#she deserves Clair beddor
hrizantemy · 5 months
People are really mad because Nesta and Claire Beddor were most definitely lovers. I didn’t write the books sorry.
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lainalit · 5 months
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silverflameataraxia · 2 years
It bothers me when I see people say that Nesta deserved to be abused and treated like garbage because she's mean.
Feyre is 100% responsible for Claire Beddor being tortured, but does that mean that Feyre deserves to be tortured?
Feyre murdered innocent Fae in order to break the curse, but does that mean she deserves to be murdered?
Feyre destroyed an entire court out of pettiness, but does that mean that the Night Court deserves to be destroyed?
Yes, Nesta's mean to those who don't like or respect her, but to say that she deserves to be mistreated? That's messed up.
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Since i've had many anons in my inbox asking for more acowar commentary....
I present to you Chapter 5
(this is the chp where Feyrug violates a SA victim 🥰)
Let's gooooooo
I crawled back to the manor two hours after midnight, too exhausted to last until dawn.
Exhausted bitch what even did u do tho?? Well i guess eating that whole chuck of my brain last chp must be exhausting nvmnd
Especially when I noted the way Tamlin looked at me, remembering that dawn last year when he’d led me away and kissed me as the sun rose.
I changed into my nightgown, a small, lacy thing I’d once worn for Tamlin’s enjoyment
Huh "Tamlin's enjoyment"
Oh yeah beach i see what u r doing. Tryna sell the whole Tamlin is a misogynistic bastard who made u wear lacy nightgowns for his enjoyment.
But weren't u the one who wanted to wear lacy things and show up to Tarquins place????? Because ofc u thought he was in love with u????? And wasnt precious rhysie the one that invaded you mind and showed u images of u and him doin it in the said lacy wear shop?? Yeah bitch cant prove tamlin is a dick with saying the same about rhysie not on my watch
The Attor. The Weaver. My sisters being thrown into the Cauldron. All of them twined and eddied around me.
Rhysie, babes your matey is having nightmares of the weaver. You know the old ancient cannibal you sent your 20 year old supposed love of your life to see if she cud get the ring your dead mother left to see if she was "worthy" of being your partner
*Cough* equal in every way my ass*cough*
Most of the others were still celebrating when I yelped, a sharp, short cry that had me bouncing from the bed.
Pls why am I imagining her doing this
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“I heard you—what’s wrong.” He scanned me, russet eye wide as he noted my disheveled hair, my sweaty nightgown.
My poor fox baby is so caring and concerned for this birch and she is just there to manipulate him!!!
Ugghh let her suffer bae shes not worth it!!
Bare from the waist up, he’d managed to haul on a pair of pants before opening the door, and hastily buttoned them as I strode past.
Pls what'd i'd give to see Lucien fcking Vanserra shirtless 🥵🥵🥵
“I can’t remember when I am.”
Ummmm... Miss ma'am isnt that's wrong English?
I dragged my eyes to his, haunted and bleak. “She had me spiked to the wall. Like Clare Beddor. And the Attor was—”
Pls the AUDACITY and i mean THE AUDACITY this bitch has taking Claire Beddor's name and fcking lying while doing so
Lucien paused half a foot from me. He didn’t so much as object as I threw my arms around his neck, burying my face against his warm, bare chest. It was seawater from Tarquin’s own gift that slipped from my eyes, down my face, and onto his golden skin.
Okay a lot to unpack here
A] Pls each step of the way Lulu is a SWEETHEART and each step of the way Feyrug has managed to make me want to take out her cranium and femur and fashion a makeshit shovel out of it to dig a hole in the Sahara and bury the rest of her there. Its impressive really.
B] Also here u go guys the privileged white protag again shamelessly using our anti-slavery and pro equality black mans powers after she brainwashed, manipulated and violated him... to... brainwash, manipulate and violate another poc. Gosh sjm really doesn't get tired of her racist bs does she
And lastly,
*Takes deep breath*
*Throws phone across the wall*
*Rips into pillowcase*
*Jumps on chair*
*Falls down from chair*
*Retrieves phone*
Lucien whipped his head toward the door. Tamlin stood there, face a mask of cold calm. The beginnings of claws glinted at his knuckles.
Pls i feel so bad for Tamlin 😭😭😭😭
He deserves so much better than this. Lucien and Tamlin both do 😭😭 their friendship deserves better 😭😭😭😭
Tamlin was just staring at Lucien, whose mouth had tightened into a thin line as he marked those claws, still half-drawn.
is it weird that i want to force tamlin to shapeshift into a cat and take him home and put him in a nice lil cat bed and give him milk and fish and protect him from everything?
Yes it is, sweetie, yes it is.
“Good night,” I said, and shut the door in Tamlin’s face.
Alright bitch i got the super glue and the chain saw and the scalpel out just need your cranium and femur now.
I wondered if Lucien had pieced it together. That I had known Tamlin would come to my room tonight, after I had given him so many shy touches and glances today. That I had changed into my most indecent nightgown not for the heat, but so that when my invisible snares in the house informed me that Tamlin had finally worked up the nerve to come to my bedroom, I’d look the part.
The way she is playing not only lucien but also Tamlin?
I mean what she is doing to Lucien, is worse as it is.
But she is also leading Tamlin on? Playing with his heart? Why wouldn't he slut shame this bitch at the high lords meeting?? She fcking deserved to be humiliatied like that. I said what i said.
Good lawd i am fcking livid.
A nightmare, I’d told Tamlin. I was the nightmare.
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Preying on what Tamlin had feared from my very first days here.
I had not forgotten that long-ago fight he’d picked with Lucien. The warning he’d given him to stop flirting with me. To stay away. The fear that I’d preferred the red-haired lord over him and that it would threaten every plan he had. Back off, he’d told Lucien.
I already made a whole ass post about this so i'm just gonna link it right...here.
I- i don't think i have the mental, emotional, physical capacity to deal with Sarah Janet's infamous retcons rn
Considering how this very morning, Lucien had knelt before me, swearing fealty to a newborn god, as if we had both been Cauldron- blessed.
There was more work to do.
The more work being coming in between two centuries long frnds who are each other's only family by manipulating a SA victim into implying having sexual relations with him without his knowledge and in the process also ridding him of his only family and support system he cud possibly get and at the same time manipulating and mind r*ping innocent people into thinking their high lord is a tyrant and making them revolt during war time ultimately leaving the population of an entire country vulnerable to invasion by a foreign army and hence causing a warcrime and a mass murder.
But...like.. atleast she is .... hard working....gotta appreciate a hardworking girl boss queen u guys....
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nesta-stan · 4 years
If Nesta had stayed human she wouldn't have worked a day in her life
I feel like people forget this. I also feel like it's why Nesta doesn't care to take a job. A lot of people have talked about how they believe it's wrong for Nesta to get a salary when she does no work but that is how Nesta lived for her entire life. Nesta was never going to work for her father. Elain isn't really "working" either. Her "job" is basically the same thing she would be doing for free at their fathers estate.
I also feel like the idea that you have to work to "deserve" a living is an idea of our capitalist culture. Especially in Acotar, where it's mostly implied than children rely on their parents far into adulthood until they're married. We see this coming with the Archeron sisters, With Claire Beddor, with Tomas and his father, and Graysen with his father too. Rich or poor.
The idea of working for your own living has little impact on Nesta's moral compass. Why would any young girl get the idea when every other girl she knows is being taken care of by their parents.
I think that's why Nesta called it the "unthinkable" when Feyre went hunting in wings and embers. She had no previous concept of a daughter doing the work. Feyre's actions just served to fuel Nesta's rage because Nesta thought it was unfair.
If every other girls parents take care of them, then why didn't hers? I think she views the idea of being forced to work as a form of familial abandonment. Not a inevitable responsibility like our culture makes it.
She does mention that she has her whole life to work for Feyre but she shrugs it off and views it as if the IC offering her a job was like them offering her a new hobby. Like how they just turned Elain's hobby into her "job".
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save-the-birds · 4 years
analysis on nesta’s healing arc foreshadowing
As I was re-reading the sneak peek at the end of aCoFaS, I was quite taken with the treatment of Nesta and the events that were implied. For the sake of the argument, I am going to compare Nesta and Feyre’s “arcs” in the story. 
Feyre was tortured, raped, sexually assualted, etc. Under the Mountain, and was ultimately forced out of her mortal body and into a Fairy one. She was then booted back into the Spring Court and stayed with Tamlin. I’m not even gonna begin to talk about Feyre’s treatment Under the Mountain. But I will say this, would Feyre have still survived if she wasn’t mated to Rhysand? Would she have faced death at the hands of Amarantha just like Claire Beddor? I digress. 
Anyways, she’s back at the Spring Court with no outlet for her feelings and trauma. Tamlin did a nice 180 and became controlling and abusive towards Feyre, while Lucien did other stuff idk I don’t really care about Lucien. However, thanks to her bond with Rhysand, she was able to be rehabilitated and made a nice half-baked recovery with her found family. 
As you can see, this is very similar to what happened to Nesta. She went through extreme trauma, and had to move to the other end of Fairyland to hang out with her sisters and the other white people. Now, some may say that Nesta deserves her emotional suffering because she was a lowkey B I, C T, H to Feyre while they were starving. Yeah that was pretty messed up, but I don’t think anyone deserves to endure something horrible and then be put off as an afterthought by her family. Elain did the same exact thing, except her only her actions were harmful. Nesta’s words and actions were both harmful. So, Nesta is stuck in a place she doesn’t want to be in, with people who have no interest in helping her, and she basically “belongs” to Cassian. 
I put the “belongs” in quotes because it is a very nice Maas-ian word to use, and probably my least favorite way to refer to her relationship. It is repeatedly mentioned that Nesta is linked to Cassian in some sort of way, whether it be through her sexual partners, or just the society of Velaris. Sounds pretty similar to Feyre’s story, right? You might be thinking, “WTF! Cassian isn’t abusive or stinky like Tamlin! Nesta should realize that Cassian totally wants what is best for her and cares about her well-being!” That is somewhat correct. He does care about Nesta, and repeatedly mentions how “skinny” she is, and often mentions her huge tiddies in the same sentence. Nonetheless, Cassian seems to be obligated to care about her because she is a potential love interest to him. 
This brings me to my next point, which is more about SJM in general. SJM is all about normalizing sexual relationships and making it seem normal to have a lot of sexual partners, and it is!!! She is also adamantly against slut-shaming, but she basically makes the brunette version of herself (Feyre) slut-shame Nesta for finding an outlet that wasn’t Cassian or Amren to deal with her trauma. Everything about Nesta screams, “I’m hurting and this is how I cope!” What is her family’s response? Feyre asks Nesta to move into a better apartment so she can... do something? I don’t really know how that is supposed to work. Rhysand does not give a shid about Nesta, despite being her brother-in-law. Elain...cares I guess? She gives her a scarf and some books? Nesta doesn’t seem ready to have a serious relationship with Cassian, they could be friends...I guess? 
I suppose that she will magically recover in the Illyrian Campground and then have steamy sex with Cassian multiple times, ooh la la! 
Sooooo...can we help Nesta get better in a healthy way and have her bond with her sisters again so that she can be happy? xoxo
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I am interested in that human girl, Briar, and lots of people theorized that she's most likely going to end up with tam. Do you know this briar x tamlin thing and if so, do you have any theories on how are they going to end up together?
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Hi anon!!
(Two similar anons thought I'd answer them together lol)
Yeahh I have too seen some theories about Briar X Tamlin. And yeahh it cud be a sleeping beauty re telling.. and although I am not a fan of the original lore I wud like to see how it plays out here? And uk it's possible. Tamlin seems to be like the only member of the main characters to show that he can love a human. Rhysie only fell in love with Feyre because she was his mate. He didn't care about Clair Beddor being killed and plus lets be honest, he only wanted to "fight for the humans" to woo feyrug.
But Tamlin fell in love with Feyre when she was a human girl shows the potential of him loving a human again.
Honestly there is no point in theorising anything about a sjm book cause that woman writes on her whims. I bet she has already forgotten she introduced this girl named Briar.
But if it were to happen? Ig it wud be something like Briar wandering into the Spring Court. Finding Tamlin the beast and going "I've always wanted a pet.... Oh well ig this big golden retriever wud do" I mean that's what I wud have my oc do lol. But we don't really have anything on Briar's character expert again, the "unspeakable horrors" every sjm character has to go through in order to be interesting enough. And I think the humans can actually play a big role in re building the spring court. Like only few ppl still remain there and a country cannot function without inhabitants. So maybe something like Tamlin and (his one frnd or someone who is in his corner. Someone who is NOT Lucien and not related to the IC.) Decide to allow humans into the spring Court during the harsh human winter. Humans in turn cultivate the land and other stuff which helps a lot in rebuilding the economy and stuff. That's where he meets Briar and maybe she is his mate? Anything absolutely anything that has nothing to do with NC is what I want for Tamlin.
That being said I am not really in support of this theory. Because A) Sure sjm is just going to put in how Briar is just a replacement of Feyre or her Stans definitely will and Tam deserves better than that. B) Briar owes Feyrug a life debt and like I've said before I want the IC as far away from my Tam as possible. C) Tbh don't think it wud be quite fair to Briar after she has suffered so much at the hands of the Fey. And Lastly, D) because again Briar is mortal? She will die and Tamlin will live and I think Tamlin doesn't need to suffer any more loss. (Unless like Lorcan he gives up his immortality but then again, he is a hl who cares for his ppl so idk I don't want that for him either)
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