#she doesn’t… threaten… idk if I’d call it intimidation either?
spookygengar · 1 year
If you look up the phrase “Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss” you’ll find a picture of Yvonne Hartman.
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moonlightlullaby · 4 years
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Joining the call, we’re welcomed by the amigops, Brooke, Karl and Bretman.
“So, everyone, this is my older brother, Dylan!” 
“What’s up, guys? Nice to meet y’all!” variations of hi’s and hello’s hit our ears all at once.
“Hey, Dylan!” Karl chimes after them “Good to see- well, talk to you again, man!” 
“Oh yeah! Thanks for helping us the other day.” Corpse sounds much more relaxed now - I mean, eveyone does… Bottom line is that streaming, however authentic and open you are with your viewers, does put a strain on you, so hearing everyone - myself included - more loose doesn’t really come as a surprise.
“Yeah, wish I could’ve done more. It sucks that you still lost.”
“Hey!” I elbow his side, causing him to dramatically gasp and fake cry and everyone in the call to laugh.
“Yeah, about that, you shouldn’t mention it around Alex. He’s still super bitter about it.” I giggle at Karl’s remark and, on cue, none other than Alex joins the voicechat.
We keep chatting as more people join us, introducing themselves to my brother - and Dave to both of us since it’s our first interaction ever. I’m really intrigued to see how he plays.
Dyl and I have decided to megazord today and play as one - not without some whining from Alex. He’s claimed it would be unfair and disproportional - even though no one else seemed even slightly bothered by it - and has only agreed with it after I’d exposed my brother’s pathetic skills in among us - earning me a glare and a light punch from Dyl - and reminded him of how much better a victory would feel knowing he didn’t trick eight people, but nine.
With Tina’s arrival, we all agree on who will be playing the first round and get the game started. CREWMATE flashes on the screen. Alright, let’s try and stay alive.
Yeah, that didn’t work out. 
For some reason - read: lack of functioning braincellls -, Dyl wanted to do simon says first and, since the universe loves screwing us over, of course Ludwig would walk in and shoot our astronaut just as we’re about to finish the task - after having already failed twice, may I add. Both of us just stop and stare - I, at the ceiling; Dyl, at the white little guy flopped over - before we burst into laughter. 
“Of course this would happen!” he shakes his head and, being his persistent self, opens the task to start all over.
And just in case you’ve ever doubted Murphy’s law, you should definitely reconsider it because guess what happens next: right before Dyl presses the last button, an emergency meeting is called. 
“Alright, fuckers, who did it? Who would hurt my baby girl Y/N like this?” although I feel very honored to see Brooke defending me with so much passion, I can’t contain the giggles that escape my mouth at the contrast between how threatening and intimidating she’s trying to sound and how she actually sounds.
The meeting is not productive at all. No one is sussed and everyone skips. “Don’t worry, D and missy Y/N, we’ll get whoever had the audacity to do this. I promise!” Sweet, Bret, sweet!
When “No one was ejected. (Skipped)” takes over the screen, a low, soft sound fills my ears. However, by the time my brain catches up, the sound’s stopped. Corpse was humming ‘cheater’! Yes, the infamous 2008 nightmare of a song I was stupid enough to share with him!
“Did you show him?” my wide-eyed brother whispers to me. I immediately shush him while muting ourselves at the speed of light. “Dylan!” I whisper-shout, turning to face him. This asshole is smirking! 
I narrow my eyes and furrow my brows, mentally throwing daggers at him and setting his body on fire. I open my mouth, but, before any sound can leave it, a notification pops up: a private message from the one and only boyinaband. A glance at my brother tells me his mind is somewhere else already as he pets Fiyero - I mean, our family’s never been known for our impeccable attention; who would’ve expected it to be any different now? -, so I open his message.
hey, y/n!
don’t mean to make things awkward at all, but i’d like to thank you for whatever you’ve told corpse
yk, he tends to shut off when things get hard, but he reached out the other day for help and company
so thanks
Why is he-? How does he-? What-? I’m…
Has Corpse said anything about me to Dave? Why would he do that? 
No, no... No, Dave might have just guessed it since Corpse and I are constantly talking
Yes, yes, it has to be it.
oh also, it’s great getting to meet you and play with you!
you’re really cool indeed :)
Y/N: oh there’s nothing to thank me for, really
but i’m really glad we’ve met too!
i love your content btw and you’re funny af
Dave: thx! 
so it’s lud and...?
he killed me so gracefully idk how to feel
Y/N: jshdfgjhdgfkwfgjewv
fuck idk either
Speaking of imposters, all of our tasks are yet to be done, I should get back to them.
After that round - in which, by the way, Brooke was the other imposter and carried the entire thing after Lud vented in front of Tina, wasn’t able to catch her and got ejected -, the afternoon went on pretty smoothly.
Dylan and I arguing every 2 minutes about what strategy we should follow and ending up with a no-strategy approach. Friends killing - and being killed by - friends, lying to friends, throwing friends under the bus… you know, very friendly things. Dylan and Bretman basically ignoring everyone else and isolating themselves in their own bubble for half of the time. Everyone just vibing to miscellaneous tunes - from Dolly Parton to Wilbur Soot, from CORPSE to BLACKPINK -, and chatting, laughing and having a good time as Toast had proposed.
Without the distraction of an audience and the pressure of being funny or 666 IQ, I got to actually talk to and learn more about Leslie, Dave - who (I was right) is a sweetheart and with whom I hit it off instantly -, Sean, Toast himself and, well, pretty much everyone. 
It’s so crazy how, in a little over one month, you can connect so much with these many people! Some who were complete strangers to you until then and others who you already admired and looked up to… and now, you can call them all your friends. It’s insane!
🐝 bee-girls are ruining my life 🐝
chapter 12: what friends do
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A/N: Hi! I wasn’t sure if I’d post today, but, quite frankly, writing’s the only thing I can get myself to do lately and knowing that there are some people out there who want to read what I have to offer really warms my heart 🤍 Sorry for the sappiness and for any typos heheh See you on tuesday hopefully!
Taglist: @callmemaeve-y @victoria-a567 @the-thighs-of-betrayal @tclegane  @hydrate-tion @neenieweenie @clubfairy @cherry-piee @summerbbygirl @officiallyunofficialperson @a-dot-dev @that-chick212​ @bellomi-clarke
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robotslenderman · 4 years
Still only partway through CP77.
Spoilers for the Death’s Head questline.
Warning: this involves my V ignoring canon, having a mental breakdown and expressing it by attacking poor, poor fucking Judy.
So like
My V was a complete fucking mess after the Heist and what happened there. Her best friend (and crush) was dead, she almost died, and she had a fucking terrorist in her head who could TOUCH HERRRR and had hijacked her body and hurt her, and she was going to die in a month and slowly lose control of her body to someone who wanted to hurt her.
She. Was fucking. Terrified. Even when Johnny offered an olive branch she didn’t trust him at all (something Judy would come to relate to, although my V hasn’t yet noticed the parallel).
So when Judy refused to give her any information on Evelyn?
V, who was absolutely scared for her life and having a mental breakdown after the death of her best friend, went to visit Judy.
With a baseball bat.
And used it.
I know this doesn’t make it better at all, but V did hold back a bit -- didn’t hit the head, pulled her punches on the body and spine, and mostly went for the legs. If any permanent damage was done, it wouldn’t be to Judy’s brain, it wouldn’t be to her hands or arms. Better she disabled Judy’s ability to walk if she went too far than fucking lobotomising her or fucking up her hands.
How fucking considerate of her, I know. V basically wanted to scare the shit out of her, made her think that other people were hunting down Evelyn (”if you don’t give me this information, I’ll just fucking kill you. I don’t need you. I can wait for someone else to find her first and drop in on them. So you better talk because otherwise you’re not getting out of here alive”), and made a big song and dance about how the only reason V wasn’t going to fucking annihilate Judy on the spot was because Jackie would never forgive her for turning into a complete monster.
Anyway. Poor Judy quickly blurted out the information about Clouds once she realised V was not fucking around. V threatened her again, then got the fuck out. And obviously hasn’t been back to Lizzie’s since.
When she calmed down she wrote Judy an apology letter. (I told my friend this. She was like “your V is fucking psycho.” Yeah.) She was like “look, I know an apology doesn’t mean jack fucking shit after what I did to you, but... idk man. send me what you owe the ripperdoc and I’ll square my debt to you.”
Yeah V, because contacting someone you fucking traumatised is a BRILLIANT FUCKING IDEA, I bet Judy wouldn’t be afraid AT ALL to send you a bill!
(Naturally, Judy didn’t reply and just sent some of the Mox. V gave them everything she could spare and told them to come back in a week for the rest. They roughed her up. She fought back enough to defend herself and eventually toss them out, but didn’t attack them because she knew that wouldn’t help Judy.)
Needless to say, when she ran into Judy at Fingers’ place Judy was NOT at all happy to see her and didn’t want to work with her at all. V basically gave her all the details she uncovered at Clouds -- by now she was actually pretty damn worried about Evelyn and she’d started coming to terms with the fact she was going to die, so she was far more concerned about finding Evelyn than getting anything from her, and was terrified Evelyn was dead.
But obviously Judy was still Mega Freaked Out and traumatised and wasn’t going to work with her. V didn’t offer, either. V didn’t try to scare Judy, but she was also a bit tetchy because Judy obviously didn’t want her looking for Evelyn still, and so V probably scared her a little still because V was like “look, I’m going to find her whether you like it or not, get out of my way. She is in big fucking trouble and I don’t have time for this.”
Judy followed her into Fingers’ room and watched her deal with Fingers. V was actually pretty calm when dealing with Fingers, then realised how fucked up it was that she beat up Judy but not this asshole, so she beat up Fingers too.
Nice, V. Way not to freak out Judy even more.
But obviously, Judy didn’t want to work with V like she did in canon. So V got the snuff film by herself. Unfortunately, she needed an editor, so this was the point where she reached out to Judy again. Sent her a text message that basically said, “This film could help me find Evelyn. Give me a time when you won’t be in and I’ll use your stuff to get into edit mode and track them down.”
V’s dumbass logic: “she probably doesn’t want to see me but I need this information, so I’ll just tell her to keep away from me.”
Judy’s response was “oh my god, even if you could do this without someone on the outside what the hell makes you think I’d let you on my tech unsupervised?!”
(V: “Oh. Right.”) “Do you want me to find Evelyn or not?”
“That’s not what I meant! Come in, but I’m operating the computer and I’m putting Mox in there with us, so don’t you dare try to intimidate me.”
“... Yeah that’s a much better idea. I just knew you wouldn’t want to be alone with me.”
“Can’t imagine why.”
(V, thinking a joke might put her at ease a bit, not realising it just makes her look like a psychopath anyway.) “It’s okay, I’ll leave the baseball bat at home.”
(Judy is not at all amused.)
So the questline continues the way it does in-game, except with a very jumpy Judy. It’s when they find Evelyn that Judy is freaked out enough to be distracted from V. V carries out Evelyn, speaking to her softly.
At this point V had totally come to terms with the fact she was going to die. And Evelyn was a complete fucking mess, and Evelyn was not going to talk even if V wanted her to. So my V didn’t even bother with that, just helped Judy get Evelyn the hell out of there.
Once Evelyn was settled in Judy’s apartment (it’s only later that Judy realises “oh shit, now V knows where I live”) Judy and V’s conversation went almost exactly as it did in canon, with the exception of the more trusting/loyal responses Judy gives you, which Judy simply omitted. V also elaborated on some of the stuff in her letter -- that V was dying because of the relic slowly overwriting her presonality, and she’d hunted down Evelyn because Evelyn could give her a lead to go on to reverse the process. But V still didn’t make any attempts to talk with Evelyn. V knew she was going to die. She wasn’t going to compound Evelyn’s trauma even more. When Judy expressed concern that other people were hunting Evelyn, V was like “oh, shit, no, actually, I was bluffing.”
“I wasn’t going to kill you. I just wanted to make you think I was. I don’t know of anyone actually trying to hunt her down, and I didn’t run into anyone at all while chasing up this information on her. So either she’s in the clear and nobody wants her, or they’re being damn subtle about it. Either way, since she’s in this condition she’ll be staying inside and lying low, so that’ll help her shake off any tail she might have.”
V gave Judy some more money, though not the full amount because she’s still scraping the eddies together -- told Judy she’d make sure she was fully reimbursed before she went. Told Judy if she or Evelyn needed anything more, call her.
By then, after seeing her with Evelyn, Judy is not sure about my V.
After the baseball bat incident, Judy thought that my V was an unhinged violent lunatic. I mean, V was an unhinged violent lunatic -- but she’d thought my V was that by default. But obviously my V showed Evelyn a lot of empathy and concern -- genuine empathy and concern, not V trying to go “LOOK HOW NICE I AM” to Judy. She knew V wasn’t trying to show false empathy to butter up Judy because V got pissed at her in Fingers’ office for getting in the way of her trying to find Evelyn to make sure Evelyn was okay. That is, pissed at her for that specific occasion of Judy getting in the way -- V was definitely not checking on Evelyn’s wellbeing when she visited Judy with the baseball bat, but Judy tried to discourage V from going after Evelyn again at Fingers’ office and V’s response was pretty much “oh fuck OFF, she’s in a really bad situation and needs help.”
So Judy was like, okay, there’s two possible judgements you can make about V:
V is one of those people who seems absolutely lovely until she gets in a bad mood, which is even more fucking terrifying because that makes her unpredictable.
V legitimately was in the middle of a mental breakdown and Judy just happened to be really fucking unlucky in that she was the convenient target. V had said this in her letter but obviously Judy was like “What the FUCK did you really send me an APOLOGY LETTER for almost BEATING ME TO DEATH” and hadn’t really taken it seriously, but now she’s starting to think V might have actually told the truth.
Judy is hoping it’s the latter but she’s not holding her breath, and also you have to remember that even if it was a mental breakdown... it showed her exactly what V was like when she was having a mental breakdown, and therefore meant V was perfectly fucking capable of doing it again.
(Meanwhile V was thinking “If she knows I was having a mental breakdown then she knows she doesn’t have to be scared of me doing it again.” No, V. You’re wrong.)
Judy is less spooked after seeing V in action with Evelyn, but she’s still very wary of her. But after V helped her with Evelyn, Judy told her not to worry about the rest of the eddies and just accepted what V gave her then and there. V almost pushed it, but realised Judy probably didn’t want to feel indebted to someone who beat her up with a baseball bat, so she dropped it.
V later sent Judy a weighted blanket for Evelyn to sleep under. “I’ve got one, it helps when I’m stressed. It won’t make her any better, but it might give her a little comfort.”
So right now, V and Judy have an uneasy truce. V keeps her distance from Judy unless she has to, except to occasionally ask after Evelyn, and Judy keeps her distance right back.
V is, however, not sucking up to Judy or grovelling to her. All she wanted was to let Judy know she didn’t have to be scared of her (although again, Judy is perfectly fucking aware that even if it was an actual mental breakdown then yes Judy should be scared of V having another one), that Judy didn’t have to worry about V going back to have another go at her.
V’s not going to make a huge deal about what a horrible person she was. She’s... well. Even if she thought it would help, she’s got a month to live unless the omega blockers give her more time. She’s not going to wear a hair shirt over this. She gave Judy some funds for the ripper doc, she’s apologised (even if an apology feels awfully pathetic), and she’s kept away from her.
Now she’s going to go back to chasing up leads, because Evelyn is in no condition to help. Because Judy released her, she’s been able to pay off her debt to Vik, and now she’s scraping up funds to pay Rogue for help and trying to talk Hakemura out of that fucking parade because that idiot keeps trying to get himself killed and she has to stand by to haul his ass out of the fire.
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fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
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In fact, I love this punk so much I had difficulty even reviewing her bc she’s GREAT like a white shark
FIRST: Alternia or Beforus or some type of AU? I have an AU where when Condy (or another fuschia, idk still on the fence about it) conquers more and more planets, she establishes a rule where there has to be one heiress per planet that has children on it, to keep more order amongst her empire. However once the heiress becomes of age, they are normally killed by the Empress to prevent her throne from being challenged, and are replaced by a new heiress to watch the planet. The heiress also has to be assigned to a monstrous lusus, that could produce planet-destructive consequences if left neglected. The Empress assigns fuschias to them specifically, to exhaust them to make sure they don’t challenge or pose a threat to her.
Man I super like this especially since our frequent submitter silentekos came up with a similar concept and like. Word! I love that as a concept because it’s pretty much exactly how capitalism works to keep its own power centralized while granting itself greater surveillance of those they govern.
The planet that’s the main focus for my story is governed by ENTER NAME HERE. The hemospectrum is upheld in a very familiar fashion to Alternia’s, though less chaotic than Alternia, in terms of random bouts of violence caused by drones, is made up for with random bouts of floods and earthquakes caused by Selaki’s lusus, due to her neglect to fulfill her duties.
Name (preferably include how you came up with it and why): Selaki (from the scientific name of sharks: Selachimorpha) Stiden (from the prehistoric megatoothed shark, Carcharocles angustidens).
Age: 7.85 sweeps (around 17 years)
Strife Specibus: tridentkind, with only one side with sharp edges, in the shape of her sign. She likes to use it as a fashion accessory, and a symbol to show off her royal status.
God I love it it’s so dope-looking.
Fetch Modus: She uses a purse modus. It’s relatively uncomplicated, and functions basically the same as wallet modus, but with a bigger size restriction.
Hmmm I kinda like a modus that sizes items up or multiplies them? The Abundance Modus. It gives her a tool as a ruler to potentially assist her subjects with getting the resources they need but like. That’s not what she uses it for. She can basically use it to generate more stuff for herself and to give everything she owns this larger-than-life sense.
Blood color: Fuschia. She is the current heiress governing her planet.
Symbol and meaning: Pira, sign of the Visionary (Prospit + Mind)
Trolltag: voguishDespot, referring to her fashionable rule over her planet.
I like maybe crestingDorsal [CD] to bring this idea of a shark’s dorsal fin breaking the waves. Gives a sense of forboding! Furthermore, “crest” as in “crown” emphasizes her royal nature.
Quirk: Selaki types her “W”s with )_(|)_(, and often says words like “dear” “dahling” or “sweetie” in either an affectionate or condescending way, depending on the situation. Other than that, normal punctuation and grammar.
Ex: “The quick bro)_(|)_(n fox jumped over the lazy dog, dahling.”
Little cliche but I love shark quirks? You indicate that she’s kinda dramatic now, so she could preface her initial entrance into a chat with
CD: ^ ^
CD: ^ ^
CD: ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  ( ˇ෴ˇ )
Special Abilities (if any): She has no psychic abilities, normal for a highblood.
Lusus: Since she is an heiress, she is assigned a monstrous lusus to keep tame to prevent her planet from being severely damaged by a fit of rage from her lusus. Her lusus, specifically, is a ginormous megalodon shark, capable of causing earthquakes and floods. Their relationship is almost nonexistent, due to Selaki’s insistence to avoid contact unless absolutely necessary. This results in her neglecting her duties, until her lusus starts wreaking havoc by causing chaos, forcing her to tend to her, by feeding her large lusii she orders her drones to kill. She also apparently feeds trolls that piss her off to her lusus. The main reason she doesn’t like to tend to her lusus, besides the exhaustion that comes with the task, is because she feels put on the spot, and doesn’t like the pressure of taking care of a giant destructive shark monster, which leads her making less than stellar decisions.
Physical Appearance: Selaki is rather short for a highblood, and wears heels to make her seem more intimidating. She died her hair fuschia, but her roots slightly grown, showing her natural black hair, cut into a messy bob. She has gills, normal for a seadweller, and sharp teeth, as a reference her lusus. Selaki also has a scar on the middle of her forehead, in the shape of her sign. This is given to all fuschias at birth, to permanently mark them. She has her horns the shape of the pisces symbol, like Feferi’s.
Selaki has golden accessories on her horns instead of a tiara, and is almost always seen wearing her circular shades. She wears a designer jacket, with her symbol on the sleeves, and a black dress with her sign.
Personality and Backstory: Selaki was assigned to her lusus as soon as she left the brooding caverns, forced to take care of her lusus to prevent it from causing destruction to her planet. Before her change to what she is now, she was pretty meek and socially awkward, due to constantly having to monitor her lusus personally, having little time for herself. However she eventually got burned out, and turned to neglecting her duties as a fuschia in favor of focusing on her hobbies. She essentially came out of her shell, dressing in more glamorous fashion, and putting on a more gregarious personality, becoming quite eccentric.
She keeps in contact with the other planets’ fuschias on a private social media reserved for them only, and is monitored by the Empress. It’s basically if you take a bunch of queen bees and put them in the same room. The fuschias constantly try to one-up and brag to each other, and are very cut-throat with each other. Selaki used to be picked on by the other heiresses due to being unconfident in herself, but learned to not let their words affect her as much. In fact, she became just as cut throat as they were, if not more. An apex predator if you will *cough cough shark pun*.
Selaki loves putting on a facade of living a glamorous life of luxury, and tries to put up an “i am better than you” vibe. Despite being a sociable person, her eccentric behavior causes her to say pretty odd things, as she is still a bit socially awkward, in the sense she blurts out whatever she thinks, and tends to value honesty, and absolutely hates being lied to. However despite seemingly stopped being the stressed individual she claims she used to be before her burnout, but still gets stressed out quite easily deep down. It’s because of this stress that she often makes irrational decisions, such as ignoring her lusus. However her ego makes her put on a front that she is making completely rational choices, despite obviously not. Instead she’ll just roll with her bad choices and see how things go.
Selaki loves to design and has a passion for architecture, however she isn’t very great at it, but prefers to call her works “abstract” to void criticism. She designed her own palace, and many buildings on her planet. She likes to do things with style, no matter how dirty things get.
When interacting with others, she is very dominating, and wants to appear superior to…pretty much everyone. She subtly treats everyone as if they’re beneath her, and treats those she fondly regards almost as pets, in terms of affection. Whoever does piss her off, she reacts in a number of ways. If it’s another fuschia, she playfully insults them. However if it’s any troll underneath her blood-wise, she outright threatens them, and feeds them to her lusus if they piss her off enough.  
God I…love this girl. I will protect her.
Interests: Fashion, design, voguing, FLARPING (secretly. She thinks it’s nerdy.), money
Title: Selaki’s sign is tied to the mind aspect. In case her current character doesn’t fit the mind aspect, I’d rather take suggestions in order to make her more mind-bound, instead of giving her a different aspect, please! Currently, I think she’s a Page of Mind before her journey to grow as a person, but I’m down to change her class, as long as it isn’t thief! She’s in the same session as Charyl, another troll I submitted here a bit ago!  I decided to go with your suggestion for Charyl to be a thief of space, so I don’t want to overlap classes lol.
I think she’s def. Mind but maybe a Bard? She’s destroying through logic and, as an inverse, creating her own Self. Also god the idea of this little punky brewster in a Bard of Mind outfit sounds absolutely ridiculous.
Land: Any suggestions would be great!
How about Land of Currents and Waterfalls? I feel like the flow of the water would be a good nod to Mind, and she could find colonies on the water-covered planet by figuring out which waterfalls hide a cave system behind them.
Dream Planet: Prospit
Yep! All in all, I adore Selaki and honestly don’t have any visual changes for her? She’s amazing (mazing) just the way she is.
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thebarsondaily · 7 years
Secret Santa Exchange Participants (2017)
Tumblr: khughes830 (x) Favorite Episode: Lessons Learned or December solstice Favorite Barson Moment: Liv and the Barba’s Favorite Barson Trope: Forst kiss in an office What is your desired present (fanfic, drabble sets, graphics, icons, etc.): I’m not picky Anything else you’d like your Secret Santa to know: the more Barson material that is out there the happier I am.
Tumblr: the--beautiful--monster (x) Favorite Episode: Wednesdays Child Favorite Barson Moment: When Rafael got upset with Olivia in Undercover Mother, protective Barba. Favorite Barson Trope: I don’t really have one, but I love the fics I read when they’re a family. What is your desired present (fanfic, drabble sets, graphics, icons, etc.): (please note: this was left blank so I’m assuming this participant will take whatever you want to make)
Tumblr: roseinutopia  (x) Favourite Episode: Hard question. But in the end, Barson-wise I guess it’s Twenty-Five Acts. Favourite Barson Moment: *starts crying in distress* there are so many… every time she called him Rafael or Rafa so far. When Liv told him about Sheila Porter and he jumped into action assuring her that nobody could take Noah away and tries to build her up though he doesn’t know about parenting. All the nods in the courtroom… every time they told each other that they can do something. Favourite Barson Trope: I guess everyone likes when their OTP is being trapped somewhere together for laughs and pushing them together, right 🤗 only me? Okay. Also I love everything Barson family, including the whole Barba family 😊 and maybe the squad as family too. What is your desired present: Fanfic or drabble collection, please 😊 Anything else you’d like your secret santa to know: Hey there. I love fluff and humour, so I would be over the moon if it were something like this. Also if you write family - I love Jesse and Noah being cute. Anyway, I’m looking forward to seeing what you’ll do in the end!
Tumblr: r-o-s-e-h-i-p-s (x) Favorite Episode: SO MANY, but right now probably “Collateral Damages.” If we’re talking favorite Barson episodes specifically, either Favorite Barson Moment: I have a lot, but currently it’s that moment at the end of “Betrayal’s Climax” – a perp threatens Benson, and Barba is immediately furious and protective but still intimidated, so he directs his response to the perp’s lawyer (“you need to tell your client to shut his mouth”) – meanwhile Benson is cool as a cucumber and actually eggs the perp on a bit. I love when he forgets that she’s the more badass of the two and gets all puffed up on her behalf and meanwhile she’s like “I got this.” And how much he loves that she’s got this but is also infuriated when she puts herself in danger. This is turning into a whole long thing so I’ll stop now, you get the point. Favorite Barson Trope: Best friends to lovers!!!!!!! What is your desired present: Fic Anything else you’d like your Secret Santa to know: I love hurt/comfort and long to see Barba cry. Because I love him. This makes sense.
Tumblr: barsonaddict Favorite Episode: December Solstice Favorite Barson Moment: “Rafa” Favorite Barson Trope: Reveal of a long-running secret relationship What is your desired present (fanfic, drabble sets, graphics, icons, etc.): fanfic Anything else you’d like your Secret Santa to know: I love having Noah and Lucia as part of the story, but it’s certainly not necessary.
Tumblr: barbaxbenson  (x) Favorite Episode: October Surprise Favorite Barson Moment: "Disenchanted?“ from 18x21 Favorite Barson Trope: Deep talks at the bar What is your desired present (fanfic, drabble sets, graphics, icons, etc.): Anything would be great! But if it helps you with planning this out, I’ll take a fic :) Anything else you’d like your Secret Santa to know: (optional) I picked kind of a fluffy favorite moment, but angst is also great! My other favorite Barson moments are when Rafael finds out about Tucker and when he tells her about Ashtonja.
Tumblr: raul-e-esparza  (x) Favorite Episode: October Surprise and December Solstice Favorite Barson Moment: the “squabbling with you” moment Favorite Barson Trope: When everyone knows they love eachother except them, or the contrary, when nobody knows and they hide it until someone finds out by accident. What is your desired present (fanfic, drabble sets, graphics, icons, etc.): I love fics, but anything would be nice for me. Anything else you’d like your Secret Santa to know: I havent seen the new season, and i dont know when i will be able to see it. So if I get a fic or soemthing like that, I would prefer if its set before that season.
Tumblr: Amagicalshipper  (x) Favorite Episode: Know It All Favorite Barson Moment: The final scene of Know It All Favorite Barson Trope: Barson Family What is your desired present (fanfic, drabble sets, graphics, icons, etc.): fanfic! Anything else you’d like your Secret Santa to know: I like happy ending ❤️
Tumblr: FearlessBenson (x) Favorite Episode: Any where they actually have a conversation with each other 😂 Favorite Barson Moment: Barba standing up for nosh & Liv, back with Johnny D & now. When she calls him Rafi Favorite Barson Trope: Established Barson, Daddy Barba & little Noah What is your desired present: FanFic 
Tumblr: motherbearof03 (x) Favorite Episode: that’s a question? They’re all wonderful. No seriously, I don’t know if I can think of one I don’t like. I am totally taken by these two characters. When I watch reruns, I don’t even pay attention to the plot anymore. I’m too busy watching their expressions, how close they stand to each other, the details in his clothes, the background items in their offices and homes. Well, her home because we’ve never seen his. Ooooooh, there’s an idea! Favorite Barson Moment: um, all of them, but honestly what is stuck in my head recently is when he asks if she’s involved with Tucker and then tells her “We’re done talking”. I feel like she just broke his heart and he wants to lose it on her and will if she doesn’t leave. Sorry, I can’t remember the episode name. Favorite Barson Trope: well I haven’t seen a bed sharing one, so… What is your desired present (fanfic, drabble sets, graphics, icons, etc.): surprise me! Anything else you’d like your Secret Santa to know: (optional) oh hell idk. I’m totally new to tumblr and sometimes feel like I’m making as ass of myself because my daughters don’t get it (which totally think teenagers should!) my husband certainly doesn’t get it, and my friends IRL don’t get it, but thanks to you all I can do this and not have eyes rolled at me. Oh! You know what I might like to read? Cuz I’d feel a little weird writing myself in a fic, but it would be fun to read one where I met Olivia and we talked mom things. And about Barba of course! We are about the same age, my kids are just way older. (22, 15 and 14)
Tumblr: notesfrome (x) Favorite Episode: S18E15 Know It All Favorite Barson Moment: The first time Liv called Barba “Rafael” and the hand over heart at the end of Know It All Favorite Barson Trope: Friends becoming lovers :) What is your desired present (fanfic, drabble sets, graphics, icons, etc.): fanfic, but I’m happy with anything, really. Anything else you’d like your Secret Santa to know: I am not opposed to smut…hahaha
Tumblr: tribalvipe  (x) Favorite Episode: oh god…anything that makes him emotional or vulnerable Favorite Barson Moment: hand over the heart in Know it All and the nickname thing Favorite Barson Trope: friends to lovers? I’m honestly open to all tropes with this couple. What is your desired present (fanfic, drabble sets, graphics, icons, etc.): fic if possible but I like all types of Barson goodies
Tumblr: scintillateworld (x) Favorite Episode: 18x15 Favorite Barson Moment: at the end of episode 18x15 where Olivia holds her hand over her heart and Barba looks back at her. Favorite Barson Trope: the looks they share in the courtroom. What is your desired present (fanfic, drabble sets, graphics, icons, etc.): fanfic
Tumblr: cool-veggiesword (x) Favorite Episode: “Legitimate Rape” Favorite Barson Moment: Barba confiding in Benson in “Know It All,” the hand on heart scene Favorite Barson Trope: calling each other by name <3 and Barba touching Liv’s shoulder, (non-canon: blushing Barba) What is your desired present (fanfic, drabble sets, graphics, icons, etc.): fanfic or drabble set
13/14  (x) = gift received
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kyetalksshit · 7 years
Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve updated you, babes! 
(I feel like I flip flop between babes and loves lol. Which is better? Ah, what it does it matter. HELLO.) 
So ok it’s been a little while, that’s true, but I do have some updates! 
Firstly, WE’VE MOVED! And it’s still not ideal, and I’m still frustrated with some things, but like mostly it’s better than the last place. Like the woman of the house here, she’s very talkative and loud and it irritates me sometimes but she’s not a bitch like Loretta (the last woman). She’s got a kid but he’s mostly very quiet and when we do see him (he spends most of the time in his room playing) he’s really sweet. It doesn’t smell amazing/isn’t the cleanest because/but there are a mILLION KITTIES. IT’S SO GREAT. I mean it can be really annoying too and again, it’s not the BEST smelling place, but! THEY’RE SO CUTE. And after awhile you really don’t notice unless it’s bad. Plus we’re keeping our window open most of the time since the central AC/heating doesn’t make a huge difference in our room as it is, and we keep our door shut partly to keep the other kitties out, and so that Dany can hide in here when she wants to. I’ve been trying to get her to go out and explore more but she’s intimidated by all the kitties. I mean she’s definitely been making progress, and I’m teaching her that when she scratches on the door I’ll let her out (I know I know I worked so hard to get her to stop at the last place but this door is already scratched tf up and Dany wasn’t listening anyway ok I just got tired of snapping at her and she’s more likely to do that than to meow at me. I don’t know how to teach her to meow at the door if she wants out) and she mostly is ok with that. I shut the door behind her when she actually exits the rest of the way, like when there’s not another cat waiting for the door to open, bc then she gets scared. I’ve left her out in the hallway for short amounts of time by now, and she’s getting braver. Very veeeerryyyyy minimally, but braver. 
Also! I got to see Remi yesterday!!! She moved to Illinois back when I was still in Charlotte and I hadn’t seen her for like two years. I missed the shit out of her. Actually, it’s kind of funny because we were starting to hang out and talk a little more by the time she left but we still weren’t super close, like the most we talked was to talk shit about our shitty DM (also her ex and the “friend” who sexually assaulted me lol what a gREAT GUY) or rant about other shit, but like we’d still talk sometimes about other stuff. After she left, though, we started talking a little more? Lately we’ve been DMing on twitter every day. It may not be exactly every day, but I’m pretty sure that even on days where it’s been pretty quiet there’s been a message or two. So yeah lol the point is, we’re closer now than we were when she first left and I got to drive down to LA yesterday to go see her pretty early in the morning and I was SO EXCITED. I was a little stressed about gas but like I was not going to miss seeing her you know, and then she was rlly sweet and gave me a 20 for gas even though she isn’t working rn either and I just??? It was really nice and idk it made me a lil emotional but shh it’s ok. I wasn’t sure at first if she liked hugs, I couldn’t really remember and I don’t think I’d ever hugged her before, but I really wanted to hug her--but again, was a lil nervous bc I didn’t wanna make her feel weird, but then when we showed up she got excited and ran over to me and hugged me and idk I was v happy. I missed her a lot. We hung out and talked for two hours, and when I needed to move my car we just wound up parting ways because they had a lot of stuff to do. So we hugged again and talked about southern food and how she still says y’all and then we left and I was simultaneously v happy and v sad. We took a pic before we left, Remi, Con, and I. I wanted to be like “we should take a selfie too just the two of us” bc I like how my selfies turn out better and also idk it was the first time Con was meeting her but not me and idk, for some reason I just like... got nervous to ask for a selfie? I’m not sure why I’m like that, I feel like I LOVE taking selfies with people because it always feels like a “look at this person that I care about!!!” kind of thing but maybe because of that, I never wanna ask to take them, I just kind of hope that the other person asks? Maybe also stems from times where other people took selfies and I awkwardly stood to the side because they didn’t ask me to be in them. Wow I forget how awkward I can be in social situations. rip
Also another update, money situation is more stressful than before. Starbucks is still not transferring me, I’m hearing different reasons why from different people. Still convinced my old SM is trying to sabotage me like she has been for awhile because of me calling her out on her lies. I finally told her I was thinking of just quitting and applying as a re-hire and she was like !!! no!!! let me call one more time and give it one last shot!!! even though she had VERY CLEARLY given up and was like “idk man just call ur SM and have them figure it out bc idk what else to do” so I don’t know, hopefully she’ll do something about it this time. I got a v scary anxiety inducing phone call in which I was threatened with a cease and desist and shit because I haven’t been able to make payments on my car, and I explained the situation (without giving them an address bc tbqh idk where I’ll be living if I can’t start fucking working, and I have been filling out applications for places 45 minutes from me again because gdi I just need a fucking paycheck to sURVIVE ON) and they said I need to call as soon as I can with a specific date that I’ll be able to make a payment on. Unfortunately I ran out of phone service because I HAVEN’T BEEN MAKING MONEY so I’ll have to borrow con’s phone after hearing from my SM on monday. I’ll give them a date no matter what and just fIGURE SOMETHING OUT like I feel like even if it’s a 20 dollar payment or smth at least it’s SOMETHING you know? Ugh. Anyway. I don’t wanna think about this anymore, it’s just stressing me out. (Student loan payments are coming due too btw, so just added stress.) 
BUT! I’ve been writing like a mANIAC. I’ve been working in my second novel, East Of Madness, based around my D&D OC Alyx Driftwood, and what started as an AU version of my other D&D OC Ari Dawne but turned into her own character whose name is Zvea (I don’t have a last name atm). I’m over 24.5k words already. We aren’t even quite mid November. I’M HALFWAY DONE WITH THE 50K WORD COUNT. Granted, I had like a 5k word head start bUT STILL. 
Actually, remi’s part of the reason I got into such a writing streak in the first place, with all the writing talk we’d been doing. We were talking a LOT about d&d characters and somewhere along the line I just got iNSPIRED. 
ALSO I’VE BEEN FALLING ASLEEP AROUND 11:30-12ISH AND WAKING UP AROUND 7:30-8ISH AND I’M !!! IT’S SO PRODUCTIVE and ive gotten myself addicted to caffeine again making coffee every single morning AND I’M WRITING SO MUCH. 
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