#shadowhunters char
karouvas · 11 months
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every character I love in alphabetical order: Alastair Carstairs, The Last Hours
"You will make yourself unworthy by considering yourself unworthy. We become what we are afraid we will be.”
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rhiannons-bird · 1 year
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tsc char aes -> Helen ‘Alessa’ Blackthorn
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bastiandawn · 2 years
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if you get me you get me. or maybe you dont bc this is an au lol but basically (se)bastian simon cheetah dog thesis. plus bonus not jace bc hes possessed
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edwinspaynes · 7 months
“I am so happy,” Thomas whispered, hoping that his voice did not crack. “Because you finally understand that marshmallows are meant to be charred?” Alastair’s voice was a smile, a joke. It was also a whisper, the words intended for nowhere besides the space between them despite their frivolity. “No,” Thomas said, determined to express his emotions rather than allow things to devolve into fun but meaningless banter. “Because I married you.” - Or, the one where Thomas and Alastair officially realize that they are husbands on Valentine's Day.
@vwritesaus, I think you'll especially like this one.
taglist (lmk if you want to be added/removed): @staywildefairchild @sourlemons262 @belle-keys @drunkonimagination @alastaircarstairsismybff @vwritesaus @claritywithclary @luciehercndale @what-ho-christopher-put-in @life-through-the-eyes-of @alastaircarstairsdefenselawyer @bluewrite @lulusofis @oursoulstheyplay @tessherongraystairs @athearaej @faithfromanewperspective @vwritesaus @imabitchforjemcarstairs @emmalovesfitzloved @daisymydaisycarstairs @fangirlghost-19 @angeldaisies @celias
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Wednesday ask - I love your Claimed by Fire and I was wondering how the story would go if Magnus knew that Alec was his soulmate and had to get through the Clave to get to Alec. Just a thought! I adore your writing and have been reading your works on AO3 for a long time, I just got on to tumblr so I’m still trying to figure out how this works! Thank you
okay this was fun to write and i hope you enjoy it! thank you so much for the prompt
Magnus stares at the small, still flickering fire message. It’s a shriveled little thing, more char than words but he knows what it says.
It’s his name. 
His demonic name that no one should know but his father and there are words and what looks like blood and tear stains and something in Magnus breaks.
It should never have made it to him. 
Not if what he thinks it means is true. If Magnus’ soulmate is a nephilim, then their fire message should never have reached Magnus, not while he’s in the spiral labyrinth. 
Magnus wonders how many notes were sent. How much desperation his soulmate poured into his messages, for this one to reach him.
The end of the message read Lightwood, no first name, whatever was written the flames ate away. 
Magnus knows this isn’t one of Maryse or Robert’s traps, they wouldn’t ever insinuate or sully their children with even a hint that they were soulmates with a warlock.
Which means that Magnus’ soulmate is being raised by people who hate Magnus. Who hate what Magnus is, who hate his people and his magic and don’t even believe he has a soul.
It’s intolerable. 
Magnus has not waited eight hundred years for this gift to be denied it.
Magnus refuses to let the clave and shadowhunters take one more thing from him, because they will, if they find out, and they’ve already taken so much.
So Magnus plans and he researches and he threatens people and tortures others and he kills until he has a complete if sparse dossier. 
Three Lightwood children and a foster-fourth who bears a different last name.
A babe, Max, too young to send a message. The middle, Isabelle, who is still in training and Alexander, the oldest, the Lightwood heir.
Alexander is his, Magnus knows the moment he reads his full name and his magic surges with hunger.
Cat and Ragnor plan with him, carefully. Ragnor takes them deep into his memory, to show Magnus every secret he can without risking the oaths he once took to teach at Idris.
The clave doesn’t think warlocks can be trusted, so they don’t consider that warlocks trust each other, some of them at least.
But Ragnor loves Magnus more than he loves the sanctity of his own mind and he welcomes both Magnus and Cat in, so that all three can get as much information as possible. 
“You’ll have to be quick, once you're through the wards.” Cat reminds as they look over the layout and the weaknesses. 
“What will you use as a distraction once you’re in? It could take ages to find him.” Ragnor asks, reading glasses perched as his nose as he carefully draws an array.
“I’m going to open a rift to Edom.” Magnus says casually, like he hasn’t been refusing to do so since the start of the war.
“Magnus—” Cat trails off, biting her lip and then nodding solemnly. She understands that to him, the risk is worth it now in a way it wasn’t before.
“Your father is a bloody arsehole.” Ragnor mutters and scowls at the table when Magnus chuckles with relief at Ragnor’s predictable reaction. “At least you’ll get more of your power back, this will break what’s binding him to Edom, won’t it?”
“Yes,” Magnus admits easily. “Even the Council doesn’t know my heritage, only my abilities. If they knew what the risk was, they would never have asked me. However they have, that I chose to go through with it is their own fault.”
Which is true. Magnus has been at the forefront of this war, his magic and blood spilled more than any other as he fights for life and freedom and sometimes for revenge. Because Magnus is owed his pound of flesh and when he storms Edom for the soul born of his soul, he’s going to take it.
Magnus opens the rift slowly, carefully. Ragnor used the last of his priceless nephilim artifacts to create a spell that will let Magnus slip past the wards and go to the location Magnus knows from Ragnor’s mind. 
So it’s with shocking ease that he enters Alicante in the early glow of dawn. A pink and orange hue dapples over the sky as the sun peeks up over the great forest and mountains that protect Idris.
And Magnus opens the rift and the sky bleeds red and the air fills with screams. Magnus tucks himself away, up high and in the shadows so he can watch the nephilim run like ants, screaming and shrieking like so many downworlders do in their raids.
Some are killed instantly, unable to get their weapons in time and unprepared for violence in their perfect little city of rotten divinity. Magnus is getting bored, watching the demons trying to crash into the towers and the shadowhunters trying to drive them away. Some get ripped in half and others dropped into the rift for other demons to devour.
It’s gruesome and horrific and possibly the most gory massacre Magnus has ever had the pleasure of watching or instigating and he can’t even enjoy it properly.
He has something more important to concentrate on.
He doesn’t find him for ages. Not until several hours have stretched past, the demons still coming but slower than they once did. Idris may yet survive this, it seems Magnus’ father has finally awoken and is calling some of the more controllable ones to him, the ones who haven’t scented angelic blood and answered Magnus’ call.
It’s a culling the likes of the nephilim have never seen and yet Magnus forgets it all when he sees a demon fall from the sky, a red-fletched arrow through its eye.
Magnus is too slow to track the arrow and another demon crashes into the tower the archer is hiding in.
The tower goes down.
But the demon also falls, a small figure wrapped around its neck with something glinting in the air.
Magnus is in delighted awe.
His soulmate realized he was about to fall — Magnus would have caught him, will always catch him now he’s found him — and instead, jumped on the demon and is now hanging on via some kind of weapon in its body. The demon twists up and up, wings beating powerfully as it tries to dislodge it’s attacker and Magnus holds out his hand and says, “bring him to me.”
The demon comes, ignoring the hunter clinging to it, obeying the master who claimed it.
Magnus lets the demon get above him and then destroys it, his magic wrapping protectively around his soulmate and Magnus steps out, catching his soul in his arm.
“There you are.” Magnus says, his entire being filled with a sense of delighted awe.
His shadowhunter is shocked and bloodied, but he’s whole and he’s in Magnus arms. And then hazel eyes are lighting up with equal awe and weapons are being dropped as arms come up around Magnus neck.
And Magnus is being kissed with the desperate and innocent passion of someone who has been waiting to be found.
“Sayang, my Alexander.” Magnus murmurs, “you clever boy. Getting your messages to me, shall we go home now?” And then because he needs to hear it, he murmurs his own name and Alexander kisses him, more chaste now, shy rather than untold years of agony being soothed.
“Anywhere, as long as it’s with you, Magnus.” 
He’s told and Magnus summons his boy’s weapons and in the middle of carnage and devastation, he opens a portal and takes his soul home.
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July Reads
The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
I read this like 2 days before the allegations against Neil Gaiman came out 🫤. And since now it feels too weird to talk too much about anything regarding him right now, I'm not gonna fully review this book. I considered not putting this here at all, but I want an honest chronicle of the books I've read. And I feel like this little non-review isnt gonna cause anyone to go read his books or support him in any way. So, I will just say that I did enjoy this book, and it's one of my favorites I've read from him, but I'll leave it at that.
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Pale Dreamer by Samantha Shannon
This is a little prequel novella to The Bone Season. I enjoyed seeing the dynamic of Paige and her seven dials gang before she gets thrown into the whole main plot of the series. It also gives a bit of interesting insight into why she and the other 6 act the way they do in The Bone Season.
4/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Bone Season (author's preferred text) by Samantha Shannon
This is a really interesting dystopian book. This is the first book in a seven book series and I'm intrigued to see where it goes. The main character Paige has really interesting psychic powers that I think are going to get really badass as the series goes on. There's also the rephaim and I really want to know more about their whole thing. Can't wait to keep reading these. I went and got the authors preferred text editions when they came out cause Samantha Shannon is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors.
4/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine
I got an absolutely gorgeous edition of this book from litjoy, and I think I read it like a day or two after I got it in the mail. I remember watching the movie when I was a kid, but I'd never read the book. Sometimes, it's better to watch the movie first, I think. Because I liked the movie, but it's not a lot like the book, and had I known that I probably would've liked the movie less. Anyway! I loved the love story in this book. Ella and Char match each other’s energy and quirkiness so perfectly. And the fantasy element of the book is really cool. There's centaurs, fairies, giants, and elves, and the way they were done felt like an old fairy tale, which I feel like doesn't get done too much anymore.
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
A Prayer for the Crown-Shy by Becky Chambers
I'm going to do a single review for these two novellas because I basically read them as one continuous book and I don't know how well I can deferentiate between the events that occur in each one. This book is very philosophical but also very cozy and sweet. There were some ideas and quotes in these two books that I will probably be thinking about for a long time. The friendship between the main characters (a tea monk and a robot) was incredibly well done and I really liked both of them. These books ultimately hold such kindness at their heart and I think we need more of that. I highly recommend these books.
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Secrets of Blackthorn Hall by Cassandra Clare
I read this before when it was being released on tumblr but I received the Kickstarter hardback edition and it's absolutely gorgeous. Shadowhunters is always a comfort series to me, especially anything involving the Blackthorns and Malec.
4/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson
As per the Stormlight Archive, so much happened in this book, dear lord... So much happened in the last like 300ish pages alone (which i guess is the length of a normal book). This is also the longest book I've ever read, so that's fun. For a lot of this book, I was really thinking that Kaladin/Shallan/Adolin all have two hands, and Sanderson should stop being a coward lol. But anyway... I loved reading from the perspective of bridge 4 through the book and seeing what they're doing outside of kaladin. I need to know more about like all of the singers because I've been lowkey rooting for them since the first book. Which is really a testament to Sanderson's writing because I could tell that they really weren't the bad guys, and that there was something deeper going on, and some of that was revealed in this book.
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Chlorine by Jade Song
I didn't love this book. I think it was the fact I really didn't like a single one of the characters and there was very little dialog to the point it almost felt just like stating of events and the narrators (usually all negative) feelings about the events and the people involved. I will give it that it had the first scene I've ever read to make me actually physically uncomfortable. It was gay but in a very messy pining way that never really felt like it went anywhere. I think that there are people that would really like this book cause it did have potential, but it just didn't worj for me. I will admit I have been thinking about it a lot, though, so there's that anyway.
3/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid
I haven't watched the Amazon series of this, and I'm mad that they changed the songs for it from the ones in the book. I wanted to listen to those ☹️. I feel like I shouldn't like that it was so obviously based on Fleetwood Mac, but I kinda did. I've always found their whole extremely messy deal fascinating, and this was basically the fictional version of that.
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
This was really interesting to read after having read the whole lotr trilogy first. This reads like a children's book (because it is) which was a bit surprising because of the much different tone I was expecting after lotr and the Hobbit movies. Also, it basically says the elves are fae. It refers to the Undying Lands as Faerie. Why do people not talk about that more??? It makes so much sense. They act like fae. They're whole vibe and lore is so fae like. It makes sense. Regular elves are little guys! Tolkien elves are fae! Anyway, lol, I really liked this book. I do think I liked lotr more just cause I love books/series that are lore heavy and also Samwise Gamgee.
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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kitty739 · 1 year
The most unexpected scenes in the shadowhunter chronicles
Simon leaned back against the bars of the cage. “What do you mean? And how did you get in here, anyway?”
Raphael looked at him pityingly. “The cage unlocks from the outside. It was easy enough for me to get in.”
“So is this just loneliness and a desire for bro-type companionship, or what?” Simon inquired. “The last time I saw you, you asked me to be your bodyguard, and when I said no, you strongly implied that if I ever lost the Mark of Cain, you would kill me.”
Raphael smiled at him.
“I don’t understand,” Simon said. The roaring was back in his ears again. “Why do you have this? Why are you giving it to me?”
“Because Jordan wanted you to have it,” said Luke.
“Wanted?” Simon’s voice rose. “Don’t you mean ‘wants’?”
Luke took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, Simon. Jordan’s dead.”
I’m right here.” A quiet voice, soft, a little out of tune, like a piano that hadn’t been played in years. The figure had turned from the window. Jace found himself looking at a boy only a few years older than himself. Dark hair, a sharp delicate face, eyes that seemed young and old at the same time. The runes of the Brothers marked his high cheekbones, and as the boy turned, Jace saw the pale edge of a faded rune at the side of his throat.
The noise stopped as suddenly as it had started. The dais shook under Clary as a weight collapsed onto it. She looked up and saw that the fire was gone, though the ground was scarred and both thrones looked blackened, the gold on them no longer bright but charred and burned and melted.
Sebastian lay a few feet away from her, on his back. There was a great blackened hole across the front of his chest. He turned his head toward her, his face taut and white with pain, and her heart contracted.
His eyes were green.
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hqpeculiar · 1 month
mwm fcs e chars?
Abaixo vai ter alguns fcs, fandoms que pode procurar diversos chars masculinos que queremos tb! E os chars também. Caso os players também quiserem comentar pra ajudar o anon aí é mais que bem vindos!
mwm fcs: mike angelo, cody christian, barry keoghan, drew starkey, ben barnes, peter gadiot, danny pino, jon bernthal, jonathan daviss, ed skrein, mason gooding, rahul kohli, chase stokes, mackenyu arata, algee smith, rege jean page, diego luna, dev patel, evan mock, charles melton, alejandro speitzer, ray nicholson, emre bey, giuseppe maggio, enes kocak, jannis niewöhner, isaac powell, zac efron, jack martin, aron w reed, alan ritchson amar chadha patel, channing tatum, chris evans, ebon moss bachrach, henry cavill, hugh jackman, jack kesy jake gyllenhaal joseph quinn, josh hartnett, pedro pascal, robert downey jr, ryan reynolds wesley snipes, justin bieber, josh hutcherson, paul rudd, joe keery, matthew lillard, david harbour, dermot mulroney, skeet ulrich, austin butler, darren barnett, miles teller, tom holland, chase stokes, callum turner.
chars: nico di angelo, jason grace, will solace, grover underwood, leo valdez (todos de percy jackson), agostinho carrara (a grande família), cardan greenbriar (o príncipe cruel), leon kennedy, luis sera & Ethan Winters (resident evil), Howl (castelo animado), jace herondale & alec lightwood (shadow hunters).
fandoms: shingeki no kyojin, castelo animado, bridgerton, a bela e a fera, once upon a time, resident evil, sweet home, shadowhunters, brooklyn nine nine, alice in bordeland, all of us are dead, tale of the nine tailed, goblin, the 100, percy jackson, harry potter, a princesa e o sapo e os demais filmes da Disney.
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greenmultiverse · 2 months
✿   GREENMULTIVERSE   ―   green; ela/dela; GMT+2 (cinco horas a frente do brasil); 25+.   bem-vindos ao multiverso verde ♡ blog multimuse independente semi-seletivo, onde eu dou vida a personagens originais e canons. clique aqui para ver os muses disponíveis, no readmore para ver minhas guidelines e aqui para ver meus starters abertos. você também pode me encontrar no meu blog de gifs @greenmadeit.
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𝐈 partners ― eu já estou quase na casa dos 30 e por isso me reservo o direito de jogar apenas com pessoas 21+. não é por achar "criança demais para determinados temas", até porque seria hipocrisia da minha parte que comecei a jogar temas maduros com 11 anos, mas porque tem certos dramas infantis que eu já não tenho mais paciência para.
𝐈𝐈 drama ooc ― falando em dramas, amo todo e qualquer tipo de drama canon. podem vir odiar meus personagens e conspirar contra eles se quiserem. só não suporto drama ooc. já tenho problema suficiente na minha vida real pra vir buscar briga na internet. se quiser brigar comigo, vai brigar sozinho. também me reservo o direito de parar de interagir com qualquer um que me incomode independente do motivo e espero que, a quem eu incomodar, a pessoa faça a mesma coisa e não venha falar abobrinha pra mim.
𝐈𝐈𝐈 tempo ― as vezes eu respondo rápido, mas também posso demorar mais de mês pra responder. rpg é um hobby, não uma obrigação, e por isso eu jogo quando estou com vontade. eu vou tentar fazer pelo menos uma resposta aqui por dia, pra não empacar com o plot de ninguém, sempre priorizando as respostas que estou devendo a mais tempo. mas eu posso (e provavelmente vou) dar uma sumida de vez em quando. se tem alguma resposta que você está mais ansioso pra receber, pode me dar um toque que eu subo na lista de prioridades. só, por favor, não fica me cobrando. eu parei de jogar em central justamente pra ter essa liberdade de tempo.
𝐈𝐕 ships ― meu tipo de jogo nunca é focado em interesse amoroso, mas sim no desenvolvimento pessoal do meu personagem. por isso, não gosto de combinar endgame sem antes colocar nossos personagens para interagir (ex, crush e pegação ta liberado). e, enquanto eu não te falar que quero endgame, meu char ta sujeito a se interessar por outros personagens também, mas com tudo sempre conversado entre players. faço todos os tipos de ship com todos os tipos de gênero, inclusive m/m, mas posso dropar o plot se sentir que meu partner esta fetichizando a relação. sou muito seletiva com nsfw, faço apenas com quem me sentir confortável e de preferência pelo discord, que é uma plataforma mais privada.
𝐕 temas e universos ― gosto de jogar principalmente slice of life, sobrenatural, fantasia e plots que envolvam aventura. por mais que ainda ame a saga original e morra de saudades, não jogo mais no universo de harry potter por não gostar de ofender e deixar os outros desconfortáveis. os universos que mais gosto de jogar são: riordanverse, shadowhunters, acotar, avatar: the last airbender, contos, hora de aventura. outros universos que estou familiarizada e fecho jogar são: jogos vorazes, got (tv show), last of us (tv show), dc/marvel/superheroes, naruto.
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dhampiravidi · 9 months
ugh I'm so indecisive. help pls.
yeah so, my comfort character is in the movie. I despise the show Shadowhunters, so basically the movie, books & RP are my only content sources. mental health & family stuff has been wonky lately, so I think I should treat myself to something small...but IDK if it should be this movie. the visuals, cast & some of the lore refs are great, tbh. it's based off of my favorite book series.
I just keep hesitating bc I'm That Virgo who worries about things like "what if it's not as good as I remember?" or "what if I don't have cool Shadowhunter dreams later?" or "what if it makes my desire to live in a different, more magical world, seem that much more worse?"
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potato-jem · 10 months
thank you to my dear @bookishjules for tagging me in this!! it looks very fun.
How many works do you have on ao3?
i have 8
What’s your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
currently published: the shadowhunter chronicles, bungou stray dogs. but i do have a few ideas for other fandoms coming soon hopefully...
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
family game night (run while you can)
and i want you to come back
arms tonite
chasing cars
arms tonite [alternative ending]
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
98% of the time, i do!! i am so appreciative that someone took the time out of their day to comment on something i have put a lot of work into, even if it is only an emoji or something.
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
what doesn't have an angsty ending probably the original 'arms tonite' fic. i had to write the alternative ending just so my friend would actually read it...
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
'family game night' is probably just my happiest one overall!!
Do you get hate on fics?
thankfully no
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
no, i don't, but i wouldn't be opposed to it. i just only would include it if i find it necessary to the direction i am taking with the fic.
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
i haven't!
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
no :(
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i have not, but i am open to co-writing something!!
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
FIRSTPRINCE! i haven't written anything for them yet but i will. soukoku is my fav ship to write for currently.
What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
i've had a cafe shop nick and charlie fic on the back burner for a while and i think it's now charred and stuck to the pan.
What are your writing strengths?
i think it would be describing emotions. i am very detached to them, so i sort of describe emotions from a bystander's perspective.
What are your writing weaknesses?
writing anything long!! i am not one to ramble and i LOVE leaving things vague so that the plot unlocks with subtle clues. this does mean a lot of my works are shorter and i would love to be able to write something longer.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
well, the only other language i can speak is mandarin, so probably not for me. i would have to talk to someone i knew spoke the language i wanted dialogue in, before being confident enough to use it in a fic.
First fandom you wrote for?
i honestly can't remember! so i will say bungou stray dogs for now.
Favorite fic you’ve written?
i think it would have to be 'and i want you to come back.' i am so proud of ty's characterisation and i just love where the story went. i also really like its companion fic of 'i want to go home' too, because it was my first time writing for kitty and i had a lot of fun writing!
i can't think of writer friends off the top of my head, so i will leave the tag open <3
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karouvas · 4 months
book recs? My fav books are trc, aftg, soc, shadowhunters/riordanverse etc and the likes (so basically the most basic literature taste known to man) thanks!
well I enjoy all of those and trc is my fav series so will give you a couple of my main fantasy recs along those lines or not dissimilar and throw in one of my fav thrillers which is very gay and explores dark themes for aftg adjacent rep, and then another suspense book i love. I sort of went with books i could draw some type of lines of comparison to at least one of the books you mentioned.
•The Diviners series by Libba Bray — this is my go to ya fantasy rec these days, it’s historical urban fantasy with some horror and mystery elements. It’s set in 1920’s New York, book one opens focusing mainly on Evie and a specific case of a ghost serial killer but introduces other chars, after the first book it becomes more about an ensemble cast of Diviners who have different supernatural powers and their dynamics, also the main antagonist is bigotry and hate which I’m aware is a concept that can be done poorly in fantasy and I won’t pretend every beat of it is flawless but it is my favorite example of a fantasy series take on that concept that I’ve read. More importantly stunning character work I especially adore the female chars among the diviners Evie Theta and Ling, Ling is one of the most special characters ever and these books should be worth reading because of her INTP canon ace lesbian with autistic swag realness alone. 
I definitely would recommend it to TID/TLH fans for the historical setting and atmosphere as well as some of the playing with man vs machine + to TRC/TDT fans for the characterization and also the second book is largely about Henry and Ling learning about their dream powers and developing a friendship through this and also Ling has a narrative foil in dreamspace she’s gay with just think some of those idea would resonate with trcers + to SoC fans for the ensemble dynamics. 
•The Gemma Doyle trilogy by Libba Bray
This is one I used to describe to people as The Gangsey all girls au set in Victorian London and that’s not fully accurate but it works enough to be a pitch, but basically it’s about this group of four girls who go to a boarding school together and discover a sort of parallel world where they can bee free and realize their ambitions detached from society, but in the real world they’ve awakened horrors they must deal with too. I need to reread this one but it was deeply formative, if you love messy complicated female friendship dynamics and paranormal/mystical plots that are just creepy enough this is for you. Also my favorite character in it is a gay blonde mean girl character who is ambitious and wants autonomy above all else but does also love her friends fiercely Felicity Worthington you will always be famous <3 if you enjoy Jessamine Lovelace and Grace Blackthorn from TSC she has strong parallels to both those chars imo and is better written/handled arc wise. But I will tell you that the other wlw char in the book who is her love interest dies there is byg, just so you no one gets mad at me for that. But still very worth the read imo. 
•The Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy by Laini Taylor
this series is a mix of urban fantasy and high fantasy, the first book is set mainly in Prague but large parts of the other books take place in a fantasy world called Eretz so there is a fun parallel worlds element. But it’s about Karou who is one of theee protagonists of the 2010s yet got paid dust justice for my girl, and she’s an art student in Prague who was raised by a family of monsters (chimeara), her surrogate father is Brimstone and he has a business of selling wishes for teeth that Karou sometimes helps with but is frustrated that she isn’t allowed to know why or what they’re for. Karou’s dynamics with the chimearas and with her best friends Zuzana who is also a wonderful character and inspo for my letterboxd url rabidfairy09, are really lovely and the prose is so beautiful… but the story really takes off when the love interest Akiva is introduced I won’t go into details about that because spoilers, but they have one of my absolute favorite romances in the genre that does subvert and play with those paranormal forbidden star crossed romance tropes in ways I think are quite fascinating. Books 2 and 3 are more complicated to describe there is an essential conflict between chimeras or devils vs angels in this world so there’s your modern tsc connection, and very lyrical prose although I find Lainis even lusher and more elegant than trc prose. 
• Sawkill Girls by Clara Legrand 
Ya horror book that I remember reading over the summer in high school and I think it’s a good summer read tonally, part of the plot is one of those stranded on an island survival stories but it’s less intense than like Yellowjackets (no cannibalism), I don’t actually have much to sell about the plot I just enjoyed the vibes and also there are lesbians one of whom is an ambitious driven abuse survivor who had an arc I remember really liking.
•Wild Beauty by Anna-Marie Mclemore I actually really love all the books by her I’ve read but I think this is a great one to start with. Basically there are multiple generations of women who are all witches living together (300 fox way vibes), and Estella has several cousins and she and them are all in love with the same woman who is the daughter of the man who owns the estate, and there’s a thing where boys and this family keep disappearing and then one of them shows up and resulting drama. The main romance is m/f but like all the female chars being bi, it is a good romance from my memory but the main event is the familial dynamics, the main character Estella’s arc around dealing with her internalized self hatred and a lot of anti colonial themes those anti colonial themes and themes of multigenerational trauma are very relevant in all the Mclemore I’ve read so yes, very much would read her starting with this book. Also very gorgeous prose as is in all her magical realism stuff. 
•this one is already quite popular on tumblr so you may have read it but The Folk of the Air series by Holly Black, if you enjoy the cutthroat gang in SoC and that high fantasy world I think you would enjoy it I also get some Zoya vibes as well as Kaz vibes from Jude the main heroine. Won’t bother with detailed description because again, very popular books. 
•Wayward Children series by Seanan McGuire
basically a series of portal fantasies or fairytales for adults, they are all novellas and it’s an ongoing series following several different chars not all of whom appear in each book. But I enjoy them and I think if you like Riordanverse this is like an adult fantasy take on similar concepts in a way, even though it’s not directly mythology based.
•The Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir
This is the other tumblr popular series on the list and has a good amount of overlap with trc/aftg/soc fans so will only give the brief pitch that it’s adult sci fantasy and about lesbian necromancers in space. You will be very confused at least some of the time but it is worth it, trust me. 
•Black Iris by Leah Raeder 
new adult psychological thriller with a sapphic romance that slaps so hard. Delaney Keatings is one of my favorite unreliable narrators and also just an A+ character, there’s not a lot I can say about the actual plot because a lot of it is psychological but will give one other plot hint: vigilantes. Definitely look up trigger warnings before reading this there’s a lot about homophobia and also references to sexual violence, drug use a lot more it’s very in line with Aftg in terms of like, grittiness in that regard. Do highly recommend. 
•Dare Me by Megan Abbott 
like with Mclemore I love this author in general and would recommend everything I’ve read by her but this was my first book of hers so it’s a good introduction, and also a lot of it is about girls on a cheer team having homoerotic psychosexual dynamics as well as the murder, so it’s also in line with aftg thematically in that way. gay sports media. 
There are a lot of others but I don’t want to make this list ridiculously long so… here are some recs <3 thank you so much anon for letting me ramble and I hope you like them!
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sakurajjam · 11 months
Oi, Rinn, Joy e Luffy! Poderiam ajudar a divulgar minha pesquisa? Lancei uma enquete agora a pouco.
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nós demoramos, então vamos fazer a divulgação da comunidade que abriu! desejamos toda a sorte do mundo, mod!
se você gosta dessa saga, com toda a certeza, a proposta da @ignisrp é perfeita para ti. se entendi bem, trata de um instituto que cria os caçadores de sombras, parece ser super divertido e nós temos cinco opções de espécies (vampiros, fadas, lobisomens, feiticeiros e nephilim) para criar nossos chars, vale a pena conferir! e sejam gentis com a mod.
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bastiandawn · 2 years
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lil wip of clary beary for some character profiles for my au <3 i was planning to post a batch but my laptop crashed and now i have to redo the other two chumps 👁️_👁️
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rhiannons-bird · 2 years
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sobh char aes -> Kit Herondale
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I don't know your time zone but it's Wednesday here, so hopefully I'm ok! I've really enjoyed reading your fills, they're all so brilliant. I'm nearly finished writing a Malec version of Beauty and the Beast; could you pick any other fairytale, your favourite or an obscure one you wish people knew or whatever criteria you like, and give us your best version please? Thank you, your fics make so many people happy!
you were absolutely fine! this is kind of a reverse tamlin fairytale that saeth and i talked about. because you mentioned obscure and while it's well known, it's not a super popular or mainstream tale that is used a lot.
also tumblr ate your prompt twice and i had it saved and then it gave me back your ask. if you want to share, you can always send over a link to your fic when you're done with it! beauty and the beast is a lovely classic! i hope you enjoy!
<3 lumine
Alec runs through the woods, ducking behind a wall of vines and bending through their reaching grasp, ripping himself free with a tear of leather when they thorns grasped too deep.
Fray and Jace thought they were smart, meeting and taunting the seelie queen and Alec is the bait, the distraction. He runs to give them time but there is no time for himself.  If he’d had even a moment to plan, to think, maybe it would have been okay.
However, the seelie queen is cruel and mischievous and she never strikes the same way twice.  Jace prioritized Clary as he always does and once again, Alec finds himself paying the price.
It’s with a shuddering breath he breaks through a veil of shadows and smoke, and he pauses a moment
There are gates in front of him. Trees curving with charred trunks and branches and curling to create a large, looming gate.
Whoever is here, they are no friends to the queen. Alec can tell the difference in the magic, in the way that the knights and scouts hunting him slow down.
They’re more wary and Alec can hear them, on the other side of the veil, deciding whether or not they would risk their queen’s wrath, or whoever Alec’s stumbled over.
It’s enough for him and while it’s a risk, it’s certainly less of a risk than being thrown into a bloody chase by Jace.
So, Alec steps to the gate, bows a little in courtesy and opens it.
There is no one to greet him but the gates close behind him. The seelies have finally followed and while the gate will slow them down, even longer than the veil, Alec needs to be safe before whatever pollen he was hit with takes effect.
There’s another door and a hall with a throne and Alec gets halfway before whatever he was hit with finally hits him harder than he can stand and he crumbles, unable to take another step as he falls.
Magnus stares down at the nephilim collapsed by his throne. When the wards had summoned him, warning him of an intruder, he hadn’t expected to find nervous and terrified seelie scouts poking around his wards.
He especially hadn’t expected to find a pollen dosed shadowhunter, half-conscious and already caught in a haze.
“You won’t have very long—” Magnus tells him, bending down to run a finger down a flushed cheek. “The more you fight it, the worse it will be.”
Hazel eyes blink up at him and Magnus wonders at just what this nephilim, who was hunted to his door, sees when he looks up. Magnus smiles, teeth a shade too sharp, his golden eyes gleaming with curiosity and the velvet of his antlers angled up like a crown.
“Come now,” Magnus croons, “tell me angel, will you suffer while I watch? Or will you come to me for aid?”
Either way, Magnus will be entertained and while it would be more interesting and fun to fuck the cure into his prey, Magnus is fine watching him struggle through the attacks of pleasure by himself.
There’s a moment where he leaves the nephilim there, goes to his throne and sits and thinks this will be his evening. That he will watch a nephilim shudder and shake and break apart on the floor of his hall and enjoy seeing him scrabble at Magnus’ feet.
Instead, the shadowhunter slowly gets to his feet and stumbles over. There’s a confused, desperate look on his face and he nearly falls into Magnus as soon as he’s close enough.
“You poor thing,” Magnus coos and reaches out for him, hands cupping his face as he gentles his nephilim and brings him to his knees, between Magnus’ thighs. “What’s you’re name, pretty boy?”
“Alexander—” his boy murmurs out, something pinched on his face as he almost frowns and then he shakes it away. “I, wha—”
“Hush.” Magnus says, brushing a finger over his lips and petting the softness there. “It’s a simple enough deal, angel. Pleasure for pleasure and the cure is made.”
A hungry mouth presses kisses to his finger and Magnus chuckles, delighted by how this is going. It’s with ease that he unbuttons his pants and gets his cock out. There are a great many ways to cure this poison, but Magnus knows exactly which one he wants.
And why he wants it.
“Touch me first, sweetheart.” Magnus urges, his hand gentle on Alexander’s face and it’s a sharp contrast from the violent hunger he’s holding back.
Alexander wraps his fingers around Magnus’ cock transfixed. There is an endearing gleam of innocent awe as he tries to find a rhythm. Magnus allows it until he’s hard and soaking Alexander’s hands and more than ready to claim his prize, so he hooks a heel around Alexander’s back and drags him forward.
“Kiss me.” Magnus commands and Alexander’s lips are a soft plushness, a sloppy, wet kiss to the crown of his cock and Alexander moans, as if he already knows he’s found the cure he seeks.
“Drink—” Magnus tells him, and Alexander obeys, tongue eager and mouth hot as he suckles Magnus’ cock.
He’s a delight to behold and to feel and Magnus tangles his fingers deep in Alexander’s hair and fucks into his throat with a slow determination that has his boy whimpering and drooling around him.
When Magnus comes, holding Alexander’s hair and keeping him trapped and close, unable to spill a single drop, it’s with the knowledge that no matter what happens next.
He’s won.
Alec goes back to the court only to find Jace and Clary gone, Simon as well. It’s with an aggravated sigh that he glares are the queen.
“I evaded your hunters and scouts.” He tells her, not about to share, that he knows exactly what she meant to happen to him. “It is my right, as the winner to leave.”
There is a dark scowl on her tiny, infantile face and it’s disquieting to see such large eyes look so dead and only shine with malice and greed.
“Very well, you have won. This once.” She makes it sound like it was a game Alec wanted, something he joined of his own free will and he grimaces, holding back the threat that itches to break free from his hoarse and swollen throat.
If it weren’t for Magnus, Alec isn’t sure where he’d be or what condition he’d be in and while it was hard to leave him once Alec regained clarity, Alec knows it’s for the best.
“Once you’ve consumed anything of this realm, you cannot leave.” The queen is pale, staring at Alec in something like horror and there is none of her previous delight when he finally showed back up. “What did you eat?”
“I ate nothing.” Alec responds, because he hadn’t. Magnus took care of him, cured him and ruined Alec in ways he still doesn’t understand, but he hadn’t eaten anything.
“You have.” The queen says and she’s shaking, “what did you eat? I cannot break the claim binding you to this realm!”
Alec snarls, ready to explain for the second and final time that he consumed nothing, when a possessive, heavy hand curls around his hip and pulls him into a warmth he’s already been missing.
“Magnus—” he murmurs, surprised and delighted and unable to do anything but sway into him.
“Oh Alexander,” Magnus croons and there’s something dark in his golden eyes. “You didn’t eat of these lands, but you drank deeply to quench your thirst.” His lips brush Alec’s ear in a whispered kiss, “you didn’t think I’d really let you go, did you?”
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