#shane x tess
cr-nack · 2 years
I’m so tired of Shane cheating. Can she just be in an open relationship or something like this bitch clearly can not be monogamous.
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jocu · 2 years
Shane and Tess remind me of my partner and I minus the alcohol and cheating and i now have them addicted to the couple. Success ok but 3x05, they talk in such a healthy way to fix things. That patio scene???? I've never seen something like that done so healthily on a show. Ever. Am i pissed the writers made Shane cheat tho? Absolutely i am Tess is my favorite character and didn't deserve that shit
I can't get over that scene though. It was so fucking loving. Can writers just let us have one ship? Literally just one. I love the drama and i get that the original l word was just "everyone fucks everyone" but its not 2003 anymore and we don't gotta do that. Let the gays have something nice. Please just show how healthy a couple could actually be with communication, understanding, vulnerability, love, and commitment. Pls i beg. Let them thrive and be healthy. WRITERS, IM LOOKING AT YOU
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cloud-navi · 2 years
One if not only good thing to come out of TF4 Is the spreading of awareness of the "Romeo and Juliet" law that protects pedophiles.
Shane groomed Tessa, there is no goddamn reason an ADULT well passed 18 should be with a minor. Just because they met and started dating in highschool. You shouldn't even be dating freshman or sophomores if your a senior. Freshman just got there, still children. Sophomores aren't even half way through the 4 highschool years until the end of that year, also still children. In highschool you shouldn't be dating a freshman if you're a senior, you're an ADULT now, you're a borderline sex offender.
In highschool you shouldn't date anyone that's more then a year apart from you,
- Freshman x Sophomore (still a bit iffy but not more then a year) ✔️
- Sophomore x Junior (less child like, less adult x child) ✔️
- Junior x Senior (only ok because Juniors are only a year below them and are almost the same age) ✔️
- Senior x Freshman (PEDOPHILIA) (That is a full grown person going after a child barely out of middle school, disgusting.) ❌❌❌
It's no different from an 8th grader dating a 4-5th grader (13-14 yr olds dating 8-11 yr olds 🤢). Tessa admitted they started dating when she was a sophomore and he was a senior, (Shane was 18 while she was 15).
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The L Word: Generation Q S3 — l don’t even like Tina or Bette.
— (Me 🤡) for thinking that there would be hope for Dani x Gigi.
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marisferasiop · 4 months
Rosemary at the garden gate
Only on ao3
Pairing: Twins! Tim & Joel x Shane "Dio" Morissey
Rating: hella explicit and dark, minors fuck rrrrright off!
Warnings: (subject to change) BIG TIME dead dove!! Human trafficking, unhoused gay minors/unhoused gay youth, abuse (physical, sexual, mental/emotional), sex trafficking, sex work, homelessness, food insecurity, stealing to survive, abduction, sex slave trade, gagging/choking (later consensual breathplay), rough oral, "painal" kink, non-con drugging, enemas, forced sex work, bondage for sex and for binding/imprisonment, non-con sex/rape, mafia-esque work and associated unpleasantness (gore and violence), mean but soft Joel, face slapping, spanking as foreplay, caning as punishment, orgasm delay/control, spitting in mouth, body modifications, marking, cum play, all the soft life-affirming gay sex after rescue (Joel and Tim are twins and don't fuck e/o but they do fuck Shane together at one point) a mention of the Meat Rack, the gay sex worker alley where serial killer Des Nilsen abducted his victims. That's probably not all, subject to change.
Summary: (set in an approximate late nineties/early aughts timeline) Shane, turned out by his family after being outed, is sleeping rough when he is abducted by a sex trafficking ring. Joel is Tess' lead enforcer in her gang. His twin brother, Tim, is a highly decorated detective in Major Crimes for the NYPD. Together, they help Tess and her investments navigate both sides of the law. When Shane is given to Joel one evening at a truce meeting between Tess' gang and their rivals, a human trafficking syndicate, he calls Tim to initiate a bust on the opposition.
His one request: he wants the kid. Problem is, once Tim meets him, so does he. Most importantly: what does Shane want once his freedom is granted? Or does he even want his freedom, if these two are holding the reigns?
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Only on ao3
Part 2 coming mid- July (target)
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ashecampos · 7 months
Warnings - smoking, alcohol, drugs, swearing, cheating, mentions of anxiety. janis being adorable.
The POV switches between reader and Janis (I use — when I change the POV)
there will be more parts to this, make sure to re-blog and comment and I will get the next few parts up as soon as I can, happy reading lovelies
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[with Damien and the girls]
"so how do we get the two lovers together?" Damien turns to cady who is sat next to him jotting down math problems, she looks up and shrugs at the boy. "hey look its Tess" she says as the other girl comes running over to the two, phone in hand, her arms flailing, she looks like a loony as she plops herself down next to the two. "you will NEVER guess what i just walked in on" she screams dramatically, making the other two friends cringe. Damien catches a glimpse of the photo she has opened on her phone and practically screams. "TESSA GEORGE no you did not" he hits the girl multiple times as the girl holds the phone up to his face, revealing what she indeed did walk in on just moments ago. "this may be easier than we thought then guys" cady interrupts the others screaming. "shh Janis is coming she cant know our secret plan" Damien hushes the girls just in time as Janis reaches the tree and sits down.
"that girl will be the death of me" she sighs but is nudged by Damien "girl shut the hell up, you have been hopelessly in love with her since middle school, and the time when she gives you an ounce of attention you try to back away and pretend to hate her guts." he glares at his best friend while Cady and Tess sit watching in shock
"you should totally tell her , yes Bea has fucked with her for years but i know that you are good for her and she is good for you. i wont let you dismiss your feelings for my best friend." the taller girl nudges her as she gets up, her phone ringing in her hand.
"how would i even tell her?" Janis says looking at Tess, which in turn earns a shit eating grin from the other three teenagers.
Tess laughs while looking at her phone "look I'm going to go grab miss dramatic from the principle's office, i will see you guys later and we will scheme" she smirks while picking up the call and walking away from the trio.
"hey pookieee" i sing into the phone as i walk down the hallways looking for any of my friends and cautiously avoiding Shane or bea, wherever they may be lingering. "girl where are you? did someone leave you all high and dry in the bathrooms?" she asks in a mocking manner which made me laugh, earning a scowl from some random freshmen as i pass by them, i smile awkwardly back to them apologising. "nooo, i got called into Mr Duvall's office, meet me and ill spill the deets" i sigh into the phone, passing Regina who smiles at me. this school year has been so weird and its not even been a week.
turning the corner i see Tess, i hang up the call and she hugs me tightly. she abruptly latches onto my arm and drags us towards the doors to go outside onto the track field. we find a seat near the top of the empty bleachers and sit, taking out our lunch/snacks.
"right spill" she says while plopping a French fry in her mouth. "firstly, how did you get fries? secondly gimmie one then i shall tell you" i grin as she holds out a singular fry for me. i take it between my teeth and eat it before leaning forward ready to tell her my 'punishment' she waves her hands in a circular motion urging me to start talking as she shoves a few more fries into her mouth.
"okay so Shane, Bea and Jason came up to me in gym and Shane went to floor me but Janis pushed me out of the way. she's fine though, she wasn't touched. but because of that i kind of blacked out and went for him." i start explaining what happened but she points at me. "okay cute but I've been told what happened, but Janis tried to save you. Cute. plus that explains the bathroom" she laughs as i throw a piece of lettuce at her "gross, get your grubby veggie food away from me" she screams as it lands near her food, earning a cackle from me. "may i continue" i look at her smugly "yes yes but c'mon get the the point" she slaps my leg.
"so then he was like 'you have two options here, either you agree to this deal or your suspended' and he obviously didn't elaborate on said deal but i had no other choice" i say eating my salad while talking. "so what where your options?" she cuts me off "let me finish, he was like 'either i can suspend you or you must tutor Janis Imi-ike' so now i have to tutor her in gym, Spanish and drama" i say whilst pointing at her letting her know I'm done "so the deal worked out for you basically?" she points her fork at me with a shit eating smirk. "no it really didn't. Tess you don't understand, after you left the bathroom i ran from her." i put my head down, avoiding eye contact.
[in the bathroom after Tess walked in on Janis and y/n]
"i totally just cockblocked yall" Tess shrieks happily before snapping a photo and running out of the bathroom. i look back to Janis being brought back to reality and panicking, i look away before grabbing my phone and bag before quickly turning back to her "i should probably go to see Mr Duvall before he sends out a search team, see you later" i look back at her, she nods and smiles a little as she picks up her own bag, throwing the paper towels in the trash.
"YOU RAN? oh y/n seriously? you've been talking about her since that night you met her. and you fucking ran" Tess brings me back to reality by slapping my knee multiple times to get my attention. shrugging i continue to eat while she stares at me scheming "stop looking at me like that, yes i like her but i don't think she wants me like that" i try to justify my actions but she continues to stare at me, not saying a word. she grabs my hand as soon as we are done eating and drags me to the other end of the school, i see that we are headed in the direction of Janis, Damien and cady, i look at her with pleading eyes. "oh look what the cat dragged in" Damien speaks up first being the only one to click onto the fact that me and Tess came over, Janis looks over at me, her face going red before she looks back down at her cross stitch.
me and Tess sit down, Damien looks at me then back to Tess, smirking. those two will literally be the death of me with their scheming looks. "so little miss Joan jett, what's the news? how long are you suspended for?" the boy asks, making Janis' head shoot up, intrigued by the boys question and what i had to say about being sent to head office. "actually no, i made a deal" i smile proudly at the looks i get from the others, excluding Tess who already knew what happened. i look down at my phone and feel everyone's eyes on me "don't spare any details, what was the deal?" the boy pushes. i look at Janis and shake my head "hey can we talk for a second?" she nods and we stand up and walk over to a different tree "hey about earlier i-" she starts "the deal was that i have to tutor you" i smirk a little as she looks up at me a little baffled. "what do i need tutored in?" she laughs, her shoulders loosening a bit as she settles down, i lean against the tree and hand her the note Mr Duvall gave me to explain what the deal was, she takes a second to read it and scoffs with a hurt tone "drama? why do i need drama tutoring?" she looks up at me as if i should know which i shrug to "i know that's what i thought because you Janis Imi-ike are very dramatic" i point at her and she gasps "rude" she fakes being shot in the chest "heart-breaking even" i reply. she pulls out her phone, "our next class is Spanish right?" she queries, i nod "cool, sit with me?" she more demands than asks but regardless i agree.
we go back to sitting with the rest of our friends for the last ten minutes of lunch before the bell rang.
we both sit down in the back of the classroom, the teacher smiling at us and greeting y/n in Spanish as she hands us some books, they keep a conversation in Spanish, the teacher laughing at whatever y/n is saying to her, the teacher, only say ten years older than us turns to me and smiles. "i assume you have been told about the tutoring programme that you have been placed in, y/n will be tutoring you in this and a few other classes to keep your grades up to ensure you don't fail" she then smiles at both of us and walks to greet other students who are still walking into the classroom. "what was that about?" i ask her while opening my book and looking down at the worksheet inside it. "she's friends with my dad" y/n shrugs "I've known her basically my whole life, don't worry she's really nice" the girl continues while she finishes the work sheet like it was something she's been doing for years "how are you so good at this, i don't get it" i laugh as she puts her pen down and looks over smirking as if it was meant to be obvious "Janis I'm Hispanic of course i know my language" she laughs as if stating an obvious fact, i just sat there staring at her, taking in her features, and her tanned skin. it was apparently obvious that she is Spanish but i just didn't notice or was too distracted to notice this major detail about the girl I've crushed on for like forever. just as the lesson is starting, the teacher is taking names. Tess and Aaron walk into the classroom, Aaron greets the teacher alike to how y/n did, Tess sits down who is followed by Aaron who sits next to her, y/n smiles at her best friend completely oblivious to what had just possibly happened. the teacher writes her name and class number on the board, everyone copies it onto their books, then the board shows a few questions in Spanish, a few words i recognise but the majority of them i don't have a clue on what they mean. i turn to y/n and she is nearly done with the work, she looks up and chuckles mouthing 'what' to me, i whisper "what the fuck does '¿Cómo estás?' mean?" i look at her while she laughs at me a little making me blush a little "how are you?" she asks me, i look at her, thinking she's joking "I'm not good, now tell me what it means" i whisper shout, she shakes her head "no that's literally what it means dumbass" she laughs while i write it down. and that's how the whole lesson went, me being confused and her laughing at me.
when the bell rang we all stood up, the teacher pulling y/n to the side to catch up, leaving me to wait outside of the class as y/n had told me to wait as we where going to our next tutoring session now. it took ten minutes for y/n and the teacher to bid their farewells, the two both walk out of the class and say bye to each other, y/n grabs my hand and turns me to face her with a mischievous smile on her perfect face "how do you feel about track?" she asks full of energy.
"when you said track i genuinely thought you where joking" i said out of breathe as she leads us to the athletics' field. she starts stretching, while i just stare, taking in the view, with it being golden hour, the sun it her skin perfectly and with what she was now wearing, her toned arms and legs flexed as she stretched and started jogging on the spot while looking at me. "if you don't start moving i will literally make you" she said with a hint of sarcasm "make me then" i say with a smirk, she shrugs and picks up her water bottle, taking off the lid and walking over to me. i quickly notice what she was doing and start backing away from her. she laughs as she gets closer to me. just as she gets a few inches away i grab the bottle and splash her with it. the freezing cold water drenching her head to toe. her white t-shirt turning see-through, showing her black Nike sports bra under it. she lets out a shriek while trying to pull the shirt over her head, when she gets it off i cant help but stare, while temporarily distracted she takes this opportunity to throw the rest of the water at me, along with her wet shirt, she laughs and runs off, i chuckle at her behaviour and take my hoodie off then run after her.
we end up on the 100m track part of the field and she is running backwards beside me, slowing down then speeding up when i catch up to her every so often. we do this for a good half an hour, making small talk "so are you doing the art show this year?" she asks, slowing down as we continue to run. "I'm considering it, are you planning on joining track? you would be really good at it" i say, trying my best to catch up to her again as she sped up a little. how she hasn't fallen over yet confuses me, but as I've learned today i don't know a lot about her.
after two hours of Janis' constant complaining about running, we decide to call it quits for today, we sit on the field and she gets a phone call from Cady "Janis what do i do, Regina wants me to sit with her and the plastics at lunch for the rest of the week" to this Janis' face lights up, "oh my god this is amazing, you should definitely do it then report back to us telling us all the stupid shit they say" Janis continues to the girl, i try to keep myself entertained on my own phone as she convinces Cady to take up Regina's offer, my face drops as Cady says that she will do it.
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heyy guys sorry again for the really short chapter,, i have terrible writers block, i will try write some more over the next week but i cant promise anyything as im at work until sunday now,, hope this was a good update,, sorry again lovelies <3
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perotovar · 3 months
twenty questions for fic writers 💖
tagged by @kedsandtubesocks and @nerdieforpedro thank you, loves! ♥
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
technically 4 lol i'm slowly moving my stuff over there. i barely get any traction there compared to tumblr so it's sort of just there in case anyone prefers that format. i like the community i've built over here so i'm not worried about it!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
apparently 60,272 which is WILD
3. What fandoms do you write for?
the pedro pascal cinematic universe! i've thought about branching out into the bg3 fandom or possibly a couple other games, but the inspiration is with the pedro boys rn ♥
4. Top five fics by kudos
i'll go with the highest number of notes on here i suppose??
baby i'm-a want you (joel x javier p)
into the beat of the night (frankie x oc!river price)
bloody kisses (shane morrissey x tim rockford)
ásjá (pero tovar x ofc!helga)
rebirth (javi g x reader)
5. Do you respond to comments?
i've been really bad about it, but yeah, i certainly try to!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
ch1 of bloody kisses ends pretty angsty, but it's got nothing on given to fly, my joel x tess drabble (which i don't think a lot of people even know i wrote lmao)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i can tell you right now, itbotn will have a happy ending :)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i don't think i write the popular boys enough for that. and most of my stuff is queer, which has a smaller audience. so, fingers crossed, no not yet
9. Do you write smut?
10. Craziest crossover?
i feel like putting one of the characters in a macho man heist movie into a goth club was a pretty insane crossover lol but probably bloody kisses, too, because it's between a criminal and a detective. who says opposites don't attract? 😉
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i'm aware of omfg
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
no, but that would be cool!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yeah, me and @chronically-ghosted work on bloody kisses together! her contribution is my favorite chapter so far, definitely
14. All time favorite ship?
joel/tess has been one of my absolute favorites for years. halsin/astarion is a very close second <3
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i really wanna write the metal!pero and metal!ezra fic but i'm not sure i'll figure out the plot for it sdflkghjdg they're messing with me a lot
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think i'm good at dialogue? banter?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
interesting descriptions. describing a mood/atmosphere is fucking hard and idk how y'all do it lol
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
i think it's cool! i wish i spoke spanish better than my beginniner duolingo ass can so i can use it more often, but yeah lol
19. First fandom you wrote in?
it was for a band lmao like 10 years ago. i wrote like 2 smutty oneshots and have promptly deleted them off the internet
20. Favorite fic you've written?
god, that's an evil question! tbh it might be a tie between itbotn and bloody kisses. those are my babies and i'm super proud of the universes i created with them!
np tags: @ezrasbirdie @sp00kymulderr @qveerthe0ry @for-a-longlongtime
@goodwithcheese @missredherring @marisferasiop @swiftispunk @mrsmando
@ghostofaboy and anyone else that wants to ♥
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femslashrevolution · 1 year
Popular Pairing List Update
The following pairings have more than 10 recent posts in their pairing tag, and are therefore too popular to be posted on Rarepair Thursdays:
Amalia True x Penance Adair (The Nevers)
Anita St. Pierre x Della Street (Perry Mason)
Anne Boonchuy x Sasha Waybright (Amphibia)
Ava Coleman x Janine Teagues (Abbott Elementary)
Carol Aird x Therese Belivet (Carol)
Cinta Kaz x Vel Sartha (Star Wars)
Drea Torres x Eleanor Levetan (Do Revenge)
Eleanor Levetan x Gabbi Broussard (Do Revenge)
Eleanor Roosevelt x Lorena Hickok (The First Lady)
Ellie x Riley Abel (HBO The Last Of Us)
Emily Prentiss x Jennifer Jareau (Criminal Minds)
Frannie Langton x Marguerite Benham (The Confessions of Frannie Langton)
Katherine Hastings x Sadie Ryan (American Auto)
KJ Brandman x Mac Coyle (Amazon Paper Girls)
Lily Evans x Narcissa Malfoy (Harry Potter)
Mia Reed x Vada Cavell (The Fallout)
Midge Maisel x Susie Myerson (The Marvelous Mrs Maisel)
Miorine Rembran x Suletta Mercury (Mobile Suit Gundam Wing)
Natasha Romanoff x Peggy Carter (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
The following pairings have been posted less frequently recently, and have therefore been removed from the popular pairing list:
Addy Hanlon x Beth Cassidy (Dare Me)
Alex Danvers x Kelly Olsen (Supergirl)
Alex Vause x Piper Chapman (Orange Is The New Black)
Alexis Rose x Twyla Sands (Schitt’s Creek)
Allison Argent x Lydia Martin (Teen Wolf)
Andi Mack x Buffy Driscoll (Andi Mack)
Anne Shirley x Diana Barry x Ruby Gillis (Anne With An E)
Buffy Summers x Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Caitlin Snow x Iris West (The Flash)
Camina Drummer x Naomi Nagata (The Expanse)
Cosima Niehaus x Delphine Cormier (Orphan Black)
Dinah Lance x Helena Bertinelli (DCU)
Eleanor Shellstrop x Tahani Al Jamil (The Good Place)
Finch Tarrayo x Josie Saltzman (Legacies)
Greta Moreno x Riley Luo (Generation)
Hannah Miller x Sarah Fier (Fear Street)
Hermione Granger x Narcissa Malfoy (Harry Potter)
Ji-yeong x Kang Sae-byeok (Squid Game)
Joan x Zoey Clarke (Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist)
Kathryn Janeway x Seven of Nine (Star Trek: Voyager)
Lady Hideko x Sook Hee (The Handmaiden)
Laurel Lance x Nyssa al Ghul (Arrow)
Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Neopolitan x Yang Xiao Long (RWBY)
Nora Grace x Viri Gómez (Skam Spain)
Paris Geller x Rory Gilmore (Gilmore Girls)
River Song x Thirteenth Doctor (Doctor Who)
Seo Ji-wan x Yoon Sol (Nevertheless)
Shane McCutcheon x Tess Van De Berg (The L Word)
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emily-in-crisis · 2 years
"so did you settle down or are you still shane?" wellll about that max.....
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lightblindingme · 1 year
Day Bleeds into Nightfall (You're not Here) - a Shane Walsh fic
Hi *waves shyly* Long time no write/read for various reasons. Let's just hope I won't make another break that's this long lol Here's some angst to make up for it. To set you in the mood, listen to Someone you loved by Lewis Capaldi because I aim to hit you in all the feels.
Remember, the story is told out of order.
'My Forever Is Yours' series on AO3 - a Shane x ofc Tess AU series
A series of non-linear fics centered around Tess, Shane and their family
Part 22 Summary: Shane and Tess' life takes a turn.
Timeline: set a few years before Sylvie's birth (connected to Part 21 which happens after this part).
Part 22 on AO3
Chapter excerpt: It’s there – the knowledge – tickling her brain like an annoying feather. As her tired feet lead her towards the living room, her body starts to shiver and another torrent of tears erupts, streaming down her cheeks.
She knows - not deep inside as one would say, but on the very surface, what it means. The realization clings to the front of her mind now, sticks to her throat as it claws and scratches it raw until Tess feels she can’t utter a word no matter how desperately she’d like to.
Her eyes take in the rest of the scene before her with hollow despair, knees barely holding her up. A sense of numbness fills her bones as more and more details come into view.
There are no shoes shoved under the small bench by the front door. There are no jackets hanging on the hooks. Not even the random trash and trinkets that collected in his pockets which he used to leave in the bowl at the end of the day, never to be sorted through. Just a solitary cardigan she forgot to put in the washing machine.
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shefatalesarch · 2 years
John Constantine x Zari Tarazi Derek Morgan x JJ Diana Prince x Steve Trevor John Constantine x Bruce Wayne John Constantine x Boyfriend Kent Nelson x Carter Hall Maggie Sawyer x Alex Danvers Shayera Hol x Carter Hall Anastasia x Dimitri Tiana x Naveen Clara Oswald x The Doctor Fleur Delacour x Bill Weasley Barney Stinson x Robin Ian Malcolm x Alan Grant or Ellie Sattler Brock Rumlow x Steve Rogers Brock Rumlow x Bucky Barnes Brock Rumlow x Natasha Romanoff or Yelena Belova Christine Palmer x Stephen Strange Danny Rand x up for suggestions lol Logan x Jean Tony Stark x Steve Rogers Tony Stark x Pepper Potts Tony Stark x Natasha Romanoff Ethan Sawyer x Allison Sawyer or an OC to build a relationship or anyone really Julian Kaye x OC romance because i hate Michelle Joel Miller x Tess Ares x Aphrodite Ingrid Hunnigan x Leon Kennedy Poe Dameron x Rey Ruby x Sam Winchester Elendil x Miriel Shane Walsh x Lori Grimes Shane Walsh x Andrea Harrison
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L word finale was not as bad as I thought it'd be. Angie telling her prof to fuck off (finally....) and then running into b&t (adorable). ALICE AND TASHA 💓❤️💕 Dani on drugs (loml) and then Dani x Roxy getting together!!!!! I did not see Dre show up and i will not respond to it. I don't really care abt b&t together but my irl friends either love them or hate them so that was fun to watch in a group lol
Sophie x Pippa - I have no words. Marja is literally off her fucking rocker at this point she's just trying to solve her engineered diversity issue w the most random pairings. And what's crazy is that Sophie x dre is a black lez couple that actually makes sense and was about to happen until she steamrolled it 4 eps ago!!!!
Tess .. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 . My sweet summer child. My daughter. My girlfriend. I wish I could hit that man over the head with a baseball bat . I wish I could check you into a resort spa for 12 months and tuck u into bed at night . And Shane would swing by to rub ur feet as penance
Finley dancing w Shane - this szn was really for the mascs!!!!!
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seethesin · 11 months
Would you write for Tess? Or at least Shane x Tess? 🙏
ooo see i did not finish generation q, but i would 100% simp for tess 😔 i may consider writing for her after i get to finish the spin-off, but i'm not sure when that'll be yet
stay tuned anon 😎
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VOIR | En ligne » Fast X (2023) fr Streaming Français Gratuit et VF Complet
Regarder Fast X en streaming vf 100% gratuit, voir le film complet en français et en bonne qualité. Fast X Streaming vf les films et les livres tiennent une partie de mon cœur. Et de cette façon, j’aime tout. Non, je ne parlerai pas de la scène entière, je pourrais finir avec un nouveau film si je le faisais,
Regarder ➡ Fast X | Film Complet [2023] Streaming vF Français
Telecharger ➡ Fast X | Film Complet [2023] Streaming vF Français
Sortie du film Fast X : Date de sortie? La suite d’Fast X, a été confirmé un mois après la sortie du premier film au cinéma. Le 19 mai 2023, Fast X 2 avait été confirmé. Quand pourrons-nous le voir en salle ? Malheureusement, nous n’avons encore aucune date de sortie officielle, mais peut-être fin 2023, début 2022.
Fast X, le film sera là ! Le film Fast X est sorti le mercredi 2 septembre 2023. Le film continue l’histoire d’Hardin et Tessa, dont l’amour est soumis à de nombreuses épreuves difficiles, traîtresses et dangereuses. Ces deux amoureux auront-ils une fin heureuse ? En attendant de savoir si le film a été acclamé par les fans, il y a de bonnes nouvelles : Fast X va sortir ! Cela a été confirmé le 3 septembre 2023 par les deux stars de la série dans une vidéo postée sur le profil Instagram officiel d’Fast X. Comme les fans le savent, les films sont inspirés de la saga littéraire du même nom, écrite par Anna Todd. La série Fast X est composé de 4 livres.
L’intrigue du film Fast X L’amour d’Hardin et Tessa est encore une fois mis à l’épreuve. Ces deux adolescents vont devoir affronter leur passé. Tessa rencontre son père après des années et décide de le prendre en charge après avoir découvert qu’il était devenu sans abri. Hardin accepte de l’héberger mais ne fait pas confiance à cet homme, convaincu qu’il cache une partie de la vérité. Mais ce n’est pas le seul obstacle. À travers une série de quiproquos, les deux amoureux vont s’éloigner l’un de l’autre après que Tessa ait découvert qu’Hardin a passé toute la soirée en compagnie d’une amie de la famille, appelée Lillian
Le manque de communication conduit le protagoniste à chercher du réconfort dans de vieilles amitiés, dont Zed et Steph, mais la sortie ne se déroule pas comme comme prévu. En effet, la jeune fille va se retrouver en danger : Hardin pourra-t-il la sauver et dissiper tous ces malentendus ? Concernant l’intrigue du film, Castille Landon, le réalisateur d’Fast X nous assure qu’il sera fidèle au roman du même nom.
Le casting du film Fast X : qui sera là ? Nous verrons probablement le retour de deux personnages principaux : Héro Fiennes-Tiffin et Josephine Langford, comme Hardin et Tessa, Fast Xivement. Nous verrons aussi certainement Samuel Larsen (Zed Evans), Inanna Sarkis (Molly Samuels) et Khadijha Red Thunder (Steph Jones). Mais par contre, nous ne verrons pas Shane Paul McGhie (Landon Gibson), car l’acteur a été renvoyé du plateau. Dylan Sprouse, dont le rôle est Trevor ne revient pas non plus.
Mais il y a aussi une nouvelle de dernière minute : d’autres acteurs ne reviendront pas dans le troisième film, d’où la nécessité d’un renouvellement. Déjà dans Fast X 2, on se rend compte que le père d’Hardin n’est plus joué par Peter Gallagher (Andy Cohen pourquoi es-tu parti ?) mais par Rob Estes et que la mère de Landon n’est plus jouée par Jennifer Beals mais par Karimah Westbrook. Nous verrons également beaucoup de changements dans Fast X. En commençant par Candice King et Charlie Weber : les deux acteurs ne seront plus Kim et Christian Vance.
L’actrice que nous avons appris à aimer dans The Vampire Diaries comme Caroline est enceinte de son deuxième enfant ! Sa grossesse l’empêche donc de retourner sur le plateau pour filmer Fast X. Candice sera remplacée par Arielle Kebbel que nous avons déjà vu dans The Vampire Diaries: : Il s’agit de Lexi, le meilleur ami de Stefan ! Charlie sera remplacé par Stephen Moyer. Aussi Selma Blair, qui joue la mère de Tessa, est remplacée par Mira Sorvino. En plus de toutes ces modifications, il y a aussi une nouvelle arrivée : Carter Jenkins, qui jouera Robert, le potentiel amoureux de Tessa.
La raison de tous ces changements est que le fait de tourner deux films ensemble empêche aussi certains des acteurs principaux de participer à d’autres engagements professionnels ou autres.
Fast X 2023 United States of America Action film réalisé Javier Navarrete et joué par Jim Caviezel, Mira Sorvino. Après avoir sauvé un jeune garçon d'impitoyables trafiquants d'enfants, un agent fédéral apprend que la sœur du garçon est toujours captive et décide de la sauver aussi.
Sortie: Jul 03, 2023 Durée: 135 min. Genre : Action, Drame Étoiles : Jim Caviezel, Mira Sorvino, Bill Camp, Kurt Fuller Réalisateur : Javier Navarrete
Synopsis et détails : Environ un an après avoir affronté Riot, Eddie Brock « cohabite » toujours avec le symbiote Venom. Alors qu’il tente de relancer sa carrière de journaliste d'investigation, Eddie se rend en prison pour interviewer le tueur en série Cletus Kasady. Il ignore que ce dernier est lui aussi l'hôte d'un symbiote, Carnage.
. Je ne pourrais jaLe Voyage du Pèlerinis voir un autre film cinq fois comme je l’ai fait celui-ci. Retournez voir une seconde fois et faites attention. RegarderIp Man 4 : Le dernier combat Movie WEB-DL Il s’agit d’un fichier extrait sans erreur d’un serveur telLe Voyage du Pèlerin, tel que Netflix, ALe Voyage du Pèlerinzon Video, Hulu, Crunchyroll, DiscoveryGO, BBC iPlayer, etc. Il s’agit également d’un film ou d’une éFast X ion télévisée téléchargé via un site web comme on lineistribution, iTunes. La qualité est assez bonne car ils ne sont pas ré-encodés. Les flux vidéo (H.264 ou H.265) et audio sont généralement extraits de iTunes ou d’ALe Voyage du Pèlerinzon Video, puis redistribués dans un conteneur MKV sans sacrifier la qualité. DownloadMovieIp Man 4 : Le dernier combat L’un des impacts les plLe Voyage du Pèlerin importants de l’indLe Voyage du Pèlerintrie du streaming vidéo L’indLe Voyage du Pèlerintrie du DVD a connu un véritable succès grâce à la vulgarisation en Le Voyage du Pèlerinsse du contenu en ligne. La montée en puissance de la diffLe Voyage du Pèlerinion multimédia a provoqué la chute de nombreLe Voyage du Pèlerines sociétés de location de DVD telles que BlockbLe Voyage du Pèlerinter. En juilletIp Man 4 : Le dernier combat, un article du New York Times a publié un article sur les SerLe Voyage du Pèlerins de DVD-Video de Netflix. Il a déclaré que Netflix continue ses DVD serLe Voyage du Pèlerins avec 5,3 millions d’abonnés, ce qui représente une baisse importante par rapport à l’année précédente.
étiquette : regarder Fast X en streaming Fast X film streaming Fast X streaming film complet vf Fast X streaming vf Fast X streaming
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ashecampos · 5 months
The ‘heart breaker’ and the ‘self centred’
Janis ‘Imi’ike x reader
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Warnings : corse language, mention of past breakups. Enemies to lovers??maybe
(I’m so sorry if this is bad, I am currently high on pain and cold meds to try and get over this flu I have <3 also pls ignore how it switches from 1st to 3rd person so much)
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You had heard the rumors about the infamous north shore high, everyone had. Little did you know, you would soon be apart of one of these rumors.
Moving schools was not on your list for the things you expected from the year. You had officially been expelled from your last school due to an incident that was not at all your fault. Now all you had to do was survive senior year at a new school where you only knew two people, one being your best friend, the other being a person you hated with your entire being. Janis ‘Imi’ike.
You and Janis go way back. Like as in third grade. You hated her and she hated you, end of story. Or was it?
It was now Sunday night, you and your best friend Tessa are on FaceTime and she is getting you up to speed with the north shore gossip.
“Soo Regina and the plastics aren’t bitches anymore, everyone is friends like in middle school and there isn’t much drama. Got it?” She says finishing her rant. A pen and paper in her hand with a map of all the drama you had missed on it.
“Mh everyone is queer, no drama, Janis still hates me, Regina isn’t a mega bitch, you and Aaron are fucking and me now starting fresh at your school totally isn’t going to cause any drama at all. Gotcha” I say while grabbing more paint from a shelf at the store. She nods silently then going on another rant about how Aaron and Shane are going to make a group chat with everyone im going to meet tomorrow in it, I nod while walking around. Until I bump into someone, their notepad nearly dropping to the floor but i managed to catch it somehow. Apologising profusely i look the person in the eye and my heart stops, blood running cold. Not even a foot away stands Janis ‘Imi’ike in all her glory. I stand there for a few seconds, the notepad held out for her to take but it seems that she is having the same reaction to this awfully awkward situation. She takes a second to scoff before grabbing the notepad and walking past, our shoulders brushing past each other “since when did you move back to Evanston?”she mutters before vanishing to the next isle. What the fuck.? Of all people you could’ve ran into it had to be her didn’t it? You thought “you did not just literally bump into she who shan’t be named” Tessa interrupts your thoughts to only add onto the embarrassment your feeling. “Shut the fuck up tess” i say as the girl on the other end of the call is in the middle of a laughing fit. I speed walk to the cash register and pay for my supplies before practically sprinting home. Anything to get away from Janis before I have to put up with her for the rest of the school year.
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The night went quicker than I’d like to admit, I painted a little, lost track of time and ended up dozing off with my head on my desk. The next day came and I now stand in my closet, Tessa stood with me looking for the appropriate outfit that doesn’t scream ‘I got suspended from my last school and I don’t want to be at this school’. “Hm how about this” she picks up a pink shirt earning a disgusted look from me. She groans putting the T-shirt back and sitting on my bed and shrugging “just wear a band tee or something” she says. “Just wear a band tee or something” I mock while grabbing some baggy jeans from my closet, I scan my shirts before smirking and grabbing a button up shirt and a vest. “Gay” Tessa shouts at me, laughing and pointing at my doc martens “wear those” she says with a smirk.
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The thing is me and Tessa are polar opposites, shes the most girly girl you will ever meet. Whereas I look like I just stepped out of a hot topic store. She was apart of the plastics before project ‘destroy queen bee’ was put into motion. She had stated many times how much she despised what Cady done to Regina. And even though I wasn’t apart of the school or had no reason to know the drama or what went down, oh she kept me updated. I even went to see Regina after she was hit by the bus. Which got me an one way ticket to Regina’s good side. You see being friends with Tessa can be a struggle seeming that she is the popular it girl, or the girl next door per say, however o wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Oi y/n/n Shane is making the group chat now, then we are going to meet up with everyone at the front of the school”
Moments after she said that my phone vibrates, I look at it while changing into my jeans.
*Shane Oman added you into ‘norths-whores hottest’ groupchat* I laugh a little at the name, so does Tessa as she starts typing away.
Tessi 🪽: “hey bitches!! ready to meet north shores newest hottie?”
Reginald 💁‍♀️ : “as long as it doesn’t cause me to get hit with a bus this time”
Kay-dee ✨ : “I told you I was sorry for that reg”
Karen 💁🏽‍♀️ : “wait we have a new kid?”
Gretch 🪬: “yeah Tessa’s mysterious best friend is transferring because they got suspended from their last school”
Y/n/n 🌺: “should I be concerned how much you already know about me? Also hey guys”
Shane💪🏽: “don’t worry it’s her thing”
Reginald 💁‍♀️ : “well then congratulations and welcomes are in order, speaking of orders what coffees does everyone want im making a pitstop at Starbucks”
Gretch💁🏽‍♀️ : “ooo I’ll have a Strawberry Acai Refresher and Karen will have a hot coco, thanks babe”
Shane💪🏽 : “caramel latte thx Reggie”
Tessi🪽: “hot coco for me too babe”
“Oh and y/n/n said they will have a iced chai with oat milk and brown sugar syrup and they said thankyou”
*Reginald 💁‍♀️liked tessi’s🪽message*
You where now driving both you and Tessa to the school, your palms where beyond sweaty and you felt the lump in your throat grow worse the closer you got to the school. Tessa was sat in the passenger seat belting out show tunes, as you guys did every day in the car. It was settling your nerves a little as you clutched the steering wheel, keeping your eyes on the road.
You pull up to the school with Tessa’s help as she directs you to where the parking lot is then directs you where to park. You see Regina’s pink jeep and Shane’s black Tesla parked next to each other so you park next to Shane upon Tessa’s request. The two of you get out of the car, simultaneously grabbing your bags and linking arms, you softly nudge her and put your sunglasses on, sniggering slightly “hey, we’re gonna rule the school” you say quoting grease like you do every year “hm yeah and how’s that went the past ten years you’ve said that?” She nudges you back cocking one of her brows “okay rude, but in my defence we haven’t been in the same school the past four years” you point at her “well let’s make this one count” she says before waving at a group who you recognise to be the infamous plastics and shane.
“Soo you must be y/n, god Tessa wasn’t lying your banging” Shane comes over, his hand outstretched for you to take, you press you hand against his and hug him, eventually letting go of the hug, he hands you your drink while another set of arms wrap around your torso making you laugh “hey Karen, I missed you too” you laugh hugging her with one arm while you hold your cup in the other. She looks up adorable as ever and smiles widely, seconds later her face drops “OH MY GOD YOU GOT A MULLET” she screams, pulling away, almost knocking your drink out of your hand, you laugh even harder as she runs her fingers through your hair, admiring the shaven sides of your head. “You like?” You say, she nods before unhanding you, she turns to another girl who you assume to be Karen’s girlfriend, Gretchen, the girl is pretty, clad in an academic fitting outfit, a plaid beige skirt and a white turtleneck, she was one of the prettiest girls here, she smiles at you, giving you a simple nod. You walk over and hug her, you then turn to Regina who practically tackles you in a hug. “Who’d you fight to get expelled this time?” She whispers into your ear making you smirk “legally I can’t say but don’t worry they got what they deserved” you say as you hug her back. She slaps your shoulder and gives you a stern look “no more fighting or I will make your life a living hell” she smirks back at you.
After a brief catchup you head to the principals office to grab your paper work and schedule which was only a quick pitstop due to the fact that you had been there yesterday to hand all your paperwork over to secure your place at the school. Once you got your schedule you went straight to home room which was your first class of the day, looking down at your schedule, you walk straight into the back of someone. “Dude watch where your- oh you have got to be fucking with me now” the person says just as you open your mouth to apologise.
There in front of you stands an angered Janis ‘Imi’ike, her face drops seeing you for a second time this week. She rolls her eyes “are you following me or some shit?” She says, earning an eye roll from you “oh ku'uipo, don’t flatter yourself, my world doesn’t revolve around you” you say while walking around the girl and into your home room class, she stays stood in the doorway for another moment seeming to be frozen in place before she snaps out of whatever trance you had managed to put her in and she then walks inside the room, taking the last available seat, the one in front of you. Just before she sits herself down you manage to catch a glimpse of her face, red with a bit of a flustered expression. You grin a little acknowledging the fact you still had that affect on her after so many years.
Home room drags, the teacher is sweet though, she introduces you to everyone and proudly embarrasses you by telling the class you won the state art competition last fall which in turn earns a look from Janis who’s eyes have never left you since the teacher pulled you to the front of the class. As soon as the bell chimes your out of there having endured enough embarrassment for one person to handle. You make it your mission to get out before Janis can. I then go looking for my next class. Chemistry. You walk in expecting to be in a class full of randos but to your surprise and dismay you walk into the class to find the class full of your newfound friend group and Janis. Of course. The teacher strides in pointing at the whiteboard where a seating chart is etched into. You look for your name as the rest of your group goes and sits down, you smirk a little when you see that you are all on one table. Not bothering to look who else is on the table you go sit without hesitation. “So how was everyone’s first class?” You start, everyone groans seeming to already be put off only an hour into the week. “Oh I have some gossip for ya..oh hey Janis” Gretchen says which makes your face drop. You whip your head around praying it’s not the Janis you think it is, yet there she stands. All colour drains from your face, you look at Tessa for help but she is too busy trying not to die of laughter. Regina seems to have a similar reaction to yours with the girl being at the same table. And yet again much to your dismay the girl sits next to you, slamming her book down and looking at the front of the class toward the teacher. “Hello students, my name is Mr Jenkin and im your chemistry teacher. So seeming that we are in chemistry I like to have all the students on the same tables to have a lot of chemistry. Today’s class revolves around getting to know your groups. So one person from each table grab a deck and we shall play charades” the teacher says as he throws like seven decks of small card on his desk with a smile. Oh now this one is cute, he seems a little too nice for his own good, especially in this school.
Regina takes it upon herself to go grab the cards, taking the rubber band off of them and flicking it at Tessa who flips her off with a laugh. “I guess I’ll start then” she says reading the first card. She snickers a little before looking around the table and pointing at Aaron. “Boy?” He says straight away, Regina then shakes her head but stops and waves her hand around to say that he was right but she needs another word. She then points at her head earning a few weird looks from the table, it took me a few seconds to click on but I quickly realised what she was getting at “boy genius” I mutter quietly not being too sure on if I was right but she smiles and nods, holding her arm out to make me stand up as she hands me the cards. “Who’s boy genius?” Karen says with a big smile “an amazing band” both me and Janis say in sync earning a look from everyone in the group, I look at Janis before looking down at the card that says ‘love’ I roll my eyes and groan a little, I put my hand over my heart looking around the group to see if anyone will click on “heart?” Tessa says first, I shake my head and another idea pops into my head, I make a heart with my hands while looking around again. “Heartbreaker?” Janis mutters, earning looks from the group again, I sigh and shake my head before Tessa swoops in and says “love” which o nod to. She grins and gets up, allowing me to sit back down. A few more rounds go by and it is now Janis’ turn. She stands up brushing by me and picks the cards off of the table, she looks down for a few seconds before she points at herself making me snigger again. “Self centered?” I say proudly earning a slap from Tessa who scolds me silently. Janis snaps back “don’t make me tell your new little friends who you really are because believe me I will” she stares into my soul, my fists clenching under the table, I take a deep breath before shaking my head and grabbing my bag and leaving, hearing the group calling after me and Tessa saying “seriously Janis is there any need? She didn’t mean what happened” the teacher then calls after me before asking what everyone on the table what the hell happened. Tessa thankfully made and excuse as Janis also left the classroom.
I end up in the bathroom, slamming my fist against the wall of one of the stalls. Before wincing in pain instantly. I throw my bag and slide down the wall so I am sat down with my knees to my chest. The door to the bathroom then opens and in walks Janis. She sees me and walks over crouching down so she in face to face with me. She hesitates for a few seconds before placing her finger under my chin and making me look up at her. “Hey breathe for me yeah?” She says in a calm, knowing tone. My breath hitches a little before it picks itself up again, I struggle to breathe earning a concerned look. She tries talking to me again but it falls on death ears. I look around the bathroom frantically trying to find something to help myself, then out of the blue I feel a pair of lips on my own. Her lips. The lips that had been tormenting my dreams for the past five years. She pulls away after a few moments which felt like a lifetime. She looks at me before assuringly repeating what she said before “im sorry for what I said. I know it wasn’t your fault, im just still not over it..over us” she looks down before going to stand up, I quickly use my uninjured hand to pull her back into me, we share another kiss until the bathroom door swings open. Revealing the whole friend group.
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VOIR | En ligne » Fast X (2023) fr Streaming Français Gratuit et VF Complet
Regarder Fast X en streaming vf 100% gratuit, voir le film complet en français et en bonne qualité. Fast X Streaming vf les films et les livres tiennent une partie de mon cœur. Et de cette façon, j’aime tout. Non, je ne parlerai pas de la scène entière, je pourrais finir avec un nouveau film si je le faisais,
Regarder ➡ Fast X | Film Complet [2023] Streaming vF Français
Telecharger ➡ Fast X | Film Complet [2023] Streaming vF Français
Sortie du film Fast X : Date de sortie? La suite d’Fast X, a été confirmé un mois après la sortie du premier film au cinéma. Le 19 mai 2023, Fast X 2 avait été confirmé. Quand pourrons-nous le voir en salle ? Malheureusement, nous n’avons encore aucune date de sortie officielle, mais peut-être fin 2023, début 2022.
Fast X, le film sera là ! Le film Fast X est sorti le mercredi 2 septembre 2023. Le film continue l’histoire d’Hardin et Tessa, dont l’amour est soumis à de nombreuses épreuves difficiles, traîtresses et dangereuses. Ces deux amoureux auront-ils une fin heureuse ? En attendant de savoir si le film a été acclamé par les fans, il y a de bonnes nouvelles : Fast X va sortir ! Cela a été confirmé le 3 septembre 2023 par les deux stars de la série dans une vidéo postée sur le profil Instagram officiel d’Fast X. Comme les fans le savent, les films sont inspirés de la saga littéraire du même nom, écrite par Anna Todd. La série Fast X est composé de 4 livres.
L’intrigue du film Fast X L’amour d’Hardin et Tessa est encore une fois mis à l’épreuve. Ces deux adolescents vont devoir affronter leur passé. Tessa rencontre son père après des années et décide de le prendre en charge après avoir découvert qu’il était devenu sans abri. Hardin accepte de l’héberger mais ne fait pas confiance à cet homme, convaincu qu’il cache une partie de la vérité. Mais ce n’est pas le seul obstacle. À travers une série de quiproquos, les deux amoureux vont s’éloigner l’un de l’autre après que Tessa ait découvert qu’Hardin a passé toute la soirée en compagnie d’une amie de la famille, appelée Lillian
Le manque de communication conduit le protagoniste à chercher du réconfort dans de vieilles amitiés, dont Zed et Steph, mais la sortie ne se déroule pas comme comme prévu. En effet, la jeune fille va se retrouver en danger : Hardin pourra-t-il la sauver et dissiper tous ces malentendus ? Concernant l’intrigue du film, Castille Landon, le réalisateur d’Fast X nous assure qu’il sera fidèle au roman du même nom.
Le casting du film Fast X : qui sera là ? Nous verrons probablement le retour de deux personnages principaux : Héro Fiennes-Tiffin et Josephine Langford, comme Hardin et Tessa, Fast Xivement. Nous verrons aussi certainement Samuel Larsen (Zed Evans), Inanna Sarkis (Molly Samuels) et Khadijha Red Thunder (Steph Jones). Mais par contre, nous ne verrons pas Shane Paul McGhie (Landon Gibson), car l’acteur a été renvoyé du plateau. Dylan Sprouse, dont le rôle est Trevor ne revient pas non plus.
Mais il y a aussi une nouvelle de dernière minute : d’autres acteurs ne reviendront pas dans le troisième film, d’où la nécessité d’un renouvellement. Déjà dans Fast X 2, on se rend compte que le père d’Hardin n’est plus joué par Peter Gallagher (Andy Cohen pourquoi es-tu parti ?) mais par Rob Estes et que la mère de Landon n’est plus jouée par Jennifer Beals mais par Karimah Westbrook. Nous verrons également beaucoup de changements dans Fast X. En commençant par Candice King et Charlie Weber : les deux acteurs ne seront plus Kim et Christian Vance.
L’actrice que nous avons appris à aimer dans The Vampire Diaries comme Caroline est enceinte de son deuxième enfant ! Sa grossesse l’empêche donc de retourner sur le plateau pour filmer Fast X. Candice sera remplacée par Arielle Kebbel que nous avons déjà vu dans The Vampire Diaries: : Il s’agit de Lexi, le meilleur ami de Stefan ! Charlie sera remplacé par Stephen Moyer. Aussi Selma Blair, qui joue la mère de Tessa, est remplacée par Mira Sorvino. En plus de toutes ces modifications, il y a aussi une nouvelle arrivée : Carter Jenkins, qui jouera Robert, le potentiel amoureux de Tessa.
La raison de tous ces changements est que le fait de tourner deux films ensemble empêche aussi certains des acteurs principaux de participer à d’autres engagements professionnels ou autres.
Fast X 2023 United States of America Action film réalisé Javier Navarrete et joué par Jim Caviezel, Mira Sorvino. Après avoir sauvé un jeune garçon d'impitoyables trafiquants d'enfants, un agent fédéral apprend que la sœur du garçon est toujours captive et décide de la sauver aussi.
Sortie: Jul 03, 2023 Durée: 135 min. Genre : Action, Drame Étoiles : Jim Caviezel, Mira Sorvino, Bill Camp, Kurt Fuller Réalisateur : Javier Navarrete
Synopsis et détails : Environ un an après avoir affronté Riot, Eddie Brock « cohabite » toujours avec le symbiote Venom. Alors qu’il tente de relancer sa carrière de journaliste d'investigation, Eddie se rend en prison pour interviewer le tueur en série Cletus Kasady. Il ignore que ce dernier est lui aussi l'hôte d'un symbiote, Carnage.
. Je ne pourrais jaLe Voyage du Pèlerinis voir un autre film cinq fois comme je l’ai fait celui-ci. Retournez voir une seconde fois et faites attention. RegarderIp Man 4 : Le dernier combat Movie WEB-DL Il s’agit d’un fichier extrait sans erreur d’un serveur telLe Voyage du Pèlerin, tel que Netflix, ALe Voyage du Pèlerinzon Video, Hulu, Crunchyroll, DiscoveryGO, BBC iPlayer, etc. Il s’agit également d’un film ou d’une éFast X ion télévisée téléchargé via un site web comme on lineistribution, iTunes. La qualité est assez bonne car ils ne sont pas ré-encodés. Les flux vidéo (H.264 ou H.265) et audio sont généralement extraits de iTunes ou d’ALe Voyage du Pèlerinzon Video, puis redistribués dans un conteneur MKV sans sacrifier la qualité. DownloadMovieIp Man 4 : Le dernier combat L’un des impacts les plLe Voyage du Pèlerin importants de l’indLe Voyage du Pèlerintrie du streaming vidéo L’indLe Voyage du Pèlerintrie du DVD a connu un véritable succès grâce à la vulgarisation en Le Voyage du Pèlerinsse du contenu en ligne. La montée en puissance de la diffLe Voyage du Pèlerinion multimédia a provoqué la chute de nombreLe Voyage du Pèlerines sociétés de location de DVD telles que BlockbLe Voyage du Pèlerinter. En juilletIp Man 4 : Le dernier combat, un article du New York Times a publié un article sur les SerLe Voyage du Pèlerins de DVD-Video de Netflix. Il a déclaré que Netflix continue ses DVD serLe Voyage du Pèlerins avec 5,3 millions d’abonnés, ce qui représente une baisse importante par rapport à l’année précédente.
étiquette : regarder Fast X en streaming Fast X film streaming Fast X streaming film complet vf Fast X streaming vf Fast X streaming
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