broadwaybaggins · 12 days
Top 3 MCU movies!
Captain Marvel
Captain America: The WInter Soldier
Captain America: Civil War
Thanks for the ask!
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seadeepy · 2 months
Spotify asks: 6&12
You're not gonna believe this but I immediately got two asks with the exact same numbers -- luckily I have at least two playlists that qualify for #12 so I'll share them both!
6 answered here
12. how many songs are on your shortest playlist?
Another playlist I have with only one (1) song is for my D&D NPC Chath, who's a pyromaniac sorcerer who has something very wrong with her. I haven't made her a full playlist yet but I put "Gasoline" by Halsey on there as a placeholder. Any recs for songs about unhinged women are welcome!!
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pyjamacryptid · 11 months
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hi !!!!!! ´・ᴗ・`💕💕💕
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queerofthedagger · 3 months
Ahh thank you Taylor!! <3
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montygreen · 6 months
Awww thank you <333
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witchmd13 · 7 months
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lowkey this gif made my day russian doll my beloved 😍😍 a couple of years ago I had a russian doll themed cake and it said sweet birthday baby lmao
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gonna pretend she's saying my birthday instead of thursday lol
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bellamyblakru · 2 years
hey there! list five things that make you happy, then put this is the askbox of the last ten people who reblogged something from you! spread the happiness and positivity ☺️❤️
so wholesome!!! okayokay lets go
1. my family & animals
2. @its-hyperfixation @lanawhoisntontumblr @kandi-pendragon @aquarimint @fluffypotatey @voiddrop @eddiediaaz @sourdough-morbread @lightasthesun and @ all my other friends that live in my phone and make me happy
3. the color green
4. making people laugh
5. writing something i think is good
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kickassfu · 1 year
For the wip: i’ll drive you home at the end of the night (cuz it sounds cute in a angsty way?)
Oh thank you!! I wasnt expecting anyone to play along lool
Interesting choice, because I'm literally writing it right now, and trying to finish it. So!!! This fic started literally with the title askjdsdjkf (it's a lyric I heard and went !!!!!!)
so i went back and forth between what I wanted to write with it, between steddie after a party where one of them is drunk? or sad? and steve pretending his car doesnt start so eddie offers him a ride?
one is def sadder, and the other one is funnier akdjksdf
until i figured out that i can just do both in the same fic LOL just two different nights. Start with the sad and end with the funnier/cuter one.
Also i started it yesterday. But I didnt like what i had so I scrapped it and restarted it :)
a lil sneak peek between the cut if you're interest~~ (i dont think you're into steddie so you might not be so askdjdskjf)
Eddie never thought there was any beauty in tears. Crying is dirty and messy, just a release of charged emotions. Nothing beautiful to it, another bodily function like any other really. If you see someone do it you either try and comfort them, or look away, ignore it and move on with your life.
So it’s more than a little bit surprising that Eddie cannot look away from Steve Harrington’s crying face. Silent tears falling down, down, down his beautifully pained face, traveling down his long, pale neck only to make a mess of his shirt. 
Like a man bathed in holy water and moonlight and salt
Maybe Eddie shouldn’t want to lick his neck clean as much as he does, to consume Steve’s pain and turn it to pleasure.
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thebookluvrr1816 · 1 year
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
ooo for the wip thing: the witch & the knight~
thank you bestie!!! i am always down to gush about this wip <3
so did do a brief (liar) explanation about the wip in this post. it's a long list of short (another lie) descriptions of what my 10 wips are. this wip was listed #4
anyway, about this wip:
[edit: just gonna put my thoughts under the cut to not take up any space]
to summarize, the wip is an alternate medieval fantasy in France (because there's a lot of sources and research i can pull from medieval France also, their outfits and art were cool as shit). i'm planning on this to be a series just because the actual plot takes over the span of 10 years (bc war is long and i have relationships to build and break in that span of time).
in the story, we follow 4 characters who each represent a main theme that will be very prevalent in the wip (though there are many other themes that they'll be sharing as well). we have Tiffany (full name is Theophania), a witch from a small village who owns an apothecary shop and specializes in potions and defensive spells. Adina, Tiffany's little sister, who's also a witch who also specializes in potions but is more into magic associated with plant manipulation. then you have Sir Nathaniel (can go by Nathan or Nate) who is a knight with angelic patronage and has the "most sanctimonious stick up his ass" (Tiffany's words) when we first meet him, but is a cinnamon roll. and finallly, we have Xion, a Grim Reaper and is the leader of the of heroes' side of the war. despite being a physical embodiment of Death and it being their personal job to collect souls of the dead, Xion is fond of humanity and would rather humans live a full life for her to collect rather than have it be taken on such short notice.
ok, so bare with me, i know i have the wip listed as a "historical fantasy" but there will be a lot of creative liberties taken in this story (ya know, being that this is a fantasy first and history tour 2nd). it's historical mostly for worldbuilding purposes, which is why this wip is super research heavy T^T (the things i do for what i love)
however! i'm also using this wip for a project in one of my classes, so i now have this easy excuse to use for myself in order conduct research and flesh out this story more.
tbh a huge inspiration for this wip was when i was taking a european history class and we got into talking about high medieval France and i was just pulled in. also, Eleanor of Aquitaine, and all the books i read on her were a huge inspiration into crafting this world. tbh, i came up with this idea while researching for another mini-self project for international women's day in 2021 bc insta was being finicky and was blocking my post celebrating march 8th (i got very pissed that day lol). anyway, i as reading about badass medieval queens and then my brain went "i wish there was more medieval fantasies about badass women" so there.
another thing, here's a little snippet of the wip and what i've written so far (it's not a lot really lol, just a couple scenes in total):
She explored the empty chapel some more and found nothing to satisfy any of her questions. Not even the choir loft above held anything of importance. The chapel was a bust it seems. Figures. What a curious human. Tiffany tensed and looked around her, finding no one. She peered over the edge of the loft’s balcony and found the bottom empty like before.  Don’t be wary, dear human. Tiffany grew very wary.
but, uh, yeah, there you go!
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findafight · 1 year
3 & 16 for the ask game
3. Specific colour that gives you the ick?
Ohh but I love all colours they are so pretty and wonderful. Even muddy yellows fit well in fall scenes. It all depends on context! I love you neons I love you browns I love you sickly greens I love you yellows.
16. I already answered but I do like mint chocolate chip!
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kairennart · 2 years
I’m dying over your morgwen pillow fight art is just so beautifully done and cute!!! 🥰🥰🥰
aksjskks im dying over ur ask thank u🥺🥺🥺🥺
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kayd-is-a-dragon · 5 months
shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals <3
First off I have upwards of 200 playlists, finding my favorite is rude.
So it's a melancholy playlist titled Yu Yi which is a word from the dictionary of obscure sorrows meaning "the longing to feel things intensely again" so here they are the first five on shuffle
The Way It Was - The Killers//Closer - The Tiny//Pair (The Way I Wrote It) - Ian McConnell//Say I Haven't Lost It All - Vania Junco//AM I DREAMING - Lil Nas X and Miley Cyrus
Genuinely a fantastic playlist for getting in your feelings about getting older and missing youth
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pyjamacryptid · 5 months
shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals <3
Oh a music ask!!! This was a lot of fun! Thank you! 💕
- Nothing Matters by The Last Dinner Party
- To Love by Suki Waterhouse
- Get Ready by The Temptations
- Lonely Dancers by Conan Gray
- The Antidote by St. Vincent
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queerofthedagger · 6 months
Taylorrr thank you!!! <33
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montygreen · 2 years
Pass the happy! 💖💖 When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications!
Thank you so much!!
I'm a really good cook, especially when it comes to Indian food -- had one of my friends over and I cooked dinner for her tonight and it was a lot of fun, I've been wanting to cook for a friend FOREVER!!
I am getting lunch with my virology prof from last term (the really, really lovely one who was INSANELY supportive of my parodies and who is genuinely one of the coolest, smartest people I've ever met) next Friday and I am VERY excited! I've always wanted to get lunch with a prof, but it's even better because this prof is like my favourite, and definitely likes me as much as I do her, which is to say quite a lot haha
In general, I've been getting lunch with a lot of people this term (I have friends who I have weekly lunch plans with and beyond that I text people and make plans more spontaneously) and I literally love getting lunch with people!!
Singing for people, always. My friends and I have a presentation next week for our tutorial for this class I'm taking called clinical neuropsychology and the entire assignment is about helping people study material from the course in a creative way, and my friends agreed that part of our presentation could include a performance of one of my songs!!
On Sunday evening, I'll be seeing two friends I haven't seen since the end of October, which I'm very excited for!
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