#sexy stabbing is always approved though
belindarimbi13 · 1 year
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I know I said I want to see Doramitsu playing sticks but this is not what I had in mind AT ALL 😂😂😂
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Why do something sexy and shotgun the smoke, when the much funnier option of blowing in his face is right there
Exerpt with the relevant version under the cut (xcom edition)
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Kix started to immediately look for an exit out of the gym when one of the Eldars, Margo, he thinks by the hair, began to approach him with an intense look in her eye. He wasn’t fast enough, though, and without a word she grabbed him by the arm and yanked him out into the hallways.
“Kix. I’m here to talk about Nihlus.”
Fucking hell, of course she was, “What about him? I’ve been following your Major's stupid rules, I’ve left him alone, I’ve gone away, what could you possibly want now?” 
“What did my brother say to make you such a fucking coward?” She replied, pushing him back
And, “Excuse me?” Kix replied, shoving her hands off, because where did the Eldars store their fucking audacity? Every single one of them was full of shit
“What did Jet say to make you treat Nihlus worse than the dirt on the bottom of your boot? Or is the asshole part all you?” 
So she didn’t know? Just their leader's initiative, then? “Well I don’t know about you, but if the second deadliest guy you know threatens to disappear you, a sane person, I think, would listen.”
A flash of anger appeared on her face before it tempered down and she replied, “and, of course, you listened to him. God forbid either of you care what Nihlus thinks.”
And Kix got a little annoyed because, “how was I ever supposed to know what he thinks if he never says it?” because even when they had been on more pleasant terms, Nihlus never talked about himself, never gave a warning when he did insane shit, and never gave context when he did say something. Kix could never figure out what was going on in that templar's head
And that look of anger faded from her face to be replaced by disappointment as she stepped back, “You know, you’re supposed to care enough to actually ask him. But I guess the Commander can’t always be right about bonds,” and then she sighed,
“Jet isn’t going to kill you if you talk to Nihlus, because if he tries, I’ll have his balls. But you know, if you are just going to keep being an asshole and treating Nihlus like a weapon and not a person, just… keep leaving him alone. He’ll probably get over you eventually, move on. And he actually deserves something good, I think. Certainly someone better than you,” 
And then she left, and Kix deflated as he watched her retreating back.
Kix… got to work finding out where the templar had gone off to. Because he didn’t actually hold Lorraine's death over Nihlus' head. She had chosen her side long ago. Such as it was when you became a civil enforcer, because he had looked her up in the advent databases they were capable of access to after they got back, which was a fairly hefty request that he had been surprised the Commander approved without question.
Lorraine had often traded the lives of her fellow humans and even coworkers, just for perks and luxuries, to live a soft and comfortable life. He had wanted to go back in time and stab the bitch himself when he got to the part in her file that she had tried to sell out him and his brothers and their encampment when she first moved into the city, although they had already been packed and gone to xcom at that point, lucky for them. It was what had put her on the radar of civil enforcement in the first place.
He didn’t quite know what he was going to say to Nihlus, though, when he found him. The blame was no longer entirely on Jet, and it hadn’t been since Kix had been promoted to Captain, the gap in their power of their command on the ship diminishing somewhat. No, as much as he hated to admit it, Margo was just a little right. He hadn’t been a coward in fearing Jet, he thinks, because yea, still the second deadliest guy he knew, but he had definitely been a coward, because with as long and as hard as he had been avoiding the templar, he didn’t think he would get the warmest reception, so even when he had been fairly sure it wouldn’t get him killed, it had been so much easier just to stay away. Had gotten into the habit of it, even.
He didn’t deserve the warmest reception from the templar, but he hoped he could get an apology out before he got a fist to the face? The least they could do is work their way back to civil terms, if for no other reason than the ship was not the most massive place and he would like to stop retreating when he was just trying to exist, for fear of running into or being approached by the man.
Kix… couldn’t find Nihlus anywhere. Not even the avengers logs could tell him where the templar had disappeared off to, which was odd. His last location check had been in the bar and then just… nothing. His location stopped pinging pretty much right after he left. 
That… worried him, some, for sure. Because if he wasn’t on the ship, and he hadn’t been sent on a mission, and he hadn’t, then where was he?
He thanked his lucky graces when he saw the Commander approaching from the end of the hall, a strange grin on his face as he stared down at his tablet. If anyone knew where the Nihlus was, it would be the Commander. And if he didn’t, then something was very, very wrong.
“Sir-” Kix started as he stood in the Commander's path, saluting as he tried to get his attention
“He’s on the roof taking a phone call, there aren’t any location sensors up there because no one is supposed to be up there when we’re in flight, but it’s clear enough, tonight, and we’re parked, and the sky is beautiful” The Commander interrupted, glancing up at him, and Kix could see his sclera was a blazing red, in stark contrast to his almost glowing piercing blue eyes. Right. Right, yea, the Commander was also one of those psychic types. And right now, based on his look and smell, Kix thought he might also be stoned as hell.
The Commander grinned at him as he stood in brief silence before saying, “Tell Volt when his next batch is ready, my beds all his again. He did a great job this time,” and then he walked off, leaving Kix to puzzle out what the hell that was about, because…
Was the Commander fucking Nihlus for drugs??? 
Kix had thought the Commander and Bradford had a thing going on? And even if they didn’t, why would the Commander just tell him that? And it’s not like it changed much? Kix had no claim over Nihlus.
But what else could that have meant?
Nihlus took a drag off his fifth joint of the night, as he listened to his daughter ramble on about her day on the other end of the comm, wind calm enough for both as the Commander had ordered the Avenger to… hover in place for him, until he was done. Offering to smoke out the Commander in exchange for various perks around the ship anytime he managed to get some weed delivered to them from his little home growery at templar hq had honestly been nothing but a good decision, well worth the trade. And Nina was doing an amazing job with the plants while he was gone. Green thumb, just like her father.
“So then I hit it with a bolt because the damn thing wouldn’t stop charging at us and just die, and I was really hoping it would smell like bacon, you know? But the boar had so much fur it just smelled like when we tortured that one guy,”
“Right,” Nihlus replied as he exhaled, “the advent guy with hair like a gorilla,”
“Yea, just like that guy smelled, maybe a bit more like dirt, but anyways, I thought it was dead, even though it was twitching a little because you know how they twitch sometimes with lightning,”
Nihlus hummed in affirmation as he took another hit, Nina continuing, 
“But then I get closer to it, and the damn thing hops up and charges at me again! Ripped a hole straight through my pants! Almost got my leg! And at this point I was wondering if Oscar’s Moms tacos were even going to be worth trying to kill the fucking beast-”
And Nihlus turned to the sound of the lift doors sliding open behind him, whispers of a familiar mind echoing gently. 
“Babygirl, did you spike my weed with anything?” Nihlus interrupted his daughter as his eyes met with Kix’s, who wore the strangest look on his face
“Uh, no? Why?” 
“Because… I think Kix is actually about to talk to me. Something must be up, I’ll… call you back,” He said as the medic began to walk his way, hanging up the call
Nihlus took a drag, and leaned back on the railing. “Fett.” and then he exhaled, blowing the smoke at Kix's feet, “What do you want?”
“Two months ago your company leader threatened to kill me if I talked to you again. Apparently, Margo says that’s no longer in place, so I’m here to apologize. I’m sorry for ignoring you.”
And Nihlus blinked at him because he had honest to god expected him to be here to try and buy weed off him too. He took a hit. What the fuck was he supposed to say to that, though? 
He exhaled, “Why would he do that?”
Kix crossed his arms, “He didn’t like how I spoke to you when I thought you murdered Lorraine. Which I’m… also sorry about,” and Kix rubbed the back of his neck, “never did say sorry for that one, you didn’t deserve that, you saved my life.”
Huh. Inhale. Jet was trying to do some micromanaging in his life behind his back? His immediate reaction to someone disrespecting him was death threats? That was… that’s-
“That’s so sweet of him,” Nihlus replied, exhaling. He really was treating Nihlus just like family, an actual, proper little brother. It warmed him inside, but, “I’ll cut his trigger finger off if he does it again,” because the last two months sucked.
The look on Kix's face as he spoke was hilarious. He snorted as he listened closer to Kix hidden whispers, easier to do when no one else was around. The medic was wondering why not even the adopted Eldars knew how to be fucking normal about lying and manipulation. 
Nihlus almost choked on the hit he had been taking, and once he regained control of himself he said, “Did you really come to the ‘going out on suicidally dangerous missions and brutally killing aliens’ organization expecting rational and grounded people?”
“When no one else is really trying to fight the aliens, you’d think we are the only sane people still around,” The medic replied, thinking of his late Ex, of all those people living in the city centers, living every day of their lives as if they weren’t one wrong word away from a bullet to the brain. 
Nihlus hummed again in reply, and then sighed, because he’d smoked this joint to the bone, and he only had one more left for the night. And it surprisingly sounded like Kix wanted to keep talking to him. And the strangest part was, Nihlus thought as he brought out his last joint and started to light it, that the medic had only the mildest of sexual intentions about it, despite their history. If you could even call a single blowie a history. 
Nihlus leaned his head back as he studied the medic, exhaling. Genuine interest?
“What the fuck do you want, Fett? Like” and Nihlus waved his hand some, “what do you actually want from me? Because can't be that you actually want to know me? If it was, you would have tried before Jet stopped you. Or is it the temptation of something you couldn’t have that drives you to seek me out now that you think you can?”
“Maybe I do just want to get to know you.” The medic said defiantly, and strangely. truthfully,  because he hadn’t come up here expecting to be able to get any action, because Kix thought he was-
This time Nihlus did choke on his lungful of smoke and it took him almost a full minute to regain his breath again, before he said, incredulously, “You think I’m fucking the Commander?”
“His bed?” was all Kix said, and okay, okay, yea, when the Commander had put it like that, but, 
“Do you have any idea how loud a room full of peoples thoughts are when you’re trying to sleep on a whelp of a mattress? He’s not in his bed when I am.”
And Nihlus couldn’t help but be puzzled by the concern he felt from Kix, “Do you usually have trouble sleeping?” because wow, Kix had been tracking him? And knew where he usually slept. Which was the troop barracks. And if he was in there all the time, then he would have problems wouldn’t he? Kix figured. 
It should have surprised Nihlus less than it did, “You’ve been following me?” Inhale
Kix put his hands up, “Not really, opposite, actually, I've been avoiding you, mostly.” said as almost a chuckle
Oh right, because that made it all better, exhale, Nihlus was so glad the medic could take practically abandoning him so lightly.
“You really have a lot of nerve, Fett. What do you want? Drugs? Sex? Power? You aren’t here for friendship, you think I’m some crazy disgusting freak and you don’t even like me, Jet’s orders must have been a blessing for you, So what the fuck do you want?!” Nihlus finished with an angry Jab into Kix's chest, flinging ash on him before Nihlus stepped back, turned around, and took another hit, trying to calm himself.
Nihlus was more mad at himself than this man standing behind him. He knew what people thought of him, could usually hear it, knew his ability to do so was part of the general population's dislike of him as a whole. Nihlus also knew the way he thought wasn’t particularly normal either, his processes or his conclusions. He was called disturbing more times than he could count. No, Kix's dislike of him didn’t shock him. But he had wanted Kix to like him, had thought maybe he could make it work if he tried hard enough.
He wanted to snap something into pieces. Hope was a treacherous thing that would bleed you dry, and he had been weeping like a stuck pig for months. 
“I’m sorry,” Kix replied simply, and Nihlus didn’t catch more than that in his thoughts, because he had stopped listening. He wanted to be over this already. He wanted to be done being yanked around.
Nihlus let his head drop before shaking it after taking another hit, “Why would you be?” Exhale. “I’m not wrong, and you’re not denying it”
“Because I want to like you, so I need to get to know you so I can, but I’ve really been dragging my ass on that. We should talk more, now that I wont die from it,” and Nihlus started listening again, only to be stunned with the realization that Kix may not like him, but he was endlessly fascinated with him. Had made liking Nihlus a challenge that he would achieve, by hell or high water.
“You are wrong about one thing though,” Kix said lowly as he had stepped forwards and besides Nihlus, laying a hand on Nihlus lower back, on the bare Kevlar now that he had taken off his harness. Ballsy motherfucker, he was, “I don’t think you’re disgusting. Quite the opposite, actually.”
Nihlus turned his head to look at the smirking medic, and blew smoke into his awful, handsome face, because he didn’t deny the crazy freak part, not that he was wrong about that one.
“I’m not going to fuck you,” Nihlus stated, because he could feel the desire still sitting deep in the man, and he wouldn’t be a booty call after Kix had been such an ass. He was not going to let the man worm his way back in just to be a quick fuck.
But Kix was steady, confident, that… wasn’t his goal, “I don’t expect you to, what you choose to  do is your own decision,” what was his goal here?
Nihlus pointed his finger in Kix's face, and said almost accusingly, “but you still want it,” 
And the bastard just shrugged, although he still hadn’t taken his hand off Nihlus' back, “I want a lot of things I won’t shed tears over not getting. Hope we can get back to friendly, though.” and… that was his goal. He wanted Nihlus to like him again.
Kix genuinely wanted to repair what he had broken.
Nihlus… offered him the joint. He wanted Kix back. Even after all these months the medic still had Nihlus down bad without needing to do a damn thing to get him there. It was as close to a peace offering he was going to give him, though. Because his refusal to acknowledge Nihlus whole existence had still hurt more than one night's worth of ‘sorry’ and some flirting.
Kix took it with the hand that had been holding the railing, and met Nihlus gaze as he watched his lips curl around his fingers at the end of the paper, the light dip of smoke swirling around his head, as Kix inhaled deeply; And then took the arm which had been wrapped around Nihlus back, and used it to turn his head to him, and settled his thumb on Nihlus lower lip, leaning forwards. 
And Nihlus thought for almost certain he was about to kiss him. And… Nihlus was going to let him do it, by the gods he was weak for it, but he was going to let Kix kiss him. Practically craved it. But once the medic was hovering less than an inch away, and Nihlus had parted his lips, leaned into it, Kix just… gently blew the smoke into his mouth, and leaned back with that damned smirk. 
“The Commander was right,” The infernal tempter said, moving his hand down to Nihlus waist, “this is a pretty good batch, where’d you get it?” taking another hit before offering it back to Nihlus, who kinda wished Kix was horrible at smoking so he would have been able to taste him on the end of the joint. Unfortunately, dry as a whistle. Also unfortunately, Kix seemed to be nowhere near as out of his depth here as Nihlus was.
Nihlus cleared his throat, “I uh, we. I grow it. Always been good with plants. My- I have someone taking care of them at the moment, and she knows what she’s doing.” 
“Someone huh? You have a someone?” and Kix was trying to measure out in his head if Nihlus was taken, if not by the commander than by anyone. He wanted to know if Nihlus was pursuable past the flirting.
“She’s not like that,” Nihlus replied, and he had no idea what possessed him to say next, “I’m very gay and very single.”
“Oh,” Kix replied lofty, “That’s… good to know,” and he was mentally noting Nihlus down as very available
“I’m not going to fuck you,” Nihlus repeated, firmly, knowing it was an absolute lie if Kix decided to test it
“I’m not going to do anything you don’t want me to,” said the bastard who seemed to have learned the rules of the game. Because he knew Nihlus wanted him to. But he wasn’t going to be the one to make the first move now that Nihlus had laid the line.
And that was… comforting. Because Kix was definitely planning to toe the line, but he wasn’t going to push it.
They finished the joint, standing in relatively comfortable silence, and Nihlus… let Kix hand stay exactly where it was. And maybe it was the touch, and maybe it was the weed, but Nihlus was feeling ballsy enough to lay his head back on Kix's shoulder and let himself relax as they gazed out onto the horizon. 
Their beautiful little intimate moment was interrupted by Nina calling him back on the phone. He let it ring for a good three minutes before Kix finally looked down at it and asked, 
“Should I give you some privacy for that?” 
And Nihlus let out a long suffering sigh because, “She’s definitely not going to stop calling until I answer it, so probably. Hell if I know where she gets it from,” he finished under his breath, mourning the loss of Kix's arm from around his waist. It was getting a little chilly in the late evening air, and his warmth had been more than a small comfort. He would have to go in soon anyways, though. The Avenger did have places to be.
“Alright. You… Want to meet for lunch tomorrow? At 1400 maybe?”
Nihlus titled his head with a smirk, “Maybe I’ll be there.” because he was still allowed to be a little petty. Kix had ignored him for two whole months. 
If he wasn’t so enamored by him, the ease of the medics bright smile in return would have annoyed him because there was just no phasing him 
“I’ll see you later then, have a good night, Nihlus,” Kix said as he stepped back further and prepared to turn away and go back inside
Nihlus thought about grabbing his arm, of pulling him back and giving in and kissing him until they were breathless, now that it seemed to be an option. But… his daughter was calling, and he needed to give whatever this was some time and some space and not immediately dive right back into the deep end. 
So instead, he replied to the medics retreating back, “Goodnight, Kix.” And tried not to regret letting him walk away as he picked up the phone. 
There was always lunch tomorrow to do it, if he really wanted to test those waters. 
Also heres an Xcom poster of the Boys
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lilacmeadows · 4 years
The Next Step
Alright guys! This is my first one shot and it’s just pure smut with a little plot. Reader taking Steve’s Innocence because something about Steve being a virgin turns me tf ON! (lol the gif- what i would do to be spraying his chest with water for that scene omfg)
WARNINGS: Explicit language,Switch!Steve, slight dom!reader, SMUT, Oral (m receiving), Steve looses his virginity, Premature Ejaculation (but he’s a super soldier so he can do this all day), DIRTY TALK, Slight daddy kink, multiple orgasms (m receiving), the team hears them and makes fun of them a little. Just taking care of Stevie in the best way.
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You and Steve were dating for 3 months now. You had a thing for him for a while, and you could tell he liked you too. It started when you first arrived at the compound. He would be sitting in the kitchen with the guys for breakfast, and as soon as he saw you in your spandex shorts and baggy t-shirt that didn’t cover your ass, he wanted you. Sam would make jokes about how he can’t even finish a conversation if you walk into the room.
And when you wore just a sports bra and leggings to train, he couldn’t take his eyes off you. You would be on the treadmill, or lifting weights, meanwhile Bucky would be absolutely kicking Steve’s ass because he’s not remotely paying attention to their sparing match. How could he when your ass was all round, and he could see the sweat roll down your back?
Finally on a mission, you and him were on the same side of the building, and you stabbed a Hydra loser before he was able to shoot Steve in the back while he was busy fighting another asshole. You totally saved his ass. And that night when you were all back at the compound, he asked you on your first date.
Everything since then had gone really well. He was always such a gentleman. Maybe too much of a gentleman. He would always keep you well fed and entertained, and he adored quiet days where he could just sit in your company with his head in your lap while you stroked his hair. But that was about all the intimacy you got. There were kisses of course. But they never lead to anything considering he’d hardly even use tongue. If Natasha was his first kiss this century, you were definitely his second. His hands would always stay firmly on your neck or shoulders when he kissed you, and he never spent the night in your room or cuddled with you from behind.
It honestly was starting to get to you. After 3 months, it really seems like Steve isn’t attracted to you at all, even though he calls you beautiful all the time. And to make matters worse, the whole team thinks you’re having hot sex all the time, and you can’t deny it because your boyfriend asked if the two of you could keep what you do and don’t do private.
So there you were, sexually frustrated. As per freakin’ usual. And absolutely tired of it. You decided you’re going to sleep with your sexy goddamn boyfriend or at least make some type of progress, or this wasn’t gonna work.
You texted Steve 10 minutes ago to come to your room to watch a movie, and he took his sweet time before he finally walked in- sweatpants hung low on his hips and sinful white v neck that was at least 2 sizes too small.
It’s like he does this shit on purpose.
He joined you on your bed and gave you just a side hug as a greeting and that’s what made you snap. As badly as you wanted to start the movie and slowly ease your way closer to him, until you could rub up against him and finally get some passion going, that plan was out of the window.
“Steve. Are you attracted to me?” He raised both of his eyebrows in shock at the question.
“Of course I’m attracted to you, Y/n. You’re the most beautiful girl I know.” He said with a reassuring smile that, although genuine, wasn’t enough.
“So why won’t you have sex with me?”
“You want to have sex?” He gulped, as if it’s so hard to believe.
“Of course I want to have sex. It doesn’t even have to be sex. But something. We haven’t even made out or anything. I saw you shirtless more before we even got together.” You said, not trying to push him too far, but expressing your desire to be close to him, phsyically.
“Y/n.” He sighed, and leaned away from you with both elbows on his knees. “I’m sorry if I made you feel like I’m not attracted to you. I am so, so, attracted to you, it hurts sometimes. And I want to... do... that... with you, but I just don’t want to disappoint you.”
“Baby, how could you ever disappoint me?” You leaned in closer to touch his shoulder, watching him tense under your touch. It hurt to see him like this- so closed off from you.
“I don’t have any... experience. With these kinds of things. And you make me more than a little nervous” He admitted sheepishly, not meeting your eyes as he continued. “I’ve only had a handful of kisses, and according to Nat, I’m not very good. I don’t want you to sleep with me and think of me as a loser with super soldier serum.” Hearing him think of himself so lowly made your heart ache. You’d do anything to prove him wrong.
“Stevie, I’d never think that of you. Like everything, sex takes practice... and a good teacher. And I’m more than willing to put in the tutoring hours.” You joked, making him chuckle a little bit and relax his shoulder under your hand. “We can take things as slow as you want.” You said, backing up from him to start the movie.
You and Steve had been watching all your favorite movies in your free time to get him caught up. You got to about 15 minutes into Pulp Fiction when John Travolta was talking about eating a girl out, and you could see Steve getting tense out of the corner of your eye.
“I do want to.” He started, letting that sentence fragment hang in the air.
“Want to what, sweetie?” He blushed a little everytime you called him a pet name, which only made you do it more.
“Have sex with you. I just.” He moved to face you, the movie suddenly not important. “Can we go slow? I don’t know what I’m doing, Y/n.”
You nodded you head and sat a little closer to him, almost straddling him from the side.
“Yes baby. We can go as slow as you want. I’m not going anywhere.” You said as you started to nuzzle your face into his neck, finding his pulse and leaving a wet, open mouthed kiss. You heard him let out a deep exhale.
Putting your hand on his other shoulder, you kneeded the muscle a little before bringing your hand down to his pecs. Rubbing his chest with your hand in a sensual, but comforting, way. Your lips never left his neck, trailing small licks up his jaw, until you reached his ear.
“I’m gonna need you to tell me if you want me to stop okay.” He just nodded at you. “No baby, I need you to use your words. We’ll use colors okay? Red for stop, yellow for slow down, green for go? You wanna try that baby?” He tried just nodding again. “Use your words, baby.”
“Ye- Yes. Red for stop, yellow for slow down, and green for go.” He said, looking at you for approval.
“Yes, Stevie. My Captain is so good for me.” You said as you continue rubbing across his chest, leaving a kiss on his cheek, close to his mouth, before you leaned back slightly. You heard him let out a little moan at the use of his title and saw how his breathing was getting slightly labored. “I think we should just talk for a minute, hmm.” He looked at you, confused on why you’re stopping.
You laid him down on your pillow, and laid next to him, with one leg in between his. Half straddling him. You could feel his erection through his sweatpants and saw how his hands were in tight fists.
“I think you should just lay here for a minute, and let me tell you how wet I get for you. Hmm?” He looked up at you with lust blown eyes and moaned when you pulled his bottom lip into your mouth. “I get so turned on, when you first wake up in the morning, and come down to the kitchen. You hair is all messy, and I can tell you’re just a little bit hard. It’s so sexy, baby. And then you tell me good morning, and your voice is so deep and groggy. Mmm, does it for me everytime.” His hand moved up to your waist, eyes going from being squeezed shut, to looking at you longingly, and back to tightly shut.
“Y/n.” He moaned.
“What’s your color, baby?” You leaned closer to his face, urging him to open his eyes and look at you.
“Green.” He said.
“Good, baby. You’re such a good Captain for me, huh?” He groaned a little louder at that, so you decided to test a theory. “Or do you wanna be Daddy?” You said, then licked the shell of his ear.
“Jesus, Y/N.” His hips bucked up from the bed a little. Oh yeah, he liked that one. You decided to save that for another night.
“Color, Stevie?”
“Green, Y/n. Green, please.” He moaned again. Begging you to move faster, which is what you wanted him to do all along. You wanted to get him needy for you, so you could know he really wanted it.
You crawled over his lap, completely straddling him, and moved your hands down to his abs. You grinded down on him once, twice, and then just let your clothed core just sit on him. He moaned loudly then. The friction almost overwhelming for him.
“Can we take this off, Baby?” You said, putting your hands under his shirt hem. He nodded and helped you get it over his shoulders. “You’re so sexy for me Captain. I wanna kiss every inch of this chest.” You leaned down a bit more to give him a peck to the lips. “And I think I’m gonna do just that.”
You learned very quickly that Steve is vocal in bed. Loud moans and groans with every slight movement of your mouth on his collarbones or shift of your hips. You got to his left nipple and put it in your mouth- flicking it with your tongue and sucking gently.
“Oh, God, Y/N.” He bucked his hips into yours a little.
“I love hearing you come undone for me, baby.” You said as you move to his other nipple. You give every inch of his torso attention before you scoot back, in between his legs. You lay a hand over the large bulge in his pants where you can already see a wet patch forming.
“And you know what’s funny, baby?” His eyes are squeezed close, and he’s breathing so hard, you’re not sure he heard you. You apply a little more pressure on his weeping cock. “I said. Do you know what’s funny, baby?” He let out a choked sob at your tight hand rubbing his cock, even through the layers of his sweatpants and briefs.
“Wha-what’s funny, baby?” He got out in a deep whisper.
“You’ve been walking around here, for over 3 months, in these grey sweatpants.” You pushed your hands down to his balls. “And these tight ass T shirts.” Then you rubbed all the way from his clothed ballsack to where the wet patch is constantly growing. “Like a slut. And expect me to not wanna fuck you silly.” He came under your hands. What was once a wet patch has now spread to his entire crotch. His moans loud and breath coming in short gasps. He’d never cum that hard even by himself.
“Aww. Would you look at that. Captain came in his undies for me. I barely had to touch you, baby.” He reached out his hands for you. “How about we take these off, so I can clean you up.”
“Shit, Y/n. You’re so sexy. I’m sorry. I didn’t know I was about to cum, it happened so fast.” He said, thinking this is over.
“Language, baby.” You teased. “I’m just gonna see if I can get you all cleaned up.” You said, pulling his sweatpants down with this briefs and looking at all the creamy cum covering his underwear, cock, and tops of his thighs. He apologized profusely, cock slowly going soft. “Oh, Stevie. Look at the mess you made. Is all this delicious cum for me, sweetie?” He leaned in, on his elbows, to watch you lick up the cum from his cock, and scoop the cum out of his underwear. “You taste so good for me.” His cock was quickly going hard all over again to his surprise, even though you figured that would happen. He’s a super soldier, after all. “Do you want me to suck my Captain’s cock?” You said, and he nodded frantically at you. You put one of his hands in your hair, showing him how to take control of your head. “Like this, okay. You push my head down to make me go faster down your cock. It’s okay, baby. I can take it.” You said before you put the tip in your mouth and sucked it hard. He immediately let out a loud moan at the new feeling.
He did just what you said, pushing your head down, and pulling it back up. Deeper and deeper until his cock was at the back of your throat, and your nose was deep in his pubic hair. You flattened your tongue under his cock and rolled his balls around in your hands until you felt him cum deep in your throat.
“Fuck. Y/n, shit. It’s so good. Your mouth is so good, baby. Fuck.” He cursed and moaned as you let him fuck your mouth a little more. But this time his cock didn’t even soften. He was still hard, which worked great for you, because were getting more and more horny.
“Do you wanna keep going Captain?” You asked, taking off all of your clothes. His hands immediately reached out to feel your breasts in his hands. You moaned at the feeling. So sensitive from all the foreplay and lack of attention.
“Yes, baby, please? Can we?” He said, pulling you into his lap, moaning at the feeling of your wet folds rubbing his cock.
You took this opportunity to really kiss him for the first time that night, and it took your breath away. He bit your bottom lip before shoving is tongue in your mouth and completely dominating the kiss. It was so much different from any kiss you ever had with Steve. His hands touched everywhere on your body he could reach. He gripped your ass cheek tightly and you moaned loudly.
“I need you inside me, Captain.” You moaned as you slid your fingers down to your hole, trying to prepare yourself a little for the large intrusion. He watched you in awe as you touched yourself right on top of his cock and wondered how he was lucky enough to end up with somebody as sexy as you. He pushed his fingers up, alongside yours, to help stretch you open so he could absolutely ruin you. Then all of a sudden he let go of you.
“Wait. Fuck. Red, Y/n. We need to stop.” You got off of him in an instant and sat to the side. No matter how badly you wanted him inside you, you knew this doesn’t work without trust, and he trusted you to stop when he gave the color.
“What’s wrong, baby? Did I move too fast? We can stop.” You said, out of breath. It broke his heart to feel like he was leaving you unsatisfied.
“I don’t have any condoms Y/N. We can’t do this right now. I’m sorry. But I can-“
“I’m on birth control, Steve.” You said, with a small smile on your face.
“Oh. Why? When did you start that?” He asked you. Still sitting on the bed, but not looking at you.
“About 3 months ago, after you asked me out. I wanted to be prepared for anytime you were ready.” And as soon as you finished talking, he was on top of you. Holding both of your hands up above your head, he kissed you as he nudged your legs open with his knees. He rubbed his cock along your dripping folds, bumping into your clit clumsily, making you moan.
“God, Steve please fuck me. I want it so bad. I wanna feel you, baby.” You cried out underneath him, and he entered you with one thrust. A little too quickly, making you hiss at the burn of his size stretching your walls.
“Shit sorry. Fuck. Y/n, you feel so goddamn good. Fuck. God, Fuck. And so- hggnnn- warm, shit. Baby, I’m about to cum-“ He kept chanting in your ear. His thrusts were sloppy and inconsistent, but he was so big, he was hitting every single spot inside of you- making you see stars. You were moaning as loud as he was. Not caring that your room was one of the closest to the common rooms or that the bed was hitting your wall loudly with each knock of his hips again yours. He let go of your hands to pull your thighs further up around his waist.
You felt him cum inside you with a shout that was loud enough to be a scream, and could hear the squelch of it mixing with your fluids in your pussy. He was gasping for air, and grabbing you tightly everywhere his hands could reach. He was moaning constantly and chanting your name like a song, but he never stopped thrusting.
“Baby, I need you to cum for me.” He said as he kept rocking into you, his hips developing more of an even pace after his 3rd orgasm. He shifted his hips slightly, and was at the perfect angle to hit your g-spot.
You put two of his fingers in your mouth and sucked on them, before you brought the hand down and used it to rub your clit. The added stimulation and him hitting your g-spot repeatedly had you clinching around him in no time. The feeling making him hit another peak as well.
“Fuck, Stevie, baby. I’m about to cum. Can you cum again for me, baby? Fill me up?” You said, trying to stretch this feeling as long as you could.
“Yeah, baby. I’m with you, y/n. Fuck.” He shouted again as he came. Your orgasm triggering his, and the feeling of his cum gushing out of you around his cock extending yours. “Goddamn.” He said as he laid down next to you- not pulling out, but just keeping you on top of him. The combined juices spilling out onto his abs, but he loved it. The whole room smelled like sex, and Steve was willing to bet the whole hall heard them.
“So, how was your first time?” You said, nervously looking into his eyes.
“It was absolutely amazing, Y/n. You’re so sexy. I don’t know why I waited that long, getting off in my hand, when I could’ve been having 4 orgasms a night with you.” He said, kissing you deeply.
“If you think you’re up for it, we could probably go for 5.” You said. Starting to sit up on his cock still inside you.
“Baby, I could do this all night.” He said, beginning to thrust up, until a loud knock at your door interrupted you.
“Like hell you can!” You heard Bucky’s voice from outside your door.
“Stop fucking like bunnies and go to sleep!” Sam joined in.
“I don’t know who told you the world was ending, but you don’t have to repopulate the entire earth in there!” Clint chimed in.
“You don’t even live here!” You yelled back at the door, giggling, while Steve looked like he wanted the bed to swallow him whole.
“And you two just made sure I’m never gonna. The whole compound smells like sex!”
“Oops.” You giggled, kissing your Captain deeply.
Tony was gonna have to sound proof your bedrooms.
 (if you wanna be added to my taglist, just ask)
@little-moonbeam-666 @mela-noche @wondergirl556 @iimaryam99 @anakinravageme @crzcorgi @andydre4m @austynparksandpizza @dracris33 @musicheaux @bl4ckglitt3r​ @hydrasbitches​ 
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uhhhhyandere · 4 years
i have no comment. i have sinned. you watch one tik tok and ALL OF A SUDDEN this shit hits. 
im so h*rny for light. that’s all. 
also??? i got like an influx of followers so idk who put me on their resume but here is your welcome fic ;) 
tw: sexy times baby, always sucking him off, the usual y’all.
you can also find it on Ao3!! 
You knew you were in for it. Dread loomed over you like a cloud, a downpour upon you wherever you may go. Chains anchored your heart to your stomach and constricted it. Every moment it felt as though they can pull too tight and pop the organ like a balloon. Tears were constantly brimming, ready to penetrate their damn and spill, but you managed to keep them hot at bay in the water lines of your eyes. Breathe in. Breathe out. Put on a mask and go. That’s what he always told you to do because should that mask even crack, it would be the last mistake you’ll ever make.
And that mask was shattered.
You splashed water onto your face in the bathroom. Nothing but the embodiment of fatigue, of worry, of lies, stared back. God, what have you allowed him to do to you? But, god, you’d do it all again if you had a reset button. Your heart hurt, ached for his approval, his acceptance, even as you gave up on the premise of love. Even as you had to hide in fear that Misa would end your life before he did if she discovered the truth, you would hold true. Why? Because… well… that’s because -
“Y/N! Hey! Excited to get the weekend started?” Your paralegal smiled, either choosing to ignore your disheveled state or not noticing it at all. “My mom texted me saying she’s hosting a barbeque. Finally excited not to cook my own meals or get take out. How about you?” Your fist tightened. Mask on.
“Just a regular weekend for me. Just taking a break from most of the work piled on my desk. Well, maybe I’ll actually take some of it home, then I’ll play sudoku.” You shared a laugh with them before they entered the stall, and let your face immediately fall. You were jealous of their life. Of being ignorant of how quick and easy it was to end it, of the texts they must receive on the daily. Your mind raced back to the one that pushed you into this state.
Irihaba Hotel. 21:00. Room 2011. We need to talk.
Hotel meetings were for Takada while his own apartment was Misa’s territory. You were just whatever. Perks of being involved in his circle for far too long. Held on a leash long enough to run, but not far. Hardly a weapon, you stand in your place unknowing as to why you were kept alive for so long. Useless things are disposed of. Light’s said it himself. Any moment whatever reason he kept you alive could change. The ice you walk on was already flooding with water. You dare not even step.
The hotel was as classy and upscale as they come. Of course. Light’s income as L was handsome. Affording the life he believed he deserved was just a side benefit to every other power that inflated his ego. You tugged your blazer closer to your figure, the badge of any lawyer in Japan who passed their Bar pinned tightly to the collar. Maybe I can stab myself with it and go to the hospital to avoid this.
Seeing Light was not always an event laden with fear and dread. It was awe-inspiring. Like meeting with your college advisor who always was there to point you in the right direction should you get lost, and leaving you with purpose, meaning. That was the power Light inspires in you and every other who follows.
And he was beautiful. That may be the scariest part of all. Should he be alight and raging in anger or dim and cold in cruel and calculating thought, Light was breathtaking. Seeing him grow from high school through college and into the man - god - he is now, your heart ached once more. It hurt. God, it hurt, but it hurt so deliciously. You had to come back for more.
The elevator opened. Against the marble floor, only your soft steps echoed in the hall. Grand pictures and gold trimming lined the walls. Your reflection slowly breezing past until you reached your standing reflection at room 2011’s door. The gates to hell - heaven - neither? - itself. Your hand shook every millimeter it rose.
One knock.
Two knock.
Brown eyes shined through the crack of the door. A jolt of electricity shot down to your core. You were well and thoroughly fucked. Light didn’t even bother to wear his mask, slowly opening the door and allowing you into the silent room. The bang of the door sealed your fate. There you stood near the hotel table, purse set down, hands folded behind your back on top of its wood. You watched him click the lock before turning around.
He wore a slick black suit and a simple white shirt underneath. His tie lied forgotten on the seat of the chair nearby. The first few buttons of his undershirt remained opened, gifting you with a small peek at his chest. The pants adorned him just as well, giving you a well-defined look at the length of his legs. You quickly averted your gaze upwards. You knew better than to so openly gawk.
“Sloppy, Y/N.” Light said, hands deep in his pockets.”I would have expected it to be L or even Mochi, but Matsuda? Of all people…” He chuckled. “What did he do to make you crack, Y/N? Did he threaten you? I doubt that. Nothing should scare you more than I do, so… what could it have been? Did he appeal to your guilty side? The side of you that begs yourself to believe them in the name of everything you’ve learned in school?” He began to step closer, closer, until you were backed far into the table. “Or… perhaps, he offered you something far more… primal.” He breathed out the word gently, so his breath ticked your nose.
“W-what? No!” He smiled.
“Come now, Y/N! Don’t act so shocked at the notion. You think you hide it well, but you’re itching to satiate the frustrations within you. I see it every time we’ve met for years. I’m surprised your patience has held out this long.” He leaned in to place his hand on the table, trapping you from the left side. “Every time you hope and you pray that it’ll be me that makes your pussy drip, that it’s me who sinks his cock deep inside you, and fucks you just until you just begin to feel that edge of release, but then… nothing. The tease, the chase to get that high back. It’s all you think about.” If you weren’t so terrified, you would say it sounded like it’s what he thought about too.
“T-that’s not true.” Light threw his head back and laughed before pushing off the table with his hand and approaching the hotel desk on the other wall.
“Sure. Tell yourself whatever lies you need. I know the truth, and I know you’d do anything for that, won’t you?” He pulled the computer chair from under the desk and took a seat. With a single digit, he motioned you closer and closer until your thighs touched his own. It was only a single moment of you standing above him before he roughly spun you and wretched you onto his lap by your hips. Your eyes flew open, heart palpitating. “You’re so intelligent, Y/N, but you allow such carnal desires to distract you.” Light ever so slightly rolled his hips upwards, grinding slowly against your backside. You bit your lip.”See? And you don’t even notice what’s right in front of you.”
The Death Note lied flat, illuminated by the desk lamp. You should feel the accumulation of terror, but Light’s hand tight on your hip and fingers drumming against your thigh kept you from it. His soft laugh blew right against your ear while he laid his head on your shoulder. “Go ahead, open it.”
“But you said never to-,”
“Listen. To. Me.” You nodded, opening just the front cover. “That’s it, keep going,” he urged softly. Every so often, Light would grind his hips once more, slow and sensual, so you can feel his body drag up every inch of your own. Your breath shuttered. Page after page was filled margin to margin. Light watched the horror etch onto your features in delight. “Just find an open spot. We just need one. ”
“Please, no. Please d-don’t… I promise I’ll never mess up again. N-never. Just…” You winced, and your clenched eyes forced out the tears you’ve been holding back. “Please, I’m begging you.”
“I know. It really is music to my ears. Now, take the pen.” You glanced at the part of his face you can see over your shoulder. “I won’t ask again. I’ve already been plenty patient with you.” Still, the very blood that flows through you was frozen. “One. Two.” Your hand shot out, breaking the mold. “Ah, good girl. Now,” the hand that was on your hip reached to encapture your own, “write.” A sob. You sobbed.
“Please, Light. Please, no. I don’t… I don’t want to die. I promise I’ll do anything you ask. I’ll isolate myself ever. Leave Japan. Never see the light of day outside, but please… I don’t want to die yet-ah!” You jumped at the pressure on your backside. Something was there that was not there before.
“Ah, come on, Y/N. If you’ll do anything I ask, then you’ll do this, won’t you? For me?” He groaned as his hips lifted once more. The friction eliciting mutual groans. Though his hand held your own, he made no move to force it into motion . “One. Two. Three. Ah, there we go. No breaks, now. Don’t stop writing.” Your name seemed so short now. Even in your slowest handwriting, fingers entrapped by his own, it was seconds until you were on the last letter. “That’s my good girl,” he purred, taking a moment to rub the back of your hand with his thumb in affection.
Abruptly, he threw you off of his lap and onto the ground. He stood above, beautiful face illuminated by the same light that lit up your death, one hand holding the notebook, the other slowly palming his erection. “See what you’ve done now? Isn’t this what you wanted?” His smile, sinister and malicious, was wide as you curled in on yourself on the floor. “Awh. Aren’t you going to keep begging me? Or have you given up already? Your pathetic whines were…” he licked the top row of his teeth, “kinda hot.” He glanced at his watch. “Halfway there, now.” You frantically crawled towards your bag. Light made no move to stop you. He simply watches with sadistic interest. “Making a run for your phone? Who will you call in your last ten seconds, hm? Matsuda?” He chuckled.
“No, please!”
“Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One.”
Light’s laugh erupted behind you. Despite the tons of relief shed off your shoulders, you were still unnerved. Light held out the notebook and flipped it so you can see your name written with two deep slashes across it. Shutting it, he placed it back on the table. “You should see your face.”
“You’re cruel.”
“But you love it.” He roughly reached down and yanked you onto your feet, “but we have other business to attend to.” The shove down onto the bed was far rougher than how he picked you up from the ground. Helplessly on your back, you picked yourself up with your elbows. “Strip.” Light dragged the computer chair over and sat down. He brought his leg to cross over the other and laid his arms to the side. Light’s chin rose and his eyes lowered as they trained on you. “How many times must I treat you like a child? You’re a certified lawyer, Y/N. Have some dignity.”
You rose, slowly discarding your blazer and following it with your top. Lifting your hips, you shimmied out of your pants. “You’re not done. I can see your panties soaked from all the way over here. Did your brush with death really turn you on so much? How deprived are you? Disgusting.” You glanced out the window. “Eyes on me.” You clenched your teeth so hard you thought they’d break as you removed the last bit of clothing.
Slowly, he rose from his seat and approached the table once more. From the chair, he grabbed his red tie, the fabric gleaming under the light. He turned back and approached. “Hands behind your back, Y/N.” You obeyed. “Good girl.” He knelt behind you, tying the fabric right around your wrists, hands knuckle to knuckle.
He returned to standing in front of you, and in a rush of movement, Light lurched forward, fingers locking around your throat and pushing you onto your back. His lips chased after, consuming your own, biting, licking, scouring, devouring. His tongue invaded your maw, dominating, overwhelming, suffocating. His fingers squeezed your jugular once more, stealing your already strangled breath. You didn’t know what to do, didn’t know what to think. He ripped his head back, a dirty string of saliva keeping you connected as he gasped in a breath. 
“Look at you. Just look at you. A woman of the law, of justice, completely and utterly at my mercy. You really have no shame, Y/N. Under all those suits and blazers, you are just like every other whore out there. Hungry, desperate for a cock to fill that pussy of yours and - oh, is it begging to be filled.” From his other hand, a lean digit traced the outline of your lower lips, skimming over and briefly flicking your clit. For someone he said was shameless, shame blanketed your existence at the moment, but fuck.
The finger sunk itself in you, knuckle deep. Light whistled. “Fuck, you’re dripping, Y/N. Is this all for me? Tell me.” He abruptly stuck a second digit inside. “ Tell me how long you’ve craved this. Tell me how many nights you’ve gone since we graduated that you yearned for my cock. Tell me how many lonely times you spent touching this pretty little pussy dreaming it was me.” His fingers curled, scissored, twisted, pushed, and pulled. They seemed to control your entire essence, pulling your very soul in and out with every thrust.
“Every night!” You yelled, arching your back, pulling your body down so you can feel more. “Please more. Give me more. Please.” Still, there was no hurry to his ministrations. At the languid pace, he remained steady. “ God.”
“Oh,” he chuckled, taking back his hand from your throat, “like the sound of that. Tell your god, then, just how much you want to cum, Prove to him why you think you deserve it for almost fucking everything up today.” He emphasized his words by curling his fingers inside you.
“I’ll never - ah - let you down again. You… you’re the best thing the world has ever - hm! - had. You are justice a-and peace and power embodied. A-anyone would die to be where I-I am, in your hands to do a-ah-as you will. Please, I need your cock.” You pulled against your restraints, tensing your muscles to forge wiggle room, but they would not budge. His fingers tapped your chin upwards to meet his eyes.
“You would die for me.” You nodded vigorously. “You would spend every waking moment thinking of me, in fear, in admiration, in lust.” You nodded once more. Light giggled like a boy who just received a toy. “So, you know your place. Far beneath me. Far under me. That this is a gift from me, your satiation. Your salvation.” All the while, he had nudged the third finger inside. “Fuck, Y/N. You’re still so tight; it’s sucking me in. I don’t think you can even take my cock like this.”
“I-I can!” He smirked, adding the fourth finger and watching you wince.
“You think you can handle it?” You nodded. He ripped his fingers away. Throwing his jacket behind him, he unbuttoned his shirt all the way and discarded his pants and underwear, leaving him only in his blown open button-down shirt. His length bounced intimidatingly in front of you. You gripped the sheets, watching it. Your mouth might as well have begun to water.
“Please,” you piped out.
“Hm? Can’t hear you, Y/N.” He pumped his cock.
“Please let me suck your cock.” His eyes glowed menacingly and he leaned back, giving you the opportunity to fall forward.
“Don’t think about teasing. It will not end well for you.” Light’s breath stuttered as you took into your mouth what you could. “That’s it. Keep going, Y/N. Service your god. Fuck. You really were made for this, weren’t you? How does it feel to know that your true self isn’t in a courtroom? It’s here, on your knees, choking on my cock. How can they respect such a depraved whore? A whore who’s only use is to suck me off.” His hand came down into your hair, gripping the locks tightly. “ Oh yeah. Keep fucking going. ” He threw his head back and his other hand came to join the other on your head. A second stabilizer.
Light moved his hips to meet your face. Mouth slack open, you focused on avoiding all contact with your teeth and relaxing your throat as he bottomed out in your throat. “ This is all you are, Y/N. This is all you were made for. Me, my wants, my needs. From the day you stepped foot on earth, this is your fate. A fucktoy for me.” He forced your head back and you inhaled greedily. “On the bed. All fours. Ass. up.” You did as he asked, feeling the dip in the bed near your feet.
Slap. You cried out. Another slap followed quit, ringing out in the room. “Don’t make me gag you, too. You like it. Being used, controlled. Don’t even try to lie to me.” You peeked over your shoulder to watch him slip the condom down his length. He shoved his four fingers back into you, stretching the last of you out before placing the head of his cock at your entrance. You dug your forehead into the bed. He teased the entrance, slipping just the tip in and out.
“Please, fuck me! Please…” Coming forward, he retook your hair in his hand and yanked. At the very same time, he sunk his cock into you.
“Oh fuck…” Relentlessly he pounded, pulling your hair back to expose your neck and biting into the skin. Pistoning, his hips met yours as you began to push back to meet his thrusts. “That’s right. Oh… that’s right. ”His forehead pushed into your shoulder blade. “You’re all mine, Y/N. You know that, right? Mine to keep alive, mine to kill, mine to control. Your entire world is in my palm. Never forget who scares you the most.” He picked up his pace. “Shit! That’s it, that’s it. You going to cum, Y/N?”
“Well, don’t. You don’t get to come a second before I-I do.” He stuttered as your walls began to clench around him. “You take me so well. Heh. Why haven’t we done this earlier, Y/N?” Grabbing the back of your head, he pushed it into the mattress so he can angle himself better to do deeper, harder. “Hold it, Y/N. If you cum, you may as well forget this ever happened.” You clenched, holding back your climax as best you could. “Ah… ready?” Moments after, his seed began to spill. Light arched his back, chasing his high with faster and faster thrusts and choked groans of pleasure. You followed soon after, his name shaping itself into your scream. You fell limp and felt his softening cock slip out of you. The movement continued behind you, but you stayed put, watching the city lights out the window in your daze even as he untied your bonds.
“Check out is at eleven.” You jolted to see Light dressed behind you, a smile dancing on his lips. He looked as though nothing happened. “Goodbye, Y/N. Let’s do this again sometime.”
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
Never Judge A Book By It’s Cover ~ KNJ [Request]
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⇝⇝⇝Word Count: 1.6K
⇝⇝⇝Genre: MafiaAu, fluff???
⇝⇝⇝WARNING: Includes mention of murder and blood
⇝⇝⇝A/N: This is short and I’m so sorry, hope it’s okay though
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For as long as you had been dating Kim Namjoon people had wondered why, he was the biggest mafia leader in Seoul and was well known for being aggressive, quickhanded with a gun and wouldn't think twice before killing you while you appeared to be the opposite. A warm personality with a bright smile always on your face, nice to everyone you met and gave a lot of money to charities and events that fonded charities but that was just the outside and people should know never to judge a book by its cover. You stormed through the front door of the mansion you lived in with Namjoon and threw your bag down onto the floor,
"How was the meeting?" Namjoon asked from the living room sofa, he was curled up reading a book while he waited for you to come home. You scoffed coming into the room and kicking off your heels,
"I want to stab everyone!" You cried out making one of the guards in the room flinch, they knew you were just as ill-tempered as Namjoon was so Namjoon excused them. Shutting his book and turning to look up at you, your hands were running through your perfectly curled hair and you looked pissed off,
"Don't get blood on your dress, I got us reservations at seven." You groaned laying down on the sofa beside Namjoon, your head laying on his thighs as he played with strands of your hair.
"They all think I'm that sweet little angel Namjoon and I'm sick of it." You groaned closing your eyes and pulling a pillow over your face to cover it, you were sick of pretending to be the innocent party in the relationship and having people walk all over you because you were the wife.
"I know baby, but they'll stop eventually. It's better this way." You knew what he was getting at if you appeared to be vulnerable and the weak one people would try to mess with you resulting in a shocking reveal that you weren't innocent and cute and you could be just as deadly as Namjoon was.
"You have tomorrow and the weekend off now, so just try to relax." You agreed with him, taking the Friday off was a good idea since you had to go on the hunt for a new evening gown. You had a gala to attend to with Namjoon something for Kim Seokjin's birthday, birthdays were a huge deal in the Mafia business or at least in Namjoon's. It was just a day to celebrate ageing it was celebrating to surviving another year in that business.
"I already have some lined up, you'll love them." You whispered as you got up from the sofa, you sat down on his lap straddling him and bending down to kiss him.
"We have an hour until we have to go to dinner." You whispered seductively in his ear grinding your hips down against him and pulling away to look at him, he smirked standing up with you still wrapped around him.
"Let's go."
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Jin greeted you with a warm hug and you smiled at him handing him the small box that was wrapped in black wrapping paper,
"Happy Birthday Jin." He smiled and took the gift from your hand,
"Thank you, where's Namjoon?" You looked over your shoulder to see him standing outside the hotel entrance yelling at the valet parking attendant.
"He had an issue he had to fix." You walked away from Jin who was going to see if Namjoon needed any help,
"Your dress!" Jin's wife yelled coming over to you and spinning you around, the dress was a black satin gown with a front slit, an A-line neck with spaghetti straps.
"Yours!" You screamed back at her looking at the silk red gown she was wearing and you both giggled exchanging stories and walking over to the bar. If you hadn't been so lost in your conversation you would have noticed a group of men watching you both, watching you closely to see what you were doing.
"Did Namjoon get into a fight again?" You rolled your eyes looking over your shoulder to see Namjoon wiping blood off his face with his handkerchief,
"Something like that. You know him, I'll be right back." You rushed over to him the sound of your heels hitting the ground alerted him and you smiled trying not to make it obvious,
"You have blood on your collar." He looked down and groaned, he didn't even bring a spare shirt with him either,
"I have a whiteout pen in my bag." You took him towards the bathroom and he chuckled following close behind you, his hands on your waist as you walked.
"I feel like we're young again, sneaking to the bathroom." You kissed his cheek before taking out the whiteout pen and colouring the dried bloodstain in, it was now a pale pink colour which was better than the blood-red it was.
"Keep it in your pants Joonie, this night if for Jin." You reminded him not wanting to have sex in a bathroom of a hotel where anyone could walk in, not that they would with the two guards planted outside. The two guards followed Namjoon everywhere so no one would mess with him and even if they did and got past the guards they wouldn't be alive much longer than that.
"You look amazing though," He ground his hips into yours and you pushed him back warning him that you weren't going to do that tonight.
"I'm going to the bar, go and wish Jin a happy birthday." You patted his cheek and left the bathroom, greeting the two guards and heading back into the main hall of the party.
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"What's a girl like you doing with a man like Namjoon?" You thought you could have a quiet drink alone without being bothered but clearly, you were wrong. You glanced to your left at the bar and saw a man staring back at you he was biting down on his lip as he looked you up and down he had a scar running down the right side of his face and was wearing a black suit with a blue handkerchief, you knew instantly he was from a rival gang.
"He's my husband, I love him." You replied playing the dumb card yet again, the card you always had to play whenever someone decided they wanted to try and talk to you about Namjoon. It was the same whenever you were questioned by the police you had no idea what Namjoon did for a living and you had no idea what he had been up to at the time of questioning.
"Look at you...You're just so cute and innocent compared to him." His hand came into contact with your cheek and you bit your tongue so you wouldn't say anything to him,
"My husband is right over there please leave me alone." Hoping that would work you stared at the waiter behind the bar who was nervously looking around for Namjoon and his guards, to try and alert them but the man grabbed your ass. Instead of making a huge scene you walked away going to find Namjoon on your own, you were walking across the dance floor when the same man took you into his arms and began dancing around with you.
Namjoon watched from across the room with a small smirk on his face, he ordered his men to stand down as he knew you were going to handle this on your own.
"You fit so perfectly in my arms, you should come home with me instead." The bald man slurred wrapping his arm around your waist, you smiled at him and then looked over at Namjoon who was giving you the nod of approval to do whatever it was you wanted to this guy.
"I'm going to go back to my husband now." His arms dropped away from you and you turned to leave only to have his hand clasp around your left wrist, that was it, you grabbed the blade from your garter under the slit in your dress and turned cutting the guys neck open in one swift motion. His body hit the floor and the room fell into an uncomfortable silence and you looked over at Namjoon with a sad expression on your face.
"He got blood on my dress." Two hotel workers walked into the hall and looked at you and then at the man on the floor, you put the knife back into your garter holder and looked at them.
"Is there a problem here, gentlemen?" They shook their heads leaving the room, Namjoon had his men go over to you and start cleaning up the mess you'd made.
"At least now they won't mess with you," Jin said as he walked over to you both, you sighed looking up at him.
"I'm sorry I ruined your birthday party," He shook his head telling you it was better than anything that he could have planned, you'd basically took out a threat to the mafia and had fun exposing yourself as the crazy bitch you truly were.
"I'll take you home, come on," Namjoon said walking with you out to the valet, you had blood splattered up your face so he handed you the handkerchief from his pocket and smiled.
"You've never looked sexier." You groaned at his attempt to seduce you and looked up at him,
"Let me get home and shower first, it's only sexy when you come home covered in blood, I feel gross." He chuckled kissing the top of your head and helping you into the car. Ignoring the looks he was getting from the valet parking attendant and the people on the street that had all turned to see you covered in blood.
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@yoongisdumplingcheeks @writingdreamsnottragedies @snowy-meowl @lynnthevirgo @jooniesdarlingdimples @kpopfanfictionhoes @lyoongx @mitzwinchester @callingmyangel @rjsmochii @fan-ati--c @btsiguess-kpop
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Kokichi is dying (V3 chatfic, no particular ship)
TW: Infers abuse, talks about ableism, neglect, panic attack pretty much, depression, self loathing. never being good enough
i am so sorry but vr au's need to be sad, love yall :)
(Background info: This is set in a vr au, they are not with their fake memory parents (Ie; kaito's kind grandparents) but rather why they really have)
(Also i have no fucking clue what ship i was going for???? pretty sure they are all on the table, and kokichi talks like an idiot in this and i love it. Gonta's writing is based off of his Japanese talking style, so no more caveman talking).
(Space monkey: Kaito, Detective pikachu: shuichi, Elton john: kaede, Antman: gonta, Mr. Gonstealyoman: korekiyo, Atua's bitch: angie, emoboi: ryoma, be-boop: kiibo, bread roll: Maki, cum dumpster: miu, mommy: kirumi, Gremlin: Kokichi)
TLDR: Chaos ensues, slight angst
Gremlin: omfg im fucking sicK im gonna fucking die i bet this was kaitos bitch ass fault for coughing on me with his tuberculosis headass gROSSSSS I HATE EVERYTHINGGG
Space Monkey: i-
Space monkey: I didn't get you sick dumbass,,,, my tb is fugckin cured bi-
Bread roll: he's dramatic and gross dont believe him
Gremlin: yall mean for what?
Gremlin: i have a life taking disease and yall laughing i- 
Gremlin: see you at my funeral bitch
Detective pikachu: What are you sick with then
Gremlin: anythong bitch, im the universe
Antman: He sounds delusional, thats not good
Detective pikachu: He's always delusional, he's Kokichi
Mr. gonstealyoman: I guess this name is better than my old one
Mr. gonstealyoman: thank you kokichi :) I am glad we have come to an understanding
Gremlin: kay sexy
Antman: who was that for???
Gremlin: NO ONE,,, 
Gremlin: Okay,,, maybe sexy tall men in general lowkey
Gremlin: okay,,,, maybe anyone over 6 feet 
Detective pikachu: i feel excluded
Detective pikachu: good, i don't like you kokichi, your an ass
Gremlin: u sound jelly shumaiiiiii
be-boop: perhaps he is telling the truth, you know,
be-boop: according to my data, in chapter four Shuichi stated that you will never have friends, and no one will ever like you
Antman: do you need me to come over? I can make you tea?
mommy: Do you know how to do that, Gonta? I can teach you?
Antman: Gonta does know, thank you very much. 
Antman: Gonta is not a child, Tojo-chan, please don't regard me as one
Antman: Gonta can cook, can clean, can be gentle, and has his own mind
Space monkey: but we're just making sure man, cuz, you know,,,, chapter 4
Antman: I am capable of things just like you!!!!!
Antman: Gonta doesn't know why you guys treat me like a child :(
Gremlin: yeah, hot stuff over there is basically a prodigy homies
Antman: Gonta is dumb though, don't say that.
Antman: Gonta is no prodigy, in fact, he is below average in everything
Gremlin: Whats ur test scores bitch
Antman: Gonta got a 98 on my english test,, but i wanted a 100, which would make Gonta actually smart :( 
Antman: Gonta is not good enough to be friends with you all
Antman: I can do basic stuff like tojo said...
Antman: maybe i do need help?
Antman: im not sure anymore:((((
Detective pikachu: You sound really delusional Kokichi, maybe you should get sleep
Detective pikachu: Sure you are. Now get some rest. 
Bread roll: Cause your stupid and aggressive
Gremlin: your personality, basically?
Bread roll: shut up at least i have a boyfriend
Gremlin: Technically, you just stole my frienemy 
Gremlin: Yall do be avoiding each other doe
Space Monkey: WE ARE NOT
Gremlin: Yeah yeah
Gremlin: yesterday i saw you to enter the same cafe by accident, duck your heads, then sit across the cafe from each other, all while  avoiding eye contact
Gremlin: Soooo,,, things not going well in paradise?
Detective pikachu: you're nosy
Gremlin: says the literal detective 
Space monkey: everythings fine your just a dickkkk
Gremlin: "oooo! Im momo-chan, i say bad word and go brrrrr"
Space monkey: im going to fucking stab him 
Gremlin: You cant, ive already enslaved you with my chaotic, yet cute hijinks, havent i~
Gremlin: im free by the way at 8 ;)
Bread roll: STOP trying to steal my boyfriend kokichi, ive told you this before
Bread roll: NO
Bread roll: BODY
Antman: Gonta interrupts to say, Gonta loves you kokichi, and we should get flowers together, than maybe we can prank some people :D 
Bread roll: Ive never wanted to stab you more, gonta
Gremlin: I'd enjoy that very much, fine fellow ;)
Gremlin: but idk,,,, can you like take care of me first, cuz IM SICK BECAUSE OF KAITO TUBERCULOSIS ASS
Space monkey: I DONT
Detective pikachu: He smokes?
Atua's bitch: he does, i walked in on him in the bathroom lmao
Atua's bitch: he was scared shitless and threw it out the window, needless to say atua does nt approve
Space monkey: Uh,,, i was taught vaccines were bad, so no i don't have the vaccine
Space monkey: your dramatic, it cant be that bad
Gremlin: say that when you catch it again
Gremlin: i swear you coughed on me like,,,, 5 weeks ago tho
Antman: OOOO! Fun fact: Tuberculosis can lay dormant from 3 months to a few years! 
Space monkey: u guys are just trying to scare me
Bread roll: Just checked the chat after using the br and,,m YOUDONT HAVE YOU VACCINES???
Detective pikachu: Im sorry, but kaito, please,,,,, for the love of god get vaccines
Space monkey: alright alright, ill do it cuz you guys are all on my case and i don't like being the villain :(
Gremlin: Im so happy i have gonta with me rn, he is making me tea while yall rot in your distant ass relationship (THIS IS FOR YOU KAITO)
Space monkey: Im going to destroy your bloodline in about three seconds if you dont stfu right fucking now
Gremlin: Hhehe i have an inaprwopwiate joke uwu
cum dumpster: wHAt Is iT YOU WHORE
Gremlin: i was gonna say wouldn't he need to like,,,, have sex with my family to weed out my bloodline or something??
cum dumpster: i-
cum dumpster: Why am i acting surprised, ive watched porn with more extravagant plots than this
cum dumpster: ie; are you guys FUCKING? RIGHT INFRONT OF MY SALAD??? is one i will cherish with my soul
emoboi: hehe why did she point out the salad
Space monkey: I hate u kokichi, i truly do
Gremlin: I bet if you got the chance u would kiss me space boy :P
Bread roll has left the chat
Space monkey: o god is she ddoing one of those bf loyalty tests or smthing???
Space monkey: now im nervous lmao
Gremlin: why you so nervous stupid~~~~
Gremlin: It not like ur cheating on her homie
Space monkey: It's just a placebo effect
Gremlin: My brain feels fried Momo-chan,, i don't understand big boy words right now
Space monkey: Basically, if you take a pill that doesn't do anything but you don't know that and believe it does, you will scientifically start to feel better
Gremlin: first and only time saying this, but thank you 
Gremlin: Kaito,,, imma need you to do me a favor and look up on your ceiling
Space monkey: i hate you, idk what it is, but i hte you
Gremlin: good <3
Space monkey: Im GENUINLEY panicing HOW TF am i gona get this off my wal???? They are going to bbat me senselpess help me shUichi
Detective pikachu: o god, i can sense the sheer pain and scaredness in  that tet, 
Detective pikachu: are you for real gong to get hurt or are you pulling a kokichi?
Gremlin: okay,,, maybe this wasn't the best prank.,,, i guess i'll help clean up cuz im not that much of a sociopath
Gremlin: tbh my parents can go shove it too lowkey terrible 0/10 
be-boop: Of course, i will come, i will survey the outside of the house
Antman: Gonta is coming too! We will get this done in under 40 minutes!
Space monkey: OKAY
Gremlin: Lowkey, if i cough on you ignore it bitch your the one who made me like this
Gremlin: I will give you TB again just cuz your making me suffer
Space monkey: Suffer what??? putting dicks on my FUCKING WALL???
Gremlin: Guilt, idiot, im feeling guilty. 
cum dumpster: oof thats new
emoboi: yeah i wasn't expecting it
Mr.gonstealyoman: Me neither. It is rather peculiar seeing it being texted by him because he is always feels not guilty of his bad actions.
be-boop: I do believe he means it, though...
emoboi: impossible.
cum dumpster: i agree, literally impossible.
Antman: Quick question, shuichi can i stay with you again? It'll be dark when i get home and gonta can't do that so,,, please help
Detective pikachu: my parents are like blank slates, who eat slowly, watch tv slowly, and never look at me. Im sure they wouldn't mind :P
Gremlin: ooo! I like the name! IM INNNN! 
Detective pikachu: On it!
be-boop: Ready for look out!
Space monkey: I love you guys :)
AN: Im lowkey sorry i ended this chaotic mess with angst,,,, but like fr i love it i love angst,, i hate reading it but love writing it
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rattyarts · 4 years
Since this is apparently the topic of the day, I might as well go through all my Leo asks that have been sitting around!
Questions under cut, mashing ‘em together to reduce the amount of text posts. 
Anonymous said: WE JUST WANT LEO TO BE HAPPY even if he is a mad lad
But... but he kills and tortures people. And is a nasty pissbaby who smells like cigarettes.
Sadly, anon, I have no intention of redeeming this character and will make his life miserable ‘til the day he dies. No mercy for the murder onceler!
In the meantime though, I am very much enjoying the DRASTICALLY different responses people have had to him, and both “i want to mace him with bug spray” and “let me kiss the sexy cartoon bug” are equally good and makes my day.
Anonymous said: His surname is mesquite??? That's adorable oh my god 🥺
Credit goes to @bensiabel-the-wizard​ for that one!
Anonymous said: Leo: *exists* / Anons: time to Bother this Individual
And nothing could make me happier.
starsheepblog said: Leo, probably: "I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to get a check and use cool weapons." Shuck and SB: >:)
Look, if Shuck wants to make friends with someone, no force on earth is going to stop her.
So basically, your average dog.
Anonymous said: can some Buggiemen climb on walls and ceilings? i'm kinda imagining Leo hiding in the corner of the ceiling waiting for a target...
Not entirely sure! Leo can’t, though he’d probably have an easy time pulling off some wall-jumpy parkour stuff as buggiemen don’t weigh very much.
Anonymous said: Does Leo know how to do any Trick-shots with his gun?
Oh, definitely. Dude’s been training to use guns since he was five, he’s got VERY fucking good aim.
Anonymous said: I bet Leo kisses his guns goodnight and puts them in little gun beds every night.
Did Shuck send this ask?
Anonymous said: Oh yeah I definitely wouldn't be attracted to Leo if he were real. I'd probably hate him tbh. But since he's a fictional character and doesnt have any effect on my health or the world I can go ohohogho.. wamt kiss nasty mansquito
Anon, you are valid and I love you
monstoonsart: You could put a cork on his nose to prevent stabbings. & Use his face to open wine bottles.
Asgdfghsgs I approve
Anonymous said: Omg, with the context of that recent comic featuring George and Leo, it makes that other scene where Blanche gave the wings from the mousefly to Leo so much more cruel
Blanche, like many people here, also knows how to push the mosquito man’s buttons. (Also recent comic no longer recent due to this ask being like 2 months old)
wholetmewrite2020 said: So, I'm guessing Leo was happy when Margaret "killed" George
Pretty much the only reason he ended up coming back to work!
Speaking of, while I’ve drawn Leo interacting with pickle-George in the past, I might actually retcon that one. I doooon’t think he knows he’s still alive.
Anonymous said: Insect wings are dead keratin like hair and fairly easy to preserve just by drying. Does Leopold still, um. Have... his wings? I only ask because dang, I'd probably keep 'em, but I'm the kind of weirdo who'd probably ask for my bones if I needed an amputation.
Nope, those went into the trash pretty much right away. There wasn’t anything left but scraps, anyway.
terrycrewslistenstofnafpodcasts said: You know, as much as I know you have already kinda already cemented voices for your characters, but no matter what you do I will always hear leopold’s voice as nick from left 4 dead 2.
Also a good option!
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juliepop · 4 years
New Years Resolutions
New Years Resolutions
[Miragehound Fic] AO3 Link: here
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences (
A/N): Wow, who doesnt post for a year and comes back just to drop some fluff? Me. Hi, I've had a really shitty year and I needed to write something to make myself feel better. This is dedicated to I. They're the person who pulled me out of a really dark spot and encouraged me to take time for myself and write a little.
Summary: Elliott was taking this New Years Resolution List making seriously, or he would be if Renee wasn't insistent on ruining everything. A new addition on his little list was becoming increasingly hard to ignore. 
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"You're really funny, hysterical even," Elliott grumbled, snatching his list of Renee's hands before she could deface it anymore. She frowned at him as he crumpled it a little before curiosity got the better of him, he had to know what was written. Glancing down, Elliott almost choked at her little addition before he made sure this time to make a paper ball and hurled it at her head.
Renee caught it, of course. Pesky voices not even letting him get away with his dignity as she tossed it back, and it bounced off his chest when he wasn't fast enough to catch it. That was totally cheating.
"Elliott Witt, you are a baby."
"You're a baby," Elliott mocked, snatching his paper off the floor because he just cleaned that, and there was no way he would live down someone finding that as he tucked it in his back pocket for safekeeping.
Renee, to her credit, only bared her teeth at him, the little gremlin pointing a finger at him as if she could tell he was calling her names in his head before she pulled the concerned mom face. Shit. "What are you so afraid of? Out of everyone else I've seen Bloodhound interact with, you're the only person I've seen who they let pet their bird. The worst thing they can say is no."
"Uh, are you forgetting who we're talking about? This is the person we watched take five knives out of nowhere once, five. I'm pretty sure they had more, but it only took five of them before the security gave up and just let them pass."
That was a pleasant memory; Elliott could vividly recall how the devs had demanded all the legends stop sneaking weapons onto the dropship and set up a metal detector. Bloodhound set it off every single time they walked through, and for every attempt, they pulled out yet another wickedly long hunting knife from their coat until finally, the security guard gave up. It was a little funny at the time, maybe even a tiny bit sexy, but Elliott wouldn't ever admit to that. Probably. "What if my conf-confec-ugh. What if I say my feelings and they get offended? I'm too pretty to die."
"Pretty annoying, yeah," Renee muttered; Elliott made an offended noise before she reached out to set a hand on his arm. "Elliott, they're not going to stab you for having feelings. I mean, if they don't already know. You're kind of obvious."
"Me? I am so subtle!"
Renee stared at him for a moment, her gaze going from the top of his perfectly styled curls, the sleek yellow silk shirt that sparkled under the lights with every movement, the black leather pants and his designer ankle boots before staring him in the face.
"...okay, I meant I'm subtle about my feelings."
"You shot yourself in the foot the last time you teamed up with them because they complimented your wingman shot; you cracked your shield, Elliott. That isn't subtle."
He had done that.
Elliott winced at the memory, having taken down Bang's team with a few well-placed shots, and the next thing he knew, Bloodhound was clapping him on the shoulder. Murmuring how he'd done a powerful slatra of the enemy, and Elliott had tried to play it off, spinning his wingman around his finger to holster except the safety wasn't on. He'd struck his foot, the loud crack of his shield startling everyone there, and he wanted to die a little when they'd sweetly offered him a battery,
"Renee, you promised you wouldn't bring that up."
"It was on national television, Elliott. You were viral for a long time."
Over two million hits in one day, it was impressive and mortifying all at once.
"Listen, my main concern for the night is having this party go well. We can talk about that after. It's not like they're going to be here anyway, you know Bloodhound doesn't do parties."
"If they show, you have to tell them." Renee bartered, Elliott trying not to grin in victory because he was right. They never did parties, they were forced into one party a year for the anniversary of the games, and that was all.
Elliott Witt was wrong and stupid.
Bloodhound did come, they showed up precisely on time, and Elliott had nearly cried right then and there because they even greeted him softly at the door.
"Hallo, Mirage."
"Heh-ha-heeeeey, Hound! How's it hanging?" Smooth Elliott, really smooth.
They only offered a nod, mysterious and masked like always, and they smelt faintly of firewood, gunmetal and pine. Which is to say, Elliott was sniffing them, stepping close to offer a hand to shake as they wrapped leather-covered fingers around his and squeezed. "You want a tour?"
"Nei, I think I will find myself a place. Thank you, though, Mirage."
"Hey, we're outta the ring. You can call me Elliott."
"You look...nice." They muttered, the words so faint they're almost lost amidst the chattering of legends and music, but Elliott was focused solely on them. Just hearing the compliment made something in his stomach flutter, Elliott unable to stop himself from laughing softly in surprise and rubbing a hand over his beard, pretending he could rub the colour flooding his cheeks.
Elliott had heard compliments all night, some of them about the party decor, the food, or even his outfit, but this was the one that really made him feel something. He was a little bashful, fingers lingering against theirs as he slid his hand away reluctantly before offering a delighted grin. "I think you look really nice too."
"Takk," Bloodhound murmured, the moment interrupted as Octane yelled something about beer pong, and Elliott turned his head to make sure the idiot wasn't breaking anything when Bloodhound took that moment to leave.
When he faced forward again, they were gone, having found the armchair he'd tucked off to the side of the room to make space for the dancefloor and settling in. Elliott hadn't actually intended that chair to be a spot, it was blocked off by tall potted ferns lining the dance floor, but if that's where they felt most comfortable, that was okay.
He was just really pleased they even came.
Then less pleased when he heard Lifeline scream Octane's name before Elliott heard a deafening crash. Seriously ??
Two broken tables, a broken chair, and a cracked window later and Elliott was exhausted. Offering an open bar to a bunch of people who liked chasing each other and murdering their friends was dicey, it seemed alcohol brought out the crazy. Octane wanted to jump off things, Bangalore was drunk as a skunk and offering to fistfight people, and at one point, Rev had scuttled along the ceiling, and someone had screamed.
Okay, Elliott had screamed. Who the fuck does that? What the fuck does that? It must have been illegal somewhere.
Thankfully there were some ordinary people though, Gibby had brought along a special friend who seemed like an average person who didn’t want to break things. The dude was even kinda funny, and he had a knack for making the big guy laugh loudly, I mean, he totally wasn't as amusing as Elliott, but he was alright.
Even Crypto, the bitter old man had shown up, shamed into silence by sweet angel Nat when he tried to pick a fight with Elliott. A battle Ellie would have totally won, hands down. Stupid Crypie.
Midnight was coming up fast, though, and everyone seemed to be split off into their little groups, which was kinda nice. Octane was playing DJ and entertaining Ajay, Anita, Ramp, Loba, and Path. Crypto had struck up a conversation with Nat and Renee in a corner, the three of them looking real serious about something. Even Doctor Somers was there, she was talking to Caustic of all people, but those two seemed to be hitting it off and Elliott was only a little envious. Rev was nowhere to be seen thankfully or not thankfully. Elliott cast a glance up in fear, a little relieved when he didn't see the murder bot hanging there like a spider.
Then there was Elliott; he was taking his host duties really seriously and restocking the cute little finger food trays when he felt a hand land on his shoulder, Renee was reaching to steal an appetizer. She leaned against the table, expression a lot more relaxed than Elliott had ever seen her, and there was the faintest drunken flush across her cheeks as she cast a glance to Nat and Crypto. "So, I took your advice, and Natalie said she'd love to be my new year's kiss."
"Wait, my advice worked? You took it??" Elliott tried to very subtly show his approval for his friend, laughing and dragging Renee into a hug that she slapped out of with an annoyed noise.
He knew she secretly loved it though, her mouth quirking up at the corners while she tried to hide the almost smile. "I mean of course it worked. I am not just pretty; I'm clever."
"I guess sometimes you have good ideas. Maybe you should take my advice too then, ten minutes left until the new year and I know you haven't told them."
"Awh c'mon, Renee. You know I can't just march over there and do that, I have finger foods to resto—"
'Fuck the host duties, Elliott." Renee growled; Elliott was a little surprised to hear the gremlin swear before she forcibly took the tray from his hands and he was left staring in shock at his drunk friend. Well, he was staring down in shock. She was the size of a pissed off toddler. "Go talk to them. Now. You have five minutes before I march over there and bring them to you."
"You wouldn't--" Elliott started, stopping when he saw the look in her eyes and yeah, he thought she just might. Peeking over to see if anyone was listening, Elliott froze when he noticed Bloodhound's mask was pointed in his direction before he blinked and shook it off.
Of course they weren't looking at him, he was just in the middle of the room, and that's how they were sitting. Inhaling sharply through his nose, Elliott turned back and looked at Renee, who started picking at the food on the tray and stuffing her face. "I'm scared."
"I promise I'll watch over you two, make sure they don't pull out a knife."
"Haha, really funny. You're hilarious; you know that, right?"
"You're stalling. Four minutes now." Renee murmured, Elliott swallowing hard as he realized that there is a limited amount of time left, and he cleared his throat before asking real quietly if he looked okay. Renee's gaze softened, reaching up to smooth his collar for a second before she smiled crookedly. "You're a knockout, Elliott. Now go."
So he went.
Elliott tried to quiet his racing heart down as he walked, talking himself up in his head as he kept his gaze glued to his boots. He looked great, and Bloodhound was a...they were a friend. Everything would be okay, he would go over there, chat them up a little, and he could inform Renee he tried to tell them but it didn't work out. Easy.
His palms were sweating as Elliott walked up, aware he'd reached the point of no return as he saw the bottom edge of the ferns before he jerked his head up and caught sight of them again.
Bloodhound had tucked their chair even further behind the potted plants, hidden by their little jungle but he could see they were comfortable. They'd taken off their hunting coat, the jacket casually laid over the back of the armchair, and that left them in an oversized sweatshirt that did nothing to hide how broad their shoulders were as Bloodhound cocked their head at him.
They were wearing some kind of layered outfit, a turtle neck that covered their neck completely and a baggier layer over it that mostly obscured their body from view with matching pants and thick sole boots.
Overhead, Elliott had strung up fairy lights for the room's lighting, rows and rows of soft white lights glinting off their goggles and the metal parts of their mask as Bloodhound watched him draw closer. His mouth was bone dry, tongue trying to smooth over his lips, but Elliott felt like that didn't help as he took a shallow breath before clearing his throat.
Be cool.
"H-hh-hi Bloodhound!"
"Hello, Mirage," Bloodhound answered; Elliott was telling himself they did not intentionally sound soft just for him. He only ever heard them talk in the ring; Bloodhound tended to murmur commands there, and discussed creative ways to kill their fellow legends instead of small talk. The rare moments he saw them not in a tense situation were few and far between, not for his lack of trying though. Bloodhound wasn’t a big talker, they kinda tended to offer up two-word answers and stared a lot. It was cute.
Elliott liked how their accent sounded like this, though, casual and soft. Like they were having an intimate conversation, instead of Elliott stuttering over basic words and bothering them like was currently happening.
"Are you uh, do you like the party?"
"It has been an experience." They answer after a moment, the faintest hint of something lurking in their tone as they nod toward the gathering legends with their gazes glued to the holoscreen with a large timer counting down. Shit, two minutes. "I do not attend most events, but I wished to accept your invitation for this."
"Oh, I'm glad you came," Elliott says, hoping his sincerity rings through as he glances at the dwindling amount of time until the new year before he looks back. "I know parties aren't your thing, but it makes me happy you're here."
Their blank mask doesn't change, there's no discernible way Elliott can even tell what's going on behind it, but he swears he feels them smile at him for a moment. It's kind of like being trapped in a cold dark room for years and stepping outside for the first time, feeling the warmth of the sun against your face and letting it soak into your frigid core.
His mouth curved upward, returning what he hoped was a smile from them and not Elliott developing a sudden fever or something when Octane broke the moment with a shout.
"One more minute, amigos!"
"What? That went by so fast!" Elliott sputtered, caught off guard by everything as everyone behind readies themselves.
"So it did. Do you wish to go join them for the countdown?" Bloodhound asked, nodding toward the gathering crowd of legends standing near the holoscreen and readying up their party poppers and chattering. Elliott glanced over, seeing everyone seemed to be paired up already, smiling faces turned toward the timer slowly ticking down. He almost jumped when he turned back, realizing Bloodhound was standing with their coat back on magically and looked like they were ready to go.
"Are you leaving?" Elliott blurted out, unable to stop himself from sounding disappointed as he hears everyone behind counting down from twenty.
"I do not wish to keep you longer."
"Ten, nine, eight… "
"Keep me? I'd love if you kept me."
"...Four, three, two, one! Happy New Year! "
Behind everyone breaks out in cheers, the sound of fireworks going off muffled behind the thick glass panes of the windows to the side, but they still make colours dance across the room as the legends all set off their party poppers.
Bloodhound and Elliott both watch everyone breaking off in couples, Elliott laughing when he saw Octane drag Ajay into a kiss only to get slapped a few moments later, the medic calling him a grabby jackass. He sighed wistfully, surprised when Bloodhound put a hand on his shoulder.
"Is something wrong?"
"Usually, my New Years' kiss is my mom; it sucks being so far away from home."
"A kiss is a..tradition?" They ask slowly, head tilting in that distractingly cute way, and Elliott laughs a little at how lost they sound.
"Yeah, it's about str-stren-ugh, making ties with people stronger and stuff. That or not being lonely all year." Elliott answered, gesturing to the other legends, who were either kissing or hugging one another.
The fireworks outside were still going off, shooting various colours into the sky, but that was all hard to keep track of when Bloodhound used their hand on his shoulder to pull him behind the ferns. "Uh, Hound?"
Bloodhound's hand moved from his shoulder to the back of his neck, Elliott inhaling sharply as they yanked their respirator down, and his brain kind of shut down when their lips pressed against his. They tasted like orange juice, he realized, Bloodhound already drawing away and Elliott kind of flounders at the idea that his only kiss with Bloodhound was going to be a peck, before he wound his arms around their neck and he pulled them closer.
They gasp, fingers squeezing the back of his neck in surprise, and Elliott closes his eyes and kisses them for all he's worth. Bloodhound is stiff at first, and that's the moment he wondered if they were gonna stab him for pushing a boundary when they slowly softened and hesitantly moved their mouth under his. It felt like they were trying to copy his movements, Elliott sparing a second to wonder if maybe they didn't have a lot of experience before he thinks fuck it and licks against the closed seam of their lips.
Bloodhound shudders in his arms, lips parting on a shaky sigh, and Elliott takes advantage to lick past their teeth, and it's extra confirmed they were drinking juice all night when he gets an actual taste. It's endearing and hot, and all the positive things he can't think of at the moment because he was currently kissing Bloodhound like his life depended on it. Honestly, it just might if this pissed them off.
They gradually relaxed further though, the hands that were gripping his neck and now balled in his shirt as Elliott rocks up on his toes to press against them fully. They were a little taller than him, something he was secretly thrilled about as his hands slid from their neck and down their arms for a moment when Bloodhound pulled away with a soft gasp.
They were breathing hard, Elliott cursing the fact they were tucked away in such a dark corner because he could only see part of their face and the parts he almost made out were gorgeous. Kiss swollen lips, faint spiderwebs of scars laced along their cheeks and jaw, and—
"Hound?" Elliott asked concerned when they sounded like they were choking between pants, a hand lifting as if to ward him off for a moment as they lifted their respirator back in place to take a measured breath with a soft hiss. It's then that it connects that they might need the thing, Elliott parting his lips on an apology when they use the hand they were holding in front of him to cup his cheek instead. Leather rubs over his cheekbone softly, Bloodhound breathing deeper breaths from their respirator and he settles down.
"Do not worry, vinur. I was surprised; you had taken my breath."
Now Elliott knew they meant literally, but he couldn't help the soft smile curling his lips at the idea of Bloodhound calling him breathtaking as he leans into their palm for a second. He was still worried, but already they seemed to be back to normal as he could see the deep and even breaths they were taking. "You took my breath too, but in a good way. I uhm, I don't know if you meant the kiss to be romantic, but I--"
"It was meant to convey romantic feelings, yes." They interrupt, their tone brooking no argument, and Elliott gapes at them like a big dumb fish for a second before they rub a gloved thumb over his bottom lip, and he snaps his mouth closed with a flush. "I apologize for using your tradition for such a thing, but I could not let the opportune moment pass."
"I u-uh, y-yha- uh." God, he was choking so hard. Elliott felt his face heat more, cursing his stutter as he blabbered more broken consonants before taking a sharp breath and recalling something. Reaching into his back pocket Elliott takes out the crumpled paper, holding it out to Bloodhound, who glances at it before delicately accepting and smoothing it out. When they get to the last line, he can see fingers tightening on the paper before they raise their head to look at him.
"I like you; please date me." Elliott manages to get out, almost impressed by how smooth that came out, considering he was blubbering random noises a second ago. Bloodhound doesn't answer right away, well, verbally anyway.
A hand settles back on his face, Bloodhound already pulling their respirator down again, and this time Elliott is very ready for the kiss they plant on him. Unknown to either of them, Renee is watching, holding out a twenty-dollar bill, which Natalie takes gleefully.
"For someone who can see the future, you are quite bad at bets."
"I blame Elliott; he's too slow."
"The hand on Bloodhound's butt says otherwise," Crypto mutters, gagging into his drink and Renee can't help but smirk a little. Yeah, she was definitely going to tell Elliott about that later. Maybe after he finished making out with his new date-mate, the trio tilting their heads as they watched Elliott shove Bloodhound against the wall, and Renee swiftly put a hand over Natalie's eyes when it gets a lot more R-rated.
Maybe she would hold off telling him until tomorrow. They looked like they would be busy for a while.
Renee’s mouth ticks up into a smile.
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psychemeanscure · 4 years
PART 2.1 {This was suppose to be one chapter, but because I’m too drowned with too much details, I end up making 2.2 instead. Lol! Tune in to the continuation though. Happy reading y’all :)}
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The wild bang of the pistol wakes her reverie from a nightmare. Lifelessly staring from the dark light of her ceiling, huffing with agony. She went off of her bed straight to her window glass devouring the city lights with crossed arms, recollecting the face of the devil who hunts her peaceful nights throughout the years. The eyes who killed his dearest father with no mercy. Those multiple gunshots, the couple of stabs which led to a soak from his own blood still fresh on her mind. He can never be forgiven. The elite gambler Veeros Alcaziar can never be forgiven. Not in her watch!
The sound from the doorbell made end of her recollections though, as she walks her way to the intercom only to see the man that irritates her. “What?” and just like he did from her bar, barging is his way indeed, after opening the door for him. Walk straight to her single couch, confidently seated spreading his arms on its armrest with legs crossed while she in the other hand only lazily follows him, occupying the vacant couch instead. 
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“My drink, please.” His firm request as if a VIP guest needed to be served. “You’re not worthy to be entertained Jang, so can you just cut the chase, tell me your agenda and leave my premise?” her uninterested remarks ignoring his lousy tactics. “Tss. Impatient volatile.” Tapping one of his index finger on the armrest. Well, what was she expecting to this pinchazo in front of her though. Once a vulgar, always a vulgar. “One more nonsense Jang, and am I to drag you out of my apartment now.”
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“You. Don’t you know that you’re the least person I let myself to be insulted with? You owe me one, woman.” He even pointed his finger for affirmation but hell she cares as she swiftly throws a pillow right in front of his face before she met his stern glare. “Now, you owe me two.” And she pissed off, about to throw another until finally. “Okay, fine! Fine.” Enjoying a sneering laugh on her. Not too long after composing his self for seriousness, meeting her awaiting sight.
“It’s time.”
And she only knew what he means, recalling their last conversions from her bar.
“Do you really have to use my Nightclub when in fact you have your own casino hotel still healthily build? Por el bien de Pete! What’s the use of venturing business with you if you still drag mine anyway? Mierda!” her continues banters while the other’s itching his ears as if cleansing from her monotonous curses. “Geez. You’re with your Spanish lingos again, can you come down for a sec. and listen for a while?” frustrated by the thought, she has no choice either. Seeing her grumbles made him reminisce their sealed deal back then as well.
“Mr. Jang! You came sir. I did not expect you though. You know, a busy man as you are…”  he was greeted by the wiggling brows of Lee Chanwoo, owner of the newly established Nightclub were he’s been invited. Failed to anticipate something of his approval, the owner shrugged by the thought. 
“Anyhow, allow me to welcome you to my humble Nightclub sir, your presence is well appreciated.” He was introduced instead but the hell he cares, he’s better to give his demonic superiority than being entertained by this shameless man who asked for him. He never planned to come either, but since he’s bored, why give it a shot though and maybe something may intrigue his attention. So glad, it did.
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“Sung Eunyoung, our club manager. She’s the best. Meticulously the best.” The straight introduction of Lee Chanwoo after watching his savoring eyes on her who’s all smiles socializing and shaking hands with the elites of the party. The former did not disappoint him though for informing more of her whereabouts, just how he wanted. “She possesses her own Nightclub and Bar as well, and mind you? Don’t underestimate her. She’s a queen of connections yow! A total queen. Indeed, that’s how I decided to scout her eventually. Lucky I am, she said yes.” All he could respond is nod in awe, admitting he’s starting to get speechless of her.  
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“Oh! Right. Before I forgot. Haven’t I told you that she’s the one who requested for you, actually?”
And heaven knows he did not take too long to face the shameless owner, dazed. “Pardon?” answered by a kinky smile of the former instead. “You heard it.” Its teasing remark then, unbothered anyhow as he glances to her position again only to find out her endearing eyes meeting his. Disbelieving smile subsides. No one broke their staring game either, thus he gulps his Manhattan drink in one shot before passing it emptied to the shameless owner beside him. “You should have told me earlier, Mr. Lee. For I should not have wasted my time with you.” dumbfounded Mr. Lee, who’s now ignored.
From the VIP Lounge of the second floor, he went down to the sea of elites of the first floor, on his way to her on the center bar. Here she is with her all so classy business attire while holding a martini on hand, as he approached with decency. “Sung Eunyoung. What a lovely name for a beautiful lady.” 
She doesn’t even look flustered by his approach but eyeing the Nightclub owner from above with a meaningful stare instead, not long before she led it back to him again. “I suppose you have been informed already Mr. Jang. It’s nice to finally meet you though.” She offered her hand while he’s in ow, stunned by her sharpness. Interesting. Just how he thought, as he takes her hand for the handshake.
“And I am just surprised how a humble businesswoman wished for the presence of a treacherous trouble shooter man though. So, how am I worthy of a service Mademoiselle?” with twitching brows, she admits she wasn’t expecting talking to a keen Jang Taeyoung in front of her actually, but she guesses wrong anyway. “So you’re not as unscrupulous as my first impression think it is, then. Good to know.” 
Putting down her martini drink, she motions him to a vacant lounge at the corner. So as he follows through, secretly gobbling her curves from behind.  Debating on how can someone slim as her look so sexy when she’s even wearing slacks? “Damn. Look at that voluptuous ass.” His whistling murmuring salvation, and she heard it. “That isn’t an appealing compliment for a first meeting Mr. Jang.” Her strict remark without even giving him glances. “My bad.” Just with his casual response as if they had been close for a long time. Truth be told, he’s already considering it actually.
She acquires something from her trivial bag the moment they arrived, and without hesitation slides it on the table passing it to him, revealing a picture named Veeros Alcaziar, a look of a dangerous man yet an unfamiliar face to him.  “Kill him for me.” And as if on cue, his dealing stands surfaces with eyes still fixated to the image of the aspirant target.
“For me… Hmm. To been offered a bloody job from a highly businesswoman is a bit unusual. So I assume this has something to do with your personal matters, isn’t it Ms. Sung?” With only her eyes matching his stands, he indeed failed to get a response. “I’ll take that as a yes.” Only to answer his own question before choosing to proceed his more indenture instead.
“You see Mademoiselle, upon personal matters like thi---“
“Consider your Casino Hotel. Take it or leave it.”
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He hates when someone tries to cut by his words but today’s astonishment exceptional though. She got him there. Guess the shameless owner wasn’t making up stories after all. She’s indeed a hell of understatement. “Quite tempting, isn’t it Mr. Jang?” by proud dominancy, she finally speaks business with him.
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delusionland · 3 years
CASSROSE FOR THE SHIP MEME COWARD idk if it's all of the questions or i'm supposed to choose one but y'know i'll let you decide
How did they first meet?
Cass & Rose first met when Rose tried to kill her! She was currently in the middle of her Dad’s WORST abuse. Cass spent the whole fight thinking about the parallels between them---two fucked up girls with even more fucked up Dads, still wanting their approval, still wanting to be Good to them.
What was their first impression of each other?
Cass didn’t stick around long enough to get Rose’s impression of her---but Cass’s impression of her was that they were mirror images---and that was beyond just the fact that Rose could copy her every move. She would never admit it, but there was something exciting about the fight. She felt like she was trying to beat the sense back into her---trying to beat the sense back into herself, remind herself that daughters are more than the Fathers they loved, girls are more than men & their approval, and people are more than killing---even as she stabbed Rose not in the back---but right in the neck.
But Cass also couldn’t help thinking she was beautiful. She couldn’t help thinking her moves, the way she moved her body---was perfect in so many ways, a fine-oiled machine. She was impressive. Better than so many other people she’d fought, so many grown men---if only she could see that.
Cass can’t wait for Rose to snap out of it, to come to Cass on her own terms, to fight her again as her own person, like Cass feels she is... mostly her own. She wants to feel the full brunt of who Rose is through her moves. Not just copying---but her passion, her tension, her strength, unhindered by what Daddy wants.
She wants to be infinite with her. She wants to bite & claw & rip. She wants Rose to show no mercy---no hesistation. She never wants Rose to worry about what her Dad thinks of her moves again. Because Cass sees her as capable of so much more.
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
Steph thought it was hot, Tim was okay with it, since Rose then became a Teen Titan. But Bruce did NOT approve.
Who felt romantic feelings first?
Cass. Love at first tremble, love at first cartoonishly cry for ‘Daddy.’ How can someone so broken match you so well? Sometimes loving someone is also... an attempt to love the part of you you see mirrored in them, that hurts you, but you feel is still worthy of love. Cass wants to ‘fix’ Rose. But she also wants to see her wild & free & strong, and that’s what love is to Cass. Being yourself.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Nah, because it started out as sexy murder times and then calmed down to ‘I’m tired. You want food?’ And then just... blossomed naturally.
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
I think Rose would laugh, but I think a part of Cass would agree. She’s never met a match for her quite like Rose. If they’re not soulmates---they’re definitely twin spirits, seperated in two different worlds & bodies, that met each other again. Cass isn’t particularly superstitious, but she thinks that, at least, MUST be true.
What would their lives be like if they had never met?
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
Cass initiated. She saw the hesitation in Rose to leave, and just... offered she stayed. When Rose touched her and melted closer, she kissed her, and their bodies---tired from battling their perfect match, melted like butter together, into limbs & sweaty skin into a salve of satisfaction.
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
Cass introduced Rose to ‘rooftop tag’ with Steph. This was also Cass’s way of asking Steph’s approval. They all had so much fun together, though Rose initially didn’t understand what was going on.
What was their first kiss like?
It wasn’t magical. It was the most natural thing. Just the thing they were supposed to do, because they wanted to. It was the next step, the next logical leap. When you want to touch someone---in every possible way---to rough girls like these, first you fight, then you touch, then you kiss.
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
Not on Cass’s end at least.
What’s their height difference? Age difference?
Cass is 5′7″, so a little taller. Rose is sllightly older mabe?
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
Cass has fucked Deathstroke up and wil AGAIN.
Who takes the lead in social situations?
Cass, Rose can be kind of awkward. Cass never does so in a convention manner, however. She is silly & endearing and floats through life with a sense that everything will go right---because nothing can be worse than it used to be.
Who gets jealous easier?
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
Who said “I love you” first?
Rose. And Cass repeated it back in a whisper, just for her to hear. Words are hard for Cass, they’re special. Cass had thought Rose always knew she loved her---that they didn’t have to say it. Words take things to a new dimension of reality that Cass was never privy to. Unlike the ‘real world’ of feelings & bodies, sometimes words feel like too much, too tenative, too scary. But Cass trusts those words with Rose, and only Rose.
What are their primary love languages?
TOUCH. And gifts!
Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
Cass LOVES cheesy pick-up lines and uses them with WILD ABANDON to make Rose blush!
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
Who initiates kisses?
Who’s the big and little spoon?
Cass will physically fight to be big spoon. And she WILL win. This is LIFE OR DEATH!
What are their favorite things to do together?
Fight, playfight, and cuddle while listening watching Cass’s language youtube pages. (She’s trying to learn sign language and Mandarin.) They also like to cook together. But mostly Cass likes to eat her food, even though it’s WAY too spicy for her most of the time. They also like to play pranks on the Batboys / Titans. Cass tries to force Rose to come dancing with her, also, at punk shows.
Who’s better at comforting the other?
Cass is, probably, unless Rose needs WORDS. In which case, Steph is lol.
Who’s more protective?
Rose. Cass believes Rose can protect herself.
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
we fell in love in october / girl in red
daddy issues / the neighborhood
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
cass calls rose ‘copycat.’
Who remembers the little things?
If they get married, who proposes?
What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
they have a small wedding and only invite GIRLS and alfred. it is streamed in the batcave but the boys are not allowed to come!!!!!
How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
oof. i don’t see them having kids tbh. too much trauma. they end up having their own sidekicks eventually, though, and they kind of get adopted lol.
Do they have any pets?
a cat that cass also calls copycat squared just to make fun of rose. it is missing one eye.
Who’s the stricter parent?
Who worries the most?
Who kills the bugs in the house?
How do they celebrate holidays?
they just eat a lot of food and have sex tbh. after patrol, of course. the worst crimes happen on holidays!
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
cass refuses to wake up any earlier than 2pm.
Who’s the better cook?
Who likes to dance?
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samwrights · 4 years
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I am SO sorry this took me so long! With everything going on with me, writing was kind of a struggle, but I had so much fun writing this one. Reader is wild. We love reader. This fic was inspired by all the songs I used to listen to while getting ready to go out in college which include: Blackout by Breathe Carolina, Wild Boy by MGK, Wild for the Night by A$AP Rocky, and Trashwang by Tyler, The Creator so if you wanna get in the mood, I’d put those on.
Warnings: Alcohol (a lot of it), passing mentions of marijuana and nicotine, semi-mutual pining(?) and of course, Language. Also platonic Oikawa & Reader.
Word Count: 5.3k
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There was no better feeling than being reunited with all of your best friends at university after a long summer filled with family vacations and a part time job to try to save money while you were away. It was the strange lull between summer and the start of classes that you looked forward to every year in which you still had time to socialize with everyone without the worry of your ever piling assignments or having to commute hours between cities—everyone was gathered in one place.
It was your favorite time of the year and there was no other feeling that could compare.
Not being so drunk that you had every bit of confidence that you could possibly muster pumping through your veins.
Not being so high that your body felt it was moving on it’s own.
Not even learning that the dude you’d been so in love with since the start of university is just as in love with you as you are with him.
But considering you had no idea what the last feeling felt like, you could only hope for the first two to come in at full force tonight.
Tonight was the party of the school year and it was the one thing you looked forward to in the brutal, lingering August days. At the moment, you were fresh out the shower with all of your inhibitions and leg hair down the drain, your hair wrapped in a towel turban as you slathered lotion over your already drying skin. Your speakers are blaring a myriad of different hip-hop artists in your room, drowning out the fact that your roommates were doing the exact same thing in their own spaces. The thought brought a smile to your face considering the almost clashing yet complementary personalities between you and your roommates.
Kiyoko was so incredibly blunt and straightforward. Yachi was so shy, even as she entered university with all of her own friends from Karasuno. Yukie, being the house mom of your apartment, and Kaori too—everyone knew what was happening tonight and everyone was doing their own ritual to get ready for a night they would most likely never remember. Regardless of how similar or how different you all were, this night warranted one communal ritual: roommate check.
As the five of you got ready, each of you would check each other’s make up, outfits, and shoes to make sure there was zero chance of being a social faux-pas. It was a strange, unspoken rule in the apartment that you all made sure each of you left the house being at optimal hotness, but it was an incredible confidence booster, especially if one of you were able to land a sexy, one night stand. It was the goal. Best friends don’t let each other leave the house looking less than their prime.
“What do we think ladies?” You could hear Kaori let herself into the hallway, prompting you to pause Lizzo and open your bedroom door. The ash brunette had her hair down and straight, framing her done up face nicely. Without too much face products on, the former Fukurodani manager allowed her freckles to show through the tinted moisturized, accenting it with a light dusting of blush. Her onyx eyes were left alone, save for winged liner sharp enough to stab any weak man that dared approach her and a few coats of mascara on her top and bottom lashes.
“Approve,” you and Yukie chimed simultaneously. From what you could tell, the other Tokyo native was still in the middle of doing her own make up.
“Looks good!” Yachi chirped, while Kiyoko gave a nod of approval with a soft smile on her supple lips before retreating to her and the former’s shared room. You did the same, carrying on with your own look, absentmindedly lip singing to whatever song popped up on your hype playlist. While you were excited, the music barreling into your ear drum was the only way to distract your thoughts from wandering while you focus on blending out your eyeshadow. That, and the two chimes that rang in rapid succession signaling a text, worked pretty well too. 
Yaku: You’re coming tonight, right?!
A force of breath leaves your nostrils in laughter as you send a progress shot of your look. Yaku Morisuke was a very close friend you’d met through high school, in addition to being the Nekoma volleyball manager, and there was one thing that Yaku knew better than anyone. You didn’t wear false lashes for any reason unless you were trying to get it.
Yaku: I’ll take that as a yes.
You’re the last one to call your check with your roommates—a regular occurrence, really, considering you always took the longest to get ready. For good reason, of course. “Check!” You called out as your heels clacked against the hardwood of your apartment’s hallway. Sporting a heather grey cropped halter top and high-waisted black leather pants, the girls gave their approval with a bit of hesitation.
“Are you sure you want to wear heels?” Kiyoko asked for the third time as everyone packed a spare bag filled with extra clothes that you would put in Yaku’s room later. After the first year, the five of you started to come prepared. The beach bag that was used carried painkillers for impending headaches, two sets comfy clothes in the event some of you couldn’t quite make it home, swimsuits in case someone decided to go drunk swimming, and a spare set of party clothes. This was not your first rodeo, by any means. It was a stroke of luck that the five of you could share clothes as well and as often as you did.
“Don’t worry, they’re not that tall and they’re actually pretty comfy.” And you knew the bag was at capacity, not warranting the ability for you to bring spare shoes anyway.
“Then I think we’re ready to go!” Kaori jeers, elated to see everyone just as much as you were. Kiyoko leads the group, Yachi in tow with her, and Kaori is all but sprinting towards the house, leaving you and Yukie to head up the rear.
“You know,” the former Fukurodani manager sings in her humorous lilt, “Kuroo is going to lose his shit when he sees you.”
“I hope so.”
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When it came to one of these mega parties, there was no such thing as being early or fashionably late. There couldn’t be when there was twenty people living in one house and, no, that was not an exaggeration. Supposedly that’s what happened when a bunch of college boys who all used to play volleyball together at some point in time attend the same university—they rent a mansion for the next four years. With dozens of people living under one roof, it was no surprise that the music was already wracking the foundation of the house even from the outside.
Without so much as a knock to the door, the five of you entered the house, immediately being bombarded with a joyous yell from the former Fukurodani captain and ace, Bokuto Koutarou. “Hey guys, the girls are here!” You always found it amusing that, for someone as popular as Bokuto, the five of you were dubbed as the girls. Which made sense considering all of you were club managers at some point or another. Of your old team, Yaku and Lev flock over immediately, the two of them wrapping and squeezing you into a tight hug. The three of you briefly exchanged greetings, questioning how the other’s summer was before silently asking Kiyoko for the beach bag that held your group’s spare belongings.
“Could one of you just stuff this in your room?” Though you hadn’t nominated anyone, you shoved the bag in Lev’s awaiting hands.
“You sleeping over?” He asks, peeking through the open top. Yaku rebukes him immediately, telling him it was rude to go through a woman’s bag.
“Nah, remember how bad I blacked out last year? I just wanted to make sure I brought extra stuff so I don’t have to steal one of your guys’ shirts agains.” The former libero shakes his head before covering his face with one hand.
“[name], please don’t make me look after you again tonight.” The sandy brunette pleads.
“I make no promises, Yaku.” You chirp before placing a chaste kiss on his cheek and entering the massive living room that had been cleared to act as a dance floor. By how many people greet you, you aren’t even sure if you know half the people in here at the moment. There are a few familiar faces of Karasuno alumni, you recognize the DJ as some kid in a class you had last year—he went to Aoba Johsai if you remembered correctly—and Yukie and Kaori are already on the dance floor with all eyes on them. They beckoned for you to join them, red solo cups already in their hands in the air.
“You’re going to want this,” you look up to see Bokuto who had temporarily abandoned his duty playing host to hand you your own drink. Cautiously, you take a sip as his gold eyes watched, waiting for the green light.
Sometimes, Bokuto tended to get carried away with the amount of alcohol he put in the punch. Thankfully, this was not one of those batches.
“Thanks, Bo!” Is all you call out before joining your two other Tokyo friends on the dance floor. From behind them, you can see other party goers honing in on them, completely oblivious to the men doing the same to you. For a moment, however brief it may be, none of it matters as you feel the pounding bass takeover your own heartbeat, squealing with your girls as remixes of old songs that piqued your nostalgia played over the sound system. You take another swig of your drink, already killing your first one of the early night, crinkling the plastic in your hand as you gently squeeze the empty cup so you don’t let go of it. You’re squeezing and squeezing subconsciously until it’s taken out of your hand, making you turn around swiftly because who the fuck—
“Need another?”
“Kuroo!” Before your brain can react and stop you, your arms are around the object of your affection’s neck in a tight embrace, you legs coming off the ground and your skintight leather pants sticking to the back of your knees. Still holding your cup, the old Nekoma captain grins down at you when you release him, gently nudging with his chin towards the direction of the kitchen. The two of you weave and wobble your way through the masses with you walking ahead of him, allowing Kuroo to appreciate the view of your backside. The way your top hit flattered your shoulders well, but the leather pants. The goddamn leather pants were just doing it for him. Joining others crowding around the twenty gallon cooler that Bokuto used to mix and house the alcohol for the night, Kuroo makes it a point to keep close to you.
“When did you show up?” The black-haired man asks as he ladles some liquid out into your cup, making sure to avoid ice cubes.
“Probably ten minutes ago,” you weren’t sure—time was a foreign concept at a party. The captain eyes you almost worriedly, knowing you had a tendency of pushing yourself well past your limits when it came to alcohol.
“And you’re already on your second,” Kuroo lets out a whistle, “better take it easy, princess. Don’t want a repeat of last year.”
“Jokes on you, I don’t even remember last year!” Unable to come up with a witty retort, the middle blocker rolls his eyes before knocking back the rest of the beer in his bottle and grabbing another one. He remembers. He remembers, and he wishes that he didn’t because he didn’t need another memory that contributed to you being the one that got away, despite how close you were.
It’s a little disorienting for you to see him this way, sometimes, so grown that he can down ale like it’s water when back in high school he would hound the team to ensure they were properly nurturing their bodies. It was disorienting to see someone you were once so close with grow right before your eyes. The thought softened your heart for a moment until you realized you were probably staring and you should probably stop before Kuroo thinks you’re weird. You chug half your drink the second the raven-haired man hands it to you, hoping the alcohol would ease your nerves. “What did Bokuto use?” You ask wearily, not tasting an ounce of a burn.
“Everclear, of course.” Oh. Well, fuck. 
“Here’s to me dying tonight.” You hold your cup out towards Kuroo, waiting for him to touch his bottle to it. When he didn’t, and just looked at you thoroughly nonplussed, you shrugged before downing the rest of its contents.
“[name]...” his voice comes as a warning, even more so when you grab another helping for yourself and immediately bringing the rim to your lips.
“Honey, I’m here for a good time, not a long time.” Kuroo watches as you flee back towards the dance floor, rejoining Yukie and Kaori. He doesn’t miss the way your teeth shine in different colors from party lights as you grin. Or the way your firm grip on the cup is similar to that of your mission of getting plastered tonight—unyielding. He doesn’t miss that Seijoh fuck that’s honing in on you from behind. He doesn’t miss the way his hands are firmly planting themselves on your leather-clad hips and he certainly doesn’t miss that you don’t fight him off in the slightest.
Sucking on his teeth, Kuroo knocks back a full bottle of beer without skipping a beat before tossing the glass in the recycling bin and rummaging through his kitchen cupboards. There’s no way Bokuto used all nine—aha! He thinks to himself, finding a fifth of Everclear that was supposed to be used to replenish the jungle juice after it had been killed. Immediately, Kuroo pulls the fresh bottle to his lips, draining a decent amount of its contents into his system each time he sees this guy whispering in your ear. He doesn’t miss the way you’re smiling as he does so.
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“It’s so nice to see you, [name]!” Contrary to popular belief and unpopular opinion, Oikawa Tōru isn’t that bad of a person. Sure, he had a big reputation on campus, but that never stopped the two of you from becoming friends. To be perfectly honest, it was a wonder the two of you weren’t friends sooner.
There was no other man in the known universe that matched your party energy because no man ever carried the desire to get as publicly obliterated as you and the former Fukurodani managers did. Unlike the other men that were enrolled at this university, Oikawa didn’t care to find some target of a hook up at parties—he’d rather do that sober, maybe take a girl out for a nice, ritzy dinner. Parties were for blacking out and hearing the crazy shit you did for the next three months and living with your name in infamy; that was your guys’ philosophy and you were sticking to it.
Because of this principle, Oikawa often uses you as a hook up repellent to deter unwanted attention and you do the same because there was only one person you ever wanted at these types of shindigs. One person that, regardless of the two of you knowing each other since the first year of high school, never seemed to want to be this kind of close to you. You tried to pretend that it didn’t hurt; that someone you knew for so long and that you unearthed your feelings for two years ago wouldn’t want to press his body to yours and claim his territory. In your mind, he was partially the reason you carried the mentality that you may as well just blackout and try to have fun. In a twisted way it worked, considering how bad you got last year.
And that person, after greeting you for a few minutes, always seemed to end up in hoards and swarms of women you didn’t know. Kuroo was always caught up doing his own thing at his own pace. It shouldn’t have bothered you, considering he was one of the hosts, but a small part of you that was full of envy just never could let it go. Which seemed to regularly bring you into the hands of Oikawa Tōru. “I missed you too, Oiks!” You tell over the pounding music. The brunette is laughing and smiling as offers cheers to you, taking a swig of whatever cheap beer he had in his cup.
You have no idea how long you’re dancing for—all you know that song after song is keeping you alive and the number of drinks a mystery. But after Oikawa returns with your cup replenished, the heat from the swarm of sweaty bodies in addition to the alcohol erasing your logic, you decide you need a break. Without saying anything, not that the former Seijoh captain would have been able to hear you anyway, you point in the direction of the patio just beyond the connected sliding door. When he shakes his head, you wriggle your way through the sweltering crowd before all but skipping out the sliding door, letting the mild summer night air cool down your skin.
Not surprisingly, Yaku is outside with a few others that preferred not to be swamped by the masses, including your other two roomates. Save for one very familiar face that you’d hadn’t even realized was here tonight. “Yamamoto!” You yell, immediately sprinting over to him to tackle him, accidentally knocking the lit cigarette betwixt his lips down to the concrete of the patio.
“[name]! You crazy son of bitch, I missed you!” Everyone is full laughters and smiles, sharing stories of their summers and reminiscing of the previous parties that occurred in this very same mansion. To some degree, you were thankful you weren’t the only person that got buck wild at these events. Two years ago, Oikawa, Hanamaki, and Matsukawa had shown up with bulk amounts of powdered Kool-aid mix and dumped it into the hot tub in an attempt to “dye the water red”. Or so they claimed. Apparently, Kool-aid and chlorine don’t mix well.
Needless to say, Yaku was pissed about it.
In that same year, Lev knocked over the famed cooler fifty gallon cooler that was once the home for Bokuto’s even more infamous jungle juice. Note to all future party holders, Hawaiian Punch stains all carpets, regardless of color, if there’s enough of it. Especially monsoons of it. Akaashi learned that the hard way when he was the one who had to make the phone call to get the hallway re-carpeted and the floorboards underneath had to be replaced as well due to moisture. Thank you, Hawaiian Punch. Which was why there was now always at least one person—Akaashi himself, due to the trauma from two years ago—who guards the smaller cooler with his life. Nobody is knocking that over ever again and if they do, he’ll send them an invoice in addition to slicing off their head.
Then there was your infamous blackout from last year. While you, obviously, remember nothing about it, Yaku made sure to recount every detail possible. The last thing you remember was chugging a bottle of Jägermeister. 
You hate Jägermesiter.
According to Yaku, at some point you started taking cutlery out of the drawer in the kitchen and going into each of the rooms and hiding silverware in different spaces. Nothing was off limits—whether someone was in the middle of getting a blowjob or hiding forks in people’s shoes. You also had decided to try to climb on top of Lev’s shoulders so you could see what it was like to be tall. Try, in the sense that Lev was entirely unwilling and refused to crouch down for you, resulting in you falling off of him and ripping his shirt off to keep balance.
Yaku’s favorite moment, and that is entirely satirical, is when you started a fight with Bokuto. Not only had you thrown your few cigarette butts from social smoking that you had inherently participated into the punch to “claim your territory”, but he, Yaku, and Kuroo were so worried when they saw you reach to drink the contaminated jungle juice that the former Fukurodani captain had tried to take your cup from you and just have you sleep it off in Kuroo’s room. Which, in all fairness, you did. However, if you were going to go, you were going to go down swinging.
As soon as the cup was out of your hand, Kuroo had to physically restrain you from punching Bokuto in the face as you screamed that you were one hundred percent sober. Unfortunately, Kuroo’s grip slipped, mostly due to your squirming and thrashing, and you had landed a solid blow on Bokuto’s cheek. Needless to say, the three boys had to all but detain you and leave you with a babysitter—a position that Kuroo ended up volunteering for.
You wished you could have remembered at least that part of it. Only Kuroo knows what and if anything happened between the two of you that night, but he refused to ever speak about that night.
Recalling last year’s events prompted Yaku to remind you one more time this evening, “I am not fucking babysitting you again tonight, [name].”
“Technically, Kuroo babysat me.” You jeer as you stick your tongue out at the former libero before smashing the remaining contents of your cup. After your last seven drinks, you were a solid level of drunk to the point of still being coherent, but the ground was definitely moving in ways it shouldn’t have been. “Speaking of which, where is my favorite rooster?”
“Oh he’s been in the pool for the last like hour.” From the patio, your head snaps over as if to confirm it. But seeing Kuroo, hunched over alone with a half full bottle of Henny in his hand while he sat at the steps leading him into the water was not how you pictured you’d find the former captain. Normally, he would surrounded with potential suitors hanging off his arms and cracking jokes just to see if he could get lucky for the night. Yet, everything in his body language screamed “leave me be!”
And yet, you were you.
“I’m gonna go join him—“
“Wait, [name],” Yaku grabs your wrist before you can flit off to his room to change into the swimsuit you had brought, “I really don’t think he wants company right now.”
“That’s when people most need it!” Managing to wriggle out of the libero’s grasp, you made your way inside, weaving and bobbing between the partygoers with an expertise that you shouldn’t have had in the moment thanks to how much you drank. Or maybe you didn’t actually have at all, considering you tripped up the stairs a couple times. Maybe heels weren’t the best idea, but you managed to make it to Lev and Yaku’s shared room—the third door on the left. Knocking just to be sure, you were greeted with a relatively tidy room and the beach bag Kiyoko had brought sitting on top of the libero’s neatly made bed.
After slipping into the two piece and grabbing the beach towel someone had thought to bring, you retraced your steps, barefoot this time thankfully, before popping out the back door and joining Kuroo on the steps. For a moment, he looks up at you and you can see him fully. His hair is hanging over his face, as per usual, but rather than covering his usual jovial hazel eyes, they’re masking something darker. Even in the dead August night with only soft porch and pool lights for exposure, you can see the murky storms brewing in his eyes from a single, sideways glance. “What, tired of being around everyone?” The captain slurs.
“Not particularly. But you seem to be.”
“The water feels nice,” is all he says before pulling the bottle of Hennessy to his lips and taking a large gulp before offering it to you. It’s a small offer of a white flag, but a genuine one that tells you he is allowing your presence and company. “So, where’s Oikawa?” You shrug at the question while taking no offense to it before taking a pull of your own.
“I dunno, I’m not his keeper.” A natural silence lulls over the two of you. After handing the bottle back to Kuroo, you take a few more tentative steps into the water so that it rests just above your chest, cooling your body from the heat of the alcohol that consumed you. “So, I get that it’s your party and you’ll sulk if you want to, but what’s eating at you?” You ask. As you’re speaking, your hands are moving about the chlorinated water, occasionally cupping the pristine liquid only to have it leave your fingers.
“Who says something’s bothering me?” Kuroo grits out. Not very well, you might add, as his slurs cause him to miss a couple vowels and consonants in his sentence. Judging by the fact that he’s drinking straight out of the bottle, Hennessy no less, you assumed he’s been hitting the sauce pretty hard. After all, Kuroo hated Henny almost as much as you hated Jäger. Turning to look back at him, you see the way he’s hunches over after bringing the half full bottle down to a quarter, resting his elbows on his knees.
“Kuroo, you think I don’t know you?” Your question was intended to come out as snarky, considering the long standing friendship between the two of you, yet swallowing down the infatuation you had been harboring for the last couple of years. However, seeing the way his shoulders were slumped and the defeat that crossed his downcast features—you didn’t have it in you to be mean to him.
“No, you don’t.” Comes the reply, one you weren’t expecting.
“Say sike right now,” you growl, “Kuroo, we have been friends for almost six fucking years—will you fucking put that down?!” You’re snapping now, the stomping of your feet muted by the water as you approach the captain and rip the almost empty bottle from his hands. Just so that he couldn’t keep hiding himself behind alcohol, you pour the remaining contents into your own mouth and toss the bottle into the nearby grass before you bring yourself to sit next to him with your knees touching his. “I have known you for—“
“Six fucking years, [name], I know.” The tone in his voice is suddenly clear. The slurs and disparity were now replaced with bitterness and acidity that rarely ever came from Kuroo. “For six fucking years, you’ve known me and yet you never once fucking looked at me.”
“Kuroo, I look at you all the—“
“No, you don’t,” his hazel eyes are lit with fire and intensity that reflected the anguish he felt inside. As much as he wanted to, the former captain couldn’t stop himself from saying the things that he’d sworn to secrecy for so long. “If you ever actually looked at me, you would see the way I looked at you.”
“Why do you think I volunteered to watch over you last year after you fucking swung at my best friend?” The sheer burn of his words and the lava in his orbs is enough to make your heart stop. You swear that it actually did. “Why do you think I asked you to become the manager all those years ago? Or why I get so fucking pissed off that you show up here just to blackout? That you’re friends with Oikawa of all people?”
“Because you’re a good person?”
“Cause I’m in love with you, you moron!” Kuroo’s outburst is followed by him threading his fingers into his signature bed head, hiding the hot tears that he can’t stop from falling. He can’t help it—not when all of his composure was drained from every bottle he drank today. “[name], I literally held you and rocked you to sleep while you were puking your guts out over the side of my bed last year! Do you have any idea how hard it was not to confess while you were crying after punching Bo? How I finally got to hold you after six years but you don’t remember a single second of it?”
“Kuroo, I—“ but you don’t have anything to say. What can you say? You had no idea that any of that had ever taken place. And besides that, you felt that you were never worthy of his attention. You thought there was no possible way he actually returned the tiny embers of the crush you’d had on him for all these years, so there was never a reason to ask if anything had happened between the two of you that night. You didn’t have anything to say and the only thought that crossed your mind at the moment was to run from the situation—to leave him alone because clearly Kuroo wasn’t thinking straight. “I should leave.” You whisper.
“Wait, don’t go! Just...” a mangled sob leaves his chest and, for a moment, it’s sobering to watch him transition from being standoffish to angry to hurt, “why can’t you just look at me the way you look at him?” And suddenly, you’re overly aware of how convoluted your plan to use Oikawa as a hook up repellent was. How it worked out almost too well to the point where the one person you wanted thought you were out of reach.
“Kuroo, Oikawa and I aren’t dating, he’s known that I’ve had a crush on you since we started uni.”
It’s silent between the two of you.
It’s silent as Kuroo slowly turns to you as he relishes in the way your eyes boast sobriety and honesty—the way he knows you’re telling him the truth. 
And then he’s laughing. Head tossed back and hands over his stomach in a way that is just so Kuroo as he guffaws with zero regard for his volume. There was just enough alcohol left in his system that he couldn’t bring himself to care, just enough for him to have zero inhibitions left. “So you’re telling me that I drank a bottle of Everclear, a bottle of Henny, and a twelve-pack to my self for no reason?”
“Kuroo, you may or may not have alcohol poisoning.” You deadpan in reply.
“Oh look who’s talking!” Once again, the man beside is you laughing and you’re happy that he’s slowly returning to his normal, joking self. But the uncomfortable silence rears its ugly head once again and the two of you are looking at each other. How long had the two of you been staring at one another? Since you’d drained the rest of the Hennessy or since either of you last had a drink?
How much of this conversation was born because of the alcohol? It seems the question was weighing heavily on each of you.
“Do you mean it, Kuroo?” You ask quietly.
“I love you more than I hate Henny.” A snort leaves your nostrils, but you don’t miss the genuine tone. You don’t miss the way his hazel orbs have softened or the way one of his hands reached over to hold yours. You don’t miss the way his taut skin over his cheekbones relaxes by the slightest millimeter or the way his tongue peeks out to wet his slightly chapped lips. You don’t miss the way he’s looking at you with love. “You know, you were the only person I asked to be the manager back in high school. It was the only excuse I had to talk to you at the time.”
“Oh no, drunk confessions,” you tease, squeezing his hand. “Speaking of drunk, do you think we’re gonna remember this conversation tomorrow?” Another bellow of laughter escapes Kuroo’s chest followed by him wrapping one arm around shoulder to bring you closer. He knew he would. No amount of alcohol could ever make him forget hearing the fact that you’d been just as smitten with him as he was with you. Well, maybe not as much, but it was a start.
“That depends. Are you planning on blacking out tonight?”
“Is that what it takes to sleep in your bed again?”
“Is that a confession I hear, babygirl?” The pet name goes straight from your ears and sends a chill down your spine and he knows it’s getting to you. He knows, and everything feels right. He’s told you he loves you and that he has for years. He knows there’s nothing stopping either of you anymore, and he knows that you’re only getting started.
“I’ll show you a confession.”
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Haikyuu!! Tag List
@hihiq​  @tamcitrus​
101 notes · View notes
verus-veritas · 5 years
Collan's Caption This Catch Up
I was obsessed with Cullen McCathers. Coming to live in a college dorm after years of a hermit-like high school existence was culture shock. Back home I was the weird, skinny nerd, the token gay social outcast who did his best to avoid the rest of the small-minded, small town denizens who were all too willing torment the obvious outsider given the slightest opportunity, never mind that I had been born there just like the rest of them. So I had made sure the opportunities they got were few and far between, and I had assumed I would continue staying out of the way in college. Keeping my head down was a winning strategy. Why mess with success? What I hadn't counted on was the reality of being forced to live cheek-by-jowl with a seeming unending parade of ideal male bodies. Within the first hour I was overwhelmed by them. On the paths of the campus they walked, in the lounges of the dorm they casually relaxed, in the halls they fist bumped with their bros, and one in particular even invaded my room. I had requested a single room and had thought it had gotten approved, but in typical bureaucratic fashion I showed up on the first day of Freshman orientation to find someone already occupying an obvious double room. I had a roommate. Cullen McCathers. From that very first day, I discovered that even though he spoke to me in a friendly enough fashion and I apparently responded appropriately to the conversation, none of it really registered. He remained a remote and unattainable object despite our sharing a living space, because my thoughts, my gaze, the core of my very being seemed to be pulled into his orbit on a visceral level. He was muscled and toned like a fitness model, and he had a strong face that lit up when he smiled. His voice was sexy, his eyes were sexy, his walk was sexy. His scent, whenever I managed to get a whiff of it, drove me wild with desire, and after watching him unself-consciously change in our room to go take a shower, I knew he was hung so big that I wondered how he dealt with all of that meat in his crotch on a daily basis.
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Within a day my universe shifted, and he became its center. He filled my waking fantasies and starred in my nightly dreams.
I was obsessed with Cullen McCathers. ***********
I guess my capability for intense mental concentration and focus, coupled with the depth of my obsession helped trigger the beginning of it. Each night I would think of Cullen as I drifted off to sleep, going over in detail the fragments of him I had collected in my mind that day, cherishing the nape of his neck, the swell of his bicep, the revelation of his tongue darting out to moisten dry lips. I yearned for him and cast myself towards him with wild abandon in my head. And then one night a couple of weeks into the semester, I felt myself drift off to sleep as usual with thoughts of Cullen filling my head, like the proverbial visions of sugarplums, but instead of my consciousness slipping away until morning, it slipped sideways instead and I found myself hovering just off the floor next to Cullen's sleeping body. I looked across the room towards my bed, if what I did can be called looking, seeing as I was a bodiless consciousness, and I saw my own body just where I would have expected to see it, lying and breathing gently in slumber. I was surprisingly unconcerned with what was undoubtedly a highly unusual occurrence. Instead, I was fascinated by what was happening and started to examine my disembodied self. I seemed to perceive some sort of silvery cord leading back to my body, and a scrap of information surfaced from my endless eclectic reading over the years. Astral projection. This is what this was. I had written it off as new age crap, but here was proof to me that not only was it not crap, but I had somehow managed to achieve it. I turned back to look at Cullen and saw the same silvery cord stretching out of his body and out through the wall, anchoring his dream self to his physical self as he journeyed through the night. The instant I realized this, my thoughts became action, and I flew out of the room through the wall, following Cullen's silvery cord.
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The world blurred by dissolving into formless colors, before brightening and resolving into a daytime city street. Cullen was there, arguing with a police officer, a clown, and a talking cartoon goldfish in a bowl hovering in mid-air. Cullen was dreaming, and I was in his dream. I sensed some sort of change in myself and looked down to see that I had a body again. I walked towards the arguing quartet, but as I did the police officer flew up into the air, the clown popped like a balloon, and the goldfish in the bowl turned into a demonic cheerleader who began to chase a suddenly terrified Cullen down the sidewalk towards me. I was enraged that anything would dare to try and hurt Cullen, so I grabbed a parking meter out of the sidewalk and stabbed the cheerleader through the chest with it. She dropped to the ground instantly and vanished. "Oh, man! I thought I was dead for sure! You saved my life! Thank you!" said Cullen and hugged me tight. I went rigid in shock. Cullen had spoken to me, and for the first time it had actually registered as words instead of meaningless gibberish. Cullen had touched me. Cullen had hugged me! For the briefest of moments Cullen's dream world had become real to me, and the combination of his speaking to me, touching me, and hugging me threw me into such turmoil that between one instant and the next I was suddenly waking up in my bed in my darkened dorm room, gasping for air and shaking in reaction. I was obsessed with Cullen McCathers. ***********
To say that my obsession with Cullen deepened from that point on would be a gross understatement. Now that I knew I could spend all of my sleeping time with Cullen, I began to do so on a regular basis. He had starred in my dreams and now I began to star in his, sleep-stalking him every night. In his dreams, I found I could actually talk with him in a way that I was completely unable to in the waking world. Admittedly, most of the conversations were variations of his thanking me for one rescue or another since I became his dream protector and hero, saving him from countless monsters, demons, witches, aliens, and bad guys who were gunning for him because someone had framed him for a murder he didn't commit. After that first dream hug, I did everything I could to initiate physical contact between us during our nightly escapades, an arm casually draped over his shoulder, a hand gently tousling his hair, countless little touches, smiles, looks into his eyes. In the waking world, he grew more open and friendly towards me, looking at me more, smiling at me more, continuing to try and engage me in conversation despite the fact that I continued to blank it all out and watch our interactions as an observer, rather than as the active participant I was when we dreamed together.
It also dawned on me that there was a sexual tension between us that hadn't existed before. I was still jacking off to mental images of him every chance I got, but I realized he was spending more and more time wearing less and less when we were alone together in our room. He had never been shy about displaying his body, but as the days went by he went from t-shirts to muscle shirts to tank tops to bare torso, and from sweats to shorts to briefs to nothing at all. I exerted every ounce of my self control to not stare at the obvious things and be as casual and nonchalant about it as he seemed to be. The weeks passed, and the days grew shorter as fall progressed towards winter. I welcomed the turning of the seasons, because longer nights meant more time to sleep and dream with Cullen. Things might have continued on this way, but one evening in early November I went to sleep and slid sideways out of my body to find I wasn't alone in the room. There was another presence like myself, hovering just off the floor next to my bed as I was hovering next to Cullen's. It was another waking dreamer, I knew, and as I looked more closely I realized its silvery cord led straight to Cullen's sleeping body!
"Now it all makes sense," came Cullen's voice in my mind. "This is what you do. This is how you're always in my dreams." "Yes," I replied. "It happened first spontaneously, but it quickly became directed. I'm sorry. I can't seem to help myself where you're concerned." "You love me, don't you?" he asked. "Yes," I admitted sadly, thinking that this was probably going to be some sort of ending. "I've been obsessed with you from the first day. Love followed quickly once I started to get to know you through your dreams. I can't seem to talk to you when I'm awake. I think the reality of you is too much for me to take after a lifetime of isolation, but all I want is to be with you, in all ways, always and forever, to love and protect you, to be one with you. I'm sorry." "Why are you sorry? Can't you tell I feel the same way? Ever since you invaded my dreams and started saving me, I've become obsessed with you too. I go to sleep each night, knowing that you'll be there to keep me safe, even though you can't say so during the day. I could tell the feeling was there somehow, that we were connected on a deeper level. I've been longing to meet you on that deeper level, and now, suddenly, here we are." "You love me too?" I asked incredulously. "Yes," he said simply, and even though he had no body at the moment to express it, I felt the warmth of his smile on me anyway. I moved towards his warmth, and he moved towards me. We met in the center of our dorm room, still hovering just off the floor, and with no transition our bodiless bodies merged into a single being with two silvery tethers anchored at opposite sides of the room. There are no words to describe the unity we experienced in that moment. Pile every description imaginable of physical and emotional intimacy on top of each other, squeeze them all together, multiply all of that by any impossibly large number you can think of, then magnify it all again by an equally impossibly large number and you still won't approach it. Neither of us were prepared for it, and like the first time Cullen had hugged me, I found myself suddenly abruptly awake in my body in my bed. The only difference was that this time, Cullen was awake too. He launched himself, naked and erect, out of his bed and across the room to mine. I had thrown my blanket off, and his beautiful bare body landed on top of me, his mouth seeking mine to devour me. His gigantic cock leaked onto my stomach as he ground his crotch into mine, only my briefs separating us. He moaned his frustration into my mouth as we kissed, then he sat up and back, reached down, grabbed the opening in the front of my briefs, and with a grunt, ripped them open and yanked the remains out from under me, leaving me as naked as he was.
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He laid himself fully down on top of me again and our legs intertwined. He kissed me again, and we were touching all along the length of our bodies, from feet to crotch to mouth. His cock ground down into me and my hips pushed myself in turn up into him, trying to somehow physically force our bodies to merge as our essences had in the moment before we awoke. Given our frenzy, we didn't last very long, and we shot together allowing at least part of our physical selves to merge into one as we mixed our cum together between our heaving bodies. As amazing as the orgasm had been, as amazing as it was that I now knew this beautiful body on top of me held a soul that loved me in a way that I had never felt before, my eyes started to fill and tears began to drip down my cheeks with sadness, because I knew that I would never be able to experience in the waking world the unity we had shared as we slept. I looked up at Cullen, and saw tears to mirror my own. I was with Cullen McCathers. ***********
I'm not entirely sure how we got through the next few weeks. We somehow got through classes and kept up some semblance of normalcy during the day, but it all seemed remote and unreal, because at night we left our bodies behind and merged together until dawn. After a while, it became harder to determine where I ended and he began. Our body language, speech patterns, and ways of thinking became similar to the point that at times it felt like we were one person living in two bodies. Thanksgiving approached, and with it the inevitable family obligations. We had become so detached from life outside school and each other that it was almost a surprise when it was time to part and we realized we should have made plans to avoid the separation. There was no help for it, though, so off we both dutifully went, to our individual destinations. Wednesday night was misery. I was back in the place I had grown up, that I hated and that hated me. I went to bed early, eager to experience the all-consuming love that I had discovered with Cullen, only to discover that I was unable to reach him fully. We had a vague sense of each other across the distance, but we couldn't seem to connect. I spent the night lonely and aching in my heart. Thursday was just as bad, spending Thanksgiving Day with my perpetually distant parents. It made no sense to me that they would want me here today after years of not really caring whether I was around or not. I had someone now who wanted me and I wasn't with him. The night was another one of yearning and a futile struggle to connect with Cullen in our dreams. Friday the separation became actual pain. My head hurt, my heart hurt, my body and soul ached to be with Cullen. I begged off the Black Friday shopping trip, knowing I would not be able to bear the long drive to the nearest town that was large enough to have decent places to pointlessly spend money on meaningless gifts. My parents drove off and I went back to my old room and flopped on the bed. After the last two frustrating nights I was feeling defeated and depressed, and I began to resign myself to not being with Cullen again until Sunday. I eventually felt myself drifting off to sleep, only this time, for the first time in months, I actually slept and dreamed. Except it wasn't a dream, it was a horrific nightmare, the details of which I didn't remember upon my panicked awakening except for the sensations of terror and profound loss. I curled up on my side, hugged my pillow, and sobbed uncontrollably at the feeling that if I didn't do something drastic, I would somehow lose the connection Cullen and I had found. I couldn't let it slip away, to become just me again instead of the unity of us. I had slept longer than I had expected to and it was already late afternoon. Knowing my mom, my parents wouldn't be back from the shopping frenzy until late so I had hours left to be undisturbed. Dropping off to sleep had almost become second nature to me, so it was easy for me to roll over and take back control of my unconsciousness. One thought was uppermost in my mind. I had to reach Cullen, no matter what. My eyes closed, my breathing deepened, and unlike earlier in the day, I slipped sideways out of my body as I fell asleep. This time I had a new determination and started to fly across the miles to my obvious starting point in my search for Cullen – the room that we shared. I felt pulled tight across the distance from my body, but I held on to where I was through the familiarity of the location. Uncertain what to do next, I hovered once again in the place that was ours, where I could feel him all around me even without his being there. I knew my sense of time was distorted when I noticed it was dark outside. I had been here simply contemplating Cullen, and hours had drifted by without my realizing. I began to notice, too, that my sense of him was growing stronger rapidly. My excitement and longing for him grew with each passing moment until the door opened, and there he was. I could tell he was as angry and frustrated as I had been. I moved to surround him and comfort him, but he couldn't feel me there. He sat on his bed for a little, but his tension didn't seem to be allowing him to relax. He turned to his travel bag and pulled out a bottle of wine, opened it, and drank some straight from the bottle, then went and sat on *my* bed and put his face into my pillow, breathing in deeply through his nose. He hugged the pillow to his chest and a tear dripped down his cheek. After a bit, he got up, tossed my pillow back on my bed, grabbed the bottle and headed out the door. I followed wondering where he was going. His goal turned out to be the top floor lounge at the back of the dorm, where very few people bothered to go. It was deserted, since it was the Friday evening after Thanksgiving. Cullen drank some more wine and gradually seemed to relax. By the time the bottle was empty, he had propped himself up across a couple of chairs and was staring blankly at the wall. Bit by bit his eyes closed, and then there he was, slipping sideways out of his body to join me. "You're here!" he said with surprise. "I've been waiting for you. I pushed and pushed to get here across the distance. I wasn't sure where I was going to go from here. The distance is difficult, but you came back, and you're here, and now we can be together again." And just like that we were. We were one again and our joy was endless. The unity of ourselves into a single being was a miracle, and all the sweeter for having been denied it the last two days. The only things that marred our joining were the silvery cords heading off to different places, Cullen's to his body in the chairs just next to us, and mine to my far away self. We were one. We needed to be one. All other parts of us were one. The cords needed to be one too. We were tugging on my silvery cord in an attempt to push it into his, when suddenly there was a sensation of severing, and an unattached tendril reeled in from a distance, flailed around as if seeking purchase, then laid itself down over Cullen's cord and into his body. ***********
We awoke with a start, disoriented from being in an unaccustomed place, uncomfortable from having fallen asleep on the chairs, and still drunk from the wine. We felt such an overwhelming feeling of happiness and well-being that we wished we could tell someone, but we knew no one would ever really understand. As I stumbled back to my room, I knew that the other bed would be remaining empty, but that was ok. I was with my love and I was within my love. We were one person forever. I was one person with no further need for two bodies. I undressed for bed and looked down at my body as usual and for the first time, happy with what I saw. I was masculine and strong in my body. I was loved and protected in my soul. I was Cullen McCathers.
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Source: “Collan's Caption This Catch Up (10th May)”
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amenomiko · 5 years
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Pic made in Picrew.
IkeSen MC is a Fighter and She's in Action
-Applying My OC MC here ❤❤❤. Please refer to "IkeSen MC is a Fighter" Fic or scroll down to read about her background in my page 🌸🌸🌸-
What if..
They went to the future and she have to go back to her old duty for a while (even though the Mafia Family knows her condition and approved to whatever she wanted to do, but at times they need her service since she is among the upper level of the family. Basically she is in action.)
Casual shirt and pencil skirt is mmhhmm THAT thigh and black panty hose.
Will roll her eyes to his smirk. OBVIOUSLY he was CHECKING her out.
Before Hideyoshi could sense for the enemy, she already shield him from the bullet and fire the shooter back swiftly.
Which was very..... Cool--That serious face that didn't even wince despite having a grazed wound on her shoulder.
He was flabbergasted but that action itself enough to show her side that swoon his feet.
"You are really a queen, even in this era hm?"
"What? Isn't it enough for me to be your queen?" She giggled as they shared a kiss.
"I will handle this, Anata.".
"You always protected me. It's my turn to protect you when we are here." She winked at him.
His eyes followed when she scrapped her skirt to pull out another hidden gun that are strapped to her thigh.
She was so beautiful when she wield two guns in both of her hands, her eyes glint; showing her real face when she was aiming for her prey. Which didn't escape his lips,
"You are so beautiful."
It distracts her for a while and she nearly shoot her own companion and were nagged at later.
"Oho?? A fight?? Aweso-"
Masamune's intention was nothing but to protect his wife, but he blinked in surprise when he realized his swords were not in reach.
She already wield it in her hands, standing in her fighting position. "I'm the Left Hand Woman of ____ Mafia Family, Ame Rie." She smiled with pride as she continued, "And I'm the wife of the One-Eyed Dragon, Date Masamune! Prepare yourself!!"
"She didn't say she is the Goddess of Death huh? That's a new introduction. Heh." One of her companions chuckled as another added, "Showing off that she is married to a legend huh?"
"Of course. One-Eyed Dragon is her idol afterall."
He flushed so red, muttering, "I didn't know about that--" While the others laugh and whispers, "Keep it a secret aye?"
"Gather the wounded! Bring those who can fight to the front lines!" She immediately shred the hem of her shirt to apply torniquet on one of the underlings.
It was a first time Ieyasu saw her dominant side. Her leadership skill. Her serious look, her smile of confidence. Unlike the clumsy side she shown to him, the affectionate-motherly feature of hers.
"She really glows when she become like that, right?" Her boss smiled to Ieyasu. "Is it your first time?" As Ieyasu nodded, he nods as well. "I'm not surprised. Even though she is strong, she must be protected too. She become strong so her underlings won't be afraid of losing. So I would like to thank you for being there for her, spoiling her even." He chuckled.
"Of course. It's my responsibility as a husband." He smiled as both of their eyes met in the midst of the battle.
He is ready to assist her in strategy of battle. But no, she have taken the lead herself.
Maps are not needed, she only define codes and positions, and they understand right away. Even though the underlings starts to decrease, she still protect the new ones and bring them to let them experience their battle tactics.
He admired her from afar, he find himself smiling ear to ear.
"Anata..! What's the matter? Are you injur- mmnn??"
He pulled her into his embrace, kissing her deeply, making the other companions bewildered and shocked. "No.. But don't injure yourself. I know you can do this but rely on me too alright? I wouldn't want my wife to be in danger when she is pregnant."
"Wh- Anata-- shhh don't!!"
"Hm? Why (ㆁᴗㆁ✿)?"
Then she was banned from involving into the battle after that.
"Hooh. Not bad. But.."
"That's 7 for me, little mouse."
"Wha?? Hey, that's unfair!"
Mitsuhide chuckled, as he turned to his pouting wife, pointing a gun at her head. "Sulking over the amount of enemies? Don't be childish, my dear wife."
She points her gun at his head as well. "People that are not from this time should just mind their own business than hogging all the enemies to himself."
Both of them shoot the enemies that's about to attack from each other's spouse's back at the same time.
He grinned. "Heh. Not bad."
Before Mitsuhide could lean towards her, she pulled him down to kiss him first. "I win, Anata."
He smirked into the kiss.
She aim her blade to swing at her enemy, "Die, scu-"
Kenshin did it first.
"Again?? Anata, can you not--"
"Don't disturb my fun, Rie. It's a rare occassion to be able to enjoy modern battle."
"Uhuh, I get it, but I told you to aim for short distance enemies only, right?"
"Hmh, boring."
"Sheesh! Our baby will wake up, that is why..!"
One of her underlings look at the pair of spouse with full of admiration and... weirdness. "Their baby are sleeping on the back of the husband and they can act as if it was nothing ( ゚д゚).."
"Shingen, get to a safe distance, this is the shooting area..! Shit..!" She turn around and shoot to one of the bushes, revealing a spy among it.
She cursed. He gulped to her change in tone.
"Damn it..! Not another bullet..! Anata, come here!"
"Huh- mmf!"
She shred her upper shirt, pulling out a small gun that were hidden in her breast pocket before pulling Shingen's head to bury his head in between of her chest, in order to shield him from the enemy.
Oh wow. The smell of her perfume is just-- woohoo. No, no, it's not the time to bleed his nose right now.
"Hmh. Try to aim for my husband? Not even 500 years could make it possible, trash..!" She spat. "You alright, Honey?" Her serious tone changed into those loving ones once more. "*Gasp* Anata..! Your nose is bleeding!!"
"That is.... So... Sexy." He smiled, nose dripping with blood all over.
"Anata..! Get behind me..!"
"Anata..! Look out!" *BANG! BANG!*
"It's okay I got thi-" She had pushed him to the side and flick a small dagger from the sleeve of her wrist and stabbed it through the enemy's chest.
"H-hey..! Just let me protect you okay- nnh!"
She pull away from the kiss, giving another peck on his lips before poking his nose. "Just take care of our baby okay, my dear wife?""WHA O//////O??" She run back to the battle before he could stop her.
Sasuke pat on his shoulder. "Hello "Wife.". Want to borrow a lipstick? You look pale."
"..Shut up Sasuke."
Hidden gun on her thigh. Check.
Mafia language, ORA ORA ORA check.
Mafia language 2, YANNOKA ORA check.
Black, silky panty hose, check.
Confident smug, check.
She was called as "Ane-san" by her underlings, check.
He nod as he jot down, "Cuteness is still there when she call me, check."
"Anata, can you hear me? Looks like the enemies has stepped on your shurikens and some successfully bump on your wooden blocks.."
"Helped wife, check."
"Anata..!" She huffed,
"Where is ____?"
"Uhm.. Your boss volunteer to babysit?"
"..HE WHAT???"
(*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡ ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
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sherrybaby14 · 5 years
Water Bed
Prompt:  Funny situation/ fluff/hard = it’s a 70s themed party and WATER BED .
 Summary:  Thor tries to host his first party on New Asgard.  (Non-canon compliant, Loki is alive).  
 Pairing:  Loki x female reader (established relationship, you are Asgardian)
 Warnings:  Awkward smut
 Just a drabble so I’m not tagging
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             “Ah Y/N!”  Thor’s voice boomed across the hall.  “You made it!  And dressed appropriately!”
             “Well, yes. You sent me my outfit.”  You looked down at the floor-length flowered dress. “Though I still don’t quite understand.”
             “It’s a theme party!” Thor pulled you into a big hug. When he stepped back you noticed his strange white suit with flared pants. “The 1970s.  A friend told me it is one of the more popular Midgardian themes.”
             “Another time from another realm that nobody is very familiar with?”  You gave a quick laugh as you looked around the hall at the other strangely dressed Asgardians, who looked just as confused as you.  “Did you send every guest clothing?”
             “Yes.”  Thor patted you on the back.  “Go have some punch.  The disco will start soon.”
             Thor paid you no attention as he went to greet another batch of guests.  You sighed and glanced around the room.  
             Normally the Royal parties were feasts, with people in their best attire and the warriors in their dress-armor.  You knew Thor was trying his hardest to get the people adjusted to New Asgard, the large log cabin that was serving at the Capitol building was significantly more welcoming than the palace had been.
             You put on a smile and gave a small laugh at the mirror ball hanging from the ceiling and the folded tables with food and drinks set out.  Maybe you should embrace Midgardian traditions more.  This could be fun.
             “I know that smile is for me and not my brother.”  The cool voice made your goosebumps rise.  
             Your heart fluttered as you turned around, but then disappointment hit when Loki was still dressed in his traditional attire.  
             “Where’s your costume?” You frowned, hoping the new environment would get your sometimes paramour involved in the King’s efforts.  
             “I’m too old to play dress-up.” He beamed at you. “But you are a sight my darling.”  
             His eyes took you in as he licked his lips.  
             “Your brother is making an effort.”  You folded your arms and gave Loki a glare. “We may be here forever, we should embrace some of Midgard’s traditions.”
             “I like to pick and choose what I embrace.”  Loki wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you tight against him.  
             The movement took you by surprise and you looked around to see most of the room staring at the two of you, some whispering to each other.
             “People are watching us.” You’d only been dating for a month and had yet to discuss taking it public.
             “Somewhere private then?” Loki’s hand traced down your arm until his fingers wove into yours.  “Where we can partake in the theme?  I know just the spot.”  
             A heat ran over your body as Loki tugged you to the back stairs.  He lived in the main lodge with his brother. You were familiar with sneaking in and out of his room, but he was heading in the opposite direction.  
             “Where are we going?” The hand holding wasn’t going to dispel any rumors about the two of you.  
             “To embrace a 1970’s Midgardian tradition.”  Loki grinned down at you, with the look only he could give.  
             It made the butterflies in your stomach bounce around, but also brought a cloud of apprehension over you.  Loki’s surprises didn’t always have the best outcomes.  
             He went up the stairs and to the first bedroom down the hall.  Your nerves flared at what you were about to see but then deflated immediately.  The only thing in the room was a bed.  
             “Thor had these set up in five rooms.”  Loki dropped your hand and walked inside.  “I thought we could be the first to give it a go?”  
             “A bed?”  You shut the door behind you.  “What’s so special about a bed?”  
             “Have a seat?” Loki grinned.  
             You frowned, ready to return to the party, but he looked so excited you decided to entertain him. When you took a seat on the edge you sunk and fell back.  
             “What?”  A wave came back and bounced your hips up.  
             You went to stand, but Loki picked up your legs and flung you back into the bed.  You continued to roll with the wave.  
             “What is this?” You put your hands into the mattress, but all that did was sink your palms down and force your back up with the bed.
             “Something called a water-bed.”  Loki crawled on top of you, making the entire thing wave again.  “A truly ingenious invention if you ask me.”  
             “This is water?” You pushed your hand down again as both of you rocked with the movement.  “I’m not wet?”  
             “Oh, you’re not?” Loki’s hand went to your dress and started to bunch it up.  “I’ll have to fix that?”  
             He moved back, again rocking you with the water as his lips hit your thigh.   He pushed the dress over your hips and his hands found the top of your panties.  
             “Wait.”  You shoved at his shoulders.  “There’s a party.  We can’t do this now.”  
             You tried to lean up on your elbows, but it only made the bed sink and your hips rise.  Loki rose an eyebrow and licked his lips, his eyes glued to your cunt that was being pushed up and down with the waves.  
             “I’ll let you do that thing you like.”  Loki’s eyes glance to yours as he crawled back off the bed, sending your body up and down with the water again.  
             “Really?” You straightened your arms as Loki stood on the floor.  
             “Really.”  He kept his eyes on you as he began undressing.  
             You watched his taunt physique appear and felt the tingling between your legs. The bed started to settle, so you used the opportunity to roll to your side and flop yourself upward.  This gave you the leverage you needed to pull off your dress without toppling over.  
             Loki kept his eyes on you, flashing them in approval as you reached behind and unhooked your bra.
             “We have to be quick though.” You glanced at the door.  “This isn’t an all-night session.”  
             “Understood.”  Loki pushed down his boxers and his rock hard cock sprang forward.  
             You lay back and lifted your hips, removing the final piece of your clothing.  Loki let out a low growl as he kneeled between your legs. You bent your knees and spread your feet, giving him the access he needed.  
             He ran his hands over his hair, casting the magical spell that made his helmet appear as his fingers slid away.  
             You loved how powerful he looked with the gold curved horns, but squealed at the thought of what was to come next.  
             His lips went back to your thighs and he kissed over to your core, blowing lightly on your nub, bringing it to life.  His tongue flickered out to tease, barely touching you.   You whimpered and lifted your hips, but he pulled away.  
             When you sank back into the bed he moved his head lower, but clearly forgot about the wave the water bed was going to cause because your hips immediately returned and slammed right into his mouth.  
             “Ow!”  He lifted his head and touched his tooth.  “Are you alright?”  
             The bed continued to wiggle, but this time it brought out a laugh you tried to stifle.  
             “Maybe this isn’t as sexy as you thought?”  Your body continued to roll with the bed.  
             “Nonsense.”  He checked to make sure his lip wasn’t bleeding and put his head back between your thighs.
             You looked down to see him concentrate on moving away from your hips as they came forward with the wave.  
             “I’m surprised you’re not taking advantage?”  Loki glanced up at you. “After all, it takes a special woman to control a god.”  
              His words sent a shiver down your spine and you relaxed.  The bed steadied itself and then Loki’s tongue licked up your slit.  
             You started to fist the sheets and fought the urge to flex your hips again and ruin the moment. This time his mouth wrapped around you and he began suckling.  This was your cue, your favorite.  
             You brought your hands forward around the gold horns and gripped on to each of them.   You slowly tugged up and pushed down, sending Loki’s mouth into a rhythm.  
             “Shhhhhhittt!”  You winced as he started working your bundle of nerves.  
             Your hips started to wiggle and again you found the bed moving, but this time you held on tight, dragging Loki’s face up and down with your body, not letting his mouth leave your clit.  
             It was a strange image, the god’s head bobbing up and down with your hips.  You didn’t think the waves of the bed were adding any pleasure, instead, they were probably making things more difficult for Loki.  
              You closed your eyes and kept your hands on the horns of his helmet, trying to forget about the strange mattress and concentrate on your pleasure.  This was only the second time he’d let you lead him the way and you were going to use his mouth exactly as you wanted it.  
             One of his hands moved from the bed, dipping the way you were moving and changing the rhythm.  You let out a whine as Loki’s head dipped to the left.  
             “Fuck!”  The start of your orgasm was broken.  
             “Sorry.”  Loki repositioned himself and went back to fluttering his tongue against you.  
             Then you felt his finger at your entrance.  That was the reason for the hand movement.  You shut your eyes and went back to guiding his head, spreading your legs and angling your hips for his finger to slide inside of you.  
             He pushed down and you flexed up, eager to have some friction in your hole.  
             The only problem was when your hips sank back Loki’s head came down with you and with one hand he lost his balance again.
             The water rolled your hips forward and his finger was no longer in line, and you got a stab down the side of your pussy.
             “OW!”  You let go of the helmet.  “This isn’t working.”  
             “Wait, wait, wait.” Loki pushed you back down and moved up your body so his face was over yours.  “Maybe the motion isn’t the best for oral, but think about the pace we could set.”  
             His mouth dipped down to your neck and he began kissing. You were turned on and didn’t see a point in wasting the effort.   You dropped your leg and Loki pushed up, moving between them.  This again made your body dip side to side with the water. Almost like you were a boat threatening to capsize.  
             “It will feel good, once we get the rhythm right.”  Loki lifted his head from your neck and fisted his cock.   You kept your hands on his shoulders and tried to steady the rocking as he lined up.  
             There was no denying you were wet now as he pushed inside of you.  You lifted your hips to meet his thrust, but as he tried to sink the weight distribution through-off the balance of the water bed and your pussy moved away.
              He continued his downward thrust when the wave changed direction and you slid up as he moved down.
             “OH!”  Your neck went back as you grabbed on to his shoulder.
             “See?”  Loki gave his sinister laugh.  “I told you, baby.”  
              He locked eyes with you as he pulled out.  You did the opposite motions of him, working with the flow of the water.   It did not take long to set up a rhythm, just like Loki said.
             The waves made his stroke feel deeper than it ever had, and you realized that a little thrust of your hips had major results with the motion of the bed.  
             “Mmmmm.”  You pulled him down hard for a kiss.  
              Loki’s pelvis pushed against yours and you ground your clit against him.  Your bodies continued to work with the wave, staying together this time without Loki pumping at all.  
             It made your eyes flare with a strange sensation, being filled with cock while your bodies rolled together and your bundle of nerves got the right attention.  
              The micro thrusts were too much and soon your body was rolling with the mattress, the orgasm coming over you like a wave and spreading out to all of your extremities.  
             Loki pulled out making you whimper, but his hands were on your hips, urging you to your hands and knees.
             “I want to take you in every position on this thing.”  He placed one hand on the small of your back while he slid inside of you with ease, his re-entry sending micro-pulses to your pleasure centers.  
              Loki’s hand found your nub and he started rubbing circles on your clit as he fucked you doggie style. The movement of the mattress made your cheek fall down, but it barely made a difference in the sensations, since the bed was doing most of your work for you.
               It didn’t take long until you were moaning into the mattress, the water bed making Loki’s strokes feel that much more powerful.  
             The second orgasm ripped through you, your shaking body being absorbed by the waves below.  Loki’s cock continued to hammer into you, drawing out the pleasure.  
             “I’m about to cum.” Loki bottomed out and ground his cock into you. “But I want to try one more position.  Can you handle that love?”
             You nodded your head.   Loki rolled both of you over so he was on his back.   You were weak and pliable from the orgasms and he somehow spun you so that you were straddling him.  
             His hands were on your waist as he guided you into rocking your body on top of his.  Your eyes were shut, unsure if you had the strength to take the lead. The aftershocks of your orgasm were still working through your body and you were happy to let Loki guide.  
             He slammed your body down hard, his cock poking against your cervix.  It made you pop your eyes open just in time to see Loki throw his head back.  
             “No!”  You tried to stop him, but it was too late.
             POP!  WOOSH!  
             Loki’s cum exploded inside you just as his helmet pierced the mattress, resulting in water shooting up from the bed all over both you.  
             “What?”  Loki tried to look behind him, but all that did was make the other horn pierce another side.  
             “AHH!”  You screamed as water shot up in the air and landed all over you.  
             You climbed off Loki and tried to scramble to the end, but the water made everything slippery and wet. The deflating made it difficult to not sink into the plastic base either.  
              Finally, you made it to an edge and pulled yourself off, the gush of water lost pressure and the gyser disappeared as you struggled for your breath.  
             Loki climbed down next to you and collapsed on the floor.  He looked over at you, your body shook from the cold water.  He wrapped his arm around and pulled your close.  
             “Well, can’t go back to the party all wet.”  He took off his helmet and set it on the floor.  “Four more beds to break?  Want to give it a go?”  
             You started to laugh. Your hair was beyond ruined, your make-up too.  There was no doubt at least some of the other guests heard you, but once you found your footing the water bed had been fairly pleasurable.  
             “Why not?”  You looked up at Loki who gave you a wink.  “I’m soaked.”  
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tysonrunningfox · 5 years
Ripped: Part 13
Hiccup is....so stupid guys, so dumb.  A moron.  An idiot.  
It’s not the season for frozen yogurt. Astrid’s heat is still on, finally keeping the fog from spreading icy fingers up her windowpane at night. She’s still wearing fuzzy socks around her apartment to keep her corresponding heating bill down, and so she shouldn’t be disappointed that there was no frozen yogurt. Especially when there are bigger things to worry about.
Of course it’s all wrapped up in Grimborn, like everything is lately. She knows Hiccup said no Grimborn, that they’d talk about other things, but untangling it seems dangerous, like pulling a seedling from dirt too early.  
The first knock blends in with the drums in the single headphone she’s wearing but the second is out of tune and she sits up straight, yanking the earbud out by the cord. She’s not scared, she’s just aware that she lives alone at a historical murder site potentially being targeted by a potential copycat murderer.
The third knock is quieter, an almost hopeful tap-tap-tap, and she freezes.
What kind of murderer knocks?
Definitely not someone so rigorously loyal to Viggo Grimborn’s techniques, which her current paper’s research has tangentially confirmed to unanimously be surprise attacks. But techniques change.
Including victim’s techniques, she thinks to herself as she walks quietly to the door, grabbing her umbrella from the plastic hook by her coat. Stabbing would be deadlier but she’d have more force with a swing and she chokes up just above the curved handle to look through the peephole.
It’s Hiccup, chewing on his lip, nose blown out of proportion by the curved glass.
“Shit,” she tosses the umbrella aside and pulls her bangs out of their clip before adjusting the oversized tee-shirt that feels suddenly inadequate. Softer than she’s sure she can be without quiet stacks or heavy brick walls to dampen it. She told him that she likes him and that introduces enough vulnerability on its own without trying to change the subject between them.  
She checks the time and he knocks again, even softer this time, like he’s giving up.
“What?” Astrid’s voice comes out too harsh as she yanks open the door, frazzled like a hastily thrown umbrella.
“Hi,” he raises his eyebrows and looks her up and down, inquisitive and pale, a plastic bag in his hand. “Am I interrupting something or—ah shit, it’s late, isn’t it?” He checks the time on his phone, “is it? I forget—“
“No, I mean it is late, but it’s fine,” she tries to flatten her bangs and it doesn’t quite work, and his lips quirk up in a maddeningly personal smile. He looks tired. “Just working on a paper, what’s up? How was…”
His text made her snort and she still feels guilty about it. Guilty for laughing at something so clearly not funny and strange because it made her miss him in a way she didn’t expect. She wanted to see his face when he sent it instead of hearing it second hand, wanted to see his wide-eyed processing, but it doesn’t look like he’s processed it at all.
He shrugs, “I brought you something.”
“That bad, huh?” Her dry laugh makes his lip quiver and he steps forward too purposefully to be abrupt, wrapping wiry arms around her shoulders and pulling her into his chest. The plastic bag crinkles against her hip and he rests his cheek against her temple. He takes a deep breath like he’s centering himself, hand curling in her shirt.
“Sorry, I didn’t—” His voice is a little thick and she moves instinctually, arms curling around him, one hand almost daring to stroke his lower back. He’s a sturdy kind of fragile, asking directly for and taking what he needs, and she doesn’t want to disturb it. She doesn’t know him well enough for that yet.
“No, it’s fine,” she rests her forehead on his shoulder, wishing he hadn’t done this in the hallway where she feels invisible eyes on her door, “Snotlout with self-tanning lotion, huh? I can imagine the trauma.”
“You have no idea,” he exhales, cool breath ruffling her hair as he steps back, pulling the bag between them and opening it by both handles. “But I got you something.”
“You didn’t have to get me anything,” she reaches down and pulls out a plastic wrapped square of folded cloth.
“I did though,” he grabs something else he apparently left leaning against the wall and hands it to her. “You asked for this.”
“A curtain rod?” It’s a better weapon than an umbrella, she guesses, “why did you get me a curtain rod?”
“Because I’m starting up tours again,” he pulls a drill out of the bag and pulls the trigger, making it spin with an excited, approval-seeking smile. “Sound-proof curtains. Or not soundproof, sound-blocking. Your idea, and not a bad one—“
“Get in here,” she grabs the collar of his tee-shirt and pulls him inside enough to shut the door behind them.
“I saw your uh, single chair,” he spins slowly, looking around her place and taking it in the way he does archive aisles, “was red, so I got red curtains, but—“
“You’re starting tours again?” She ducks down to meet his eye when he starts tinkering with his drill instead of looking at her, “you realize that’s…”
“A way to pay my bills?” His smile is a grimace.
“A really stupid idea, right?”
“The curtains are 84 inches,” he strides uneven across her living room and reaches above her window, notching the drywall with his thumbnail, “so if the rod is right around here—“
“The selection of curtain rods in stores open this time of night was…odd, half of them looked like—“ he’s bright red when he glances up at her, “well, not particularly ornamental, so I went generic. This will take five minutes,” he holds his hand out for the curtain rod and she sighs.
“This is sweet, or something,” she’s worried and tired and hates how she’s obviously getting in the way of the one thing he’s thought of to feel better about his own situation. And it is sweet, and combined with his hopeful expression and capable hand around his power tool, it’s hard to say no. “But I’m never going to get my security deposit back if you drill into the wall.”
“Oh, I talked to Gobber,” he assures her, marking the other side above the window and frowning to himself, hand on his chin, “I forgot my level—“
“Hiccup, you can’t restart tours,” she gets close enough to grab his shoulder, but his face stays focused on the window until she moves her hand to his cheek to turn his head. His eyes don’t follow and she snaps, “look at me.”
“Five minutes,” he nods, finally looking at her with fleeting focus, “Gobber said it was fine.”
His jaw flexes against her palm and she presses her thumb against his lips to shush him.
“If you’re installing curtains, will you talk to me about this?” She moves her thumb, trying to ignore the tingling flair in her stomach.
He nods and she lets him go, crossing her arms and watching him take the curtain rod out of the package, throwing the instructions over his shoulder and examining the small bag of hardware that came with it.
“You good with that height?” He revs the drill again as he turns around and holds a screw against the drywall.
“Sure,” she couldn’t care less about the curtains, “so, what—“
“Ok,” he talks over the drill as he seats the screw, “so I know I said no Grimborn, and I meant it, as in we don’t always have to talk about Grimborn. I want to talk to you about other things—“
“It’s fine.”
He looks over his shoulder at her, holding a screw in his mouth and managing a muffled sound that she thinks is supposed to be, “really?”
“I don’t have anyone else to talk about it with,” she shrugs, “and since it’s your fault that I care at all…”
He takes the screw out of his mouth and mounts it on the opposite side of the window, “my fault, huh?”
His tone reminds her of the other things she’s blamed him for, most notably knocking encyclopedias off of the archive shelf. He took that blame easily, but it was probably softened. He’s not sexy now, he’s frazzled and trying and obviously exhausted, but she wonders what would happen if she said it anyway. Then again, everything he said at Gruffnut’s bar when he was being as awkward as physically possible makes her think he’s not particularly interested in her apartment as anything other than a pit stop on a Grimborn tour.
But here he is putting up curtains so it isn’t anymore…
“Absolutely your fault. If you hadn’t been so annoying with your tours that I wanted to demolish the mystery, I would have learned to hate Grimborn just how Fishlegs did, by dealing with a constant onslaught of weirdos come to attempt to steal papers.”
“Well, I’m selfishly glad that didn’t happen,” he takes some hardware from the curtain rod box and hangs it over the screws, lining up another screw to anchor it into place, “but I still…I’m going to sound crazy—“
“I’m used to it,” she shrugs and he gauges her expression before drilling in what she thinks is the last screw.
“You mentioned the Ryker theory to me, you know, back in the days when I only got to talk to you if I annoyed you enough that you leaned out your window to yell at me,” he nudges her with his elbow on the way back to the bag, where he starts unwrapping the curtains themselves. “How much do you know?”
“He was a cop tangentially involved with the case,” she takes the trash from the curtains from him before he can throw it on the floor and walks it to the trashcan. “If I remember right, he spent some time in custody for the murders but was then found not guilty.”
“The umm, the evidence,” he gestures at his feet—foot—and bites his lip like he’s unsure he can trust her with what he’s about to say.
“It was sent to Snotlout, addressed to him with a middle initial, and he doesn’t tell anyone his middle name because he hates it—which he’s one to talk but—“
“Do you think whoever’s doing this is trying to make it look like it has something to do with Snotlout?”
“You know the Ryker finger, right?” He shakes the first curtain pane out and sets it on the back of her chair to take off his jacket. She doesn’t think she’s seen his arms before, and her eyes dart between faded freckles, tracing over lean muscles that attest to wild gesticulation as a viable workout routine.
“It came with a note,” she nods as he pulls out the other curtain pane and bites his lip, uncharacteristically quiet at her admission of Grimborn knowledge. “What?”
“I told you this package did too,” he busies himself with unfolding, “well, umm, I took a picture of it—“
“You took a picture of it?” She’s too loud and she wishes for the first time that he’d hurry up with the sound insulation. “Are you crazy? You took a picture of a…a foot that someone sent to—“
“No, no, not the foot. I avoided the foot, I just took one of the note. A few to make sure I got it, it was kind of…damp with—whatever, it was blurry, so I got a few,” he pulls out his phone and shakes his head, “I haven’t had time to look at them yet because Snotlout wanted to get a drink, understandably, but…well, it’s definitely Comic Sans. We’re clearly dealing with a sadistic lunatic.”
“We?” She tries once again, just as futilely to tame her hair, and he shrugs, filling out the shoulders of his faded red tee-shirt better than she would have guessed, “so, sadistic lunatic, what was your first clue?”
“The murder and mutilation was a start but the font choice really drives it home,” he laughs and holds his phone out to her, “do you want to—“
“I thought you said you haven’t looked at it yet.” She’s seen him with new Grimborn information and the idea that he’d willingly let her see something first again is kind of flattering. Flattering enough that she struggles to squelch her growing curiosity with horror.
Apparently there really is a threshold, at some point horror can’t grow anymore and the surplus transitions into a call to action. And if there’s a Ryker finger allegory, what are the chances this is all a coincidence?
Hiccup’s face says more than statistics do.
“I trust your interpretation,” his eyes are too big, too trusting, and she gets that he’s nervous to read it but even more nervous to admit to it, “or I guess I trust you to have an interpretation I can argue with.”
“Sure,” she takes his phone and sits down in her chair, “I’ll have a look while you finish up.”
“Thanks,” his crooked grin is relieved and brighter than he’s been since he got here. Relieved even.
“No problem,” she squints at the blurry but clearly Comic Sans letters and tries to ignore the reddish smudges on the bottom right of the screen, jumping when Hiccup’s warm hand lands gently on her shoulder. “What?”
“Sorry, you’re just sitting against the um,” he tugs at the new curtain and she leans forward.
“Oh, I guess it really does match the chair then,” she clears her throat, trying to ignore the heat rising to her face as his thumb brushes the side of her neck, “good eye.”
“I’m glad you don’t hate it,” he laughs, “it did feel a little weird decorating your apartment for you, so really, if you hate them I can—“
“They’re fine,” she insists, sighing in twisted relief when the warmth of his hand disappears and he’s back across the room messing with the curtains.
She breaks the cardinal rule of looking at pictures on other people’s phones and swipes to the next picture, quickly zooming in on just the note before she can see anything else. This one is clearer, the blur from the damp paper instead of the camera moving and she holds his phone closer decipher the words:
Tumblr media
A shiver runs down her spine as she reads it through a few times, trying to make sense of words that are almost right. The capitalization and strange cadence read like a Grimborn letter but the ‘lol’ sets it apart as modern. New. Ongoing.
“So, what do we have here?” Hiccup’s voice appears suddenly in her ear, his arms folded on the back of the chair, forearm pressing her braid against the back of her neck.
“A…really creepy note,” she leans into him instead of away, both irritated that he brought her into this and glad he didn’t have to do it alone.
“Here,” he kneels behind the her, chin nearly touching her shoulder as he cranes his neck forward to read the blurry text. His lips move along with what he’s reading, brows knitting together in a deep frown. Even as he’s pale and still, his arm is warm on the back of her chair and she looks at him to avoid looking at the note anymore. His jaw muscle twitches and she remembers kissing him, as out of place as laughing at his text. “That’s…a modern Ryker letter, isn’t it? I guess Comic Sans is the new misspelling due to lack of education.” He jokes but it falls flat against his pale face and sharp, serious expression.
He looks for her opinion, too close to look that deep into her eyes, gaze darting up to her messed up hair and down to her shirt, pausing to read the words on it. It’s from a national park in her hometown and she clears her throat, trying not to think about the note and how she can see a day or two’s worth of stubble on his chin when he’s this close. About how he’s warm and honest and this is the first time they’ve ever been truly, absolutely alone.
“I agree,” her voice is smaller than she expects and she clears her throat, “but it has the misspelling too. The All Right,” she points to the text on his screen and he reaches over her shoulder to grab his phone back.
“Well, it was a right foot,” he swallows hard and weighs the fact, or maybe the fact that he said it so frankly, his arm shifting against the back of her neck. If he feels her goosebumps, he doesn’t say anything. “Thanks for looking at that for me.”
“With you,” she acquiesces, “you just gave me a head start.”
“Still, I—really, sanity check, but looking at Snotlout getting that note, objectively…” He wants to be wrong and it’s not something Astrid is used to, “it looks a little Ryker, doesn’t it? Especially with the fact I keep finding the bodies, it’s like someone knows Snotlout will show up right away.”
“Isn’t that another reason it’s stupid for you restart tours?”
“I told you I’d probably do something stupid if this got worse,” he snorts, “plus, the charming Mr. Grisly has apparently hired Heather as the expert consultant on the case and I just…I know how she’ll twist things, I—someone has to keep putting the truth out there in its full, unglamorous glory.” He scrubs his hand over his tired face, “anyway, what do you think?”
“I don’t see how giving historically accurate Grimborn tours could help anything,” she looks at him, letting her temple lean on his forearm, “but I get that you can’t sit there and do nothing and that’s…commendable.”
“I was actually asking what you thought of the curtains,” he tries to tuck an unruly lock of her bangs behind her ear and her heart stutters at the gentle drag of his fingertips. Her hair doesn’t stay where he put it and the corner of his lips twitches, fascinated and endeared at her expense.
“They’re fine.” She doesn’t look at them, too focused on the way Hiccup’s hand curls around the back of her neck and pulls her in halfway.  
He opens his mouth to say something else, but she doesn’t give him the chance, turning partially in the chair to kiss him. He hums against her lips, not shocked this time but content, wound down from the twitchy mess he was earlier. Tired in a way that goes too well with her pajamas and the quiet room, comfortable even as he strokes the side of her neck with his thumb and deepens the kiss.
Despite the unexpected and hectic drama of the last couple of months, Astrid hasn’t regretted anything about her move or even choice of apartment, especially considering that it brought Hiccup to her. But right now? Right now she wishes she’d put up a far bigger fight about taking the couch, because she wants nothing more than to pull Hiccup closer, but there’s no room.
And they’re alone.
“You are going to have to look at the curtains,” he breaks the kiss just long enough move around the chair and kneel in front of it.
“Sure,” she wraps one heel around the back of his legs, knees on either side of his hips. His shoulders are sharper without his usual layers, his arms flexing under her grip when she guides his hands to her sides, “they look fine.”
“You know, I hate to ask,” his touch is too cautious on her waist as he leans in to kiss the side of her neck, evidently distracted.
“Then don’t,” she pulls at his hair and he pauses, looking at her levelly even as he breathes too hard. “What?”
“You know this chair is approximately where the original apartment front door was,” his hand is on her hip, just under the hem of her shirt, jarringly warm against what he’s saying.
“Oh,” she swallows hard, the creepy note and everything Grimborn in her brain warring with her pounding heart and flushed face. Hiccup’s eyes are a similarly conflicted storm of overthinking emerald green and wide, hectic pupils.
“And I was just shoving my foot in my mouth at Gruff’s, that’s not—I mean your living room should be less drafty with the curtains but—“
“Do you want to move?” She points over her shoulder towards her bedroom and his eyes widen.
“You mean—I,” he clears his throat, hand sliding from under her shirt to a more innocent rest halfway down the outside of her thigh, “like to your bedroom?”
His panic is external and she does her best not to take it personally, letting go of his hips with her knees and rubbing his upper arm, half pat on the back and half awkward urgency to get out of her chair and move it across the room.
“You had a hell of a day, Hiccup, it’s fine—“
“What?” He laughs, scratching the back of his neck as his face turns bright red, nearly matching the new curtains she can see out of the corner of her eye, “no, it was a totally normal—we just don’t know each other very well, this is just a typical day for me. I’m used to um, all the police stations and serial killers and—“
“You don’t have to explain yourself,” she pushes frazzled bangs away from her forehead and tries not to look disappointed or confused or any of the things she’s feeling. Warm, tired, jittery.
“No, I think I do,” he quirks a theatrical eyebrow and she recognizes the smile of a tour guide thrown off base, following a joke back to something like confidence, “because you see, Astrid, I’m not that kind of boy. We haven’t even had our first date yet, how could I expect you to respect me if I put out before the first date?” He slides his hand back up her thigh and under the hem of her shirt, fingertips reaching around trace the notch of her lower spine and make her shiver.
She glares at him, “maybe the first date was just you decorating my apartment.”
“Hey, I don’t make the rules on this one,” he holds his hands up and stands, using her shoulder for balance, “installing curtains is a way better first date for me than frozen yogurt, but this is a societal standard.” He offers her his hand and she accepts help up, ignoring her still wobbly knees. “I can’t just lump a first date in with my occasional handyman duties,” he squeezes her hand before letting go and starting to collect his things.
“Right,” she finally looks at the curtains, sliding the heavy material back and forth, “this is just what would have happened if I’d reported the loud lunatic in the courtyard doing tours to my landlord and asked for some curtains to be installed.”
“I hope not,” he hesitates just a second before kissing her forehead and stepping back with a hopeful, embarrassed expression, “I’m not the only handyman Gobber hires, you know. Probably the most unprofessional, but also—not to toot my own horn or anything—probably the one you most want to see with a plumber crack, so…”
“Is that an offer?” She tries on his method of joking to dispel the slight sting of rejection, even if she understands it. Even it’s an illusive later instead of a no.  
“I didn’t say I wasn’t a tease,” he puts on his jacket and looks around, obviously checking that he collected all his things, “I…it’s late, I’ll get out of your hair.”
“Sure,” she waves him towards the door, fidgeting again with her pajamas. “Thanks for the curtains, I’ll pay you back or—“
“No, don’t,” he runs his hand back through his hair, “I borrowed the money from Snotlout anyway, not that it was a lot of money, and I meant it, it’s a present. Now you don’t have to put up with me quite so much.” He’s hopeful in a way that makes her want to lash out, to take back the closeness that went off track.
“Putting up with you isn’t so bad,” she sighs, “most of the time.”
Hiccup bites his lip, letting it go slowly with those charmingly crooked teeth, and sighing, “I just want you to know how much I’m going to be kicking myself about this for… approximately forever?” He laughs, “really, I just…police station grime and—“
“Why would I buy the cow when I can get the frozen yogurt for free?” She punches him on the shoulder, probably too hard, “I’ll talk to you soon.   Before forever.”
“Yeah, I’m going to—“ He points at the door with an awkward hand wave and slips into the hallway before he can say anything else.
Astrid breathes for a second before locking the deadbolt and moving her single chair to the other side of the room. It doesn’t look bad with the curtains.
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faunusrights · 6 years
we had a week of peace and now we’re gonna get annihilated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have no clue how long this liveblog may end up but hell and high water i’m combining them both
she tore the jade pendant from her neck and flung it into the darkness.
let’s give a warm welcome, to sadness,
i’m very excited for all-new cinder content hhhhhhh if u havent gathered by now I Love This Bitch and I Love Her Many Problems so im thankful for this gift 😞
Cinder was a ruin, her pride carved and served like slabs of meat.
i can FEEL diesel n kc rly patting themselves on the back for every bit of wet meat they can toss at me!!!!!!!!!! U HEAR THAT I CAN FEEL U!!!!!!!!!!! but also i still love this shit w/ all my heart!!!!!!!!!! IM NEVER GONNA STOP SAYIN IT
She had never looked at Glynda’s files.
im so sorry cinder baby but that whole thing? is still HILARIOUS oh my GOD i cannot believe you fucked up that badly. u shoved yr entire head into a beartrap. u absolutely crapped yr pants on that one. yr gonna be thinking abt that on yr deathbed,
/looks at the chapter title again
hhhhhhhh im. so pumped. its gonna be hard to talk abt most of this w/o doing a million fingerguns a minute but i’m gonna try my best
Cinder approached the mirror and touched its silvered face with black-tipped claws,
I SAID IM GONNA TRY MY BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She was iron barbs beneath the nail bed, glowing coals underfoot, the singular capacity to do harm. She was a beast, armed with fang and claw and a deep, dark void where her compassion should have laid, and she was dressed for dinner.
HHHHHH god YES THIS IS THE CINDER IM THIRSTY FOR............ i literally cannot say anything that isnt a massive 👈😎👈 but AAAAAAA
like im reading thru this and i cant cherry-pick lines this whole bit? is SO GOOD...  kc n diesel are Yet Again obliterating me w/ their mastery of the narrative style of offal hunt and i just love all of this i rly wish i could explain how offal hunt is EXACTLY MY BRAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F U C K
The final touch on her mastercraft disaster: the four sawed-off horn stumps which grew among her silver-streaked hair.
HOOOO B O I i am. Losin it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE HER HORNS.......... CINDR...............
Wretchedly, she wondered: did Glynda even respect her now?
any other villain: my plan didnt work and im mad >:( cinder fall: my plan didnt work and now im mad but also mostly sad :(
CINDER’S TRYING HER BEST GOD.......... i literally hate how the remaster has made her So Soft, Actually... I BELIEVE IN U CINDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE U!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO YR BEST
Every part of her was hot and hollow. She was sick with loathing.
i LOVE HER.... CINDER I HOPE U KNO THAT YR LOVED... god tho i dont like how SAD I AM RN... cinder’s so small and the world is so big and wants 2 Shit On Her blease
honestly like. im rly- LOOK I SAID THIS BEFORE BUT. this is why im rly lovin the new cinder content because in the first version we only got glimpses of her internal machinations and now we’re in full-blown Always Sad territory and everything is suffering :)
She blinked. Her double did not.
‘well’, thought murphy. ‘that’s terrifying.’
she’d only survived thanks to a keen instinct for danger, cultivated during her tenuous teenage years.
i NEED. I NEED. CINDER BACKSTORY. all these lil nuggets dont constitute a meal! I WANT A BIG MAC AND FRIES. WHAT THE HELL WAS THIS BABY DOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also again. the body horror of offal hunt? peak content. Im Lovin It
its getting harder to divine what is and what is not a 👈😎👈 because we got bits sprinkled around and theres only rly a spoiler potential if u glue em all together so im still being extra careful and the answer is blared in everyones faces so this whole kondor scene will go uncommented unless some Bullshit Happens which it will, so,
When she had become so invested in Glynda’s approval? When had a desire to be recognized as something inhuman, something ferocious, something black and terrible and capable of keeping up with Glynda Fucking Goodwitch turned into this?
oh! oh! i have the answer! i do! i know the answer! it’s you a lesbian,
The spectres of her youth haunted this city, owl-eyed children and fox-eared teens. They’d been a second sort of family, the only kind she’d had within these walls, and she’d wondered what had become of them in the past decades, but…
It was too sentimental, and she wasn’t meant to be a creature of sentiment.
oh boy okay wow
okay so actually this bit made me cry??? fuck OFF im losing it!!!!!!!! LET HER BE SENTIMENTAL!!!! LET HER HAVE PPL TO CARE ABT!!!!!!!!!! IM LITERALLY CRYING IM GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!
She would go barefoot from this point on, her heels clutched at her side. When she left the hotel room to steal into the night, she promised herself not to look back.
im sorry im just. so sad rn. i havent cried over a fic in YEARS and we still have another chapter ago i hate this SO MUCH..............
here comes chapter 11 
if i cry even once more im going to stab!!!!!! im not sure what BUT ILL STAB!!!!!!!!!!!!
Even without his wings, the Manticore would easily have been twice the size of any of the other Grimm, far outstripping them in sheer bulk.
HATI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HATI HATI HATI
holy shit we actually get to see him this time!!!!!!!!!!! WE GET TO SEE THIS LEGENDARY BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS CHONCC,
also hes a manticore now which is, Radical, may i just say, and just a little bit sexy,
The effortless grace in each move betrayed power most Grimm would not live to achieve. Once he stood, he had to dip his head low to meet her eye to eye. His canines were the length of her forearm.
if u werent here for the remaster? we never even SAW hati but now hes here, hes Big, and rly thats all that matters,
Like a child who’d been allowed to lie and lie until at last they’d strangled themself in the web they’d spun, Cinder couldn’t speak. Could only wait on his verdict.
every single one of cinder’s inherent themes is killing me and this business w/ family? stop. im dying. this is rude
The scant space between them popped and cracked like an sparking flame, warm and effervescent, and this time, Cinder lingered, hugging Hati close.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaah im loving this content i rly dont have words for it dhjfgsdfgjh i just, rly like the words, and the order theyre in, and i honestly keep forgetting to liveblog it cause i just wanna READ EM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tempting as it was—as it always had been, ever since she’d left the relative safety of the wastes and learned what happened to scraggly-limbed teens with horns and fangs and gleaming eyes—
with every chapter i desperately have 2 kno more abt baby cinder i HAVE to know i am so. UNBEARABLY CURIOUS... baby cinder what happened... what happened 2 u....
A lantern’s glow warmed her, bleeding into the darkness leeching at them both. It was a gentle gold across her skin, and like an answering signal from a distant outpost, Cinder saw a flush of light through the dark fur lining Hati’s throat, as though flames licked at his insides.
i forgot. that cinder glows like that when she feels Loved or full of pride and you know what i dont like these chapters. they were made to hurt me and i Dont Like That (im mclovin it)
From the safety of Hati’s neck, she found it easier—after all this time, he was still her bastion.
For a regular person, the machine would be able to draw out short bursts of power, the likes of which no Semblance could ever channel. The taxation would eventually destroy the soul so deeply, so thoroughly, as to leave it empty for good.
For a Witch? For—
the fact. she cut herself off before she could think ‘for glynda’. has me on the FLOOR. this bit is just So Much i dont like it
Glynda Goodwitch would not abandon this hunt. Cinder knew it, had read it from her palms like an open book—Glynda Goodwitch did not know how to stop. If it had been anyone else on Remnant, they might never return, might never pull themselves back into action after today—but Glynda did not have a shred of self-preservation.
me, knocking against cinder’s head: u kno for someone w/ so many schemes in yr brain yr pretty dumb and gay, huh,
firstly let’s talk abt cinder’s “””””””””””””””””””self-preservation””””””””””””””””””” instin-- whats that? not found? yes
[Glynda’s] eyes were empty, hungry, insatiable.
i feel like ive read this line before! lets jump back a chapter--
In [Cinder’s] eyes, there was a subtle, endless hunger.
With a fluid leap, they were in the air, the ground quickly shrinking beneath them. Pressing her face against his neck to shield herself from the wind, she closed her eyes and prepared herself for what was to come, trusting Hati to deliver her safely.
that said i ADORE my boy hati is literally the best part of offal hunt kc and diesel do not interact,
He was frozen in horrific anticipation, like watching an imminent tragedy and being absolutely helpless to stop it. Like all the tension was mixed with grief and hopeless, futile fear.
when will offal hunt be nice to me. when will any of these characters get to be happy. hello. im full of sadness.
The sound was like a saw working back and forth, but resonating inside her head, rattling every tooth in her jaw, deafening to her ears.
im literally gritting my teeth at this i can hear it in my own head and its Very Bad!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
okay god i can barely handle to quote anything more this bit is hurting ME so lets swiftly move on before I Die
Cinder closed her weary eyes, sinking into sleep like a shallow grave.
They only knew death, only ever sought death; fangs and claws slicked with blood, magic rending meat and marrow apart, and everywhere that choking, scalding heat, spilled blood like magma, like the core of a planet.
hmm... that seems like a 👈😎👈 ~reference~
They were all alert, ears pricked, hackles raised like Hati’s. They all fixed on the same spot, somewhere beyond the darkness of the cave opening, and though she could barely think, she knew:
She was out of time. The Witch was here.
oh no.
okay so THATS CHAPTERS 10 AND 11! i only cried ONCE and u kno what thats. a Victory. these two chapters were VERY GOOD i rly loved em and i can tell new readers r gonna have a blast w/ this shit!!!!!!!!!! meanwhile i, a veteran reader, am full of peril,
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