death-by-mercury · 1 month
Minha canção favorita de Leandro e Leonardo para o aniversário da lenda Leandro, "Vem Fazer Amor Comigo" no Som Brasil em Campinas(SP), exibido em 24/08/1993.
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andre-d-tuffo · 7 months
Catira ou Caterete
Sou paulista paulistano, muito MEO!!! Mas cresci no interior, mas tenho um pouco do sotaque da capital. Tenho lugar de fala pra zoar hehe.
A catira um dia foi bastante popular, mas hoje já não goza da mesma fama. 
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pirapopnoticias · 1 year
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netilomusic · 1 year
"Descubra a sua playlist de música preferida! Na playlist Ana Castela, oferecemos uma incrível seleção de sertanejo mais tocadas para você treinar, dançar ou até mesmo para animar o seu churrasco. Aproveite o melhor do sertanejo ao vivo, as melhores músicas com graves e as mais tocadas em 2023. Temos tudo, desde os clássicos do sertanejo até as tendências mais recentes. Atualizamos nossa playlist ao vivo agora para você sempre encontrar novidades. E o melhor: ela é perfeita para usar no seu status! #sertanejo #sertanejobom #sertanejobr #sertanejos"
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brasilsa · 1 year
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sock-ness-monster · 2 years
I love you folk music I love you celtic tunes I love you sea shanties I love you trail songs I love you bluegrass I love you ballads I love you madrigals I love you roundelays I love you Irish jigs I love you jug music I love you sertanejo I love you cowpunk I love you ragtime I love you yodeling
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gcik · 5 months
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do you have any favorite brasilian artists/songs (I’ll trade you some panameños music recs if u want lol <3)
ok so before I start I must explain. So my parents don’t listen to a lot of Brasilian music. Which is weird ik. But they also don’t listen to American music. Yes we are all musicians. We listen to Christian music and 99.9% of the time it’s Brasilian Christian music. my best friend is also an Immigrant. He listens to a LOT of Brasilian music. So naturally he shared some with me. I’ll drop his playlist if yall want lol.
Só my fave Brasilian artists are most definitely Ana Castela (The Queen of Sertanejo rn) Luan Santana (how can you hate this man?), Marília Mendonça (the oh queen RIP.) and prolly Ze Neto E Christiano.
can you tell I’m a sertanejo girlie?? I mean I am Mineria 🤍🤍
bc I’m extra: some of my fave songs lol
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Also yes yes yes gimme some panameños music. I’ll give u some more Sertanejo and Pagode too ehehe.
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fernandoit-blog · 4 months
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"Eros and psyche of Seridó" -🐭
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bloggerjovem · 9 months
Em um relacionamento, você NÃO proíbe as coisas.
Você apenas diz: "isso aqui me magoa", e espera a pessoa ter empatia e parar com tal atitude.
Se a pessoa sabe que te magoa, e continua fazendo, é porque a pessoa não se importa com você e muito menos com o que você sente.
-Brenda Maiumy
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sunshyni · 7 months
A gnt tá falando de Jeno e sertanejo, né?? E tudo q me vem a mente é aquela msc lá do “sou simples mas eu te garanto eu sei fazer o lê lê lê” KKKKKKKKKK q ódio
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Imagine aq Jeno sertanejo universitário skin em um barzinho pós facul
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idollete · 6 months
juju, duas novas músicas pra adicionar a trilha sonora do simón: chora, me liga do joao bosco e vinícius e cafajeste da thaeme e thiago!!!
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baejax-the-great · 8 months
[First, I was rereading "Agua Caliente" and I remembered a song that played a lot in my childhood (and I had kind of forgotten) bc the lyrics somehow matched the Patrochilles dynamic in this fic. This is kind of funny bc I would never in my life associate sertanejo (it's a type of country music, I think? Idk I've never heard country, but the aesthetic is kind of similar. Anyway, it's pretty popular here) with shipping an ancient Greek couple in modern AU, but ok. And I went to listen to this song again and now I'm listening to it on a loop, so thanks for that.]
Now the real question! It's perhaps a strange question, but do you plan what you write? Like, before you write, do you have the whole structured idea in mind? I could have sworn it was like that reading the fics, but then some notes on Ao3 and certain things you say on Tumblr started to make me reflect that maybe you don't plan as much as I thought… in that case, how do you manage to connect everything so well without looking like something was left out/without prior planning??? It's magic, technique, luck or actually do you plan?
Sorry if the question is a bit "???" but I'm REALLY thinking about this! I used to write fics years ago and I was in the "won't plan" group and as expected the fics came out obviously unplanned (but that was ok with me bc it was just to pass the time and I didn't expect it to be an engaging story or anything), and here's why this ask exists: it's precisely bc I was in the “won't plan” group that I'm really intrigued by the possibility of you NOT planning bc it just doesn't seem that way reading your fics...
The short answer is that I do plan what I write, but probably not enough.
I rarely start writing a fic with an entire idea. Often it's just a vibe. But I won't start posting a fic until I know exactly what the conflict is and how it will be resolved.
This was easy in ATG, for example, because I'd already written the resolution before I even decided to write the fic. Structuring it by Patroclus's age also helped, because I could make an outline with the stuff that needed to happen and then jam stuff I wanted to happen around it. That "Stuff" could be really specific--obviously Pat had to graduate school and Achilles had to go to the Olympics on specific years, and it was also like, this section should have them fighting. This section should have them getting along, but Achilles is hiding this big lie so there should be a weird tension.
In Sunset, it took me longer to figure out the conflict/resolution. Sure, I knew that Achilles was going to cry on a Chicago street corner and get naked in Pat's kitchen, but why was he there? How did he get there? I had already written Achilles settling in to Pat's place and the scene where he gets into the lake before I decided on Aphrodite being the key to explain this whole thing. Then I knew Pat had to die. But a lot of the stuff that happened in the middle was sort of on a whim (particularly Achilles getting on the wrong L train-that was definitely just an impulse I had while finishing that chapter). Tecmessa's chapter was also a later addition, and a deeply self-indulgent one, hah.
Agua was the least planned of these three, and in some ways it was because the idea was a lot simpler. After three years, Achilles runs into Patroclus again and they reconcile in some way. I knew exactly how Patroclus would feel about the whole thing (relieved, guilty, upset, wounded, hopeful, upset about feeling hopeful). My original plan was just to set up Achilles in his shop and his new life doing his best and have him run into Patroclus at the beach, and eventually they'd go to the desert. I wrote parts of their meeting first, and then I started writing the beginning and ended up scrapping most of that. I realized I was going to have to do a lot more writing for poor Achilles. My lack of planning here did cause some difficulties--I had like three versions of that date he went on with Pat with different endings. One involved Pat in the hospital, lmao. Zag and Meg coming to stay with Achilles were kind of whims, and I had meant to have Hypnos show up for "his turn" and have Achilles send him home because no, these were not team-building exercises, but then I forgot 😩.
The reason that I need to know the conflict/resolution at the start is because I do think all the scenes in a fic should relate to it in some way, either by building up the conflict or setting the groundwork for a resolution. Even for the impulsive scenes I add just for fun, I think about how they can do this. For example, Achilles getting lost on the L allowed me to build up Pat's unreasonable anxiety, show that Ajax was also feeling it to some extent, and end in Pat saying "fuck it" and just giving in to making out with his hot, ancient boyfriend. It was also something that happened to a friend who was visiting me from out of the country and didn't have a working cell phone. That moment of watching him through the window of the L as it slowly pulled away is just etched in my memory.
In Agua Caliente, almost anything could relate to the resolution, because the resolution was "Achilles having a life," thus it didn't require as much planning. Zagreus's apartment getting flooded (something that happened to me in grad school) showed Achilles attempting to be flexible with some success while allowing himself to become closer to Zagreus, which led to a point of connection with his kids. It also made it easier to explain why Achilles was doing Zag's delivery that day when he ran into Pat. There were only a couple things that truly needed to happen in AC for the fic to make sense, and that was a resolution with Achilles' kids and then with Patroclus, of course.
I do get loose threads sometimes, side conflicts or things that didn't end up going anywhere, and those things tend to annoy me until I figure out a way to resolve them or make them otherwise relevant. Or I don't. Or sometimes I realize I need to add something/someone into the fic, and it would have been smoother if I'd added it in an earlier chapter so it didn't seem like a convenient thing I'd just thought of to solve a problem. That's always annoying to me. But whatever. It's fanfic. That's the risk of posting while you write.
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ininterruptoss · 1 year
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ana flávia castela icons | like or reblog if you save it
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trechos-jorgeemateus · 8 months
O combinado era da gente se reencontrar quem sentir saudade primeiro, ligar me enlouqueceu e desapareceu plantou amor no peito e não voltou pra regar… Promessas não são contratos os beijos nem sempre são pactos, iê iê… Eu deveria saber que sentimentos vazios não preenchem os espaços ce nem aí e eu amando você.
Pactos - Jorge & Mateus e Matheus e Kauan.
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mandrakke · 9 months
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