quietarcher · 20 days
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Home Again. Or, your hubby returns from being MIA for a long time and you no longer care about what he did or didn't do, just that you want to hold him and never let go. (Also PSA if you feel like telling me how much you want to and/or enjoy killing a fictional character on my posts I am going to give you a big ol' block, have a nice day!)
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sizzledad · 5 months
Produktvorstellung Sevo GT von Severin ein Elektrogrill mit 500 Grad - DADs BBQ
Auch mal Glück gehabt, bei der Saisoneröffnung vom BBQ Saloon in Hannover habe ich einen Sevo GT von Severin gewonnen, einen Elektrogrill mit bis zu 500 °C. Heute stelle ich euch den Grill vor und zeige die Vor- und Nachteile und was man damit schönes machen kann.
Den Bericht zum Sevo GT von Severin findest Du hier: 
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skeleton-magic-guy · 10 months
i might delete this later
feedback is welcomeeee
Title: It's okay...
Transformers Au: Hand in hand together forever.
Blitzwing and Bumblebee are standing on the edge of a small cliff at the end of a forest. On Dinobot Island.
They overlook Detroit at night, the full moon letting light dance across the water... the city in the distance is glowing brightly.
Bumblebee throws a few glaces towards Blitzwing, who is standing motioless beside him. He seemed spaced out he had been like this since they arrived here a few hours ago.
Bumblebee knew the Decepticon was a silent type when his facial plate was blue and normally, he himself would fill the silence with chatter but... today, something felt different.
Blitzwing wasn't just silent. His battlemask was hiding his lower face and his armor was tightly pressed to his frame like he was stressed... his wings lowered like he was concerned about something...
he had stopped hiding his face around Bumblebee long ago just a couple months after they started meeting in secret.
So seeing the mask now back in place felt almost alien...
A few more minutes past with nothing happening between them, a gentle breeze rustling the forests' leafs.
Bumblebee couldn't take it anymore.
"Hey...Blitz" he asked quietly, now turning towards him.
Blitzwing seemed to unfreeze at the motion and looked down towards Bumblebee, but he stayed silent.
Bumblebee gave him a small smile. "Could you maybe kneel down for a minute"
The tripple changer tilted his head but kneeled, placing one servo on his left knee joint while leaning closer, bringing them almost face to face.
Bumblebees face lit up at that and he reached his servos out slowly, seeing that Blitzwings optics were still distant. He placed his servos on either side of the battlemask.
That seemed to do the trick.
Blitzwings wings flinched upwards his optics focused on Bee, his unoccupied servo twitched like he wanted to reach out for the servos placed on his armor.
Bee smilled warmly, seeing the recognition return to Blitzwings optics
"Hey..." Bee spoke quietly, seeing the others' optics become warm... but there was also a certain saddness there.
Bumblebee had seen it before...
"It's okay..." He continued speaking softly, hopping that all the warmth he felt would be audible in his voice.
"You are here... with me in our little safety bubble. " At that Blitzwing seem to perk up again this time his optic twitched probably a small smile beneath the masks brownish metall.
"and im not going anywhere...ok? We are here right now right here, im here for you...and" he looked of to the side fake pouting "its boring to talk to myself when i know you are driffting of" a small chuckle escaped Blitzwing muffled by the mask.
Slowly, two black and purple servos reached up, taking the yellow once into his. They were warm and comforting in the chili autumn air.
Blitzwing pulled Bees servos away from his face, letting the mask retract back beneath his chin, revealing the blue faceplate beneath. the sharp denta that made up his lips pulled up slightly, making Bees spark jump he probably turned blue blushing.
"Thank you, love..." he hummed, intertwing their servos even with the size difference they seem to perfectly fit into each other.
Bumblebee smiled, reveling his denta. before he let it turn into a soft smile as well.
"You dont have to tell me what's wrong Blitz..." he said, looking lovingly at the triple changer. "...just know that everything will be alright as long as we are together... ok?"
Blitzwing nodded. "How could i ever forget... with you at my side..."
They leaned they'r forheads togheter "... everything will 'bee' alright..."
Bumblebee gasped. " Was that-" he snorted, pulling back slightly, staring at the now black face plate. " That was terrible!"
Blitzwings random persona giggled " but honey beeee"
And so they laughed together... till sunrise...
Unown time
location battlefield: earth
Explosions and laser fier can be heard in the distance, a giant spacecraft above.
the grass is burned the forest in ashes....
Detroit is burning in the distance...
and in the far corners near a mountain, on dino bot illand...energon is spilled all over a cliff....at the end of a Forest.. a soft breeze fuels the fier as trees fall... and animal skater...
Two servos, one yellow broken twisted beyond recognition and one Black and purple almost pink from the amount of energon on it, dryed and crusted... they were intwined as the grass and ashes settled around them... forgotten and left to rust...
togheter forever...
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jewishcissiekj · 6 months
oops girl I took your origin story character with 7 and a half second of screen time two comic pages and one supporting role in a book and gave him a supporting cast and lore. not giving him back
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first time drawing Ky Narec (more or less) so the tattoos aren't that good lol. gave him his Legends (Republic #60) ponytail because. bottom left is Mana, his master from one line in Dooku: Jedi Lost. They're a nonbinary Zabrak designed with my sister's help. next, the bottom middle is my OC Bliz, Ky's best friend who was supper bummed out when he crash-landed on Rattatak. She and Ky were aspiring Wayseekers and I have this entire idea of their arguments with Qui-Gon. she does not have eternal youth I just haven't drawn her too old yet. She isn't a general during the clone wars, and she dies when she goes to check in on her former Padawan post-Order 66. finally her 3 padawans, from left to right, Nyyra (middle child), Sevo (oldest child) and Arck (youngest child). they have a fairly healthy familial relationship but it is an attachment and they have a lot of problems with that. Nyyra dies in Order 66, Sevo dies in 15-14 BBY (killed by an Inquisitor, Iskat Akaris) and Arck is killed by Asajj at the beginning of the Clone Wars. Sevo and Nyyra knew Ky but Arck only met Asajj
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stromer · 1 year
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kevin kurz u loser 😭 get my little brother’s name OUT of your mouth right now
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frostbeees · 10 months
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turbolainen · 1 year
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8 years later and the devils are still traumatized by lou lamoriello lmao
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stereax · 1 year
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what if I cry. what then.
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quietarcher · 1 year
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Some early days gay old men for pride
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toffoliravioli · 1 year
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we got stuck with the inferior smith this is disastrous
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iampikachuhearmeroar · 7 months
I know I should stop using fb watch so much, considering that so many of the videos are there to induce negative reactions and make you angry, and some vids are also incredibly irrelevant to me.... like real estate for example.
so sometimes, I get this snooty american real estate agent who sells to luxury buyers in god-knows-where america. like why the fuck is she in my feed when im a poor baby millennial.... who will NEVER afford a house in AUSTRALIA, let alone the in US????
anyway. the other day, I got a video from this lady in my feed. she was going on about 5 things to NEVER do in a job interview with me at my company. I was like. huh. okay. why not listen as a jobhunter. but whooooo boy, the first point she had was a red flag. she opens the video (honestly, for rage engagement, lbr) with "NEVER act like YOU NEED to interview the interviewer. HOW DARE you question me???? you bring NOTHING to the table if you act like that in MY business!!!! that's a disgusting amount of audacity that you think YOU ARE important enough to question ME, a successful real estate agent who sells luxury house listings in fadaheim florida (I made that up I don't remember where she is). come in and be as subservient as possible, and kiss my ass for the entire interview. do NOT ask me what I bring to the table. I bring it all and you work for me. end of and get out, if you think you NEED to question me. you are scum and need to work for the bare minimum, beg and scrape, before you even level a question at ME. remember I am a FAVOUR by even bothering to interview and consider hiring you. you are doing NOTHING for me."
like. sheesh woman. employers/bosses such as you are the reason that no one trusts employers anymore. why people hop jobs every few years. because who the fuck wants to work for someone who won't answer a simple question like "what's your work life balance like?" or "where do you see this business heading in the next 5 years???" or whatever else. you have no answers except "turning over millions of dollars of profits on million dollar houses and pushing out whoever DARES to question me, the all-knowing god of luxury real estate in florida". is pure audacity, and although I hate using the word, narcissism.
my point is, if you apply for a place like this, run. run for the high hills. you will be so burnt out by the end of it and probably traumatised, that it's the best not sacrificing your mental and physical health. although i know the job market is impossible right now (considering that I applied for a local call centre with the same attitude just 2 weeks ago, but they fucked me around so much woth the over the top anal background check that I didn't even start AT ALL last week (thank god once I got reports from people I know that's its a shit place to work)), that it's basically impossible NOT to take a job like that.
but this woman and people like her are showing their true colours right away. run, run, run. as fast as you can and call yourself the gingerbread man at a hopefully better (not possible really) workplace environment...... than what this woman and people like her will create and perpetuate in toxicity and unhealthy hustle culture bullshit. ALWAYS have the so-called "audacity" to question employers at the end of or throughout your interviews.
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tocatec · 1 year
Almafuerte - Se vos (DVD VIVO OBRAS oficial) HD
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dawson-mercer · 2 years
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devs 2022-2023 headshots
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jewishcissiekj · 10 months
A few months ago I woke up (I wasn't sleeping) in cold sweat at night from a story idea and grabbed a paper I found and wrote on it the OC name that came to me in a vision but only now I started thinking about her more and finally fucking designed her so here's my Jedi Master OC and her three Padawans (and everything I have to say about them) if you want to see them
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(mouth on the first one came out weird, ignore that) Bliz Karse she/her (Karse pronounced Kuh-rs, not sure about Bliz yet) -Ky Narec's best friend! her main story point lmao. They were partners most of their life, from the crèche to knighthood up until Ky ended up on Rattatak. -Theelin -Qui-Gon's and Ky's age - born circa 80 BBY -Lives up to TCW, probably dies in Order 66 (haven't gotten there yet) -Ky and her are really close friends and like half the temple's padawans gossip about them dating. They aren't together. -Her master is Burryaga from The High Republic! Was thinking about a Master for her and he just fit idk -She's short -Ky and her go around the galaxy as Jedi explorers. They're both aspiring Wayseekers, striving to be independent from the council and help wherever they can (this gets serious for Bliz after Ky crashed on Rattatak) -She takes her padawans everywhere so a lot of times people think they're Ky and hers' children -um idk I think she's aroace?
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Padawan I - Sevo Zash They/them -Mirialan (purple!) -I drew them as a Padawan but they're like, older than Obi-Wan. -Bliz took them on not long after her knighting -They love Ky -I need to develop them more (gave them a name like an hour ago and came up with the design this afternoon, I don't know them yet) -Survives Order 66 but is killed by an inquisitor not long after
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Padawan II - Nyyra Xor She/her -Falleen (green, naturally) -NOT AURRA but love me some almost bald characters with a pnytail at the top of their head and no eyebrows -I should make a timeline for Bliz but she's like, in her late 20s/early 30s by the Clone Wars -She thinks Ky is annoying but was still Bliz's Padawan when he crushed on Rattatak (that adds up, right?) so she came to miss him after a while -a big fan of annoying the fuck out of Bliz. She also doesn't like traveling as much as the others so she ended up with the worst possible master in that regard -Sevo sees her as their little sister, I feel like all 3 Padawans are kinda siblings in that way -Oldest sibling energy, doomed to be a middle child -Wants to be on the council. Dies in Order 66.
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Padawan III - Arck Kyvett she/him -Tholothian (no idea how to draw their head-tendrils but I think I did a decent job) -DIES (killed by Asajj) - her main story point is dying. That's where I started, with Asajj being sent to kill Ky's childhood friend's padawan by Dooku and then Bliz came to me -Bliz took him on 2-3 years before the Clone Wars, and he died very quickly (Asajj's first Jedi kill, maybe even before the Clone Wars started) -I wanted to give all of them some sort of Padawan braid, so Arck gets beads on one of his tendrils, I think that can work -Youngest sibling energy, if she didn't die she'd also become the favorite child (Nyyra and Sevo love her dw) -The Ky in her name is the first thing Asajj hears when Bliz refers to her. Wanted to call her Ky originally but felt this would do instead
Woooo building OC lore is fun I should do it more Talked a lot about Ky but never drew him once in my life. Let's ignore that.
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nicohischier · 1 year
i will never say who, but i would be willing to surrender a lot of names on the roster to keep damon
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reddstardust · 2 years
Top 5 personaggi di un qualsiasi tuo interesse? (Podcast, serie, film, ecc,,,)
Oddio questa è difficile 😭
Li amo tutti tantissimo. Non sono in un ordine specifico, ma
Martin Blackwood (tma)
Guillermo de la Cruz (wwdits)
Stede Bonnet (ofmd)
Zuko (atla)
Hunter (toh)
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