#seriously happy for mel and chris
myownarchnemesis · 5 years
The only person capable of getting Supergirl pregnant is Cat Grant with sheer will and bde. #seasonsixsupercat
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What I find funny is that while Katie is working with Mel Gibson, Chris is on Broadway and gets to cuddle with Melissa.
Not only that, but the comics finally included show!Lena, only to have her refer to Kara as her bestie once again.
Oh, but they're still winning somehow because the writer chose to stick with continuity and made Kara announcing her identity the headline of the paper in the background. Somehow this is equal to Kara being there as Kryptonian arm candy for their fave.
What just shows EXACTLY how heir words are nothing but bullshit and their headcanons. There is no grain of truth in their words and the fact they treat their own mental farts as facts is beyond hialrious. Sometimes I seriously think they are dumb enough to believe their own headcanons and that's a little scary.
Anyway, MW are thriving, are happy, healthy and look adorable and good for them. That's teh most important thing and smelties can choke <3
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buckys-other-punk · 4 years
Christmas Lies
Pairing: Chris Evans x Assistant!Reader
Request: I was thinking of Sebastian Stan/Chris Evans x (assistant) reader where reader is originally from another country and is living alone and is going to celebrate the holidays and made up an excuse  that she's celebrating with someone and is in the middle of prepping her Christmas eve dinner and was caught red handed that she's celebrating alone?😅😅 
Word Count: 1.8K
Warnings: cussing and some cliche fluff (the title may fool you but yes this is fluff)
A/N: Hello my loves! Wooo another request, I hope I did this justice and sorry if this sucks. I am a little late for a Christmas fic but hey its still the Christmas season right? Anyways here is a cute Christmas fic for y’all (Merry late Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Years!) As always please lemme know if you wanna be tagged in my future works and feedback is very much appreciated. This is unedited so don’t mind those mistakes. 
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Tis the season right? Yeah the season for stress and anxiety. A season where people had to find the perfect gifts for one another and hope that their gifts weren’t sold out. Luckily for you, you didn’t have to worry about that. Moving to the United States from your home country over two years ago it seemed pretty lonely, but more freeing than ever. You didn’t have any relatives that lived in America, but occasionally some would fly over to visit you. Sadly this year you were alone for the holidays. Your parents won a vacation to the Bahamas for the holidays and your older brother was expecting his first born anytime now. The rest of your family had various holiday plans and wanted to celebrate in your home country. So yeah, this year you were going to enjoy your own company.
“So do you have any plans for Thursday night?” Chris, your boss asked you.
“What’s happening Thursday?” you asked looking at him with confusion.
“Y/N, it’s Christmas Eve!” He exclaimed with a big smile.
“Oh fuck. Umm, well not really.” you shrugged. 
“Well you already know my plans. I gotta go to that party my brother wants me to attend.” Chris huffed out.
“Speaking of your brother, I got a call from him asking you to bring a date to said party.” you said to the man.
“Why don’t you come with me.” he said with a smirk.
This wasn’t the first time Chris has asked you to come with him to parties. Hell he asked you every time he was invited to one, but you always turned him down. He was your boss for crying out loud, wouldn’t it seem inappropriate to bring your assistant as your date? But, you weren’t gonna lie that the man was attractive, sweet, and you may or may not have a crush on him. He’s fucking Chris Evans. Shaking your head trying to think of a cover up of your actual plans for the night, which was nothing, and rejecting his offer just because well you don’t even know. 
“You know what, my cousin from my home country is actually visiting for a bit before she heads off to see her boyfriend in Hawaii.” you lied telling the man. Why were you lying again? Right, saving yourself from embarrassment.
“Oh, well that’s nice of her to stop by. I bet you’re gonna make a big feast.” Chris mumbled as he sipped his cup of coffee.
“You know I’m not gonna quit Y/N, you’re gonna have to go on a date with me someday.” he teased nodding your way.
“Yeah whatever.” you breathed out while rolling your eyes focusing back on your work. 
*Christmas Eve*
You were glad that the nearest grocery store was still open for you to grab some last minute ingredients for your dinner. Making a random stew recipe you found online that sounded pretty good and some brownies for dessert. Right when you got home you started making your brownies, from scratch, and once the batter was complete you put it into a tray and in the oven. You went to your room to change into your black Nike spandex shorts (since you haven’t done laundry and this was the only thing that was clean) and an oversized sweatshirt you stole from your brother before you moved to America. You weren’t trying to impress anyone since you were again alone for the holidays. Heading to the kitchen you began cutting the vegetables for your stew and boiling the broth when you heard your doorbell ring. 
“Please don’t be carolers. Please don’t be carolers.” you muttered to yourself crossing your fingers as you walked over to the door. When you opened the door you saw your boss standing in front of you wearing a black suit, looking handsome as fuck. “Chris, don’t you look nice. What are you doing here?” you said without any expression to the man.
“Y/N, you’re looking festive without pants.” he smirked, staring at you up and down.
“Fuck off. I’m wearing shorts underneath. Seriously, why are you here?” you asked again.
“I ditched my brother to hang out with you and your cousin.” he said smiling. 
“Oh thats so nice of you, but you didn’t have to come all this way.” you said trying to change the subject.
“What, that's ridiculous. I also forgot to give you your Christmas present.” he stated showing the nicely wrapped box that he hid behind his back. “Where is your cousin by the way?” Chris asked, trying to peek around your apartment.
“Oh, Mel? She’s in my room video chatting with her parents.” you lied pointing behind you.
“Aren’t you gonna let me in?” he asked.
“Yeah, sorry. Where are my manners.” you said moving out of the way for him to enter your home.
“Thanks.” he smiled as he stepped in again looking around your place. “Um, Y/N.” he said.
“Yeah, what’s up?” you asked as you shut the door behind you.
“Something smells like it's burning.” he stated looking back at you.
“Shit my brownies!!” you yelled as you ran to your kitchen. You put on your oven mitts and took out the burnt dessert and placed it onto your countertop. “Damn it!” you exclaimed.
“You forgot to put a timer on, didn't you.” Chris chuckled as he walked towards the kitchen bar island.
“Shut up.” you huffed shaking your head.
“Hey Y/N.” he started, drawing your attention back to him and not the burnt disaster. “You said your cousin was here right?” he asked.
“Yeah, why?” you replied, not really paying attention to him placing the burnt tray in the trash ans cute veggies in a pot.
“Well two things. One, why is your dinner table set up with only one plate. And two, your bedroom light is off.” he said pointing at the table behind him.
“Fuck.” you whispered underneath your breath as you looked up at the man. “Maybe Mel fell asleep?” you said with a shrug.
“You lied!” he exclaimed looking at you. “You sneaky shit! Why did you lie to me?”
“Because you’re my boss and I can.” you sassily said back with your hands on your hips.
“Y/N.” he said more sternly.
“Fine.” you said as you raised your hands in defeat. You walked around the counter towards your couch motioning Chris to follow you, which he did. “I lied because I didn’t want to go with you to the party.”
“Why not?” he asked, crossing his arms.
“Because. I don’t know. Isn’t it a little inappropriate that your date to a fancy party is your assistant?” you sheepishly asked averting your eyes from the man that sat next to you.
“Y/N, that’s a bullshit reason and you know it.” he cursed at you. “Tell me the truth.”
“Fine!” you said, taking a deep breath. “Honestly Chris, I kinda have a crush on you and I didn’t want to look stupid in front of your celebrity friends.” you shrugged looking away at the man.
“Now that wasn’t so hard was it?” he said quietly and he gently grabbed your chin to make you look up at him. “I’m glad you told me the truth Y/N.”
“What no snarky remark? No cheesy comeback?” you questioned.
“Nope.” he said with a smile.
“That’s it?” you asked looking into his greenish blue eyes.
“Yup that's it.” he smirked, staring at you.
“Hold up. I just confessed to you, my boss, that I have a crush on you and you’re not goin-” you started, but was cut off when you felt lips crash into yours. As Chris pulled away your eyes were still closed and your mind was in disbelief. Slowly opening your eyes, you stared at the man in front of you.
“Umm..did that..What just?” you were slightly panicking. Chris noted the panic. So he leaned in again and kissed you. This time you were aware that your boss was kissing you. Holy shit your boss, no fuck that CHRIS EVANS IS KISSING YOU! His eyes were closed and his hands were placed at your waist. As he began to pull away, you put your arms around his neck pulling him back towards you to deepen the kiss. The two of you pulled away, your foreheads still pressed together as you looked into each others eyes.
“Wait is that your Christmas tree?” Chris teased, still staring at you as he pointed at the small tree on the ground next to your record player. You leaned back and turned your head to look at your tree.
“Yeah, what’s wrong with it?” you asked, looking back at him.
“It’s kinda pathetic.” he joked, placing his arm over the back of your couch.
“Hey! That was the first tree I bought when I moved over here!” you yelled in defense playfully punching his arm.
“It’s cute is what I meant to say.” he chuckled, rubbing his arm.
“Whatever.” you said shaking your head. “Are we gonna talk about that kiss?” you asked.
“Why don’t you open your present first?” he replied.
“You're ignoring my question, but fine.” you huffed out a bit irritated. “Wait, did you wrap this?” you asked, looking at gift wrapped in green paper.
“Actually you did a while back.” he said rubbing the back of his head. “I was hoping you forgot about it and luckily you did.” Chris added chuckling.
“I don’t deserve whatever this is Chris. I didn’t even get you anything!” you exclaimed with wide eyes.
“That kiss was plenty enough.” he grinned towards you.
“Shut up, I’m serious.” you sighed and looked down at the gift.
“Stop moping and just open the damn thing.” Chris said, lifting your chin up and pointed towards the present.
“Alright fine.” you stated back, slowly undoing the elegant wrapping you worked so hard on. As you opened the present it was a box that said ‘Thank you for helping me get my shit together!’ You laughed at the note looking back at Chris.
“Open the box.” he smiled trying to hold in his excitement. You opened the box and inside was filled with confetti paper and a card at the center. You took the card out saying ‘I kind of sort of maybe like you a lot’ with a heart underneath. You looked back at the man who nodded signaling you to open the card. Inside of the card it said ‘will you go out with me? P.s. here’s $100 for you. No pressure;)’ A hundred dollar bill was taped at the bottom of the card.
“Is the money a bribe?” you asked.
“Nah, it's just for reassurance.” he answered chuckling. You laughed and took out the bill from the card.
“I went through all this work, wrapping a present beautifully, just to get one hundred dollars in return.” you said seriously.
“Well, if you don’t like the present I can always take it back.” he said upset.
“Chris I’m messing with you.” you smiled as you pulled him close to you placing a kiss on his lips. “I would love to go out with you.” you said.
“Oh thank god!” Chris exhaled pulling you close into a hug.
“I better be getting more money outta this relationship!” you teased as you were engulfed in the man’s embrace feeling the vibrations of his laughter.
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A/N: This was so cliche i hate it lol. Anyways did you like this late Christmas fic? lemme know! Again if you wanna be tagged in future fics, have any requests or just wanna chat hit me up! 
Tags: @lostinthoughtsandfeelings​ @sebtheromanianprince​​ @aquabrie​ @who-the-hell-is-sebastianstan @princess76179​​ @anbrax5553​​ @wintersoldierissucharide @caplanbuckybarnes​​ @miraclesoflove​​ @kitkatd7​ @saiyanprincessswanie​​ @fandomsandxfiles​ @hailmary-yramliah​ @coffeebooksandfandom​​ @thefallenbibliophilequote​​
^please lemme know if you wanna be added/removed for future tags or if i forgot you^
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theheightofdishonor · 3 years
Teen Wolf triads are something that can be so personal, so here’s a list of my faves 
The OG trio. The gang that dies together might not stay together, but they’re still iconic.
Any Scott/Stiles/X dynamic is brilliant, but few more than this one. These three have been there since the beginning and they’ve gone through so much together. There’s no Teen Wolf without them. 
They were the driving force in S1&2 and had some absolutely iconic moments together. Hate that there wasn’t more of them after that. 
Mostly based on S2/3. I was very invested in Isaac’s struggle to pick between these two. 
This triad’s dynamic completely changes between S2 and 3. In Season 2, Isaac, as part of Derek’s pack is a slightly antagonistic figure and it’s very much Scott&Stiles vs Isaac but in S3, Scott and Isaac grow closer while Isaac and Stiles erm, don’t. It’s very fun to watch. 
My ot3 and the only trio on this list that I 100% ship. 
Ayy, it’s the OG Hale Pack aka 3 teens bonding over being thrown headfirst into something they weren’t prepared for and Derek’s horrible leadership. Isaac should’ve ran away with Erica and Boyd for solidarity’s sake. 
Chris’s struggle between hating Isaac for dating his daughter and wanting to adopt him is hilarious. One of my favourites. 
 Who didn’t completely melt at Isaac joining the McCall fam? The scene where they’re ‘guarding’ Melissa was so cute. As a bonus, it made Stiles’s animosity towards Isaac that much stronger. Will forever hate that this trio was more or less non-existent in 3b even though I love Chris/Allison/Isaac. 
The non-dead Hales. Why oh why did Cora have to leave? Their family dynamic was great. 
I know they only had a couple scenes as a triad, but there was so potential. We love antagonism with underlying sexual tension. And ofc, the only thing better than 1 terrifying badass that can secretly be super sweet is 3 terrifying badasses. 
At one point, the only non-dead members of the Hale Pack (TW quickly amended that). I always think of the S3a Loft scene where Boyd and Isaac skip school to protect Derek. Despite how awful of an alpha Derek’s been, they still care about him and he cares about them (as actual people and not just betas that he needs for power like he did originally)
Yes it’s my 5th s3 based trio in a row, but can you blame me? This is 100% based off the classroom scene in 3x02. 
Although Lydia and Jackson were both awful in S1, their friendship with Allison and their immediately taking her under their wing was beyond precious. Additionally, it combines both the asshole-who’s-soft-towards-1-person- dynamic (jydia w/ allison) and assholes-who-secretly-care-about-each-other (jydia) And ofc, the underlying tension due to Jydia’s disdain towards Scott and later, Jackson and Allison’s experiences/knowledge of the supernatural. 
Comedy gold. Their scenes speak for themselves and we needed more. 
Their S6a dynamic is sooo underrated and should’ve been given more screen time. I loved watching Liam and Corey struggle to get along for Mason’s sake because they want him to be happy. It was all very wholesome and one of the few things that made 6a worth watching. 
Aka the best part of S4.Their dynamic is so fun and well-balanced and infinitely better because they’re a triad. You’ve got Scott and Liam figuring out their mentor/mentee relationship with Stiles co-parenting and preventing the Scott/Liam dynamic from turning unhealthy. (Liam and Scott’s S6 dynamic veered way too close to parent/child for my taste. They need Stiles to balance it out) It’s also hilarious how quickly Liam accepts being aggressively adopted by two idiots who are barely older than him. And Stiles takes so easily to playing older brother/co-parent. It’s adorable. They’re adorable. 
Very similar dynamic to Allison/Lydia/Cora due to Cora and Erica’s similar personalities but also not, which has a lot to do with Allison and Lydia’s reactions to Erica’s weaponized feminity. Also, there’s a lot more history between these girls and I want to know everything about what Erica thinks of Lydia after going to school with her for years. 
Of the top of my head, I can only remember that time where they were trapped under the Nemeton and that’s simply unacceptable. 
It’s a crime that this triad never got scenes. Especially after the Sheriff tried to arrest Kira. I know Melissa bitch slapped him but I wanted to watch these two badasses gang up on the Sheriff together. ( the Noshiko/Melissa dynamic would be so iconic.) 
Another triad that never shared scenes (obviously because Vic is dead) but their power would’ve been off the charts. I want to make a joke about milfs, but I’ll refrain. 
The Yukimura fam
Seemed appropriate since my last two also included. Noshiko.I love family dynamics and the Yukimuras are no exception. The attraction of this triad, for me, is mostly the dynamic between Kira and Noshiko and how Ken navigates between them. They’re also a trio that we didn’t see nearly enough of in S4 and 5. Like seriously, where were they? Noshiko’s on the dead pool, but she’s barely mentioned. (on a mostly unrelated note, how is the 900 yr old Kitsune worth less than a girl that just found about her kitsune powers?)
I don’t need to explain this one. The angst, the drama, Derek projecting Kate onto Allison and Allison trying to murder Derek and their evolution to reluctant allies with a good dash of Scallison and Scott navigating his own difficult relationship with Derek. Aka the complicated, tension fraught trio we all loved/should love. ( ok, I kind of explained it)
And here we have a two for one deal; two mentor/mentee dynamics in 1 triad. People much smarter than me have written about this trio in extensive detail, so all I’m saying is that Derek’s that one uncle who occasionally comes around and gives somewhat helpful advice. 
Braeden and Scott were great in S4. Braeden and Malia were great in S5. Scott and Malia are pretty great when they’re not in a relationship. Combine, and you get what had to be a kick-ass triad that’s sadly never canonly shown together (I think)
Not actually featured in the show, but Isaac deserves all the parental figures and I want to witness the surely epic custody battle between Chris and Melissa. 
That this trio is on here is actually pretty funny because I hate both Scalia and the forced Peter/Malia bonding in S6. But I loved the scene where Peter warned Malia not to fall in love with Scott because a) he has absolutely 0 right to advise her on anything and b) because of the history between Scott and Peter. In a way, a relationship with Malia is just another thing tying Scott to someone that’s repeatedly caused harm to him and his friends and was the initial cause for all the pain he’s suffered in the last couple years. I just find this dynamic worth exploring. 
The Hales 2.0. Derek and Malia deserve to bond over unwillingly being related to Peter, that scumbag. 
Stiles and Peter are so fun together and Stalia is my jam. Throw in an antagonistic Malia and Peter relationship and they’re entertaining as hell. Much more lighthearted than Malia/Scott/Peter.  
To clarify, this has nothing to do with a love triangle and everything to do with how their personalities play off each other. It’s one of those trios where together, they’re either terrifying or absolute morons. 
Admittedly, my version of this is very Sterek+Cora and the hilarity of Stiles and his attraction to Hales but it’s also 3x snark and you really can’t go wrong. 
It’s Melissa and her boys 1.0. This woman is by far the best parent on this show, and I love the specific dynamic among these three. Melissa might not always like Stiles, but she cares about him and there’s the mutual understanding that they both adore Scott and would do anything for him. Also, Mel being exasperated by the dumbass duo is always funny.  
Lowkey another custody battle because Kate and Chris do fight to be the bigger influence on Allison This is such a tragic trio to me, and the lesson here is basically that sometimes love isn’t enough. Chris and Kate both genuinely love Allison and she loves them too but can’t have both and at some point, she has neither. Kate and Chris care about each other, but that’s not enough either. In the end, they all lose each other. There’s no happy ending for them, at least not with each other. 
Stiles just has chemistry (not necessarily romantic) with all Hales and this trio really shines through in 3x01 and in S3 in general. “Chess is Stiles’s game” asgdhfjgh. I wanted more of that very specific dynamic. 
That was a hell lot longer than I thought it would be, but what can you do. Feel free to tell me your own opinions in the tags/comments.  
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calypsoff2 · 3 years
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I barely got my boner down, this house is a mess, and I don’t mean it in a way of the house is dirty but everyone is awake, the girls are weirdly excited to go to school and I think it’s because Robyn is taking them and then she woke me saying drop them off when she said to me she would get the SUV or I wouldn’t have slept that late, she woke me and I’ve only had an hour sleep. I been skyping Herb and he said he’s got an artist for me, and we been speaking on the future, that nigga don’t sleep either, so we were on Skype doing that and then I just was playing NBA, my fault I guess “daddy” hearing Imani saying my name, nobody knocks in the house too. Fixing my dick in my boxers and made my way out of the bathroom “daddy” she said again “yes baby, what’s wrong” she looks so concerned, I mean she is dressed “I can’t find mommy” her sad little voice “awww what you mean? Who was dressing you baby?” I mean I know Robyn would be dressing her so what happened “she left, she not downstairs. TT and Lee gone too” I huffed out, picking up Imani “without you, I don’t think so. I bet you haven’t checked properly” I would have liked to have got dressed first but clearly she wants to find Robyn; I am so fucking tired right now. The girls are unaware that Robyn is going tonight, she’s been summoned there and she’s held it off for long enough which sucks for me and the kids because we enjoy her here “mommy” Imani is so upset, it’s not like her “they haven’t left you, I’m taking you there so she will be in the home” she is so dramatic, walking down the steps “Morning Christopher” looking behind me, Monica is still here so good luck to Robyn telling her she’s going again “morning Monica, Imani can’t find Robyn apparently” I’m so tired, I keep saying this but it’s true. Making my way to the kitchen, the girls must be having breakfast and here they are “where is mom?” I asked Rylee “office” nodding my head, Imani clearly didn’t check properly “what are you like baby” fixing Imani in my arms “got me walking around in my boxers now” I chuckled, opening the office door and Robyn was quick to put her hand up at me and mouthed one minute, it’s the school run and it’s a tight schedule already, she can’t just do this and then say one minute “I muted myself, yeah?” She’s saying yeah like she doesn’t have three girls to get ready “it’s your day?” I just said “I know I’m nearly done” rolling my eyes “Imani thought you gone, hurry with that” walking out of the room, she’s stupid sometimes.
I know when my wife is angry with me, she always huffs and puffs and makes the most noise “I’m hungry by the way” I asked knowing it will aggravate her even more “you’re out, get something then” oh she’s mad “fine I’ll get your mom to make me something, I’m sure you will do it now” Robyn mean mugged me, I had to laugh because she’s adorable when she is angry “what did I do? Tell me?” Let me find out it’s something stupid I will be laughing at her again “you said hurry up with that in a nasty tone Chris, I don’t appreciate the tone at all” I busted out laughing “really?” I pointed “no joke? You being real?” I’m seriously shocked she took that to heart “your attitude when you said it was nasty, you can stand there and laugh but it ain’t funny, I was doing something last minute! Fuck!” She’s stressed out “are you both arguing?” Tianna asked “I came to say something” shaking my head “no, we’re just talking. We are leaving now anyways, let’s go” I didn’t say anything bad but she’s taken it to heart like that, maybe she’s stressed but I will leave it as that “let’s go” Tianna held Robyn’ hand “damn, what about my hand” these girls of mine sometimes, it’s like they forgot about me when their mother is here. I didn’t even do anything but yet Robyn gets the hand holding, it’s whatever though.
I sighed out getting back into the car, I am waiting on Robyn to join me. She is busy dealing with Rylee, she is having a meltdown. She doesn’t want to go to school or let Robyn go, so I just left Robyn to it. I can’t deal with the stupidity when I am just tired as hell, nobody got the time for that at all. Looking over seeing Robyn is joining me finally, she wasn’t far behind then “oh my god Rihanna” hearing someone say as she opened the door, here people go. Robyn got into the car without acknowledging the person, she is not in the mood for much at all “are you over it?” I asked, I mean I know she isn’t, but I didn’t really say anything but hurry up with that “you can be a little rude” she can be such hard work “right, does the girls know you’re leaving again. I swear to god you ain’t going until you tell them, I am not having it. I refuse to break it to them” she can do that job “of course you’re not being supportive, what do I expect with you. I am sick and tired; I have no choice. I have to go, sorry that I burden you with it” she is snapping, I can’t be bothered “I’m going to get McDonald’s breakfast, you want anything?” I better ask before I am called inconsiderate “you are being very spiteful, knowing them girls are going to cry and you rather see them cry and let me tell them?” Driving off slowly “I don’t wish to clean up what you leave behind so you tell them” what don’t she get, I swear to god she thinks I can clean the mess every single time.
I feel a little better now that I ate, I was maybe grumpy because I didn’t eat. I did buy Robyn something and she ate it, I mean of course she did. Her ass wouldn’t say no to food, but we are sat in silence, not a word is being spoken to each other which is a horrible feeling, just sat here in silence and just eating “you know what I am going to apologise, I just want to not argue but you can’t expect me to bail you out like that. The girls clearly adore you; they want you. And you want me to tell them you gone? Without saying bye, it’s nasty” Robyn shook her head “but it’s hard for me to say bye to them” I get her point “and I get that, you did it last time to them and they was heartbroken, you sit them down and tell them that you have to go, they will understand” Robyn huffed out “right, it’s me helping you. I am going there to put across your idea Chris, you are not pulling your weight either” that is rude “like what? I was up all night doing your shit too!” I spat “my shit!? I asked you to chase some overseas people and you think you did a good job? I told you, you didn’t do it Chris. Then you did your own thing, it looks like I employed my husband and you’re getting away with doing nothing, how many times is Jen going to ask if Chris is doing it!? Fuck, don’t you get it, you need to do more work. I have been at home, I have been taking care of the kids and the home and my empire, and you did what? You went to the gym to play basketball, don’t piss me off Chris” now she is pissing me off “fuck you, you’re pissing me off Robyn. You know what, let’s see what Monica has to say” Robyn laughed “hide behind my mother because you can’t handle the situation is a bitch move, you know what, don’t worry Chris. Your wife is stressed out but just add to it, I asked you one thing. Just drive, I am over it” turning the car engine off “I don’t want to drive, go and walk” how dare she actually come at me like that.
I ended up driving home, I didn’t want to sit with Robyn any longer with her miserable ass. Like how is going to take care of the kids when she runs off, her mother “go on then, run to my mother” Robyn said, you know what I am going to tell her mother because she is cocky as fuck about this shit. Locking my car door following Robyn inside the house, I mean I suppose I don’t actually make the effort with the company, because I just don’t know I am lazy, but she doesn’t need to throw it to me “Monica!” I spat closing the door behind me “ah!” I spat; Robyn straight hit me in my stomach “shut your mouth” so she doesn’t want me to tell her, but I will be “but you can’t listen to me? Let’s see if I am in the wrong or you” I am doing this, she can drag me all she wants “what is all the shouting?” Monica asked “Robyn is leaving for New York again and wants to runaway without telling the girls and now she is angry at me because I won’t back that and then on top of that she is arguing with me about not pulling my weight, I am here for the kids and she is running?” I just said it, she is talking shit in my face so let’s see. Turning to Robyn, she just sighed out “we spoke on you being a part time mother, I didn’t want you to have more babies. I didn’t want it because of this, you keep going away and leaving Chris to it, you listen to your husband, in this house you listen to him and if he doesn’t want you to go then you don’t. This is what you get for having babies, now you don’t want to take care of them. My grandbabies missing out!?” Monica is angry “it’s not like that, I won’t be away for long” Robyn defended herself “I don’t care, he doesn’t want you to go then you don’t! You tell them to bring it to you, what is this!? Acting all single, and you want another? No, you don’t leave Chris alone. Your husband said no so you don’t go; you are missing out on your kids. Your beautiful babies growing, you are missing it all” Robyn shook her head and walked off “fuck you Chris” she shouted, “have some respect!” Monica shouted.
I mean I get why she told me to fuck off, she just got told off by her mother because I told on her but she was being a pain in the ass and now she is going to hate me and not speak to me so this will be fun “hey Monica, just drop it now. I think she gets it now” she was about to follow her, I don’t need the headache now “I have told her about this, I don’t like this behaviour. The girls are settle now and she is just doing this, they are growing, and you can’t just take it all. I am not happy Chris” the front door opened “hi family” Mel is here, I haven’t seen her since we came back “hey” I breathed out, I mean Robyn is in a bad mood so her being here isn’t going to make it any better “you both need to deal with this, it can’t be this backwards and forwards on who takes care of the kids, it’s not a nice feeling to know my grandkids are being pushed around, you both decide what you doing, I think you both need to move to where the business is and take the kids with you” Monica has spoken “not that easy, sometimes business is here. Cali has all the fun here” I shrugged saying “ain’t your artist in New York though” Mel said, she got a point “just Cali seems to be best, look yes maybe we need to look into that” sighing out “everything good” turning to Mel and I didn’t expect it but she hugged me “just life” I did hug her back.
I did peep Robyn looking at us from upstairs, blowing the smoke out from my lips “you both have such a bad omen when you come back, it’s nice that you had a good time away” Mel said, she is sat outside with me. I don’t mind Mel, I mean I don’t have beef with her like Robyn has right now “shit was good overseas but I just dislike that Robyn has to go but then it leave it to me to tell the girls, I know she wants me to say it to them but I refuse, they was heartbroken when she left and I had to say it” Mel cringed “they do love Robyn a lot, I remember Rylee did say to me that she wishes Robyn wasn’t famous, I was like damn little girl calm down. I never said it but the love she has for her mother is so sweet, I can’t express how much she does. They all do, I am sure you feel it when she isn’t here, but you shouldn’t have told Monica, Robyn isn’t going to get over that. She doesn’t want her mom knowing, Monica can be too much so good luck with that” I cringed “but I also don’t like how she was talking to me, I mean it’s nothing big but I think we need to change a lot. I want to move so maybe I need to action that” I sighed out, Robyn isn’t going to be best pleased about me speaking to Mel either but it what it is, I don’t have an issue with Mel like that.
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calypsoff · 3 years
Fifty Seven.
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Last night I had the worst backpain, I don’t know where it came from but I could not sleep, I was struggling so badly and Chris knew it, I guess I was annoying him with all the moving around, even I would get annoyed “sorry for last night and thanks for making his breakfast” I said as I made way into the kitchen “don’t be, it was odd that you wasn’t awake already actually and then I asked Chris and he said you didn’t sleep well so I offered, like the good person I am” Mel is good, I love that she lives with us “thank you, seriously. Sorry Chris” I feel really bad, Chris looked up at me from his plate “for what? It’s fine, I am glad you had the sleep, you’re the main priority. You need your sleep more then I do” he is sweet, pressing a kiss to the top of his head “what happened?” Mel asked, walking over to her “I had the worst back pain, I just couldn’t get comfortable at all. I was tossing and turning, my pelvis was just hurting so bad. So Chris woke up and we tried swapping sides on the bed but no, that didn’t work. So I slept on my side and Chris rubbed my back, it was soothing, and I fell asleep. I am not sure if Chris got the sleep, did you?” I asked, Chris nodded his head “I did, then I woke up. So I just used to office to deal with some things, honestly don’t say sorry. You need the sleep more then me, maybe it was the whole coming back from London. Jet-lag maybe?” he could be right “I don’t really suffer from it but then again now I am pregnant, so things are different, anyways. Have you caught up with Barry? You did say you was, isn’t he in Cali?” I don’t know whose plate this is, but I am taking it “that is mine but take it, yeah he is coming here. I think you both might just miss him, you will be going to the scan” I would like to give him a piece of my mind, he is annoying me “well it’s been a while since you have had some, have fun” taking the plate to the table, if I do see Barry I will be saying it to him.
Mel always makes a good breakfast, I adore it so much “I decided to cut them off” Chris blurted out “cut who off?” what is he on “Barry and TJ, not like cut them off friend wise but I can’t just cut Barry off and not TJ, but then I don’t want them selling drugs. I feel obliged to help them, they both aren’t cut out for this, they are just reaping the benefits of things and I can’t have that they will end up making a mess. A mess I don’t need, it’s playing on my mind and I need to do it but also I don’t want to make out I am selling them out. They also helped in a way, here and there but they fucked up my supplier and I can’t have that. This is why I was so busy here in Cali, now I got Neima and Cena, they are making money moves for me and I have been waiting for Barry or even TJ to ask why they can’t log into anything, but they haven’t checked, the only thing I didn’t change was the business account password, they haven’t made a sound, so they don’t check” pressing my lips into a hard thin line “you didn’t tell me that? The supplier part, I thought they was making money for you. You said you had a lot of money in the business account?” I really need to give Chris my attention more than anything “I did, they sold what I had before I got shot but that was it, thinking on it most of my money from my apartment I sold in VA I put in there, so it wasn’t much. They didn’t really update anything of mine, I don’t know. I don’t want to break my friendship with them” I always knew they was useless “right, this is why we don’t hire family and friends. You will learn, right. So what does them two do besides chase behind you?”
I don’t think they have jobs “nothing” I sighed out “they are riding you which means me also because we are together Chris, you need to get rid of them. To make it better because I know it’s upsetting you, you need to tell them what I got here is mine and you both don’t care for it. Give them a month or two, tell them you aren’t a bachelor, or some fuck boy that is wanting to chill you have a business, a wife now so you are different so they can’t stay here to have fun, they want fun Chris and you have moved passed that so give them a month or two, pay them what you are still and they have to find their own way, they can’t hang onto you and if they are friends then they will understand but be ready if they don’t, if they really want to work then they can get a job. Better yet ask them what they want to do and help them proceed in what they want to do, help in hand in someone’s dream is better than they are living through you, you will learn this” I didn’t even know any of this “they going to say I have changed and shit, it’s not even that. They fucked up, but I get what you mean” he is going to be so sad if they react a different way and I hope not because I will come at them both “you haven’t changed, it’s called growth. People grow, you’re not in the same position as them, I have friend that are doing their own thing and yet we are still friends, nothing has changed. Just don’t worry about it, I am here for you Chris. I have been through it all before, so I am here to listen” Chris smiled at me lightly.
I am super excited to see the doctor, I want to see what my baby is doing already “are you excited to see the baby? The right answer is yes” resting my head on his shoulder “yes” of course he would say that he is annoying “I am joking, I am nervous. Your bump is grown as hell so yeah, I am nervous. I don’t know, I am happy though” he said honestly “I can take that, I am nervous too. Apparently this is a big scan, we can see more too. I need to pee so bad Chris, my god!” moving my head back, Chris held my hand “what does Mel see in Barry, honest answer?” that was random of him “he is funny, alternative. He does make her laugh a lot because when she would be on my bed just relaxing and he would call all Mel did was laugh, she likes him a lot. Why?” that was random of him “just asking, I just think you know. Barry is ugly, Mel is beautiful” looking up at Chris “ok, random ass” I chuckled “Mrs Fenty-Brown, Audrey is ready to see you” I shrieked “sorry, I am so excited. Come” I jumped up “calm down” Chris said, he held my hand “exciting day for you, men are always grumpy” Chris is always grumpy “he is excited deep down, he just keeping it to himself” I know Chris is excited but doesn’t show it at all “how have you been since you last seen us?” the nurse asked “good, I feel like I am growing bigger then ever, I don’t know. I am not used to it, but I think I am doing well” I really want to see my baby.
Audrey rushed in “I am so sorry, busy day. How are you?” I would get up, but I just sat down, shaking her hand “I am need of the toilet” I laughed “oh good, yes we will get on with the scan quick. How have you been? Anything different, have you found any changes?” watching her sit down “I have felt less fatigued, I feel full of energy, more so that I am ready for sex. Chris has been suffering a lot but like I have felt within myself tired, I felt like everything was a chore, but I just woke up and I feel full of energy” Audrey is laughing at me, but I am being deadass about it “as you enter your second trimester you will feel your energy come back to you, like now. Sex is fine too; your sex drive actually does peak at this this stage too. Since we missed you for your twelve week scan, working this out you are actually fourteen weeks which is great because we will actually seen a lot more of baby, shall we get on with it?” nodding my head “please because I need to pee, badly” I have drank so much water “can we know if it’s a boy too?” Chris would ask that “I could potentially look for this yes, if that is what you would like but I can’t be a one hundred percent sure but at twenty weeks I can then, is it a boy you both want?” side eyeing Chris “at first he didn’t care, he didn’t mind a girl but now since his friend had a son he wants one, I am guessing” getting up from the seat as Audrey did “I just think I would look nice with a son” so he says.
I had to go and pee, apparently I drank too much water so I went to the toilet and making my way back “hi” this nurse just smiled at me, she looked at more in shock then just a general hi “hi” walking back into the room “I can’t believe there was too much water” rolling my eyes “it happens Robyn, you know what. I was looking at your bump and it’s growing perfectly and on time, I say on time because some women stomach grows ahead of their weeks, so sometimes your bump can be growing at a different rate, so we are still on track for August delivery” sitting on the bed “that’s good, I am scared that I would hurt my baby or even lose it, I have been ever so careful with myself” winking at Chris as he smiled at me, laying back down on the bed “good, it’s time for you to pamper yourself and make it about you, have you found your breasts starting to change?” lifting my top over my bump “yes, tender. Also last night I had a horrible night. I had a really bad backpain, Chris had to rub my back while I fell asleep?” I wanted to ask that “ok, that is normal. Your body is changing, your hormone relaxin levels increase, that hormone is the motion in your pelvis allowing your uterus to expand” letting out an oh “that is amazing” I didn’t think that “it is, as long it doesn’t worsen that is fine. But if it’s every night then please come back to us and also try and keep sex simple if you had that last night, just for that reason. Not saying if anything will happen but keep it simple for that reason, so shall we see baby Fenty-Brown” I grinned “yes please!” I spat, the first time around I didn’t see anything because of having too much water around so this time around I hope I can see my baby, I am already emotional.
Chris held my hand, he did it himself without me even asking. Taking in a deep breath, I feel nervous, and I don’t know why “is it ok?” she seems so quiet, and I am not seeing anything “baby is being stubborn if you are asking that, I am just trying to get a good position. Nothing bad, do not worry. Look, the baby has it’s back to us. Maybe being a little shy” Audrey put the screen on, pressing my lips into a thin line “no way, is that really my baby” I said, I can’t even believe it “so I am trying to get a better position, no need to worry” she turned the screen off “actually, I am going to try massage your baby to turn” she got up “we need it to turn, maybe I am waking it up. Do you feel the flutter? Well have you been feeling it flutter in your stomach while being here” shaking my head “then it could be asleep in the womb, let’s wake it up. Maybe not like, who is the sassy one? The baby seems sassy already” Chris pointed at me “this is just a massage ok” Audrey started massaging my stomach, my poor baby is sleeping and we about to wake it.
Looking over at Chris, he seems so quiet like very quiet “what’s wrong?” I asked, he shook his head “I am good” I didn’t ask if he was ok but yeah “I think this time I will put the screen on, I have a feeling we’re in for a show” my heart right now, I can’t wait “oh god” I don’t know why but I feel the flutters “baby is awake” I said to Chris, looking over at him “really? How you know?” he said all confused “I feel it, oh my god” I feel so excited, I want Chris to feel this excitement too but he seems really cut off and I don’t know “oh my god! Did it just yawn!?” I spat “oh my god” placing my hand over my mouth, that is it. That was all it needed for me to start crying “Robyn, don’t cry” I can’t believe it, after all this time I wanted to see my baby and this is what I am doing “oh it is active now, putting on a show” I shakily wiped my tears, our baby is really just doing the most now “I can’t believe it” looking over at Chris, he is just looking at the screen “you hear this” I gasped looking at the screen “is that the baby’ heartbeat or Robyn’?” he questioned “the baby” Audrey answered “this means so much to me, to us. I was so afraid that I would lose this one and now I see it just there moving an yawning” I can’t stop crying “that is amazing” Chris mumbled, looking at Chris again and he’s crying “don’t cry” Chris shook his head “you crying and I am crying, I just you know. I know how much this means to us, losing the first baby really hurt and I wasn’t there. Just to see the baby there just moving and living, it’s alive Robyn. I can’t believe it, I am just trying to digest it” I was wondering why he was so quiet; I want to reach over and wipe his tears so bad.
“Is that the hand up?” Chris pointed out “yes it is, it is waving to you. Hi mommy and daddy” Audrey saying that is going to set me off “this baby is active, so you can see the brain and everything wow. I felt a little weird about coming here, I don’t know. I feel like I didn’t get that bond like Robyn does, I see her bump growing but I just felt like I missed out on her, we have been together for like a month you know, and just felt that disconnect but seeing this. It’s just hit my heart, it has” Chris’ voice broke “I love my wife and my kid a lot I do, I just feel like I saw Robyn go and then I see her and she has a bump, and it is because I care. I want to have that connection I do” he never mentioned this to me ever “this is very normal, sorry to get involved. But men in these situations feel useless, to the side when the woman is going through this journey and speaking to your husband, things like oh a flutter, a kick. Let him feel, touch, be close. Talk to him about the baby, men do feel this” Audrey said, and she isn’t wrong “I have been hiding my bump from the world but also him and I have been shying away from it, when he was playfully trying to lift my top I put it down, but I didn’t think it upset you like that, I just didn’t think. I just feel shy with you, it’s a lot of change sorry Chris” I have been so bad with him, he has been affected by my actions.
Looking at the polaroid’s, we have so many because our baby was just doing the most “that is crazy, it looks like the baby is waving to us. Like see y’all both soon” Chris said while holding one of them up “I love that one so much, baby put on a show for us. I love how active it is, I am so happy. Thank you” Chris held out the polaroid to me “for what?” he questioned “for making my wish come true, you always do. I know at times you like to say no and probably may disagree, but you always do it, you always come through and make my wishes come true” he leaned over and pressed a kiss to my lips “I am sorry, I really wanted to tell you what gender you was both having. I have a feeling, but I am not one hundred percent but when you come again I can tell you, I am not telling you what I think it is but anyways, I am happy with the progress. I think we have a mover on our hands and we are on route for August, how do you both feel?” Audrey asked “excited” Chris answered “good, it’s good to communicate and keep up this bond. It’s a stressful time for everyone involved and it’s not even in a bad way, but if you need anything. I am on call for you” I am so impressed; I am just so happy about the pictures we got.
I keep looking at the pictures of my baby “I sent some to my mom, did you do the same?” looking over at Chris “no not yet, I will do it now actually” looks like I woke Chris up from his nap in the car “here” he held his hand out to me for the pictures “Chris, you know about earlier. At the appointment, I am sorry. I feel like I have been neglecting you a lot and it’s affecting you like that, the whole not touching my bump wasn’t malicious and I feel so bad, I am sorry” I so feel awful about it, the way he kind of broke down “I know it wasn’t Robyn, I don’t want you to feel bad ok? I understand, I love you” he is so sweet, I think tonight I am going to spoil him. He deserves it “send them to your mother though ok” I am over the moon with how the scan went.
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34. Part 3
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I snorted laughing at Dennis, he’s a funny guy but Robyn is staring at me that I’m playing about “you look like a single father, Robyn’ refusal to actively be in the pictures” Dennis came over to me with the camera in hand, getting up from my position to see “looks like it’s the Chris and Zeus show, the dog looks so smitten with Fenty” looking at the pictures “that looks like those cringy fucking People magazine pictures, I think the picture we want is Robyn being with me. How about your hand just in the picture, just let Fenty hold your finger. Just do something” Robyn rubbed her forehead, annoyed I asked “ok, do that. But I think we need you topless Chris, and Fenty out of that dress and just in a diaper. I just want it to be bare all. Holding her up to you, your nose just nuzzling the side of her face, just her cheek. Position you carefully and have Fenty looking at me in the camera. If we can angle it we can have Fenty holding your finger and also Robyn, we can figure it out. Just strip” nodding my head “we going to have to strip you baby” waking towards Robyn but Mel rushed over “let me hold her” nodding my head carefully letting Mel take Fenty “oh my god, look at her. I am crying again. Hi you beautiful soul, oh god. Hey baby. I’m crying guys! Again” Mel is so emotional “I am so happy for Rih, she’s waited on this moment and she’s got it. Praise to the most high. She’s precious, congratulations to the both of you. Wow, I’m staring at baby Rihanna, no offence Chris” I laughed “non taken, I wanted that” people don’t understand that I wanted that, she’s my mini Robyn, probably fiery like her too “I wanted this, I wanted to have a mini Robyn, so what she looks like my wife. That doesn’t offend me, who wants to be me anyways” I laughed, I’m crazy as fuck too so nobody wants that.
Robyn refused to even have her hand in the shoot because her nails weren’t done, she is just doing things beyond me now “Chris, look at me” Dennis said, I keep glaring at Robyn, I feel annoyed that she won’t even have her hand in the shoot, she is being so silly “uh yeah” looking at Dennis “hold Fenty up to you, kiss her cheek” I am just so annoyed “I can’t do this, I feel like you are being unreasonable right now, are you being real with this!? Like seriously, your nails are fine. How are you doing this to your daughter, she deserves better. You know what, I am deciding, I don’t want my daughter on the internet. I know you; I know what you wanted, you wanted to not do this like you’re acting erratic, now you’re doing things because of Ronald! Fuck him” Fenty whimpered in my arms, I may have shouted a little too loudly now, maybe too loudly “I am sorry” I apologised “he has the pictures of my daughter, he is using them Chris. I need to do it before he does it! Before he posts it, don’t you get it, just listen to me. I am not having it, this my news to tell! Fine, we stop the newspaper posting it but he has the picture and how the hell would I stop that!? He can still post it, you promised you would listen to me” I sighed out “I fucking did but you’re not playing ball, you read that article and now acting like this” walking over to Robyn “the depressed bitch I am, yes you’re right, just fucking listen to me because if my dad post it first and you stood there wasting time I will not fucking forgive you!” she pointed in my face “guys, come on now. Fenty, she looks sad, my sis is not happy. Let me just say my piece and then you both can continue to argue. I think Chris, that you should let her do it now, Ronald has the images and the information, Robyn. You look fine, I am looking at you now, you look good. Fuck your dad, he is a horrible man, how dare he say that about his own daughter, sickening, he literally dragged you. He did what the world wants to see, that you’re depressed and married also, now lets just do this. Robyn is right but we need to just gather together and make this a nice a little family event, come on Chris. I want some pictures with you too, I will be Rihanna” Jah is stupid, I try and not laugh at his stupid ass.
Robyn went off to feed Fenty, she is so moody and is just not happy and I understand “can I post this picture once Robyn does the whole reveal?” Jah asked “of course, I think we make a good couple” Jah hit my arm laughing “I am the top” he pointed walking off “ayo, Mel. I need to ask you, like I didn’t want Robyn to see the article because I honestly found it horrible, it made me sick to my stomach but like now what do I do. She is just shut down, she is stone face, you know?” Mel sighed out “I know, I didn’t want her to see it either but Chris, not going to lie. You know what to do, I am not going to tell you what to do. Just give her some loving, yes Robyn has now shut down. She is hurting, she is now on the war path. I think just give her a moment. Let her do it, and then you just love her Chris. You can do it; she may be mean. She may be rude, but she will break, her heart is hurt right now, and I don’t blame her. He stole her joy; her joy is her little family. She got it and he took it and ran with it. It’s so unforgiveable so I want you to just ride it out, listen to her. Let her do it, support her. She needs it right now, we know Robyn. When she shuts down she can be destructive but not as bad as she would be, she has a daughter now. Just that this is all new to us, to me. She is a mother so her bite will be different, she is angered. Like I haven’t seen her in a while and she looks great, she looks like a new mother. I don’t get what they want, they want the old Robyn back and that is not it. She is a woman, she is not fake and hasn’t done anything to her body, so they need to fuck off, my poor sis” nodding my head “thanks for being here, we were so happy earlier. She is there telling me we need to spend time together and the whole nine and now she has just shut down” I need to do what Mel said, support her.
I thought I would go and see what Robyn is up too, she is upstairs now being all quiet. I am just so fucking angry; I was about to go in the bedroom, but I turned back around. It just hit me, I have his number and I am just angry. Getting my phone out from my pocket, unlocking my phone and scrolling down. Someone needs to beat his fucking ass; I want to fucking beat that fucking ass I am so fucking done. Placing my phone against my ear, I just want to find something out and see how this plays out “hey” Rajad picked up the phone “was your dumbass big brother involved in that?” I said straight up “hell no, never. He was not involved in that and I can put my life on it, we just found out now from Robyn, she was crying on the phone and I can promise you, Rorrey is here he didn’t do that” Rajad didn’t waste no time in playing around “give me that” I heard Rorrey say “if I was going to sell any type of story it would be about you and how I dislike you, you think I would belittle my sister like that. I mean I do shit but to you, and that is it. That is all my dad, I can promise you that” Rorrey barked on, he has a point he would “and I wouldn’t stoop that low to sell my neice’ photo that way” I really want to beat Ronald’ ass “what y’all gonna do about it, sit there and take what he did?” I am trying to get them to do what I should be doing “he’s not at the home, I went to see him, and he has also turned his phone off. He does this when he has done something bad, I am not involved int hat. Don’t even think it” that clears that “you better find your dad before I do, he came in this home and took pictures of us in this family setting celebrating a moment, the more y’all pay the more you’re pushing Robyn away, trust” disconnecting the call, that is the most civil call Rorrey and I have had, I think he didn’t want to eb involved in that shit.
I am sure Rajad said Robyn was crying, maybe I heard wrong because she is hard faced right now “so what you are going to do, get your Instagram back up. I need you to” Robyn’ voice broke as she clasped her hands together breathing out “don’t, so yes. You need to bring back your Instagram and I need you to just post something nice about me” Robyn is so emotional, tears filling her eyes, how can she let that get to her “why are you asking me to do that” Robyn moved back from me “no, don’t just please. Stay away and do it, just please post something that you are happy or whatever, everything is just falling apart around me. Things were supposed to be quiet and slowly released, not this. Jen said that they accept but I don’t trust them. It hurts me to know they have my daughter’ picture, like how can I let that happen just do it and I am coming down” how can a woman beautiful like Robyn think that I don’t get it and I am confused. She is letting that article get to her “why are you taking in what that article said? You are so beautiful Robyn, when did that ever get to you?” I asked “it came from my dad, it hits differently” Robyn walked off, I really need to get her alone tonight after this.
I have missed Royalty’ Instagram posts, oh my god she is funny “why is my daughter hilarious” I said laughing “Roro, what she do?” Jah asked “this little girl is posting Rihanna pictures, her latest post is Fenty lipgloss day” turning my phone “awww, look at her Mel. She is Rihanna’ biggest fan, oh my god. I can’t wait to see her again, she is hilarious” I chuckled, my daughter is the funniest person alive, commented on her post ‘I miss you beautiful!’ posting the comment, as soon as I pressed send my phone started to ring, it’s Royalty “what’s up?” answering the call “you’re back dad!” she shouted “I am, I love all your posts. I really do, I can’t wait to see you though. I am back for a while” Robyn is here finally “Royalty, I need to go. I will call you back, I need to talk to Robyn. Love you, bye” disconnecting the call “so I have been looking through the picture with Dennis, and I like this one” she turned her phone to me, it’s the one where I am holding Fenty against my chest, she is facing the camera and staring at the camera “I thought, they know it’s your from your tattooed hand and your body tattoos but it shows your wedding band and Fenty is serving face too, I have been looking at these picture so hard to pick out an imperfection the world would do to her, and this is it and I am right now so angry I am doing this” nodding my head “it’s perfect” I agreed “so I wrote, To be releasing this out of spite hurts me, the people I love selling my daughter’ pictures for a quick buck. My daughter is not a pawn, but before this comes out I am the one to post this first. Fenty Clara Brown, a true blessing. God’s blessing, the peace I needed when I was feeling low. She will be loved; she will know love and her first love will be her father. Her immaculate features, her little smirk which exposes her dimple, when she stares with such love in her eyes. Perfection, perfection we created @chrisbrownofficial. So I am going to post this and then another one on our wedding day, let me get that open” nodding my head but I am too busy staring at Robyn in sadness, I just feel for her so much.
Robyn turned her phone to me “before the world found out, look at my smile” looking at picture, smiling at the picture “happier when the world is shut out” I said smiling “yeah so I wrote, this happened. I married my best friend, and I don’t regret a single thing, I married my best friend in Mexico alongside my best friends, sorry if you weren’t invited but if you are a friend to me then you will understand why. This alongside the birth of my daughter is the most special date for me, happiest when I am in his arms. The most misunderstood man with the sweetest soul and the most love to give, I am not going to say this was all easy because it wasn’t, we are human, we are not perfect. When I found out I was pregnant I expected him to be a baby father, that was all. That night in Barbados he turned to me and told me he wanted to make me an honest woman out of me, I thought to myself me, an honest woman nobody wants me to make me that. But he meant it, and he meant every word in our vows. He is with me now, looking at me in sadness knowing that my own family member is doing this to me. Some may disagree but it doesn’t matter, I married my one true love, and I am proud of him, proud to be his wife. Just call me Robyn Brown from now on” Robyn looked up at me, she got choked up “awww Chrissy is emotional, you baby” Jah patted my leg, she got me for real choked up here, I think it is a lot going on right now.
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Time Heals.....Chapter Fifty-Four Pt. 2
“I knew they’d be excited but I was not expecting that,” Robyn said as she pulled on her underwear. Chris walked out the bathroom while wrapping a towel around his waist, “I wasn’t expecting that either. Has everybody been planning our future and not telling us about it?”
“Apparently so.”
Chris chuckled lowly as he sat on the bed and grabbed his lotion. He frowned at the emptiness of the bottle, “Babe, can I use some of your lotion?”
Robyn chuckled, “I told you that you were out yesterday. You didn’t go to the store?”
“I forgot.”
“I don’t use lotion, it’s shea butter mixed with coconut oil. It goes on like a cream.”
“That’s why you always smell so good.”
Robyn handed him a plastic container and he scooped out a dime size bit to rub in between his hands, “what you think?”
“It feels good. I like that it stays solid at room temperature too.”
“I bought it a natural food market. It’s an African lady that sells it, Ms. Ogri.”
“We’ll have to get some more then. I don’t wanna use up all your stuff.”
“Not worried about it. What’s mine is yours.”
“Thanks Babe.”
“No problem. You finish with your towel?”
“Yup. You can take it.”
Chris slipped on his boxers then handed the towel to Robyn. She dropped it into the clothes hamper by the closet door then turned off the bathroom light, “you need anything while I’m up?”
“No. I’m good. Come lay down.”
Robyn turned off the bedroom light and climbed into the bed. Chris wrapped his arm around her shoulder and she laid her head on his chest, “you ok? I’m still getting a really weird vibe from you.”
“Do you think there’s something wrong with me for not wanting to have a ceremony?”
“No. Why would you think that?”
Robyn shrugged and Chris pushed up to sit up against their pillows, “Sit up with me.”
Robyn sat up and pressed her head against the headboard.
“Talk to me, Baby. What’s going on?”
“I was telling Mel and Lele about the whole proposal and they just made me feel like I was wrong for not wanting a ceremony. Like it was crazy to skip it.”
“Robyn, you’re the one getting married. Why does it matter what they think?”
“I don’t know but its irritating me.”
“Listen, I do not want you to feel like you have to do anything you don’t want to do. This is our wedding and it needs to be for our comfort. And I love our families but fuck them if they have a problem with the way we want to do this. My concern is you. And if worrying about what they want is gonna have you feeling like you are right now, I don’t want you to be worry about it. If it was up to me, I’d marry you tonight, ok. Don’t give nobody that kind of power over you, ok?”
“Ok. I’m sorry. I really didn’t want to be bothered by it but it was just-“
“Baby, you care about your family and their opinions, even if you don’t really listen to them. I’m no different in that aspect but what I really care about is how you feel. Your opinion is the only one that holds weight here. You are not crazy or wrong for not wanting to have a ceremony. That’s your right.”
“Do you want one?”
“No. Especially if you don’t want one.”
“Babe, I don’t want to be selfish and take the experience away from you either.”
“You aren’t. What I want to experience is right here with me. What I’m concerned about is that piece of paper declaring us legally connected. Wedding ceremonies are cool, don’t get me wrong but they aren’t the end-all be-all. There’s nothing but death that would keep me from marrying you whether it’s at an altar or standing in front of a  court clerk.”
Robyn smiled and gently palmed the side of his face, “Thank you. I really needed to hear that.”
“Robyn Baby, don’t let anybody get you down or make you question yourself. You know what you want and I have no problem giving that to you.”
“What if we elope?”
“Yea, just me, you and the girls.”
“We’ll need witnesses.”
“We’ll get two people we trust not to say anything then.”
“Is that what you really want to do?”
“Chris, I need my sanity and trying to plan a wedding is gonna ruin it. I hated it the first time I got married and I really don’t want to go down that road again.”
“Robs, you don’t owe me an explanation.”
“You are the only person I owe one to. I really appreciate you being so sweet about this.”
Chris smiled and pecked her lips, “I love you and I want you to be happy. That’s all that matters to me.”
“I know. Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me, let’s just brainstorm a way to make this work. How about we go to the court house and get married? The girls can still get to carry flowers and stuff but we skip all the other hoopla.”
“Are you sure?”
“I am absolutely sure.”
Robyn smiled as she hugged him tightly, “You’re incredible.”
Chris laughed, “you getting soft on me, Ms. Fenty?”
“I can take it back, Christopher.”
“No, that’s fine. I’ma shut up.”
Robyn laughed as she leaned into his chest, “seriously this means a lot.”
“You mean a lot to me.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Baby.”
“Wait, we can’t tell the twins what’s going on though because they will snitch.”
“We’ll make it a surprise for them then.”
“Good. Can we sleep now?”
“Did I tire you out in the shower that bad?”
“You gotta stop with those tricks, Woman. It be taking days before I feel like my dick works again.”
Robyn laughed out loud as she wrapped her arms around his waist, “but you’re a quick study. It makes it fun.”
“I bet.”
“Goodnight Christopher.”
“Goodnight Bajan Girl.”
“Knock. Knock.”
Robyn looked up from her computer screen and smiled, “Hey you.”
“How’s the love of my life doing?”
“Much better. What you doing here?”
Chris held up a large cardboard box, “lunch.”
“Thanks Babe, I had a taste for some BBQ too.”
“I figured that. Save whatever you doing and come with me.”
“We not eating here?”
“Nah, it’s pretty outside plus I want to run some stuff by you real quick.”
“Oh ok. Let me change my phone to out of office and grab my purse.”
Robyn saved her work, locked her computer and changed her phone setting before grabbing her purse from the locked bottom drawer of her desk. She turned off her lights and met Chris at the door, “there’s a really nice set of tables in the pavilion downstairs.”
“We can eat there the I want to take you somewhere for a bit.”
“After you.”
Robyn locked her office, left a note on her assistant’s desk then followed Chris to the elevators.
“How has work been?”
“Pretty good. We had this long ass virtual conference this morning so my boss let us go early. I figured why not spend the extra time with my favorite girl.”
“I’m already marrying you, you know.”
“I know, doesn’t hurt to work for security.”
Robyn giggled as they got inside the empty elevator car, “talk to Mama lately?”
“Both of them actually. Nothing out of the ordinary. You?”
“Yea. Mama Fenty is already planning for the reunion this year. I guess my father’s side of the family wants to show up this year and my Guyanese folks do too.”
“That should be fun. Have I met them?”
“You met some of them when you came there as a teenager but most of them will be new to you.”
“Cool. You doing ok?”
“I’m good. Had to take the twins to their doctor’s appointment yesterday.”
“They told me they went. I could’ve taken them, you know.”
“It’s not a huge deal besides the office is right down the street from my dentist office so I still made my appointment in time.”
“Oh ok. You know you still should be telling me about some of these appointments. You don’t have to take them by yourself.”
“It honestly slipped my mind.”
“Not a problem. Which way are we going?”
Robyn pointed to sparsely filled area a few yards in front of them, “did you get something to drink? We can stop in the little convenience store on the first floor before we go that way.”
“Drinks and cups already in here.”
“You do plan for everything?”
“Always prepared for you.”
Robyn rolled her eyes and they continued walking until they came to a back picnic table. It was shielded by a set of trees and bushes but there was just enough sunlight peeking through.
“You’ve been out here before.”
“A few times but not often and not in the last two years or so.”
“You like being cooped up in that office?”
“No, I like being alone and being out here during lunchtime when it’s warm, too many people.”
“Ah ok.”
They sat down and Chris doled out the food.
“So what did you want to talk to me about?”
“I wanted to take you to see about a dress.”
“I know we haven’t set a date yet for our wedding but if it’s just a court thing, I still want you to have a beautiful dress.”
“You know what I didn’t even think about it.”
“Not like that. I was so focused on the girls’ dresses and what flowers they could carry, my dress completely slipped my mind. I want it to be nice for them, you know?”
“Yes and I want it to be nice for you.”
“Are we going to a store?”
“Actually I got two dresses sent to a nearby showroom for you.”
“From where?”
“New Orleans.”
“Don’t say my name like that. I swear it wasn’t a lot of money and they aren’t super extravagant so you could definitely wear them for a fancy date or something.”
“What dresses did you get sent here?”
“Those two white gowns I saw you sneaking looks at when we went shopping there.”
“What white- you saw that?”
“I absolutely did. I was gonna ask if you wanted to go into the store to try them on but you tried to act like you didn’t know what I was talking about.”
Robyn chuckled as she took a sip of soda, “it wasn’t that deep.”
“No but you clearly really liked them.”
“How did you know they even had my size?”
“I called and asked. I’m always paying attention even when you think I’m not.’
“Wait- so you bought them even though I haven’t tried them on yet.”
“Yea. If you don’t like them for a wedding dress, we’ll just find another one. They can always be used at a later date.”
“Christopher, that’s a lot of-“
“No, it wasn’t. We are not discussing finances. I will give you my accountant to talk to if you think I’m wasting money.”
“That’s not necessary. Dramatic.”
Chris laughed, “you the one always worried about my pockets. I’m good, Babe.”
“I’ll take your word for it.”
“That ‘for now’ is silent, I guess.”
“Oh shut up.”
They laughed and Chris kissed the back of her hand, “you sure you’re ok?”
“Life’s changing but I can handle it.”
“You’ll let me know if you can’t?”
“I will.”
“Good. What else you got planned for today?”
“Nothing. Come back to the office, finish up a presentation then home since the girls are still at your house.”
“You decide when you wanna move in?”
“Haven’t thought about it. I gotta sort though and see what stuff I’m taking with me, selling or putting into storage.”
“Are you gonna have a hard time with that?”
“What you mean?”
“I know you still have a lot of Michael’s stuff packed away in your garage. I imagine it might be difficult to go through it again.”
“You know, thinking about him doesn’t make me as sad as it used to but I guess I won’t really know until I start.”
“Do you want me to-“
Robyn started shaking her head before Chris even finished his sentence, “I’m an adult, a few tears won’t kill me.”
Chris twisted up his lips in skepticism before taking a sip of his drink, “we’ll see.”
“You don’t think I can do it.”
“I absolutely think you can but I also think it’s gonna be really emotional for you. Robyn, you haven’t dated at all since he passed which means you haven’t given much thought about what it’d be like to fully move on. You literally turned your master bedroom into a storage closet rather than sleep in it again. You’re gonna feel some kind of way.”
“And I will deal with it when it happens.”
“Well, I’m always available for support.”
“I won’t need it but thank you.”
Chris nodded his head as he finished off his macaroni and cheese, “what time do you need to be back?”
“By 3. I have a budget meeting at 3:15.”
“Cool, we have time then.”
  Robyn turned on the lights in her former master bedroom and looked around the untouched space. She hadn’t stepped foot in here since the day before Michael’s funeral. That day she was just in a rush to pack everything away so she wouldn’t have to look at it, she can’t even remember what was actually in here. She sighed as she looked at the stacked boxes, “I guess now’s a good time as any.”
There wasn’t as much stuff as she initially thought as she started removing the tops. Many of the boxes were in fact empty; those she placed inside each other and gathered away in a one corner. She pulled a large plastic bin from against the wall and her breath caught as she looked at the label. It was everything from her wedding day. Opening it, right on top was her wedding dress encased in a plastic garment bag. Holding up the bag, she unzipped it and pulled out the gown. It was still pristine white. She chuckled at the size on the tag. When she was pregnant, she had gained about 60 pounds, so she went from wearing a size 6 to a size 14. Lucky for her it was mostly baby.
She sat down on the floor with the dress in her lap as she started digging through more of the items. Next was the guest signing book and photo album. She flipped the photo album open and the first page was her and Michael posing together and he was cradling her belly. They had decided to do the photo session before the wedding as a precaution. As she started flipping through more photos, she didn’t feel the sadness she was concerned about. It was more of a relief than she anticipated. The sense of finality, that she was finally, officially moving on washed over her as she held her wedding dress in her hands. She didn’t need a ceremony. She didn’t need the extravaganza or anything of the noise. Her journey here had been enough. She just wanted peace for her and Chris and there’s was no better way to ensure that than to do things the way they wanted to.
 Just as she left the room, her phone rang. Robyn slid over the answer key, “Yes Christopher.”
“You ok?”
“I’m fine. You really don’t have to keep checking on me.”
“I know but I’ll do it anyway.”
“Clearly. How’s our babies?”
“They are good. Getting ready for bed. You coming back this way?”
“Do you want me to?”
Robyn giggled, “I have a preposition for you that might make life easier for you.”
“And what’s that?”
“Let’s get married this weekend.”
“This weekend?”
“Yup. In New Orleans. They only have a 24 hour waiting period and I don’t see any reason to wait any longer than that.”
“Are you sure?”
“Then I’m in.”
“Good. See you in an hour.”
“Ok. Be careful.”
“I will, Baby.”
“I love you.”
“Love you too.”
 Chris handed Robyn a bottle of juice as he sat next to her at the gate, “I was surprised we got the day off on a Thursday.”
“It always help to have a good relationship with your supervisor.”
“That’s true, “ Chris looked over to Erin and Erica who were sitting at a table coloring, “you think they’ve figured anything out yet?”
“Nah, I just told it was a quick vacation. I think we can make a room for some fun over the weekend.”
“You thought about a honeymoon?”
“Not really. You?”
“Not really either.”
Robyn laughed, “I mean we don’t have to take one right after. We can hold off for whenever.”
“Works for me.”
“More so anxious. We have a meeting with my realtor next week.”
“You’re ready to sell already?”
“Yea. I don’t see the purpose of waiting.”
“How’d the room cleaning go?”
“It went really well. I got rid of most of the stuff, whatever his mother didn’t want, I either threw away or donated.”
“I’m proud of you.”
“Thank you, Babe.”
Chris pulled her close and kissed her temple, “was it hard?”
“It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would’ve been. It was more relief than anything. I think the time was just right, you know? After 9 years, I think it was time to move on”
“Ever wish you would’ve done it sooner?”
“Honestly, no. I didn’t really have a reason to do it sooner. It gave the girls some connection to him and I got to keep my memories.”
“Do you think it removes any of those things?”
“No. His things being there was just my comfort, you know. Kept my life familiar. Now I realize, my memories and the twins memories of him aren’t going anywhere regardless of whether I kept his things or not. I don’t think I would’ve been receptive enough in the past to even consider that. Besides I wasn’t ready to move on.”
“Who are you? What have you done with my Robyn?”
Robyn laughed as she playfully shoved his shoulder, “stop it especially since you the one made me confront all this stuff.”
“I did do that, huh?”
“Would you have made me get rid of his stuff before I moved in?”
“No, I would’ve waited until you were ready. It would’ve had to be in storage, of course but other than, no problem here.”
“You’re sweet. Where’s my Chris?”
“He grew up.”
Robyn smiled and pecked his lips, “you ready for this?”
“I’ve been ready.”
About fifteen minutes later, they were boarding the plane to New Orleans.
  “Mommy, you look so pretty,” Erica said as Robyn walked into the living room of their hotel suite.
“You think so?” Robyn gave a quick turn, “thank you, sweetie. You look beautiful.”
“Thank you. Daddy said we’re going out to dinner later.”
“We are. We might be going on a haunted house tour this weekend too.”
“Really? That’s so cool.”
“I’m glad you think so. We’re gonna try and find as much fun stuff to do for our little vacation.”
Robyn carefully patted the top of her head to make sure she didn’t flatten her curls before directly Erica to sit down.
“Chris, Babe, are you ready yet?”
“We’re coming,” Chris replied as he and Erin walked into the living room. He stopped short as he looked up at Robyn, “wow.”
Robyn blushed as she brushed a stray hair behind her ear, “don’t look at me like that, you’re making me nervous.”
“I’m sorry. You just look incredible.”
“Thank you.”
“You wanna tell them now or wait until we get to the courthouse?”
“Now if you want.”
“Is something wrong, Mommy? Daddy?” Erin asked.
“How about you sit down next to your sister? Mommy and Daddy have something important we want to tell you, “ Robyn replied.
Erin sat down next to her sister as Robyn and Chris sat across from them on the ottoman, “Mommy is it bad news?”
“No, it’s very good news. Chris, do you want to do the honors?”
“Well me and Mommy didn’t want to wait so we’re getting married today.”
“Yay!!” Erin and Erica exclaimed as they jumped up to hug their parents.
“Do we still get to be flower girls?”
“Absolutely. We have your baskets and bouquets in the car downstairs.”
“Is anyone else coming?”
“No, we just wanted it to be us and our girls. We’ll surprise them later.”
“Oh ok.”
“So you ready for the wedding?”
“Yes, can we go now? I wanna drop some flowers.”
Chris and Robyn chuckled as they stood up, “let’s go get married.”
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ruffiorocks · 5 years
People hating on Katie McGrath because nothing bad happened at SDCC this year.
So I was shown a link to someone who said they wished that Katie McGrath would speak out against all the bullying the cast receive and come and 'collect her fans' because it's all done in her name. 'She' , apparently posted all the pics of her and Mechad (because somehow she got hold of his phone took selfie's and then posted them to Mehcads instagram and Twitter, she then wrote a caption in his voice and then replied to all the comments still using Mehcads account and pretending to be him??) but she's nowhere to be seen when he's being bullied, she also pops up in the Nikazie pics but when trolls come out she'd nowhere to be seen.
Note: Mehcad actually stated under a pic of him and Katie that she had seen the comments and wasn't happy. Mechad even said that Katie didn't want Social media when someone in his comments told him to tell her to get it. He clearly supports her decision not to.
They say that Mehcad,. Nicole and Azei get abuse and they speak out. Grant Gustin has 'finally' spoken out against the abuse Candice gets.
Ok, so... what? You are all aware Katie doesn't have social media right? She has never had Social media (save WhatsApp) and is a very private person. She's so private in fact that no one really knows much about her at all, we only know her birthday because of a SOCIAL MEDIA mistake. Katie even said at SDCC that the fact even if her phone is in airplane mode she can still be tracked is scary.
Katie isn't responsible for shit other people do. Mehcad, Mel, etc Azei and Nicole are the examples used? Yeah.. no, the fact is that they all choose to put their lives out there onto social media. They IN NO WAY deserve the crap thrown at them, but the fact is celebrity along with Social media means you will get a degree of criticism, it is the risk you take and they are perfectly capable of defending themselves and their fans do it to. It sounds harsh but you can't be niaeve enough to be famous and publish your life and your sometimes controversial views on line and expect everyone to either love you or ignore you. That doesn't justify bullying, but social media comes with the risk of criticism, it's just the way it works.
Mehcad gets hate - Katie takes pics with him ans gives permission for them to go on social media. In Interviews she also talks about how much she cares about him, his talent and even his looks.
Nicole gets hate - in interviews Katie is shown to be fully supportive and to adore Nicole.
SDCC this year was a non stop cuddle fest between all the cast. If they were p**sed at her for not having social media and defended them well they sure as hell are worthy of Oscars!
Katie is ridiculously shy as well, remember how she needed support when she's at a ComiCon? This year she seemed a bit more relaxed. She can't even bring herself to watch herself act. She is in no way obligated to break what she's comfortable with to start more controversy. It's all well and good people saying the others cast members have been called names and they've spoken up but Katie hasn't, but I don't see the cast ditching Katie, I don't see Mehcad, or Azei or Nicole condeming her, you know the ones actually being bullied? No they continuously post pics with her and declare their love and admiration. If the actual victims aren't bothered then neither should anyone else be. Katie praises her cast mates all the time, that's her speaking up. Didn't Azie and Nicole state that their advice to newcomers was to get Katie's number? That she was the welcoming committee? Sounds like they real dislike her right?
Plus 'white privilege' was brought up, im out at this point, it's everyone's answer for everything. A white woman doesn't go on social media and start calling people out and the only people bothered by it aren't even the POC or Trans victims affected. It's ironic that white privilege is used to describe Katie for not getting bullied while she is being bullied??
Sorry but people blaming Katie for not getting involved with online drama are just looking for someone to blame and trying to justify hatred ('i don't hate Katie but....' 😑) for the actress because they don't like her character and think she's taking time away from Kara. You know? The EXACT same thing people got upset about over Mon El? How best to fight and contridicate an argument? Use the same exact argument apparently.
Lastly, I saw posts hating on Katie because in one of the interviews when Mel was talking about her reaction to Lena punching Kara, Kaite said 'she deserved it' and they ALL laughed. Apparently this JOKE is being taken seriously and people are saying nasty things about Katie. I understand why though, it's easy, the concept of SARCASM is lost on these people. They are desperate to be offended by something, honestly at this point they are acting like being offended is their security blanket. They aren't actually happy unless they feel like they have something to be upset about . Katie did this in interviews back when she was on Merlin, she and Colin would act like Merlin and Morgana and Katie would send Colin running. It's called sarcasm and having fun. Just like Katie saying that Lena was the first to give Kara pants and pretending to be annoyed about that not being addressed, she's just playing.
Lastly, they're having a go because she defends Lena, just like she defended Morgana. Katie is asked questions about the depth of the character she is playing, about their thought process. Katie isn't just going to read the lines and not think about the character, she wants to understand her character and where she is coming from, just like the others do. It's not just Good or Evil one dimensional characters. If you didn't want to hear about the characters why the f**k would you watch a panel where they are asked about them?
In conclusion, nothing bad happened this year at SDCC, nothing at all. But this isn't sitting well with the people who were clearly watching for something to be offended by. Nothing major happened, so what to do? How can we keep our blogs updated and stay relevant? Oh I know! We'll hate on one of the most unproblematic people ever, we'll call her out for not defending her cast mates! Oh no we don't care that they love her and they're family! It doesn't matter, we've decided that Katie is bad because essentially she isn't obsessed with social media like us and she isn't doing what we want her to do, plus we don't like her character.
Hating on Katie is just ridiculous. These are the same people that got upset (actually rightfully so) because Chris Wood got hate for being Mon El.
The cast love Katie, YOU know nothing about them other than the small percentage they let you see. Stop pretending to be offended on another person's behalf when they themselves have no issues with the person you are condemning.
Learn to understand sarcasm and an actor/actress understanding the character she's playing. Oh and for God's sake stop WANTING to be offended.
Rant over.
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Do you think scrappies show more hate towards Chris (at least that's the impression I get) because he married Mel? Because I swear, they have more problems with the dude Melissa swears up and down makes her happy than they do with her abusive piece of shit ex
Absolutely. Plus, because he played Mon-El aka Kara's only real love interest and a man she was happy with, who never hurt her like You Know Who etc.
This or that it's really sad, because how awfully pathetic your life needs to be, to be end on treating an actress you claim to support like a brainwashed barbie doll and her husband, who stands at her side and supporst and clearly loves her, like a monster worse than her past abuser. I seriously don't have an answer, but maybe they seriously should find some professional help. Or find normal friends.
But this or that, they all do it because of a fictional ship. Sometimes it really hits me and it always leaves me astonished, I guess.
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staytheb · 5 years
iPad Mini
Pairing: SKZ’s Lee Know x OC [Melanie] Genre: college!au, slice of life, slight fluff Word Count: 4,333 Summary: Melanie just wants her iPad Mini back. But it’s a bit hard when one of the hottest guys on campus has it and is holding something like an audition with his friends to figure out who it belongs to. Minho just wants to know who the Blue Fairy was that danced circles around him that night.
Warning: curse words. um... college stuff. i dunno really. lol
this was actually inspired by me watching Selena Gomez in the Another Cinderella movie. it’s actually quite good now that i’m older. lol anyways, i always wanted to write something like this, but with my own twist and i just never could get around to who would be in it and then bam it happened and now it’s here. but um, yeah that’s about it really despite the lame title, but the whole reason the story is here is because of an iPad Mini so yeah happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
revised. 9.10.20
"So what's the plan, Mel?" Jasmine asked as the quartet huddled while discussing on how to get back Melanie's iPad Mini from Minho and his friends who were in a way holding a little thing where girls could line up and try to claim the iPad as theirs.
"Well, I was gonna go up to him and straight up asked for it back because obviously it's mine." Melanie answered. "But then everyone would know it was me he had a dance battle with as the Blue Fairy and I hate having the spotlight on me."
"I mean," Serena interjected with a nonchalant manner, "The DJ was seriously playing a sorry ass playlist and your iPad was the one that was quickly available and I knew the pass-code to, to play a bomb ass playlist instead. So, yeah, my bad about that."
"You did pull out some moves on him though." Katherine added with a laugh. "No other girl was down to dance like that with him."
"No guys either besides his friends." Jasmine stated with a chuckle. "Mel definitely danced circles around him. Honestly speaking, if all four of us showcased our skills instead of Mel, who knows what would of happened last night."
"I know right." Serena commented. "The four of us would have never been left alone again after that."
"Well, obviously since Melanie wasn't the only one who danced with someone that night." Katherine inputted with a chuckle. "I remember you, Serena, was dancing with Minho's friend, Chris. You guys were pretty cute I must say."
"We weren't dancing with each other and no we're definitely not cute, Kat. He bumped into me and we did the whole weird dance of trying to get out of each other's way and kept going back and forth." Serena explained with a roll of her eyes. "It was kind of dumb and took a little longer than it should have even when I just stood there for him to move around me."
"Yeah, right, Rina. I'm pretty sure there's another story behind it." Katherine cooed while nudging Serena playfully.
"Whatever." Serena dismissed before directing the attention elsewhere. "Well if I recall, I wasn't the only one having a moment. Jasmine was totally dancing with Jisung, too, and I think they may have sneaked off somewhere before we dipped earlier than expected. I'm surprised that he's your type, Jas."
"We just danced and maybe kissed." Jasmine answered with a small smile. "A few times. I didn't think he would be my type either."
"That's cute." Katherine cooed. "I didn't do anything."
"Yeah, right." Jasmine disagreed. "I saw you and Changbin getting down and being all touchy, touchy with one another in the dark corner."
"We both were feeling the music. The vibe was good." Katherine reasoned. "Plus, it was less crowded in the corner and it wasn't even that dark."
"Y'all's moments are cute and all with the guys you like kinda like me, but like can we get back to my current situation at the moment please?" Melanie cut in to return them back on topic, "Anyways, how are we supposed to get my iPad back?"
"Wait. You like Minho?" Serena redirected the conversation elsewhere. "Since when?"
"I said kinda like. He's cute." Melanie clarified.
Jasmine let out a low whistle before speaking. "Ohh, this makes it even more juicy. I wonder how it'll turn out."
"Well, we won't know unless I get my iPad Mini back, right?" Melanie retorted with a sigh. "I was supposed to catch up on my dramas last night after the dance."
"Okay, then. How about we steal it back?" Katherine suggested.
"How though?" Serena wondered. "There's like nine of them and they won't easily let it just sit there unattended."
"Rina's right. Minho's adamant about finding out who it belongs to." Jasmine stated. "We really need a good plan."
"I just can't believe I dropped it when I ran away from him though." Melanie scolded herself. "Even though Rina got it away from the DJ. I hope it's fine."
"Yeah and that shit wasn't easy since the guy was mad we interrupted his session earlier, too." Serena reminded them. "Your iPad is fine. It's got a good case."
"It's fine, Mel. I agree with Serena about the case." Katherine reassured her. "We'll figure out how to get it back for you."
"How about all four us distracts them?" Jasmine suggested before explaining further. "Like, Melanie is gonna give him an answer, but while they're all distracted the three of us try to swipe it out of his hands and just scattered."
"That could work because then they wouldn't know which one of us took it." Serena reasoned with a smile. "I like it, Jas. Good thinking."
"But will it work though?" Katherine inquired.
Melanie shrugged before letting out a sigh.
"I guess we'll just have to try and see how it goes."
The quartet looked at one another as they silently agreed before nodding in confirmation. Melanie gave out the orders before they all went to their respective places until it was time to get Melanie's iPad Mini back. They just hoped that it wouldn't take too long or someone else wounds up with it instead.
It was finally Melanie's turn after waiting almost like ten minutes since there were a lot of girls and even guys trying to get something that wasn't even theirs. The twins, Jasmine and Katherine, were off to the side waiting for their signal to start the distraction. Serena would later come, grab, and run off with it once her sister, Melanie, gave her the go-ahead to do so. When Melanie calmly stood before the males who were sitting behind a clothed table like they were holding auditions for something, Minho was actually in front leaning against it.
Minho cast Melanie a surprised look, but remained calmed before asking her the first question. "What's the color of the case?"
"It's blue." Melanie answered while describing the case further. "On the outside and kinda hard, but it's dark grey on the inside and of the same material. It's designed by iHome and the case is like a book cover with a rubber band that keeps it in place and the iPad Mini itself is also white."
"Okay, impressive." Minho was impressed by her answer before casting her a smug look. "What's the picture of the lock screen?"
The only reason Minho was asking this question was that every person who answered always got it wrong and was unable to actually explain it in detail. It was the same for the question about the color of the case. No one could describe it in detail until Melanie came along. So, Minho was curious if this device actually belonged to her. It was the same for the other eight males who grew interested upon Melanie describing the case in depth.
Melanie tsked before answering. "It's a generic lock screen wallpaper, but it's mainly blue with shades or hues of orange and white as well. Kinda like you're looking in to a wave's vortex or something like that."
"Wow." Minho let out in awe with a nod of his head. "That's pretty accurate."
"Obviously." Melanie muttered, but refrained from letting him know that.
"Then," Minho reached from behind him and brought forth Melanie's iPad while speaking, "You should be able to put in the pass-code, right?"
The nine males anticipated what would happened upon Melanie entering the pass-code. It was because they wanted to know if Melanie knew it or not as she was the first and only one to actually be presented with the item itself since they started. Everyone else failed to describe the actual lock screen and so were unable to see the actual iPad Mini previously. All the others behind Melanie hoped that she didn't get it correct because they wanted a moment to be focused on by the nine hottest boys on the campus of Seoul University.
"Yeah, of course. It's mine." Melanie stated in a firm voice although she was dying inside about all of this.
Melanie then cast her gaze over to Katherine and Jasmine who were waiting for her signal which was the look that Melanie was giving them. Because the duo had stood near the table which no one really gave them much notice, they set the rest of the plan into motion and started arguing on the spot. They also started to push each other making them clash with the table from time to time to make an even bigger commotion.
It drew everyone's attention towards them and when that happened Melanie quickly looked for Serena who was standing off to the side on the opposite end of where the other two were. Compare to the others, Serena actually wore a hoodie that could disguise her appearance more since the other three wore jackets instead. So when Serena caught Melanie's look, she rushed over towards Minho, plucked the iPad out of his hands with ease and took off. Serena didn't dare to glance back and prayed for herself to outrun whoever was about to chase after her.
"Hey!" Minho called after her as he took off to catch her.
His friends noticed this and did the same thing leaving everyone to look after them. Jasmine and Katherine stopped what they were doing knowing that the plan had worked and ran up to Melanie. The trio looked at one another worried and also ran after Serena in hopes of catching up to her first.
"Fuck my life." Serena muttered to herself after placing Melanie's item into the pocket of her hoodie while still running away from Minho and his friends. "Why did I have to wear a freaking hoodie and not a jacket today?"
She held one end of her hood of her hoodie while placing a protective arm over her stomach to keep the iPad mini from tumbling out as she ran across the school's campus towards her dormitory. Serena hoped that she'll make it before being caught because the adrenaline was soon running low. She hoped too soon when she felt arms wrapped themselves around her waist and was tackled to the concrete. Her and the person crashed to the ground and she tried to fight the person off of her, but she felt herself being slightly lifted up and then slightly slammed back onto the concrete again.
Serena got the wind knocked out of her as she groaned in pain after being tackled and then slammed to the floor. She swung her arms out in hopes it'll make contact with the attacker and it did. The person backed away from her to tend to his face after Serena blindly punched him in the cheek. Serena removed her hoodie so that she could breathed better and another friend of Minho's reached them first and realized that she was a female.
"Oh shit, Chris. It's a girl." He exclaimed in a shocked tone. "You just injured a girl."
"How was I supposed to know that, Changbin?" Chris retorted while casting a glance at Serena. "She was covered up and I couldn't tell."
The rest of their group of friends finally reached them with the female trio huddling over Serena while pulling her up into a sitting position.
"Serena, you good?" Jasmine asked first upon reaching her first.
"How many fingers am I holding up?" Katherine asked while holding up three fingers on one hand.
Serena didn't replied to the duo as she reached into her hoodie's pocket to retrieve the iPad Mini and held it towards Melanie.
"Thanks, bro." Melanie thanked her friend while taking back her device. "I owe you one."
"Boba and crispy chicken would do, but you're welcome." Serena informed her with a smile despite wincing in pain.
Just then Minho snatched the iPad Mini from out of Melanie's hand and she glared at him.
"Excuse you, but that's mine."
"If it is, then put in the pass-code." Minho replied with a smirk.
"I don't need to prove anything to you by doing that. Can't you see my friends and I try to steal it back so that I wouldn't have to do that?"
"She does have a fair point." Minho's friend, Seungmin, reasoned. "Besides, it's not even yours to take."
"Hey, you look familiar." Another friend, Jisung, suddenly let out upon seeing Jasmine up close. "Very familiar. Do we have classes with each other?"
"No." Jasmine denied even though the duo had like three classes this semester.
"Wait, wait, wait. They do look familiar now that I think about it." Felix, another friend, said as he looked at all four females while thinking. "I feel like we've seen them at that dance room we used with the others."
"Oh yeah, may be we've seen them in class, too." Hyunjin, another friend, exclaimed with a smile. "I mean, there's a lot of girls in my classes, but I know these four look very familiar to me."
"I dunno. I mean, do we really recognize people even if they look familiar?" The youngest of the group, Jeongin, wondered out loud while looking at everyone clueless.
"We have never met before. We honestly don't know each other. We also don't do any form of dancing whatsoever. We definitely don't have any classes or the likes with each other either. So basically, this is the first time we have ever met and interacted in our lives." Serena responded in a firm tone while standing up and going strong with her lies. "And now we're leaving. Bye."
"Oh, that's it!" Felix spoke excitedly upon remembering while pointing to Serena and Melanie respectively. "You're Eric's sisters! Serena and Melanie. I remember when I stayed over at your guys' house that one time like a few weeks ago. Wow, time really does fly by."
Felix then faced the twins and smiled at them while pointing to each one respectively while speaking. "And the twins, Jasmine and Katherine, who are also like older sisters to him. You guys were there, too. We had like a sleepover with all that inside camping thing."
"Fuckin' Eric, man." Melanie muttered. "He's so friendly and talkative."
"Of course Eric would be friends with one of them and we eventually get busted in the end." Serena mumbled in annoyance. "Dumbest shit ever."
"You know what, Serena, I blame you." Jasmine stated a second later.
"What? Why me?"
"If you hadn't suggested to go to the Masquerade Dance last night, we wouldn't be in this mess."
"Excuse you, I'm blaming Katherine for that shit."
"What? What did I do?" Katherine asked confused. "I didn't even know about the dance until you said something, Serena."
“So Serena’s still to blame.” Jasmine mused.
"Not even. If Kat hadn't busted out with those fairy costumes I wouldn't have suggested in going to the dance in the first place."
"Hey. That's not my fault that you fell in love with the red dress." Katherine reasoned.
"That's only because Jasmine wanted to wear the purple one and you wanted the orange one. Of course that left me with the red one because Melanie doesn't like red and so she got her favorite color the blue one. That's how we ended up being fairies for the Masquerade Dance."
Melanie shushed them, but it was a little too late for that. The girls had just exposed themselves, well more on Serena's part than anyone else, and they were really hoping that neither of the boys would piece all the info together to realized that.
"Purple Fairy?" Jisung inquired while looking at Jasmine. "So that was you last night?"
"Yes. Now, how about we continued where we left off? Yeah?" Jasmine responded in a flirty tone while leaving Serena's side and grabbed Jisung's hand.
"Okay. That was like a one-eighty." Serena muttered.
The pair walked off and paid the group no mind. On the other hand, Changbin happily skipped over to Katherine with a boyish look.
"Hello, Miss Orange Fairy." He greeted her in a confident, but cute manner.
Katherine shot him a similar smile while also leaving Serena's side.
"Hello to you, too, Dark Masquerader."
"How about we ditched these guys and get better acquainted?"
The pair walked off hand-in-hand also not paying any attention to the others.
"The fuck just happened, bro?" Serena muttered more to herself than anyone else while watching her friends run off with the guys they were basically hooking up with last night. "This shit is so freaking weird and unexpected."
"So you were the Red Fairy?" Chris asked with a charming smile, but Serena glared at him while pointing a finger in his direction before talking. "Don't you start."
"Aww. I thought a third couple was about to successfully happen right now." Hyunjin interjected with a pout. "It was getting good since Chris wouldn't stop talking about the Red Fairy he had a thing with."
"Did I?" Chris asked with a sheepish laugh.
"This is not a dating show. It's college." Seungmin remarked with a laugh.
"What he said." Serena pointed at Seungmin before shooting Chris an annoyed look. "Also I didn't forget about how you basically beat me up not that long ago."
"Oh that's true." Jeongin remembered while looking over at his friend. "You did tackle her and then threw her down. I wouldn't want to date you either."
"Who said anything about dating?" Serena let out in an incredulous tone despite appearing flustered.
"What if," Chris began in like he was making a deal, "What if I was the one that owe you boba and crispy chicken instead?"
Serena was about to decline, but she went speechless instead.
Melanie chuckled as she nudged her sister before speaking. "I see that he got you there."
"Shut up." Serena responded while nudging her back.
"Ohh, ooh, I know, I know!" Felix happily piped up remembering something his friend, Eric, said about his sisters. "I think Eric said something like that Serena also likes cute things like stuffed animals and Rilakkuma and friends and similar stuff that would make her not hate you if you did her wrong."
"Eric needs to shut his damn mouth." Serena mumbled before looking over at Felix with a puzzled expression. "Why do you even remember these things?"
"I just do. Eric talks a lot."
"Yeah he does." Melanie agreed before lifting Serena to her feet while speaking to her. "Just go with Chris. I know you're dying to do so."
"I am not. I don't like Chris like that." Serena disagreed with a firm tone. "And I'm not looking into dating."
"I didn't say anything about you liking Chris or dating." Melanie confirmed with a smirk. "But now I do and I meant the part about getting boba and crispy chicken."
"Sure you do." Serena mumbled with a pout. "I hate you."
"Uh huh. Anyways, have fun you two, and take real good care of her, Chris!" Melanie exclaimed while pushing Serena towards Chris.
"I will. Thanks!" Chris replied as he offered a hand for Serena to take and she reluctantly took his offered hand with him leading the both of them off somewhere.
"So that leaves the two of you." Jisung concluded as he looked at Minho and then at Melanie. "I highly approve. You're a great dancer. Maybe even better than Minho himself. Anyways, c'mon guys. Let's leave first so that we're not looking like we didn't get chosen."
"I hope the fourth couple is successful, too." Jeongin commented with a smile. "It would be nice so that the older ones can have someone to take care of and leave the younger ones alone to do their own thing."
"Hmm, true. I absolutely agree." Seungmin agreed with a nod. "Maybe they'll stop badgering us to hang out, too, and I can just do my homework in peace."
"But love is in the air." Hyunjin reasoned with a pout. "I wanna see how they act around others that isn't us. I'm sure they have a different attitude."
"Let's just go before Minho attacks us or something because we're ruining his alone time with Melanie." Felix said with a giggle. "I can see his eyes starting to twitch and he's about to speak to us with his eyebrows."
"Ah right!" Jisung agreed happily. "Let's go and we can more info later."
The five males scattered off once Minho shot them a stern look, but the five boys were laughing as they ran away causing Melanie to watched them amused.
"So, you were my Blue Fairy, huh?" Minho asked Melanie to which got her attention.
"Your Blue Fairy? I don't remember belonging to you." Melanie informed him with a once over. "I'm pretty sure there were like other girls and maybe guys throwing themselves at you. There were other people in blue, too, y'know."
"Yeah, but none of them danced the way that you did that night."
"Oh yeah? All I did was just shimmied my way into your line of sight and you were already smitten? I'm touched."
"Well, I mean, I couldn't take my eyes off of you when you danced circles around me. Then when you ran away like Cinderella afterwards, I was crushed. Luckily," He held up her iPad Mini, "This gave me the opportunity to search for my Blue Fairy."
Melanie tried to reach for her device, but Minho moved it out of her reach.
"But who would have known that it was the quiet Melanie that always sat close to the door to make an escape when class was over."
"That sounds kinda stalkerish."
"I wouldn't say it's stalking, more like observing."
"Oh, yeah, okay. What else did you observed, hmm?"
"That you're left-handed like me, but not someone who's ambidextrous."
Melanie shot him a bored look.
"Okay, Minho, cool story, but can I have my iPad back. I miss watching my dramas on that."
Minho shook his head.
"I'll give it back on one condition."
She scoffed.
"What? Like a date or something with you?"
"You can say it's something like that."
"Why? You can literally date anyone on campus just like your friends, yet somehow we catch your attention and you wanna get to know us better? Not uh. I don't wanna be the fourth and final person to do so. I mean, the twins can since they're more out-going. As for Serena, she needs a life so that's also a different story."
"Who's to say that I haven't been interested in you before last night?"
"Is it because when we were partners earlier this semester I didn't drool all over you and we managed to passed the assignment?"
"No. It's when we started our first year together you threw a paper airplane at me with your number on it."
Melanie's jaw dropped upon that memory.
"No way. That was you?"
Minho nodded with a fond smile.
"You're lying and that wasn't me. I didn't throw the airplane. That was Jasmine to mess with me because she threw it upon the first person that walked up the steps."
Minho shook his head being all serious.
"I'm not, but you know, it was kinda messed up that you never replied back when I sent you a text to say 'hi'."
"Did you? Yeah, my bad. You didn't know this, but I had to get a new phone and number so I didn't know."
"Wow. You could have just told me."
Melanie cast him a weird look.
"How would I know that you were waiting this whole time to received a 'hi' back? I wasn't even the one that intentionally did that in the first place."
Minho was about to comment back, but closed his mouth while shooting her a smirk.
"What's up with that look?"
Melanie cautiously eyed him while taking a step back.
"Let me take back what I said earlier and make it on two conditions." Minho said while making a peace sign with his other hand that wasn't holding the iPad Mini.
"Because I wanna add something."
"Which is?"
"The first condition is that you go on a date with me. The second one is..." He trailed off to give it some suspense.
"Which is?" Melanie probed becoming a little impatient. "I don't have all day, y'know."
"You give me your new number and we can start over."
"That's kinda childish, don't you think?"
"Maybe. Maybe not. What do you say?"
Minho taunted her by holding her iPad Mini out to her and moving it back and forth.
"If I say yes, then would you give me my iPad before and after doing so?"
"Figures, but alright."
"Glad we can come to an agreement."
Minho fished his phone from his pocket, unlocked it, and passed it to Melanie to input her phone number.
"Is this how you normally get numbers?" Melanie asked curiously while typing in her number.
"No, but I'm glad it worked through you."
She handed him back his phone and Minho took it back while reading her information. A second letter, Melanie's phone went off and looked at the unknown number.
"I'm assuming this is you?"
"Mmhmm, but save my number as Handsome Prince."
"Why would I do that?"
"Because I changed yours to Blue Fairy."
"That is so cliche."
Minho shrugged, but a smirk was still evident on his face.
Melanie did so and even showed him the proof. Minho smiled even wider.
"Alright. Are you hungry?"
"A little. Why?"
"Let's grab something to eat and then I'll return you your iPad Mini."
"Okay, but if the other couples are there I'm so leaving."
"Fine by me. Let's go."
Minho offered a hand out for Melanie to take. She glanced at it before placing her hand in his. Might as well go with it as it was already happening. Minho cast her a sweet smile before leading the both of them in the opposite direction than the other three couples had taken.
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scornedlove · 6 years
Chapter Fifteen
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It’s official. I made my own name in fashion. We were at London Fashion Week again, but this time I wasn’t just watching. I was working alongside some of the fashion greats. The first week of January Adam Selman reached out to me personally. Apparently, the networking I did at the last fashion show paid off. He liked many of my ideas and wanted to collab on the upcoming fashion show, which meant we had about six weeks. He started working on this collection in June but felt it needed something more, so I was included in all the major decisions. It was such an amazing experience, from deciding on how things sit on the models to deciding how the pieces were cut. All the hard work paid off because the show was a success and he wanted me to join him on the autumn and winter collection as well.
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“This is going to open so many doors for me” l smiled, thinking out loud. Mel, Frankie, Paige, and I had just made it back to our hotel, shitfaced from celebrating.
“Yeah, you’re finally getting the recognition you deserve!” Frankie agreed. “I knew you would take off any day now. Nobody knows how hard you work like I do. You earned this.”
“I wanna go to Bim and celebrate with my people. I might as well take all ya’ll with me, ya’ll put in just as much work as I do. We all could use a vacation, plus my birthday is coming up” I grinned, excited just thinking about it.
“That’s what I’m talking about! I need to bathe in some island sun” Paige nodded her approval. “The only person who probably wouldn’t come is Meagan, only God knows how pissed she is that she didn’t get to come to fashion week last time and this time.”
“Well, if you don’t do your job right at home, why would you get the privilege of traveling?” I shrugged, feeling no sympathy. It’s a wonder I haven’t let her go yet. She was constantly coming in late, leaving early, and leaving tasks unfinished. I must admit, our customers enjoy her. She’s really good when it comes to customer service, but slacks in everything else.
“Yeah, but you know she’s been feeling some type of way since she saw Dre come in with your purse that day. That would be the real reason she doesn’t go to Barbados.” Frankie chimed in. “That’s my girl and all, but I’m not missing out on Barbados for anybody”
“What do you mean? Megan and Dre had a thing? Wait, you and Dre are hookin up?” Mel asked curiously. She had been in her bubble with J, so I hadn’t even told her about what happened between Dre and I on New Year’s Eve.
“You slut! I thought you said ya’ll vowed not to cross the line?” she asked mimicking my voice, after I gave her the quick, short version of what went down.
“Shit happens” I shrugged nonchalantly.
“I hope you know you can’t be playing with this man’s emotions, especially after what Teyana put him through.”
“It’s just sex. It’s not like this is serious” I explained.
“You can only say that if it happened once, but come to think of it. I’ve seen much less of you lately, that means you’re getting consistent dick” she snickered, making Frankie and Paige burst out in laughter.
“No, I’ve been working bitch” I corrected her while giving her the finger.
“But seriously, be careful. You know I worry about you”
“Well don’t. I feel better than I have in a very long time" I stressed hoping to convince her. I was telling the truth; things were really starting to look up for me. I was content with being single and on top of that, my career was starting to take off, so I couldn’t be happier.
I even went out of my way to make sure I enjoyed Valentine’s Day, even though I spent it alone. I went and saw the movie Silver Linings, bought myself a beautiful bouquet, and had an online shopping spree while eating pizza and cheesecake. It was the perfect day and now I couldn’t wait to get home to my new pair of red bottoms and two new Burberry purses.
“How are you today John” I asked my driver, in a cheerful tone, as he grabbed my luggage and tossed it in the trunk. Dre hooked me up with the car service he’s been using for a couple of years and so far, I was extremely satisfied. It’s nice being chauffeured around and my driver was cool to talk to.
“I’m good, now that my bajan thing is back” he winked, opening the back door for me.
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“Happy Birthday” Dre sang as soon as I got in. He had balloons and a massive bouquet of roses.
“What are you doing here?!” I yelled, completely surprised.
“I wanted to be the first to welcome you back. How was your trip?” he asked, pouring champagne into a flute and offering it to me.
“It was fuckin awesome!” I grinned, gladly taking it and gulping down half of it immediately. “I’m ready to leave again so I can celebrate that and my birthday”
“What are we doing for your birthday?” He asked curiously.
“Well, I didn’t have anything planned for today, but I’m taking my crew to Bim for a three-day weekend. We’re leaving tomorrow.”
“Cool, so that means I can steal you away today” he smiled.
“Well I have so much to do in so little time. I have to pick up Ollie and Pepe, stop by the shop for a few things, and so much other stuff” I replied. I didn’t expect him to even want to spend my birthday with me, it would’ve been nice to have a heads up.
“How about lunch before you get started on all that?” he suggested.
“I’m sorry Dre, but I don’t have time to wait a half hour for food and take another half hour to eat it.”
"Well, how about this: I’ll let you take care of everything you got going on, and you can come to my house later. I’ll have a nice birthday dinner ready and we can have a little night cap. I won't keep you out too late” he promised.
“Deal” I replied, realizing he just wasn’t taking no for an answer.
He rode with me for most of my errands and kept my glass full the entire time. By the time I made it to work, I was pretty tipsy so when Jenn started singing happy birthday at the top of her lungs, I started to twerk to the imaginary beat.
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“What are you even shaking?” Meagan asked with a frown. “You literally have no ass”
“Dats cool tho, cause what I lack in da back, I pack in da cat” I shrugged with a wink and she rolled her eyes.
“Any who. Not that it compares to that big ass bouquet you have in your hand, but someone literally had a single rose delivered to you today. It’s on your desk” she stated.
“Oh yeah, Chris dropped something off for you last week, it’s in your office too” Jenn added nonchalantly and my heart almost stopped from hearing his name.
“Wow” I whispered in awe when I saw the canvas that brightened up my office. I immediately recognized the painting from last year’s Valentine’s Day and my heart skipped a beat. I was confused though. Was this his way of getting rid of what was left of me, or was this his way of reaching out to me?
When I removed the canvas from my desk, I found the rose and a note in Chris’s familiar handwriting and my questions were answered. He wanted to talk so he’d left his number.
“Hello” he answered on the second ring.
“Hi Chris” I paused, feeling lost for words. “It’s Robyn. I just got the gifts…This painting…. it’s beautiful. Thanks”
“You’re welcome. I honestly didn’t think you would call, and happy birthday by the way.”
“I don’t know what you have going on, but I would love to take you to dinner tonight… For old times’ sake”
“Okay, what did you have in mind?” I replied, without missing a beat.
“Your favorite, Gorgio Baldi of course.” He quickly replied.
“I would love that. I’m finishing up a few things at the office, I can meet you there at 6”
“That's perfect”
“Okay, I guess I’ll see you soon” I smiled through the phone. I felt mixed emotions as butterflies tickled my stomach. I’ve been wishing I could just have a single moment alone with him and I was finally getting that chance. I hated to leave Dre hanging so I made a mental note to cancel with him before I left the office.
I worked quickly and was done with everything that was urgent in a couple of hours. I was in the middle of packing my laptop when Jenn rushed into my office.
“Ooh, I'm glad I caught you. There’s a call for you on line one. It’s Jacques, he says it’s urgent.” she announced.
“Hello” I picked up the phone, wondering what he could possibly want.
“Hi Robyn, it’s about Rayven”
“What about her?” I asked, partially irritated. She was always up to something.
“She’s in the hospital. You need to come and see her” he ordered.
“Is she okay? What happened?” I asked, now frightened.
“She’s in the ICU at Kaiser, I don’t know all the details, just get here as soon as you can” he insisted with urgency before hanging up.
An hour later, I was looking at my younger cousin attached to all sorts of machines and couldn’t help but feel guilty. Apparently, she was high on cocaine and had a stroke. She’s been in a coma for 2 days already, and things still aren’t looking all that great for her.
I know her bad choices aren’t my fault, but maybe if I would’ve at least taken her calls she wouldn’t be here. She went from trying to call me several times a day to calling a few times a week, but she eventually stopped trying.
“What the fuck am I gonna tell her mom?” I sighed as my mind raced. I’m the only family she has here and I’m supposed to be looking out for her. Yeah, she’s done some fucked up things in the past, but I wouldn’t wish death on her.
After seeing her like that, I had to wait in the lobby. I felt responsible and every time that monitor beeped, I felt my anxiety raising.  On top of all that, I couldn’t stand to be here. All I could think about was the last time I was in the hospital. I knew my anxiety would be off the charts so I took a Xanax before coming in, but it wasn’t helping.
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“I know ya’ll aren’t in the best place right now-” Jacques began as soon as he saw me.
“Never mind that dumb shit, what happened to my cousin?” I asked, angrily. “Where the fuck is Jay?”
“He had business to take care of, that’s why I’m here” he stated, trying to calm me down. “I’m sorry this happened to her, but she’s really been spiraling downhill since you guys fell out. She’s been out of control, partying like there’s no tomorrow, and not taking care of herself. It’s like she didn’t care if anything happened to her.”
“Well I guess her boyfriend doesn’t care either, considering he’s not by her side” I fumed.
“They aren’t together anymore. I’m not all in their business, so I don’t know what’s going on, but she’s been running with a new crowd, and none of those muthafuckas are here, but they’re part of the reason she is. Look, we can point fingers all day but I’m just here to help. I think it might be a good idea to get her mom down here, there’s no telling what may happen” he admitted.
“Are you okay? You're shaking.” he asked when I didn’t respond.
“What if she died on my birthday?” I blurted as my eyes finally began to water. “That would be some fucked up shit”
“You can’t think like that. You gotta pull yourself together so you can be strong for her” he continued. "It ain't always about you. Everyone has been through some shit. You just gotta suck that shit up, forgive, and move on.
“Okay” I sighed realizing he was right. I sat down for a minute, after taking another Xanax, and finally I could feel my heart rate slowing. I wasn’t prepared for the call I was about to make, but I dialed my Aunt Jenna’s number and prayed to God she could find a way to forgive me.
The next couple of days were like torture. I put everything I had going on, on hold to be there for Rayven. After calling Aunt Jenna, she was down here on the next fight. She arrived the next day and that’s when hell began. She went from sympathy to pure hatred when she found out why Rayven was in a coma.  She kept saying that she shouldn’t have left home, and how she was worshiping the devil out here. Her energy was all bad and after sitting at this hospital for three days hearing her speak ill of my little cousin, I felt like it was unnecessary for her to be here if she hated her own daughter so much.
“Auntie” I called out, interrupting her phone call. I could hear her saying to someone she was in the States because her daughter was a dumpsy and overdosed, and that must’ve been the last straw.
“Hold up” she spoke to whoever was on the phone and pulled it away from her face. “Wuh you want?” she asked, obviously irritated that I interrupted her conversation. No wonder Rayven was so ready to get away from her, she had evil going through her veins. She wasn’t like that when we were growing up, so this was all new to me.
“I don’t mind staying here with Ray. I can get you a room, so you can take a shower and get some rest. I’ll have my driver come get you if anything changes, that way you can be here when she wakes up” I offered in the kindest tone I could. I would hate to disrespect my Aunt, but if I continued to hear the way she spoke about Rayven, things could get ugly fast. Lucky for everyone, she accepted my offer.  
Another day came and went with no changes. I was so exhausted and depressed just sitting around and waiting, so when Mel offered to keep watch for a few hours, I was more than grateful.
I went home, showered, and had a quick meal. By the time I made it back to the hospital, Rayven had woken up.
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“Rob-?” Rayven’s raspy voice called out when I walked in.
“Thank God! You’re up?! “I smiled, feeling relief rush over me.
“I’m so sorry” she choked out as tears started to fall.
“Shhh. Try not to talk” I replied softly. “You’re alive and that’s all that matters right now.”
“I tried to call you, but your phone is going to voicemail. She just woke up about ten minutes ago. They drew some blood and will be back to get her for an MRI any minute.” Mel stated, checking her watch. On cue, two nurses came in and took her away.
“Thank you for sitting with her. I know how you feel about her, so that really meant a lot” I stated, giving Mel a hug.
“Girl, family is family. I was upset about her holding her lie back, it wasn’t any deeper than that” she shrugged. “But I do have to go, charge your phone so I can check on ya’ll later”
I stayed with Rayven the rest of the day, but I really missed my bed. I decided to leave for the night, and promised her I would be back tomorrow morning. I was so tired that I passed out in the backseat and woke up to John shaking my shoulder. “Ms. Robyn, we’ve arrived” he repeated over and over until I realized where we were.
“This ain’t where I live” I snapped looking around trying to figure out where the hell I was, then I spotted Dre quickly approaching us.
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“Don’t curse him babe. Take it out on me.  I talked to Mel earlier and she told me you were on the way home. I called and called but you didn’t pick up. John told me you were passed out in the back, so I told him to bring you here” he explained, pissing me off even further.  
“I’ve been at the hospital for a week. I just want to sleep in my own bed” I sighed, slapping my forehead.
“I got you girl. My bed is just as comfortable, if not I will take you home myself” he promised. I was irritated but I rolled my eyes and got out the car anyway. When I got inside, I changed into one of his t-shirts, used the bathroom, and went straight to bed.
When I woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon and my stomach growling, I couldn’t help but let my nose lead the way.
“Good morning sleepy head” Dre smiled as he pulled the bacon out of the oven.
“Wow” I grinned, after seeing the feast he’d created. There were waffles, sausage, bacon, and scrambled eggs.
“Sit down” he ordered, pulling a chair out for me. “I miss you, so I’m stealing one hour from you. I didn’t get to treat you on your birthday, so just relax and let me enjoy you”
"How am I supposed to do that when my cousin is alone in the hospital?"
"I know you're used to taking care of everyone else, but you can't take care of anyone if you're not taking care of yourself. Let me take care of you Anna" he pleaded.
“Alright, but you can’t keep hijacking my car. Next time you’re gonna regret it” I shook my finger at him.
“Okay, I won’t kidnap you again. You just gotta figure out a healthy balance between your job and your personal life” he stated, leaving it at that.
After eating, he gave me a full body massage, that led to some great sex. I had a lot of shit to do since I missed a week of work, but it was sweet that he missed me enough to plan all of this. I've never had anyone damn near kidnap me just to make sure I was good. So instead of fighting it, I let him take care of me and I was glad that I did.
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calypsoff2 · 3 years
Eight. Part 3
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TJ keeps laughing at me and the name of the Whiskey, but I can’t help that this shit is bougie “I’m still stuck on Robb being Muslim? Like he cut that bacon shit out and everything? He really changed? Like really changed” nodding my head, I thought I would stay out for a few more “he called me, and he just said I’m sorry, thinking back on it you are my little cousin, you respected me and looked to me and I played on that, I feel like a dickhead, I took advantage of that. You needed money, I should have just gave it. I believe him. I just think it’s wrong of me to not give when I have it; their home they were losing so I was like I’ll sort it, just a few payments here and there. So anyways, forget my shit. How is shit is going on with you? Mel want you?” TJ shrugged “not even sure bro, either I’m playing games, or she is playing games. I don’t even get it anymore, we have sex. Things are good for that but like what the fuck is happening with being together, I feel like she is basing herself on Robyn. Like why won’t she tell her, she won’t speak to her about shit, you know? But yeah, she is moving slow. I still think you married Robyn quick” stretching my body out “wouldn’t you” I retorted “I wouldn’t, she’s a little psycho. I’m sorry bro, she is too much. She got you bad, like anything she says goes, you know? Even now, that shit is your money too hit because Robyn doesn’t like it we have to stop. Why is it you couldn’t tell her? Because she is unreasonable, you ain’t. When we went VA for Camron birthday that time, you didn’t have to help Seiko, I surely wasn’t but you did. That’s because you’re a good guy, these rich girls aren’t it, and if she is a billionaire soon? Good luck” sighing out “she is a good person, she is just strict, on god she is” I get what TJ is saying but that’s my wife, I love her.
TJ and I will end being drunk by the time we are done “what you going to tell her? She is sly for that, I bet she is going to search more than the accounts now, she is going to be on your ass. You know what women are like, now because you made that mistake she will pick on that, she will want to find out what Black Pyramid is doing for you to do that, don’t you ever think I could just do better?” That is a big question, I blew out air “not exactly, bro. She gives me good sex” he snorted laughing “you always say that shit, Mel is the same. She is wild, I think it’s a Caribbean thing. They really be giving that good good, she is doing everything” my eyes widened “everything?” I repeated “everything, I’m talking about every hole” I laughed “damn, that was quick. I think Mel gives it easy on a real. She falls quick, you know what I mean?” Looking over at him “don’t be talking on Mel like that; but I get it. She came into my DMs but yeah, so we taking bets? Your wife will be gone by the new year?” Holding my hand out, we shook on it “bet” I know she will be “you ever thought of cheating? Because if she wasn’t so busy she would be around, you could cheat and she wouldn’t know” shaking my head “nah, Robyn’ good in the bed. She is too good; I love my twin too much. No matter how much she pisses me off, or how much she just does the most. That’s my twin, I love her. But I am more giving then she is, Robyn would always say no. Cheating is just off the board, cheating means I was unhappy which I am not that, just annoyed” I shrugged, I couldn’t do that ever in my life. I am crazy for her, also my girls. It’s not worth losing my home for some pussy, isn’t worth it at all “imagine if you didn’t meet Rihanna again? Imagine it, on a real. Imagine if you didn’t go and meet her?” I cringed “probably be on sonnumber three” I laughed “Seiko wanted kids and shit was smooth, it was, and I can’t lie but I wasn’t fulfilled. I had to know if twin still knew me but if we bring real, if it wasn’t Robyn then I wouldn’t be rich like this, I think I am becoming accustomed to being her husband, fuck it” I shrugged “this is why she has your balls” I laughed shrugging.
I’m too far now, I’m going to have to leave my car here. I can’t be driving now, but I guess I get to just carry on. I’m on cocktails now which isn’t any better, but I missed my nigga “you met her ex right?” TJ asked, “Which one?” I questioned, he hit my arm and laughed out “Rakim? What else? I don’t know about the rest” letting out an oh “yeah, yeah I did. You know that, shit was wild though, like she be on this vibe where she was so excited about designing his suit. So we went to New York, arrived there together. I wasn’t going to let my wife go there alone now, I didn’t know what I was going to expect but she kept saying we are friends, and I am so exited and whatever the fuck she on. So it’s me and her entourage, you know her team like to be there” rolling my eyes “so we arrived at the joint, I walked in behind Robyn and Rakim was there and I am like this nigga is tiny” I laughed “but he erm came up to Robyn and she did, she hugged him and they genuinely was happy to see each other but the vibe wasn’t off, like when I see Seiko she be on it” I laughed “she always asking if I want her back but with them it was good vibes and I was awkward, I was stood there like this is weird. That is her ex, you know so I just stood there and then he came up to me, he dapped me and said nice meeting you, I am Rakim, and it was all good. But I see the vibe, I see why they vibed together on a real. Rakim said it to me, he goes she is a friend, and I don’t want to lose that, she is a good woman” I shrugged “but you two are friends too? Maybe that is the same for y’all” I chuckled “you think? Robyn is like every woman, what can I say” shaking my head laughing “but I just got to pay the money back, just keep Robyn out of it, I will sort it” I need to just fix it and then move on, Robyn doesn’t need to know.
I had to leave the car at the lounge place, I had to get the SUV to pick us up and now we are back at the house, and I am here trying to get into my house “I think your wife has locked you out for stealing money, housewife. You a housewife” I laughed out knocking on the door again “you mean househusband, the fuck is a wife. I don’t know what that is” the door opened “oh, Monica” let me straighten myself up “you are being so loud, it is late” now I am in trouble, I feel bad “sorry” I breathed out, she is not happy “mommy I got it” hearing Robyn say, she is going to tell me I am a mess. Looking at TJ and he just looked at me as I moved back from the door “well you took your time” she is going to be on my ass “what time is it?” I haven’t noticed “it’s two” turning to Robyn “I’m home” I smiled “I can see that” is she going to let me in or not, I don’t get it “you looking sexy though, baby making time?” Robyn scoffed “just get in, don’t make too much noise. The kids are asleep” looking at TJ “I can go home but I will leave Camron here” nodding my head “you about to be sleeping on the floor” he could be right actually.
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I am asking why I bother, I asked him to tell his stupid friend to give the money back and they come back drunk, I can’t fucking win with this man. On top of that I had Camron here, but he fell asleep on the couch, I am just stood here watching because I need to make sure the home is locked up, he is a mess, so I have to make sure “bye” Chris said as he made his way in, he closed the door behind him. I say made his way but stumbled inside, I guess TJ is leaving his seed here “let me lock up” walking by Chris, he texts me to tell me that he is drunk and then he needs an SUV, I wanted to say go away but I rather he be home, I want him to be safe with me “so am I allowed to sleep in bed with you or what?” locking the door, I groaned out “I would like to say no but we have three girls that are so clever. They will assume why, they know and pick up on things” turning around “you looking really sexy” he is a damn lie, I have a damn bonnet on, I am in a robe with no makeup on “whatever, I am going to sleep thank you for waking me” walking up the steps “I am sorry Robyn, I promise you it will be fixed” I am sure a lot of things got fixed in a drunken state, I just feel angered and hurt by him. I am just going to have to deal with TJ, keep it to myself because I rather he has his friend then me telling him something that will hurt him.
I am just so pissed that he came back home drunk, he didn’t need to do that but because I ask him to do something he does this, he ain’t shit and I will remain on this. I feel like for our anniversary we just go back to Jamaica, but I am in that mood to just cancel it but we need that break away from the kids too and together, probably get some more shit out of him “Chris, seriously” he banged the door shut “I know, sshhh. Kids are asleep” he is telling me that “just stay away from me, I am trying to sleep” taking my robe off “trying, can you go to sleep after you let me give you some dick? I have been drinking and I am feeling horny, come on. It’s been a while” staring at him, he is a mess “whatever, just go to sleep. I won’t be giving you no sex, my ass” Chris sniggered “that is what I want, your ass on a platter. Can I just you know, put the tip. Can jerk me off with your feet?” getting into bed “oh my god!” he spat, he is saying oh my god, but he is the one with his dick in his hand. What is wrong with him “you are terrible, just go to sleep. I am not in the mood for sex” the bedroom door slowly opened, Chris placed his hand over his dick and tried to run but he fell on the floor “mommy I can’t sleep” I breathed out, of course she can’t “ok Imani, just go back to your room. Don’t look now” getting out of bed “get off the floor, Imani. Out, don’t look at your dad” making my way over to her “daddy naked mommy” pushing her out of the room “I will sleep with you tonight” he can have the bedroom.
Imani was a better sleeping partner, least I wasn’t harassed for sex “oh my god, mom!?” looking behind me “we have been looking for you all over, we went into your bedroom and everywhere. What happened?” Rylee and Tianna both made her way into the bedroom “just that Imani couldn’t sleep, I am here though. And girls please, I want you to knock when you go to the room, if you don’t hear an answer then don’t go in. When daddy is home don’t walk in, just knock” I have no idea if Chris got into bed, I hope he did “ok but we got worried” these girls “don’t be worried, what was dad doing?” I asked “he was asleep in bed” thank god “ok, well I am coming down” moving up from the bed “can we play on the mobile? Just games please” Chris banned that “you have to ask daddy, he said no, and I he isn’t here to agree on it, so we wait” I am saying that so he can say no to them, I rather he be in the bad books “mom can we get our nails done?” Tianna asked, too many questions “erm, yeah. Actually yeah, we can that is fine. It’s Christmas” I stifled out a yawn “go down” they got me out of the bed now.
I didn’t honestly want Camron here, but he is here, I couldn’t say no when his father dropped him off, but his father is here. Thank heavens, they can leave now. I just told my mother in law to deal with it, just so I don’t have to speak to TJ, I have nothing to say to him “is Chris awake?” closing the fridge door, he would come and ask, “what you think?” making my way over to the counter “seeing as we are going to be civil you need to have some respect at least” I laughed “for who and what? We can be civil but you in my home, I can be as I please nigga” he in my home and telling me about being civil “this is why I honestly understand why Chris says your hard work, I mean, the fuck?” placing my hands on the counter “you and I both know if I told Chris what you was like with me he would have you out, so I do suggest you leave me be, you take your seed and go. I guess you got your disclaimer, I expect the lawyer fees to be back in my account, to the dime” TJ looked at me confused “what lawyer fees?” he said confused “the only reason you got that boy was me, clearly my husband didn’t say that. I want my money back, including that stupid saving shit” TJ sniggered “aight, whatever Fenty. Your attitude will make you lose Chris, they all say you deserve better but no, he does, but I am out. I will take a drink for the road” I would like to throw the drink at his head but I am better then that “I can’t wait for your friendship to die, dickhead” TJ laughed “I think you friendships will die first” he winked at me “the lingerie picture on Savage is real cute, nice” he is an asshole, I can’t even deal.
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calypsoff · 3 years
Forty Six. Part 2
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Pulling my snapback lower and resting my head back “nigga” Drake hit my arm “get yo ass up, eat the breakfast. I am not having Rihanna come at me saying I made you drunk, come on” lifting my head up “I feel a little sick, not going to lie” my eyes are heavy, just staring at him. He busted out laughing “you’re looking bad! Oh my god, just wake up here” Drake grabbed the glass of water “drink up homie, Chubs move this away. We will feed him bread” I sniggered “man, Robyn will kill me thinking I am drunk. Oh yeah, what time is it?” I pointed “time for you to sober up, my barber is coming. He is going to make us all look good, hey!” Drake slapped the side of my face, I laughed to myself “oh shit, yeah. I am awake” I really shouldn’t have drank, I hate that I did but I am here with Drake and he was buying me drinks, I couldn’t say no “no more water?” Drake took the glass from me “he’s awake!” TJ shouted, I cringed. I can’t believe he is shouting so loudly like that “stop I mumbled” TJ patted my shoulder “I need to check on Robyn, I need to ring her” digging into my pocket “who?” Barry asked “Mel, just to see. She is pregnant, I need to know she is ok” Barry’ eyes widened “she pregnant?” Drake repeated, looking over at him “didn’t you know?” scrunching my face up “no, sir. Congratulation’s brother!” I am sure he wasn’t supposed to know “please keep it to us, she will kill me. I mean she will kill me looking like this” Barry grabbed my hand “here, Mel is on the phone. Use mine” nodding my head, I feel like shit. I feel terrible, I can’t even believe how terrible I feel “hello?” Mel said again “oh yeah, it’s me. Chris, uhm. How is Robyn? I just need to know she is ok” Mel chuckled “you were drinking weren’t you? You sound bad” Mel is laughing at me “please stop” I mumbled “stop my ass, well you’re feeling bad and also Robyn is being sick constantly, she’s not well at all” I closed my eyes sighing out, I hate to know that “damn, is she struggling a lot?” rubbing my forehead “yeah, tears too. She will pull through though” that sucks, I hate to know she is struggling “well don’t tell her I have been drinking, just tell her I love her. See y’all soon” I mumbled, holding the phone out to Barry.
Hearing Robyn struggling really got my ass in gear, I need to get better for her. I want to take care of her “thank you homie” I said as Drake walked by “for what?” turning to him “the barber, he’s done a good job, also for being a good friend. Thank you” Drake shook his head “you’re a good man, and I appreciate that. But you’re going to be a dad, that is amazing Chris. When did you find out? For this moment, I am going to make OVO kids wear, for this. Just for you” I chuckled “just found out a week ago, it was a shock to me. As you know she lost the baby before, I am so happy. I am a little over protective over her, I like to know she is ok. Like even now, she is struggling, and I hate that she is but, I can’t believe I am going to be a dad” Drake nodded his head understanding how I feel even though he ain’t even a father yet, I like that about him “it’s a blessing, and it’s Rihanna. How amazing is that you both about to have one beautiful child. But I will not speak a word about this, I promise you” dapping him “thank you homie, thank you for coming out. Shit is a small event, but I had to make sure you were here” I still feel like shit, I feel like I am talking shit “you’re an emotional drunk you know that” I chuckled.
Taking in a deep breath looking at myself in the mirror, a Dolce and Gabbana three piece suit. Wasn’t cheap but I wanted to get something nice for me, and it’s what I wanted “what you think?” turning around to Barry and TJ, my smile grew “wow, I didn’t think I would see three country niggas looking fresh as hell, I can’t believe. I feel a little emotional, not going to lie” sighing out “also, just to finish off your suit” TJ made his way over to me “me and Barry put money in together, to get you this” staring at TJ confused, he opened the box “to finish off your suit, we got these cufflinks” looking down shocked, I did not expect this from them “what?” taking the box from them “we put the date on the cufflinks” my smile grew “I didn’t expect this at all, wow. Thank you so much” hugging TJ “thank you so much, I did not expect this oh wow” this means a lot to me “we had to get you something good bro” moving back from the hug, hugging Barry “it’s all good, we wanted to get you something so you will always remember the date. A moment for you” this is emotional, I did not expect this at all.
Sitting in the bus going to the home, I am nervous, and I am feeling ever so hot right now. I had to loosen up my buttons on my shirt. I am just nervous about wanting this to go ok, I want Robyn to be ok and I hate she is feeling like that “are you less drunk now?” Barry asked, unlocking my phone laughing “I am, I am just nervous now. I am feeling it” tapping on Instagram, I want to post the picture of us and Drake, this was before I got drunk “don’t be, I think it’s the best decision for you both, you know since she is pregnant, I think it’s best to just get married now, why wait? Y’all love each other and just get on with it I guess, what is up with Robyn” tapping on the picture of us, we look dope as hell here “morning sickness, Mel said she is really bad with it. I think it is that and nerves with her” adding a caption ‘The boys in Barbados’ pressing send on the post on the post, this will send them into frenzy anyways, I know there is a lot of rumours around about are we getting married, that is thanks to my family “this what happens when your ass got her pregnant before a whole wedding, I am joking I hope she feels better. So where are you both going for the honeymoon?” I laughed, I don’t know why I laughed but it’s because of how much Robyn has been threatening me about it “oh she is going to murder you if it’s bad” shaking my head still laughing “I promise you it isn’t, we going Jamaica” I ain’t crazy I know Robyn “that is going to be nice, that is like three hours away from here flight time, she’s going to love that” I hope she does, rubbing my hands together feeling the nerves.
Buttoning up my suit jacket as I arrived back at the house, it’s a little busy with people running around, random people so these are probably cooks and stuff “erm, what the fuck are you doing here?” Mel spat rushing out “you look nice, for once” staring at her up and down, she looks so nice “nigga be quiet, why are you here? Seriously, Robyn is coming down in her dress, you’re not supposed to be here, the ceremony is on the beach, you need to get back in the bus and go, chile. Barry the fuck you doing? I told you this, y’all are a mess” looking behind me at Barry, so he knew “but when was that happening, I swear I told Robyn no because it’s public” I am confused “and she changed her mind, the beach is a 3 minute drive around the home, just go!” letting out on oh, I swear I wasn’t told any of this, I am so confused. I swear we said no to the beach wedding because it’s public, I have no idea now. I was drunk since then “see what I mean when I say I just turn up” Drake is cackling, he is laughing at me so hard “nigga you about to get divorced, I can’t even” I am confused, climbing into the bus as Drake continued to laugh at me “already in trouble by my in laws” sitting down on the seat “didn’t you and Rihanna talk about this?” Drake questioned “we did but also we didn’t, I mean it turned into a rush and I don’t know. My bad” I shrugged, I guess I am in trouble again.
So this is where the wedding is “we in the right place” I said aloud, TJ placed his hands on my shoulders “nigga you funny as hell” shaking my head, I can’t believe I didn’t know this “whatever nigga, let’s just go” stuffing my hands in my pockets making my way to the family and friend just walking around, they are waiting clearly. My mom clocked me straight away as she is walking “my baby” I grinned “you look so grown Chris, oh my god” it made me laugh that she said that because I just went to the wrong place, so to me that is funny “I will never grow up mom, oh wow. Look how beautiful you look” hugging my mom close “no, trust me. I see a difference; you look so grown up. I love you so much” she kissed my cheek, moving back from the hug “look at you boys, you all look so handsome. Thank you for being here for my baby, I can’t believe he is getting married” my mom held my hand “don’t cry” I know she is getting emotional, just from the speech alone “I just, you’re going to be someone’s husband and father now, my baby” I cooed out “I will always be your baby, stop it. Come let’s walk together” she is a mess.
Walking down the aisle and I just felt a little nervous, there is so many more of Robyn’ family and then my little family, I am just here but there is a few gasps and pointing, I think because of Drake “sit down ma” letting my mom’ arm go “thank you baby” my dad smiled at me “you look grown” why is everyone saying this “that is coming from you” I chuckled moving back, let me say hi to Robyn’ family “Lionel” he is right there as soon as I turned around “how are you Chris?” crouching down to him “nervous, you not walking with Robyn. I would have hoped you were” Lionel smiled putting his head down “her father is, it’s her choice and I accept it. I came here early because I can’t be bothered to wait with the women, all I hear is Robyn being sick again. I got fed up” I chuckled “yeah, it’s good seeing you” holding my hand out, he shook my hand. Leaning over to him “Robyn is pregnant” I said in his ear, he doesn’t know so I wanted him too “really?” he said shocked “yes, but it’s a secret, but I feel you should know” Lionel put his head down “Clara would have been so happy for her, she would adore you. You made our grandbaby so happy, oh god. Thank you Jesus!” he shouted and squeezed my hand “yeah” I laughed “but keep it between us ok?” he nodded his head, getting up from my position “Nikia, looking beautiful as always” I winked “hey” dapping Teejay, I feel all hot now because her family are just here wanting to speak to me.
I felt the nerves hitting me so bad, I am just stood here waiting on Robyn to come. Looking up to the sky, I am just hoping she is ok. That is all I want is for her to be ok, the place is not far so she should be here quick, but she isn’t and that is what is worrying me, and I am sweating, it ain’t cold here “find out where she is from Mel” I said to Barry, she should be here by now, this is ridiculous. Looking behind me, there is no sign of her at all “those nerves” TJ mumbled, stuffing my hands in my pockets sighing out “what is happening?” Barry said down the phone “unless she has ran away” only TJ would make me laugh with me feeling like this “I would slap you, but I can’t” shaking my head laughing “slap me for what? I ain’t do anything” rolling my eyes “sure you ain’t” walking closer to Barry “she said they are coming, just a little mishap. But they are coming any second” nodding my head, pacing away from him. Why is this baby playing up now when it had all that time to do it, it just wants to make Robyn suffer clearly or maybe it is just Robyn feeling the nerves but whatever it is I am tired of standing.
Looking down at myself, I ended up sitting down because I am tired of standing “aye, she is coming” Barry hit my arm, now I m nervous all again. Getting up from the chair, pulling my jacket down. Dennis came in front of me and then I knew she is here, her photographer is here so that means she is here, my mind just instant switched to when I first met her then and now, I am now marrying Robyn, this is so wild to me and I didn’t expect it. There was a moment of silence behind me, I just felt it “she looks amazing” the only sound you can really hear is the photographer cameras, clenching my jaw together, god I feel so nervous. The violin started to play, and I didn’t even know we was having a violinist here, this is what I mean by me just turning up. Squinting my eyes, I know that song, that is Diamonds. Looking at both Barry and TJ they are smiling mad hard, and I am not sure who is getting married between us, I slowly looked over my shoulder and I caught a glimpse of Ronald more than I did Robyn, but I looked ahead again, I know I just saw Robyn yesterday but today is just different, it’s a big day for us both. The violinist is dope actually, it’s a nice touch. I can hear gasps, lots of talk and whispers so I ended up turning around, Robyn was right there with her dad “man” I breathed out, nothing else really mattered not even the fact her useless dad was walking her, nothing really did matter because she is stood right there in front of me “you’re breath-taking” shaking my head feeling myself choke up, Robyn in a beautiful lace A-line gown with this train Mel is fixing, this is a lot. I didn’t think I would get choked up; I am really marrying my best friend “fuck” turning away from her.
Feeling a hand on mine, turning around and Ronald has grabbed my hand. Here I am trying to not let the tears fall “you’re a good man” he placed my hand with Robyn’ “you look so good, I can’t even speak” shaking my head “thank you” Robyn beamed, she is glowing. I am so speechless “don’t cry” Robyn said, putting my head down laughing “you look so good Robyn, unreal” taking in a deep breath “please everyone take your seats” the pastor said, I think Robyn said this was going to be traditional wedding, her family is traditional so I think it will be “are you ok?” I asked, because she did take so long to come “I made it” she said laughing “Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Christopher and Robyn in matrimony commended to be honourable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this - these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace” this just seems so unreal for me, looking towards the crowd and I side eyed TJ because I know his stupid wants to say something.
I didn’t even write no vows, but I don’t need it, but the pastor as gestured for me to do it first “I remember the first time I met you and I remember every moment from then on, you have impacted my life more then I thought. I was young but I was in love with you from the moment I laid my eyes on you, you have taught me to love, respect, trust and have open communication with each other and that is important for a relationship. You are really my strength, and I could never do without you Robyn, I couldn’t ever do without you. You comfort me at my lowest, I choose to spend the rest of my life with you Robyn” I didn’t need to write nothing down, it’s all from the heart with what I say “you’re going to make me cry, god” she said laughing “ok” she composed herself “Chris” she said smiling, I expected it written but no, she is just like me “I get emotional just thinking about it, I am so in love with you. From the moment I saw you to when I saw you again, those feeling has come rushing back to me. You love me and complete me in so many ways Chris, I feel so alive with you. I learn from you; I listen to you and support you Chris. I have seen you at your worst and at your best and I promise to always be there for you throughout it all, you are really my soulmate Chris and I can never do without you” her voice broke “same” I squeezed her hand, she can’t be crying now she will make a mess of her makeup.
Barry got up from the seat “repeat after me Christopher, I Christopher give you Robyn this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you” turning to Barry, grabbing the box from him and opening the box and getting the ring out that has near enough made me broke as hell “oh wow” Robyn said, there is a few chuckles around “I Christopher give you Robyn this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you” placing the ring on her finger, I think Robyn likes the ring she is happy with it “wow” she breathed out “and Robyn, if you want to repeat after me. I Robyn give you Christopher this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you” Robyn got me a ring, I don’t know why I am surprised. My eyes widened seeing this diamond band, oh that is nice “I Robyn give you Christopher this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you” I am amazed at this ring and it looks good as fuck on me “dang, the most expensive thing I own, I mean besides you” Robyn side eyed me “I now pronounce you husband and wife” that sounded so weird to me but wow, I have a wife. The crowd cheered “I guess I got to kiss you” Robyn pulled a face at me “be quiet, you missed me” leaning down and pressing a kiss to Robyn’ lips, she is right I did miss her.
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25. Part 5
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I do not like this girl contacting Chris, it’s just something about her that honestly gets me angry. I prefer his kids talking to him. This is my husband, I am not here for this “pick it up” I said to him “I have been not wanting to speak to her for so long, every time I don’t pick up she sends me shit” resting my arm on Chris’ shoulder “answer it” I said to him again, Chris answered the call and placed the phone against his ear “Robyn, why is there a huge dog in the backyard!?” My mom half shouted, looking behind me “oh don’t mom, I will speak to you after” my mom nodded her head and walked back out, that thing is not small it’s big and hairy “you not letting me speak are you though, that is what I don’t get with you. I am trying to be there for him, not you. I am not with you” snatching his phone from him “what” Chris said “hi, I heard you got an issue” the phone went deadly silent, I could vaguely hear her ranting on but now she is quiet “it’s Rihanna if you don’t already know but you do know because of how quiet you are, you had something to say to him? What is it?” Clearly she got shit to say so say it “I was speaking to Chris” that is all she came out with “well you’re speaking to me, when you speak to the guy that is paying for your lifestyle you should speak to him with more respect because hear me out, he is paying for your shit too, I know he is. See with me I don’t care; shit is in the air right now. I get what I want, so what I want is you out of his life. And we will be seeing that boy without any contact from you, you will take down that post and you will respect his name. You will do it so help me god you are in trouble, you are dealing with a bitch and I know you ain’t that, you can only emotionally use people. I fucking know, so what you will do is delete that shit, you will then congratulate him that he going to be a father again, I don’t even know your name, Nia? I think, well anyways. It was nice to hear your silence, looking forward to meeting thr son” disconnecting the call.
Placing the phone on the counter, Chris is sat with his mouth hung open all wide eyed “what?” I said to him, he has a big mouth and he has it all wide open “close your mouth, the hell” Chris got off of the bar stool “oh my god!” he spat and then screamed out “oh my fucking god! Oh my god, What the fuck!?” he laughed, he was not expecting that. Watching him jump up and down, I mean I was just doing my part “oh my god!” he said again “I…” he dragged out, he is out of breath from just gasping and shouting “I wish I recorded that, you really got my back?” he said holding his chest, nodding my head “nobody ever did that for me, unless it’s my lawyer. Thank you” Chris walked over to me “I’m choked up, oh my god” he pressed a kiss to my forehead and hugged me, wrapping my arms around him “Chris, I won’t have people disrespect you. You have let people do this to you, you have not told them about themselves. You do eventually do it but you do it in a bad way, people use you and I hate it. I won’t have that now. Especially that bitch, I know she gives you heartache” nobody really does take up for Chris and I hate that for him “because I never have back up, I know you’re here. Thank you” it’s going to be different now for him, this is why I wanted him here. Chris placed his hands at the side of my face “I appreciate the fact you got all ready for me, your face is beautiful. I did notice it if I didn’t mention it earlier. You really are the most precious thing on this earth, I love that for you, and I do love how much you are loved in the world, you deserve this happiness. Even if I am the idiot you are getting it with” I scrunched my nose up smiling, Chris pecked my lips.
Walking into the living room with Chris behind me, I am just so happy he is here “where did the dog come from? It’s beautiful” my mom has been asking about that thing “it’s mine” Chris said behind me “it’s too big” I added, it is literally too big “it’s a beautiful dog Robyn” sitting down on the couch “is that why you took so long?” my mom is going to question him now “kind of, I get side tracked. I just thought I could get some studio time done and I just lost track of time and dates” my mom pulled a face “but you needed to come back” Chris jumped on the couch, he is like an excited child at times “I know, it was on the list to do. I knew I needed to come back, I was thinking it. But like people ask me to do things, I know what I needed to do. My mind just has so much going on, like my mind be racing and shit” staring at the side of his face, I am just glad he is here “it’s ok” stroking the side of his face “like you know, you understand. When my mind be racing, I got to have drugs to slow it down. Weed, does. It helps but sometimes I am like I need it to shut down, but I am good. I am ok, I just think it’s a misunderstanding with me” nodding my head “you don’t have to explain Chris” I look so clingy right now but I am going to continue to stroking the side of his face “but I don’t want to disappoint your mom, like I knew I needed to be here. I get lost, my mind is just crazy. So much is happening so yeah, not many women in my life like me, I don’t want your mom to be that” poking my lips out at him “my mom hating me, then my mother in law. Not good” looking at my mom “I don’t hate you Chris, I just know my daughter was worried” my mom better be nice to him “why does your mom hate you?” I asked moving my hands away from his face.
Staring at the side of Chris’ face, Chris looked at me smiling “she wasn’t happy, like this came out and nobody from my family has said anything. Like the niggas I had in my home has said something, but not even a text from them. They think I am a fucked up guy, like I don’t know what I am doing with my life. I know they are talking behind my back right now; I just know it. My mom cried like it was a bad thing, she said she hates us together and that we are no good together. That you fucked up me over, we are both are going to be bad for each other. Just shows I got nobody” Chris shrugged “but it is what it is, my mom will be back and it’s ok” Chris laughed and I am disgusted, what the fuck is funny about that “Chris, that is horrible” I am in shock “she said I wouldn’t see the baby, that I will be a pathetic guy on the side. She will get over it” is Chris feeling ok, is he feeling ok “Joyce said that to you” my mom asked “she did, my mom is disappointed in me Monica. I don’t blame her though. I mean anyone would throw in me in the trash if I was their child. I keep on giving my mom hell” that bitch Joyce “is Joyce feeling ok? I mean when I found about Robyn and you, I would never do or say such a thing to her. I mean I did think oh my god but to say such words. She should be telling you that this is your time to get better. We all have family members we do not like but that is not nice” I wonder if Chris is ok “are you ok Chris? Like seriously, that would hurt me” Chris chuckled “I put my mom through shit, you know” holding his hand “so none of your family members have said congratulations to you?” he shook his head “does Mel have her weed man here again?” nodding my head slowly, that is horrible, I am angry at that bitch.
Chris went to go and deal with his dog barking outside, I swear that dog is going to somehow annoy me “what a nasty lady” my mom said, I knew she would mention it “imagine calling your child pathetic because he’s having a another baby, I did mention she has changed since she has moved. Chris has said she likes to use his name to sell things and then take over with taking care of his kids, she seems to have disconnected the mother part. She seems to be looking at him as the haters do, she doesn’t see him as her son, it’s Chris Brown. He has bipolar, something you failed to pick up. I think he has ADHD too, but she did this to him, how could she just be so blind to it. She is a bitch, I am angry. Sorry mom” I know she won’t like me calling her a bitch “I understand maybe she has given up on him, I think being your son’s manager is a bad thing. I think there is a disconnect with them like you said. She failed him and hasn’t admitted to that, don’t you think?” nodding my head “I don’t think Chris sees it though, he is like it’s my mom. She will get over it, she is blaming me that I destroyed her son. Mom, he has had issues before then. I saw it in him, I never did anything to him. It was already there; we were both damaged, but he had this already and she has yet to admit to her faults” I will never give that woman the time if I see her again.
I was thinking where he went too and he is still outside with that dog of his “Chris, baby. Come inside. And leave that there” I pointed, that hairy thing will mess up my floor “but he got to come inside, I am coming” he got up from the floor, he really plays with that. Walking back inside “are you wanting me to send you any pictures?” Dennis asked, shaking my head but I need you to do something “is he coming?” walking off to go upstairs “I am here!” Chris shouted, I love him with my whole heart, and it is scary “come with me” waving him over “you got your phone with you? By the way I spoke to the Jay’s they tried to test out how I was feeling and I wasn’t having their shit and I think they knew it, I walked off and then Jay Brown called me back, they said they wasn’t going to help but they are, I knew they would break. They have no choice but too, but Tina has mentioned that the caption is a little dull, we need to put a united front and need to show a little more happiness. It seemed a little off so come along, we have work to do” walking up the steps “you can use the lift?” Chris said behind me “I have gained weight; I need to lose some” I hissed out nearly falling forward “aye!” Chris caught my arm “what did I say?” he did catch me “I did say get the lift, you are doing too much” that I am “I know, but we are up here now, let’s just go up. I am ok. Just these pains are getting to me” Chris side eyed me holding my arm “let’s go together then, I can’t trust you” I chuckled at him holding me like a naughty child and by the arm.
Clasping my hands together turning to Chris and Dennis “so, don’t mind me. I can’t be bothered to get my clothes on so silk robe it is. So we both need to do some homework, but I want it to be you, so I want to ask you. What kind of picture would you like to post. Please be logical” this is Chris we are speaking about; he will come out with something stupid “you and Zeus, I think it will be cute?” rolling my eyes “I think I am allergic right now but tell me, what do you want to post?” I want it to be him, not some shit I made him put “just you, like this now. You look so beautiful; you really look good. So can I just take a picture of you like this” well I did not expect this, I thought he would want a picture together “just me like this?” I am a little taken a back “yes ma’am. I can take good pictures, also I want it to be natural” now I feel a little shy “I think Dennis is out of a job now, sorry boo. My man is my photographer” Dennis laughed watching Chris “if it’s stupid I will not be happy, do I look good?” looking at Dennis “it’s like a Savage Fenty photoshoot, you look good” I laughed, that is good then “ok done” my face dropped “excuse me? I barely got into character” is he being real right now” walking over to him “I said natural, and you were laughing, I love it. You were already posing, now you need to wait to see it” I will bite him “hey” Chris moved his phone away from me, I swear I wasn’t ready is he crazy “if it’s bad, you will not post it” I don’t trust him because at times he can be so stupid.
I am doubting my idea now “I think I weigh more then Chris” scratching the side of my face “I can hold you, I literally lifted you during sex!” Chris spat “you’re going to be on his lap, it’s not that bad” Dennis and Chris are not helping “but I have gained weight since then, ok. Just don’t drop me and our daughter” placing my arm around him as I sat down on his lap “you have gained too, I am joking. So we are doing corny things?” I am scared I weigh too much for Chris “no I just want it to be recent” Dennis fixed my robe on me “here” Dennis grabbed Chris’ hand “on the bump, keep your hand just there Chris” Dennis grabbed my wrist “and I want you to just have your hand here” he moved back “holding his face, the ring is on show is that ok? I mean both of your wedding rings are showing, it looks nice. Kiss his cheek when you’re ready. Service face Chris, like you just won. You have, don’t look like the world has beaten you down” Dennis moved back a little more “photoshoot on a camera phone, now. Ok, let’s do this” kissing Chris’ cheek and holding that pose “ok, Chris give me face a little more. Rest your face too” Chris snorted laughing “you’re lucky that I think I got it, but these are cute. You both are cute” Getting up from Chris “can you feel your legs?” I have to ask; I am sure I weighed him down “tingling feelings” putting a finger up at him.
I have been waiting for Chris to finish, I already had mine written out but while I was waiting I followed back Royalty. I did promise her I would, I fulfilled it and then liked her picture she put up and then also the one with the Dior bag. She is just a sweetheart, I like her energy and the love she holds for Chris too “I am done, how did you do yours so quick?” Chris walked over to me, has he really got his hand down his pants scratching his balls in my face “is something wrong down there?” I asked him “just needed to scratch it, also I need to trim my pubes” I thought so “sit down, after we can just block the world out and talk. You go first” shuffling back a little so I can see his face “so I put, well I deleted my first one. Just a Fenty Beauty promotion right here, look how that thing just shining, it shining bro. This is isn’t pregnancy glow, this is Fenty Beauty glow. And I can’t wait to help her take it off with her Fenty Skin, and also me, I have to join in with this or she will be annoyed with me. If you’re still reading this then you made it, we made a baby together and I can’t wait for her to come into this world. It’s a different feeling to have a love child, I am so happy. Robyn is the gift that just keeps on giving, also I am not allowed to say the name, but it will end in Brown, love wins” I swear he is always making me laugh somehow “it is you, thank you. I like it, am I really glowing?” I just want added compliments “you are baby, like when I wrote the first one it was just boring as shit, like I put we had one night and that was it, and you said it needs to be me” nodding my head “you right, so I put. I announced this in a panic, I was nervous in announcing it but with the strength within I am going to get through this. I have been waiting on this moment for a while and to be having a baby with the love of my life, it’s even more of a blessing. From now on, it’s about me and mines. This is me signing off until she is here, I will update everyone once the new CEO of Fenty is born” looking up at Chris “it sounds like you’re fed up” Chris picked up on it “I am tired of fighting with these people, to explain what I am doing and why I am doing, I don’t want to write a whole thing about it. It’s enough, the little blog I put out will explain but I totally love what you put” I think Chris has outdone me in this caption business.
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akane171 · 2 years
...That description is both absolutely accurate for the movies if you did cut the romance and at the same time an absolutely beautiful an absolutely in-depth anyalsis why we love Obi-Wan and Anakin and Clone Wars is the best🙈😂🤣 Seriously, I feel like applauding you! *boisterous clapping* 
😂🤷🏻‍♀️ I'm judging to safe myself from your judging😉😂
Wait, WHAT? Do you mean a spin-off about Agatha??😱😱😍😍
Of course ghosts are invisible, where would be the fun in coming back as a ghost if can't be invisible and spooky? But nope, the Kangaroos are busy trying to figure out what LW is suing her subconscious for😁
Well, first off, I didn't treat him like that, the superfriends and universe did (which he did kinda get revenge for) and secondly, he's with his Kara so she can totally help him and show him all the love he deserves (and seriously give him all the hugs he needs), so he's definitely happier than the show's version of either of them and therefore the idea would be a fix-it (plus, present!Karamel gets a happy ever after and lots of kiddos, too😁)
...How is that my fault??😅 Now you're just blaming me for anything and everything?😰
It might make sense, but WHY would fans use THAT word when that usually implies something VERY different in the world of fanfiction?😅🙈 And well, objectively seen, at least in S2 she still seemed fine and they did have some things in common (like shitty parents) and were nearly married?😅🤷🏻‍♀️
Hahaha, I'm already currently reading it, you don't need to tell me to do it (Gosh. It's SO good and in-character 😍😍 And all the reused little lines from the show are placed so perfectly😍😍🙈)
How would you know?🤨
...Why did you have to point that out?🤦🏻‍♀️ I already thought it was kinda weird in that public space, but now it sounds really disgusting, too😅😅🙈
Eh, well, kinda, she said it was very awkward to film because they couldn't see each other at all so the director had to tell them what way to move etc😅 she said sth else about it, too, I think, but I can't remember what it was, it's been too long since I saw the video🤔
Hmm, maybe🤔 But a bunch of great friends, getting to fly, getting away from an abusive relationship and finding the love of your life make it sound like one of the best things to happen to Mel (And Chris too if you leave out the abusive relationship thing!)😁🙈
 It's just mean...😭🙈
Oh, sorry, "Illuminati" is a book by Dan Brown that takes place in the Vatican😅🙈 And ohh, that sounds uhhh..very religiously inclined?😅🙈😂
No promises, I'm the kind of idiot who will definitely get hurt jumping around😂🤷🏻‍♀️
You, too! Hope you get to enjoy the weather😁
Thanks xD They were just complexed in many ways, much more than the romance bewteen Padme and Anakin - the only problem was that he was the Jedi and he couldn't have been in a romantic relationship (what is a big ass cliche and not played well in the movies). While Obi-Wan and Anakin, wow, so many conflicts, so many boiling points, so many *screw everything, I'm going to save him no matter what*, so many things they have learnt from each other, they way they started to appreciate themselves (Obi-Wan learning that Anakin was not only his duty after he promised given to Qui's, but really his brother, and Anakin that he was not a burden). But seriously, because of them being Jedi, so many things there was unspoken and not told directly what created problems, but still sooo goood and beautiful in a way. For me their relationship was the most important and significant one. Not romantic, but even deeper?
And what is funny, I'm not the biggest fan of Anakin, but when he is with Obi-Wan - pure gold.
You are judged anyway, by me and KANGAROOS.
Yeah, I think I saw some gossips that looked pretty confirmed? But was not too interested, so maybe check yourself xD
I think you and LW are more busy trying to figured out. The kangaroos, thay you didn't feed for WEEKS of your argument, ARE dead now, so as i said, you are murdered them all!
ReFail, let me tell you a spoiler... YOU ARE THE AUTHOR SO TEH CHARACTERS DO WHAT YOU WANT, SO STOP PUTTING THE BLAME ON THEM!!!! also, he is dead, that's it, DEAD. As much as having Kara there is wonderful, he needs therapy after what YOU HAVE DONE TO HIM, you monster =='
I guess?
I think people don't use lemon as a tag for sexual stuff in the fics? I haven't seen it for years. Maybe still on ff.net, but not on ao3.
Still, the fact he could have ended with that scorpion was ugh. Fuck you Rhea.
Yep, this fic is a masterpiece and i really hope it's going to be finished...
Ask LW, I have powers.
i like to ruin other people's days,. after i ruin mine. Hope tongues were not involved....
Imagine being naked and wet and probably cold and told how you need to move etc. in front of a dozen of people. Traumatizing xD
Agreed. And it shows how you really can't have it all and some assholes need to ruing the fun. But well, MW is successfully ruining smelties and tantrumcorpses day just for being in love, super happy, well and healthy, so ;)
Ooooooh, ok. i read only the da Vinci code and seen the other movie with... McGregor (lol).
...just be careful....
Have a nice day! :D
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