#sexma sheen
despisedtoolofsatan · 8 months
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unic0rnsandmurder · 8 months
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Happy Michael Sheen's birthday to all who celebrate!
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ingravinoveritas · 9 months
Hi there! Please, I'm struggling to remember where did we first hear Michael being called a "welsh seduction machine" and David a "soft scottish hipster gigolo". I really wanna know! Do you?
Hello! Well, by no means do I want to take credit if this isn't the case, but I actually started using those tags here on Tumblr four years ago (the tag for Michael in June 2019 and the tag for David in August 2019). After watching GO season 1, I got into Michael first, and so #welsh seduction machine came pretty readily as a tag, though I couldn't say for certain that I was the first one ever to call him that.
(Michael did once mention in an interview when asked about something untrue yet hilarious that he'd read about himself, that he'd read that he was going to name his hypothetical daughter "Sexma"--a.k.a., "Sexma Sheen." Not exactly the same thing, of course, but the closest I think I've come across.)
It took me a little bit longer to become a fan of David's--not because there is anything wrong with him, but because I was so enchanted by Michael from the start and mainlined his filmography first. Once the DT spell was cast, though, I specifically remember trying to think of a way to describe David that would also work as a hashtag, and so #soft scottish hipster gigolo was born. (I also have several other newer tags for David, which can be found in this post.)
What's really surprised me is how both of these tags have suddenly taken off over the last few months/since GO 2 came out. I used to only ever see #welsh seduction machine and #soft scottish hipster gigolo in my saved tags (which aren't even saved anymore because Tumblr glitched out a few months ago and pretty much wiped them out), but now I've been seeing those tags under "Popular Tags," which is absolutely wild. I'm glad folks are enjoying them, though, and it is rather lovely to see my 'children' go out and thrive in the world, as it were.
I hope this helps to answer your question. Again, if anyone knows of any instances of those tags/nicknames that predate my own use, please do feel free to comment on this post and let me know!
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terikanae · 1 year
I would love Michael Sheen to have a son so that he would finally name him Sexma but I don't want Taika Waititi to have a son because then he would definitely name him Jeff
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ninallthatjazz · 5 years
Apparently there was a rumour that Michael Sheen was going to name any possible future child "Sexma Sheen" (= 'sexmachine') and I am wheezing 🤣
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