#( precious * subin )
fawntheeleceedsimp · 2 years
...and then you forget the idea 😩
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kazvha · 9 months
Winter activities with the Eleceed cast!
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Including: Inhyuk, Jisuk, Jiwoo, Jiyoung, Kartein, Kayden, Subin, Sucheon, Wooin
Notes: Winter is coming! I couldn't resist to write some warm headcanons for this cold season❄️
Inhyuk :: Taking a walk in the forest
Inhyuk took your cold hand and gave it a squeeze as you walked side by side in a forest that looked like a winter wonderland. The sun which occasionally came out from behind the clouds, made the snow look like powdered glitter. The sound of a river could be heard in the background, as well as little animals that prepared for their hibernation. Excited remarks would be shared between you two whenever you saw animal footprints on the ground or even saw the animals themselves.
Jisuk :: Ice skating
Let me just say you'll be in a lot of pain in the next weeks. The moment this guy stepped on the ice, he lost his balance and fell right on his face. Unluckily for you, he had to drag you down with him too, multiple times... You weren't having it, so you forced him to take an ice skating aid. Jisuk was using it properly for a couple of rounds, but then he situated himself onto the aid and had you push him at high speed. It was actually fun (except for the crashing into the wall part). After a few rounds, he finally got the hang of it.
Jiwoo :: Baking sugar cookies
He's one of the best people you could bake with! Cozy music was playing in the background as you were making the dough. While the cookies were in the oven, you jammed to the music together, making the cleaning process ridiculously silly and filled with laughter. Jiwoo was excited to decorate the sugar cookies. Although it looked clumsy at first, he created various pretty designs with care.
Jiyoung :: Making hot chocolate
Nothing could be better than winding down after a productive day. And it would be even better if you had some company.
You were surprised to see Jiyoung so eager to make hot chocolate. This activity reminded her of the old days when she could still spend time with her brother and her parents. Therefore, she was grateful to have you now to make new precious memories. The delicious drink ended the day on a sweet note.
Kartein :: Knitting
Kartein and you were sitting in comfortable silence in front of the mellow light of the fireplace. The warm aroma of vanilla filled the air, since Kartein lighted up a candle a few minutes ago. He was carefully knitting a white hat, whereas your hands were also occupied by knitting needles, but meticulously knitted each row of your white scarf. The plan was to have lovely matching scarfs and hats at the end (you originally brought up the idea but Kartein approved of it).
Kayden :: Ice fishing
Kayden is not an ordinary man, so you can't expect to do 'normal' activities with him. You went ice fishing together. You drove out to a frozen lake, pulled out your camping stools, carefully drilled a hole into the ice, and patiently waited for a fish to catch the bait. You used the waiting time to chat with Kayden and to catch up since you both had busy lifes. When you would catch a fish after waiting for a long time, you would either put it back into the water or cook it up.
Subin :: Sledding
Subin dragged you out to the tallest mountain in your area, saying it would be fun to drive down at a fast pace. You were skeptical at first, but your worries soon turned into unstoppable waves of laughter. Neither of you could control the sled well, which often led to you two driving against a tree or into poor other people. You were a menace to everybody in your vicinity, but it didn't stop you two from going up the mountain to sled down again.
Sucheon :: Snowball fight
Sucheon didn't want to engage in this dumb activity with you at first. But then you dared to hit him in his face with a snowball while he was still talking?! He angrily stomped away from you and made his own batch of snowballs to get back at you. And let's just say, that after an intense fight, which neither of you won because neither of you wanted to back down, you both came out exhausted with some bruises. At least you had fun. You believe you even saw Sucheon genuinely smiling for a split second as he neatly formed one of his snowballs.
Wooin :: Building a snowman
He immediately went outside as soon as it snowed to roll up the body of the snowman. Wooin never made one before and now he finally got the opportunity to! While he was building the body you collected a carrot for the nose, an old hat that you found in the corner of your closet, little stones for the remaining face of the snowman, and of course branches for his two arms. Wooin and you assembled the snowman and when you were finally content with the result, you took cute pictures with him, both of you hugging your creation.
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glorianamultistan · 2 years
Kim Jongin x Male Reader
Summary:- Y/n (omega) got married to Jongin (Alpha) who has a one-year-old son. The carrier parent of Subin passed away two months right after the birth while being comatose. It was becoming harder for Jongin, the CEO of a successful entertainment company and a renowned artist himself, to handle the infant with nannies so this marriage was arranged by his mother, like his last one, who wanted to take care of her son and wanted him happy.
Content :- omegaverse, domestic, a little heat at the end.
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I don't own the pic
Part 1
Y/n was not ready for everything that just got forced upon him, but throughout his life, he was made to realise the importance of being a good and supportive partner to his Alpha, and so when he was married to a guy whom he just saw from afar once in real life, in a party organised by his own parents, he just had to follow simple instructions given to him by his mother and then by his partner.
It was an arrangement to benefit both parties. The widower Alpha will get someone to take care of his child and the young omega will get a partner who holds a strong social position. Not only this, the Alpha had an image of impeccable behavior and there was never a question of him being disrespectful to any person without a very valid reason.
It was decided that the marriage will be a mere legal agreement ceremony in a courtroom because it has not been a year still of the death of Alpha's last partner. This was a good thing in y/n opinion too as he was not ready to face a crowd and be the center of attention.
After the whole process was done, a ritualistic picture was taken and y/n was led by Jongin to the car waiting for them outside the court.
The car ride to the house was comfortably quiet for y/n. Jongin was constantly on his tab looking over documents and when they reached the house he got out first to help the omega get out from the other side. It was a decently big house, more like a mansion but it was built in a way that could be described best with the words 'subtle magnificence'.
When Jongin led y/n inside the younger was surprised by the interior, though he came from a privileged background himself, he never imagined a place could look so modern yet regal at the same time. "I hope you will be comfortable here, I got all the old portraits removed and we will get our done soon." Jongin was saying all of this while looking directly at y/n's face while y/n had his eyes down, he was clearly not comfortable with the Alpha as of now.
"Do you want to meet Subin?" Y/n looked up at Jongin's face and saw a light smile after the Alpha asked him the question. "Can I?", y/n whispered. "Yes, you are supposed to help me with him, so, let's meet him, he should be up, it is still one only." "Okay."
Again Jongin went ahead and led them to the nursery on the first floor, it was the most beautiful baby's room y/n ever saw, and Subin was in the crib while a person was cleaning the room. "Good afternoon sir." "Good afternoon Mr Yang, this is y/n, my new husband as you know already, and y/n this is Mr Yang, he looked after Subin whenever I was not here, he's the house help we have and you can trust him with anything. He will also tell you all about Subin's likes and dislikes." "Good afternoon." Y/n bowed. "Good afternoon sir."
Mr Yang left the room and y/n went closer to the crib with Jongin. "He is... so precious." y/n wasn't able to form words properly as the child smiled at his father and made cute noises. "Yes, he is, I hope you will be good with him and treat him like your own child." Jongin picked Subin up and started playing with him. "Can I hold him?" "Yes, yes."
As y/n held Subin, his omega cooed at the child, it was a blissful moment for him and the child became very comfortable in y/n's arms, so much so that he started dosing off due to the pheromones of y/n. "He's such an adorable child Mr Jongin, I think I love him already." This was the loudest y/n has been till now in Jongin's presence.
"You don't need to be so formal with me y/n, I am your husband not boss. I don't want you to get intimidated by me. I won't be present at home a lot but you can always call my assistant and he will definitely make sure your problems are solved, rest you have Mr Yang too." "But, I am younger than you, so what am I supposed to call you?" "How about Jongin-ssi?" "Okay."
"Let me show you the kitchen and the bedroom, your luggage will be here soon so don't worry about that there are two closets so you can choose whichever you want and if you like mine I will shift to the other one, there is no problem." While following Jongin through the house y/n was feeling uncomfortable due to all the attention to detail about his choice which the alpha was showing as y/n felt that it was too much for him to do, according to y/n's upbringing he should be the one who should compromise for the alpha, not the other way around.
"This is the master bedroom, well I rarely sleep here now as it is too lonely to be by myself after my partner passed away. We were not that close but their heat ended up with the pregnancy so there is that. I hope you can be at home here." "Jongin-ssi, I will be very comfortable in a lot less too, please don't worry about my likes, I should be the one to worry about you as you are the alpha."
"Y/n... Who told you that?" "My parents and the teachers." "Oh y/n, is that why you have been silent all along?" "Yes." Y/n nodded affirmingly.
"Listen, come, sit here, not that far, here beside me." Jongin made y/n sit near him on the bed. "I am not your boss, not your superior or your owner or your only priority too to be honest. I am just an alpha by chance and so you are omega by chance. This in no way means you are inferior than me or you have to listen to my every demand. That is wrong on so many levels." "But... I was taught this only, to take care of the child and be there for you when you need me." "Oh my God y/n!? Seriously who taught you that!? No wait, I know
who. Just, forget all that, and try to live a life, please. You do have to care for Subin but that doesn't mean you are a servant or anything, you are a parent y/n."
"O-okay." It was hard for y/n to get used to such things but in a week everything sorted itself out. His luggage was delivered and he chose the already empty closet, he was taking care of Subin and often made food for Kai when he wanted to make a special dish, though the Alpha was always late to arrive and y/n had only seen him once in the bed when he woke up around 5 am to drink water and check up on Subin and saw the elder beside him.
There was no awkwardness between them, which was surprising enough for Mr. Yang to comment too "you both act like you have been married for ages, I was ready for some tension but it is a smooth sailing." Y/n blushed at the comment and went to the nursery, he was mostly there only, the child was too precious according to him to be left alone.
Subin liked y/n, it was very much clear by the way the boy smiled and giggled when y/n played with him, and often when Subin made a mess with food y/n fed him and cleaned him while singing to him, so much to the liking of the child that he slept right after it.
It was around seven in the evening when y/n left Subin's room as the child fell asleep after his dinner, he went to the kitchen and saw a note from Mr. Yang stating "please don't make dinner, sir said he would be bringing it." Y/n saw that and went to the hall to wait for the Alpha's return, and Kai came back around seven thirty.
"Welcome home." "Oh! Thank you. I thought you might like to have something from the outside today for a change so I got us pasta from my friend's restaurant and some wine, I hope it is okay with you." "Yes, thank you so much for this. I missed having pasta so much, how did you know?" "I asked your mother what you liked and after a lot of insisting that it has to be something specific and not 'everything' she asked the cook to tell me what you actually liked." Y/n was shocked, to think that Kai would go that far just to ask for a dish was incomprehensible for the omega raised to say yes to everything done by his Alpha.
"Oh don't cry, it was nothing much really." "Huh?" without realising, y/n was in tears. "I- I am, I don't know, just, thank you. I never thought I would be treated like this so, it is a lot to take, sorry." "I hope I have raised some expectations in that sense then, y/n, you are a good person, you should be treated well and respectfully. Now let's go and have dinner, I will shower later." "Okay."
The dinner was great, to eat with Kai sitting right in front of him and enjoying, really enjoying time with other person felt nice to y/n, it was a new feeling he is getting addicted to due to his alpha.
After the dinner y/n washed the plates and the glasses and left to check Subin once more before sleeping. When he reached the master bedroom and opened the door, he felt like he just stepped into a heat-inducing chamber. There was Kai, wrapped in a night robe that clearly did not hide his defined chest, and to top it off he was drying his hair with a towel while looking at something on his phone.
"Won't you come in?" "Huh?" For the second time in the night, y/n was speechless. "You have been standing there for quite some time y/n, oh! Is my outfit making you uncomfortable!? Wait! I will change into pajamas." "No!" y/n screamed. "No, I just - don't, like, it is okay, I am okay, I was just a bit surprised as I did not really think before coming in." "It is your room too y/n, you should not be thinking before coming in."
Y/n went and sat on his side of the bed and tried hard to focus on his phone and not on the half-exposed body of his husband. "Uhm, y/n, your scent, it is increasing intensely, are you okay?" "Y-yes I am okay, just, it happens." "Oh, it is, such a nice lavender smell though, very comforting." "Thank you."
Now y/n was blushing beyond help. They switched off the lights and slept off, but around one at night y/n was in trouble, it was not the time for his heat but the symptoms were too intense to be overlooked, he tried really hard to not let his mind wander and stay put but lost it when Kai suddenly grabbed his waist and pulled him so that he was spooned by the alpha, then he heard what made his pride break "y/n, precious, you are in heat, so suddenly, hmm" Kai rubbed the tip of his nose at the back of omega's neck and whispered more "was looking at me like that enough to make you this wet? I should take the responsibility then, hmm?"
Y/n could just whimper "a-alp-ha!" "shh!! There there, we should not lose control like this." Kai pulled both of them up and made y/n straddle him, "look at me y/n" and so he did, "you are so beautiful, and so loveable, I want us to be more connected before we cross the line, so I will help you through it but not knot you, I hope you can understand it." "ye-yes. Please but, help, please." before y/n can say anything more, Kai kissed him and the touches he left all over y/n body and the relief he provided to the omega through the night was something y/n would think about and blush for upcoming weeks.
P.S.:- If you liked it, you can support me by buying me a coffee; link's on my page.
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slytherinshua · 1 year
genre. fluff. warnings. joking mentions of cheating. sejun gets rly jelly and is adorable. kissing. pairing. sejun x fem!reader. wc. 736. a/n. requested by kya :D
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“Why’d you order so many copies?” Your boyfriend questioned, walking up to where you were seated, Victon albums laid out on the table, waiting to be opened by you.
“I want to pull my bias.” You said simply. You started to carefully remove the film off the first album and open it up. You still liked to fangirl every once and a while and you had all the Victon albums to date.
“My photocards are pretty common, babe. I think you’d be fine with just 2 or 3. 7 seems a little much, doesn’t it?” He sat down beside you and grabbed another album to help unpackage.
You hummed, not saying anything in response to his comments, but a smile still grew on your face. You flipped over the photocards for the first album, a little disappointed when you saw that you had drawn Seungwoo and Byungchan.
“It’s okay, there’s 6 left.” Sejun smiled, dimples popping out. He flipped over the photocards from his album— Another Seungwoo and a Subin. “Guess we’ll have to keep look-”
“Finally!! Oh my god, this’ll complete my collection by now!” You grinned happily, snatching the Subin photocard from out of your boyfriend’s hand, holding it up to study it carefully like it was the most precious thing you owned.
“I thought you were trying to get your bias…?”
“I did!” Your smile stayed firm on your face until it finally dawned on Sejun.
“I’m… not your bias?”
“You're my boyfriend— why would you need to be my bias as well?” You reasoned offhandedly, still too immersed in the photocard to catch his confused expression.
He wasn’t your bias? Why wasn’t he your bias? You loved him, but then you biased Subin? What the heck did Subin have over your own boyfriend?!
“I’m not your bias?” He asked, stunned.
“Mmm… maybe bias wrecker? Not sure.”
“But I’m your boyfriend.”
“I know.” You kissed him on the cheek to ease his worries slightly, but it didn’t seem to help much.
“Am I… lacking?” Sejun asked, still stunned. When you glanced back at him, he was pouting.
“What? Of course not! I love you so much, baby.” You immediately calmed him, dropping the album that you were opening to cup his cheeks instead. “You’re my boyfriend and you’re not lacking in any way.”
“But I’m not your bias.” He muttered bitterly, removing your hands from his face and picking up another album, tearing the film and picking up the photocards— Sejun and Hanse. He picked up his own photocard, studying it carefully. You watched as his eyes flickered over every detail of the smaller, printed version of him.
“Am I not as pretty as Subin?”
You furrowed your eyebrows, “I never said he was prettier than you.”
“Then why is he your bias?” Sejun whined, huffing out a big breath at the end of the question. 
You couldn’t suppress your laughter at his antics. You had never told him who your bias was for this very reason. You had never seen your boyfriend get jealous over anyone. He was always confident in himself and you, so there was really nothing he had to get jealous over. You just wanted to test out if he was the jealous type, and the result didn’t disappoint. 
“I guess he just caught my attention.” You shrugged.
“It feels like you’re cheating on me.” He said dramatically.
“Biasing Subin doesn’t count as cheating.”
“It does! You’re being disloyal to your boyfriend.”
“I biased him because he’s talented. I’m not in love with him.” You defended.
“Am I not talented enough for you?” 
“Baby,” You sounded defeated. You didn’t expect it to bother him that much. To be honest, you couldn’t think of anything to say to appease him. “I love you so much more than Subin, okay?”
“Do you?” Sejun pouted again.
“I do! You’re my handsome, talented, beautiful, funny, lovely boyfriend who I love endlessly and has no reason to get jealous over Subin.” You said sincerely.
“Well… I guess Subin can stay your bias then…” He mumbled, trying to hide his smile from your compliments, but he failed.
You laughed again and then grabbed Sejun’s hoodie strings, pulling him towards you until his lips landed on yours. You pulled away, but Sejun kept his eyes closed, trying to find your lips again for another kiss.
“You’re so cute.” You whispered, kissing him again like he wanted.
↳ victon taglist: @yeonjuns-redhair,, @skz-minchan-enthusiast
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kpopagere · 3 months
Our baby⋆‧🦢˚⋆*•.
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ᯓ★ byungchan x victon
little˚. byungchan❀
cgs˚. victon★
word count: 670༚.°
a/c: felt like writing abt my ult bias, byungchan because he’s just so cutee ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
ᯓ★ please, consider reblogging if you like my works
If you ask the Victon members what is their favorite activity they would answer taking care of their little one. Yes, it is hard work, but it is also exciting and fun. Moreover, there is nothing more precious than byunhchan’s smile. Everything on their little is perfect, especially his cute little dimples. His cute nose and pink lips and … to put it simply byungchan is perfect. He I their precious little angel.
Right now their perfect little angel needs an urgent diaper change. He is lying on his stomach on the soft carpet in the living room and watches the TV. He is deep in his little space, he is feeling like a little baby today which means lots of work for the members. Seungsik is currently trying to deal with the  huge mountain of dirty clothes which gathered in the laundry room and in the same time nags that no one in the household is helping him. Seungwoo is hiding under the bed in his room to avoid work and subin is painting the walls in sejun’s bedroom, again. This is subin’s punishment, he was supposed to look after the little one but fell asleep and byungchan used the moment of inattention to draw on the walls. Sejun is out with chan and they are doing grocery shopping while hanse is acting like he is busy taking care of their baby.
The truth is that hanse doesn’t really pay attention to byungchan until he starts to cry because the wet diaper is becoming uncomfortable. He weakly squirms to turn around and face his daddy. Hanse finally spots his discomfort and gets up to fetch the diaper bag.
Hanse carefully grabs the tapes at the sides of the diaper and prays that he won’t find a poo inside. Luckily for him byungchan only peed so it is a quite easy task. Hanse uses wet wipes to clean his bottom and crotch before unfolding a clean diaper and sliding it underneath their baby.
Hanse leaves the living room for a second to throw away the dirty diaper. Byungchan is sucking on a pacifier and whines when he spots his daddy coming. The baby is lonely without his daddy and Hanse has to pick him up if he wants to prevent a hysterical tantrum. Hanse turns off the TV and sits their baby on the couch. Byungchan is happy that he turned his attention to him and happily claps his hands. Hanse can’t avoid taking care of him anymore. Byungchan is babbling something and slobbers on his onesie while his daddy listens to him as if he can understand. Hanse thinks that maybe byungchan is hungry so he takes him to his high chair and goes to prepare a bottle of warm milk for him. Byungchan recognizes the silent buzzing of the strange box called the bottle warmer and licks his lips. He really got hungry while thinking about milk.
Hanse waits a few minutes and checks that the milk isn’t too hot. It isn’t so he brushes the rubber nipple against byungchan’s lips and the little one immediately latches on it. He is hungrily sucking on the delicious milk and his daddy holds the bottle for him. After finishing the milk byungchan yawns and rubs his eyes. Hanse grabs him under armpits to burp him, then carries him in his bedroom. Byungchan keeps rubbing his eyes and Hanse takes a pair of thin mittens so byungchan won’t rub his eyes any longer, his nails could hurt his eyes. Hanse finished putting the mittens on byungchan‘s hands and then tucked him in the bed. Byungchan whines when his daddy covers him with the soft blanket and hanse pushes a pacifier between his lips. Byungchan sucks on it and his eyes start to close. He is asleep in the matter of a few minutes and hanse sneaks out of the room. The little one is asleep and hanse needs to find another excuse to avoid doing chores before seungsik can find him.
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faceglitchsworld · 17 days
Seungsik selfies through these months: a (not so) complete compilation pt. 14 feat. the fancafè and his dear precious VICTONIES Sejun and Subin 😭
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environmentindia · 9 months
Ripple in the Waters: Eurasian Otter Discovery in Western Ghats' Sanctuary
A thrilling discovery made by Mohan, S. K., and team in 2023 reveals something incredible! They spotted the elusive Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra) right here in the Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary within our beautiful Western Ghats. Two of these otters spotted in a rocky-torrential stream back in March 2020. These little fellas were on a frenzy, darting among submerged rocks, exploring nooks and crannies, and sometimes taking playful dives. What’s fascinating is their preference for spots where the water roars with energy, avoiding the calm and shallow areas.
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Eurasian Otter Lutra lutra depositing spraints
Now, here’s the real scoop on where they were found – it's a paradise up there! At 1,275 meters altitude in the Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary, there’s lush greenery, these halfway-between forests (called transitional sholas), and patches of green along a speedy stream with big rocks and fallen trees. And get this – this place isn’t just for our Eurasian Otter friends; it's also a sweet spot for the Asian Small-clawed Otter (Aonyx cinereus). Looks like they're sharing the space wisely!
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Recorded site of Eurasian Otter Lutra lutra from Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary
But here’s where it gets interesting: this discovery shakes up what we thought we knew about where these otters like to hang out in the Western Ghats. It's shouting out loud that we need to dive deeper into understanding these otters – their types, where they live, how many there are, and what they’re up to. Knowing all this stuff is like giving them a shield from the things that threaten them – losing their homes, sand mining, being hunted, and their numbers going down. It’s clear as daylight that if we want to keep these otters safe and sound in our precious Western Ghats, we’ve got to take care of the greenery by the streams. It’s like giving them a big, leafy hug and saying, “We got you, little buddies!”
Source 👉 Mohan, S. K., Nath, L. R., Subin, K. S., Govindankutty, S. K., & Nameer, P. O. (2023). Recent record of Eurasian Otter Lutra lutra (Linnaeus, 1758)(Mammalia: Carnivora: Mustellidae) from Kerala part of the Western Ghats, India and an insight into the behaviour and habitat preferences. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 15(12), 24352-24356.
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victonupdate · 4 days
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[ #echo_NOTICE ]
🍒 Subin's 1st fan meeting 'Cherry and Subin' 2nd poster revealed 🍒
The 2nd poster for Subin's first solo #fanmeeting #CherryandSubin, which allows you to feel both a refreshing and sporty mood, has been revealed 🤗✨
To create precious memories with Cherry, Subin is also preparing for the fan meeting with an excited heart
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se-jun · 4 years
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sejun himbo... confirmed?
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trashcankatie · 3 years
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@subinis would you like, some subin?
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gabichive · 3 years
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ddaehyeon · 4 years
hello, i love jung subin 🥺
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I’ve never seen a group dote on their maknae as much as Victon does. Subin owns them. 
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sgnhyunjae · 4 years
       with @sgnsubin​
one of the things hyunjae finds himself doing as the night settles and his eyes remain wide awake, is walk around until his body succumbs to slumber. it wasn’t the best solution, often keeping him more awake one way or another, but he hasn’t found a better method yet so he supposes this is his best bet for now. besides, he finds himself running into interesting characters during this time of night.
subin had been one of them. he encountered the force that is han subin when it was 5am, out to get snacks after finishing a round of... gaming, which hyunjae should have guessed, but he thought the other was studying. shame on him. it didn’t take long for the younger to start showing pictures of his cat, so hyunjae was quick to drop whatever negative perception he had of subin when it came to gamers.
that, and subin was just a baby. it wouldn’t have been that hard to change his views.
sure, hyunjae noticed that subin basically smuggled a cat into his dorm, but he wasn’t going to report it to security. not if he wanted to see the cat for himself. 
(  ✉  )     outgoing   →   subin  !
sent: which one is your dorm again? sent: also what does your cat like to snack on? sent: if you postpone this i might tell on you btw sent: but i think you knew that already
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faceglitchsworld · 8 months
Seungsik selfies through these months: a (not so) complete compilation pt. 8 feat. his dear precious VICTONIES Sejun and Subin 😭
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93daes · 5 years
Seri’s out here playing Oprah, so I hope she remembers Ju Meok’s wish
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