#sewer clown movie
omgeto · 8 months
You should call your blog the sewer and call your followers your lil rats 🥰
I AM NOT CALLING MY BLOG THE FUCKING SEWER. this is a pizzeria and u hoes are my emperonis SILLY.
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indianagump · 1 year
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We all float down here
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glorious-spoon · 8 months
Thinking about the prompt "no, you’ll get an infection." since I just saw a gifset of our beloved firemen ripping open packages with their teeth. 😄
thank you! have a bit of established-relationship dorks on a very serious rescue mission.
"Buck," Eddie says, in the deeply patient tone that means he's refraining from adding, what the fuck is wrong with you. Buck's found that most people have a version of that tone, at least around him. Eddie doesn't employ his all that often; most of the time, Eddie is on board with pretty much anything Buck suggests. Digging around in storm drains for a missing stuffed animal is the limit, apparently.
"I've almost got it," Buck says, twisting slightly to wedge his shoulder against the grate. His fingers just brush the soggy synthetic fur of the small purple stuffed rabbit a few feet down.
"Isn't this how that kid lost his arm in that movie?"
He twists back to stare up at Eddie, who is backlit by the midday sun with the carnival spread out behind him. His hands are on his hips and his expression is half-amused, half-exasperated. "What?"
"Pennywise? Evil clown monster that lives in the sewers and eats children? It's based on a Stephen King novel."
"I repeat," Buck says. "What?"
"Right, I forgot that you don't watch anything other than nature documentaries and whatever Christopher adds to your Netflix queue."
"Bold words for a guy who's memorized every single telenovela from the past twenty years."
Eddie scoffs. "Come on. Who knows what's down there, you're not even wearing gloves, you're going to slice your hand open on some grimy piece of metal and get an infection."
"I'm being careful." Buck turns his head to squint down into the storm drain. It's too dark to see much of anything other than the faintly oily glimmer of water. There are cigarette butts and greasy fast food wrappers floating in it, and it doesn't smell great, but he's definitely dealt with grosser over the course of his career. Besides. He's so close. If he just stretches—
His fingers brush the rabbit's ear again. It topples over into the grimy water with a splash, and Buck swears under his breath. The toy is now half-submerged and several inches out of reach no matter how much he stretches.
"Buck," Eddie says again, softer. "Come on. It's just a stuffed animal."
"That Christopher won."
A sigh. "He's thirteen. I don't think this is going to break his heart, sweetheart."
Buck knows that this is probably objectively true. Chris was gleefully triumphant about winning at balloon darts even after Eddie grumbled about rigged games, but the stuffed rabbit itself seemed like an afterthought. He shoved it into Buck's hands with a quick grin before going off with his friends twenty minutes ago, and Buck is—stupid, probably, for the fact that this is sort of breaking his heart.
He hasn't thought about that giant stuffed bear that they won at the pier, the one that must have washed out to sea along with half of the Los Angeles coastline, in years. He doesn't even know if Christopher remembers it. He was little. And it wasn't exactly the most memorable part of the day. The little stuffed rabbit, which fits in the palm of Buck's hand—and incidentally, between the holes of a storm drain grate—makes a much more convenient souvenir. And it felt kind of—nice, having a sort of redo on that, even if Chris doesn't remember.
But Eddie's right. Short of trying to pry up the grate cover—which he could absolutely do, if he had a halligan handy—there's no way he's going to reach it. He sighs, resting his forehead on the metal frame, then wriggles his arm out of the grate and sits back on his heels, defeated. "Okay, fine. You win."
There's no response. When he turns around, Eddie is nowhere to be seen. Feeling more than a little put-out, Buck straightens up and looks around. It's not that crowded here, but there are enough passers-by that Buck's been getting a few strange looks, which he's been ignoring. The two streets to his left are closed-off for the carnival; to his right is a black-and-white parked across the median with a bored-looking beat cop directing traffic, and a couple of sanitation workers in hi-vis vests. Eddie is talking to one of them, but he glances back like he can tell Buck is watching him.
Buck spreads his hands in question, and Eddie holds up a finger, turning back toward the guy he was just talking to. Buck slumps, then sits down on the curb, staring forlornly at the storm drain.
A moment later, footsteps approach.
"Come on, stop pouting, scoot over," Eddie says as his shadow falls across Buck.
"I'm not pouting," Buck grumbles, but he scoots over.
"Sure you're not," Eddie says agreeably, sitting down next to him. "Here. You think this'll work?"
Buck blinks at him, then looks down at the trash picker Eddie is holding out to him, which has LA - DPW scrawled down one side in Sharpie. "Did you…"
"I mean, I had to give them a whole sob story, so you might as well try it," Eddie says, wrapping his hand around Buck's knee and jostling him gently. Buck takes the picker, then laughs, dropping his forehead to Eddie's shoulder.
"Sob story, huh?"
"Just saying. Probably more sanitary than trying to stick your bare hand down a storm drain."
"I love you," Buck tells him, and he feels Eddie's shoulder shake slightly with laughter before he straightens up.
"Love you too," he says. "Now come on, let's get started on this rescue operation. Though I think our patient is gonna need a thorough hose-down before we can transport him."
Buck snickers into Eddie's shirt. His eyes aren't wet, because that would be dumb. He rubs his cheek against the warm cotton anyway before lifting his head. "You're such a dork."
Eddie grins at him, ruffled and lovely in the afternoon sunlight. "Just trying to follow proper triage protocol here."
"Dork," Buck repeats, but he leans in to steal a brief kiss before they get the rescue operation underway.
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mermmarie · 2 years
DATING THE BAYVERSE BOYS The Good, The Bad, The Ugly, and The Sexy
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Authors Note: In my TMNT phase hardcore right now and I thought... I wanna share my headcanons for dating the the Bayverse Ninja Turtles!! 😋 Mostly under the cut because of mature themes/ideas. Hope you like 'em! Also, small thanks to @seafoamtaffy for helping me out with a few of Leonardos! 💙
Disclaimer: All characters depicted are 20+
Warnings: Mature/sexual themes, NSFW mentions, mature language. MINORS DNI
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The good:
The master of positive encouragement/reinforcement. This boy builds you up like no other! It’s almost impossible to think bad of yourself around him.
Lots of physical affection, especially PDA. (As public as it can be living a life in the shadows) Loves kissing you, holding your hands, cuddling. No shame around his brothers, father, or April and Casey.
Would graffiti random buildings, subway cars, and trains in your name or with symbols that represent your love.
Food is his love language. Not a fantastic cook, but he can follow instructions and he’d try making your favorite meal for special events like your birthday, Valentines, anniversaries, or when you had a bad week. He’d also spoil you with your favorite snacks and sweets whenever he has the means to do so.
Would serenade you a lot, and makes playlists for you. They’d consist of songs he thinks you would like, and songs that reminded him of you and your relationship with him.
The bad:
Cliiiiiingy. Always has to have his hands on you and follows you everywhere. Even wants to be in the bathroom with you when you’re using the toilet.  
Generally, not the jealous type, but absolutely needs your constant attention.
Texts and calls you a lot. (Almost too much) Like, goddamn. You know he has a lot of time on his hands cause he’s cooped down in the sewers until nighttime, but dude—chill.
The ugly:
Guilt trips you over having to return to your surface life and personal duties.
Straight up avoids and ignores if there’s problems with your relationship. He knows no relationship is perfect, but he doesn’t want to break the fantasy, So, if you’re upset and wanna talk things out, he’ll redirect the conversation a lot of the time. You’ll have to be pretty stern to get through to him.
Horny. All. The. TIME. He’d push boundaries to get you in the mood, even going as far to make unwanted advances. (Wouldn’t do anything against your will, or force himself upon you though.)
The sexy:
Can and will laugh during sex. And good, because it’s definitely interesting between a giant mutant turtle and normal human being. There’s a lot for both of you to learn, but he’s surprisingly patient and things are never awkward with him.
He is willing to do the horizontal tango any time you want it. You could literally spend thirty minutes shitting your guts out due to having indulged on your favorite, but forbidden dairy product, and he’d still be down to clown afterwards.
Looooves oral. (Both giving and receiving) He can’t get enough of the taste of you, and would work diligently to give you multiple orgasms through going down on you.
He’s confident in his abilities and open to anything. You want him to put on a sexy dance for you? You got it! Wanna try a new move? Say no more! Have a kink you’ve been reluctant to tell him about? Baby, you’ve got nothing to be ashamed of! 
Great with aftercare. Ya’ll would either fall asleep in each other’s arms, cuddle up watching your favorite streaming shows, or play some hand-held video games together afterwards.
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The good:
Thoroughly interested and supportive of your passions and hobbies. Loves listening to you speak on them and would try his best to get involved in some way.
Since he’s the tech guy, a good majority of your dates would consist of pirating your favorite shows, and movies. He’d take you out in the turtle van to some desolate underpass, and project the picture on a wide slab of concrete. Afterwards, he’d put the media on your favorite format so you could have it always; downloads, dvds, even the nearly nonfunctional vhs’s!
Also, since he’s the tech guy he would surprise you with deliveries to your work place from time to time. Flowers, edible arrangements, your favorite drinks, thoughtful cards (with some spending money~ bounces eyebrows. He’d love the idea of being your sugar daddy when he’s able to. 😩 )
 Because he’s such a tall boy, forehead kisses are his thing. He peppers your cute little dome with small little pecks any chance he gets.
When he’s low on energy he drags you into power naps with him, which inevitably turns into a slumber because he’s so comfortable in your presence, and you find content in his warmth.
An added extra: Since Donatello is the tattoo artist of the group, free ink if you’re into that kind of thing! 👀
The bad:
This guy works off a schedule, and sometimes he just doesn’t have the time to fit you into it. With training, patrol, lair upkeep, creating new tech, and being the only one to have an actual job (because how else are they paying for food?), he’s unfortunately a very busy turtle.
Is the silent type when upset, and worst of all, he gets more upset if you don’t realize that something’s bothering him.
Double standards. He would insist that you properly take care of yourself. Drink lots of water, cut back on caffeine, shower and moisturize, eat three meals a day and snack in between, get eight hours of sleep, take a day off of work, etc… But Donnie doesn’t hold himself to the same expectations and good luck trying to get him to change. (Sometimes he shares his red-cladded brothers’ stubbornness.)
The ugly:
Internet stalks you, your family and your exes... He mostly does it as a means to gather useful information, and he’s clever enough to only use it in the appropriate situations, but it’ll take you aback when he mentions the name of an ex when you two fight. (He’ll never do it again after the first time however.)
Gets almost unreasonably upset when you have to cancel plans with him. To reference back to how busy he is, and double standards; he just expects you to be able to make time for him. After all, you’re not a defender of New York, nor are you confined to specific hours of the day like he is. How busy can you be?
Since you have a life on the surface, he sometimes gets into his head and assumes the worst. He’s stuck in the lair until nightfall, and his stupid brain likes to torture him with made up scenarios. He’ll make jokes of it, but you know there’s a hint of truth and insecurity behind the question, “So, who’d ya cheat on me with today?” It’s never funny…
The sexy:
Dandere in the streets, Kuudere in the sheets. (Yes, I’m a weeb. Look it up.) He’s not too big on the idea of PDA in front of his brothers, but as soon as it’s just the two of you, his hands will be all over your body and he’ll be macking on those plush lips of yours.
While he enjoys getting off himself, he’s all about pleasing you. A lot of the time, you cumming is more than suffice for him.
Because he is the most internet savvy, he’s done his research on your anatomy. So, unlike the other brothers, your first time together would be quite pleasurable. (Which is a feat considering Donatello has the biggest dick (fight me), so there would be a lot of work put into getting you prepared for it, but he enjoys the foreplay.)
Blindfolds. He can’t see during sex (if he removes his glasses of course) so why should you? It’s a fun little venture from time to time exploring each other’s bodies with your other senses.
He will fucking lap up the ground you walk on if you moan or scream his name during. For the love of god, just do it. It’ll make him absolutely wild.
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The good:
You wouldn’t expect it of him before you started dating, but once you enter a relationship, he is the best listener. You’ll accidentally spend long amounts of time vent dumping on him, because he’s actually very attentive and empathetic of your feelings.
Since Raph leaves the lair the most (due to needing “fresh air”) he knows New York the best. Which means he takes you to all the cool and secret attractions of the city for date nights.  
He includes you in his workouts, if you know what I’m saying? 😏😏😏 I mean, he asks for your assistance… Uses you as added weights, has you help him with certain stretches, asks you to time him on specific drills. He just wants you to be part of one of his favorite activities. (WHICH INCLUDES SEX! Duh. 😋)
You already knew this was coming but… He knits you clothes! Mainly stuff to keep you warm in the winter. So, sweaters, scarves, gloves, and socks. Buuut-- He also dabbles in jewelry in secret. None of his brothers know about it, but Donnie is always curious as to why he borrows/steals his pliers, wire cutters and soldering tools every once in a while. You get custom made bracelets, earrings, and necklaces out of this. (He wouldn’t make you rings until far long into your relationship. He’s a shy boy and doesn’t want to scare you off with the implications. Plus, they’re hard to make, lol.)
Playful teasing and showboating of you. Only to levels you’re comfortable with, but he’s proud to be your significant other, and you’re so attractive to him, he’s gotta show you off to his brothers a little bit. He’ll pinch/grab/smack your ass (gently, lol), caress your face, arms, thighs, and nuzzle his snout into the crook of your neck in front of them, just to get all of you flustered and worked up.
The bad:
Has the millennial phone fear. He doesn’t like talking on the phone much because he dislikes the way his voice sounds to him when you put him on speaker, and he isn’t good at texting you back in a timely matter either… He argues that your conversations are more meaningful in person.
Prone to fighting, duh. Verbal fights of course. Raphael would never lay a hand on you, but if upset enough, he would break things around you. Punch a wall, throw a chair, shatter a glass. He’s also quick to raise his voice and yell, so if that kind of thing makes you uncomfortable, expect tears. (Although, as soon as you start crying, he crumbles.)
Would avoid missionary position, or any position that gave you an angle on his face at first. He’s insecure about his physique and features, and wouldn’t want to scare you or turn your off with his looks. (Though, as soon as you cupped your hands against his cheeks and stared down his emerald eyes, lorrrddd!! It’d ignite a passionate fury in him!)
The ugly:
We all expect jealousy of Raphael, but it’s in the worst ways. He’ll get jealous of his brothers interacting with you and vice versa. He won’t act on his feelings, but he doesn’t like the others touching you or being too interested in conversation with you. He’s also jealous of you specifically. He hates it, but you’re beautiful and normal. You get so many opportunities being human that he couldn’t even possibly dream of. He’d try to keep those insecurities to himself, but they of course bubble up when you fight.
(Like his purple-coded brother) He stalks you. He tells himself he’s being a good boyfriend and he’s just watching over you; making sure nobody messes with ya, but in reality he wants to know what you’re up too at all times. If your residence has the view for it, he’ll become a peeping tom and watch you undress.
Raph always grows distant when your time together is coming to an end. He just checks out hours before you actually have to go. He must think it’s a way to protect himself mentally, but it’s just unfair to you and almost impossible to pull him back into the moment.
The sexy:
Raph just emits sexual tension into everything. The way he lifts weights, how his brows furrow when he looks at you, the way his tongue dances around the toothpick in his mouth, how he folds laundry… Like, how? WHY?? I mean you’re not going to look a gift horse in the mouth, but boy it’s almost troublesome how he can make you so hot and bothered so easily.
 A double standard, but he wouldn’t let you be insecure about anything during sexy time, especially not your body. - You: I don’t want to do x,y,or z because I’m too heavy/too boney/have too much hair/don’t like my stretch marks/my bits are different from others/etc… - Raph: … If you don’t get your ass over here and sit on my face right now.
His tongue… is so long… 😳💦 Do I really need to say anything more??
Have you been interested in standing sex positions, but could never try them out because your past partners weren’t strong enough for them? Well, these are Raphy-boys specialty! Holding you up and pumping away in ya is a breeze for him, and good thing too! Because your legs are gonna be wet noodles afterwards~
He is actually okay with you egging him on during sex. As in: Saying things to purposely piss him off to make him fuck you raw. You would need to talk about what’s okay to say beforehand, and make non-verbal cues for safe words; but once that’s said and done, he’s game. It gets him riled up in the best ways possible.
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The good:
Leonardo will just pop in on you randomly during the DAY, just to say hi, and see how you’re doing, maybe even give you a few kisses. He’s so confident in his stealth abilities, and honestly… it’s justified. Still, it nearly gives you a heart attack every time and a playful fight breaks out as you urge him to leave so he won’t be seen by other surface dwellers.
If you need a task done, Leonardo is your #1 motivator. He won't do it for you, pfft! No. But he will absolutely help you stay on track. So, if there’s something you need a push to do, like finish a college essay you’ve been procrastinating on, doing an exercise routine after a long day of work, or making a stress inducing dentist appointment on your own; he’s your guy!
Massages. The guy actually knows what he’s doing and isn’t just pinching and pulling your skin. Knows what muscles to work on to relieve you of that headache, and what pressure points to hit to release the stress and tension you’ve been holding.
It’s a little silly, but he ‘bridal carries’ you a lot. He loves holding you in his arms, so when there’s an opportunity for it, he scoops you right up! It’s definitely unnecessary sometimes; like when he carries you from the living room area to his bedroom, but are you really gonna say no to those biceps, triceps and delts? 😩💦
All the turtles would teach you self-defense and CQC at some point in your relationship with them, but Leonardo would be adamant on it from the beginning. He would want you to be able to protect yourself when he’s not around. If you’re able to successfully to take him down, (which is gonna be hard because…he big 😳) he would instantly pop a hard one.
The bad:
Not so creative with date nights. He just likes spending time with you and figures you feel the same way. You’ll have to be the one to come up with fun ideas to do, or at least drop him hints on how to spice things up.
Needs you to be independent. He’s the leader, he’s got a whole city to defend and four brothers to take care of. So, you aren’t going to have his attention 100% of the time. Not to mention, he’s the kind of guy who likes his space. He’s got his things that he likes to do on his own, so you need some of your own.
Ironically, he also kind of… parents you. Especially when you don’t want it or ask. He thinks he knows best and will try to steer you in a certain direction. “You shouldn’t wear that article of clothing, it’s too revealing.” “If you want a raise, ask for it.” “Don’t stay up all night doing ____, it’s bad for your health.” “ _____ person is right, you were being ____” (Oooh, the last one. You definitely have to teach him the difference between wanting him to just listen and wanting him to respond.)
The ugly:
He doesn’t have the time for your interest. Don’t get it wrong, he likes to hear about them and supports you pursuing them it’s just… if they aren’t his specifically, or they don’t mix in some way, he just can’t be bothered to be involved.
When you get into major disagreements his tongue can be quite sharp. He’s only used to Raphael questioning his authority and opinions, so his temper is surprisingly short and his remarks are critical. If he’s losing the battle, he’ll sometimes resort to just straight up ignoring you by going silent or leaving the room.
Jealous of toys and the idea of you getting off by yourself. While he absolutely has no problem making you cum, he wants to be the only one to make you moan and scream. So, best to leave the solo sessions at home.
The sexy:
(Technically, this could be a ‘bad’ point but…) Don’t wear any clothes you really like when planning on getting down and dirty with Leo because has a bad habit of ripping them off of you.
Leo’s really good with foreplay, and not just with stimulating you. He’s good at setting the mood, and building tension, all while keeping a cool head himself. It’s a bit infuriating how hard it is to rile him up the same way, but at least it makes for a fun game you both enjoy.  
(Being the weeb he is) Leo loves to practice Shibari on you. He loves seeing you restrained and completely submissive to him. He’s even gone out of his way to find/buy decorative rope to tie you up with, it’s gotta accentuate your beauty. If you’re lucky enough, he may let you try it out on him. (Although, you can only do a handful of knots and ties considering his shell gets in the way.)
He marks you with hickeys and bites. Most of the time, he is considerate enough to only leave them in spots where you can hide them, buuut--- Every once in a while he wants to remind his brothers, and surface dwellers that you are his.
Katoptronophilia babyyyy! You already know Leonardo is the type of guy who’d be into watching his performance in the mirror. (Not to mention taking in how good you look in the reflective glass. 😏)
If you liked these, check out my Dating the Rise Boys headcanons!!
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saltydoesstuff · 6 months
I'm usually terrified of clowns...
But Pennywise from the 2017 IT movie?
Smooching his megamind forehead--
But.. this also give me an idea for yet another AU
The turtles as Deadlights (what Penny is), ancient aliens/Eldrich monsters from space that had crash landed onto Earth via an asteroid impact and now hides in the sewers, feeding off of humans/yokai and their fear for survival
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someone sedate me
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wheels-of-despair · 11 months
Clown Around and Find Out Pairing: Eddie Munson x You Summary: Eddie decides to play a prank on Evil Woman, and quickly finds out just how dangerous that is. Contains: A quiet night alone, a bad idea, an Evil Woman secret, excessive cursing, panic, rage, attempted murder, happy ending. Words: 1.8k Note: This takes place in the fall of 1990.
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"She's gonna murder you."
"No, she's not," Eddie grins, admiring his outfit in the mirror.
"Don't you think it's kinda mean?" Jeff asks.
"That's what makes it funny!" Grant insists.
"She is literally going to murder you," Gareth reiterates.
"She is not! It's just a jump-scare, she's gonna know it's me in like a second!"
"You're gonna give the poor girl a heart attack!" Jeff tries again.
"You guys are no fucking fun anymore," Eddie grumbles, picking up the mask he'd found in a clearance bin after Halloween and modified for this very occasion. "I'm outta here."
"It's your funeral, man," Gareth shrugs.
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After a few years of living with Eddie, you learned to appreciate your alone time. You loved him with everything you had, but even (mostly) domesticated, your beloved trash panda was still a lot to handle. So somewhere along the way, a night of band practice for Eddie started to mean a quiet night alone with a book or a "chick movie" for you. You'd never admit it to him, but you enjoyed these peaceful nights.
However, about a week ago, you and Eddie sat down with a bowl of popcorn to watch the new Stephen King miniseries.
You'd both read the book when it first came out and thought it was awesome.
Seeing it in your living room, on the other hand, was not so awesome.
You hated that fucking clown.
The mile-high forehead. The nose that looked like a blood blister about to pop. The fucking fangs. The whole luring-children-into-the-sewer-and-eating-them thing. Nope, nope, nope.
Eddie had watched the whole thing with fascination. You'd focused your eyes on the dusty little houseplant that lived below the TV whenever that thing was on screen.
And still, it invaded your nightmares.
So tonight, your quiet night alone was something of a nightmare as well. It was so quiet, every little creak echoed through the house.
You put on a movie - an old favorite that calmed your nerves for its duration - but as soon as the soothing whir of the tape rewinding ended with a clunk, the house resumed its creaking. You decided to do some laundry, hoping the washing machine would drown out the little noises that kept making you jump.
You gathered the basket of dirty clothes, hauled it to the laundry room, and began sorting. Still too quiet. You started singing the first song that came to mind to combat the silence as you loaded the washer and poured in the detergent.
When you turned to reach for the cap, you gasped.
There was a fucking clown standing in the doorway. Big forehead. Round nose. Frizzy hair. Ruffled shirt with ridiculously large pom-poms down the front. White gloves.
It's not real. Remember when a cardinal flew past you the other day, and you freaked out because all you saw was a flash of red, and you thought of that fucking clown? It's not real.
And then it fucking moved.
You shrieked and jumped backward, colliding with the wall of your tiny laundry room. There's no fucking way out of here. There are no weapons. If you survive this, you're going everywhere with a machete strapped to you for the rest of your life.
It crosses its arms.
Just like you've seen someone else do on occasion.
"Edward Munson, if you don't have that fucking mask off in 3 seconds, you are in for a WORLD of fucking hurt."
The clown throws up both hands in an exaggerated shrug.
It's just Eddie, right? Fucking with his poor little chicken? He'd laughed after you told him about the first clown nightmare, giving you an "awww" and a patronizing kiss on the forehead. It's just Eddie thinking he's funny. Which he's not. He's really not.
"Eddie, I'm fucking warning you."
But what if it's not him?
It takes a leap toward you.
You grab the handle of the laundry detergent - the big value-sized kind in a jug - and hurl it at the clown with everything you've got.
As if it were traveling in slow motion, you see the blue liquid begin to spill from the spout, somehow spreading in every direction; if you lived through this, you'd probably spend the next week scrubbing laundry detergent from every square inch of this room.
The clown ducks and misses the heavy jug, which hits the wall in the hallway and falls to the floor, but still gets doused in blue. It looks down at the liquid seeping into its stupid ruffly shirt, and you reach for the jug of bleach on the floor.
"You think this is funny, motherfucker?"
The clown holds out one of its gloved hands and takes a step closer, and it fills you with rage. If this is Eddie, you're gonna kill him and bury him in the back yard. If it's NOT Eddie, you're gonna kill it and call the cops. You fling the bleach at it, and this time, it's not quick enough. The clown tries to duck out of the way again, but the bottle makes contact with its side before falling to the ground.
The clown bends over with a grunt, clutching the spot where you hit it. Its massive forehead slowly rises to look at you. All you can see are dark holes where eyes should be. You grab the bottle of fabric softener and send it flying toward the clown's face. Direct hit, and a muffled cry from the clown.
You reach for the iron and grip the handle hard. If you die tonight, at least you're gonna take that ugly-ass motherfucker down with you.
The clown grumbles something from behind the mask, but you can't understand it. It stumbles backward. You raise the iron, wishing it were hot so you could melt this motherfucker's face off.
The white glove starts fumbling with the frizzy red wig, then pulls it off. A familiar mop of brown hair comes into view.
You're relieved for half a second, and then you're back to irate.
"You fucking ASSHOLE! What is WRONG with you?!"
"I thought it would be funny," he winces, standing and rubbing the spot on his side where you'd hit him with the bleach. "When did you get so violent?"
When did you get so violent?? You can feel the rage bubbling over again, and Eddie can see that he's still in danger. You slam the iron down on top of the washer, and he jumps at the sound.
"Okay, woah, I'm sorry," he says, backing toward the door. "I didn't think you'd freak out this bad."
You slowly advance on him, filling with fury.
"Stop. Stop." He holds his still-gloved hands up in surrender. You clench your fists and prepare to strike.
He makes his move a split second before you do.
You pounce, and he escapes. The door slams in your face.
"I said I was sorry!"
You try the doorknob, but it won't turn. This door locks from the inside. He's holding onto it.
"You really think locking me in here is a good idea?" you seethe.
"You're not locked in."
You smack your hand on the door where you suspect his face is on the other side.
"Hey!" Damn, you're good.
"Let me out."
"Not until you calm down."
"Is it ever a good idea to tell a girl to calm down, Edward?"
A thump comes from the door, as if he's just banged his head against the other side.
"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't know it would freak you out that bad. You said you had a dream about the clown, and I thought it was cute, then I saw the mask and decided to fix it up and mess with you."
You feel the adrenaline draining from your body at the sound of his stupid voice. You both love and hate this power he has over you.
You sigh and lean your head against the door. "I've been dreaming about it every night," you admit, removing your hand from the knob.
"Every night?"
"Every night."
You step away from the door and shimmy yourself up onto the dryer, sitting on top with your legs crossed.
"If I open the door, are you gonna murder me?"
"Only time will tell," you deadpan.
The door opens a sliver, and you see puffy red eye staring at you through the crack. He eases it open the rest of the way, but remains in the hallway.
"Are you okay?" he asks.
Your life-or-death rush has faded; you're too tired to shoot him the withering glare he deserves.
He approaches you cautiously, still not entirely convinced that he'll live to see tomorrow.
"Take that stupid shirt off."
He whips it off and throws it over his shoulder. The gloves follow.
"Are you okay?" he asks again.
You sigh, close your eyes, and lean forward. He closes the distance and wraps his arms around you.
"I really am sorry," he whispers into your hair.
"I'm sure you'll find a way to make it up to me."
He hums in acknowledgement and holds you tighter. You rest your cheek against his warm chest for a few minutes, replaying the events of tonight. You'd probably be laughing about this in a few years, and telling this story at parties. But for now, you were just glad you hadn't really killed him. You quite liked this idiot. Most of the time.
"Are you okay?" you ask. "Aside from your slow reflexes?"
"Couldn't see shit in that mask."
"Excuses, excuses. Answer the question."
"I'll be fine," he chuckles. "Just like being back in high school and fucking with the jocks. 'Cept your aim's better. And they never cuddled me after they threw shit at me."
Both of your shoulders shake in silent laughter.
When you pulled away and opened your eyes again, you were greeted by the sight of blue splatters everywhere. Everywhere. How did one jug even hold that much? How the hell did it get on the ceiling?
"Looks like somebody jerked off a Smurf in here," you observe.
Eddie snorts, which makes you snort, and then you both start laughing. And just like that… everything was okay again.
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Two Days Later
The Corroded Coffin boys put down their instruments and stood together when Eddie's van roared up the driveway, waiting to hear about The Pennywise Incident. He took his time getting his guitar and approaching the garage, then walked right by them without a word. He turned his back and ignored them while he set up his gear.
The trio closed in on him.
"How'd it go, man?" Grant prompted. "Did she freak?"
"Did she make you sleep in the van?" Jeff laughed.
Eddie turned around and took off his sunglasses with an unamused huff, revealing the black eye the fabric softener had given him.
"Told you so," Gareth smirked.
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biolizardboils · 1 year
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Behold—The Grievance of the Graphite Ghostwriter and The Woeful Watercolor Heartache of the Weeping Wet Hairbrush!
notes and a sort-of plot under the cut!
My recipe for these was (Kid + Nuclear Waste + Favorite Creative Utensil) x Personality Trait That Could Realistically Boil Over. George’s trait is his sense of justice, Harold’s is trying to downplay his sadness with jokes
They’re foils to each other in a few ways: Writing vs. Drawing, of course, but also Dry Dust vs. Wet Puddles and Only Eyes vs. Only A Mouth
Their surroundings in the second pic is intentional too. George is attacking the cool-colored Downtown Piqua, where cold-hearted businessmen exploit their workers; Harold attacks the warm-colored suburbs, tearing open nuclear households to feel the warmth inside
They get two forms because Booger Boy and Sir Stinks-A-Lot did too and also I’m indecisive lol. Think of their first form as Mega Evolution and the second as Gigantamax. Introducing Pilkeymon Graphite and Pilkeymon Acrylic
The Sort-Of Plot
First off this takes place in an unholy mashup of all three canons, because again I’m indecisive. Anyway:
One day The Boys realize their comics tend to come true and try to game the system lol. They make one about them getting Writer/Artist Powers and fixing all of Piqua’s problems with them! ...But nothing happens, and it upsets them more than they want to admit
Later they go on separate field trips to opposite ends of town (they’re in different classes like in the Movie I guess). They miss each other and sneak away to self-soothe by writing/drawing
But someone comes to bother them—a teacher scolds George harshly for wandering off, and a mean older kid picks on Harold knowing The Tie won’t stop him. They try to get away and fall into the sewers, where their frustration (and nuclear waste) catalyzes their transformation
At first they use their new powers for good: George “rewrites” the teacher to stop misusing his authority, and Harold “repaints” the mean kid into a literal class clown. But they don’t feel better, so they try harder: bad businessmen give away their riches, and the gas station from Book 9 becomes a candy store. They still don’t feel better, and soon their well-meaning “fixing” turns everyone into either single-minded zombies or forcibly smiling blobs
Melvin was in the downtown field trip and Knows About Captain like in Book 8 or whenever it was, so he finds Krupp, snaps, and sics him on George. Then he goes to the suburbs and “tells” on both Boys to their families. “Hey your sons have been leading dangerous monster-fighting double lives and now they’re monsters and you should be mad at them about it!”
Meanwhile, Captain is horrified that one of his sidekicks has fallen to evil!! He doesn’t want to hurt George and tries to talk him down while dodging his Pencil-Tie. George yells that he could never understand what he’s going through and takes on his Tornado form, blowing Captain all the way to the suburbs. There Captain sees Harold, gets horrified again, and tries the same talk on him—cue his giant Dolphin form. And since he’s spewing wet paint everywhere, Krupp wakes up in front of Melvin and the families. (What Captain didn’t get is that the Boys aren’t evil now—they’re having literal nuclear meltdowns due to past hurt and current stress)
So now there’s two giant monsters wrecking different parts of the city, Captain is down for the count, and the Boys’ families know Everything. Someone says, “Well, at least it can’t get any worse!” Cue the Boys seeing each other in the distance, not recognizing each other, and meeting in City Center for a KAIJU FIGHT (in Flip-O-Rama of course)
Melvin calculates their weaknesses and everyone splits up to gather the necessary supplies. But by the time they meet back up, the Boys have already neutralized each other (Harold bites down on George’s tie, and George sucks the water out of Harold’s hair). So instead the parents just talk to them and hope they’re listening from somewhere inside the dust clouds and dried hair. They tell them that they know what they’ve been going through now, that they get why they didn’t tell them, but that they shouldn’t have to bear so much responsibility alone. Maybe they even get Krupp to apologize for the part he's played in their constant stress (as if I haven’t derailed canon enough already lol).
The Boys emerge, human and crying, and run into their parents’ arms. Everyone helps clean up the city and cure its citizens with the supplies they’d gotten earlier. The sort-of plot ends with everyone going home, making popcorn, and watching the Kaiju Fight on the news. They might’ve caused millions in property damage but hey, at least it looked awesome
The outcome: Now the Boys don’t have to keep as many secrets, and Krupp is a bit more mindful of how he treats his students. (And maybe he knows about Captain now too, I haven’t decided yet)
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the-slasher-files · 2 years
GIVE IN [Michael x fem!reader x Corey]
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prompts: GORE. TOYS. FLUFF. CNC.
keywords: COLD. RAPTURE
"oh come on, it will be fun! Kind of like that movie It,"
"You mean with that weird shapeshifting clown monster?"
"Haha, yes, the weird shapeshifting clown monster"
You held hands with your boyfriend, playfully shoving each other and the natural banter always seemed to flow with you two. You were both glad just to have the day off to spend together, although this wasn't his idea of a fun date but the rumours and stories drew you in, especially so close to Halloween. Traversing down the dried-out river bank and through the broken trees you finally came to what you had been looking for; The open sewers of Haddonfield.
"Oh my god, yes!" You excitedly exclaimed, turning on your phone flashlight, already stepping foot into the tunnel before you felt a tug on your arm.
"You cannot be serious" He looked at you with the same look a stern father might give you but that was simply ignored and you pulled him into the dark.
"Yes. I brought you all the way here to just look at the sewers and not go in," You sarcastically snarked back "Now let's go, I just want to see if the rumours were true"
Lighting up the dreary sewers the walls were concrete with cracked bricks, pipes dripped above you and cobwebs shimmered in the low light along with the small stream of water beneath your feet. Slowly it began to open up with a maze of tunnels, some blocked off with metal grates and others leading into an endless pit of darkness.
"Those stories you've been texting me about when I'm trying to be sleeping?" He teased, brushing his shoulder against yours and instinctively he pulled you a little closer as you two walked.
"You know that's always when my brain thinks about weird things," The corner of your lips twitched in a sassy smirk "But yes. Apparently, a bunch of satanic shit happens down here and rituals and I don't know some story about a girl being murdered but I honestly couldn't find much on that one" You rambled on a little, passing a tunnel that turned off to the right
"Wait, wait, wait. What?" Your boyfriend asked with a furrowed brow and he paused, jerking your hand a little so you would look at him. "Babe, yo-"
Suddenly he was cut off by the sound of wet squelching and his eyes went wide in terror and pain. His lips opened to say something but only a trickle of blood began to flow and he gurgled, sputtering words at you that sounded like jibberish as his eyes faded. Reaching out to you, his body jerked back and in one movement a blade came out of the shadows, slitting your boyfriends throat almost to the bones. White cartilage peaked from the strings of muscle that had been forced apart, his head hung back allowing a river of crimson so deep it looked black cascading down his body and meeting another wound; The initial wound where something had been plunged through his stomach and you screamed. An echoing barrage through the sewers made something stir in the shadows but all you were focused on was your boyfriend bleeding out in front of you.
"OH MY GODDDDD!!" You wailed, dropping your phone into the growing puddle of blood and his body collapsed revealing the cold smile of the killer.
"Ssshhhh... You'll wake him" The man whispered and began to laugh quietly, stalking forward.
It was him. It was Corey Cunningham. You two had been talking for about a month now and things were only getting more and more heated between you two, especially recently at the Halloween party thrown by some friends. You stuck to your word however, you had a boyfriend and needed to end it with him first before jumping into something else, and that would be hard with his painted reputation. He was labeled as the boogeyman as the town needed someone to blame for everything that went wrong after the true boogeyman of Haddonfield had disappeared into a blood-drenched night. You never really believed the towns talk about him but the sight in front of you told the truth; Dark navy mechanics jumpsuit splattered in viscera, large butched knife in his right hand, curly waves hanging down on his bruised forehead and his eyes were black with a deep thrill.
Stepping back, your breath was heavy "C-Corey, Corey please. What the fuck are you doing?"
Your question only made him laugh louder, licking the corner of his lips where some blood drops landed "We can finally be together now. I promised you I would light that match for you... Watch the world burn," he paused, opening his arms in a way for trying to get you to see he was no threat as he stayed quiet until the word that followed was in a yell "REMEMBER?!"
It made you flinch, not just by the way his voice reverberated through the tunnels but there was something in him now like a poison, and you couldn't help but be drawn to it.
"Cor—" Unexpectedly your words had been cut short in your throat as something bigger, stronger and with a dark destructive energy hit your back when you were walking backwards.
"Don't be afraid," Corey whispered, coming face to face with you now he brushed some hairs out of your face with bloody fingers "Don't you feel this between us? Feel that we are the only ones for each other?"
His questions were in a desperate ask, searching your eyes for the need to have him. The look in his brown eyes made you sick but God, there was that sweetness like a soft puppy behind them and you leaned a little forward, his nose brushing against yours.
"...Give in"
Heavy breaths fell out of your open lips unsure of where this whole thing was going, not only were Corey's hands on you but now a set of larger hands were too. You didn't speak for no words could even come out. Lost in a haze and shock that held you frozen in place only feeling what the two men were doing; Groping, pulling, pushing adjusting their hips, sliding hands up and down your body like a new toy they got for Christmas. One was more gentle than the other and your eyes fluttered once the man behind you adjusted his leg to be between yours and you looked back seeing the burnt, chipped and greying mask. His eyes were black but burning into your skull like a predator reborn. Instantly the fear bubbled up inside you and your instincts kicked in, RUN. However, the shape behind you felt that instinct, sensed it and was one step ahead, roughly grabbing your throat in one hand and the other held your hip in place, even pulling you back further to be straight against him feeling all that you were doing to the beast.
Corey's cheek rubbed against yours softly, beginning to sweetly kiss along your hairline with a small chuckle, "Baby, I wouldn't do that... I promise he won't hurt you, especially when you're being such a good girl for us,"
That praise was honey coated but dripped in a lie, knowing he could never control the man behind you, "You're so fucking sexy like this,"
Slowly, Corey's warm and soft hands wet with blood slipped into your jeans. He was so gentle with you that it was almost disturbing against the roughness of Michael squeezing your throat and bruising your hip but you couldn't help yourself from rolling your hips back on the shape's leg.
"That's it, babygirl. That's it" Corey's fingers circled and rubbed softly your pussy "Aw, you're so wet already, huh? Aching for us? Being such a needy girl?"
Like those words were a cue, the hand that was on your hip disappeared and you heard the dragging of a metal zipper. What you were feeling came free, pressing along your back there was a small whimper in your throat signally Corey to unbutton your jeans and he tugged them down along with your soaked panties. Michael adjusted his legs, shifting your hips so his cock was rubbing your sex.
"Give in, pretty girl... Give in" Corey trailed kisses down your body before getting on his knees in front of you.
Brown eyes looked up at you, pulling your shirt up and licking small trails along your stomach whispering over and over "Give in"
Slowly you did just that, allowing your head to fall back and one of your hands drifted into Corey's curly locks as Michael shifted, pushing himself inside you. A choked gasp fell into a moan echoing through the hidden tunnels. He was so big, filling and stretching you like you had never experienced and mixing with Corey finally giving one lick made your legs weak.
"Ffffuck, you taste so good" He growled as Michael began to move faster, finding his own rhythm. "Such perfect little pussy getting stretched so good, huh?... Let me hear those moans, baby"
Sweet words met deep guttural groans behind you feeling your body get lost in the rapture, being served on a platter to two wolves that needed you in many different ways; One just for necessity and the other for deep need to have someone. An orchestra of moans, whimpers, growls, groans and praise could be heard through the night in blood and need. You were now in the monster's hell that was just lying beneath the ground.
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None of the Succession characters would survive any horror movie EXCEPT for Stephen King’s It they would bully that clown to death in record time Pennywise would get his shit rocked so hard he’d never be able to show his face outside of the sewers again
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lady-rose-moon · 2 years
A God's guide to a horror movie
Loki: so you're saying this movie is scary?
Y/N: yep, it's not for the faint hearted!
Loki: well I am a God so, we'll see how this plays out for me!
Y/N: *beneath their breath* you're so doomed
-two hours later-
Loki: *cuddled up to a pillow, staring at the TV in horror* this is the creepiest clown I have ever seen! I CREATED FUCKING CLOWNS!
Y/N: *recording it while sniggering* you tell 'em, honey!
Loki: *staring at the screen* ...so that's it??? He just slithers down into the sewers with a pipe through his forehead?!
Y/N: until the sequel
Loki: the sequel!?
Y/N: *between laughing* oh this is going to be a blast
sorry for no update of The Selection but I have been busy so here's a little skit!
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whatalcser · 9 months
Just some of my fave It 2017 scenes (I recently rewatched it again) -Ben just Ben in general. He's perfect. Exactly how I pictured him in the book. -Bill's speech "So walking into this house. It's easier than walking into my own." -ROCK FIGHT -Richie in general. I love Richie he definitely adds humour when things feel too serious or scary. -I love the fights in the sewer. -Bill coming face to face with "Georgie" and saying, "I miss you, " but knowing deep down that it's Pennywise not Georgie. -The bit when Bill finds the raincoat and all of them are hugging always makes me cry. When I first watched this movie I thought it would just be a horror and didn't realize it was a tale about friendship, loss and grief as well. And that friendship was capable of standing up to a killer clown. I'll rewatch It 2 soon.
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Summer post s2 Tedependent au idea:
During the off season after Richmond got promoted, Henry comes to visit Ted for the summer. During his time there he has Ted take him to on a London Sewer tour to help overcome his clown in the sewers fear.
In the midst of the tour group though, who should Ted happen to notice, but Trent Crimm and his daughter, Darcy! Turns out Darcy is on a Nemo kick and Trent's trying to disprove the movie's all drains lead to the ocean theory.
While the two hour tour goes on, the kids start growing antsy and cranky so Ted and Trent leave the tour early to grab dinner.
This starts a routine they keep up for the entire summer; dinners at alternating apartments, picnics and kicking the football in the park, disney movie nights, garden cookouts with Trent's family and Darcy's mom where Henry becomes fast friends with Darcy's football obsessed cousins.
By the time the new football season starts and Ted walks into Rebecca's office to find Trent sitting there looking up at him with those eyes, he doesn't hesitate to say yes.
Henry becomes video game friends with Darcy's cousins and spends months chattering on about wanting to going back to London the next summer. So after the season ends, he AND Michelle visit for the summer and they realize they wouldn't be opposed to moving there longer term
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Oh God lol do NOT even get me started on the "real or not real" scene...I say as I come into your inbox and assuredly get started on the "real or not real" scene PFFFF. Like, hi hello I'm an old THG vet and have sidestepped two fandoms away at this point, and yet this STILL drives me bonkers bananas every time I consider it.
It makes me so mad for a few reasons here.
Francis did not shy away from showing Katniss' feelings towards Peeta in the previous movies. Hell, he even went OUT OF HIS WAY to show them, as he gave us additional content in Mockingjay Part 1. He gave us kisses, and a dream sequence, and Katniss' depression and devastation as she saw him crumbling away ((not to mention the infamous "i love...you...pee...ta" thing in catching fire right before she passes out on the hovercraft even though that one's up for debate and could have entirely just been an acting choice from jen or just wishful thinking from us but still lol like HELLO???)).
Along those lines, if we already got confirmation that Katniss loved him, and got to see that on the screen, then why?? Was it denied from us??? In the final movie???? In the movie where it realistically needed to come to a head????? In the movie where it was the LAST opportunity to portray it for audiences???????
I recall there being some sort of commentary from Nina or Francis or SOMEONE where they were saying that they couldn't have a love scene because it was a "war movie." And like...That is some shaky ass logic if that was the case. Because uhhhhh one of the biggest themes in the entirety of the series is HOPE? That uhhhhhh idk LIFE CAN BE GOOD AGAIN??? You know, just one of the largest lines at the end of the very book itself jsdkls. Like yes, Mockingjay was centered on fighting and war, but then it ended with gentleness. It ended with Suzanne showing how life continues on, and how goodness and peace can still be found after so much pain and suffering. Soooo to be like "lol we can't even show a kiss between our two leads because bang boom pow war movie" is just so??? Backwards?????
Alsooooo they can show Katniss and Peeta with kids but can't show them being in love? Because THAT makes sense lol. Because THAT won't be a jarring transition for general audiences at all. Because THAT won't further the whole argument that "Peeta forced Katniss into motherhood." Since they went from just a dry ass little cuddle in bed that almost seemed to be a regression from their Catching Fire cuddles and their dream cuddle in MJ1 to suddenly having a family. Like mMMMmMMMMM alrighty.
...Lol me honking my clown nose over my previous statement of "not getting started" BUT LIKE...YOU FEEL ME LMAO. YOU UNDERSTAND.
It's just something that will haunt me no matter how many other fandoms I cartwheel through.
YES, GO OFF! I am here for it and agree 100%.
I haven't really gone back to the movies after watching them in the theater until recently and I was just so underwhelmed with Everlark in general in the movies, though I agree I think in MJ part 1 they were doing more heavy lifting with the dream sequence and Josh and Jen's acting (but if I counted right, we only got four Everlark kisses in the whole franchise. FOUR, and only one was really romantic (the sewer one was more heart-wrenching and desperate)). I hadn't watched the movies all in succession until just recently, but for me that aspect was a big ol' flop. I honestly don't know how people who hadn't read the books ever shipped Everlark from the movies. I watched with my brother (who only read book 1 like 15 years ago) and he kept calling Gale Katniss's "boyfriend" and I was like NOOOO STOPPPP THIS IS AN EVERLARK HOUSEHOLD.
But you would think they would want to show Katniss and Peeta really did fall in love, and not just platonic love like so many people accuse it of being, but actual romantic and sexual love. Instead they just cuddle??? Like don't get me wrong, I love all Everlark cuddles but it's not enough to stop there--it's where they were at in CF. And if they didn't want a sex scene (even a PG-13 one) it's like, okay, whatever, I disagree, but not everyone does read "so after" as a sex scene so I could deal with a tamer interpretation. But no kiss???? No passion???? When Katniss tells us the exact opposite in the book??? Katniss is just supposed to be this like, numb person just wanting to absorb heat off of Peeta and treat him like a pillow??? No sir. No. We need that HUNGER Katniss felt for Peeta to be showing up.
I think what pissed me off, too, is that they really upped Gale in the franchise imo, especially CF. Katniss gave him three kisses in the CF movie, and one of them (before she goes off to the Quarter Quell) was not in the book. So it's okay for Katniss to kiss Gale before she goes off to her death, when she's trying to tie up her life in D12 and a rebellion is about to begin, but it's too unfathomable for Katniss to even kiss Peeta after the war when they're safe and she's able to focus on building the remainder of her life with the man she's chosen to be with, the man she loves???? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE FRANCIS.
AND LAST THING kind of tying into the Gale/Peeta contrast. I feel like the movies still viewed Gale as the traditional romantic lead--very manly and heroic in a traditional way, so he gets kissed without cameras around, like Katniss really wanted him physically, and only because of the Prim thing was he rejected. Whereas Peeta, who is pretty revolutionary in being a kind, warm romantic lead in an action/war franchise, was treated like some neutered dog. Good for cuddles but not passion, like a "smart" decision or a "well I'll take it" instead of the conclusion that book Katniss comes to, which is that she feels warmth and hunger and passion for him BECAUSE he is also safety and hope, and that is incredibly sexy.
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hyunsvngs · 8 months
here’s my 🧅 for for skz as horror villains: chris as pennywise from the 2017 IT. i remember when they casted bill skarsgård the director said that there was just smth about him he had a very boyish face but also kinda looked creepy so it was perfect. chris doesn’t have that creepy factor but he does have a doll/boyish face and i think he can look quite stern and scary when he’s not having it. plus the clown makeup would suit him so well since he also has plump lips like the actor does. 🎈
PS: hyunjin is 100% ghostface but the one from scary movie, not scream alshsgsjdbd
the ending of this ask had me and ems screaming jsyk.
no i actually love this concept.. chan as pennywise. i would so go into the sewer who agrees with me.
i think chan can look very intimidating when he's mad even if it's just playful (insert that one vid of jisung shouting at him and he gives jisung The Look and jisung instantly shuts the fuck up) SO i think he would so suit this actually. it's quite sexy imagining it LOL i have no other thoughts i'm just sat here imagining it about to get booty butt naked
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antisociallilbrat · 1 year
I like Bichie a lot. My path into the fandom was "watched the miniseries as a kid" to "watched and fell in love with the 2017 movie" to "read the book and what the fuck Stephen King" and one of the things that I was surprised people rarely ever took from the book was Richie being seemingly madly in love with Bill as a kid. Like the way he talks about him, wow it's so gay. I think Bill really needs his Richie because he's so down on himself and on the world and Richie is always able to lift his spirits.
Yes anon, you have the brain worms!
Honestly all the losers were canonically in love with Bill in the book, but his and Richie's dynamics is something so personal.
Also the first media of It i consumed was the 2017 movie. Until then all I knew It was about was the clown. I saw It after my senior homecoming and my friends just wanted to see a scary movie after the dance (HA what a joke) and when I first left the film I thought that Bichie would be the break out ship.
Richie was the one who followed Bill so willingly into the sewer, Bill was the one who calmed Richie down over the missing poster, and Richie was the one who Bill went to first after It took Bev. Also I felt like their fight could've played into the romantic undertones. (Richie was mad and scared and he was angry that Bill was so ready to die in the search of Georgie) So I was surprised when Bichie wasn't nearly as popular as i thought it was going to be. I was a die hard Bichie shipper for the longest time though.
Richie and Bill are both chaotic but also they can ground each other in way only they understand. Richie can always make Bill smile and Richie eats up Bill's ideas for adventures.
Any who I really love Bichie and I think they deserve more thoughts. Thank you for the thoughts anon <3
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airasora · 9 months
It's also weird that romance and erotica seem to be essentially the only genre in which a significant number of people have completely missed that lesson. I've yet to see anybody accuse Stephen King of secretly being a serial killer or a shapeshifting clown living in the sewers.
Unless someone is using that fictional material to actively groom, harass, stalk or manipulate someone in real life, can we PLEASE stop harassing folks for reading or writing unconventional stuff in those genres? This feels like a rehash of the "violent videogames will turn people into serial killers" from the late 90s and early 2000s, only that was a lot more fringe imho
I absolutely agree with you.
I don't think we can blame the creator for what a potential predator might do with their work. If we start doing that, we'd have to censor almost everything. Disney would suddenly be to blame for the predator who use their movies to bond with children by talking to them about their favorite Disney princess. That is not the fault of Disney, but the fault of the predator.
We need to blame the abusers and predators, not the children, the victims, the parents or creators of material meant for a certain audience.
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