hlootooart · 17 days
not really a question but I'm here to say how much I love and appreciate Sharkbeard ⋆⁺⋆⁺⋆⁺🌈⋆✨⁺⋆ proceeds to crawl back into the dark depths⋆⁺✨⋆🌈⁺⋆⁺⋆⁺⋆
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"I don't know what hole you crawled out of...
but at least you got a good head on your shoulders!"
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"Stay that way and you just might be able to keep it....heh, heh, heh, heeeehhhh..."
AN: Wow. Didn't expect Kaptan Qerda to actually be nice. But don't count on that too much...
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marble-pop · 2 years
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Mizuki x Emu! I love this one!
(Ft. Sharkbeard)
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kimtiny · 6 years
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I will never finish that..
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Twinkle: Once you’ve hit rock bottom, the only place you can go is up!
Sharbeard: Oh, you underestimate me. I’ve brought my shovel and I’m ready to dig.
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rosetowers · 7 years
so new episodes of super 4 have finally come out in english and has revived my obsession with this show. im gonna do some highlights of the last couple of eps that i watched
Flying Shark
i love that Franz does impressions
also he’s a cutie
“didn’t do it. wasn’t me”
Sharkbeard arguing w/ the robots lol
Fairy Queen is still a bitch
love that she turned one of the robots into an elf
Franz as funny as your impressions are you’re gonna get yourself turned into a turnip
Gene launching Franz at Sharkbeard’s ship
Genie, chill
Saturday Knight Fever
i don’t ship them, but Gene wanting to be nice and dance w/ Twinkle was really sweet
i kinda interpreted it as Gene being a nice big brother or something
confirmed that Gene doesn’t really know how to dance
except the robot lol
Gene’s dance shoes. just, the shoes
also, despite the shoes, going “1 2 3, 1 2 3″ whilst dancing
okay but like “i, the Black Baron, who only just showed up, know exactly what has happened and is going to find the king. oh and Alex can help”
really appreciate that the king said that it would be Leonora’s choice to marry the Baron. he’s a good dad
Gene’s break dance fighting tho
also before that when he was holding that rock for dear life cuz he just wanted to stop moving for a bit
the end when the Baron had to wear the shoes all night was great
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incorrect-super-4 · 3 years
I decided to put the super 4 characters into a Hunger Games simulator. I couldn’t adjust the pronouns or else the system would crash, so you’ll just have to deal with it I’m afraid ;-;
Let me know who you thought would win initially, and if you got it right/wrong!
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dj-beta14 · 8 years
Super 5 (in german) feel free to watch if you want to ^^
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rosetowersfanfic · 8 years
The Mom friend
There is a criminal lack of Super 4 fanfic, so here.
Alex is the mom friend of the team, for obvious reasons (he's like 80% of their impulse control).
“Gene, go to sleep,” Alex sighed.
Gene turned away from the Chameleon’s consol.
“I'm almost finished…” he started, his arms crossed.
“Yes,” Alex replied, “and once you're done you'll start another project, and then another and forget to sleep, and Twinkle will wake up at sunrise and find you sitting here looking like a zombie.”
Gene uncrossed his arms and glared at the knight. “I'm not a child, Alex. I'll go to bed when I'm done here.”
Alex raised an eyebrow. “Go to bed or I'll let Ruby pilot the Chameleon tomorrow, since you won't be in any condition to drive.”
Gene stood up, his shoulders hunched, and stared at Alex right in the eye.
“I'm going to bed because I've decided this can wait until morning,” he said slowly, “not because you told me to.”
Alex grinned. “Glad to hear it,” he replied, putting a hand on the scientist’s shoulder.
”Twinkle, what happened?” Alex sighed.
The castle kitchen was covered in cake batter. Twinkle stood in the middle of it, her wand and a wooden spoon held tightly in each hand.
“I just don't know what went wrong,” she bemoaned, “I thought I had my cookery spells under control, but then the spoon started mixing to quickly.”
The fairy’s eyes filled up with tears.
“I only wanted to make muffins for everyone in the castle,” she sniffed.
Alex smiled and put his arm around her.
“it's okay, Twinkle. Look, I'll help clean this up and you can try again. Would that be alright?”
Twinkle nodded. “Yeah, thanks Alex.”
“Give it back,” Alex said firmly.
Ruby glared at him. “Why? They probably stole it anyway, how come they can have and I can't?”
Alex sighed. “Ruby, just because the pirates stole it doesn't mean you can just take it,” he gestured to the tied up pirates.
“It's not yours either, and you already have some treasure on the Chameleon - yes I found it - and you don't need this. Now untie them and let's go before Gene and Twinkle get themselves into trouble. I don't like leaving them alone with each other for too long.” Last time he'd made that mistake, the two had gotten into a science vs magic argument, the result of which had been a demolished castle wall.
“Ugh, fine,” she cut the ropes with her sabre.
“Let's go before I change my mind,” Ruby muttered, dropping the treasure chest she was holding on Sharkbeard’s only foot.
”If Twinkle’s practising her spells, don't leave her unattended. Ruby won't go near the castle vault, but don't let her near any jewels or gold. Let Gene do his thing, but make sure he eats and sleeps.”
Gareth, Archibald and Ulff all stared at the prince.
Alex was about to go on an important trial, as necessary for young knights, and was explaining how to take care of his friends.
“Prince Alex, I understand your concerns for the fairy and the pirate,” Gareth said. “But surely Sir Gene can care for himself. I can admit he is incredibly intelligent, I doubt we'll need to remind him to sleep and eat.”
Ulff nodded in agreement. “Yes, and really I think you being a tad paranoid about Ruby and Twinkle as well. Honestly, how bad can they be without you?”
Alex sighed. “You'd be surprised. Alien will help, just keep an eye on them until I return.”
Alex walked over to his friends.
“Alright guys, behave while I'm gone. Twinkle, tell someone when you practise spells, we don't want any panics. Ruby, if you see anything valuable, leave it alone. Gene, if someone tells you to go to bed or eat you listen, okay?”
Everyone nodded.
“Relax, Alex. It's not like we're gonna burn the castle down because you're not here,” Ruby chuckled.
“Indeed,”Gene agreed, “we do have some impulse control, we aren't children.”
Twinkle smiled. “We'll be fine, Alex. You go do your thing.”
Alex grinned and bid them farewell.
“See you all in a week!” He called, getting a horse and riding off.
The knights looked at the remaining heroes.
“Are you two sure there's nothing to worry about,” Archibald whimpered.
“Of course. What's the worse that can happen?”
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oru-tree · 7 years
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Pt 2 of 2 of this episode
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I love the reflection in Sharkbeard’s monocle patch, it’s so nice
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2 Genes... also hey Alien! Even big super 4 fan Franz forgot about you huh
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Dr. X acted so brave for a bit hah, I really love what they have been doing with him, he is a nice character, he really cares about technopolis
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Action pose!
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I love when Alex does this cool moves that actually don’t look cool at all, he just rolled over there ah..
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:’0 cute
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Franz is good
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Everyone laughs
the end
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hlootooart · 6 years
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Yaaaay! Finally Ruby gets the special treatment (with Sharkbeard and Rubens)! I made her design look a bit more weathered than before. That way it seemed like she actually went through a couple ventures.
Rubens just had to have the cool, sleeveless trenchcoat. A scar and a tattoo wouldn’t hurt either. I made him a brunette since there is a stunning lack of them. And yes, there is a reason why his eyes are like that. ;)
Last, but never the least, Sharkbeard himself center frame! I was going for a spikier look for his clothing, even putting a shark fin in his hat! I like to imagine with all his pillaging and piracy, he’d have quite the fortune to brag about. So why not deck yourself in gold to show off?
@pumpkinseashell @darkcutequotesbiscuit @nowkatnotmad @tokyo-miaou-miaou
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marble-pop · 2 years
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Sharkbeard meme doodle thing agrhagrhshs
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kimtiny · 6 years
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S4 moodboard 2
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Blackmail is an ugly word, I prefer extortion.
- Sharkbeard in “saving pirate Sharkbeard”
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rosetowers · 7 years
i just watched Saving Pirate Sharkbeard. i just knew the blackmail would be pics of Ruby as a cute kid.
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dj-beta14 · 8 years
Here you go, another episode with english subtitles. Enjoy :)
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oru-tree · 8 years
The “new” super 4 episode was very good! It’s always cool to see Ruby being cool and also the rest of the team keeping her safe, it’s also nice knowing that the other pirates are alright with Ruby, I guess though that they were making Sharkbeard a bit too... hmm... yeah... I don’t know, I don’t think I can say much since I don’t remember much about last season but I always felt that it was more like, Sharkbeard had it against Ruby because Rubens stopped being a pirate because of her and not that much because she is a girl, but I don’t know uhhh....
I don’t think the plots of the episodes take the continuity of the show too seriously though so, eh.
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