wally-b-feed · 5 months
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Anthony Fineran, DJ Shalon, 2024
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cursodeviolaocompleto · 11 months
Este é um vídeo de BackingTrack para treinar a música "estar em Tuas Mãos" cifrada na versão da comunidade católica Shalon de forma simplificada. Veja mais conteúdos em https://violaofacil.com #violao #musicacifrada #danieldarezzo #youtube #estaremsuasmaos
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Porque Eu te aprecio e te Amo.
Testemunho de vida Com. Shalom – Fortaleza / Recife. Durante pesquisa para a monografia, experimentei o amor de Deus e parti em missão: (Is 43, 1 – 4). Foto – ComShalom Sou Débora Cristina, tenho 22 anos e sou da Comunidade Católica Shalom de Recife. Falarei para vocês como se deu minha experiência com o Amor de Deus. Tudo começou há dois anos atrás, no dia 24 de julho de 2014, em um dia…
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miyahopscotch · 5 months
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My main three httyd ocs back in the day whome I have since redone
vvv Old designs vvv
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Yeah I would like to argue, I may have improved. Not perfect, but still
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alectology-archive · 2 years
see I don’t even hate gawyn that much (he mostly annoys me) but I picked him anyway on that annoying men poll because um. gawyn did very much take part in a coup. he killed his own teachers when they sided against him. he can’t dedicate himself to any cause for more than 2 seconds. the fact that he can’t even commit is what really annoys me ok. he didn’t try to get more information first before proceeding to act impulsively. he did inardvetently cause 90% of the problems in the series, unlike galad who left a net positive impact although the whitecloak part was rancid and misguided. siuan was literally primed to form an alliance with rand. all of that was very much a thing. and he stuck with elaida just because he didn’t want to admit he was wrong. he constantly refuses to take advice and legit info from his own allies all the time and prefers to pick his emotions even when they’re completely baseless. remember when he took a peddler’s word over egwene’s? he also did promise egwene that he wouldn’t hurt rand, and I’m not even mad at him for not helping rand when he got kidnapped (although he certainly could have found a way to help him because goddamn no enemy deserves to be treated like an animal), but I’m mad that he violated her trust. gawyn when you tell him 1 +1 = 2 -> “in my heart it’s 3 and I’ll kill people over it 💖” he’s the modern equivalent of like a conspiracy theorist. or at least very easily fooled by them.
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Shaloner polycule or something
shaloner polycule or something
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daisyachain · 2 years
Dingdingding! We have it! The first mention of gay women existing happened back in Winter’s Heart with the Windfinder and Cairhienin noblewoman having an affair (technically it’s implied in The Path of Daggers but it’s not stated outright), and now the first mention of gay men existing has happened almost halfway through the very last book! It’s an offhand mention of a character whose role is to deliver one (1) line of exposition. However, given Jordan’s proclivities, I did not expect to see it here either from original notes or from Sanderson’s volition
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hard to pin-point a specific favourite character in the Stormlight Archive but Pattern is up there and I think a lot of it is due how how the narrator does his voice and mannerisms
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ultrajustjo · 7 months
Of Loving Grace
Word of the day: Covenant
I am deviating from my exploration of visual and aural art to share this sermon mini-series -- a dive into the art of preaching. What follows is a youth sermon, the readings, and a sermon and prayer for the first Sunday of Lent.
[Before beginning, I distributed shakers and bells to the youth. Unfortunately, that day only adults attended, so I walked among them and asked for volunteer children. I found many! Adults without shakers or bells were invited to use jazz hands or to use ASL for “excited!” or ��yay!” when I said the word “Alleluiah.”]
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Welcome friends. Brr, it’s cold out today. Can you tell me what season we are in? Winter! Winter will end next month, but we are definitely in the middle of winter right now. We know all four season? Fall, spring, summer, winter. Do you have a favorite, or do you like them all?
Most Christians around the world also follow a church calendar which has different seasons. The church seasons are Advent before Christmas, then Christmas season, after that we have ordinary time, Lent, Easter season, and then ordinary time, again, in the summer. This last Wednesday, we entered the season of Lent. It’s kind of a sad and quiet season because we are preparing our hearts to think about how Jesus died before he came back from the dead. When someone dies, it is sad and we do miss them. But, we have hope that the sad time does not last forever and that we will live with God. The reason we have that hope is because of Easter! On Easter, we celebrate Jesus rising from the dead! Not only did he die then come back, Jesus kept teaching us about God, and now he still lives at the right hand of God. Easter is a happy time for the church! We say Alleluiah! (shake bells)
Here is a quick fact: Sundays are not part of the quiet season of Lent. On Sundays, we all come together to celebrate that Jesus, God’s son, was alive after he died and sits at the right hand of God. That makes each Sunday a little Easter. Today, like every Sunday, is a celebration! Even though the rest of the week is in the church season of Lent, today is the day we come together to thank God for loving us, and for sending Jesus to teach us about that love. And we all say, “Alleluia!” (shake bells)
Let’s pray together: Dear God (Dear God), thank you for loving us. Thank you for loving us when we’re sad. Thank you for sending Jesus to teach us. Amen.
Scripture for Feb. 18, 2024
First Reading Genesis 9:8-17
8Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him, 9“As for me, I am establishing my covenant with you and your descendants after you, 10and with every living creature that is with you, the birds, the domestic animals, and every animal of the earth with you, as many as came out of the ark. 11I establish my covenant with you, that never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of a flood, and never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth.”
12God said, “This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations: 13I have set my bow in the clouds, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. 14When I bring clouds over the earth and the bow is seen in the clouds, 15I will remember my covenant that is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. 16When the bow is in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.” 17God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant that I have established between me and all flesh that is on the earth.”
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License: CC0 Public Domain
Anna Langova has released this “Rainbow” image under Public Domain license. It means that you can use and modify it for your personal and commercial projects.
Second Reading 1 Peter 3:18-22
18 For Christ also suffered for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, in order to bring you to God. He was put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit, in which also he went and made a proclamation to the spirits in prison, who in former times did not obey, when God waited patiently in the days of Noah, during the building of the ark, in which a few, that is, eight people, were saved through water.
21And baptism, which this prefigured, now saves you — not as a removal of dirt from the body, but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who has gone into heaven and is at the right hand of God, with angels, authorities, and powers made subject to him.
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Baptism of Christ, Ethiopian Biblical Manuscript (20th Century) - Public Domain Orthodox Painting - Shalone Cason
Shalone Cason, January 7, 2023
Gospel of Mark 1:9-15
9 In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. 10 And just as he was coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens torn apart and the Spirit descending like a dove on him. 11And a voice came from heaven, “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.”
12 And the Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness. 13 He was in the wilderness for forty days, tempted by Satan; and he was with the wild beasts; and the angels waited on him.
14Now after John was arrested, Jesus came to Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God, 15 and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news.”
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©tonktiti at stock.adobe.com
This week’s readings contain a lot of symbolism, don’t they? We have rainbows, water that washes away sinners in the flood, water that washes away our sins in baptism being demonstrated by the baptism of Jesus who was sinless, and we have wild beasts in the wilderness. We also see convenental language, and by that I mean words and phrases for each symbol that signal to us a contractual relationship. These symbols really drive home an understanding of God’s connection with us, and God’s promises for us.
These readings are right up my alley. Thanks for asking me to be here today! This is a great week for me, and I hope, for you! (Woo!)
Does that sound odd, in the beginning of Lent, to be celebrating? We did talk earlier about how Sundays are Little Easters within the Lenten season. I would say that the solemn season of Lent moves us toward the celebration of resurrection and God’s ultimate covenant, and for that we can be excited!
Last Sunday, many of us read about the transfiguration on the mountain, where the radiance of Jesus nearly blinds James and Peter while they are surrounded by the cloud from which they hear the voice of God the Father.
This week, we read about the arch of light -- the rainbow-- that is set by God within the clouds in the vast sky, a symbol so large that Noah’s vision is filled with a sign he and God can see.
Friends, God’s magnificence radiates to us and we can’t miss it. God’s majesty reaches us in the clouds, in the light, on the mountains, in all of creation, in times when we are terrified of what we witness, and in times of storms that seem unending. God entered into relationship with creation and chose to limit God’s divine and majestic power to be in relationship with us. We see God choosing to limit divine power in 2 of our readings; in the covenant promise of the rainbow and in the presence of Jesus Christ who comes to us in a limited human body - a body that now walks through Lent toward the cross.
Let’s look at this symbolism a bit more. I want to share with you a Sunday School story for today that I’ve borrowed from Feasting on the Word curriculum in 2017. The story is called, “Rainbow People.”
“One day, a young mother was taking a walk with her small son and they saw a rainbow. The four-year-old boy looked up in wonder and said, ‘Mommy, can we take that home and put it in our house?’ His awestruck question prompted the mother to write a poem she titled, ‘A Rainbow in My House.’ She took her son’s question literally, imagining what it would be like to have a rainbow in their house, on their walls, emanating from the windows and doors, coming out the chimney. The house was transformed, and it could not contain the glory of the rainbow and its colors.”
We can’t miss it, we can’t avoid it. God’s covenant with Noah and with us radiates into every part of creation, including into us, into our very being.
What does that mean for you and me? Take that question home and wrestle with it if you need to, but don’t dismiss it. What does it mean for you, for your life and your mental health and for your inner soul, that God’s promises and God’s being radiates through creation and includes you?
Maybe you don't want to meditate on that -- some of us need to have it laid out for us. Just give it to me straight - level with me, Doc. You know what I mean? For those of you who want a straightforward answer, here it is: You are wonderful.
Yep. Even if you yelled at your kids or your dog this morning, and even if you had a bad shift at work, or if you flipped someone the bird on the road this week, or if you are watching on zoom from a prison cell. You, my friends, are part of creation. God has made a covenant with you and placed his open bow facing away from you and all parts of the earth so that you will be protected.
Scholar Dianne Bergant, in Exegetical Perspective, writes that the flood narrative is a story of deliverance and of relationship with God. The covenant is made with all of creation. Bergant’s word, “deliverance,” signals for us protective language.
The symbol of the rainbow in this story signifies the first covenant between God and God’s people. Our call to worship today was taken from Psalm 25 which refers to another covenant between God and God’s people, when the people left Egypt to follow the path God set them on. God’s promises continue and are everlasting, from generation to generation.
I will continue this look at why you are wonderful, and how God is faithful to God’s covenants, but first, let’s move quickly to Mark. Our gospel shows that, in Jesus’s baptism, Jesus willingly enters the “renewal movement” (Oxford Bible, p. 1793) begun by John to prepare God’s people for Jesus’s presence. At the end of our reading today in verse 15, Jesus proclaims the Good News of God and asks the people to turn to God and believe. In our reading, the word used is “repent,” but that’s what repent means, to turn. It doesn’t mean to embroil yourself in agony and guilt, and to then beg for mercy. That seems to be a common, modern understanding of the word. Actually, repent means to re-align yourself, to turn to God whose mercies are new every morning (does that sound familar? It’s a verse from the Old Testament in Lamentations).
Jesus, as the good news himself, has come to remind us of God’s covenants. We are to remember that God made a promise to us in a covenental way -- like a contract with two parties - God and creation, including us. Jesus says that the time is fulfilled and that the kingdom of God is near.
We see more protective language in our gospel reading, but we have to look a little harder. In Mark, we see that Jesus is pushed to the wilderness, i.e. away from God our protector, and is tested with struggles and dangers like Satan and wild beasts. The language of Mark here refers us back to Psalm 7 and Psalm 91, prayers of the people seeking God’s protection from evils represented by wild animals. Jesus, according to Mark, personally acts out the Psalms by leaving God’s refuge, wrestling with temptations, and being cared for by angels from God. God’s covenant is great. God does not leave us to struggle alone.
That is why I declare to you, friends, that you are wonderful, because you are created by God, in covenant with God, and protected by God. You are invited to keep turning to God through this season of Lent and your season of life, preparing your heart not just for the wonder of divine love, but for the celebration of our eternal salvation through Christ.
Friends, Dr. Maya Angelou once recalled the people who had shown her kindness. She said, “I've had so many rainbows in my clouds." That, my friends, is a sign of God’s radiance. Kindness is one way that we can share the hope of the cross. Let us go forth today, trusting in the rainbows, and being rainbows to others, knowing that Jesus Christ is there before us, having led the way and having wrestled with - and beaten - all temptations, We go forth trusting that we are God’s covenant people. We remember that verse from Lamentations 3:22-23, “The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; God’s mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
Our Prayer for blessing:
Almighty God,
Grant that the words we have heard this day may, through your grace, both honor and praise you; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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volup2 · 8 months
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NEW EDITORIAL UP! https://www.volup2.com/editorials/shalonbday Happy birthday to gorgeous inside and out, Shalon Dozier! Photographer Velvet d'Amour
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nyc-looks · 1 year
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“My dress is Vaquera, shoes Balenciaga, headpiece vintage, top vintage.”
May 14, 2023 ∙ NoHo
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wally-b-feed · 1 year
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Zurri De Shalon, 2023
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icarus-suraki · 5 months
Do you need a Unique and Special name for a baby? Look no further than the McMansion sprawl of my old hometown. I've made a list of the best and brightest street names that are ready and waiting to be new baby names, just for you:
Brookwynd Bexhill Leiden Serence Escott Whitcomb Wyndle Parson Spector Selly Herdover/Hurdover Rexford Afton Beckford Banningford Keating Grayling Millyork Perney Slayton Ellinwood Becton Lexham Preaton(wood) Oaken Oaklyn Cobble(r) Mallow Adefield Wragby Minley Yateley Bodwin Cranwell Averroe Burham Garrity Shalon Duggins Tuftin Parlier Mynster Gartrell Brister Baffin Aston Henniker Lillard Turling Karpen Nottely Riggins Ashdon
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blitzkennedyrieg · 10 months
Pinned post super blast
Before you follow! I sometimes post stuff about The Third Reich so if that's an uncomfortable topic for you then this is not a blog you want to follow. I don't support fascist ideologies I'm just interested in the history of Nazis. Hitler hyperfixation is crazy
Also if you follow me for fandom content just know i'll probably stop posting about it in like two months. Unless it's spongebob
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I also just like war/military themed stuff in general
Also i post stuff about The Human Centipede sometimes so also don't follow if that makes you uncomfortable i think
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-VM44 (i like this one because it's so shoddy)
-American M2
-Shalon 4a1
I currently own a GM30, GP5, and GP7
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Working on a story about war and stuff. #green-on-the-red-grounds is the serious art tag and #whimsy-and-warfare is the shitpost art tag
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briebysabs · 1 year
PH ~Complaints~
This is the first of several pieces I will be making about this series. Reading Pandora hearts was an experience to say the least and I wanted to organize my thoughts into separate categories, because it’s too much to post out normally. Also I’m insane and I think it’ll be fun for me at least. These posts will contain spoilers but maybe it’ll spark people’s love for the series. Maybe it’ll get people to buy the manga volumes. Maybe the stars will align and it manifests an anime reboot (delusional).
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With that out of the way, we will start with my complaints and nitpicks of the series. Which isn't a lot but there will be explaining to do here. As a disclaimer, these are things that I found worth mentioning and may not be any issues you had reading. I am going off my initial reading of ph too so if I miss anything, don’t come at me lol.
-> The most notable complaint I need to talk about first is early ph. But I bring it up because this is the main thing that can turn people away from the series. “The early chapters are slow” is a complaint I heard before starting ph. Upon looking back, it wasn’t necessarily slow for me and I enjoyed those parts. But when reading, it was chaotic and felt like nothing was moving. It felt like we were rushing to nowhere. I took several breaks because it was so overwhelming. And I wasn’t reading them physically but off of sites, I know a lot of you remember Bezarius, Liam, Shalon lol. The wonky translations in the early chapters aren’t mochijun’s fault of course, but it didn’t help matters for me.
So much information was jam-packed with an already intricate story. And granted, later on in the 50s-60s chaps, the world makes more sense. But when you haven’t gotten to that point, it’s a lot to take in. You can compare early parts of ph and vnc to see exactly what I mean. VnC’s introductory chapters are much more polished. And some stories work better that way but in ph’s case for me, the direction wasn’t clear. I mean you know the objective, finding Alice’s memories but after that it was just a bunch of “huh???” It wasn't until we met Elliot and Leo, eventually Rufus that everything became more coherent. And you can argue, “yeah you’re supposed to be confused” which is valid but it was a bit messy for me, and I know it's inspired by Alice in Wonderland.
But not only was it confusing and can be perceived as slow (though again not for me), these chapters are long. Certainly not a complaint, I loved having long chapters. But if you’re confused af, you feel as though the plot isn’t moving, and you have these long chapters to add. I see why people may drop the series because “it’s too convoluted and the author doesn’t know what they’re trying to say.” I don’t agree with that but I understand if they weren’t able to go past chapter 35 or something. But we all must remember this was mochijun's first real series. So I understand as well why its beginnings aren't that grounded and can forgive that.
->The second complaint is that there wasn't enough characterization of the Baskervilles squad (as in Lottie and her gang I'm excluding Zwei here) as individuals. What do I mean by this? You can say “well they weren’t that important” which I kinda disagree with because they were the antagonists we were worrying about for half of the story as they searched for their leader Glen.
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We got depth given to them as a group, we see that there is a genuine, familial bond. I wanted to know their past or backstories and the most we got from was Lily. You can say we got Lottie too but I don't know I was left wanting more. We know Doug and Fang got Lily’s tattoo in solidarity which is my favorite moment from the squad. But who are they y’know? Fang had such a cool design, how did he join the Baskervilles? Doug is a nothing character. I haven’t read the light novels so these questions could be answered there but having read the manga, we should’ve gotten more.
-> Going from that, the whole Glen thing. Again, might be explained more in the light novels but from manga content, I wish we got more explanations and lore. Who was the first Glen? Who is Levi? He’s someone who we deserved more insight into and what made him so detached.
-> I wish we had more chain on chain fights. I read somewhere that mochijun had struggles mapping out action scenes so they were kept to a minimum. But I think due to that, we don't get to see the true extent of these chains' powers. And yes, Break's condition prevented him from using his chain much. But Break and Vincent's dynamic was great, a final showdown between them with their chains would've been so cool. Mad Hatter vs. Demios we were robbed...
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-> Isla Yura in general. Not gonna lie, I forgot he existed. I can respect the role he played, especially knowing now mochijun based Dr. Moreau off him. He was a worthy threat and his obsession with Jack makes sense. But his personality just wasn’t it and rubbed me the wrong way. Stereotypical queer antagonist from the 2000s, we did not need this.
->This might be a biased one but Cheshire should've been a prominent character. We see he’s important to Alice but we got a whole mini-arc with him in the beginning, him appearing in the Break backstory and then he's gone until the final 8 chapters. I also wish he behaved like the cat he’s inspired by. Sassy, mischievous with a dash of dark humor. (though now I say that, Oz does have some of that). There was just so much potential that we simply didn’t explore with him.
-> Speaking of such, Sharon and Ada were so underused. I was expected more from Sharon’s arc and her Eques chain is so cool but that didn’t happen. Every moment with Ada was fantastic but she’s mostly put to the side which sucks. Her relationship with Oz was lacking for me, he comes back from the Abyss and we do not see him think of Ada until 15 chapters later? Her overall reactions to Oz dying essentially after the finale, learning her father’s death, none of this is there. These two had potential, Sharon even being part of the main five, that wasn’t delved into.
-> Vincent and Ada. Okay, lemme break it down. I kinda love them, they didn’t get together which was sad but was the best choice to make. But I do question why this relationship exists. To be honest, until the last 14 chapters I thought she dropped them completely. I was wondering what was the point of making them a whole thing and having read to the end, I still kind of think that. We got two or three main interactions with them and then we just never got back to Vince/Ada until the finale. It was as though the plot simply couldn’t make time for them, it was tightly knit at this point and everything was heading for utter insanity. But then, we get the emotional climax of Vincent’s character. We get Ada telling Vincent “I forgive you”. It hits hard because Vince is a top 5 character for me. But in terms of their relationship, it didn’t feel earned. I don’t think it was developed enough to get such a heavy moment like this.
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Their last encounter from what I remember was in the headhunter arc, Ada telling Vince she’ll always be by his side. And while we see he cares about her safety then, I don’t think that means what they have is strong enough to break the self-hatred Vincent has built up for years. Why did it have to be Ada? I know Gil wasn’t getting through to him but if he told Gil what’d he had done. That he indirectly caused the tragedy of Sablier, and Gil really said fuck it, held him down and screamed “I forgive you! The outcome might’ve been the same. Vincent respected Elliot. Vincent looked up to Jack. Vincent grew to care about Ada. But to me, the only person he loved in this world was Gil. And in his last moments, that is all he had. So this whole Vince/Ada thing, while I enjoy them and definitely needed more, at the end I doubt how necessary it was for either of their characters.
->At last, the ending. I love the ending, let’s get that out of the way. Two things I need to say though. One, it did conclude faster than it should’ve. It’s not to a degree where it significantly brings it down but we could have used 5, 6 more chapters. Chapter 104 should’ve been cut in half, 104 ends with “see you later Gilbert” and 105 is total epilogue. That way, the events of 104 get to sink in with the reader. Second, and I know you saw this coming, Reim marrying Sharon. This is the one thing I see most fans have an issue with for the ending and I completely agree, this did not make any sense. It felt like the biggest last minute decision. I think mochijun and the magazine had reached the end of their rope because no one got together in the end. Oz and Alice didn’t become canon really, Gil is too gay, Elliot’s dead so we couldn’t even get elleo implied canon.
(Though you can make a whole other thread arguing how their entire relationship already was from how intimate they were) We all knew Rufus wasn’t gonna marry Sheryl, Vince and Ada went their separate ways. So it was just “alright, um….someone’s gotta get with someone.” And from what I know, there’s no artwork or moment in the series that hints in the slightest that this would happen. We never get a teasing moment from Break about them, Reim and Sharon are friends but the main connection between them is Break. I don't buy the whole "Break's death affecting Sharon deeply and she found comfort in Reim who shared her pain" because you don't have to marry someone who understands your grief. They can just be there for you as a friend. And there was no signs of romantic attraction AT ALL.
Which makes me doubt mochijun planned or even wanted to do this. Her hands might’ve been tied by higher-ups and she had no choice but to include this to deliver the finale she had in mind. This is pure speculation so I could be wrong but with that, this essay I guess, wraps up. There’s other stuff I may not have mentioned, like the jury thing is so absurd but I want to reserve that for my mochiverse theory. When it's all said and done, Pandora hearts is still an amazing series, mochijun has definitely improved as an author. My vnc-ph comparison post which may be after this one will elaborate on that in more detail. Thank you for listening to my rant. What are some complaints or nitpicks you had with ph?
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alectology-archive · 2 years
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the real reason I hate the last three books is because brandon sanderson tossed shalon din togara morning tide into the trash pile for his gary stu self insert androl
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