OF THEIR SPECIES ATTENDING THE SCHOOL. (Spike doesn't count as he isn't a formal student.) *"They're gonna think I'm an egghead!" You admitted yourself in "Read It And Weep" that you're an egghead! *Is Grampa Gruff the grandfather of every griffon? We know he's at least Gilda's grandfather, but Gallus calls him Grampa, too, making Gallus and Gilda either siblings or cousins. It's all so confusing. *Poor Thorax being the only foreign leader who cares about peace. *Is Sandbar an orphan? He was the only significant student without an escort. *"Not even a princess can do whatever she likes when it comes to shaping young pony minds." Yeah, but... you're an all-powerful princess. Isn't that kinda the point? *How did that school building get put up so fast OH SCREW THIS *Fluttershy, I love you, but your gullibleness never ceases to amaze me. *The FRIENDSHIP School exercises corporal punishment! Also, they're fighting after what seems like a few days. Maybe it doesn't take that short of time for lessons to sink in? *Geez, Twilight shot back from her grief unusually fast. It's almost a bit unsettling. *Though the fight says a lot about how the Mane 6 aren't getting across to the students, it is a little brash to fight in a friendship school. *Chancellor Neighsay might be a big priss, but some of his points regarding the other creatures are valid. The Changelings, though they've been reformed for some time here, have only been nice for a little while in Equestria, not to mention Chrysalis is still on the loose. Meanwhile, Flash Magnus and the Royal Legion fought dragons in the past, with the dragons attacking first. And the yaks literally DECLARED WAR after the ponies didn't quite get their traditions right. *Twilight's kinda right - party cannons in a classroom might not end well. To close it out: An educational episode with outstanding political messages and adorable Changelings. Excuse me while I buy all the Ocellus merch. 4.5 out of 5 rainbows 🌈🌈🌈🌈% Thanks for reading my first Season 8 Pone Review. Come back Saturday for another throwback episode featuring a map adventure! Let's do this, Season 8! Diamond out!
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maggins · 8 years
well it’s been a few days so i guess it’s alright to post this so here’s some of my thoughts on the live action BatB
tl;dr: I liked some of the new things, but I’m..... salty about others.
SPOILERS under the cut! mobile users please scroll through this! (sORRY it’s pretty long, I didn’t mean for it to get so long wOOPS;;; )
okay so I have been pretty excited about this movie since that teaser trailer came out bc wow the aesthetic possibilities that arose were pretty intriguing, and hey, it’s a Beauty and the Beast story, and I’m a goddamn sucker for those sO YAY
and...... I dunno, I went into this movie wanting to love it, and I think I came out just.... liking it. in terms of my opinion on Disney making live action remakes of their animated films, I’m kinda neutral; so far I don’t love them, but I also don’t mind them either. I thought Maleficent and Cinderella were okay, I didn’t think there was anything particularly extraordinary about them, but they weren’t all that bad either. Jungle Book was a pleasant surprise; I never really blogged much about it, but basically, I didn’t really know what to expect out of it but it ended up being my favorite out of those three in terms of giving a new twist to a familiar story (tbh it could also have to do with my personal experience with the original movies; I had never seen Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty as a kid, and only watched them much later on in my life and I guess I never truly appreciated them that much bc both films seem very much like products of their time; but I did own and watch a VHS of Jungle Book many times, so the nostalgia factor might be accountable as well)
Beauty and the Beast, however, is another matter. I have also never seen/owned this movie during my childhood (tragic, I know; the only times I remember seeing clips from it was in the trailers of my other Disney VHS’s). I believe the first time I saw it I was in my preteens or something, but boy did I ADORE this movie, even if it took me a while to get to see it. The music and characters and story and aesthetics.... mAN I loved it all
so since this live action adaptation was based on a more recent film that I quite adored, I got pretty excited for it! Like, sure, there wouldn’t be any way it would surpass the original, but at least I could get some new concepts and backstories to characters I loved! (the thing with the prince’s family they were hinting at in the teaser trailer got me sO EXCITED)
AAaaand I guess that’s pretty much what I got?? But still, there was something about the new movie that wouldn’t quite let me connect emotionally with the characters, and I’ve been feeling super salty about that??
I’ll be honest, I thought I’d cry when I would watch this movie and... I didn’t. I just... had so many nitpicks and I couldn’t stop thinking about them throughout the film, and I think that really damaged my enjoyment of it???
my major nitpicks:
I have a SERIOUS issue with the pacing/timing in this film. I think in the original, scenes would flow very neatly into each other, and it never left me with the sense of “wait, what??”. In the live action, I felt like some scenes were cut SO abruptly and some things were happening so fast it barely left me any room to let the emotions sink in; for example, I very SPECIALLY felt this on the scene were the Beast lets Belle go; like sure, I understand she has some urgency in going to her father, but in this version I barely felt anything from either of them, whereas in the original they at least take some time to convey that that scene was a goodbye, in the way that the Beast looks over the rose and weighs his options before saying he’s letting her free, and in the way that Belle reaches out to him in thanks before leaving
some acting?? I dunno, but at times I felt like they were just reciting a script and not acting it out... and it was seriously lacking in some gesticulation at times (I think this because I keep going back to the animated version and I feel that it is SO much more expressive than what they accomplished in the live action. Just compare both versions of Belle’s reprise scene; in the original Belle is just gesticulating and twirling around and looking the distance and wow that’s powerful stuff and it sticks with you; in the remake it felt more bland, like she runs up the hill and twirls once and then just.... stands there........ sigh idk)
the end scene?? it was supposed to be the emotional climax of the film?? and I think I ended feeling a LOT more for the servants turning inanimate than for Beast fricking dying in Belle’s arms??? like, I felt like there was supposed to be a “oh my god you’re here you’re actually here I’m so glad to see you again” moment between Belle and the Beast when he jumped to be next to her on the balcony, but they just stood there almost at arm’s length and I just wanted them to fucking hug or give each other some sort of physical reassurance?? after that I felt like Belle and Beast’s small dialogue before he dies was so rushed, it all just..... it felt bland to me; I dunno if it was really just me or something, but...... siGH
One thing I expected going into the movie was more layers/backstory to the main characters and on that account I wasn’t disappointed, like we DID get more on Belle and the Beast’s stories, but.... I left wanting even mORE?? remember me mentioning I was super pumped about the portrait of the Beast’s parents in the teaser trailer because holy shit I was so here for that!!!........ and then all we got was a few lines from Mrs. Potts and the first verse in the Days in the Sun song. that. was. it??!?
about the Dress Discourse™: I’ve seen the posts about it, and on that I say: it’s not an ugly dress per se, but I felt like it was the wrong dress for this movie. I think it failed to evoke the dress from the original movie, and it failed to evoke the time period. tbh I think that dress only looks nice when it’s actually moving, so I didn’t mind it too much during the actual dance scene. However in that little scene before that, when she’s just standing there at the top of the stairs, it..... doesn’t look iconic at all. OH, and that scene with the little gold details falling down from the ceiling/whatever to settle down on the dress....... yeah, I didn’t buy that. It felt superfluous, and I think what they were trying to do there was something along the lines of the dress scene in the Cinderella remake. But hey, it actually MADE sense to have a pretty/sparkly dress transformation scene in Cinderella because hey, it’s part of her actual story to have her rags turn into a beautiful dress. In this movie, however.... it made no sense for that scene to be there other than for the *・゚✧sparkly✧・゚* factor??? it was unnecessary, and tbh i think it robbed screentime from more important stuff 
I know I keep comparing both the original and the live action, and one might come at me like “you should treat each of them as their own thing!”; well, I honestly don’t know if I can at this point when a lot the live action is a shot-by-shot remake, and just... at least for me, in the shot-by-shot recreated scenes, there failed to be an emotional connection as strong as in the original movie, you know what I mean?.... A scene that’s coming to my mind is when Belle is making her way to the West Wing. In the original, she felt inquisitive, but also very cautious all the way there, with her walking slowly, and her slight hesitations in posture and gestures. In the remake.... I felt like she just speed-walked all the way up to the West Wing, the whole time I was like “girl, you’re in a completely new environment and you have no idea of what’s coming, there’s no way you’d feel that confident”
I dunno, I suppose I knew the remake wasn’t going to be as good as the original overall, but... it lacked the original’s charm, it didn’t suck me all the way through into the story and characters, and that’s been bothering me so much, man; I really wanted to love this movie and I was a bit disappointed :(
Now, were there things that I actually liked? yeah!
M A U R I C E. good gOD, he was fantastic, and I’m a much bigger fan of his live action version than the animated one. I loved that he was an artisan/artist, I love his and Belle’s relationship and how much they genuinely loved and supported each other. He was awesome, 1000/10, Dad of the Year™, would recommend (his fucking reaction to Chip was priCELESS friCK)
I feel that Belle and Beast had more moments together and I loved their bickering and bonding over books it was v nice~
I enjoyed ALL the musicals numbers sO MUCH; I loved hearing the old ones with a new twist and bOY they were such a delight to hear, I was grinning the whole time; and the new ones were wonderful too!! as you’ve noticed, I mcfreaking loved Evermore, Days in the Sun was a nice little tune that gave light to many characters’ feelings/backstories and I quite enjoyed that; and How Does a Moment Last Forever, however short it might have been between Maurice’s and Belle’s versions, was so wonderful and I loved that music box quality it had to it
Belle wanting to teach young girls to read? Being a tinkerer/inventor? fuCK YEAH I LOVED THAT??!?
aesthetically, the movie’s fricking GORGEOUS; that castle was incredible and I wanna go there
I kinda liked how they tried to cover up some plot holes from the animated movie? Like how they don’t mention how many years this curse has been going on, but it’s very clear that it was set when the prince was already an adult (unlike the he-was-supposedly-cursed-at-11-but-somehow-there-are-paintings-of-him-as-a-young-man thing from the original), and the curse also affecting the memories of the villagers, that kind of stuff was neat and I’m glad they thought of that
each time a petal falls the castle keeps falling apart and the servants turn more and more into the objets they were cursed into?? that was nEAT (and ultimately led to a pretty frickin tragic scene at the end yOU kNow THe oNE)
I loved Garderobe and Cadenza?? they were like an eccentric couple of travelling artists and bc of the curse they were separated in different parts of the castle bc they couldn’t move around too much and mAN I felt for them I loved them
I liked this new Beast; but in the point that I’m very much aware that he’s very different from the animated one, and I’m okay with that, you know, something a little different but that is still recognisable isn’t bad, and I love both versions of him. Good job, Dan, you did gr10
stuff I’m still pondering if I like or not??
I’m.... not sure how to feel about Agathe/the Enchantress?? like, woah okay it’s actually cool that she stuck around the area and didn’t just vanish after casting the curse, but... what was her agenda, exactly?? like, sure, teach the prince a lesson about inner beauty and yada yada; but I never got, and still don’t get why she ever felt the need to do what she did, both in the original film and in the remake. Also I have mixed feelings about her being there when Belle was crying over the Beast; like, I GET why she was there, technically they had run out of time and the Beast was fricking dead; but it also felt to me like she was intruding on a sensitive moment that was very much supposed to be Belle and Beast’s (one could argue the same thing kinda happened with Cogsworth/Lumière/Mrs. Potts being there in the original movie, but idk I didn’t feel their presence there as much as I felt Agathe’s in the remake)
AbOUT BELLe and tHE BeasT...... I’m reeeally conflicted about this, like I felt that there WERE more moments between them than in the original,  and I’m so here for that, but at times it also felt like they weren’t quite... connecting?? Again, I think the physical reassurance factor wasn’t quite as developed here as it was in the original, and I was quite disappointed by that idk
also about the thing with Belle’s mother and their magic-travel to Paris.... I know it was supposed to be a bit of a bonding moment between Belle and the Beast, but it also kept nagging at me that this moment should probably be hers and hers alone, and the Beast was just.... standing there?? I have a serious issue with some characters just standing there and doing nothing in certain moments in this film Like, if you’re going to have him there, at least have him comfort her in some way??? (again, pHYsiCAL reAssurAnCE iS imPorTAnt GuyS)
That’s.... all I can think of at the moment. At least, these were the major things that stuck out to me; I’ll be blogging more about this as time goes on in tag form, I guess. It’s weird, I’ve been feeling so salty because I wanted it to be so much more, and it just ended up being okay.
All in all, there were concepts introduced that I was really into, but as a whole it didn’t work all the way through for me. I’ll have the original film for that, I suppose
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