floridacracker · 4 years
green: I aim to destroy you one day
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Purple 💜
PURPLE = I don’t talk to you but I really love your blog.
Aw thank you! Right back at you!
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allosauroid · 4 years
23, 25, 27
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?
I’m boring and would just put it away for later.
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?
I greatly dislike all forms of alcohol so unless we can switch that to a lifetime supply of Canada Dry ginger ale, we’re at an impasse.
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tacograbbingbastard · 5 years
7, 9, 11
7: Do you have any tattoos or piercings?
yes! i have a piercing in my left earlobe and a LoTR tattoo on my left ring finger
9: What are you really bad at?
literally nothing, except complex physics and math
11: Are you nice to everyone?
yeah tbh its hard to me being asshole now, it used to be easier
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large-sprite-no-ice · 5 years
32. Who do you miss right now?
I guess I miss my friends a lot right now, our schedules don't let us see or talk to each other much and I'm moving in like a month in a half.
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15, 16, 17
15: Things about someone that you find attractive?
physically, the most important thing is their face. the face is like 50% of all physical attraction for me. so the face typically makes breaks a person for me. and i have a very particular taste for faces. and most people don’t make the cut. 
but temperamentally/personality-wise, i love people who are kind, generous, warm-hearted, passionate, optimistic, loyal, creative, patient, playful, adventurous, silly, a little weird/eccentric, free-spirited, affectionate, a little nerdiness is cute, and of course just having roughly approximate worldviews and values.
16: What song are you currently listening to?
when i first read this question i was listening to “your heart is a muscle the size of your fist” by ramshackle glory and now as i type this out i’m listening to “strawberry kisses” by olivia herdt.
17: Have you ever broken a bone? If so, how?
i haven’t! never. even though there were times i probably should have. i have strong bones.
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knotbulian · 5 years
1.      do you have a crush on anyone?
Yes this girl on youtube, this one girl on my workfloor, andon @setonfirebyfiends
2.      what’s your favorite candy?
Maltesers atm
3.      favorite love song?
This or this
4.      what was your first kiss like?
Teethy lmao
5.      what was your last kiss like?
Cold, raven walked me to my train home and kissed me on theplatform goodbye
6.      sexual/romantic orientation?
straight, like8.5/10 romantically orientated lmao
7.      do you prefer poems or love letters?
Ugh both are equally fire to receive. But I only have thecapacity to write love letters.
8.      favorite fanfic trope?
Idk what this is but Twilight fanfics are the bomb
9.      have you ever been in love?
10.  favorite milkshake flavor?
11.  dinner dates or brunch dates?
Dinner dates just cuz its acceptable to drink
12.  favorite flowers?
13.  favorite perfume/cologne?
Oud wood – tom ford
14.  favorite candle scent?
15.  what’s your ideal first date?
Homecooked dinner and a movie, movie can be either a stayin or in a theatre – its fun being seen as a couple in public
16.  favorite love story?
17.  what’s the most attractive thing a person couldwear?
Dress w leg slit and open back
18.  chocolate,vanilla, or red velvet?
19.  snow, rain, or sun?
20.  sweetest romantic memory?
A lot of dates w my first girlfriend were dope, spent a lotof time at lakeshores and creeks by our homes
21.  favorite dating sim (and favorite character)?
Ive never played one
22.  fictional crushes?
The girl from danny phantom lmfao
23.  what’s your dream wedding like?
Barn wedding with mason jar lights and bales of hay forseats
24.  what makes you blush?
Any form of compliment in person will usually make me die
25.  do you believe in love at first sight?
Absolutely not
26.  do you believe in soulmates?
Sure 😊nothings real
27.  denim jackets, leather jackets, or bomberjackets?
BOMBERMAN. Naw um probs denim but I like how leather jacketslook
28.  what’s your sign?
29.  are you single?
30.  do you prefer to charm, or be charmed?
Both are equally fun. the gratification of knowing that what you’re doing is working on someone is indescribable
31.  guitar or piano?
I play guitar but would love to learn piano.
32.  favorite romcom (or any romantic movie)?
How to lose a guy in 10 days, love actually, eternalsunshine of the spotless mind, 500 days of summer, 50 first dates, crazy rich Asians,crazy stupid love
33.  do you fall in love easily?
34.  valentine’s decorations: yay or nay?
YES ABSOLUTELY. I work in the financial district and it wasSO fucking cute to see all the pink, white an purple decorations
35.  would you prefer to propose or be proposed to?what’s your dream proposal?
I want a bitch to propose to me. Probably just done inprivate, warm lighting, gushing full of love w whomever im with - share a slow dance after omg im driving myself nuts rn lmao
36.  cloud gazing or star gazing?
37.  do you like to dance?
I do, am I good naaaa
38.  what’s your OTP?
Bella and fucking JACOB black
Jo and fucking LAURIE
Ryan atwood and marissa cooper
Seth cohen and summer Roberts BRO
39.  kittens or puppies?
40.  coffee, hot chocolate, or tea?
41.  favorite soda?
Vernors ginger ale – literal liquid gold
42.  do you prefer gazing wistfully out the window orlying dramatically over the sofa?
Lying. Gazing if its on a train
43.  favorite ABBA song?
The winner takes it all
44.  fuck/marry/kill? (anons name 3 people of yourchoice)
fuck the girl I went on date with two days ago, marry@setonfirebyfiends, kill amy schumer
45.  favorite pajamas?
Ball shorts and a movie tee
46.  favorite liquor?
Ciroc boys
47.  do you think about love a lot?
48.  a walk in the park or a walk on the beach?
Beach, love being surrounded by water
49.  hand kisses or nose kisses?
Hand kisses, we do so much with our hands.
50.  what’s your dreamhouse?
A basement, a main floor, a second floor, a third floor, aloft, and a huge ass room for my gaming computer lmao
@setonfirebyfiends thank you ily ur my onlyfan ahhhaaaaaaa :$
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gabaghoulish · 4 years
happy new years to all my mutuals whom interact with me @theholetheyfoundsaddamin @meadowsopranostoriamosposter  @setonfirebyfiends @fanixi @heavens-lost-property @tulpa777 @rawrmonstuhr @puertohurraco @thereallyrealironman @scavengingthroughskips @nite-owl-killings @thedoomreport @addictivities @spurdo-sparde-gondola mostly total strangers to me but i love u guys
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roald-ragin · 4 years
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@setonfirebyfiends conclusion
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unwounding · 3 years
I miss Sarah (setonfirebyfiends)
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20, 40, 60
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?
Probably Lille during a drunken night out, but if that’s just my memory is playing tricks on me then somewhere way out in the middle of Germany
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
What the hell for, to catch a cold?
60: Do you wanna get married?
Someday sure why not, I kinda hope so, just hopefully no big ceremony full of bad taste, I don’t want to recreate my cousin’s terrible Schwarzwald wedding
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tacograbbingbastard · 5 years
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large-sprite-no-ice · 5 years
Orchid, charm, mimi
Orchid pink: What is the biggest dealbreaker for you in a relationship?
I can't say I have any single one that stands out, but off the top of my head, it's any kind of manipulative behavior. I got screwed over a couple times because I used to not wanna see red flags just to not be alone, but now I know I would never put up with it for a second.
Charm pink: If you were a celebrity, would you read fanfiction about yourself? Who do you think people would ship you with?
I would say no, nor do I think I would be shipped with anyone lmao
Mimi pink: If you could relive any moment in your past, what would it be and would you do anything different?
I'm gonna be kinda vague on this one for my own sake, but someone went behind my back some years ago and I only wish that I didn't let them off the hook as easily as I did. I was extremely hurt and angry and I let it go to try and save whatever could be saved between us and now they think everything's peachy and that it wasn't a big deal, and it's one of my few regrets.
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knotbulian · 4 years
Happy. Birthday @setonfirebyfiends ✨
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roald-ragin · 4 years
@setonfirebyfiends actually there's this other cat that was on my porch just now. my cat was kinda talking to it? and it was kinda begging in return. so my cat is just kinda on edge or something.
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large-sprite-no-ice · 5 years
14. What is your least favorite word?
I would have to say the word "sure". I dunno why but I guess it's cause I always hear it in a sarcastic/"whatever" connotation and that drives me crazy tbh. Not that I dislike sarcasm, just that specific form of it 😅
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