#seventh Doctor
therabbitofrassilon · 15 hours
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stick m legy out really far
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gallifreyanhotfive · 18 hours
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 54
The last two bullets contains details from the most recent Ninth Doctor boxset, specifically Swipe Right and Archipelago. Please scroll past them if you don't want to see them. :)
By some accounts, Bruce Springsteen served as United States President in the early 2000s. (Novel: Interference - Book One)
An incredibly dangerous mutation in the Daleks that threatened the whole universe started when a Dalek was stung by a wasp. (Audio: The Mutant Phase)
While in Paris, the Seventh Doctor observed the Fourth Doctor, Romana, and Duggan, and he picked up a picture of Romana when his Fourth dropped it. This picture would later be found by Anji Kapoor and later his Eighth. The Eighth Doctor could not remember who it was because he had been having memory problems at the time but kept the picture anyway. (Short story: Notre Dame du Temps)
The Fifth Doctor accidentally killed the entire Scintillan race because he couldn't see them. (Audio: Omega)
The Toymaker trapped the Spice Girls in "Spice Up Your Life." (Novel: The Giggle)
The Tenth Doctor’s sonic screwdriver ended up in San Juan after being discarded in Leadworth. Charlie Sato had stolen it from some aliens and was on the run, and while doing so, he ran into the Eighth Doctor. Thus, the Tenth Doctor’s sonic screwdriver eventually ended up in a drawer in the Eighth Doctor’s TARDIS. (Audio: The Turn of the Screw)
The Shalka Doctor had fallen in love with the President's daughter, but she had been killed by an alien race with nearly all the other Time Lords. While the other Time Lords had their memories stored in the Matrix, the President's daughter was truly dead. (TV: Scream of the Shalka; Short story: Doctor Who - The Ninth Doctor)
The Tenth Doctor can recall hunting werewolves with Jane Austen. He remembers that she was unusually sadistic, kept trophies from her victims, and was able to wrestle a werewolf without staining her lace. They also dealt with a vampire countess and an assassin in a similar style. The Doctor would have invited her on board the TARDIS if she didn't terrify him. (Audio: Expiry Dating)
Before Erimem became a proper companion, the Fifth Doctor intended to drop her off at the Braxiatel Collection. (Audio: The Church and the Crown)
After the events of The Giggle, the Toymaker is biding his time and waiting for his next game. (Novel: The Giggle)
By some accounts, the Valeyard "splintered" from the Doctor at some point prior to his final regeneration and thus cannot regenerate himself. (Audio: Every Dark Thought)
The Fifteenth Doctor once tried to take Ruby to a night of partying at the Scandi Superclub, where Avicii, Loreen, and Måns Zelmerlöw are members, but the TARDIS instead materialized in the 19th century. They ran into Hans Christian Andersen. (Comic: The Hans of Fear)
Stew Ferguson was a milkman who witnessed Rose Tyler's appearance in The Stolen Earth. He eventually became a cleaner and then witnessed the Fourteenth Doctor materialize in his TARDIS. (Novel: The Star Beast)
The Ninth Doctor is aromantic and aspec!!! (Audio: Swipe Right)
River Song recognized the Doctor’s Gladstone bag as a gift from Gillian and John. (Audio: Archipelago) And by that she means Gillian and John Who!!!!!
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nitronine · 2 days
I love being into Dr who cause I’ll be like “god what is WRONG with him!!!!” And the “him” in question is this guy
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giddyaunt425 · 2 days
Requested by @grapes-are-kinda-weird-ngl
The Doctors in some of their companions outfits!
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Most are incredibly uncomfortable in their new looks, bit 7 seems to be enjoying himself. I think 4 would be comfortable in anything! 2, 5, and 6 are a little concerned about how skin-tight their outfits are!
Thanks for the idea, fam!
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doctorwhogirlie · 2 days
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Doctor Who - Time and the Rani
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notyoujamie · 6 months
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And we didn't stop for a second to say, "What the hell?"
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claraoswalds · 6 months
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THE DOCTOR + first words
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enbyeighthdoctor · 6 months
whoniverse dash simulator
🎸 puddingbrains Follow
i wish i could remember anything other then her name...
🔍 hellosweetie Follow
his ass is never beating the dementia allegations
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👩‍🦰 notazygon Follow
i love being a normal human being. nothing strange or unusual about me
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⏳ theseshoestheyfit Follow
i forgor 💀
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📝 votesaxon Follow
the daleks could have ended the time war so fast if they just poisoned the time lords with aspirin
🧂 dalekempire Follow
👔 timeywimey Follow
why tf would you give them that idea????
4.1k notes
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🎀 bowtiesarecool Follow
the tardis is like a beautiful sexy eldritch death machine to me
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🗡 leela Follow
loom is beautiful name for a baby
👒 madampresident Follow
oh thats not...
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🧂 dalekempire Follow
Callout post for The Doctor (@ oneforall / @ secondsbest / @ frillsandautomobiles / @ scarfytallman / @ celeryfan / @ worldsbestcoat / @ unlimitedricepudding / @ theseshoestheyfit / @ resonatingconcrete / @ timeywimey / @ bowtiesarecool / @ puddingbrains / @ hifam)
[Warning: Genocide]
🎵 nitro9 Follow
no one asked also youre all fascists
🦳oneforall Follow
🎷 secondsbest Follow
🚕 frillsandautomobiles Follow
🧣 tallscarfyman Follow
126k notes
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👔 timeywimey Follow
bingle bongle dingle dangle yickedy doo yickedy da ping pong lippy-tappy-too-ta, if you even care 😒
1.6k notes
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☂️ queenofevil Follow
40k notes
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❓unlimitedricepudding Follow
you want me to drink carrot juice???? the thing that killed the sixth doctor?!?!?
🐱 worldsbestcoat Follow
766 notes
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⏳theseshoestheyfit Follow
i forgor 💀
🤝 edwardianadventuress Follow
14 notes
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Ages of each actor in their first appearance as the Doctor:
John Hurt (War) 73
William Hartnell (First) 55
Peter Capaldi (Twelfth) 55
David Tennant (Fourteenth) 51
Jon Pertwee (Third) 50
Patrick Troughton (Second) 46
Sylvester McCoy (Seventh) 43
Colin Baker (Sixth) 40
Christopher Eccleston (Ninth) 40
Tom Baker (Fourth) 40
Paul McGann (Eighth) 36
Jodie Whittaker (Thirteenth) 35
David Tennant (Tenth) 34
Ncuti Gatwa (Fifteenth) 30
Peter Davison (Fifth) 29
Matt Smith (Eleventh) 26
The oldest actor to portray The Doctor was 73 and the youngest was 26.
The median age of Classic Who is 44 and New Who has a median age of 37.5
The average age overall is 42.
Also the new era contains both the oldest and youngest actor in the role.
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The Master and The Doctor dynamic is really funny in comparison to other versions of the "hero and villain used to be friends/sort of still are friends/you could interpret them as ex-lovers" trope. Most versions of this trope like magneto and sinestro are well-intentioned extremist villains so you can see why they used to be friends and where their ideologies diverged. Whereas The Master just straight up commits mass murder for fun. Yet The Doctor is so unhinged that the Doctor Who fandom universally accepts this without question. We're all just like "yeah that seems like the kind of guy The Doctor would hang out with".
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cowboyslikedean · 5 months
in the second to last serial of classic doctor who, the curse of fenric, there are strange pseudo vampires. at one point the doctor explains that - despite the folklore - it’s not the physical crucifix that repels the vampires, it’s the faith of the person holding it, their absolute belief in something more than themselves. the priest present fails to repel the vampires with a crucifix, because his faith had been broken by the events of WWII. the doctor repels the vampires with his faith in those he has had as companions, muttering their names over and over.
i mention all this because - and i am not making this up - it is immediately followed by a soviet man repelling the vampires with the power of belief in communist revolution. they aired this in the 80s.
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as the show was then cancelled one story later, it remains the only show to ever be cut down in its prime twenty six seasons in.
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therabbitofrassilon · 15 hours
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fnaf 2 jumpscare
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No one tell him. He's probably forgotten why he's there.
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dwgif · 5 months
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Doctor Who The Power of the Doctor | 2022
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fanonical · 6 months
donna as the first doctor's companion: like barbara but willing to say fuck. will push back against this old man's bullshit, but will also join him on the most ridiculous shenanigans
donna with two: watch out universe the clown squad's coming at you and they're sillier than ever
donna with three: shouting matches every five minutes. if he even tries to boss her around he gets an earful and a half. the brigadier is in love
donna with four: they hate each other so much. they would die for each other.
donna with five: she bullies this pathetic man so so much, and probably ends up having a one-night stand with tegan
donna with six: they kill each other, there is no other outcome
donna with seven: spends her whole time trying to get him to stop being mysterious for like five fucking seconds
donna with eight: the most tragic and horrific bullshit you have ever seen
donna with nine: ride or die. nine needs an unhinged bossy lady who is willing to match him on his level.
donna with eleven: that is not a time lord, that is a baby, and donna will walk all over him
donna with twelve: once again, they hate each other so so much, but will not let anyone else insult the other
donna with thirteen: unstoppable force meets other unstoppable force. they fall in love
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hobgoblinns · 6 months
in light of the news that fifteen enjoys clubbing, this is how i imagine the other doctors would respond to finding themselves in a nightclub
one: genuinely appalled; whacks people in the shins with his cane until security drag him out
two: starts absolutely shredding on the recorder in the middle of the dance floor
three: is only here because the master has chosen this club to be the centre of his new scheme
four: keeps trying to strike up conversation about quantum mechanics with strangers (but no one can hear him)
five: complains about the music selection the whole time
six: can’t get past the bouncers (they don’t like his outfit)
seven: “i don’t know what’s going on here, but these people seem to be having a good time :)” meanwhile someone has just flashed him
eight: keeps getting hit on in the most obscene ways possible and turns them down politely every time
nine: really doesn’t want to be here but rose is having fun and he could watch her dance all night
ten: trying every snack on offer at the bar
eleven: gets overwhelmed and starts crying immediately
twelve: somehow ends up doing coke in the bathroom
thirteen: has a great time for fifteen minutes, passes out
fourteen: would literally rather watch paint dry than be here. can’t remember ever being so bored in his life
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