sgnhyunjae · 4 years
       with @sgnsubin​
one of the things hyunjae finds himself doing as the night settles and his eyes remain wide awake, is walk around until his body succumbs to slumber. it wasn’t the best solution, often keeping him more awake one way or another, but he hasn’t found a better method yet so he supposes this is his best bet for now. besides, he finds himself running into interesting characters during this time of night.
subin had been one of them. he encountered the force that is han subin when it was 5am, out to get snacks after finishing a round of... gaming, which hyunjae should have guessed, but he thought the other was studying. shame on him. it didn’t take long for the younger to start showing pictures of his cat, so hyunjae was quick to drop whatever negative perception he had of subin when it came to gamers.
that, and subin was just a baby. it wouldn’t have been that hard to change his views.
sure, hyunjae noticed that subin basically smuggled a cat into his dorm, but he wasn’t going to report it to security. not if he wanted to see the cat for himself. 
(  ✉  )     outgoing   →   subin  !
sent: which one is your dorm again? sent: also what does your cat like to snack on? sent: if you postpone this i might tell on you btw sent: but i think you knew that already
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sgnaudrianna · 4 years
  .   .  ♥︎   ❛   𝒔𝒐   𝒎𝒂𝒚𝒃𝒆   𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚   𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚   𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅𝒏’𝒕   𝒃𝒆   𝒐𝒖𝒕   𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔   𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆   𝒂𝒕   𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕.    but to audrianna’s defense, they were already out and on the hunt for the most essential things in a student’s life during finals week: junk food. and despite the cafeteria already being closed, she knew there were always extra goodies kept in the back office, to which she just happened to know the code of because guess who’s sister taught in seongnam who just happened to have slipped up with the password one time unintentionally ?? ding, ding, ding — audrianna young !! so when the other insisted they’d get into trouble she brushed it off rather cooly, assuring subin that they were gonna be okay. “ @sgnsubin​ please, have you seen me? i’m a princess. there’s absolutely no way i’ll get in trouble with these hall monitors.” there’s a triumphant sneer on her face as she added, “besides, i can always use my sister as an excuse and we can say she asked us to get us paperworks. she’ll cover for me.” no she wouldn’t, she’d scold me and probably never let me hear the end of it. “now, hurry up before we actually do get caught !!” 
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sgnjongin · 4 years
@sgnsubin | mattress games
true to form, jongin is drunk off his ass tonight, drunk and full of sweets, too many sweets and too much alcohol, and not enough sleep, but he’s manages so far to hold his stomach together under all this pressure, he’s managed to keep himself from vomiting and he swears to himself that he will continue to hold firm against the impulse of it. it might make him feel better eventually but his principles would never allow it, his grit and determination and stubborn dumbassery is too deeply embedded in his skin to warrant any sort of weakness in this regard. at least for tonight. he doesn’t know what struggles tomorrow will bring and he can barely remember yesterday, but none of that matters right now.
right now, jongin’s greatest enemy, his strongest opponent is the maze between the door of the hut and the bed he must flop down into, to rest. it’s a labyrinth, it’s a network, it’s a spider’s web, all objects sticky and crashing to the floor as he bumps into them and sends them scattering, his body ricocheting off them in his efforts to gain ground. when he finally does reach the pinnacle, when he crawls his way up the mattress and against the softness of the pillows, he realizes he’s not alone. “subin?” he mutters, slurring, his hand on the other’s face, feeling his cheeks and chin in order to properly identify him. “why are you in my bed?”
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sgntaejoo · 4 years
                                                 ✶  ━━━  ( @sgnsubin )
taejoo’s a busy person — sometimes he forgets to sleep, he’s so busy. well, maybe, forget may be the wrong terminology to go with here, it’s more forgoing than anything. it’s a problem, yes, but at least he’s getting his work done — work being more his journalistic ambitions rather than his actual schoolwork. he’s passing, it’s fine — it just means he has more time to write and investigate campus.
being the busy bee that he is, he constantly has to supplement his brain with the needed energy to keep going — mainly for his late-night stakeouts, which normally last around two hours past his usual bedtime. wild stuff, he knows. and of course, the best way to supplement his energy without getting into enormous legal trouble is coffee — caffeine in its most delicious form. he’s already had one today, around five hours ago, but he could use another.
he’s on his merry way to a nearby cafe, backpack a heavy weight on his back as his eyes are glued to his phone screen — not to mention he also is wearing his airpods. taejoo’s too into this album, a city pop album that he’s been meaning to listen to for ages — the music is blaring, almost audible to any passerby.
on his fifth tap through his instagram stories, taejoo barely registers a presence fast approaching, and his phone drops to the ground — his heart drops, plummets, and so does he. he breathes out a sigh of relief that there miraculously is not a crack anywhere and stands, meeting the eyes of the person who he so brutally bumped into. “oh, uh, sorry, didn’t see you there, it’s totally my fault.” he clears his throat, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head. “um... are you okay? can i... can i, like, make it up to you or something?”
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sgnyeeun · 4 years
love / busy / drunk 🤪
. . . sending message to subin future husband:       time: 10:42pm            ↳ this is so gross and i’ll delete my messages afterwards so i don’t have to see them but             ↳ my life would be shit without you             ↳ im so glad ur in seongnam tbh idk what i’d do without you             ↳ thank u for being my constant for the last twenty years             ↳ btw pls start writing ur paper its literally giving me stress that ur not doing anything 😡😡
. . . sending message to subin future husband:       time: 3:19pm           ↳ in meeting rn           ↳ cant txt            ↳ soz 
. . . sending message to subin future husband:       time: 4:03am          ↳ hiiiiiiii i luv u sm sjsjasjjsjf          ↳ ur my family fr i would take a bullet for u and i JUST WANT U TO BE HAPPY SUBINNIE!!!!! ARE U HAPPY??           ↳ w8 no!!!!!! i LIKE U more THAN MY FAMILY!!!!          ↳ fr tho i lovE u so much 💜💜          ↳ well be THE BEST platonic married COUPLE EVER!!!!!! 👰🏻🤵🏼  
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sgnyeeun · 4 years
< stuck with you — subin >
for @sgnsubin​ !
there are a few things in the world that yeeun doesn’t mind wasting time on – one being shopping, the other being food but the most important one being han subin. they’ve been friends since they were in diapers: yeeun honestly cannot remember a time in her life where she didn’t have subin. from playing silly games with each other to sitting together at the kids’ table during one of their parents’ many dinner parties to sneaking into movie theatres before they were of legal age to attending each other’s high-school graduation, subin has always been there. so, when she had found that subin would be attending seongnam as well, she was ecstatic – in all honesty, he is the probably one of the few people on earth who had known her before she dedicated her life to pursuing a banking career. it’s funny, she thinks, no one would expect subin, out of everyone, to be friends with her. but somehow, it works and she really wouldn’t want it any other.
truthfully, yeeun is grateful for subin; he’s a reminder of easier, happier times and although she may grumble about impending deadlines and her schedule, she’s incredibly appreciative that subin continuously makes an effort to hang out and that he never takes no for an answer. (without him, yeeun would most likely be a robot working 24/7, only taking time off to eat good food, shop and party) and that probably explains why he’s in her room, on a tuesday night after yeeun complained about having to study accounting principles which were honestly mind-numbingly boring, with two tubs of ice-cream and shitty reality show recommendations.
before they settle in and watch whatever new bad tv show subin has chosen, yeeun realises she has a gift for subin – during one of her shopping sprees, she’d found this really cute choker that she thought would suit him. so, she dives into her drawers, searching frantically for it. instead, she finds something completely unexpected. it’s an old piece of paper, the edges fraying and there are childish scrawls on it. the writing’s barely intelligible after so many years, but yeeun can make out something along the lines of “we will marry each other if we are single at 21 years old” and two signatures, one she recognises as her own and the other, she squints, as… subin’s?
“oh my god!” yeeun squeals, laughter bursting from her lips. she turns to face subin, shoving the worn-out note in his line of vision. “subin, subin, look at what i found! do you remember this?”
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sgnyeeun · 4 years
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↪ what kind of cell phone do you have?  iphone 11 pro in gold (512gb)
↪ how often do you use your cell phone?  honestly, not that much. she mainly uses her phone to check emails, stalk people on linkedin and listen to music on spotify. her average screen-time is around 5 hours and it decreases exponentially when yeeun goes through an especially busy period. 
↪ what is your phone’s lock screen photo?  a photo of a crown because it reminds her that she’s the fucking queen. 
↪  what is your phone’s home screen photo? honestly, yeeun just found the photo on the internet and her favorite color is gold and the bed looks really comfy and it matches with her lockscreen so she’s been too lazy to change it ever since.  ↪ how many contacts do you have in your phone? somewhere around 700 - 800? she goes to a lot of networking events, and she knows that one of the key ways of making long-lasting connections is to continuously keep in contact, hence, the large number of contacts on her phone.
↪ do you customize contact names or enter as given names? if customize, what is their default ringtone?  for most people, yeeun enters their given name along with where or how she knows them. but for her close friends, she adds cute nicknames. hyunjoo is saved as “hyunjoo best girl”, danbi as “danbi cutie pie”, subin as “subin future husband”, baekso as “baekso my REAL brother” and junhyung as “junhyung (do not call or text!)” 
↪ do you have personalized ringtones for your contacts or does everyone use the default ringtone?  her phone’s on silent most of the time, so she keeps everyone as the default ringing tone. 
↪ how many alarms do you have set and why?  just one. she has enough self-disclipine to wake up immediately after the first alarm.    ↪ what are your top 3 most used apps?  linkedin, spotify and imessage.  ↪ what are your favorite apps? the same three as above. yeeun’s guilty pleasure is instagram though. it’s probably the one app she doesn’t mind wasting her time on (because she’s kind-of, really vain and likes posting pictures of herself.)   ↪ what are your last 3 google searches or the last 3 things you’ve asked your built in ai?  “best cocktails with high alcohol content” “jp morgan internship application” “how to answer ‘what is your biggest weakness?’ in an interview” ↪ do you delete your internet search history or use incognito mode? if so, how often, and why?  she doesn’t deletes her internet history nor does she use incognito mode because she has nothing to hide and so, she can easily search for useful websites she visited before but forgot to bookmark. ↪ do you download music or use a streaming app? if so, which one and why? she uses spotify religiously - has many playlists for different occasions.  ↪ what are the last 3 songs you’ve listen to on your phone?  1. illicit affairs - taylor swift, 2. august - taylor swift, 3. exile (featuring bon iver) - taylor swift. listen, she’s a huge taylor swift fan so the folklore album been on repeat for the past few days.  ↪ what does your photo album consist of?  a lot of selfies of herself and her outfits of the day, cute pictures of her friends, screenshots of text messages with people that infuriate her (she has a folder dedicated for them called ‘open only when mad’), pictures of lecture slides when she’s too tired to take notes, pictures of people’s name-cards, aesthetic food pictures ↪ what is your texting style? do you reply quickly or are you a slow texter? do you send several messages at a time or paragraphs?  yeeun normally replies rather quickly just because she doesn’t like having her unread messages. but if she’s busy, she might take a while to respond. and she tends to write long paragraphs.  ↪ what are the last 3 texts you’ve sent?  ✉️   ➞ @sgnsubin: pls don’t make me watch ‘too hot to handle again’ i think i lost half of my brain cells  ✉️   ➞ @sgndanbi: saw u in the lib the other day but you looked busy so i didnt wanna disturb you! let’s catch up!  🥺 ✉️   ➞ @sgntaeho: kinda miss ur annoying ass :/ wanna go eat something good again soon ?
↪ who do you text the most? @sgnhyunjoo, @sgnsubin and @sgnbaekso ?? ↪ what are your top 6 used emojis?  🥺 (yeeun may look like a bruh girl but she’s a big 🥺 girl), 🤮🥴🤪👁️👄👁️ ↪ how often do you call others? as little as possible, she rather text.  ↪ who where the last 3 calls made to and why? danbi to talk about the latest taylor swift album, her mentor to review her cv and how she could improve it, the chanel store assistant to ask when her favorite shade of lipstick would be back in stock  ↪ who do you call the most? probably her mentor because it’s hard to discuss career strategy and prepare for interview questions through emails and text messages  ↪ do you have someone blocked? if so, who and why? yup, she does have a few people blocked. most of them are guys whom she drunkenly exchanged contact with when clubbing and who turn weirdly aggressive/clingy even though yeeun promised them nothing. yeeun has also been tempted to block junhyung’s number because she has admittedly drunk-dialed and texted him a few times but she can’t bring herself to do so.  ↪ are you apart of any group chats? with who?  she mutes all her group chats but she’s mostly in chats for her study groups. 
↪ do you use the notes app?  sometimes? to jot down important things that she doesn’t want to forget. 
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