cherryeol04 · 10 months
Let Chanyeol Go in Peace
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➻ Pairings: Chanyeol-centric, Chanyeol x Sehun
➻ Genre: Member case study, linear life story, angst, romance
➻ Additional: terminal illness, slice of life
➻ Word Count: 1.1K
➻ Warnings: Major character death
➻ Author’s notes: This story is cross posted on multiple sites under the same username!
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He was 16 when he found out he was sick, 19 when he realized he wouldn't make it past 25. All his hopes and dreams dashed because of a genetic disorder that was going to take his life too early, never giving him the chance to do what he wanted. 
Chanyeol was a bright kid with an equally bright future, or so many had told him. His happy, bright personality never showed that he was sick, that he was dying. He never showed it, he never wanted to show it. He kept up his usual routine of getting up early in the morning, helping his mother make breakfast before he was out the door; his day filled with classes, a lunch date, club activities and a study session around dinner time. 
He kept himself busy so he wasn't reminded he was dying, so he didn't have to sit around and think of how each breath could be his last. He had done that once already and it nearly drove him insane with depression that he had been tempted to end it all right then and there.  He was 21 then, with the realization he wouldn't have many of his firsts. 
Like his first real kiss, because he never considered kissing the neighbor boy, Baekhyun, as his first kiss. They had been young, dumb and curious, hiding in Chanyeol's backyard under the big oak tree. They always hung out there. Baekhyun’s home life wasn't the greatest and Chanyeol wished he could take away the others' pain as much as he could. That's why they kissed. Baekhyun had told him that when two people were close and one was hurting, the other would kiss him to make it better. He hoped it worked. Shortly after that, Baekhyun moved away to live with his grandmother in the mountains. Chanyeol had gotten letters and he would always wrote back, but ever since they graduated high school, the letters came less frequently, and eventually stopped. 
Chanyeol never had the heart to tell Baekhyun of his quickly nearing end. He just prayed that Baekhyun's life was much better now. 
Chanyeol wouldn't get to experience his first date, because despite the fact he went out plenty of times with this younger, straight out of high school kid named Sehun, it was never actually a date. He disregarded the fact that they saw movies together or held hands. Even shared their food with each other. They weren't dates, at least not to Chanyeol. It's just what friends did together right? 
He never was going to experience his first time having sex, mainly because he was too shy. While he worked out sometimes (but not a lot due to his illness ), he was still tall and lanky with a bowed leg and large ears that he was still teased about. But sex wasn't something he truly cared about anyway. He had his left and right hand to handle any problems that...arose. and with such a short time left, though he was curious, he had better things to spend his time doing then fucking with someone he didn't even love. 
Speaking of, he never would experience his first love. Because despite the fact his heart always pounded in his chest when he saw Sehun, it wasn't love. Nor was it love when he found himself thinking of the younger male at night, wondering what he was doing and if he was alright. It wasn't love when he let Sehun cuddle with him on his couch on the days they hung out together, doing nothing and just talking about life. It wasn't love when Chanyeol found himself picturing his last breath and seeing Sehun next to him, tears in his eyes, knowing the other cared so much for him. It wasn't love...
Chanyeol was 23 when he realized he actually did love Oh Sehun and those feelings were returned. He was 23 and 3/4ths when he shared his first kiss with Sehun and for his 24th birthday, he spent the night in Sehun's arms, making love to him. 
Chanyeol never thought he would have these firsts, but in the end it seemed like fate wanted him to have something since he was being taken away so cruelly by her hands. 
Chanyeol was 24 years and 27 days old when he collapsed during the Christmas Eve party. He had been feeling worse for wear, more than normal, for the previous week. He hadn't been eating well, he couldn't keep anything down. His energy was less and less and he was struggling to keep up his happy persona. He knew the end was coming but he didn't want to worry the others. And he certainly didn't want to ruin anyone's Christmas. But unfortunately he couldn't stop it. Chanyeol was rushed to the hospital that evening, where the tragic news was delivered to his friends and family that he would most likely not even make it to see midnight. 
By some miracle, when he finally regained consciousness, he found himself surrounded by his family, but most importantly Sehun. And like he had imagined many times before, his young lover was by his side, tears streaming down his face because this was the end and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it. There was no cure for this disease. This wasn't some Hollywood movie where suddenly some random researcher for the hospital would come running  in, a vial of some strange liquid in his hand that could cure him. This wasn't some Shakespearean play where the main couple has overcome one obstacle after another  only to both end their lives in some tragic way. 
This was real life, where nothing you really want was given to you, but everything you truly loved was taken away. 
As the clock struck midnight, Chanyeol took his final breath, a soft whisper of "I love you" to everyone in the room and to everyone not there. To all the people he had met and become friends with in his short 24 years and 28 days of life. 
His final goodbye. 
As his heart stopped beating, the monitor was turned off, plunging the room back into silence  as they all watched Chanyeol lay there. No one made a sound, not even as their tears steadily flowed from their red and puffy eyes. The only thing that kept them from making a nose was the promise they gave to Chanyeol's mother. There would be no begging, no loud sobbing. No damning God or the world for taking Chanyeol away from them. They all knew it was coming, despite their prayers for it not to. Her voice, soft and trembling, the only thing holding them back. 
"Let Chanyeol go, in peace"
And they did. They let him go in peace, surrounded by his loved ones, knowing that his memory would always remain in their hearts. 
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rimcat · 1 year
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hisnowbie2 · 15 days
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¤ A vampire that supposedly everyone thinks they do not exist, clearly exist in her world. Pretend is a key to survive, though no vampire hunter. The world is obviously not open-minded either. A human that has nothing with the vampire, came across with each other one day at school, but the contact surely isn't good at all. By right, no one can even understand what happened.
"Stare at me deep down." As the vampire was then forcefully clicked with the human.
"Invite me in." As the human wants to get in the vampire's life. ¤
Pure Nape of Hers masterlist
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TW // abusion of status, su*cide, hom*cide, terminal sickness, character de*ths
The first part of the chapter is based on kdrama See You In My 19th Life
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TWENTYTHREE : 【 Our past life story 】 (2.8k)
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The sky was adorned with various shades of blue, white, grey, orange, and yellow, each hue blending harmoniously to create a breathtaking spectacle. However, the beauty of the sky was juxtaposed by the stark contrast of red-stained clothes hanging on strings, which seemed to clash with the otherwise serene color palette.
She efficiently soaks, drains, and hangs the clothes, allowing the natural air to dry them respectfully. She repeats this process for all the clothes. When she sees her father and his troops approaching her, she smiles and quickly drops the clothes to greet her father. She bows respectfully and smiles.
"Hello, father."
The gentle breeze creates a welcoming path for her father, who approaches with a serene smile. Politely, he inquires, "How is everything progressing?"
"The materials that are being dyed red for the sacrifice will be ready before tomorrow night, so you can rest assured." She replied politely, and he nodded, allowing her to continue. "These cloths will be tied into a knot and attached to the sacred shaman string. I will ensure that they are used in the best possible way for the sacrifice later on, so please trust me when I say that I am putting my utmost care into them."
Her father nods before looking at his troops. "Let us go."
She bows once more, observing her father turn in the opposite direction and depart. She then notices her mother smiling at her father before approaching her.
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"Mother, I find father's constant reminders quite bothersome," you say respectfully, ensuring your mother hears you. She responds with a gentle laugh, keeping a hold on your arm as she addresses you.
"It is to be expected since it is an important task, so calm your temper."
You almost roll your eyes but continue to whine, knowing your mother is the most lenient in your family of three. "I need to have a temper since you are too kind and gentle."
Both of you giggle at once before your mother expresses her worry in a joking manner. You, on the other hand, clasp your hand over hers, genuine concern on your face. "I told you to rest, Mother. Are you all right?"
"I'm fine," she says with a smile, though you know she is just trying to keep you from worrying. She can't be sure of her answer as she starts coughing softly. Alarmed, you support her weakening body and express your concern.
"No, you're not. Let's get you inside."
She reveals her napkin, showing traces of blood from her cough, but she holds onto your hand, a sickly smile on her face. "Thank you, Lee Seyeol."
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"Your wife is too frail, I'm afraid." You hear from the other side of the door as you try to catch every word coming from the doctor's mouth. Presumably handing something to your father, the doctor continues, "This is the best I can offer her."
Amidst the conversation between your father and the doctor, your primary concern is your mother, lying sick in her bed, sleeping soundly. Now that you know your mother's illness is worsening and even the doctor has only been able to provide medicine with little effect, your heart drops. You suffer in silence, weeping quietly outside the room, muffling your cries. Wanting to distract yourself from your mother's incurable sickness, you decide to wander around the commoner's neighborhood.
The neighborhood is much more cheerful than yours, with shouts of sales, children running around chasing each other, and lively bargaining. You almost forget about everything you need to do for the upcoming sacrifice day. You wish you belonged to the commoners' side. But, because of your father, your face is well-known to the commoners, and when you expose yourself, everyone becomes wary of you. Your impression isn't bad, but the commoners are still cautious due to your title. As a princess, destined to be crowned queen after marriage, you are deserving of their bows, or so they believe.
Realizing you might have dampened their spirits, you quickly encourage them to continue with their activities, making the silent atmosphere turn bright and cheerful again, which they do after a few moments. You smile at the sight as you continue walking down the lane.
It only takes a few more stops before your eyes land on a particular shop selling hair accessories. You unintentionally pick up a comb, drawing the attention of a man nearby. You quickly turn your head to look at him.
"I think you would look beautiful with this," he says, holding up a hair stick with a beautifully detailed flower design at the end.
"Who are you?" you ask, curious about his identity. He seems to ignore your question, opting to change the subject instead.
"Surely a princess like you can afford such a low-priced hair stick."
Understanding that he might not want to reveal his name, you choose to follow his conversation with a smile. "Would you know it," you say. You take the hair stick from him and examine it a little longer. "I have to admit, you have an eye for what a lady might like."
"I made sure not to cross any boundaries for a female, if you want to understand me better."
You chuckle and decide to buy the hair stick for yourself.
And that is how you met him. Later, by chance, after your second encounter, he introduced himself as Park Eungyeol.
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Days went by after that second meeting, and then disaster struck: your mother passed away suddenly in her sleep. Everyone wore white as her coffin was carried a long distance. You shed tears until none were left, your eyes swollen. Your father tried hard to stay strong. You thought that life without your mother would be unbearable, but you couldn't foresee just how bad things would become.
It was your father who took the loss the hardest. He became cold-hearted, no longer acknowledging you with a smile. He stopped being the ideal father you once knew, consumed by the loss of his dearest. You understood this clearly and didn't seek his attention. You worked hard for tonight's sacrifice, and eventually, the night arrived. Your father performed the ritual while you stayed far from the gathering, as warned by your father's troops. You watched the fire burst into flames, with the troops, servants, and maids crowding around the ritual, all except for you. You didn't expect much, not trying to get involved, as your father had told you from a young age that it was best for a son to participate. But since he had a daughter, you, you had to opt out of every ritual.
Eungyeol sneakily climbed up the nearest wall to join you. You enjoyed his presence, even though he had to be discreet to avoid anyone's attention. His company made that otherwise boring night cheerful.
The worst had not yet passed, and soon you found out that your father had arranged for you to be married to another prince. You were furious at your father's reckless decision, sacrificing your romance and caging you with an unknown prince. You would rather be with Eungyeol. Disappointed and angry at your father's actions, you decided to confront him, sparking a father-daughter conflict.
It did not end well. Angered, your father ordered his guards to imprison you, punishing you for disobedience. Unwilling to marry an unknown prince, you resolved to do whatever it took to remove the forced marriage title from your back. However, you were unaware that the guards had gone to Eungyeol's household. You didn't know how they managed to locate his family or why they physically threatened them, but word spread quickly. Soon, you discovered the truth through the maids' gossip.
You had no choice but to use your title to free yourself, claiming your status as the future queen. You were released soon after and confronted your father, asking for more time before the marriage was announced. He reluctantly agreed, and you seized the opportunity to find a way to cancel the forced marriage.
From searching the library to asking people in the commoners' neighborhood, you sought any possible solution. However, time was ticking, and your efforts yielded little to no help. Growing anxious about the outcome, you realized that with the marriage announcement date approaching, your chances of leaving the palace would diminish, overwhelmed by the preparations.
Days went by, and the announcement of your marriage was posted on noticeboards everywhere, proclaiming your beautiful and prosperous wedding. People were invited to watch you being carried to the prince's palace, unaware of your deep hatred for it. You were stuck in the palace, unable to leave, even to voice your objections. You had lost your freedom entirely.
You watched as maids dressed you, arranging your wedding dress, applying makeup to your face, and placing a pink bridal veil over your head, its translucence only slightly obscuring your vision.
You hadn't given up on canceling the marriage. You planned to escape into the forest during the journey. You understood the route the carriage would take and decided to flee as soon as you spotted the forest you had chosen for your escape. So, you obediently went through the motions, faking smiles and getting into the carriage, hopelessly watching the people on either side congratulate you.
You left your hometown behind, watching the carriage carry you down the road, knowing that in five minutes, you would reach the forest you had been longing to see. As expected, it came into view, and without hesitation, you acted. Shedding the heavy layers of your wedding dress, you swiftly pushed open the carriage door and bolted, leaving your high heels behind as you sprinted into the woods. Twigs and branches tangled in your hair, but you paid them no mind, focused only on escaping the shouts calling your name. You needed to hide, but there was nowhere to conceal yourself, so you kept running.
For what felt like an eternity, you ran, driven by the urgency to find another path that would lead you back to your hometown and to Eungyeol. Your stamina began to wane, but determination pushed you onward. Encouraging thoughts filled your mind, urging you to persevere, reminding yourself that true love knows no bounds—you had to make this escape to be with Eungyeol.
When you finally spotted the light you had been searching for after wandering through the forest, you collapsed onto the uncomfortable ground, succumbing to unconsciousness as darkness enveloped your vision. The last thing you remembered was the arrival of morning as you emerged from the woods.
When you next opened your eyes, it appeared to be evening, judging by the sky. Slowly rising from the hard ground, you assessed your disheveled appearance, covered in dirt and dried sweat. With a sigh, you reminded yourself that you had endured all of this for Eungyeol. Gathering your resolve, you stood up and remained on the road, determined to make your way back to your hometown.
When you spotted familiar buildings, relief washed over you, knowing you were on the right track. Despite your happiness, you glanced down at your disheveled clothing and realized you couldn't afford to expose yourself to the commoners, especially given the widespread news of your flight from your own marriage. Fear gripped you as you gulped, deciding to take another route through your hometown, aiming towards Eungyeol's house.
As you used various stealth tactics, from wall to wall, tiptoeing and finally sprinting, you reaching Eungyeol's neighbourhood. Seeing no neighbours nearby, you let your guard down slightly, but the eerie silence made you uneasy. Your suspicion turned to horror as you pushed open the door.
Inside, you were met with a scene of devastation. Blood, corpses, demolished structrues, torn and destroyed wood carriages, and burnt-down houses surrounded you. It was a nightmare. You begin to hyperventilate, unable to process the chaos around you. Tears streamed down your cheeks uncontrollably, a flood of emotions you hadn't expected since your mother's funeral. All you wanted now was to feel Eungyeol's comforting embrace.
You sprinted through the wreckage, desperately searching for him, praying silently that he was alive and hiding somewhere, waiting for you to find him. You called out his name, hoping against hope that he would answer, that he would emerge safe and unharmed.
Your search yielded results, but they were devastating. You found him lying on the floor, eyes wide open, his blood dried around him, unresponsive. Your heart shattered into million pieces. Dropping to your knees, you reached out to touch his cold face. Tears continue to flow endlessly as you realised the truth- he was gone. He had left this world, leaving you alone.
You let out a gut-wrenching scream, releasing all the pent-up anguish and sorrow from losing your mother, the turmoil of the forced marriage, and the devastating loss of Eungyeol. It echoed throughthe desolute scene around you, a raw expression of pain and heartbreak that has been building up inside.
You screamed without caring if anyone heard or saw you, letting out all the pain and grief that had consumed you. It was a cathartic release, a primal expression of everything you had been holding inside.
Someone nearby must have heard your scream, and soon a woman approached you. She recognized who you were and offered to take you to her house to clean up. Grateful for her kindness, you followed her, feeling numb and overwhelmed by everything that had transpired.
In the safety of her home, she gently explained what had happened, piecing together the tragic events that led to the devastation in Eungyeol's neighborhood. You listened in disbelief, trying to absorb the harsh reality of his death and the destruction you had witnessed.
The realization hit you like a physical blow as the woman explained the brutal truth: royal guards, not under your command, had raided Eungyeol's household. They took ruthless control, issuing commands with their authority and showing no mercy as they punished and ultimately killed those present.
The cruelty reached its peak when they targeted Eungyeol, torturing him for his association with you, claiming it was done under orders from the princess. You were horrified and devastated, knowing your connection to him had brought such tragedy and suffering.
The weight of guilt and sorrow bore down on you as you grappled with the knowledge of what had transpired because of your status and the actions of those wielding power in your name.
In the midst of the overwhelming guilt and sorrow, you realized the orchestrated lies and manipulations commanded by your father had led to irreparable consequences. Deaths had occurred, and you felt powerless to undo the devastation that had unfolded.
The dreams of escaping, of a happy future with Eungyeol, were shattered. Now, you faced the harsh reality of being trapped in a marriage you never wanted, caged by the life your father had chosen for you. The weight of responsibility and grief weighed heavily on your shoulders, leaving you with a sense of hopelessness and despair.
You saw the woman's sympathy and understood her fear of harboring a princess, realizing she couldn't risk facing the consequences herself. Despite feeling lifeless inside, you managed a faint smile, assuring her that she would be alright and thanking her for her kindness. Deep down, you couldn't muster the same encouragement for yourself.
As you prepared to leave, the weight of Eungyeol's fate bore heavily on your mind. Everything was far from fine; his loss haunted you, overshadowing any semblance of hope or reassurance.
Back at the palace, you moved through life in a daze, enduring the punishment your father had imposed for fleeing your marriage. You continued with the marriage preparations as if nothing had happened, your eyes devoid of life, feeling disconnected from the unfamiliar surroundings.
Accepting Eungyeol's death was a process intertwined with deep grief that seemed impossible to overcome. The memories of what had transpired remained vivid, haunting you day and night. Tears no longer came easily; instead, you felt an emptiness inside that was hard to describe.
As you looked at the hairpin you had kept from the first day you met him, you clutched it tightly, finding a small sense of comfort in its familiarity and the memories it held. It was a tangible connection to the brief happiness you had experienced with Eungyeol, now forever etched in your heart.
But there you go, stabbing hardly into your heart as you smile...
Looks like you really didn't accepted his death afterall...
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@seunghancore @sol3chu @melancholy-z @stvrrylove
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Sehun smelling monsieur : 😍💞🌷💞🌷😍
Chanyeol smelling sehun : 🤢❌💥🧟‍♂️💥❌
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fairyixingstuff · 3 years
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“perdidos no arizona — chanhun”
inspiração: -
adote uma capa do exo no ateliexo.
caso se inspire, dê créditos. não copie!
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pyromanick · 4 years
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— naquela noite de verão | chanhun
capa para o projeto @clubedosflopinhos
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joh-ahae · 5 years
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This looks like the intro scene to the best porno in the world..
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seriousflightrisk · 4 years
SM creating EXO-SC's logo
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aerisosweet · 4 years
My 1 BILLION VIEWS albums are here!!! They’re so colorful. I laughed at the Sehun poster but it’s cute. But if anyone wants to trade anything, lemme know haha I’m not really biased minus the duo poster haha
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the lack of good chahun fics is getting to me, i’m actually considering writing one at this point
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fy-sehunoh · 5 years
190713 Chanyeol & Sehun - My Little Television with Vivi & Toben ✨ "What A Life" spoiler 👀
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chanhunist · 5 years
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ChanHun are the softest 🥺
©️ to owner
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isa-chanhun · 5 years
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SuperELLE update with EXO-SC
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oohosh · 5 years
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anyone else get bucky and steve roger vibes or am i just 😗😗😗😗
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kyoongberrys · 5 years
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fairyixingstuff · 4 years
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— tenho cara de palhaço? - chanhun.
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