#set between acowar and acofas
elrielbaby · 2 months
I don’t understand what isn’t clear about elriels set up.
1. We have clear foreshadowing for elriel in the form of the dinner scene with the bat boys & the Archerons, and the comment from Feyre about Elain & Azriel as she removes arrows from Rhys.
2. In ACOWAR, we have Azriel carrying Elain from the house of wind, carrying her over the threshold of the town house and being so gentle with her, her calling his scars beautiful & them sitting outside together, where Azriel, the person we are told almost never relaxes, is observed essentially relaxing.
3. We have Feyre questioning mate bonds and the cauldron over them.
4. We have Madjas comment about a mate sensing what is amiss, and then having Azriel, not L*cien, being the one to figure it out.
5. On a smaller note, we have both males (Cassian & Azriel) go still at the sight of both Elain & Nesta, plus Azriel continues to take Elain out in to the garden and sit with her.
6. We have an approximately, 2-3 chapter rescue scene. All insanely romantically coded. From the Elain devouring the sight of Azriel to ‘you came for me’. From Azriel setting Briar down but continuing to hold Elain until he is taken from him by someone he trusts. To Elain kissing his cheek in thanks. I’m probably forgetting some stuff there it’s packed full.
7. We have Azriel offering Elain his most prized possession - a knife he has never let anyone else so much as touch, including the female he’s supposedly been in love with for centuries.
8. Literally all of ACOFAS. There are an incredible amount of scenes in that book, it’s really a whole post just on its own.
9. We have Azriel, in ACOSF, get visibly upset at the mere suggestion that Elain may be hurt in some way.
10. We have confirmation from Cassian that Azriel seems to have moved on from Mor.
11. We have Azriels shadows poised to strike in her defence.
12. We have a charged glance between the two of them, we have Azriel standing by the doorway because the smell of E*uciens bond is so upsetting to him that he needs to be able to leave if it gets too much.
All of that - without mentioning the events of the bonus chapters (the feysand one is very Elain heavy, and the Azriel POV let’s us know in no uncertain terms that they both have romantic feelings for one another and want to act upon them). I feel like I make a post like this periodically when I see someone say Elriel haven’t been set up to be a couple or that they see them as something other than a romantic pairing and honestly it feels like throwing my head against a brick wall at this point - these people will not see it until their book is announced and they get their happy ending.
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nikachansstuff · 4 months
The multiple versions of Azriel (aka my problem with Gwynriel’s narrative)
More often than not, I come across the argument that Azriel proved himself to be a creep in the BC. But only towards Elain. With Gwyn, he is a different male. He is and I quote: “Gentle with Gwyn.”
Let it sink in: Azriel is gentle towards Gwyn, but not with Elain.
So let’s check how much this affirmation holds itself when comparing to canon text?
“Azriel arrived first, no shadows to be seen, my sister a pale, golden mass in his arms. He, too, wore his Illyrian armor, Elain’s golden-brown hair snagging in some of the black scales across his chest and shoulders.
He set her down gently on the foyer carpet, having carried her in through the front door.”
ACOWAR - Chapter 24
“Then Azriel, gently taking Elain’s hand in his own, as if afraid his scars would hurt her.”
ACOWAR - Chapter 50
“Azriel gently removed the gag from her mouth. ‘Are you hurt?’
She shook her head, devouring the sight of him as if not quite believing it. ‘You came for me.’
The shadowsinger only inclined his head.”
ACOWAR - Chapter 65
“Elain’s eyes widened at the obsidian-hilted blade in Azriel’s scarred hand. The runes on the dark scabbard. ‘It has never failed me once,’ the shadowsinger said, the midday sun devoured by the dark blade. ‘Some people say it is magic and will always strike true.’ He gently took her hand and pressed the hilt of the legendary blade into it. ‘It will serve you well.’”
ACOWAR - Chapter 69
“But Azriel only took Elain’s heavy dish of potatoes from her hands, his voice soft as night as he said, ‘Sit. I’ll take care of it.’ Elain’s hands remained in midair, as if the ghost of the dish remained between them. With a blink, she lowered them, and noticed her apron. ‘I—I’ll be right back,’ she murmured, and hurried down the hall before I could explain that no one cared if she showed up to dinner covered in flour and that she should just sit.”
ACOFAS - Chapter 12
“I made to move toward [Elain], but someone beat me to it. The shadowsinger was clad in a black jacket and pants similar to Rhysand’s—the fabric immaculately tailored and built to fit his wings. He still wore his Siphons atop either hand, and shadows trailed his footsteps, curling like swirled embers, but there was little sign of the warrior otherwise. Especially as he gently said to my sister, “Happy Solstice.” Elain turned from the snow falling in the darkness beyond and smiled slightly.”
ACOFAS - Chapter 19
Yeah… I’m done.
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Please tell me again how brute and creepy Azriel is towards Elain. But keep in mind that you’re misinterpreting all information laid out in the books so far. And… maybe, if you need to twist the books to make your theory works, then it’s not a solid argument at all.
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violetasteracademic · 2 months
I just finished cc3 and I’m worried the next book will be about nesta. Why do you think the next book is still about elain?
Hello my darling anon! Congrats on finishing CC3, you have sent this to a rare bird in the wild who actually enjoyed the hell out of it despite the flaws. So I hope you had a good time!
I'm a bit nervous to show you guys this side of me. Well, I suppose I've been showing it, but to compile it in such a way is quite another ordeal. That being said, I have toooons of links and resources to share why, for me personally, it is so clear that Nesta's story is *not* over, and Elain's book is undoubtedly next. Both of these things are true, but it has everything to do with the direction of the multiverse, which is very tightly woven, and *not* ACOTAR 5/6, which has been in the works for near a decade. Save this. Come back to it. Take your time working through it. I'm giving you everything, anon!
We have two parts at play: ACOTAR and the new series, which I have no doubt in my mind is Twilight of the Gods (more on that later) so lets start with facts before we move on to theory.
I am positive Elain's book is next because Sarah's messaging has remained 100% consistent since signing on the ACOTOR spinoffs in 2016. Moving forward from ACOWAR, she wrote ACOFAS as a novella to "bridge the gap" between ACOWAR and the spinoffs, and set up the future of ACOTAR. That was completely true for ACOSF, where everything that was set up has come to pass or been expanded on so far. The introduction of the Blood Rite, Nesta's mental health struggles, Morrigan being assigned to Vallahan, and the continued escalation of Elain's relationship with Azriel and Lucien's with the Band of Exiles. We meet Emerie, we learn more about the struggles of the patriarchy in Illyria, so on and so forth.
Then, we have ACOSF. The first dual POV romance of ACOTAR. This was only the beginning of a long term plan of dual POV romances coming to fruition. Here is youtube video from early on in the process describing the spinoffs as standalones that feature a different romantic pairing each book, but form a backbone when united.
By 2020, after ACOSF was announced, Sarah reiterated again that the new spinoff series features a new couple each book, with their own miniature plot and romance resolving within the overarching story of ACOTAR. Here she also shares that she plans to write a *lot* more than what she is contracted for, and has a ton of different ships to choose from. You can watch that here.
And now we move to 2021, after ACOSF was released, and Sarah confirms she always planned to write a book about Elain here.
This is actually a great interview and one of my favorites. You can watch the whole thing here. Eva Chen is a real one.
As far as ACOTAR goes, Sarah has continued to confirm in multiple interviews that her initial plans regarding the spinoffs have not changed, and still largely follow that initial outline she pitched back in 2016. And it was always going to be Nesta and Elain.
I will reiterate, ACOTAR is its own series with its own structure. Every ACOTAR book will feature a new couple with their own romance story. ACOTAR will continue to be exclusively a romance series from here on out. A lot of people speculate a lot of things on the future of ACOTAR. That we'll get a big finale with a multi-pov, that the story will end after Koschei, that we'll have a Kingdom of Ash style book. None of this is true. Sarah is going to keep contracting ACOTAR books until she runs out of couples. If you think this sounds odd, keep in mind that SJM herself is a fan of and grew up on Nalini Singh, who has series that started in 2006/2009 and are still going, featuring a new couple each book:
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So, this is not strange behavior for the genre, and I think SJM is excited to have an ongoing fantasy romance series like this. And I'm excited for us to read it!
So, no KoA multi-pov finale. No second Nesta book. ACOTAR is an ongoing romance series with an "unspecified number of books remaining."
Okay! Now let's talk about Nesta! Bone Carver voice: Nestaaaaaaa
I'm going to do something just for you, Anon. And whoever catches this in the next week or so. I left titkok as far as booktok/content making and whatnot and privatized all my videos with my face on them (for a variety of reasons. Some fandom/bullying related, some not) but I did a massive breakdown of SJM's publishing contracts and all of the lore for Twilight of the Gods build up. I did get some of my screenshots from other Tumblr accounts, and linked my sources in the caption! Give this a watch (it's long) and pop back over.
Obviously if you spend some time in the comments section, mostly the questions at large are regarding timeline. I'm happy to chat theory, but focusing on Nesta, it is incredibly important and specific that she had her role in CC3 and that she connected The Valkyrie to Midgard, aka Middle Earth in Norse mythology which is where Twilight of the Gods, aka Ragnarok takes place. We have seen Midgard, Hel, and I have no doubt we will see Asgard.
But take a look at the difference between Nesta and Azriel's journey in CC3. Nesta had a deep emotional arc with Bryce. She developed trust and a relationship with her that Azriel didn't. In the HoFaS bonus chapter, Nesta forged a bond and a relationship with Bryce's mom, Ember. Nesta and Bryce's development is what is important here: Nesta has now created the bridge between the Valkyrie and Midgard. Valkyrie are the chosen fighters of Odin in Twilight of the Gods- the war at Ragnarok.
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Twilight of the Gods is coming, fam. Crescent City three also revealed that The Mother, Urd, and Wyrd are all the same entity. The Goddess of all creation and fate. She oversees all worlds, and another important but oft overlooked element in the CC3 crossover is the frequency of the conversations about the Gods:
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So yes, Nesta still has a huge arc coming up baby! She is not done. No one is done. But the Valkyrie are gearing up to play a major role in TotG, not the next ACOTAR. I believe this also grounds the continuation of the tension between Nesta and Rhys, and these two powers at odds when it comes to making decisions. Rhys will protect Prythian first. Nesta is building the bridges to other worlds, and is willing to fight alongside them. Rhys has no relationship with Bryce and Midgard. Nesta does. And lets not forget the Pegasi!
CC3 was not about Nesta. It was about Bryce and Nesta. Giving the Starsword back to Nesta is simply because that is who Bryce had a relationship with, and will continue to have a relationship with in the multiverse, not because Nesta is getting another book. Honestly- who else was she supposed to give the sword, Mask, and Truth-Teller back to? Twilight of the Gods will feature characters from all worlds. Sarah confirmed it will be emotional to write because of the old faces we'll see pop up in her Today Show interview here. This interview was thoroughly structured and planned, and released on the same day as HoFaS.
Speaking of the Starsword, let's talk Azriel and his role in CC3. Azriel is now the only person we have seen carry both the Starsword (likely Gwydion from here on out) and Truth-Teller. Light and dark. The power that combined to unleash the magic on Avallen, otherwise known as the Prison/Dusk Court in Prythian. Nesta has her own sword, Ataraxia. We have not seen Nesta touch, wield, or use Gwydion. Only Azriel has.
There is only one other character at home in Prythian who has also wielded and used the full power of one half of that pair of weapons: Elain.
Nesta used Truth-Teller to cut off the kings head, yes, but Elain used Truth-Teller to travel through the shadows across a battlefield with no experience and no training. She held that blade, and it worked to her will, tapping into its magic.
Azriel also learned about the corruption of the Cauldron. This was his primary experience in the crossover- discovering that the Asteri, who force mates and curate bloodlines to create powerful offspring which they then churn through a soul meat grinder for food warped the Cauldron to enact their will. Azriel did not form a relationship with Bryce, or Ember, or form any sort of additional connections to Midgard the way Nesta did. His part of the story revealed the problems at home. His (likely) love interest is the only person who has used his blade there, while Azriel is the only person who has used Gwydion. Bryce notes that Azriel must have some Starborn blood in him. Silene confirms that the Dusk Court can only be nurtured and looked after by Starborn heirs.
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So while Nesta's compass in the crossover pointed to Midgard and her developing relationship with Bryce, as well as her clear willingness to work with her, Azriel's compass pointed home. It pointed to his lineage, to the corrupted Cauldron, to being one half of Gwydion and Truth-Teller combining, the Dusk Court. All of which points us to...
Yup. Elain.
If this STILL isn't enough for you, I have made a few additional posts regarding The Glass Coffin (aka Sleeping Beauty, which Bryce plays for Azriel in the HoFaS bonus chapter) and some, but not all of the little Elain coded details in HoFaS. You can find those posts here and here.
I could keep going forever. I can reiterate that there was not one but two ACOSF bonus chapters, and both were about Elain. I can talk about about the fact that SJM always planned to write a book about each sister, and ACOFAS was about- duh- each sister. But this is already so long and full of so many links and resources. The wrap up is this- ACOTAR is now an ongoing dual POV romance series. Until she tells us that is no longer true, it is true. A new couple each book. Nesta and the Valkyrie are key players in Twilight of the Gods. Sarah confirmed she was writing Crescent City and Twilight of the Gods at the same time. The multiverse is happening, and it just takes a little bit of exploration to understand where the characters are likely headed.
I'll end on this note. Azriel and Elain are light and dark. This belongs to them. The bridge of connection between them- Truth-Teller:
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Now look at how the combination of the Starsword and Truth-Teller is described in HoFaS, and tell me if it looks familiar to you:
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And now alllll together again, fam! Who are the only two characters who have properly wielded and/or tapped into the power of the Starsword and Truth-Teller in Prythian?
Azriel and Elain.
I think that's everything. I hope this comforts you. I genuinely don't ever feel worried or confused. It is all so clear to me how Sarah wove this together, and I think it's absolutely brilliant. Eep! I just get so excited! So take a little bit of my excitement and release the fear. Half of the people making content on this blatantly hate one half of the next book and they willfully ignore that she has had one of the most beautiful, breathtaking, well foreshadowed and woven storylines in the history of SJM's writing. Of course that is only my opinion, but honestly, how could you NOT be impressed and excited?!
I can't wait. I just can't heckin' wait.
If you got through all of this, wow. You're the real MVP.
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feyrescourt · 2 months
This is a long and rambly discussion post for elriel nation btw so strap in
I want to preface this by kindly asking the elriel hive to not use any tags of #those ships if reblogged. I want to keep this in the elriel echo chamber. Please and thank u!
A huge part of fandom culture is to ship canonically compliant characters and crack ships. Everyone’s got them, and it’s totally normal, and it’s usually fun to engage with.
The majority of the time I have no issue with this (I am a wolfstar shipper and even though there is canonical evidence of them in the original HP books, they’re widely accepted online and balked at IRL usually due to homophobia and #that nasty, nasty woman’s bigotry), but over the last few years a certain group of crack shippers have taken it upon themselves to fly a little too close to the sun, and want to make it our (elriels) problem. I am talking about the Glees.
It’s late and this just popped into my head so I want to rant about it.
My friend who got me into ACOTAR gave me a breakdown of the ships (bc I read ToG first and went in blind. I became a doraelin shipper very early on and remained one halfway through QoS, it was a whole thing when I realized they were not end game lol), bc I asked her to after my ToG experience. She told me all the characters names and then told me about feysand and nessian endgames but didn’t mention az or elain’s situation. I asked her about it and she told me that she didn’t want to mention much about Az because “by the end of the series azriel has two options for how his story could go, elain or another way”. She shared some anti elain sentiment with me because she’s “boring and doesn’t do anything”. That went in one ear and out the other with me tbh.
When I started acowar, and feyre returned to the night court, I saw how elain and azriel were interacting and I concluded that mor was the second LI of az bc of acomaf. I was not apart of the fandom online at this point, so I was genuinely in the dark about everything around these two. I was just reading and talking to my friend about what I read. I also want to add that I still liked L*cien at this point in the series (it changed in acofas, I became apathetic towards him rather quickly when I finished reading that whiny ass convo with feyre…..I don’t play when it comes to her) but wasn’t sold on eluce because they had like one interaction and it wasn’t a great intro to a ship.
However this first meeting in acomaf….. :)
‘Can you truly fly?’ He set down his fork, blinking. I might have even called him self-conscious. He said, ‘Yes. Cassian and I hail from a race of faeries called Illyrians. We’re born hearing the song of the wind.’ ‘That’s very beautiful,’
“Rhys chuckled, Cassian’s wrath slipping enough that he grinned, and Elain, noticing Azriel’s ease as proof that things weren’t indeed about to go badly, offered one of her own as well.”
Well imagine my surprise when I finished acowar and it turns out mor (the person az has crushed on for 500 years) comes out to feyre before the book ends and she explains that she can never love az the way he loves her. After three books, and everything that happens in acowar it was clear to me that elain and azriel were being set up as each others love interests, despite the mating bond with l*cien.
After Acofas I was officially on the elriel train. I mean…
“Azriel strode to the lone window at the end of the room and peered into the garden below.”
“Azriel emerged from the sitting room, a glass of wine in hand and wings tucked back to reveal his fine, yet simple black jacket and pants. I felt, more than saw, my sister go still as he approached. Her throat bobbed.”
“But Azriel only took Elain’s heavy dish of potatoes from her hands, his voice soft as night as he said, ‘Sit. I’ll take care of it.’ Elain’s hands remained in midair, as if the ghost of the dish remained between them. With a blink, she lowered them, and noticed her apron. ‘I—I’ll be right back,’ she murmured, and hurried down the hall before I could explain that no one cared if she showed up to dinner covered in flour and that she should just sit.”
“Elain swept in, apron gone and hair rebraided. ‘Please don’t wait on my account,’ she said, taking the seat at the head of the table.”
“He [Azriel] was the portrait of relaxed, an arm braced against the carved mantel, his wings tucked in loosely, a faint grin on his face and a glass of wine in his hand. He slid his hazel eyes toward my sister without him moving an inch.”
“Azriel and Elain remained in the sitting room, my sister showing him the plans she’d sketched to expand the garden in the back of the town house, using the seeds and tools my family had given her tonight. Whether he cared about such things, I had no idea.”
(Damn the more I read elriel’s acofas moments the more I can’t help but conclude that they just hate/don’t understand introverts 😭)
Before I started SF, I decided to look at the online fandom and bitch……my jaw hit the floor with all the elain/elriel hate I saw on TT. And everyone was talking about a newer character in SF, and I was seeing the glee fan art and was like oh shit ok maybe elriel isn’t endgame.
Fast forward to SF……
‘What happened to Elain?’
“Nesta saw the blow land, like a physical impact, in Elain’s face, her posture. No one spoke, though shadows gathered in the corners of the room, like snakes preparing to strike. Elain’s eyes brightened with pain.”
……and I’m thinking ok, az obviously likes her. Then comes az’s BC. When I finished the elriel portion of the BC I was actually crying bc I was like oh fuck I really love these two….I knew it was over for me, and I was freaked out bc I thought I was going to get got with this “new ship” involving az. Plus I was thinking about elain being left alone in the dark without any explanation and feeling like an idiot for finally showing her true feelings towards him😭. It was like 3AM when I read it so I was hyper emotional lol. But then I read the rest of the BC and was still confused because I didn’t see any romantic subtext with g/wyn. I read it and saw a hurt male who couldn’t stand what he had done to elain the night before, was pissed at his brother for stopping it and making him feel bad when he was finally willing to voice what he’s been feeling for the past year or so and hating that he was shut down because we know he never voices his emotions, and couldn’t bear keeping a gift he picked out specifically for her. A necklace…..for solstice……Then I finished SF as a whole, and still, was confused as to why glee is a ship. Nearly all of their conversations were centered around training, and Sarah didn’t use any descriptors in their encounters that elude to any romance or mutual interest. (Btw I have a whole take on rhys’ part in that BC and I think a lot of ppl are dense and don’t understand what he was going through in that book but I can save that for another time)
Cassian and Feyre have more chemistry than those too lol.
I then talked to my friend about the these ships (elriel, eluce, and glee) ((i didn’t talk about eluce much in this post but that’s a lifeless ship too. I mean…..she can’t stand that red head anyway soooo)), and I said “I’m an elriel through and through. Idc that eluce are claimed to be mates you can tell she does not like him. also glee makes no sense to me.” Not verbatim but you get the point. My friend is very sensible so by the end of our convo, she told me that she’ll accept whatever way Sarah goes and that she’ll give elain a chance when her book comes out.
But isn’t that what all of this shit is about in the end: unjustified dislike/distain/hate for elain? That’s certainly how is appears to me. You cannot look me in the eyes and tell me that you love elain if you ship her with a male whom she has expressed, on multiple occasions, zero interest in AND becomes a shell of herself when he’s around because she just doesn’t want to interact with him. (I want to reiterate that I don’t hate L, I don’t think he’s awful or anything. elain just doesn’t want to know him. And that’s her right.) The glees don’t like her bc she doesn’t fit their stereotype for what they want in an FMC and therefore, for azriel. Which is why they have been chirping that the next book will be azriel’s. Not elain’s….WHAT??? You sound fucking crazy. The eluces (even though they claim they like her) dislike her so much that they go on and on about how she needs to grovel and apologize to the male they like because HE deserves to be happy……the same male who she associates with one of the most traumatic days of her life. Who also has not apologized to her for the part he played in that day, but I digress.
I say all that to point out that Glee specifically is in the crack ship category. No canonical evidence in the text can be used to claim they are ‘mates’ or endgame or anything more than acquaintances. And that’s fine, but don’t act as though they’re to be taken seriously as a canon ship when there’s no evidence to support it. Don’t boldly claim that azriel “has two love interests” when he literally doesn’t. He can’t sleep because of elain. He can’t stop thinking about her. He’s short with his family and others around him the days and weeks following solstice. His shadows threaten to strike nesta when she hurts elain and causes her pain. He doesn’t assign his spies to watch L*cien in acofas because he doesn’t want to know if he’s trying to court elain. He goes full lethal when he hears she may have been hurt. He follows the sound of her laugh to see what caused it. He goes on a suicide mission to save her. They communicate through looks alone when their family is around. Have you read an SJM book before? This is how she sets up her relationships. Like, holy fuck.
You cannot claim elriel is a crack ship because they have had background build up that both FMCs in their respective books have noticed and commented on. Cassian has noticed it too DESPITE not being hyper aware of what’s going on with az in SF. (referencing the scene in SF where elain tells everyone at family dinner about nesta’s love for dancing and the ball story from when they were human).
This ship war shit is fucking crazy because really this should only be between elriel nation and the eluces. Anyway, I’m over dealing with the fever dream brigade and their hallucinations. They’re going to come crashing down like Icarus when the elriel bible release day arrives and all our suffering will finally come to an end.
Then after that I’ll need to defeat the tamlin redemption arch threats, bc that is not a claim, that’s a fuckin threat and I won’t stand for it. But let’s tackle one problem at a time.
Pink: side notes/thoughts that give more context to my points
Blue italics: convos I’ve had being referenced
Purple: elriel moments <3
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acourtofquietdreamers · 3 months
A huge reason I can’t see an Azriel and Gwyn book next is there are no obstacles set up between these two characters in ACOSF. Obstacles are needed to create an interesting fantasy romance book. Azriel hasn’t even been set up as a love interest for Gwyn.
With both Feysand and Nessian, we saw conflict set up between these pairings in the books prior to ACOMAF and ACOSF. Obstacles used to craft their love stories. Remember these books are fantasy romance books, heavy on the ROMANCE.
This is a longer post as I’ll be looking at the last scenes between Feysand and Nessian prior to their love stories to compare to the last scenes between Gwynriel, Elucien, and Elriel. Thanks for reading 🫶🏼
For Feysand, we gave the bargain Feyre made with Rhys in ACOTAR. Feyre is in love with the High Lord of Spring, but she is bound to visit the High Lord of Night one week out of the month. Rhys is Tamlin’s enemy and therefore Feyre’s enemy, yet we see Rhys and Feyre develop an understanding between them during their last scene of ACOTAR. There is a level of intrigue between these two characters that makes the reader wonder what will happen between them.
I looked at him finally. His membranous wings were out—tucked behind him—but his hands and feet were normal, no talons in sight. “What do you want?” It didn’t come out with the snap I’d intended. Not as I remembered how he’d fought, again and again, to attack Amarantha, to save me. “Just to say good-bye.” A warm breeze ruffled his hair, brushing tendrils of darkness off his shoulders. “Before your beloved whisks you away forever.” “Not forever,” I said, wiggling my tattooed fingers for him to see. “Don’t you get a week every month?” Those words, thankfully, came out frosty. Rhys smiled slightly, his wings rustling and then settling. “How could I forget?”
There’s a clear chemistry between Feyre and Rhys and we can already see Feyre fighting it in this moment as she struggles to snap at him.
“Well, good-bye for now,” he said, rolling his neck as if we hadn’t been talking about anything important at all. He bowed at the waist, those wings vanishing entirely, and had begun to fade into the nearest shadow when he went rigid. His eyes locked on mine, wide and wild, and his nostrils flared. Shock—pure shock flashed across his features at whatever he saw on my face, and he stumbled back a step. Actually stumbled. “What is—” I began. He disappeared—simply disappeared, not a shadow in sight—into the crisp air.
This last moment between them leaves the reader wondering why Rhys reacted the way he did. It’s clear we will see more of him and that this story isn’t over.
With Nessian, we saw feelings develop between them in ACOWAR. They had a palpable chemistry and were willing to die together. They even kissed and Cassian gave us this beautiful declaration before their book:
Cassian grunted in pain, but lifted his bloodied hands—to cup her face. “I have no regrets in my life, but this.” His voice shook with every word. “That we did not have time. That I did not have time with you, Nesta.” She didn’t stop him as he leaned up and kissed her—lightly. As much as he could manage. Cassian said softly, brushing away the tear that streaked down her face, “I will find you again in the next world—the next life. And we will have that time. I promise.”
Then in ACOFAS we see a strain between them and conflict develop as Nesta deals with the aftermath of the war and her father’s death. They are avoiding each other, but Cassian still reaches out to Nesta at the Solstice party to give her a gift. Nesta continues to push Cassian away and it becomes clear that the obstacle between Nessian is Nesta herself as she deals with her trauma and self loathing.
A void seemed to enter those eyes. An endless, depthless void. She only said, “Go home, Cassian.” He could count on one hand the number of times she’d used his name. Called him anything other than you or that one. She turned away—toward her apartment, her grimy part of the city. It was instinct to lunge for her free hand. Her gloved fingers scraped against his calluses, but he held firm. “Talk to me. Nesta. Tell me—” She ripped her hand out of his grip. Stared him down. A mighty, vengeful queen. He waited, panting, for the verbal lashing to begin. For her to shred him into ribbons. But Nesta only stared at him, her nose crinkling. Stared, then snorted—and walked away. As if he were nothing. As if he weren’t worth her time. The effort. A low-born Illyrian bastard. This time, when she continued onward, Cassian didn’t follow. He watched her until she was a shadow against the darkness—and then she vanished completely. He remained staring after her, that present in his hands.
We as readers can predict this is not the last we’ll see between these two characters. ACOWAR established mutual feelings between them, but they now have conflict to work through if they want to get back to that place.
Now let’s take a look at Gwyn’s last scene with Azriel and see how it compares:
And when Gwyn reached the finish line, bloody and panting and grinning so wildly her teal eyes glowed like a sunlit sea, she only extended her battered hand to Azriel. “Well?” “You already have your prize,” Azriel said simply. “You just passed the Blood Rite Qualifier. Congratulations.” Gwyn gaped. Nesta and Emerie halted. But Gwyn said to him, “That was why you invited them?”
“I wanted them to know. What you’ve accomplished. That even though Valkyries don’t have something akin to the Blood Rite, you’re as trained as any warrior in Illyria.” “The courses?” Gwyn asked. “Different routes,” Azriel said, “from various Qualifiers over the centuries.” Cassian grinned. “Short of partaking in the Blood Rite, you’re now as close to being Illyrian warriors as you can be.”
In this scene, we see Gwyn conquer the obstacle course. Az was called the “new ribbon” because he created this challenge for the Valkyries and Gwyn beat that challenge a couple paragraphs later. They go on to have a normal, group conversation. Nothing about this interaction screams “There’s more to come with these two.” It feels like a nice closing scene between a mentor and his competitive mentee. There’s no romantic intrigue here.
What I do think is special about this scene and chapter in general is that it shows Gwyn’s growth. Gwyn started out apprehensive around Azriel, but this chapter displayed how far she’s come. She’s now able to joke and be at ease around two different males and that is a great feat for her after what she’s been through.
Now let’s look at Elain and Azriel’s last on page interaction:
Elain just linked her arm through Nesta’s and led her toward the family room, where Azriel stood in the doorway, monitoring them. As if he’d heard Elain’s sharp laugh and wondered what had caused it. “I was just checking on dessert,” Elain explained as they approached the doorway and Azriel. Nesta met the shadowsinger’s stare and he gave her a nod. Then his gaze shifted to Elain, and though it was utterly neutral, something charged went through it. Between them. Elain’s breath caught slightly, and she gave him a shallow nod of greeting before brushing past, leading Nesta into the room.
A simple moment of Elain leading Nesta to the sitting room is turned into a romantically charged moment because of the chemistry and pull between Elain and Az. It’s so obvious that Nesta can feel the charge. Az is so aware of Elain that he followed the sound of her laughter. Elain’s breathe caught at the encounter. These two character are clearly love interests and have feelings to explore.
This is the last (and only) encounter between Elain and Lucien in ACOSF:
He and Lucien did not exchange gifts, though the male had brought a gift for Feyre and one for his mate, who barely thanked him after opening the pearl earrings. Cassian’s heart strained at the pain etching deep into Lucien’s face as he tried to hide his disappointment and longing. Elain only shrank further into herself, no trace of that newfound boldness to be seen.
Lucien is showing interest towards Elain, but Elain continues to be uncomfortable around him. They have been completely stagnant since ACOFAS with no signs of coming together. I don’t think Sarah would have Elain shrinking around Lucien if he was meant to be her love interest in the next book. There needs to be some sign of mutual chemistry or understanding.
What’s also interesting is we have this scene of Nesta and Azriel between Elain’s moments with Az and Lucien:
“Why don’t you sit?” She leaned against the doorway beside the shadowsinger. “My shadows don’t like the flames so much.” A pretty lie. She’d seen Azriel before the fire plenty. But she looked at who sat close to it and knew the answer. “Why did you come if it torments you so much?” “Because Rhys wants me here. It’d hurt him if I didn’t come.” “Well, I think holidays are stupid.” “I don’t.” She arched a brow. He explained, “They pull people together. And bring them joy. They are a time to pause and reflect and gather, and those are never bad things.” Shadows darkened his eyes, full of enough pain that she couldn’t stop herself from touching his shoulder. Letting him see that she understood why he stood in the doorway, why he wouldn’t go near the fire. His secret to tell, never hers. Azriel’s face remained neutral.
Both Azriel and Lucien experience pain because of their feelings for Elain. Nesta figured out Azriel’s feelings for her sister and offered him comfort. “His secret to tell, never hers.” This line will absolutely come into play in the next book. Secrets always come out at some point.
Based on these final moments, Elain is the only possible MFC with conflict set up: having feelings for Azriel while being mated to Lucien. Elain is the only female character with a clear romantic interest. Is it possible for Lucien to be the second POV? Yes, but I think it’s unlikely considering the one sided nature of their relationship. There’s so much emphasis on Azriel’s feelings for Elain throughout ACOSF that I think he is the more likely MMC of Elain’s book. Their connection is mutual, just as Feysand’s and Nessian’s were before their love stories and there is intrigue - Will Elain and Azriel finally act on their feelings for each other despite Elain being mated to another?
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lovemyromance · 5 months
idk why but i think itll be forced if gwyn and az get together. Like say elain accepts the bond and gets with lucien and azriel knows he has to step back and then suddenly he likes gwyn and they started to form a bond and get together. like... no. thats not it at all. like at least do some type of slowburn for gwynriel if elain and lucien get together. (Idk why but I keep thinking itll be like a forcing thing if elain and luc get together because they know they are mates. LIKE IT JUST WONT HIT THE SAME) But, I think thats why im so built up on elriel and cant fully ship the other ships because theres nothing for me to fully ship.
My meeting got cancelled just now and I'm in a silly goofy mood so let me just say this: if I were SJM and I for some reason DID intend to write Elucien or Gwynriel, I would not have done it this way. I don't think any writer would've done it this way.
The way the books are currently written, it is a clear setup for Elriel. People who deny that are those who still hold out hopes for their preference of ship, but the writing does not support that. It has not supported that since ACOWAR.
Not that I am in any way SJM equivalent but here's how I would've done it, starting from ACOWAR, which was when she started actively planning Nesta & Elain's spinoffs. (And this is in no way Anti Lucien or Gwyn. But I'm tagging it anti because I don't want them getting any ideas lmaooo)
1. The second they got back to the Spring Court, have Lucien grow a backbone and tell Tamlin he's going after Elain. Not simply "Get her back" but "I'm getting her back." (Ring any bells?)
Not wait for Feyre to leave and tag along to see if Elain was "worth fighting for", not simply think about how Elain had been thrown at him, not even think about Jessiminda. I would've had Lucien take action himself. He would've left to go after Elain immediately, and Feyre would've followed HIM - or waited till she got the spring court fucked up and then followed him.
2. Have Lucien be patient with Elain. Have more than just one awkward conversation with Elain. Have Feyre observe multiple moments between them. Have Elain slowly soften to him or get used to his presence. Have Lucien sit in the garden with Elain. Have him frown at her words and bring them up to Feyre and actually try to help her. But most importantly I would've had Lucien figure out her powers. (Sound familiar? Good. It should.)
3. Have Azriel go volunteer to find Vassa, not Lucien. Perhaps he goes into the library to research (starting the foundation for Gwynriel very subtly). Have Lucien join the IC as they fight at SC, have Lucien join them at the HL meeting. Have Lucien go into an angry rage at seeing Graysen and how that man's words hurt his mate. Have him comfort Elain and say "I'll wait - however long it takes."
4. Have Lucien save Elain from Hybern's camp. Have Lucien go feral and break the wards around the camp - setting up for his parentage plotline - and winnow in and save her. Have Elain kiss his cheek. Have Elain finally see him in a different light. (Wow where have I seen this before?)
5. Have Elain willingly invite him to Velaris at the end of ACOWAR. Have Lucien take her up on that offer.
6. In ACOFAS, have Elain & Lucien get each other presents. Elain does not get Azriel a gift, just Lucien. She appreciates the gardening gloves. Gets Lucien ... a fishing rod or hair tie or something idk "here's a rod: for all the fish that you catch with your hands" 🤣🤣🤣 Lucien laughs and Feyre thinks "wow I've never seen him so happy"
7. Continue to develop their relationship in the background of ACOSF. Lucien offers to help Elain train her powers in the background (idk how he would but still). He is there at solstice and gets her another gift. Cassian thinks Elain is sneaking around with him but won't admit it. Lucien goes with them to Hewn city and gifts Elain a dress that suits her better and is from the Day court or whatever. There's a bonus chapter with LUCIEN's POV where Elain & Lucien are about to kiss but they get interrupted and Lucien feels bad he pushed her too far so he says sorry this was a mistake. Miscommunication trope ensues.
8. After ACOSF, start their book with a major conflict that comes up immediately. For some reason, Lucien & Elain go to Day court to research and train her powers - maybe they have a Seer there idk. make something up, a la CC3 translation bean. Their friendship has been steadily growing since ACOWAR, and now it turns to love.
I would've set Elucien up for a slow burn, friends to lovers romance from the second Elain got chucked out that cauldron.
But again, SJM did not write it that way. She wrote all those key pivotal moments with Elriel, not Elucien. It would've been so easy to do the storyline above. It would've made us root for them more by the time their book came around. Lucien was a main character since book 1 (before he fell off) so their story would've been eagerly anticipated.
And I could do this same thing for Gwynriel, but she didn't exist until ACOSF so it would be much much shorter and basically would be Nesta noticing ACTUAL romantic moments between Gwyn & Azriel (not "bye Shadowsinger" or "you're new ribbon Az" but actual romantic attraction - like Azriel physically helping Gwyn cut the ribbon and touching her - with her consent ofc - and Gwyn blushing at him). Like - do the antis realize how EASY that would've been? I dare say it would've been easier for SJM to write Gwynriel than any moment with Elriel at that point in ACOSF, because Nesta spent more time with Gwyn.
There's absolutely no way SJM wrote the books this way with all this Elriel buildup, just so she could have a shock factor (?) of "Elain & Lucien are mates but she avoids him for 3 books and gets with Azriel but SURPRISE- Elucien is actually endgame! And Az gets with Gwyn!"
That just doesn't make any sense. At all.
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oristian · 2 months
I want to express my thoughts on Nessian for a moment given the climate that the fanbase is in currently.
I still heavily ship Nessian, however I want to see them improve in many aspects of their relationship. Communication is something that they lack and they both wear their hearts on their sleeves—hence the foul words they have both thrown at each other, and the negative actions they both have performed against each other.
There are scenes between them that I cannot fully justify, but there are also beautiful scenes between them that have steadily accumulated upwards into them ultimately accepting the bond and being an endgame couple. Certainly, Cassian can do better as a mate. My breakdown of his character is that he is so fiercely loyal to his friends and family in that he is not able to defy their requests, or go against their will. There have been scenes, however, where Cassian has defended Nesta against his family and has spoken up for her. Do I still want him to defend Nesta as his mate and consistently take her side? Yes.
Some of my most favorite moments across the ACOTAR series were from Cassian, Nesta, or a Nessian scene. I was rooting for them from the second they sat down at the table together in ACOMAF.
I think the issue between them is that Sarah needed to establish conflict and tension that would ultimately unfold into their book—going from a kiss and a declaration of love [implied] to the Sidra scene in ACOFAS was whiplash. Sarah was not able to spin what happened between them in ACOWAR in a way that would set up the healing arc for Nesta, so she had to fumble their characters momentarily. She focused heavily on Nesta’s inner turmoil and the relationship with the Valkyries, and did not spend enough time developing Nessian as a couple. HOFAS only further confirmed such an assumption.
I also want to touch on the topic of Cassian and Mor. Many people harp on them and, yes, I have also said my piece against Mor. Cassian as a character is incredibly close with everyone in his life. He and Mor have been friends for centuries and their relationship dynamic is going to be that of people close to one another. Do I support the buying of lingerie as a present directly in front of Nesta? No. Cassian speaks highly of everyone in his life within his inner monologue, Mor included. People tend to forget that Cassian and Nesta still had that conflict between them in ACOSF where their initial relationship is rocky at best—Mor is his family, and someone he is close to, so of course he would praise her in his inner monologue. He speaks the same way about Rhys, Azriel and Feyre.
I want to be clear that this post is simply a pro Nessian post and I do not condone the actions of the Inner Circle against Nesta, nor am I pro Inner Circle; critical at best. I sincerely hope that Sarah hears the criticism that the fanbase has for Nessian and she is able to mend some of which she broke. I do not believe that Cassian will die, and I do not believe that Nesta will end up with Eris. I still very much believe that Nesta and Cassian have more to offer to the narrative and I do see them becoming the High Lord and High Lady of the Dusk Court given the contents of both ACOSF and HOFAS. My biggest ask is that they both outwardly say that they love each other.
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kale-theteaqueen · 11 months
✨ A03 Master List ✨
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The Masterlist is getting a bit long so I've decided to split off my appreciation week posts! Click the links indicated for those below.
✨ A Court of Thorns and Roses ✨
Lady Death and Her Kingdom -- Nessian in which Nesta sees the dead, multichapter fic, ongoing
And Now She Becomes Death -- Nessian, in which Hybern revenge kidnaps Nesta for beheading the king, multichapter fic, ongoing.
To Pay a Debt --Nessian, in which Nesta leaves Velaris after seeing that she hasn't been included in Feyre's paintings, but her mother has, multi chapter fic, completed.
The Whole Truth -- Nessian, in which Elain reveals that their father sold Nesta multiple times when they lived in the cabin, multi chapter fic, ongoing.
Burning From the Inside Out -- Nessian, in which it is revealed that Nesta has chronic pain/illness, multi chapter fic, completed.
The Hike, Alternatively -- Nessian, alternative take on the hike, in which Nesta attempts suicide, multichapter fic, completed.
Of Death and Resurrection, Nessian/Rhysta Brotp, in which Nesta sacrifices her life to save Feyre, but can't be fully killed due to her power, thus requiring Rhys to go into her mind to save her, multi chapter fic.
Of Open Wounds and Retribution, Nessian, set in the ODaR-verse in which Nesta meets Tomas Mandray at a peace summit between humans and fae, and the family discovers what he did to her, two shot, completed.
The Consequences of Normality, Nessian, in which Nesta tries to conform to IC expectations post-ACOSF, and Cassian realizes that he prioritizes them over her, three shot, completed.
Like Fire, She Raged -- Nessian (ish), In which Emerie calls out the IC for their treatment of Nesta/treatment of Illyrian females, two-shot, completed.
Three Little Words -- Nessian, in which Nesta asks Cassian if he loves her, because he didn't say it during ACOSF, one shot, completed.
Modern AUs
The Humble Art of Gift Giving -- Gift for ACOTAR Secret Santa, in which Nesta takes gift giving very, very seriously, and Cassian loves her all the more for it. One shot, completed.
Of Shadows and Light, Gwynriel, a sequel to Of Death and Resurrection that follows the development of Azriel and Gwyn's relationship, multi chapter fic, completed.
Character Appreciation Weeks
Nesta Appreciation Week
2024 Submissions
Cassian Appreciation Week
2024 Submissions
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mxigo · 2 years
soul sick | part 1
SERIES SYNOPSIS: It’s hard enough watching the male that holds your heart pine for another woman, one that is the definition of beauty and grace, but to watch him fall for another yet again after you feel the mating bond snap into place is its own hell. A hell that makes you dangerously ill.
CHAPTER SYNOPSIS: you get ready to go out with Azriel after his check in with the Illyrian camps, but things don’t go as planned.
WARNINGS: 18+, angst, swearing. a relatively tame first chapter
a.n. if i get anything wrong i’m blaming it on my shit memory and the fact that i haven’t finished acowar and haven’t read acofas and acosf. really just going off what i remember and what i’ve read in other fics. enjoy!
It has been three months since Feyre’s sisters were Made and subsequently brought to the Night Court. You’ve done what you could in aiding their transition to fae life, even getting as far as calling Nesta a friend, cold façade and all. But while you have gained a friend, you’re beginning to lose your best friend, and the male that you love, all at the same time.
It first started with him checking in for a second after the two of you had come back from being out and about in Velaris, then it turned to him apologetically explaining that he already had plans with Elain for the evening, and now, you hardly see him at all anymore.
It’s become more often than not that he spends his time with Elain, leaving you on the back burner, as a second thought to his plans now. You have other friends, yes, but you don’t remember a day where you haven’t at least sent notes back and forth to each other since you became close. It’s like you’re missing a part of you, something that is supposed to be there but isn’t anymore, and your body knows it. Why did it have to be him? She has a mate waiting for her for crying out loud, one who you can tell just genuinely wants to know her, and Azriel is entertaining her, knowing full well what her position is.
Guilt eats at you for these jealous feelings, knowing that the girl has been through so much when her entire life was ripped away and was literally turned into something that she was taught her entire life to fear. You want to be accepting and carefree about the situation, but it is literally impossible when you catch him looking at her with the intense adoration that you have yearned for decades for, and she has simply swooped in and stole him from you.
But tonight, you and Azriel have plans to go out into Velaris for the night for dinner. It’s your tradition that you’ve had for years to catch up after his return from his visits to the Illyrian camps, something to help him unwind. You just hope that for a single night that you can forget about it.
The new dress you bought just yesterday is a beautiful deep burgundy color, the hem falling just above your mid-thigh, long-sleeved, and the neckline plunges lower than what you are used to wearing. You were able to find a pair of nude heels that fit you perfectly in a corner shop. You were even successful in keeping your hair styled for the occasion. It was safe to say that you looked stunning, and there was a glimmer of hope that it wouldn’t be left unnoticed by him.
The heels’ click echoes off the paneled hallway as you scramble to finish getting ready, knowing that you need to leave. You stride into your bedroom, beelining for the jewelry tree on your vanity. Considering the colors that you’re wearing, you think a gold set would be the best, and you know exactly which to wear. Gently, you pick up the teardrop Alexandrite earrings and necklace that Azriel had bought you after one of his trips to the Summer Court. The gem’s color shifts between purple and green depending on the light source, easily making them your favorite pieces.
It hurts a bit when you try to put the earrings in, meeting a bit of resistance as it’s been a while since you’ve last worn any, but you’re able to get them through without too much trouble. The necklace thankfully clasps easily around your neck, the pendant falling in the middle of your chest. The delicate gold glitters in the candlelight, making you smile at the memory of Azriel giving it to you. With a shack of your head, you snap out of the memory’s haze, misting yourself with perfume as a last thought before leaving your bedroom.
The click of your heels echoes off the buildings lining the road as you make your way to Rhys’ townhouse to meet Azriel for drinks before dinner. The night’s cool breeze causes your flesh to break out in goose bumps, but it feels nice over all.
The door unlocks as you turn the knob, and the house becomes alight as you enter. The candles flicker to life to bring the house into a cozy atmosphere, and even the fireplace roars to life to stave off the last of the early spring chill.
The grandfather clock in the foyer chimes, signaling the turn of the hour at seven o’clock. Your heart flutters, excitement filling you knowing that he’ll be here any minute. You make your way into the kitchen, pulling out Azriel’s favorite whiskey and your favorite liqueur, grabbing two tumblers out of the cabinet to set it all out on the table.
Minutes tick by as you wait for him to winnow into the kitchen like he always does, a soft smile on his face as he holds out his elbow like the gentleman he is to winnow you wherever you want to go. You settle into a cushioned seat in the adjoining living room, picking up a book that has been left out and flipping open to the page that you had left on.
Those couple of minutes turn into five, then into fifteen, and then by thirty minutes, you’re constantly glancing between the clock and the kitchen, anxiety eating away at you. Azriel has never been late like this before, and if he’s ever late, it’s only by no more than five. Your stomach rumbles as hunger makes itself known, and you set down the book on the table to stand up. Maybe something happened that’s causing him to be late, but there’s a little voice that’s whispering to you, saying that he’s forgotten about you, that he’s preoccupied by a certain sister.
You shake your head, setting the book back into its spot to stand up and head back into the kitchen. You pour a drink and watch as the dark amber liquid swirls into the cup before settling around the ice. More minutes pass as you finish the drink only to pour another, still waiting, hoping that he will pop into the room, spewing apologies as he tries to explain why he was so late.
But it doesn’t happen. Instead, it is Rhys that winnows into the kitchen, startling you so bad you nearly fall off the stool.
“Mother, Rhys, give a girl a warning before you snap in like that,” you joke, righting yourself up. Your eyes meet his, and you’re confused because he’s confused, staring at you like you are crazy.
“What are you doing here? Are you meeting someone?” he asks, his head tilted slightly as he stares still.
There is a sinking feeling in your stomach, but you want so badly to be wrong about what’s happening.
“I’m meeting Az here. We’re supposed to be going out tonight like we always do when he comes back from the camps, but he’s late. Have you seen him by chance?” A look passes over Rhys’ face, and you recognize that look immediately, your face dropping, heart hammering as you wait for those few words.
“Oh, sweetheart, he left the House with Elain,” he whispered, like you would shatter at just those words, and you suppose you do.
Your breathing stutters, and it’s like the world goes fuzzy, the sounds muted as your breaks cracks. Never in all the years have you been friends with Azriel has he ever forgotten about your nights out when he comes back, let alone either forgetting or just flat out choosing to spend it with another female and not tell you. And of course, it’s with Elain.
Your lungs shake as you take your next breath, reality coming back into focus as you realize that Rhys is still in front of you, worry etched across his face as he too realizes what has happened. You knock back the rest of your drink, and your hands shake as you pick up the glasses to take care of them and to put the bottles away. In an effort to try to get Rhys to go away, to be alone, you put on a fake smile, looking at him.
“Oh, well, I guess I shouldn’t have expected that we’d be going out tonight without checking in with him to see if he was free. That’s my mistake, but thank you for telling me, Rhys. I’ll clean up here and I’ll get going,” you try, but he just shakes his head.
“Nonsense. Leave it, I’ll take care of it later. Let me take you home.”
“Honestly, Rhys, I’m ok. It’s just a misunderstanding on my part. And my home isn’t far from here at all, and the night is nice. You don’t need to winnow me,” you insisted, already done with rinsing out the glasses and putting them away. But your voice is shaking ever so slightly, sick to your stomach, and you know that Rhys notices.
He grimaces, debating with himself on what to do.
“If you’re sure,” he asks, raising an eyebrow, and you nod. “I’ll talk to him when he gets back.”
“No! No, you don’t have to do that. Seriously, Rhys, it’s not a big deal,” you beg, and finally, he relents.
He nods once before stuffing his hands back into his pockets.
“You’ll let me know if you change your mind, right,” he asks.
“Of course,” you promise, and he pops back out of the house, leaving you to truly process the situation.
He took Elain out instead. He left you, that same voice whispers, louder this time. Tears sting your eyes, and a half-sob rips out of your lungs, a hand flying up to your mouth to prevent any more from leaving. But you’re fruitless in your efforts to contain your emotions as tears start spilling over, splattering onto the table.
You leave the townhouse in a flurry, harshly wiping at the tears. The house goes dark behind you and the lock snicks shut, leaving you in the night’s chill. Then all at once, your face crumbles as your emotions make themselves known. You try to reason with yourself that there’s no reason to be upset because it was true when you told Rhys that you never did confirm with Azriel if he didn’t already have plans, you just assumed.
But you never have to check in, he has always been there.
“Fuck,” you whisper, walking down the cobbled road back to your townhouse, furiously wiping away the stray tears.
The walk back is quiet for the most part, and you’re thankful that you don’t run into anyone. You would never let yourself live it down if someone saw you in the state that you’re in. You almost make it back, but as you look up, your heart drops and your veins fill with ice as you recognize two figures walking your way. They are so enraptured with each other that they haven’t noticed you yet, so you quickly move over to the edge of the road, hopefully giving yourself enough space that they don’t see you.
You continue walking, arms crossed, and hair falling around you to shield your face, and you’ve just passed them when you spare a glance, making eye contact with him.
Fuck. You walk faster, eyes trained on the ground.
“Y/N?” he calls out, but you keep walking, quickening your pace.
“Y/N! Hey, wait,” he shouts, and this time catches up with you.
A calloused hand closes itself around your arm, effectively stopping you. You whip your head around to face him, and he looks at you in confusion. His form towers over you, and you’re so close you can smell the cologne wafting off of him. You watch as his face crumbles while he looks you over, and it almost seems like he’s panicking.
“Please, just allow me a moment to explain,” he begs, but you shake your head, eyes screwing shut to prevent him seeing the frustrated tears.
“It’s fine, Az, really. I just wish you would have told me instead of having Rhys be the one to tell me where you were,” you whisper, your eyes now trained on his chest, still avoiding his eyes.
If there’s one thing you hate, it’s confrontation. Even if all you want is for someone to feel what you’re feeling, and to confront them about what they’ve done, you can never bring yourself to do it, to hurt them like they had hurt you. So right now, you just want him to let you go so you can let yourself fall apart and piece yourself back together in the comfort of your home.
He is helpless as he sees you put up your walls, trying to keep your emotions in check by shutting them off entirely. It’s something that he’s never been on the receiving end of, and it crushes him to know that he’s who caused this.
A cold whisper ghosts over your wrist, and you look down to find a shadow caressing you anxiously, but it only makes you even more upset, the corners of your lips forcefully tugging down and eyes burning. Blood thunders in your ears, and you can feel your hands shaking, and no doubt Azriel can feel it too, which just makes you panic harder.
“Please, let me go I just want to go home.”
“No, Az. Just—”
“Azriel? Is everything ok?” A soft, ethereal voice breaks the moment, your eyes snapping over to the culprit.
You’re horrified as she walks over, the object of your ire making herself known. She looks absolutely breath taking dressed up, and you can’t help but understand for a moment why he would choose her over yourself. She’s absolutely perfect, and you’re… not.
She stops just behind him, placing a delicate pale hand on his back, looking up at him with worried eyes. His gaze snaps from you to her, and it makes you sick as you watch his face soften for her. You take the moment of weakness to rip your wrist away, giving yourself a step to breathe.
Azriel looks between the two of you, confliction painting his face as he tries to decide what to do, but you don’t give him the chance.
“I used to believe that you wouldn’t go as far as this, but I can’t say I’m surprised.”
He reels back like he was physically slapped, looking back at you in astonishment.
“What is that supposed to mean,” he begs, his eyes wide as his grip grows tighter around your wrist, but if you say what you want to say, you’re going to irreparably damage your relationship with him. Despite how you feel, that’s the last thing that you want.
You sigh, closing your eyes and shaking your head, just wanting the conversation to end. “It doesn’t matter. Enjoy your night, Azriel.”
You spin around and high tail it away from him. Although you just want to be left alone, it still makes your heart break even more when he doesn’t try to come after you.
The guilt eats at you again knowing that you ruined his and Elain’s night, but that selfish part of you is glad that you did and made him feel like shit.
Thankfully, you make it back home before you lose it, sobs racking your body as it all comes out. The pain of being pushed aside for someone else yet again comes to a head from tonight’s events. In a fury, you rip off the dress and heels, slinging them somewhere to be found later. You all but drop your jewelry onto the vanity, letting it clatter against the dark wood top. Tears still pour out of your eyes as you rifle through your liquor cabinet, pushing to the back to grab a bottle of dark and strong whiskey, but you slam the door shut as the thought of whiskey being Azriel’s favorite pushes itself to the forefront of your mind.
So instead, you crawl into bed for the night, staining your white sheets with your black-tinted tears.
Heavy thudding at your door drags you from sleep, making you groan as you have to peel open your eyes. The sun is blocked out by the thick curtains, confusing you even further as you try to figure out what time it could be. A headache makes itself known, pulsing behind your eyes causing you to groan as you sit up. The thudding continues, and you can’t help but snap.
“Give me a Mother-damned second! Fuck!” You slip from the sheets, stumbling across the room to get to your dresser. You pull a pair of pants and a t-shirt from a drawer, throwing on them on as you make your way to the door. You pray it’s not Azriel, but it’s more than likely it is. He’s the last one you want to see right now. Hopefully, he’s smart enough to stay away for a little while so you can cool off, allowing the whole situation to blow over.
You yank the door open, squinting at the bright sunlight, but they snap awake when you see Mor and Cassian in front of you instead, the latter standing against the door frame with his arms crossed.
“Uh…” You’re at a loss for words, guilty for the way that you had screamed at them.
“Get ready, we’re going to lunch, and you’re going to tell us why Azriel came home like his fucking puppy died,” Mor says, inviting herself in and grabbing you to lead you to your room. You look back at Cassian, eyes begging for help, but he just shrugs. Bastard.
The blonde immediately starts riffling through your wardrobe, picking through dresses and outfits, but you’re not sure what she has in mind. You allow yourself to flop back onto your bed, staring up at the ceiling. Cassian’s footsteps announce his entrance as he takes a seat on your love seat.
“What’s this?”
You pick your head up to see Mor holding your dress that you left in a ball on the floor. Your face flickers for a moment before you reign it back it, allowing the emotionless mask to take place.
“Nothing,” you whisper, letting your head fall back onto the bed.
It’s silent for a moment as Mor and Cassian look between themselves then back to you. It’s obvious something happened between you two last night, and the story won’t come easy from either of you.
The bed dips as both of your friends sit on the edge, one on either side as the flop down next to you. They remain quiet, but the tension and everything that you’ve been feeling makes your chin tremble, and you bite your lip to try and conceal it. But the tears sting at your eyes anyways, making the ceiling go blurry.
You sit up, digging your elbows into your knees, heaving a great sob. A small hand rests itself on your back, rubbing in circles as you allow yourself to finally fall apart.
“He fucking stood me up,” you choke out. “We always go out when he comes back from the camps. I got dressed up and everything, waited at the townhouse for a half hour just for Rhys to show up and tell me he wasn’t coming. Then I ran into him with Elain on the street on my walk home.”
They’re silent as they let you recount what happened last night, Mor’s face twisting as she watches one of her closest friends fall apart in front of her.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N,” Cassian whispers, but you just shake your head.
“It’s fine—”
“No, it’s not fucking fine. He’s either blind or just outright stupid to not see what he’s doing to you.” Cassian’s face is set in a scowl as he thinks about his friend’s behavior after Elain came into the picture.
He knows that his brother has a history of fawning over unavailable women, but for him to entertain one who already has a mate, one that lives with them and wants to engage with her nonetheless, makes him question if Azriel is really that ignorant to the entire situation. It’s not exactly a secret that you harbor feelings for the shadowsinger, but he has been oblivious to the way that you look at him, and Cassian can only imagine how you are with him when no one else is watching.
Mor’s heart breaks while she is helpless watching your face crumble and tears drip off your chin. There’s been a lot that has brought you down, but nothing like this. You keep a strong face around your friends, always trying to be a happy and fun person to be around, letting yourself be the shoulder to lean on when they need it.
Although Mor was the first obstacle between you and Azriel, she was always a good friend to you since you first joined the Inner Circle decades ago. Her warm and confident nature brought you out of your shell when she introduced you to everyone on that fateful night at Rita’s, which in turn brought you to Azriel.
You let your feelings ruin it all, the voice whispers, if you had just kept your feelings in check then you wouldn’t be in this position.
Then, with a deep breath, the mask comes back.
You wipe your face of the tear tracks, sniffling to try and clear your sinuses before looking at Mor and Cassian with a watery smile.
“So, what were you guys saying about lunch?”
A look passes between your friends before looking back at you.
“Well, we thought today would be a good day to try that new place on the Sidra for lunch,” Cassian answers, a slight smile on his face.
“I would love to. Will you two help me pick something to wear?”
“What else would we be here for, angel,” Mor giggles, standing up and taking you with her.
I’m so lucky to have them as friends.
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sad-scarred-sassy · 7 months
Genuine question but if elain and azriel weren’t going to have some romantic relationship, why did SJM even write that first half of the bonus chapter? Elucien are already mates, she could’ve written a scene with them or not mentioned azriel and elain at all.
I’m not saying that gwynriel half of the bonus chapter was meaningless, they DID have good banter and the language used was eyebrow-raising at the very least, like something is def hinted there but I’m just confused about it. Like if she’s going in gwynriel direction, she could’ve JUST written the second half of the scene. We didn’t even KNOW elain and azriel were interacting before. Like why write a scene with Az + elain and then wreck them in the same chapter?
It’s so weird?? It could’ve easily been a set up for elucien and gwynriel but now it looks more like she was setting up for a love triangle between Az Gwyn and Elain.
I don’t know what to make of this 🤷🏻‍♀️ it just felt unnecessary lol bc if the next book IS azriel, I really don’t think she is going to have him move on from Mor to Elain, then Elain to Gwyn over the course of one chapter that didn’t even make it in the book?
It makes me so annoyed to think about that stupid BC. She should’ve never released it bc whether it’s gwynriel or elriel, that bonus chapter doesn’t make sense.
Like yeah yeah, we see how toxic elriel could’ve been and we see how they would never work - but like… tbh I didn’t think anything was happening between elain and azriel UNTIL the bonus chapter. I literally read that and was like HUH when did they—??? And then he was like “this was a mistake” and they went their separate ways and he ended the chapter with Gwyn. If SJM is going for Gwynriel endgame, it would’ve been so much better if she just didn’t even include the first part of the bonus chapter?? And vice versa.
If she hadn’t written the first part, I wouldn’t think elriel was a thing. If she hadn’t written the second part I wouldn’t think gwynriel was a thing.
I don’t think she did it just for drama either so I literally dunno what purpose it serves.
Hey!! That’s a great question, let me dive into it…
I think the bonus chapter has three parts, one with Elain, one with Rhys, one with Gwyn, not only to cement Gwynriel but also to give an end to Elriel. This also while deep diving into Azriel’s thoughts and motivations.
I for one, never really considered Elriel as strongly as their shippers do, but I could tell there was something going on there, in Acowar we got some winks at Elain being comfortable with Azriel (even if kind of in a childish, innocent way) and in Acofas we got the beginning of them acting awkward with eachother, Elain showing Azriel her plans etc, I remember thinking it was at best cute and Elain obviously had a crush on Az (but he was still pretty much still hung up with Mor and she was still mourning her fiance). When I read the BC I was so shocked and uncomfortable with Azriel’s purely sexual thoughts about Elain, it was deliberate, to show the reader Azriel is probably confusing lust with romantic feelings. That’s I think why you say the BC was the first time you saw them as a couple, but this shock to me was more in the way Azriel himself actually viewed Elain, until then we all at least agreed it was in a more tender way, and this was absolutely crushed with his pov (and we actually see this tenderness in the way he thinks about Gwyn instead).
Now to your main question: Why add Elain in his chapter? And to that we first need to answer why SJM wrote Elriel at all.
As an Elucien I can’t come here and say Elriel never existed because it did, but the reason SJM wrote it is not to lead them as endgame, but to add layers and tension to these characters. Firstly, Elriel for me was there to add some will-they-won’t-they to Elucien’s mating bond. Look, with no other couple did we have a mating bond snapped and proclaimed even before the two characters even spoke to each-other. This the first time we have this scenario, and things need to go one way for the tension to be there.
If Elain was just mourning Graysen (which relationship was ended in the same book Elucien gained traction) then it would have been too given that they would inevitably find their way to eachother. So she adds Azriel to the mix, who at that point had only ever been interested in Mor for 500 years, with absolutely zero possibility of her ever mirroring his interest. It just makes sense for his character to also find that fixation on Elain, another unattainable female. This was another way Azriel continued his self sabotage behavior, and so we had the first real stepping stone into what his character arc will be when he gets his book.
But we can agree Elriel started (to act as a red herring for Elucien, add character tension, give Az an arc), gained traction in Acofas, and when Sarah introduced us to Gwyn and had the realization she was perfect for Azriel, she had to close the Elriel thread. So here comes the BC.
As readers we needed to see with our own eyes why exactly these two characters weren’t good together, just like she did this with Tamlin in a more dramatic way before Feyre could see Rhys in a romantic way, Sarah gave us all the clues in the way Azriel thought about Elain hyper sexually, how he called their encounter a mistake, how he focused too much in her mating bond, even in ACOSF we got winks of him limiting Elain when she clearly wanted to help, because she should not be exposed to darkness. Then comes Rhys, asking Azriel the questions we as readers were asking him: what about Mor? No answer. Do you think you deserve Elain? Diverting the answer to say Lucien doesn’t (showing us his possible insecurity towards him). And then we have the Gwyn part, in which we see Azriel’s character actually shine, even if he still can’t see this is actually the way, not the doomed self sabotage relationship he was entertaining with Elain.
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The thing is it IS a set up for Elucien and Gwynriel:
Elucien: Lucien was there in the same house when the almost kiss happened, this is a calculated thing, the chapter could have happened a day after and it would have worked perfectly, but no, Lucien was there too. Something tells me Lucien knows what transpired, he probably could feel it, hear it, smell it or at least have some perception of it. And this just adds more angst to what Elain and him are going to go through.
Gwynriel: the obvious banter, exact opposite of Azriel’s and Elain’s interaction (for the better), and the hints of their potential mating bond.
To sum it up, Elriel was a thing before the bonus chapter, thats for sure, but Sarah needed to end it before she could continue, however small and insignificant their relationship actually was. And I don’t agree that this set up a love triangle between Elain/Az/Gwyn, when Azriel said “this was a mistake” Sarah ended any possibility of that, Elain gave him back the necklace she was at first eager to receive, Lucien was there and probably knows something happened, Azriel thought he had been right to stay away, and it ended with him thinking about Gwyn’s glowing eyes and smiling about her.
I hope this answers your question, I actually think the bonus chapter was masterfully written to tell us everything we need to know about what was actually happening inside Azriels head, and give us a hint of his future and the future of the other characters.
If she hadn’t written the first part, then we could’ve never gotten those rich pieces of information into Azriel’s trauma, red flags, jealousy and thought process that will play a part in his own book (because they’re far from resolved). By having both we could see how Elain brings up the worse in him, while Gwyn calms the restlessness inside of him instantly.
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nickel156 · 17 days
Not you being an abuse apologist 🤮 mind you, tamlin is an old ass fae high lord who's had plenty of time already to reflect and change his ways, his abusive tendencies are clearly ingrained into his entire being. Funny you only mention feyre as an example even though it's also implied that he's abusive towards lucien. And you clearly know very little about abuse because intent is irrelevant compared to impact. Feyre and Lucien LEFT his ass and wanted nothing to do with him so that tells you everything.
Here we go again with the dramatics. Abuse apologist?
That's the best you've got? I mean, come on, at least try to be creative. But I see we're back to the same tired argument: if someone doesn't immediately throw Tamlin into the "irredeemable villain" category, suddenly they're an apologist. How original.
Oh, you’re right—let’s set the record straight. In ACOFAS, Tamlin and Lucien did, in fact, get into a physical fight, and I’m fully aware of it. But it’s interesting how you’re framing that like it’s the defining moment of their centuries-long relationship. Sure, Tamlin hit Lucien, but let’s not forget why—Lucien had just helped Feyre demolish his entire court and then went off to work with Tamlin’s literal enemies. I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty sure most people would have some feelings about that.
And let’s not pretend like Lucien and Tamlin didn’t have a deep bond before all this went down. They were best friends for centuries, long before Feyre showed up and threw a grenade into their lives. Yes, their relationship got messy—Tamlin’s spiraling, Lucien’s torn between loyalty to his friend and loyalty to Feyre—but reducing that fight to just “abuse” is a laughably simplistic take. They’re two grown-ass fae dealing with the fallout of betrayal, power struggles, and centuries of loyalty crumbling in the span of, what, a few months?
Do I condone Tamlin hitting Lucien? No. But am I surprised that their relationship fractured after everything went to hell? Also no. It’s almost like you expect Tamlin to just sit there and smile while his best friend runs off with the person who wrecked his entire life. Sure, Tamlin messed up in ACOWAR, but pretending Lucien is some innocent bystander in all of this is just laughable. They’re both in the mess together.
So yeah, they fought in ACOFAS. But it’s not like that defines their entire relationship or suddenly makes Tamlin the monster you’re painting him to be. It’s not as simple as “Tamlin is abusive, end of story.” Their dynamic is way more complicated than that, but I guess it’s easier to ignore context when it doesn’t fit your neat little narrative, huh?
But thanks for the reminder. Truly, your ability to dig up the most basic of facts is impressive. I guess I’ll just sit here, twiddling my thumbs, while I wait for you to come up with something actually original or remotely interesting for once. Because, honestly, if this is the best you’ve got, I’m not exactly holding my breath for anything groundbreaking. You keep bringing the same recycled points to the table, and it’s getting real tired.
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acourtofthought · 5 months
I like the potential of elucien but they currently have no chemistry. How do you think Sarah will go about their story?
For Elucien it's really as simple as forced proximity. Put them in a situation where they're forced to spend "two weeks alone" together (quote from ACOMAF) and I'm 100% certain that we're going to see exactly why SJM mated them. Heck, give me a day with them alone together, no sisters hovering near by, Elain having no choice but to speak directly to him without the heavy shadow of recent loss hovering over her and we'll see it.
I think some in the fandom are confusing Elain's physical attraction to Az as proof that she has chemistry with him but when physical attraction is used to build romantic chemistry between characters it will always result in a shallow love story. Lucien did find Elain to be the most beautiful female he'd ever seen so I'm not saying attraction can't be there but when you have characters giving into that attraction before something deeper has been established, true chemistry is going to fall flat. Having Az tell us he's avoided Elain for a year while she's still recovering from trauma doesn't call to mind that he's someone she was able to lean on, it doesn't make me believe that he feels anything for her because she could have used his friendship during that time (since she wasn't asking for distance) but he chose to stay away.
It calls to mind desperately crushing on someone in high school, where you watch them from afar, hoping for the day you can be together, and then finally you get your wish but you realize you actually don't know this person at all. You're infatuated with the idea of them rather than the real them.
I'm not saying Elain and Lucien have any sort of wild on page chemistry right now but it was kind of difficult for there to be any while she was mourning the loss of her humanity and Graysen. And though there was a little bit of hope that she was ready to move past that by the end of ACOWAR, she regressed in the novella Likewise there was zero chemistry on page between Nesta and Cassian in ACOFAS, when she chose to push him away after the war.
Characters can't have chemistry when they are ignoring their possible love interest, you actually have to see them talking.
As far as how Sarah will go about their story, I think there are a few options.
Right now we have already had Elain volunteering to help with the Trove, Rhys saying that Elain is capable of more than they've given her credit for, that gardening results in something pretty but involves one getting their hands dirty along the way, and Elain saying she'll do whatever is needed.
The options are limitless because of the above.
The issues they currently face are:
Beron allying with Koschei and setting his sights on Spring.
The NC reminding us that they need Springs army as an ally but that Tamlin is even worse after the announcement of Feyre's pregnancy.
Koschei preparing to call Vassa back.
Koschei trying to get his hands on the Trove to free himself so he might rule their world.
The NC could decide they need to utilize Elain's Seer powers and send her to Day Court to help her train. They don't seem very knowledgeable on Seers so Helion's library's might be the best place for her to learn about them.
The could decide a marriage alliance between themselves and other courts might benefit them and Elain could volunteer to marry Lucien because she's so over the concept of love and men after Graysen and Az's rejection that she's decided she'll simply focus on helping the courts rather than marrying for love (the concept was introduced in SF after all and SJM carried it out an arranged marriage trope in HOFAS).
They could send Elain as an emissary "spy" to the Spring Court. Not in the shadows or anything, just acting as their courtier, where she would gather information on the situation there, to be sure Lucien's reporting has been unbiased.
Elain could end up dreaming of the drums of Calanmai and find herself pulled to Spring on her own.
They could send Elain to the continent to retrieve Mor since Feysands daemati range does not work that far and have Lucien accompany her.
Or something SJM imagines up! I don't think any of us guessed how Nessian would end up being forced together in SF.
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nikethestatue · 9 months
First, I love your page and all of your knowledge/theories when it comes to Elriel! Second, I wanted to get your thoughts on something if you are able to shed your opinion on it, but no pressure! :) I was chatting with a few friends who read the ACOTAR series, and I brought up the fact that I really don't think Sarah would tease a couple getting together in a bonus chapter. (AKA, if G*yn and Azriel were going to become a couple, then Sarah would've dropped hints in the actual books, and not just a bonus scene that not everyone knows about. If the bonus was that important, it wouldn't have been a bonus. It would've been in the book itself.)
However one of my friend's mentioned that Wings and Embers, a bonus scene, clearly set up the relationship between Nesta and Cassian before their book ever came out, and ever since hearing that I've began to have doubts. Do you have any thoughts on this? If Nesta and Cassian were actually set up in that bonus chapter before ACOWAR, ACOFAS, and ACOSF were published, then could it be possible that G*yn and Az might actually become a couple because of the ACOSF bonus scene?
I really hope not. Nothing about a secondary character (G) and a main character (Az) getting together is satisfying for me in any way, shape, or form. On top of that, it just doesn't make narrative sense.
Anyway, hope you have a nice day! :)
Thank so much!
So of course after 3 years of nonsensical Gwynriel bs, I think readers lost sight of what they actually saw in the bonus chapter.
And the question is--WHO actually was 'set up' in the bonus chapter? Elriel or Gwynriel?
Because, just like in Wings and Embers, the set up was with....a bat boy and an Archeron sister. Because the romantic part, which, btw, mirrors W&E very closely, is all with Elain and Azriel. What happens in both? Cassian and Nesta meet, in a semi-private setting. Azriel and Elain meet in a semi private setting. We are given confirmation that both are attracted to each other. Even further, mirroring W&E, we have Az struggling with a sense of self worth and confidence, just like Cassian! who circled the house once or twice, before even daring to step inside. Taking it even further--what happens? The ALMOST kiss. Both couples are going for it. And both times they are interrupted.
Let's take it even further--who interrupts the kiss? Those who eventually became the biggest obstacles to the romance.
NESTA. She knees Cassian in the balls. Who becomes the antagonist in ACOSF? Nesta. She is the one who needs to come full circle to accept love: give it and take it. She is the one who interrupted it initially, and she is the one who was the biggest 'problem' in the romance.
Who interrupts Elriel? Not Gwyn. Rhys. Rhys who is talking about Lucien. And who is NOT talking to Elain. What does Rhys symbolise? Power and duty (for Azriel). What does Lucien symbolise? Obligation (mate bond). What does the lack of Elain in that conversation symbolise? Lack of choice. She wasn't given a choice by Rhys, or even Azriel.
What does the interruption tell us? That the main obstacles to the romance will be duty, obligation and choice.
Not Gwyn. Gwyn has nothing to do with this, or with Elriel. She isn't an obstacle to their romance, because she isn't part of the equation. Her story is separate and her part of the chapter had nothing to do with romance--neither he nor she displayed even an iota of romantic inclination.
What DID we see? Silent music and shadows behaving weirdly (Lightsinger), and her squaring off with the ribbon like it was an opponent. Like Azriel, in some way, is an opponent.
Tell your friend not to worry! :)
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coeurdelain · 7 months
SJM’s interview for ACOFAS :
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SJM about ACOSF « I won’t tell you who the first book is about, but I think once you read ACOFAS, it’ll a little more obvious »
SJM about ACOTAR 5 « I thought it was obvious »
The fact that she said the exact same words to describe ACOSF and ACOTAR5.
Because yes, Nessian was obvious and so is Elriel.
Both couples are obvious.
They have romantic interactions/hints since they met.
Also, the fact that she said « a little more obvious » when she was talking about ACOSF.
Because in ACOFAS, there is also Elriel who have romantics interactions, so, we could still have a doubt about the next romantic pairing between Nessian and Elriel. (Aka the only two ships that we see interacting together)
But for the next ACOTAR book she didn’t say it’ll be a little bit obvious, she said « I THOUGHT IT WAS OBVIOUS ».
SJM wouldn’t have said « I thought it was obvious » if it wasn’t. She knows Elriel exist, there were polls/fanarts about them since 2017. So, she wasn’t thinking about Gwynriel AT ALL when she said I thought it was obvious because it means that the next ACOTAR wouldn’t be obvious. (It’s logic)
Also, the fact that she said :  « There were stil so many stories to tell in this world. And that for many of these characters, their journeys were just beginning  » THE SPINOFFS are about the characters we already saw in the first three books !!
There is so many characters before Gwyn. (Elain, Azriel, Lucien, Mor, Eris, Helion, LOA, Vassa, Jurian, even Emerie, Nuala and Cerridwen come before Gwyn because they were already there in the first four books).
SJM also said that she wanted to write a story before the events of ACOTAR. (I think she was thinking about Drakon and Miryam).
So, how people can think that Gwyn will have a book before all these characters ?And Why ? What is the reason ? Where is the logic ? There is all these characters we saw in ACOWAR who literally can’t wait for their stories to be told.
And their stories compared to Gwyn can’t wait anymore :
Elain is trapped into a mating bond she doesn’t want and it’s been years. Lucien and Azriel too, they all need to be free from this. Isn’t it more urgent to do something with that mating bond than to know who is Gwyn’s father? (Eluciens/Lucien stans are all here like « but Lulu needs to be happy ». Do you want him to be unhappy for another year ?)
Vassa is literally cursed. Isn’t it more urgent to break the curse than to know if Gwyn is a starborn or I don’t know what ?
LOA is with a horrible man, isn’t it more urgent than Gwyn’s love story ?
How delusional you have to be to think that Gwyn’s story is more urgent than all the characters I just quoted ??
Especially when there is no plot for Gwynriel. I’am still trying to understand what Gwyn will be doing in the Illyrian’s plot. It fits Emerie more. But people love to forget Emerie’s existence too, while compared to Gwyn, she appeared in ACOFAS. So, she has more legitimacy to have a book. Because ACOFAS «  sets up for the upcoming spinoff novels »
The downfall for some people will be very hard.
We’re not only have the books on our side but we also have SJM’s interviews who prove that a Gwynriel book is not possible. It’s crazy to have that much of confidence when there is no reason for Gwyn to have a book before the last Archeron’s sister.
I also note how Gwynriels and Eluciens never talk about all these recent interviews from Sarah and they also never talked about ACOFAS. We wonder why.
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achaotichuman · 7 months
Do you think you could write about dehlia in this context: https://www.tumblr.com/praetorqueenreyna/737196004108058624?source=share, hopefully featuring deadbeat at first mom feyre, horrified stepdad rhysand, tired of it all tamlin and a supportive lucien/eris.
This has been sitting, marinating in my drafts. But it is finally complete. I am fully aware I fucked up the timeline here, but I'm not rewriting all of this, so we're gonna pretend that fancy Fae tests can reveal a pregnancy at four weeks instead of eight like the post said.
And disclaimer before anyone calls for my head, for this fic I am also rewriting Ianthe's character, because she is too interesting for me to just write off as a sex offender and never think about again. Also, it is very interesting to see her as a genuinely morally grey person with good intentions. So, in this fic, she never SAs Lucien, but she does get a cool plot twist so stay tuned for that.
Basically, I have turned this into a rewrite of Acomaf and Acowar. A lot of the events were written from pure memory, and asking Tumblr, so forgive me if some scenes from the OG series were left out or written significantly differently. We mostly got Feyre's version of events anyway, so I'm not too worried.
This will be split into several chapters. Three being for the Mist and Fury rewrite, and then two for the Wings and Ruin rewrite. And if I have time, I'll do an Acofas rewrite. I'll be uploading all three of the Mist and Fury chapters today, and linking them in this post. You can also find it on SquidgeWorld here, and Ao3 here.
Anyway, here is the long-awaited fic, anon. And @r-biter, thank you for the original post, I hope I do it justice. Also @praetorqueenreyna who reblogged the original post.
Also, did I turn this into a Tamcien fic? Yes, of course I did.
A Field of Dahlias
“Are you alright with this?” He asked, it may have been the hundredth time he asked, Feyre gave him the same exasperated eyes she had given him all night long. 
Everything pointed to her being more than alright with this. Him pressed into the sheets below her, their clothes forgotten on the floor, her eyes glazed with lust. The rush of new hormones in her head no doubt fuelled the arousal that was now pressed against his wet slit. She leaned down, teeth a touch sharper than normal. She kissed his neck, dragging her canines along his fluttering pulse like he would for her. 
She ran her now larger hands down his slightly smaller than normal frame. Hands finding his breasts and squeezing relentlessly, pinching his nipples, her rough fingers, calloused from years of work from before she had been turned fae. Tamlin bit down on his lip, not wanting the whimper that pressed against his vocal cords to be released. A part of him still didn’t understand the switch in the power dynamic and begged to flip her over, to shift them both back to normal and continue this the way he knew well. 
But he didn’t, he remained underneath Feyre. Her chest flatter, set a touch wider, her shoulders broader. Her hips, now more narrow, rocked forward ever so slightly, as if on their own accord, as if her body was begging to bury the length now resting between her legs into the tight warmth before her. 
“I’m fine, more than fine, like I’ve said a hundred times already.” She added an eye roll to the last part, Tamlin countered it with his own. 
“Fine, but if you want to stop at anytime-”
“Are you okay with this, Tam?” She asked, hands becoming more gentle, roaming his skin like she loved it, like she cared. 
It was still new, the loving and the caring, the likes of which Tamlin hadn’t felt in years. 
“I’m okay.” Tamlin said, forcing his voice to remain steady. He loosened a breath, then spread his thighs wider. 
“Well?” He asked, adding a grin to his words, “Lets see how sloppy your form is, wicked creature.”
Feyre gave him her own wild grin, eyes filled with that lust and love. Something caring and devoted in her face, she leaned down and put her face into the crook of his neck, licking at the skin in a careful, deliberate manner. 
“Let’s see how well you hold up, Faerie Lord.” 
Tamlin shuffled a few papers on his desk. Briefly glancing over all of them before sorting them into piles and picking up the one closest to his left. With nimble fingers he paged them apart and began to read each complaint. A sigh escaping his throat. 
He tried to ease the worry sitting low in his belly but it wouldn’t relent, as the pile of complaints grew higher, the headache pounding behind his eyes tightened. 
After he was done reading the letters, he moved to open a drawer in his desk. Then the feeling of his stomach lurching overwhelmed his senses. Nausea made his legs shake, he retched, then quickly slapped his palm over his mouth before winnowing to the nearby bathroom. 
He had all of about three seconds before he was bent over the toilet, vomiting until he was shaking so badly he could barely stand on his knees. He dry heaved for a minute before finally his body relented and he slumped back, panting heavily, beats of sweat gathering on his forehead. 
“Gods dammit.” He cursed, forcing himself to his feet and quickly cleaning up. 
As he rinsed out his mouth, a pain shot up his spine and the sickness returned with a festering wrath. Tamlin groaned, a low sound from the back of his throat, he gripped the sides of the sink. 
It didn’t relent, the sickness came and went throughout the days. Tamlin thought he could handle it. Thought he could make it through the seemingly endless hours without anyone knowing something was amiss. 
“Two of you will head for the south border and I will send another group towards-” Tamlin was cut off by bile rising quickly in his throat, burning him from the inside out. He couldn’t get another word out before he sprinted back inside. Leaving five very confused sentries outside. 
He rushed past several servants, all of which stopped to stare in concern. Tamlin ignored all of them. 
It was Alis that didn’t stare. Rather broke into a sprint after him. The Summer Faery found Tamlin practically doubled over while he emptied the contents of his stomach. Alis snapped in a gasp, then quickly ran over to pull back his hair, sticking to his face from sweat. 
“Tam…” She murmured. 
Tamlin could barely see, the world tipping from one side to the other. 
“Why are you staring?” Alis shouted at somebody, or somebodies at the door. Tamlin had enough sense to look back over his shoulder. He saw several servants who were loitering at the door, wondering what exactly was happening. 
“Leave this instant, go back to your duties.” She shouted, then quickly slammed the door, everyone scattered as quickly as possible. 
Tamlin panted as he sat back on his heels, tilting his head to the ceiling, “Gods.”
“Tamlin, are you alright?” Alis asked, helping him onto his shaking feet. He wanted to shove away from her and insist he was fine, but he was still getting his bearings back and the world was too bright, and he had a headache. 
She led him to the sink and coaxed him into washing up. Tamlin splashed his face with ice water, and rinsed out his mouth. Then he looked up to see the mirror. 
Gods, he hadn’t realised how little sleep he had been getting until he saw the deep purple under his eyes. The gauntness in them, along with his too pale face, made him resemble something of a ghost. 
“Tam.” She murmured. Putting a hand to his forehead, the rough bark of her hands rubbing against the soft skin. She furrowed her eyebrows, “You don’t have a temperature. 
“I’m fine, Alis.” He said. 
She breathed in deeply, face carefully controlled, “You need to see a healer. I will call for one-”
She turned to leave, but Tamlin took hold of her wrist. The light shining from Faelights in the bathroom too bright, he was so tired. 
“I don’t need a healer, Alis. It’s nothing.” He told her. Ignoring the image of himself in the mirror, ignoring that fact he knew very well that he did not look fine.
Still Alis wouldn’t go against his orders. She sighed, shoulders slumping slightly, her eyes cast downwards, “Just… fine then. Just please see one if this gets worse.”
Tamlin bit down on the inside of his cheek, but nodded all the same. 
It got worse, and there wasn’t anything he could do to hide it from anybody too close. 
So he locked himself in his study or his room, and tried to focus on anything else. Anything other than the constant headache pounding behind his eyes. The never-ending wish to lay in his bed and sleep until his days ended, and the constant vomiting. 
It didn’t relent, instead it worsened. 
Alis found him again. In the bathroom in his room. When she spotted his hair, dirty and tangled, eye bags even darker and skin paler than ever. She narrowed her eyes, but quickly tied back his hair. Once he was done, she told him, “We’re getting a healer.”
Tamlin wanted to protest again, but he was so tired. So he said nothing, instead he slumped against the nearest wall and closed his eyes. 
Why was this happening? Now of all times, when he needed to be alert for his Court. For the people who were still recovering. 
“It’s just stress.” Tamlin told Alis as she put a dampened cloth to his forehead. 
“I would still like for you to see a healer.” 
‘I don’t believe a word you say’, is what that meant. Tamlin chuckled, but the sound was hollow. 
“Alis, I-”
“Hush now, child.” She murmured, brushing a stray strand of hair away from his face as she sat down beside him, “I’ll call a healer, we will figure out what is happening.”
It felt too familiar. Like the days spent in his childhood when he and Alis would sit on the ground in the gardens, whilst she sang him songs in a language he didn’t know at the time. A language she had taught him, so he could sing with her. 
It was too nostalgic. He didn’t deserve to feel that love again. That deep rooted, innocent love, it belonged to the child that hadn’t been stained by the world. 
It belonged to the kid that hadn’t been ruined in every sense of the word. 
Alis didn’t seem to care in the slightest. She took in her hands three strands of blond hair and began to weave a braid. 
“It’ll be okay.” She assured him. 
Tamlin scoffed, he felt her fingers pause in his hair, so he mumbled, “Nothing seems okay now.”
Alis tilted her head slightly, to see his eyes better. Her brown irises rose to meet his green ones. Alis reached out, her rough fingertips caressing the side of his face ever so softly. 
“It will.” She whispered, “It will get better, Tam.”
The healer that he saw was named Heilda, she was a short sweet-faced lesser Fae with fluttering mosaic wings and short near white curly hair. Her eyes were all black and her teeth were sharpened. Tamlin was sitting in her office, in a small cottage in the middle of one of the busiest villages, close to the Manor. One of his hands rubbed his temple while the other tapped his leg. 
Lucien had dropped him off at Heilda’s residence before leaving to inform Alis he had indeed gone to the healer and not run off. Tamlin had then insisted he didn’t need to, but the headache came back, and Tamlin was powerless to stop the determined redhead. 
“How long has the vomiting been happening?” Heilda asked. 
The High lord bit the inside of his cheek, quickly thinking back on the past few months since they left the Mountain, “Give or take a month and a half.”
She quickly jotted that down in a leatherback notebook in her hands, then asked, “I’ve also been told you’ve been experiencing severe headaches? How long has that been happening?”
Tamlin shrugged, “I’ve had them all my life, just recently they’re occurring more and more.”
Heilda nodded as she jot notes down in her leather book, before turning to a variety of medicinal herbs and bottles of strangely coloured liquids. 
She rifled through a few before taking a mortar and pestle and began to grind a mixture of dried plants and herbs, asking questions as she did. 
“Have there been any recent changes in diet?” 
“No,” Unless Alis was slowly poisoning him, but he didn’t think her the killer type. 
“Drinking water regularly?” 
“Have you been sleeping properly?”
Tamlin almost answered yes, then he remembered the nightmares that riddled his sleep, “...No.”
“Alright, that could be one cause, but from the extent of your headaches I’m inclined to believe there could be something else.” She took the herbal mixture and went to a fireplace where a small cauldron bubbled incessantly, “I’d like to run a few tests, my Lord.”
“Whatever you need to do.” He said. 
She took a blood and urinary sample. Tamlin waited for what felt like hours as she put them through several tests, mostly mixing strange things together and watching what happened. Occasionally noting reactions. Tamlin was bored out of his wits, staring at the ceiling, Heilda had given him some strange purple tea, it eased the pressure in his head and the nausea in his stomach, thankfully. 
There was a light rapping on the door, followed by a very familiar voice, “Lady Heilda, I was sent by Alis.”
“Come in, Lord Lucien.” Was all Heilda said, not looking up from her work. 
Lucien opened the door, his eyes immediately drawn to Tamlin and the drink in his hand. He nodded to it, a silent question, Tamlin just shrugged and jutted his head in the direction of Heilda. 
Lucien sat down in a chair beside Tamlin, “How are you doing?”
“Better since drinking this thing.” He said, showing Lucien the painted mug. Lucien nodded. 
“What's happening now?” He asked. 
“Heilda’s running tests, hopefully we’ll know what’s causing the nausea, we can fix it, then be on our merry way.” Tamlin said, drinking the last of the strange tea.
That was when Heilda clicked her tongue, “I don’t believe this is a problem we can simply fix, my Lord.”
She spun around in her chair, “I believe this problem will be a bit bigger than originally considered.”
Lucien and Tamlin furrowed their brows, glancing at each other before eyeing the healer worriedly. It was Lucien who asked, “And what is the problem exactly?”
Heilda took in a breath, seemingly steeling herself, as if on instinct, Lucien took Tamlin’s hand in his own. Holding him tightly. 
“My Lord,” She said, addressing Tamlin, “Have you shapeshifted into a female form, sometime within the last five or six weeks?”
Tamlin was taken aback by the question, he blinked at her, hand tightening in Lucien’s, “I mean… yes, but I’ve done it before, I don’t know how it could cause any issues. Especially not…” He counted the weeks since that night with Feyre, “Six weeks later.”
Now Heilda snapped in a deep breath, “This may be an uncomfortable question, but did you have any penetrative intercourse whilst in female form?”
“You’re right, that is an uncomfortable question.” Tamlin said, blinking at the healer like she had grown a second head, “That shouldn’t have anything to do with my symptoms.”
“Just trust her, Tam.” Lucien said, squeezing his hand in an assuring manner. 
“I just need a yes or no answer.” Heilda said gently. 
Tamlin sighed deeply, eyes squeezing shut, “Yes. Feyre is a shapeshifter as well.”
Heilda nodded, then leaned back in her chair, “Did you use any contraceptives this night in question?”
Now Tamlin gritted his teeth, “What does this-”
“Tam.” Lucien said gently. Tamlin looked over at his friend and sighed. 
“No, we did not.”
Heilda nodded, then she rubbed her hands together. Wringing out her fingers and cracking the knuckles as she crossed one leg over the other, “Okay. What I’m about to say may be shocking.”
“Just spit it out.” Tamlin said, finally and fully fed up with these riddles and strange questions. 
“Alright,” Heilda looked between Lucien and Tamlin, Lucien tightened his grip on Tamlin’s hand. 
“Congratulations, Lord Tamlin Fairburn, you are pregnant.”
One heartbeat, then a dozen. Tamlin stared at Heilda like she had two heads and a tail. Lucien had gone completely white, the fire lord looked as though he was about to pass out. 
Heilda looked between the two, she smiled, then clapped her hands as she wheeled her chair away, “This is what happens when you don’t take contraceptives.”
Tamlin laughed, he laughed hard, nearly falling off his chair. He gripped Lucien’s hand so tightly he could feel his bones grinding under his fingers, Lucien didn’t pull away regardless. The Fox remained silent whilst Tamlin fell into hysterics. 
“No!” Tamlin said, pushing himself back into his chair, “No, no, no. I am not- I am not at all. That is wrong!”
Anger now pressed through the hysteria. Heilda sighed like she expected this reaction, turning around she looked over at Tamlin, “Listen, you were in a female form and you-”
“I am not now aren’t I?!” He shouted, standing up from his chair. His sudden motion snapped Lucien from his daze. He quickly stood up and wrapped an arm around Tamlin’s chest. He made to wrap his free arm around his stomach, but suddenly didn’t. When Tamlin looked at him the Fox was breathing deliberately slowly, staring at his abdomen with an unreadable expression. 
It only served to piss Tamlin off even more. Heilda, unlike the two before her, stayed calm, her voice soft and gentle when she replied, “No, but you can still retain a womb in this form if your magic allows it.”
“I shifted back the morning after!” Tamlin shouted, “This should’ve never happened! You are wrong!”
“I’m not, and I think you know I’m not. Spring thrives off of fertility magic, your magic protected the foetus growing in your womb.” Heilda replied. So casual as if this happened every other day. 
Tamlin stammered and stuttered, trying to figure out someway around this. Some loophole or information that would directly challenge this. Like if he wished hard enough he could prove her wrong. Like if he managed to get angry enough, he could make this go away. Tamlin eventually looked to the floor. Beginning to process the information for what it was. For exactly what it meant.  
“I recommend shifting back into the form of a female, it will make this more comfortable.” Heilda said, her voice still so gentle. It stopped making him angrier, and as the initial shock and denial wore off, the world began to tip from one side to the other. Lucien held him up. The red-head’s fingers intertwined with Tamlin’s. 
“Is there anything else, Heilda?” Lucien asked, his voice a soft murmur behind Tamlin, yet a dull vibration in the face of the ringing in his ears growing with each passing second. 
“Bring him back for some more tests once he’s processed this.” Was all Heilda said. Tamlin was caught between wanting to wake up from this as if it were a dream and wanting to rip her throat out for being so casual about this. 
Only Lucien murmured his thanks. Tamlin considered cursing out the healer, but his sudden lack of energy made that impossible. 
In the future he would thank Heilda for being so calm, for now, he hated her for it. 
Lucien and Tamlin were silent as they left the healer’s office. Lucien kept his hand on Tamlin’s, gently leading the way as Tamlin was still reeling. Barely thinking, he couldn’t hear much besides some of Lucien's gentle murmurs and promises that they would figure it out. 
But as Lucien made to winnow them he suddenly stopped, eyes wide, face pale, hands shaking. Tamlin furrowed his brow whispering, “What?”
“Can-Can I winnow you? That won’t hurt…” Lucien bit his lip as he made a quick gesture to Tamlin’s belly. 
Tamlin snarled, his fangs a flash of white. He ripped his hand away from Lucien’s and marched in the general direction of Rosehall.
“Tamlin!” Lucien called out, quick to follow him, “Tamlin you can’t just storm off!”
“Watch me!” Tamlin turned around and screamed at him. Lucien stopped dead in his tracks, his nose scrunched as he furrowed his eyebrows. 
“Don’t scream at me, I’m only trying to help!” Lucien told him.
“I don’t need your help, Lucien! I don’t need you!” It was a dirty lie, because Tamlin needed Lucien more than air. Especially now. He felt his legs shaking, he wanted to fall to the ground. He wanted to sleep for a thousand years. He wanted to cry. He wanted to scream and rage and throw things. He wanted to get angry. He wanted to go back to this morning when this didn’t exist to him. 
Tamlin didn’t wait to see Lucien’s reaction to his venomous words, he turned around and continued to storm away. 
He didn’t get far. Lucien appeared behind him and picked him up. Holding him in bridal carry. Tamlin yelled and thrashed, spitting curses at him, some of which he had forgotten he even knew. 
“Put me down!” His voice was drawing attention from passersby, but Lucien didn’t put him down, just waited. 
“Lucien fucking Vanserra let go of me!”
“Stop being a dickhead and I will.”
“Tamlin.” Lucien warned. The tiniest hint of a growl in his voice, something about the way he said it made Tamlin stop squirming. The glare of death in the High lord’s eyes never left but he gritted his teeth and stopped moving. 
“Good.” Lucien said, putting him back on the ground, but keeping two hands on his shoulders. 
“Tamlin, we need to deal with this.” Lucien said, his eyes hard, his face unforgiving. 
“I know-”
“No, you will try and ignore this until you are physically unable to any longer, and then we will be unprepared. You and I are going to talk about this, and form a game plan.”
Tamlin’s eye twitched, “Then can you wait until we get back to Rosehall?”
“We will walk back.” Lucien said as he let go of Tamlin and plucked a paper and pen from the space between realms. The red-head scribbled something down before sending it off. Tamlin knew it would be something to Alis to say they would be returning later than expected. 
Tamlin’s hands once again curled into fists. He took in a deep breath, “I have shapeshifted, a little magic will not hurt.”
Lucien’s chest rose and fell with a deep breath, “We don’t know that Tam.”
Tamlin laughed quietly, at what he didn’t know. The world was going so fast, at the same time it came to a complete halt.  
“What the fuck are we going to do?” Tamlin asked quietly. 
Tamlin stared at nothing, vision slowing like a haze was settling over his bones, a dark mist that made everything seem so far away. 
“Hey.” Lucien murmured, taking the High lord’s hands in his, “We’ll figure it out.”
They walked. Over the rocky cobblestone paths and through the blooming gardens abounding through Spring, the smell of pollen wafted through the air, mixing with the scents of sweetened coffee and baked goods. The sun was speckled over the ground by the constant clouds passing overhead. Gentle breezes caressed the delicate petals of roses, lilacs and lilies. 
Tamlin resolutely stared at the ground ahead, each footstep deliberate and careful. He could feel whenever Lucien’s watchful eyes flicked to him. The High lord wrapped his arms around himself, releasing Lucien's hand, and made sure to not so much as flick his gaze to his emissary. 
Eventually it felt like Lucien got the message and looked ahead as well, the clicking of his eye never directed in Tamlin’s direction. Finally Tamlin looked at him, to see Lucien with his head held high and facing straight ahead. His red hair a banner behind him in the breeze. His stride never faltering. 
Tamlin felt like a newborn foal next to him, not so graceful and elegant, more clumsy and foolish. 
Then a sound filled his ears, one that made him stop dead in his tracks. Tamlin quickly snapped his gaze to his left, looking across a nearby field, filled with a plush blanket of white, purples, pinks and reds, there he saw a gaggle of children. Some lesser Fae, others High Fae. All blowing on dandelion fluff and laughing until they fell to the ground. Two boys with purple skin and big black eyes, chased each other with worms on sticks. A girl with delicate fluttering wings carefully placed a flower crown on a girl with pointed ears, freckles and ginger hair. 
Another two girls threw mud onto each other, ruining the delicate lace of their baby blue dresses. And one boy, much smaller than the rest, with wispy brown hair laughed until he fell onto his back. 
“Tam?” Tamlin didn’t look at Lucien as his eyes were captivated by the children of his Court playing without a care in the world. 
One hand scrunched in the fabric of his trousers, strands of blond hair were picked up by the wind, fluttering over and around his face. 
Lucien walked back to stand beside Tamlin as he saw what had halted him. The Fox of Prythian reached his hand out and wrapped Tamlin’s in it. 
“It’ll be okay Tam.” He whispered. 
“Dahlias.” Tamlin rasped, voice breathy and shaking. 
Lucien hummed in confusion and Tamlin pointed to the field, “The field its… the flowers are all dahlias.”
A heartbeat of silence passed them by, floating along like a butterfly on the wind, Lucien squeezed his hand ever so slightly, “A field of dahlias.”
The rest of the walk home was less exciting. Mostly Tamlin stayed caught in silence whilst Lucien broached the harder topics that would later need more discussion. The complications of having an Heir of not just Spring, but of the Cursebreaker, so quickly after Amarantha’s reign had come to a completion. Even Feyre was not completely settled into her new body as a High Fae, and certainly not settled into her new role at Court.
Tamlin wouldn’t dream of putting a singular extra duty on her shoulders that she didn’t need to have to stress about so soon after all had been said and done. But he had to admit they needed more publicity, something for the rest of Prythian to see that Feyre Archeron was the Lady of Spring, the saviour of the Mountain, and the Warrior who sent Amarantha to her grave. 
He didn’t want her to be a show pony, only to be paraded to see her achievements. She had said it herself on a number of times that she wanted a quiet life. But if a baby was now on the way-
No, not thinking about that. 
He didn’t want to think about ‘it’ , he wanted to think about how to get Feyre properly settled. Then how to stabilise the Court, and regain what had been stolen and lost to Amarantha. He needed to focus on the Court right now. 
The sight of Rosehall came into view and Tamlin felt a heavy weight settle over his shoulders, he spoke to Lucien while his eyes examined every detail of his home. “Organise dinners, celebrations, prepare for the upcoming holidays. Pay special attention to the farmers, whatever they need, send it to them. The doors of Rosehall are completely open to the public and any that come in seeking refuge from other Courts. And Lucien.”
Tamlin stopped and Lucien halted as well, his brown eyes meeting green, “Make preparations for the tithe, we need to get it back up and running. We are barely holding on as it is, with everything Amarantha has done we cannot afford the losses that have hit us.”
Lucien nodded, Tamlin went on, “Most of the money and jewels from the treasury were stolen and until we send people back under the mountain to retrieve what they can we are on a tight budget. Every coin goes straight into the refugees, the farmers and the villages that have lost their homes.”
“Of course, but Tamlin-”
“The people are in low spirits and the magic will sense that. Spring thrives off of fertility and celebration from the Fae. I haven't even seen the wisps since before we went under the mountain. Until the native creatures of the land return we are in emergency mode. I want a list of everyone we lost to Amarantha, I need a spreadsheet of the damages and the costs necessary to return everything to its former glory, until we are back to normal we will not rest-”
“Tamlin Kali Fairburn!” Lucien eventually yelled.
Tamlin blinked, then he blinked again. Lucien gritted his teeth, the light hitting the emissary in just the right way that his skin seemed to glow with his frustration, “You are stressing yourself out for no reason.”
Tamlin gawked at that, “There is a reason, our Court is still half in ruins-”
The fire lord marched forward and put his hands on his shoulders, “And I will help you to restore it. But you cannot try and handle everything yourself.”
“I am not trying to do everything myself-”
“You are thinking of everything at once, when you need to calm down.” Lucien’s head fell, he took several deep breaths, “Listen, Tam. Like it or not we… you are now responsible for another life.”
Tamlin bristled at that, fangs starting to point through his teeth. Claws pressed against his skin, threatening to burst through. 
“Tamlin.” Lucien said slowly, “I know you don’t want to think about this, but that doesn’t change the fact that Spring is…” Lucien took another steadying breath, like he was falling apart at the news himself, “Spring is having an Heir.”
There were the words that crushed Tamlin even more. This… it wouldn’t be just another baby, but an Heir of Spring, a possible successor. A potential future ruler of the Spring Court. 
They had no choice but to think about this. 
“We will take this one step at a time.” Lucien moved his hands down to clasp his friends, thumbs rubbing the backs of his palms. 
Tamlin stared down at the dark fingers massaging gentle circles into his skin. He closed his eyes, the headache pounding harder. He was so fucking tired. 
“This is awful.” Tamlin whispered into the space between them. 
“I know Tam.” Lucien murmured, his voice near drowned out by the sounds of laughter in the distance. 
He felt like he might collapse. A headache pushed into his temple. He noticed a flicker of movement, and then saw that it was in fact a butterfly, small and blue and clueless. Making laps around their heads. 
“It’ll be okay.” Lucien reassured him. It was false, they had no idea if it would be okay. 
It was not okay. 
It was absolutely not okay. 
He had a headache all the time and sleep became a luxury he apparently could not afford. All of a sudden complaints pushed from all sides as bandits began to infiltrate the Southern and Western borders. Seeing quick money and easy blood to draw. 
Many of the servants and sentries had left the grounds for other Courts in order to visit family after the Curse’s conclusion. With quickly hired, inexperienced staff, the grounds began to descend into chaos. 
Not to mention how everyone was coping. That being barely. 
Nowadays even into the dark hours of the morning, every hall was lit and not a single room didn’t have some form of a faelight and an open window. No one wished to be forced back into darkness, and everyone needed the reassurance of open, blowing air. 
The second Tamlin had stepped foot back into his office he was thrown back into work. Now, days didn’t end until he was near passing out from exhaustion and they started the second the ray of first light hit his face. 
He wasn’t the only one. Lucien he barely saw anymore, as much as the Fox of Prythian attempted to check on him, they both lost all sense of time. Unable to keep up with their workloads and desperately attempting to pull the Court back into order. 
With everything going on, Tamlin had yet to tell anyone about… it. 
Alis had tried to push for answers, but even with all her stubbornness, the female knew when she had to back off. The quick snappish answers and flare in temper were enough to tell her, it wasn’t time for her to ask what happened that day with the healer. But Tamlin could tell she was worried. 
With everything happening. Tamlin had forgotten the last time he even so much as laid eyes on Feyre.
He was sure he saw her during the nights at some point, but as everything merged into a dazed blur of work, work, work, he couldn’t be sure. 
That wasn’t even including the constant strain from symptoms. 
Vomiting, and headaches were just the start of it. At times he could barely keep his eyes open even after hours of sleep. If he stood too quickly, all blood rushed from his head and black spots filled his vision. Random outbursts became more prevalent, everything setting him on edge. 
"Dear Gods," He cursed, rubbing his temples. Elbows planted on his desk. Tamlin screwed his eyes shut as yet another wave of throbbing crashed over him. 
There was a light rapping at his door. Tamlin didn't need to look up as the door opened to know who it was. The scent of cinnamon spice was enough telling. 
"Tam." Lucien said tenderly. 
Without opening his eyes, Tamlin said, "Lucien Vanserra, if the next words out of your mouth aren't, here is a giant cookie and hot chocolate, I will toss you over the border and back into Autumn."
There was a heartbeat of silence. 
Tamlin wouldn't throw Lucien back into Autumn, Tamlin quite liked Lucien. 
He would very possibly steal and hide all of his left shoes. Lucien was fully aware of that. 
Lucien left the office, and when he returned, he opened the door saying, "Here is a giant cookie and hot chocolate."
Indeed, he was carrying a tray with a giant chocolate chip cookie and two mugs of steaming hot chocolate that made Tamlin's mouth water when he saw them.
Lucien is a smart man. Everyone should be like Lucien, Tamlin thought. 
Setting the tray on the dark wood coffee table by the empty fireplace. Lucien sat down on the green velvet lounge. 
Tamlin left his desk and joined him. Settling into the soft fabric and hands immediately reaching for said cookie. Lucien smiled softly as he took up his mug. 
"Heilda said it would be more comfortable to shift to female form." Lucien said as he absentmindedly toyed with the handle. His voice was soft as he broached the subject, not wishing to provoke anger. 
Tamlin bit into the cookie and nearly moaned. 
To shift into a female form. To stay like that. It would raise eyebrows and suspicions. And good Gods, when he started to show-
No, not thinking about that. 
"So?" Tamlin asked. He knew he had to listen, he had to take into account the possibility of having an Heir for the Court. 
Gods, an Heir so soon. They just came out from Under the Mountain. It was all still fresh, too fresh. He could still see her eyes above him. Pushing him down into the sheets-
Not thinking about it. 
"So..." Lucien traced the rim of his cup with his finger, "Perhaps you should think about listening to her."
Tamlin's eyes snapped to Lucien's to find the fiery male staring right back. He lifted a perfectly groomed red eyebrow and waited for a response. One leg crossed over the other and head held high. 
Lucien didn't back down for anyone, not Beron, not Amarantha, and certainly not Tamlin. 
"Or perhaps I won't." I am a grown male, and I will make my own decisions, did not need to be said for Lucien to get the gist of it. 
"She is the professional, Tam." He hummed. 
"Don't call me that." Not now. Don't be gentle with me. 
Lucien put the mug down on the table, it banged as his hands didn't bother to control his strength. 
"Alright, this has gone on long enough." Lucien said, "We need to do something about all of this."
"What do you want to do exactly?" Tamlin snapped, temper flaring. 
"Gods above." Lucien rubbed his temples and Tamlin wanted to throw something. 
"Come up with a goddamn game plan, Tamlin. I want to know what the next moves should be. I mean, have you even told Feyre?" Lucien bounced his knee up and down. Tamlin thought that at any moment he might get up and start pacing. 
"Well I- there isn't anything that can be done Lucien!" Tamlin shouted, finally beginning to snap. He hated this. He wanted to be done with it. 
And he hadn't told Feyre. He didn't want to. He didn't want to talk about it. 
Like if he refused to so much as think about it, it wouldn't exist. 
Lucien opened his mouth, eyes blazing and preparing to yell. Then he cut himself short and snapped his mouth shut. Face falling back into carefully crafted blankness and eyes losing any emotions at all. 
Tamlin's claws nearly shot through his hands. Fire blazing through him, not just because of the subject at hand, but because of how easily Lucien put his mask on. Hiding his true thoughts so well. 
Tamlin wished for the courtier mask, but no matter how hard he tried there was nothing he could do to hide himself. 
Fuck this all. 
"You need to tell Feyre," Lucien said, crossing his arms. Relaxing back into the lounge, as nonchalant as ever. Tamlin hated it. 
"I don't need to do anything." Tamlin hissed. 
Lucien chuckled and claws finally pierced to the surface. He dug them into pillow beneath them, slowly counting back from ten. 
"What is so funny?"
Lucien picked up his mug again as he shook his head, "Sure you don't need to do anything Tam."
"Get out!" Tamlin shouted. 
Lucien rolled his eyes, he put his mug down and slid off the lounge gracefully. A swagger in his step as he left the room, as he passed through the threshold his hand caught the door. He tossed a seething smile over his shoulder and said, "Figure it out on your own then, but figure it out, Tam."
Lucien slammed the door shut before Tamlin could yell at him. 
Feyre wasn't happy. She didn't know when she started feeling this way, when the total weight of how she felt finally settled into her bones. Like mist in the morning, it descended slowly until she was consumed by it. 
She couldn't look the Fae around her in the eyes anymore. Not without seeing the Faeries she had stabbed. The boy's screams filled her eyes at every ring of a bell or snap of a tree branch. 
And dear God, the girl who had prayed before she had ended her life. The words seemed carved into her skin, she heard them in the laughter and song of the Priestesses that came in groups for lunch after long days working in the Temple. Every time those swishing robes passed her by, she remembered that prayer. 
One of the Priestesses had taken a special interest in her. One of the twelve High Priestesses. Feyre knew little of how religion worked in the Fae Lands. The idea of Gods and such had never interested her. She had worked for too long back in the cabin to spend her time thinking of them. 
And if they did exist certainly the Mother was laughing at her.
As of now, Feyre stared out at the gardens. She was sitting by a small table on the porch, watching dahlias sway in the wind. The grounds were covered in them, they had been a flower Elain had grown back at the cabin and then at the new manor they resided in now. One of the only plants Feyre could pin-point. 
"I thought I might find you here." A voice said, breaking the silence. Feyre looked back over her shoulder and despite herself a small smile graced her lips. 
"Good morning Ianthe, shouldn't you be at a ceremony or such?" Feyre asked.
Ianthe chuckled, her voice and sweet face reminded Feyre a little of Elain. But her overall demeanor and strange stoniness reminded her of Nesta.  
"No, the girls are handling everything this morning. I have a break." 
Ianthe strolled over to where Feyre was sitting. She pointed to the chair opposite of her and asked, "May I?"
"Please." Feyre said. 
Ianthe gracefully slid into the seat, crossing one leg over the other. She did not wear her robes this morning. Her body still completely covered. However, the layers of her dark blue dress were lighter to account for the warmer weather this morning. A pale blue silk scarf covered her head so only a few curling blonde hairs fell around her face. 
"Did it hurt? The tattoo I mean." Feyre eventually asked. The tattoo of the phases of the moon, they interested Feyre. Whilst she now had a swirling tattoo along her arm, that one had been stained magically. 
Violet cruel eyes. Taunting hands and a laughing voice. 
No. Not thinking about him. 
Ianthe watched the swaying gardens as she answered. Her face was not cold, but it wasn't warm either. Like a stoic mother, Feyre thought. 
"Yes, but it was worth it to be given this honour." Ianthe answered. 
Feyre hummed, "Did you always want to be a High Priestess?"
Ianthe chuckled, finger tracing her knee, "My, my, many questions this morning."
The Archeron sister stiffened for a moment, "You don't need to answer if it makes uncom-"
Ianthe lifted a slender hand, she turned her full eyes back to Feyre and smiled, "I am teasing Feyre."
"As for your question, I always knew I wanted to be part of the Court. I worked well with the others. And I knew I could help this Court, the way the former High lord ruled he..."
Ianthe cut herself off as a darkness filled her eyes. Her mouth twisted into a straight line. Feyre furrowed her brow, concern beginning to creep in, "He...?"
Ianthe quickly shook her head and straightened, pulling herself from her thoughts, "He just... He wasn't a good male and I knew I could do something to help. As for becoming a High Priestess specifically I-"
Now a soft smile adorned her face as she lifted her eyes to the white sun's rays. 
"I have always had an affinity for the Mother and her creation." 
Feyre turned her own eyes back to the dahlia flowers. Blooming prettily as if not just months before the Spring Court had been ravaged and left in ruins. 
"The world is going back to normal." Feyre noted. 
Ianthe laughed suddenly, and Feyre snapped her eyes back to her. 
The High Priestess shook her head and murmured, "Nothing will ever be normal again."
"You weren't even here for the fifty years," Feyre pointed out, recalling what Lucien had told her before. How Ianthe's father had sent her and her sisters to the continent right as the curse was hitting. 
At her words Ianthe balled her dress up into her fists, "You don't know my story."
"Then tell me." I will listen, Feyre wanted to say. 
Out of the corner of her eyes, Ianthe watched her. Blue eyes like sapphires in the light, "You won't understand."
"Try me."
A shake of her head and an amused smile, "Count the blessings you have flower, appreciate them. For at any moment, they can all be taken."
Feyre blinked. Then her face fell into deadpan. 
What was it with Fae and their riddles?
Ianthe threw her head back as she laughed at Feyre's confusion, "Flower just know not to take the word of Faeries at face value."
Ianthe leaned back into her chair and Feyre asked, "Can you guys just... tell me what you mean?"
A sly smile and glinted eyes, "Now where's the fun in that?"
She hated her reflection. She stood in front of the mirror as Ianthe carefully placed a crown of daisies and dahlias in her hair. 
"Why dahlias?" Feyre had asked.
Ianthe had shrugged, "You seemed to like them."
They had gone through enough dresses to last Feyre a lifetime. She had never liked dresses and today did not change that. She longed for something she could move in. Felt like restricted in. But she sucked it up. 
Ianthe had brought in a myriad of different dresses for her to try. To find one she liked best. 
"Do they all have to be so..." Feyre had gestured to large puffy sleeve and Ianthe had snickered. 
"For the record these were the former Lady of Spring's dresses."
Feyre had gone very, very still at that. Guilt shocking through her at how she hadn't liked the look of them. 
Ianthe had then rolled her eyes, "Do not fret, child, the Lady hadn't particularly adored them either. But it is tradition to wear the dresses of the former Lady. This were the Lady of Spring's before hers, and before hers. Now they will be yours."
Ianthe had then reassured Feyre, "Just for today at least, then they'll go back into a bag and into the closet to sit for the next several centuries."
Feyre had laughed suddenly at that, and the knot of anxiety welling in her stomach had begun to ease. 
Feyre had then rifled through the atrocious amount of fabrics. And eventually her hands landed on one particular dress. It was the biggest of them all, with an atrocious amount of tulle, lace and puffs. It was beautiful, Feyre could admit as much as that. But it was... so much. 
Feyre had bit down on her lip, trying not to laugh. Then she had looked at Ianthe whose eye was twitching as she pursed her lips, desperately keeping her own laughter down. 
They met each other's sights and were helpless but to fall into hysterics. 
The dress had been laid on the bed, but Feyre had decided on a far simpler one. Long, green silk simple sleeves, and a high neckline that opened just above her cleavage. The corseted part of the dress was embroidered with gold designs and tightly hugged her waist. Her far too small waist. As Ianthe had tied the back her eyes flicked up to Feyre in the mirror, hands still on the strings. 
Feyre had looked down, Ianthe continued and neither spoke of just how frail she had become. The High Priestess occasionally opened her mouth to say something, just to snap it closed. Ianthe didn't appear to know how to comfort, how to reassure. So, she didn't try. 
Now the look was complete. Feyre watched herself in the mirror. The long green skirts of her dress swirled as she moved. 
"There." Ianthe said. Feyre met her eyes in the mirror. 
"Are you ready?" She asked. 
Feyre didn't answer. She thought back on that day in the field when Tamlin had proposed to her, how happy she had been. How in so long the memories of Under the Mountain hadn't haunted her. 
Yet after all was said and done, it all came back. All had asked to show them the ring and expected her to gush about the future wedding and her engagement. Yet all enthusiasm had drained from her. Like the second Tamlin was not directly in front of her she no longer felt that passion any longer. 
It was just nerves. Nothing else. Once this day was said and done it would no longer bother her. 
Ianthe nodded, her eyes firm and set on Feyre through the mirror. A heartbeat passed and Feyre said, "We best be going then."
As she moved to leave. Ianthe put her hands on Feyre's shoulders, "One moment, my Lady."
The Cursebreaker furrowed her brow but remained still. Ianthe didn't break eye contact as she swiftly pulled a necklace out from underneath her robes. It swung from her neck, a beautiful green emerald that shone in the light. It was small and hung from a golden chain. 
Feyre blinked, opening her mouth to ask what was happening. But Ianthe answered her question, as she unclasped the necklace and swiftly placed it around Feyre's throat. 
"Ianthe-" Feyre started. 
"Take it, Cursebreaker." As she let it hang from Feyre's neck she murmured, "You may need it."
"Need it?" Feyre whispered. 
Ianthe just smiled, "Trust me."
"You said yourself not to take the words of Fae at face value." Feyre countered. 
"I did." She stated. 
Before Feyre could once again point out the blatant hypocrisy, Ianthe said, "Try to see past the person, Feyre. Try and see what may lay underneath."
He hated his reflection. Standing in front of the mirror whilst Alis fixed his hair and jacket burned a flaming rage deep in his core, but there was little he could do. Other than stand still and allow the Summer Faery to do her work. 
"You look very handsome." Alis smiled up at him as she stepped back, admiring her handiwork. 
Tamlin tried to give her a smile back, but he could only manage a weak nod as he stared at himself. 
Shell of a person. Eyes sunken from lack of sleep, skin unnervingly pale, gaunt, hollow. 
At least the suit was well made, tailored, green with whites and golds. Alis had braided flowers through his hair and dusted his face with just the slightest of makeup, she told him it was for the look to come together perfectly. But he knew it was to coverup the deadness in his face. 
The lesser faery opened and closed her mouth. Eyebrows furrowing. Tamlin nearly groaned. 
"What is it, Alis?" 
"Are you sure you're okay?" She asked, brushing away a speck of lint from his shoulder. Tamlin resisted the urge to roll his eyes. 
"I am sure." He said, finally turning away from that godforsaken mirror. He faced the door of his bedroom. Lucien stood there. Dressed to the nines in green. Far more understated than Tamlin but just as gorgeous. 
"Ready?" Lucien asked. 
Tamlin shifted under his piercing gaze. The Fox scrutinized every inch of him, he was on display, wholly and completely. 
"I'm fine." Tamlin settled to say. He wouldn't admit how he felt sick to his stomach and the fluttering of anxiety was threatening to send running to bathroom to throw up once again. 
He held strong. He wouldn't be made weak. No matter how weak he truly felt. 
Lucien didn't believe that for a second. But he said nothing as he moved from the doorway and said, "Well then, the wedding is on in less than five minutes."
Feyre hesitated from her place at the end of the aisle. 
Her eyes agitated, hands shaking. Tamlin held his breath. She looked beautiful, but Feyre was always beautiful. A ring of flowers adorned her head, her eyes held the wedding venue before her. 
Ianthe was the one she watched; Tamlin risked a glance at the Priestess who watched Feyre closely. Slowly she raised a hand, and with a soft voice beckoned, "Come, Lady of Spring."
Feyre loosened a breath, her chest rising and falling with measured, calculated breaths. She took a step forward and Tamlin's chest constricted. He sucked in a breath, and she took another step forward. The knot pulled tighter and tighter. 
He remembered when she had been dragged in by Attor. Tossed to Amarantha's feet. 
Panic had filled him. He had nearly fainted. Surely, she wasn't there, because he had sent her back. She was back in the human lands there was no possible way for her to have come Under the Mountain. 
Yet there she had been.
The image faded in and out. Shifting from Feyre's perfect, unmarked face to the bruised snarling face she had worn that day so many months ago. 
She took a step forward. 
He was going to throw up. 
Then she took a step back. 
For a second, for a fleeting moment, the knot in his chest loosened and he felt like he could breathe again. 
Then she took another step back. The knot tightened once more. 
Eyes widened, and whispers erupted in the crowd of Fae. 
Like a rope pulled him forward, Tamlin took a step towards Feyre. The world slowed to one moment in time. She stumbled further back, shaking her head. And Tamlin stepped further into the aisle. 
Something snapped in her gaze. She turned on her heel and sprinted. 
There was a gasp, and hot white rage flew through the High lord. Filling his veins, breaking something that had been pulled taut for too long now. 
He nearly launched into a run after her. 
"Tamlin." Lucien hissed, as he lept forward and pulled Tamlin back. 
Tamlin turned around to snarl at him, but in a second they were gone. Winnowed. 
Tamlin shouted into the darkness that enveloped them. And by the time they landed he was screaming curses at the red head. Lucien didn't seem to care. 
They were in his study. The window were open and sunshine was pouring in. Yet the house was empty as the grounds descended into chaos as the groom and bride had each disappeared. 
"Why did you-" Tamlin shouted, but Lucien snapped. 
"She was running away, what were you going to do?! Grab her and force her to marry you!" Lucien shouted, whilst pointing a finger into Tamlin's chest. 
"Don't start with me Tamlin! We will find her, but for now calm the fuck down!" 
Tamlin blinked, initial rage simmering into something else entirely. 
What just happened. 
In the span of a few seconds, he had gone from jittering at the altar, watching his bride, then watching her run from him as he attempted to go after her.
He must have looked as shocked as he felt, because Lucien put a hand on each of his shoulders and guided him to the lounge. 
"Sit." Lucien ordered, Tamlin obeyed. Staring into nothing, mind horribly blank. 
Eventually one smaller thought came to mind, "I thought I wasn't allowed to winnow."
"You can in short distances, I spoke to Heilda. But she recommended it be someone else doing to actually winnowing."
"Yeah." Lucien sat down on the arm of the lounge. 
"What do I do now?"
Lucien stared at him and for the first time said, "I have no idea."
Feyre didn't respond to the call. She crossed her arms and pressed further back into the trunk of the tree she was sitting in. Her knees bent, keeping her curled into the branch and just out of sight. 
"Feyre oh sh- Mother lead me." Ianthe hissed as she caught herself from cursing, "Where is that girl?"
Feyre craned her neck to look down. She saw Ianthe holding up her pale blue robes in one hand and her shoes in the other as she trod through grass and mud. 
"Feyre! I know you're out here somewhere!" 
Somewhere indeed, currently right above her. 
Ianthe screwed eyes shut and sighed deeply, "Couldn't have run somewhere inside, no we had to go out into the forest."
Despite the guilt and shame, the anxiety and hurt knotting and writhing in her stomach, threatening to make her lose her breakfast. Feyre chuckled. 
Bad decision, as Ianthe straightened, her fae senses alerting her to the sound. 
Ianthe whirled her head back and forth, "Feyre?"
Feyre had the muffle her laughter with the palm of her hand. But it wasn't enough to escape the hearing of the High Priestess. 
Finally, Ianthe furrowed her brow and looked right up. Her confusion fell into deadpan as she saw the Cursebreaker nestled in a branch. 
Mouth pursing, Ianthe gripped her robes a little tighter then asked, "Flower why are you in a tree?"
It hit her again. 
As she had walked down the aisle. Seen the people, the faces staring and waiting. Seen Tamlin watching her. Then had seen Ianthe. 
Permanant. Permanently stuck here. Permanently with the memories. Seeing everyone watching, like they had watched Under the Mountain. 
That prayer had rushed through her head again. And she saw their faces when she stabbed them. 
Feyre looked back down to Ianthe, but gritted her teeth and did not answer. 
"Feyre." Ianthe said, deadpan, "Do not make me climb a tree."
Still Feyre remained silent whilst she brooded on her branch. 
Ianthe's eye twitched. And finally she sighed heavily, mumbling something about the Mother punishing her. 
"Fine! Fine." She said, dropping her shoes and letting her robes down from her hand. 
Then Feyre watched as the pristine, tidy, and uptight High Priestess of Spring, grabbed onto a branch and planted her foot into the trunk. Climbing the tree. 
She nearly slipped and fell, a curse nearly falling from her lips before she caught herself. 
Her robes got caught on a sharp piece of bark and there was a ripping sound. Ianthe made a disgusted sound, before she climbed up higher and higher. 
Finally, after clumsily forcing her way onto a branch right beside Feyre, she sat down. Panting heavily. Then she checked the small hole made in the hem of her robes. 
She gritted her teeth but ultimately let it fall away as she faced why she came out here. 
"Feyre, lovely spot you have here." Ianthe said, sarcasm lacing her voice. 
"Thanks, picked it out myself." Feyre snapped. 
The High Priestess sighed, "Feyre, you have to come down."
"Yes, I have to go down. And I have to go back to the wedding, don't I?" She snapped. 
Ianthe observed her for a moment, before shifting uncomfortably. Stoic face seemingly trying to figure out what the best course of action was. Thinking logically, no doubt just wondering what the quickest way to get Feyre back to the wedding was. 
It struck her that Ianthe didn't actually care what Feyre was feeling. She was doing as she was told, no other reason. It made Feyre feel all the more alone. 
Back in that dungeon, with nothing to keep her company but her will and a bargain. 
"Do you... Do you not wish to marry him?" She asked. 
Feyre gritted her teeth, she screwed her eyes shut. Darkness pressed in and she remembered the Attor dragging her into the throne room. 
She wanted to scream. She wanted to forget anything that ever happened. She wanted to go somewhere none of it ever touched her again. 
"Just go away Ianthe I don't want to speak to you!" She shouted. 
Ianthe bristled, "I am just trying to help-"
"Well you aren't!" 
Now, her face iced over. Stone cold and fed up, "We have to go back, now either we can go willingly together, or I will get the sentries and they will drag you back."
A tremor ran up her spine at the threat, "I don't want to go back, Ianthe."
Ianthe loosened a tight breath, "Feyre, let's go home now."
"Archeron-" Her tone was warning. 
"I don't- I don't want to go back." Feyre insisted. 
Ianthe scrunched her nose slightly, eyebrows furrowing. Then her face evened out and her voice sweetened, "Feyre, we must go back."
The sudden change in tone, in face, a lure. An attempt at false comfort. The Priestess held out her hand. 
Feyre looked at the pale hand before her. 
Then at the ground. 
Back to the pale hand. 
Feyre reached out and Ianthe smiled. 
The Cursebreaker batted her hand away with enough force that Ianthe shouted but nearly fell off balance. Giving Feyre enough to time to jump to the forest floor and bolt. 
"Feyre Archeron!" Ianthe clung to the branch as she watched Feyre's form disappear further into the dark forest. 
Slowly she took inhaled, before releasing her breath. She closed her eyes and asked the sky, "Why, why, why, why, why?"
Feyre ran and ran and ran. She lost a shoe but she didn't care. The feeling of dirt underfoot somehow comforting. Reminding her she was still there and breathing. In the wind, in the open space. Not in that cave, not Under the Mountain. 
Yet still there. Always there like it followed her. A ghost of those months looming over her head. 
She reached a clearing of grass and wildflowers. She fell to her knees. Legs unable to hold her any longer. 
She shook, trembling hands and arms. She should've been able to run faster and far further than that. 
But looking at her arms, they were spindly. Her legs which were sticks compared to what they had once been. She felt her cheeks, her face which was hollowed out. 
Her fingers to skinny, her organs pressed against the skin of her torso. 
When was the last time she had eaten? Had felt the urge to eat anything?
She licked her lips, her throat dry. The air was suffocating. Pollen that was sickeningly sweet. Air open, without any end. 
A part of her wondered whether she had ever come out from Under the Mountain, feared, dreaded that at any moment she would awaken. 
She heaved a sob, cries racking through her too fragile bones. Like she was made of glass she trembled. 
Feyre felt like she was made of glass. Like at a single touch she might crack and fall into a thousand pieces and never be able to be put back together again. 
'Make it stop.' She cried in her mind, sniffling, 'Someone make it all stop.'
'Take me away.' She pleaded with nothing. 
There was the sound of stick cracking underfoot and Feyre's head snapped up. 
But instead of Ianthe or sentries, violet eyes shone down upon her. 
"Hello Feyre Darling."
"You!" Someone shouted, Rhysand and Feyre looked up to see Ianthe panting as she pointed to Rhysand. 
Feyre had never seen her quite so dishevelled. But rage lined her features. 
Rhysand however, simply smirked, before grabbing Feyre's arm as she screamed. The Night Lord lifted her tattooed hand and pointed to it. 
"Don't mind me, pretty Priestess, I am simply collecting."
And just like that. 
Rhysand winnowed them away. 
"What do you mean she's gone?" Tamlin asked, voice near breathless. 
Ianthe's eye was twitching relentlessly. She looked as though she had been dragged through a thorn bush. Then again if she had run after Feyre she may have been. Stick and leaves were stuck in her hair, some parts of her robes were torn. And dirt smudged her cheek. 
"I mean she was whisked away by the Night Court." Ianthe said, "Our worst fears came true, and Rhysand made good on his word."
"Bastard son of a bitch." Lucien cursed from behind Tamlin. 
Tamlin said nothing, unable to move. His eyes turned to Alis by the door who looked between the Priestess and the High lord with sympathetic eyes.
Slowly it lapped at his core. Rage that made his eyes start to black out. His hands trembling by his sides. 
Chest rising and falling quicker. 
Ianthe looked him up and down, then said to Lucien, "I'll leave you two to deal with this. I am going to have a six-hour long bath."
In a second the Priestess was gone. Alis following after her.
"Lucien, get out." Was the only warning Tamlin gave him. 
Lucien's eyes went wide, and he sprinted out the door, slamming it closed. 
And Tamlin's magic exploded in a second. 
The High lord screamed as his magic ripped through him. flooding his veins with uncontrollable, overwhelming power. He screamed and fell to his knees. A ringing filled his ears, his vision went white. 
When it resided, a sob wracked his body as shaking overtook him. His skin heated, getting hotter and hotter until his clothes were soaked with sweat. Trembling, Tamlin tried to pull himself to stand, but he suddenly doubled over and threw up. 
The door flung open and Lucien shouted something he couldn't hear. The world was a swirling, dizzy haze of nothing. 
Someone gasped and Tamlin looked up to see Alis sprinting for him. The female cupped his face, and Tamlin blacked out.
Link to chapter 2 is here! Link to chapter 3 is here!
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psychee92 · 2 years
Elriel: ACOWAR Foreshadowing
I’ll start off with this ACOWAR interview:
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In another ACOWAR interview, she says that she “deliberately left a lot of the threads open” because she wanted to “set some of these things up”.
There are many other references I could use (Sarah confirming during the ACOSF tour that she has been adding hints in the books for Elain’s journey since ACOWAR, her confirming Elain’s book in an ACOFAS interview, etc.), but let’s dive directly into my favorite Elriel hints in ACOWAR:
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These are just a few examples of a massive endgame buildup, one that has been set up since ACOMAF, when Sarah first realized that Elain and Nesta had stories of their own—
“As soon as Nesta and Elain came back onto the page in A Court of Mist and Fury”, she “knew that they would have journeys beyond what the readers were seeing…that they were in the middle of their own journeys/”
How anyone can deny the buildup between these two characters is beyond me. SJM, the Queen of Foreshadowing, was not subtle at all with the seeds she was planting as far back as ACOMAF.
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