#sgu shitpost
SGU Week Day 2 (still????): Favorite Character (another one????)
I already stayed up all night writing a damn novel about why I'm obsessed with a character that only showed up in 4 episodes, but while Amanda is definitely Best Girl, I'd be remiss in leaving out Best Boy.
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Master Sergeant Ronald Greer~
I really wasn't sure what to think of Greer at first. He seemed like kind of a wild card, eager to shoot first and ask questions later, but also super wholesome and selfless, always putting others first. Towards the end of the series, he had secured his place in my heart as Best Boy (sorry Eli).
Here are some of my favorite memes I've made starring Greer.
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This is the second SGU meme I ever made, a Rick and Morty mashup. I thought Greer and Krombopulos Michael were similar, in that they're both surprisingly wholesome despite their chosen professions.
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Given Greer's expert marksmanship and his eagerness to show it off, I was reminded of this scene from My Cousin Vinny, featuring Vanessa delivering the deer monologue.
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I was 100% on board with Dale x Lisa until Ronald Greer entered the chat. They are so precious together. It's so rare that I like canon ships because they always feel so forced, but SGU is so good that I can't think of a canon ship I actually dislike. The characters are so fleshed out, even the obvious "designated love interests," that they feel like people who came together naturally instead of being forced together by writers who want pretty people to suck face for ratings.
Anyway!!! Apparently Lisa said her favorite food was chicken parmesan, but in The Hunt, she declares herself a vegetarian. She's not a biologist, so I guess we can give her a pass.
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Speaking of meat... Anyway, I'd love to know how the conversation that led Rush to assert that there's no beef jerky in space started.
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This is an excerpt from a longer comic, but I think it can stand alone. Most of my content takes place after the show's end, but this one takes place between Hope and Seizure (or idk, maybe post-stasis after Waifu_01.exe and Waifu_02.exe are jailbroken [jailbreaked???], and Greer somehow missed all of that drama before because he had actual work to do), as himbo Greer grapples with the logistics of how one might date a ghost.
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Speaking of ghosts, I loved how Greer was Eli's wingman. It was so sweet, and I loved seeing their friendship.
Also my thought is that, due to its numerous cutaways, Eli shows Ginn Family Guy to teach her about earth culture. It's actually not a terrible idea, except that it's definitely a terrible idea.
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I'm gonna post the context for this on my Day 3 post. For now, POV you are Lisa Park and your himbo boyfriend is really excited about nonsense 💖💚
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incoming-wormhole · 7 years
Ah yes, the three Stargate series
Stargate: Egypt in space
Stargate: Wet
Stargate: Angst
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‘dirty love’ by kesha is lisa park going through the destiny crew
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SGU Week Day 3 (yeahhhhhhh, 3): Favorite Friendship
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There are so many wonderful friendships in SGU, but I really love the friendship between Greer and Matt (sorry it just feels weird to call Greer "Ron" even though that's his name, idk why that is??). It's just so strong and genuine, and I love seeing healthy portrayals of masculine friendship.
I'd venture to say that they're the two most competent guys on Destiny's crew, but in my memes, they've kinda devolved into two lovable himbos who share a brain cell (but they lost it). Here are some of my favorites.
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We all wish there were more episodes, right?? Here's an "episode" I made where Matt and Greer decide to capture a space bison, believing it to be a dinosaur.
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Rush is there, too. He must suffer at the hands of Matt and Greer's combined energy.
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See! They know stuff!!
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OIL. [patriotic screeching]
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They're so ambitious I love them
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It is a dinosaur as long as you believe
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For the oil [patriotic screeching]
And now for something completely different~
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They know about dinosaurs and ghosts. They are very smart 💚
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And just for fun, here's a little nonsense with guest appearances by Eli and Colonel Young. They're having a little too much fun with that Waluigi board.
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Idk I've never played Animal Crossing
I accidentally got re-obsessed with Stargate, and I'm not getting enough attention on Facebook, so I'm bringing the fruits of my remaining brain cell to tumblr dot com in hopes that the fandom over here will find my memes to be roughly as hilarious as they are in my head.
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It's SGU week!!
I discovered SGU last year (I watched SG-1 with my dad as a teen when it was airing, but we somehow never knew that SGU even existed until like 11 years after the fact???) and it pretty much instantly became my hyperfixation. I am BEYOND excited for this event, and I'd love to make some more friends who love the show as much as I do.
I mostly just make ridiculous meme comic things like this and share them in shitposting groups on Facebook, so I hope the remaining denizens of tumblr dot com enjoy my sense of "humor." Destiny's crew lives rent-free in my head, and sometimes, when I see a funny post or meme, I'll force my faves to reenact it for my amusement.
Today's prompt is "Women of SGU," and I assume this counts since Lisa and TJ are both women. 🧠 It is TJ's turn to use the community brain cell today.
I'm also hoping to draw something for today's prompt because I had an idea, but I am slow at drawing and am out of practice, so it might not go up until later this week. 😅
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SGU Week Day 4 (Yes, 4!!): Favorite Ship
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This is my new OTP. Idk exactly what it is, but buddy, I will take my serotonin from wherever I can get it these days.
Just kidding, I know exactly why I enjoy this. Most of it is that I just really, really like Amanda (don't hate me; despite what my memes may lead you to believe, I am not a Rush Enjoyer, because I know he would make me cry every day if I had to interact with him lmao), but OH MY GOD am I a sucker for The Grumpy One Is Soft for the Sunshine One. I love seeing them feel so safe and comfortable together. I love the ease of their interactions. I don't think anyone cares about spoilers at this point, but good Lord, she almost killed him and he wasn't even mad 😂
I NEVER enjoy canon ships because they feel like forced hetero nonsense. Another reason I enjoy this pairing so much is that to me, a demisexual, it feels very much like a demisexual love story. Think about it. Falling for your best friend, pining for the same guy for years... that's not unique to us, but it's definitely part of the demisexual experience (I'm not a piner, but most demis I meet seem to be). Im aware that they were originally supposed to sleep together in Sabotage, but, again as a demi, I'm glad they ended up taking a different route. I don't enjoy seeing characters who barely know each other hooking up, not because I'm prudish, but because I have no investment in the characters. This... We had to work for this. 🥰
In searching for other fan content, I've discovered that Rush and Amanda aren't a well-liked pairing (go figure, I like a canon ship and it's one no one likes lmaooooooo). I've found that I see this pairing quite differently from its critics; to me, it felt very female-focused. Yes, Amanda clearly only exists to be The Main Guy's love interest, but I found that, apart from the fridging, the ship was very much focused on her desires. She was not a thing to be pursued. She had agency and took initiative. She felt like a whole person to me, not just a pretty doll.
I also enjoyed the hell out of the awkwardness. I don't get secondhand embarrassment. I get the opposite of that. I LIVE for cringe. fr what even was this scene???
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"So, you wanna make out or something?"
"Yes, obviously, I fist bumped you. That's pretty much 1st base."
God what a fucking dork
"No, 3rd base is not when a man rolls up his sleeve so you can see his forearms."
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I drew them~ They're gonna hold hands bang >:] As you can see from the date, I drew this last year, very shortly after watching Seizure for the first time (I colored it yesterday, though, for this). I liked this pairing right away, and honestly, I was hoping Rush would pay Amanda a visit on earth via the stones after Sabotage. I'm not exactly thrilled that the writers chose to go for two double-fridgings, but the computer ghost thing creates a lot of possibilities for fanfic. I'd also like to have seen them interacting on earth before the Icarus mission.
As a final thought, I also love seeing someone who has been so deeply hurt learning to love again. I'm so disappointed SGU didn't get more seasons, because this would have been interesting to explore further with Rush and Amanda as a proper couple once she got off her bullshit and accepted that he did love her oh my God Mandy he killed that guy for you don't stand there and try to tell him he doesn't love you godddddddddddddd
Anyway, here are some of my favorite meme comics I've made. ^^
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They were close friends for years. You cannot convince me that she didn't know exactly what he was like, nor can you convince me that she doesn't love it. 😉
"I'm not codependent! I'm obsessed with you a normal amount!"
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In my experience, the key to a successful relationship is to find your person, and then you just annoy the shit out of each other for the rest of your lives (consensually, of course).
I also fully believe that there is no way on God's green earth that Rush would ever willingly watch a Syfy Channel original movie.
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He does like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid... Through shitposting with friends, it has become "canon" that Bonanza is one of like, 3 TV shows Rush actually watches. The other two are Nova and House. Amanda, who watched a lot of classic sitcoms with her grandparents as a child with no social life, is unfortunately not a fan of westerns.
That's okay. He can fix her. 🤎
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I have an ongoing series (up to 5 parts now) where Rush Definitely Understands the Trolley Problem. This is the first one.
I should really post those here.
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She knows his secret >:]
Also this takes place in the future so they're married now shut up let me have this they're cute
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God what a lightweight
That's okay nothing's gonna stop her from getting white girl wasted on Brody's moonshine #YOLO
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This was inspired by a fun exchange I had with a friend. It's "canon" in my comics and in progress fic that Amanda watched Wormhole X-treme to prepare for working at the SGC (she is so normal), and read whatever mission reports she had clearance for when she wasn't doing Mega Serious Spaceship Work.
If Rush can bully her into watching cowboy shows, she can bully him right back into watching space shows. This will backfire spectacularly. 😂
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All right!! I had to skip a few days because I wanted to do something nice for SGU week instead of just posting weird memes, but I finally generated some fanart!! This has been a rough couple years for me, so I haven't had much time to draw at all. Anyway, a few days late, here's (hopefully) a proper tribute to the Women of SGU. 💖
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Idk if I had a bar, I'd play the Cheers theme on loop until my patrons destroyed my speakers
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It's Otto the Autopilot from Airplane. Why do they have that? Idk, probably the same reason they have so much chalk. (I can't fit the backstory pics here, but I photoshopped Otto onto Destiny's bridge for fun, and some weird guy asked who had blown him up, listing only what I assume to him were the "hot chicks." Thinking quickly, I said Dale had been pranked into doing it, and that's how Lisa's Girl Gang was born). [Insert Peter Griffin Explains the Joke here]
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I was in a women's fraternity in college, and they were very strict against hazing, even silly stuff like this.
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She has misunderstood the question. 💖
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"But she seems so nice! What is she doing with such a mean guy??" "Oh... OH..."
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"What do you know, Tamara? You're not a real doctor." >:[
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Camile: *arrives*
Lisa: OH SHIT IT'S THE COPS anyway lemme tell you exactly what mischief we're plotting hehe
And Ginn's outfit is from a random picture I found of Julie McNiven when I was looking for reference photos. I thought it was cute!! 💚
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Tag yourself I'm Chloe
A couple notes: this (and basically everything I generate) takes place post-stasis because I am irrationally furious that a TV show I only recently discovered got canceled 12 years ago. Amanda and Ginn are now Real Girls with Meat Bodies ™️ (my inbox is open if you wanna hear me scream about my headcanons for them lmao). Lisa's eyes are "fixed," but I haven't settled on a prosthetic or cybernetic design. My hc is that they eventually adapt the neural link to allow her to "see" the ship in real time. This is just a silly comic, so I guess it's up to your interpretation. ^^
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sculptural-renaissance · 11 months
Halloween is my favorite holiday, so I'd be remiss if I didn't combine it with SGU, my current hyperfixation. 😂 I did try posting this on Halloween, but my phone didn't want to cooperate with me. Anyway, hi new people, I hope you like the "episode" I made for Halloween! Yes, it's #7. I post these on Facebook, so eventually I'll post the others here, too. :)
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I guess skeletons don't count as humans even if they're human skeletons??? Depends on what lore you're working with.
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The absolute small dog energy of daring the guy who's Best at Shooting to shoot you (it's me I do shit like this IRL) (Someday Imma pull a full Carmen and be like LMAO WHAT'RE YOU GONNA DO, STAB ME??? and then just get fucking stabbed.)
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Greer probably deserves an award for killing the most different kinds of aliens.
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Spoiler: Rush goes to the infirmary anyway, can't find any pills, and ends up stealing a fistful of bandaids out of spite.
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I had to do actual Research and Math for this one.
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Pidgey and Rattata are the two most common Pokémon in Pokémon Go, according to the internet. I'm also aware that puts this scene in 2017, but ehhhhhh STASIS *waggles fingers*
Yes, I have a general timeline for the more serious stuff I probably won't ever get around to making. No, I don't strictly adhere to it when shitposting if it keeps me from making a dumb joke.
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Imagine you get everything you ever wanted: working legs, a cool job on a spaceship, and that guy you've been obsessed with for like a decade finally wants to rail you. Now you get to listen to him whine about how the crew's not-doctor won't give him prescription drugs for fun. Peak monkey's paw experience.
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Dale is my 3rd favorite guy but he's absolutely Destiny's Meg sorry not sorry
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Hail Hydra moment
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My husband remembered that the show Skeleton Warriors existed, and then I spent like, an hour and a half photoshopping a single panel that barely anyone will read. 😏
Anyway, I hope the handful of tumblr denizens who see and understand this post will get a little laugh out of it. Idc if it's late, Halloween is a FEELING and the Skeleton War is ETERNAL
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SGU Week Day 7 (Yeah I skipped 6, I think I mentioned my fave eps indirectly a few times): Found Family
Colonel Young was definitely father figure to some of the younger men on board, so in the memes I make, he has definitely adopted the "Dad" role. I usually photoshop the name on his uniform to say "DAD" instead of "YOUNG" because I am that kind of neurodivergent lmao
So here's some Colonel Dad for ya~
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My choir teacher told me this joke in grad school and I haven't gotten over it.
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I may be in the minority, but I like this ship. I wasn't sold either way until I saw their alternate future in Epilogue, and later after reading an interview from Alaina Huffman where she talked about her thoughts on the pairing. Definitely swayed me in support of TJ being the Hot Stepmom of this little family. ❤️‍🩹
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This is actually how it all started, me making memes in Facebook messenger about Rick and Morty.
God I'm cringe
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Maybe he does want to be your "slightly crazy uncle," but he's gonna be a tsundere about it the whole time
That's a mental image you have now
You're welcome
All right, this has been something! Kinda reminds me of all those RWBY art challenges I used to do when I was younger and less busy and less tired. You know, like 4 years ago. It was fun! I'm glad I got to draw again, even if I didn't really have time and was doing it in between putting resin coatings on rings. 😂 Maybe I'll get to draw more in the future. The memes will certainly continue at a breakneck pace. Just gotta post em. I also got to use my new little keyboard because sometimes typing long things on my phone makes me dissociate haha 😅
Also I'm aware SGU week technically over, but I haven't gone to bed yet, so it's definitely still Sunday fight me IRL
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SGU Week Day 2 (I promise I can count; I'm just behind!!): Favorite Character
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Leave it to me to get fixated on a character who only shows up in 4 episodes of a show that got cancelled 12 years ago. 😫 I thoroughly enjoyed SGU from its inception, but Amanda Perry is what took the show from something I really enjoyed to my current hyperfixation (yes, it's her fault I'm here, this fictional lady). She lives rent-free in my head. 💖
(Also fair warning this is gonna be long as hell)
I'm aware that her primary function is that of "love interest," but her character resonated with me on a much deeper level. Maybe I didn't travel a billion light-years to be with the person I love, but I did move 1,000 miles away from everything I knew to make a life with the man who became my husband. I know what it's like to feel rejected because the person you love shows their love differently (though I've been married for almost 6 years now after 3.5 years of long-distance, and then a lengthy engagement, so I know from experience that loving differently doesn't mean loving less). I know what it's like to feel like I'm not valued as a person, though in my case, I was mistreated because I'm autistic as opposed to being paralyzed, and I was regularly used and taken advantage of for my musical abilities, with little respect for my health or needs. I wasn't a person, I was a thing. I've been targeted by people I couldn't fight back against, even for things I didn't do. I know what it's like to be left behind for a lot of social milestones (driving, dating, etc.) I know what it's like to finally find that one safe person who sees you for you.
Amanda is relatable as hell to me. I do want to focus on her specifically in this post, though obviously her romantic endeavors are a factor. Tbh one of the main reasons I like her so much is, in addition to all the other stuff I just mentioned, is that she was the one to initiate things with Rush. I have little dating experience, myself, but I was the instigator in most of my relationships, especially with my husband. Gotta love those ladies who are active instead of waiting around for a guy to make up his mind!
Anyway, I make a lot of SGU memes and dumb lil comics that I share on Facebook, and a decent chunk of them are about Amanda (she even has her own multi-episode arc!!), so I'll share some of them here. I guess if people like them, I can put them on tumblr. I'll add that the vast majority of my content takes place post-stasis, so this Amanda inhabits her own meat body, cloned from DNA the SGC had on file, and is not a computer ghost or a body-swapper with questionable ethics. 😂
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I have generated A LOT of memes lmao
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Well that didn't turn out to be a metaphor for anything... 😏 I didn't catch this the first time, but I ugly-laughed on my second watch-through.
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When the lockdowns were first imposed in my town, I had no idea what that meant, and I was literally about to get in my car and commit a crime because I thought my husband was going to be trapped at work for 2 weeks. Obviously, that wasn't the case, but I felt this scene.
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Since my brain has chosen to attach itself to a character with minimal backstory, I'm obligated to fill in the blanks. One thing I find disappointing in media is that even the nerdy women tend not to have nerdy interests, which absolutely is not what I've experienced in real life. My thought is that Amanda was already something of a prodigy ("Little Miss Brilliant" probably isn't a nickname you get for being a regular genius lmao) before her accident, probably skipped a grade or two in school, private tutors in math and science, that kind of thing, and was later homeschooled before starting college as a teen. She was probably pretty lonely because of that. I'm not quite a "genius" (I have a Master's in music and an Etsy shop, and I uhhhhh make memes about an old TV show for fun), but I am a former gifted kid. Even though I took gifted classes from 4th-12th grade (academics, not that pull-out enrichment crap), I felt very lonely even among my gifted classmates, and I struggled with making friends throughout school because I was just too different. I was weird. I liked weird stuff. The girls were mean. The boys that were my friends didn't like the girly stuff I enjoyed, so I had to lock that part of myself away to fit in. The kids a grade ahead of me obviously left, and the kids a grade below me didn't want to keep in touch when I moved on to high school or college. It was lonely. I see similar things in Amanda's brief appearances. She's on the Destiny for 3 weeks, and she pretty much just sticks to Rush because he's "safe." She tries to be friendly with Eli, but he ends up making fun of her, and he's not very nice to her later on, either (sometimes for good reason; she's my fave but she's no saint). TJ isn't exactly in a position to be socializing during a complicated surgery, so she gets a pass. 😉
This was rambly, but my point is that a lot of lonely nerds are drawn to sci-fi, even the girls. I know for a fact that I'm projecting, but come on, she designs hyperdrives. You really gonna sit there and tell me she never watched Star Trek? 😂
As a side note (oh boy even more rambling), in my fan content, she and Eli have a very sweet friendship based on their shared nerd interests. I really don't think they'd get along in canon as things were left.
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Speaking of sci-fi, I like to think that, after getting recruited for the Stargate program, Amanda watched all of Wormhole X-treme to prepare herself. I also like to think that no one else on Destiny's crew has seen it except Eli, who saw a handful of episodes randomly. I just really need him to see a stargate for the first time and be all like WOW JUST LIKE WORMHOLE X-TREME 😂 These are two separate excerpts, one mentioning the show and tying it back to actual events in SG-1, and the other showing a snippet of an episode. Replicators are kinda like Legos, so of course the humanoid Wormhole X-treme versions would be Lego people (I'm not creative, I'm just silly).
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Going back to feeling lonely, I do think Amanda would be pretty imaginative, even if she's kinda one-note. In a fic I'm working on, she confesses that all of her fantasies involve Rush and having working legs (disclaimer that there's obviously nothing wrong with using a wheelchair and that disabled people can and do have fulfilling romantic relationships and sex lives, but it seems clear in the show that she would like to be able to walk again, so I have stuck to that for this particular story), and the narrative quality of her fantasies is very much on par with dollar store romance novels. She reminds me a little of Tina from Bob's Burgers and her "erotic friendfiction," so I made a few crossover memes. That's Tina's copy of "Buttloose" in the 4th panel. Panel 3 is also a borrowed quote from Tina. I do think Amanda might struggle with tidiness since she spent a good 25 years not being able to pick up after herself at all. I also struggle with this due to executive dysfunction and growing up in a borderline hoarder environment, so I guess I'm projecting again RIP 😅
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No, really, Camile, what do you mean????
I guess in Amanda's defense, she doesn't find Rush off-putting in any way since he's not unnecessarily mean to her. 😂
I'm not sure if I'll ever complete my fic, but one thing I'm exploring, both there and, to a less complicated degree, in my memes, is Amanda's use of the neural link while she's a computer ghost. In Seizure, she seemed to use it with ease (apart from that one colossal fuckup lmaooooo), and I'd really like to see what she could do with it after her file is no longer quarantined. I've done a lot of cringe rambling and infodumping (congrats to anyone who's actually made it this far), so I won't go into detail, but she does work on expanding use of the link so she and Ginn can use it at the same time and connect to multiple people so they can socialize and function more as crew members instead of something like a guardian angel or familiar spirit. I'd also like, as mentioned in a previous post for this event, if she could help Lisa "see" again via the neural link. Another possibility, as alluded to in the above photo, is making "holograms," which aren't really holograms, but are more like skins for the ship's AI. What's cooler, accessing a medical database in the infirmary, or asking the EMH from Voyager to give you the info you need? If you're a loser like me, it's absolutely the second one.
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More backstory!! My hc is that Amanda's parents were killed in the accident that paralyzed her (on the way to some math tournament with the high school mathletes or something idk I'm a musician I don't know what STEM people do for fun), and she was raised by her grandparents. We all love to make our faves suffer, and I'm no exception. This is just a silly little comic, but there is a certain sadness of being intellectually advanced but emotionally immature, something common among gifted kids and neurodivergent people (and I'm both, wheeeee). Things are thankfully getting better now. I love seeing more acceptance. But it was difficult in the early 00s when I was a teen, and I'm sure it would have been harder for Amanda in the '80s and '90s. It's also difficult when you have to rely on someone else for transportation, but they are unwilling to take you places (I went nowhere in college except school and church and my parents were still always mad at me, which is weird of them because they actively discouraged me from driving and would not teach me or help me get over my fears, so uhhhh yeah).
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Last one~
So yes, I'm definitely salty that my top 2 SGU ladies got fridged twice (Ginn's my second fave because of course she is). I do think it opened up a lot of interesting possibilities for both characters, but as the show was tragically cut short, we have to rely on fan content. Anyway, the point I'm trying to make here is that Amanda and Ginn would have been fine had Amanda simply studied Bobby Hill's Guide to Self-Defense. Yes, it's bad, but I am a bad person and I generate irreverent things.
If you made it this far, then congratulations, you're an obsessed weirdo like me!! I know Amanda isn't exactly popular, nor is SGU, especially not so long after the fact, so I don't really expect anyone to read all this. If you do, I hope I was able to convey why she is so special to me. If nothing else, I hope you enjoyed the memes.
Also this took me like 5 hours to write, Jesus Christ I need to sleep
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