#shane harper gif pack
fabledenigma · 2 years
In the Source Link, you will find a gif pack of Shane Harper in the short lived MTV tv show Happyland (2014).
Shane played the role of Ian Chandler, the younger brother of Theodore Chandler. A few secrets come out over the course of the short eight episodes.
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Source - FabledEnigma
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bosvcr · 3 years
monica raymund in hightown 2.01-05
#664 gifs; made by us from scratch. for the gif page link and terms of use go to our discord server (here). please reblog this post if you find the gifs helpful.
gif pack features: shane harper, tonya glanz.
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dean-samw67 · 3 years
This is Hell
Chapter 12: Season 2 Episode 6
Warnings: None
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Words: 2148
Everyone was sitting around eating breakfast. Harper was sitting in a chair as she put a forkful of food in her mouth. It is overall quite aside from some rustling around and movement from others. Glenn walks up to the group, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Uh, the barn is full of walkers.” He announces. Everyone freezes and it goes completely quiet now. Harper finishes chewing her food and swallows it down as she looks at everyone else. They all head up to the barn and Shane walks up to the doors. He tries to look inside. There is sudden banging and growling on the other side, causing him to jump back.
“Okay…” Shane exhales. “Listen, maybe it’s time we just consider our other option.”
“Shane, we are not leaving Sophia behind.” Rick shakes his head.
“I’m close to finding this girl. I just found her doll.” Daryl jumps in.
“You found a doll, Daryl. That’s it.” Shane scoffs.
“Ya don’t know what the hell you’re talkin’ about!” Daryl yells.
“I’m just saying what I need to. Get us a real lead in the next 48 hours and then we can talk.”
“Shane, stop!” Rick gets in front of him. It went in one ear and out the other, as Shane continues.
“And let me tell you something man, if you found her and she saw you coming, all methed out with you bucked knife, geek ears around your neck, she’d run in the other direction!” Daryl starts lunging at Shane and Rick pushes him back.
“Now let me tell you what, Shane! How much have you actually done for that little girl compared to Daryl!” Harper gets in his face.
“Don’t even start defending your crazy ass fuck buddy.” Shane laughs.
“We are staying, until we find Sophia!” Harper growls through barred teeth.
“She’s probably dead, Harper!” He shouts.
“You don’t know that!” Harper shouts right back at him. “You think you always know everything, news flash, you don’t, you self centered, fucking bitch!” A slap echoes through the air, as Shane’s hand smacks Harper across the face. She is quick to react and push him before T-Dog grabs her and pulls her back. Daryl was being held back by Rick as he tried to lunge at Shane.
“Don’t you ever put your hands on me like that! Asshole!” Harper screams as she struggles against T-Dog’s arms.
“Let me go!” Daryl growls. Shane storms off and once the two have calmed they are let go. Harper pushes T-Dog away from her and runs off, looking for Shane. Thinking he can get away with that? No fucking way.
“Harper!” Rick yells as he chases after her. “Harper, stop now.” Rick grabs her arm.
“You are just going to let him get away with hitting me like that!?” She turns and gets up in Rick’s face.
“No, I’m going to talk to him.”
“He needs to be punched in his jaw, not talked to.” Harper scoffs.
“Just let me handle it.” Rick lets her arm go and walks by her. She glares after him. She walks up to the farm house and knocks on the door. Beth opens it.
“Hi, sweetie. Can I just get some ice? For my cheek?” Harper asks with a small smile trying to play it off like everything was fine.
“Yeah, come in.” Beth opens the screen door and lets Harper in. “Sit down.” Harper listens and sits at the island counters. Beth gets an ice pack and wraps it in paper towels. She hands it over to Harper who mutters a ‘thanks’ as she takes it. “What happened?”
“I’m just a klutz. Tripped and hit my own face.” Harper lets out a fake laugh. Beth was looking at her like she didn’t believe her. “What?”
“That’s not what happened was it?” Harper chuckles a little and shakes her head. “Who hit you?” Beth takes a seat next to Harper.
“That doesn’t matter.”
“Was it Daryl?” Beth asks, curiously.
“No! No. It wasn’t Daryl. Why would you think that?”
“Well, when I was walking by the room he was in yesterday, I heard you and him kinda yelling at each other. I thought, maybe, you made him mad.” Beth shrugs.
“No, sweetie. Daryl has never hit me. I don’t think he ever would.” Harper places a hand on Beth’s arm. Beth nods and bites her lip. “Thank you for the ice. I think I am gonna head outside. I’ll bring this back tonight.” Harper stands.
“You’re welcome.” Beth smiles before Harper leaves the house. Harper walks out and down the steps.
“Where are you goin’?” She jumps around to see Shane leaning against the porch of the house. Harper scoffs and walks away. “You know, Daryl will never love you.” This causes Harper to stop in her tracks. “You are developing feelings for him but he’ll only see you as one thing. A fucking buddy.” Harper turns back toward Shane. Why was he even bringing this up?
“Haven’t you done enough today.” Harper crosses her arms.
“I lost my cool, I know. But you know just as well as me that we aren’t safe here, with a barn full of walkers.” He walked toward her, as she eyed him the whole time.
“So what does Daryl have anything to do with that?”
“You were going to find him right? I just thought I would let you know.” He shrugs.
“You are a bastard.” Harper spat.
“I just tell it as it is. And while you pine after him, he doesn’t even notice you.”
“I suggest you stay out of my love life.”
“And I suggest you find a real love life. It won’t happen with him, cause there ain’t no love there. At least, not from him.” Shane walks closer.
“And who would you suggest is better for me?” Harper rolls her eyes. Shane stops in front of her and leans in by her face.
“I could name a few.” He chuckles. She gives him a look of disgust.
“You hit me, then think you can try and flirt with me?” Harper knew he just wanted to get closer with her, to get closer with Lori. Should have thought about that before slapping her.
“I’m just giving you options, honey.” He smirks.
“Get out of my face.” Harper glares at him.
“Suit yourself. But, don’t say I didn’t tell you so when Daryl breaks your heart. I thought your heart was fragile enough as it is.” He backs up and walks by her. She stands there taking in what he said.
As much as Harper hated to admit it he was probably right. So was Lori. Like it or not Daryl didn’t seem like a guy who would want anything serious. And he has even told her directly that their relationship was simply hooking up. Though, she couldn’t help hoping that maybe, just maybe, he would feel something back. Maybe it was a ridiculous thought but it was what was keeping her going. That, plus her family.
Harper approached the group that was around the porch just as Shane was walking up as well.
“What’s going on?” She asks, standing next to Daryl.
“You with me?” Shane holds a gun to Daryl. Daryl takes it, nodding and Shane pulls another gun out of the bag, shoving it into Harper’s hands. “It’s time to grow up.” Shane begins handing out guns.
“I thought we couldn’t carry.” T-Dog gives Shane a quizzical look.
“We can and we have to.” Shane sighs.
“Shane, stop this.” Harper walks toward him. He ignores her.
“It was one thing sitting around here when we thought this place was supposed to be safe. Now we know it ain’t.
“Will you stop? You hand out these guns and you will be kicked out.” Maggie speaks up.
“We can’t leave, Shane.” Carl starts walking down the stairs to the porch.
“Carl, let us handle this.” Harper puts her hand up.
“Let the kid speak, Harper. Now, we ain’t going anywhere.” Shane looks at Carl.
“What the hell is going on?” Lori walks over confused.
“Hershel, well he’s gotta understand. He has to.” Shane nods as he sets the bag down. He pulls out his pistol and holds it out to Carl. Lori pushes Carl behind her while Harper stands in between them.
“Do not bring him into this!” Harper glares.
“Shit!” T-Dog exclaims. They all looked toward where he was looking. Rick, Jimmy and Hershel were leading two walkers toward the barn. Shane begins running toward them, everyone following.
“What the hell are you doin’?!” Shane shouts.
“Back off!” Rick growls.
“He’s crazy! Bringing these things here! They aren’t people!” Shane yells.
“Shane, Shut up!”
“Hershel, let me ask you, could a living person come back from this?” Shane pulls out his gun and aims it at the walker, shooting it in the chest three times. The walker just keeps reaching toward the closest humans to it. “Why’s it still coming? Huh?” Shane shoots it two more times. “How’s it still alive!?”
“Shane, that’s enough!” Harper screams.
“You’re right. That is enough.” He shot the walker in the head. Everyone gasps as Shane walks around. “Enough looking for a little girl that's gone! Enough sleeping next to a barn full of things wanting to kill us!” Shane runs to the barn, grabbing a pickaxe and beginning to try and break the chain off the door.
“Hershel, take the snare pole!” Rick shouts but Hershel just sits there, staring at the dead walker. Harper runs over and grabs Shane’s arm.
“Stop it!” Shane elbows her in the nose, causing her to fall back. He breaks the lock and opens the door, banging on the wood.
“Come on! We are out here!” Shane back’s up. Harper pushes herself off the ground and runs from the barn, then turning to aim her gun at the barn. The walkers run out and gunfire rings through the air, shot after shot. Rick is shouting, begging to stop.
It falls quiet after the last one falls to the ground. Harper lets out a sigh and lets her arm, with the gun in her hand, fall to her side. She turns her head, glaring at Shane. A low growl is heard and a little girl walks out, she lifts her head and everyone recognizes her. Sophia.
“Sophia!? Sophia!” Carol runs toward her but Daryl drops his gun and grabs her, keeping her from going closer. Tears brim at the corners of Harper's eyes. Carol’s sobs just made it all hurt more. Sophia begins to stumble over the walker bodies. Rick steps forward and aims the gun at her, pulling the trigger, Carol crying as the gunshot echoes.
Harper knew exactly how this felt. How Carol felt. She understood way too well. It all only brought up bad memories. She looks over at Carol, Daryl trying to pick her up. She pushes him off and runs toward the camp. Harper runs after her.
“Carol!” She tries to catch up to Carol. Carol runs into the RV, falling on the floor. Harper runs in and looks down at the woman. She gets down next to her, pulling her into a hug. “I know.”
She stayed with Carol for a bit until she was a little more calm. Harper leaned back against the cabinet behind her while Carol was against the side of one of the seats.
“I know how you feel.” Harper empathizes.
“No you don’t.” Carol scoffs.
“What?” Harper’s face drops.
“You barely knew your kid. Barely had time with her the way I did.”
“I… I still understand. It still hurts just as much.” Harper mumbles, shaking her head.
“Just leave me alone.” Harper doesn’t waste time getting up and walking out. A cry escapes her lips as soon as she shuts the door. Everyone was walking back to the Farm.
“I want him off my land. I mean it.” Hershel says to Rick before going inside. Harper takes a few deep breaths and begins walking back to the barn. Andrea was up there, covering the bodies. She looks back at Harper, who you could visibly tell was crying.
“Are you alright?” Andrea stands and walks to Harper.
“Yeah.” Harper’s voice cracks as she nods. She tries to keep it together but fails to. She begins to cry again as she shakes her head ‘no’.
“Hey, it’s okay.” Andrea hugs her. Harper had no clue why Andrea was being nice after she had acted the way she did to her.
“She told me I couldn’t understand how she was feeling, because I didn’t get as much time with my daughter.” Harper sobs.
“Who? Carol?” Harper just nods at the questions. Andrea pulls back, looks at the crying, brunette. “I’m sure she didn’t mean it. She is in a rough spot right now.” It doesn’t mean it hurts any less.
Chapter 13~
This is Hell Masterlist
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tasksweekly · 4 years
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There’s a masterlist below compiled of over 130+ Montserratian faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever faceclaim or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Maizie Williams (1951) Afro-Montserratian - singer and model
Michelle Gomez (1966) Montserratian [Portuguese] / Scottish - actress.
Diane Parish (1969) Afro-Montserratian / Afro-Dominiquais - actress.
Heidi D'Amelio (1972) Montserratian [Irish, French], Kaskaskia, Haitian [Cajun, French], Basque, Breton, Italian, Swiss, German, French, Spanish, Irish, English - instagrammer (heididamelio).
Angela Yee (1976) Afro-Montserratian / Cantonese Chinese - actress, model, tv personality, and radio personality.
Pippa Bennett-Warner (1988) Afro-Montserratian - actress.
Dixie D'Amelio (2001) Montserratian [Irish, French], Kaskaskia, Haitian [Cajun, French], Basque, Breton, Italian, Swiss, German, French, Spanish, Irish, English / Italian - tiktoker (dixiedamelio) and dancer.
Charli D’Amelio (2004) Montserratian [Irish, French], Kaskaskia, Haitian [Cajun, French], Basque, Breton, Italian, Swiss, German, French, Spanish, Irish, English / Italian - tiktoker (charlidamelio) and dancer.
Emari Dyer (?) Afro-Montserratian - model (instagram: westindiandolly)
Gabrielle Graham (?) Afro-Montserratian / Afro-Jamaican - actress, singer, and dancer.
Samorezworld (?) Afro-Montserratian, Afro-Haitian - youtuber. 
Sharissa Ryan (?) Afro-Montserratian - model, Miss Montserrat 2014-2015, and Miss Jaycees Caribbean Queen 2015.
F - Athletes:
Rechelle Meade (?) Afro-Montserratian - sprinter.
Q-Tip / Kamaal Ibn John Fareed (1970) Afro-Montserratian / African-American [including Bissau-Guinean] - actor, DJ, rapper, singer, bassist, guitarist, keyboardist, drummer, and producer.
Wil Wheaton (1972) Montserratian, Portuguese Jewish, Dutch Jewish, Irish, Welsh, French, Dutch, German, English - actor, tv personality, blogger, and writer.
David Jordan (1985) Afro-Montserratian / Bengali Indian - singer-songwriter.
Kadiff Kirwan (1989) Afro-Montserratian - actor.
Layton Williams (1994) Afro-Montserratian, Afro-Jamaican / English - actor, singer, and dancer.
M - Athletes:
William Duberry (1944) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Alford Corriette (1948) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Fred Sowerby (1948) Afro-Montserratian - hurdler.
Jim Allen (1951) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Austin White (1959) Montserratian - cricketer.
Fitzroy Buffonge (1960) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Livingstone Bramble (1960) Afro-Montserratian / Afro-Kittian - boxer.
Kenny Dyer (1964) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Mark Stephney (1965) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Cecil Lake (1965) Montserratian - footballer.
David Lane (1965) Montserratian - cricketer.
Ottley Laborde (1967) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Ruel Fox (1968) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Paul Furlong (1968) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Richard Dyer (1968) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Keith Piper (1969) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Daren Sweeney (1970) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Trevor Semper (1970) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Lesroy Weekes (1971) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Davon Williams (1972) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Lesroy Irish (1972) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Elton Williams (1973) Afro-Montserratian / Afro-Guyanese - footballer.
Peter Phyll (1974) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Michael Duberry (1975) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Bruce Dyer (1975) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Junior Mendes (1976) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Wayne Dyer (1977) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Stanford Jarrett (1977) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Alex Daley (1977) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Clifford Joseph (1978) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
McPherson Meade (1979) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Zhaun Sweeney (1979) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Darren Tuitt (1980) Afro-Montserratian - sprinter.
Jaylee Hodgson (1980) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Delroy Facey (1980) Afro-Montserratian / Afro-Grenadian - footballer.
Kurt Joyce (1980) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Simon Peddie (1980 or 1981) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Matt Piper (1981) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Vladimir Farrell (1981) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Sean Howson (1981) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Lloyd Dyer (1982) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Olsen Murrain (1982) Montserratian - cricketer.
Dorian Harper (1982) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Nesta Piper (1982) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Marlon Campbell (1983) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Brian Stephney (1983) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Shane Greenaway (1983) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Dean Morgan (1983) Afro-Montserratian / English - footballer.
Solomon Henry (1983) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Calvin Petrie (1984) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Ellis Remy (1984) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Jaafar Munroe (1984) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Lionel Baker (1984) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Andrew Julius (1984) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Jermaine Sweeney (1984) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Darryl Roach (1984) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Rowan Taylor (1984) Montserratian - footballer.
Alexander Bramble (1984) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Nathan Pond (1985) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Kelvin Ponde (1985) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Micah Hilton (1985) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Spencer Weir-Daley (1985) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Big E / Ettore Ewen (1986) Afro-Montserratian / Afro-Jamaican - wrestler and powerlifter.
Anthony Griffith (1986) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Bradley Woods-Garness (1986) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Dolston Tuit (1986) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Michael Henry (1986) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Benjamin Manning (1986) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Leovan O'Garro (1987) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Corrin Brooks-Meade (1988) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Shabazz Baidoo (1988) Afro-Montserratian / Ghanaian - footballer.
Michael Williams (1988) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Craig Braham-Barrett (1988) Afro-Montserratian / Afro-Jamaican - footballer.
Adrian Clifton (1989) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Dean Mason (1989) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
P. K. Subban (1989) Afro-Montserratian / Afro-Jamaican - ice hockey player.
Nyron Dyer (1989) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Jaison Peters (1989) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Lyle Taylor (1990) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Quinton Boatswain (1990) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Julian Wade (1990) Afro-Montserratian / Afro-Dominiquais - footballer.
Omari Allen (1990) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Marvin Farrell (1990) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Alex Dyer (1990) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Massiah McDonald (1990 or 1991) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Shernyl Burns (1991) Afro-Montserratian - sprinter and cricketer.
Matthew Whichelow (1991) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
James Comley (1991) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Nic Taylor (1991) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Dale Lee (1991) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Ellary White (1991) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Ronsford Beaton (1992) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Kendall Allen (1992) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Lester Ryan (1993) Afro-Montserratian - sprinter.
Malcolm Subban (1993) Afro-Montserratian / Afro-Jamaican - ice hockey player.
Donervon Daniels (1993) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Julius Morris (1994) Afro-Montserratian - sprinter.
Terrell Miller (1994) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Jamal Willer (1994) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Brandon Comley (1995) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Jordan Subban (1995) Afro-Montserratian / Afro-Jamaican - ice hockey player.
Clifford Newby-Harris (1995) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Darnell Furlong (1995) Afro-Montserratian / English - footballer.
Jamie Allen (1995) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Dajour Buffonge (1996) Afro-Montserratian / Afro-Antiguan - footballer.
Matty Willock (1996) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Joey Taylor (1997) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
DJ Buffonge (1998) Afro-Montserratian / Afro-Antiguan - footballer.
Chris Willock (1998) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Joe Willock (1999) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Marshall Willock (2000) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Danny Facey (?) Afro-Montserratian / Afro-Grenadian - footballer.
Michael Bramble (?) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Vendol Moore (?) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Lennox Cooper (?) Montserratian - footballer.
Oris Fergus (?) Montserratian - cricketer.
Billy Dee Williams (1937) Afro-Montserratian / African-American - Genderfluid (He/Him/His, She/Her/Her’s) - actor, singer, and artist.
Tesfaye Bramble (1980) Afro-Montserratian - footballer. - Convicted of rape.
Titus Bramble (1981) Afro-Montserratian - footballer. - Accused of rape.
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