#seunghee fics
kookiecrumb · 1 year
hey! i hope everything is going good with you? i hope it is! i just got done reading "take care of you" and i'm obsessed. i'm not sure if you get these asks a lot but are you interested in continuing the story?
*i don't wanna sound invasive or anything but i was just wanted to ask*
much love ~ kya
I was really excited about writing Take Care of You and I thought it would be a popular fic in the community but it kinda flopped after I invested a month of carefully writing out 15,000 of some of -- FRANKLY my best work/effort.
I got kinda sad that it didn't get the clout I thought it deserved and I hit a roadblock with the writing about 10 months ago now.
Will I get back to writing it? Yes. Do I know when? No.
I've been on a long hiatus for over a year now and I've been really anxious about writing again because I think I'm afraid of my writing not being as good as it once was...
Meanwhile? Here's the bit of it that I did write post-chapter 3:
Politely, you thank the waitress and sit down next to your pretend boyfriend.
"Hey, baby," Namjoon pecks your cheek, greeting you, warmly.
You're taken a bit aback but smile as if he's done it a million times. "Hey, Joonie,"
Jungkook has his arm around his girlfriend, but his expression is serious, maybe even a little pissed off. Seunghee forces a smile, extending her hand for you to shake.
You shake her hand, nodding to acknowledge her. "Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too, I've heard so much about you," she replies in a thick Australian accent.
"Oh! Are you Australian, then?" You ask, delightfully surprised.
"Yes, I am. I've been living in Korea for four years now, though," she says. "My parents are obviously Korean."
"Okay, I see," you reply.
She's elegant. Her demeanor is mature and collected, but there's an intimidation factor to her energy. She's not quite who you expected Jungkook's type to be.
"So! Now that everyone's introduced, I think we should all decide what to have. I'll order for the table," Namjoon grins.
"Wait, so we're not ordering our own plates?" You ask, innocently.
Jungkook smiles to himself, his eyes softening towards you in a sweet way. Seunghee covers her face.
"No. I order for the whole table and the side dishes…and out of all of the side dishes, plus the main dish, you pick what you want and eat it," he informs you in the most gentle way possible.
Thank you for reading.
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1luvkarina · 17 days
oh my girl
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fics 🝮 italicized | smaus 🝮 bolded | smut 🝮 bold & italicized
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ఌ - 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘦𝘵
ఌ - 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘦𝘵
ఌ - 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘦𝘵
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ఌ - 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘦𝘵
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stayconnecteed · 9 months
MARS!!! "24 - 25" WAS FREAKING AMAZING!!!! It was so warm and comforting and everything about Seungmin and Y/n's relationship was just so so so soft and loving! I adored it!!!
When Y/n asked Seungmin to move in together at first I was normal about it but then I remembered that asking that of your partner is like, a really big freaking thing for Koreans and then I squealed and started kicking my feet cause "OMG SHE ASKED HIM TO MOVE IN WITH HER OMG" ❤️❤️❤️
And Minnie tearing up over it😭💔💔💔 Oh and the mistletoe thing! I cracked when Seunghee explained that's why she fell off the chair lmao😭 I loved it so so so much!!!
[And I may or may not have a Christmas fic of my own I'm a little late on posting👀...just to throw that out there🤭]
i really enjoy writing fluff (it also seems i can't not write fluff, so... hdjsjdjsje). i'm so happy that you noticed that detail about asking someone to move in 一although i'm not korean it would be also something quite special for me, and i wanted to capture it here 🤭
i feel that seungmin is a very rational boy, but hw would totally become all emotional over stuff like this, so of course he teared up a little hehe. also yes, seunghee had it all planned and she fell off the chair trying to place the mistletoe over the door. the mistletoe itself was the main thing on the fic, but i kept adding backstory 😭😭
i'm super glad you liked the fic, and good luck with yours!! 💗
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meow-bebe · 4 years
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Pairing: Oh Seunghee x reader Genre: fantasy au, angst Word count: 1.1 k Warnings: necromancy, technically a dead body Tonight’s soundtrack: Absinthe - I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME A/n: may i present the results of another two am writing spree
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Deep in the woods, a little cabin sits nestled in a small clearing. To an outsider, it looks quaint and welcoming, candles glow in the windows and there are herbs tied in bunches and hanging from the roof of the porch. But inside it is much darker….
Emotions boil in the air along with the large pot at one end of the single room that makes up the entire house. It simmers over a low fire, keeping the shimmering purple contents boiling slowly. The tang of the ingredients hangs in the air, burning your nostrils slightly with each breath.
You barely notice though, too focused on your work to pay attention to something as arbitrary as discomfort. The contents of the pot are the product of weeks of work, messing up and trying again, adding too much or too little, spilling it across the floors just as you’re about to reach a breakthrough. You’ve worked long hours before, and in fact you’ve dedicated so much time to this project that you’ve barely slept enough in the past week to tell one plant from another. 
Slightly fogged pair of goggles protect your eyes as you carefully maneuver the spindley homemade clamps to slowly pour the acidic contents of the glass vial into the pot. Bright smoke pours into the air as the potion reacts, neutralizing the acid to the human touch and reacting with the steeping ingredients. The acrid scent lingers in the air with the previous odors, mixing into something almost intoxicating in its bittersweetness.You choke as you impatiently dump the rest of the vial into the pot and it sends a particularly volatile puff of smoke at you. 
The vial is set gently on the overcrowded table next to your cauldron, and you carelessly toss the clamps underneath it to be angrily retrieved later. But you couldn’t care right now. You’re so close to finally figuring it out.
You drop the spell protecting your hands and the wavering encasing of magic fades away. Time ticks onward as the wax of your candles dribbles ever downward, the moon following in your path. The pot is no longer belching green smoke, and you carefully remove the journal stuffed full of notes and barely legible records of your past attempts from underneath a few other glass bottles stacked haphazardly on top of it, consulting the notes and recipes you’re following this time around. 
Recognizing the compound you needed for your next step, you toss down the book and launch yourself off the stool, leaving a small piece of paper that had fallen out drifting to the ground. The shelves are crowded and messy but you’ve alway kept things well labeled. It came in handy as many of the odd nectars and ground roots and other miscellaneous ingredients for the tinctures you constantly produced looked quite similar in the dark. 
You quickly find what you’re looking for after hopping up onto the clear spot workbench also full of all sorts of strange magical components to rummage around on the very top shelf. The small box presents itself right away, and you tuck it in one of the many large pockets of your apron, snatching a small bottle of a thick gold liquid before turning and swinging back down to the ground. 
You pop the cork of the small bottle and tilt the contents into your mouth, feeling the rush of warmth and energy surge through your veins as you walk back to your fire, a fresh urgency in your steps. The bottle, now drained of all its contents, disappears into a different pocket and is soon forgotten as you throw yourself back into your work. 
You retrieve the little box with one hand as you draw the other through the air above the pot, the bubbling mixture inside following the movement. Popping the latch open, you sprinkle a pinch into the palm of your hand before setting the ornately carved box to the side. 
Taking a small dagger from the table, you place the knife between your teeth and press the index finger of the opposite hand to the tip of the blade, drawing blood. Squeezing your finger slightly, small drops of blood land atop the small pile of powder in your palm. The fire crackles warmly as you soak the powder, using another finger to mix them together. 
Another drop or two of blood to smooth it out, and you plunge your hands into the pot to add the paste to the swirling contents. The purple potion is cool, and the material is perhaps the strangest thing you’ve ever felt. It’s certainly not a liquid, feeling more like a heavy gas if it could even be categorized, perhaps like what sticking one’s hands into a grey cloud full to the bursting would feel like. 
Once the paste has been washed away you draw your hands out of the pot, finally setting the knife to the side. You turn and cast a loving look at the massive slab of crystal on the table to your left. Encased inside is Seunghee’s body, looking exactly the same as she had the day you found her in the woods, a fatal arrow wound in her chest. Perhaps it hadn’t been the best idea, but you were in too deep from the moment you panicked and rushed to carry her home, spotting the large piece of quartz you had bought off one of the more sketchy of the sellers you knew, and the ideas starting formulating immediately. Over the course of seven tireless hours you had grown the originally dinner plate sized gem to be large enough to crack down the middle and seal Seunghee’s body inside. 
“Soon, my love,” you whisper, trailing a hand over the side of the crystal. A smeared handprint of translucent purple liquid is left in the wake of your touch, shimmering in an unsettling way on the stone. It begins to sizzle and eat away at the crystal, and you quickly wipe it away with your apron before the damage can reach anywhere near the depth of Seunghee’s skin. You wave your hand over the rough patch and mutter a spell, and it slowly begins to repair itself. 
You wipe your hands on the apron as well, and a strange hazy smoke drifts from the fabric. But you pay it no mind, perching yourself back on the stool with another glance at Seunghee, emotion sizzling in your gaze. You still had work to do.
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@kpopscape​ @kggnet​
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chanyouchan · 3 years
Candy Crush
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⠀⠀📌 Capinha para o projeto Fantasyisland;
⠀⠀ ¸ Ꮺ໋ Em caso de inspiração, credite-me. ⠀⠀ NÃO pegue ou utilize sem a minha ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ autorização;
⠀⠀ 📅 20/06/2021
⠀ ⠀🗝 Créditos: ungodlybee, oneandonlyyu ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ (DeviantArt) e @mnini (psd)
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port-sever · 4 years
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capa de fanfic: seunghee e a meia-calça fulminante (oh my girl)
capa feita para o desafio “todes somos artistas”, da @intunaric
3. LITERATURA: eu amo ler e escrever (e sei que muitas das capistas daqui são escritoras). Mas porque não fazer uma capa baseada no seu livro favorito? Então mãos a obra. (Quem não gosta de ler: que tal escolher uma poesia que tu goste?).
decidi fazer uma capa relacionada a um livro que marcou a minha adolescência e que eu amo muito até hoje, chamado “o morro das meias fulminantes”. basicamente, o livro fala sobre tallulah - aqui representada pela seunghee - uma garota que vai para uma escola de artes cênicas no verão e lá ela conhece pessoas legais, outras nem tão legais, e um monte de malucos e um dos objetivos dela lá, além de fazer tudo para ser aprovada e voltar pra tal escola é ter um verão do amor - que é dar uns beijinho na bocakk -não entrarei em mais detalhes ou estarei dando spoilers do livro kkkkk não que alguém aqui vá ler ele depois mas... eu sei que o oh my girl tem 7 membros, mas não usei todas pq eu quis seguir a quantidade certa de pessoas com quem a “tallulah” tem mais interações (ou seja, as amigas dela), que são 4 pessoas. por isso, não tem a hyojung ou a jiho na capa. 
link: clique aqui ♡
p.s.:  esta capa já foi doada ❤ caso se inspirar, me credite!
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httae · 4 years
ツ butterfly – por ourjk
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xmaeve · 4 years
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reosian-archive · 6 years
The Order: District 9 pt.5
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Plot:  The Order was a government fairytale for those who wanted peace across the world, the countries creating ties rather than wars. Population control was done in a manner that it wouldn’t affect the innocent. It was a perfect world, so why would anyone want to go against that? Well perhaps the Order wasn’t so crystal clear to their population as they said they have been. A rebellion is brewing with a revolution sure to follow but can the rebellion make it in time before more innocent souls are forced to battle to the death?
Genre: Action, Angst & mild depictions of Gore for this chapter!
,Word Count: 7,210
Pairings: none
Other Parts: part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4
When they finally made it home, Minho had holed himself up in the living room corner with Hyunjin at his side helping with the data transfer. Though this time he offered the other a chocolate bar he had saved for his ‘hardworking’ days at the desk. It was odd but Minho accepted it, especially since it had been such a long time since he ate that sort of candy.
The two are left to their own devices whilst Jisung makes sure to have everyone seated on the couch. Jeongin and Seungmin stay out of his way, the man was known to be rather pushy when he had his mind set on something. So it was best to stay out of the way until called on, so that is what they did.
Woojin is the one who fights his pains the best, hardly wincing when he’s seated on the couch despite the fact he has a bullet lodged into the back of his thigh. Felix offers a boyish smile when he sees the worried look in Jeongin’s eyes when he walks into the living room but it doesn’t last long. Not when the pain of his wounds taunts him once more, eyes squeezing shut with his teeth gritting down onto each other.
“Seungmin, get the first aid. Jeongin, get the rubbing alcohol.”
Orders fell off his lips and the two hurried off to fulfill them as Jisung does his best to bring Changbin to the couch as well. He hadn’t been doing much better but in comparison to Woojin, he was lucky with his own injuries.
Chan stands off to the side, his own battle wounds are nothing he can’t fix on his own. With a few days rest the swelling would go down and it wouldn’t matter anymore. Besides, it wasn’t like he was afraid to leave a scar. He had plenty, hidden they may be but plenty they were. Though he couldn’t say that the sentiment was shared with his small group of friends.
Jeongin says a quick ‘excuse me’ before he rushes past Chan, who only steps out of the way, and sets what Jisung had called for down to the ground next to him. Seungmin follows suit with the first aid kit and then some, he hadn’t been sure what he needed but he figured most would leave Jisung content with what he needed. And so they stay out of his way, Jisung means well and they know this. Just there were times when it came to patching people up that he became more ‘snappy’ towards everyone else. His focus was meant to be on his patients only and he was often distracted when other people tried to talk to him.
So they stay out of the way.
Jeongin grabs at Seungmin’s hands each time one of their friends lets out a hiss of pain. Squeezing his eyes shut as he tries to hide himself from the scene of it all. Knowing that his newly found friends had gotten injured when he was safe has his heart aching. Though it was to keep him safe, he couldn’t understand why Chan had sent him off on his own in the vents. Not when he could’ve been there, just maybe he could’ve prevented some of the injuries that were gained.
But there was no use in crying over spilt milk.
Not when he should be lucky that they all managed to come back with their lives.
It was Woojin’s injuries that were the worst to hear. Though he gave no screams or yelps of pain, it was the grunting as he bit against a rag that made it unbearable. Jeongin had opted to try and take a look at what was happening, the sight has his stomach drop. With Woojin’s pants pulled down to the ground, the wound looked so much worse with the flesh peeking out of it, blood seemingly dripping out at an alarming rate, leaving Jisung to make do with what he had.
It was crude and completely unethical but he managed to pull out the bullet casing. Whether or not there’d be any horrible side effects, that was unknown as this had been Jisung’s first attempt at such a feat. Woojin had done his best not to squirm but the feeling of something foreign prodding against the tender flesh of his thigh makes him uncomfortable.
When it’s all said and done, Woojin thanks his friend in a quiet voice and Jeongin hides his face this time as he tries to fight back the tears that threaten to fall.
It was all too much for all of them and yet, it wouldn’t be the last so they would have to deal with it for now and try to forget about it in the morning.
Felix opts for sewing his own wounds up, he doesn’t care much if it leaves a scar and in fact, he’d prefer if it did. So he does it on his own, though Jisung does end up helping him with the sewing process because Felix hadn’t really accounted for how much it hurts to even stick a needle in one’s own skin.
But when all is said and done, each boy patched up and given a bottle of water to soothe their parched throats. Felix shouts in victory after his first drink and at first no one follows through with his celebration. After All, they had come out with more injuries than intended but Chan is the one to continue the cheers. A drink in hand as he holds it up to the ceiling.
“Cheers to District 9!”
He cries out and the other’s follow suit, the smiles and laughter finally coming back to the aching boys.  The house is filled with cries of victory and hugs are shared, even Minho can’t fight the smile that makes its way onto his face. Although, he is far too busy to enjoy the festivities of his comrades.
There is far too much to unpack in the data transfer, some of it was of little interest such as investments and land plotting. But somewhere things that not even Minho could fathom the Order taking up. From what he could gather in the short time he spent looking at it all, the Order had been tracking it’s public’s search histories. Looking for any reason to make someone suddenly disappear. So it would seem their worries weren’t unjustified, the Order was looking to silence those who threatened it’s regime. It’s another headache added onto Minho but it’s a conversation with Chan for another day.
Hyunjin, though bored, goes through the data in amazing time and finds himself organizing them based on their level of importance. It’s when he’s about to finish the last set of it that his laptop blares an alarm, beeping as the words ‘VIRUS DETECTED’ flash over and over.
The celebration stops, the boys all looking over in confusion and some in fear. Had the Order already managed to track them down? It shouldn’t have been possible.
“What is it?” Felix asks as he makes his way over to the monitors, a hand placed over Hyunjin’s shoulder as the boy’s fingers type away at amazing speeds.
He doesn’t answer at first and everyone can’t help but glance at one another worriedly, Chan’s grip on his water bottle tightens and it’s so close to breaking.
The silence that overcame them is quickly dissipated by the sound of a rather angry Hyunjin.
“I fucking hate Jae, that goddamn prick.” He groans, a sigh of relief is given my most in the room.
Hyunjin’s fingers run through his hair, gripping and pulling at his own hair for a moment. Seungmin and Jeongin are the only ones who seem confused, Minho hardly cares as he focuses back on the data that they’ve returned with.
“Who’s Jae?” Jeongin asks, voice soft and broken from all his crying.
Seungmin rubs at his back, trying his best to soothe the worries of his brother as Woojin opts to be the one to answer.
“We never really met the guy but apparently, he’s one of the few people good enough to be Hyunjin at games. So they stay in contact, mostly through stupid hacking games.” Woojin tells him, offering a smile that quickly falters when he’s put too much pressure on his thigh.
“So he’s....good?” His only response to this from Woojin is a kind smile and nod.
It’s enough to soothe his worries for the time being.
“What does Jae want?” Felix asks, doing his best to keep up with whatever Hyunjin and the man seem to be going back and forth about. Everything is starting to give him a headache, although maybe it was the blood loss? It wouldn’t matter anyway, Hyunjin always gave him a headache regardless of that factor.
“When you guys did your whole ‘Mission Impossible’ shtick, I had Jae look into some stuff the Order has been doing. For fun, you know?” He starts off and almost immediately everyone’s eyes are on Hyunjin, even Minho who seems rather upset about the knowledge. “I told him it was just for fun, you know get a little bit more... I don’t know ‘spicy’? Either way, I found out Jae’s friend group they’ve partnered up with another group of guys to start up their own revolution.”
The news of more rebel groups starting up is exciting, for Chan it’s exhilarating as it means they can speed up the process with taking down the order. Although it seems not everyone is on the same page.
“Did you just say...spicy?” Changbin questions, quirking a brow as he looks over at his friend who just groans and ignores him.
“Yes, I did asshole. So anyways, they have a few people in their team or whatever, apparently this guy Changkyun or whatever the fuck his name is. He’s managed to create a server for all the rebel groups, so Jae’s dumbass basically sent me an invite in the form of a goddamn virus.” Hyunjin’s agitation is evident in how talks, along with the fixed glare he has towards the screen as he seems to accept the invitation into the server.
Minho only raises a brow at the boy’s actions, but he doesn’t bother to do much else as his attention is drawn back to the pictures now popping up along the screens. The voices of his comrades get lost in the background as he finds himself drawn into that hole he nearly escaped a few years ago. It seemed that the Order was doing more than just silencing people, families were being silenced as well or memories were erased. How far their evil seeds rooted themselves, he wouldn’t be able to find out from the information they gathered alone.
But it was a good starting point.
Though he and Hyunjin hardly exchanged physical words, the two communicate on their own through their devices. Both expressing a sense of disgruntlement at the idea of what the Order was doing to innocent civilians, but they couldn’t do anything about it. Not yet anyways.
Their silent means of communication gets interrupted by a newcomer, they assume it’s this ‘Changkyun’ guy and so they allow it. For now. He exchanges information with them for some of their own, the rebellion was barely gathering itself from what they were told. None of the rogue groups knew what to align themselves to, they were all simply dubbed ‘The Rebellion’ due to that. Hyunjin had contemplated stating that District 9 was their groups name but decided against it. Though Felix had a few choice words to exchange there as he had been seated besides Hyunjin, watching the odd chat room commence.
It’s only when Changkyun lets it be known that different rebel groups were planning an all out attack in a few weeks that it became serious once more. At first the attack wasn’t going to be strategic. Just a simple way of letting the Order know that there was an enemy against and that they wouldn’t back down. But as more rebels found one another, using backwards methods of hacking as their primary source, they found logic in a mass group attack worldwide.
It takes a bit more going back and forth with the mysterious man before he finally releases the location of different rebel groups. The list was long, listing several names that Minho found himself recognizing from his own time in the cell. Changkyun leaves before they can ask him anymore, it seemed he was even more mysterious than Minho was to Hyunjin.
“So, our fellow rebels have anything of use?” Chan asks, his voice causing the boy’s to jump in their seats.
They turn to look at him and that’s when they’ve noticed all their friends have retired for bed. How long had they been talking to Changkyun? It only seemed like a few minutes, but perhaps it was longer?
“Apparently there’s more rebel groups aside from just us.” Minho starts off, Felix is already beginning to doze off against Hyunjin’s shoulder.
“And if you gave me a second, I’ll answer the rest.” He says with a groan, running his fingers through his hair before going on. “There’s some nearby rebel groups, I’m going to see if I can contact them tonight and with any luck. We’ll have some allies by tomorrow morning.”
There wasn’t any use in telling Chan about the plan to attack one of the Order’s District tower so soon, it would set the man off on a mission. One that would jeopardize everything they’ve been fighting for. But the man’s harsh stare and quirked brow shows he has no room for small talk.
“Well here’s the thing, if they agree to working together then we’ll have a better shot at taking down a few more buildings in good ol’ Aussie. Which means the Order’s control here will be weakened, so we’ll be able to restock on what we need without a problem.”
Now that strikes a reasonable chord in Chan, he brings his drink to his lips with a soft hum.
When had he grabbed a glass of..- was that alcohol? Nevermind.
“Keep me posted on what happens with these other rebel groups, it’s time we turn in for the night. We earned it.” He says, voice low as he offers his drink up in mock cheers before downing the rest of it.
It’s silent when the man leaves, Hyunjin and Minho exchange glances as Felix practically wraps himself around Hyunjin in his sleep.
“Does he usually drink?” Minho asks, face and voice of any clear emotion.
// // // // // // // // // // // // //
The incident goes unspoken of in the morning as the boys gather around in the kitchen once more, Jisung is the one who opts for making them all breakfast and Jeongin is eager to help. There was something about Jeongin that had the boy yearning for a fatherly bond with him despite their rather small age difference. But Jisung allows it, showing the boy how to do simple things and even allowing him to bring everyone their plate.
“So you get a response?” Felix asks, squinting his eyes under the morning light as he thanks Jeongin and Jisung for the food before he begins to dig in.
“From who?” Woojin questions, they could always count on the older man to say the things the other’s couldn’t find the heart to say. In a way, he was their only connection to what life had been before since so many of them had so quickly adjusted to the life of being a fugitive.
“Just this group of rebels, we got some allies finally but there’s a nearby group. So we’re tryin to contact them, hoping to group up before we head out and take down another building.” Hyunjin answers, drowning his pancakes in syrup before stuffing them into his mouth.
Seungmin listens rather quietly to it all, the thought of there being more of them in the world strikes a sense of happiness in him. But it’s bittersweet because whilst it was great to have allies in a world like this, that meant that the Order had failed them to in some way. His dampened mood seems to have been showing because suddenly he’s pulled into a hug by Changbin, albeit it’s an awkward one but it was a hug nonetheless. And Seungmin returns it, smiling at the other before he puts his focus back on his plate and the conversation at hand.
“So did you get a response?”
Hyunjin looks up from his meal, eyes wide in surprise but only because he didn’t expect Woojin to be so eager to hear an answer. He does his best to chew his food rather quickly before he answers, coughing here and there. Felix pats the boy’s back with his good arm, laughing at him when he sees the syrup that’s dribbling out the corners of his lips.
“Shut up.” Hyunjin huffs before he wipes it off, looking over at Woojin with a slight nod. “Yeah, we did. They’re supposed to be heading over soon. They want to take down another building tonight, told them we were sorta fucked up from the last one. But they aren’t taking no for an answer.” He tells him.
“Well shit.” Felix manages to encompass the general in one rather crude phrase as he stands up from his seat. He’s about to give his goodbyes to start his morning training when they all realize something.
Chan was nowhere to be found.
It stirs a sense of panic in the boys and Woojin pushes himself up from his seat, pain blooming like a raging fire in his thigh as he does his best to walk outside. Hoping that maybe Chan was just out there, practicing like the madman he was.
“Did you guys see him go anywhere or anything last night?” He asks, run a hand down his face with a groan.
“Uh he drank like a glass of something and then left, but I dunno where he went.” Minho is the only one to offer any sort of help as most of them had retired far earlier than Chan did.
“He....drank?” Jisung asks, pausing in his motions of setting up his own plate.
Minho nods, not quite understanding the odd severity of the situation.
Jisung groans before he looks at Woojin, “He’s probably in the basement asleep. Go wake him up.”
Woojin just nods, limping his way towards the basement as he mutters curses to himself. The rest of the boys look toward Jisung for some sort of clarity and he lets out a dry laugh.
“Chan can’t handle alcohol, but when he does drink though. The man passes out for hours on end, so it’s better to just wake him up.” The boys all make an ‘ah’ motion with their lips before they resume their own tasks. It was a a rather funny thought that haunted their minds for the hours to come, to think someone so intense could be taken down by just a shot of liquor.
It isn’t until a few hours later that they see Chan again, eyes slightly puffy with his hair a wild mess. His movements are sluggish as he makes his way around the kitchen, grabbing another bottle of water as he finds some crackers to stuff into his mouth. No one says anything to him as he does all this, it’s a bit of a funny sight so they keep their commentary and giggles to themselves. Chan pays them no mind as he stuffs his mouth crackers, only to wash them down with water as he rubs at his eyes. He doesn’t remember what compelled him to take a victory shot, all he knew that it was one of his worst decision to date.
His head isn’t pounding though, which mean he wasn’t having a hangover so that was a plus. But he had hoped to relax as he settled himself on the couch with another bottle in hand. That was quickly destroyed when there was banging at the front door of their meager home.
“Open up, it’s us!” The voice was light, almost cheerful and it has everyone exchange a look. Well everyone but Chan, he was still trying to gather himself with two fingers pressed against his temple.
Jeongin decides to open the door, it’s a spur of the moment sense of bravery for the young man as he hurries over. Upon opening it, his head tilts in confusion as he’s met with a bright smile from what he can only assume is a girl. He’d never met one before and Seungmin’s mother never really counted, they had never properly met. She’s about to say something when she’s interrupted by another girl, one who has a sort of bat with nails sticking out in all areas over her shoulder.
“So where’s the slayer? Figure we gotta talk to the man in charge of you losers.” She growls out, her eyes glancing over the area that she could see from the doorframe.
Jeongin doesn’t like her much, she’s too much like how Chan was when they first met and so he hurries back into the safety of Seungmin’s arms.
“Give me a moment, I’m still trying to wake up.” Chan says, voice low with a husky sort of tone that just shows how long he had slept prior to his awakening.
The two girls walk in and they’re followed by five more, some remind Jeongin of the first girl and some of the second. He’s a little confused on how he should react or even speak, so he goes back to look at Seungmin for confirmation for everything.
“Well you look like shit.” The girl says, she’s almost laughing at the way Chan seems to be holding his head and the man gives nothing to fight her on it. Instead, he laughs along with her too.
“If I had known I was gonna have an audience with Queen herself, I would’ve cleaned up.” He jokes in return when he finally looks up at the girl. The two bring each other in for a hug as Chan gets up from the couch and she sets down her bat.
“You know her?” Felix asks, amazed that Chan would know sort of girl let alone one that just seemed to ooze that same intensity that Chan did.
Chan looks over at his friends and he smiles, it’s a smile they hadn’t seen in a long time since this all began.
“You could say she’s an old friend from the battle.”
A friend? They hadn’t known he made friends during that hellscape but then again, they didn’t know much else other than he had one. They never bothered to ask.
“Not to be rude, but would you mind at least giving us names.” Woojin is once again the first to try and pull everything together. His soft tone allows the girls to understand that they had been intruding without a proper introduction and a few flush in embarrassment.
The girls all introduce themselves one by one, the one who had knocked on the door was Yujin and the one with the bat was Seungyeon or Queen as Chan had called her. The blond was Elkie, although Felix settled for calling an emu for some reason that went unknown to them. The girl with the bob cut and a scar along her left cheek was Yeeun and their youngest was Eunbin. The last two were their eldest Seunghee and the quiet one, Sorn. The boys introduced themselves as well, they do little explain anything aside from their names and ages since the girls had been kind enough to explain who the eldest and youngest were.
Once that was all said and done, there’s an awkward sort of silence before Jeongin finally speaks up. His voice shaky due to the frightening nature of Seungyeon, but he powers through.
“Why are you called the Queen?” He asks, head tilted as he grasps tightly at the shirt Seungmin wore.
Seungyeon looks amused almost, she hadn’t expect them not to know why but then again. The Order never really thoroughly explained the battles and it’s winners to the public, all that people knew was there was a battle and if one had the money. They could view it. Nothing more.
“It’s cause I’ve been in the battle four times now, first one was cause I got caught. The next two were for fun and the last, well I have my own little vendetta against the Order.” She answered it all with such clarity in her voice that it had concerned the boys, even the way she had said it had given a hint to longing the battle.
“How old were you in the first one? No offense but you look like you’re our age.” Felix asks, the girl is becoming more and more of a mystery to him.
“Uh let’s see, this is my first year not going back and I’m twenty-two, so probably like sixteen or seventeen.”
Before the boys can ask another question, Chan clears his throat to call for their attention. And it works almost immediately, even the other girls turn to focus on him as well.
“I’m going to talk to Seungyeon about the building we’ll go after. After that I’ll take whoever is able to handle it.” Chan tells them before he makes a motion for Seungyeon to follow, which she does but not without taking her bat with her.
Another awkward silence settles in with the girls on one side of the main room and the boys on the other. Hyunjin hardly does anything to break the ice between, Minho has been ignoring them since they arrived, so it’s left to the others to do something. Anything.
// // // // // // // // // // // // //
By the time the two leaders come back, the two groups are finally talking to one another and making friends. Jisung had found himself bonding the most with Sorn, she wasn’t as quiet as she was before but it seemed that she had always been subject to becoming her own groups medic. So they exchanged knowledge with one another, especially since it was a given that they’d both be joining in on this take down.
“Alright, girls get your shit together and get in the car.” Seungyeon commands, her voice leaves no room for argument and the girls obey rather easily. Yujin is the one who gives a chipper goodbye alongside a wave before she leaves, Seungyeon just rolls her eyes before she leaves to go outside as well.
All eyes now focus on Chan, he looks a lot more put together now with his arms crossed over his chest. “Jisung, Felix, Hyunjin, Minho and Seungmin you’re gonna come with me. The rest of you guys stay here.” He says and the boys who were named stand up, not needing anymore to be said before they head off to gather what they’ll need.
“Why can’t I go?” Changbin questions just as Chan turns to go head outside.
“I can’t have you freezing up on me Changbin.” Chan answers, his voice is firm and leaves no room for the boy to even add in a second question as he walks away.
The balantant refusal of his help puts a deep frown on Changbin’s features, he had done well their first go around. Sure, he had messed up but he made up for it by the end of it. Sensing his friend’s upset, Woojin lets out a sigh as he places a hand on his shoulder and offers him a smile.
“He means well, you know that.” He tells him and Changbin can only nod. His shoulders slumped down in defeat as he leans against the elder. “How about this. While they’re out, I’ll train you a bit more with a pistol.” The promise has Changbin nod a bit as he gets up, opting to go to the room he claimed as his own for a nap.
Jeongin watches his friend go with sad eyes and even tries to get up from his seat when Woojin shakes his head, mumbling something about how it wouldn’t help. So the boy listens, opting to try and cheer up the rest of his friends by playing little games or even just asking questions they already knew he had the answer to.
At least they have someone like him around to brighten their sour moods.
// // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // 
There wasn’t much of a plan for their next attack, it was rogue and bound to be messy but in truth that’s how Seungyeon liked her attacks. It was hard for the enemy to guess what they would do, sure it was messy and may have lead to more casualties than it need be. But it was just how things worked with her group. Chan had no quarrels with it when they discussed the plan and what would be done, though he warned her that his group was fairly new to it all so orders would be given.
She didn’t argue.
In fact, she agreed with him.
Seungyeon had noticed how skittish the boys all were, even if some did try to put up a brave front. They would need to gather themselves soon, with the main attack against the Order being just mere weeks away. The Rebellion couldn’t have boys who would chicken out by take a step at the Order’s base.
So during the drive, with the girls one car and the boy’s in another, Chan had filled them in on how it would go down. Hyunjin was to go with him and Felix, it was easier to keep tabs on them and Felix had worked best with Hyunjin in a general sense. The others would go on their own together, Jisung was better off with Minho and Seungmin as the two would need the stabilizing force that was Jisung to keep them both on track. The general span of the plan was to follow the lead of the girls until the first few floors were cleared out and that was when they would officially split up with Chan and his group taking care of the top floors with Seungyeon joining them. The other’s would stay down, taking care of whatever backup came through and helping Sorn with what she needed.
It was crude when compared to Chan’s original plans for the first attempt but they didn’t argue it. If Chan figured this was the best way to go about it, then they would follow. Minho had been the one giving soft grunts of disapproval of the plan but he said nothing, so nothing would change.
When they finally arrived at where they were to be, they had kept their cars out in the distance on request of Eunbin. She stated that it’d be easier to keep the them and the cars hidden that way, Hyunjin agreed although never stated why he agreed with her stance on this.
As they all start getting out from the cars, gathering their weapons that’s when Felix notices something about all the girls. They don’t seem nervous at all, instead they look rather energetic and he can’t help but furrowed his brows.
“No offense, but you seem a lil too happy about all this.” He says, loading the cartridge into his pistols before he’s placing them behind with his belt holding them up and covering himself up a sweater he brought with him.
“You get used to it after all and it starts being a little fun.. I guess.” Seunghee answers, her voice soft as she offers the younger boy a smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes as she grabs her own choice weaponry before she goes to group up with her own team.
Felix shakes his head in confusion, he doesn’t see what could possibly be fun about all of this. He’s getting more questions than answers nowadays and he won’t have time for an answer until they come to a standstill. So with a grumble about how ‘everything is stupid’, he slams the car door shut before he follows after his own group.
The feelings of safety and comfort wash over him when he’s finally in his group’s circle. It wasn’t like Seungyeon’s group was odd, it was just the intensity that surrounded them that had a tingle go down his spine everytime he looked at them. Perhaps it was just the fact that they were strangers and just met, or maybe it was just the fact that Seungyeon herself was a whole new demon all together. But it didn’t matter, not yet anyways. So he places his focus on Chan, the man discussing the plan with both groups before he wishes his own good luck.
Both groups fall into line as they follow Yujin in through the front door. The only ones who don’t follow in are Hyunjin and Elkie, each armed with guns that are too large to conceal. They needed to be careful about it all, not only with the workers in the building but with the civilians on the street.
Yujin offers a bright smile to the man behind the desk when he looks up, she leans over the desk and tilts her head as she purses her lips for a moment.
“Do you think you could let us go by, sir?” She asks, fluttering her eyelashes and the man clears his throat.
“S-Sorry, I can’t allow that, m’am.” He replies and she pouts, rather cutely to add onto the effect.
He denies her once more and she huffs.
Chan and Felix exchange a glance, had this been the way they were supposed to get through the building? What was the point of guarding themselves if Yujin could just flirt her way through them.
But then the man denies her one more time and she lets out a sigh.
Pulling out the pistol she had from behind her back, she places the muzzle of it against the middle of his forehead and smiles once again.
“Well that’s a shame, I kinda liked you.” She purrs out as she pulls the trigger and blood splatters everywhere. Two more gunshots go off before the two outside enter the building. An alarm goes off with front of the building going into lock down and suddenly everything changes.
Screams from the office works go off as they try to hide but it’s no use, not when the girls go in on them leaving the boys in the dust. There’s more blood getting splattered against the wall and the sounds of bones crunching. It’s only when Seungyeon gives a taunting call of “Slayer” do the boy’s begin to do their own work as well.
Guards start running in, some with shields and some without it as they aim their weapons at them. Chan and Seungyeon waste little time in trying to buy them a free second or two, going in after the ones that are close enough. She opts for her regular way of disposing of the men, slitting the throats open with a combat knife as they choke on their own blood. Chan’s method is much more gruesome as he holds one hostage against his chest with a hand wrapped tightly against the man’s throat, choking him slowly as he uses him as a shield. Aiming at the other men, shooting the ones he can in a means to injure them. Though get’s a few lucky shots in the throats, it’s only when they start shooting at him does he duck to the ground besides a desk. Blood now staining his clothes and face, he glances over to make sure his own men are okay and they are. Hyunjin still looks rather bored but he hasn’t missed a shot from where he stood, the rifle lined up against his shoulder as he seemed to line headshot after headshot.
Yujin and Minho are the first ones to leave without the group, running off to another section of the first floor with Felix and Hyunjin running to cover Chan as he wipes the blood off of his face.
“We’re heading up.” Chan yells out, Seungyeon only nods as she gives a motion of her head to signal for Elkie to join them and the girl only nods in confirmation.
With even more reinforcements coming, the small group of four runs towards the fire escape and quickly heads up the stairs. They don’t stop until they hit the fifth floor, Elkie looks towards Chan with bright eyes as if waiting for an order and he just nods.
“You and Hyunjin are going to cover us from the back end, we’re going to clear out this building as best as we can.” He tells her and she nods, looking over at Hyunjin who just gives a shrug as he pulls out a lollipop and slips it into his mouth.
“A lollipop? Really?” Felix says looking at the boy incredulously and he’s only met with another shrug from Hyunjin.
“We gotta go, we don’t have the time.” Felix tells them both as he and Chan force the door open.
They’re met with silence that won’t last long, the lights are all flickering and Chan raises a hand. They all fall in behind him, taking careful steps as they keep their fingers on the triggers of their weapon. As they come across the first room, Chan motions for them to stay still before he pushes the door open. Upon entering it, there’s no one to be found but there is an alarming amount of pictures posted to the wall. Some are crossed out, others are circled and some are left blank. There’s no wording besides them to signify what each means, it’s rather ominous and the small group can’t help but stare at it in horrific wonder. Felix pulls out his phone, it wasn’t exactly something he should’ve had on him but it was useful in a time like this.
So as he began to take pictures, the others kept up their post and watched the room. It was quiet but far too quiet on their floor to keep them from becoming comfortable. It’s only when Elkie motions past Chan does the group go into motion, the eldest running off into where she had pointed as she and Hyunjin ready their rifles. Felix finishes taking the pictures but he’s searching through whatever papers are in that room, trying to find anything of use as the two begin to fire away. In his moment of panic, he manages to collect a few papers that would be of use and begins to tell them of what he finds but as he does so. He notices that there’s another man coming from behind, aiming straight for Elkie so he does the only thing he can do. He dives straight for her, pulling her to the ground as the missed shot goes straight to the door instead of through her.
She stares at him for a moment, a look of anger boiling in her eyes but it’s gone when she notices that the man was behind her. Hyunjin hardly hesitates as he turns his arm to the man, shooting him with such precision that Elkie nor Felix care about the blood splashing onto their faces.
Their attention is turned down the hall when they hear the familiar cry of Chan, it’s not one of pain nor hurt. It’s a warcry as he wastes little time with the next few guards they start heading down the hallway. With a knife in his hand, he rushes straight for the one on the left and stabs the man straight through the neck. Twisting it, insuring that the man would die slowly from the blood bubbling in his mouth as well as the blood flowing down his neck. The next man runs, he’s aiming for Felix but before he can even reach the room Chan is tackling him down.
He reaches for his gun and Chan grabs his fist before he can, twisting it to the point where it breaks. The three watch in awe as Chan takes the knife from earlier, pressing it against the man’s throat  as he leans in close.
“Does the Order know we’re here?” He growls out, eyes narrowing at the man.
He gets no answer and so he presses the blade a bit tighter against the skin, he winces in response.
“Do they?” He asks once more, his patience wearing thin.
The guard shakes his head no, eyes pleading for mercy he will not be bestowed.
Chan just smirks as he slices the man throat but the cut is so deep that his head is nearly severed from his body. Just barely holding on as Chan steps off of the man, wiping the knife against his pants as he turns to look at his friends. “Come on, we need to search the rest of this place before we leave.”
The group only nods, following his orders with a new found respect and even fear of Chan. They leave no room unturned, searching for information to bring back and look over.
Minutes pass just as quickly as the bullets that rained on the floor, blood is everywhere from the walls to the faces of those whom killed them. Papers are stuffed into a crude looking folder, it’s only when the teams meet up back in the fire escape do they see the extent to which everyone was injured. Nothing to serious had happened but Minho had come back with the worst of it. This time it was he who sported the busted lip as well as a sprain to his ankle. Felix was doing better as well as Chan, it was only Elkie who had sported a few bruises. The rest of the girls had done well, catching either minor bruises or a few scratches.
But there was little time to discuss their findings or injuries, they had been informed of a bomb that was set to go off in the next thirty seconds or so. It was courtesy of Eunbin, she had decided that blowing up the building was a better way to go than to leave it still standing. So with that knowledge they rushed out as fast as they could, with a few limping here and there.
They had barely made it out of the building when the explosion went off, fire bursting through the windows with glass shattering everywhere.
There was no time to admire their handiwork, with sirens beginning to sound off as they barely reached their cars.
Chan and Seungyeon exchange looks with one another, a message sent between them before they load into their cars and begin on the ride home. A sense of pride blooms in the girls hearts whilst a sense of dread begins in the boys.
There is little silence in each car, music is blasting in both as the girls wave their hands out the windows and give victorious cries. Music is blaring in the boys’ ears and Felix is the only one trying to lift their spirits but there are no cries of victory or even relief. There is just silence. Silence that is deafening the music to their ears.
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Male reader x Oh My Girl Mimi
Length: 5300
tags: dirty talk, oral, creampie
So this is my longest fic I have written so far and I'm glad it for someone who doesn't have many fics about so thank you ahead of time if you read it.
Idol life is hard, well you personally don’t know about it but the things your girlfriend of 4 years has told you let’s you make that assumption.
Oh my girl’s latest comeback, real love, is in full force with variety shows appearances, YouTube content, and music show performances. Currently, you find yourself in your shared home watching your significant other accept her the 1st place trophy on music core. 
“Thank you for tuning into Music Core. This was Jungwoo, Minju, and Lee Know, have a good night!!!!!”
The music starts to play as the mc’s walk off the stage and the girls start the encore stage. Seunghee starts off with her with her smooth voice; Hyojung’s high pitch tone, fitting well with Yoo-a’s distinct voice. 
“Talking’ ‘bout the real love!”, after hearing Binnie’s part you recognize your beautiful girlfriend is next so you turn up the volume on your tv. 
Mimi then starts her line with her deep voice that you love so much as she kills it till she makes it to the final word and has a voice crack. Sure you notice it but it's nothing. You continue to enjoy the rest of the performance until it ends. 
THANK YOU!, all the girls yell and the program ends. Excited to see what people are saying, your fingers open the twitter app and go to the trending page and you find something to question what it's about. 
Opening the page you finally see why #Voicecrack was trending, it was about Mimi. 
“Jesus that sounded horrible, how is she an idol?” 
“Did you guys hear that voice crack? She brings down the whole group with that horrible voice of hers.” 
“Not only does she suck at singing, she's very ugly. What was WM thinking?” 
The comments that filled your screen just continued in this manner that it filled you with rage. It was an encore stage where the girls just had fun with their fans!. 
Pacing around your room you wonder if Mimi saw these comments online. 
“I'm sure she doesn’t care even if she did see these comments.” 
You felt a bit of comfort just saying that outloud and head to the kitchen to make some ramen. Mimi and her group always had a dinner at the company to celebrate the end of promotions so you know dinner will be just for you. 
A pot of hot water later you sit at your table eating the cheap convenience store pack of ramen that has been your favorite forever. Does Mimi like you eating it? No but she’s not here to stop you. 
At least that's what you thought till you hear the beeping of your front door as the password is imputed. You stay frozen as the front door opens and you hear footsteps and Mimi walks in looking like the life was sucked out of her. 
“Oh hey sweetie, I thought you would go to—“
You don't even finish the sentence as she just turns around and heads to your room slamming the door. Concerned, you stand up ready to head to the bedroom as you hear the sound of your phone ringing.You reach down to your pocket and see its Hyojung and answer the call. 
“Noona what happened? Mimi came home, didn’t say anything and ran into our room.” 
“Oh thank god she’s home!. She saw the comments people said about her performance on the encore stage and it got to her. She’s normally so strong but I am not sure why it's different this time.” 
“So she just left and came home I'm guessing?” 
“Yes, please look after her. You are one the only people she might open up to what this is about.” 
“I will look after her, don't worry.” 
Hanging up the call you run to your room and open the door and see no one there. Your ears pick up the sounds of small cries and water which originate from your bathroom. 
Your legs move on their own as you open the door and find Mimi sitting in the shower, water pouring all over. 
Slowly you walk over and open the shower door as you sit next to her. The clothes on both of you fill with water as you just sit there for a bit till she jumps into your arms and hugs you. 
Nothing needs to be said, your arms provide her a sense of comfort like no other but the pain is still there. Reaching up to the handle, you turn off the water and just sit there for a few more minutes. You notice Mimi is shivering so you start to raise her up and walk her into your bedroom. 
Your room was a weird color if you are honest, a bright purple that reminded you of her nonstop era. At first you thought it was weird but you came to love it as it helped provide a sense of happiness thinking about how popular she got with that song. Today that sense of happiness is out the window.
“Let's get these clothes off you.” 
The bright pink dress she wore quickly leaves her body as you raise her hands up and remove it off of her. Her panties you pull down and throw them to the side, same with her bra. 
Grabbing a towel you slowly caress her body in a way to show love as you dry her. Once she is dry you do the same with yourself, taking off your clothes and drying yourself till you are good for bed. 
Mimi didn’t seem to wait for you as she is already under the covers so you join her, wrapping your arms around her kissing her nape. 
“Mihyun do you want to talk about it?” 
Shaking her head, all you can do is hold her as she starts to cry again. Each tear that comes from her eyes feels like a knife wound to the heart. You feel useless but you will not leave her side. 
The night passed as you were true to your words, you never left her side until you both fell asleep. When sunlight finally shines thru and hits your face do you start to wake up and see Mimi is gone. 
Walking over to your dresser you put some clothes on and walk over to the kitchen that is producing noise. Arriving at the kitchen you were greeted with the sight of your girlfriend cooking breakfast for the both of you. 
“You didn’t have to cook for us sweetie.” 
“Oh please with that excuse of a meal you had yesterday of course I had to cook you something.”
Hearing those words just makes you chuckle. Walking up behind her you just hug her and kiss her on the cheek. 
“Hey im cooking right now, get the bowls ready im almost done.” 
Your kitchen was small, with cabinets above your head surrounding the white plain walls. Reaching towards the cabinet you pull out two bowls and hand them to Mimi as well as two spoons. You see Mimi fill them with Scorched rice soup and set them down on the table. 
You pull out her chair and she sits down and you do the same and stare at your meal. The scorched rice with the little burnt parts, green onion on top and sesame seeds on top. Mimi’s cooking was always your favorite. 
“THANK YOU FOR THE MEAL!” We both yell and dig in. 
The burnt pieces of rice add to the flavor when the onions and sesame mix together, a simple food but delicious nonetheless. 
You keep eating your food as you take small glances at Mimi. The mukbang queen who always loved her food is there, playing with her food at moments only taking small bites. The concern you have is just raised seeing this action from her. 
“Sweetie, what's wrong? Please tell me. 
Mimi sets her spoon down and reaches her hand out and grabs yours tightly. 
“I'm guessing you saw the comments that were said about me last night?”
“Yeah I did, but those are just idiots speaking.” 
“Are they just idiots? Or are they just people telling the truth?.” 
“Mimi sweetie, what is this about?. Comments like these never get to you, so what’s different this time?.” 
I keep looking at Mimi as tears start to fall down her face and she speaks up. 
“My group is reaching the 7 year mark, and this is where the famous curse comes in. Maybe I finally reached the end of my career as an idol.” 
“All of that is just superstition Mimi. You are a fantastic idol with plenty of fans.” 
“Sure I have fans, but fame is not something consistent. You can be the most famous person in the world one day and then no one knows who you are the next. Honestly im getting less and less support as an idol and I think it's getting time for me to retire.” 
You just stay silent for a bit thinking of what to say as you see Mimi tear up a bit more. 
“Do you still love to perform?.” 
“Of course I still love it but you heard what people said online!.” 
“Yes I did see what they said, but you need to remember those aren’t all the comments.” 
You stand up and walk to your room to grab your phone and shoot her members a text to come over. Then you open twitter and walk over to Mimi with the tag #welovemimi and hand her the phone.
Standing behind her you see some of the messages she is looking at. You can Sense from her body language that she is feeling a bit better.
The comments on Mimi are so stupid! ignore them, we will love you for all eternity. 
Mimi is so talented and I hope we can block out all those mean comments. Have fun Mimi!. 
It was an encore stage, stop being mean when they were having fun with their fans.
Those were just a few of the thousands of comments that filled the screen showing their support for her. 
Knock knock knock
Making my way over to the door I open and see her members are already here and ready to talk to her. 
“We were already on our way here when you sent the text,” Yooa says. 
“She’s in the kitchen, I’ll leave you all alone for a bit.”
You walk to your room as the Oh my girl members walk Into the kitchen and hug Mimi quickly. Closing the door you just lay on your bed watching tv to give the girls a bit of privacy.
Your tv is displaying the latest kdrama that came out but your mind keeps going back to Mimi every bit, wondering how to cheer her up till you hear a knock and you paused the show. Pausing the show displays the time and you see it's been about 40 minutes since they started talking, so you get up and get to the door and open it. 
You can't even react as you feel arms wrap around you and start to nearly choke you. You see Mimi is smiling looking a bit better. Seunghee walks over and pats your back and whispers in your ear. 
“Believe it or not, just letting out all her worries with you earlier helped her a lot. We just came to give her more support. You should take her out to distract her either way since we have a few things to do.” 
“Thank you noona, I will.” 
All her members start to say goodbye as they leave your home. You aren’t even sure what they spoke with her but you are grateful. 
“Hey, how are you feeling?” 
“Better, they shared their own concerns, reaching the 7 year mark. Turns out they had similar concerns.” 
“I never would have guessed you all felt the same.” 
“Yeah me neither, but they reminded me about how I became an idol due to a love for music. That love has never died, the music we make together is something we all love.” 
“Exactly, together you can keep making the music you love with each of them. Plus forget everyone since your number one fan will always support you.” 
Mimi starts to laugh at you calling yourself her number one fan. 
“Thank you for just listening.” 
“I will always be here to listen to you, you have my word on that.” 
Your hand reaches up and touches her face as you pull her in for a kiss.To some the kiss you are giving her might look plain but in reality it's full of love and passion, showing how much you care for her.
“What do you say about us going to an amusement park to have some fun?”
“I haven't gone to one in forever! Let's go!,”
With the confirmation you got from your girlfriend you change into a simple polo shirt and jeans, with mimi following your example of jeans as well as a pink top and a cute bow in her hair. 
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Mimi might be cool on stage but around you she wasn't scared to show her girly side.
“Let's go!” 
Grabbing your girlfriend's hand you make your way to the car park and enter your small toyota and buckle in for the ride. Pulling out of there you see traffic isn't bad at all today so you can assume the ride won't be so long. Driving for a minute or two you see a hand reach over to the radio and turn it on. Your ears are quickly blessed with the sound of your girlfriend's voice on the radio as she follows along with the song. You take a small glance at your right and see her smiling and singing so you join along. This is the happiness you love to see from her.
A few songs later you finally arrive at the amusement park as you leave your car in the garage. You see Mimi put on a mask to hide her identity and reach to hold your hand as you walk. Happily you grab hold of her and start to run to the entrance like if you were a small child, excited to be here. 
Reaching the ticket stall you wait in line for a few minutes till you reach the employee.
“Hi there, welcome to Lotto world, tickets for 2 adults?” the woman asks enthusiastically
“Yeah, two tickets please.”
Not even asking about the price you hand your credit card over which the employee takes and scans then hands it back to you.
“Ok here are your 2 tickets, have fun and we hope to see you again.”
“Thank you!” 
With the tickets in your hand you feel yourself getting dragged this time by Mimi just like you did to her earlier and you just laugh till you arrive at the entrance. Walking thru you see the massive rides all around, the smell of deep fried foods and the screams and laughs of everyone around.
“Ok then mimi, what do you want to do first?”
“Easy, I want to go on the gyro drop first!”   
“Let's go then.”
You start your journey over the park looking at the signs that direct you to the ride, after a few minutes of walking you are face to face with the gyro drop. Neither you or Mimi look nervous as you jump in line and wait for your turn.
You and Mimi don’t say anything to each other but the hold you have on each other's hand says plenty. One by one people get on the ride and have their fun till it's time for you and Mimi to get on. 
The yellow and black seats of the ride are wide open as you and Mimi sit next to each other and pull the bars down. The worker then goes to each rider to make sure the restraints are secure and hands the operator a thumbs up. Before you can even say anything to Mimi you feel the ride start to rise up as you hear screams from others around you. It's almost as if Mimi reads your mind as she starts to laugh at the people already screaming and you follow her example laughing. That laughter quickly turns to screams as the ride shoots you up and brings you all the way to the drop. You already know what's next but this always feels weird, the ride shoots down as you are raised up in your seat trying to pull yourself back into a sitting position. The repeated motions continue for about 15 more seconds till you feel the ride bringing you down and coming to a complete stop. 
The bars from the ride go up as you stand up and look towards your girlfriend, she may have a mask on but you can tell she is smiling.
“I always love that ride, most of my members don't like to get on this one sadly so we skip it.”
“Well I am glad you got to ride it this time, whats next?” 
 The rest of your day is spent going on various rides, the viking ship, the gyro swing, french revolution, to name a few until you relax on the ferris wheel.
( I don't think Lotto World has a ferris wheel but let's just pretend.) 
Sitting in the little yellow bucket, you are your girlfriend slowly make your way to the top where the view amazes you both.
“Man it's really beautiful up here.” 
“ It honestly is”
You feel Mimi rest her head on your shoulder as you look out seeing all the lights that brighten the park showing you every corner.
“I hope you had fun today sweetie, you deserve a little break.”
“ I had more than fun, today was the perfect day and it was thanks to you. I know I didn't speak to you yesterday but I'm grateful you gave me time to open up. And I decided that I will continue as an idol. I guess I just wanted consistent compliments but I know it won't always be like that, and it's ok. The only consistent thing I need in my life is you.”
It didn't matter to you that it sounded a bit sappy, those words made you so happy you quickly grab mimi and kiss her on the lips. At first the kiss is just full of passion, but then you feel her try to get access to your mouth which you give and she starts to move her hands all over your body. Your tongue and hers start to wrestle for dominance as you get more aggressive with her. Her hands finally make it to your clothed crotch where she starts to rub her hand all over your rod making you hard. 
You would have continued until you felt the ferris wheel move once again and you reached the ground again. Your turn is over so you grab her hand and pull her out of the ride and walk for a bit until you turn around and hug her. Like an addiction your lips attach to hers as you kiss her with the same veracity you had on the ride. The only thing that stops you is the need for oxygen as you pull back from her and smile. 
“Take me home, we have something to do” she says in a smirk. You recognize the look of lust she is giving you and don’t even hesitate to grab her hand and run to your car. Mimi on the ride back home gave you small kisses on your neck and hands but she made sure to not go overboard as you were driving. Arriving back at your car park you park your car and run to the elevator. Your hands go all over her body as you give her small kisses on her lips and forehead. 
The ding from the elevator lets you know you are on your floor as Mimi still drags you to your shared home. The beeps from your door let you know she blocked it and she pulls you in. 
You don't even have time to react as Mimi starts the assault on your lips again. With no one to stop you, you quickly move your hands to her ass and start to take firm grasps of her ass cheeks. You are thankful for your memory as you pull Mimi into your bedroom. Pulling back from the kiss you just smile at her as she pushes you onto the bed. 
Mimi quickly drops to her knees as she reaches for your belt and unbuckles it. Once unbuckled, you raise your legs up and Mimi pulls your pants and underwear with one swift pull. Your cock is at full attention as the kisses from your girlfriend made you crave her like crazy. 
Your attention is brought back to Mimi as you feel her hand wrap around your rod. Small strokes she starts off with making you crave more. 
“I fucking love this hard cock in my hand, but I think its better in my mouth.” 
Bliss hits as you feel lips wrap around your cock, small sucks making you tremble a little. Then you feel a tongue start to swirl around your tip as you can hear Mimi moan. Mimi’s lips then leave your cock making you get needy but you are soon hit back with a great feeling, Mimi has her mouth on your balls. You feel one ball enter her mouth as she sucks on it and you start to moan, when she adds your second ball you start to be even more vocal. 
“Fuck Mimi, that’s really good.” 
You feel her tongue start to swirl around your balls causing you to jerk your legs a little but she holds your legs down, almost controlling you. Her mouth leaves your balls as her tongue makes her way back to your rod, licking it from the left side to the tip and making her way back down the right.
Mimi pulls back and you look down at her smirk. 
“This is fun but I want you to fuck my mouth.” 
Your legs move on their own as you stand up and get in front of her. You don’t even hesitate to grab 2 handles of her hair in your hands as she opens wide and Welcomes your cock. You start off slow with Mimi once again doing small sucks on your tip till you see the look on her eyes, the look that tells you to use her. With that confirmation you pull on her hair and push your dick to the back of her throat with no resistance. You pull back and yank on her hair as you repeatedly hit the back of her throat. 
At times you pull back and let her give you small sucks on your tip, her time to catch her breathe but you always return to the back of her throat as you feel your peak arriving. 
“I'm gonna cum.” 
Mimi grabs your waist and pulls herself harder as you are fucking her throat, the small tears that come from her eyes show you she is letting hit as deep of her throat that you can reach. Finally you recognize the twist in your stomach as you fire off shots of cum down her throat. One, two, three, shots go off as you pull back and fill the rest of her mouth. 
Once you feel your peak end you fall on your bed and Mimi stands up to show you the rest of the cum in her mouth. She takes 2 more gulps and shows you her empty mouth proudly. 
“Delicious, but I think it's my turn for some pleasure.” 
You stand back up and move your lips to her neck as you reach down and unbutton her top. You quickly take it off her as she stands in front of you with a matching pink bra which you hand grab for a second. You play with her covered breast for a few seconds till you wrap your arms around her and unhook her bra. Throwing the bra to the side you move your mouth to her boobs as your tongue plays with her dark nipple. 
The moans you hear from her let you know she is enjoying this so you move to her other Breast and suck on that nipple. 
“Fuckkkk that’s good.” 
You pull back and smile at her. She smiles back as you throw her on the bed and each for her pants. Recognizing what you want to do she unbuttons her jeans and raises her legs for you to pull them off. You manage to pull off her panties with her pants and you Throw them to the side then spread open her legs. 
You give her small kisses on her leg as you make your way inward to her thighs and finally near her pussy. When you get close you give her pussy a small kiss and she whimpers a bit. You continue with small licks on her lips as she makes little noises. With your hand you spread open her pussy as your tongue enters her warm caverns. In and out your tongue fucks her and you hear her moan even louder.
“That’s good baby, keep going.” 
You pull back a bit and push one of your fingers in to replace your tongue, her walls nearly cutting off the circulation from how tight she is. 
You listen to what your girlfriend wants and push a second finger into her Pussy. You want to give her pleasure so your other hand finds her clit and rubs it for a few seconds till your tongue reaches it and gives it a few little flicks. Your mouth wraps around her clit as you give it little sucks that drives her almost to the edge. 
You move your hand faster as you continue to use your mouth to play with her clit. You feel her hands grab your hair and pull you in deeper and you speed up even more with your tongue. 
“Im gonna— “ 
She doesn’t even finish her sentence as a rush of her nectar shoots out and you open your mouth to have your favorite drink. The sweetness of her nectar is something you could have everyday of your life and never get tired of. 
You stand back up and see Mimi breathing in and out coming down from her peak. You jump on top of her, you bring your mouth back to her neck giving her small bites and kisses leaving behind love bites. 
You feel a hand wrap around your cock once again as you feel Mimi stroke you hard once again. In your ear you hear Mimi breathe a little and then speak up. 
“You fucked my throat but now you need to fuck my pussy, get to it.” 
The words that left her mouth turned you on so much you lined yourself up instantly and plunged yourself into her. 
Your dick makes it halfway thru as you feel her walls squeeze your dick. You stop for a second as you push the rest of your length into her. You stop for a second once more and kiss her on the lips to relax her a bit till you feel her loosen up a bit. 
You pull yourself out a bit and then bring your dick back in and repeat this motion slowly for a bit till you see her smirk at you and slap your ass. 
“I told you to fuck me so fuck me properly.” 
You smirk back at her as you push yourself Into her will full force. No longer are you being soft as you push yourself in and out of her Pussy aggressively. 
“Come on baby, use this fucking pussy you own.” 
The filth that comes out her mouth when you have sex always add to your arousel so you put both hands on her hips and starts to piston even harder in her walls. Mimi might have loosen up a bit but she’s still as tight, her Pussy almost having a mind of its own trying to stop you from leaving. You feel her walls almost massage your length as it's trying to milk you of all you have. Your hand moves to Mimi’s breast as you pinch her nipple and she nearly screams. 
“Do that again!.” 
Your hand moves to her other boob as you pinch that nipple and then fondle the rest of her breast. You recognize the feeling from inside Mimi as she is about to cum, her walls getting wetter and constricting even more. With one final pinch to her nipple you feel her nearly shoot you out as she cums, the only thing keeping you in her is how tight she is. Looking down you see the sheets all wet from Mimi cumming and it just Turns you on more. 
You reach down back to her lips and give her a small kiss as she smiles. 
“Are you close?” 
All you do is nod as Mimi pulls you out and she gets on her hands and knees pointing her ass towards you. Without having to say anything your dick meets her folds once more as you enter inside again. 
You reach as deep as you can into Mimi as you grab some of her hair and pull it back. Your assault on her pussy continues as before, being as aggressive as you can be,  Her walls still trying to milk you of all you have. Your peak is already arriving quickly, you would have loved to give your girlfriend another orgasm but you know it won't be possible. 
“Sweetie i'm gonna cum, where should I—“ 
“Cum in my pussy, I better be fucking full of your seed.” 
5 more thrusts is all you could achieve as you feel your dick shoot off from inside the woman you love. Honestly you aren’t sure for how long you are cumming as you pull out and still manage to get a shot on her ass. 
Once your orgasm passes you lay down on your bed as mimi lays next to you. 
“Fuck that was good.” 
Mimi just laughs as she moves in to kiss you once more. Once the kiss ends Mimi just looks at you and smiles. 
“I love you, I'm glad I can always count on you being the constant thing in my life. You are always by my side and I hope you never leave.” 
“I love you too, Mihyun. I will always be by your side.”
After one more kiss you see Mimi stand up and head to the bathroom. 
“Come join me!.” 
“Um I will take a shower after.”
Mimi just walks into the bathroom after hearing your response and you hear the water start. Looking over to your nightstand you open it and find a small box that you have been holding onto for a while. You mean it when you say you will stay by her side forever so you grab the ring and wait by the door on one knee. 
A few minutes pass as you hear the water stop and the bathroom door open with Mimi stepping out. When she sees you on one knee she can already tell what you wanna ask. 
“Kim Mihyun I want to be the constant in your life forever and support you always, will you marry me?” 
It’s silent for a second but then you see a smile on her face as she stretches her hand out nodding yes.
You will make sure to be the constant source of happiness in her life always, no matter what happens in life. 
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existslikepristin · 3 years
Everything (currently) listed is smut.
For reference:
* = The Lounge "continuity"
x = Characters depicted together in explicit stuff
My very organized bias list
My EVEN MORE organized current projects list
Some rules for contextualizing my thoughts on requests
New addition to the masterlist: Other places on the internet you can find my writing/me in general. https://linktr.ee/existslikepristin
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What A... Bummer* Eunha x Yerin x Male Reader Insert
Movie Night* SinB x Eunha x Male Reader Insert
Stay On Script (Collab)* futa!Eunha x Jihyo (Twice)
Hold the Creamer Please* futa!Eunha x Seunghee (CLC)
A Quick Fix* Sowon x Male OC
A Two On One Match* Eunha x SinB x Male OC
Getting Steamy* (Ch 1 / Ch 2) Yerin x Male OC
Fancam, Basically* (Ch 1 / Ch 2 is WIP) SinB x ???
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Sounds* Gahyeon x Siyeon, Yoohyeon x Rando Dude
Kinktober Week 1* Gahyeon x Jiu
Kinktober Week 2* Gahyeon x Jane (Momoland)
Kinktober Week 3* Gahyeon x Eunchae (DIA) x ?!?!?!
Kinktober Week 4* Gahyeon x Yooa (Oh My Girl)
Kinktober 2022* Gahyeon x Heejin (Loona)
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Hold the Creamer Please* Seunghee x futa!Eunha
Activated My Trap Card* Seungyeon x Eunbin x Yeeun x Male Reader Insert
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Definitely Real Medicine* Yuqi x Male Reader Insert
Escape From Paboland* Shuhua x Gender Unspecified Reader
Bullyjin Soojin x Yuqi (Part of the Bullyrene setting)
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Get To Blow You* Winter x futa!Karina, Winter x Monsta X
Mamba Class* Winter x futa!Karina x Giselle x Ningning in some combination
Red Velvet
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Yexercise* Yeri x Male Reader Insert
Bullyrene Irene x all the trigger warnings
Impromptu Review* Joy x Sunny (SNSD)
King of the Beasts* Seulgi & Yeri vs Ryujin & Yeji (Itzy)
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Please, No Virginity Puns* Choerry x Male Reader Insert
The Looney Bunch* Haseul x Male Reader Insert
Professional Language* Choerry x Male Reader Insert
Churchgirleum Yawjinius* Yeojin x futa!Choerry/Haseul/Heejin/Hyunjin/Jinsoul
Purple Kiss
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The Cutest Duckling* Swan x Unfortunately Nobody
Irehdiated* Ireh x Male Reader
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Yeo Reum is Our Reum Yeoreum x Male OC
Royal Cheek* Dayoung x Gender Unspecified Reader Insert
Secret Number
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Salon Erotique* Soodam x Futa Reader Insert
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Bare Attack* Sujeong x Male Reader x Sua (Pixy) x Rina (Weki Meki)
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Bare Attack* Sujeong (Lovelyz) x Male Reader x Sua x Rina (Weki Meki)
Summon* Lola x Gender Unspecified Reader
Weki Meki
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Bare Attack* Sujeong (Lovelyz) x Male Reader x Sua (Pixy) x Rina
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King of the Beasts* Ryujin & Yeji vs Seulgi & Yeri (Red Velvet)
Queen of the Ball(s)* Lia solo
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Breaking Geneva* EU x Male Reader
Soloists (don't have a good picture for this yet)
Toys (Kinktober) Bibi x Male OC (co-written with worldsover)
Not quite fics, but still stuff that I want to keep track of somewhere
Karina Appreciation, the Satan & eyesight one
Dayoung Appreciation, the buffet one Tumblr deleted
Purple Kiss' tendencies toward domming/subbing
Exceptionally nerdy shit
Joy x Hayoung x Yerin vignette
Karina x Irene
256 notes · View notes
byunbaekby · 4 years
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title — a chaotic christmas pairing — doyoung x male reader genres — angst, fluff, soulmate au, christmas! warnings — language word count — 3.5k summary — you’ve finally come to terms with the fact that you have a crush on your friend, doyoung. but something throws a wrench in your plans, and all of a sudden nothing is going right anymore. additional — this is a very late and very belated fic release gift for my favorite doyoung simp @puppywritings​​. it’s me! i’m your secret santa and i come bearing gifts of soulmate!doyoung. when i saw that i had gotten you, i was so excited to write for you and our favorite boy! i’m sorry that i released this so late, but it’s here now. you requested a mix of angst and fluff, plus chaos and “everything would be solved if they just talked to each other.” hope you like it! may 2021 bring blessings and more doyoung content for you, love. 
“So, you like Doyoung.”
Ten’s bold statement causes you to choke, spitting out the hot cocoa you’re currently consuming. Heat covers your throat, but your coughing interrupts the sweetness of the chocolate. In your fit of coughs, Ten doesn’t even laugh.
When you finally come to, you sputter. “What—What makes you say that?” Now, your friend laughs, but it’s a dry chuckle that leaves his lips as if he’s laughing at you. “I don’t—” You cough again. “—like Doyoung. I mean, he’s nice, and tall, and funny—especially when he’s making fun of you, but, no! Well, I like him as a friend, I mean.” 
The look on your friend’s face is not at all convinced. “Sure…” 
You lean forward. Clearly your act is done and the curtains are closed. Now, your voice suddenly dips lower into a whisper, as if anyone in the mall food court would be listening to you. “How did you know?” 
Ten scoffs. “Sweetheart, everyone knows. Everyone except you and Doyoung, apparently.” A groan leaves your lips as you sit back in the seat, placing your cup of hot cocoa onto the table with a disgruntled expression. “Why don’t you tell him?” 
“We’re not soulmates, and everyone deserves to be with their soulmate,” you answer, eyes sad as you play with your cup mindlessly. Ten shoots you a pointed look before saying, “Not everyone has to be with their soulmate, Y/N. You know that.”
It’s true. Everyone is born with a soulmate, whom they must find because they share a tattoo somewhere on their body. Though the world loves to push soulmates together, it’s become commonplace for people not to pursue their relationships with the ones the universe had deemed them perfect for. Sometimes those relationships don’t work out, or people are unhappy with who they have. In any case, it’s fairly common for people to choose their own relationships. But, that’s not the case with your friend group. Though it had been just you, Doyoung, Ten, and Kun since the beginning of university, the group had been expanded when the latter two introduced their soulmates into the friend group.
“Easy for you to say, you have Johnny,” you scoff, crossing your arms across your chest. “And Kun has Seunghee. You guys are the perfect couples, and I don’t want to mess up what Doyoung and I have because we tried to date but weren’t soulmates.” Your voice is sullen as you shake your head, as though the action could dispel any lingering thoughts and romantic feelings you had for your friend Doyoung. 
“Listen,” says Ten, voice suddenly serious. “He likes you too.”
“Don’t give me false hope.” 
“I’m not!”
The look you give him is enough to make him do a double take. “Did you ask him, or hear it directly from him?”
“... No.”
His answer brings about a roll of your eyes. “Then you don’t know that he likes me back.” 
“It’s obvious! Just like how your feelings are obvious,” he exclaims, downing the rest of his coffee down his throat (along with a shake of your head). When you ask why he cares so much, he sighs. “Because it’s so goddamn frustrating! You guys have known each other for years now, and you’ve been tiptoeing around each other for so long, it’s so annoying.” His hand comes out to rub his forehead, as if your mutual (?) pining with Doyoung could bring about physical pain. 
It’s true that you’ve hidden your feelings for Doyoung for a while now… When the four of you met at your university’s freshman orientation, you and Doyoung had instantly clicked. Of course, you were all close but it seemed that you and Doyoung always had an especially close bond. You do like him; he’s intelligent and well-spoken (and perhaps a little blunt), but his gummy smile makes your heart melt every time. You just hadn’t realized that it had been so deathly obvious to your other friends. Hopefully… Doyoung hadn’t caught on either. 
Biting down on your lip, you look up from where you had been staring at the ground in thought and back to Ten across the table. “You really think he likes me?”
“I’m about 89.45% sure. I should talk to him about it.” 
“No!” You suddenly exclaim, not realizing how loud your voice rose in the public food court, attracting a few eyes from nearby shoppers. “Wait—maybe… maybe you should. You can talk to him and then tell me what he says. But don’t make it obvious! Don’t tell him we talked about him.” 
Ten rolls his eyes at your dramatic worry. “I’m not completely conspicuous like you are.” Then he stands, tossing his empty Starbucks paper cup into the nearby trash can. “Now hurry up, I have to get Johnny’s gift before they run out of maid’s outfits.”
Your hand meets your forehead in a facepalm. 
It seems like nowadays Ten’s mission is to annoy Doyoung to the max. 
“Is Johnny busy or something?” asks Doyoung through gritted teeth as Ten spins around in his desk chair. The former had been trying to study when the Thai man paid him a visit at his apartment to disturb his peace. Ten simply continues to spin in perpetual circles on Doyoung’s chair, seemingly not a care in the world. 
“No,” replies Ten. “I just wanted to hang out with you, bro.”
Doyoung grimaces at his friend. “Please don’t call me that.”
“I could call you mom like I call Kun.” 
“No thanks,” responds the dark haired male with a quiet chuckle as he grabs a packet of ramen from the pack atop his fridge. As Doyoung begins to pour some water into the pot on the stove, Ten suddenly stops spinning and he’s seemingly not dizzy at all, seeing as he walks forward to lean on the kitchen counter. 
“So, how are you, buddy?” He suddenly asks, trying to remain casual but failing poorly. Ten’s never been the type for small talk. 
Doyoung knows this, so he cocks an eyebrow over his steaming pot of ramen. “I’m doing just fine, buddy.” Ten nods in understanding, thoughtfully rubbing his chin. At this point, Doyoung has given him a clearly confused expression. “Okay, what do you want? You only show up unannounced to steal my food or complain, and you’re doing neither.” 
The man in question fakes an overly dramatic gasp, hand on his chest. “How could you accuse me of something like that? I just want to catch up with my friend.” 
Pouring his ramen into a bowl Doyoung rolls his eyes. “Are you here to gossip then?” 
“Ask me how I am first.”
A dry laugh leaves Doyoung’s lips before he capitulates. “Fine. How are you?”
“I’m doing great, thank you for asking. You know why? Because I found out some spicy information.” 
“Do share,” drawls Doyoung as he blows his ramen, though he seems not at all interested. Oh, he’ll be interested after this, thinks Ten mischievously. 
“I found out that Y/N has a crush on someone.” 
A sputter is heard from Doyoung’s end as he chokes on the few ramen pieces he had been slurping during his friend’s reveal. Wow, thinks Ten. The two of you are more alike than you think. After he clears his throat, he speaks, “Y/N has a crush on someone.” Ten nods proudly. Doyoung blinks, running a hand through his dark locks. “Okay, um… that’s good for him. Why are you telling me this though?”
The man in question shrugs, a mischievous grin on his lips. This is exactly how he wanted it to go. “Just thought I’d let you know. So you can prepare for having another person join the group.”
“Oh, well… I guess that leaves me as the only single person in the group, then,” says Doyoung, voice softened as he looks down at his noodles. 
“Yep,” responds Ten with a tone much too cheerful for his friend’s previous tone, popping the ‘p.’ If he hadn’t been so occupied with staring thoughtfully into his food Doyoung would have noticed. Ten’s plan is working just as desired. 
“Oh,” Doyoung suddenly speaks up. “I forgot to tell you. I found my soulmate.” 
Oh, shit. 
Ten blinks. “W-What? You met your soulmate?”
Now Doyoung rubs his nape, looking a bit sheepish. “I did…” With the slight smile that Doyoung wears on his lips, Ten can see that the man must be enamored by his new soulmate. When had he met them? How had he found out? Did he see their tattoo? Ten is seeing his plan crumbling right before his eyes. 
Of all their friends, Doyoung was the most hopeless romantic. He romanticized the idea of finding his soulmate, someone who held half of his soul. He would surely much rather pursue his soulmate, but Ten hadn’t taken that into consideration. After all, he hadn’t expected Doyoung to find his soulmate right as he planned to get his two best friends together!
“Well, that’s… good, isn’t it?” 
Still looking down, staring deeply into his bowl of noodles, Doyoung nods. “Yeah, I guess it is.” 
Oh god, Y/N will be devastated to find out, and it’ll be all his fault. 
The look on your face when he tells you is one he’d like to forget. You’ve liked Doyoung for so long, even if you had only come to terms with it a while ago. Ten knows this, and so he feels even worse for being the one to give you hope. 
“Y/N, I’m s—”
“Don’t apologize,” you cut him off, wearing a cheery smile on your lips. Even from a mile away, Ten would be able to tell how fake it is. “This is good, right? I told you, he’s supposed to find his soulmate. That’s how the universe works.” 
Today instead of the mall, you’re both sitting on the couch in Ten’s apartment and now you hug the couch pillow close to your chest. You look sad, and Ten almost feels pain from how defeated you look. “I’m sorry, because I gave you hope and you told me not to.” 
“It’s okay,” you say, suddenly standing from your spot on the couch. Next, you give a dry laugh, but it comes out strained. “Since when did you ever listen to what I said, anyways?” 
“Y/N, it’s okay to be upset.”
“I’m not,” you deny, beginning to walk out of the living room. “But I have to go get some more Christmas gifts before the mall closes. I’ll see you later, okay?”
“Y/N,” he calls once more. There’s no stopping you, he knows, so he follows you instead. “It’s snowing outside. Let’s go together, at least.”
“No,” you say, giving him a small smile as you slip your shoes on. “You’re one of the people I have to get gifts for. I’ll just take a taxi or something. Bye, Ten. Thanks for… trying, I guess.” And then you leave, and he swears that as you disappear from his home and out onto the snowy cold street, he sees the ghost of pain on your face. 
It’s a week of avoiding Doyoung and practically everyone when he finally calls you. Seeing his name light up on your phone makes you bite down on your lip in fear. You don’t know what it is that’s made you ignore him and the rest of your friends for a week, but… you needed time apart. 
“Hello?” You ask, trying to keep your voice natural.
“Y/N,” says Doyoung on the line, and you have to physically stop yourself from sighing into his tone. His voice is dark and deep as usual, you’ve missed hearing it. “Why have you been avoiding me?” 
He’s always been straight-forward, and you don’t even have time to be surprised that he’s caught you. But, you can’t tell him the truth. “I haven’t been avoiding you,” you lie. “I’ve just been… busy. Christmas shopping and stuff. Plus, it’s really cold outside, I don’t really like going outside.” 
There's silence, then Doyoung sighs. “Is everything alright?” 
No, not really. “Yeah,” you tell him. “Everything’s fine, I promise.” 
“Is it about that person? Ten mentioned that you liked someone, and were considering telling them.” It’s you, you dimwit. You want to tell him that, but you can’t. It’ll only ruin everything he’s supposed to have with his soulmate. “You know, you can always come talk to me about it. I’m not experienced in dating, but I’ll give you all the advice I have.” His words are accompanied by a small laugh.
You can’t help but smile. That’s why you’ve always liked him so much. Despite being blunt and sometimes brutally honest, he is always there for you. “Thanks, Doyoung,” you respond gratefully. “I’ll be in touch, I promise.” 
“Okay, good. I miss having you around, anyways. You left me to fifth wheel the couples,” he says, referring to your friends and their significant others. 
You laugh, and it’s a happy sound albeit dampened by the reminder that you can’t like him anymore the way you do right now. “Sorry about that. I’ll be around soon.” 
“Okay. Talk to you later?”
Then he hangs up, and when he does, he’s left staring at Kun’s face from across the table. “I don’t know what to do,” he admits to his friend.
“What the hell did you do, Ten?” Kun says as he bursts into Ten’s apartment, having just finished meeting Doyoung at the coffee shop. The man in question is sitting on his couch watching a movie when he looks up at the sudden appearance of his friend. “How can you be sitting on the couch when your friends’ friendships are falling apart?”
Ten’s eyes widen. “You mean Doyoung and Y/N?” The Thai man suddenly jumps up to his feet, knocking over his bowl of popcorn. “I don’t know what I did! I was just trying to get them together and then everything went to shit!” 
He runs his hands through his hair, making it run crazy. Even without the appearance of Kun to scold him, he’s clearly been torn up by the situation as well. 
“Just… tell me what you did,” says Kun calmly, for he had always been the calm and level-headed mediator.
“Okay.” Ten takes a deep breath, recalling all of the events of the past few weeks. “Y/N told me that he liked Doyoung.” At Kun’s pointed look he retracts his words. “Okay, I tricked him into confessing it to me, but that’s beside the point! Then, he asked me to talk to Doyoung about it and find out if Doyoung liked him too. But then Doyoung told me that he found his soulmate! And when I told Y/N he got really sad and upset about it, and now he’s been ignoring me for a week!” 
“Y/N is Doyoung’s soulmate, you daft twit!” 
Ten stops in his tracks, eyes wide. “Wait—what did you just say?”
“I just met with Doyoung, and he told me that Y/N is his soulmate. He said he didn’t tell anyone because you told him that Y/N likes someone else, when we all know that Y/N has been heart-eyes for Doyoung since the beginning of time!” Kun exclaims at him, rubbing the space between his eyes where a headache has formed when he finishes. 
Ten simply stands there in the mess of popcorn and couch pillows, blinking with his crazed hair. “Oh god, I’ve created a shit show.” 
“Everything would be solved if they just talked to each other,” whines Kun as he collapses onto the couch. Ten follows beside him, simply staring into the space before sighing. “We have to fix this.” 
Then suddenly, as though possessed by a strange energy, Ten asks, “Why did Doyoung tell you and not me?” 
“He was asking me for advice. And obviously he wouldn’t tell you, look at the mess you made!”
Your fingers are freezing as you type out a text to Kun on your phone. He had asked you to meet up with him at the cafe you often frequented in the town square to catch up over hot chocolate, and despite the fact that you had been ignoring your friends for quite a while, you figured… you’ll have to face them eventually. The only problem is… he’s late. 
The snow crackles beneath your shoes as you rock back and forth on the balls of your feet outside the cafe. Kun isn’t one to be late, always favoring punctuality, so you’re perplexed. But it’s only his first time being late, so you’ll go easy on him. 
“God,” you sigh. Tapping your hands on your cheeks, where the cold has begun to steal your sensation of feeling from them, you look around again. “Where is he?” 
“Sorry to keep you waiting.”
You turn to find the owner of the voice, but it’s not Kun. A breath leaves your lips, seen in the air. “Doyoung? What are you doing here?”
“You’ve been ignoring me,” he says, straight-forward as always. Though you haven’t seen him in a short while, he still takes your breath away upon first glance. He’s dressed today in a black coat atop a black turtleneck, and you see even the bulb of his nose has become reddened from the cold. Now there’s really no avoiding the situation. “I figured you wouldn’t respond if I asked, so I had Kun set it up.” 
He’s caught you in the act. “I…” You don’t know what to say. “I’m sorry.” 
“Why?” He asks, hands tucked into his pockets. The way his eyebrows furrow into his forehead make him look even more hurt beyond understanding, and you feel horrible. 
You can’t tell him… It will ruin everything he’s supposed to have with his soulmate. You’re sure by now, that he must have already had time to spend in the presence of his soulmate, learning their ins and outs to savor for the rest of their lives together. But even against your common sense… it comes out. 
“I like you.” 
Doyoung’s lips fall open just the slightest, but you continue. “I like you, God, I like you so much. But Ten told me that you found your soulmate, and I didn’t want to ruin anything. I know that soulmates are just stupid excuses for the universe’s matchmaking, but even so, you should be with your soulmate… Doyoung, I like you so much, and knowing that I couldn’t have you just hurt even more. I know, it was selfish of me to ignore you but I just… can’t look at you and accept that.” You sigh. “It doesn’t matter anyways. I… I’m sorry.”
You begin to turn away, figuring you’ve all but ruined your friendship with your favorite person, but a force tugging on your hand causes you to stop. Doyoung has wrapped his nimble fingers around the circumference of your wrist, and he speaks firmly:
“You are my soulmate.”
You stop in your tracks. Eyes wide, you turn back to him. “What did you just say?”
The eyes that he looks at you with are warm, like a blazing crimson fire in the cold night of winter. “You’re my soulmate. And if you were hurt thinking I found my soulmate, imagine how I felt being ignored by my soulmate.”
“How do you know?” You ask. You’ve been friends with Doyoung for years; there’s no way this information of him being your soulmate has evaded you this long. “How do I know you’re not lying?” 
“Do you remember that night, a few weeks ago? When we got caught in the rain walking back from the library, and ran into my apartment? I gave you a shirt so you could change, and then I saw it.”
Your soulmate tattoo. 
“A rabbit, on the side of your torso.”
Your tattoo (which had been the source of your embarrassment for many years) had never been seen by any of your friends before. Now, it’s your time to be surprised, lips falling open. Despite the cold, you feel heat rise in your body and your heartbeat begins to quicken. 
“You’re…” You start, but find yourself speechless. He finishes for you, a sweet smile on his lips.
“Your soulmate.” He takes your hand in his. “And you’re mine.” 
“Oh my god,” you sigh, free hand coming to meet your forehead in a facepalm. “I’ve been such a shitty person the past few weeks, I’m so sorry. You’re… You’re really my soulmate.”
“Yeah, I am.” He smiles, gums showing proudly as you finally let him in.  Now, he holds up a finger. “And I’ll forgive you for ignoring me, on one condition.” 
“What is it?”
“Go into this cafe with me, let me buy you hot chocolate, and tell me everything about my soulmate.”
A laugh leaves your lips, delighted and emotional as you nod. “We’ve been friends for years, you already know everything about me.” He begins to pull you by the hand into the cafe, the ringing bell of the door sounding familiar to his laugh.
“Well, tell me again. I’d love to hear it.” 
102 notes · View notes
daddy-seulgi · 7 years
first post on this blog is a ficlet for a friend who asked for sornhee and praise kink
here’s ~2,700 words, hope u enjoy it!
They had finished dance practice around midnight, but Seunghee had yet to have enough.
Though her body throbbed and her lungs ached with each exhale she took, she was not even a bit tired. Her mind raced in wakefulness as she stared at herself and the reflections of her members in the mirror. Everyone was scattered, sitting against the wall or lying on their backs, exhausted from working their bodies so hard.
Seunghee envied how easily sleep came to her friends.
She stared hard at her heaving reflection—face red with exertion, hair falling from its ponytail—when she noticed Sorn lumbering up behind her.
“Unnie, it’s time to go,” Sorn spoke quietly after she placed a gentle hand on Seunghee’s tense shoulder.
She nodded in response but did not speak.
Sorn sighed before leaning in closer. Her warm breath hit the back of Seunghee’s neck and Seunghee’s body began to relax from the contact alone. “Baby, are you okay?”
Seunghee shivered at the endearment.  Baby, her mind replayed with giddiness, Sorn’s baby. Her eyes quickly glanced at the dance mirrors to see where everyone was. The others were already filing out of the practice room, giving the couple privacy.
She turned, pout on her face as she threw arms around Sorn’s shoulders and buried her face in the girl’s neck.
“Baby?” Sorn asked as she rubbed soothing hands down Seunghee’s back.
“I’m not tired,” Seunghee whined childishly, nuzzling deeper into Sorn’s embrace.
“Ah,” the other girl simply said with a chuckle.
“I’ll take care of you.”
When Seunghee got out of the shower and opened the door to her shared room with Sorn and Yeeun, her roommates were chatting on Sorn’s bed quietly. As soon as they heard the door open they turned to her with sleepy eyes.
Yeeun slowly got up from the bed, stumbling only once, and walked towards the door. Seunghee stepped aside but the rapper turned towards her to give her wet kiss on the cheek and mumbled out a tired “good night unnie, love you.” The tallest occupant of the room then dragged herself out of the room whispering fondly about horny roommates under her breath.
Seunghee stared wide after the once-maknae and turned to Sorn with curious eyes. Sorn simply smiled at her and patted the space next to her that was previously occupied by Yeeun.
“She’s rooming with Elkie and Yoojin tonight. Come here, unnie.”
Seunghee’s body tingled in excitement at those words. She practically ran to the bed and jumped onto it, causing the mattress to squeak with force as the two occupants bounced once, twice, before settling down.
Sorn giggled and ran her fingers through Seunghee’s still wet hair as her girlfriend nuzzled her face against her stomach and squeezed her arms around her waist.
Seunghee could feel the day’s fatigue slowly pull at the edges of her mind, trying its best to drag her into dreamland. She would have gladly accepted it, being in Sorn’s arms and having Sorn’s scent all around her was almost enough to put the oldest member of CLC to sleep.
She groaned unhappily as sleep evaded her and she felt her mind snap awake with the slightest movement of Sorn’s body under her.
“Baby,” Sorn tapped a finger against her temple. “Baby get up for a second, please.”
Seunghee whined and shook her head like a petulant child who was denied candy, burrowing herself deeper into the warmth of her girlfriend.
“Seunghee,” Sorn chuckled as she lightly flicked one of the older girl’s ears. “Take your night shirt off, lay on your stomach, and close your eyes.”
Seunghee perked up and quickly followed orders as Sorn stood up to watch her with a soft smile. Her body jerked when her nipples brushed against the cool sheets. She bit her bottom lip and squeezed her eyes tight, wanting to be the good girl Sorn thought she was.
With her eyes closed, Seunghee heard the door click close and its lock turn into place. She listened to her girlfriend move around the room, shuffling things around but not speaking. Music suddenly swelled within the small space as a familiar song started playing softly.
Finally, the bed dipped and a weight settled on her hips, two toned thighs gently squeezing her waist as hands stroked up her bare back. She moaned and shook as she tried to keep herself from grinding the bed while Sorn straddled her.
The hands on her back continued moving along the skin before settling on her shoulders. She felt Sorn lean down to brush hot lips along her shoulder blades.
“You can open your eyes if you want to, unnie,” Sorn whispered against Seunghee’s skin.
She immediately opened her eyes when she was given permission and squinted at the now dark room. Seunghee turned her head as much as she could in her position, eyeing a few candles around the small space and snorted.
“Are you trying to be romantic?”
Sorn scoffed. “I’m always romantic. Now hush up while I give you a massage.”
Seunghee scowled, horny and irritated. She opened her mouth to give Sorn a few smart words but mewled as soon as her girlfriend pressed her thumbs into her willing flesh.
The girl hummed at the soft, needy sounds coming from Seunghee’s mouth. “Baby girl, let me help your body relax a little, you worked so hard during practice. I don’t want you hurting yourself because you’re not taking care of yourself, ok?”
Seunghee let out a particularly high-pitched whine when Sorn started pressing down harder, but nodded, hiding her blushing face against a pillow.
Sorn smiled and placed a chaste kiss on the back of Seunghee’s neck. “Thank you for letting me help you,” another kiss, this one coupled with light sucking. “You’re such a good girl for me.”
Seunghee’s face burned over the gentle cooing. She always melted when Sorn praised her, the loving and encouraging words turning her into putty in the younger girl’s hands.
A few maddening minutes passed as Seunghee kept herself from writhing pitifully under Sorn’s skillful hands. It was difficult, as Sorn whispered just how good she was above her and the mere pressure of the vocalist’s hands on her body made her core clench with need.
When Sorn finished working out the knots in Seunghee’s back with a gentle squeeze on the older girl’s hips, she moved herself lower, sitting on her girlfriend’s legs to start working on her thighs.
“S-Sorn, wait!” Seunghee gasped out and Sorn took her hands away quickly.
“I’m sorry, did I hurt you?” She asked as she made to move off Seunghee’s legs. They had been dancing for hours with few breaks earlier, she probably just sat on some strained muscles.
“N-no. You didn’t hurt me, I’m fine,” Seunghee sucked in a breath, letting her hips stir with a tiny whine. “I’m going crazy over how turned on I am. Can you do something about it?” She looked over shoulder, biting her lip and fluttering her eyelashes at an expressionless Sorn.
When her girlfriend didn’t respond to her words or ‘come hither look,’ Seunghee jutted out her lower lip.
“Pwease?” She pitched with aegyo and blinking her eyes to make them look bigger.
Sorn rolled her eyes but moved off of Seunghee, the flickering lights of the candle catching her face to expose her fond smile. “On your back, unnie.”
Seunghee easily flipped over, giddy smile in place as Sorn moved back onto the bed and in between her legs. She pulled Sorn down by the collar of her shirt and kissed her. Their teeth knocked together from Seunghee’s enthusiasm, but they just giggled and continued kissing happily, Seunghee eagerly shoving her tongue into the younger girl’s mouth after Sorn teased her lower lip with playful bites.
Sorn pulled away from Seunghee’s lips, kissing down her chin to place searing kisses along the column of her neck. Seunghee keened, hands gripping Sorn’s hair tightly as the younger girl bit and sucked at her neck, leaving no patch of skin unattended.
While Sorn’s mouth was busy with Seunghee’s neck, her hands moved up the older girl’s body, caressing her sides and smoothing over her clenching stomach. Up they moved until they cupped Seunghee’s breasts, and Seunghee gasped out as Sorn’s thumbs brushed over her hard nipples. She arched, pressing her chest up for Sorn to fondle.
Sorn smiled at Seunghee’s actions, bringing her face back up to kiss her girlfriend’s lips again. She tweaked Seunghee’s nipples between her fingers, swallowing the moans with deep kisses.
She pulled back again—Seunghee whining high and scratching nails down her scalp—Sorn studied the panting mess that was her girlfriend. Seunghee’s lips were swollen and red, eyes dark and glassy, chest heaving with shallow breaths. Even her pulse point was fluttering against the marked skin of her neck.
“You’re a mess, unnie. You get like this with just a few kisses and little bit of fondling?” Sorn grinned, truly happy she was the one to make her girl feel like this.
“Only for you,” Seunghee panted without missing a beat.
Sorn’s heart swelled and beat faster, her face becoming red over the older girl’s shamelessness. She placed a soft kiss on Seunghee’s forehead before pulling up and moving her hands down to pull at Seunghee’s sinfully small sleep shorts.
“Hips up, unnie. It’s time I help you get to sleep tonight.”
The girl under her wasted no time to push her hips up to help in the removal of the rest of her clothes. Sorn pulled her shorts and underwear down at the same time, slipping them down and off long legs before tossing them over her shoulder.
Sorn crawled back between Seunghee’s legs, hands gently pushing them apart so she could look over her girlfriend. She licked her dry lips at what she saw.
“Baby, you’re so wet for me,” Sorn groaned, hands running along the sensitive flesh of Seunghee’s inner thighs.
Seunghee didn’t have a chance to whisper out another “only for you” before Sorn slid a finger into her cunt. Seunghee moaned and bucked her hips, trying to get the finger deeper as the younger girl shallowly pumped in and out of her.
“Look at that, unnie. You’re so wet I just slipped right inside of you,” Sorn chuckled at the way Seunghee stirred her hips to get more friction. “You just sucked me right in. Is this just for me, baby girl?” She asked as she crooked her finger.
“Yes, yes! Just for you, all for you, Sorn!” Seunghee choked out between moans. She screamed when another finger joined the first, Sorn pushing them as far as they could before pulling them out and thrusting them back in.
Sorn leaned over her girlfriend, her other hand gripping the bedsheets by Seunghee’s bucking hips as she added a third finger.
“I love hearing that, you’re such a good girl for me, Seunghee. Always wet and open for my fingers—god, I love being inside of you. You just feel so good, baby.” Seunghee cried out as Sorn’s fingers twisted inside of her; she clung to Sorn’s shoulders, nails digging into the flesh under the thin shirt.
Sorn could tell Seunghee was close with how the older girl’s hips started to lose rhythm. Sorn pressed her thumb lightly against Seunghee’s clit, and the girl under her practically sobbed.
“I wanna cum please, please! Please, I need to—”  
“Shhhhh,” Sorn soothed, slowing the pace of her fingers. She instantly regretted the action as she saw Seunghee’s lips tremble and the tears welling in her eyes.
“No, baby, I’m sorry,” she placed kisses all over Seunghee’s face. “You’ve been so good and I was being greedy. Of course you can come. Here,” She pumped her fingers inside of Seunghee’s dripping cunt at a brutal pace, flicking her swollen clit with her thumb.
It only took a few seconds of this treatment before Seunghee came undone, fluids gushing down her thighs and Sorn’s hand. The younger girl eased her down from her peak, gently moving inside of her while she rode through her high.
Sorn kissed Seunghee’s cheeks as the latter’s hips finally settled against the sheets. She was carefully pulling her fingers out when Seunghee’s thighs clamped down, trapping her hand between them.
Sorn blinked curiously at her scowling girlfriend.
“No, you were mean to me and I’m still not tired yet,” Seunghee said childishly.
Sorn didn’t know how much time had passed, her phone was over on Yeeun’s bed but she was trapped on her own trying to tire out Seunghee.
All she knew was that at least five or six orgasms had passed and her playlist had looped about three times.
And Seunghee was still not sated.
They were currently on their sides, Sorn, half naked (her shirt was torn off sometime before or after the third orgasm) and pressed up against Seunghee’s back, the fingers of one hand tiredly pumping into Seunghee’s core while the other was playing with one of Seunghee’s nipples.
The older woman was still conscious, though barely. Her mind was hazy as sleep finally dug its claws into her, her eyelids drooping even as Sorn fucked her gently.
“Unnie,” Sorn whispered as she felt her wrist cramping up. She had to stop soon or she would lose feeling in both hands for a week. “Unnie, are you sleepy yet?”
A sound other than a moan came from Seunghee, something sounding like a yawn. “A little,” was the quiet reply. Sorn inwardly celebrated, pulling her hands free. Seunghee smacked her thigh and turned over, fire in her eyes.
“My hands were cramping,” she said sheepishly. Seunghee just huffed, irritated she was still on the verge of an orgasm and that the sleepiness she had felt moments before were ripped away in the same manner Sorn took her fingers away.
“Unnie, don’t be mad. Get on your back, please,” Sorn said through her own yawns. She was exhausted, but she would not allow herself to rest until her girlfriend was sleeping soundly. Seunghee visibly calmed down and rolled onto her back.
Sorn nuzzled her girlfriend’s cheek quickly before she kissed her way down Seunghee’s body, placing one last kiss on her hip bone. “Unnie open up for me.”
A strangled noise from Seunghee made Sorn snap her head up in alarm. She was met with a quaking, red-faced Seunghee. “Baby—?”
“My legs won’t move,” Seunghee choked out. Sorn blinked once, twice, thrice while fighting the smile on her face. She burst out into quiet giggles and Seunghee hissed in annoyance.
“Shut up!”
Sorn kept giggling as she moved Seunghee’s numb legs over her shoulders.
“Sorn, seriously I—”
Seunghee was cut off by her own moans as Sorn licked lazily up her wet, spent slit. Her body buzzed as Sorn worked her tongue all over her cunt, cleaning up the mess of her previous orgasms and slipping in to taste as much of her as possible.
And as Seunghee pressed her hips against Sorn’s face, her vision grew bleary, a hum in her ears and at the back of her mind warning her of something. She closed her eyes and pushed through the white noise, the only sensation her body could recognize was Sorn tongue fucking her mercilessly.
With a small gasp and a final push of her hips, Seunghee came messily on Sorn’s lips and tongue.
“Unnie?” The younger girl pulled away, blinking away tiredness to check on Seunghee. The older girl had stopped moving and hadn’t said a word, did she do something wrong?
Sorn gently placed Seunghee’s legs on the bed, eyes full of worry as she looked over her girlfriend. “Hey are you—”
A light snore interrupted Sorn who slapped a hand over her mouth to smother her laughter.
“I can’t believe you blacked out, Seunghee,” Sorn giggled against her palm. She got up and quietly left the room, returning with a wash cloth. She ran it over Seunghee’s body gently, wiping away dried sweat and quim. When she was finished, she got into bed and pulled the covers over the both of them, snuggling into Seunghee’s side.
“Night, unnie. I love you,” She whispered with a chaste kiss to the older girl’s cheek.
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Not Shy
First of all, your writing is lovely. I love that most of your jihoon fics are not set in AUs. I loved Just Another Man. Can I ask for strangers-to-best friends-lovers trope for Jihoon with a very confident and jokily flirty mc... I know I sounds super specific and I'm sorry, you don't have to do it if you don't want to~😅....It's just that most of the MCs I've seen have been more on the shyer side hehe.
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When you first meet Jihoon you ask him if he believes in fate. Unluckily for you, Jihoon is a little more complicated then just answering such a question when you two have only just met.
“Do you believe in fate?”
The boy that you had unfortunately just run into looked up at you from where he was now partially sprawled across the floor, a blank expression spread over his face. Your expression wasn’t affected by his stoic one. Instead, a small smile began to spread over your lips as you looked down at him.
He didn’t respond however so you decided that maybe he hadn’t heard you the first time.
“Do you believe in fate?” You repeated softly. “I know that this is crazy but... I believe that we were meant to meet.”
You could tell just by looking in the boy's eyes that he thought you were crazy just from your words, but it didn’t bother you in the slightest. You simply held out your hand, waiting for him to take it. The boy sat there on the ground, staring at you and your hand for a good few minutes.
You knew most people would rush the process. Probably take his hand before he was ready or withdraw their hand in frustration from the wait but you weren’t hasty. You just stared down at Jihoon with a calm expression on your face waiting for his response.
Finally, he looked down at his scattered papers, his body tensing ever so slightly. As his eyes disappeared from your sight.
His response was barely a whisper, and it took you aback. Your eyebrows furrowed and you let your hand fall to your side as he began to collect his papers in his hands. You opened your mouth to say something- maybe asking him if he was referring to something else but then he added:
“Fate is something that people hide behind when they can’t handle the facts that their future is in their own hands.”
He picked up his own papers, and stacked them neatly in his hands so that he could stand up steadily.
“Saying that you think meeting me is fate is a manipulative way to try to coerce me into your life. Someone who will blame their bad personality on the stars or their aggressiveness on mars being in retrograde.”
He gave you a look, slowly letting his eyes trail from your feet right back up to your eyes.
“I don’t need someone like you in my life.”
And before you could say another word to him, he turned on the heels of his feet, and walked away from you down the hall.
You weren’t sure what it was about him. Normally someone treating you like that would be a big red flag for you. Surely someone being so brazezn and rude to a stranger shouldn’t be acceptable after all. But for some reason, his words had your heart beating. You looked down at the hand you had offered him- the hand that he refused to take, and oddly enough you felt a small smile creep across your face.
When most people met you, they loved your company. They thought of you as some sort of naïve child that needed to be protected at all times. But this stranger seemed to see you for what you really were.
You were capable of everything that you had set in your heart, and you weren’t afraid to chase after your dreams. You were a strong individual- hardly understood -and the last thing that you needed was protection.
You let your fingers curl up into your palms and hummed looking back up.
You knew that you would be seeing that boy again. And your certainty was only confirmed when you walked into your next class that day and found him sitting in the front row.
The first thing that struck you when you looked at him was that he had a very peculiar style. Large clothes that didn’t really fit him- shirts that were so big that he honestly looked like he was a child in them. At a glance you would have thought the professor let his child sit in on his classes.
But then again, you never took things as they were at a glance.
You considered saying hello to him, but you knew that this class had assigned seats, and you figured that you should focus on school and say hi to him after class.
You walked up to the seating chart and began to search for your name, your finger trailing across the paper as you did so.
“Andrew, Kriesha, Sooyoung, Yena, Seunghee, Jihoon-”
You smiled successfully and turned back towards the seats wandering over to the students sitting in the front row. You found Andrew’s name tag pretty fast, so then it was just getting to-
You almost laughed aloud.
You walked over to your seat and set your books down on the table clearing your throat loud enough to capture the boy’s attention. He looked up at you, an aggravated expression settling over his face as he did so.
“What a coincidence,” you sang airily. “Or should I call it fate?”
You took a seat next to Jihoon and held up your hand for him to shake.
“So it’s Jihoon right? It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Jihoon’s eyes lowered to your hand and then he sighed and shook it lightly.
“It’s not fate,” he mumbled indignantly. “It’s one class.”
“And one seating chart,” you replied light-heartedly. “You really think the Universe isn’t rooting for us when we were placed right beside each other on the first day of classes?”
Jihoon rolled his eyes and turned away from you, returning his attention back to the front of the classroom.
“You better not distract me during class,” was all he mumbled back.
You honestly thought that one class was the last time you would see him. After all you were both in big college classes- one of your lectures had a couple hundred kids in it. And yet every class that you walked into, your eyes skimmed the hall to find Jihoon sitting there with his books already laid out across the table.
“You have to be stalking me,” Jihoon said in exasperation as you took a seat next to him in your third class together. You laughed.
“That would be some dedication to fool a man I don’t even know,” you stated airily. “Nope, this is just what I was saying earlier.”
You raised a finger into the air and waved it back and forth.
“This. Is. Fate.”
Jihoon groaned.
“It’s not fate. It’s certainly unlikely but not fate.”
Jihoon kept his eyes on the front of the room, granting you little to no attention as he spoke. Despite that you just stared at his profile, taking in his features.
It was lucky for you. He was a very attractive man. His hair was always well-kept. Combed out and cut neatly. It was clear that the first day when you saw it he had been through a lot- since it had been relatively messy comparatively.
His dark blue shirt complimented him well. It made his skin look smooth- like that of a pearl. You sighed and rested your head on your hand.
“You’re pretty,” you mumbled softly. You weren’t sure if you meant for him to hear it or not- but whether it had been your intention he looked up in surprise when you spoke.
“You’re pretty,” you repeated a little louder. “Just really, really, distractingly pretty.”
You watched as color began to climb up Jihoon’s neck, spreading a red color evenly over the surface of his face. You chuckled a little to yourself as you watched it happen.
“If I could take a picture of anything-” You started in absolute amazement at how the color enhanced his facial features. He quickly turned away from you again, his hands covering his face.
“Leave me alone,” he grumbled.
That first night alone you had more homework then you could really manage to handle. You were up so late that when your alarm went off that next morning it really didn’t feel like you had gotten any sleep at all.
So on your way to class you decided to grab coffee- and of course, grabbing coffee for yourself meant grabbing coffee for Jihoon as well. You just got him an iced coffee, as you had no idea the sort of drink he would get. You just sort of hoped that was the sort that he liked.
When you walked into the classroom he wasn’t looking at you. Instead his eyes were focused on the papers scattered on the desk in front of him. You didn’t care so much, you knew that thus yet he was hell-bent on disliking you. You set the drink in front of him as you settled yourself into your seat, startling his eyes up.
“What’s this?” He asked you uncertainly. You shrugged.
“I got you some coffee,” you replied pointedly. This only made Jihoon’s eyebrows furrow even more.
“Why?” He asked. You shrugged.
“Homework was hard. I’m sure you were up late. I was getting coffee so why not get you some.”
The explanation clearly didn’t ease Jihoon’s concerns as he eyed the cup of coffee hesitantly. You rolled your eyes.
“Do you want me to drink it to prove to you that it isn’t poisoned or something?”
Jihoon shot you a glare and lifted the straw to his lips, taking his first drink of the coffee. When he pulled away he looked surprised.
“Wait- Did you get this at the coffee shop off of first?” He asked in surprise. You gave him a surprised look right back.
“Yeah! You know it?”
Jihoon scoffed.
“Seungcheol made this,” he murmured back.
“Choi Seungcheol?” You said in surprise. “You know him?”
Jihoon put his coffee back down on his desk.
“You know Seungcheol?” He asked back instead of responding. You laughed out in surprise.
“Know him? I’ve been smoking him in baseball since kindergarten,” you stated back with a laugh. “Our parents had our siblings at the same time so we spent a lot of time together as kids.”
Jihoon stared at you as if he could hardly believe what you were saying.
“You know how everyone calls him Coups?” You asked. He nodded. “Well that’s because of me. I gave him the nickname because of a game we used to play as kids.”
“Huh,” Jihoon mumbled, the sound tumbling from his lips. “Seungcheol used to ask me to hang out with him a friend all the time when we were kids. We were on the baseball team together.”
“You were Jihoon from baseball?” You asked in astonishment. “I always wanted to come watch your games but mom thought that it would make me have ‘delusions of playing baseball’.”
You shrugged.
“Anyways, Seungcheol used to tell me all sorts of things about you,” you continued lightheartedly. Jihoon groaned.
“Couldn’t have been good.”
“No,” you denied quickly. “It was always good. Seungcheol always speaks so fondly of you. I always wondered if we would meet.”
“And... We did,” Jihoon mumbled. “Seungcheol talked about you too... Every now and then.”
You smiled at Jihoon, pleasantly surprised to hear such news.
“He used to say we would make a good couple,” Jihoon murmured in disbelief. You just leaned forward, tapping Jihoon’s nose lightly.
The more you got to know Jihoon the more you had a feeling you were right. It really did seem like it was fate to have met Jihoon. After Jihoon got over the fact that you were a little forward and unafraid to be yourself with him, he quickly grew to like you.
You two started off alternating days where you would bring one another coffee, to just accompanying one another to the coffee shop, to studying every day together after classes got out and eating lunch together every day until you two were completely inseparable.
You loved being close to Jihoon. You loved when he fell asleep on your side because you two were out too late studying. You loved how he refused to talk to you in the morning until he got his americano. You loved that during class he was always so focused and on task, but after class it was like all he could do was listen to music, and talk about Justin Beiber, or write in that little book he never let you see.
You knew you were in love with Jihoon, but only a single question remained.
“Jihoon, do you believe in fate?”
Jihoon slowly looked up from his papers, an earbud falling out of his ear as he did so. He made no move to pick it up. Instead, he just stared at you, completely thrown off by your question.
“What?” He asked.
“Do you believe in fate?” You repeated again gently. Jihoon stared at you for another moment, and then he sighed, and took the hand that you had offered him that first dy you two met. He brushed his thumb over your knuckles and seemed to find solace in your warmth.
“I never used to,” he admitted. “I used to think that fate couldn’t exist because we are in control of our own lives. Which we are, that is true, but fate still has a hand in our lives, I think. I never imagined one day I would be sitting next to you thinking that I could spend the rest of my life with you in my arms and be happy but...”
“But...?” You urged softly.
“But I guess fate is real, because I love you, and you believe in fate. You were right.” You hummed, unable to hide the huge stupid smile on your lips.
“I love you too Jihoon.”
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ohmyidle · 4 years
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GENRE — fluff.
PAIRING — qian kun x reader.
WORD COUNT — 1.3k.
SUMMARY — moving into a house with your beloved boyfriend kun was probably the best decision you’d ever made.
WARNINGS — nothing really! just a short fic about moving house with kun <3
A/N — please enjoy! there isn’t much for me to say, but i hope you lovely people have a good day/night/afternoon and make sure to hydrate yourselves!
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"yukhei can you help me with these boxes? these are way too heavy for me." you turned to look towards yukhei who stood staring at his phone, not offering any help to you or the other three boys who were carrying boxes of belongings into the newly bought house.
for months now, you and kun had been searching for a house. both having a similar idea of what was wanted in mind, you went on the what seemed like everlasting search of the perfect family house. at some points, you felt like giving up, finding a house and it being way out of budget. however, you now stood in front of the perfect house that was nowhere near over budget.
yukhei, sicheng and kunhang gave some of their time to help out with moving in, as it would have been much harder had it only been you and kun. both of your parents lived miles away and were unable to come down, so you opted for some of kun’s friends to help instead.
"yeah, sure. i'm really sorry about literally just standing here, just having roommate problems." he replied, and you gave him a small smile as he took the box from your hands. his roommate really wasn't the nicest of people, yukhei had to constantly remind him to pay for rent and do his own laundry; of course, he’d been looking to kick him out, but he still felt rude.
“you know, if you were busy sorting out your dick of a roommate, you didn’t have to come down to help. i’m sure we could have done it with only sicheng and kunhang.” you followed behind yukhei, him holding the much larger box and you holding the smaller one, which was filled with decorations for the house.
"no, it's fine. i'm already here aren't i?" he spoke, walking through the front door. you stood in the living room, walls painted grey with black wooden flooring. it was filled with various boxes, and you and kun exchanged a look of tiredness just by looking at them.
“i’ve got to get going, we’ll come down tomorrow and help putting everything away if you want? i’m pretty sure yangyang, ten and dejun are free tomorrow too.” kunhang placed down the last box and looked between you and kun.
"that'd be really helpful, thanks.” kun grinned towards his friends just before they all exited the house. he waited to hear the sound of the closing door, before turning to look at you. he softly placed his hands on the curve of your hips, still grinning, “finally alone huh?”
“calm down, we only just got here!” you rolled your eyes, but still pecked kun’s lips softly and pulled away from his embrace, “now help me put up the bed, or else you’ll have to sleep on the couch.”
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that night, you and kun had successfully managed to put up the bed — after the many times of the screws not being in fully and the sides falling off, almost making kun rip his hair out — however, you still did it by the time it had reached eleven pm you were both finally snuggled up in your bed; which was incredibly soft by the way.
the both of you slept all the way through the night, not once leaving the bed. it was starting to reach twelve in the afternoon, and that was when you had opened your eyes for the first time in hours. to say it was a good nights sleep would be an understatement, as that was probably the best you’d had in months.
your bedroom at your parents house was old and creaky as you’d had it for so many years, and it had been wrecked from the intense karaoke sessions you used to have with hyebin and seunghee, your two best friends whom you had practically grown up with. there were no wonders as to why you were so energetic, constantly being around them.
yawning, you sat up from the bed and stretched your arms out before turning your head to look down at kun. his newly dyed blue hair was messy, and his limbs had practically taken up the whole bed. you shook your head and smiled, stepping up and walking out of the room and towards the bathroom.
the house was a medium size, it wasn’t small nor huge. it had three bedrooms, and every time you had walked past the two empty ones you would feel some sort of euphoria, it took you to where you wanted to be, the thought of having your own children was something you almost couldn’t believe.
you walked in the bathroom and looked in the mirror, moving you hand to feel the skin on your face. it was a little dry, so you rummaged through the bag next to the sink which was filled with a few bathroom necessities; toothbrushes, tooth paste, soap, skin care products. taking out the moisturiser, you began to delicately rub it on your face. you were concentrating so much, you hadn’t even noticed the half naked man walking towards you.
you let out a yelp when kun’s hand pressed onto your waist to move you to the side so he could get to the bag, and you were close to giving him a slap on the back of his head, “i thought i told you to stop being so quiet everywhere you go, it’s almost like you float everywhere.” you spoke, and he replied with a scoff which was almost inaudible due to the sound of him reaching for whatever he wanted from the bag.
"well good morning to you too. i would have hoped you would notice me, considering there's a massive mirror in front of you. it's not my fault you still can't sense my presence after three years." he took out the deodorant can and sprayed it, the smell almost making you gag. you usually didn't mind the perfume or deodorant that kun used, but the store you were buying from wasn't twenty four hours and was minutes from closing, so he grabbed a random can from the isle; unfortunately, it was a bad pick.
"i just woke up, don't expect me to be so alert. by the way, i don't think we picked up anything for breakfast when we were at the store yesterday. yangyang mentioned their being a small cafe around her corner, you want to head there for breakfast?” you asked, finally finishing up with the moisturiser, smiling to yourself about how much smoother it had made your skin look — like you were almost glowing.
“yeah, he mentioned that to me too. apparently they make some mean pancakes, might as well test if they’re any better than mine.” kun smiled at you through the mirror, to which you returned. sighing, he put a hand on your hip and put his head on top of yours, “i always wonder how i managed to meet someone just as perfect as you are.”
“that would have been a lot cuter if you didn’t have morning breath.” you laughed, kun’s face dropped and he shook his head as he took out his toothbrush. normally, you would brush your teeth after eating breakfast, but it would just be weird to not right now since you were leaving the house.
within half an hour, the both of you were fully dressed and ready to venture out onto the new area. even though you had come often to move things to the house and look at its condition, you hadn’t really looked around the town — from what you had already seen though, it seemed like a nice and cute town, it all depends on the people now.
you took one look at kun while sat in the café. he was looking out of the window, and the sun beamed down onto his face making him look even more ethereal. smiling, you moved your hand towards his and wrapped your hand around it. the two of you were soulmates, and nothing could ever tear you away from each other.
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chanyouchan · 4 years
Linha telefônica
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Capa para futura doação
Créditos: 1
Em caso de inspiração, credite.
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