butterflavoredtea · 1 year
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I think there may be something wrong with me
just a hunch
In this hellhole there is the 4 art styles, cotl, terraria, spiritfarer, andrews campaign, sevvn, Rainworld (3 separate versions), the Pokémon I made for a class, murder drones and Voidpets
help me
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longnyan · 7 years
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fxrmosus · 7 years
     @sevvn​ liked for a starter! !
     [ ZEN ] SEVEN!!       [ ZEN ] There you are      [ ZEN ] I’ve been trying to call you nonstop, why can’t you answer your phone?      [ ZEN ] Ugh-- Anyways... Listen, do you have anything to do with the deliver I’ve just                                received?       [ ZEN ] It’s past 8pm, who goes to someone’s place to deliver something past 8pm? Is the                        mail even open? That’s why I’m asking.       [ ZEN ] Weird things happened to be me today, I’m not going to answer the door
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saeranchoi-070 · 7 years
@sevvn // From Here
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[ Saeran070 ] Honestly...
[ Saeran070 ] What’s your obsession with having people answer in Arabic???
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multi-coloredwxrld · 7 years
starter for @sevvn
Tap tap tap tap tap.
tap, tap, tap.
“Ah! Finished, finally!”
Crystal pink nails pulled away from the smartphone screen as duel-toned eyes scanned the response she had just finished. With a slow nod of approval, and a growing smile, Faye tapped the send button, and the email was whisked away from her hands to the Oil Tycoon on the other side of the content. 
Hopefully, this would be the final installment of a three part saga to recruit him as a guest for the upcoming RFA party. It had been nearly two days since Jumin had recommended him, after all, and the party date was creeping steadily nearer.
It wasn’t like she was worried or anything. With or without the tycoon, she was sure the party would be a success. 
The normally cheerful female heaved a slow sigh, and glanced around the apartment that was not her own. It was like she was living in a dream, but she had pinched herself more than enough times to be sure that this was very real.
Her life was suddenly topsy turvy, and it all had to do with the strange app she had found downloaded on her phone almost three days ago. At first, she had hesitated to open it. I mean, she was gullible, sure, but even she was sure that this had to be some hack or something.
But, as it usually did, curiosity got the best of her, and she opened the app, and was thrust into the chaotic world of the RFA as their new party coordinator.
I mean, it was fun! Don’t misunderstand, she loved every minute of it. The RFA members were great, and she adored them all. 
Even the mysterious 707, who she still couldn’t quite get a bead on yet. 
But it was fine! He’d come around eventually. Faye was sure of it. 
Absently, she turned her gaze towards the window. Rika’s apartment was fairly small, but it was cozy, and had an exceptional view. Even from her perch on the couch, she could make out the elegant skyline of Seoul, and she absently reached for the sketchbook on the couch beside her, intending to sketch it for the hundredth time.
Then her phone buzzed, chiming a familiar tune that another chatroom had been opened, freezing the lavender-haired lady in her tracks. Everyone had been offline for hours now, busy with their work (or in Yoosung’s case, his school work). 
So why was she getting a notification? 
Without considering the matter further, she snatched the phone up, and unlocked it swiftly, tapping the notice banner.
🇫🇦🇾🇪 🇭🇦🇸 🇪🇳🇹🇪🇷🇪🇩 🇹🇭🇪 🇨🇭🇦🇹🇷🇴🇴🇲
[Faye] um.... hello?
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bittcrbcrry-blog · 7 years
sevvn replied to your post: ❛ Whoa! Are you an alien? ❜
❛ Huh! I didn’t know that monsters exist. Cool! And what monsters do? ❜
♔ “...we eat ignorant little humans and keep their souls to fuel our city and free us from imprisonment. They also make us incredibly strong and taste delicious.”
♔ He grins slowly, mischief and hunger glinting in his eye.
♔ “By approaching me, I assume you are volunteering?”
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scllicitus-blog · 7 years
also me: I LOVE SAEYOUNG,,)
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the-tender-princess · 7 years
@sevvn​ replied to this post sevvn said: { holy damn woman I’m following this one and you have a new one already, chill!! }
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Oh Noid~ Not gonna listen to you who has made so many blogs that it’s impossible to count them down x’D
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longnyan · 7 years
A redhead 'girl' opens the door from a maid cafe and looks at him. ❛ Hai haaai ~ Welcome to the--- Oh. I think I saw you before. ❜
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scllicitus-blog · 7 years
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yuebikko · 7 years
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My precious Babu was feeling down so here goes something warming to make her feel better!! ( @sevvn / @n-o-i-d )❤
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the-tender-princess · 7 years
Repost, do NOT reblog Tagged by: @quiescentgale [thank u big sis, I wuv u! ;w;] Tagging: @bite-x-the-x-bullet @amaranth-vitae @beauty-of-thc-dark @moonlit-theft @reginae-noctis @foraedh @sevvn @human-s @datxra @demonfoxtomoe @detrimental-bloodsucker @wayward-innocent and anyone else who sees this is le challanged~
Bold what applies to your muse  Italics semi-applies. Strike doesn’t exist.
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adaptable | adventurous | affectionate | ambitious | artistic | athletic | assertive |beautiful | brave | charming | clever | compassionate | confident | considerate |cooperative | courteous | creative | curious | decisive | dependable | determined | diplomatic | easy-going |enthusiastic | fair | fashionable | forgiving | friendly | fun-loving | funny | generous | gentle | hard-working | heroic | honest | hopeful | humble |imaginative | incorruptible | intelligent | intuitive | inventive | jocular | leader | lively |loving | loyal | merciful | musical | observant | open-minded | optimistic | organized |outgoing | passionate | patient | playful | polite | popular | practical | resourceful | self-assured | selfless | sensible | sincere | strong | studious | thoughtful | tough | versatile |warm-hearted | well-intentioned | wise | witty
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multi-coloredwxrld · 7 years
{mxn says: because tumblr can be a butt, I’m gonna leave a link here of all the replies i’ve done. Please DO NOT feel that you have to continue or that you need to reply to this post, or acknowledge that I tagged you or anything! It’s merely so I know no one was missed/thread tracking. I have a few replies queued for later tonight}
@lvledjudgement: Please see here for my reply 
@solenic: please see here for my reply
@epicdisasters: please see here for my reply
@rvdvmption: please see here for my reply
@sevvn: please see here for my reply
@bolotiesandjournals: please see here for my reply
@xindness - please see here for my reply
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drawn-to-space · 7 years
Repost, not reblog! Tag muns you would like to get to know better when done!
Name: - Nickname: Yumi, Yumimun (no one calls me “Star” even though that is my mun name XDD) Age: 18 Faceclaim: Watanuki Kimihiro from XXXHolic Pronouns: She/her Height: 5″3 Birthday: July 8th Aesthetic: Black & Blues, Rock, Water Elements, Sea creatures, Atronomy & Astrology, Videogames Last song you listened to:  Kokoroache by Hyuman (Heartache Jap. remix)
Favourite muse(s) you’ve written:
I’ve only got 3 muses (R1-V3R, Gill, Yumi) and tbh its hard to choose between them, but I guess I like to write Gill even more than I like writing Yumi. I guess it’s mostly because I’m doing a lot more effort in playing him, because he’s SO diffrent from me. I say a lot of times that “I hate him”, but he’s really fun because of how much overall struggle this guy goes through. Sometimes I’m scared that I make him too all-over-the-place, but from what I heard from others, I guess I’m doing fine with him. Which is great, because I really like that I managed to both respect the original creator of G!Sans and do my own thing, at the same time.
What inspired you to take on your current muse (that you are posting this on):
Well, I just restarted RPing and I wasn’t confident on doing any canon muses, so I decided to start off with a persona to ease back in the RP Community. Plus, the Tumblr RP Community is very diffrent from the other site I used, so I wanted to at least have a muse that I know I’ll do good and learn more about how it works here.
What are your favorite aspects of your current muse:
I made her closer to Watanuki’s eccentric personality where he’s really emotional literally and in a sense where he has really exagerated reactions. It was my favorite thing about him, so that’s what I did with Yumi! 
What’s your biggest inspiration when it comes to writing:
Music helps me a fuck ton. I mostly listen to videogame songs with no lyrics. I usualy change the song if the mood of what I’m writing changes, which helps me write bettr for that mood. I usually listen to very specific songs depending on it.
Favourite types of threads:
I really like writing FLUFF and AGRESSIVE threads. For fluff, it doesnt have to necessairily be romantic or anything, I like writing my character developping their relationship (romantic or not) with another muse. As for agressive, I just like writing my characters angry, I’m not sure why, they dont have to be right either or anything but just the fact that they’re angry is realy funny to me for some reason. XD
The biggest struggle in regards to your current muse:
I dont have that much difficulty when I write Yumi because she’s my persona, more or less (I’m trying to detach her from me). The only diffrence is that she’s much MUCH more sensitive than I am, mostly on the agressivity part, she’s also very blunt, WAY more than me, so sometimes I have trouble actually remembereing that she will not hold back. 
Tagged by: Stolen from: @sevvn Tagging: @skelehomie @prometheanpotential @thepositivescientist @fatesfeated @bopnty AND ANYONE ELSE WHO WANTS TO!
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keysoflight · 7 years
@meathiel @sevvn Just watch... XD
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