#seto kaiba x atem
mylifeisfruk4ever · 13 days
Isis and Osiris - A Yu gi oh Fanfiction
They said that Isis loved her husband so much that she brought him back to life...
Seto was a rational person. He didn't believe in magic - despite having been involved in magical bullshit more times than he'd like - or ancient curses or, God forbid, Fate. Now, however, he had to give up and ask for help from those who, unfortunately, knew more about all the things he had always despised, and hoped to get some valid answers. He was tired of cryptic shit said for the sake of appearing mysterious.
"Mr. Kaiba," Isis said, seeing him enter his office at the museum. "I should have guessed it was you. Usually, when someone comes to visit me, they knock."
“I didn't think you'd appreciate the pleasantries.”
"From you, I don't expect the behaviour of an ordinary person," she replied, looking at him with those ancient eyes, old beyond the age of her body. She asked him, "Why are you here?"
"Your family is descended from the guardians of the royal tombs. Correct?"
"And you..." he couldn't believe he would say that. He swallowed his pride, and continued, "You know ancient Egyptian magic."
"We do. "
"Among these ancient arts...is there anything to...to bring the dead back to life?"
Well, he said it, making himself completely ridiculous. The idea had come to him after yet another failed attempt to create a machine to cross dimensions. If he couldn't go to the pharaoh himself, then he could take him back. It was a crazy idea - like taking a walk between dimensions - and he was aware of it.
However, he would not back down. Atem owed him a duel.
He couldn't go to the next world without dealing with him first. He couldn't.
Isis sighed, "Again?"
"What are you talking about?"
"You want to bring Pharaoh back to life," she said, with a confidence that amazed him. "It's not the first time you've tried."
"I didn't mean to bring him back to life. I was trying to get to him..."
"I wasn't referring to your little plan, Kaiba," Isis interrupted. "I'm talking about what Priest Set tried to do when his...pharaoh died."
Was it his impression, or had she hesitated before saying his pharaoh? Seto pushed the thought away, focusing on something more important, "Priest Set did it. I'm not him."
Isis looked at him like he was a silly child throwing a tantrum, and Seto couldn't stand it. He could accept that Atem was an ancient spirit, a pharaoh whose name had served for a spell.
But he was not the reincarnation of some ancient priest. The similarities were there, but that was about it. Just similarities.
It could happen that a descendant resembled his ancestor.
"So, you still don't remember."
"My memory is fine," he defended himself, piqued.
"If it were, you wouldn't be here asking me something you've already failed once. Because do you want to suffer again?"
"He owes me a duel," Seto said. "If I can't go to him, then he will come to me."
"Mhm...and is there nothing else?"
"What else should there be?" he asked, confused.
"Silly...really silly..."
He was about to reply piquedly when Isis got up from her chair and approached him.
"Do you know the story of Isis and Osiris?"
The question took him by surprise, "They're two ancient deities, aren't they? Osiris is a card..."
"I'm referring to the real ones," Isis pointed out. "The first lords of Egypt. Osiris was a much-loved ruler, but his brother Seth, consumed by jealousy, killed him by deception and cut his body into pieces. Isis, Osiris' wife, searched all of Egypt for her husband's body, to recompose it. Thanks to her magic, she brought him back to life. Even though Osiris could only reign over the dead, the goddess managed to conquer death for him."
Seto said, "I couldn't do it. There is no body."
"You should create one from the earth, with your hands and your blood."
"My blood?"
"Blood grants life. And yours is rich in power."
" Will this be enough? To create a body for him and give him my blood?"
Isis shook her head, "The ritual is much more complex. After all, you have already failed once, and in that case, the body c 'was."
"The priest has failed," he reminded her. "I won't. Tell me everything I have to do to bring him back, and I will."
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ruiojousama · 2 years
Here we go for this year's #YGOPridecember2022! Fanfics, fanarts, cosplay and everything in between are welcome! Good luck and happy creating!
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roki112 · 4 months
Does anyone have any prideshipping fanfic recs? I feel like I've read most of the post DSOD ones but I need more in my life 🙏
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uglifish · 2 years
[prideshipping / kaiba x yami/atem]
story title: POV your boyfriend is an assassin summary: Seto Kaiba can't possibly imagine why anyone would want to kill him, especially not his boyfriend who he's pretty serious with.
cw/tags: GUNS, yami being a bamf, graphic descriptions of violence, gay sex, shameless mary sue, gay, action????, kaiba simping
-=-==--=-==-=-=-=--=-= excerpt -=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
 “Here’s a photo of the man who is after you,” the agent said grimly,.“His name is Atem, and he’s a skilled assassin.” Then she leaned back into her chair, quietly giving orders to the men around her.
 Kaiba stared intently at the photo on the screen, feeling his entire body slowly growing numb while a strange ringing filled his ears.
 A familiar face stared back at him, the features grimy from the pixelated surveillance photo, but it was unmistakably…his boyfriend, Yami.
 Slender build, hollow cheekbones, olive skin, spiky blonde bangs framing his face, accentuating a set of deep, angular violet eyes which were glaring upwards into the camera, his face twisted into an expression of deep contempt.
 Kaiba suppressed a shiver and couldn’t help but think that he had never seen such a nasty expression on Yami’s face before.
 He snuck a glance at the woman sitting in front of him, glad that she was so preoccupied with giving orders, and he looked at the photo again, remembering the time he had first met Yami.
 It was at a gala. Or a fundraiser.
 He had already forgotten what the event was called because it had been so long ago, but the angular eyes staring at him from across the room had shot jolts of mysterious electricity down his entire body.
 They had mingled, sometimes eyeing each other between conversations with strangers, other times brushing elbows casually. It wasn’t until the end of the night when everyone had sat down to listen to the last band play, did they have a chance to speak.
 And Yami was the one who had spoken first, seemingly quite drunk on what looked like his fifth glass of wine. His cheeks were tinted wonderfully pink as he leaned across the table to say one word in a deep, resounding voice.
 Kaiba remembered smiling reluctantly and asking, “What?”
 “You,” Yami had declared loftily, tossing back the rest of his glass and looking oddly forlorn. “…You’re attractive. I hate that.”
 Kaiba had no response, so he opted to remain silent.
 He wasn’t sure if it had been a compliment or an insult.
 They had sat in awkward silence for a bit longer and listened to the performers croon on stage until Kaiba decided to retaliate with, “It is a pity you find me attractive.”
 Yami threw his head back and laughed boyishly. It made his heart race.
 Kaiba watched his every move, slightly curious about the odd behavior, but deeply enchanted nonetheless.
 “It’s funny…you’re funny…” Yami drawled as he tapped his slender fingertips against the stem of his wine glass. “I told them this would be my last time.      This    …right here. I wanted to be done with these events forever. I’m out.”
 “Yeah, these things bore me out my fucking mind,” Kaiba remembered replying trying to sound sympathetic and conversational. “But anything for the good publicity, right? That’s how this works. Can’t escape it.”
 “Right…right,” Yami answered aimlessly, and his alcohol-misty eyes had suddenly gone dark. “I want to escape it. All of this, all at once. Do you know anywhere we could go where no one knows us?”
 Kaiba blinked rapidly and remembered feeling a strange swirling in his stomach, thinking he was being picked up. Was it romantic or creepy? He couldn’t figure it out at the time, and before he could reply, Yami reached across the table to grab onto his hand tightly, looking deep into his eyes.
 “They’re watching us. Let’s go somewhere where they’re not watching.”
 Before Kaiba could protest, he was pulled out of his seat and through the crowded ballroom.
 “Hey, slow down. I don’t know your name,” Kaiba had hissed, and he received a tight shake of the head in response.
 “If we make it out of this building, I’ll tell you my name,” Yami said hurriedly, shouldering open a door to the stairway with urgency.
 Kaiba remembered barely being able to hear Yami speak over their tapping footsteps echoing in the stairwell. He had also almost tripped his way down each flight of stairs as Yami led him forward at a demanding pace.
 “If we make it to your car alive, I’ll—”
 A door several floors above them swung open with a deafening bang, followed by many pairs of footsteps, and Yami had glanced up with wide eyes, his forehead beaded with sweat, “Shit. Let’s run!”
 And Kaiba found himself yanked forward with surprising force as they raced down the remaining flights of stairs and burst into the parking garage.
 “Call your car! And then a plane. We’re leaving the country for a bit!” Yami had whispered hoarsely, and Kaiba found himself obeying without question, because at his core, he understood that an unknown danger was after them…after him.
 “Who are they? Why are they after me?” Kaiba tapped his phone repeatedly in his pocket, calling for his car and listening for the telltale rumble of his engine as Yami ducked and weaved them through the parked cars with alarming familiarity.
 Kneeling behind a large delivery truck for safety, Yami had given him a wry smile while replying, “They want you…and me, dead. Our odds of survival are better as a team.”
     “Mr. Kaiba?”  
 Kaiba snapped back to reality.
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cards-on-skin · 4 months
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The moment they realize it ~
Just a quick little thing <3
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rosalindwrites · 9 months
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Wordcount: 1.2k
Seto Kaiba stood alone on the balcony of his luxurious office, gazing out at the city lights below. The clinking of glasses and distant chatter from the corporate party echoed faintly, but Kaiba was lost in his thoughts, a rarity for a man known for his sharp focus.
The object of his contemplation was not a state-of-the-art Duel Monsters technology or a groundbreaking business deal. No, it was the person who had managed to break through his meticulously constructed walls – you, his closest confidante (other than Mokuba) and an underling of the Kaiba Corporation.
As the night skyline stretched before him, Seto Kaiba couldn't shake the lingering thoughts that had invaded his mind lately. It wasn't the first time he had caught himself contemplating the nature of his feelings for you. You had been his closet friend, and the one person who had stood by him even when the duel of life had dealt its harshest blows.
However, emotions were uncharted territory for Kaiba. Dueling, business strategies, and innovation were his forte, but matters of the heart remained an enigma. He took a deep breath, his stoic expression betraying none of the internal conflict as he replayed the memories of your friendship.
The moment he met you, he saw something different. Your passion for Duel Monsters somehow mirrored his own, and your determination and drive matched his drive for success. It was in the way you challenged him, not just in duels, but in understanding the complexities of human connection.
He couldn't deny the unique bond that had formed between you two. There were shared victories, late-night strategy sessions, and moments of vulnerability that seemed reserved for just the two of you. In those rare instances when he allowed himself to be honest, Kaiba recognized that you were more than a friend. You were the one person who made him question the limits he had set for himself.
The party continued behind him, the laughter and clinking of glasses forming a distant melody. Kaiba turned away from the city lights, his attention shifting to the reflection of his stern expression in the glass.
He scoffed at himself, as if ridiculing the mere idea of emotions interfering with his carefully crafted world.
"Sentimentality is for the weak," he mumbled, a mantra he had repeated to himself countless times.
Despite the bravado, the truth lingered in the depths of his mind.
You were different.
The thought of seeing you with someone else ignited a spark of discomfort, an emotion he couldn't quite dismiss. It was a sentiment he refused to acknowledge, even to himself.
Determined to push aside these unfamiliar feelings, Kaiba strode back into the party. He greeted business associates and exchanged pleasantries, but his eyes scanned the room for one person—the one who had managed to disrupt his fortress of solitude.
And there you were, engaged in conversation with a colleague. A genuine smile adorned your face, and Kaiba couldn't help but marvel at how effortlessly you navigated social situations. He approached, his demeanor composed, masking the internal turmoil.
"Mr. Kaiba! Glad you could join us," you said, your eyes lighting up as you acknowledged him.
He nodded, a brief and business-like acknowledgment. "There are matters that require my attention."
You tilted your head, your curiosity evident. "Everything okay?"
"Everything is as it should be," he replied, his gaze unwavering.
As the night wore on, Kaiba found himself watching you from across the room. The way you interacted with others, the genuine joy in your laughter—it stirred something within him. A part of him wished to join the festivities, to let loose and embrace the camaraderie. But another part, the one that had always been in control, resisted.
The party eventually began to wind down. Colleagues bid their farewells, and the grandiose atmosphere dwindled. You approached Kaiba, a hint of concern in your eyes.
"You've been distant tonight, Seto. Is something on your mind?" you asked, your voice laced with genuine care.
He hesitated, a rare occurrence for the usually decisive CEO. "Nothing that concerns you."
Your brows furrowed, but you respected his boundaries. "Alright, if you say so… But you know you can talk to me about anything."
He nodded, acknowledging your offer without committing to it. As the last echoes of the party faded, Kaiba found himself alone once again, the emptiness of the vast office mirroring the void within.
The following days were a series of strategic maneuvers, business meetings, and duels to maintain his title as the Duel Monsters champion. Yet, amid the chaos, your presence lingered in the recesses of his mind. Kaiba couldn't escape the awareness that his feelings were changing, evolving into something beyond the realms of friendship.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the city skyline, Kaiba found himself standing in the courtyard of KaibaCorp. The silence enveloped him, allowing him a moment of introspection. The weight of unspoken words hung in the air, and he couldn't ignore the pull any longer.
He decided to seek you out, his footsteps echoing through the quiet corridors of KaibaCorp. The journey to your shared sanctuary, the duel arena, felt like an odyssey of its own. The familiar hum of holographic projectors filled the air as he approached the arena.
There you were, engrossed in a duel simulation. The holographic monsters clashed, mirroring the internal conflict within Kaiba. As the simulation ended, you turned to face him, a welcoming smile on your face.
"What brings you here, Seto? Need a duel partner?" you teased.
Kaiba paused, the words hanging in the air. "No, (Y/N), I don't need a duel partner. I need to say something."
Your expression shifted from playful to attentive. "Alright, I'm listening."
He took a deep breath, his stoic façade momentarily wavering. "You are my closest friend, (Y/N), and you've been an integral part of my life. But recently, I find myself contemplating emotions that I am unfamiliar with."
Your eyes widened slightly, registering the sincerity in his words. Kaiba continued, "I've always believed emotions were a distraction. Yet, I can't deny that you have become more than just a friend to me. The idea of seeing you with someone else... it bothers me."
He paused, searching your eyes for a reaction. A mixture of surprise and understanding flickered in your gaze.
"I don't know how to navigate these emotions," he admitted, vulnerability threading through his words.
You took a step closer, your eyes softening. "Kaiba, it's okay. Emotions can be complicated, but they're not a weakness. If you feel something, it's worth exploring."
He looked at you, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken connection that had grown between you two. In that moment, the duel arena transformed into an arena of the heart.
"I'm usually confident with my words, but not now, Kaiba confessed, a rare admission for someone known for his eloquence.
You smiled, a reassuring and understanding expression. "You don't have to be, Seto. I appreciate your honesty."
The air crackled with a tension that surpassed any duel they had faced together. It was a different kind of battle, one that unfolded in the uncharted territories of emotions. The duel arena, once a battleground for monsters, had become a setting for matters that Seto Kaiba was unfamiliar with…
Matters of the heart.
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kurose-kurosaki · 20 days
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Hello, today I bring you this little collaboration with @wea-telefonica-1 💖, I did the lineart and she added the color. I love the result! Please go visit her and give her lots of love.
Here, the original draw:
Hola, hoy traigo esta pequeña colaboración con @wea-telefonica-1 💖, yo hice el trazo y ella puso color ¡me encanta como le quedó! Por favor, vayan a visitarla y darle mucho amor.
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novasintheroom · 6 months
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⭐Yu-Gi-Oh! Instances⭐ (AO3 link)
fem!reader x various YGO characters;
It wasn’t possible for this to happen. To go into his world, to fall into a show, went against all sense of logic and rationality. And yet here you are. In other words, a list of prompts and drabbles where you meet your favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! guy by falling into his world, learn to become friends, possibly more, who knows. Take a load off and stick around.
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if you’re still taking yugioh requests do you think i could get atem and kaiba comforting an s/o who’s afraid of storms (especially thunder and lightning)? thank you!! 🩷
OMGOMGOMG YES HI I just saw this in my inbox!!! I am absolutely still taking Yugioh quests!!!
Content: Atem x gn!Reader; Seto Kaiba x gn!Reader
Warnings: None
Notes: You didn't specify if Atem was in modern or ancient times, so I just went with ancient times......I'm a history/mythology nerd so I took the chance lol sorry. I also slipped in a small YGOTAS reference at the end of Atem's part lol
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❥ Pharaoh Atem
Normally, it was custom for the Pharaoh and his spouse to sleep in separate bedrooms. This allowed them both down time after being in the public eye all day. As much as you loved your husband, you needed this time away, even if it was to just rest.
After your servants helped you undress and get ready for bed, you were left alone with your thoughts. Although, you were so exhausted you just wanted to sleep. You'd be up and at 'em again in the morning.
You hadn't even realized you fell asleep until a loud boom woke you, practically shaking your room. Sitting up immediately, your heart beginning to thump rapidly in your chest, you opened your mouth to yell for anyone who was still awake.
"Guards! Guards!"
Almost immediately, a couple of the many palace guards entered the room, all three being armed. "Your majesty, are you alright? Are you hurt?"
"I'm-" You were interrupted by another loud boom. You screamed and shut your eyes. "Fetch my husband! Please!"
"Right away, your majesty!" The three left the room to get their king from his room.
Soon, Atem strode in swiftly, and the sight before him broke his heart. His spouse, curled up in a tight ball on their bed, scared out of their mind. He quickly approached them, and gathered his (Y/n) into his arms. "There, there...I'm here, my love. What's gotten you so afraid?"
Clinging onto him almost immediately, you answered, "The storm...I wasn't expecting it..."
"Oh, my love..." Atem gently moved a strand of hair out of your face. "It is only a storm, it will pass."
"No, Atem...I have always been afraid of them. Since I was a child." You shook your head, moving away slightly to look at him.
"Is there any way I can help you with this fear?" He asks, voice soft and kind, as always, and his hand gently rubbing your arm. "I can try to cover your ears, but I'm afraid my hands do nothing compared to the might of Set."
Atem adds a small giggle to the end of his last remark, showing you that he was kidding. It makes you giggle too. "Oh, Atem...how I love you so."
Another boom flows through the sky outside, making you jump and scream, scaring Atem for a moment. He tightens his hold to try and calm you. "My (Y/n), it's okay. As long as I am here, I will protect you. Set will not harm us."
"How can you say for sure?" Your voice shook with fear. "Set is a fearsome God, Atem...have you forgotten all of his stories?"
"Set would not harm the royal family, he protected my father during his reign, and his father before him, and his father, and so on." Atem then gave his spouse a smile. "We are safe. But, if you still feel scared, I can stay with you throughout the night."
You nod. "I...would like that very much."
Atem nods, then moves your head rest out of the way so you both lay on the bed, your face in his chest. "Is this okay?"
You nod again, then yelp and jump closer when another boom rings in the room. Atem thought for a moment. "There is one story that comes to mind about Set. You recall how Anubis killed him, yes?"
You nod. Atem carries on.
"Well, after going into the afterlife, Set had begun to do good things. My father once told me a story about how Set travels with Ra on his nightly trip to the underworld, and Set helps him battle the fearsome Apophis."
You focus in on what your husband is saying. The warmth of his arms around you and his body being pressed to yours, the softness of his voice as he tells a story passed down through generations, and suddenly you find yourself falling asleep once more.
"...and now, when people hear thunder, they are reminded that Ra is engaging in an epic battle, with Set by his side." Atem finishes not too long after, waiting for a response. When he doesn't get one, he looks down to see you've finally fallen back asleep, and the thunder seems to have gotten quieter. Set was moving away, possibly sensing the Pharaoh's spouses discomfort.
Sighing softly to himself, Atem placed a kiss on your forehead and taking in the peaceful look on your face, before finally falling asleep himself. Screw the rules, he's the Pharaoh.
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❥ Seto Kaiba
It was after hours at KaibaCorp, and Seto was still at his desk like usual. You, having finished work three hours ago, stopped by to try to coax him back to the house so that he could get some sleep. Of course, he didn't budge. Like usual. Knowing you were going to be sitting here for hours, you opted to order some dinner for the two of you.
"What about Mokuba? Where is he?" You asked Seto before ordering the food.
"He's with Yugi, he wanted to attend one of his game nights." Seto spoke without moving his eyes away from the screen.
After getting said food, you had noticed dark clouds rolling across the sky, with flashes of light in between the angry clouds. Clenching your jaw as your anxiety spikes, you quickly move back to your car and sped (as legally as you could) back to KaibaCorp.
When you got back to Seto's office with the food, he hadn't noticed your anxiety yet, or the rapidly approaching thunderstorm. You plopped the food down and curled up on the couch. Reaching over, you took out your food and begin to numbly eat it while scrolling through your phone, tensing as you start to prepare for the first sound of thunder.
Soon the storm begins, first with a flash of lightning, and then a loud boom soon after. You jump, dropping your fork. That gets Seto to look up as it makes a muffled thump against the ground. "...you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." You nod, going to pick up the fork from under the table. Another flash and boom sounded, making you jump and hit your head on the table.
Reeling back, you grimaced and held your head, and Seto moved over to you. "Are you sure?"
“I…” You sighed. “No. It’s the storm, I’m…scared.”
Seto didn’t do anything for a moment before sighing and pulling you back up on the couch. “I suppose I can stop for the day.”
“What? No, Seto, your work is important. Don’t-“
“Hush.” Seto tapped some more on his keyboard before shutting it, and moving over to you. “Mind if I sit here?”
He gave you a small smirk that makes your heart stutter. You nod and he sits down. Thunder sounds around you both, and you jump into Seto’s side. His heart warmed as you came to him for protection. He put a hand around you.
“It’s okay. No storm will hurt you with me here.”
You resisted the urge to cringe slightly. You loved your boyfriend, but sometimes he can say the weirdest things. “Thanks, hon…”
Seto’s grip tightened, then he leaned over to grab his food, and then grabbed your fork from the ground. “You can share my fork.”
“Thank you.”
Seto ate with one hand, his other hand around you. You watched him eat for a moment before he wordlessly offered a bite to you. You took the bite, then looked to the windows as rain began to pour down.
“It’s okay, we’re inside. Nothing can harm us.” Seto reassured.
“I know, just…” You sigh. “I’m sorry, I know this is probably childish…”
“Is that why you never told me about this before?" Seto asks, taking another bite of his food.
"...kind of." You then jump as lightning flashes and thunder rolls loudly in the sky. "Although, I guess you would've found out one way or another..."
Seto nods, setting the fork down. "Well, I don't think it's childish. People have fears, always have and always will. It isn't something childish or new."
You nod, sinking into his side a little, jumping and yelping a little when thunder sounded again. Seto leaned back into the couch and moved you into his lap, one hand on your head as he cradled it against his chest. His other hand rested on your thigh.
"Is there anything I could do to help?" Seto asks, his hand that's on your thigh begins to massage it, and the hand on your head gently scratches your scalp.
You begin to relax, but tense up again as you see lightning light up the room again. Seto's repeated movements are accompanied by a kiss on the forehead. You focus back on him.
"This is fine...thank you." You move your face slightly, so that it's in his chest.
Seto hums, and you can feel the reverb. It feels nice. It feels warm, and safe. You still tense and jump at thunder and lightning, but Seto's hands help you settle down enough. He occasionally plants kisses on your forehead or cheek, and makes small talk to try and distract you. Before you know it, the storm clears and the thunder begins to sound distant, the lightning becoming less frequent.
"Seems the storm is going away. Should we get ready to go home?" Seto asks, looking out of the many big windows, then back to you.
"In a minute." You mumble, snuggling into Seto's chest. "Right now I'm enjoying myself."
Seto cracks a smile. "Was this your plan?"
"No, but I'll take the outcome." You smile, making Seto let out a small chuckle before tightening his hold on you.
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Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!
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softcenteregg · 2 years
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birthday wishes~
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z-iridest · 1 year
Hi, can you do a pov of the yu-gi-oh boys finding out you’re pregnant
(I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO GET TO! I love this idea, Anon! {as if I didn't have a good enough excuse to have baby fever XD})
Finding Out You're Pregnant (Yu-Gi-Oh Boys x Female reader)
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Yugi Moto
If Yugi's being honest with himself, he's always dreamed of having a family with you since the two of you started dating five years prior
But, since you wanted to wait until the two of you were married, he respected that wish, showing his affection in any way he could think of (flowers just because, kisses and hugs and gentle touches that he knew made you melt)
Once the two of you were married, though...
Let's just say that night was pretty damn spicy
Fast forward about 2 months
You'd been feeling extremely nauseous lately, most days beginning either with that feeling or by throwing up.
When talking to Téa about your symptoms, she suggested taking a pregnancy test
Yugi, like the sweetheart he is, waited outside your shared bathroom, pacing a little bit
He couldn't help it, he was nervous!
But, when you came out of the bathroom a few minutes later and showed him the test result, he went from nervous to elated.
"We're gonna have a baby... We're gonna be parents!"
Does one of those moves where he picks you up and spins you before kissing you and your stomach
Good luck convincing Yugi to get you to do anything for the next 6 months or so lol, he can and will pamper you during your pregnancy
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Yami Yugi/ Pharaoh Atem
Unlike Yugi, he hadn't really given kids much thought
But, he noticed the way your eyes lingered on children running past while the two of you were dating
After about two years, the question came up in a conversation the two of you had about the future
He admitted that he hadn't thought about it, but that he loved you and if he were to have children, he wanted them to be with you
About 2 years later, the two of you were married, and anxiously waiting for the results of a pregnancy test
Atem held you close, in that moment, he felt nervous
Even if that result did pop up with a positive, that wouldn't mean that he would be a good father...
When you saw the results, you were thrilled, but you saw the doubt in his eyes
You snapped him out of his thoughts with a touch, reminding him of the feats he's accomplished, and that any child would be lucky to have him as a father
It didn't really hit for him until he got to hold the baby in his arms 9 months later
The nurse had showed him how to hold a baby before placing the little one in his arms
It was pretty hilarious seeing him tense up with a look like a deer in headlights
But... The more he held the baby in his arms, the softer that look became and the more relaxed he was
"I promise my son/daughter... I'll do everything I can to protect you" He promised before gently kissing the baby's forehead
Overall, just a big softie for his little prince/princess
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Joey Wheeler
Believe me, with all my heart, I wanna say that Joey was calm and collected when he found out, but... He wasn't (the picture is pretty close to his reaction, honestly)
Joey has always wanted kids, don't get me wrong
Buuuut, he wasn't expecting to have kids this early
For context, you guys were two years into the relationship, but you'd used protection
The only problem is that the one specific time in question fell into the 3 percentile that condoms aren't effective....
He was in a panic when he found out
"Huh?! But, we used protection an' all dat... Didn't we?"
When he looked at you, you were crying, which only made him panic more
"No, no, no, baby, don't cry. It's gonna be all right. We'll figure this out togetha, I promise."
True to his word, he was at every Dr's appointment, every checkup, and at your side every moment of the delivery
All the while during the pregnancy, much like Atem, he was extremely nervous about being a father
He didn't exactly have the best father to compare to....
But, all those doubts faded away when that baby was placed in his arms for the first time
He smiled softly, a smile that told you he was gonna be a sucker for his kid
Good luck getting the baby away from him, because he wants to be there all the time
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Seto Kaiba
As for Kaiba....
He's a CEO and a Duel Monsters Champion, he doesn't have time for kids
Except for Mokuba, but that's his brother...
So, when you found out you were pregnant, you were understandably nervous and afraid
Afraid that the worst would happen, that Seto would leave you and want nothing to do with his child
While your fears were understandable, you forgot that Seto Kaiba has a soft spot for his loved ones, you especially
You tried to avoid him, but a couple days of that had him pinning you against the wall in his office to get you to talk to him
He was worried about you, and asked you what was going on, telling you to be honest with him
He was more alarmed when you broke down
Through tears, you told him you were pregnant, and he was the father
He held you close to him, his heart breaking when you begged him not to leave you
"I'm not going anywhere." He made you look at him. "I won't lie, the thought of being a father scares me... But, I promise, I'm going to do everything I can to be the best father I can be."
Seto Kaiba is, above all things, a man of his word
When Seto wasn't around, Mokuba helped you out, and you better believe that baby's been spoiled since before their birth...
Once he held the baby for the first time (ngl, the sight of his giraffe self cradling a tiny baby is both endearing and hilarious), it was hook, line and sinker
Safe to say, he ended up being a better father than he gave himself credit for
(Again, I'm SO sorry this took a while! But, hopefully you enjoy it!)
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kaibatrash · 2 years
everyone moved, but i stayed here
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queenendless · 6 months
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Still coping through/move past JJK and BNHA for a while.
That and watching the anime all over but in JP makes me miss the English dub cause of the voice cast. They're just that good to me, especially for Yami and Kaiba ... for yaoi reasons yes that's why.
Also I don't see this poly idea much on here anyway so ... yeah.
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roki112 · 3 months
"I can do it with a broken heart"
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tkacz-art · 1 year
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Myth AU - Oasis time~
When immortal dragon from the East falls for cat-like demigod from lands of the Nile.
my Patreon
non AU version below
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cards-on-skin · 4 months
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Them 💕
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