#Sgu tj
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It's SGU week!!
I discovered SGU last year (I watched SG-1 with my dad as a teen when it was airing, but we somehow never knew that SGU even existed until like 11 years after the fact???) and it pretty much instantly became my hyperfixation. I am BEYOND excited for this event, and I'd love to make some more friends who love the show as much as I do.
I mostly just make ridiculous meme comic things like this and share them in shitposting groups on Facebook, so I hope the remaining denizens of tumblr dot com enjoy my sense of "humor." Destiny's crew lives rent-free in my head, and sometimes, when I see a funny post or meme, I'll force my faves to reenact it for my amusement.
Today's prompt is "Women of SGU," and I assume this counts since Lisa and TJ are both women. 🧠 It is TJ's turn to use the community brain cell today.
I'm also hoping to draw something for today's prompt because I had an idea, but I am slow at drawing and am out of practice, so it might not go up until later this week. 😅
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spockvarietyhour · 3 months
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Stargate Universe "Faith"
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aenslem · 7 months
okay i did not expect that i will be SO into young and rush when i decided to finish sgu 10 years later since i dropped it after s1, but now all i wanna do is read all the fanfiction i can find and rewatch it
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im gonna yell
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woodelf68 · 1 year
I can't believe Jouer ses cartes by laurie_ky is finally over. Nine years in the making. 344,039 words. This fic was so hard to read at first (it was written in response to another one where Rush is gang raped by the Lucian Alliance), but the author delivered on her intent to make things better. And the ending nailed it, with a surprise that I did not see coming and all the fluff anyone could wish for.
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atlantis-scribe · 1 year
Varro is my horse in this race because after getting ZERO affection from Young and enduring one too many of TJ's heartbroken looks, i can't blame the man for falling for the beautiful woman who stitched him up
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alientitty · 7 months
uh bruh the episode where everyone who stayed on the planet shows up and experiences their sad sad deaths all over again. what the fuck 0__0
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jgem87 · 8 months
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kaylahastoomanyships · 8 months
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Rush talking to Chloe while TJ comforts her - SGU S01E01 (Pilot)
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nonbinaryezrabridger · 8 months
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[Image description: three memes edited to be about star gate universe.
First, a man sits at a table in a fast food restaurant while a fight happens behind him. He's looking at a phone with headphones in, not concerned at all. The man is labelled "camille on the communication stones with her wife". The two men fighting behind him are labelled "rush" and "young, on his second murder attempt of the day". Two more men are trying to pull the two fighting apart and they are labelled "scott trying to break it up while greer laughs".
Second, the exploding brain meme. The tiny brain is labelled "shipping TJ with Young". The brighter brain is labelled "shipping TJ with Varro". The exploding high level brain is labelled "shipping TJ with Vanessa James".
Third, the man mowing his lawn peacefully with a tornado in the background meme. The man is labelled "chloe living, shallow life". The tornado is labelled "literally everything that happens on destiny" and is surrounded with examples, including "getting captured and tortured by aliens" and "getting changed by said aliens".
End description.]
I'm a day late for sgu week day 1, women of sgu, but I couldn't let the week go without posting something for the ladies, so here are some memes I've been forgetting to post
(the TJ meme is not intended as ship bashing, I'm making fun at the writers pathetic attempts to write her a romance)
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stargatelov3r · 8 months
SGU week day 2: favorite character
TJ just continues to slay on so many levels <3
ac: quitezy
sc: stargatescenepacks (ig)
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Halloween is my favorite holiday, so I'd be remiss if I didn't combine it with SGU, my current hyperfixation. 😂 I did try posting this on Halloween, but my phone didn't want to cooperate with me. Anyway, hi new people, I hope you like the "episode" I made for Halloween! Yes, it's #7. I post these on Facebook, so eventually I'll post the others here, too. :)
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I guess skeletons don't count as humans even if they're human skeletons??? Depends on what lore you're working with.
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The absolute small dog energy of daring the guy who's Best at Shooting to shoot you (it's me I do shit like this IRL) (Someday Imma pull a full Carmen and be like LMAO WHAT'RE YOU GONNA DO, STAB ME??? and then just get fucking stabbed.)
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Greer probably deserves an award for killing the most different kinds of aliens.
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Spoiler: Rush goes to the infirmary anyway, can't find any pills, and ends up stealing a fistful of bandaids out of spite.
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I had to do actual Research and Math for this one.
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Pidgey and Rattata are the two most common Pokémon in Pokémon Go, according to the internet. I'm also aware that puts this scene in 2017, but ehhhhhh STASIS *waggles fingers*
Yes, I have a general timeline for the more serious stuff I probably won't ever get around to making. No, I don't strictly adhere to it when shitposting if it keeps me from making a dumb joke.
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Imagine you get everything you ever wanted: working legs, a cool job on a spaceship, and that guy you've been obsessed with for like a decade finally wants to rail you. Now you get to listen to him whine about how the crew's not-doctor won't give him prescription drugs for fun. Peak monkey's paw experience.
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Dale is my 3rd favorite guy but he's absolutely Destiny's Meg sorry not sorry
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Hail Hydra moment
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My husband remembered that the show Skeleton Warriors existed, and then I spent like, an hour and a half photoshopping a single panel that barely anyone will read. 😏
Anyway, I hope the handful of tumblr denizens who see and understand this post will get a little laugh out of it. Idc if it's late, Halloween is a FEELING and the Skeleton War is ETERNAL
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spockvarietyhour · 3 months
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Stargate Universe "Faith" & Stargate SG-1 "200"
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frostysfrenzy · 22 days
20 questions for fanfic writers!
Tagged by @aintgonnatakethis 💙
How many works do you have on AO3? 46
What's your total AO3 word count? 213 147
What fandoms do you write for? My big two are stargate (any and all. Mostly sg1 and sga though) and csi. Though my ao3 says my most posted fandoms are smallville and spn, and that's technically correct, from the svnatural crossovers. There's a couple other shows thrown in there too but we won't get into my whole writing history and future rn
Top 5 fics by kudos:
The thing about a fantasy (csi, G, CathRick)
Beautiful disaster (sga, sg1, T, Gen.)
Keep me safe (sg1, G, Sam/Daniel)
Take me back into your arms (sg1, T, Sam/Daniel)
Morning person (sg1, G, sam & daniel)
Do you respond to comments? Not always, but no that if you've left a nice comment I'm grinning like an idiot each and every time I read it. I love them.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I feel like I don't write a ton of angsty ending so I might have to say so much for normal (also my 6th fic by kudos). It ends basically how spn starts, so yeah.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Oh so many but I think the ultimate one has to be take me back into your arms. Nothing like a reunion after coming back to this mortal coil
Do you get any hate on fics? Thankfully no (knock on wood)
Do you write smut? No siree. Not my wheelhouse
Craziest crossover? I basically started by writing crossovers, but the wackiest is definitely the Jason Teague & Dean Winchester are twins fic. Thanks @morrison-the-ii once again
Have you ever had a fic stolen? I hope not!
Have you ever had a fic translated? Not to my knowledge, but I'd allow it!
Have you ever co written a fic? I've bounced ideas with various people, but never actually wrote with anybody
All time favourite ship? I'm not sure tbh. My unhinged svnatural SamLois era was very fun and am still much a fan of Sam/Daniel fics. But one it always seems to come back to writing for me is the brotp between Sara and Nick. They're such a great dynamic to work with and I truly missed writing all csi but especially them so much. Bonus answer Clois, but I don't think I've wrote anything for them. Or at least not anything beyond a ficlet
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I have this saving hope doc I've had for over a year that was meant to be a role reversal of the series finale (meaning its Alex because I like to be even more depressing apparently). The doc is still empty to this day and I honestly think itll stay that way but let's be real nobody wants that anyway I know I really don't 😭. Could also say csi road trip fic but I'm damned and determined to write that one
What are your writing strengths? Characters and dialogue. I love characters and I always feel like I have a good grasp on each of them and can keep them in character as much as possible
What are your writing weaknesses? Any kind of creative descriptors.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language? I doubt I'd personally try it, but I mean if you want to, I don't see a reason not to
First fandom you wrote in? First fic I ever started was Resurfacing (csi, M, gen.) First fic I posted however was the original version of hear it from me (svnatural, G; Clois & Sam)
Favourite fic you've written? Do you know how hard this is? I might have to go with special occasion (svnatural, G; gen.) Just because of how excited I was for that idea combining the best of both worlds. But another one I'm proud of for some reason is just maybe (we'll be alright) (sgu, G; TJ/Young). I don't often feel great about my scene setting and emotion but I like to think I hit the nail on the head with that one
Tagging (no pressure): @sga-owns-my-soul @jencsi @ilkkawhat and @space-helen
But please also feel free to jump on if you see this!
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aintgonnatakethis · 1 month
❤️🧡💔 ?
Thanks for the ask! 😄 I'll give both SGU and SGA a go too!
❤️️: Which character do you think is the most egregiously mischaracterized by the fandom?
My kneejerk reaction is Telford. People make (or made rather, when there were more people writing for the fandom) the actions he takes have malicious intent behind them more often than not. I reckon while the things he does might appear cruel to other characters who don't have all the facts, actually making him do things for cruelty's sake is massively OOC. He's completely goal-orientated, which means he will do awful things in order to achieve his desired outcome (e.g. I don't believe he slept with Emily because it would have been counterproductive for the message he was trying to convey, but if sleeping with her had given him the outcome he wanted he would have done it without thinking twice) but he's not going to just hurt people for the fun of it.
For SGA I have to go with Keller, with the stereotypical 'this woman is getting in the way of the popular m/m ship so it's character assassination time!' I was surprised even the Legacy books got in on it with her banning Rodney from seeing female friends after a certain time of day??? Madness. I agree with the popular opinion that she and Ronon had more chemistry and her reasoning for choosing Rodney was a bit dodgy, but it's always the same when the main m/m ship is threatened and I'm tired of it, ya know?
🧡: What is a popular (serious) theory you disagree with?
Been trying to think of a non-Telford answer, but I'm afraid I'm as just as focused on the prize as he is. 😂 I was hugely surprised to find the majority of the fandom believed that Telford slept with Emily. As I said above, I don't think it's a moral problem - he would have 100% done it if it served his purposes imo - but it seems so obvious to me watching the show that he didn't? He's trying to convince her that Young is still cheating on her, so if he waltzes in there and tries to seduce her she'll just put him in the same category as Young and he won't be trustworthy. His whole approach is to prove to her he's 'not like other men' and then she'll feel safe enough with him to believe whatever he says.
Off topic, but I wanna gush about something. Imo sleeping with Emily wouldn't have been the line the brainwashing was unable to break through, but very clearly the baby was the line, as Kiva had no clue that was Young's kid TJ was carrying while she was holding them hostage, as she was about to kill them rather than threaten Young with their deaths (which would have immediately brought the situation to a close lbr). She said she'd read extensive reports on everyone aboard Destiny (which is why she knew Greer wasn't a medic and it was a trap), but Telford clearly hadn't told her about the baby's parentage! Not even the brainwashing could make him do that!
For SGA, I can't actually think of one? I'm not as involved in the SGA community so maybe I'm missing something obvious?
💔: If you had to remove one major character from the series, who would you choose?
Have to admit I'm not terribly keen on Eli. Big 'ah yes this character will be a favourite amongst our Target Audience' energy, because even when there's every recorded statistic to the contrary, many writer's rooms will absolutely flat out refuse to stop feeding themselves the lie that their show is being watched by a majority audience of men. *cough cough* Supernatural
This isn't going to be popular at all, but I guess this is the unpopular opinions game… Michael. I never clicked with him, sorry. 😭
Unpopular opinion ask game
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kira-nerys-rocks · 2 months
Can't believe I already finished my sga binge rewatch that I started shortly after Torri was announced for Basingstoke Comic Con. Okay, I only binged until the beginning of season 5 when Sam gets relieved of her Atlantis command but I've never rewatched season 5 before... Now I can start my sgu rewatch! TJ fanart on which I want to get an autograph from Alaina Huffman incoming soon
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aenslem · 4 months
okay, i want to touch more on things you said in your last reply, but i just watched the episode Justice and asjlkdjlasdja WHAT THE FUCK guys! x'D i love this show and that ship, they're horrible and so sweet and awful and lovely ♥
i have a couple of things i need to do now, so i can't watch the next for half an hour to an hour or so, and i am so very impatient to keep watching xD
i do enjoy Wray and TJ too (Ming-Na Wen 😍)! and i'm enjoying Greer a lot, a bit surprised by that as i hated him at first xD and idk, the kids are okay i guess, i like them well enough xD
okay, gotta go do the things, but i'm looking forward to seeing more of Tired Dad Young, and, uh, Rush??? x'D
i am also very impatient to finish this watch so i can look at your sgu gifs, it's nice to have that to look forward to =D
/that Stargate anon who likes Rodney x'D
oh yeAH justice! that moment of them on the planet lives rent free in my mind they are the worst and the best thing in this show honestly
get ready Rodney anon, there gonna be so much happening in the next episodes, I don't want to spoiler anything so I am not saying, I guess I am doing that with gifs but they hardly show any plot, just my two disaster men having stare contest here and there lmao
but I loved those episodes so much on my rewatch
I disliked Greer in the beginning too, I guess it's default mode for these characters :D well, now they are okay for me too, cos I got to know them from the later season + fanfiction, cos they are much more interesting when fans are writing about them, so reading fanfiction made me love those characters more, thanks to amazing writers out there <3
they are both gonna be so so tired lmao they need like few years of vacation
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