#shadow and bones matching icons
screensland · 1 year
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Alina Starkov & Nikolai Lantsov — Shadow & Bone, S02.
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blacksea-bitch · 2 years
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hellbubu · 4 months
If you don’t like what I post, filter tags and block me. I’m not gonna argue with anyone.
Friends, Romans, country people, today is the double feature day 🤩🤩🤩 My head hurts like a bitch, but I love Ciel too much to let that stop me
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I'm so fucking glad they replaced the bitch that is Maurice Cole
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He's so full of shit
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Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way is iconic for making Erwin Smith pose like this. How much are y'all willing to bet, he isn't even sketching them.
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Violet, I love you so much
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I was right!!!!
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Me talking about my brother to my friends vs when my mom complains/tells me something he did (most of the times he really is in the wrong, but if my bother has no defenders, I'm dead)
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Regina, why do you care so much? 👀👀👀
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Ciel, baby, I already explained it. "Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way and is a vampire but his teeth are straight and white. He also loves hot topic and wears a black corset with matching lace around it and a black leather miniskirt, pink fishnets and black combat boots,black lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner and red eye shadow." You're gonna fail if you don't start paying attention.
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"Yeah, did I mention that I'm friends with JOHN DOE, as in the JOHN DOE that is MISSING? Yeah that one."
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Caught in 4k
The P4 need acting classes. They gave themselves away too easily
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At least McMillan gossips
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You're more worried about how much longer you'll be worked to the bone and about whether or not the rest of the servants accidentally destroyed the manor while you were gone.
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Someone take this man to the Dr, falling this often is not normal. Hell, House would probably take one look at him and have a diagnosis
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Us, Sebaciels, are always fed well 🙏🙏
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Couple goals
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immren · 2 months
6 songs tav game, tagged by @infestedstar !!
i'm doing this for immren ^_^
tagging @chocolatmieux and @spellmage even though i know they've been tagged already, i'm just being annoying on purpose (also anyone who wants to do this, i tag u! i'm just shy)
1. an event that defines your characters past
con clavi con dio - ghost
Demigod, our task Behind mask, Chosen Son Oh, you rebel chief, Destroyer of the Earth Rise from precipice through birth
2. how your character sees themselves
death cult - aborted, despised icon
In the shadow of the scorching sun With a penchant for murder Behind a mask of flesh With a simple purpose Total decimation Termination, exaltation Forever Behind the mask lies an abomination Eternal devotion to the execration of life Pull one string and a trance of death ensues When the tide grabs hold of the innocent
3. how others view them
worldwide torture - jazmin bean
Sour to the bone marrow, horrid to the core All you've got is not enough, stupid, I just want more And I'll throw another punch, yes, I'll get the highest score I'll be chewing on your skin, I'll be knocking down your door All I really want is to destroy, stroy, stroy One first in ya face while keeping my poise A pure violation of God's great creation It's an infestation, it's world domination
4. their closest relationship (platonic or romantic)
duvet - bôa
And you don't seem to understand A shame you seemed an honest man And all the fears you hold so dear Will turn to whisper in your ear And you know what they say might hurt you And you know that it means so much And you don't even feel a thing
5. a major fight scene
spoils of war - zheani, the buttress
You'll be named a patron saint But love, first, you have to die Blasphemy never sleep They lost all faith in me
Where is my body? Where is my blood? Outside with the dogs, mingling with the mud! Outside city gates, I'll wait for you And if you don't see me there My revenge is a dead end, I swear I have nothing left but hate for you! My body's a machine And my spite - the match that lights the fuel! How did I get here? I followed a star!
6. end credits song
requiem - horror vacui
this is an instrumental! thought it sounded melancholic, which is fitting for his canon ending
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noveljoys · 1 year
i've been trying to think of ways to keep promoting shadow and bone season 2 to keep its momentum going, but i'm realizing it's harder to reach a wider audience who wouldn't understand why kazzle dazzle and knife wife NEED to reenact the iconic scene:
"I would have come for you. And if I couldn't walk, I'd crawl to you, and no matter how broken we were, we'd fight our way out together-knives drawn, pistols blazing. Because that's what we do. We never stop fighting.”
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lumalalu · 1 year
man fuck it im gonna start doin wip wednesdays here
Summer is sweet and endless and she has nothing to do but look at me. She's looking at me now, through the sun's glare on her mirror. She shadows the shapes of my mouth, but doesn't put her voice to my words.
My parents are worried about Grace. They think something's wrong with her - I know what it is. Grace knows, too, looking at me, looking through the glare in the mirror. Everything about her is wrong. I could fix her, if she would let me.
Solid, measured knocks. "Gracie?"
"Yeah?" She pulls her braids back to look at her shoulders uncovered. The angle of her jaw. She is trying to see how it matches up to mine.
"Your mother and I are going to go to the mall. Do you want to come?"
I've never been a fan of the sweltering heat of a cracked-asphalt parking lot, nor the chill on my skin in a Macy's. Grace says, "Okay." But she only said that so that she can look away from me. She is a fool. I can be found in anything that can reflect. I watch her in the windows, in silver lockets, in the mirrors she models new boots in. She parades about like a wind-up toy, a ballerina in a music box. Her mother hands her new skirts for the new school year, button-up blouses, low-cut but not whorish, and modest stockings.
The dressing rooms are hidden in the corner, neatly separated by two icons of triangles - one upside and one downside. I follow her to the wrong one, the wrong stall. It's cramped and ill-fitting, somewhat like a body. Grace tries her best to avoid me still. It's a valiant effort, I'll give her that much. But at some point, in a few minutes, maybe, she'll have to turn around and face me.
Grace takes off her tanktop like the accused pushing off concrete slabs. She hisses with impatience at the clasp of her bra and its stubborn claws in her skin, throws it on the bench with more violence than is necessary. Branded into her back it remains, aching, smoking. Cramped and ill-fitting. She itches at it like the fabric is stuck in her, like it still remains subcutaneously and she could pull it away finally, permanently, if she also removed the skin. Her nails are well cared for, and so, won't do the job. I smile at the sound of her bent elbows.
Her pants go too, her keys squeezing free of the claustrophobic pockets and diving with raucous applause to the floor. Her phone is in her purse, because the back pockets are only decorative. Grace doesn't curse. Her words are never ugly. Instead, her lips bend into the shape of: "shit", and then she bends and picks up the keyring. It is unadorned. Why should it be anything else? A key only has one purpose.
For a moment we stand there together, Grace's back to me, my back not quite to hers. She is hesitating, stretching out the moment between one set of clothes and the next. The blouse is slippery and coarse in texture, sends spider legs running over her back. The skirt is of good quality, but takes up in the back, so she is afraid to bend. No pockets.
I ask her if I can see it. She stares at the off-white wall in silence, and then she turns.
"Oh, no, Gracie. That won't do at all." I tell her. "That thing isn't even fit to be a tablecloth. It's see-through, it's itchy on my ribs. It's pushing my skin too close to my bones, the points of my ribs poking at my lungs. It's like a coffin leaking air, sighing its way into the ground." 
Her breath hitches. "I don't know what's wrong with me." She's saying to herself, to the mirror, to me. I make a sound - in my mouth it is sympathetic, but in hers it is animal, pained, cornered.
#the erm#well i already have all of my future changes planned out but might as well talk about it here#the introduction to this scene needs to be a bit more involved or like.#ren calls it cinematic lol#wip wednesday#UHHH#writeblr#writeblogging#the next part that im working on today will be the reflection giving her different clothes to try on#i dont know whether to lean harder into the dysphoria in like a 'i just look like a girl in mens clothes' or into a euphoric way#i can probably figure out a way to do both?#like... if grace is like I hate this and the reflection goes But look#here is potential for something else#the more i write it the more im confident its like#clear enough so as not to be confusing#like even if u dont get the intended meaning youd probably come away with Something#i havent had many people read any of this yet tho#since im not in a creative writing group anymore i dont have a lot of people To show#maybe theres something like that that meets up at my library#or maybe i could start something?#idk how youd even like. advertise for that...#i dont actually think this is long enough to warrant a readmore but i thought it would be polite still#i guess technically this is transgender but its not like#its prose lol#oh this is a short story im intending to submit to a lit magazine when its finished#id liketo find specifically a queer one#ive been trying to make a lil personal website on neocities to host my original stuff too so ill probably put this there when its done#sniffs#🕷❣#TRYING NOT TO BE NEGATIVE I CAN WRITE! THIS IS A SECOND PASS BUT ITS STILL GOOD AND WORTH SHARING
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Let's (re)Read The Eye of the World! Chapter 11: The Road to Taren Ferry
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Welcome back to my Wheel of Time reread! Since the pic's a little small today, I should note that the artist is Arsenije Kojic; it might be hard to make out the signature. What's not hard to make out is that this reread is about 33% spoilers for the entirety of the series, so if you're still reading the books you should read them first before coming here.
Once again, the chapter icon is the barren tree in front of the moon; once again, our heroes are traveling at night.
Lan led the way, black horse and shadow-clad rider all but invisible in the cold night. Moiraine’s white mare, matching the stallion stride for stride, was a pale dart speeding through the dark.
You just know Lan's been begging Moiraine to get a less conspicuous horse for years and she refuses on the grounds that she didn't have a emo phase as a teenager and she's not going to start now.
If Trollocs appeared behind, or the Fade on its silent horse, or that flying creature, the Draghkar, it would be up to Rand to sound an alarm.
Lan is testing his new son.
Rand had to keep a firm hand on the reins to hold him back. Cloud lunged against his restraint as if the gray thought this were a race, fighting him for mastery with every stride. Rand clung to saddle and reins with every muscle taut. Fervently he hoped his mount did not detect how uneasy he was. If Cloud did, he would lose the one real edge he held, however precariously.
I think one of the reasons Rand channeled tonight and not last night is that the horseback riding he's having to do is so similar to channeling saidin that he was put in the right headspace by circumstances.
With all his heart and desperation he silently shouted at Bela to run like the wind, silently tried to will strength into her. Run! His skin prickled, and his bones felt as if they were freezing, ready to split open. The Light help her, run! And Bela ran.
And here it is, his first definite channeling (though possibly not his first incident if Shadowspawn detection requires touching the source first). Note that it's Aine 9 / March 24, in a couple chapters we'll be seeing the backlash.
He looked for Egwene. She was leaning against Bela, slumped with weariness. The others were climbing down as well, with many a sigh and much stretching of aching muscles.
Rand may well be the least wearied of the non-bonded crew since he got to have a midday nap. The other kids spent much of the day plotting and counter-plotting and who knows what rest Thom got, if any.
“But the horses,” Rand protested. “We’ll run them to death if we try to go any further tonight. Moiraine Sedai, surely you—”
Another bit of Jordan's skill over some other fantasy writers: his horses are not furry motorcycles but living beings with their own needs and limitations. I think this cliche is mostly dying out at this point, but for awhile it was rampant in fantasy.
“You were right about your Bela, Rand,” Moiraine said from where she stood by the mare. “She has a good heart, and as much stubbornness as the rest of you Two Rivers folk. Strange as it seems, she may be the least weary of all.”
Quick correction to my above point: least wearied of the HUMAN non-bonded crew. Anyway, Moiraine now has another data point for "Rand is clearly the DR," but thankfully for existence she's not tossing away the other candidates just yet.
With a start Rand realized that instead of trying to mount Cloud he had been standing there staring at the sky in a vain attempt to locate the source of those vile shrieks. More, all unaware, he had drawn Tam’s sword as if to fight the flying thing.
Probably when LTT heard draghkar shrieking he did exactly the same thing. If Rand knew who he was, he'd probably be less embarrassed and more horrified and ranting to himself about it. Without the full knowledge of himself, he has no reason to reject it and just assumes he's being a dumbass.
Stout Bela ran with neck outstretched and tail and mane streaming in the wind of her running, matching the larger horses’ every stride. The Aes Sedai must have done something more than simply ridding her of fatigue.
No Rand, she didn't have time. You told Bela to run and she is going to run. This isn't denial though like some of his other reactions; he just isn't thinking straight under the pressure and doesn't know all the rules anyway.
Fog enveloped the riders for a brief moment and was gone, came again and vanished behind. The icy mist left a chill dampness on Rand’s face and hands. Then a wall of pale gray loomed before them, and they were suddenly enshrouded. 
Another bit of Rand not really understanding what's happening: he's getting the shivers because Moiraine is channeling, not because of the results of her channeling.
Lan encouraged them to keep close, now, to stay where each could see the outlines of others in that damp, frosty grayness. Yet the Warder still did not slacken his stallion’s dead run. Side by side, Lan and Moiraine led the way through the fog as if they could see clearly what lay ahead. The rest could only trust and follow. And hope.
I wonder how this is working exactly. Can they still see what's ahead of them? That's not really how these sorts of things work in the series as a whole; Moiraine's weave here has to be a real fog and not just an illusion that somehow effects Shadowspawn she can't even se. The bond doesn't provide any sensory bonuses that I can recall either, so that's out.
Early book weirdness I guess!
One and all, Taren Ferry folk had a reputation for slyness and trickery. If you shook hands with a Taren Ferry man, people said, you counted your fingers afterwards.
Who doesn't have a reputation for trickery in this world? Everyone is trying to screw over everyone else, from Shara to Seanchan, and not by way of the Morenal Ocean. Y'all are suspicious mofos who don't talk to anyone.
“Master Hightower,” Lan said. “Just the man I need. We want to cross over on your ferry.”
Oh, and on the Lord of the Rings rip-off front, this whole sequence is an echo of the Buckleberry Ferry bit, though quite a few things make this rather different in the end.
Gold glinted in the lamplight as the Warder counted out coins one by one into the other’s palm. Hightower licked his lips as the coins clinked, and by inches his head moved closer to his hand, as if he could not believe what he was seeing.
This bit of bribery seems rather less generous when you consider what's going to happen to the ferry next chapter. It's really just preemptive damages. But that's next chapter, and just because we're at the end of this one is no reason to get into the next one. That can wait for tomorrow. See you then! :)
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themerchliing · 2 years
— please note that this blog will have spoilers for the six of crows duology and netflix’s shadow and bone.
💣- Please note that this blog is mixed book and show canon. See this post HERE for details.
💣- Hey, my name is Starry! Thanks for checking out my rules. I only RP with mutuals but will check out your blog when you follow. This is just to keep my dash organised and know who is interested in roleplaying. I encourage plotting, so please let me know if you would like to share ideas! I won’t follow blogs of the same muse (unless it’s a multi) because plots with “twins” or magic that allows two of the same character to meet just doesn’t make sense to me, but I commend you on your amazing taste in muse.
💣- I prefer to write multi-paragraph, but I’ll sometimes have a few smaller threads. You don’t have to match my length — just give me enough to work with. This blog uses the beta editor and trim reblogs extension.
💣- I am happy to place my muse in different settings. There may be some that require plotting, but if we can make it work, then that’s fine. I feel anything can be worked out with proper discussion beforehand to make the verses match e.g., Wylan in a modern setting without fantasy elements.
💣- I do not follow the book canon ages, so Wylan is 20. Mun is 25+ so there will be dark themes on this blog — everything will be tagged appropriately.
💣- I don’t send in passwords. Please know that if I follow you, I have read your rules. I will read over them again once we start a thread.
💣- I will send you memes when I see any that fit our muses. I love receiving them in return and encourage you to send as many as you like! I will reply to them as soon as I can. If you would like to continue an interaction from an ask, you can either reblog the ask (since the beta editor lets you trim asks now) or make a new post and tag me in it.
💣- I will check out your blog and browse your muse pages if you are a multi to see if any of your muses work with Wylan. I only request that you actively take part in plotting with me so that we can come up with a good plot that will keep our thread going. It doesn’t have to be plotted out in great detail, but a general idea of what we want to do will be appreciated. It’s also a great way to keep writing fresh and ensure that the thread doesn’t get stale before it’s even gotten started.
💣- I use small text and icons (sometimes gif icons as well)
💣- I will not tolerate abusive behavior or hate speech of any kind.
💣- I am anti-JKR.
💣- I live in Scotland, which is the GMT or BST timezone.
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ragingstillness · 2 years
Shadow and Bone spoilers - random thoughts from my notes (e1)
They matched Alina and Mal's outfits on the ship and that's cute. Alina's dress is gorgeous too. I'm very into the embroidered neckline.
Did they film this at the actual Ellis Island? It looks like it.
Alina's freckles are adorable and I'm happy to see them.
I'm liking the movable map version of showing us where things are. Wish they'd give us a tiny bit more context for the overall map though.
Baby Kaz is cute and I like him. Genuinely can't believe the Stadwatch thought they'd be able to take all three of them.
LMFAO about this fanart of Darklina wanted poster.
They're leaning hard on the "there is only one bed" trope as if the two of them didn't book the room off screen. Also the dialogue is literally ripped from a fanfic.
I'll never be a Malina shipper but show Malina is pretty cute. Like, they're nice to each other and sweet and I think my care for the actors is taking over my opinion of them a little.
Quoted literally from my notes here: "Give the people what they want fuckers, I wanna see Ben"
Durast!Jesper is everything to me and I am in love with this storyline. However, if he could make a key out of a coin why couldn't he undo the cuffs? Later in the season they mention that Durasts can control all metal, surely those cuffs aren't made of plastic or smtg. I wanna know the rules here.
"Like calls to like" - nice, iconic, happy to hear it.
I am very into the traditional African outfits for the Zemeni. But I am very conscious of being a white person so I'd be interested to read what someone who's POC would think of them.
Calling being Grisha a blessing, thank god we finally get some Grisha who are actually having a good time. Literally all other Grisha we've met until this point have been just suffering.
Endlessly funny to me that this wanted poster of Alina has a realistic image of her but people throughout the show continue to not recognize her on sight.
I am liking the increased action. I can see Archie's stunt double sometimes but he's doing a decent amount of the running and fighting himself. Mal is also just funnier and quippier this season and I like it. Is it racist to say I'm getting Aladdin vibes from him rolling back under the table and paying the dude while running from the police? Also pleased they're doing a callback to the fact that we did see Mal fighting in episode one of season one.
The sun saint salute. Excellent, well coordinated, we love to see it.
That photo negative wanted poster of the crows is hilariously creepy.
Love me some Inej just nicking knives but I'm surprised she hasn't had some on her already. Did she seriously use all of them in the Fold? I don't think we saw that.
The whole "say Inej every five minutes" thing is back haha.
Quoted literally from my notes here: "Pekka says fuck the police I guess"
"Funny guns and angry hat" are now my names for Jesper and Kaz.
Oof Hellgate looks awful.
"Valiant of you but I bet they printed more than one" - cuties
"First army needs to know its place" - yeah get fucked
Quoted literally from my notes here: "It ain't the Volcra dumbass. Get it Sasha"
Why do the Nichevo'ya look like the transformed Tyrant from RE2?
"This again" - fuck me up that is a tragic thing to say.
"I shall have to overthrow the king now" yeah you do that my man.
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beccassmiles-blog · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Firm on price 💙BNIB Bridgerton Limited Edition 💙.
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valoislanstov · 2 years
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Ben & Jessie matching icons
reblog or leave a ♡︎ if you use it
give credit to @valoislanstov / just don’t claim it as yours
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havenmt · 3 years
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The crows matching icons
reblog or leave a ♡︎ if you use it
give credit please to @havenmt / just don’t claim it as yours
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gonebackto505 · 2 years
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like/reblog if you like/save it!
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amidalaicons · 3 years
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darklina matching icons (part 1)
like or reblog if you save and don’t repost (part 2 here)
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dvvy-liric · 4 years
- 🏴
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Like or repost/ u save.
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saintlopezlov3r · 3 years
Matching Icons
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Alina Starkov🦌 & Aleksander Morozova🖤
Shadow and Bone
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