jxnjungkook · 6 years
Hello!! Do you know any good 5sos writing accounts??
okay tbh I usually just like whatever is on my dash and then read it before bed (lol) but ….
I don’t know her name whoops
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roselukes · 7 years
Offside l.h. - Chapter 20 (Final Part)
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May 2017
Luke wasn’t sure what he was thinking. He wasn’t sure of anything, at this point. He had driven home to Harvey after graduation, not knowing what to expect. No one had shown up for him at his graduation. Not his parents, not his brothers, and not Maya. Maya didn’t even graduate on the same day. Jack had mentioned to him that his parents moved all of his things to a storage locker, Ben had the key if he wanted to get his stuff out. He had checked into a motel once he got to town. “Here you go, Luke. One room key.” Brenda at the front desk smiled.
“Thanks, Brenda.” Luke smiled softly. “Hey, have you heard anything from the Flaherty’s?”
“Just that Miss Maya is looking to move to the city. She’s got a job lined up at Stanford Health as a child psychiatrist.” Brenda explained. “And, I heard she never wants to see your face again.” Luke sighed, and looked down.
“I wish she knew how sorry I am.”
“I don’t know the whole story, but it sounds like you just need to talk to each other. But, I’ve only heard the whispers from other people.” Brenda shrugged.
“If you see Maya around town, please don’t tell her I’m back.” He sighed. Brenda nodded and shooed him away.
“Yeah, yeah, go to your room.” Luke sighed and walked to the small room, unlocking the door. He had no idea how his life had turned so upside down in a matter of months. He managed to lose his family, his friends all went their separate ways, and he lost Maya. The only things he had in his life.
Days turned to weeks, and the constant whispers of everyone around town was starting to get to Luke. Everywhere he went, someone was talking about how ‘Luke Hemmings was disowned for having sex with Maya Flaherty,’ or ‘Did you hear? Luke Hemmings dated Maya Flaherty for a bet.’ He was about to burst. He stood in line at the SUPERVALU with his grocery items on the belt. He was still living at the motel, but Brenda said she’d let him stay for free if he worked at the motel, which he accepted. “Did you find everything you were looking for?” The young kid, not more than 16, asked.
“Yeah, I did.” Luke nodded, pulling out his wallet.
“Hey, you’re the guy that fucked Maya Flaherty.” The cashier laughed, looking at Luke.
“Watch your language, mate. You’re on the job.” Luke rolled his eyes. “Yes, I’m the guy. Can you finish ringing up my groceries please?”
“I heard she hates your guts.” The kid laughed, putting Luke’s items into a paper bag.
“Yeah, she does.” Luke handed the kid $20 and grabbed the bag. “Keep the change.” He walked out of the store and to his truck. He knew it was stupid to go grocery shopping at 10pm, but he didn’t want to face anyone else in the store. He got in his truck and started driving toward the motel. He shook his head and made a quick turn down Maya’s street. He parked in front of her house and jogged up the path to her door. “Please, be home.” Luke mumbled to himself and rang the doorbell.
“Luke? What the fuck are you doing here?” Maya asked as she opened the door.
“I needed to see you.” Luke sighed, looking down at her. He rubbed his hand over his jean pocket gently and took a deep breath. “Look, I know you don’t want to see me, but I needed to see you.”
“Just listen, please.” Luke pleaded. “I’ve been in love with you since the day you came to introduce yourself.” He said, grabbing her hand, dropping onto one knee.
“Luk-” she gasped, covering her mouth before he cut her off.
“I know I’ve messed things between us”. Tears started forming in her eyes as he carefully removed a small velvet box out of his jacket. “I don’t have a family, I live in a motel, and I can’t always give you what you need.”  Luke opened the velvet box, revealing a diamond ring in the shape of a dragonfly. “But, Dragonfly, I love you to the ends of the earth and beyond. You’re everything to me, and you’re all I have left. Maya Juliet Flaherty, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Dragonfly, will you marry me?”
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tteokdorokimain · 7 years
that thing in waste the night that luke does. not okay.
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luvmy5sos · 7 years
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Luke definitely misses the tour
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Airplanes - 5sos✈️
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happiestluke · 7 years
I think 28 is supposed to say concert but even if it isn't can you do concert with Michael?
“Please tell me where we’re going.”
Michael glanced over at you with a grin, letting out a small laugh as he responded with a simple, “No.”
You groaned, your head falling back against the headrest, but the smile on your face was unmistakable. You watched him for a minute, your eyes trailing down to where his hand rested on the gear shift, and you wondered what he would do if you reached for his hand. Instead, you rolled your head to the side to watch the other cars pass by, unaware of Michael’s small, fond glances your way.
The two of you had just recently turned a friendship into something more. After a drunken confession on your part, and a surprise kiss from Michael on your birthday a week later - this time entirely sober - you’d both admitted to harbouring feelings. You’d been on a couple of dates, and you felt it was okay to kiss him in private, but you still weren’t sure what exactly the two of you were.
You listened as Michael began to hum a song that came on the radio, and you turned back to him. “Did you know they’re playing at the amphitheater tonight? I really wanted to get tickets, but they were sold out…” You trailed off, watching as Michael kept his eyes on the road and tried not to smile.
“Yeah, I know. You only told me like 12 times.”
Your eyes glanced back to the road as Michael signalled to turn onto the exit, and then your gaze shot back to the boy beside you.
He tried to keep a straight face, but you knew him too well. He knew it, too. “Yes?” He tried to ask innocently, but as he turned left, you could see the sign for the amphitheater glowing in the distance.
“Michael…” you repeated slowly. He raised his eyebrows, finally meeting your eyes as he pulled up to a red light. He could tell that you’d figured out where he was taking you on your secret date, and all he could do was shrug in defeat. You, on the other hand, could do nothing but slouch back in your seat in disbelief, a grin threatening to take over your face. You couldn’t believe it.
You knew he was waiting for some sort of verbal response, but you couldn’t speak. Your hand reached across the console, finding his arm, and you squeezed it. He beamed at your silent gesture of affirmation, pulling into the parking lot alongside the thousands of other concert goers.
It remained silent between you as he found a parking spot, before getting out and meeting you at the passenger door. You looked around, wide eyed, as you tried to wrap your head around the fact that you were here. With your favourite person, no less. You were here because of him.
You turned to him as he stepped up to meet you, leather jacket and dark green eyes brooding, and your heart felt ready to burst. He looked as if he was about to speak when you stepped forward and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him in for a hug. You held him as tight to you as you could, smiling as you heard him chuckle against your hair.
“Thank you,” you whispered. As you pulled apart, he reached for your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze in response, before pulling you towards the front doors.
As the concert went on, you jumped enthusiastically with the crowds, and swayed with your phone to the slow songs. All the while, you’d catch Michael staring at you with a fond smile, and you’d send him a beaming grin back in return.
When the band began to play the chords of your favourite song, you let out a cheer. You smiled as Michael wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, softly whispering the words of the chorus into your ear - the fact that he remembered your favourite song was enough to have your heart racing faster.
As you reached the car, you still couldn’t believe the high you were on. You spun around, laughing, before coming to a giggling stop. Michael stretched out his hand, absolutely enthralled with seeing you so happy, and you reached for him willingly. There was a smile on his face as he held you at arm’s length, your fingers still intertwined. Your laugh slowly faded, head tilting to the side in curiosity as he continued to gaze at you. It was silent, and you waited, your eyes searching his.
“I want you to be my girlfriend,” he finally said softly.
Your heart skipped a beat.
“Officially,” he added, and you felt heat rising in your cheeks as your face flushed. You were stunned for a moment, and panic flashed across his face. “Sorry, I didn’t - that’s really dumb, I just -”
You somehow managed to compose yourself, gently tugging on his arm to pull him towards you. He looked down at you, your hands still linked as you closed the gap. You could still see the uncertainty in his eyes. Your free hand found his face, your thumb brushing against his jaw. You stood on your toes, your fingers leaving his and coming up to the other side of his face as you kissed him gently.
“Michael,” you said softly. “Of course I’ll be your girlfriend.”
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reading-cozy-crazy · 7 years
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(Not my picture or lyrics/song. I don’t own anything other than the editing of text)
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kafelattae · 8 years
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One Ok Rock (feat. 5 Seconds of Summer
cover art by clifforo 
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holymalvm · 8 years
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◇ like/reblog if you use ◇
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sgfgluke · 6 years
Luke during Valentine // Meet You There Tour // Sugar Land, TX // Credit: me (@sgfgluke)
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roselukes · 7 years
Offside l.h. - Chapter 6
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On November 8th, the hockey team threw their annual ‘Welcome to Hockey Season’ party. Maya, of course, had been invited to attend by, yours truly, Luke Hemmings. She was always up for getting drunk off her ass at a party. She stood in her bathroom with Brooke, both of them trying to decide how to do their makeup. “I’m thinking a little smokey eye with deep burgundy lipstick.” Brooke said, looking through her makeup bag.
“I’m just gonna cover my entire face in concealer, drown myself in foundation, add a little mascara, and top it off with cherry chapstick.” Maya laughed, grabbing her primer. “I hope I can cover up this big ass pimple.” Maya stuck her tongue out and examined the pimple in the mirror.
“It’s not even noticeable. I didn’t even see it until you pointed it out.” Brooke rolled her eyes and dabbed on her concealer.
“It’s gigantic.”
“Stop picking at it, or it’ll get worse.” Brooke grabbed Maya’s hands and pulled them away from her face.
“It’s just so big. I hate acne.” Maya sighed and rubbed the primer into her skin. She picked up her concealer and scribbled the stick over the pimple. “Why is acne a thing?”
“Because the world hates us and doesn’t want us to feel good about ourselves.” Brooke explained. Maya laughed a little and used a brush to blend the concealer into her skin. She applied her foundation and used a total of seven different mascaras. “Your eyelashes are going to fall out if you keep using 100 mascaras.”
“At least I have long eyelashes now, then.” Maya laughed and grabbed her chapstick.
“Maya, you need to give your lips some color. Here, use this.” Brooke handed her a slightly tinted lip gloss.
“Not lip gloss, my hair always gets stuck in it and it’s gross.” Maya shook her head and looked through Brooke’s makeup bag for a different lip color. “I’ll use this one.” She pulled out a raspberry colored lipstick from the bag.
“Oh, that’s perfect.” Brooke smiled. “Remember when we were 7 and your mom caught us with her makeup?”
“Oh, God, she was so mad at us.” Maya laughed, applying the lipstick. “She locked it up after that.”
“Little did she know, we knew where the key was.” Brooke laughed and checked herself in the mirror. “Okay, mirror selfie and then we can go.” Brooke unplugged her phone and posed next to Maya. Brooke snapped the photo and tucked her phone into her bra.
“Let’s go. I can hear the tequila calling my name.” Maya laughed, pulling Brooke out of the bathroom.
The two of them arrived at the party much later than Luke had told Maya to get there. The party was already in full swing, and many party-goers were already wasted. Maya made her way through the frat house and to the kitchen. She poured herself a cup of tequila and downed it instantly. “Damn, girl knows how to drink.” Justin smirked at her. “You’re Luke’s little pet, aren’t you?”
“Nope, I’m Maya Flaherty. My own person.” Maya poured herself more tequila and walked out of the kitchen. Justin chuckled and made his way back to his group of hockey friends.
“Luke doesn’t stand a chance with this bet, she hates him.” Justin laughed, taking swig of his beer. “She doesn’t even want to be associated with him.” Brooke, who was standing in the doorway next to the group, furrowed her eyebrows. The house was so loud with music and people talking that she couldn’t completely hear what they had been saying. She heard the words ‘Luke’ and ‘bet’ and she knew she had to find Maya. She pushed away from the door and began searching the house.
“Maya!” Brooke called as she saw Maya filling another cup of tequila. “I need to talk to you.”
“I can’t hear you. Let’s go out here.” Maya said and grabbed Brooke’s hand, pulling her out to the back porch. “What did you need to talk to me about?”
“I don’t think Luke is a good idea anymore. You should stop talking to him altogether.” Brooke said. She didn’t want to tell Maya what she heard, exactly.
“Why not? You’re the one that told me I should give him a chance.” Maya looked at Brooke with her brows furrowed.
“I just think you should think about things more before going out with him.” Brooke sighed, scared to break Maya’s heart before either of them knew the full story. Brooke was determined to find out the truth.
“Yeah, okay. I’ll do that. But, right now, I need more tequila.” Maya giggled and sauntered back into the house, heading straight for the kitchen. She picked up the bottle, getting ready to fill her cup, when a strong pair of arms snaked around her waist.
“I knew I’d find my little bookworm here.” Luke whispered in Maya’s ear, pulling her smaller body against his larger one. He pressed a soft kiss below her ear and she melted against him.
“M’not your bookworm. I’m Maya.” She giggled, turning around in his arms.
“You’re beautiful, that’s what you are.” Luke grinned dopily, his dimples making an appearance. Maya reached up and poked a dimple gently. Luke turned his head and kissed her finger gently.
“I have to pee.” Maya giggled drunkenly and let her body weight lean into Luke.
“Come on, you can use my bathroom.” Luke pulled one arm away from her, but left the other in its spot around her waist. He led her up the stairs toward his room.
“Look at all these hockey pictures on the walls.” Maya giggled. “You’re like a big family.” She commented, stopping to look at a picture of the team all together.
“They’re like brothers to me. Incredibly annoying.” Luke laughed and ushered Maya into his bedroom. He closed the door behind them. “Bathroom is there.” He pointed to the closed door and Maya stumbled over to it, pushing it open. She closed the door behind herself and hiked up her dress. She felt incredibly warm. She wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol running through her veins, or the giddiness she felt from Luke’s arms having been around her. Once Luke heard the toilet flush and the sink start, he pushed open the door.
“Hey, I could’ve still been peeing.” Maya laughed, looking up at him.
“Well, I heard the toilet flush.” He shrugged and wrapped his arms around her waist once more. His hands rested on her stomach, gently rubbing her hip bones.
“Makes me sleepy when you do that.” Maya hummed softly and tilted her head back, resting it on Luke’s shoulder. Her eyes fluttered closed and Luke pecked her neck softly, trailing his lips along her skin. He pulled her body closer to his and kissed along her collarbones. Maya reached up and threaded her fingers in Luke’s hair. Her breathing got faster and Luke slowly pulled up the hem of her dress.
“You look so fucking gorgeous in this dress.” Luke whispered in her ear and nibbled on it gently. Maya’s breath hitched in her throat, her back arching. Luke squeezed her hip gently, pulling her ass against his growing bulge. Maya bit her lip and rolled her ass back against him, causing Luke to groan. He moved his hand around and squeezed the bare skin of her ass.
“Love how your hands feel on me.” Maya breathed heavily, tugging at Luke’s hair. He bit her ear gently and ripped her thong, smirking as it fell to their feet. “Luke, you just ripped my underwear.” Maya giggled, trying to be mad and failing.
“Who cares? You won’t need it during this.” Luke smirked and trailed his fingers down her thigh, bringing them back up to her clit. His fingers rubbed slowly, her hips stuttering. She gasped out a soft moan as his fingers worked against her. She brought her hand down from his hair and to his clothed bulge.
“You’re so hard.” Maya bit her lip and rubbed her palm against him. His hips bucked against her small hand.
“That happens when I see you.” Luke breathed out, squeezing her ass. Maya smirked and turned around in his arms. She looked up at him as she dropped to her knees. Luke sucked his lip ring into his mouth as Maya pulled his pants and boxers down just enough to release his stiffened cock. She kept eye contact with him as she took his entire length in her mouth, letting his tip hit the back of her throat. Luke’s eyes widened as he let out a guttural moan. “Fuck, Maya.” He gripped her hair and held her head down on his cock. She gripped his thigh and began moving her mouth along his cock. She went slowly at first, carefully building up speed. “Oh, my God.” Luke groaned loudly and leaned one hand against the mirror while his other hand stayed tangled in Maya’s hair. He held her head back as he thrusted his hips against her mouth. Maya’s eyes fluttered closed as she moaned around his cock. The vibrations sent waves of pleasure throughout Luke’s whole body. He pulled his cock from her mouth and tapped her cheek with his dripping tip. “Stand up.” He instructed.
“I wasn’t ready to be done.” Maya pouted, saliva dripping from her swollen lips. Luke roughly pressed his lips to hers, forcing his tongue against hers. She moaned into his mouth and let her tongue caress his. Luke tugged her hair to pull her away. He used his other hand to turn her around and bend her over the bathroom sink.
“Are you still on the pill?” Luke asked, rubbing his slickened cock between her folds.
“Y-yeah.” Maya gasped, bucking her hips back.
“Good.” Luke sucked his lip ring into his mouth once more as he pushed his cock deep into her dripping cunt. Maya moaned loudly and arched her back. She bucked her hips back against Luke’s and felt around for something to hold onto on the counter. “God, your pussy was made for me.” Luke grunted and rammed his cock deeper into her throbbing pussy.
“Fuck, Luke, more.” Maya begged, shaking her ass. Luke pulled her hair and pulled her back up against his chest. Maya yelped at the sudden pain from her hair being pulled. The tinge of pain quickly turned to pleasure as Luke repeatedly pounded his cock into her.
“Look at yourself.” Luke demanded, forcing her to look at herself in the mirror. “Watch yourself get fucked.” Luke groaned and spread her legs farther, making it easier for her to see his cock pumping in and out of her soaked pussy.
“I-I can’t.” Maya moaned loudly, squeezing her eyes closed. She brought her hand back to Luke’s hair and tugged it roughly. Luke moaned and bit into her neck, sucking a dark mark into her skin. “L-Luke, I..” Maya struggled to even think of how to formulate a sentence. Luke brought his hand down to her clit and rubbed in fast circles. Maya screamed out in pleasure and arched back against him, pushing him even deeper in her pussy. Luke groaned loudly and pounded his cock into her roughly.
“Jesus Christ, your pussy takes my cock so well.” Luke moaned louder and smacked his hand down on her ass harshly. Maya let out a yelp, followed by a high pitched moan. Luke’s fingers worked her clit faster as his hips pounded harder against hers.
“Luke!” Maya screamed as she released around his cock. He smirked and stilled his hip, keeping his fingers moving against her clit. She closed her eyes and let out a loud scream as her high reached a new peak. Luke let out a guttural groan as he released in her warm cunt, his load coating her walls. He slowly pulled out and pressed a soft kiss to her shoulder.
“I’ve never felt so good.” Luke admitted, turning her around. She smiled up at him and pressed her lips to his gently. He lifted her up, allowing her to wrap her legs around his waist. Luke carried her out into his bedroom and dropped her down on his bed. “There’s just one more thing we need to do.” Luke smirked and unzipped Maya’s dress. He pulled the fabric from her body slowly, tossing the material to the floor. Maya leaned up and pulled Luke’s Blink-182 t-shirt over his head.
“I’m really glad I came to this party.” Maya smiled, rubbing Luke’s chest gently.
“I am too.” Luke smiled softly at her before removing her bra. He kicked his jeans and boxers down his legs and to the floor. Luke gently pushed Maya to her back. He knelt above her, letting his eyes take in every part of her.
“Don’t just stare at me, do something.” Maya giggled, running a hand through her tangled hair. Luke chuckled and kissed down her chest, to her stomach. He stopped and blew a raspberry on her stomach. Maya screamed and laughed, pushing Luke’s head away. “You fucking weirdo.” She laughed, unable to stop. Luke laughed with her, his eyes crinkling up. He kissed her stomach once more and moved between her legs.
“Time for a snack.” Luke winked at Maya and immediately took her clit in his mouth, sucking harshly. Maya gasped and moaned loudly, clearly still sensitive from her previous orgasm. Luke smirked against her and kitten licked between her folds, tasting her. “So fucking good.” He moaned softly and dipped his tongue into her sweet pussy.
“Oh, my.. Fuck, Lu.” A high pitched moan escaped her lips as Luke fucked his tongue into her, lapping at her juices in the process. Maya tangled her fingers in Luke’s hair and struggled to stay in her position on the bed. She squirmed on the bed, tugging at Luke’s hair. “Feels so fucking good.” She moaned loudly, bucking her hips up against his face. Luke brought his fingers to her clit and rubbed slowly, bringing her over the edge. She moaned loudly, pushing his face closer to her dripping cunt. Her juices leaked out around Luke’s tongue. He hummed softly and lapped up her release, licking his lips.
“I just found my new favorite snack.” He smirked, standing up from the bed. He plugged his phone into the dock on his dressed as he walked into the bathroom. Music began to pour into his room as Maya tried to control her breathing. Luke quickly swished his mouth with mouthwash and wiped the leftover wetness off his mouth. He grabbed a small cloth and got it wet in the sink before returning to Maya. “You doin’ alright?” Luke chuckled and used the cloth to clean her off. He wiped her thighs gently and smirked when her hips jerked.
“I don’t even know.” Maya giggled breathlessly. Luke chuckled and threw the cloth to his dirty clothes basket. Luke laid on the bed next to her and pulled the blankets over the both of them. Maya huddled against Luke’s chest, the only sound being the music playing from Luke’s phone. “I heard it’s supposed to snow tomorrow.” Maya commented, breaking their silence.
“That’s North Dakota for you.” Luke smiled, tucking a strand of Maya’s hair behind her ear. She looked up at Luke with a soft smile tugging at her lips. “Do you want to borrow some clothes so you’re not too cold tonight?” Luke asked softly. Maya nodded slowly and watched as Luke got up from his bed. Maya pulled the blankets up higher and tucked them around herself to keep her warm. Luke slipped on his boxers and a pair of sweatpants before tossing Maya her bra.
“I need underwear, but you ripped mine.” Maya huffed and put her bra on.
“If you want, you can wear a pair of Kristi Jo’s.” Luke choked slightly when he said her name, still not over the thought of one of his friends sleeping with his girlfriend.
“I’d probably get an STD from those.” Maya shook her head. “Speaking of STD’s, you should be tested.”
“Trust me, I get tested twice a month.” Luke looked at Maya. “I have the records to prove I’m clean.”
“I believe you.” Maya held up her hands defensively.
“Uh, I think these are Bryana’s. You can wear these.” Luke suggested and Maya nodded, standing up. Luke handed her the thong and Maya examined it.
“I don’t think these have ever been worn.” She determined.
“Ash probably bought them for her, but they weren’t the right size.” Luke shrugged. Maya slipped them on and looked at Luke. “Do you want shorts or sweatpants or joggers?” Luke asked before shaking his head. “You know what? Just come look at what I have and you can choose what you want.” Maya walked over to Luke’s dresser and looked through his clothes.
“You sure own a lot of black.” Maya laughed and pulled out a pair of sweatpants. She slipped them on and watched as they fell back down. “You’re huge.”
“No, you’re tiny.” Luke laughed and pulled the up, adjusting the string on the inside so they wouldn’t fall down again.
“I’m not tiny, I’m average.” She pulled out a t-shirt similar to one she owned. “I have almost this same shirt. Mine’s white.”
“You listen to All Time Low?” Luke asked, clearly shocked. Maya nodded and pulled the shirt over her head.
“I listened to them all through high school and I still do.” She shrugged and walked back over to Luke’s bed.
“Wait a second. Maya, come here quick.” Luke furrowed his eyebrows. Maya looked at him confused before walking back over to him. Luke lifted the shirt slightly and pushed the hem of the sweatpants down. “You have a tattoo?”
“Yes, I do.” Maya pulled the shirt down and pushed Luke’s hand away.
“I want to get a good look at it.” Luke lifted the shirt again. “It’s a dragonfly.”
“They’re my favorite insect.” Maya admitted, looking down at her feet. “I have this dragonfly toe ring, too. I’ve had the toe ring since high school, but my toe basically grew around it, so I can’t take it off. I can’t take any of them off.” Luke looked down at her toes and at the 3 rings adorning her toes.
‘Damn, she’s adorable.’ Luke thought to himself, a grin finding his lips. “That’s cool, I guess.” Luke cleared his throat. Maya shook her head and walked over to the bed.
“I guess, yeah.” She laid back down under the covers. Luke pulled on a shirt and walked over to the bed, sliding in next to Maya. She snuggled up to him once more. He slung an arm over her waist and rubbing his fingers along her spine.
“So, you really like All Time Low?” He asked, looking at her.
“I listened to them all through high school and I still do now.” She shrugged and moved so her face was laying eye level with his. She opened her mouth to speak as the song changed in the background. She froze and tears filled her eyes.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Luke asked, sitting up. Maya sat up, facing forward. Luke reached for her hand, but she pulled it away.
“Saltwater Room..” She whispered, looking down at her hands. A single tear fell from her eyes.
“That’s the name of the song, yeah.” Luke looked at her confused. He brought his hand to her cheek, wiping her tear.
“This song played when we had sex for the first time..” Maya could feel her throat closing. It had been years since they had done it, and that was the last time she heard the song. Maya looked at Luke as realization washed over him.
“4th of July..” Luke whispered, looking at Maya. “You’re right, this song played.” Luke nodded.
“Did you tell anyone about that night?” Luke shook his head and held Maya’s hand.
“We agreed not to. You and I are the only ones who know what we did. Well, you and me and God.”
“Okay, Preacher’s Son, this isn’t Bible study.” Maya laughed a little and sniffled.
“I haven’t been to a Bible study since this school year started. I only go when we’re home, because you know how my dad is.”
“I don’t even go to Bible study when we’re home.” Maya laughed and laid back down. “Can you imagine what your dad would do if he knew what we did tonight?”
“He’d ask God for permission to murder us both.” Luke laughed and laid back. Maya yawned through her smile and laid her head on Luke’s chest. Luke brought his fingers to her back once again. He slipped his hand under the shirt and rubbed her skin gently. Maya closed her eyes and tangled her legs with Luke’s. “Goodnight, my dragonfly.” Luke whispered and pressed a soft kiss to Maya’s head.
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maluminspace · 6 years
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I can’t believe that there are 2000 of you that follow my lil blog! I can’t thank you all enough for putting up with me <3
Bold: best buddies
Apologies to anyone I have missed, I’m terrible at this kind of thing. 
I love you all!
@abbie-ghostofyou @abbbiehemmings @addictwithapoisonpen @aesthetiqueash @ahoeforhemmings  @allymendesisawesome @allypanda15 @aghostofmgc @angelbabycal @angelicalashton @antisocialhood  @ashtonwahs @ashsaussieaccent @ashtonismyuniverse @ashtoniwir @ashtonssgirl @ashtonwrapped @astroashtonio @aussie-punk-rock-idiots @aw-mikey @babylonchlo @babylonnhood @babysmilemike @badhabitluke @bands-mess @bby-calum @bbylonxcal @bloopmichael @blue-skies-are-alright @bodaciouslycth @boytoynamedcalum @brattyluke @breathe-me-in-like-im-vapor @breathlashton @breedoe @bringbackhemmo1996 @brokendisco5sos @bumblebet20 @burnxcrash @burnedcitylights​ @cake-boners @cakeboyfriends @cakestan @cal-entine ​@calthesensation @calum5sos @caluke-is-great @calum-is-adorable @calum-mf-hood @calumacoustic @calumhollister @calumincolor @calumish @calumglows @calumhampton @calumneedstocalmdown @calumofficials @calumscereal @calumskiss @calumsluck @calumspeachy @calums--penguin @calumsteenagedream @calumtrashtm @caluuumh @canadian-phsyco @cashtontrash @castawayclem @catastrophicdelusions @catching-fire-like-kerosene @caulm5sos @caulmhood @caulmhoods @causeweredreamingoutloud @charismaticcal @chokemecake @classy5-sos @clemmingsaturn @cliffactura @cliffordcntrl @cliffodorable @cliffordchick ​ @cliffordsbye @cliffordtrasho @cliffxrdsloveaffair @cliffophobic @clummyhood @colourfulhead-erin @combativecth @converseandcharactershoes @cthoodaf @crowned5sos @cuterfluter ​ @dangerousmuke @dankpunks @darkinurheart @deathstaratemysoul @demonashton @demoncal @diary-of-oryan @diistractedbymaluum @dimplelashton @dirtbag-hemmings @dirtynutmeg @dnaielhwoell @dontstopisagoodsongchangemymind @dolanfivsosxox @draglucas @dudesos @fakebetch @feel-so-damn-lost @figlia--della--luna @findingmalum @fitzherburt @fivesoskingdom @fuckngcal @fuckthealiens 
@gayformichael @gallerycalum @gh0stofhood @ghost-of-muke @ghstofcalum @gigglyirwin @girlstalkboss @glittersluke @goldenboy-luke @gorgeouscal @gracie-hood @graylovesreid @grumpylukes @guccibeltcalum @guccical @hallelujahmalum @happily-luke @happyhood @hazzardlyhazzastyles @heatherwhetherr @hemmingscastaway @hemmomfg @hermionesgf @heyhoehemmings @hoodings-1996 @hoodsroses @hotdamn5sos @hotinplaid @hotmessmichael @h0tsos @i-was-already-missing @icantthinkofafuckingusername5 @icalumhood @ifwallscouldmuke @iknowmalumplaces @ilylukey @imjustheretoreblog5sosposts @imovingalong @imsorryifisayineedyaa @indiegf @irwins-mikey @irwinistable @irwinofficial @irwinsource @irwinsroses @irwinwwylm @irwlns @irwxnhugsx @itsmukedits @itss-ashlyynn11 @jacquedez @januarys25th @jetblackelisa @kk-happiness @kinglyhood @kittenmichael @kittensubmichael @lashtons-littlethings @lavieenbananabread @lcvelyclifford @leatherjagketluke @lewkisasmolbean @libracalum @lie2meluke @lightwoody @like-screams-set-on-fire @liquidmuke @littlelarklilac @lleatherlashton @lonelylikeacastaway @lovespellharry @lowq5sos @lrhdrummer @lu-fakebetch @lu-hemmingss @lucyasart  @lukeftemily @lukeslifegivesmelife @lukegoldenhair @lukescurlyboy @lukesdonuts @lukesflaredpants @lukeskisses @lukesgiggle @lukesuwu @lukesvalentine @lukeysgirl @lumosmatt @lurhemmings 
@maiinehood @malumamongmen @malumharmonies @malumpolaroids @malumslyrics @malumsnudes @marriedmalum  @malum-dreamer @malum-wants-another-slice @malumhifford7u7 @malumplaylist @malumvibez @manukelly @mawchael @memyselfand5-s-o-s @merlypops @maoriharrystyles @mermaidcashton  @micaelclifford @mgcfuckmeup @mgcsvalentine @michaelmakesmenut @michaelorwhat @michaelpaintsbluetheocean @michaelsgreeneyes @miguelclifford @mihcael5sos @mikemikehalah @mikeyclifford-the-kitten @mikeys-jet-black-demons @mindxfukc @mixtx3 @mmxiical @modelukes @monsteramongmichael @monsteramongcashton @mukesreject @myboyfriendsadrummer @my-magical-5sos @mysticalhood @nadalsiepieprzania @neverlandhood @notreallycalum @ohsodangerous-blog @oldschoolashton@opinionatedpisces @outofamagazine @outerspacecth @outerspacemovingalong @outerspaceot4 @peachmuh-r-ie @permanentvacation29 @pizzamemikey @planetxrobot @prefer-thedrummer @princessamichael @puckerupmikey @pumpkincalum @quiffedpenguin @rainbowclifford @rainbowcolourful @rosegold-thorns @rosiehemmingss @rosielukes @runoutofthyme
@sainthoodcalum  @sarahhhhax3 @sassqueenluke @saturn-lights3 @scorpioclifford @skeletonkissescalum @sgfgirwin @sgfglashton @sgfgluke @shot-of-truth @singitforthecal @sincerelycalum @slyth-girl@soarkleofglitter @smoochesforluke @softxirwins @sparkled5sosheart @spooky-spaceboy-ash @spookycal @spookymashton @so-multifandom​ @socalpeach @softforluke @soundshoodfeelshood @sweetestcalum @t-alkfast @talkfastcthood @thatoldzeppelinshirt @the5sosdumpster @the5sossquirrels @thesaltyspice @thesoundsyoumake@those5sosfans @tigerlily-sunshine @totallyscrewdupluke @toxiclashton @trash4calumhood @truthorclifford @tylerbehoechillin @tylerdylans @uncrownedcal @uwuluke @valentine-michael @valntyne-lies @wannasomecake @wantirwinback @wantyoubackcashton @waybeyondnormalstandards @weusedtohavemore @wiredrebellion @wonderland-irwin @xfadetograyx @youre-such-a-calum @zjmalum  
Non 5sos blogs run my faves:
@bipisces @marblossom @tee-in-the-shade 
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happiestluke · 7 years
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I finally grew the guts to chop off my hair and I LOVE IT! 💕✨
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reading-cozy-crazy · 7 years
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First song/story inspired art piece that I made. 
(I don’t own the picture or the song lyrics. Only the editing of text :-))
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emptysanity · 6 years
fav 5sos fics
now that I’ve fully immersed myself back into this fandom I wanted to put together my own masterlist of some of my favorite fics that i’ve read recently. they’re honestly all so well-written by some great people (i’m sure i’ll be adding onto this as i read more and tbh this is both for my own reference as well as showing these writers some love!!)
Ashton/Luke Through the Wall by @crownedbyluke
Romeo by @gotta-try-something-new
Intimidating by @gotta-try-something-new
Across Campus by @gotta-try-something-new
3am by @gotta-try-something-new
End the Night with You by @thruheavenandhighwater
Temper by @angelicrome
Coffee by @gotta-try-something-new (truly incredible 10/10 recommend reading)
The Deal by @gotta-try-something-new
The Prettiest by @gotta-try-something-new
Not Getting Over This by @morningfears
Jealous Best Friend by @cxddlyash
Faking a Relationship by @sgfgluke
Lemon & Ginger by @sgfgluke
Suits and Leather Jackets by @crownedbyluke
Vacation During a “Vacation” by @cxddlyash
His Clothes by @cxddlyash
Our Way Back by @gotta-try-something-new
(clearly i’m soft for calum lmao)
ok seriously shoutout to @gotta-try-something-new for having some of the best calum content a girl could ask for. bless ur soul
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applesauceluke · 7 years
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Hey guys! Thank you so much for 2,000 followers! I’m really happy to have you all in my life :) Now, I probably won’t make a follow forever every time I get another thousand followers but I gained so many new friends since the last one and I wanted to acknowledge that. A most special shoutout to Daisy, Bella, Liv, and @theonionshirt <3 <3 <3 <3
So without further ado***:
My mutuals (my babes):  @theonionshirt ☆ @signe-gabrielle ☆ @woahmister-ohheck ☆ @apocalumpse ☆ @softielucas ☆ @cute-ass-kawaii ☆ @lovingluke ☆ @softmaoriboi ☆ @intheautumnsobright ☆ @lukesafallingstar ☆ @hemmigns ☆ @starrynightashton ☆ @calumsaurora ☆ @getsosd ☆ @glittermikey ☆ @cliffosaurus ☆ @hemmoful ☆ @pixibee ☆ @happiestluke ☆ @blueberryho ☆ @poppunkblogger ☆ @hemmingsdork ☆ @fagmagic ☆ @lukesfrckles ☆ @5-seconds-of-mischief ☆ @thedreamvevo ☆ @cliffordchick ☆ @thatmusicscene ☆ @classifiedluke ☆ @plainwhiteluke 
@ironmaidenmikey ☆ @somxchhood ☆ @irwinsource ☆ @frickyouralmonds ☆ @suedecal ☆ @moonlight-mike ☆ @castawyyluke ☆ @bxdlvckcharm ☆ @malumshighlight ☆ @soundsluekfeelsluek ☆ @calgasms ☆ @softboyluke ☆ @sgfgluke ☆ @stopitluke ☆ @paper-storm ☆ @starvinyl ☆ @badbehaviour ☆ @micool5sos ☆ @lmaoluke ☆ @lukesarmpit ☆ @luketivist ☆ @muketrash ☆ @1-800-long-dong ☆ @mukehug ☆ @defcliff0rd ☆ @celmmings ☆ @dujourvevo ☆ @luke-hemhems ☆ @cliffyluke ☆ @calumtrashofficial ☆ @puckerupmikey 
and of course @5sos who were legitimately in a dream I had where they followed me back last night 
***i kept it to the blogs that keep up with 5sos, if anyone is interested in blogs i follow that aren’t related to 5sos, just let me know and i can make another post or something :)
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