#ooc ☆ ; the human minion
mutatiio · 7 months
sometimes a family is a pampered egotistical crime lord who's portraying a persona 24/7, an ambitious lying little lieutenant who's motto in life is fake it 'til you make it and a former sith who is slowly losing his goddamn mind.
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diviinedevilry · 2 years
considering it’s been a couple of weeks of pretty spotty activity, have an update!
im ganna be relying heavily on the queue and it may not always be running depending on the kind of week i’m having because, basically,  i’m currently pregnant and it’s been kicking my ass.  obviously on top of the whole getting ready to bring a human into the world level of busy, i’m still working full time and some days the hormones and nausea are better than others, and some days im getting home at 6 pm and am passed out asleep by 830. rp is my chill-out relaxing hobby so i don’t plan on going anywhere, but basically a heads up it’ll be dependent on how im feeling day-to-day. 
disc is on my phone, though, so i’m always around on there!
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deathwrung · 2 years
me: okay but especially to henrik and to kol, tho he’d never admit it, bekah played second ( and better ) mum, including taking care of the house while esther did village witch things, while also trying so hard to learn everything she could from esther and mimic everything she did.
also me: bekah is the worst cook and should never be trusted to look after young children.
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zguttedskullminion · 8 months
I normally don't post sparklecare related things but since humans don't exist on Spinch this question came to me... What if there was a first human there... Not a adult one but a kid... A human kid... I know it sounds ridiculous but maybe someone will create an AU where there was a human here... Or maybe the creator or myself. Let's see.
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octopotto · 8 months
Brain Rot: TWST Cast with Saitama! Reader
OCTO NOTE: College has been absolutely brutal. These headcanons were worked on bit by bit these past few months :(
I saw some TWST fics that used pre-exsiting characters to based the MC off of and I wanted to try w/ one of my favourite characters.
WARNINGS: NOT PROOF-READ, OOC Behaviour, this is so cringe but very self-indulgent, mc is the most sane person in this universe, you decide if mc is bald or not, yandere if you squint hard enough.
**The reader will ALWAYS be Gender-Neutral! 
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Life at Night Raven College would be much more peaceful if MC had Saitama’s strength lol
Problems would've been solved quicker as well.
At first glance, you don’t seem to be a threat.
To most, you look like a regular, magic-less human on the outside.
And that’s what makes you so dangerous.
Don’t fuck around and overblot unless you have a death wish.
The Overblot crew definitely had one when MC swung their fist at them.
The whole prologue would be shortened.
Fun fact: You accidentally put too much force on the coffin door to get out, thus smashing Grim in the process while he was prying it open :D
Grim, the Ramshackle ghost, and Crowley were the first group to witness your impressive strength.
And by impressive, they mean terrifying.
To Crowley and Grim at least.
The ghost were shocked but very much amused after a couple moments.
God knows how the Ramshackle Dorm was still in one piece after that.
Grim is very happy to have a strong minion to protect him
Just don’t hurt him like you did with the ghost pls. And the door lol
Crowley would be most likely absolutely be afraid and made a mental note to keep track of you. 
Especially since you were almost successful to killing him in his ghost form. He’s making sure that Ramshackle gets fixed quicker.
Crowley: “Great Sevens… How do they have such monstrous strength... This stowaway is just a magicaless human! My…what have I gotten myself into?? *sobs* OH IF I WASN’T SUCH A KIND AND GENEROUS SOUL I WOULD NOT LET THIS TYPE OF BEHAVIOUR BE PRESENT ON MY CAMPUS” *more obnoxious sobbing*
You and Grim: 😶😐????
Despite scaring and almost killing the shit out of the Headmaster, you still start off as a janitor lol.
Fast forward to the Mine Incident with Ace, Deuce, and Grim—
You basically massacred that monster.
A monster that probably injured many Mages and Wizards
You destroyed it in one punch.
On that day, Ace reminded himself to never piss you off again. Ever.
He loves cherry pie, but would rather not become the filling itself, thanks.
Deuce probably was gawking at you after the shock.
Not in a bad way
But in a good way y'know?
But he’s too shy to ask for advice for now.
This is basically the start of Deuce idolizing you and your strength.
Brain Rot:
Ace, Deuce and Grim are your self-proclaimed bodyguards.
At least THEY like to think that they are.
Listen, they know that you are MORE THE CAPABLE protecting yourself in fights or in any physical confrontations.
But that’s it.
You’re basically shit at everything else.
From completing your assignments to even showing up to class, it seems like in the trio's eyes that you NEED THEM to take care of you. You all are like family now!
So they all make an effort to help you out when you need it.
No really, if you keep forgetting to submit that one potion essay that Crewel keeps smacking your shiny ass head to complete, you’re going to get left behind.
 They’re more like secretaries than bodyguards lol.
The post-overblot Spelldrive tournament was an absolute nightmare.
Well, at least for everyone but Ace, Deuce, and Grim.
They were GLOATING about how they were in the lead and challenged anyone to try and top them like the smug, over-confident assholes they are.
The only reason why they were in the lead was because of you. Simple as that.
The Savannaclaw gang put up a good fight
For the first 10 minutes in the match.
All Leona could do at that moment was strategize how not to get his and his teammate’s heads chopped off by the disc you kept throwing at them.
You are quite fond of Ruggie
More specifically: you were fond of Ruggie’s haggling skills.
If were had a choice to trade your god-like strength for his haggling skills and techniques, you wouldn’t hesitate one bit.
And y’know it wouldn’t be Ruggie if he didn’t take advantage of this. He would offer you advice and tell you if theres a huge sale going on at a near-by grocery store if you promise to lend him a hand whenever he needed it.
You were so tempted to say no
Not because he was shady and overall untrustworthy
You’re just lazy
This is his way to spend more time with you but he would never admit that out-loud.
If your MC is bald, instead of Floyd squeezing you, he will smack and ‘dribble’ your head as if it was basketball.
Jamil and Ace especially are amused.
God forbid you ever get a bad tan on the top of your scalp
You will NEVER hear to end of it.
Floyd also is your biggest bully.
jk but not really
Yeah he knows that you could probably kill him with a gentle tap
But when did that ever stop him?
He mainly does it because he wants to see your reactions
You’re so plain looking and your nonchalant voice and facial expressions do not help as well.
But remember only Floyd HIMSELF can do those things to you, okay? Only him.
If he ever finds out that some random NPC student was doing the same thing to you, You’re going to be finding that NPC tossed in a corner somewhere with almost all their joints mangled.
You like how generous Kalim is.
You probably helped him fan the fire off his ass in the ceremony
He’s was incredibly thankful and was able to remember what you looked like.
I mean, you literally saved him!
How could he not remember you?
You don't remember him but let’s not go there lol
Because you saved Kalim from being cooked, he always makes sure that you had enough food for the month!
He would practically beg, like BEG Jamil to make extras so you won’t go hungry.
Especially after experiencing what type of living conditions you were dealing with in Book 5.
Poor Jamil, not only is he working overtime for Kalim, but technically serving food for the person who ruined his plans back in Book 4.
Jamil packing food for you by Kalim’s request: 😡😡😡
totally did not try to poison your food on several occasions
Kalim also begs Jamil to let him deliver the food to you.
He can’t help it! He really enjoys seeing you happy when you receive something from him and Jamil.
You never complain about.
Free food = Saving money.
I mean, if you're being gifted something, why be rude and deny it?
Some students say that you were taking advantage of Kalim because of how easily you accept his gifts without anything in return.
And y'know they could be right
But Kalim doesn't mind.
As long as you're happy, he's happy :)
In Vil’s eyes, you are an enigma. 
It’s like he can’t wrap his pretty little head around on how he feels about you.
On one hand, other than your god-like strength, you’re nothing special. When he first saw you he only disregarded you as another potato that’s not worth his precious time and effort on.
But on the other hand, Vil sees you as a blank slate. Something that ASKING for him to put his smooth and perfectly manicured fingers on. Someone that needs his guidance and skills. 
He doesn’t care if you’re bald or have hair, it doesn’t derail him from the fact that despite you sticking out like a sore-thumb, you’re still so…plain looking.
You probably said some off-hand comment about how ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ to Vil and just walked off.
It might not meant anything to you
But it meant a lot to Vil.
When it came to the overblots and eventually Book 5, he felt as though he was in a spiral of questions that he himself must find the answers for.
And what were the questions that caused Vil’s current state of disarray about? You obviously.
He’s going mad
He can’t stand it.
You said that beauty is in the eye of the holder? Fine then.
He knows that he could do something for you. 
Something marvellous, something beautiful.
For you and himself. 
You had a new nickname for Malleus every time you guys end up running into eachother.
Malleus would always look forward to meeting you solely for the nicknames.
I believe that Saitama genuinely does not care enough to remember other people’s names that much
So that will be a trait for MC in this.
Malleus probably thinks this is a way humans show affection to each other.
In reality, you cannot for the life of you remember that weirdo's name.
Malleus: *Appears out of thin air in front of the MC*
Malleus: Greetings, Child of Man *smiles*
MC Thinking: ‘Why does this rando keep coming back? What was his name again?’
Malleus: *Anticipating their response with excitement*
MC: Uhhhh..
MC: Wassup…Horton? :D
Malleus: *Smiles at his new nickname*
It took a while for you to come up with a permanent nickname for him but he doesn't mind
In his eyes, it's your way of showing him how much you wanted to become closer companions.
Jack and Epel are always on your ass about “How to become stronger” and when you actually tell them the routine that you did at the beginning of your journey, they literally fell in disbelief.
They couldn’t believe it.
It was basically a simple workout routine 
Both still believe that you’re hiding the secret of how you got to your level of strength.
Thus, joint workouts became also a thing within the NRC Campus and you are the leader.
Not by choice however.
Jack, Epel, and everyone else involved were really curious as to how you train.
I mean, look at what you can do! And you’re not even a Mage!
The first meeting was terrible due to the fact you almost obliterated the school.
One flick and the gym could’ve been in shambles.
That’s why Jack and Epel made sure to do it somewhere far and secluded.
And even then, you still created a lot of damage with minimal effort.
It’s incredible to those who look up to you.
Throughout the story, you gained some admiration and recognition along the way.
From Heartslaybul to Diasomnia, you unknowingly grab the admiration of those who either want to become stronger or see you as a hero. 
Some might say that they see you as the messiah who was sent to protect the school.
But let’s not go that far.
You wouldn’t notice anyways
In your eyes they're all a bunch of weirdos.
OCTO NOTE: Hopefully you guys enjoyed these very terrible brain-rot headcanons. I always found Saitama’s character interesting so I wanted to try out something new. 
Again, I’ve been very busy so I can’t promise anything BUT I can say that there will be more Yandere FF7 fics coming soon! ;)
Thank you to everyone who enjoys my low-quality works! Hope you look forward to my new ones ❤️❤️
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anonymouscheeses · 2 months
Chaggie human AU except Charlie is a demon Vaggie summoned.
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Yknoww??? Stars??? Cuz morningSTAR??? Okay I'll stop *sob*
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Here's most of the body design. This is my actual first drawing of them, I made the vest for Charlie a darker yellow but for now feast your eyes upon the minion lookin ahh 😭 (The cape was supposed to be yellow and the vest/suit thing was blue but it clashed with Charlie's hair and shoulder.... things.)
Dw abt the shoes, Charlie is shown later and Vaggies is just black Jordan's cuz she cool like that ig 😭
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Angel Dust is the crackhead who sells drugs. No money? Get ready for a beat down brutha he about to 🔥 serve 🔥 a punch. (I'm gonna def change his clothes eventually to something else but I like everything else ngl I kinda ate 😍(no i didnt))
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Human form Charlie! She looks like Shldon Coper if he went through a furry phase...... that was a HORRIBME comparison what am I on bro 😭..... uhhh just think of any teenage furry who isn't edgy, that's Charlie.
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Hey wait a second, Chaggie angst? With ooc Vaggie/Valerie?? Unreal 🤯
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devilfic · 5 months
I just arrived after finding your delicious drabbled about Miquel where he ends up spareing with the reader and i-
I'm here looking directly at it 👀👀👀 it was soooo good and it's giving me huge brain worms!
Do you mind a small request? Somethkng along those same lines but reader and him end up facing an anomaly/enemy too dangerous that among has Reader killed, and that is where flight of right kicks in, and they are the one to bite the villain
And bam turns out they also have venom but... a more deadly kind of venom, and they never used it or told anybody because it happened something badnin their original world and had to hide it not to end up in danger
I see the vision, but walk with me
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❝things we do❞
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plot: you lost your husband in another universe. you wouldn't make that mistake again... even if it meant betraying the promise you made to yourself. pairing: miguel o'hara x gn!reader. cw: kinda dark!miguel, slightly ooc miguel, angst, established relationship, major character death (in alternate universe), takes place before atsv, dubious morals, murder, miguel brings a sort of "killing is ok under certain circumstances" vibe to the spider society that the spider society don't really like, happy ending? you decide. words: 2.4k.
The weight on his chest is unbearable, stronger than anything he's ever handled before, and he hasn't felt this kind of fear in a while. He's staring at the mauling dog of a villain that he's barely holding back and thinking that this might be it. The other Spiders are busy fighting off its minions, he's lost too much blood, and this thing—in its animalistic haze that has rendered its humanity an unwilling witness—wants him dead. And you, somewhere across the room... he won't even get to say goodbye. There'll be nothing left of him to do so.
His arm is broken, pinned under one massive paw, and the other is stuck between the gnashing teeth of his soon-to-be killer. The suit is breaking. He can hear Lyla's voice distort. She's calling out to him, begging him to get up.
Miguel looks into the violet eyes of the anomaly whose gigantic canines Miguel's fangs could be no match for. He's going to die alone. He'd bother to sob if the effort to do so wouldn't kill him first. He shuts his eyes when his arm slackens a little, struggling to hold the monster back, and lets himself make peace with it. Whatever there is beyond this, he hopes his little girl will be there.
He feels the drip of the monster's hot drool on his face and awaits death like a gift, but nothing happens.
Well, something happens, but not to him. He feels the spray of something hotter on his eyelids, so hot it's almost boiling, and then the weight of his killer swaying one way and another, no longer able to keep his arm in its grip. Miguel opens an eye.
He doesn't know what he's expecting, but it isn't you. You're hanging off the anomaly's back with your face buried in its furry throat. He wonders what you could possibly be doing to it to make it whine for death the way it does. It almost hurts him to hear it.
The anomaly falls to its side, frozen from head to toe as if it had died from shock, and for a moment Miguel thinks that it had crushed you underneath its massive weight. He hasn't any strength left but he feels himself struggling to cry out your name, pushing against the gashes in his torso to try and crawl toward you.
He's on his side and panting when he sees you crawl over the beast and land beside him. Faintly, he's sure he hears your voice asking if he's alright, but his attention catches on red and white.
Gleaming, sharp, white fangs protruding from your mouth and dripping with the anomaly's blood. He's so stunned that he feels his own body seize up too.
He's known you. He's known you inside and out and over and over since you'd fallen into his universe, and he's never seen those.
You touch a hand to your mouth and freeze, and in but a second the fangs are gone as if they were never there. The blood of the anomaly you'd slain continues to dribble down the sides of your lips, though. It waterfalls down your chin, down your neck, down to the ring that hangs there—staining the gold band red. A reminder that it wasn't a trick of the light, what he'd seen. You'd bitten it.
In his position, he could see right into the anomaly's dead eyes. What was once a radiant violet had dulled, become lifeless. It stared back at him in horror. It hadn't expected to die. It hadn't had a chance to put up a fight.
Just what were you?
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When Miguel comes to, he comes to violently.
The first thing he senses is the searing pain throughout his body. Every part of him is aching, begging for relief or numbness or amputation. He's never been beaten down this bad. The second thing he senses is the body beside him, propped up in a chair next to what he realizes is a hospital bed. He's... in the infirmary.
Jessica sits upright, her hand grasping for Miguel's but he pulls it away to free himself of the sheets his legs are tangled in. He knows he sounds frenzied and a bit slurred from sleep, but he's certain Jessica hears him asking where you are.
"Hey, whoa, sit back down," and Miguel doesn't have much choice against the full strength of her hand pushing against his chest, "you've been out for a full day. You're in no position to be moving right now."
A day had passed? That unsettled him. He demands to know where you are once more.
Jessica's brows knit together at that. He can tell there's something that's happened, but if there was anything he understood about Jessica Drew, it was that she always picked her words deliberately. Whatever answer she should deliver, she was struggling to.
She joins him on the bed bed, turned away from him, and rests her elbows on her knees. "Lockup."
His blood runs cold. "What?"
"They killed an anomaly, Miguel. You know the rules."
"It was going to kill me."
Jessica finally looks at him, "It?" Miguel swallows. He feels parched. "Miguel, it was a person. A person who wasn't supposed to end up mutated, let alone dead. We could have subdued them some other way. We could've brought them back to HQ, sent them back to their universe, let their Spider handle a cure-"
"Or it could've killed me in the process, which is why-"
"Which is why we've got Spiders working over time to fix the collapse in the wake of their death." Jessica sounds exhausted, and for the first time since waking, Miguel realizes that her marred skin is visible underneath the tears in her suit. "Look, the others don't know yet. They think it was a freak accident. And I'm glad you're alive. Over-fucking-joyed. But your partner... they messed up. Big time. Had it been anyone else, would you be reacting like this?"
Miguel says nothing. He knows the answer, and he's too tired to pretend he doesn't.
Then, the last thing he remembered hovers over his mind's better concerns. He wasn't sure how much Jessica (or anyone) even knew about how you killed the anomaly. You'd kept it from him and he was your lover. He knew everything about you.
Except this. "I want to see them."
"What did I just say?"
"Jessica, I don't care—I need to see them. Please."
"...That doesn't matter. I don't think they want to see you."
Miguel stills. He doesn't even feel the pain anymore, "What?"
"You think any of us were itching to throw them into lockup with you on death's door? They did it to themselves, and they won't talk to anyone. They just keep begging to be sent back to their universe."
Your universe. The universe you dreaded returning to. The universe where you lost your uncle and your aunt and your friends and your husband. He'd never been because you'd asked him never to come. And now you were begging to go back?
The heart monitor beside his bed starts picking up and Jessica places a hand over his. This time, he can't be bothered to pull away, "But maybe," she starts, like she's pushing through a bad idea, "maybe they'll talk to you."
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It's hard getting into lockup with thousands of eyes on him, but most Spiders have enough sense to keep their distance. With Jessica clinging to his side and his hand guiding his IV pole alongside him, he's given a wide berth.
Some of the villains aren't so polite, and by the time he's reached your anomaly prison, his blood pressure has spiked enough to warrant putting him back in bed. Instead, he places a hand against the prismatic cage and speaks your name softly.
You look up and his whole world stops.
It's clear you've been crying, but worse than that, you look horrified to see him. You press yourself further away from him, as far as the bench inside will allow you. Your eyes dart to Jessica, "I told you to send me home." You sound betrayed.
"And then what? You can't run from this. Talk it out and see how you feel after." Jessica releases Miguel, giving him but a solemn nod before disappearing off into the main lobby.
"You were going to leave?" Miguel can't help the way his voice cracks. You almost look back at him, then.
It's silent between you for a while. Perhaps you're waiting for him to get frustrated and give up on you, or yell, or bang on the cage until you talk. You avoid his eyes and you keep to your side of the cage, head lowered, fingers trembling in your lap.
Miguel webs a nearby chair to him and takes a seat, "Does anyone else know?"
"No. Just you."
He about sighs in relief when you answer him. "Why did you never tell me?"
You make fists with your hands but they still shake all the same. A beat passes, "Because this isn't the first time I've killed."
Another beat passes. The shock of it is hard to wash down for Miguel. He feels his world teetering on its axis, a breath away from falling and shattering into pieces for the second time in his life. He tries to calm the flurry of thoughts—When? Who? How? Was it justified? Could you justify it to him? Could he justify it to himself, the Society?—and settles on one, "What happened?"
It physically pains you to recall it, and he regrets with everything in him that he had asked you to, "Back in my universe. When I was bitten, I was still learning how everything worked. I wasn't used to being this strong, let alone the venom and I... it was the night my uncle died. I saw the man that did it. And I found him. And I cornered him. And I was so..." You shudder, "I was so angry, Miguel. I wanted to hurt him but a part of me wanted him dead more. And it won."
Miguel and you sit with that. He can almost see it vividly, his own chest swelling with grief for you. For your uncle. For the burden you carry. "And?"
"And I swore I would never do it again. Never. But it... it cost me something, Miguel. And I never told you because I swore I wouldn't do that either. But, clearly, I'm all about breaking promises to myself lately."
Miguel frowns, leaning forward in his chair, wishing he could reach through the amber separating you both and just touch you, "You don't have to tell me. Not if you don't want to."
You finally look him in the eyes and he thinks you're thinking about it. Your mouth drops open anyway, "Remember my husband from that universe? The one I told you I lost because I was just a second too late?" Miguel nods. "I said I thought of every possibility but nothing would work. That was a lie. It wasn't entirely helpless. I could have saved him from that villain. But I would have had to kill to do it, and I just... froze. I just couldn't. And he died because of me."
Your lover shakes his head, warm tears prickling at his waterline, "No, no. No. Don't blame yourself for that. Don't... don't make yourself responsible for that villain's choice."
"But I wanted to, Miguel." You plead, and for the first time since he's sat down, you push yourself closer to him. "I wanted to do it to save him."
Miguel looks around. A nearby anomaly is staring on at the two of you, smirking, twirling a knife in between their spindly fingers. Spiders weave in and out of the room but it's a slow day. No one is around to hear what he says next, what he whispers to comfort you, "You saved my life."
Or what you say back, "I couldn't watch you die again."
It clicks into place. Why you never called your husband by name, why you never wanted him to visit your universe, why you almost walked out of the Spider Society the second you walked in. Why you looked at him, broken and beaten but safe, and recoiled. Why he'd always liked the look of that ring hanging from your neck. Like-
"I would've picked it myself. I can see why he chose it." His finger pokes at the ring with some feeling tugging between jealousy and sympathy. Knowing that it belonged to someone else, that it holds so dear to you even now, and that it was a part of the you that he never got the chance to know. "It's perfect."
You let your head fall to the side and smile into his pillow, "I thought so too."
It's quiet on the top floor. Not even Lyla intervenes. Miguel can't stop himself from asking, "What was he like?"
He half expects you to shut down but you don't. You stare into him, unblinking, somehow here with him and somehow far away, "Brave, kind, dashing in the heroic way and yet he preferred to be behind the scenes. He always supported me. Even before I lost him, he..." You choke up. Miguel's hand finds yours, "...he told me it was okay. That I'd done everything I could do. That he loved me. And that I should love again."
Miguel watches your chest heave with the weight of your confession, but more comes spilling out, "And you know what's funny? You... remind me so much of him. Like his love found me in you."
His mind flashes with images of Gabriella, of the man he'd replaced looking for home, and of the world that fell around him because of it.
And here you were. Telling him that you'd done nearly the exact same thing. Finding him in another universe. Tempting fate.
He should send you back to your universe. That's where you belong. You would have never killed again if it hadn't been for him, and keeping his distance could be the best thing for you.
The anomaly prison falls away. He issues the command to Lyla before he could even register the words leaving his mouth. You watch him in horror as he sits beside you, taking your hands into his own, and kisses your knuckles. His lips stay planted there for a moment, relishing in the feeling of your realness.
It is then that Miguel realizes he cannot bear to let go.
He keeps his head lowered, lips hovering a hair's length from your skin as his eyes lock onto you. You look like you've realized something, like you've been hit with the stunning clarity that you've done something terribly, terribly wrong, "And you won't have to."
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taglist: @yikes-buddy @alexxavicry @theclassicvinyldragon @marina-and-the-memes @honestlystop @yehet-moi-ohorat
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roleplayfinder · 4 months
Hello! I’m Whimsy, she/her, 27 years old. Allow me to get the boring rules out of the way:
-Be 20+ years old.
-Be willing to wait for roleplay replies. Sometimes I can write several a day, other times it’ll take me 1-2 weeks. I can do OOC chat pretty often though!
-Be LGBTQ+ friendly.
-Can write at least 3 paragraphs per reply.
-This search is for original characters only.
On to the pairings! I already have premade characters for each of these, and since they have different sexualities, you’ll notice that your character may have to be a certain gender. The bolded character is the one I’ll be playing. I have plots for each of the pairings, but if you have ideas as well, I’m all ears. I’m cool with including or not including NSFW stuff. If you’re interested, like this post and I’ll reach out to you.
-Detective (male) x New Detective or Policewoman (female). (Note: my OC for this pairing is asexual, thus NSFW stuff would be limited—but not off the table.)
- Grim Reaper Being Held Hostage (male) x Kidnapper (any gender)
-Supervillain/Anti-Hero (male) x Superhero or Civilian or Minion (any gender)
-Half-Selkie Infiltrating the Illegal Supernatural Creature Trade (female) x Enslaved Creature or Fellow Infiltrator (any gender)
-Dragon Shifter (female) x Dragon Hunter or Human Sacrifice or Retired Hero (female)
-Novice Explorer (male) x Experienced Explorer or Comatose Human/Humanoid Being He Accidentally Woke (any gender)
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electricpez · 10 months
I LIKE IT A LOT i just find it comforting and interesting. i'm not one to ship characters intensely and i don't get much gratification from romantic things, but something about them feels nice to me. autistic4autistic relationship forreal........
putting under readmore bc i'm just rambling tbh
they're both similar in that they are introverted, very smart and capable, hard-working and devoted, and usually known to be cold and creepy. but they aren't the same.
I am of the headcanon that they are both autistic (by human standards, at least) and also not predisposed to typical displays of romance. I am not fully against more tender affectionate wavewaves in a more traditional sense but I feel like it's easy to over-do it and end up with them being OOC.
various takes:
an aromantic partnership built on mutual respect for each others capabilities and devotion to the decepticon cause. they have an admiration and appreciation for each other, but are close partners for the sake of collaboration and reaching shared goals. they keep each other in check. (+ maybe there's also a domestic aspect to it. the casual intimacy of living together, sharing personal space and dividing chores.)
or a relationship where literally no one else can even tell they're together. they're often seen together but no one really bats an eye. because their idea of affection...doesn't look like typical affection. to others it just looks like they're discussing technical shit and swapping information for work purposes, when really that's just their idea of a fun conversation. they're not really trying to hide it. in fact, if you knew this was how they flirt, you'd say they're being too overt.
or the idea of them babysitting each others "kids" is funny. the cassettes pranking shockwave. or shockwave putting the casettes in HIS big booby chest. soundwave looking after a bunch of fuckin bugs or predaking or whatever shockwave's little guys are depending on the continuity. because soundwave isn't the only dad, shockwave also usually has some kind of "minion".
EDIT: OH YEAH silly wavewave is also awesome.
i'm not going to mention my opinions about nsfw aspects. because i do not know how old you are or your comfort level with such a topic.
I'm into G1 and TFP wavewave mostly. Cyberverse wavewave is good too, but it's a different kind of dynamic because they're both grumpy assholes in that show and have a rivalry. TFA wavewave is fine but they don't know each other and don't have much in common, not to mention TFA Shockwave is old as hell while Soundwave is a few months old so there's a vast difference in life experience as well
We have yet to see how Earthspark wavewave could be, but i think it could work based on what we know of them individually.
anyway YEA i like wavewave. sorry for my long ass response anon
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sins-of-the-sea · 4 months
=The Far Future AU=
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This is if I were to write Devil's Eye with a more sci-fi bent, leaning closer to influences from my favorite science fiction media as opposed to historical/period/pirate, and is intended for RP with futuristic muses and blogs.
The Legend of the Devil's Eye still applies as it would in the Main Story and the Modern AU, but taken further; in the far distant future, all of that is… well, just that. Legend. Pirate stories to tell your children as they are tucked in at night, and nothing more. What is not known, however, is that the Devil of the Sea not only still walks without his missing Eye, but the world has passed enough hands enough where searching for it has become fruitless… especially as sources of power in humanity's souls are starting to reach for the stars.
As such, the Devil has abandoned his search, opting to have… different sources of storing his power as it continues to grow. And these sources… well. The centuries haven't been kind to them or their humanity. The worst of mankind has taken a toll on what were once his last minions, but rather than allow them to go to waste, their essences are repurposed to be personal extensions of him… and how they are used is up to however he wants to at the time.
No matter the form the one once called "Master", he will always wear a necklace of seven pearls of seven different colors. In order for whatever power he has to be complete, he must keep all seven on his person at all times.
The Master, however, still requires to find the Devil's Eye--his original lost Eye--to be wholly defeated. But that would require returning to Earth and rediscovering the Legend that tells of how the Devil lost his Eye to begin with.
OOC, the focus muse of RP in the Far Distant AU is the Master, usually donning his Dr. Delmar Agdeppa disguise. However, this disguise is one of many, but with his power waxing and waning like the tides, and said power having to be divided up and store in seven different places instead of just two, he must be extra careful in how he uses that power. He will, then, continue to seek out souls, either to devour or enthrall.
As for La Demonia Roja and the Crew, that is up to the partner muse. One of the following sub-verses can used:
Variant A: The history of Earth has destroyed the humanity in the Seven so thoroughly, their bodies and souls can barely hold on any longer. However, rather than simply turn them into his Locker, the Master just repurposed them with what is left of their souls as they are wholly reduced to their Sins. Destroying a specific pearl on the necklace will release that soul into the Devil's Locker all while chipping away a bit of the Master's power. This is automatically this Verse's Doomned Ending, as the Sins are reduced to their vices and have lost their humanities altogether.
Variant B: Well, duh, humans can't handle the vaccuum of space, so the Master just kind of…. hid his thralls in pearls. Taking a pearl and breaking it will release that Sin, though it'll take a while for them to regain their bearings. They'll still be soulbound to the Master, however. Finding a way to free them will require the standard Voyage of the Devil's Eye storyline, just with whatever tech is available in this verse.
As for what kind of sci-fi I'm riding on, it's mostly the soft kind. It's also left underdeveloped so I can adjust to the Verse of the partner muse. Hence, I can easily fit it into Alien, Metroid, F-Zero, Treasure Planet, DOOM, Starcraft, any science fiction verse where an Earth may have existed once upon a time. Just don't ask how 'souls' are defined by that verse, lmao. That's too much a headache.
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diviinedevilry · 1 year
merry christmas! have a lil bean update!
officially half way!
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deathwrung · 2 years
rep.utation really is the most bekah album of them all.
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monstersinthecosmos · 6 months
i know i'm super late to the character ask game but if you're still up for it: 2, 3 and 21 for armand!!
of course I am still up for it! We always have time to talk about the baby boy!!
(character asks!)
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Gosh he is such a SURVIVOR. Like even thinking back to IWTV how he tells Louis like how few vampires have the stamina for immortality. I think there's a deeper conversation to be had about vampires' fear of the afterlife/unknown and like how to we measure survival against that fear, but! He's survived. And he did try to end himself once. But he's survived. And he's been through the worst of it! He's a lil trouper.
Also I was just thinking about this today actually that Marius went into the ground for the first time around Armand's (current) age, like ~400-500 something and like. I JUST WONDER IF ARMAND NEEDS A NAP.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
Literally can't think of it anything, next question!
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
!!!!!!! UGH. I love making him WEIRD. Like, writing fanfic is in so many ways just a CELEBRATION of characters & stories and so I really enjoy exaggerating things about him that maybe canon glossed over. So for example in Devil's Minion era fics I really want us to sit with the fact that he's a weird creepy predator. And writing Amadeo or writing human AUs I want to really emphasize that he's weird. ((I also feel like, I have ethical reasons against diagnosing fictional characters bc it's a slippery slope to making sweeping stereotypes about conditions! BUT! He has so many neurodivergent traits that really resonate with me and I like to emphasize that when I write him because it gives me an outlet to talk about my own experiences. :) ))
Something I DON'T like is that I get really hung up on meta when I'm writing and I really agonize over character motivations WHICH CAN BE FUN but sometimes I worry if he's going over my head and sometimes I worry I don't truly understand his religious fanaticism. So big big apologies if my Armands are ever OOC!!!! I'm doing my best!
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noisymutantherelol · 3 months
Overlords x child!dragonreader TW:cursing, blood,weapons,OOC,Camilla almost having a heart attack
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(ps.you have toothless personality) You were just wandering looking around looking at the blood,organs spilled by random ass people, you were walking but not paying attention to where your going until you bumped into someone in particular,"ew that looks gross- oFf-",you stumbled back hitting the ground,rubbing the back of your head you look up to see Zestial
"Oh Shit I am so sorry- uhm sir"
"ah its all right." Zestial looked around before asking.
"Where are your parents?,dear child?" He asked looking at you while you got up "oh me? I don't have any...."
"Hm...",he was just looking at you scanning every inch of your body wondering someone as young as you could end in place as cruel as hell,he held out his hand saying to you," Here my child I may be thee Overlord but I am not always so cruel, now would you like to come with me dear?",You were hesitant, your heart skipping a beat,but you have nowhere else to go so...,"sure", you reached your hand out to his smooth hand,you continued to walk with him felling peoples eyes on you, it felt like a bunch of spiders crawling on you, making you uncomfortable and well before you knew it you were at Carmillas company (?),"My dear child,I would like to introduce you thee Carmilla carmine,my dear friend",you simply nod while follow him to Her office, she welcomed him but then her eyes fell on you scanning your small figure before then saying,"Zestial,who is this you brought with you?"
Zestial looked at you forgotten to ask for your name,"Oh dear where are my manners?, dear what is your name?" he asked while looking at you.
"Y/n", you muttered out,looking at the ground
"And Zestial why did you bring them here?"
"To be looked after of course", he said with a shit-eating grin
"By you right?", Carmilla said while pointing at him,while his grin grows wider,"By the me AND the rest of the Overlords,I simply want to see if they can handle the pressure,that's all dear...."
Carmilla face palmed remembering the last experiment that he pulled off,"Zestial are you sure?"
"Yes I am,now do you know where I can find Rosie?"
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-When she first laid eyes on you you looked adorable too her she wanted to give you a lil'makeover To match the timeline of her town
-She would give you stuff that wasn't human flesh,such as cookies but gave you to much and your chasing Susan around the plaza,she snickered a bit then went to chasing you before you started flying. She told Zestial to never give you too much cookies.
-she would teach you manners,and how to be a nice woman,and cook simple foods and how it's fine to be LGTBQ+
-She also learned to never leave you unsupervised while using the stove,almost burnt the whole place :0
-Overall the most things she likes about you, She LOVES it when you call her "Aunt Rose", anyone else who calls her that will die,well besides Alastor,if he says it as a little tease,and you both like drawing and colouring with eachother
A scenario in my KFC brain
Y/n:Aunt Rosie,look! look! *shows a drawn picture of you and her"
Rosie:*on the bridge of tears* Awww *wipes a tear* it looks amazing
-she guards it with all her life
Zeezi (I had to make a personality for her)
-When she first saw you she was like,e fuck-",then Zestial explains everything and then she was like,"*sigh* there's no getting out of this huh?" And Zestial is just like "Not in the 7 rings of hell-, anyways good luck!"
-She turned on her tv in the living room and put on a show that was usauly watched by imp children, while looking for a actually healthy snack,but found nothing,"Alright kiddo we'r-" she stopped talking as soon as she saw you Laying on her couch sleeping in peace she turned off the tv and brought a blanket and put it over you
-She told one of her minions to watch you and make sure your ok while she went to the store to get food for you
Pt.2 coming wait ya'll
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hanzajesthanza · 2 years
considering angoulême’s issues with authority and her relation to "adults & parents" as a concept
when i first thought about how she might grow attached to the adults of the hansa, i tried to dismiss it, “augh it’s so ooc that she would want parents that’s just straight up projecting, so unbelieveable for her character, come on”
but then i considered she’s 1) human 2) not even 20 years old yet 3) her father was out of the picture and her mother straight up ghosted her 4) worked for and under nightingale, which, let’s be honest, had an effect on her 5) and not even geralt (the one father to rule them all) understands her worldview which is a result of her trauma.
i love her character in how she has never been a child as in innocent, carefree, and cared for, but she has always been “underneath,” in a system of hierarchy — if not for being a bastard, being (cw csa discussion) a slave, because her experience was that of human trafficking and child sexual slavery, to what can be called a goonie/minion of nightingale (if this was a video game, she would have been basically one of the hostile NPCs guarding the place where one of the bosses you have to fight is located) and children are considered “lesser” in so many ways by society, like basically as a child, (terrible and wrong) people will treat you like you’re property, an object and not able to have bodily autonomy, that’s basically angoulême’s eternal experience even as she is becoming a teenager and a young woman
as a result of these experiences, i think her primary issues with authority are that she either rebels completely from it (e.g., fulko artevelde) or that she is forced into a situation where she accepts it, and after a while it becomes monotony as her life (e.g., nightingale)
this can be seen with how she reacts to geralt saving her from execution, as she’s so overwhelmingly immediately loyal to him, horrifically so — as she offers herself to him, “i know how these things work, i know why you rescued me, let’s get this over with” (and i suppose, canonically, that’s just because it is just geralt, and as she says, no one can resist following him — but my point is her reaction to kindness, even a kindness as big as saving her life, is not the reaction of someone with a good amount of identity, self-esteem, and adjustment)
so i am correct for considering that she would develop attachment issues to adults that are kind to her, noting this for later when i begin to doubt myself again...
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deadcityhq · 21 hours
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CHARACTER NAME: Daniel Molloy.
CHARACTER FACECLAIM: Luke Brandon Field/Eric Bogosian.
CHARACTER AGE/DOB (if relevant/they’re not old af): 13th October 1952.
CHARACTER PRONOUNS/GENDER IDENTITY/SEXUALITY ETC: He/him, cis man, bisexual/biromantic. 
CHARACTER FANDOM (if relevant): Interview With the Vampire. I’m 99% show-based, but I have read the Devil’s Minion chapter of the books.
CHARACTER TYPE (for example: werewolf, shadowhunter, warlock, demon etc): Human.
HOW LONG HAVE THEY BEEN IN NEW YORK/WHY ARE THEY THERE ETC: Daniel’s lived in New York on and off for most of his life. He has an apartment in Brooklyn, but currently lives with Armand on Night Island.
IMPORTANT CHARACTER INFORMATION TO NOTE AND SHARE (this could be important headcanons for initial plotting, mini bios etc, supporting docs):
Daniel grew up in Brooklyn. He had a long, successful career as an investigative journalist; he published several books and semi-recently put out an online training course. He’s aware of vampires, but the existence of Other Supernatural has likely passed him by. The idea that Lucifer, Heaven and Hell are real is unbelievable to him. Can we please let this man enjoy a peaceful retirement?
THREE AESTHETICS THAT REMIND YOU OF YOUR CHARACTER:Stacks of notebooks full of unreadable scribblings that only make sense to him.Brown leather. These emojis: 🤨😒🙄
MUN TRIGGERS: Dementia. Not a trigger but if you can please spoiler imagery of spiders.
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