#she has a great comfy soft bed i promise. she just loves this throw pillow in particular
legionofpotatoes · 2 years
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🥹 my little pancake monster
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babyboy-cody · 3 years
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ch. 01 | finding out
summary: after feeling so different for the past week, you decided to go to the doctor in order to find out what was actually wrong with you. the cause of you feeling this way was something you weren’t expecting.
warnings: depictions of early signs of pregnancy, clueless grayson, mentions of sean, implications of smut, mentions of abortion
quick note: okay so this is my first ever grayson series, so hopefully i make you guys proud. some of the pregnancy signs are things that some people don’t go through, so i wanted to make it as realistic as possible. any feedback would be great! <3
word count: 2.6k
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Waking up early in the morning, you never expected to feel like shit. From the position you were laying in, your tender breasts were pressed into the bed, causing you the slightest pain. You groaned and winced as you went to turn. Just from moving, you felt nauseous and dizzy, the blinding light from the sun pouring into the room caused you to squint. Grayson wasn’t in bed beside you as usual. He always woke up at the ass crack of dawn to start his morning routines of breakfast, exercising for two hours, and shower. The rest of his day is spent doing activities, such as woodworking/building, spending time with you, long-boarding, or exercising some more.
A wave of cramps suddenly hit you, causing you to muffle your long moan into your pillow. You tucked your body into the fetal position, tucking your hand under your sweatpants to press down on your lower stomach, hoping that the pressure would ease the aggravating pain. For the past week, you’ve been constantly getting cramps. The breast tenderness happened only a day later. Premature cramps are the usual sign of starting your period. What confuses you is why you woke up with no blood staining your underwear or pants.
Sluggishly grabbing your phone from under your pillow, you opened up your usual period app. The last time you had gotten your period was exactly the same day as last month. Your eyebrows furrow when you see that you should’ve started your period exactly two weeks ago. You hastily sit up, immediately shutting your eyes as a wave of nausea hit you like a tsunami. There was brief commotion coming from the kitchen, followed by Grayson yelling, “Ethaaannn!” You faintly heard Ethan’s boisterous laugh, which only amped up his younger brother’s annoyance.
You swallowed the forming saliva at the back of your mouth. You suddenly felt so exhausted, even though you had a whole ten hour rests with no interruptions or disruptions. Swinging your legs to the side of the bed, you slowly got up, shutting your eyes to avoid feeling dizzy so fast. You desperately craved Grayson’s warm skin against yours in order to make you feel better, especially when his strong arms were wrapped around you, holding you nice and tight against him. As though the universe heard your thoughts, Grayson enters the bedroom, a comfy hoodie adorning his upper body as gray sweats adorn his lower half. He looks so comfy and warm and soft with his messy hair and growing bed and bright smile.
“Look who’s finally awake!” He announced and spread his arms wide, running over to playfully (and gently) tackle you into the bed.
“Gray, Gray, baby, be gentle,” you quickly told him, hands grabbing onto his arm as the room suddenly spun. “I’m not feeling too good today.”
He immediately sat up, using one hand to push his long hair from his face as the other slowly sits you up. His eyes were full of worry as they scan you up and down. You smiled tiredly and gently stroked his jaw, loving the feeling of his scruff on your palm.
“What’ve you been feeling?” He was quick to ask you, desperately wanting to know why you’ve been feeling sick and what could’ve caused it. “Do you think it’s cause E was sick last week?”
“I mean, maybe,” you shrugged. “I’ve been getting cramps and my boobs have been hurting as usual before I get my period.”
“So you’re starting you’re period?” He questioned, thinking that could be the reason.
“I don’t think so, babe. I’m getting symptoms I’ve never gotten before and it’s worrying me,” you quietly told him, your voice holding such worry that he’s never heard before. “I’m so exhausted and dizzy and I can’t even stand without feeling like I’m gonna pass out.” You rubbed your hands over your face, groaning at the uncomfortable churning in your stomach as you suddenly thought about eating. “I can’t even think about food without feeling like I’m gonna throw up everywhere.”
“Baby, you need to make an appointment for the doctor or the GYN to see what’s going on. You don’t know if this could be something serious,” Grayson anxiously tells you, his large hands cupping your cheeks to make eye contact with you, his thumbs lightly stroking your warm skin back and forth.
“I will,” you held onto his wrists. “I promise.”
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After your serious talk with Grayson yesterday, you made an appointment to go to the gynecologist the very next day. Nerves were bubbling in the pit of your stomach, causing you to use the bathroom four times in the past hour. Ethan and Kristina were worried as well, unsure of what to do or say to make you feel at ease and less anxious. If what’s causing your sickness something terminal, they knew that Grayson would quite literally go insane. You were his person. Grayson was a believer of soulmates, and he knew deep in his heart and soul that you were his.
This morning, it was eerily quite. The air was awkward and tense with no one knowing how to break the ice. Grayson’s jaw was clenched and he watched your every move carefully. You were feeling a little better, only eating in small quantities and being forced to drink lots of water (by Grayson). Your appointment wasn’t until 2 in the afternoon, so you had plenty of time to do your morning routine and talk to Grayson. He insisted on staying in the bathroom when you shower and do your skin care.
“Gray, I’m not dying,” you joked lightly.
“Don’t fucking joke like that!” He raised his voice, glaring up at you as he sat on the edge of the top, elbows on his knees with his fingers interlocked. “That’s not fucking funny.” There was anger in his tone, and you realized how insensitive it was of you.
You knelt down in front of him, unlocked his hands and slithering more between his spread knees. He doesn’t look at you as he looks down at the ground between your own knees. “Hey,” you whisper, hands on his broad shoulders, lightly shaking them. “Look at me, please.” When he does, you see the slightest of tears along his waterline. Your heart breaks when his face scrunches up in agony and his eyes shut, his hands immediately covering his face to press the heels of his palms into his eyes. “Grayson…”
He sniffles into his hands, shaking his head frantically. “I can’t lose you,” he weeped so softly, his voice muffled behind the barrier of his hands. “I can’t fuckin’ lose you the same way I lost my dad. I-I just can’t.” You let him pour out his emotions, all the while holding onto his shoulders and gently pushing his hands away from his face to wipe away his warm tears. The area around his eyes and cheeks were tinged red, his beautiful eyes now turning puffy. “You don’t understand h-how broken I’d be without you, Y/N. It’s like… a piece of me might die.”
“Baby,” you whispered brokenly, shaking your head as you hurriedly pull him into your chest. His head buries itself in the crook of your neck. “I am so so sorry for making that joke, alright? Hey, look at me.” You lift his head up, wiping more of his tears with your thumbs. “I promise you, from the bottom of my heart, that everything is okay.” At the sound of your soft whisper, he lets out a quiet and shaky sigh. The thought of now hearing your voice anymore physically hurts his heart. He hesitatingly nods, desperately wanting to believe your words. But looking into your eyes this very moment, seeing the determination and confidence in your face, he has no other choice but to believe you.
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Sitting on the exam table in the cold room that slightly smells of hand sanitizer and wood, you didn’t know what else to think. Your thoughts were a jumbled mess as they tried to unravel itself to form a coherent sentence in your head. Grayson wanted to come in with you, but you had told him to stay in the car, out of fear of him hearing dreadful news. You closed your eyes and breathed in and out deeply, trying to calm the storm that’s beginning to make itself known. What you didn’t hearing was the door opening and the OB-GYN, Dr. Khaleesi, stepping in. She was a lovely Indian woman who was older than you by 20 years. You’ve been coming to her for a year and a half now for your usual STD checkups or any worries you had with your uterus. She was the sweetest woman you’ve come to known and you never felt judged by her.
“Everything alright, Y/N?” She asks as she shuts the door, leaving you both in privacy. She holds the clipboard to her side and sits onto the rolling stool to slide herself closer to you.
“Just nervous,” you laughed awkwardly.
“Well, it’s just me,” she tells you softly, her accent sounding so elegant as she gently pats your knee. “Now, it says on the appointment form that you’re hear for a checkup regarding your period.”
“Yes, um, I’m late on my period - about two weeks now. But I’ve been feeling a lot of cramps and breast tenderness and all the symptoms of starting my period. And I don’t know why,” you sighed and picked at your nails, not sure how to keep still.
“Alright, well, I’m going to be asking you a few simple questions and I want you to answer as honestly as possible,” Dr. Khaleesi tells you. “What day was your last period?”
“The 6th of May.”
“How long does menstrual cycle typically last?”
“Six to seven days, give or take.”
“And are you sexually active?”
You blushed as you thought about Grayson. You hadn’t forgotten the romantic picnic dinner he had set up in the backyard with a large projector hung up. Sitting there under the stars with him, being in such a close proximity to that man always made you feel so nervous. But having his hands on you, his lips on yours, his large and muscular body between your thighs, it made it all worth it. You most certainly didn’t forget how many times he made you orgasm in under an hour. You were thankful that Ethan and Kristina had gone to their own date night for a few hours.
“Y/N?” Dr. Khaleesi’s voice broke you free from your thoughts, causing you to clear your throat out of embarrassment.
“Y-Yes, I’m sexually active,” you softly responded.
Dr. Khaleesi nods and checks off the small YES box beside the question. “And how often do you engage in sexual intercourse?”
“Um, about three to four times a week.” You suddenly burst out into laughter at the surprised look on her face. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be,” she laughs as well. “At least one of us is getting some action, huh?” She laughs again when you cover your face, muffling your small groan. “Back to the questions. When was the last time you were sexually active?”
“I’d say last week, but I’ve been feeling these symptoms for the past two weeks now,” you hesitatingly told her, secretly not wanting to know the cause in order to avoid the dread and heartbreak if something was terminal.
“And what symptoms have you been having?” She asked you, now looking at your expression rather than the clipboard in her hands.
“Um,” you looked up in thought, “Nausea, cramps, breast tenderness, sudden feeling of exhaustion, loss of appetite, and I’ve been peeing a lot more.”
Dr. Khaleesi nods silently, her sudden silence makes you feel incredibly uneasy. You swallow down and exhale a shaky and audible sigh. She gives you a reassuring smile. “Do you mind if I exam your stomach?”
“N-No,” you quietly said and laid back on the cushioned exam table. “Go ahead, please.”
And after hearing your consent, Dr. Khaleesi pulled on some blue latex gloves and hovers her hands over your stomach. You pull up your shirt and pull the cracked skin of your bottom lip with your teeth. She gently presses down in different areas of your stomach, periodically asking, “Does this cause any pain? Discomfort?” And each time, you shook your head. As she was getting to the end of the exam, you went over every single possibility. What if it’s a tumor? What if you’re pregnant? Could it be cancer? Is it internal bleeding? Somehow, you couldn’t find a reason for each possibility to happen. You had no family members with a history of chronic illnesses. And you and Grayson always used protection, never birth control because of the harmful effects to your body. When Dr. Khaleesi was finished with the brief exam, she sighs softly and lays a hand on your shoulder.
“I know why you’re feeling like this, Y/N. And before I tell you, I want you to know that I am here if you ever need advice on how to do this, okay?” She tells you in a reassuring and motherly tone.
“Just tell me,” you whispered, voice cracking as you strong to keep a strong front. But with every second, it slowly disappeared, revealing a vulnerable and terrified woman in front of the doctor. “Please…”
Dr. Khaleesi sighed quietly and licked her red lipstick stained lips. “You’re… pregnant. Presumably one month pregnant.”
If you were standing, you were sure you would’ve dropped to your knees. Your mouth dropped open, trying desperately to form words, but all that came out was a weak squeak. Tears lined your waterline as you shook your head in disbelief.
“N-No, that’s… that’s fucking impossible,” you frantically said, shaking your head even more as you hastily stood up and walked over to the other side of the room. Your hands went to your hair as you paced back and forth. “Oh my God, oh my God, oh my, God,” you whispered to yourself, muffling a sob with the back of your hand. “I.. he’s been talking ab-about having kids for-for so long and…” your voice shook between every word. “We’re both so young!”
“We have options, Y/N,” Dr. Khaleesi gently told you as to not scare you if she rose her voice to speak over yours. “There’s abortion-”
“No!” You shouted. “That… That is out of the question. I-I need to talk to him. I need to see where his head is at first, and-and then I can talk to you about… options,” you whispered the last word. You are pro-choice, but you know deep in your heart that you couldn’t terminate this pregnancy. If Grayson thought the opposite, you’re not sure what would happen next.
“Would you like me to schedule your next appointment in one week?” Dr. Khaleesi quietly asks you as she notices the mental battle you’re currently having. “That way you have plenty of time to discuss what you both think, okay?”
You hesitatingly nod and look over at her with an expression that nearly broke her gentle heart. “I-I’m scared, Daksha.”
At the sound of her name exiting your lips, she immediately crosses over and pulls you into a hug. She understands that this may be unprofessional to her bosses and what other patients may see as inappropriate, but she would never let a terrified woman feel alone.
“You are going to be okay, child,” she tells you quietly, one hand wrapped around your shoulders as the other lightly pats the back of your head. “Whatever you decide, I will help you along the way, okay? Do not forget that.”
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@etherealdols @certainaesthetic
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henrycavillobsessed · 4 years
Characters: Henry Cavill x Anwen Evans (fictional fiance)
Summary: Henry and Anwen’s life was perfect. Until one day, one phone call, changes everything.
Words: 3,444
TW/CW: Death, car accident, description of injuries, hospital, grief. Slight mention of implied sex; some bad language. 
Notes: So here it is, my latest fanfic. It’s been a while, due to a bit of a mind block. The idea for this came to me, after being inspired by the song Porcelain by Emarosa (link below in case you’re interested). This one is different to my other fics, for one it’s not the usual Henry x reader narrative. I have created a character this time to act as his partner. Also this one is LONG (3,444 words). I have enjoyed writing a longer and more complex story and I hope you enjoy reading it. (As a warning, it’s SAD. I am not ashamed to admit I cried just writing it.)
Link to song: https://open.spotify.com/track/7rk8cH53nI8ffb5ZccjfpT?si=QMVvEmA3TK-3WuQXJanMmQ
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“Oww! Shit!”
Henry looked up from the book he was reading in bed. Anwen was rubbing her forehead and looking very wounded. She’d clearly just walked into the doorframe. Again. Henry laughed out loud.
“Don’t laugh at me!” A pillow flew through the air and missed its target of Henry’s face by a considerable amount. He laughed again. 
“I can’t help it. You are so clumsy!”
Anwen climbed into bed, still massaging the sore spot on her head. She scowled at Henry. “If I remember correctly Mr Cavill, it was because of me being clumsy that meant we met for the very first time.”
“Hmm,” Henry reached over and gathered her up in his arms, leaning back against the headboard. He kissed her gently on the faint bruise that was blooming on her pale skin. “I do remember,” he said fondly. 
          It had been over five years ago now. Henry was out with his friend and colleague Simon Pegg, drinking their way through some of London’s best nightclubs. It had been a great night so far, with both men enjoying their freedom; they’d recently finished filming their latest movie and were celebrating. Henry was feeling happily tipsy, and when Simon offered to go to the bar for another round, he didn’t refuse. 
“Get some shots too!” he shouted at Simon’s back as he left their table. Simon waved a hand in response; Henry took that as a yes and smiled. He was just checking his Instagram on his phone when something- someone- crashed into him and he felt the cold wetness of a spilt drink over his shoulder and down his shirt. He looked up incredulously. A woman was stood there with an empty glass and an equally shocked expression.
“Oh, my go- I am so sorry!” she said in a very attractive Welsh accent, Henry thought. He felt his annoyance dissipate immediately. 
“Hey, don’t worry about it, accidents happen. How much have you had to drink anyway?” he asked cheekily. 
The woman’s ivory skin blushed, contrasting prettily with her ebony hair, which was cascading around her shoulders in thick waves.
“Um, I actually don’t drink,” she admitted. “I have just shown you how uncoordinated I am; I really don’t need to throw alcohol into the mix.” 
“Very wise. Hi, I’m Henry Cavill.”
“Anwen Evans, nice to meet you.” They shook hands and were making pleasant small talk when Simon returned with the drinks.
“What on earth happened to your shirt?” he asked Henry. 
“Anwen happened. Anwen, this is my friend Simon Pegg.” 
Anwen’s face lit up. “I love your movies! Hot Fuzz is just hilarious!” she said to Simon, who smiled widely and they spent the next few moments quoting lines from the film. Simon looked sideways at Henry, and saw the way he was looking at Anwen, and cleared his throat.
“Well, it’s been lovely to meet you, but I must get on. Henry, I’ll call you tomorrow,” he said, winking at his friend. Henry mouthed a silent thank you, grinning. 
After Anwen explained to her girlfriend’s that she was going to continue the night with Henry, prompting a lot of excited giggling and whispering, she sat herself down at Henry’s table. The hours flew by as they got to know each other. Anwen was an up-and-coming chef, who’d recently opened a new restaurant nearby in London. She told Henry about the restaurant’s menu, and Henry promised to try it out soon. In return, Henry told her about the films he’d been in. He was mock-outraged when Anwen admitted she’d never seen a Superman movie, let alone Man of Steel, and laughing, she promised she’d check it out soon. Conversation naturally flowed between them, Henry felt so at ease with her, and it turned out they had quite a bit in common. As Henry told Anwen about his akita Kal, Anwen told him she also had a dog, a golden retriever named Ciri.
“Ciri?” Henry had asked. “As in Ciri from The Witcher?”
“Yeah! I’m such a huge fan, I’ve read all the books, and I’ve played all the games!”
Henry laughed. “You are never going to believe who I’ve just been cast as for my next job…” Anwen’s jaw dropped to the floor when he told her. 
The night ended with Henry walking Anwen home to her nearby townhouse, and they shared their first kiss on the doorstep, swapping numbers with the promise to meet up again soon for a date.
          Now back in the present, nearly six years later, Anwen had moved into Henry’s penthouse, with Ciri who Kal adored. Both dogs were curled up at the end of the bed now, fast asleep.
In Henry’s arms, Anwen cuddled in close. “Yes, so if it wasn’t for me tripping and drenching you that night we wouldn’t be here now, so stop taking the piss!”  
“Okay, okay!” Henry laughed. “I do worry though, you know. You’re like… like porcelain. So easily broken. Be more careful, I’d hate for something to happen, for me to lose you. I love you so much, my Annie.”
“Don’t be so soft! I’m not going anywhere, not for a long time. And I’ll love you until the day I’m gone, and if I can love after, then I will then too. So shush,” Anwen replied, placing a kiss on his lips.
“Anyway, I’m not that breakable, I don’t think. Wanna test this theory?” 
Swinging her legs around Henry’s waist, Anwen straddled him and seductively removed her top. She was braless underneath. Henry whistled low, and licked his lips.
“Yes ma’am.”
          Henry and Anwen’s life continued in perfect bliss. Both had never been as happy as they were with each other. Anwen was now an established celebrity chef, having opened many more restaurants worldwide, written a few cookbooks and even been on television a couple of times. Henry’s career as an actor was skyrocketing, his role at Geralt in The Witcher making him a household name. This meant that he had to travel all around the globe for work, however this didn’t impact his and Anwen’s relationship in the slightest, as she regularly went with him, using the time to research new recipes for her business. When they had spare time, they enjoyed exotic holidays, and it was on the white powder sand of the Maldives that Henry proposed. Anwen had burst into tears and accepted immediately, and they’d spent the rest of that holiday on their private island mostly naked, enjoying each other as an engaged couple.           Their home life was refreshingly normal however. Behind closed doors, they were just Henry and Anwen, not the famous actor and the celebrity chef. They both took in turns to cook dinner, did the housework together and spent the evenings cwtched up on the sofa watching old movies. Laughter was a staple in their home, in fact they only ever rowed when England played Wales at rugby during the Six Nations. Life was indeed bliss, and it seemed nothing could burst this content bubble they were living in.
            One average day in late autumn, Anwen was sat at the kitchen table, with her laptop open in front of her and Ciri snoozing quietly at her feet. Dressed in a pair of comfy sweats and a loose off-the-shoulder jumper, her hair piled artfully messy on top of her head and holding a large cup of coffee in her hands, she was looking at wedding venues online, finally making a start on planning their special day. A huge binder was also open on the table with multiple sheets on paper sticking out of it. She’d made plenty of notes and had lots of ideas; it was now time to put them into action. Henry walked into the kitchen, looking very stylish in back jeans and a tight black t-shirt. He was holding Kal’s lead and the akita was tip-tapping on the tiles behind him, clearly very excited about going for a walk. Ciri didn’t even raise her head, happy enough to stay in with her mum and continue her nap. 
“I’m going to take Kal with me to the meeting with my manager,” he said to Anwen. “Then do you fancy meeting me after with Ciri and we’ll take them for a walk in the park?” 
“Yes, my love, sounds lush. How long will you be do you think?”
“Not sure, I’ll call you when I’m done.”
“Sounds like a plan!”
“What are you up to today?” Henry asked, walking over to Anwen and kissing her on the top of her head. “Wedding stuff?”
“Yeah, I’m gonna send off some emails now this morning and then go to this bakery and try out some wedding cake samples,” Anwen smiled.
“Well, I’m jealous! Have a great day honey, I’ll call you later. Love you!”
“Love you, bye!” she called as he walked out the front door.
          Henry’s meeting was going well. His manager had quite a few prospective roles lined up for him, and Henry was interested in the majority of them. His mind wandered to Anwen every so often; he still missed her when they were apart. As the meeting was coming to a close and Kal started getting excited again at going for another walk, Henry’s phone rang. He looked at the caller ID- withheld number. 
“Is this Mr Henry Cavill? I’m a nurse here at London hospital. We have you down here as Miss Anwen Evans’s emergency contact.”
Henry paled. “Is she okay?”
“I’m afraid Miss Evans has been involved in a serious accident. We have her here at the emergency department. Can you get here straight away?”
          Henry had never moved so quickly in his entire life. After giving his manager a hurried explanation and asking him whether he’d look after Kal, he’d gotten in his car and sped through the streets of London, not caring that he was breaking the speed limit. He parked illegally, jumping out of the vehicle and sprinting into the hospital. His mind was in overdrive, all sorts of scenarios going through his head. He felt sick with fear and exertion. Flying into the emergency room, he looked around wildly, finding a nurse sat at the front desk.
“Anwen Evans? I’m here for Anwen Evans, I’m Henry Cavill,” he cried desperately. The nurse didn’t hesitate.
“Come with me.”
She explained to Henry what had happened on the way. “Anwen was crossing the road at a zebra crossing when she tripped halfway, according to witnesses. There was a speeding car, who didn’t see her. He… he ran right over her. He didn’t stop. There are police looking for the car and driver as we speak.”
The flash of anger that Henry felt was so severe that his steps faltered for a second. But then he pushed it away, to be dealt with later. All that mattered now was Anwen. 
“Mr Cavill, Anwen is in a bad way. She has a serious brain injury, and multiple body fractures. The trauma team managed to get her stable, but it’s touch-and-go. The next twenty-four hours are critical,” the nurse said gently. “Prepare yourself before you go in.”
She opened the door to the dimly lit room. The sound of machines beeping dominated the otherwise peaceful atmosphere. Henry moved closer to the bed, his mouth dry, hands shaking. His Annie was lying in the bed, connected to the machines, wires snaking out from every part of her it seemed. Her beautiful black hair was covered by thick white bandages wrapped around her head, and every part of her skin was purple and blue bruises. Her striking green eyes, usually so full of love and sparkle, were swollen shut. Henry had never seen anything so heartbreaking; tears coursed unbidden down his cheeks.
“Can I sit by her? Hold her hand?” he choked to the nurse. 
“Of course, pet.”
He pulled up a chair to her bedside and ever so gently took Anwen’s hand in his. It was reassuringly warm. He could do nothing for a moment but stroke it slowly. Worry filled every part of his being. 
“I’m here Annie. It’s your Henry. Come back to me, you can get through this,” he whispered, and then as sobs wracked through him, he added, “you said you’d love me until you’re gone and I’ll be damned if you’re going anywhere yet.” 
For the next few hours, Henry didn’t leave Anwen’s side; he didn’t let go of her hand. He held onto hope that she would get better. After all, porcelain could break yes, but it could also be fixed. And he would do anything to fix her. 
          As it approached eighteen hours since Anwen’s accident, a nurse came into the room and caught Henry fighting not to fall asleep. She softly tapped him on the shoulder.
“Mr Cavill, go and get some rest. You’re more than welcome to use the family room just next door. Freshen up, get an hour or so sleep. If anything changes, I promise I’ll come and notify you immediately.”
Henry considered this, torn between not wanting to leave Anwen’s side and the need to at least wash his face. 
“I’ll be half an hour, tops. Annie, I’ll be right back.” He put her hand down, and exited the room, rubbing his tired eyes as he went. 
He hadn’t been gone five minutes when a terrifying beeping screeched out from Anwen’s room. He ran out of the bathroom still with wet hands, his heart in his mouth. He halted in the doorway, petrified at the scene unfolding in front of him. 
A team of medics were working hard on her, the unrelenting beeping just adding to the frenzy of the situation. Anwen’s heart had stopped; someone fired up a defibrillator. The shock that went through her echoed in Henry. He just didn’t know what to do. He was vaguely aware of someone trying to lead him away but he just couldn’t move, couldn’t tear his eyes away, panic rising, threatening to overspill. His Annie, his Annie was there dying on that bed, and he couldn’t do anything but watch. And then suddenly, the most sinister sound yet. A flatline. Followed by a voice.
“We’ve lost her. Time of death, eight fifteen AM…”
Then silence.
The sound that tore its way up and out through Henry’s throat was that of a wounded animal. He screamed, the feeling pure agony.
“No! NO! There must be something you can do! My Annie! Annie…”
The doctor looked at him with sadness in his eyes. “I am so sorry, Henry. So sorry. Please, everyone, give him some space.”
The rest of his team followed him out; the nurse that had told Henry to go get some rest was crying silently. 
Henry stood rooted to the spot, in a state of absolute denial. Only a day before they’d been in their kitchen together, making plans to walk their beloved dogs, she was planning their wedding. Their wedding. Agony ripped through his chest, sobs wracked his body, his breathing erratic, his heart shattered, never to be healed again. Broken, like porcelain. 
          Henry didn’t know how he got through the funeral. He’d been to the funeral home, and dressed her in her favourite dress and shoes, and spent a long time brushing out her hair; he’d done that when she was alive, but the familiar act did nothing to ease his pain. When he got to the church, he walked down the aisle with her coffin on his shoulder, his heart heavy because he should have been watching her walk down the aisle in a white flowing dress towards him, he should be becoming her husband, not burying her. When it came to reading her eulogy, he was overcome with emotion, for the first time in his life not able to talk in public. His mother helped him down from the podium; his father continued the speech. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house.
At the wake, he got blind drunk. No one saw him for a week afterwards.
          The news of Anwen’s death was plastered all over the newspapers and online. Headlines such as “HENRY CAVILL FIANCE KILLED IN TRAGIC ACCIDENT” and “CELEBRITY CHEF ANWEN EVANS DEAD AT 27” accompanied photos of the both of them. The hole in Henry’s chest got bigger each time he saw it. He threw himself into his work; being someone else for at least 12 hours a day was easier than dealing with real life. Because the grief was all consuming, terrifying, never-ending. When he got home to his cold and empty penthouse, he couldn’t escape it; Kal and Ciri looked at him sadly every night, the question in their eyes: “where is our mummy?” Henry had no answers for them. He spent each evening sat in the dark, in silence. There was no laughter, no enjoyment in life since she’d gone. 
          A few weeks later, Simon came to visit. He’d been dropping in regularly, terribly worried about his friend. Henry looked, quite frankly, awful. His hair was long and the curls unkempt, he’d let his beard grow out and he had deep purple bags under his eyes. He’d lost a lot of weight too, although he hadn’t stopped working out. Simon sat down next to Henry on his sofa, nervously voicing the question he’d come round to ask.
“Henry, it’s the awards ceremony tonight. Will you be going?”
Henry looked at him like he’d gone mad. 
“Look,” Simon continued. “You’ve been nominated for Best Actor. It’s highly likely you’re going to win. Remember how she… how Anwen was really looking forward to going.” This was true. The red dress she’d been planning to wear was still hung up on the back of the bedroom door. “If you don’t want to go for yourself, why don’t you go for her?”
Henry thought it over. He hadn’t been out, apart from work and the gym, since before the accident. The thought of going to such a high-profile event caused panic. Yet… an image of Anwen, smiling before him in that red dress suddenly entered his mind. She had been so excited; she’d even helped him write his acceptance speech in case he did in fact win Best Actor. Go for her, Simon had said…
          And that’s how, just hours later, Henry found himself back on the red carpet, surrounded by flashing lights and crazed shouting as paparazzi tried to get his attention. He posed for a few photos before hurrying inside and taking his seat. He ate the extravagant three-course meal without really tasting it, drank the wine without really feeling it. Simon sat by his side, a welcome support; a truly great friend. Then, finally, it was time for the awards to be given. 
Henry clapped and cheered as each person won their nominated categories; showing his support for his fellow actors and actresses. Seeing them so happy actually lifted his spirits for the first time since… before. Then it was time for the winner of the Best Actor award.
“And the winner is… HENRY CAVILL!”
Henry sat in shock as the cameras and spotlights panned to him. Simon was on his feet, screaming “I knew he’d do it!” and then he was helping Henry up. “Go on mate, to the stage. You won, you bloody won!” 
In a daze, he walked towards the stage, then across it, accepting his award from the host. The applause was tumultuous; it took a few moments for it to die down, and then everyone in the audience was waiting expectantly for his speech. Henry drew a blank; he had no idea what to say.
“You can do it, handsome!” a heartbreakingly familiar voice whispered in his ear. He looked to the side and his breath hitched in his throat. Anwen was stood there, a wide grin all over her face, looking devastatingly beautiful in the red dress she’d planned to wear tonight. 
“I’m right here with you. I love you.”
Tears welled and spilled from Henry’s eyes as he turned back to face the audience. 
“This award,” he started. “is for my Anwen. My Annie. I couldn’t have been the actor who deserved it without her love and encouragement. She was my everything. She still is. I owe this, my entire career, my entire life to you, my angel. I miss you more than words can describe, and I love you even more.
As he left the stage to even louder applause and cheers and flashing lights, he looked up, seeing the love of his life again, smiling, tears sparkling on her cheeks, blowing him a kiss as she faded away.
“Goodbye my Annie,” he whispered. “Goodbye.”
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nothing-but-dreamy · 3 years
Words: 2.140
Warnings: fluff
A/N: @slowkib - here you go :) I hope you like it. Thanks for this request
A/N II: This is a loosely sequel to MESSAGES. So, if you wanna know how these two have met, you can catch up on it but it's not necessary :)
Synopsis: Yn got hit by a virus what means he and Nyx have to be quarantined. But Nyx finds a way to 'sweeten' the time for YN to recover quickly.
Nyx and YN were dating for a few months and so, YN’s sister was determined to meet the man who had stolen her brother’s heart like a thief with the promise to never give it back. She stayed over the weekend. Two whole days, all three had a lot of fun together. YN was happy to see how good Nyx and his sister got along and all too fast, the time was over again and YN’s sister had to go back home.
While Nyx cleaned up a few plates and glasses, he looked at YN who had a content smile on his lips even if he seemed to be a bit pale, “Your sister is nice. I like her.”
“I'm happy to hear that because she already loves you. She threatened me to treat you right or else she would ... Well… trust me, I wouldn't have a good life anymore.”, YN said and coughed softly.
Nyx blinked several times, staring at YN, disbelieving that his boyfriend, a skilled fighter and great soldier of the royal Kingsglaive, would be intimidated by his sister who was two heads shorter than he was, "You... She can threaten you? I mean, for real?", Nyx asked amused.
"Always had, always will. She might be younger and smaller than me but she can be a beast if she wants.", YN answered with a grin, remembering what kind of troublemaker she had been in their childhood.
"Good to know.", Nyx said grinning.
"Don't you dare to-", but YN stopped as a coughing attack prevented him from speaking further.
Concerned, Nyx laid his hand on YN’s shoulder, checking on him as he became even paler, "Are you alright?"
YN just waved with his hand, "Yeah, yeah", he said hoarsely, slapping against his chest, "I just choked on something.", he whispered.
But the next day, YN laid in bed, coughing violently and fighting with the full aftermath of the virus that held Insomnia in its iron grip for a few months. Obviously, without knowing it, YN's sister had been infected and now, he was the one with all the symptoms: fever, fatigue, muscle aches, headache, sore throat and nausea saying, the whole package.
While caring as best as he could for a suffering YN, Nyx did what the citizens were encouraged to do: he called a doctor, YN got tested and the result was clear: positive.
Nyx was tested negative but still, because they lived together, they had to be both quarantined for two weeks. As the next step, Nyx had to inform their Captain. Drautos wasn't pleased about the information that two of his men were out of service because of some ‘common cold’. As the Captain asked why they had to be both in quarantine, Nyx saw himself forced to tell the truth and revealed the relationship he had with YN. But, somehow, Nyx got the impression that the relationship itself wasn't the biggest problem rather the fact that the Captain had been completely unaware about it during the last months.
But because the Captain still wanted to have the upper hand like always, he sent Nyx and YN a big pile of documents and paperwork that got postponed because of the last battles. Nyx wasn't pleased about the boring 'office' work but as long as he and YN were quarantined, there was no way Nyx could say anything against it … or run away from it to fight a small, cozy fight against some demons which he would prefer more in this moment.
Luckily, YN recovered quickly and so, after one week, he was almost the old one. Almost. He was still a bit tired, was coughing and needed to rest but at least, he was fit enough to help Nyx a little bit with the paperwork. Especially, YN did it to prevent a raging war inside their apartment. While YN had been forced to stay in bed, he already had heard Nyx cursing while working.
First YN thought Nyx was just annoyed about the work itself but then, one afternoon as they sat together to work through the piles of documents, YN realized that Nyx wasn't just 'annoyed' rather, he was frustrated and even kinda aggressive.
"This stupid thing!", Nyx called out while pressing keys randomly on his PC.
YN raised his glance questioningly from his own PC and papers to look at the hero, who obviously got defeated by a bunch of wires and circuit pressed into a plastic case, "Everything's good over there?" he asked, grinning as Nyx slammed his whole hand on all keys he could find at the same time.
"Sure! Fuc- it works pretty wonderful!", he hissed through gritted teeth. Once again, Nyx pressed a bunch of keys he had no idea of their functions. As the PC finally just gave up and shutted down, Nyx leant back in his chair, pinching the bridge of his nose with closed eyes while sighing deeply, completely defeated.
YN tried his hardest to keep the grin out of his face but it wasn't working. Nyx heard the muffled sound of suppressed laughter and the moment he looked slowly up, his beloved boyfriend burst out with laughter. Even tears of joy were running down his cheeks.
Nyx gritted his teeth, "Good to see that you’re feeling better again. At least one of us has fun here.", he said annoyedly, standing up from the chair to look out of the window to become calmer again. It was cold, raining and all in all not the worst weather to be forced to stay inside.
YN felt guilty for laughing. He hurried over to Nyx and from behind, he snaked his arms around Nyx' waist, pressing a soft kiss on the outer rim of Nyx' ear, one of his weak spots, "Come on. Don't be like that. I didn't mean to laugh at you. It was just ... you fight against demons and whatsoever and then, you get defeated by a PC? Seriously?", YN chuckled.
Nyx scoffed, "I tell you, this thing has a will on its own. And it's mocking me. Besides, we're Glaives. We fight. We don't do 'paperwork'.", he said, quoting the Captain's words in a silly voice.
"So, what? You wanna disobey and ignore the Captain's order? Again?", YN asked amused, knowing how rebellious Nyx could be from time to time.
Nyx grinned, turning around in YN's arms and lying his own around his neck, glad that YN already had some color back in his face, "What shall he do? We're in quarantine. We're not allowed to leave this place or to invite someone in ... at all.", he said with a low voice.
YN raised an eyebrow, knowing this kind of mischievous glance already from the hero, "You have something in mind then?"
"Oh, yes. Indeed, I have.", Nyx nodded with a grin.
Ten minutes later, Nyx had collected everything he needed while YN just had watched him, sitting in an armchair. Nyx had prohibited him to do anything else than just waiting because even if YN felt better he was still stricken. On the other hand, Nyx wanted to have his idea as a small surprise. So, he collected all the pillows and blankets he could find and threw them into the living room which was quickly turned upside down. Nyx took some chairs, arranged them with the couch and had built something that represented a cozy fort. The couch was the fort's backrest. Chairs left and right were holding up the blankets while the carpet was covered with pillows and bed covers to make it even more comfy. As Nyx was done, he stepped next to YN, lying an arm around his shoulders, "What do you say?"
"That looks pretty perfect. You have done that before, don't you?", YN asked and looked up. There was already a melancholic smile on Nyx' lips.
"Yeah, I did this often with Selena. Mostly, when she was feeling sad or when she was sick. Then, I built one of these, stole some ice cream and cookies from the kitchen and then, we hid there the whole day. We were talking or watching TV until we fell asleep.", Nyx remembered, pulling YN closer to his side before he pressed a soft kiss on his boyfriend's crown while inhaling his scent to feed the painful memories with sweet new fuel to make them comfortable again.
YN enjoyed the affection with closed eyes, "So, you stole ice cream, huh?", he asked softly to light Nyx' mood up again. He was happy that it worked as he heard him chuckling.
"Well, stealing would mean no one knew about it. I'm sure our mother knew it. I mean, back then, as a kid, I felt pretty smart but now, I know that someone had to buy the things, so I'm sure she knew when we would build our little cave and prepared the sweets for us."
YN frowned. Everything was perfect except the fact that they had no sweets in the kitchen, "Shall we order-", but he got stopped as someone knocked at the door.
"Not necessary. I already took care of that, too.", Nyx said with a grin and went to the front door, opened it and came back with a paper bag full of stuff Crowe had brought after Nyx had texted her.
"What's that?", YN asked curiously, closing up on Nyx.
"Everything we need to get you back on track.", Nyx said grinning.
"But I'm already feeling better.", YN argued half-heartedly as he saw the colorful labels of the bag's contents.
"Yes, but 'better' is still not completely recovered. So, here, the ice cream will help you with your sore throat. Cookies are great in warm milk with honey to fight against the temperature of your fever. And the chocolate will just make you happy.", Nyx listed while pointing at the different items.
"And the gummi bears? Are they for my running nose?", YN asked chuckling, pulling out the bag of sweets.
Nyx snatched it out of YN's hand, "Oh, these are for me. At last, I need something to throw at you when you say stupid things again. Gummi bears for a running nose... never heard such a silly thing.", Nyx mumbled while rolling with his eyes and bringing the bag in the kitchen.
YN laughed, took his laptop and crawled into the pillow fort to get comfortable already while waiting for Nyx to come back.
Ten minutes later, Nyx appeared with a tablet which was laden with bowls full of ice cream, sweets and two mugs with warm milk. YN received the tablet, placing it in the middle. Nyx crawled next to YN's side before he closed the door made out of a blanket to enclose them with coziness. Pressing on a switch, a chain of light went on which was installed around the chair and illuminated the fort in a soft warm, romantically light. Nyx leant against the couch with his back, raised his arm to give YN the space to cuddle against him, using Nyx' upper body as a pillow.
YN was just about to start the movie he had picked out on Netflix as Nyx got a call on the headset he had still in his ear out of habit. Cursing under his breath, he answered the call, "Yeah? Hey, Captain. Yes, we're still in quarantine. One more week, that’s correct, Sir. Yes, he's feeling better but he's still not recovered completely. He still has to rest.", Nyx answered the Captain's questions. To underline Nyx' statement, YN coughed slightly.
Nyx had difficulties to keep the amusement out of his voice and nudged YN's side in revenge because the coughing was so badly acted, "What did you say, Sir? Oh, yeah, the paperwork. We're working on it. Yes, at this very moment, we're sitting in the living room and looking at the screen. Yes, Sir. Alright. Good da- huh, he hung up already.", Nyx said with a smirk, taking the headset out of his ear to lay it aside where he wouldn't notice it at all for the rest of the day.
"You lied to the Captain.", YN stated with a smirk.
Nyx looked him in the eyes while shaking his head, "No, I said the truth. We're in the living room, looking at some screen. The paperwork can wait. First, I want to make sure that you're fit again.", he breathed before he kissed YN softly, "And now, we should hurry with the ice cream or we will have just soup left."
"You could put some gummi bears into it to keep the consistency- hey!", YN called out as a gummi bear hit his hand.
"I warned you.", Nyx said grinning before YN cuddled back against Nyx' side, the best place in the world to recover from whatever virus there might ever be.
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                                          time, wondrous time
                                           elain & azriel & lucien  //   ao3
Time, curious time
Gave me no compasses, gave me no signs
Were there clues I didn't see?
And isn't it just so pretty to think
All along there was some
Invisible string
Tying you to me?
Bright sunlight wakes Elain up, relentlessly tapping on her closed eyelids until she groans softly; making her clammy skin sizzle. She cannot escape from it, not sandwiched naked between two bodies the way she is. Flushed all-over, not an inch of her untouched; her cheek pressed to one male’s back, her legs tangled up with another’s. Some minuscule human part of her left weeping in shame, quietly, somewhere too deep inside her to bother with it.
Instead of hiding underneath thin sheets, she spits out a strand of hair stuck to her lower lip and begins grounding herself. It’s a slow, meticulous process, boring and alike to fishing out pebbles of a certain shade from a riverbed full of all kinds of rocks – but then, Elain’s well versed in it for now. Last night’s memories are a bit brighter, a bit more solid than all of the other images blooming in her head. There is laughter and auburn wine, the taste of it on her tongue, pomegranate juice dripping down her neck until it was licked off. Sand-colored marble kissing the bare soles of her feet when she was running through the corridors. Sheer silk swishing around her calves.  Sweet ache coiling deep in her belly, between her slick thighs, the release hard enough to leave her feeling breathless, almost empty. There’s snow falling in the Steppes,  chubby cheeks and round, silver-blue eyes of her mother-
Which don’t belong to yesterday, nor to any of the yesterdays before. Elain indulges herself though; let’s happiness and adoration fill her to the brim when she stays with this image for a bit longer. Those tiny fingers locked around a lock of her sister’s hair, Nesta’s cooing, a lullaby falling from her lips soft like a caress…  It’s too nice, too delicious to not melt into this vision.  
But then - a rough hand slides up her thigh, fingers tracing the arch of her hipbone. Quiet laughter echoes when she trembles in response.
The future bursts like a soap bubble in the air and Elain falls painfully into here and now. She bares her throat to rest the back of her head on Azriel’s chest, smiling brightly with her eyes still firmly closed when he presses a kiss underneath her jaw.
‘’Good morning, Elain.’’ He whispers.
Before she can reply, a familiar warmth spills deep inside her belly – happiness and annoyance and pleasure mixed up in equal measure – and Lucien huffs, his voice muffled by the pillow:
‘’Why do you always have to wake up so early?’’
It’s the sun. – Elain wants to say, want to sing-song into his ear until he fully awakens.- It’s the sun and you are the one responsible for it.
But she’s too content, too comfy – so he blindly moves her hand from Lucien’s waist to his back, traces loopy I love you-s on the bare skin with her fingertips as the bond inside her purrs like a cat in response. She can feel the silky strands of his hair brushing her knuckles and, for the thousandth time, she vows she’ll never let him cut them.
‘’Good morning.’’ She lets out an exhale. ‘’The sun’s telling you to rise and shine, my lord.’’
Azriel’s near-soundless laugh makes the bed shake a bit. It’s her favorite sound in the world – as beautiful as her future nephew’s shrieks of joy, as beautiful as Nesta’s singing voice.
As beautiful as Lucien’s fond, irritated groan.
‘’You two will pay me back for it, you know.’’
Oh, she knows.
Lips and hands and cocks and wings and starlight underneath her eyelids; and moans and names and curses; in the daylight, in the moonlight; on the soft grass in her personal garden, bees buzzing around them as they make love, her knees scraped raw, teeth-marks on her neck, finger-shaped bruises on her thighs.
Before now – before them, she didn’t know it’s even possible to feel such ecstasy, that sex can be like this. She doesn’t know how she was managing to live without it, how she did not crave this connection as one craves air every second, every heartbeat of her life.
‘’Is that a threat or promise, oh mighty High Lord?’’ Azriel snickers and Elain hides her face in Lucien’s hair to suppress her giggle. ‘’Be careful not to bite more than you can chew.’’
‘’I think we all know I can chew plenty.’’ Lucien shoots back, unflinchingly. Just enough bite in his tone that she squeezes her thighs together, that she feels Azriel’s hand climbing up the ladder of her ribs to brush her breast.
‘’Shush, both of you.’’ She whispers. ‘’It’s too early for that.’’
She can almost feel Lucien’s grin on her own lips.
‘’It’s never too  early for that.’’
Like a cat waking up from a nap on a sunny afternoon, Elain slowly stretches her body- brushing, caressing, electing hisses and groans left and right in process, her bones and muscles re-forming from their half-molten state when she yawns.
And then she opens her eyes.
Lucien has turned to lay flat on his back, smiling at her in the light of the morning. There are pillow creases pressed on his cheek and she almost manages to reach out and touch them before Azriel throws his arms across her torso and beats her to it.
Darling, terrible Azriel, all the impossible contradictions of him. All brutality and goodness, quiet agony, dark humor.  How delicately his hand caresses  Lucien’s cheek.  How delicately he touches her, every time, until she tells him not to – as if she was something holy and precious, and worth living for.
Life’s – life’s just this, being tangled up, tied into a knot with her mate and her beloved, her glorious, gorgeous, grand lovers keeping her tethered, keeping her safe. Not for the first time, Elain feels a quiet glee at this thought – oh, let her sisters’ keep their mates and their great love stories full of heartbreak and pain, and impossible choices. Elain refused to go down this road. Elain refused impossible choices.
Elain, for the first time in her life, took a stand for something, refused to let the tide of fate to carry her from one place to another as if she was a petal on the wind.
And Elain is adored.
And Elain adores in return.
She wants to melt in-between them, slither underneath their ribs, bind them together for all eternity. Time is a river and she has long ago stopped drowning – now she’s swimming like a fish, no longer gasping for air, no longer cold and lost. The Cauldron’s power hums in her, this horrifyingly ancient beast Nesta has conquered and Elain has tamed: you’ll go first, you’ll go first into this ageless dark, sweet doe.
And how exactly does it matter?
Lucien turns his face slightly to press his lips to the inside of Azriel’s hand. His own hand grips her waist to press her closer, closer; the three of them, hips pressing together, legs entangling, until their heartbeats sound like one perfect harmony in her ears.
How does it matter, when they will have each other even when I’m gone?
Her human life, brief and long evaporated like a puff of an exhale on a frost morning.
The centuries of love she got in exchange.
Feyre,  her little sister always so nosy beyond measure, burning in curiosity when she asks, time and time again, how does it even work, as if the three of them sat down around the business table the way Nesta sits with foreign traders to discuss terms and conditions; Mor biting the inside of her cheek not to laugh whenever Elain just shrugs in response. It’s not strange for her, loving them both, sharing and being shared. She has always had too much love inside her anyway, too much to know how to use it properly – wasting it on undeserving human men and pretty, petty things, this love without a purpose that she has now. Enough love for both of the best men she has ever met, both of them always so hungry for love, starved for it.
Elain has shed her humanity and all her human inhibitions the way silk dress slides to the marble floor, exposing skin and flesh begging to be touched – kept them on her and then got rid of them all at once, instantaneously.
Future rushes through her mind like a waterfall, all the good things: roses blooming, stars falling, Feyre’s rounded belly and her son’s first word, Lucien’s hungry gaze, Cassian’s deep laughter and Nesta’s silver one, rows and endless rows of books in the thousand libraries all toppled over, Azriel sleeping peacefully by her side-
Elain rests her head on Lucien’s shoulder and tangles her fingers in Azriel’s hair when he hides his face in the crook of her neck. The Day Court keeps them warm and safe when they drift back into dreams.
Oh, how truly blessed she is.  
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
Billionaires Bae-by
Warnings: Adult content 18+, slight smut, swearing
A/n:Right I'm not 100% on timelines but I'm making it up to fit in around my characters lives ect. Hope you enjoy xx
The time has come for you to become public knowledge, luckily Bruce calls in a friend to help.
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Billionaires Bae-by
You woke up with a start to the screech of a high pitched ringtone confused and bleary eyed you looked around finding yourself on Bruce's side of the bed alone rolling over on the massive bed struggling, arms and legs flaying about doing your best impression of a swimmer to make your way to you phone on the side table as the soft mattress and thick covers swallowed you. Just as you reached your side of the bed then silence the phone had stopped. You'd missed the call. You hung your head sighing until you heard Bruce speaking. Looking over you saw him sitting on the small love seat looking far to handsome this early in the morning, smirking shaking his head at your antics answering his phone. You pouted you'd moved for nothing, and now you were in the cold side of the bed. You huffed slumping onto your back spreading out under the covers.
"...Today?...Yes that'd be great.....thanks Clark " he hung up shaking his head at you as you pouted at him sleepily.
"Not funny" you groaned snuggling into the comforter debating weather to get out of the bed or not. Bruce's bed was far too comfy if you had your way you'd never leave it, tho you dare not let him know that something tells you he wouldn't protest probably encourage it. You pulled the cover to your face breathing in a scent that was just him, it was a mix of the fresh smelling cologne he wore and a distinct musky scent of the man himself. He sat on the bed leaning over pulling you across the bed to him by your wrists you rolled half way on your front propping yourself on your elbows stretching up for a long kiss he grunted sucking your tongue into his mouth a little before pulling back.
"Good morning babe"
"Yes it is. Sweets" you giggled sitting up fully yawning and stretching he got off the bed taking the belt he had hung over the love seat and pulled it through the loops buckling it. You licked your lips unconsciously as he looked at you through the top of his eyes grinning. Then a thought hit you.
"Where did you go last night?" you asked he tilted his head at you. You'd noticed since staying at the manor that he didn't get much sleep. Maybe three to four hours a night. He normally slipped out of bed somewhere between nine and ten then didn't return until around five or six am, it was concerning, when you asked Alfred he had just given you a vague answer ,about work emergencies and stress then that Bruce had had trouble sleeping since his parents and that he was probably leaving the room so he wouldn't wake you as well. All valid reasons you supposed letting it go but you would like to hear it from Bruce himself. He looked up sighing looking a little guilty and seemed off.
"I'm sorry did I wake you?" he asked sitting back down on the bed slipping on his shoes you shimmied down onto the floor and padded around to him softly ruffling his hair moving to cup his face caressing the small scruff he had.
"No... I noticed you were gone when I used the bathroom.... is everything ok?" you said calmly, he tilted his head kissing your palms one by one then held them in his own.
"Yes .....I just have problems sleeping... at first it was nightmares of ...well you know.. then it just became a habit I cant seem to shake... sometimes its to do with work and stuff but I found that I don't need as much sleep anymore." he admitted you could see he was uncomfortable so decided not to pursue it you were satisfied for the moment he would tell you when he was good and ready. You grinned at him
"That's a relief I thought it was my snoring that had drove you away" he bellowed a laugh wrapping you up in a strong hug around your hips holding you tightly against him you winced as he pressed against the marks he had left yesterday.
"Baby loosen up a bit would you... hips" you said he immediately loosened his hold pressing his face into your chest giving a fleeting kiss to each nipple making you jump as they to were still tender and slightly swollen from the past few days of his insatiable ministrations. Smirking he brought his hands up rolling them on his palms making you squirm as he dug his face between your breasts licking over deep purple and blue marks he had sucked into your cleavage just as your breathing started to become harsher pants he retreated completly with a smirk as you leaned forward unconsciously then snapped out of what ever lusy haze he had placed on you chuckling with a hard squeeze pushing you away from him lightly patting your bottom.
"Come on you time to get dressed Clark will be here soon for the interview."
"What he's coming today?" Bruce nodded
"Someone took a photo of us the other day its been doing the rounds on the internet and tv but thankfully not a lot has been in the news or magazines yet, Clark's boss heard and has been all over him about it because he knows we know each other so Clark is coming over this morning to do it and get some photos."you gaped at him
"ok what do you mean by not a lot in the news?" he gave you a look
"Bruce? what have they said?" you asked getting a little panicked mind racing with all the possible rumors they could have started. Or worse what if somehow they'd saw you in his office you gasped freaking out as your mind instantly began thinking the worst. He nodded his head to the small side table by the window seeing a news paper Gotham gazette yesterdays copy with two photos of you and Bruce from the incident at the tower. One was from the side showing your profile more than your actual facial features with your hand on his chest trying to calm him down as he spoke to the guard it showed clearly that he was angry with the man, the other was much clearer a face on shot of you both, you tucked into his side as you made your way to the elevators. The headline read 'Billionaire Bae-by' you took a deep breath no one saw what you'd done in the office. Reading the first few lines of the article. They didn't have much info just that someone had gone to the tower and whilst being escorted out Bruce had come down scolded a security guard and secretary then disappeared with the woman, the rest was just contemplating your identity with words like model and personal assistant thrown in here and there. In a way you were flattered. You felt Bruce walk up behind you placing a hand on your back rubbing small circles.
"Are you ok Sweetsq? don't worry everything will be ok. I've already got Mary and security looking into who took those photos it will all be sorted I promise." you snapped out of your hectic thoughts and scoffed throwing the paper back down
"Bae-by really? they get paid to write for a living and that's the best they got? honestly I'm just happy there's not photos of us in the office" he huffed kissing the back of your head
"Well other tabloids have dubbed you the new queen of Gotham, maybe that's more you? personally I'd say princess well after yesterday at least" he wiggled his eyebrows at you when you faced him you almost didn't take the bait but looked soo pleased with himself you couldn't let him down.
"Oh year and why is that?" he swallowed at the look you gave him
"Well your my little pillow princess" he said as matter of fact grinning you gaped at him shifting on your feet.
"Excuse you!! them water jets were powerful I couldn't move you-you fuck!" you growled out stomping away from him making him laugh out loud apologizing as you made your way over to where your bag had been the previous night stopping short.
"Babe wheres my stuff?"
"In here" he said pulling out a drawer in the dresser beside him.
"And some is in the closet your makeup is in the vanity in the bathroom, I didn't like you living out of a bag so had Alfred move it this morning while you slept." you looked stumped at him slightly touched at the implications.
"You didn't have to do that." moving towards him looking in the drawer seeing a majority of the clothes that jack had brought over for you. You grabbed your long royal blue roll neck jumper and black crushed velvet leggings with your undies.
"You best get ready Clark should be here soon" Bruce commented kissing you then making his way to the door
"You never did tell me who he wrote for."
"Oh he writes for the Daily Planet any way I will see you down stairs in a bit" he left as you tried to wrap your head around what was about to happen.'Daily planet?' Now that was a big deal, it was a bit nerve wracking letting everyone see you , know your name and step into the spotlight but at the same time you trusted those around you, and most of all you trusted bruce he wont let you fall. Making your way to the bathroom having a quick shower not washing your hair as Jack didn't bring your hair dryer and you had no idea where Bruce's one was or if he even had one. Slipping out you quickly threw on your outfit before standing before the vanity your small makeup bag on the side.
'do I got full face or light?' you debated you didn't want to slap a ton on your face too much could go wrong yet there was going to be photos. You decided to play safe and do your normal daily make up of eyebrows and eyeliner reassuring yourself that Bruce loves the way you look with of without. You left the room making your way downstairs hearing Bruce and Alfred talking to someone turning the corner you saw a tall broad man with black hair Bruce's face lit up.
"And here she is now Clark this is Y/n my girlfriend, Y/n this is Clark the reporter I was telling you about." Clark turned to face you smiling a dazzling smile his bright blue eyes shone impossibly bright, he was very handsome in the clean cut boy next door way. You nodded smiling shaking Clark's hand.
"Its nice to meet you, Thank you for doing this .. I've got to admit that I'm nervous about all this so you'll have to bare with me." Clark shook his head watching as you and Bruce seemed to have a pull that tugged you towards one another.
"That's no problem Bruce is a friend we go way back, and you have no reason to be nervous I will send you a copy of my article before it prints and will only write what you ask me to, I understand that you have concerns over your younger brother?" you nodded already liking the man he seemed trustworthy.
"Yes I don't really want him to be included to much... for his sake" Alfred interrupted
"I've set up coffee in the front sitting room if you'd like to make your way through." Bruce nodded thanking him and made your way to the room to conduct the interview. Once you were all settled with your drinks Clark began.
"So your Y/n Cooke?" you nodded shyly sitting tight against Bruce
" If you don't mind me asking how old are you?" you cringed waiting for the judgmental scoff as you stated your age.
"25" he nodded not giving any judgmental indications over your age or bringing up the age gap he just wrote down on his note book.
"And how did you meet ?" you were grateful when Bruce answered making the decision of how much to let people know, he had more experience with these things.
"Damien has been having his best friend from school over for a few months who happens to be y/n's younger brother, he couldn't stop gushing over her so I known of her for nearly seven months before meeting her. We actually met at Damien's school just over 3 months ago there was an incident that has since been dealt with but it involved both Damien and Jack." he smiled down at you.
"She came into the waiting area fretting over both of the boys like a mother hen and I was instantly drawn to her, the way she ignored everything around her instead focused solely on making sure they were unharmed and finding out there side of things."
you blushed continuing.
"I was hounded by Damien for months about coming over to meet Bruce but always brushed him off. But I distinctly remember being mortified when met him, I hadn't realized he was there. I sat down and noticed Bruce had been watching me the whole time. Then he backed me up when trying to sort things out with the principle in the office .. I was shocked but very grateful to him." Clark nodded writing everything down as you both recounted your meeting.
"So you met at the school?for a meeting? that's unusual could you elaborate?" you looked to Bruce who grunted at Clark
"Don't push it, there was a few issues the school had..... overlooked shall we say. For some months, Y/n walked in and set them straight. It has now been sorted. I was impressed at how she dealt with it and invited her out to lunch and we have been together since" he explained you relaxed a bit when he skipped the whole avoidance thing. Clark took a sip of his coffee and turned to you.
"So if you don't mind me asking about your brother? your responsible for him"you shifted uncomfortably.
"I-I am err can we not include to much about Jack? please?" you looked from one to the other
"Its ok I wont include to much just weather your his legal guardian, honestly I probably wont include it to much.. its mainyl to give context to why it was you there and not your parents." Bruce froze seeing where this was going. It has only been recently that you'd informed him of how your parents had died and he knew discussing it would cause upset on both sides he gave a growl of warning.
"Clark don't-" you put a hand up stopping him
"I will tell you the circumstances because your a friend of Bruce's but I'd rather you leave the details out is that fair?" Bruce tried to protest but you waved him off.
"Bruce its fine" you said as Clark nodded looking at Bruce strangely he got the feeling that his reaction wasn't just for you, nevertheless he nodded agreeing to your terms.
"My parents went on a day out, having a romantic trip just the two of them whilst Jack was at school, they were visiting the place's that were special to them where they met, first kiss that sort of thing it was for their anniversary. My dad had booked dinner at the restaurant that they got engaged in as a treat ,mum didn't know that bit he wanted to surprise her....they never made it tho...they.... it was the day of the metropolis disaster needless to say they didn't survive. I was away at college at the time. I had just turned 20, I dropped out that day packed my bags and come back home to Gotham and became Jacks legal guardian and have been looking after him since." you took a deep sigh it was five years but it was still fresh in a sense, luckily you had Jack to focus on and you pulled through it all because of him. You had to be strong for him. You will never forget that day tho, you had phoned over and over desperate to here from them hoping that they hadn't gone, you missed all your classes packing , you just had a gut feeling that you had to go home. When you heard nothing you left and was home in less than a day Jack had stayed with a friend that night, it took Four agonizing days but finally they had been confirmed as some of the casualties you broke down. It was just a devastating case of in the wrong place at the wrong time. With everything that happened in those few days looking back on it was still hard. You looked up again and was startled at the look Clark had on his face. His blue eyes darkened it was like a shadow had fallen over him, he looked absolutely devastated, wracked with guilt for some reason.
"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... if I'd have known I'd-" as he trailed off you looked a little confused then remeberd he was from metropolis he probably would have been there. You smiled softly at him.
"Hey its fine I'm ok Jacks ok, no ones to blame, we all have to go sometime It was there time. but they were together and that is a small comfort" Bruce watched quietly knowing how Clark had felt about the whole incident.
"You don't blame anyone? not even superman?" you tilted your head contemplating before leaning back against the loveseat you and Bruce occupied finally shaking your head.
"No. no I don't.. he didn't ask them to come here and fuck shit up.. not like he sent out an invite.. hell no one did I mean they threatened but nobody really believed that it would actually happen. Including my parents.. why should I blame him... he stopped them and in that respect I see him as someone who saved Jack I mean Gotham isn't that far and would have been gone next jack along with it." Clark gave a stiff nod then moved along quickly.
"So you took on Jack and helped him into the scholarship program at school." you nodded to him happy that he seems less gloomy tho you suspected it was a facade.
"Since the papers yesterday some people have reported seeing you out and about together at a restaurants? and cafes? and stuff " Bruce nodded
"We wasn't to keen on being public at first wanting to see how we go, the the more we saw of one another the more serious it became, so began venturing out more and more."
"And I assume that you've met the rest of Bruce's children?"
"Yes I have I was worried at first especially about meeting Dick and Jason, I thought they would disprove of me and Bruce's relationship because of our ages but I was proved wrong they are happy as long as their dad is happy and have both welcomed me with open arms." Clark jotted a few notes then came to the final question.
"and finally I have to ask about the incident at the tower, witnesses said there was an altercation?" you lowered your eyes and Bruce rubbed your leg reassuringly as you took a sip from your drink letting the cup warm your hands ans tucked your feet up onto the seat as Bruce slung an arm across your shoulders you snuggled under his arm as you leaned back on him before he began speaking.
"I was partly to blame for that"
you scoffed into your cup at him and he cocked his eyebrow at you Clark watched as the couple had a small stare down and was floored as Bruce gave in first.
"What you want to explain?"he asked
"No you go right ahead and see who he thinks was the cause of that cave man" you said gulping down another mouthful of coffee Bruce sighed
"it was my fault" you smiled giving an exaggerated nod. He rolled his eyes at you gripping your knee as you laughed.
"Once I got into the office I saw that I only had 2 meetings and would be finished before lunch so I invited Y/n out to lunch as she had an early finish and I made reservations. I had forgotten to have a pass ready for her at the lobby .When she arrived a member of my lobby staff failed to find her on the systems, they didn't believe that y/n was there to see me and was less than pleasant... honestly they had been extremely rude to her before calling security to have Y/n removed. Luckily I had called when this was happening and came down to sort out the confusion." Bruce explained Clark nodded.
"What happened to the staff member?"
"They are undergoing retraining for the position followed by a probation period but if all goes well they will remain at the company"
"And those are the photos we saw?" you nodded
"That one was when Bruce asked the guard who had put in the call to have me removed and the other was as we made our way to the elevators." Clark looked as you pointed out each one then smiled cheekily.
"The real question is did you make the reservations?" he asked slyly Bruce grunted at him his eyes getting darker glint. you ran a hand along his tense jaw.
"No the incident to longer to sort out as Bruce dealt with the staff involved" Clark finished writing then looked up.
"Well I think that's all, just some photos? then I will write it and send it to you for the ok before printing and hopefully be out tomorrow."
"tomorrow? that's fast" you comment
"yes well its better to get these stories done faster than normal that way we can avoid.... more fictitious articles being printed." he leaned down pulling a slim camera from his briefcase. directing you until you were sitting with your legs tucked up under your self leaning into Bruce under his arm he leaned over whispering curling his arm his hand dancing on your bicep pulling you until you felt him below his shirt smiling as Clark held up the camera ready to take some shots.
"Don't look so nervous" you pouted at him turning your head only for him to catch you by surprise with a sweet kiss you heard the snap of a camera Bruce pulled back and you giggled barely registering another camera snap before you both face towards Clark hearing one final snap.
It was later that day you and bruce were alone im the manor alfred had gone to pick up the boys, currently you were lounging around in the den watching some random film playing on tv when Bruce's tablet chimed signalling he had received an email from Clark the article was done.
"That was quick how'd he even get back to metropolis so fast?" He shrugged
"Well you'd be surprised how fast journalists can move.. especially this one" you let out a breath creeping up behind leaning over the back of the sofa peaking at the emailed attachments as he opend them, there was two attachments the first was a front page draft with a blown up photo of you're and Bruce's kiss with the headline 'Gothams New Power Couple' and a small a note 'Our exclusive first interview with the new couple' then the second page was one large page dominated by a photo of you and Bruce face on, you smiling Bruce smirking at you curled up against him and another smaller one of you giggling up at Bruce. You peaked over his shoulder staring at the tablet smileing.
"I like that photo, the big one on the second page" you stated he looked up at you before returning his gaze
"Yes its a keeper... I will get us some copies" he then motioned for you to sit. You did scurried around next to him waiting patiently.
"I'll read it to you. Ready?. " you nodded
"It is official Bruce Wayne is off the market ,he has finally been tamed! I was lucky enough to be invited to Wayne manor for an exclusive interview of Gothams next power couple and was pleasantly suprised. Mr Waynes new mystery partner is not what anyone would have expected. And I can reveal the woman as Miss Y/n Cooke A bright and polite young woman who is mature despite her young age due to her raising her younger brother for the past few years after her parents sudden passing. The couple could not seem to keep away from one another during our interview stealing glances at one another laughing and full of banter ,gravitated towards each other in a way I've rearly seen as they both recounted how they met then explained that they have been secretly dating for nearly four months. The couple met at Mr Waynes sons school where Miss Cooke's brother also attends. They were both invited to a parental meeting and sparks few instantly resulting in there first date, and they have been dateing ever since, being spotted out together in various locations across gotham the past few weeks in particular building up for a big reveal,most recently being photographed together in Wayne Enterprises in the city. Miss Cooke explaind that the photos arent all what they seemed,she went on informing me that she had been invited on to a lunch date with Mr Wayne only to be stopped by some members of staff and eventualy escorted out by security causeing Mr Wayne to intervene resulting in the photos that have previously been leaked on social media. After interviewing Mr Wayne on serveral occasions this is the first time I have seen him this passionate about anything, I saw during my interview a genuine romance that I believe is destined to be a happy ever after for the billionaire business mogul." You smiled a bit shocked at the way Clark had managed kept his word by skipping details yet still gave the media all the answers they wanted, he'd kept Jack out of it for the most part and also sidelined the issues with the school. All in all you thought it was a clever article. Bruce smiled at you.
"What do you think?" You asked apprehensively not really sure if it was good enough having not done this before. He nodded his head
"He is very clever,thats why i called him he has a way of not given any real indepth information but making it sound like he has. He has given enough to satisfy the media. He was a bit sappy at the end but its his way of saying he is happy for me. So you want to let him print it?" You thought for a second. It was a big step in the relationship. But then again he was doing this for you, so you wouldnt have to hide or be made to feel the way you was at the tower. This was so you could both have the freedom to be a couple anywhere. You grinned at that.
"Yeah I dont have any problems with it, I dont see how I could get to much backlash from it... do you?" He shook his head at you before quickly emailing Clark back that it was fine and asked for copies of all the photos ,he wouldnt admit it to you but his favourite was the photo of you giggling and it was going in his office at work... and a copy was going to make its way in the batcave somewhere. He snapped the case closed on his tablet and threw it on the other side of him pulling you to sit on his lap.
"So tomorrow is the big day then... I cant wait until everyone knows your mine." He growled out kissing your shoulder watching the tv you grinned sarcastically.
"Isnt that supposed to be my line?" You leaned back with a calculating look you tilted your head to kiss under his jaw before biting down then lowered your head biting and kissing at his neck, he continued to ignore you watching tv so you upped the anti he furrowed his brow lightly slowly realising what you was upto when he felt you tightened your ass muscles hissing when you sucked harshly rocking on his lap clenching and unclenghing on him whimpering gripping his muscular forearms you felt him twitch below you an insistent prod on your bottom as you gyrated on him. He looked down lust written across his face.
"Are you really ready for me?" He grumbled you looked at him innocently slowly moving his hands from your inner thighs to your hips. you smiled up at him innocently licking your bottom lip befor biting it.
"the question is Mr Wayne are you ready for me?" he groaned wide eyed as you pushed down harshly feeling managing to wedge him between your cheeks lightly and continueds moving he cried out balls aching as he strained against you quickly found himself fully erect rubbing up against you, spinning you straddled his lap squeezing his waist with your thighs pulling one of his hands to your mouth nipping at his pointer and middle fingers lathering them with kitten licks before sucking on them sharply scraping your teeth lightly over them as you pulled back before you pushed forward keeping eye contact , his eyes traced over your face watching with baited breath as you took them deep into your mouth managing not to gag as they past the back of your mouth then pulled them free leaving a small peck on the tips of his fingers. he gulped feeling lost as you pulled back vey pleased with youself he tilted his head at you clearing his throat.
"wh-what are you doing sweets?" you stood leaning down pulling him by the collar forward leaning in as if to kiss him changing direction at the last secodn to whisper in his ear.
"Me? Nothing, apparently I'm a pillow princess" you said before dodging his reaching hands just skimming you as you ran out of the room laughing all the way. He gave chase making you as you grabbed the stair rail turning tight flinging yourself up them as he followed closely hearing him curse as he his hand thumped the post hard when he copied you. Squealing you tucked your bottom underneath you as you heard him catching up fast as you both climbed the stairs he captured you halfway up the stairs pushing you into the wall kissing you. Making you shiver at his quick tongue licking into your mouth moaning at the taste of his tongue. he pushed you tightly against the wall by your shoulders towering over you growling bringing his hips to yours holding you still intimately.
"You think its wise to tease me baby? you think you wont pay for that?" his words hung in the air as he dived back in kissing you. You broke away with a laugh
"well I don't think I will pay tonight at that's for sure" the front door opened and closed followed by a loud chorus of protests coming from below the four boys were home and looked disgusted.
"You have all day to fuck and you choose to have sex on the main stairs when we come home what is wrong with you?" Tim started
"To be fair she was never like this before.... your dad has corrupted her." Jack countered more exasperated then shocked by this point . Jason piped up next arms behind his head slowly making his way to the den.
"Cant argue, good sex has been known to lead women astray." Damien grunted
"Its disgusting are you trying to soil every room in the house?" He was unimpressed apparently. You turned to Bruce smirking deciding to 'poke the bear' as it were
"Not trying Damien we are succeeding first the manor then the cars right Bruce" he barked out a laugh at the faces his two youngest pulled as they boys began to bitch making you both laugh at them. Alfred entered the room from the kitchen obviously hearing some of the conversation he smiled slyly.
"Which reminds me Master Wayne I've drained the Jacuzzi and will be refilling tomorrow there wasn't enough chlorine for the job and it will be arriving tomorrow morning" you heard footsteps running out of the den.
"YOU FUCKED IN THE JACUZZI!!" Jason screamed sliding to a stop beside his brothers who were frozen wide eyed
"WHEN? I USED THAT LAST NIGHT" you looked sheepish then shrugged
"Sorry Jason.... but if its any constellation it was in the morning so hopefully the filter system had gathered any .....err excess she we say?" he paled then ran past you climbing the stairs.
"like you said good sex can lead women astray" Bruce said kissing your head making you giggle at him blushing.
"Your sick sick people! I need a shower, unless you fucked there to?" Bruce raised an eyebrow at you before teasing the teen some more enjoying this far to much
"Well yours is fine we haven't got to that part of the house yet." Jason pointed threateningly at you both speechless
"I......You ......IT'S ........NO!" then padded off down the hall. You pushed Bruce back making your way down to bottom of the stairs slinging your arms across their shoulders making your way to the den each taking a seat you sat beside Jack
"Soo we had an interview today and tomorrow there will be an article in the daily planet about how we met and such... you have been mentioned but not your name ok? and it dose mention our situation" Bruce entered afterwards taking a seat handing Jack his tablet with the email open.
"Here read it for yourself.... If anything happens or is said you-" he cast you a hesitant glance before continuing.
"You can come to me I'll have it all sorted out ok? the papers might try to approach you for comments and such but it'd be better if you didn't they will try to find a way to twist anything you say.... we're family now and I will look after you both" Jack looked from the email to you then Bruce shocked. He and Bruce have banter much like Bruce and his sons but he had felt like he was baggage to a certain extent. jack was touched by Bruce's words he let a small smile slip before covering it quickly. Giving him an accusing look.
"Family? you better not have proposed ,you need my approval for that first sunshine."
"Jack! you little shit he was being genuine" you cried diving at him knocking you both the the floor as Tim quickly snatched the tablet as you began wrestling around on the rug.
"Say sorry!"
"Fuck no!!"
you continued as the others laughed at your antics.
"No no....y/n...... the chin not the neck... yes there the soft bit..... that's it!"
"OOWW! WHAT THE FUCK? WHY DOES THAT HURT SO MUCH" Jack cried as you followed Damien's suggestion.
"Damien! stop encouraging her!" Bruce ordered. .
"I'm not even going to ask" said an unamused Jason as he swept into the room stepping over you and Jack who were still rolling around locked in a grand battle hair damp from the shower he'd just had. This new family was a bit mad but it was yours and you wouldn't change a thing.
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midnighttmarauder · 5 years
Pairing: Remus x reader 
Request: Remus gets a little too drunk at a party and reader has to take care of him. 
Warning: mentions of throwing up 
tags: @evyiione @quokkatrash
If you want to be added to my tag list, send me a message! Hope you all enjoy! 
If there was one thing Gryffindor was known for, it was throwing parties for no apparent reason. Someone passed a test? Party. Lily finished a book? Party! You couldn’t count how many times you had walked into a party in the common room where nobody really knew what it was for. This time, the party was for Sirius, who had miraculously wormed his way out of detention with McGonagall.
“You look too sober,” Sirius said as you walked into the common room, pushing a cup into your hand. You raised the cup to your nose and grimaced. Firewhiskey.
“You look drunk,” you retorted. You began to put the cup down, but Sirius grabbed your wrist.
“I’m not going anywhere until you have a drink,” he slurred. You sighed and pretended to take a sip, even crinkling your nose as you lowered the cup.
“Happy?” you asked.
“Very! Let’s party!” he yelled. The room echoed him as drunk guests repeated his exclamation. You rolled your eyes and set the cup down as he stumbled away.
“Y/N!” Lily called, waving you over. You shoved your way through the dancing crowd and plopped onto the couch beside her. Marlene handed you a bottle of butterbeer, and you smiled in thanks as you took a sip.
“Sirius tried to get me to drink firewhiskey. That stuff’s disgusting,” you said. You and Lily shivered at the memory of the drink burning its way down your throats.
“You’re not the only one. He somehow managed to convince Remus to drink it,” Marlene replied.
“No way!” you exclaimed.
“Look for yourself,” Lily replied. She lifted a hand holding her butterbeer and pointed to Remus in the corner. He was doing something that looked like dancing, but was mostly just waving his arms around.
“He’s plastered,” Marlene muttered. At that moment, Remus spotted you and smiled. He yelled your name and began stumbling over to you and your friends.
“Here comes loverboy,” Lily said.
“Oh, shut it,” you whispered. Remus sank onto the armrest of the sofa, and nearly toppled over on top of you. You helped him straighten up, and he smiled as if nothing happened.
“How you doin’?” he asked. Lily snorted behind you.
“I’m fine, Remus. How are you?” you replied.
“I’m great! I feel so great. I had some stuff to drink, and now I’m just…great,” he said. Marlene bit her thumb to cover her smile.
“That’s good. Y’know, I’ve never seen you drunk before,” you mused.
“I’m not drunk. ‘m happy!” Remus said. “I never get drunk.”
“No, not at all,” you muttered.
“Remus, you look a little green. Are you feeling alright?” Lily asked. Remus’ skin had indeed turned seasick green.
“Now that I think about it, my stomach does feel a lil queasy. Like something’s not – oh,” he replied, and clapped his hand over his mouth.
“On that note, I think you should get to bed. Where are the boys?” you asked. Lily pointed over your shoulder, and you turned to see Sirius and James surrounded by a crowd. They were taking turns doing shots and leaning heavily on each other in between.
“Looks like they’re not the best people to take care of Remus right now,” Marlene said.
“Alright, Moony, looks like you’re coming with me,” you said. You stood and hooked your arm around Remus’, but he didn’t move.
“Where are we going?” he groaned.
“Upstairs,” you replied.
“I like upstairs,” Remus whispered.
“Good, now c’mon before you throw up on the carpet,” you said, pulling him towards the stairs.
“I’m not gonna throw up,” Remus insisted as he suppressed a gag. You rolled your eyes and led him up the stairs to his dormitory. Just as you walked through the door, he went limp. You stumbled as he sagged to the floor, barely managing to hold him upright.
“What are you doing?” you cried.
“I’m so tired,” Remus slurred.
“You need to stand up, I can’t carry you,” you said.
“No, no buts. You need to stand up,” you repeated. Remus started giggling as he pushed himself to his feet, slinging an arm around your shoulders. “What’s so funny?”
“You said butts,” he replied, and you rolled your eyes.
“I see drinking turns you into a child,” you muttered under your breath. You led him towards his bed.
“Y/N, I don’t feel so good,” Remus whispered. He barely had time to stumble to the bathroom before he heaved into the toilet. You sighed as you followed and knelt beside him, rubbing soothing circles onto his back.
“You’re alright,” you said as he let out a rather pitiful groan.
“I hate Sirius,” he muttered, and retched again.
“I know,” you cooed.
“Never let me drink another sip of firewhiskey,” he said.
“I won’t,” you promised. You sat with him for another few moments until he leaned back against you, wiping his hand over his mouth. You heard him swallow thickly, and he closed his eyes.
“I’m sorry you had to see that. I feel so disgusting,” he said, his voice hoarse.
“You don’t have to apologize, ‘s okay,” you replied. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
Remus swayed as you helped him stand, and you led him slowly to the sink. He tried and failed to put the toothpaste on his toothbrush, missing completely and squeezing it onto his finger instead. You laughed quietly as you scooped the toothpaste onto the bristles of the toothbrush and guided his hand to his mouth. When he was finished brushing his teeth, you grabbed a washcloth and ran it under warm water, using it to clean his face. Remus hummed and closed his eyes as you wiped at his face, and he sagged against the counter after a few minutes.
“Tired,” he whispered.
“Okay, let’s get you to bed,” you replied. You followed him into the dormitory and laughed as he flopped face first onto his bed. “You have to change first.”
“Don’t wanna,” he whined.
“At least take off your shoes,” you reasoned. Remus sighed and rolled onto his back, lifting a leg into the air. “You want me to take them off for you?” He grinned and nodded. You rolled your eyes and untied his shoes, setting them neatly on top of his trunk.
“Much better,” he whispered.
“Okay, get some rest,” you said.
“Are you leaving?” Remus asked. He lifted his head from his pillow with a pout.
“I was going to,” you replied.
“You can’t leave me here. What if I throw up again?” Remus said.
“I suppose it would be irresponsible of me to leave you by yourself. What kind of friend would I be if I left you all alone?” you replied.
“C’mere,” Remus slurred. He opened his arms and you kicked off your shoes, sliding into bed beside him. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer until you were lying on top of his chest.
“Comfy?” you asked. Remus nuzzled his nose into your hair.
“Very. Goodnight Y/N, I love you,” he slurred. You nearly jumped at his words and looked up at him. His eyes were closed, and his lips were parted slightly, soft breaths puffing past them.
“You don’t mean that, you’re drunk,” you whispered.
“Y/N, I may be drunk, but I’m not stupid,” Remus replied. He cracked an eye open and looked down at you. “I mean it.”
“You can tell me in the morning if you still remember. But I love you too,” you said. Remus squeezed you in response and kissed the top of your head.
When Remus woke up the next morning, he remembered to tell you that he loved you. He also remembered that he really hated Sirius Black.
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munsonstyles · 5 years
drunk | d.d
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Requested? Yes: Ooh ooh !! Or something along the lines of the reader being drunk and goofy and david has to take care of her, put her to bed or whatever, and maybe she flirts with him too?😏 sorry i'm spamming alot haha i'm just excited to see your posts!💕
Word Count: idk tbh i wrote in my phone notes instead of word lol
Warnings?: Drinking and cussing !
A/N: i loved this one so much. it came so naturally and was so fun to write.
you were currently at david’s house waiting for your friends to show up because david decided to throw a last minute party to scrounge up a couple more seconds of vlog footage. (i mean, the boy was honestly lucky to have such loving and supporting friends like this.)
“thank you so much for coming tonight, y/n.” david beamed, jumping down on the love sac.
“mhm.” you gently teased, smirking at him.
he let a small pout form on his lips (which was unfairly cute, i mean, come on.) and covered himself with the blanket. “what do you mean? you don’t wanna be here?”
“of course i wanna be here, david. i’m more so upset over the fact that you told me the party was starting earlier so i would rush over here, only to get here and you tell me you just needed someone to help you fucking set up and get ready.” you groaned, grabbing one of the couch pillows and tossing it at him.
he laughed loudly, attempting to shield himself from the pillow, “i’m sorry, i’m sorry! natalie’s on vacation and i didn’t know what i needed to do to get ready.” he defended.
“oh my god, dobrik. how did you ever survive without her?”
he opened his mouth to defend himself again, but he was interrupted by the sounds of people making their way into his house.
“who’s ready to fucking party?!” zane shouted as he walked in.
you rolled your eyes fondly from your position on the couch.
“y/n, baby. don’t give me that look. you know we about to get down and funky tonight.” he accentuated his last few words by shaking his hips from side to side.
letting out a loud laugh and shrugging your shoulders, you stood up from the couch, “well let’s fucking party.”
the crowd of friends behind zane cheered loudly at that and you turned when you heard david whoop and then pull out his camera, “yes! let’s go!” he shouted, turning the camera towards you.
you cheekily smiled, making direct eye contact with the camera as you spoke, “uh, david dobrik can’t have alcohol. because, as i recall, if david dobrik has one beer, david dobrik has to go nap-nap.”
you heard a couple people gasp and a few holler at your statement, and you laughed along with david as he turned his camera around on himself.
“okay, okay. i see how it is.” he put his hands up in mock defense, then flipping the camera back to you.
“that’s what you get, dobrik, for not saying i’m one of your best friends in that interview.” you turned around, walking towards the kitchen.
you heard david groan from behind you, “oh c’mon, y/n! that was months ago!!”
as the night progresses you steadily get more and more intoxicated. you counted your blessings that you weren’t as far gone as zane (but no one is as ever as far gone as zane gets).
you had done a couple of things for the vlog like doing a belly shot on a few of the boys in the group, as well as letting a few people do them on you. you had also competed against heath in a shot contest and won (and then promptly throwing up into the toilet - which was also quality vlog content.)
but now that night was slowly coming to an end, and you were back in your original position on the couch, watching people filter out of david’s house.
the man in question was also back in his original position on the love sac, this time with his laptop in front of him so he could edit.
“zaaaane.” you whined, pouring softly when zane only grunted in response from his position on the other end of the couch.
“zane, i need my fucking phone. i need to call an uber.” you slurred.
from his corner of the room, david peeked his head up, “oh, no. you’re not leaving, y/n. just stay here. you can take my bed, since i’ll be out here editing for a while anyways.” he said nonchalantly.
in your drunken state of mind, this was the best news you had received all day, “fuck yes. thank you, david. i really didn’t wanna leave.”
he shrugged his shoulders passively, “it’s no big deal, y/n.”
you grinned, rolling over on the couch to stand up only to realize how actually drunk you are as you stumble and fall backwards back onto the couch. “oops.” you giggle.
david lets out the (cutest) laugh, lowering his laptop screen and beginning to stand up, “ya need some help?”
you pout up at the boy, nodding helplessly, “yes. you’re my king, my savior!” you shout dramatically, smiling when it makes david laugh again.
it always makes you feel so good when you make david laugh.
“oh does it?” he asks, hoisting your arm around his shoulder and standing you up slowly.
“fuck, did i say that out loud?” you groan, partially in embarrassment and partially from having to stand up.
“you did, yes.” he giggles.
“you have the cutest laugh, mkay.” you say, leaning your head on his shoulder as you both start walking towards the bedroom.
you can feel him laugh again and you speak again, “you have the cutest everything, david dobrik.” you look back up at him and notice the slight blush on his cheeks. if you were a little more sober, you would’ve used this opportunity to make fun of him. but also, if you were a little more sober, this conversation would not be happening. (you’re really gonna have to have a conversation with your drunk self.)
“i think you have the cutest everything too, y/n y/l/n.” he mumbles, pushing the door open to his bedroom.
you ignore his statement to instead make a joke about being one of the lucky girls to make it back to his bedroom.
“it’s actually only you, usually.” he says, a soft smile on his face.
you sit down on the bed and remember, that oh yeah, this isn’t the first time david has had to take care of you when you’re this drunk.
“you’re so sweet to me david.” you whine softly as you begin to take off your shoes.
he hums in acknowledgment as he shuffled through his drawers to find a top for you to wear.
“you’d make a great boyfriend.” (for me, you wanted to add).
he turned around to face you, holding one of his hoodies and shaking his head, “i’m sure i would, y/n. got any suggestions?”
you thanked the stars you decided to wear comfy pants as you slipped off your top and pulled david’s hoodie over your head, “i can think of a few.” you replied, leaning back against his headboard. “why, you gotta any ladies in mind?” you paused, “or men for that matter?”
he threw his head back in laughter, “i mean other than jeff? no.”
“so you have replaced todd!” you pointed a finger accusingly at him, giggling softly along with him.
he put his hands up in defense, shaking his head, “nah, but all jokes aside, there is one girl that i’ve had my eye on for a while. but she’s a little oblivious.”
you ignored the sinking feeling in your stomach, opting to poke him with your foot teasingly.
“oooo, david has a crush.” you sang, stopping a moment to look at him. “i have a crush too.” you blurted, watching his face for his reaction.
he lifted his eyebrows, “oh really? who is it?”
you sat up slightly, pulling the covers from underneath you, then sitting back onto the bed, you pulled them over your body as you laid down, your head resting on the pillow.
“well you see,” you yawned, “he’s tall, he has long shaggy hair, that to be honest, makes him look like a penis currently”
david let out a loud laugh, biting his bottom lip and shaking his head.
“and he’s really cute,” you continued, “really cute. and nice and so kind. but he’s also kind of a psychopath? oh! and let’s not forget he carries his camera everywhere with him.”
david put his hand on his chin, scratching it as he pretended to think of who you were talking about. “oh! is it me?” he guessed, eyeing you cheekily.
“hm! yes! ding, ding, ding! we have a winner!” you shouted, clapping playfully. “i have a huge crush on you, david dobrik!” (you were really going to have to have a conversation with your drunk self).
he grinned, using one of his hands to brush back some of your hair, “well, y/n y/l/n, tell me again in the morning and maybe we can talk about it some more, hm?”
you nodded, looking at him very seriously, “okay. but i do? i know i’m fucked up right now and i would not be telling you this unless i was, but surprise! i do!” you said, your eyes beginning to fall shut.
“okay, then. i’ll see you in a couple of hours.” he whispered, standing up from the bed.
you nodded once again, finally falling asleep.
a couple of hours later, the sun was just rising and david had just posted the new vlog.
you stirred slightly as you felt someone get into bed next to you. you flipped around, opening your eyes as you saw david’s grinning face.
the memories from earlier came flooding back and you groaned in embarrassment.
“what is it?” he whispered, his expression changing to something a little more concerned.
“i just remembered.”
“oh.” he laughed, “you don’t have to be embarrassed.” he said comfortingly.
“oh, yes i do. but,” you paused, peeking one eye open at him, “it’s true and i’m glad it’s out there now.”
he grinned again, moving forward and wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him so your head was resting on his chest.
he was quiet for a few more moments and you were almost convinced he had fallen asleep, until he spoke lightly, “well i’m glad it wasn’t just drunk y/n talking, because i feel the same.”
you grinned into his chest, “well i’m glad too. but please remind me to never get that drunk again.”
he chuckled softly, “i promise.”
and with that, you both fell asleep, huge grins on both of your faces.
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DOTW 19 - Full
Hanji wanted to throw a Welcome Home party for him, while Eren didn't want a party. They'd compromised, and now Eren was hiding out in his room, avoiding said party. Marco had already found him, his friend's stomach swollen into a small adorable bump, which his ear was against. Downstairs Levi was with Hanji and Moblit, after clinging to the presence of the alpha while copped up in hospital, his anxieties were now getting the better of him. He didn't know what to say, or do. It didn't matter that he'd missed Levi while he was with Zeke, nor did it matter that he'd ached for him during his heat. Even if it'd been 8 weeks, it felt like a lifetime had passed between them "Eren, you still awake?" Scratching his scalp lightly, Eren hummed up at Marco "Yeah. Barely though. I'm a terrible host. You're the one who's pregnant, yet I'm the one laying with my head in your lap" Marco laughed lightly. His friend didn't seem to care he'd disappeared completely, only that he was finally back. He'd spent the first hour or so, not knowing what to say. Then Marco had followed him up to his room, and made the first move. He'd assured him he didn't have to talk if he wasn't ready, for that he was grateful. Marco was so soft and sweet. He didn't want him to know "You've got a boot thing on your leg, and a cast on your arm. All I've got is a baby and indigestion" "You're going to be such a good mum. Do you know what it is?" "We decided to wait until they're born" "Awww. Either way, it's going to be adorable if it looks like you" "I just hope it doesn't have Jean's big head" Giggling, Eren had to agree with that. Something that big, just wasn't supposed to come out an opening that small. Babies in general were weird, but pregnancy was even weirder "It's still cool though. A tiny person is growing inside you" "One day, you'll have your own tiny person inside you" "I don't know about that. That means finding an alpha, and having sex and all that seems like effort" "What do you mean, finding an alpha? What about Levi?" Groaning, Eren rolled onto his side so he was facing away from Marco's stomach "That's complicated" "What's so complicated about it?" "I'm not in the headspace for anything. We got close... but I can't... I can barely stand being touched. I mean like, you're ok because you're an omega, but alphas... it's iffy" "You know, I don't think Jean would mind if you stayed with us" "No. This place is as good as any. It just feels weird being back" "Um... I know I said I wasn't going to push you to talk, but if you want to. I'll listen" "It's ok. It's nicer than the hospital" "Other than the stairs" "Yeah. I'm over them already. When we came home yesterday, Hanji sent me up to have a nap, then she called me down for dinner, then she sent me back to up to my room, then called me down again to see if I wanted to watch a movie with her and Moblit. 5 times up and down those stairs... it was definitely some kind of torture" "Jean's all paranoid about the baby. He won't let me do steps. I'm like 5 months. Steps are not the end of the world" "He just loves you" "He does. He's working a crazy amount of overtime so he can buy everything. I told him I didn't have to quit work, but he wants to take care of us" "You're lucky you have a good alpha" "I know I am. Do you know if Hanji's had any luck conceiving yet?" "I have no idea. Probably. I get the feeling that if she was, she wouldn't want to tell me" "Why not?" "She'd say she doesn't want me worrying or something" "I hope she does. Fall pregnant I mean" "Mmm. She'd be another good mum. The kid would be crazy, and Moblit would probably have a mental breakdown, but he'd love every second of it" Without really realising, Eren's right hand had moved to his stomach. His last heat had been rough. The need to breed, with Levi, and to be thoroughly bred into pregnancy physically hurt. He'd sobbed for the alpha, while Zeke was away for work. He'd nearly broken down the apartment door in his haze of need "I think you'd made a good mum too. Your kids would have such pretty eyes" "I don't know. I think I'd be scared for them to be an omega" "Things are changing for omegas" "Yeah, but that doesn't mean everyone is going to change. Sorry. I don't want to be a downer, not when this little ones growing so fast" Yawning, he closed his eyes "I think we could both use a nap. I don't even do things, and I'm still tired" "It should be ok, I mean, I should be ok if you want to nap up here" "You just want me in your bed and under the covers" "Can you blame me? You're nice and warm" And omega. And omega who wasn't going to hold him down, or try and bond with him. His omega was loving the contact of another person, something none of the alphas in his life could give. Moblit didn't even have to touch him for him to want to vomit, while Hanji left his stomach rolling because she kept forgetting about the "no touching" thing. He honestly didn't know how to make this situation work, when his nerves and anxieties, coupled with his retraining made the house feel so unwelcome. Even when it came to his room, he felt like he was invading and that he shouldn't be there "I need to pee again. Get comfy while I'm gone?" "I don't think I'd have the patience to pee every five minutes" "You should have seen the morning sickness then. It got so bad that Jean made a bed in the guest bathroom for me" "That's kind of..." "Gross and sweet at the same time?" "Yeah" "It was" Wriggling off Marco's lap, Eren waited until his friend was standing before crawling under the covers of his bed. He hadn't asked Hanji to invite Levi and Marco over, so as far as he was concerned, Hanji could deal with Levi. He and Marco both wanted to nap, so they would. He just hoped he wouldn't have a nightmare or wake up screaming, or even worse, hit Marco. He truly treasured his friendship with the omega, and even if it meant forcing himself not to think about everything he'd missed in his absence, he wanted to salvage it. He wanted to be there for Marco and his baby. Rubbing his swell as he walked across to Eren's bed, Marco smiled shyly as he climbed under the covers to join him "The baby was kicking again" "And I missed it?" "Sorry. They're super active, but seem to get all shy when someone's around" "So they're already taking after you" Teasing Marco gently, his friend took his hand and slipped it up under his shirt "Wait... there, can you feel it?" There was the faintest of movements beneath his fingertips, yet his heart swelled at the sensation. His omega piping up about how much it wanted a child. Part of him was still jealous it wasn't him who was pregnant, but the feeling of Marco's baby was amazing "Yeah... wow" "It's a little strange" "It's awesome" "Jean says he never feels it" "It's really faint. He was probably expecting a solid kick" "It's a solid kick inside me" "Mmm. I can't even imagine" Sliding his cast hand free, he rest it on Marco's hip. His friend starting to purr as he wrapped in one arm loosely around him "I really missed this. I missed hanging out with you" "I missed you too. I still haven't gone through all your texts, but I saw your ultrasounds" "It's ok. They're just mostly me talking at you. I haven't got that many friends, and being home alone gets lonely" "I promise I'll message back. I'm still trying to get through all the ones Levi sent" "Didn't Levi know you didn't have your phone?" "He did... he, um, he said he was looking for me, and he'd message me about his day" "You say you don't have an alpha, but I'm pretty sure if you told Levi you wanted to bond, he'd give you his mark in a heartbeat" He probably would... but the idea of being marked was scary as fuck. Having a permanent connection to one person for the rest of your life seemed an impossible dream "He's a good alpha. Hanji used to apologise for his bluntness and his crankiness, but he wasn't really like that with me. I don't know why" "Because you're cute?" "No, I'm all tall and thin" "And totally cute. Even with your moonboot and cast" Groaning, Eren buried his face in his pillow "I'm so over casts and boots and splints. Hanji said it has to stay on during the day until I've recovered completely" He had to take all sorts of pills too. Painkillers, mood stabilisers, antidepressants, anti nausea, vitamins. He was well and truly over taking tablets "How do you even shower?" "In a stupid chair. I wanted to have a bath last night, but that meant not getting the splint wet, or the cast and then that seemed like too much effort" "Doesn't it get wet in the shower?" "I take the splint and that off. And it doesn't get soaked like in a bath. Anyway. Tell more about the baby" "I've learnt that pregnancy makes you like super horny. Jean can't keep his hands off me" Wrinkling his nose, the omega shook his head "I said that baby. Not your sex life" "I'm just saying. All it takes is a whiff of Jean..." "Lalalala" Pinching him, Eren poked his tongue out "Fine. The baby is going great. Right on the track. Good vitals... good heartbeat. Tiny and perfect. We've been trying to decide on the nursery. I was thinking scandi-chic, but Jean was thinking more fun" "Scandi-chic has been done to death" "That's because it works" "It worked so well that everything looks the same. There's nothing really special about it. This little bean of yours is special" "They are. I don't know... there's just so many options" "Just avoid Jean's opinions and you'll be safe" "I can picture it now. A bright red wall for a newborn. It's not exactly calming" His voice shook slightly "Red isn't a great colour" Red was the colour of blood... red blood that didn't stop... "Eren?" His scent had shifted, betraying his miniblip of fear "Sorry. It's ok. Just, yeah. What about green? Or blue?" "Yeah, but do you know how many shades there are?" "We could, um, look at them together?" He didn't want to boss Marco into his ideas or ruin his dreams... "That would be so much help. I've been looking at everything on my own, well, when Jean isn't home to stop me and it feels like someone's split by head open, and everything is just melting out" "I don't think it works that way" "There's just so much! People used to raise babies in tents, and now they're like, each baby has to have its own room..." "Ok. Ok. I don't get it, but we'll take a look after our nap?" "Mmm. I have photos on my phone. I've like screen-shotted everything so I can show Jean" Resuming his purr, Eren's own omega began to purr back, feeding off of Marco's happiness and pheromones. Apparently it was common for omegas to feel maternal when around pregnant omegas, leaving him to hope he didn't just blurt out how jealous he was and ruin it all. Neither of them actually fell asleep. After a few minutes, Marco started giggling before he started tickling him. Unable to retaliate without the fear of smacking Marco's stomach, he pled for mercy until his friend finally stopped "Isn't it funny. I was so tired before, but now we're lying down, I can't get to sleep" Sighing softly, he patted Marco's hip "Grab your phone then, we'll start looking at baby things" "I thought you were sleepy" "I'm not promising I'll stay awake..." "Hey, my tastes aren't so boring that they'll put you to sleep" "I don't know, I haven't seen them yet" "You know, if they do put you to sleep, it's a good sign it's going to put the baby to sleep" "I give you permission to baby me if I fall asleep" Marco groaned, shaking his head as he fished out his phone "Don't even go there. Since my breasts started to develop, Jean won't leave them alone" "They're so tiny and cute" "I'll give you tiny.... and cute..." Tapping on his phone, Marco pulled up his latest ultrasound. Eren awwed over the small image "See" "Very tiny and very cute. I yield. Now, I want to see everything" Marco had what seemed to be thousands of screenshots, leaving Eren's head muddled. He could see why Marco was struggling, and understand why Jean couldn't catch up. His friend had so many ideas, and couldn't just settle on one. It was completely adorable. Marco's scent was so happy, his eyes bright as he talked a million miles a minute. Time slipped away from them completely, until a light knock interrupted Marco "Hey boys, sorry but Jean is out the front. He said he messaged?" Marco rolled over, beginning to climb from his bed "Thanks Hanji. We got caught up talking all things baby" "Did you two have a good time?" "Yeah. I'll see you soon, right Eren?" "Yep. If you get any more ideas, message me" "I might just message you anyway" "Sounds good. Hanji, make sure he gets down the stairs ok?" "You're not coming down? Moblit made cake" "He doesn't like the stairs" Turning back to look at him, Eren poked his tongue out at Marco "Dobber" "You started it" "I'm legitimately worried about you... and you're the one who said Jean won't let you do stairs alone" "I didn't think you'd use it against me" "It's all part of my evil plan" Marco rolled his eyes "I think that means he's staying in bed" "Yep. Thanks for coming over... I needed this. There hasn't been much to laugh about lately" His friend gave softened before brightening again "I know. Call me if you need me. Anytime" "I will" He wouldn't. He really wouldn't, but Marco looked so hopeful about it. * Levi'd expected Eren to be a little distant now that he was back at Hanji's, but he hadn't expected Eren to be in bed with his best friend. More than once he'd caught the sound of the pair of omegas giggling or laughing about something. Something that Eren had sorely needed after his recent stay in Shinganshima Memorial. Hanji had gushed over how cute the pair of them where, laying in bed together. He hadn't meant for his alpha to raise its jealous head. He was happy Eren had a friend he could trust... it just sucked it wasn't him. He'd thought with how close they're gotten, and with how Eren didn't want to be touched, that maybe he was special. The omega had let him hold him. Had let him comfort him and be there. Now Eren had Marco, he felt discarded. Eren didn't even want to come down for cake, despite the amount of effort Moblit had gone exerted to make the beast of a creation, and he didn't have an actual reason for wanting to go check on the brat, other than fact he was curious and jealous. Passing him two plates of cake, Levi frowned deeply at them "You've been glaring at it since I came back down. Just go talk to Eren already" "He's..." "Probably not sure what to say. He's in a good mood, so go see him already" Standing next to her husband, Hanji elbowed Moblit's side "Uh. What? Yeah" "You have no idea what just happened, do you?" Moblit snorted lightly "I never do. Why don't you take that up to Eren? You can use it as excuse to talk to him" Laughing, Hanji shoved a kiss to Moblit's cheek "That's what I was saying. You should really listen to what I say more often" "Yes, dear" The pair of them were so in love that it was disgusting. Placing his plate down, he looked at the slice for Eren. It was way too big. The omega wouldn't even be able to finish a third of it, then he'd probably feel guilty over not eating it all. They all knew Eren had bad eating habits, he didn't need a guilt trip over them on his second night back "Go on. Go talk to him already" "I'm going. God. You two are as bad as each other" Eren's door was open, Levi heart momentarily stopping in panic as the unwanted memories of their argument came back. He could see the omega laying in his bed, yet his alpha was still panicked. Eren had run once... what if he left them again? "Are you coming in, or staying out there?" Snorting at the brat's cheek, Levi walked into Eren's room "I have cake" "I can see..." Placing the plate down on the bedside table, he didn't know what to do with himself. Eren's room smelt more of Marco than Eren. The man's scent irritating his nose, and upsetting his alpha. His alpha wanted to protect Eren more than anything in the world, but with the scent of pregnant omega, it wanted to protect Marco too. Conflicted over it own confusion, Levi sighed to himself. He'd swapped suppressants again now that was back at work, so he was still waiting for them to stabilise everything "You can, um, sit. I don't mind" "You don't have to force yourself" "It's ok... having Marco helped my omega settle" Sitting on the edge of Eren's bed, he waited for Eren to pull himself into a sitting position before retrieving the piece of cake and passing it over "Holy shit..." "Yeah. Moblit got a bit carried away, but you don't have to finish it all" "I don't think I can stomach it..." Compared to everything Eren had been eating, the cake was probably was too rich for him to keep it down "Just try a small bit. It's better than hospital food" "Are you going to have some?" "This bit is all yours" "I don't want to eat on my own" "Just eat a little and I'll finish the rest" "Was he mad?" "Mad?" "Because I didn't go down" "Nah. He knows it's going to take some time getting used to be being back here" "Here isn't so bad... it's better than the hospital" "Then why were you hiding up here all night? Did I do something?" "You? No... Marco and I were talking about the baby. He and Jean decided not to find out if it's a boy or girl" If that was all, that didn't explain why they were laying in bed together, and not talking in the living room. If it wasn't him, then it must be Moblit "He looked happy" "He is. He's got so many plans for the nursery that he can't make his mind up" "As long as he doesn't listen to Jean, things should be alright" "I said the same thing... Jean made him quit his job, and Marco's always been so social..." "He's got you to talk to" "Mmm... I don't know how helpful I am though" "I'm sure you two can figure it out" Eren sounded excited about the baby, leaving Levi wondering if the omega wanted a child of his own. Eren would make a good mother. He'd been through so much shit, that he'd be a fierce protector of his pup "Do you want kids?" "I... uh, I don't know. When you have a baby, you're stuck with the father in their lives. If you leave your alpha, they're the one who gets custody... if I had a baby, I don't think I could give them up" He would never make Eren give up their child... no. They weren't a couple. He shouldn't be thinking of nice a well bred Eren would look, or how badly he wanted to be the one to sire his pups. Picking at the top of the cake, Eren sighed softly "Are you sure Moblit isn't mad at me?" "He's not mad. He just got a little carried away while baking" "It's not him. Can you let him know? I don't want to be scared of him, but the house is so big, and I don't feel like I belong here... and the stairs. I fucking hate stairs" "I'm glad it's not personal" "It's not. My nerves are just a bit messed up. Hanji makes me take all these pills. I don't like taking pills" "It won't be forever" "It just feels like it" Finally breaking off a small piece of cake, Eren popped the piece in his mouth, before pulling a face "That good?" "It's too sweet" Taking the plate back, his hand brushed Eren's. Eren letting go of the plate as he cringed from the contact "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" "No. It took me by surprise. I was ok with Marco, so I should have been ok with you" "Eren" "No. It's stupid... I should be over this" Placing the plate down, Levi held his hands up as if surrendering "You're healing. You don't need to force yourself. We're happy you're here, even though it's not under the best circumstances" "You mean because I'm back only because Zeke died" "Yeah" Fuck. Just. Fuck "I think I want to go bed now" He'd stepped on the Zeke mine, now Eren was throwing up his walls, practically ruining all the work Marco had done to make Eren feel relaxed and happy to be back "Do you want me to stay?" "No. Can you take the cake too?" "Sure. If you need anything, message me" "Yeah. Sure" Taking Eren's slice of cake back downstairs with him, Levi dragged his feet. He'd heard the start of Eren's purring before he'd even reached the doorway. The omega becoming distressed all over again, thanks to him. Joining Hanji and Moblit in the kitchen, Hanji sagged at the sight of the mostly intact piece of cake "He didn't want it?" "No, it wasn't that. After hospital food, it was a bit too much" Moblit sighed softly. He knew this was an attempt at making sure Eren felt welcome "Oh..." "We talked. You haven't done anything wrong. He's just readjusting to being here, and not loving the stairs, or the boot. Marco was a good idea. He was pretty happy to see him again" "I didn't even think. I should have made something lighter..." "Moblit. It's not you, and it's never been you or Hanji or even me. It's whatever was done to him in the past, and his brother was murdered in front of him by seems of it. It's shit. He's been sent back to step one and he's scared and lonely all over again" "Has he said anything about Zeke?" Levi shook his head "I accidentally went there, and he kicked me out" "I've booked him an appointment with his counsellor... do you think he'll be ok with that?" "As long as you ask him, and you're there waiting for him. Last time he was there he had a pretty big panic attack when he came out" "Do you want to take him?" "When is it?" "Friday afternoon" "I've got work. I'm still on probation" Hanji nodded "Then I'll take him, I thought maybe if you did, it wouldn't be so bad for him. I've sent through a fax to Thomas, outlining what we think happened, and Zeke's death. Also the needle thing. I don't want to believe he used, and his blood results didn't show any illicit drugs in his system, but his prints were the only one on the needle" Hanji had been "harassing" the police since they'd visited Eren. She was trying to get Zeke's body released, but as the case was "active", it may be some time before that happened. Even though he hated Zeke, he knew Eren would want to see him again, or at least know what happened to him "That sounds like a fun conversation. You spent a week next to your murdered brother, oh, and why was there a needle in your arm? Was it part of your psychopathic brother's training?" His tone dripped with annoyance. It should be up to Eren what he chose to disclose and when, and more importantly to who "You don't need to word it like that" "It doesn't make it any less true. Eren's gone to bed, so I'm going to go. If something goes wrong, let me know" "Oh... ok... now he's home, I suppose you'll be around more often" "That's up to Eren. Just go easy on him over the boot and the stairs. He already thinks he's still in trouble over returning to Zeke" "The boot's for his own good, and it's not like we change the stairs" "I'm just saying, give him space. Don't make a fuss over anything, even if it's complete shit" "It's easy for you to say that. He seems to trust you more than he trusts us" "That's not true. He can't control his phobias or fears" "I saw how you were with him at the hospital" "And now that he's home, he won't let me near him. He was fine with Marco, because Marco is an omega. If you're so worried about upsetting him by, you're only going to push him away further" Since when was he the one who seemed to understand this relationship shit. He didn't get people. He didn't get day after day in a happy relationship. He had no idea where any of this was coming from, but when it came to Eren, it just seemed to come semi-naturally. * Living at Hanji's felt completely off. Zeke had taken special care to show him everything he'd done wrong. His brother had told him what was wrong with him, and now... he felt like he had no right to be moving around her and Moblit's house when they weren't there. It was strange. He'd... he'd missed them all so much. He missed seeing everyone... well, talking with Levi mostly. He'd struggled so hard to accept that he'd never see Levi again. That whatever they'd had, was now over. Zeke had gotten so mad when he'd mentioned Levi, his brother had thrown him in his room before he could even realise what he'd done wrong. He should have been happy to be back with Zeke, but he just... he wasn't. His brother had changed while they'd been apart. His words hurt just as much as when he'd hit him. He always apologised for losing his temper, but Zeke had started to scare him. Some days he'd be in such a bad mood, Eren would hide under his bed from him... until Zeke would drag him out and force him to talk. All he wanted was to be good, so his brother would love him. He didn't understand how he'd changed so much. How he'd become such a bad omega who needed to be retrained so thoroughly. He'd had two heats while back with his brother. His first heat was more or less normal for him. He could still function, but he'd slipped up. He'd thought of when he'd had sex with Levi, and how Hanji said that it was natural for omegas to touch themselves. He'd tried... he'd barely wrapped his hand around his aching erection when Zeke walked in. His brother livid at the action... slapping him so hard he tasted blood, before telling him it was dirty and wrong, before making him shower under the painfully cold water. He hadn't meant to be wrong. Zeke had taken care of him after that. He'd got him fresh pyjamas and underwear, before tucking him up in bed and apologising. Zeke always apologised. He only hit him because he cared. He loved Zeke. Zeke was the only family he had... but now Zeke was gone and he didn't know what to do anymore. Hanji and Moblit were both at work, and if things were how they'd used to be, he would have cleaned through the house by now. But that was wrong. That was invading their privacy. He didn't pay rent. He didn't pay for food, so he didn't deserve to eat any of it. He couldn't even pay them back for his latest stint in hospital. Or for all the medication he had to take. Levi had said they were happy he was back... but... he wasn't getting better. He still didn't want to be touched. He couldn't stay in the same room as Moblit for very long, and Hanji kept giving him looks of pity. So he spent his days in his room. Sometimes he'd talk to Marco, or Levi. But only if they messaged him first. He didn't want to disturb them. He didn't want to be a burden. Both of them were busy with their own lives, while he was simple just wasting oxygen. He'd thought about doing something about it... he really thought about it... but he was too scared it would hurt. He didn't want to hurt anymore. Everyday hurt. He missed Zeke, and he hated him for leaving him behind again. He was so fucking angry with his brother for dying. For making him someone else's problem and for the fact that no one would even talk about Zeke. He knew that was his fault. He always got so worked up when things some how turned towards him. Everyone wanted him to tell them what happened, even Thomas had tried asking... but he wasn't ready. He didn't want to see the blood anymore. He couldn't even remember Zeke's smile or scent... just the blood and the gurgling sound as it bubbled from his mouth. He felt like he was drowning and he didn't know how to pull himself out. It was surprising how much time had passed like that. He'd already been out of hospital for three weeks. He'd seen Marco twice in that time, and only seen Levi that once. He knew Levi would be there for him, if he reached out his hand, Levi would take it. But everyone he'd reached out to was dead. His mother... she'd protected him... so had Zeke and because he was so stupid and useless they were both gone. If Levi died... he couldn't live with it. The man might be short and cranky, and have really weird taste when it came to music... but so many people loved him. Hell, he saved people's lives. All Eren had ever done was let them die. He wanted to be strong. He wanted to be better so his brother would love and rely on him more... then he'd gone and failed him. It left him physically sick. Hanji didn't know it, but when he was alone, he threw up. His fears would get so bad. His stomach knotting and rolling as he wondered if she or Moblit would really come home. Sometimes the nausea lasted for hours, and some times he felt ok after he puked. The medication was supposed to help with it, but he supposed it didn't really work when you were as useless as he was. Medication never worked properly for him anyway. Thomas had asked him why he wasn't on suppressants, then looked at him like he was a freak when he explained they sent him into heat. It wasn't that he didn't like Thomas... he just felt sure that the man didn't like him. He didn't even know if Moblit liked him anymore. He hadn't been able to eat the cake he'd made... or much of his cooking. Moblit always looked so stressed and tired, and if he was putting a strain on him, wasn't it better they just got rid of him? There weren't enough hours in the day to fix his kind of fucked up... so why was he even around? Why did they bother to save him? * Parking in front of Hanji's, Levi climbed from his car. Both Hanji and Moblit were working, which meant Eren was home alone and after weeks of shitty split shifts, he'd finally got a rare day off, which he hoped to spend with Eren. He'd talked a little with Eren, and knew the omega wasn't handling things well. Hanji and Moblit had both said he spent most of his time in his room, so Levi hoped today's outing would perk the kid up. Normally he'd never set foot in a shitty filthy zoo. All the animals and people and shit. That was a nope. But Marco had messaged him, reaching out on Facebook to ask if he'd be up for joining him and Jean at the zoo. He wanted to invite Eren, but was scared his friend might have a panic attack from the crowds, or from Jean opening his mouth without thinking. They were going to meet up at 10, so he had just over an hour to get Eren up and dressed, before the drive. Shinganshima zoo wasn't a very big place, but like the aquarium on the opposite side of town, it conducted a lot of research, with a specialisation in breeding and trying to bring back species from the brink of extinction. Locking his Range Rover, he jogged up the path and to the front door, pressing he doorbell, before straightening out his clothes. He might have put some effort into looking good for Eren. The light grey shirt he wore hugged his chest nicely, while he'd coupled it with black jeans. Attempting causal without being a slob. When Eren didn't answer, he pressed the doorbell again, remembering how much the omega hated stairs. Giving Eren a few more minutes, he sighed to himself as he fished his keys back out, letting himself into Hanji's house "Hello? Eren?!" Closing the door behind him, he already knew Eren wouldn't be downstairs. Which meant heading up to his room. Taking the stairs two at a time, his heart dropped at the sight of Eren's open door. With how quite it was, his first thought was that Eren had run "Eren?!" "Coming!" Relief washed over him. Doubly so when the guest bathroom door opened, only for it to be snuffed out all over again when he was how distressed Eren was. Not caring about the fact Eren didn't want to be touched, the strode over to the brat and wrapped his arms around him "Hey... what happened?" Shaking his head sadly, Eren buried his face against his shirt "I don't know what to do" "Alright. Can you walk? Just to your room?" Sniffling Eren let himself be led back to his room, where he sank down onto his bed. Squatting down in front of him, Levi reached up and brushed his fringe from his face "Bad day?" "Y-yeah... s-sorry" "Wanna tell me about it?" "I... don't want to upset her" Her had to be Hanji "If it's got you this upset, I'm sure she won't mind you telling me" "I... they're going to get rid of me" "That's not happening anytime soon. She's crazy about you" "There... there was a positive test in the bathroom..." Positive test... oh... Hanji was pregnant... "I can't stay here now" "Hey, you know pregnancy isn't an instant thing. There's still months, and your room isn't the only room" "I... I don't want to stay here" Hiccuping out his words, Eren wiped at his face "Did something happen?" "I don't feel right being here..." Leaning forward, he swapped to kneeling so he could wrap his arms back around Eren "If they didn't want you here, you wouldn't be here" "It's all my fault" "It's not your fault. You haven't done anything wrong. Unless you're the one who got Hanji pregnant" "N-no... they have really loud sex... I... don't want to hear it... anymore" That's enough to scare anyone. They didn't know if anything like that had been done to Eren. They'd all suppressed the fact the omega had tested positive for syphilis, though he been treated and Levi hadn't even been told until Hanji accidentally let it slip when she'd explained the results from the syringe in Eren's arm had come back as free from prints other than his own "You've got your music right?" "Mmm... but... I can't stay here. I don't belong here. I don't belong anywhere" "Can I ask you a question?" "Y-yeah" "Have you felt like that ever since you came back here?" Eren paused, his voice filled with guilt as he replied "Yes. Hanji and Moblit try so hard... but I'm not getting better fast enough. Zeke showed me how wrong I was. How wrong I was for.. for touching their things and cleaning the house. He... he told me how wrong I was" Of course it came back to Zeke. Even dead, the arsehole still had a firm hold on Eren's mind. If Eren felt unloved and unwanted, and that his presence in the house was wrong, he was never going to make any kind of improvements. He already knew Eren was scared of sex, so hearing Hanji and Moblit boning didn't help either "You're not wrong. I'm..." Shit. He didn't know how else to fucking phrase this "I'm not saying Zeke was wrong, but everyone in the world is different. We all have different thoughts and ideas and different ways we get through life. What Zeke taught you, that was his way. It's different to how Moblit and Hanji live. I'm not saying it's wrong, only that it's different" "I don't know what's right anymore" "Eren, do you remember the offer I made you? I told you if you felt like this wasn't working, you can come live with me, or Erwin, or one of our friends" "I don't want to burden anyone else" "You are not a burden. Besides, I two spare rooms, and a cat that spends most of his time alone" "But you're an alpha" "And your an omega" "I have messed up heats... I don't want to upset you" "Eren, we don't have to spend your heats together..." Even if he really wanted to "... I can stay with Erwin, or you can come back here. The most important thing to all of us is that you're safe. I'm not saying you have to say yes right now, but think about it?" Eren nodded, still wiping at his tears "Why did you come over?" "Shit. Right. I totally forgot. We have a date" "We what?" "You, me, Jean and Marco" "Did I forget something again?" "No. Marco asked if I wanted to join them at the zoo. He wanted to ask you, but you'd need a lift so I'm just the driver. No pressure" "No pressure?" "I don't want you to feel uncomfortable, but I thought the zoo would make a nice change. You really liked the aquarium" "Marco wanted me to come?" "Yeah. He messaged me and asked when my next day off was. He also thought you might like another friend who wasn't Jean to hang out with" "Jean has a big mouth... I'm going to slow everyone down" "Why?" "The stupid boot" "The boot isn't invited" "But Hanji..." "Hanji isn't here and you've been cooped up enough. Besides, Marco is pregnant. We'll probably be taking things pretty easy" "No boot... promise?" "Yeah. Also, you have the best paramedic in the whole city with you" Eren snorted out a small laugh "You did save him before... I've... I don't know what to do. I've never been to the zoo before" "You'd never been to the aquarium either, but you still had fun" "I don't have much money either" "That's fine. Consider this an apology" "Apology for what?" "I don't know yet, but I'm likely to do something in the future I'll need to apologise for" "I don't know... you're really nice" "Not always. Just ask Titan" "I don't know what to wear" Eren seems to "not know" much more than Levi remembered him not knowing. The omega was a wreck of sour scent and insecurities. He'd known something was off, but Eren hadn't asked for his help. He should have found a way to swing by sooner "Have you showered today?" "That's what I was doing" "Ok. So what's wrong with what you've got on?" "They're my pyjamas" "I won't tell, if you don't" "I'm not wearing my pyjamas. I want to look okish" "For who?" "What do you mean "for who"?" "Who do you want to look good for?" "Me?" "I was going to say I don't think Marco would care if you showed in your pyjamas, and I wouldn't either. But this is something you want for yourself and you need to do more of that self care shit. Why don't you choose something, and I'll wait by the stairs" "Ok... I need to find my wallet and phone too... it's somewhere in here. I threw it somewhere last night" "It's probably flat them" Eren's lip trembled, despite the fact he was trying to pull himself back together "It's fine. You can use mine for photos" "But... what if you want to use it?" "It's my day off. No ones going to be stupid enough to try and talk to me" "What if there's an emergency?" "Then you'll pass it back to me, right?" "You won't be mad?" "No Eren, I'm not going to be mad. I know you like learning new things" Eren's small smile fell away "Zeke said I learned all the wrong things" "We just had this conversation brat. There's a difference between different and wrong. And everyone's interpretation of them. Ok. You didn't learn things that we consider wrong. Now go pick out some clothes" Eren emerged from his room wearing jeans and an oversized hoodie. It wasn't really hoodie weather, but Levi could see a shirt peaking out from under the hoodie. With a tiny, shy smile, he had Levi's heart racing for all the right reasons. The kid had pulled himself together, and now he was facing the world that he was so scared of. Taking each step slowly, Eren looked to him as if he was proud to be doing something as simple as walking down the stairs. At least if the kid moved in with him, he wouldn't have to worry about the stairs anymore. He'd never really thought about sharing his personal space with anyone, yet he had the feeling that if it was Eren, everything would work out in the end. The omega wouldn't be left alone for hours on his own, Titan would make sure of that. And being in the city, there was always noise and movement, not like out in the suburbs. It would also be closer to the hospital, and to Eren's therapist... they could work to getting him to the point where he could attend his session alone. As for money, it wasn't like Levi couldn't afford to take Eren in. He'd grown up having nothing after his mother died, and had worked hard to get where he was, saving every cent from the shit jobs that got him through high school, then by some miracle, he'd found himself living with Erwin and getting into medical school. It wasn't until his estranged uncle passed that he finally had proper money to get himself set up. Once his probation passed, it would be like it never happened. His job stable enough that he didn't need to worry about finding another... or it would be, provided he didn't punch anyone else. If Eren came to live with him, then all the omega would have to worry about is cleaning up after himself and working out what he wanted in his own life. Levi could and would support him any way that was possible... though it might be his own arrogance showing, but he would be happy with that kind of life "Uh, Levi? Are you ok?" Blinking back to reality, he realised he'd spaced out while watching Eren. The omega blushing slightly as he stared back "Sorry. I was day dreaming" "Do I want to know what it was about?" "Titan" "You were staring at me, while thinking of your cat" "Yep. Let's go, before he finds out" "He's a cat and he's at your place. How is supposed to find out?" "It's a cat owner thing. They know everything, and they see everything. They don't even need to be near you to be mad at you. In all honesty, you never really own a cat. It owns you. Your house. Your furniture. The soul of your first born child..." "Cats sound funny" "They are. You should have seen Titan as a kitten. Everything was too much effort for him, that and his arse was too heavy. He couldn't even climb onto the sofa because that was too much effort" "Shit. That would have been adorable" "It was. Until he finally got big enough to climb. After that, no toes were safe" "What about now?" "He's mellowed in his old age. He much prefers curling up next to you while you sleep, or stretching out and making it impossible to move" "I've never had a pet before" "Titan would love to have the company" "You said "no pressure"" "I know. I'm just saying. Anyway, in order to leave, we actually have to go" "Like outside the door?" "Yep" "God. The effort..." Walking over to the front door, Levi opened it for Eren. Eren giving him an exaggerated sigh before limping towards it "Does your ankle hurt?" "No, it's just stiff from that stupid boot. It'll loosen up" "If it starts to hurt, let me know" "Yes, Mr Doctor Levi, sir" "Sir? That's a new one, brat" Eren shrugged, heading out the door in front of him. Sir... he wasn't one for pets names, but something ran through him at the sound it it. Sir. Maybe it was Eren's answer to brat? * Sitting in Levi's car, Eren wasn't sure about the zoo thing. He was happy to see Marco, but wasn't thrilled about seeing Jean. Even if Jean didn't mean any harm, he always just spat out whatever he was thinking. When he woke up that morning, he'd never thought he'd be going to the zoo, or having a breakdown in Levi's arms. He was just grateful the he'd showered after vomiting. He was happy and excited for Hanji, she and Moblit had wanted babies for so long. But he didn't know if he could handle being around a hormonal Hanji, or a baby. He didn't know what set off his anxieties, and often he'd snap over nothing, at himself. He didn't want anything happening near the baby. Letting his eyes wander over Levi's dashboard, his attention was caught by the gold chain looping down from around the rearview mirror, a small gold turtle pendant swaying with movement of the car. That hadn't been there the last time he'd been in the car... and it was so pretty, and something Levi wouldn't have bought for himself. His heart dropped a little. If Levi hadn't bought it for himself, then someone had gifted it to him. Someone important enough that Levi had it hanging in his car, where it was a constant reminder of that person "Brat? You ok?" "Yeah. Um... how much further?" "We're nearly there. It's not a huge place, but I think you'll like it" "Have you been before?" "Nope. This one's new to me too" He was right. Zoo's weren't really Levi's thing. Was Levi really ok with going to the zoo? Staring down at his lap, he mumbled at his hands "We don't have to go if you don't want to" "I didn't say I didn't want to go" "But there must be a reason you haven't" "Because I had no one I wanted to go with before" "You have Hanji and Moblit" "Can you imagine trying to go to the zoo with Hanji? It would be a nightmare. She'd probably just get us kicked out, or get herself lost" "Then why go with me? And Jean and Marco?" "Because you're not annoying, like Hanji. And before you say you are, you're not" "But... you don't know Jean and Marco" "No, not really. I know Jean is an enormous arse, and that Marco is your best friend. They're important to you" "That's to me, not to you" Levi sighed, the man drumming his fingers on the steering wheel as they came to a stop at red light "Look. What do you want me to say?" "I want to know why you'd do this. For someone like me. You just don't seem like the kind of person who'd want to go to a zoo willingly" "You really don't know?" What was he supposed to know? He felt like he didn't know much of anything anymore, not that he really had "No?" "You're important, ok. Just like Marco is important to you, you're important to me. Now I sound like a shitty idiot. I'd planned to take you at some point, Marco just got in sooner than I did" "You wanted to take me?" "Yeah. I saw how happy the aquarium made you" "But you don't like zoos" "I thought you would like it" "But you don't" Levi sighed again "Eren, I wanted to bring you out here. I wanted, want to do things with you" "Don't you get mad at me for not knowing anything?" "No, I don't. It's honestly refreshing, spending time with you that is. Now, do you have any more questions?" "No..." "You're not going to ask about the necklace? You keep staring at it" Sprung. He hadn't meant to be so fucking obvious "It's just pretty" "Do you want to know why it's hanging there?" Yes! No. Maybe. He did, but he didn't want to hear Levi had found someone special "You don't have to tell me" "I bought it for you. When we were at the aquarium. You were so excited over the turtles, and the stone reminds me of your eyes. I was going to give it to you at some point, but then you left... and I kept it up there. To remind me of you" "What do I say to that?" "You don't have to say anything" "I didn't think... that I meant that much to you... " That didn't quite sound how he'd wanted it to sound, so rushed to add "That you'd hang a necklace up and all" "Brat. You're really fucking dense sometimes. You know I care about you" "Um... I'm sorry. I... uh, didn't mean it how it sounded" So he was important to Levi! And the alpha actually cared about him. The necklace wasn't something he'd choose for himself, but he felt stupidly happy knowing Levi had chosen it just for him, and it wasn't a gift to the alpha "Give me a minute, you can put it once we reach the zoo" "You still want me to have it?" "I bought it for you, so yes. If you don't like it, you don't have to put it on" "No. No. I like it. Thank you" He'd been so down this morning, now it felt like he was in some kind of dream. Maybe he'd lost his mind? Pulling into the zoos carpark, Levi managed to find a spot near Jean's car. His friends were making out as if they weren't in public. Blushing, he looked away from the sight "I bet they don't even realise we're here" "Probably not... come here" Taking the necklace down from around the mirror, Levi undid the clip and waited for him to lean in. Placing the necklace around his neck, Eren's heart raced at the close and intimate touch across his nape. Whining softly, he wanted to throw himself into Levi's hold, but it was over way too soon. Pulling his hand back, Levi took the small pendant into his hold "It suits you, but it's only plated, so you'll want to take it off when you shower" "Ok, thank you" He sounded out of breath. Snorting lightly, Levi pulled back completely, the moment over between them. Leaving Eren slightly disappointed Levi hadn't kissed him "Oh, Marco's noticed us" "I suppose we should probably get out of the car then" Jean and Marco were still straightening themselves out as Eren climbed from Levi's Range Rover, ending up with him seeing more of Jean than he'd wanted to. Rushing to the back of Levi's car, he shook himself off, feeling like the image of the alpha's spent junk was going to haunt him forever "You ok, you look a little pale" "I just saw Jean's dick... it... was gross" Levi laughed openly, reaching out and pulling him into a hug "Who would have thought shy little Marco had it in him?" "Of course he's had it in him, he's pregnant" "Fuck, brat. I've missed your sarcasm" "I've been traumatised" "They're your friends" Pulling away from Levi, he really wished the alpha hadn't hugged him. Knowing Jean and Marco were sexual deviants was one thing, but he didn't want to see it... now Jean and Marco were going to smell like sex. Couldn't they have got it out there system before they'd gotten to zoo? Or even once they got inside. Somewhere where he didn't have to see it! "Not when they're... can we just go? They can catch up" "Are you ok?" "It's nothing" "Eren" "It's nothing ok. Let's just go" Marco didn't even seem sorry as he and Jean finally joined them. His friend was blushing, and they'd both sprayed down with scent cancellers, but Eren still stayed close to Levi. There were so many people around, that his chest felt tight... and he felt hot. The day was bright and sunny, not really long sleeve weather. He just didn't want Jean saying anything about his cast. Or asking anything about where he'd been "You ok, brat?" "I'm ok... it's just a bit warm" "Why don't you take your hoodie off then?" "No. It's ok" Pulling his phone out, Levi passed it over to him "Take as many photos as you want to" "Are you sure?" "Yeah. Go for it. We can get them printed if you want. Don't worry if you drop it. The case is shock and waterproof" He hadn't been worried about dropping Levi's phone until now. Taking the device gingerly, he now has something else to fear. Armed with his own phone, Marco looped his arm through his, taking Eren's casted hand in his hold "Hey. I was hoping you'd make it... sorry about the carpark, my hormones are out of control. Anywaaaaay. We should get going, there's so much to see here" Levi had said the place wasn't that big... Jean slung his arm over Marco's shoulder, effectively pulling Marco away from him. If that was how it was going to be, why had Marco even invited him? * Levi knew it wasn't Marco's intention to disclude Eren, but the omega was with his alpha and the pair were in a world of their own. He'd call Eren over to show him something, only for Jean to take Marco's attention away from Eren, and for Eren to retreat further into himself. He didn't like it. What was the point of even inviting Eren, Marco was going to spend all his time with Jean. He'd had enough. Eren'd been so happy, and each time he went to share it with Marco, Marco was caught up in Jean. Wrapping his arm around Eren's waist, he placed himself between the two omegas "Eren, can I borrow you for a moment. You guys can go on ahead" Marco frowned, but Jean kissed his mates temple "Just don't take too long, right babe?" "Uh. Yeah... we'll be around here somewhere" Leading Eren in the opposite direction, the omega began to slow, before coming to a stop "Levi, where are we going?" "Just come with me" "But..." "Eren, come with me" "Ok" Pulling the omega back to the start of the mammal area they were in, Levi stopped at the large sign explaining what mammals are "What are doing?" "I can't stand it" "Can't stand what?" "Marco and Jean are off in their own world, and I know he's your best friend, but you look so sad. I know we've been walking around for a while now, and if I could, I would drag you all the way back the entrance of the zoo, so we could do this all over again" Eren's eyes filled with tears, the omega throwing his arms around him "You don't need to cry" "I thought I did something wrong" "No. You've done nothing wrong, and I bet Marco doesn't even know how bad you feel. And really warm..." Moving to place his palm against Eren's forehead, he frowned at the heat he found. A quick glance of the area, showed a shaded bench. Leading him over, he sat Eren down "Here, take your hoodie off" "Why?" "Because you're overheating. You're probably already dehydrating" "I..." "I'm a trained medical professional, listen to me about this, please" "I don't want to make a fuss about the cast" "Eren, I'm not going to make a fuss about the cast" "Jean..." "Don't fucking listen to that horsefaced arse. Seriously, after all the shit he's said to you... he's just not worth it" Unzipping his hoodie, Levi took it from the omega before he decided he still needed it on. The shirt Eren had on beneath was thin enough to see that he'd definitely lost more weight, again "Better?" "Um... yeah, it is" "We need to get some fluids into you too" "You don't need to worry about me" "Then don't do things that make me worry" "I don't mean to" "I know you don't. But I'll still worry for you, even if you tell me not to. Now, I'm going to go find you a bottle of water, you're going to drink it slowly, then we're going to back past all these animals, and you're going to tell me all their names, and if you can't read them, I'll break it down for you" Visibly swallowing, Eren nodded quickly "I'd really like that" Leaning in, Levi kissed his forehead "Stay right here. I promise I'll be back" "Really?" "You have my phone, I might hate the thing, but it's too much bother to activate a new one" Eren gave him a sweet smile as he ducked his head "I'll be back soon" * Feeling like an idiot, Eren sat there holding Levi's phone. The alpha keep seeing right through him, like his walls didn't exist. He'd never thought Levi would pull him away from Marco, but with Jean at Marco's side, he couldn't really as his friend the proper names for things. Staring down at Levi's phone screen, he smiled at the photo of Titan that was his background. The fat cat looked smug as fuck, and completely adorable. Jumping as the device started to call, he eyed Hanji's name on the screen. Levi said calls weren't important, and it was wrong to answer someone else's phone, but it was Hanji... Levi wouldn't be mad if he answered? Looking up, he couldn't see the alpha anywhere, and he realised just how alone he was. Marco and Jean were missing, and Levi was missing. No. They knew where they were. He was the lost one. Drawing his knees up, he answered the call "Levi! Levi, Levi! Please tell me you're not working!" "H-Hanji?" "Eren? Is that you sweetheart?" "Y-Yes" "Oh thank god. I've been trying to call you. Are you with Levi?" "Sorry... my phones at home" "Are you ok? Did something happen?" "I'm ok. Levi will be back soon" "Honey, where are you? Are you alone?" "I'm at the zoo. Marco and Jean are here too" "Is Marco there?" "He and Jean are together somewhere" "And Levi?" "He went to get drinks" "So you're alone" "Levi's coming back" "Stay on the phone with me until he does" Eren bit his lip. Hanji sounded mad at him... she didn't usually call when she was at work, so he didn't think so message her, or Moblit to let them know Levi was taking him out "Eren?" "I'm still here" "Why didn't you tell me you were going out?" "I didn't know... Marco and Levi arranged it. Levi picked me up this morning" Shit. He was fucking crying. Like a fucking idiot. He couldn't stop. He'd made Hanji mad "Eren?" "I'm sorry! My phones flat and you don't call when you're at work! I didn't know... I didn't think.. I'm sorry" "Oh, honey. No. I was worried you'd taken off, when you didn't answer" He knew it. She was still mad that he'd left. She was mad at him. She hadn't forgiven him. He was still a bad omega... it wasn't... it wasn't like he'd thought he'd be gone for so long. "Eren" Rushing to his side, Levi took his phone from him. The alpha sinking down beside him smoothly wrapping his arm around his shaking form "H-Hanji" "Hanji can wait. Here, I need you to sip this for me. Ok?" "She... she's mad at me" "I'm sure she's not. She's probably mad because I didn't think to message her about all this" Opening the bottle of water, Levi pressed it into his hand "Small sips for me, while I talk to Hanji" "I... I'll pay you back for this" "It's fine. Now drink up" It wasn't fine. He'd have to find a way to pay Levi back... because he was really thirsty, but he hadn't paid for the water. Sipping it, Levi smoothly explained everything to Hanji. Eren coming out and back in when Levi said he was taking him out to dinner and that Eren was spending the night at his. It only took Levi a few minutes to sort everything out, hanging up with a sigh "See, nothing to worry about" "Are you sure?" "Yeah. She jumped to panic mode. Then she thought you might be sleeping, so was going to send me around to make sure you got out of bed" "I'm not a little kid" "I know. Now drink your water" Eren pouted, but did as Levi said. Slowly he worked at the bottle until it was half empty "I don't think I can drink anymore right now" "That's fine. Just make sure you keep sipping. Have you cooled down?" "Yeah... will you um, help me with the names now?" "Sure thing, brat" Most animals he knew the basic names for, things like the foxes were pretty cool. The fennec foxes were adorable, and so were the sloths in their own unique way. Meerkats were absolutely adorable, and one he hadn't known... but was able to work out the word on his own. All this things he'd wanted to share with Marco, he could share with Levi. His hand finding Levi's and not letting go as they moved from enclosure to enclosure, until they finally reached where they'd parted with Jean and Marco, saddened to see they were no where close "Hey, Marco really wanted you to be here. He probably didn't think it would end up like this" "I know... I mean, I know he hardly gets to spend time with Jean and their bonded and he's pregnant..." "I'm just sorry they don't get to see how happy and excited you look" "I probably look stupid" "No. You really don't. You, uh..." Levi paused to scratch the back of his head "... look cute" Blaming his burning face on the sunshine. He hated how good Levi made him feel. Wandering into the next area, it was a large grassed picnic area. Marco and Jean were still missing "Do you want me to message them?" "No. They're probably, busy" "Well the left path leads to the birds, while the right leads to the reptiles" "Reptiles" "You don't want to see the birds?" "Birds shouldn't be kept in cages. It's sad" "I thought it would be because you don't like them" "I'm scared of them. We talked about this, I'm sure" "We did. So reptiles?" "If that's ok?" "Reptiles it is. Just don't think I'm going to be touching anything in there" "Wait. You don't like snakes?" "I have a healthy respect for them, when they're behind glass and no where near me" "You don't like things slithering into your bed?" "The only snake I don't mind handling is the one in my pants" Snorting, Eren shook his head "One eyed trouser snakes don't count" Levi raised an eyebrow, an almost smirk on his lips "You know that one?" "Mhmm. Zeke liked reptiles. Did you know legless lizards have tiny legs?" "I did. Although I don't know if I'm impressed or scared that you do?" "I didn't have any books. Zeke had a couple on snakes and reptiles... but they went missing" He'd only got to flick through them a few times before they disappeared from Zeke's room. He didn't ask what happened. If they were gone, then Zeke didn't want them anymore "Lets go see what they have" Would Zeke have liked the zoo? His brother didn't... hadn't seemed really into animals. They never had pets... * Fucking Zeke. For a moment Levi thought Eren had his own interests in reptiles, but it came back to fucking Zeke. He was done with the man. They could cremate him and throw him out the window for all he cared. Holding Eren's hand tight, he walked into the reptile house with the omega. Eren had no way of knowing he'd once witnessed a death from snake bite. It hadn't been pretty. Not after being bitten a dozen times to the face. The tongue swollen so large the owners mouth was blocked completely. His tongues and lips purple and black, and the stink of the rotten body... nope. That was a big nope. Eren didn't need to know this. Leaning him over to the first enclosure, Eren's eyes widened at the green snake. It was tiny, barely noticeable "Imagine having a snake that small" "Really brat?" "It's tiny" "Still probably bigger than Jean's" Eren giggled, before covering his mouth with his hand "We need to find someone else we don't like" "I don't know many of your friends" "You'll meet them. Especially around Christmas. Hanji insists on starting her celebrations in November and going right through until January. Last year was a bit of an exception, due to her marrying Moblit" "Oh! Hey, do you know what 12 25 means?" "Christmas?" Eren frowned at him "What is it?" "Hanji told me to make it my PIN number, but I don't know why" Shitty Glasses. Eren had no idea it was his birthday, and no doubt she would have laughed to herself about it "Probably because it's Christmas Day, and it's kind of hard to forget it" "Wouldn't my birthday be easier?" "And more predictable. Let's continue through here?" He was done looking at snakes already. Even lizards were creepy fuckers, marginally better, but only by a tiny margin. They had scales. They were wankers. And then it happened. It was his fucking bad luck that they were giving a talk by the time they'd rounded the interior of the reptile house, Eren's eyes huge as they settled on the boa laying across the handlers shoulders. Taking a half step behind Eren, he was not ashamed to admit that he was fucking hiding. Snakes shouldn't be that fucking big, but at the same time, all fucking snakes should be that big so you can see those fuckers... but a big snake meant big fangs. Fuck it. Burn them all with fire "It's sooooo pretty. Levi, look at it" Nope. One of the advantages of being vertically challenged was that he didn't have to. Eren was tall enough to hide behind and brush it off as comforting gesture for the omega. A hug with his face buried against Eren's shoulder salvaged his alpha image "Mhmm. Pretty. Yeah" "Do you think they'll let us touch it?" "Probably not" The woman giving the talk continued on for a few more minutes, before offering "pats" to the crowd. He didn't even get to protest, before Eren was slipping out his hold and over to the snake... which seemed to take an immediate liking to him, it's vile form slithering up Eren's arm "You can take photos, but please, no flash" "Levi, can you please take a photo?" No. He didn't want a permanent reminder of this moment... but the bright look Eren gave him as turned back to ask was impossible to say no to. Talked through things by the handler, the demon spawn was laid over Eren's shoulders. Levi mentally glaring at the thing for making his ome... for making his friend so happy. Snapping a few photos, he nodded and the handler lifted the snake from Eren's shoulders. Thanking the woman, Eren returned to his side "Did you see that?" "I did" "It was so heavy!" Taking Eren's hand, the omega was too happy to notice they were making a beeline for the exit. Eren could basically as him for any other pet in the world and he'd agree, provided it wasn't one of those scaly abominations "That was so cool... I wonder if Marco would have held the snake" "He doesn't seem as brave as you are" Eren blushed slightly "I'm not brave" "I think you're very brave" "I'm not... I'm just doing the best I can, and it hasn't been very good lately" "Want to talk about it?" "Not really..." Emerging near the nocturnal animal house, Eren swayed beside him. Levi barely catching him as the omega dropped, a hand coming to touch his forehead "Eren!" "Sorry. I just got a bit dizzy" "Just dizzy? Do you feel light headed dizzy, or sick dizzy?" "There's a difference?" "Shit" People were starting to whisper and stare. Eren was already recovering, but the attention would freak him. Pulling him up and close, the omega leaned heavily against him as his stomach let out a strange gurgle. He was such a fucking idiot. He'd had Eren walking around for hours without thinking about the fact he probably hadn't had breakfast "Let's find somewhere to get lunch" "What..." "When's the last time you ate?" "Last night..." "You need food. I'm an idiot" "What? No, you're not. I'm not hungry" "Your stomach says otherwise. Come over here" On the side of hell in a house, there was a map of the zoo. The nocturnal house came out near the cafe area "Ok. We're going to get food, then we'll double back so you can look at the nocturnal animals" "We don't have to" "Your hungry, and now I'm thinking about food, I'm hungry" He wasn't hungry. His stomach was knotted with worry for Eren. If he voiced his thoughts, Eren would only protest that he was ok. With how light he felt, Levi was sure Eren wasn't eating properly. Eren tried to drag his feet as they walked through the nocturnal enclosure, but Levi wasn't having it. Making it through, the cafe area was actually really pretty. It had an Asian vibe, walled on two sides by thick bamboo stalks, the lush greenery swaying softly in the breeze "Wow" "Yeah" The cafe was set in an older turn of the century styles building, with a wide veranda area, the long central step lead down another decked eating area, after that was grass which circle around a flowing pond "This is so pretty" "Food first, then we can admire the view" "Oh. Hold on..." Sliding his wallet out with his left hand, Eren fumbled it into Levi's "Brat?" "Let me pay. Please?" "You want to pay for lunch?" "Yeah. You paid at the aquarium, so it's like fair, right" "I don't mind paying" "Levi, please let me pay for this. I want to do this" Letting go of Eren's hand, he took the kid's visa from his wallet "Alright. But only because you asked so nicely" "Thank you... it's really hard. Hanji and Moblit won't let me pay for anything. I don't like it" They didn't let him pay because they loved him "Let's find somewhere to sit. You look like you could use a break, in the shade" "I'm fine now" "Are you ignoring directions from a paramedic?" "I would never" "Cheeky shit" Settling Eren so he had back and right side blind spots covered by the wall, Levi dropped a kiss on the top of his head "I'll be right back" "Can you bring back a receipt?" "You want a receipt?" "Yeah" He had no idea why, maybe the omega's anxieties were getting the better of him, or his lack of independence. Choosing two ham and salad rolls, along with two flavoured milks, Levi went to pay for it all with Eren's card, only for it to be declined. Even with their meal costing nearly $30, well it was $26 but that was close enough, it was still declined. He knew Eren should have money from dancing in his account, along with the money Hanji had insisted on putting in there to pay for the cleaning Eren did around the house. It shouldn't have been declined. Paying with his own card, he binned the two receipts that said declined, before heading back out to Eren. Settling down beside him, he handed him the receipt and his card, thankfully it didn't say that it was Levi's card he'd used "Thanks" "Do I want to know about the receipt?" "It's.. stupid. It's got the zoo details and stuff, and I don't want to forget today" Eren wasn't lying, but he also wasn't saying everything. Letting it slide, he pulled his phone back out, sending Hanji a quick text to tell her to check into Eren's finances. He didn't want to believe Zeke would sink low enough to take Eren's money, but he couldn't think of another reason why it would be declined. "They're you guys are! Where were you?" Still mulling over the declined thing, he'd failed to notice Marco and Jean returning. Even more small red marks were on Marco's neck. Great. The pair were off fucking while Eren was hurting over thinking he'd done something wrong. Sitting down across from Eren, Marco smiled at him while Jean mumbled something about getting lunch "We waited for you guys" "Sorry, Hanji called and I got stuck talking to her. She didn't know anything about today" Marco groaned "The baby isn't even here and I have total baby brain. I'm so sorry. What do you think of it all?" "It's really pretty" "Isn't it? Where have you been?" "Just in the mammal section, then the reptile house" "Jean and I, went and saw the birds. You have to go. They have so many, and some of them are huge" Nice to know they'd "waited". Returning to the table, Jean placed a number down before sitting next to Marco, wrapping his arm around him "Where did you two go?" "They went to the reptile house" Eren nodded at Marco's explanation "I got to hold a snake" "You didn't!" "Mhmm. Levi got photos for me" "Why would you want to hold a snake? They're not that interesting" Eren slumped. The effect of Jean's words immediate "I don't know. The thing was bigger than him" "Snakes are gross" "He's pretty good at handling them, especially the big ones" Eren coughed as he choked. The connotations flying right over Jean's head "They're the worst. Nah. Smaller ones are better" Continuing to choke, Levi patted Eren's back until he regained his breath, still coughing slightly as he shook his head "The handler was explaining how the smaller ones, like newborn snakes are even more dangerous than the big ones. The don't know how to hold back the amount of venom they deliver, not like the big ones. You're more likely to die from a small snake" God. The brat was killing him. Placing his hand on Eren's thigh, he squeezed firmly. Jean just sat there and looked dumb, while Marco wrinkled his nose "I saw plenty of snakes growing up. I am in no rush to ever see one again" "Let's stop talking about them, yeah?" "Mmm. Sound good, babe" Kissing Jean, it felt like they were once again being pushed to the outside. Eren hadn't even touched his food after pulling off the tiny bit of bun he'd choked on "Oh! I didn't notice before, is that necklace new? It looks good" Eren's hand went to turtle "Yeah. It was gift" "It reminds me of the watch Jean got me for our anniversary, it was 9 carat with a blue face. That's what reminded me it" He wanted to shake Marco. If he was like this every time he was Jean, he'd have to seriously rethink letting Eren see him with the alpha around. No. Shit. Eren wasn't his fucking property. He had no right to say who Eren could and couldn't see. If he did say something, he'd be no better than Zeke "Levi got it for me, when we went to the aquarium" The aquarium was definitely always going to be a special place for them. He could see the fondness on Eren's face when he mentioned it "I like this place better" And once again Eren slumped at Marco's words. God. The kid didn't get it all. He was just trying to keep the conversation going, and really didn't realise how upset Eren was. He loved Marco, and Marco was hurting him without intending to "I'm not so sure. This place has its charms, but it doesn't have sharks and cat fish" "That's true. I haven't found another grump Levi" Breaking his roll up further, Eren picked the smallest piece to eat. His own roll had half disappeared between his words. He needed to talk to Hanji about Eren's eating habits. This was ridiculous... though if the omega did come live with him, he'd make him whatever he could, when he wanted. Maybe Eren didn't like things and didn't want to upset Hanji and Moblit? "So, what's going on with you two? You seem pretty close" "Levi's my friend" Jean snorted "Alpha's aren't just friends with omega's" Slapping his mates arm gently, Marco shook his head "Eren could be friends with anyone. He's so nice that he just seems to draw people to him" "You're the nice one" Leaning in, Jean nuzzled into Marco's neck, while Eren squirmed beside Levi. The omega wasn't ok with watching this. The omega hadn't been ok with sex before he'd left, this was probably an overload for him. He prayed to whatever powers were out there, that the food would arrive soon. This time, whatever or whoever was up there, actually listened. Eren barely ate half his roll, until Jean teased him about how long he was taking. The omega finishing it in three more bites as if to piss Jean off. It wasn't the best reason to finish a meal, but Eren needed all the calories he could get. The omega may have had Zeke controlling his meals for years, and "teaching" him all the wrong things when it came to eating, but Levi didn't give two shits. What he'd like was for Eren to put on more weight. When he'd met the brat, he'd had some curves, toned curves that had fallen away. Dancing was a hard enough activity, Eren didn't need to be punishing himself over something like eating and trying to look beautiful. Yes the omega was gorgeous, and as erotic as fuck, but Levi cared for the spirit inside the body. For all he cared the brat could put on 500kilos and still be beautiful. He knew it wasn't Hanji's nor Moblit's faults that Eren's bad habits had slipped through their combined radars again. All of them lead busy jobs, their minds never really stopping to rest. He just cursed the fact the Eren felt he needed to starve himself because of Zeke. Marco brushed Jean off after lunch, taking Eren by the hand and leading him from the deck while Levi and Jean were left to awkwardly follow while not wanting to talk to each other or even breathe the same air. He could smell sex on both of them, only serving to piss him off further. He knew pregnant omegas did tend to get ridiculously fucking horny, but most of them took care of it much more discreetly, and not while on what was a "date" with their best friends. Still. He pushed down his annoyance and followed back to the nocturnal animals, getting a few photos of Eren with Marco for Eren's sake. The pair had started whispering about something, and though Levi was sure it wasn't, he hoped there was some kind of apology in Marco's words. From the nocturnal house, the headed back out and towards the exit, Marco saying he was getting tired, while Eren's face had paled. They made a quick stop at the petting zoo, Eren's face lighting up at petting two small deer fawns, while Marco got head butted lightly in the stomach by a third. Was it bad to feel smug over that? It wasn't like the tiny tap hurt the baby, it just felt like karma had taken its revenge in the way Eren would best approve... if the brat believed in taking revenge and all that. From there was the gift shop, where Marco practically dragged Eren straight through telling him how everything was over priced. That didn't mean the kid shouldn't get to at least look. He didn't know the money he'd worked for was gone. Following them out, Marco continued to cling to Eren until they reach their cars. It was there that Eren finally lost his stomach, throwing up at the back of Levi's Range Rover, while Marco backed away and shot him a worried look "It's fine guys. He got a little dehydrated before, I've got it from here" "Are you sure?" "Yeah. Thanks for today" "Eren, message me later, ok? It was good to see you again" Eren nodded, but didn't reply. He was leaning heavily against the back of the car. With Jean needing to get into his own car, Levi moved to place his hand against the small of Eren's back so the omega wouldn't be hurt while Jean reversed. Vomiting again, Eren whimpered as his knees started to fold. Fresh tears ran down Eren's face and his smell was rancid. The poor kid was embarrassed as fuck over all of this "It's ok. Here, hold onto me" "'s on my hand" Normally he'd flinch, even at work it was hard to deal with sticky hands "It's ok. Right now, I would rather keep you standing for the few more seconds" Leaning against him, Eren buried his face into Levi's shoulder, his words mumbled "I'm sorry" "No, you've got nothing to be sorry about" "I got sick" "So?" "I ruined everything" "Nope" "I did... I do" "You don't ruin everything. You've had a long tiring day, emotionally and physically" As Jean pulled away, Marco waved. Ignoring him, Levi lifted Eren off his feet and carried him to the passenger side door. Keeping Eren balanced with his knee, he fumbled his car open and got the omega inside "I'm sorry" "No more sorries. You're staying at my place tonight, and it's much closer than Hanji's" "I don't want to be a burden" "You're not a burden. I never would have offered if I thought you were" Clipping Eren in, he kissed the omega's forehead "We've got a half hour drive, so go ahead and nap if you feel like it" Nodding, Eren wriggled and tried to get comfortable. The zoo might not have gone over as well as the aquarium, but he still fucking happy he'd got to see it with Eren.
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hansolmates · 7 years
vernon; the boy next door (m)
Tumblr media
genre/warnings: fluff/romance/smut, flangst, adorkableness, use of non-penetrative sex toys, (not so) dry humping
word count:  14737
feat: Hansol Vernon Chwe/Original Female, Joshua, Jeonghan + various 
prompts: roommate!Vernon, silliness, cuddles, mac n’cheese = love 
(a/n) my birthday project for my muse. thank you for everything vern:) and kisses for @vernkn​ who gifed my soft sweater vernon aesthetic. enjoy!
She loved Joshua Hong.
When she was so graciously offered to live in her aunt’s vacation penthouse close to her university of choice, the only catch was that she had to pay some of the bills. Completely fair, because it was a kind enough gesture to give away a freshly furnished space to a niece you barely talked to. Luckily, there was enough room for another guest, enough to split the rent.
So in comes the savior of her life, brother from another mother, Joshua Hong, decked out in sandy beige Sperry’s and ironed white jeans. Fresh from South California, he wore their sunshine on his smile, and their attitude in his Cheshire eyes. He was attending the same university as well, and was conveniently looking for a means to stay. Needless to say, she pounced on him at orientation before he could ask anyone else.
They got along gracefully. They alternated between making dinner and doing dishes whenever it wasn’t take out (thin crust pizza was the ultimate favorite) and they put up socks on their doors for a polite “do not disturb”. To top it all off, they made sure to have a couple core classes together for some solid study buddy time. They passed their classes with relative ease (aside from Korean Grammar, which sucked for the both of them). It wasn’t until two years into their wonderful routine that Joshua had to break the spell.
“I think I’m going back to California next semester, for study abroad.” he said over dinner, cheeks glowing with excitement.
After he said those words, she wasn’t so sure if she loved him anymore.
She knew that this was ultimately the case, in fact she had helped him fill out the application and typed out a student recommendation for him. UCLA was begging for Joshua to come back home, and he theoretically already had his bags packed and ready to go. She knew Joshua was homesick, and she was too, but if Joshua could heal before senior year, she wasn’t going to stop him from going.
Rolling her peas from one sector of the plate to another, she glowered, “Can’t you just take me with you?” she sighed dramatically in an attempt to feign nonchalance, even though she honestly wasn’t feeling hungry anymore. She was going to lose her study buddy, and best friend after the fall semester ended. She didn’t even want to think about finding another roommate this late in the year.
“I know you’re going to miss me, who wouldn’t,” she shot him a playful glare, “But I already got everything covered, heck, I even got you a new roommate until I come back.”
She ceased the food race on her green veggies and looked up with deliberate slowness, as if he were being interrogated. “Wait, you found someone already?”
“Yeah,” he replied easily, taking a delicate sip of water.
“Did you do a background check? No criminal record, drug dealings, unpaid parking tickets?”  
“Trust me. He’s cool.”
“Josh, your version of cool is watching reruns of Full House on a Friday night, with ice cream and your boxers. Which is hella cool,” she giggled, reminiscing the times they’d laze around in over-sized sweaters, too numb to move as they recovered from midterms. “But can he clean?”
“Well, no. He’s kind of messy like you.”
“Oh great. We’re going to have a storm in here.”
“Just please, give him a chance? I owe him and I promised him the space for the semester. He’s pretty chill and I think you guys will get along!”
She glowered at his pleading gaze, hating the way Joshua can turn anyone into the enemy with that puppy-eyed stare and his pouty lips. She was just being bitter and nitpicky, they both knew that. In fact she was relieved that Joshua took the initiative and already found someone to fill up the space so she wouldn’t have to.
With a playfully flippant sigh, she said, “Alright Josh, he can live here. But if this guy starts pulling some horror movie shit in the middle of the night, I’m dragging your ass back here and you’ll be swimming from L.A.”
Joshua giggled, eating a lot more animatedly once he received her approval. “Don’t worry, Vernon’s cool.” he promised.
The enigmatic Vernon came gradually. He came in the form of the most random things, an old studio mixer Joshua needed help bringing in one day after class, and the day after it was a whole cardboard box filled with yellowed soft covers, all in English. Just yesterday, Joshua brought up a whole plastic shelf filled with flannels in what seemed like twelve different patterns and colors, along with a bottomless pit of over-sized shirts and sweaters. She had asked why Vernon didn’t bring his stuff to the apartment himself, and Joshua promptly responded that he’d come the day he’d leave.
“Why,” Joshua teased from his spot on the floor, opening up another box which was filled to the brim with baseball caps and snap-backs. “I thought you didn’t care about him.”
“I don’t,” she huffed, rolling off Joshua’s bed to help him unpack. “I just want to ask him why he has so much stuff.”
It was just plain annoying to have some random stranger’s things lying around her apartment, so she caved and helped Joshua move some of the things in his room. And yes, she was curious. When she put Vernon’s novels in some semblance of order on the shelves, her fingers would trail over the bent spines of his books, the yellowed glue beyond repair. And while she didn’t mind putting his flannels in the closet, the musky vanilla scent of his cologne still lingered on the collars and it was haunting her.
“Don’t worry, you’ll ask him soon enough.” Joshua cooed, pulling out his own suitcases to make room for her new roommate.
And finally, finally he arrived. The mystery named Hansol Vernon Chwe, was about to be solved. It was an ungodly hour in January, considering the new semester wouldn’t start for another two weeks. A loud beep from the security lock roused her, immediately regretting that she didn’t bother closing her bedroom door the night before. The sound echoed rudely past her duvet, and she suppressed a groan, stuffing her pillows against her head. She knew Joshua had a noon flight, and she needed to say goodbye, no matter how comfy her mattress was.
Rolling out of bed as quietly as possible, she sighed, attempting to make herself look presentable.
“Dude, how’re things? NYU treated you well?” she heard Joshua ask from the living room, extra pep lining his voice.
“Yeah, man. It was dope, real cool.” Vernon’s voice was nice, she noted, like molten honey. “A lot of shit’s been going on there, so take care of yourself, alright?”
“Don’t worry, I will.” she could only imagine the way Joshua’s eyes would curl up at the sweet comment. “And could you do me a favor, and take care of her? She doesn’t need taking care of, but she just make sure she doesn’t completely lose her mind over school.”
She snorted, running her hands through her hair as she checked her reflection one more time. This was the best it was going to get at 7AM, she shrugged. Vernon would just have to get used to her looking like a hot mess. Not giving the poor guy a chance to answer, she swung the door open, already prepared to give Joshua a snippy reply.
But what she wasn’t prepared for, was that Vernon was absolutely beautiful.
He looked up from their large couch, his amber eyes wide and attentive as he took in her pajama-clad figure. She felt the heat bloom on her cheeks, suddenly feeling terribly underdressed in her old sweater and leggings. How the hell was she going to live with this for a whole semester?
Vernon was the first to get up, meeting each other halfway as they shook hands. “Mornin’, I’m Vernon. When Josh told me about the apartment, I didn’t expect it to be a penthouse. It’s really nice.”
His palm was big and warm, and she bit the inside of her cheek to stop herself from looking too frazzled. “Thank you,” she said, side eyeing Joshua who was sitting comfortably in the back. “It’s awesome to finally meet you.”
“Same, bro, same.” he chirped, flashing her a genuine smile, twinkling his pearly whites.
“Well, I got a plane to catch.” Joshua interrupted, unable to hide the happy grin filling his face. He was even dressed for the occasion, in a powder blue button down with a matching serenity long coat. His luggage was already lined at the door, only one carryon backpack and one larger luggage, because the rest of his stuff would be at his house in California.
That was enough for her to tear her gaze away from Vernon, and moved from her standing position, throwing herself over Joshua’s body. He made an “oomf” as they collapsed on the couch, the soft material causing them to sink like quicksand. She was probably wrinkling his ironed shirt and making him feel a tad guilty for leaving her behind, but living with Joshua Hong for two years kept you attached like a cat to its nip.
“Josh!” she cried dramatically, hugging him tightly. “I’m going to miss you, so freakin’ much.”
He laughed, the melodic sound tinkling in her ears as he softly pushed her away. “Stop making me feel bad, I’m not dying or anything!” he pulled her up, forcing her to get her jacket and shoes as he and Vernon were already doing the same. “Now quit being a terrible best friend and drop me off at school.”
“Don’t be so bummed now that it’s just me, I’m hurt.” Vernon piped in, clutching his heart with feigned disappointment. “I’ll take you to breakfast after, Josh mentioned you like pancakes?” he asked, already making a beeline to hold the door for her, with Joshua’s luggage rolling in his wrist.
Pancakes? If it was possible for Joshua to look any more oblivious, he would’ve been whistling and taking a dandy stroll down the hall like it was a cheap Disney knockoff. Sneaky Joshua gave her a side-eye, one that said, I know that look. It made her stomach flutter with an influx of freshly blooming butterflies, and she fought the urge to slap the smug grin off of his pretty little face. Flashing a forced smile to Vernon she managed to say, “That sounds great!” before throwing on her jacket, roughly zipping the fabric up to her neck as if she could disappear from her own embarrassment. For Joshua Hong’s last moments in Seoul, he wanted to reduce her to a humiliating mess.
The goodbyes were a happy affair, fortunately. Since Joshua’s family was waiting for him back home, he was probably the only Study Abroad student without a familial support system. It was just her and Vernon, giving Joshua much needed brofists and warm hugs. While she did have to blink more than necessary to shove away the tears that threatened to prick her eyes, she was happy for Joshua. UCLA was a great school, and she knew he’d have the time of his life there. She was going to support him to the very end, even if it was a billion miles away. When Joshua boarded the student bus to the airport, she and Vernon waved like idiots until that big bus got smaller and smaller.
Vernon and her stood standing at the University Gates, letting the rest of the farwellers glide by them like they weren’t even there. With Joshua gone and a full day ahead, she let her muddled thoughts solidify in her brain like hardened concrete. She was living with Vernon, for an entire semester, and it was all Joshua Hong’s fault.
Dammit, Josh. She shivered, shoving her hood over her forehead. Was it too late to sprint and catch that bus?
“It’s getting cold, should we go inside?” Vernon asked lightly, his eyes still focused on the open road. His hands were deep in his pockets, waving back and forth between the empty spaces in his heather grey sweatpants. He looked at her with a warm expression, tilting his head to generously meet her height. “I promised pancakes, right?”
She couldn’t help the slow smile that wormed its way onto her lips, the sharp air feeling a tinge warmer than it was five seconds before he spoke. “Yeah, there’s a good place back home, actually.” she replied, taking the first step.
He immediately synced up with her footing, falling into place like an eager child.
“That barista,” Vernon whistled, elbowing her in the shoulder. “Was totally checking you out.”
“Are you kidding me?” she stage-whispered, using her napkin to smother her giggles. “He was totally checking you out.”
He gave her a funny face, cocking a threaded eyebrow and his smile tight and toothless. It only made her laugh harder. And it was absolutely adorable how his face pinked at the thought. “Well, he couldn’t be looking at me, since it was you who picked up the food. I was sitting here.” he huffed, his brows furrowed in forced frustration.
“But you went up to order the food. His eyes followed you all the way here.”
“He did not.” he stuck his tongue out, before shoving another helpful of strawberry pancakes in his mouth. She didn’t answer however, opting to lay back on her side of the booth with her arms folded over each other. Vernon’s chewing slowed, his cheeks comically full of pancakes, expanding like balloons as he turned his head to the storefront.
The barista in conversation was attracting the two of them like a honey bee to pollen. More curiosity on Vernon’s part, and more forced encouragement on her part. A little part of her didn’t really find much attraction to Barista Boy, no matter how cute he was, because she already had an amazing roommate right in front of her. Living with Vernon for the past few days was nice, to say the least. He was nothing but polite and sweet to her, even though she insisted that he could goof off and be grumpy in the morning if he really felt that way. He was infallibly kind, and even let her use the bathroom first every morning and night. Her heart couldn’t take the kindness, it was unreal. She was half-tempted to call Joshua and ask how on earth did he manage to get someone like Vernon to live with her, but decided that she could handle it on her own, at least for now.
Today was the last day they would be having pancakes here, they promised themselves after three days of self-indulgence. One yummy, carb-saturated breakfast before they went grocery shopping for the new semester.
The barista was bussing a table next to theirs, the onyx of his fringe reflecting the morning sunlight as he rubbed lemon sanitizer over the linoleum.
“I mean, he’s good looking.” Vernon shrugged, taking another stab at his pancakes before realizing he was already done with his plate. His lower lip jutted out in a burst of sadness, and he looked up through his copper lashes to hers, gesturing to her half-eaten plate.
She rolled her eyes, but slid the plate closer to him, knowing she probably wouldn’t finish everything anyway. Vernon greedily accepted the confection, and started cutting up another layer of ruby syruped pancakes. “Yeah, he is. Don’t know if I’d ask him out though, he looks a little sassy if you ask me.” she said tartly.
Vernon snorted, “How can you tell?” he asked, stabbing his fork into the last bits of the plate. The metal went through a large, juicy strawberry. He didn’t hesitate when he held it out to her, “You want the last one?”
“Sure.” she said, but once she reached out for the fork, he pulled back.
“Only if you ask the coffee guy out.” he teased.
“What, no way!”
“Excuse me. I have your bill.”
Both parties shut their mouths at the acidic drawl, coupled with a forced smile that chilled both their spines deep in the bone. The barista stood like a mannequin in the exact center of his table, pulling out a receipt from his neatly tied apron.
Vernon was the first to react, gratefully taking the slip of paper, “Thanks, man.”
“And for the record, if you’re going to talk about me please do it quietly. You’ve been staring for the past ten minutes. I know I’m good looking but hearing you two is terribly distracting.” and then he made a sharp turn on his heel, and sauntered back to his place behind the counter.
The pair could only gape at the barista like guppies until he was finally out of earshot, and they busted into a fit of laughter, their heads leaning as close as they possibly could with the table between them.
“You’re right, he is sassy.” Vernon said, relinquishing the last strawberry to her.
When Vernon first moved in, she told him he could slack off with the niceties. It was okay if he forgot to brush his teeth, or get angry over nothing, or even fart around the house. She didn’t think after a month and a half into it, he’d slack off that way.
But here he was, eating cereal in front of the television in nothing but his boxers.
Their building’s central air system was undergoing maintenance today, causing the apartment to become unnecessarily hot and dry. That wasn’t much of a problem, whoever got up first could crack open a couple windows and call it a day. But Vernon didn’t seem to mind the extra heat one bit.
She however, was absolutely burning.
She didn’t notice at first, because she was incredibly invested in getting some breakfast before she could function like a human being. But looking up from the kitchen counter top, she was lucky to cap the milk in time when she spotted Vernon watching cartoons on the couch, completely and utterly in his element as he munched on Cheerios half-naked.
Water droplets clung to his chocolate locks, which were drying in a frizzy mess due to his natural waves. The moisture rolled off the tips of his hair like morning dew, landing in the dive of his pale collarbones.
He wasn’t terribly fit or anything, or had bulging muscles that could proverbially punch her in the face. But there were lines, definitive lean muscle that streamlined from the little pop in his biceps to the trace of abs that led to the dip in his red, white and blue boxers. Under all those soft hoodies and graphic shirts, were a set of broad shoulders that seemed to carry an unknown strength that could be overlooked at first glance. And his thighs, oh his thighs.
It caused her thighs to press tightly in response, the subconscious action that had her choking mid-bite on her own serving of Cheerios. She couldn’t believe herself, as she played off her spazzing by downing a glass of water. How could this man still be attractive when he’s just eating cereal, bobbing his head back and forth to the Spongebob theme song? Joshua used to walk around their apartment half-naked all the damn time, and she never felt the tingly heat that was practically disintegrating her panties into ash.
Her form of payback was probably a petty, lowest of the low comeback, but it was all she had. It was way too early for her to feel even remotely sexy, especially living with someone who always looked sexy without even trying, but she had to try. Tugging the sleep-shirt off her body in one swift pull, she balled up the worn cotton and bounded forward, throwing it in Vernon’s face.
He sputtered, effectively breaking the glazed, bleary-eyed stare he always had when watching mind-numbing television. He ripped the fabric off his face, and didn’t even notice that her sleeve was now drowning in his bowl of milk. “What did you do that for?” he asked, looking up at her for the first time today.
His jaw opened slightly at the sight of her, drinking in her body like she was the last drop of water on earth. She bit her lip to contain the swell of pride as he took in the scarlet lace bralette that covered her breasts, and the matching pair of cherry briefs that hugged every inch of her hips. His blushed matched her underwear like a carbon copy, dusting his cheeks and the shell of his ears. Vernon couldn’t even look at her in the eye, or take in another breath, for that matter.
She raised a brow, and with an air of confidence she had never felt before she said simply, “It too hot.”
And she sauntered away, with a little wiggle in her hips as she went into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. Once she was positive Vernon couldn’t watch her she let out an exhaustive breath she didn’t realize she was holding in, collapsing against the door. Her eyes glazed over the pearls of water still rolling on the shower glass, fresh from Vernon’s usage a half hour ago. She sighed at her too-damp underwear, leaning a hand to switch the handle to the hottest possible setting. She needed a reprieve, badly.
“Wanna watch Sing Street?” Vernon asked one morning, pouring some apple juice in a glass cup.
The sun was a strong yellow-white against the penthouse, the curtains separated all the way to feed in from the edge of the window to the end of the hallway. It showed the disarray of papers that littered their coffee table, one half for her and the other half for his homework for the week. In the corner, there was a weathered leather journal, the burgundy burlap frayed at the corners and a hotel pen stuck dab in a dog-eared page.
She pulled her thick novel down, only far enough for him to see her eyes which were dull with disinterest. “I have to finish this book by tomorrow, and you have a Media Writing draft due by midnight. And I know you’re not done with it.” she chastised lightly, lifting the book back up.
“Gee, thanks Mom.” Vernon slumped from the counter, his elbows falling like limp noodles against the black marble. “But may I propose that watching movies may be conclusive to my learning? They inspire me.” he tried pointedly, lifting his nose in the air.
“You said that last night.” she drolled, her eyes tacked to the same five words that she had been reading for the past five minutes upon talking to him. He was terribly distracting. “And the night before.”
“I just haven’t found the right movie yet.” he argued with a pout, but he already knew that this conversation was futile on his end.
She sighed dramatically, a smirk pulling on the corners of her lips as she folded the book against her armrest, and patted the free space next to her. “C’mon, the only way you can get through your writer’s block is if you keep writing. Nothing’s going to change if you don’t try.”
“But you’ve read all my stuff this past weekend. They all suck.”
“The ‘pull up on your wacks’ line wasn’t the best one, but it’s a start?” she started to get frustrated, she knew if Vernon wasn’t going to work he’d keep prodding at her to procrastinate with him. And if she left him here to sort it out for himself, he definitely would be holding it off until an hour before the due date. “Now can you please sit here and try?”
“I’m stressed! This class wants me to pump out lyrics like I’m a factory!” he genuinely did look fried, his face paler than normal and god knows when the last time it was since he brushed his hair properly.
“Then take a nap.”
A little lightbulb went off in his head, and Vernon didn’t have to confirm or deny his next actions when he skidded in his orange tube socks across the kitchen and into the living room. He swung his arms back and forth like a top, the long arms of his baby pink sweater dangling past his hands like tentacles. He hovered over the couch, tilting his head at the book she was trying to read, hoping she’d get the message. Unable to stay strong under his gaze, she folded the book between her fingers, and looked up.
“Can I put my head in your lap?” he asked innocently, his lower lip worried in a pout.
She squinted her stare at his big brown eyes, expressively vulnerable and absolutely desperate for a way to relax. How could she say no to that face? Her eyes drifted to her lap, thankfully covered by a large pair of cotton sweatpants. Propping her feet on the coffee table for support, she patted her thighs. “Knock yourself out.” she murmured, trying to remain as nonchalant as possible.  
Vernon dove on the couch, a small grin on his face. He moved like an eager puppy, falling unceremoniously on the beige cushions as he let his long legs dangle off one arm. His head descended with a feather-like slowness on her plush thighs, looking up at her.
“Hi.” he chirped.
“So, nice view from down here.”
She bumped his nose lightly with the spine of her book, causing him to wrinkle his face in a cute scrunch. “Can I read now, Vernon?” He let his head settle into a comfier position, and he nodded, letting his eyes flutter shut.
It was hard to concentrate at first, with the way he looked so handsome with his long copper lashes fluttering closed, and the worry lines dissipating into his forehead. A tender smile wormed its way onto her face, the kind of smile she could only show when he wouldn’t notice. With her one hand holding her book, her other started to tap awkwardly on her side until she decided to just fuck it and run her hands through his messy whiskey tinted tresses. It was rough with peachy scented pomade, but soft enough to not get any painful snags.
He hummed in appreciation, a semi-conscious plea for her to continue. She did so gladly, her nails treading light patterns along his scalp as she read through her novel. His weight on her lap was welcoming, and in fact she would probably let him sleep on her lap until her legs were blue and numb if it all so pleased him.
Not an hour hour later that Vernon started shifting in her lap, looking well-rested. She felt the blood return briefly to her thighs as he tilted his head back and forth, and her hand managed to re-thread between his hair. She played with the strands absentmindedly as she let him rouse.
A gummy smile melted on his lips, eyes still fluttered shut. “Mm, s’feels good.” he murmured, his throat thick with sleep.
Like little hazel fans his eyes gradually blinked open, and she smiled wryly as her eyes met his caramel ones. “Are you well rested, Sleeping Beauty?”
“Well I don’t know about beauty, but like I said it’s a pretty nice view from down here.” he chuckled, his voice rumbly. He threw a hand over his eyes, covering the remnants of sunlight as it ticked to noon. Her hand still lingered on his oakwood hair, since he seemed to like it when she continued. “Can you do me another favor, Best Roommate in the Universe?” he asked hopefully. “My notebook is by your foot, can you give it to me?”
She scoffed, pushing her top half forward to grab the book on the edge of the glass coffee table. She felt her stomach curl up by Vernon’s face, who for some reason refused to move from his spot on her lap. She hoped he couldn’t feel the palpable fire in her body when she felt his nose press into the dip between her stomach. Grabbing the leather by the spine, she placed the book on his chest. “So the nap helped?” she asked, poking the softness of his cheek.
“Yeah,” he replied wistfully, opening a crisp page. “I suddenly got a burst of inspiration.”
This sort of routine was getting to her brain. Her growing crush on Vernon wasn’t doing much to help either. She was able to keep herself in check the busier the semester got. Either Vernon or her would return home at wayward hours in the day, or in the wee hours of the morning. Oftentimes Vernon would collapse on their couch after a long bout of morning classes, while she’d be halfway out the door for her round of evening classes. Usually Sundays would be their downtime together, with low-maintenance breakfasts and long television marathons.
She hadn’t seen Vernon all day, she mused one Friday evening, unpacking her backpack and dumping everything on her unmade mattress. He did have a heavy load today, and by now he’d be home sleeping. Her phone vibrated under her duvet, and her screen glowed with a funny picture of her and Vernon, taken one sleepy Sunday morning. His face was scrunched in a duck face, while she was giving him a hard case of RBF over his shoulder.
Soonyoung throwin a highlighter party nd i deserve a break. B home late
She texted Vernon a quick “have fun” before throwing her cell on top of her hamper, breaking away from her final distraction of the evening. A highlighter party sounded fun, she smiled grimly, looking at the array of lecture notes and scanned textbook pages circling her mattress. Another night, she’ll have fun, she promised herself, diving headfirst into her homework.
It was around 2AM when her alarm clicked in recognition, the front door swaying open. Five pages into her first draft, she ceased her typing and rubbed her fingers to relieve the cramping.
Within seconds, there was a muted bump against the wall between the two bedrooms, and a distinctly female moan.
She felt her whole body chill, the only thing she could detect moving in her body was her heart which panged all the way to her stomach. Her door was open a crack, a sliver thin enough to make her all too hyper aware of the bubbly giggles the couple were exchanging outside. Another thump, and the rustling of clothes. In seconds, a deep muffled groan was echoed throughout the floor. Vernon’s.
They never spoke much about bringing guests home. Sometimes Seungkwan would study over, and she liked him because he’d tell her all the stupid things Vernon did when they were roommates freshman year. Whenever Jihoon needed to pass out in a place other than the studio, he’d take the couch for a couple hours, and Vernon always liked when they could share music advice. Those kinds of guests were always welcome. But this wasn’t anything like Seungkwan or Jihoon. It was someone Vernon was definitely into, and someone who wanted to do more than just simply spend the night. And it wasn’t her.
She rubbed her eyes together, digging the heel of her palm into her face in an attempt to prevent the sting of tears that were threatening its way forward. She wasn’t going to cry over this, she kept chanting in her head. But the mere thought of knowing that Vernon was with another girl, while she was suffocating in her room, subjected to hear and imagine just a thin wall away was just—
Wiping the first frustrated tear, she closed her laptop as quietly as possible, tucking it in her backpack. Shoving on her slippers, she waited until Vernon’s door squeaked shut, before shuffling out her door, careful to not make a single audible breath. In the moonlight from the window, she caught Vernon’s navy flannel on the floor, and the girl’s jacket. Both articles of clothing had neon handprints on the sides, a bitter reminder of the events that had conspired to this very moment.  Biting her lip, she shook her head and left the apartment, making sure to close it as quietly as possible.
The café was open, currently running its graveyard shift into the lone hours of the morning. To her irony, Barista Boy was the only one there, scrolling on his phone by the register. He stood out like a beacon against the low-lit shop, all pretty and pristine in his white uniform. He started in his bench when she opened the door, looking up through his bangs like she was probably his first customer all evening.
“Uh,” she slided up the register, wondering how on earth she ended up here past 2AM. “What’s the Wi-Fi?”
If Barista Boy took any notice of her slightly pinked nose and glassy eyes, he didn’t bother making it apparent. “You’ll have to order something first before I divulge that top secret info.” he drawled, lifting an eyebrow.
Fighting the urge to not go up and arms and just find another place to vegetate in, she put her laptop down on the counter, and pulled out her wallet. “Okay. Do you still have slices of that black forest cake with the ganache?”
“We do.” and he promptly accepted her card, letting the plastic glide through his register, “You know,” he murmured thoughtfully, returning her card and receipt, “I would’ve imagined your boyfriend would be here with you, since you two always get breakfast here.” he added offhandedly.
“Ah, well.” she laughed bitterly, shoving her card in her leather pouch. “He’s just my roommate. We live on the top floor, actually. And if he were my boyfriend, he wouldn’t be fucking someone else while I’m here ordering cake.”
A low whistle escaped his pale orange toned lips, curled in a slight smirk. “So, I guess I’m cutting a big slice then.” he said loftily, gesturing a pale hand to a booth in the corner. “Sit there, and there only. I’m trying to clean as little as possible tonight.”
Shooting a glare in his retreating back, she figured she didn’t have any need to argue at this point, she turned to his booth. She spotted open biology and medical textbooks that littered the booth, arranged in a semi-circle. Pulling out her laptop, she copied the Wi-Fi specs from her receipt and opened up Skype. Drumming on the linoleum, she clicked on the call button.
It only took a matter of seconds before her screen switched to a plain-looking dormitory, and in the middle of it a very tired-looking Joshua Hong. He was still in bed, half his face submerged in a pillow, his phone probably propped up against something. She couldn’t really make a clear image with the dim lighting, the sun muffled between the blinds, but she could make out the distinct lavender color tinting his hair. That was new. “Whoa,” she whistled at the pretty purple strands, “what has college done to you, Joshua Hong Kong?”
“Mmph,” he murmured with a sleepy smile, “Hi.”
“Hi.” his face already made her feel better. “I love you.”
“Love ya too.” he yawned, throwing a hand forward to adjust his camera angle. “But why are you awake? And why aren’t you home, isn’t it like 3AM in Korea?”
“Well, yeah,” she flushed, tucking her feet under the booth and crossing her legs. “But I missed you, Josh.”
At that moment, Barista Boy decided to graze her with his presence, placing a wooden tray in between their work spaces. There was a large chocolate cake slice, so big that it was probably one quarter of the entire cake, and two glasses of water. Barista Boy’s eyes traveled to her computer screen. “Oh, hi Jisoo.” he said lightly, taking the seat opposite hers.
“You know Josh?” she asked, her eyes widening at Barista Boy, who was currently re-diving into his schoolwork.
“The real question is, why don’t you know Jeonghan.” Joshua cut in, a jesting smile on his petal pink lips. He looked a lot more awake now, the pillow tucked away and him leaning against the wall. “But that doesn’t explain why you’re at the shop this late.”
“Oh, that’s because her roommate is, and I quote ‘fucking someone else’ and she’s bitter and jealous.” Barista Boy, now Jeonghan, butted in loud enough for Joshua to hear, his eyes still glazed over his textbook.
She groaned, throwing her head on the table. She heard a short skkrt and looked up briefly, noting that the chocolate cake was pushed closer to her side. Taking the proffered fork, she took a hard stab in the middle of the slice.
“Wait, really?” Joshua asked, sitting up fully. “You like Vernon? I totally called it.”
“This is all your fault.” she cried, shoving a piece in her mouth. She gave herself a few seconds to relish in the sugar and cocoa, closing her eyes to savor the taste. She frowned, pointing the empty fork in the camera. “Vernon is dreamy as fuck. He walks around half-naked all the time, he’s always offering to let me use the bathroom first, and he sleeps with his head in my lap at least three times a week. He says it inspires him, whatever that means.”
“Oh, damn. Wait, does that mean I can’t live there anymore?”
“Josh!” she whined, taking another cut at her cake. “I can’t take the emotional stress. He’s too nice and sweet and I’m too jealous and petty.”
“Maybe you should go talk to him.” Joshua tried, being ever the mitigator. “Well, I mean, not while he’s having sex with someone. Wait, did you really feel the need to leave? Whoa, you must like him that much.” a silly grin appeared on Joshua’s face. “You like-like him.”
“Yes, I like-like him. And I would love for you to not-not rub it in my face.”
“I’m sorry, I have class in a half hour.” she tried not to sigh as she watched Joshua pull on a coat, not bothering to change from his sweatpants and light long-sleeves with the UCLA logo embroidered in gold and blue. “But just tell it to him straight, alright? I wouldn’t lose hope just yet.” he gave her one last hopeful smile, his eyes crinkling together.
The Skype call turned black again, and she pushed her laptop away, bringing the cake closer to her. Talking to Joshua always made her feel better, and while she wasn’t too keen on talking to Vernon at the moment, she knew she’d have to come back to the penthouse sooner or later. She looked over to Jeonghan, who was diligently doing his readings, his gazed glued to the page. Biting her lip, she begrudgingly tugged her laptop back to her and opened her documents to her rough thesis. It was going to be a long night.
As the sun melted from the evening’s lilacs and silvers to golds and scarlets, she was sorely reminded that she had to face reality. At the very least, it wasn’t in vain. Her first draft was done, and if she was lucky enough she could sneak back in while they were still sleeping. So with a hot cup of tea shoved in her hand, Jeonghan kicked her out and insisted that she couldn’t come back until she sorted herself out.
Taking a deep breath, she tried not to think too hard at the fact that she had been staring at her front door for a full minute. The tea was already getting lukewarm in her grasp, and she willed herself to move forward. Punching in the passcode to the penthouse, she opened the door slowly.
“Good morning!” someone sing-songed.
Speak of the devil. She forced a smile at the pair, who were most definitely awake. Trying to not throw her laptop too hard on the couch, she kicked off her slippers, her feet feeling like thick mud as she willed herself to walk forward.
“This is my roommate,” Vernon said from the stovetop, her apron tied around his waist. “And this is Jungyeon.”
“Hi!” his girl from last night chirped, sending her a pretty smile. This girl was absolutely gorgeous, anyone with eyes could see that. She was wearing Vernon’s white oversized t-shirts, with neon highlight splashes of hot pink and yellow, showing off long glossy legs that went on for miles. She tried not to stare as they dangled over her counter, since she was sitting on her tabletop. Jungyeon’s hair was in a messy chestnut pixie cut, and deep down she knew Vernon secretly had a thing for short hair. Her happy disposition just put the crème on top, she could definitely see Vernon with an effortlessly pretty girl like her. A small plate was in her hand, as she happily munched on a pancake.
Pancakes, Vernon made fucking pancakes for her. She couldn’t even remember the last time Vernon made breakfast for her. What, did he treat all his one night stands to a homemade breakfast and send them on their merry way?
“You’re so lucky Hansollie’s your roommate,” Jungyeon cooed, running a finger on a ribbon of maple syrup. “Do you get to eat like this everyday?”
“Oh, uh, yeah.” she said, momentarily dumbfounded at the thought that Vernon could find initiative to make meals other than Cheerios. “He’s a great roommate, actually.” she added, knowing at the very least that would never be a lie.
Vernon turned off the stove and turned to the ladies, holding two plates of pancakes in his hands. She could’ve sworn that Vernon was shooting her some kind of look, his eyes hard and concentrated as he tried to read her. “So,” he said, feigning nonchalance as he placed the plates on the marble, “Where have you been?”
“Just picked up some tea.” she managed to say, holding up her cup for confirmation.
Jungyeon hopped off the counter, placing her dish in the sink. “Well, I have a club meeting to get to. It was nice meeting you,” and in a matter of seconds, Vernon’s face morphed in a scarily cheery facade, up until Jungyeon got on her tiptoes to plant a quick kiss on Vernon’s cheek. “And thank you for breakfast.” she poked his chest lightly, before whipping herself around, popping on a pair of leggings that were folded on the couch. Jungyeon hummed to herself as she slipped on her shoes and left, the melodic song nothing but jarring against her ears. Jungyeon was a good singer, but she was distracted by Vernon’s sudden re-glare, freezing her stiff on her side of the counter. They stood in a fixed position, both unable to move as they looked at each other with anticipation. Vernon was expecting answers, while she was trying to think of all eighty-two ways she could make it to her room without dying of painfully awkward conversation.
The door slammed shut, and they were finally alone.
“You didn’t come home last night.” Vernon said automatically, like a switchblade waiting to go off.
“I just told you, I went out for tea.” she subtly pushed herself against the counter, wishing she could just phase right through through the marble and walk out of this already discomforting conversation.
“No, you didn’t. I heard the alarm go off after you left.  If you didn’t want me to bring anyone over you could’ve said something.” he reasoned levelly.
“I don’t care if you bring anyone.” she lied smoothly.
“Then why did you leave?” Vernon asked, his frown deepening and his brows furrowing. He looked genuinely distressed, his cinnamon eyes pleading.  
“I just didn’t want to be around, okay?” she said, feeling more and more vulnerable under his gaze. “You’re entitled for all the privacy you need.”
“Excuse me for caring.” a cynical smile appeared on his face, and he squinted his eyes, trying to decipher the situation. She hated how Vernon could be so inquisitive, and she hated how readable she felt. “We didn’t have sex last night, if that’s what you’re worried about.” he said purposefully, testing the waters.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” liquid heat burned at her cheeks. “So are you telling me it’s my fault you didn’t get some?”
Disarmed at the sudden jab, he glowered, “No.”
“Then why are you telling me this?”
“Obviously because I was worried!” he blurted, throwing his hands in the air. “My friend leaves our house in the middle of the night without telling me. I sent a bunch of messages and calls, and by the time I realized you left your phone here,” he pulled her cell out his pocket, sliding it to her side of the counter, “Jungyeon fell asleep and I had a massive headache. You could’ve been murdered and I would’ve never known. I didn’t even sleep, I struggled for hours making pancakes to keep myself distracted!”
“You’re over-exaggerating.” she said feebly, feeling her heart swell without her consent.
“So are you.” Caught. Vernon crossed his arms, and for a second he looked incredibly proud of his lecture. But she could see it, the minor defeat in his eyes, because he still wasn’t satisfied with her vague answers. The air had changed considerably in the room, and suddenly the pancakes weren’t looking so delicious, and her peaceful weekend wasn’t feeling so peaceful.
“I need to go sleep.” was the only thing she could say, rubbing her two fingers between her forehead. “I really don’t want to fight right now.”
“Right.” Vernon replied tersely, breaking away from her to sit at the table. “You’re tired because you stayed up somewhere else.”
“Right.” she mimicked. She wasn’t ready for this, but she was okay with being honest. Like Joshua had said, tell it to him straight. “I stayed somewhere else because I couldn’t bear the thought of you with another girl in the room next to mine.” she turned away because she didn’t want to see his reaction, unable to help the words that were tumbling like quicksand.  “Maybe before, when we weren’t so close before.” she said forlornly, her voice dropping to a whisper, “But not anymore, because I know it isn’t worth my tears.”
Biting her lip, she hugged herself and made a beeline out of the kitchenette. If there was any indication of Vernon following her gaze like a stricken animal all the way to her bedroom, she didn’t give him the satisfaction of looking back. With a tight slam of her door, she threw herself on the bed, hoping it was all just one awful nightmare.
It was one long nightmare.
The weeks following her painfully awkward. For the most part it was easy to avoid each other during the weekdays, giving each other small “hi” and “byes” in passing. And the times that they were together, they managed to feign tight smiles and somewhat happy dispositions when it couldn’t be helped. Vernon would sometimes bring leftover pizza back when he came home early, and she would drop a strawberry smoothie by his backpack when she’d come back from the shop. It was like playing house as a kindergartner, slipping into the routine whenever it was playtime, but wholly noncommittal. She had to admit, Vernon was at least trying to return to some semblance of normalcy.
(“Okay, so I’m totally vibing this.” she pretended not to notice the way Vernon was walking back and forth across the living room as he clutched his Creative Writing notebook, digging a rut in the rug as he paced. She wasn’t entirely sure if he was talking to her or himself, looking like a mad scientist caught in the workings of an epiphany.
“You’re so ice ice baby,” he chanted, bobbing his head back and forth to his mental beat.
“Way to go, Vernilla Ice.” she heard herself reply, something niggling in her chest to continue the conversation.
“Ouch,” he flinched audibly, “Quit being such a hater.”
“Sorry,” she muttered, pulling her textbook closer to her face.
“It’s fine. For whatever reason, whenever you’re around I always want to write new things.” and with open air, he stopped pacing and his hickory gaze lingered on her for a second too long, hoping to elicit some sort of response from her. It was true that she couldn’t ignore him, and holing up in her room for days on end was just plain rude.
He didn’t want her to feel embarrassed, and she knew Vernon was the most honest person she could ever meet and would want her to talk things out. But it didn’t stop her from feeling like she needed to put up walls, at least for now, and in response Vernon had no choice but to give her space, no matter how much he wanted her around. When she sunk further into the couch, refusing to reply, he sighed, reading from his lyric book once more.
“You brush my thoughts and sweep my sleep away.” he rapped under his breath.)
Jungyeon was never seen or heard from ever again, and every trace of her was removed from the apartment. She tried asking if Jungyeon and Vernon were a thing, but Vernon always gave a vague shake of his head, looking annoyed at her prodding. It was like she never happened. Conversely, Seungkwan, Jihoon and their other friends became visiting at even higher frequencies, hoping to defuse the tension by reminding them that everything was going to be alright. On the weekends, whoever was free would pick a movie and they’d watch. Those days were easier.
(“Hm,” Jeonghan walked over to the freezer like he owned the place, pulling out an ice cream pint. “You guys got a new fridge?”
“Jeonghan, what the hell? You’ve been here before?” she asked.
“Has Jisoo told you nothing?” he hummed noncommittally, and she watched him take a dessert spoon out of the correct drawer.
Vernon tilted his head, watching their guest maneuver around the apartment like it was his. “Wait, how did you know where the spoons were?” he inquired, looking genuinely confused. “Do you just sneak in whenever you feel like it?”
Jeonghan rolled his eyes, pushing up the sleeves of his sky blue button down. He opened another random cupboard. “No, I’m sure the alarm would’ve alerted you.” Vernon didn’t seem to notice the slight jab, as he watched Jeonghan pull a pack of Twix bars from a hidden corner. “Jisoo’s chocolate stash.” he said like it was the simplest thing in the world, chucking the bars in Vernon’s hands.
“Ohmygodohmygod these are my favorite!” he started jumping up and down like an excited kid, ripping out a bar for himself.
She allowed herself to back away from the conversation, and walked over to the edge of the counter, sitting on a stool. Her eyes watched the pair get along with each other surprisingly well, and she couldn’t help but stare as she watched Vernon’s excitement as he shoved the chocolate in his mouth, cheeks puffy and eyes twinkling. She missed his smile.)
(“Wait, what is this?” Seungkwan barged into their penthouse, carrying their mail in one hand and a medium-sized box on the other.
“Oh, I ordered a dress online.” she said plainly, holding out her arms for her things.
“This brand makes really nice stuff.” Seungkwan ignored her, walking past her and shutting the door with his sock-clad toe. Instead of giving the package to her he threw it on Soonyoung’s lap.
“Oh,” Soonyoung worked on ripping open the packaging, pulling out his keys. “You need to try this on.”
“What?” she scoffed, “I’ll do that later and send a picture. I wanna watch the movie.”
“Nope,” Seungkwan gave her a no-excuses expression, his lips pursed expectantly. “It’ll only take like, five seconds to put on.”
“Six seconds because you won’t shut up.”
“Gah!” she stomped over to Soonyoung, and snatched the open box from him, and went into her room.
After a timely six seconds, at least that’s what she garnered from Seungkwan repeatedly calling her to get out of her bedroom, she stepped into the living room. She felt ridiculous, wearing a pretty dress without makeup and a good reason to go out. But she couldn’t deny what the mirror was showing her, it was indeed a great outfit.
Seungkwan was already at her door, tugging her to the center of the living room. “Twirl,” he instructed sharply, wiggling his one finger like she was a prima ballerina.
Junhui whistled lazily from his cross-legged from the floor. “Whoa, you look hot.”
“Seriously smokin’.” Soonyoung’s eyes minimized to crescents, giving her a thumbs up.
Seungkwan nodded, and then twirled her around to face Vernon. She didn’t even realize he had come out for movie night. “What do you think, Vernonie? Doesn’t she look pretty?” he asked, raising both brows towards his good friend.
His head was downcast, legs spread across the single cushioned chair. His fingers moved like lightning over his iPhone, before he huffed away and forced himself to look up. Vernon blinked, the air around them defrosting, his face in momentary awe. Vernon’s eyes glazed up her body, the way the cherry red skirt clung to her thighs, and the dip of her waist between the black silky v-cut crop. She had never felt so naked while clothed in her life, and she tucked an arm under her stomach self-consciously.
Vernon coughed, hiding his blush. “Yeah,” he mumbled, turning on his phone again, “She looks gorgeous.”)
Vernon became a blip in her radar this past week, blurring past stacks of infinite novels and various papers from different classes. She wasn’t purposefully avoiding him, but it was awfully easy when she could occupy herself with so many things. School was encompassing her like a boa, tighter and tighter as the round of second exams were looming with impending doom. Her eyes were devoid of glimmer and light as she typed autonomously, trying to burn through her research assignments as fast as possible.  But she was numb and fresh out of tea, and she couldn’t even remember the last time she got up to go to the bathroom, or leave the building.
Her phone buzzed with urgency against the glass counter, and she immediately startled herself, blinking back to reality. She snatched the phone off, the picture of Vernon and her waiting expectantly. With a soft inhale, she answered it. “Hello?” she half-whispered.
“Hey,” Vernon’s rumbly voice filled her ears like a familiar lullaby. It had been awhile since they had a proper conversation. “Where are you?”
“East Library.” she replied, her eyes trained on her open document,  enticing her to keep working.
“Oh, you said that when you left this morning.” he said with a sort of disappointed awe, as if he were hoping she’d reply with something a little bit more positive. “Are you coming home soon? I made dinner.”
“You made dinner?” she asked, jaw dropping slightly.
“Yes, is that such a hard concept?” she could practically hear his smile from the line, and she rested her forehead against one of her books. “It really sucks eating alone.”
“Yeah, it’s just that I’ve been working on this paper and I wanna finish it.”
A hand slammed on her laptop lid, closing it shut. Her head snapped up to yell at the offender, but it turned out to just be Vernon, his phone in hand. She was a little dazed, in disbelief at the thought Vernon waited to pick her up and take her home. He looked incredibly proud of himself, a wide pearly white grin tacked on his face. He was dressed in his black long coat, with a fluffy grey turtleneck and cuffed blue jeans. “C’mon, let’s go home.” he said, already packing up her stuff and throwing it haphazardly in her backpack.
“I told you I wanted to finish.”
“Ah-ah. But I left the oven on, so we gotta hurry.”
“You left the oven on!?” she hissed, her eyes widening in horror. “What the hell, why would you do that?”
“Because I said I made dinner! So we gotta go before I burn up the entire apartment,” Vernon could not hide his shit-eating grin, throwing her bag over his shoulder and urging her out the door. He had a large golf umbrella in his hand, and undid the strap. “I bet you didn’t even realize it’s raining.”
She barely got half her coat on when Vernon was pulling her out the library gates, muttering something about them having less than ten minutes before the oven went off. His lip was worried in a pout, muttering something about “getting the recipe” right as he pressed the button on his scarlet umbrella, putting it over the both of them. Vernon was suddenly reeling forward at a breakneck pace, his sneakers sloshing against the cobblestone. She fought to clutch his arm and keep up, her shoes having no chance against this awful weather. The rain fizzled around them, looking like little diamonds bouncing against the pavement. She focused on that, hoping she wouldn’t be reminded that she was getting a little too close to Vernon for comfort, but it was all in practicality. After a timely four minutes half-sprinting back, they made it to their complex, somewhat dry.
Upon entering the apartment, instead of a burning home she was met with the most heavenly smells to meet her nose in weeks. Buying take-out and making ramen weren’t the most ideal types of nourishment, but they kept her sated and it was quick.
And even the table was set up. She tried not to snort too hard at one of their larger table napkins, folded in a lopsided crane. She took a seat at the marble counter, pulling up the stool as she watched Vernon fuss over a glass container and bring it to the center of their table. He then rushed back to grab some bread in the toaster oven, putting it over their respective cooling racks. Pulling off his mittens, he took a spatula and started cutting at the macaroni and cheese. It was a gorgeous meal, with at least five different shades of cheese and a sizable layer of golden bread crumbs on top.
“You made this yourself?” she asked, mouthwatering as he set one section on her plate.
“Mm, yeah. I FaceTimed with my mom while I did it,” he said bashfully, taking a seat and cutting his own piece. “It’s my aunt’s recipe.”
“Really, and what did she say?”
“She was like, ‘really Han, really? Why haven’t you cooked for us?’ and now I need to take a trip to Hongdae this weekend so I can cook for them.”
“That sounds fun, actually!” she remarked, cutting up some pasta with her fork. Blowing on her serving, she popped the first bite in her mouth. Her mind buzzed, warmth immediately flooding to her senses, and she couldn’t help but let a little moan of delight seep from her lips. “Vernon, this is amazing! You definitely need to go home and cook it.”
Vernon gave her a little crooked half-smile, looking shy as he picked at his own plate. “Yeah, I will. Would you like to come with me?”
She could feel herself ready to choke on her own dinner, and she slowed her chewing, tilting her head in confusion. “Really?” she asked, mildly confused. “You’d want me to come home with you?”
“Well, yeah, why not?” he flushed, stuffing a mouthful of pasta in his mouth. She wasn’t even so sure if he was tasting his own creation properly, as he was chewing like his life depended on it, and swallowing so hard she could hear it going down his throat. “Besides, since you’ve let me stay in your home, I would love for you to visit my home.”
The meaning of “home” pinched in her gut, and she held her metal fork with an iron grip, feeling the need to hold onto something concrete. Even though this was the first real conversation they’ve had for weeks on end, he still wanted her to hang out with him, and even go home with him. Go to his world, meet his family, and know more about him.
Vernon took her stunned silence as rejection, and started sputtering out of control. “I—I mean you don’t have to if you don’t wanna! My sister can get kind of annoying, but I mean all little siblings are annoying anyway. But there’s a guest room downstairs so you can have lots of privacy if you need it—you haven’t said yes though, but the offer is always open—”
“Vernon,” she pleaded, willing him to calm down.
“I’ll go home with you this weekend. I’m sure your family is wonderful.”
Vernon’s face melted into sheer happiness, and it made her heart swell knowing that it was the first time in a long time that he had smiled at her so sincerely. She missed him, she missed having him around. “They are wonderful.” he said tenderly, trying not to look too sentimental by forcing more mac down his throat. “You’ll love them.”
“If they’re as great as you are, I’m sure I’ll love them.”
“So, we’re cool now?” he asked, biting his cheek. “For realsies.”
“For realsies.”
He suddenly leapt from the table like a frog, pushing his stool back so he could wrap his arms around her in a warm hug. She laughed, pushing him away while he only held on tighter, rubbing his cheeks with hers. “I knew food would bring us back together!” he cheered, rocking them back and forth so hard that she thought she was going to slip off her seat.
“Yes Vernon, Food is Life. Please get off me because you smell like cheese!” she giggled, shoving him with both hands.
The boy still clung to her like glue, his hands grasping her shoulders in a comfortable grip. The only thing she could focus on was how close Vernon’s face was to hers, and arm’s length, enough to make out the sincerity in his golden brown eyes. “For the record, Jungyeon means nothing to me. I was drunk that night, and I know it’s no excuse.” he squeezed her shoulders once in an attempt to release the sudden tenseness in her muscles. It was the first time Jungyeon was mentioned since she had come over. “I’m sorry it bothered you, I was annoyed at myself too.”
“It’s alright.” she heard herself murmur, momentarily stunned at the confession.
“I’m glad we’re okay.” he squeezed her shoulders one more time, before he returned to his chair and helped himself to a second serving of pasta.
Dinner continued like normal, with light conversation and her being mildly impressed that Vernon managed to consume three-quarters of the dish. But as she watched Vernon’s smile burn through every layer of her being, striped of any facade she put up these few weeks, she began to doubt herself. Could she be just “okay” with Vernon? Things with Vernon would always be okay, but was it enough for her? She could live with him the rest of the year, let their friendship fade through college and go separate lives, would that be okay? What if it wasn’t alright, what if she wanted extraordinary, or fantastic? She didn’t know if she could settle for less.
She went to bed first, Vernon saying that he wanted to do some extra studying before he turned in. She offered to help him solve the first few problems in his Astronomy homework, but once it hit 1AM she was ready to crash. She felt a little bad for leaving him to deal with the rest of it by himself, but he insisted that it was fine.
It only took a couple minutes on her bed to drift away, sleep enveloping her like a balm. She lingered on the sheets, letting herself muse as the rain pitter-pattered against her window. But not a half hour later, the room to her door opened just as she felt ready to sleep for real. She turned her head slightly, finding Vernon absorbing the moonlight. There was a rumble of thunder, and then lightning filling the room like white heat.
He was in a pair of black sweats and a white undershirt, a small blanket wrapped around his body. He managed to cover his top-half with it, with only his head popping out of the seam, looking like a little burrito sealed in blankets.
“Mmph,” she closed her eyes, rubbing a hand over her face. “Vernon,” she murmured, “why are you here?”
“Can I sleep with you?” he blurted.
“Please? You said we were okay and I’m stressed.” she could practically hear the pout in his voice. “I promise I’ll pass my exam if you let me stay. And not trying to be a brat or anything,” he shuffled his feet, looking guilty, “it’s freezing in my room when it rains or snows.”
“Gah,” she rubbed her forehead against her cool silk pillow, hoping this was all just a dream. “You’re just trying to find excuses to cuddle with me.” she grumbled.
“Is that such a crime?” he asked in a whine, “So can I?”
“Fine. Just keep your distance.”
She knew that proposition wasn’t going to last long. Vernon practically flew to her bed, rousing the springs and causing her body to bounce in recoil. They were a safe foot away from each other, with enough room for the both of them. He fluffed her pillows on his side and put his blanket at the foot of the bed, going under her marigold duvet. She heard him take a deep exhale, and she smiled into her pillow, wondering if Vernon enjoyed the scent of her sheets.
It only took a total of five minutes before Vernon caved, rolling his body so that his head nuzzled in the crook of her neck, his nose poking between her collarbones. He wasn’t really cuddly in front of people, and it was usually his friends that made the first move if he did do something. So any moment that he did want to get close, she knew she had to savor it.
She sighed, feigning a tired yawn as she let the scent of Vernon’s vanilla and sandalwood encompass her. She shifted, tugging his heavy arm up so it would fall under her petite body, letting herself be snuggled under his embrace. His hands wordlessly found her hip, tucking itself between her back like a shield.
It only took a matter of seconds before she could fall asleep, but it was enough for her to conclude that simply being “okay” with Vernon, wasn’t enough for her.
It was the first and last time that she and Vernon slept in the same bed, and she couldn’t have been more than thankful for that. She thought their first awkward phase was bad, but the second one was significantly more tortuous than the last.
Sweet, sweet torture. One that led to lingering touches on her waist when they would accidentally bump into each other in the bathroom. When they’d hug and somehow his hands would make its mark between the dive of where her t-shirt ended and her pants began, that sliver of bare skin treated with tender, but fleeting grasps. The sanguine compliments they’d exchange whenever they went out, if they had a nice outfit today or a high-five on campus after an exam period. Eye contact that went on for too long between meals, ones that made Seungkwan want to gag and his sister to tease. Wordless conversations on Sunday mornings, bodies lazily slumped against each other, exchanging a bowl of chips over dramas.
It had her aching for more, and she wondered if he was feeling just as starved.
She sat cross-legged on her mattress for what felt like hours, simply holding the object in her hand like it was the last piece of hope on this land. She had just gotten back from university, feeling incredibly beaten. Her professor ripped her last essay to shreds, and her last paper didn’t fare so well with her other class. Her thesis for graduate school needed re-work, and with the low marks she got in her other classes, she wasn’t feeling so confident as before. She knew it was going to be fine at the end of the year, she just had to hang on a little bit longer. 
She needed to relax, she thought, as her fingers toggled with the metal vibrator in her hands. It was a small, cute bullet that seemed like a questionable device when her best friend gifted it to her a couple weeks ago, but now was a good time as ever to test its capabilities. She gave an experimental jab at the rubber button, and the vibrator buzzed to life, deafeningly loud against the quiet apartment.
Slipping off her shorts, she let out a long-suffering sigh as she laid her head down on a propped up pillow. She thought about her thesis that was due in a couple weeks, the only thing written down was the title,  still a work in progress. The future seemed like such a faraway land, waiting for her to fall over and start acting less of a child and more of an adult.
She thought of Vernon, everything about him just crashed on her mind, encompassing her like a circle in a perpetual loop. The scent of his button downs when he first moved in, his vanilla scent seducing her before she even had a chance to shake hands with him. The way he’d walk around the apartment in only his underwear, painfully oblivious to the fact that the simple action was wracking her with frustration. The silly giggles Jungyeon made in-between rushed, secretive kisses as they made the journey from the front door to his bedroom. She closed her eyes tighter, as she recollected the heavy groans Vernon must’ve breathed into her neck, weak with sanity but strong with desire.
She sighed, urging herself to grapple some pleasure out of that pain. Vernon didn’t have to tell her Jungyeon meant nothing to him, to excuse his drunkenness for silly mistakes. He didn’t have to give her that satisfaction, the ability to run her mind and give herself a chance. Hating herself for feeling so needlessly jealous, she threw one of her pillows across the room, knowing if she was too loud Vernon would wake up from his nap.
It fell with a soft puff to the ground, and she grit her teeth, suppressing the little part of her that wanted him to hear. She pressed the vibrator to her core, pleading for some type of reprieve.
She broke apart bit by bit, sinking into the sheets. She thought of the the way Vernon spent that night with her in bed, simply sleeping. How their touches were so innocent, so mutual, but at the same time she felt subconsciously dissatisfied, hoping for something more. How she ignored the familiar heat of his strong thighs against her own the morning after, pretending to not-so-accidentally brush over his morning wood as she got up to shut off her alarm. How she had to wait with forced stillness until he had his morning shower, and let herself relax on her own accord, much like now. She put some tension in the metal bullet, letting it soak up her juices as she let it go up and down her slit, swallowing sighs like shots with every wave of pleasure.
And then the door was thrown open.
Vernon practically shoved himself in, panicking as he held up his Astronomy textbook. “You need to do me a favor,” he cried frantically, waving the hardcover around. “My calendar alarm went off and I just realized I have a quiz tomorrow and—”
The book met the ground in a painfully loud thud.
“Vernon!” she bolted up, chucking her vibrator under her pillow. “Ever heard of knocking?”
He didn’t answer, in fact his body was frozen solid as he managed to ask in a quiet voice, “What are you doing?” he nearly whispered.
“Answer my question!” Ohmygodooohmygoddd he saw me touching myself he saw me I’m going to die.
“What? No, answer mine!” he finally pushed himself forward, having the balls to go near her mattress. “What did you just throw?”
“It’s making sounds.”
They both made eye contact, like a silent face-off as their eyes snapped back and forth in sync from each other to the mysterious sounds her pillow was emitting. He wouldn’t dare, she thought, fingers curling between the sheets in nervous anticipation. She was dead wrong. Vernon dove first, as if she wasn’t totally just trying to touch herself five seconds ago, his hands darting under the pillow to retrieve the culprit. For a semi-fit looking guy, he was incredibly dense and heavy to ward off. She hardly had time to think as she clutched his shoulders to pull him back, only for her to meet eye-to-eye with her vibrator, the incessant buzzing reverberating throughout the room.
Vernon’s pupils were blown like galaxies, innocently rolling the object between his thumb and pointer. “You were going to use this?” he asked with glazed wonder.
“No.” she deadpanned, “I was going to go take a walk and go out to dinner with it.”
At this point, they’d slip into their method. She’d say a snarky comment, he’d laugh and make some silly joke that made no possible sense in context, but she’d laugh anyway because it was Vernon and he made everything seem funny. But Vernon wasn’t doing any of the following, in fact his eyes were still stuck on that damn vibrator, as if he couldn’t believe what was happening. The anticipation was absolutely wrecking her, and she subtly pressed her thighs together as she awaited his reply.
Finally, his Coca-Cola eyes lolled towards her, and he asked with an eggshell delicacy, “So if you’re not going to use it on yourself, can I use it on you?”
Her knees trembled like it was ice cold, although she was fervently burning with a desire that had been singeing her black for months.
His eyes were perpetually in mid-explosion, dilated so far that she could make out the stars across the rim of his sea of chocolate, both in shock and excitement. She couldn’t help but nod at his subdued eagerness, biting the inside of her lip as she let her consent register in his brain. Vernon still kept his eyes glued to hers, as if she’d say no at the last second, but his hand made a trail for her thighs, the swell of her hips, before he felt the seam between her thighs, willing them to part open for him. His touch was ice cool against her heated body and honeyed her panties with arousal, and she blushed because he wasn’t even doing anything yet but she was already so riled.
The vibrator hung in the air for only a second, before it dipped down to her clothed clit, and he began pressing pressing pressing.
She gasped, her thighs closing in reflex, effectively trapping Vernon’s hand. He raised a sharp eyebrow at her, an amused smile curling on his features. “Relax,” he said, the words immediately physicalized under his command, and she felt her muscles slack with ease. “I’m going to take care of you.”
I’m going to take care of you. She ignored the pinch in her gut for now, because Vernon seemed to be enjoying his time with her. He rolled the rose gold bullet in little circles and big circles, continuing his actions as he hovered over her, sitting with his legs spread as a cocoon between hers. The vibrator reverberated through her panties, and she moaned, throwing her head back against the pillow. Before she could get even more turned on than she already was, she reached for her panties, tugging them off in a haste and throwing them across the room. She exhaled, letting her body float against the mattress. She heard Vernon chuckle at her sudden eagerness, the low tones in his voice turning her on even more as he pressed the next setting on her vibrator.
The cool metal slipped like butter between her folds, igniting liquid fire as she whimpered in tandem to its rapid ministrations. The bullet went fast, and slow, and then fast again, and then agonizingly, achingly slow. It was so much that she started to squirm when the metal bullet would graze her clit ever so slightly, and then gasp like it was her last breath on earth when he’d suddenly push it into the center of its bud, causing herself to bloom like lilies.
“Vernon,” she gasped, his name coming out in a desperately slow moan. “Vernon, Vernon.”
Without warning, the vibrator plopped with a soft thud on the mattress, and she felt his fingers brush against her slickened folds. From her half-lidded gaze, she saw the way Vernon looked at her, not her body, not her arousal, her eyes. He was mesmerized, spelled by youth and curiosity so genuine it almost made her come right then and there.
He picked up the vibrator again, but his other hand remained at her entrance, prodding and teasing as the vibrator made its way back to her clit, swirling at a steady pace. She sighed in bliss, grappling at her cotton yellow sheets as ecstasy wracked through her body.
“F-fuck, Vernon,” she exhaled again, feeling his warm fingers gather her arousal like a fountain, dripping over his skin like a gloss. “More—a-ah right there—please do that again.”
He muttered something under his breath, something along the lines of to stop saying his name like that or else he’d lose it but kindly hastened his pace, and before she knew it she was rocking her hips back and forth against his fingers, chasing that aching release she had been wishing for so long. He gave careful work to the spongy bud, curling his digits until stars and moons assaulted her vision, her breathy gasps releasing in staccato, before all at once melting herself into the soft mattress. She felt herself burst into electricity, like light bulbs crashing into pavement and glittering the walk in color and spark.
She let herself exhale in peace, the rise and fall of her chest heavy and breathy like she was trying to savor the last breath on earth. Carding a hand through the hair that was mussed at her face, she propped herself on her elbows. Vernon’s eyes drifted to the sticky substance that iced his fingers, and it made her all too aware of the same substance she was practically drowning in between her thighs. His pink tongue darted out the seam of his lips, before taking an experimental lick at her juices.
Scandalized, her neck started to burn with embarrassment. “Vernon,” she half-whined, causing him to snap his neck towards her. “Don’t do that.”
He looked like an innocent kitten, lapping up milk like it was the last drop in the bowl. He cocked his head to the side, “Why, how can you be embarrassed all of a sudden?” he asked gently, letting his body slack against the propped pillows.
And suddenly it hit her like a two-ton bus, that Vernon was in her room not to study, or ask if she wanted to eat dinner, or any other normal activity roommates shared. No, he just gave her an amazing orgasm, one that was still replaying in her mind like ticker tape, and here he was, fully clothed and an erection straining through his jeans. And she was moreover naked, her bra straps floating across her elbows and nothing but a thin tank top to barely cover the rest of herself.
Vernon immediately caught onto her distress, and he sat up, one foot already on the floor. “I’ll just—uh—I’ll go in my room and uh, yeah—it’s fine.” he stuttered literal word vomit, unable to think of anything coherent, the panic evident in his face.
Before he could make his getaway, she darted forward, tugging the hem of his sleeve. “No, Vernon. Please stay.” she said, pulling him back down with a cotton soft press of his flannel clad shoulder. It didn’t take much for him to lie back on the bed, looking profoundly dumbstruck at whatever the hell was going on between the two of them. “Let me take care of you, too.” she murmured, her hands reaching to palm him through his jeans. Before she could think twice she ground her hand into him, letting herself feel the width of his hardened length.
A devastating groan escaped Vernon, throwing his head so hard that it smacked against wood of her bedframe. She laughed when he pouted at his sudden impulse, her fingers flying back to push back his russet strands that went out of place, slick with sweat.
“Sorry,” he smiled sheepishly, “Wasn’t prepared for that.”
“I wasn’t prepared for you walking in on me, either.” she murmured playfully, her thumb brushing the flyaways of his honey spice coif. “Please don’t tell me you broke your brain or anything.” she rubbed his scalp briefly with a tender caress.
“No, seems intact.” he replied shortly, “For now, at least.”
She raised a brow, before dipping her hand back to the button of his jeans. He lifted his hips up slightly, eyes still trained on her as they helped each other get his jeans off. His plaid boxer briefs were slung low on his hips, his erection standing under a pool of precome against the cotton. She was about to pull the waistband down before she bit her lip in contemplation, looking back at Vernon. He looked expectant, awaiting her next move, but at the same time, still glazed with wonder of how they got like this so quickly. She didn’t know either, although she hoped that this would be a step forward in their relationship, rather than the backwards spiral they were enduring the weeks before. They’ve gone this far now, and if there was anything they’d possibly regret, she might as well go all the way.
She took a detour by putting her weight on Vernon so they were chest to chest, and she kissed him. He was terribly responsive to her, although his hands clung to his sides, she could feel the moment of finally in his reverence, combined with the taste of her and something that was so distinctly Vernon, she yearned for more.
Still kissing him, her fingers returned to their journey under his boxers, before finding his hard cock that ached for release. He groaned into the kiss, bucking into her hand as he finally reached forward to let his warm hands grip her waist. The angle was awkward since he was so tall, and she bumped teeth a few times as she struggled to keep up with rubbing him off and simultaneously kissing. She felt his hand reach for the one in his underwear, twining their fingers and pulling it away so a sharp twang echoed from the spandex. He ushered her waist forward, and looking ever-so determined to make this work, he urged her onto his lap, his clothed erection aligning with her naked core.
She never thought grinding between such a thin barrier would arouse her so much, but it was probably Vernon that was turning her on more than the action. He looked like he was on the verge of breaking down, his Adam’s apple bobbing like a pendulum as he settled her on top of him, hands securing her safely as he rocked up.
“Nngh—” Vernon threw his head back again, this time gently, his mouth parted with pure ecstasy, “You feel, so fucking good.” he sighed from the base of his throat, graveled with lust.
She could only whimper weakly and nod in reply, trying not to collapse over as she felt her clit pulsate between his hardened cock, with every thrust feeling like this fullness was more than enough, and she could hardly imagine having it without his boxers, inside of her. Her hands grappled under the hem of his weathered shirt, finding purchase in gripping the solid planes of his abs. Her core throbbed incessantly as she glided against him, finding a rhythm that synced well with the hot friction that melded the both of them together. The bed rocked in tandem like a lullaby, arching to their hard sighs and soft moans that collided in her bedroom.
It was only a matter of time before Vernon’s actions would get more erratic, scattering in a frenzy nearing the peak of pleasure. His grunts stained the room like the way impressionists would leave their mark, wholly impactful. She held on, watching the way Vernon was barely hanging by a thread, a sheen of sweat glittering his forehead, looking simultaneously gorgeous and wrecked as he chased his release. His head was arched back, exposing his hard pale collarbones which contrasted beautifully against the serene half-lidded bliss his smokey brown eyes were giving her. She felt the wetness between them multiply, and she felt inebriated knowing their arousal was mixed together. She swirled her hips between his, gathering the slick juices that glistened between them to ride out their high. Grounding and circling her hips to his with gravity on her side, she tipped the scale, and Vernon collapsed like sand in an hourglass, crumbling as he thrusted one last time and rode out his orgasm with a low moan, his seed pooling in his boxers and milking against her tummy and equally wet tank.
She let herself fall on her side of the bed, thighs sticky as she groaned from exertion, collapsing next to Vernon. She tucked her head between his arm and chest, letting her eyelids flutter for a few seconds. It was comical, the way Vernon was completely windblown, his pants half-dragged his one ankle with hot pink tube socks, his top half still fully clothed yet wrinkled from exhaustion. 
“By the way,” Vernon exhaled, voice crackly with exhaustion. “Are you on the pill, or something? I came in my underwear.”
“You ask me that after you come?” she balked, a tired laugh fluttering from her post-bliss.  
“Well, I was preoccupied.” 
“Don’t worry about it, we’re safe.”
“Oh, cool.” she heard Vernon count to three in breathy whispers. One, two. “Wanna go on a date?”
She muffled her laugh through his dampened shirt, and she felt his chest rumble in chuckles. “Sure. Although living with you every day seems like a date.”
“What are we going to tell Josh?” Vernon blurted aloud, shifting slightly so that their chests were facing each other. “I mean, I guess he can take his room back. I can move all my stuff here, or there’s that extra closet—”
“Vernon,” she cut him off, wounding her legs in his. “We just had amazing foreplay and the first thing you want to do is bring up Josh?”
“Oh, sorry.” he swooped down, pressing his forehead to hers. “So yeah, dating? Cool?” there was nothing remotely serious in his tone, getting from the fact that all along, they had a feeling they’d cut to jumping each other’s bones one day or another. He gave her a goofy grin, blissfully falling into something so impulsive and so so beautiful.
“Cool.” she shifted, rubbing her ruddy cheeks. “Now can we please sleep? Pining over you these past few months was exhausting.” she confessed, nuzzling her head between his neck. “Do you know how frustrating it is when you walk around half-naked?”
“You’re telling me.” Vernon yawned, throwing an arm around her waist. “Do you know how distracting it is when I’m trying to study and I hear you touching yourself in the other room? Like, rude.”
“You’re ruder.”
“Rudest.” he chuckled, tucking his chin on the crown of her head. “I still need help with that quiz by the way.” and he helped himself up, only to tilt his head so that it would level with hers. “But first, could we re-do that kiss?”
“Not satisfied with the first one?” she teased in a velvety whisper, inching her lips forward so that they would linger over his.
“No, it was great, but I don’t think I’ll ever be satisfied with just one.” he giggled with a pursed mouth, before pressing his lips to hers. They smiled through the kiss, messy and uncoordinated as they’ve always been, sticky and sweaty as they tangled themselves together between the marigold duvet. It was warm and sudden and a little awkward, but this was more than okay.
Best roommate, ever.
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kathydsalters31 · 4 years
10 Indestructible Beds for Chew-tastic Canines
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Updated July 10, 2020 | For Dog People By Nia Martin
This post contains affiliate links. Read more here.
Stop us if this sounds familiar: You buy your dog a cushy place to sleep, after much thought and budget-balancing. You bring it home. Your dog loves it. So much so that before you know it, they’ve shredded the cover, scattered the stuffing, and perhaps mangled a zipper. Some dogs just can’t resist the urge to toy with their bedding. If that’s the case for you and your pet, it’s time to get serious with an indestructible dog bed. Yes, they do exist!
We’ve rounded up these super-tough (yet cozy) options for the chewers, shredders, and diggers in your life, including one fail-safe option approved by shelters and vets everywhere.
Whether you have a teething puppy, a troubled teen, or an anxious adult, here are some steps dog owners can take to prolong the life of any dog bed:
Make sure your dog gets lots of mental and physical exercise and play every day, especially prior to crating.
Interrupt any destruction and immediately redirect chewing to an appropriate item.
Limit the length of their alone time, or break up a long day with a dog walker or drop-in visit.
Provide Kongs and other puzzle toys to keep your dog busy while you’re away.
Bitter Apple spray, applied daily, may help your dog resist gnawing on his surroundings.
Best Indestructible Dog Beds for Chewers
These nearly indestructible dog beds are made for your dog’s digging, chewing, and scratching habits. Read on for our takes and even some tests from Rover’s own dogs. A few of these companies are so confident in their product, they’ll even replace it if it doesn’t live up to its tough promise.
This cozy dog bed checks a lot of boxes: it features a 4-inch memory foam base; it comes with a machine-washable, tear- and water-resistant cover; and it offers sturdy, almost fully enclosed bolstering support if you have a dog who likes a pillow.
While it’s not certified indestructible, it should stand up to dogs that like to dig in their beds and have a nibble while they’re at it. A nice combination if you have an older dog who’s a moderate chewer, and needs a soft place to rest.
Verified Review: Tried and tested by Rover office dogs, “We were impressed with the quality of the PetFusion bed, which lives up to the ‘ultimate’ in its name. If your dog likes to burrow, like mine, I throw a fuzzy blanket or two on top, and he’s happy as can be. The bed was a 10/10 with our dogs.”
Shop on Chewy
This indestructible dog bed cover (okay, it’s chew-resistant at least) is removable and machine-washable, but the opening is hidden because dogs love to dig and claw at zippers. It’s also waterproof for indoor/outdoor comfort. Our tester loved that it was made from recycled materials, yet felt very durable.
Verified Review: “Mable likes to dig in her beds, which has been a problem with dog beds because some are cheaply made and will easily rip. When she starting digging, the bed barely flinched. The stuffing of the bed is perfect and doesn’t clump up on one-side (which is common with other dog beds) so it definitely exceeded my expectations. This bed is perfect for inside, outside, the car, work—everywhere! This bed is so comfy that I could easily fall asleep on it myself.”
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The not-so-secret weapon in the war against chewing: Kuranda. This truly indestructible dog bed is designed with unrepentant chewers in mind. Heavy-duty tubular support made of PVC or aluminum pipes hides and protects the fabric platform. There are lots of sizes, covers, and upgrades available, and all have a one-year warranty. These sturdy beds are used and loved by shelters and rescues, so you know they’re tough!
Verified Review: “The item came in a box and required a bit of assembly. The box did not contain instructions for assembly so I found a video on YouTube. Took about 15 minutes. The bed is simple in design and attractive. I like the simplicity of this bed and my puppy really enjoys it. She likes to lay on it with her blanket and seems to like the netting style. The medium size offers plenty of room. We don’t have any complaints about the product. I would have appreciated having some setup instructions in the box but overall, my dog really enjoys this bed. I have this set up at the Rover office and am considering another for home.”
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We especially love the many color options from K9 Ballistics, which offers a 90-day limited damage warranty for their bed covers (but not the bed itself), which they believe are near-indestructible. This chew-resistant dog bed has a waterproof, removable cover that’s machine-washable, so it’s tough and easy to clean.
Verified review: “It looks a bit plain: just a big, thick square pad with a cover that you zip on. However, it’s thicker than I expected, more like a plush pillow, and the cover feels very sturdy. The zipper is strong and easy to use. I’d feel confident removing and replacing the cover if I needed to. Though it’s not exactly soft to the touch thanks to its tough nylon cover (which feels more like a canvas tent cover, say, than a blanket), my dog loves this bed. She is very happy to flop out across it. I am pleased with its durability because after one month of use, she has yet to tear even a small hole into it. She occasionally scratches at it, as if to bury her toys in it, and hasn’t even made a dent. You can’t tell, in fact, that a dog uses it unless you look closely because the fabric is basically fur-repellent. It’s very easy to wipe off. I would say that this bed truly is ‘chew-proof’ and that it’s much softer and more supportive than I’d thought it would be. Easy to put the bed inside the cover and zip up! Main issue has been the size; it’s bulky and not easy to fit comfortably in our living space.”
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This durable orthopedic dog bed is covered with two cases; an internal breathable liner for the shredded foam, and then a waterproof, machine-washable tough denim cover over that. While this bed isn’t rated indestructible, there are many reviews stating that their beds have stood up to some serious large breed wear and tear, earning this affordable bed a spot on our indestructible list.
Verified Review: Our reviewer, a Rover sitter, found that both her own dogs and the Rover dogs she hosted were, as she says, “obsessed” with this bed, especially with the microsuede cover. (She observed that the denim cover was not as popular, possibly because the material was too stiff; but because it’s machine washable, a few runs in the wash could soften it up.)
One of her dogs who usually preferred the floor to his existing dog bed even took to using it. “He seems really comfortable and relaxed,” she said, noting that the bed was, “very high quality, felt great, and appears to be supporting his joints extremely well.”
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If you’re looking for a chew-proof pad for your dog’s crate or simply a bed that travels easily, the Tough Bed Crate Pad is a great choice. You can use it for kenneling or for travels: roll it up and toss it in the back of your car or truck, use it for camping or any other place your dog needs a little cushioning. Recommended for light to moderate chewers.
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Carhartt’s nearly indestructible dog bed is made from a durable cotton canvas material. It can withstand years of chomping (though we recommend keeping an eye on aggressive chewers), wet paws, and digging. The nontoxic water-repellent coating makes for easy cleaning, and its triple-stitch seams and brass zipper hold up in the washing machine.
Verified Review: Our tester noted that the bed is a good size, yet lightweight and easy to move around. Check out our video review below for more about this bed.
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Made in the USA, this dog bed fits most standard crates and is stuffed with 4 inches of good quality foam for a comfortable rest. The removable cover is crafted from military-grade fabric that’s made to be indestructible and resistant to stains, but can still be popped right in the wash between uses.
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An indestructible dog bed for small and toy breeds, it’s also very soft, which comes from a super comfy fill made from recycled polyester fiber. Easy to clean, this lounger bed is covered with a tough rip-stop fabric, to hold up against little scratches and chews.
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Orvis stands by this indestructible dog bed, offering a refund if your dog manages to rip through the cover. Made from microvelvet bonded with rip-stop nylon, it’s crafted all-around extra tough against wear and tear. The cover is removable (fastened by a solid brass zipper), but the entire bed is also machine washable. Bonus: Take this bed to the next level by personalizing it with embroidery, up to 15 letters.
Shop on Orvis
Further Reading
Nia Martin grew up with cats, dogs, horses, and a goldfish that lived for eight years. Based in Seattle, her writing and photography have appeared in Seattle magazine, The Seattle Times, The Fold, Cascadia Magazine, and Bitterroot Magazine, among others. When not working, you can find her petting dogs and visiting her family’s charismatic tabby, William of Orange.
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source http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/10-indestructible-beds-for-chew-tastic-canines/ from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.blogspot.com/2020/07/10-indestructible-beds-for-chew-tastic.html
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barryswamsleyaz · 4 years
10 Indestructible Beds for Chew-tastic Canines
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Updated July 10, 2020 | For Dog People By Nia Martin
This post contains affiliate links. Read more here.
Stop us if this sounds familiar: You buy your dog a cushy place to sleep, after much thought and budget-balancing. You bring it home. Your dog loves it. So much so that before you know it, they’ve shredded the cover, scattered the stuffing, and perhaps mangled a zipper. Some dogs just can’t resist the urge to toy with their bedding. If that’s the case for you and your pet, it’s time to get serious with an indestructible dog bed. Yes, they do exist!
We’ve rounded up these super-tough (yet cozy) options for the chewers, shredders, and diggers in your life, including one fail-safe option approved by shelters and vets everywhere.
Whether you have a teething puppy, a troubled teen, or an anxious adult, here are some steps dog owners can take to prolong the life of any dog bed:
Make sure your dog gets lots of mental and physical exercise and play every day, especially prior to crating.
Interrupt any destruction and immediately redirect chewing to an appropriate item.
Limit the length of their alone time, or break up a long day with a dog walker or drop-in visit.
Provide Kongs and other puzzle toys to keep your dog busy while you’re away.
Bitter Apple spray, applied daily, may help your dog resist gnawing on his surroundings.
Best Indestructible Dog Beds for Chewers
These nearly indestructible dog beds are made for your dog’s digging, chewing, and scratching habits. Read on for our takes and even some tests from Rover’s own dogs. A few of these companies are so confident in their product, they’ll even replace it if it doesn’t live up to its tough promise.
This cozy dog bed checks a lot of boxes: it features a 4-inch memory foam base; it comes with a machine-washable, tear- and water-resistant cover; and it offers sturdy, almost fully enclosed bolstering support if you have a dog who likes a pillow.
While it’s not certified indestructible, it should stand up to dogs that like to dig in their beds and have a nibble while they’re at it. A nice combination if you have an older dog who’s a moderate chewer, and needs a soft place to rest.
Verified Review: Tried and tested by Rover office dogs, “We were impressed with the quality of the PetFusion bed, which lives up to the ‘ultimate’ in its name. If your dog likes to burrow, like mine, I throw a fuzzy blanket or two on top, and he’s happy as can be. The bed was a 10/10 with our dogs.”
Shop on Chewy
This indestructible dog bed cover (okay, it’s chew-resistant at least) is removable and machine-washable, but the opening is hidden because dogs love to dig and claw at zippers. It’s also waterproof for indoor/outdoor comfort. Our tester loved that it was made from recycled materials, yet felt very durable.
Verified Review: “Mable likes to dig in her beds, which has been a problem with dog beds because some are cheaply made and will easily rip. When she starting digging, the bed barely flinched. The stuffing of the bed is perfect and doesn’t clump up on one-side (which is common with other dog beds) so it definitely exceeded my expectations. This bed is perfect for inside, outside, the car, work—everywhere! This bed is so comfy that I could easily fall asleep on it myself.”
Shop on Chewy
button url=”https://prf.hn/click/camref:1011l4bUt/destination:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.chewy.com%2Fkh-pet-products-k-9-ruff-n-tuff%2Fdp%2F148456%3Fgclid%3DEAIaIQobChMI-IOSvaH-5AIVCavsCh0QxwsCEAAYAiAAEgKKMfD_BwE” text=”Shop on K & H Pet Products” class=”button-width=”50%”” new-tab=1]
The not-so-secret weapon in the war against chewing: Kuranda. This truly indestructible dog bed is designed with unrepentant chewers in mind. Heavy-duty tubular support made of PVC or aluminum pipes hides and protects the fabric platform. There are lots of sizes, covers, and upgrades available, and all have a one-year warranty. These sturdy beds are used and loved by shelters and rescues, so you know they’re tough!
Verified Review: “The item came in a box and required a bit of assembly. The box did not contain instructions for assembly so I found a video on YouTube. Took about 15 minutes. The bed is simple in design and attractive. I like the simplicity of this bed and my puppy really enjoys it. She likes to lay on it with her blanket and seems to like the netting style. The medium size offers plenty of room. We don’t have any complaints about the product. I would have appreciated having some setup instructions in the box but overall, my dog really enjoys this bed. I have this set up at the Rover office and am considering another for home.”
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We especially love the many color options from K9 Ballistics, which offers a 90-day limited damage warranty for their bed covers (but not the bed itself), which they believe are near-indestructible. This chew-resistant dog bed has a waterproof, removable cover that’s machine-washable, so it’s tough and easy to clean.
Verified review: “It looks a bit plain: just a big, thick square pad with a cover that you zip on. However, it’s thicker than I expected, more like a plush pillow, and the cover feels very sturdy. The zipper is strong and easy to use. I’d feel confident removing and replacing the cover if I needed to. Though it’s not exactly soft to the touch thanks to its tough nylon cover (which feels more like a canvas tent cover, say, than a blanket), my dog loves this bed. She is very happy to flop out across it. I am pleased with its durability because after one month of use, she has yet to tear even a small hole into it. She occasionally scratches at it, as if to bury her toys in it, and hasn’t even made a dent. You can’t tell, in fact, that a dog uses it unless you look closely because the fabric is basically fur-repellent. It’s very easy to wipe off. I would say that this bed truly is ‘chew-proof’ and that it’s much softer and more supportive than I’d thought it would be. Easy to put the bed inside the cover and zip up! Main issue has been the size; it’s bulky and not easy to fit comfortably in our living space.”
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This durable orthopedic dog bed is covered with two cases; an internal breathable liner for the shredded foam, and then a waterproof, machine-washable tough denim cover over that. While this bed isn’t rated indestructible, there are many reviews stating that their beds have stood up to some serious large breed wear and tear, earning this affordable bed a spot on our indestructible list.
Verified Review: Our reviewer, a Rover sitter, found that both her own dogs and the Rover dogs she hosted were, as she says, “obsessed” with this bed, especially with the microsuede cover. (She observed that the denim cover was not as popular, possibly because the material was too stiff; but because it’s machine washable, a few runs in the wash could soften it up.)
One of her dogs who usually preferred the floor to his existing dog bed even took to using it. “He seems really comfortable and relaxed,” she said, noting that the bed was, “very high quality, felt great, and appears to be supporting his joints extremely well.”
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If you’re looking for a chew-proof pad for your dog’s crate or simply a bed that travels easily, the Tough Bed Crate Pad is a great choice. You can use it for kenneling or for travels: roll it up and toss it in the back of your car or truck, use it for camping or any other place your dog needs a little cushioning. Recommended for light to moderate chewers.
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Carhartt’s nearly indestructible dog bed is made from a durable cotton canvas material. It can withstand years of chomping (though we recommend keeping an eye on aggressive chewers), wet paws, and digging. The nontoxic water-repellent coating makes for easy cleaning, and its triple-stitch seams and brass zipper hold up in the washing machine.
Verified Review: Our tester noted that the bed is a good size, yet lightweight and easy to move around. Check out our video review below for more about this bed.
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Made in the USA, this dog bed fits most standard crates and is stuffed with 4 inches of good quality foam for a comfortable rest. The removable cover is crafted from military-grade fabric that’s made to be indestructible and resistant to stains, but can still be popped right in the wash between uses.
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An indestructible dog bed for small and toy breeds, it’s also very soft, which comes from a super comfy fill made from recycled polyester fiber. Easy to clean, this lounger bed is covered with a tough rip-stop fabric, to hold up against little scratches and chews.
Shop on Chewy
Orvis stands by this indestructible dog bed, offering a refund if your dog manages to rip through the cover. Made from microvelvet bonded with rip-stop nylon, it’s crafted all-around extra tough against wear and tear. The cover is removable (fastened by a solid brass zipper), but the entire bed is also machine washable. Bonus: Take this bed to the next level by personalizing it with embroidery, up to 15 letters.
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Further Reading
Nia Martin grew up with cats, dogs, horses, and a goldfish that lived for eight years. Based in Seattle, her writing and photography have appeared in Seattle magazine, The Seattle Times, The Fold, Cascadia Magazine, and Bitterroot Magazine, among others. When not working, you can find her petting dogs and visiting her family’s charismatic tabby, William of Orange.
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jewel-loveyourself · 7 years
My Choice (original story)
So basically this is a story I wrote for an English Assignment and my teacher made me scrap it and write a new story because it was “inappropriate”, so I thought I would post it on here. (sorry if it’s bad I tried my best.)
Warnings: Gayness, mother and son hatred.
Word Count: 2416
It was four days until Charlie’s birthday, but it wasn’t just any birthday, it was the 18th birthday; the birthday where gender needed to be chosen, Charlie’s mother has already booked the genitalia surgery which will take place on the 8th of September, the day after Charlie’s birthday. Charlie was sitting in the living room, indulged in a book when Charlie’s
mother interrupted.
“You don’t have to worry about the surgery bill, I am more than happy to pay for my daughter’s surgery.” Charlie’s mother noted. Charlie stared with a bewildered look, “You’re going to choose female, aren’t you?” Charlie’s mother queried.
“I’m not sure, I haven’t decided yet,” Charlie answered, looking back down at the book.
“Of course, you’re sure,” Charlie’s mother chided as she sat on the couch next to Charlie. “Although you have short hair that can be fixed, you read and you’re a great cook and you hang out with Alex who is definitely choosing male when his birthday comes up.”
“I don’t know ok? I like sports to y’know and I don’t like dresses or heels.”  Charlie snapped. Charlie got up and headed upstairs towards the bedrooms, hoping to get some privacy.
“It’s ok once you get the surgery you will be acting a lot more proper and like a girl.” Charlie’s eyes rolled at the statement, Charlie closed the bedroom door behind them and jumped onto the comfy double bed. I wish I didn’t have to choose, Charlie thought, why couldn’t I have just been born with a gender it would be so much easier. Charlie decided to invite Alex over in hopes that Alex could shed some light on the problem.
 After an hour of venting, Charlie felt a lot better.
“Don’t listen to your mother,” Alex confided, “you be what you want to be
“I know but according to my mother I have “female qualities” and if I decided to be a male we couldn’t see each other anymore.” Alex looked at Charlie questioningly.
“Why not?” Charlie sat up and looked at Alex.
“You’re choosing to be male, aren’t you?” Alex nodded, “Well two males can’t date so I would have to choose to be a female.” Alex scooted forward and grabbed Charlie’s hands.
“Says who? If we love each other why does it matter?” Charlie looked down and shrugged. Charlie felt Alex shift on the bed and Alex pressed his lips against Charlie’s, Charlie leaned forward slightly returning the kiss. The two sat there with locked lips for a few more seconds, that felt like hours to Charlie, before Alex slowly pulled away.
“Whatever you choose, I will be here with you… I promise.” Charlie looked up and gave Alex a soft smile, his cheeks slightly tinted from the kiss.
“Thank you,” Charlie whispered wrapping Alex in a warm hug.
 It was the day before the birthday and Charlie’s mother was getting the decorations ready for the party.
“So, pink or purple balloons?” Charlie’s mother asked before Charlie could respond with neither she had already decided. “I’ll do both, oh and fuchsia tablecloths.”
“Mum, can’t we go blue or green?” Charlie’s mother looked at Charlie in disgust.
“They’re boy colors darling, people will get confused if you have boy colors at a girl’s party.” Charlie just sighed and decided to go with it, Charlie knew, in the end, it was not her decision even though she is acting as if it is. Charlie walks into the living room and jumps onto the sofa, grabbing the remote and surfing through the channels.
“The bachelor is on Channel 9,” Charlie’s mother calls from the back porch, Charlie ignored her and continued to switch the channels. Charlie found a channel showing reruns of WWE and settled down to watch Brock Lesnar and Dwayne Johnson. “You’re going to ruin your brain,” Charlie’s mother noted as she grabbed the remote. “Soaps are better to watch for girls,” she pointed out as she switched to Bold and the Beautiful. Charlie went to protest but was cut off, “it’s alright you will become more ladylike in no time, your aunt and I went to a finishing school that taught us to be very proper, you have to enroll after your surgery.” Charlie just nodded and turned to the TV, it was horrible but it was better than listening to her drone on. That night all Charlie could think about was the reaction of everyone, would they be cross or would they be accepting? They won’t accept me, Charlie thought, mother will throw a hissy fit about me wanting to be a boy and still date Alex. Charlie decided not to dwell on it and to think about Alex instead, Alex’s opinion is the only one that matters, Charlie thought, drifting off into a peaceful sleep.
 The next morning Charlie’s eyes opened to the blinding light through the silk curtains. The dreaded day has come, Charlie thought, at least Alex is coming so I won’t feel so alone. Charlie got dressed into black jeans, sneakers and a BVB t-shirt, Charlie went downstairs to be greeted by the heavenly smell of eggs and bacon.
“Good morning Charlie, happy birthday.” Charlie’s mother yelled from the kitchen. “You should check the patio, it’s all decorated… oh, and the guest will be here in about two hours.” Charlie nodded and went out to the patio to see the decorations, there were pink and purple balloons, fuchsia table clothes, pink napkins and a lot of glitter. “What do you think?” Charlie’s mother called from the kitchen,
“it’s umm… it’s very pink.” Charlie addressed,
“Only the best for my future daughter.” She called out causing Charlie to wince,
“future son” Charlie mumbled. Charlie sat down at the kitchen table next to Charlie’s mother.
“I can’t wait,” Charlie’s mother said with a mouth full of eggs, “we are going to have so much fun shopping, watching movie’s…” The more she began to drone on about female things the more Charlie was getting irritated. “Oh, and we could go on double dates, me with whoever I am dating and you with Alex, he will be so happy to have his beautiful girlfriend on his arm.” That was it, Charlie had enough.
“Mother… I’m not going to be a girl” Charlie declared, Charlie’s mother stared gobsmacked for a few moments before she began to giggle.
“Of course, you are darling, what else would you be?” she chuckled.
“A boy mother” Charlie exclaimed getting more irritated by the second. Charlie’s mother realized that Charlie wasn’t joking and stopped giggling.
“Yes, you are,” she countered, “as your mother, I am saying you are, your whole family says that you should be and you can’t just go against that because your stubborn.” Charlie glared at her in complete shock, “now I need you to go upstairs and dress into something more appropriate, I have a nice dress laid out or you can wear a skirt and a nice blouse, your choice.” She commanded and sent Charlie a venomous glance before stomping outside to put some final touches on the decorations. Charlie went upstairs and noticed a light blue dress, after trying it on Charlie noted that it stopped just above the knees and was just as revealing up top. There is no way I am wearing this, Charlie thought, Charlie decided to get changed into a pair of dress pants and a mini-grid dinner jacket with a matching tie and a white undershirt. Charlie inspected the reflection in the mirror, well you wanted me to dress nice and I do believe that I look very nice. Charlie decided to wait upstairs for a few guests to arrive before going downstairs. After an hour of waiting cars began to pull up outside, Charlie looked out the window to see Alex and his parents, Charlie’s aunt and uncle as well as their child Frankie, Frankie was only 9 but she had clearly chosen her gender already, she wore a pink tutu and had long blonde hair. Charlie took a deep breath before opening the bedroom door and heading downstairs, Charlie was fully aware that the choice of clothing would be like a big middle finger to everyone but Charlie didn’t care. Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs the first things Charlie saw was Alex’s beaming smile as he walked up and gave Charlie a firm hug.
“Happy birthday babe,” Alex whispered before pulling away and looking Charlie up and down, “you look smashing by the way.” Charlie blushed at Alex’s compliment before looking at everyone’s faces, everybody except Alex’s parents looked absolutely horrified at their choice of dress.
“What are you wearing?’ Charlie’s mother questioned her eyes widened in shock. Charlie smirked at her.
“Just dressing for my gender.” Everybody’s faces lit up, except for Charlie’s mother who looked appalled, Charlie was flocked by everybody praising Charlie’s outfit and other questions about what caused Charlie to choose male. Charlie could feel someone staring, upon looking Charlie noticed it was Charlie’s mother, glaring like Charlie had just murdered her best friend. The party continued for a few hours, more guests arrived and all of them were very happy for Charlie, well almost all of them, they were slightly perplexed about the choice of colors but decided to ignore it. Charlie and Alex went upstairs while the parents stayed downstairs chatting and throwing back a few drinks. Charlie and Alex were lying down on the bed with their feet on the pillows looking up at the cream-colored ceiling.
“You excited for your surgery tomorrow?” Alex asked, Charlie just shrugged. “I can’t wait for mine,” Alex continued, “Mum said I can get mine done the day before my birthday so people will be surprised… so don’t tell anybody.” Charlie continued to look up at the ceiling not really listening to Alex. “You were way off when you said that everyone wouldn’t accept you wanting to be male.” Alex chuckled, “you have always been like that, expecting the worse.”
“Not everyone is ok with my choice,” Charlie mumbled.
“You mean your mother?” Alex asked Charlie nodded, “I know that she was really hoping for a girl but she loves you, she will come to accept who you are in no time.” Alex confided Charlie sighed.
“I hope so…I’m getting kinda tired, I’m going to go to bed.” Alex nodded and got up to leave Charlie’s room
“Alright, you’ll call me after the surgery, right?” Charlie nodded, getting up to close the door, Alex wrapped Charlie in a quick hug before jumping down the stairs to get his parents. That night Charlie wore a big smile while drifting off to sleep, come tomorrow I’m going to be a boy, Charlie thought.
 The next morning Charlie bounded out of bed, threw on some clothes and practically leaped downstairs.
“Mother, my appointment is in an hour, come on we need to get to the city,” Charlie yelled from the kitchen while making a quick breakfast. Charlie’s mother came out of her room with a big smile on her face,
“come on than we don’t want to be late.” She raved, why is she so joyful? Yesterday all she could do was glare at me with fire in her eyes, Charlie thought, best not dwell on it it’s probably just like Alex said. After arriving at the hospital, Charlie went to go up to the front desk but was interrupted by Charlie’s mother speaking.
“So, how are you going to pay off your bill?” Charlie turned to look at her, she was wearing a grin like the cat who ate the canary. “There is no way that your little part-time job at Small-M could pay you enough to even afford a quarter of it.” Charlie looked at her in shock, realizing what she was implying.
“What…but you said you would pay for me,”
“No, I said I would pay for my daughter’s surgery,”
“You little…” Charlie started but was cut off by Charlie’s mother,
“so are you going to go in for your surgery or are we leaving?”  Charlie turned and headed for the front desk, I’m not going to let her win, this is my choice, not hers, Charlie thought. After a quick discussion with the receptionist Charlie was given a few forms to fill out so, Charlie went and sat back down next to Charlie’s mother. After filling out Charlie’s name and emergency details the dreaded question came up, ‘(please circle) Are you Male or Female?’. Charlie glanced to the left to see Charlie’s mother looking at the same question, Charlie drew in a breath, smiled and circled Male. Charlie’s mother was shocked, she opened her mouth to speak but Charlie cut her off
“I’ll be going in after I hand this back, the lady said it should take about an hour so make yourself comfortable.” Charlie got up, gave the form to the receptionist and was escorted to the operating theatre. Charlie doesn’t remember much from the surgery just the toothy, white smile from the nurse as he put a mask over Charlie’s mouth and nose and instructed Charlie to count back from ten, Charlie only got to six when the world started to fade. Charlie woke an hour and a half later on a white hospital bed, he looked to his left to see Alex sitting next to him,
“Hey, how are you feeling?” Charlie looked at Alex and smiled,
“Great, how did you get here?”
“I drove, I wanted to see you right after your surgery so I drove down here.”
“Oh, thanks” Charlie’s smile faltered, “where’s my mother?”
“She had already left before I got here,” Alex explained looking down.
“Gook, I didn’t want her here judging my decisions anyway.” Alex gave Charlie a sympathetic smile.
“Oh, by the way, the doctor asked me if I knew how you were going to pay, I’m guessing your mother isn’t so I told him that my parents were.” Charlie sat upright, staring at Alex with wide eyes.
“You did what!” He whisper yelled.
“Calm down,” Alex said as he pushed Charlie back down into the bed, ‘my parents are cool with it… they also said that you can stay with us until you get your own place since your mother is probably going to kick you out.” Charlie gave Alex a big smile and wrapped his arms around him,
“thank you.” Charlie said as he gave Alex another bright smile, “for sticking by me for…for everything.”
0 notes
DOTW 19 - Start...
Hanji wanted to throw a Welcome Home party for him, while Eren didn't want a party. They'd compromised, and now Eren was hiding out in his room, avoiding said party. Marco had already found him, his friend's stomach swollen into a small adorable bump, which his ear was against. Downstairs Levi was with Hanji and Moblit, after clinging to the presence of the alpha while copped up in hospital, his anxieties were now getting the better of him. He didn't know what to say, or do. It didn't matter that he'd missed Levi while he was with Zeke, nor did it matter that he'd ached for him during his heat. Even if it'd been 8 weeks, it felt like a lifetime had passed between them "Eren, you still awake?" Scratching his scalp lightly, Eren hummed up at Marco "Yeah. Barely though. I'm a terrible host. You're the one who's pregnant, yet I'm the one laying with my head in your lap" Marco laughed lightly. His friend didn't seem to care he'd disappeared completely, only that he was finally back. He'd spent the first hour or so, not knowing what to say. Then Marco had followed him up to his room, and made the first move. He'd assured him he didn't have to talk if he wasn't ready, for that he was grateful. Marco was so soft and sweet. He didn't want him to know "You've got a boot thing on your leg, and a cast on your arm. All I've got is a baby and indigestion" "You're going to be such a good mum. Do you know what it is?" "We decided to wait until they're born" "Awww. Either way, it's going to be adorable if it looks like you" "I just hope it doesn't have Jean's big head" Giggling, Eren had to agree with that. Something that big, just wasn't supposed to come out an opening that small. Babies in general were weird, but pregnancy was even weirder "It's still cool though. A tiny person is growing inside you" "One day, you'll have your own tiny person inside you" "I don't know about that. That means finding an alpha, and having sex and all that seems like effort" "What do you mean, finding an alpha? What about Levi?" Groaning, Eren rolled onto his side so he was facing away from Marco's stomach "That's complicated" "What's so complicated about it?" "I'm not in the headspace for anything. We got close... but I can't... I can barely stand being touched. I mean like, you're ok because you're an omega, but alphas... it's iffy" "You know, I don't think Jean would mind if you stayed with us" "No. This place is as good as any. It just feels weird being back" "Um... I know I said I wasn't going to push you to talk, but if you want to. I'll listen" "It's ok. It's nicer than the hospital" "Other than the stairs" "Yeah. I'm over them already. When we came home yesterday, Hanji sent me up to have a nap, then she called me down for dinner, then she sent me back to up to my room, then called me down again to see if I wanted to watch a movie with her and Moblit. 5 times up and down those stairs... it was definitely some kind of torture" "Jean's all paranoid about the baby. He won't let me do steps. I'm like 5 months. Steps are not the end of the world" "He just loves you" "He does. He's working a crazy amount of overtime so he can buy everything. I told him I didn't have to quit work, but he wants to take care of us" "You're lucky you have a good alpha" "I know I am. Do you know if Hanji's had any luck conceiving yet?" "I have no idea. Probably. I get the feeling that if she was, she wouldn't want to tell me" "Why not?" "She'd say she doesn't want me worrying or something" "I hope she does. Fall pregnant I mean" "Mmm. She'd be another good mum. The kid would be crazy, and Moblit would probably have a mental breakdown, but he'd love every second of it" Without really realising, Eren's right hand had moved to his stomach. His last heat had been rough. The need to breed, with Levi, and to be thoroughly bred into pregnancy physically hurt. He'd sobbed for the alpha, while Zeke was away for work. He'd nearly broken down the apartment door in his haze of need "I think you'd made a good mum too. Your kids would have such pretty eyes" "I don't know. I think I'd be scared for them to be an omega" "Things are changing for omegas" "Yeah, but that doesn't mean everyone is going to change. Sorry. I don't want to be a downer, not when this little ones growing so fast" Yawning, he closed his eyes "I think we could both use a nap. I don't even do things, and I'm still tired" "It should be ok, I mean, I should be ok if you want to nap up here" "You just want me in your bed and under the covers" "Can you blame me? You're nice and warm" And omega. And omega who wasn't going to hold him down, or try and bond with him. His omega was loving the contact of another person, something none of the alphas in his life could give. Moblit didn't even have to touch him for him to want to vomit, while Hanji left his stomach rolling because she kept forgetting about the "no touching" thing. He honestly didn't know how to make this situation work, when his nerves and anxieties, coupled with his retraining made the house feel so unwelcome. Even when it came to his room, he felt like he was invading and that he shouldn't be there "I need to pee again. Get comfy while I'm gone?" "I don't think I'd have the patience to pee every five minutes" "You should have seen the morning sickness then. It got so bad that Jean made a bed in the guest bathroom for me" "That's kind of..." "Gross and sweet at the same time?" "Yeah" "It was" Wriggling off Marco's lap, Eren waited until his friend was standing before crawling under the covers of his bed. He hadn't asked Hanji to invite Levi and Marco over, so as far as he was concerned, Hanji could deal with Levi. He and Marco both wanted to nap, so they would. He just hoped he wouldn't have a nightmare or wake up screaming, or even worse, hit Marco. He truly treasured his friendship with the omega, and even if it meant forcing himself not to think about everything he'd missed in his absence, he wanted to salvage it. He wanted to be there for Marco and his baby. Rubbing his swell as he walked across to Eren's bed, Marco smiled shyly as he climbed under the covers to join him "The baby was kicking again" "And I missed it?" "Sorry. They're super active, but seem to get all shy when someone's around" "So they're already taking after you" Teasing Marco gently, his friend took his hand and slipped it up under his shirt "Wait... there, can you feel it?" There was the faintest of movements beneath his fingertips, yet his heart swelled at the sensation. His omega piping up about how much it wanted a child. Part of him was still jealous it wasn't him who was pregnant, but the feeling of Marco's baby was amazing "Yeah... wow" "It's a little strange" "It's awesome" "Jean says he never feels it" "It's really faint. He was probably expecting a solid kick" "It's a solid kick inside me" "Mmm. I can't even imagine" Sliding his cast hand free, he rest it on Marco's hip. His friend starting to purr as he wrapped in one arm loosely around him "I really missed this. I missed hanging out with you" "I missed you too. I still haven't gone through all your texts, but I saw your ultrasounds" "It's ok. They're just mostly me talking at you. I haven't got that many friends, and being home alone gets lonely" "I promise I'll message back. I'm still trying to get through all the ones Levi sent" "Didn't Levi know you didn't have your phone?" "He did... he, um, he said he was looking for me, and he'd message me about his day" "You say you don't have an alpha, but I'm pretty sure if you told Levi you wanted to bond, he'd give you his mark in a heartbeat" He probably would... but the idea of being marked was scary as fuck. Having a permanent connection to one person for the rest of your life seemed an impossible dream "He's a good alpha. Hanji used to apologise for his bluntness and his crankiness, but he wasn't really like that with me. I don't know why" "Because you're cute?" "No, I'm all tall and thin" "And totally cute. Even with your moonboot and cast" Groaning, Eren buried his face in his pillow "I'm so over casts and boots and splints. Hanji said it has to stay on during the day until I've recovered completely" He had to take all sorts of pills too. Painkillers, mood stabilisers, antidepressants, anti nausea, vitamins. He was well and truly over taking tablets "How do you even shower?" "In a stupid chair. I wanted to have a bath last night, but that meant not getting the splint wet, or the cast and then that seemed like too much effort" "Doesn't it get wet in the shower?" "I take the splint and that off. And it doesn't get soaked like in a bath. Anyway. Tell more about the baby" "I've learnt that pregnancy makes you like super horny. Jean can't keep his hands off me" Wrinkling his nose, the omega shook his head "I said that baby. Not your sex life" "I'm just saying. All it takes is a whiff of Jean..." "Lalalala" Pinching him, Eren poked his tongue out "Fine. The baby is going great. Right on the track. Good vitals... good heartbeat. Tiny and perfect. We've been trying to decide on the nursery. I was thinking scandi-chic, but Jean was thinking more fun" "Scandi-chic has been done to death" "That's because it works" "It worked so well that everything looks the same. There's nothing really special about it. This little bean of yours is special" "They are. I don't know... there's just so many options" "Just avoid Jean's opinions and you'll be safe" "I can picture it now. A bright red wall for a newborn. It's not exactly calming" His voice shook slightly "Red isn't a great colour" Red was the colour of blood... red blood that didn't stop... "Eren?" His scent had shifted, betraying his miniblip of fear "Sorry. It's ok. Just, yeah. What about green? Or blue?" "Yeah, but do you know how many shades there are?" "We could, um, look at them together?" He didn't want to boss Marco into his ideas or ruin his dreams... "That would be so much help. I've been looking at everything on my own, well, when Jean isn't home to stop me and it feels like someone's split by head open, and everything is just melting out" "I don't think it works that way" "There's just so much! People used to raise babies in tents, and now they're like, each baby has to have its own room..." "Ok. Ok. I don't get it, but we'll take a look after our nap?" "Mmm. I have photos on my phone. I've like screen-shotted everything so I can show Jean" Resuming his purr, Eren's own omega began to purr back, feeding off of Marco's happiness and pheromones. Apparently it was common for omegas to feel maternal when around pregnant omegas, leaving him to hope he didn't just blurt out how jealous he was and ruin it all. Neither of them actually fell asleep. After a few minutes, Marco started giggling before he started tickling him. Unable to retaliate without the fear of smacking Marco's stomach, he pled for mercy until his friend finally stopped "Isn't it funny. I was so tired before, but now we're lying down, I can't get to sleep" Sighing softly, he patted Marco's hip "Grab your phone then, we'll start looking at baby things" "I thought you were sleepy" "I'm not promising I'll stay awake..." "Hey, my tastes aren't so boring that they'll put you to sleep" "I don't know, I haven't seen them yet" "You know, if they do put you to sleep, it's a good sign it's going to put the baby to sleep" "I give you permission to baby me if I fall asleep" Marco groaned, shaking his head as he fished out his phone "Don't even go there. Since my breasts started to develop, Jean won't leave them alone" "They're so tiny and cute" "I'll give you tiny.... and cute..." Tapping on his phone, Marco pulled up his latest ultrasound. Eren awwed over the small image "See" "Very tiny and very cute. I yield. Now, I want to see everything" Marco had what seemed to be thousands of screenshots, leaving Eren's head muddled. He could see why Marco was struggling, and understand why Jean couldn't catch up. His friend had so many ideas, and couldn't just settle on one. It was completely adorable. Marco's scent was so happy, his eyes bright as he talked a million miles a minute. Time slipped away from them completely, until a light knock interrupted Marco "Hey boys, sorry but Jean is out the front. He said he messaged?" Marco rolled over, beginning to climb from his bed "Thanks Hanji. We got caught up talking all things baby" "Did you two have a good time?" "Yeah. I'll see you soon, right Eren?" "Yep. If you get any more ideas, message me" "I might just message you anyway" "Sounds good. Hanji, make sure he gets down the stairs ok?" "You're not coming down? Moblit made cake" "He doesn't like the stairs" Turning back to look at him, Eren poked his tongue out at Marco "Dobber" "You started it" "I'm legitimately worried about you... and you're the one who said Jean won't let you do stairs alone" "I didn't think you'd use it against me" "It's all part of my evil plan" Marco rolled his eyes "I think that means he's staying in bed" "Yep. Thanks for coming over... I needed this. There hasn't been much to laugh about lately" His friend gave softened before brightening again "I know. Call me if you need me. Anytime" "I will" He wouldn't. He really wouldn't, but Marco looked so hopeful about it. * Levi'd expected Eren to be a little distant now that he was back at Hanji's, but he hadn't expected Eren to be in bed with his best friend. More than once he'd caught the sound of the pair of omegas giggling or laughing about something. Something that Eren had sorely needed after his recent stay in Shinganshima Memorial. Hanji had gushed over how cute the pair of them where, laying in bed together. He hadn't meant for his alpha to raise its jealous head. He was happy Eren had a friend he could trust... it just sucked it wasn't him. He'd thought with how close they're gotten, and with how Eren didn't want to be touched, that maybe he was special. The omega had let him hold him. Had let him comfort him and be there. Now Eren had Marco, he felt discarded. Eren didn't even want to come down for cake, despite the amount of effort Moblit had gone exerted to make the beast of a creation, and he didn't have an actual reason for wanting to go check on the brat, other than fact he was curious and jealous. Passing him two plates of cake, Levi frowned deeply at them "You've been glaring at it since I came back down. Just go talk to Eren already" "He's..." "Probably not sure what to say. He's in a good mood, so go see him already" Standing next to her husband, Hanji elbowed Moblit's side "Uh. What? Yeah" "You have no idea what just happened, do you?" Moblit snorted lightly "I never do. Why don't you take that up to Eren? You can use it as excuse to talk to him" Laughing, Hanji shoved a kiss to Moblit's cheek "That's what I was saying. You should really listen to what I say more often" "Yes, dear" The pair of them were so in love that it was disgusting. Placing his plate down, he looked at the slice for Eren. It was way too big. The omega wouldn't even be able to finish a third of it, then he'd probably feel guilty over not eating it all. They all knew Eren had bad eating habits, he didn't need a guilt trip over them on his second night back "Go on. Go talk to him already" "I'm going. God. You two are as bad as each other" Eren's door was open, Levi heart momentarily stopping in panic as the unwanted memories of their argument came back. He could see the omega laying in his bed, yet his alpha was still panicked. Eren had run once... what if he left them again? "Are you coming in, or staying out there?" Snorting at the brat's cheek, Levi walked into Eren's room "I have cake" "I can see..." Placing the plate down on the bedside table, he didn't know what to do with himself. Eren's room smelt more of Marco than Eren. The man's scent irritating his nose, and upsetting his alpha. His alpha wanted to protect Eren more than anything in the world, but with the scent of pregnant omega, it wanted to protect Marco too. Conflicted over it own confusion, Levi sighed to himself. He'd swapped suppressants again now that was back at work, so he was still waiting for them to stabilise everything "You can, um, sit. I don't mind" "You don't have to force yourself" "It's ok... having Marco helped my omega settle" Sitting on the edge of Eren's bed, he waited for Eren to pull himself into a sitting position before retrieving the piece of cake and passing it over "Holy shit..." "Yeah. Moblit got a bit carried away, but you don't have to finish it all" "I don't think I can stomach it..." Compared to everything Eren had been eating, the cake was probably was too rich for him to keep it down "Just try a small bit. It's better than hospital food" "Are you going to have some?" "This bit is all yours" "I don't want to eat on my own" "Just eat a little and I'll finish the rest" "Was he mad?" "Mad?" "Because I didn't go down" "Nah. He knows it's going to take some time getting used to be being back here" "Here isn't so bad... it's better than the hospital" "Then why were you hiding up here all night? Did I do something?" "You? No... Marco and I were talking about the baby. He and Jean decided not to find out if it's a boy or girl" If that was all, that didn't explain why they were laying in bed together, and not talking in the living room. If it wasn't him, then it must be Moblit "He looked happy" "He is. He's got so many plans for the nursery that he can't make his mind up" "As long as he doesn't listen to Jean, things should be alright" "I said the same thing... Jean made him quit his job, and Marco's always been so social..." "He's got you to talk to" "Mmm... I don't know how helpful I am though" "I'm sure you two can figure it out" Eren sounded excited about the baby, leaving Levi wondering if the omega wanted a child of his own. Eren would make a good mother. He'd been through so much shit, that he'd be a fierce protector of his pup "Do you want kids?" "I... uh, I don't know. When you have a baby, you're stuck with the father in their lives. If you leave your alpha, they're the one who gets custody... if I had a baby, I don't think I could give them up" He would never make Eren give up their child... no. They weren't a couple. He shouldn't be thinking of nice a well bred Eren would look, or how badly he wanted to be the one to sire his pups. Picking at the top of the cake, Eren sighed softly "Are you sure Moblit isn't mad at me?" "He's not mad. He just got a little carried away while baking" "It's not him. Can you let him know? I don't want to be scared of him, but the house is so big, and I don't feel like I belong here... and the stairs. I fucking hate stairs" "I'm glad it's not personal" "It's not. My nerves are just a bit messed up. Hanji makes me take all these pills. I don't like taking pills" "It won't be forever" "It just feels like it" Finally breaking off a small piece of cake, Eren popped the piece in his mouth, before pulling a face "That good?" "It's too sweet" Taking the plate back, his hand brushed Eren's. Eren letting go of the plate as he cringed from the contact "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" "No. It took me by surprise. I was ok with Marco, so I should have been ok with you" "Eren" "No. It's stupid... I should be over this" Placing the plate down, Levi held his hands up as if surrendering "You're healing. You don't need to force yourself. We're happy you're here, even though it's not under the best circumstances" "You mean because I'm back only because Zeke died" "Yeah" Fuck. Just. Fuck "I think I want to go bed now" He'd stepped on the Zeke mine, now Eren was throwing up his walls, practically ruining all the work Marco had done to make Eren feel relaxed and happy to be back "Do you want me to stay?" "No. Can you take the cake too?" "Sure. If you need anything, message me" "Yeah. Sure" Taking Eren's slice of cake back downstairs with him, Levi dragged his feet. He'd heard the start of Eren's purring before he'd even reached the doorway. The omega becoming distressed all over again, thanks to him. Joining Hanji and Moblit in the kitchen, Hanji sagged at the sight of the mostly intact piece of cake "He didn't want it?" "No, it wasn't that. After hospital food, it was a bit too much" Moblit sighed softly. He knew this was an attempt at making sure Eren felt welcome "Oh..." "We talked. You haven't done anything wrong. He's just readjusting to being here, and not loving the stairs, or the boot. Marco was a good idea. He was pretty happy to see him again" "I didn't even think. I should have made something lighter..." "Moblit. It's not you, and it's never been you or Hanji or even me. It's whatever was done to him in the past, and his brother was murdered in front of him by seems of it. It's shit. He's been sent back to step one and he's scared and lonely all over again" "Has he said anything about Zeke?" Levi shook his head "I accidentally went there, and he kicked me out" "I've booked him an appointment with his counsellor... do you think he'll be ok with that?" "As long as you ask him, and you're there waiting for him. Last time he was there he had a pretty big panic attack when he came out" "Do you want to take him?" "When is it?" "Friday afternoon" "I've got work. I'm still on probation" Hanji nodded "Then I'll take him, I thought maybe if you did, it wouldn't be so bad for him. I've sent through a fax to Thomas, outlining what we think happened, and Zeke's death. Also the needle thing. I don't want to believe he used, and his blood results didn't show any illicit drugs in his system, but his prints were the only one on the needle" Hanji had been "harassing" the police since they'd visited Eren. She was trying to get Zeke's body released, but as the case was "active", it may be some time before that happened. Even though he hated Zeke, he knew Eren would want to see him again, or at least know what happened to him "That sounds like a fun conversation. You spent a week next to your murdered brother, oh, and why was there a needle in your arm? Was it part of your psychopathic brother's training?" His tone dripped with annoyance. It should be up to Eren what he chose to disclose and when, and more importantly to who "You don't need to word it like that" "It doesn't make it any less true. Eren's gone to bed, so I'm going to go. If something goes wrong, let me know" "Oh... ok... now he's home, I suppose you'll be around more often" "That's up to Eren. Just go easy on him over the boot and the stairs. He already thinks he's still in trouble over returning to Zeke" "The boot's for his own good, and it's not like we change the stairs" "I'm just saying, give him space. Don't make a fuss over anything, even if it's complete shit" "It's easy for you to say that. He seems to trust you more than he trusts us" "That's not true. He can't control his phobias or fears" "I saw how you were with him at the hospital" "And now that he's home, he won't let me near him. He was fine with Marco, because Marco is an omega. If you're so worried about upsetting him by, you're only going to push him away further" Since when was he the one who seemed to understand this relationship shit. He didn't get people. He didn't get day after day in a happy relationship. He had no idea where any of this was coming from, but when it came to Eren, it just seemed to come semi-naturally. * Living at Hanji's felt completely off. Zeke had taken special care to show him everything he'd done wrong. His brother had told him what was wrong with him, and now... he felt like he had no right to be moving around her and Moblit's house when they weren't there. It was strange. He'd... he'd missed them all so much. He missed seeing everyone... well, talking with Levi mostly. He'd struggled so hard to accept that he'd never see Levi again. That whatever they'd had, was now over. Zeke had gotten so mad when he'd mentioned Levi, his brother had thrown him in his room before he could even realise what he'd done wrong. He should have been happy to be back with Zeke, but he just... he wasn't. His brother had changed while they'd been apart. His words hurt just as much as when he'd hit him. He always apologised for losing his temper, but Zeke had started to scare him. Some days he'd be in such a bad mood, Eren would hide under his bed from him... until Zeke would drag him out and force him to talk. All he wanted was to be good, so his brother would love him. He didn't understand how he'd changed so much. How he'd become such a bad omega who needed to be retrained so thoroughly. He'd had two heats while back with his brother. His first heat was more or less normal for him. He could still function, but he'd slipped up. He'd thought of when he'd had sex with Levi, and how Hanji said that it was natural for omegas to touch themselves. He'd tried... he'd barely wrapped his hand around his aching erection when Zeke walked in. His brother livid at the action... slapping him so hard he tasted blood, before telling him it was dirty and wrong, before making him shower under the painfully cold water. He hadn't meant to be wrong. Zeke had taken care of him after that. He'd got him fresh pyjamas and underwear, before tucking him up in bed and apologising. Zeke always apologised. He only hit him because he cared. He loved Zeke. Zeke was the only family he had... but now Zeke was gone and he didn't know what to do anymore. Hanji and Moblit were both at work, and if things were how they'd used to be, he would have cleaned through the house by now. But that was wrong. That was invading their privacy. He didn't pay rent. He didn't pay for food, so he didn't deserve to eat any of it. He couldn't even pay them back for his latest stint in hospital. Or for all the medication he had to take. Levi had said they were happy he was back... but... he wasn't getting better. He still didn't want to be touched. He couldn't stay in the same room as Moblit for very long, and Hanji kept giving him looks of pity. So he spent his days in his room. Sometimes he'd talk to Marco, or Levi. But only if they messaged him first. He didn't want to disturb them. He didn't want to be a burden. Both of them were busy with their own lives, while he was simple just wasting oxygen. He'd thought about doing something about it... he really thought about it... but he was too scared it would hurt. He didn't want to hurt anymore. Everyday hurt. He missed Zeke, and he hated him for leaving him behind again. He was so fucking angry with his brother for dying. For making him someone else's problem and for the fact that no one would even talk about Zeke. He knew that was his fault. He always got so worked up when things some how turned towards him. Everyone wanted him to tell them what happened, even Thomas had tried asking... but he wasn't ready. He didn't want to see the blood anymore. He couldn't even remember Zeke's smile or scent... just the blood and the gurgling sound as it bubbled from his mouth. He felt like he was drowning and he didn't know how to pull himself out. It was surprising how much time had passed like that. He'd already been out of hospital for three weeks. He'd seen Marco twice in that time, and only seen Levi that once. He knew Levi would be there for him, if he reached out his hand, Levi would take it. But everyone he'd reached out to was dead. His mother... she'd protected him... so had Zeke and because he was so stupid and useless they were both gone. If Levi died... he couldn't live with it. The man might be short and cranky, and have really weird taste when it came to music... but so many people loved him. Hell, he saved people's lives. All Eren had ever done was let them die. He wanted to be strong. He wanted to be better so his brother would love and rely on him more... then he'd gone and failed him. It left him physically sick. Hanji didn't know it, but when he was alone, he threw up. His fears would get so bad. His stomach knotting and rolling as he wondered if she or Moblit would really come home. Sometimes the nausea lasted for hours, and some times he felt ok after he puked. The medication was supposed to help with it, but he supposed it didn't really work when you were as useless as he was. Medication never worked properly for him anyway. Thomas had asked him why he wasn't on suppressants, then looked at him like he was a freak when he explained they sent him into heat. It wasn't that he didn't like Thomas... he just felt sure that the man didn't like him. He didn't even know if Moblit liked him anymore. He hadn't been able to eat the cake he'd made... or much of his cooking. Moblit always looked so stressed and tired, and if he was putting a strain on him, wasn't it better they just got rid of him? There weren't enough hours in the day to fix his kind of fucked up... so why was he even around? Why did they bother to save him? * Parking in front of Hanji's, Levi climbed from his car. Both Hanji and Moblit were working, which meant Eren was home alone and after weeks of shitty split shifts, he'd finally got a rare day off, which he hoped to spend with Eren. He'd talked a little with Eren, and knew the omega wasn't handling things well. Hanji and Moblit had both said he spent most of his time in his room, so Levi hoped today's outing would perk the kid up. Normally he'd never set foot in a shitty filthy zoo. All the animals and people and shit. That was a nope. But Marco had messaged him, reaching out on Facebook to ask if he'd be up for joining him and Jean at the zoo. He wanted to invite Eren, but was scared his friend might have a panic attack from the crowds, or from Jean opening his mouth without thinking. They were going to meet up at 10, so he had just over an hour to get Eren up and dressed, before the drive. Shinganshima zoo wasn't a very big place, but like the aquarium on the opposite side of town, it conducted a lot of research, with a specialisation in breeding and trying to bring back species from the brink of extinction. Locking his Range Rover, he jogged up the path and to the front door, pressing he doorbell, before straightening out his clothes. He might have put some effort into looking good for Eren. The light grey shirt he wore hugged his chest nicely, while he'd coupled it with black jeans. Attempting causal without being a slob. When Eren didn't answer, he pressed the doorbell again, remembering how much the omega hated stairs. Giving Eren a few more minutes, he sighed to himself as he fished his keys back out, letting himself into Hanji's house "Hello? Eren?!" Closing the door behind him, he already knew Eren wouldn't be downstairs. Which meant heading up to his room. Taking the stairs two at a time, his heart dropped at the sight of Eren's open door. With how quite it was, his first thought was that Eren had run "Eren?!" "Coming!" Relief washed over him. Doubly so when the guest bathroom door opened, only for it to be snuffed out all over again when he was how distressed Eren was. Not caring about the fact Eren didn't want to be touched, the strode over to the brat and wrapped his arms around him "Hey... what happened?" Shaking his head sadly, Eren buried his face against his shirt "I don't know what to do" "Alright. Can you walk? Just to your room?" Sniffling Eren let himself be led back to his room, where he sank down onto his bed. Squatting down in front of him, Levi reached up and brushed his fringe from his face "Bad day?" "Y-yeah... s-sorry" "Wanna tell me about it?" "I... don't want to upset her" Her had to be Hanji "If it's got you this upset, I'm sure she won't mind you telling me" "I... they're going to get rid of me" "That's not happening anytime soon. She's crazy about you" "There... there was a positive test in the bathroom..." Positive test... oh... Hanji was pregnant... "I can't stay here now" "Hey, you know pregnancy isn't an instant thing. There's still months, and your room isn't the only room" "I... I don't want to stay here" Hiccuping out his words, Eren wiped at his face "Did something happen?" "I don't feel right being here..." Leaning forward, he swapped to kneeling so he could wrap his arms back around Eren "If they didn't want you here, you wouldn't be here" "It's all my fault" "It's not your fault. You haven't done anything wrong. Unless you're the one who got Hanji pregnant" "N-no... they have really loud sex... I... don't want to hear it... anymore" That's enough to scare anyone. They didn't know if anything like that had been done to Eren. They'd all suppressed the fact the omega had tested positive for syphilis, though he been treated and Levi hadn't even been told until Hanji accidentally let it slip when she'd explained the results from the syringe in Eren's arm had come back as free from prints other than his own "You've got your music right?" "Mmm... but... I can't stay here. I don't belong here. I don't belong anywhere" "Can I ask you a question?" "Y-yeah" "Have you felt like that ever since you came back here?" Eren paused, his voice filled with guilt as he replied "Yes. Hanji and Moblit try so hard... but I'm not getting better fast enough. Zeke showed me how wrong I was. How wrong I was for.. for touching their things and cleaning the house. He... he told me how wrong I was" Of course it came back to Zeke. Even dead, the arsehole still had a firm hold on Eren's mind. If Eren felt unloved and unwanted, and that his presence in the house was wrong, he was never going to make any kind of improvements. He already knew Eren was scared of sex, so hearing Hanji and Moblit boning didn't help either "You're not wrong. I'm..." Shit. He didn't know how else to fucking phrase this "I'm not saying Zeke was wrong, but everyone in the world is different. We all have different thoughts and ideas and different ways we get through life. What Zeke taught you, that was his way. It's different to how Moblit and Hanji live. I'm not saying it's wrong, only that it's different" "I don't know what's right anymore" "Eren, do you remember the offer I made you? I told you if you felt like this wasn't working, you can come live with me, or Erwin, or one of our friends" "I don't want to burden anyone else" "You are not a burden. Besides, I two spare rooms, and a cat that spends most of his time alone" "But you're an alpha" "And your an omega" "I have messed up heats... I don't want to upset you" "Eren, we don't have to spend your heats together..." Even if he really wanted to "... I can stay with Erwin, or you can come back here. The most important thing to all of us is that you're safe. I'm not saying you have to say yes right now, but think about it?" Eren nodded, still wiping at his tears "Why did you come over?" "Shit. Right. I totally forgot. We have a date" "We what?" "You, me, Jean and Marco" "Did I forget something again?" "No. Marco asked if I wanted to join them at the zoo. He wanted to ask you, but you'd need a lift so I'm just the driver. No pressure" "No pressure?" "I don't want you to feel uncomfortable, but I thought the zoo would make a nice change. You really liked the aquarium" "Marco wanted me to come?" "Yeah. He messaged me and asked when my next day off was. He also thought you might like another friend who wasn't Jean to hang out with" "Jean has a big mouth... I'm going to slow everyone down" "Why?" "The stupid boot" "The boot isn't invited" "But Hanji..." "Hanji isn't here and you've been cooped up enough. Besides, Marco is pregnant. We'll probably be taking things pretty easy" "No boot... promise?" "Yeah. Also, you have the best paramedic in the whole city with you" Eren snorted out a small laugh "You did save him before... I've... I don't know what to do. I've never been to the zoo before" "You'd never been to the aquarium either, but you still had fun" "I don't have much money either" "That's fine. Consider this an apology" "Apology for what?" "I don't know yet, but I'm likely to do something in the future I'll need to apologise for" "I don't know... you're really nice" "Not always. Just ask Titan" "I don't know what to wear" Eren seems to "not know" much more than Levi remembered him not knowing. The omega was a wreck of sour scent and insecurities. He'd known something was off, but Eren hadn't asked for his help. He should have found a way to swing by sooner "Have you showered today?" "That's what I was doing" "Ok. So what's wrong with what you've got on?" "They're my pyjamas" "I won't tell, if you don't" "I'm not wearing my pyjamas. I want to look okish" "For who?" "What do you mean "for who"?" "Who do you want to look good for?" "Me?" "I was going to say I don't think Marco would care if you showed in your pyjamas, and I wouldn't either. But this is something you want for yourself and you need to do more of that self care shit. Why don't you choose something, and I'll wait by the stairs" "Ok... I need to find my wallet and phone too... it's somewhere in here. I threw it somewhere last night" "It's probably flat them" Eren's lip trembled, despite the fact he was trying to pull himself back together "It's fine. You can use mine for photos" "But... what if you want to use it?" "It's my day off. No ones going to be stupid enough to try and talk to me" "What if there's an emergency?" "Then you'll pass it back to me, right?" "You won't be mad?" "No Eren, I'm not going to be mad. I know you like learning new things" Eren's small smile fell away "Zeke said I learned all the wrong things" "We just had this conversation brat. There's a difference between different and wrong. And everyone's interpretation of them. Ok. You didn't learn things that we consider wrong. Now go pick out some clothes" Eren emerged from his room wearing jeans and an oversized hoodie. It wasn't really hoodie weather, but Levi could see a shirt peaking out from under the hoodie. With a tiny, shy smile, he had Levi's heart racing for all the right reasons. The kid had pulled himself together, and now he was facing the world that he was so scared of. Taking each step slowly, Eren looked to him as if he was proud to be doing something as simple as walking down the stairs. At least if the kid moved in with him, he wouldn't have to worry about the stairs anymore. He'd never really thought about sharing his personal space with anyone, yet he had the feeling that if it was Eren, everything would work out in the end. The omega wouldn't be left alone for hours on his own, Titan would make sure of that. And being in the city, there was always noise and movement, not like out in the suburbs. It would also be closer to the hospital, and to Eren's therapist... they could work to getting him to the point where he could attend his session alone. As for money, it wasn't like Levi couldn't afford to take Eren in. He'd grown up having nothing after his mother died, and had worked hard to get where he was, saving every cent from the shit jobs that got him through high school, then by some miracle, he'd found himself living with Erwin and getting into medical school. It wasn't until his estranged uncle passed that he finally had proper money to get himself set up. Once his probation passed, it would be like it never happened. His job stable enough that he didn't need to worry about finding another... or it would be, provided he didn't punch anyone else. If Eren came to live with him, then all the omega would have to worry about is cleaning up after himself and working out what he wanted in his own life. Levi could and would support him any way that was possible... though it might be his own arrogance showing, but he would be happy with that kind of life "Uh, Levi? Are you ok?" Blinking back to reality, he realised he'd spaced out while watching Eren. The omega blushing slightly as he stared back "Sorry. I was day dreaming" "Do I want to know what it was about?" "Titan" "You were staring at me, while thinking of your cat" "Yep. Let's go, before he finds out" "He's a cat and he's at your place. How is supposed to find out?" "It's a cat owner thing. They know everything, and they see everything. They don't even need to be near you to be mad at you. In all honesty, you never really own a cat. It owns you. Your house. Your furniture. The soul of your first born child..." "Cats sound funny" "They are. You should have seen Titan as a kitten. Everything was too much effort for him, that and his arse was too heavy. He couldn't even climb onto the sofa because that was too much effort" "Shit. That would have been adorable" "It was. Until he finally got big enough to climb. After that, no toes were safe" "What about now?" "He's mellowed in his old age. He much prefers curling up next to you while you sleep, or stretching out and making it impossible to move" "I've never had a pet before" "Titan would love to have the company" "You said "no pressure"" "I know. I'm just saying. Anyway, in order to leave, we actually have to go" "Like outside the door?" "Yep" "God. The effort..." Walking over to the front door, Levi opened it for Eren. Eren giving him an exaggerated sigh before limping towards it "Does your ankle hurt?" "No, it's just stiff from that stupid boot. It'll loosen up" "If it starts to hurt, let me know" "Yes, Mr Doctor Levi, sir" "Sir? That's a new one, brat" Eren shrugged, heading out the door in front of him. Sir... he wasn't one for pets names, but something ran through him at the sound it it. Sir. Maybe it was Eren's answer to brat? * Sitting in Levi's car, Eren wasn't sure about the zoo thing. He was happy to see Marco, but wasn't thrilled about seeing Jean. Even if Jean didn't mean any harm, he always just spat out whatever he was thinking. When he woke up that morning, he'd never thought he'd be going to the zoo, or having a breakdown in Levi's arms. He was just grateful the he'd showered after vomiting. He was happy and excited for Hanji, she and Moblit had wanted babies for so long. But he didn't know if he could handle being around a hormonal Hanji, or a baby. He didn't know what set off his anxieties, and often he'd snap over nothing, at himself. He didn't want anything happening near the baby. Letting his eyes wander over Levi's dashboard, his attention was caught by the gold chain looping down from around the rearview mirror, a small gold turtle pendant swaying with movement of the car. That hadn't been there the last time he'd been in the car... and it was so pretty, and something Levi wouldn't have bought for himself. His heart dropped a little. If Levi hadn't bought it for himself, then someone had gifted it to him. Someone important enough that Levi had it hanging in his car, where it was a constant reminder of that person "Brat? You ok?" "Yeah. Um... how much further?" "We're nearly there. It's not a huge place, but I think you'll like it" "Have you been before?" "Nope. This one's new to me too" He was right. Zoo's weren't really Levi's thing. Was Levi really ok with going to the zoo? Staring down at his lap, he mumbled at his hands "We don't have to go if you don't want to" "I didn't say I didn't want to go" "But there must be a reason you haven't" "Because I had no one I wanted to go with before" "You have Hanji and Moblit" "Can you imagine trying to go to the zoo with Hanji? It would be a nightmare. She'd probably just get us kicked out, or get herself lost" "Then why go with me? And Jean and Marco?" "Because you're not annoying, like Hanji. And before you say you are, you're not" "But... you don't know Jean and Marco" "No, not really. I know Jean is an enormous arse, and that Marco is your best friend. They're important to you" "That's to me, not to you" Levi sighed, the man drumming his fingers on the steering wheel as they came to a stop at red light "Look. What do you want me to say?" "I want to know why you'd do this. For someone like me. You just don't seem like the kind of person who'd want to go to a zoo willingly" "You really don't know?" What was he supposed to know? He felt like he didn't know much of anything anymore, not that he really had "No?" "You're important, ok. Just like Marco is important to you, you're important to me. Now I sound like a shitty idiot. I'd planned to take you at some point, Marco just got in sooner than I did" "You wanted to take me?" "Yeah. I saw how happy the aquarium made you" "But you don't like zoos" "I thought you would like it" "But you don't" Levi sighed again "Eren, I wanted to bring you out here. I wanted, want to do things with you" "Don't you get mad at me for not knowing anything?" "No, I don't. It's honestly refreshing, spending time with you that is. Now, do you have any more questions?" "No..." "You're not going to ask about the necklace? You keep staring at it" Sprung. He hadn't meant to be so fucking obvious "It's just pretty" "Do you want to know why it's hanging there?" Yes! No. Maybe. He did, but he didn't want to hear Levi had found someone special "You don't have to tell me" "I bought it for you. When we were at the aquarium. You were so excited over the turtles, and the stone reminds me of your eyes. I was going to give it to you at some point, but then you left... and I kept it up there. To remind me of you" "What do I say to that?" "You don't have to say anything" "I didn't think... that I meant that much to you... " That didn't quite sound how he'd wanted it to sound, so rushed to add "That you'd hang a necklace up and all" "Brat. You're really fucking dense sometimes. You know I care about you" "Um... I'm sorry. I... uh, didn't mean it how it sounded" So he was important to Levi! And the alpha actually cared about him. The necklace wasn't something he'd choose for himself, but he felt stupidly happy knowing Levi had chosen it just for him, and it wasn't a gift to the alpha "Give me a minute, you can put it once we reach the zoo" "You still want me to have it?" "I bought it for you, so yes. If you don't like it, you don't have to put it on" "No. No. I like it. Thank you" He'd been so down this morning, now it felt like he was in some kind of dream. Maybe he'd lost his mind? Pulling into the zoos carpark, Levi managed to find a spot near Jean's car. His friends were making out as if they weren't in public. Blushing, he looked away from the sight "I bet they don't even realise we're here" "Probably not... come here" Taking the necklace down from around the mirror, Levi undid the clip and waited for him to lean in. Placing the necklace around his neck, Eren's heart raced at the close and intimate touch across his nape. Whining softly, he wanted to throw himself into Levi's hold, but it was over way too soon. Pulling his hand back, Levi took the small pendant into his hold "It suits you, but it's only plated, so you'll want to take it off when you shower" "Ok, thank you" He sounded out of breath. Snorting lightly, Levi pulled back completely, the moment over between them. Leaving Eren slightly disappointed Levi hadn't kissed him "Oh, Marco's noticed us" "I suppose we should probably get out of the car then" Jean and Marco were still straightening themselves out as Eren climbed from Levi's Range Rover, ending up with him seeing more of Jean than he'd wanted to. Rushing to the back of Levi's car, he shook himself off, feeling like the image of the alpha's spent junk was going to haunt him forever "You ok, you look a little pale" "I just saw Jean's dick... it... was gross" Levi laughed openly, reaching out and pulling him into a hug "Who would have thought shy little Marco had it in him?" "Of course he's had it in him, he's pregnant" "Fuck, brat. I've missed your sarcasm" "I've been traumatised" "They're your friends" Pulling away from Levi, he really wished the alpha hadn't hugged him. Knowing Jean and Marco were sexual deviants was one thing, but he didn't want to see it... now Jean and Marco were going to smell like sex. Couldn't they have got it out there system before they'd gotten to zoo? Or even once they got inside. Somewhere where he didn't have to see it! "Not when they're... can we just go? They can catch up" "Are you ok?" "It's nothing" "Eren" "It's nothing ok. Let's just go"
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