#she prefers typing things out so it can look uber neat
princessphilly · 3 years
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Word Count: 1975 (you know I start small then build up)
Tag list: @newlibrary , @luvsherleafs @spine-buster , @m00nlightdelights @lovethepreds @myhockeyworld87 @Defiant-mouse, @callllumhood @yzas-stuff , @stars-canucks @laurenairay @cutiesara23, @besthockeyfics @hockeyallthetime @tazerass , @markymarkstrom @letsgobaby, @himbos-on-ice @hockeywocs @bloodthedevil @nhlboyshavemyhart88 @whatishockey @dreamer1430 @shelbsatans
CW: people failing to be mean, some angst. We are still rated pg-13 but we will be hitting NC-17 soon.
Add me to the tag list!
It’s okay to admit that you are enough. It’s also okay to struggle with admitting that to yourself. At least, that’s what I learned when Meghan Markle still had her old blog, The Tig, up online before she became the Duchess of Sussex. Honestly, she’s one of my goals; her father is a trip and she’s managed to live well despite his issues. I’d like to be able to do whatever she did with my mom. - journal 9/2
“The man over there says thanks.”
Jamila looked at the waiter, confused. “Um, okay,” she questioned as she looked where the waiter was discreetly pointing. A tall, brown haired guy raised a whiskey neat in salute. Jamila gave him a tentative grin. After the waiter left, she hissed, “I didn’t send him a drink, Lisa! What the hell?”
Jamila had to admit he was attractive but not her usual type. Her type was the outdoorsy type, the kind who could fish, hunt, and actually be able to live off the land if society collapsed overnight. This guy… he looked like money and power, the kind to hire someone to take care of him.
After a moment, it became obvious what happened as Alyssa and Frances came back over. Jamila put on her best movie-star fake smile as those two came by. They were the worst kind of people; backstabbers who even when they got caught, still got away with it because they knew how to suck up to the people in power. Jamila knew exactly why they didn’t like her: she had enough fame left over that she didn’t need to be their friend to earn a good reputation in their phD program.
“Meet any nice guys,” Frances asked with a sly smirk on her face.
Jamila gave Lisa a sideways look as Alyssa said, “I mean, there’s Jonathan Toews, he’s single. I bet he’d be interested in a washed-up actress.”
“Hmmm, I have no idea who you are talking about,” Jamila honestly said.
Alyssa smirked as she replied, “He plays for the Blackhawks, Meena.”
Jamila grit her teeth as Alyssa used her first name. She hated when people used her first name, it brought up too many bad memories. Before she could reply, the attractive brown-haired guy was standing next to her with a faint grin on his face. “Um, hi,” Jamila said as Lisa, Alyssa, and Frances stared at him.
“I figured I’d say hi after you sent me that drink. I would have bought you one but I don’t know what you’re drinking and it wouldn’t be nice to assume. My name is Jonathan,” he said with a flirtatious wink.
Jamila hesitantly replied, “My name is Jamila and I’m just drinking merlot tonight.”
“Another glass,” Jonathan asked, his deep voice doing things to Jamila’s insides. She bit her lip as she looked at him, trying to decide if she wanted to encourage him or not.
As he found a waiter, Jamila looked at Lisa. Lisa motioned to her phone and Jamila checked her screen. That’s jonathan toews, the guy those bitches were talking about. He plays hockey and is the captain of the blackhawks
Jamila texted back, what is hockey n y should i care
Then the waiter came with a fresh glass of merlot and Jonathan passed it to her. Jamila took a deep sip, loving the taste. Merlot was truly her favorite and they had a good house vintage. Jonathan asked, “Are you new to Chicago?”
“I’ve been here for a year. It’s alright,” Jamila replied. “This is my first time going out on the North Side though.”
Jonathan gave Jamila a slow smile and her breath caught. He definitely was attractive but not her usual type. He said, “Then that’s why we’ve never met til now. I would have definitely remembered such a beautiful woman if I saw you before.”
Jamila giggled. “That’s a good one. You get one point for that.”
“Just one point? Is it an assist or a goal?”
“Um,” Jamila stalled. “I have no idea what you are talking about.”
The sly smile on Jonathan’s face turned into a wide smile. This girl was not only hot but he could tell that she was truly clueless about hockey. Tonight was a win-win for him. “I’m going to assume it’s a goal then.”
“Okay.” Jamila shrugged as she took another sip of her wine. “I’m still not completely impressed so you still need to work on it.”
Jonathan laughed, causing some people to turn towards them. Jamila caught Alyssa and Frances giving her the evil eye and she smirked. Reaching out a hand, she touched Jonathan’s upper arm. Jamila had no idea what hockey was but whatever it was, he definitely was built. Jamila turned slightly as she rubbed his arm, making sure that those two bitches could see that she was touching him.
“You like what you feel,” Jonathan asked, his voice slightly deeper with a sultry tone.
Unable to resist the bait, Jamila replied, “Of course,” licking her lips. There was no problem in flirting with him, she thought to herself as he smirked at her.
Jonathan’s eyes were on her lips. She had full lips, made for kissing. Jamila wasn’t his usual type but Jonathan didn’t have a problem with that. “There’s more that you can-,” he started before someone bellowed, “TAZER!”
Jamila whipped around towards the sound, annoyed to have been interrupted before her attention was caught by the kind of guy of her dreams. He was tall, auburn haired, and looked like a lumberjack. He was perfection and he came over to them.
“Duncs,” Jonathan called.
The lumberjack said, “Heyy Tazer.”
Jamila smiled. Maybe this whole drink mix-up thing was working out for her, she thought until she saw her LA friend, Shan, come up behind this Duncs guy. Shan’s brother Alex was with them, his ever present backwards cap covering his hair.
Jonathan loved Duncs as a brother but right now, he was annoyed and pissed. He had been close to sealing the deal but Jamila was now looking at Duncs like he was the last man on earth. Then Jamila gave him a brilliant smile and Jonathan suddenly realized that he was totally fucked.
“Hi,” Jamila purred, forgetting that her hand was still on Jonathan’s bicep. Duncan looked at that and raised an eyebrow at his captain. Jonathan gave him a glare and Duncan made a motion with his hands.
Before Duncan could reply, Shan yelled, “Jamillllaaa!! Long time no see!”
“Hi Shan,” Jamila drily replied, glad she used her preferred name instead of her first name. Shan was a fellow child actress, a Canadian who managed to get supporting roles at Disney over the years before transitioning to a character actress when she became an adult. Shan was the only one whose parents were actually on-set all of the time and paid attention to what was going on. Consequently, Shan was the only one who didn’t have substance abuse problems, etc. and the only one from her former shows that Jamila kept in contact with.
Jonathan looked at Shan and Jamila. “You two know each other?”
Shan drunkenly giggled as Alex closed his eyes. “We were both Disney kids back in the day.”
Jamila sardonically smiled. “Those were fun days.”
“I’m sorry,” Alex replied. “Shan’s got a role in one of the next Marvel movies so she decided to celebrate.”
“Congratulations,” Jamila sincerely stated. Getting a role in the MCU was a steady check and something to celebrate. Then Jonathan took a double take and looked at her and Jamila groaned. He bit one of his thin lips and then he smirked before putting a finger to his mouth. Jamila exhaled and gave him her biggest smile. He recognized her but he didn’t say anything. Jamila leaned over and whispered into Jonathan’s ear, “You just got a second point.”
“Then maybe you should let me have your number,” Jonathan purred into Jamila’s ear.
Jamila smirked, rolling her eyes but before she could respond, Shan slurred, “Wow, Jamila, you waste no time. You were just telling me yesterday that you didn’t know a damn thing about hockey and tonight, you’re talking with Captain Serious.”
Jonathan wanted to shake his teammate’s sister because Jamila shut down, pursing her lips.
Oblivious, Shan continued, “Now, you don’t have an excuse not to go with my brother to the bowling thing.”
Alex face-palmed as Jamila pinched the bridge of her nose. She had totally forgotten about that and of course, when Shan was drunk, she was loud and obnoxious.
Pasting her best fake smile on her face, Jamila said, “I think it’s time for me to go.”
“So soon,” Duncan teased.
Jamila smirked at him, looking him up and down. “I need my beauty rest and to not strangle my friend.”
Jonathan gritted his teeth as he watched Jamila eye his friend. Then she turned to him and blew him a kiss. “It was nice to meet you, Jonathan,” Jamila said, giving him a wink.
Jonathan smiled back and Jamila was taken aback for a moment. There was a promise in those dark brown eyes and she felt her body begin to respond. Then he licked his lips and for a moment, all Jamila could think about was maybe those lips on her body. Slightly shaking her head, Jamila waved her fingers before going to call an Uber. This was a night.
After getting home, Jamila tossed her bag onto her front table. She suddenly felt exhausted even though it was barely after 11:30pm. Walking into her living room, Jamila saw her other cell phone glowing. Picking it up, she cursed. There were fifteen messages and ten missed calls, all from Janine. The messages started off nice, asking how Jamila was doing to nasty, calling her all kinds of names for not picking up and giving her “mother” money.
Tossing the phone back onto the table, Jamila sighed. Getting a separate cell phone just for her mother’s calls was the best but it was draining just to look at it.
Janine Brown was a bit actress, stage-mother, and now two-bit manager. Janine had always wanted to be an actress, even when she was attending grad school at MIT for physics. There, she met Jayesh Vyas, a student earning a PhD in computer engineering. Within six months, they were married and expecting a child; after two years, they were divorced after pressure from Jayesh’s parents. Jayesh returned to India and Janine was stuck with an 11 month old baby with dimples made of gold.
By the time that Jamila could remember, she was in front of a camera. Her life as a child was in front of a camera; first as the adorable adopted child in Granger vs Granger, then the youngest kid in The Elliot Show as a young child. Then from age 12 to 17, Jamila starred as Jane Lee in the Disney show, Plain Jane. School was on set. Birthdays were celebrated on set. Everything revolved around a set year round until right after Jamila’s 17th birthday.
The aftermath of that birthday was a stay in rehab, a cancelled show, and living with her dad and stepmom full time in Atlanta.
Jamila promptly deleted all the messages and voicemails before going on online banking. After authorizing a transfer to Janine’s account, Jamila showered, put on pajamas, and grabbed her pink Lepidolite and pink quartz crystals. Sitting cross legged, Jamila worked to calm her anxiety so that she could have a restful night sleep.
But in her dreams, she tried to focus on a pair of blue eyes and a lumberjack look. However, she kept dreaming of a pair of deep obsidian brown eyes, a crooked smile, and a deep voice telling her everything he was going to do to her
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natrogersfics · 5 years
PREVIEW - Never Be the Same (new fic alert!)
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AN: Could I BE more excited for this upcoming fic? Nope, I really couldn’t. Sooo... here’s the ENTIRE opening scene. Happy reading! :-)
Steve’s eyes scan the expanse of the room as he stands behind the bar, working a dish towel over the freshly washed martini glass. At nearly midnight on a Monday, Shield is empty save for a few patrons finishing the last of their libations. It’s the eclectic mix of people you’d expect to find in the West Village, ranging from professionals nursing glasses of Merlot to a pair of buddies indulging in a few house brews. And yet, as different as all these people are, between these four walls, they’re all committed to the same cause of unwinding from their day.
On the list of things bars are good for, being a prime space to observe human behavior ranks high. That’s not an opinion, but a fact he’s deduced in his years of owning one. And based on the number of breakthroughs in friendships and relationships he’s witnessed in this bar alone – likely a product of an honest conversation taking place under the warm lights – it’s safe to say that alcohol is a pretty potent social lubricant, ridding people of their inhibitions and revealing them at their rawest.  
That’s not to say that people and alcohol are an exact science, though. Maybe tequila is straight up courage in a glass, granting someone confidence they may not normally have, but it is also a champion at nullifying discretion and making bad ideas seem like really, really good ones.
Just as it’s doing to the guy by the far wall right now.
From his vantage point, Steve has to resist the urge to roll his eyes as he watches the guy down the last of his gin and tonic before hopping off the stool. The man stalks towards the window, where a young woman with chestnut hair is quietly enjoying her watermelon margarita, before plopping down on the opposite side of the booth unprompted. The woman looks up at the intrusion, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion as the man puts his hand out to shake.
“Dead in the water, bud,” he mutters to himself, shaking his head as the guy serves up what he can only assume is a cheesy pickup line based on the scowl that forms on the woman’s face.
“The man hasn’t a clue, huh?”
The comment causes him to turn, and he smiles when sees one of their regulars, Sam, seated before him with his tie already loosened and his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. “Not a single one,” he says, walking over. “The usual?”  
“Oh, no,” Sam says, emphasizing the last word. “Whiskey, neat. Make it a double.”
“That bad, huh?” he says, turning to grab the bottle of Macallan off the top shelf.  
“You have no idea,” Sam says exasperatedly. “Just got told I have to be in the West Coast tomorrow morning and I’m pretty sure the only seat available on my flight is right smack next to the lavatory.”
He cringes as he places a crystal tumbler down on the counter. “That’s how it is, huh?”
“That’s how it is,” Sam confirms.
“I’m sorry, Sam,” he says. “I’d be lying if I said that doesn’t absolutely suck. But hopefully this makes it slightly better.” He sets the drink down in front of Sam. “On the house.”
“I knew I liked you, man,” Sam says, pointing at him as the corners of his mouth quirk up. He reaches into his back pocket, pulling out his wallet before sliding a crisp five down the counter. “I just knew it.”
“Safe flight tomorrow, all right?” he says, putting a fist out for Sam to bump. He takes the bill, placing it in the tip jar before he returns to the sink to finish drying the rest of the glasses. As far as tips for a single drink go, a five is generous, and he’s certain Wanda, the regular bartender he’s covering for, will appreciate it come tomorrow. Wanda is a Senior down at NYU, and with the end of the semester coming up, he and his business partner, Natasha, had told her to take the night off to study.
As he picks up another glass, he turns his attention back across the room where the woman is looking less than impressed with her intruder. He’s never been one to look the other way when he senses another person is uncomfortable with someone else’s advances, especially in the confines of his own bar. But the woman looks like she can hold her own, so he keeps his distance and finds himself infinitely glad when she picks up her tablet and bids the guy a sharp goodnight, leaving the man to ponder where he had gone wrong.
He shakes his head, because that’s another thing about him – he’s incredibly adept at reading other people. Sure, Psychology was one of his majors, but it truly should not take a genius to notice that the woman has been tense the second you took a seat and is painfully aware that your eyes are about a foot South of where her eyes are as you talk to her. It’s all in the body language and facial expressions, visual cues and hints that are supposed to be impossible to miss.
Or, so one would think.
The guy at the booth turns his head towards the other side of the room, his eyes lighting up like Christmas morning, and Steve doesn’t even have to follow the man’s gaze to know who he has spotted. Over at the other end of the counter, Natasha sits in front of her laptop with her forehead scrunched as her fingers dance across the keyboard. The expression on her face is one of deep concentration. It is the universal Do Not Bother Me face. The Talk-To-Me-And-I’ll-Kick-You-In-The-Face face. But as Sam had said, this guy hasn’t a clue as he makes his way towards her, his chest puffed out with renewed vigor.  
There isn’t a single doubt in his mind why this bozo (he’s certain of it now that he’s seen the guy interact with other humans) has zeroed in on his best friend. Natasha is gorgeous with eyes the shade of shining emeralds and scarlet tresses cascading down her back, its tips still platinum from when she had gone blonde. But more importantly, she’s devastatingly smart and witty – just ask everyone she’s obliterated in the courtroom once upon a time – and her sense of humor is absolutely top notch.
But there’s no way this bozo could know any of that. The only thing he recognizes is that Natasha’s dazzling as he perches on the stool next to her, leaning an elbow on the table and nearly knocking over her glass of water. Natasha’s reflexes are fast, though, and she pushes her laptop out of the way just as water sloshes over the top and onto the counter. She looks to the culprit, her eyes squinting into a death stare when she does not recognize the person next to her, and from where he’s watching the scene unfold, Steve laughs quietly, throwing the towel into the sink before making his way over.
“The name’s Brett,” he hears the guy say as he nears. “What’s yours, beautiful?”
“Nice to meet you, Brett,” he says, intercepting the guy’s hand just as he wraps his other around Natasha from behind, pulling her closer to him and dusting a kiss to the crown of her head. “Her name’s Natasha,” he informs him with a huge grin as Natasha relaxes into his touch. “And I’m Steve. Though I much prefer to be called her fiancé.”
Brett’s expression crumbles at his words, and he utters a quiet apology and then a farewell before exiting the bar defeatedly like a dog with its tail tucked between its legs.
“Fiancé, huh?” Natasha says, swiveling her chair around once Brett is out of sight. “We’ve certainly upgraded from fake boyfriend.”
He smirks. Since they become good friends in college, they made an agreement that when one of them got into a situation with unwanted advances, the other would step in as a rescue. It offered a painless out for the both of them at parties when they weren’t particularly interested in a person back then, and now it’s become a nightly rouse to fend off enthusiastic patrons.
“Seemed like the type who wouldn’t be deterred by the notion of a boyfriend,” he says with a shrug.
She raises an eyebrow in challenge. “A bit of a hard sell without a ring, don’t you think?”  
“He didn’t even notice that you wanted to be left alone,” he argues. “Doubt he has half a mind to look at your left hand.” She shrugs in concession just as a yawn falls from her lips, and he eyes the time on his watch. “Go home,” he says before smirking. “Before you attract more clowns.”
She rolls her eyes. “You should head home, too,” she counters. “Or are you and Tony painting the town red or whatever it is you two do?”
“Nope,” he says. “I have a meeting with my Dad and a potential buyer for Sarah’s in the morning, so no outrageously late nights for me. In the name of putting my best foot forward and all that.”
“You say that like you don’t always.”
“Tell the press that,” he deadpans. She shoots him a sympathetic look, but he’s quick to dismiss it with a shake of his head.
“Wanda and Peter are receiving deliveries tomorrow, so I don’t have to be here early,” she says, pointing a thumb over her shoulder. “You go, I’ll lock up.”
“Nope, not happening,” he says. “Go get your stuff and I’ll order you an Uber.” He puts a finger up just as her lips part to speak, effectively cutting her off. “And yes, I know you’re very well capable of roundhouse kicking someone’s teeth out, but I’m doing it anyway.” With Natasha’s years of practice in both gymnastics and mixed martial arts, he has no doubt in his mind that she can handle herself, but better safe than sorry late at night on the streets of New York. “It’s late. Go home, get some sleep.”
“Yeah, because I’m just dying to get home,” she mutters as she slips her laptop into her bag.
His expression hardens at her words. “Johnny still bothering you?”
“No more than living in the same building with only so many elevators as your determined ex fiancé does,” she says, her smile a little too sweet for his liking.
To any other person, Natasha’s response is convincing. But he knows his best friend well, knows how much the situation still eats at her. He isn’t a proponent for violence, but he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t had thoughts of throwing Johnny Storm off Natasha’s tenth floor balcony once or twice for what he did to her.  
“You know, the unit next to mine just opened up,” he says. “We’d rock being neighbors. It’ll be like we’re in college all over again, except this time, we’ll be borrowing grown up things like salt and sugar instead of cans of Red Bull.”
“No one actually believes that you eat sugar, Rogers,” she says teases, drawing a slim outline of his figure in the air. He rolls his eyes at her, making her laugh. “Look, I finally got the apartment I wanted after all these years.” She shakes her head. “He can move if he wants. As for me, I am a tree.”
“Well, tree, your Uber is around the corner,” he says, looking at his phone. “I’ll walk you out.”
“Oh great,” she says as they walk out the door. “For a second there, I thought I was going to have to walk the eight feet between this door and the car without an escort.” He shoots her a withering look, and she chuckles before leaning in to peck his cheek. “I’m kidding. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” he says, opening the car door for her to get in. He waits for the car to drive off, but he finds himself confused when the window rolls down instead.  
“One last thing,” she says before gesturing to his face. “Trim a little. Don’t shave it off, but you know… tidy up a bit. You’ll have your dad’s buyer eating out of the palm of your hand in no time.”
He scoffs. “Thanks. Don’t know how I could ever function without you.”
“You don’t,” she says, smiling.
“Go home, you goof,” he says, shaking his head as she gives him a wink and rolls the window back up. This time, the car drives off, and he waits until its taillights are out of sight before closing up for the night.
My sincere gratitude, as always, to @faith2nyc for the beautiful teaser art. If you’re not already following her on Instagram, please do! 
DISCLAIMER: Final version may differ as the chapter enters the editing stage. Also I totally did not proofread this for typos and/or run-ons. 
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twilightofthe · 5 years
In celebration of Mutual Acquaintances.. Satine: 5, 6, 7, 8, 28, 31, 42, 47, 48; Obi-Wan: 7, 8, 12, 14, 27, 31, 33, 47, 48; Padmé: 4, 6, 7, 8, 12, 18, 19, 28, 33, 34, 39, 42; The Disaster Boi: 10, 12, 14, 18, 20, 22, 28, 29, 31, 33 and bc we all need more sexuality headcanons, 13 for ALL of them
Whooo-WEE here we go, thank you!  Get ready for VERY VERY LONG Rambling!
(5) Cleanliness habits: Oh, she’s a total neat freak.  Everything in her office is minimalist style and organized to a T.  If someone moved something even an inch, she’ll be hounding everyone about who was messing with her stuff.  Constantly washing hands, very clean, doesn’t like dust on stuff at all (has a bit of a dust allergy, actually.  Lily pollen getting everywhere is a Problem for her).  She’s practical, however, and if she HAS to get down and dirty, she will-- of course not without a suitable amount of icky faces made plus a side of complaints xD
(6) Eating habits and sample daily menu: Ok so we’ve got canon showing her eating meat, but don’t tell me Super Pacifism Lady wouldn’t IRL be that one ubervegan friend of yours on Facebook who’s constantly posting weird things about it and you gotta be like “aight Katie chill”.  ANYWAY, so I’d say Satine in canon eats healthy-ish?  She’s not the biggest fan of breakfast foods and is always up in the morning doing stuff, so she sometimes forgets to have anything besides black coffee.  She’s not a particularly picky eater so she’ll eat whatever the cook is serving that day, but she prefers simpler meals, and can cook for herself (which came in handy during the Year On The Run because neither Obi Wan nor Qui Gon can cook for shit (my canon is no one in that line besides Anakin can cook and I’ll die with it) and eventually Satine was like “guys, I’m sorry, but no, u can’t try and protect me and then poison me at dinnertime.  I’ll cook”).  She does like to pair her evening meals with whatever drink she’s having that night.  I also h/c her as a functioning alcoholic, so she’s always got SOMETHING to drink, but she is trying to work on restraint and control because when she was younger it got... Not Good at one point.  She also has a sweet tooth though, and she really likes chocolate!
(7) Fave way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time: Satine is a... twitchy.... individual with a stressful job, so she is kinda conditioned into stressing the heck out if she’s got too much free time.  Therefore, a lot of her free time is spent trying to relax.  Cleaning is theraputic for her, so she does clean (yes, there is a cleaning droid but it is nOT GOOD ENOUGH) when she can.  She likes that Mando sword box game we saw Sabine and Fenn Rau playing in Rebels, it clears her head and lets her practice problem solving.  She likes going for walks too.  She’ll sneak down to the kitchens and just make a bunch of sandwiches.  She does enjoy beautiful things, so I’d say shopping for dresses or browsing art galleries is good too.  I also think she’d be the type to read and write poetry, then save bits she likes.
(8) Indulgences: Look, Satine likes Nice Things, ok?  She does consider fancy wardrobe and buying nice paintings a bit of an indulgence, but she adores color so she excuses that as promoting happiness for the people. As so she does a fancy ship and other fancy trinkets around the house. She’s not a huge fan of most people touching her, but she allowed a massage once... she would be amendable to perhaps another in the future.........  Scented candles are nice too, clears the head.  She refuses to consider chocolate an indulgence because it is obviously the gods’ gift to humanity, excuse you.  Are we calling lusting over her secret forbidden boyfriend an indulgence????
(28) Who is their best friend?  Their worst enemy?  The sad thing about Satine Kryze is that canon wise, she is extremely lonely.  Literally everyone she trusts betrays her at some point-- which also makes worst enemy pretty hard too.  In my verse, this has led to her kind of shutting away from friends because people always leave her-- though I’d say she’s always been close with Padmé; she sent aid to Naboo after the Federation Blockade and got to know and became extremely impressed with the young Queen, and they kept in touch afterwards.  Whether they could be together or not, I’d always say Obi Wan was her best friend too because that’s ALWAYS necessary in a relationship, and they clearly stayed in contact and knew each other like the back of their hands.  I’d honestly say her worst enemy is herself, cliché as it is, because girlie makes a LOT of mistakes-- and then never learns from them or even acknowledges they exist besides an “oh whoops, that happened, we fixed it, everyone as you were”.  I get it wasn’t meant that way, but she legit committed ethnic cleansing against her political opponents.  I hate to say it, but there are very valid reasons for a lot of people to Not Like Her (none of the guys who attack her on the show count because they’re literally all douchecanoes fuck them), and she kind of shoots herself in the foot trying to fix the problem but making it worse.  I h/c her as having a lot of self-loathing problems because she is trying to fix things but nothing ever works and that must be her problem so she must try harder without ever confronting what exactly her problem is.
(31) Most prized possession: Woah, never really thought of that.  As much as I want to say “pressed flower from Obi Wan”, that’s a little too sappy.  I’m going to go with this.  There is a famous Mandalore version of The Art of War, and Satine has an uber-extremely-rare first edition copy given to her from her father, who was a master strategist and had the wealth and power to collect nice things like that.  Satine may be a pacifist, but she has her family’s warrior’s spirit, and she enjoys adapting the book’s battle strategies to her own political fights and how she shapes her own life.  It’s an actual old paper book, so she keeps it in a locked box under her bed and only ever reads it by candlelight with special gloves on to protect the pages.
(42) Hobbies: Like I said before, cleaning, writing poetry, the occasional cooking.  Oh!  Whenever she has Korkie over, she lets them pick the activity they do.  This may or may not lead to Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandalore getting very invested in Space Mario Kart.  She’s good at it too!  So yes, gamer girl, and she also likes looking at art and she’s also also pretty good at dancing and yoga, which she does a bit of both for exercise.  She also enjoys watching shows at the theater, but she’s weird in the way where she refuses to watch TV or movies because they’re “not as good”.
(47) If they were to fall in love, who or what is their ideal:  I’d say trust is the most important thing for her, given how many things go wrong in her life.  Someone she can trust to be herself around instead of The Duchess and can both support her when she’s falling but also call her on her bullshit (or try to, anyway) when needed.  Again, she likes nice things, so she tends to fall for super attractive people lol.  Another thing is, she likes to feel safe.  She goes for the protectors, those who fight for everyone and can come back and hold her tight in a hug if she feels like she’ll fall apart because she sometimes needs someone to protect her too.  They also have to be as smart as she is (only smarter if they’re not a dick about it) so she can have intellectual conversations (indignant yelling matches), and she needs someone who can match the firecracker she can tend to be, someone who can jump right in after her.  Not a weakling, basically xD
(48) How do they express love: She just says it (”I love you”), if they’ll let her.  If they don’t let her or she can’t for some reason (*coughOBIcoughcough*), she becomes frustrated because she isn’t always the best, emotion-wise, and she worries she’ll make the wrong gesture or do something to mess up, so frustration can build towards the other person so she can also be very snappy at them.  In general though, familial or romantic or platonic, it’s just lots of soft smiles that no one else sees, letting them see her in casual clothing, teasing them or telling jokes, trusting them enough to tell them about the confusion and stress inside her head.
(7) Fave way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time:  Obi Wan is of the opinion that time enjoyed is never wasted, so he only views wasted time as exactly that: time that could be spent doing something but is instead being wasted not doing anything or doing something he doesn’t like.  His favorite things to do when he has time to himself are read (he’s not picky, he’ll read most things with an interesting plot, though he does enjoy a good mystery or historical nonfiction), watch trashy tv shows (he’s only watching them to judge how bad they are, it’s Anakin’s fault, really, he watched them first, and Obi Wan just needs to know what happens next--), sketch random objects (he’s a pretty good artist, and it’s relaxing), do research on stuff because he is a NERD, go bug Anakin and/or Ahsoka because he honestly delights just sitting in their company and hear them talk about their day, drink with friends, spar (with Anakin, preferably, he’s the most of a challenge because he knows him so well, and he’s the only one who doesn’t hold back at all), sit in the Temple gardens and check on Qui Gon’s favorite flowers he planted there and bask in the serenity of it all.
(8) Indulgences: Ooooohhhh this is hard because Obi Wan is so Obi Wan about that sort of stuff, it can be difficult to read what he would do xD  I’ll say he indulges in food?  That while Jedi probs have a pretty strict health food diet, on the weekends or once a weekday he indulges in getting nice stuff for breakfast, ice cream for dessert, fried food at Dex’s because why not, it tastes good and Anakin did a good job today or he did a good job today and that deserves something, so oh well, he’ll just work out harder tomorrow.  He’s also has some very nice old teas he saved from Qui Gon The Absolute Tea Snob he’ll have when he feels he needs it, and he’s got a cabinet with like four bottles of different really good, expensive alcohols that he’ll drink when he REALLY feels he needs it.  I’ll also say this, boi is vain about his hair.  Will never admit it in a million years, but he is, so he’s probs got at least some sort of haircare products that aren’t exactly necessary, ya know xD.  He also does like his creature comforts when available, so I’d say he’s got a couple super fluffy blankets and maybe the thread count in his sheets are a bit higher than average cuz hey, soft things are nice.  He also indulges in being lovey and mushy to the people he cares about 
(12) Favorite book genre: Hey, I kinda talked about that!  So yeah, I’d say he’ll probs try anything, but he likes mysteries and thrillers since with a book the Force can’t give you any Bad Feelings about anyone, so the surprises are genuine surprises.  He also likes historical nonfiction because he is a NERD, but he’ll absolutely pick up whatever’s at the top of the Galactic Times Bestseller’s List if it’s there and give it a chance
(14) Physical abnormalities (including injuries/disabilities, illnesses, allergies): His right hip acts up in the cold from an old slug wound there (Anakin does indeed tease him about being an old man), over half of his teeth are fake or replaced because come on, have y’all seen how often he’s been hit in the face?  Scars literally everywhere because everyone and everything has tried to murder him at some point or another.  I h/c him with ADD, depression, anxiety, and dyscalcula (he had to really work to be good with numbers) as well as PTSD because basically all of the Jedi do at some point (someone HELP THEM).  He also has TMJ, which I also have and I project my issues.  It gets worse when you’re stressed and grind teeth, so it’s valid.  Idk whether it’s canon or fanon that he has some food allergies, but I am ALL FOR IT with him just... forgetting about them???  And then eating some food and be like “hwoops I’m dying lol” while Anakin is like seriously Master again? and legit ends up the Mom friend with a list of foods like “is there gonna be this food in it?  Cuz he can’t eat it” and then he’ll eat it anyway cuz it looks good and Anakin is all “what do you have in your MOUTH” and he’ll be like “uh” and yeah, that sounds funny
(27) Biggest regret: WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS.  ok so we all know how literally everything about Obi Wan’s life is a mcfreaking nightmare.  We ALSO know he blames himself for literally everything.  So yea, he’s got a looooot of regrets.  I’d say his biggest though is not being a good enough Jedi (in his opinion) to save those he cared about (Qui, Satine, Anakin, Pads, the entire dang Jedi Order, etc.).  Maybe just not a good enough person, in his eyes.  If he hadn’t screwed up somehow, everyone would still be here and fine and omg someone help him
(31) Most prized possession: Luke Skywalker.  Ok, not actually, but y’all can’t deny Luke was Obi Wan’s greatest treasure.  I’d say actually tho it’s holos, of people he loves and cares about, in a kind of album he keeps to himself.  He hates having his own picture taken, but he loves seeing the smiling, laughing faces of everyone he knows (and is reminded of them when they’re no longer here).
(33) Concept of home and family: He always feels like other people overcomplicate this.  Home is where you feel safe to always return, where you belong, and family is those you love and wish to spend your life with.  Now, the fact that he only really allows himself to acknowledge the Jedi as a whole as his family and doesn’t exactly allow himself to dwell on specifics like what Anakin means exactly to him, what Ahsoka means, what Qui Gon meant, because he does love everyone as a family, why does he have to define it?  That’s a whole ‘nother basket of his issues lol
(47) If they were to fall in love, who or what is their ideal:  Obi Wan Kenobi has always been attracted to chaos and danger like a moth to a flame, so anyone he loves is gonna be a whirlwind of an individual.  He likes someone who can challenge him, who can test him.  He likes someone who’s loud and bright, the stars at the center of solar systems that everyone else can’t resist orbiting around and Obi Wan is no different.  He likes snappy humor and the amusement he can get from playfully bugging them into hissing at him.  They have to match him as a team, they have to be able to work with him (and he knows he’s not always the easiest to work with) and have his back.  He likes passion, he likes dramatics, he likes the kind of strange ones that other people find a bit hard to get along with, but he couldn’t love them any different from themselves.
(48) How do they express love:
(4) What would they do if they needed to make dinner but the kitchen was busy:  Assuming the people in the kitchen were not making food, Padmé would fix them with a firm Senatorial Scolding Face and ask them politely if they could move it somewhere else.  She can easily outargue any protests;  the kitchen is for cooking and she needs to make dinner!  If ppl were making food in the kitchen, Pads would roll up her sleeves and ask what she could do to help so it would be done faster and she could get started.  She grew up with her mother insisting her and Sola help out with all the household chores, kitchen duty included, so she’s a fine cook.  Anakin learned to cook from his mother too, so sometimes their husband/wife bonding time will include just making dinner together and enjoying each others’ company.  In an OT4 situation with Obes and Satine, Obi Wan is the only one out of the four of them who Cannot Cook and is legit banished from the kitchen except for making drinks/certain desserts, so it ends up with Anakin, Padmé, and Satine all talking and laughing while preparing food while Obi Wan pouts sits in the doorway and talks from there
(6) Eating habits and sample daily menu:  Ok, so you know how I said Satine can sometimes get distracted by work and skip breakfast?  Well Padmé is like that but worse.  She gets so busy with duties, she just forgets to eat for very long periods of time, and then she’ll be doing something and be like “woah, I’m hungry, I don’t think I’ve eaten today,” and Sabé/Anakin/Bail/whoever she’s with will just be like padmé nO.  When she does eat, however, she is one of those crazy people who Does Not Like Sweets.  Like, at all, they just don’t agree with her.  Anakin is scandalized.  Satine is scandalized.  Everyone is.  She just doesn’t like them.  She’ll eat fruit, but that’s as sweet as it gets.  So when she does remember to eat, or if she’s going out for a dinner, it’s usually something pretty healthy-- though Pads will confess to a weakness for nice cheeses.  There’s also this one really greasy bad fried chip thing that she’s got a secret weakness for.  Padmé’s also not a huge alcohol person; like, she’ll drink when others do, she’s not a lightweight or anything, but she won’t seek it out herself, just, something about the taste, and she doesn’t like not being in control of her head.
(7) Fave way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time: Honey, Padmé is from Naboo.  The luxury planet.  They know how to lazily waste time in style.  She loves long baths and listening to classical music, walking in nature (she loves flowers), practicing new hair styles, facials and manicures.  She also reads the gossip columns (no she doesn’t, you never heard that) because she needs the tea.  She just do.  She likes to read and study new languages (because she is Queen Overachiever) or just add to her bucket list of Ways To Improve The Galaxy.  Padmé totally has a Space Pinterest.  In reality, she trained herself from a young age how to relax so being a teenager in planetary politics didn’t literally kill her.  
(12) Favorite book genre: ROMANCE!  It’s canon that Pads is just such an ushy, gushy romantic of a person, so she likes stuff like Space Jane Austen and all the other romantic books.  She refuses to associate with Anakin’s trashy dollar romances, she thinks they’re bad writing.  He does not agree.  He also called one of her faves boring once.  They do not discuss books.  But also Padmé likes political history and civilization books cuz politician, and she’s pretty into the mysteries like Obi Wan is.  She likes religious texts too, learning about different ones, she finds it interesting.  Reading can be hard for her because I h/c her as dyslexic, but she loves it too much.
(18) Favorite beverage: Spiced cider.  She could get it homemade back on Naboo; cool and refreshing when iced but warm and tangy and perfect when heated.
(19) What do they think about before falling asleep at night: If Anakin’s not with her, she always thinks about him not being there.  She can’t help it.  If he is with her, she thinks about how much she loves him.  She also tends to do a mental to do list every night of what she needed to do before bed and if she’s gonna allow herself to sleep now or not.  She also has another mental to do list so she knows what she’s gonna do when she wakes up in the morning.  With the damned war dragging on, more and more nights are spent going to bed troubled and worried for the future. She also daydreams, though, of what she can do after.  Her happily ever after.
(28) Who is their best friend?  Their worst enemy?:  This is hard because Pads is so friendly with everyone!!!  Queen’s Shadow really made me fall in love with Padmé and Sabé, but I’ll always be a sucker for the canon and fanon where Padmé’s best friend is Bail Organa.  I’m sorry, but Bail is just a cinnamon roll of a human being, and he’s such a calm, levelheaded friend for Pads where she can be a bit overeager and chomping at the bit sometimes, but he’s also ALWAYS got her back and she can talk to him about stuff and ahhhhh and he literally raises her daughter as his own and gahhhhhh.  Is it messed up if I almost want to say Padmé’s worst enemy is Anakin?  I mean to be more general: her worst enemy is the Sith, as they destroyed the Republic and her entire life’s work and corrupted her husband and depending on if you believe the “draining life forces” theory (which I do) they killed her.  But Anakin was the one who got past her defences, took her by surprise, and unknowingly ended up playing the most active role in her destruction, which is immensely tragic for both of them because all he ever wanted to do was love her (*crying*).
(33) Concept of home and family:  For Padmé, home isn’t so much a place, but an idea of where you can feel closest and most at one with those you’ve decided to share your life with.  Yeah, she’ll always love Naboo, but you saw how choked up she got in that TCW episode where Anakin called her Coruscant apartment “home”; for her, home is a state of mind.  Family is a bit different; she’ll always have a bit of an idealization towards her own parents’ marriage and how she’s seen Sola’s, and how families developed from that.  Canon shows she’s envious because she can’t have that, the 2.5 kids and a dog with a white picket fence outside and a large backyard mentality.  She has issues over being separated from family; she had to drop the Naberrie name to go into politics, so I’m guessing there’s some distance felt there, and she can’t even publicly acknowledge her own husband as her husband, so she’ll cling to the idea of a “perfect” family as a someday, as a maybe, and working towards that someday and the long goal she can forget just how complicated and messy her real family-- her parents and sister, her husband, her husband’s new adoptive sister, her husband’s boyfriend, his weird side of the family --is.  It’s even more pronounced when everything is falling apart in Revenge of the Sith and it’s obviously falling apart and Anakin is obviously Not Fine, she tries to retreat and take her comfort in “oh but when the baby comes and we can be a Family, things will all work out perfect!  It’ll be okay!!!”
(34) Thoughts on privacy (are they a private person, or are they prone to TMI):  Padmé is an extremely private person.  She’s been in the public spotlight since she was thirteen years old.  Everyone’s always staring at her, what she’s wearing, what her opinions are, how she acts, who she’s with.  Padmé has nearly nothing she doesn’t have to share with the public eye, so what she does have to herself she tends to hoard and not show anyone except for those she implicitly trusts.  Now, whether she’s any good at keeping secrets is a whole other story, but she certainly tries!!! xD
(39) What recharges them when they’re feeling drained: Anakin can make things better or worse for her depending on the mood he’s in and the mood she’s in, but he usually makes her feel better just by showing up and being a dork.  She likes her greasy chip snacks and a good book, but she’s a sucker for a good spa day complete with fluffy, comfortable clothing.  Also, Padmé loves cat naps, and is the queen of setting an alarm and taking short power naps that actually have her waking up refreshed.
(42) Hobbies:  Is creating new outfit designs via Space Pinterest a hobby?  Because Padmé does that.  Padmé is also the type of person to have a Space Candy Crush problem, and I completely believe that Satine got her into Space Mario Kart (Satine’s actually pretty good at it and Pads isn’t good at it at all, so it’s in no way fair, but they have fun xD).  Padmé loves creating flower arrangements too, just creating beautiful things makes her happy.  She loves calling one of her handmaidens over and having martial arts practices because she needs to stay ready to defend herself, but also it’s just fun and she’s a good fighter.  Padmé’s also into scrapbooking, she makes a bunch of adorable books she puts together, and she gave one to Anakin on their first anniversary and he cried (she hides them, don’t worry).  
(10) Neuroses:  Hooo boy, there’s a lot!  Okay, so Anakin is a very handsy person.  When he’s nervous or uncomfortable or stressed, he’ll always need something to do with his hands, whether that be fiddling with his clothes, tugging at his hair, messing with the digits on his mechanohand, poking at the wall patterns or other objects.  In general, he hates sitting still and has a tendency to fidget if he has to for too long.  He will also either stare you directly in the eye or dislike making eye contact at all, depending on his mood.  Fiddling with machine parts gives him something to focus his mind and his hands on, so that’s a real big help for him if they’re available, often times he just keeps scraps in his pockets for specifically this purpose.  He’s sort of aware he does this, but he doesn’t like to think about it much because that would mean thinking why, and if you try and point any of them out to him he’ll get embarrassed and probs just snap at you.
(12) Favorite book genre:  Anakin really isn’t much of a book person.  It has to do with his focus issues (I h/c him as ADHD), they just aren’t really able to draw him in enough to keep his attention.  It frustrates him because that’s another reason why ppl imply he isn’t smart, which is dumb, he can read just fine, he just doesn’t like to.  He does like the trashy penny romances I mentioned before.  What can he say?  He’s a sucker for the drama and swooning and Epic Proclamations of Love.  He’ll read books about the latest ships and speeder models too, because he’s interested in that.  He’ll also read tactical strategy books too, because of the war and all.  It’s just not his go-to form of entertainment.
(14) Physical abnormalities (including injuries/disabilities, illnesses, allergies):  Metal hand.  Eye scar.  At one point is one big giant asthmatic burn scar who’s like 80% robot.  But we’ll focus on Anakin as of now.  When he was a child, some brute in the market cracked him hard across the back with something heavy.  It damaged his spine, and Shmi was terrified for a while he’d never walk.  Thankfully, he recovered, but now his spine is funny as in it is super flexible.  Like backbends where it looks like he’s snapped in half, that flexible.  It gives him fantastic advantages in acrobatics and combat, but it also means he can do that creepy walk the girl from The Ring can do.  He has managed to successfully scare the living piss out of Obi Wan, Padmé, Ahsoka, Rex, and multiple others on different occasions by emerging from the shadows in the middle of the night doing the Ring walk.  No one was pleased.  Yoda thinks it’s hilarious though.  Anakin gets hit in the face just as much Obi Wan does, so he also only has like less than half of his real teeth still in his mouth.  Is also covered in various scars from people trying to kill him dead.  In total, I project many mental illnesses onto him, so I say he has anxiety, ADHD, BPD, and PTSD.  His super strongness in the Force means he is a complete lightweight, so alcohol is an uh oh for him; the only positive is that he never gets hangovers.  It also means that Force sensitive objects may suddenly go flying at his head when he’s just trying to casually stroll through a creepy old temple.  I also h/c that Anakin is allergic to tookas/lothcats.  No other animals, just them.  And it’s hilarious when on one occasion some kittens made their way into a briefing room and he just bursts into a sneezing fit, which, why are you all laughing at me? and then Rex points out the little kitten just perched on the top of his head.  Poor baby actually does chafe pretty badly from sand too, so his hatred isn’t completely unwarranted.
(18) Favorite beverage: Coffee with a gazillion lumps of sugar in it, protein powder because he’s all about the grind, a hint of space chili pepper, and like a dozen other ingredients that should Not Go In Coffee (one of the ingredients Is Bugs).  Obi Wan claims he tasted the concoction once and had hallucinations.  Ahsoka says she saw a drop melt the edge of the tabletop.  Padmé won’t go anywhere near it.  Anakin says they’re all cowards; it’s the only thing that can get him up and focused in the morning.
(20) Childhood illnesses?  Any interesting stories behind them?: I h/c that amongst the slaves, Shmi was the local medicine woman.  Therefore, Anakin as a child was constantly getting first exposure to all the local sicknesses and building up immunity, so besides one bout of food poisoning, he never got sick as a kid.  Once he got to the Temple... well, he was past the age where all the other kids had gotten vaccinations, Obi Wan, bless him, hates dealing with medical and was distracted by everything else and kind of forgot to make sure Anakin was up to date with everything, so he caught EVERYTHING.  EVERY LITTLE THING WOULD MAKE HIM SICK.  HE HATED IT.  OBI WAN HATED IT BECAUSE THE ONLY SICK PATIENT WORSE THAN ANAKIN IS HIMSELF.  IT NEVER ENDS.  ANAKIN IS TWENTY TWO YEARS OLD AND STILL CATCHING SHIT LIKE THE SPACE CHICKEN POX.  THIS ISN’T FAIR.
(22) Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?: Lots of writings of stuff like “Padmé Skywalker” or “Anakin Kenobi” cuz Ani is at heart a 12 year old girl.  Ok ok ok, but actually, there would be lots of different stuff on the page.  Mathematical calculations for ships and designs because he is a canon engineering nerd and I h/c he’s a whiz at math.  Also little doodles.  Anakin’s not a bad artist himself; his style is much more cartoonish than Obi Wan’s, but it means he can do cool little actions scenes of different ships or pods, him being a badass, Yoda getting attacked by space seagulls, etc.  Maybe designs for another japoor carving (I h/c he keeps the hobby).  Or, the page might be folded up as Anakin turned it into either a boat or a hat or an airplane that actually flies, or just a ball of paper he set on fire because he was bored.
(28) Who is their best friend?  Their worst enemy?:  OBI WAN KENOBI FOR BOTH OF THEM DAMMIT ANAKIN WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS.  Alright, alright, in reality, his worst enemy is probably more of a combination of himself and his own fears, Sidious for being an evil, manipulative asshole, and society for creating his fears and traumatizing him (though mostly it’s himself because he absolutely had the choice to do the right thing, but he didn’t).  Obi Wan is absolutely his best friend though.  No competition.
(29) Reaction to extrapersonal disaster (eg Oh no, the house is on fire!  What do we do?): For Anakin “I burned down the Republic because you left for an afternoon and I panicked” Skywalker?  “Ok, no problem, I got this.  I’ve got this.  No, wait, I don’t got this.  I defiNITELY DO NOT GOT THIS, I MADE IT WORSE, HOLY SHIT, NO ONE PANIC, I NEED AN ADULT-- (Ahsoka: You are an adult) --I NEED AN ADULTIER ADULT.”
(31) Most prized possession: His loved ones ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  And we’ve got at least six movies and a tv show telling us exactly how that did Not Go Well For Anyone
(33) Concept of home and family: Hmmm.  I’d say where he feels safe and comfortable.  Again, it’s stated in the show he feels at home at Padmé’s, but honestly?  He refuses to acknowledge Tatooine cuz ya know, the slavery, so he never really had a strong childhood home, and while I want to say he considered the Temple home at one point, , I’m not sure he does because I feel he’s always on red alert for things to get worse so he never really lets himself get comfortable anywhere-- not even Padmé’s.  Family is a bit easier for him; a group of people who love each other-- and for Anakin, it doesn’t have to be blood relations but if you ARE related by blood, you’re a family member by default and he will be Very Offended by blood relations who cut away from their families because he feels if you’re connected like that, you should love each other.
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twitchesandstitches · 4 years
a few varieties of bulge/male genitalia designs i’ve seen and like the general look of. I’m not saying Tiashar can grow some uber-bulge that is some kind of distillation of all of these combined into one hypothetical ultimate set up, but i am saying that is exactly what she does. these might also make for good modding options for other characters if desired.
most of these are taken from the tf-themed RPGs produced by Fenoxo, like corruption of champions or trials in tainted space, since that’s mainly where I get exposed to stuff like this
anemone style: a big wiggly tendril, with a base of smaller ones that sort of stuff themselves into drip pleasure venom. colorful, prehensile and opening itself to a lot of different possibilities! i like to use this one as a potential baseline for neat xeno-bulges; add traits and sizes from the other ones as needed. unsure if the mini-tendrils work best as an analogue to a knot or if they should grow into other ancillary bulges?
equine: this one’s fairly popular, possibly because its close enough to a human look to not be too unusual. The size and bulk of this are fun to play around with, and if it slides out of a sheath, that’s a really good visual! i tend to get these a lot for my characters early on, but that’s mostly because i like to give my character a lot of the bunny/horse hybrid mods specifically for the chance of getting a gestation speed boost.
tentacle: this one is funny because honestly, if it’s just a tentacle it doesn’t really interest me much; there usually needs to be a bit more to it, in terms of design quirks, for me to really go for the design. However, some aspects of this i like; prehensile bulges are one of my favorite things. I also like the idea of a bulge that isn’t particularly rigid (though it is firm) and will fit into any available opening without trouble.
insectoid/ovipositor: bit of a catch all term here, but i like some features from these variety of xeno bulges. not only is laying eggs a must, it helps to make it kind of visually obvious that’s what they do.
bulge/nook combo: not a specific type but more of a general thing where the bulge comes out of the nook, or they are the same organ in some way. For example, maybe the bulge’s tip irises open into something like a nook, and retracts into the body when not being used in a penetrative act? it being retracted into the body and extending outwards is also good.
other general things i like: prehensile-ness is good in general. soft ridges, nubby pleasure spikes and sometimes admit i kinda large large and throbby veins when it comes to bulges, specifically. Also, extreme size is kinda important for this sort of thing: if you must have it, it should be as big as possible! Preferably with some sort of physical adaptation so it doesn’t become inconvenient, particularly for a partner.
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spooksuprex · 7 years
1: How tall or short do you wish you were? I’m good with my height.2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not) One of those bear hunting dogs.3: Do you have a favorite clothing style? Loose and soft.4: What was your favorite video game growing up? Pokemon Emerald5: What three things/people do you think of most each day: My friend from Arizona, my writing, and general story ideas.6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say? Uber awkward.7: What is your opinion on [insert person/thing here]? [insert person/thing here] is the worst thing ever8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic] Melancholic9: Are you ticklish? Yes10: Are you allergic to anything? Pollen, and a specific brand of allergy medicine.11: What’s your sexuality? Heterosexual12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa? Cocoa.13: Are you a cat or dog person? Dog.14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson? Vampire, so I can wear a cape.15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber? Hat Films.16: How tall are you? 6′1″17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? Vladimir.18: How much do you weigh? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] 31719: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? Yes.20: Do you like space or the ocean more? Space.21: Are you religious? Not really.22: Pet peeves? Not soaking dishes before washing them.23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]? Nocturnal24: Favorite constellation? Uh... big dipper?25: Favorite star? North star I guess?26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls? I think they’re neat27: Any phobias or fears? Spiders and bugs in general28: Do you think global warming is real? Yes, though I’m unsure how much is natural and how much is man-made.29: Do you believe in reincarnation? Eh... I don’t think its impossible.30: Favorite movie? Superman vs The Elite31: Do you get scared easily? Yes32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime? 533: Blog rate? [You’ll rate the blog of the one who’s asking.] 11/1034: What is a color that calms you? White, reminds me of my bed.35: Where would you like to travel and/or live? Hmm... Italy would be interesting to visit.36: Where were you born? Indiana37: What is your eye color? Green38: Introvert or extrovert? Introvert39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs? Not really, but they’re neat.40: Hugs or kisses? Hugs41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now? My friend from Arizona... or kara, so I can “thank” her for sending this to me.42: Who is someone you love deeply? My dog43: Any piercings you want? No.44: Do you like tattoos and piercings? Tattoos yes, piercings no.45: Do you smoke or have you eiver done so? Once. It sucked.46: Talk about your crush, if you have one! ... My friend from Arizona. We’ve talked for a long time, and every time it always makes me super happy. She’s funny, kind, a bit goofy... She’s very memorable and its hard not to think of her.47: What is a sound you really hate? A train braking48: A sound you really love? A fan blowing49: Can you do a backflip? No50: Can you do the splits? No51: Favorite actor and/or actress? Nicholas Cage52: Favorite movie? Superman vs the elite... again53: How are you feeling right now? Annoyed at this length of this.54: What color would you like your hair to be right now? Brown, which it is.55: When did you feel happiest? When I’m talking to my friend from Arizona.56: Something that calms you down? Drawing.57: Have any mental disorders? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] Autism.58: What does your URL mean? A bear that is ghostly.59: What three words describe you the most? Big, quiet, smile.60: Do you believe in evolution? Yes.61: What makes you unfollow a blog? When they annoy more often than they post neat stuff.62: What makes you follow a blog? Neat stuff, like art.63: Favorite kind of person: People who can do their damn jobs.64: Favorite animal(s): Dogs65: Name three of your favorite blogs. karawaltersuniverse, puublack, candygarnet66: Favorite emoticon: :D67: Favorite meme: I lived, Bitch68: What is your MBTI personality type? Dunno, don’t feel like doing the test.69: What is your star sign? Cancer, I think.70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog? No, she can sit tho71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most? Work pants, loose T-shirt72: Post a selfie or two? No.73: Do you have platform shoes? Nope, don’t need ‘em74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself? I once had a swing set fall on my head and I didn’t get a concussion75: Can you do a front flip? No76: Do you like birds? Yes77: Do you like to swim? Yes78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you? Swimming79: Something you wish didn’t exist: Assholes80: Some thing you wish did exist: Pokemon81: Piercings you have? Noone82: Something you really enjoy doing: Writing83: Favorite person to talk to: Karawaltersuniverse.84: What was your first impression of Tumblr? Weird, obsessed with social justice.85: How many followers do you have? 17986: Can you run a mile within ten minutes? No87: Do your socks always match? No88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely? Nope.89: What are your birthstones? Ruby90: If you were an animal, which one would you be? Cat, so I can sleep all day.91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be? Peony92: A store you hate? Target.93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day? None94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds? Fly.95: Do you like to wear camo? No.96: Winter or summer? Winter97: How long can you hold your breath for? I dunno.98: Least favorite person? Annoying coworkers.99: Someone you look up to: This sounds cliche, but Leonardo Da Vinci.100: A store you love? Kroger101: Favorite type of shoes Boots102: Where do you live? Indiana103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why? No.104: What is your favorite mineral or gem? Ruby105: Do you drink milk? Yes.106: Do you like bugs? No.107: Do you like spiders? No108: Something you get paranoid about? Being gossiped about behind my back.109: Can you draw: Fairly well110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked? Look down five questions.111: A question you hate being asked? This one.112: Ever been bitten by a spider? No113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach? Yes114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days? Cloudy115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now: .... my arizona friend.116: Favorite cloud type: White floofy ones117: What color do you wish the sky was? Orange118: Do you have freckles? No119: Favorite thing about a person: Their hair120: Fruits or vegetables? Fruits121: Something you want to do right now: To be done with this.122: Is the ocean or sky prettier? Sky.123: Sweet or sour foods? Sweets124: Bright or dim lights? Dim.125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature? Ghosts.126: Something you hate about Tumblr: The community.127: Something you love about Tumblr: My friends.128: What do you think about the least? Toast.129: What would you want written on your tombstone? “This isn’t the last you’ll see of me!”130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now? The person who wrote this.131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself? My beard132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures? no133: Computer or TV? Computer134: Do you like roller coasters? No.135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness? No.136: Are your ears lobed or attached? I assume lobed.137: Do you believe in karma? Yes138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are? 3139: What nicknames do you have/have had? Cory, corky, cody, corey, coby, cornbeef, cornbread.140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends? No.141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink? Yes, when I was younger.142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others? I’d hope good.143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help? Giving144: What makes you angry People who can’t do their damn jobs.145: How many languages do you speak fluently? One.146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries? Girls.147: Are you androgynous? No.148: Favorite physical thing about yourself: My hair.149: Favorite thing about your personality: The fact I like to try and see both sides of an issue.150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person. My Arizona friend, Leonardo Da Vinci, and karawaltersuniverse so I can choke her out for making me do this.151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose? Renaissance.152: Do you like BuzzFeed? No.153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? [If you have one.] Ain’t got one.154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons? No.155: Do you like to play with others’ hair? No.156: What embarrasses you? My looks.157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious:158: Biggest lie you have ever told: I once said I threw up to get out fo work.159: How many people are you following? 382160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)? 18,641161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)? 32162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)? 17,453163: Last time you cried and why: Couple weeks ago, had a bit of a funk.164: Do you have long or short hair? Short.165: Longest your hair has ever been: Like... two inches?166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon? Neutral167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created? ... Not really. I got shit to worry about.168: Do you like to wear makeup? Nah.169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds? No.170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully? Yes, you fuck.
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crazystupiddating · 7 years
So for date night, tonight I'm posting my one date so far that really qualifies as more of a public safety notice. As in, don't do this publicly or else you may face safety concerns!!
Name: "Dick”
Age: 40
Hair color: dark brown
Eye color: brown
Height: 5’11” 
Initial profile impressions: Not my typical type, but I’m trying to keep an open mind. He has very “kind” looking eyes and a nice smile.
NOTE: This date was real but is geared towards a certain “public service announcement”, if you will.
Dick and I messaged very very briefly before he wanted to meet for a date. Again, I’m ok with this. Sometimes spending tons of time corresponding can just get annoying. Let’s meet and see if there’s any spark. We discussed meeting for dinner at a spot where we could get oysters. They were in season and I was having a serious craving. Not everyone likes them, so why not take advantage of the opportunity.
Our date was in an area that I’m not super familiar with so I took a car there. He messaged and told me he was running a little early and the restaurant didn’t open until 6 pm so he was down the street at a small bar. My destination was set as the location for dinner so I got dropped off there and popped in, I noticed that there were already people starting to file in. We both discussed enjoying a first date at the bar, just has a nice casual feel. I went ahead and made reservations it was after all, a Saturday for 7 pm, since I knew he was already drinking and just in case the bar was full. Then I made my way to the bar.
When I walked in Dick was sitting at the bar, but suggested that we move to a table. Huh? He looked clean and in good order. Button down shirt and jeans. Not bad. His teeth were a little crooked, then again, a lot of people’s are. Mine included. I actually have that slightly protruding right eye tooth that JLo has. But, I’m not bragging or anything. Lol So Dick and I sit down at a table. Conversation is a little slow and I notice that he doesn’t really look at me while we’re speaking. He keeps looking above me or over to the right. Is he fucking watching TV? Come on Dick, it’s not even football season. If it was, I’d be looking too! But whatever, the conversation remains lackluster. Shit, should we just call it a night now? No…keep your cool. Maybe things will get better.
I mentioned that I stopped by the restaurant on my way over and made reservations, just in case it got busy and he didn’t seem to mind. He said that was great. After 2 beers, he decided that he needed to snack on something. I’m not one who eats a ton in one sitting, so I just take a bite of his nachos. I don’t want to fill up on crap when I’ve got oysters in my future. We have small chit chat until about 6:45 and after I’ve had two beers and he’s had 3 and nachos, we decide that we should cash out. When the bill comes, I take the tab. I really like doing something like this because it shows a guy, in advance, that I don’t “expect” that they’ll always pay. That can get costly and set a crazy expectation. He was very nice about it and thanked me.
Dick and I head to the restaurant. When we get there, there’s plenty of room at the bar, but I defer to him and ask where he’d rather sit. He says that he’d prefer to sit at a table. Wait, what? I thought we both said how cool it is on a first date to chill at the bar…keep things light…whatever, not a big deal in the big scheme of things.
We are shown to our table. Now, I it's no secret that I like whiskey, and he points out a great drink on the menu so we both order it. After that, we take a minute to check out the menu. I’m a huge advocate of ordering two different dishes and sharing. I love a little taste of everything. But we don’t see oysters on the menu anywhere. When our server comes to take our drink order, Dick inquires about the oysters the whole reason we selected this restaurant. But the waitress says that they are only available at their oyster bar and that they are out anyway. Wahhhhhh!!!! Ok we’ll make do. The menu is quite nice. I ordered mussels and he ordered some fish dish. Our drinks come and they are amazing! The conversation is still really labored. I can’t put my finger on it specifically, but things are just not comfortable. We eat our meals and I share a ton of my mussels, but he’s being really stingy with his fish. And it’s delish. I really want more, but I’m not going to be rude. But seriously, I’ve given him about 8 mussels and I got one bite of his fish. Dude, Dick, get with it!! Are you someone who enjoys sharing meals? Isn’t it the best when you get a little bit of everything? I mean, it makes the meal more like a tasting menu, and who doesn’t love those?? I feel like anymore, it’s the only way I want to enjoy a meal. Who is this guy, Joey Tribbiani…(”Joey doesn’t share food!”).
I’ve already decided that this date isn’t leading towards a love connection. Everything just feels awkward and disconnected.
The bill comes and he takes the check. That’s right Dick, this one is on you. He reads it, and immediately his mood goes dark. He tells me that they’ve overcharged us on our drinks by $2 each. He flags down the waitress and proceeds to tell her that the drinks should have been $9 but she charged us $11. She said that she’d look in to it and be right back. Moments later, she returns and informs us that the whiskey neat is $9 but the cocktail that we ordered was $11 as indicated on the menu. I really didn’t pay attention to the prices. He ordered his first and I just ordered the same. A little rude, right? Whatever. So she asked again for a moment to speak with the manager.
The manager comes over and explains again, the difference between the drinks but says that he’ll adjust the bill to the lower price if that will work for “us”. And Dick, is just that…a total dick about it. “Ummm yes, that’s all I wanted. To be charged the price on the menu.” Dick, did you not understand what they said? You LOOKED AT THE WRONG PRICE! The manager, who is a slight little man, agreed to adjust the price, but Dick’s mood didn’t change. After the manager left our table he proceeded to complain about the issue. I really don’t see a problem here. You misread the prices, got pissy about it, the manager adjusted the price and now you’re still complaining like a little bitch about a total of $4. Seriously?
But the icing on the cake happens when the waitress comes back by, to let us know that the restaurant also typed in the wrong price for the drinks on the menu, and tells that they were actually supposed to be $12. So if we come in in the future, she just wanted us to know that the price would be different. She didn’t want us to be caught off guard. I thought this was done very nicely and she wasn’t suggesting anything about the visit we had tonight. She was very kind about it and said it in a way that made me feel like she was just looking out for us and our future satisfaction with their restaurant. But, this is not how Dick takes it. He continues to complain to me, somehow making it seem like he’s a victim or something. Dude, chill the fuck out!
When the bill arrives, Dick does the UNTHINKABLE. At least it’s unthinkable to me. Someone who at many, many points in her life, has found herself in the hospitality industry either as a primary or part-time job. He writes a big old GOOSE-EGG in the tip line. At first, I think that maybe he’s going to leave a cash tip. But nope. He does nothing. Sadly, I’m one of those people who just don’t carry cash, so it wasn’t as if I could drop a $20 to offset his being a total DICK! I was TOTALLY MORTIFIED!!!
What he perceived as a slight, was literally his own fucking issue, misreading the menu. I, under NO CIRCUMSTANCE, condone not tipping a server. If it’s bad service, perhaps lessen what you would typically give. I’m a steady 20% tipper, more if service is great and a little less if I’ve got someone who is SERIOUSLY unattentive. But I can say, I’ve never NOT TIPPED a server. Fucking ridiculous.
After we left the restaurant Dick asked me if I wanted to walk down by the water. My skin is crawling from the way that he’s treated that server. No fucking way that I want to go anywhere else with you! I told him that I had an early morning and really needed to call my car. So, he turns to me and says “ok, give me a kiss”. What the fuck are you smoking dude? I give him a hug and proceed to pull up my Uber app and call my car. Not only does he not ask me if I want him to wait with me for my car, he simply says “maybe I’ll see you around”. Ummmm, no thank you, Dick.
Summary: Here’s a tip, learn to fucking read!
And for my readers, please TIP YOUR SERVERS AND BARTENDERS!!!
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rueur · 8 years
Morning Pages #21 (27.01.2017)
Friday 27th Jan - 8:11 a.m.
I woke up once at 6 and once again at 7, and then once more at 7:45 a.m. I think, and I’ve been up since then. I slept with the blind all the way up, so the 6 a.m. morning sun always manages to wake me up. It’s odd though, because 6 a.m., I’ve noticed, looks exactly like 9 a.m., so I wake up always afraid that I’ve slept in because it’s so bright out. That’s one of the most glorious things about summer for me: the fact that the world acts as a natural alarm clock, the sun rising early enough to make sure you’re up and and up early enough too. It’s just courteous! The winter sun, however, takes its sweet time and here in Melbourne, often dozes on well past 8 a.m.. I still remember what it’s like getting up at 6 a.m. to make 9 a.m. lectures during the winter months. The world is dark and the effort is near-debilitating. Most of those days I had no breakfast, because there was no time, so I spent money at uni buying cheap junk food. The sugar kick would help me stay focused, but it left me drained by the end of the day anyway when there’s nothing else in your system. And then I’d tram and train it home, and the walk/bike/bus it from South Morang station back to my house. Keeping my bike at the station has honestly been such a godsend, because it more than halves the time it usually takes for me to get home. On a good day, it’s only a twenty minute walk and that’s only if I go through Mill Park Reserve, which is very unsafe before sunrise and after sunset. That’s another reason why I’d like to live somewhere else now, preferably an inner city suburb.
Evan was telling me last Friday about how he would often go on midnight walks in the parks around his area, just because of the lovely quiet, and the silhouettes of trees, the starry sky overhead: all there for his independent enjoyment. I understood. The world is more open to you in the dead hours, because you are the only one it has to perform for, and so it is less shy. Birds cry out into the sleepy early morning, little swallows flit across open grass, skimming across morning dew until their bellies shine with the moisture. There were a couple of days during high school where I had to be at school around 8 a.m., for choir practice. I always managed to be late, my family living an age away from my high school and having to drive down the freeway at peak hour when literally every other person in that choir simply had to walk two blocks or some ridiculously close distance like that. My choir teacher, Merryn or something I forget her name now, would always tell me off in the most sickly polite way possible when I turned up ten or so minutes late. So I fell into the habit of not going to choir practice at all if I were running even a little bit late, which was most days. Instead, I waited till my parent drove off and headed straight for my locker, plopped my bag inside and gathered my books for Period 1. I then ran to the oval and began to walk around, doing leisurely laps. Every morning, these little blue swallows would dance across the stout grasses like goliath butterflies on acid, flitting from one side of the grounds to the other within seconds, creating what I thought to be the most intricate circular flight patterns. It was always fascinating to me, even now retrospectively as I collect my memories from five or so years ago now.
It’s 8:27 a.m., and the cats are sitting above me as we speak, staring out the large bedroom window and onto the street below. I should feed them soon, I know. I have my show tonight, so I’ll be home rather late. So I don’t want to feed them too early. I should let Emily know I probably won’t be able to feed them tomorrow night. No, I definitely won’t be able to feed them tomorrow night, because my show ends at 8 or something, and it’ll take me a half hour or so to get back to Northcote from South Morang, and that’s only if I leave RIGHT after the curtain goes down. Goodness, I was actually dreading waking up today because I know that today and tomorrow are going to be so hectic. I went to bed last night cherishing the calm, amidst the filter for the fish tank. I kept it running last night because of the algae build-up I noticed on one side of the glass yesterday afternoon. I cleared it away onsight, but it had grown quite substantial before I’d noticed it.
Rhiannon just sent me a message out of the blue, letting me know that she’d had a dream about me. She said she had been looking for something in the dream, then she saw my face and ‘there was this smirk’. Rather vague, but she also said she doesn’t remember it too well. What do I say to that? I’ve missed her, actually, I really have. I’ve been thinking about catching up with her some time. The last time I saw her, it was last year and we were both catching a replacement train into the city from Macleod. I was running late for a Sunday shift. I was supposed to start at 11, and got there at 12. I was naturally very apologetic on the phone with my bosses, and with Hassan, and once I finally did get there (with an hour’s pay docked), I was able to make the most with the rest of the day. However, after that day, management realised that they didn’t necessarily have to open at 11 on Sundays because there wasn’t that much business during that hour anyway. So that day didn’t just result in me losing an hour’s pay for that day, but for every other Sunday I worked for the rest of my time there. That damned line maintenance has lost me and my other weekend workers upwards of $200 each.
Should I say something to Rhiannon before I continue my writing? I’m over halfway through my second page and it’s 8:37 a.m.. To be honest, I didn’t want to stop and start much during these pages in particular because I know how little time I have here before I need to head back to South Morang and parade about onstage in this decrepit excuse for a show. I should feed the cats around 8:45, I think. This gives me really only about five or so minutes to write out my last page, but I think it’ll be fine regardless. I just don’t want to stop and start until I feel like I SHOULD be feeding the cats.
I will say that since I’ve been living here, I’ve been experiencing this very strange state of mind that lies somewhere between holidaying and working. Being in Northcote has given me the rare opportunity of immersing myself in Melbourne, letting myself be at the centre (slightly left of centre maybe) of what’s happening, and thus experiencing the city in a way I’ve never experienced it before. I’ve indulged in our nightlife, I’ve gone to musical shows, I’ve walked up and down High St, peering through all the store windows. I can understand now why Isaac loved his place on Johnston St. There’s so much to do there! LAUNDRY is there, and the Tomboy Cafe which is where I met him right before he called his uber and hopped on a plane and disappeared out of my life for the next three months. I found the Tomboy Cafe in one of Emily’s recipe books; apparently that place is a pretty big deal, vegetarian recipe book-wise.
Okay, yes, so things are happening here and my life feels fuller for it. BUT, on the other hand, I also feel like I’ve been putting my own life on hold to be here, which can be a very relatable effect that holidays have upon holidayers. However, this isn’t just an effect of holidaying, but more a deeper effect of house-sitting. Not only do I feel like I’ve placed my life on hold, but lately I have also felt like I’ve been keeping somebody else’s life warm for them. I’ve been staying at Emily’s home, feeding her pets and keeping them company, making sure the place is neat and orderly, while my own room remains unlived and unloved. Curtains drawn, clothes strewn across the floor, my own room hasn’t been given an ounce of care since I stripped my closet bare and carried it all here. It’s 8:47, so I’m going to feed the cats now, and finish the last half or so of this third page when I get back. I feel like this is getting too easy for me now, I feel like I should make the font smaller. Or change it from Arial to Times New Roman, because it’s Arial right now (size 12). I usually write my word documents in Times New Roman (size 11) which is so much smaller. Okay, ANYWAY, feeding the cats. I’ll be back in a flash.
Actually, no. I want to power through. I am so close to the bottom of the page now, it seems a shame. If I can reach the bottom of the page before 9, I’ll consider this a fantastic victory and maybe a sign that I should change the font settings in this word document. I’ve been typing all my morning pages in this single word document. Every morning, I clear the pages from the day before and start afresh. Okay, it’s 8:50 now, and I think that it’s clear that I will be reaching the bottom of this page before 9, so I’ll definitely be typing in a smaller font very soon. Probably not tomorrow, because I still have shows tomorrow, and also tomorrow morning will be far too busy considering I’ll be moving all of my stuff out. I am very keen to see the end of this weekend, let me tell you. I can’t bear this theatre schedule anymore and, despite some recent unpleasantness with my mother (which is more or less a guarantee at any given period of time), I have been feeling increasingly homesick. Not for Mill Park, just for my room. Just for my own space. I’m sad to be leaving Northcote, but not sad to be leaving Emily’s place, if that makes sense. I would move here on my own in a heartbeat! If only I had the money, a job. I need a job. I said this yesterday morning too, I know, but it’s just because I desperately need SOMETHING. Even if it’s just weekend work and I end up having little to no social life for the rest of this year, I just need a little money to keep me EATING. Maybe I will actually send my resume to some clinics, find work in radiology maybe. The psychic said somebody would be working in radiology. Maybe that’ll be me.
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diamond-duster · 6 years
Handwriting can tell you a lot about a person. Go here and repost with your character’s name in their handwriting!
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tagged by: @heartmindcd​ <3333 tagging: @ people who wanna do this because im still too new to tag personally <3
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