loveisnotfinite · 3 months
Not spoiling as a said..
But on a side note… the question is…
How can I sleep now?! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
🪞 🐝 🌳 Bridgertaddict 🦋 🖊️ ❤️
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mellonyheart · 3 months
Because I can't get it out of my head:
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The level of consideration here is so impressive to me. This guy never removes his earrings in any card art or outfit but he does for this scene. It may seem natural to do that in shower but I have never seen him without his earrings ever until this image.
And the cactus! How perfect is that!? Our favorite tsundere with a cactus!? And the gold colored shower head? Seriously... the thought put into this...
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desianarchist · 6 months
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A little happy with how far i've come (: x One year on HRT! (Including raloxifene so I don't get boobs. Ask away)
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eirinstiva · 4 months
Inside information
I'm so happy with the last letter from my friend Bertie Wooster. His friend Cynthia is engaged, Wooster used his connections to try to win, Bingo has a new failed love on his history and Jeeves won a lot of money.
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Maybe Bertie would have a chance to win if he made a plan together with Jeeves, but at least he tried. Butlers, maids and valets have a lot of information that even their bosses with their status can't have. Jeeves would be an amazing spy~
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quark-nova · 2 years
hey so I don't see many amab enbies on here and I was wondering if you had any experience with SERMs. Most of the discussion around it seems to be transfem targeted from what I've seen and im not one (even though I've tried to id as one). i do want my body to be androgonized more and it does make me very dysphoric thay it isn't, but I also worry about losing facial/body hair and genital atrophy, along with the fact that I don't want breasts. so I've been hesitant to start hrt. i haven't really been able to find anybody out there with my transition goals and even less resources about hrt. would staying off hrt be the best bet for me and my dysphoria, I only really want fat redistribution and head hair fullness but everything else is unappealing (especially facial/body hair thinning and genital atrophy). Would SERMS be viable for that need or am I just screwed.
Thanks a lot! Yep, I'm currently using SERMs (raloxifene, more precisely), and I've been taking them for a few months along with antiandrogens, although the effects have been quite slow. For now, I've seen a little bit of androgynization/fat redistribution, and no percievable hair thinning yet (which is frustrating for me, especially since I'm doing laser at the same time), although I also experienced genital atrophy. So, not sure it's the best bet for you, but depending on how important each of these are it could be - in any case, it's something that acts way slower than regular feminizing HRT
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lokloft · 1 year
Решаешь немного почитать что-то по своей специальности, узнать какие-то новые фишечки для анализа и не все так просто.
Первый мой затык случился на том, что надо найти что-то по SERM или ORM. Информацию по второму найти проще, т.к. это основное, куда входит SERM.
Далее нахожу свежую книгу. Хочу сначала купить. На озоне цена бумажной 3к. Стало больно. Пошла искать, где таки можно все это почитать хотя б в электронном виде.
Да, я могу купить это где-то в читалках, но... Увидев сразу цену за книгу в 3к, отпало желание.
Может, просто я не привыкал покупать такое дорогое для себя, может еще что-то. Пока пиратим, читаем и повышаем знание и скилл.
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zapsoda · 1 year
imagine them eating a burger
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skunkovich · 7 months
I cannot believe people are still doing the fucking 80s sound thing almost 10 years on from Emotion like can we pleaaaseeeee pick another era to mine hollow nostalgia from please please PLEASE
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aerosoulfiend · 1 year
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According to research, 65% of consumers trust search engines the most when they’re trying to research a business or a brand. Building and maintaining a good online reputation is one of the main goals of any business, regardless of its size. It’s part of the brand building process, and the business as a whole can suffer greatly if this reputation is jeopardized.
So, what is search engine reputation management? Why is the online reputation that important? Keep reading to learn more about the importance of SERM.
Search engine reputation management or SERM is a critical aspect of online reputation management. It’s a tool that brands use to maintain a good online reputation and to fix their reputation in case something goes wrong.
The purpose of using SERM strategies is to help the brand maintain a good online presence and reputation, signified by ranking higher in search engine results, so potential buyers can trust the brand more. Regardless of your business’s success, you can still get affected by negative feedback. According to a study, almost 94% of customers would stir away from a brand due to negative reviews. The purpose of a successful SERM strategy is to help a business recover after such a bad review to maintain loyal customers and attract more in the future.
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Why not erase it all?
Removing a negative online review or comment doesn’t solve an issue. It can temporarily help you maintain your image as a successful business, but as you continue to do this, you eventually lose your credibility. SERM is important because it teaches brand managers how to respond to and handle negative feedback. Moreover, most sites will refuse to remove a bad review.
But it’s just one bad review!
A brand’s reputation is based on the quality it delivers to its customers. One bad review is all it takes for people to think less of your brand. In some cases, handling a bad review and addressing the client’s problem can result in more gains. Your brand is viewed as a trustworthy one, and your business is known for appreciating customers.
Using multiple SERM tools, you’ll be able to push the negative feedback to the second or third pages of Google, where these negative comments are less likely to be seen. In addition, these tools will help you improve your search engine ranking by providing new positive content that potential customers are more likely to see since it appears on Google’s first page.
Successful search engine reputation management is crucial in a world where the brand’s online presence counts for most of its reputation in the market. Here are some of the benefits of well-executed SERM tactics.
The main benefit of SERM is to help boost sales that might otherwise suffer because of negative feedback. The brand would create new positive content, including blogs and PR content, to appear on the first page of search engine results and push the negative review to the second or third pages.
Using SERM, a small business or brand can gain more visibility and exposure.
It helps build a brand’s image as a trustworthy one. Handling negative reviews shows that the brand values customers and will encourage others to give it a try.
With more positive reviews and positive handling of the negative ones, the brand’s credibility increases. People have more trust in the brand and will consider it for future purchases.
As a business, you’ll gain valuable business insights regarding the tools that work best for your business and improve its ranking in search results.
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The main goal of SERM is to improve your business’s online presence and to rank in search engine results. So, for example, if your brand ranks high for a specific keyword associated with a negative review or feedback, your SERM strategy should aim to replace this negative content with a positive one for the same keyword.
As a result, the positive one will appear on the first page of Google results, while the negative one will be pushed back, which potential customers are unlikely to see.
There are several strategies that brands can use to manage and improve their online reputation. Here are some of them.
Use social media profiles and press releases to add more content about your brand. This content is under the company’s control, so it’s positive content that pushes negative content out of sight.
Paying attention to high-traffic queries about your business and adding relevant information about these queries.
Handling negative reviews by responding to them and posting positive content on the relative sites.
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blazontekindia · 2 years
Digital Marketing Agency in SERM Marketing
 Search Engine Reputation Management or SERM is a very important tool.  This tool helps in maintaining the reputation of websites and online businesses on search engine. This tool also helps in reviving the lost reputation of any website or online business because of any problem. 
Search Engine Reputation Management tool has saved many online businesses from being ruined because of some reason that made it lose its business reputation. SERM is a part of Online Reputation Management or ORM. But SERM is at a higher level than ORM. 
SERM Marketing is a professional service that is offered to corporate houses. It offers SEO’s quality improvement to have a good reputation on different search engines. SERM helps in creating search engine ranking awareness for online businesses. . SERM also trains these business houses as to how they can have higher rank results. 
SERM not only avails opportunities for businesses and websites for improvement in business but also makes its client aware of activities that can damage the client’s marketing reputation. The services of SERM is offered across many different sectors and industries. SERM keeps a vigil on all areas of manipulations by such practitioners. It includes Google’s cleanaging of reputation matters created by Google’s autocomplete. It helps by cleaning all negative search results and by bringing the website on the first page of SERP. It also clears the Google’s suggestion to bring the website at the bottom of SERP. It protects the business organization or the website from being destroyed by Google’s autocomplete and negative review results. SERM is multidimensional tool and it can do public relation work, content marketing and social media management. 
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Role of Digital Marketing Agency in SERM Marketing: 
Digital Marketing Agency such as Blazontek not only makes the online business reputation better for its clients but also protects these houses from the malicious activities of its competitors and unsatisfied customers. Digital Marketing Agency such as Blazontek offers various services to its clients, besides doing SERM. These are: 
It can remove search results from other major search engines. These may be Google, Bing etc. 
It gives service such as Public Relation Support to improve customer relation with the business organization. 
It makes a selective submission of only positive reviews and ignores any negative review. 
It offers service of Positive Autocomplete to its client. 
It also does Key Staff protection with positive results. 
It provides a monitoring service for 24x7. 
It provides high level social media management service for maintaining reputation management of its client. 
Digital Marketing Agency such as Blazontek is working for many clients for SERM Marketing services. It helps them with their online marketing services and web services. These activities brings the client’s online business to a new higher level. It also helps in increasing the speed of business to provide better profitability. It has customized Search Engine Reputation Management service. The prices of their services are reasonable, and it surely helps the business to grow and remain within the allotted budget. 
Syndication url on Digital Marketing Agency in SERM Marketing
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seoinnovatedigest · 3 months
Актуальный рейтинг SERM-агентств России - ТОП компаний по управлению репутацией
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Представляем наш рейтинг SERM-агентств по управлению репутацией в интернете. Изучите наш ТОП-5 лучших СЕРМ-компаний России и выберете самого надежного партнера для Вашего бизнеса!
Управление репутацией в интернете (SERM) – это не модный тренд, а необходимость для любого бизнеса, стремящегося к успеху. Репутация напрямую влияет на продажи, доверие клиентов и партнеров, а также на общую привлекательность компании. В России существует множество digital-агентств и компаний, предлагающих услуги SERM, но как выбрать лучшее? В этой статье мы подробно рассмотрим ТОП-5 SERM-агентств, их особенности, преимущества и спектр услуг.
1. UltraCOM
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UltraCOM – это агентство интернет-маркетинга, предлагающее широкий спектр услуг, включая SERM. Компания обладает большим опытом работы с различными отраслями и типами бизнеса.
Что входит в услуги:
Аудит репутации с использованием современных методик и инструментов.
Разработка стратегии SERM с учетом специфики деятельности клиента.
Мониторинг упоминаний в социальных сетях, блогах и форумах.
Нейтрализация негатива путем публикации опровержений, комментариев и отзывов.
Создание позитивного контента, направленного на формирование положительного имиджа.
Продвижение в поисковых системах (SEO) для улучшения видимости позитивных материалов.
Большой опыт работы и множество успешных кейсов в различных отраслях.
Индивидуальный подход к каждому клиенту, учитывающий особенности бизнеса и целевую аудиторию.
Использование современных технологий и инструментов SERM, обеспечивающих высокую эффективность.
Телефон: +7 (495) 481-40-20
Сайт: ultra-com.net
2. Ingate
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Ingate – это признанный лидер в области digital-маркетинга и SERM. Компания обладает многолетним опытом и командой высококвалифицированных специалистов, готовых разработать индивидуальную стратегию для каждого клиента.
Что входит в услуги:
Комплексный аудит репутации, включающий анализ упоминаний в СМИ, социальных сетях, блогах и форумах.
Разработка стратегии SERM с учетом специфики бизнеса и целевой аудитории.
Мониторинг упоминаний в режиме реального времени с использованием современных инструментов.
Нейтрализация негатива путем публикации опровержений, комментариев и отзывов.
Создание позитивного контента, направленного на формирование положительного имиджа компании.
Продвижение в поисковых системах (SEO) для улучшения видимости позитивных материалов.
Индивидуальный подход к каждому клиенту.
Большой опыт работы и множество успешных кейсов.
Использование современных технологий и инструментов.
Широкий спектр услуг, охватывающий все аспекты SERM.
Телефон: +7 (495) 256-07-32
Сайт: ingate.ru
3. Demis Group
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Demis Group – это агентство интернет-маркетинга, предлагающее услуги по SERM и ORM (Online Reputation Management). Компания специализируется на работе с крупным бизнесом и государственными структурами.
Что входит в услуги:
Аудит репутации с использованием современных методик и инструментов.
Разработка стратегии SERM с учетом специфики деятельности клиента.
Мониторинг упоминаний в СМИ, социальных сетях, блогах и форумах.
Нейтрализация негатива путем публикации опровержений, комментариев и отзывов.
Создание позитивного контента, направленного на формирование положительного имиджа.
Работа с отзывами на различных площадках, включая маркетплейсы и агрегаторы.
Индивидуальный подход к каждому клиенту, учитывающий особенности бизнеса и целевую аудиторию.
Гибкая ценовая политика, позволяющая подобрать оптим��льный вариант для любого бюджета.
Телефон: +7 (495) 223-66-59
Сайт: demis.ru
4. Webit
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Webit – это digital-агентство, предлагающее комплексные услуги по интернет-маркетингу, включая SERM. Компания специализируется на работе с малым и средним бизнесом, помогая им улучшить репутацию в сети и привлечь новых клиентов.
Что входит в услуги:
Аудит репутации с анализом упоминаний в поисковых системах и социальных сетях.
Разработка стратегии SERM с учетом целей и задач клиента.
Мониторинг упоминаний в режиме реального времени с использованием современных инструментов.
Создание позитивного контента, включая статьи, новости, пресс-релизы и отзывы.
Продвижение в социальных сетях для увеличения охвата аудитории и формирования положительного имиджа.
SEO-продвижение для улучшения позиций сайта в поисковой выдаче.
Команда профессионалов, обладающих глубокими знаниями в области SERM и интернет-маркетинга.
Телефон: +7 (495) 191-37-31
Сайт: webit.ru
5. Kokoc Group
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Kokoc Group – это крупное digital-агентство, специализирующееся на performance-маркетинге и SERM. Компания предлагает комплексные решения для управления репутацией в интернете и повышения эффективности бизнеса.
Что входит в услуги:
Аудит репутации с анализом сильных и слабых сторон.
Разработка стратегии SERM с учетом целей и задач клиента.
Мониторинг упоминаний в СМИ, социальных сетях и других источниках.
Управление репутацией в социальных сетях, включая создание и ведение сообществ, взаимодействие с пользователями.
SEO-продвижение для улучшения позиций сайта в поисковой выдаче.
Команда опытных специалистов, владеющих всеми инструментами SERM.
Комплексный подход к решению задач, учитывающий все аспекты онлайн-репутации.
Использование собственных разработок и технологий для повышения эффективности.
Телефон: +7 (495) 308-01-10
Сайт: kokocgroup.ru
Как выбрать SERM-агентство?
Выбор SERM-агентства требует тщательного анализа и сравнения различных предложений. При выборе обратите внимание на следующие факторы:
Опыт работы: выбирайте агентство с опытом работы в вашей отрасли и с компаниями вашего масштаба.
Спектр услуг: убедитесь, что агентство предлагает все необходимые вам услуги, включая аудит, мониторинг, нейтрализацию негатива, создание контента и продвижение.
Технологии и инструменты: узнайте, какие технологии и инструменты использует агентство для мониторинга упоминаний, анализа данных и оценки эффективности.
Цены: сравните цены разных агентств и выберите оптимальный вариант, учитывая ваш бюджет и потребности.
Отзывы: почитайте отзывы клиентов о работе агентства на независимых площадках и форумах.
Управление репутацией в интернете – это сложный и многогранный процесс, требующий профессионального подхода. Выбор правильного SERM-агентства поможет вам эффективно контролировать имидж в сети, предотвращать негативные упоминания и формировать положительное восприятие бренда.
В нашем рейтинге мы рассмотрели лишь некоторые из SERM-агентств России. Каждая из этих компаний обладает своими преимуществами и особенностями, поэтому выбор зависит от конкретных потребностей и задач. Независимо от того, какое агентство вы выберете, главное – это доверие и открытое сотрудничество.
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eirinstiva · 4 months
Perfect storm
Letter!!! Bertie Wooster sent a letter and I'm already scared because maybe Bingo Little will be here~ Brace yourself, this can get rummy...
Claude and Eustace are so dangerous together, I like that, the image of them doing stupid things like in the manga Please, Jeeves (by Morimura Tamaki and Katsuta Bun) lives rent free in my heart.
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I handed this to Jeeves. He studied it thoughtfully. “What do you make of it? A rummy communication, what?” “Very high-spirited young gentlemen, sir, Mr. Claude and Mr. Eustace. Up to some game, I should be disposed to imagine.” “Yes. But what game, do you think?” “It is impossible to say, sir. Did you observe that the letter continues over the page?” “Eh, what?”
Jeeves has Kowalski vibes~
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Great pals we’ve always been. In fact, there was a time when I had an idea I was in love with Cynthia. However, it blew over. A dashed pretty and lively and attractive girl, mind you, but full of ideals and all that. I may be wronging her, but I have an idea that she’s the sort of girl who would want a fellow to carve out a career and whatnot.
Bertie has a girl friend, a friend who is a girl, a friend called Cynthia~ that's cute. I really like to read about friendship between people of different gender.
“Young Bingo Little. Great pal of mine. He’s tutoring your brother, you know.” “Good gracious! Is he a friend of yours?” “Rather! Known him all my life.” “Then tell me, Bertie, is he at all weak in the head?” “Weak in the head?” “I don’t mean simply because he’s a friend of yours. But he’s so strange in his manner.”
Well, Cynthia has an opinion™ of Bertie and his friends, but there's a chemistry between them like ex lovers turned into friends, or that weird relationship that some people have this their first boyfriend/girlfriend/idon'tknow that can be so cute and weird at the same time. I love that kind of relationship. Platonic? Maybe, I can't find the words right now.
“Well, you might have let your pals know where you were.” He frowned darkly. “I didn’t want them to know where I was. I wanted to creep away and hide myself. I’ve been through a bad time, Bertie, these last weeks. The sun ceased to shine⁠—”
Bingo is heartbroken and Bertie can't sense that. Read the room, dear Bertie~ but Bingo falls in love so easily that it's not a surprise that he fell in love with Cynthia. The surprise factor is the poetry:
“When Cynthia smiles,” said young Bingo, “the skies are blue; the world takes on a roseate hue: birds in the garden trill and sing, and Joy is king of everything, when Cynthia smiles.” He coughed, changing gears. “When Cynthia frowns⁠—” “What the devil are you talking about?” “I’m reading you my poem. The one I wrote to Cynthia last night. I’ll go on, shall I?”
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Let this poor man have his morning tea!
Claude and Eustace are troublemakers with brilliant minds, but instead of to use those brains in solving problems like Jeeves, they try to earn money in a easy way. They could start their own multi-level marketing, Ponzi scheme, or even become gentlemen thieves like Raffles and Bunny (but with two Raffles and no Bunny... unless Bertie is Bunny... anyway~)
“I say, old man,” I couldn’t help saying, “aren’t you looking ahead rather far?” “Oh, that’s all right. It’s true nothing’s actually settled yet, but she practically told me the other day she was fond of me.” “What!” “Well, she said that the sort of man she liked was the self-reliant, manly man with strength, good looks, character, ambition, and initiative.” “Leave me, laddie,” I said. “Leave me to my fried egg.”
So we have a possible romance between Bingo and Cynthia, some plan of the mischievous twins, and Jeeves is interested in this deal... Is this the recipe for a perfect storm? Let's see in the next letter. Pip-pip!
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iberiaskinbrands · 3 months
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Discover the best face serums for women, formulated to hydrate, reduce wrinkles, and brighten your skin. Achieve a radiant, youthful complexion with our powerful, antioxidant-rich serums.
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onenparle · 5 months
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industryupdate · 10 months
The U.S. and European Union Osteoporosis Drugs Market Is Driven by Increasing Prevalence of Osteoporosis
The U.S. and European Union osteoporosis drugs market is experiencing growth, and this development can be credited to the growing occurrence rate of osteoporosis illnesses, the rising elderly populace, the rising cases of overweightness, the increasing occurrence of lifestyle-related illnesses, and the rising healthcare expenditure in the U.S. and the EU. In 2022, the U.S. osteoporosis drugs…
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