#she shoved him n yelled at him to shut up ahahaha
rebouks · 2 years
hello becca! sunday silly question time! okay, so bare in mind that this is an incredibly important question with serious repercussions 😏: who snores louder? 😆
ahahaa now this is a silly sunday question!! i'd say Alton probably snores the loudest.. and the most frequently 😂 Oscar can be pretty loud too, but he rarely falls asleep deeply enough to get to that point so everyone's somewhat spared lmaoo.. Mack snores quite a bit, as does Artie (Riona wears earplugs ahaa) Aspen snores as well, but she'll deny it.
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simplee-dreaming · 3 years
I Was Acting!
A/N: Okay so this was kinda rushed because stuff kept happening but I still hope it's good!
Word count: 1846
Summary: Tom Hiddleston discovers the reader is ticklish.
“Great acting today guys. Let’s all get home and rest before another fantastic day tomorrow!” said the director.
You, amongst everyone else, packed up your stuff and headed back to the hotel you were staying at during filming.
You were working on a new movie, about a single father and his teenage daughter conquering real life problems as a team of two. It was a really sweet film and so far you’d had a great couple of weeks on set with the cast and crew. Tom Hiddleston was playing your father and you still couldn’t get over the excitement whenever you saw him walking around the set. You almost fainted when you met him for the first time at the read through.
You decided to get an early night and rest well before another long, but exciting, day of filming tomorrow.
The morning finally arrived and you completed your morning routine before heading off to the set. Tom was already there when you arrived, unsurprisingly.
“Good morning darling, sleep well?” He asked.
“I did indeed. You?”
“Very much so. Would you like a tea?”
“Yeah sure! Only if you’re making it though,” you winked at him. He walked into the kitchen and appeared a few minutes later with a lovely hot cup of tea to give to you.
“There’s my favourite stars! How are we feeling today?” said the director, approaching you both.
“Ready to roll!” replied Tom, you nodded.
“Awesome! Now, one of the scenes we’re filming today, as you know, is the one of just you two at home where Martin - uh, yourself, Tom - is comforting Harriet - of course, you, Y/N - after she breaks down about being bullied at school. You’re both aware of this scene happening today I assume?”
You both nodded and murmured agreement.
“Okay good. Well, it’s the first scene we’re going to film today but I’ve been speaking with the producer and we both agreed that we could add something to the scene to really show the special connection between their father/daughter relationship,” he said.
“Go on..” Tom replied.
“Would you two be comfortable with filming a little tickle scene?”
You blushed.
“See, our thought process was that after Harriet confides in Martin about her bullying, he could cheer her up by tickling her a bit - really showing the bond between them. We’ve added a couple of lines to the script which are here. Don’t worry if you forget or improvise, we have plenty of shooting time today. Would you be okay with that?”
“Absolutely fine with me! Y/N?” Tom replied.
“Hm? Oh yeah, um, yeah that’s fine,” you said, trying to act cool.
“Perfect!” The director said, handing you both a piece of paper with the new lines on. He gave you both a smile and walked off.
“Well then, better get practising,” Tom said.
“It’s only one new line each, hardly needs to be practised,” you laughed.
“I wasn’t talking about the script,” Tom said. He turned to you and winked before walking off. Your heart jumped.
The time had come for you and Tom to film that scene. You both got into position as the lights and cameras were adjusted appropriately.
“And, action!” The director called.
“I was thinking of just making an omelette for dinner. Nothing special but might be nice,” said Tom.
“Mhm,” you murmured.
“Did you just want ham and cheese? Or something more adventurous?” he asked.
“Mhm,” you repeated.
“And what was that an answer to?” he asked.
“What?” you said, looking up from your prop phone.
“I asked if you just wanted a ham and cheese omelette or something more,” Tom said.
“Oh, yeah, that’ll be fine,” you replied, looking back at your prop phone.
“What’s wrong? You don’t seem yourself tonight,” Tom said.
“I’m fine,” you replied, not looking up.
“No you’re not. What’s wrong?” He asked, taking a seat next to you.
“It’s just...just some girls at school. They’re not exactly the nicest,” you sighed, hanging your head.
“Is it the same girls as last term?” he asked. You nodded.
“Oh Harriet, why didn’t you say something?”
“Because I thought I could handle it,” you replied. He sighed and put an arm around you.
“Okay, here’s what we’re gonna do. I’m gonna contact the rest of the PTA tonight and see the headteacher tomorrow. These girls are on file from the last time they bullied you so it won’t take much to make sure they’re punished. I’m sure the other parents on the PTA will have something against them too. Does that sound good?” he said. You nodded again.
“Good. But right now I gotta make sure my little girl is happy,”
“I’m not little anymore, Dad,” you replied.
“You are to me. Now come on, where’s that smile?” he asked. You continued to hang your head. He moved his hand down and gave your side a squeeze. You yelped, not expecting him to tickle you at that moment. He looked at you, a mischievous look in his eye. He squeezed your side again, making you yelp louder and twist away from him.
“Nohoho!” You giggled.
“My little girl is still just as ticklish,” he teased. You fell backwards into the sofa when he started clawing at your tummy.
“AHAHAHA NO!” You cried. He laughed with you, clearly surprised at your reaction.
“I’m just cheering you up!” He said, squeezing your sides again. You latched your hands onto his wrists to try and pull him off you.
“NO PLEHEHEASE!” You yelled, trying so hard not to scream “Tom” and ruin the scene.
“And cut!” the director shouted. Tom instantly stopped and helped you sit up on the sofa.
“That was the perfect take guys! Alright, break for 30 then back for the next scene. Nice job Y/N and Tom,” the director said, applauding you both. The rest of the crew disbanded to go on break. You and Tom were still sat on the set sofa. He looked at you.
“So…” he said, smiling.
“So?” you asked.
“So, how long were you gonna hide this from me?” He asked.
“Hide what?...” you replied.
“You know what,” he said, grinning at you. He poked your side and you yelped.
“Tom...no…” you said, panicked.
“You’re really ticklish Y/N, I can’t just ignore that,” he said. The smirk on his face gave you butterflies.
“No I’m not, I was just acting,” you said, faking confidence. Unsurprisingly, he didn’t believe you. He slid across the sofa towards you and the sudden movement made you panic. You leapt up from the sofa and fled.
“Oh no you don’t!” He yelled, running after you. You looked back and screamed when you saw him chasing you.
You ran round the corner and headed towards the back of the set. You turned another corner and found yourself at a dead end. You slowly turned around and found Tom standing behind you, an evil grin on his face.
“No...Tom...please…” you begged, holding your hands up in front of you.
“Well, well, well. Look what you got yourself into. A very ticklish girl, trapped. No escape,” he teased, wiggling his fingers by his sides. You took a deep breath and let the adrenaline take over. You ran towards him and tried to dodge him, thinking you could get past and escape. He was too quick for you and grabbed you by the waist, spinning you round in the air before lying you on the floor. He knelt down and straddled your waist.
“TOM WAIT!” You screamed. He let out an evil laugh before squeezing your sides again.
“Acting eh?” He teased, smiling at you as you shrieked beneath him.
“I AHAHAM AHAHACTING!” You shrieked. He moved his hands up and scratched at your ribs.
“Who-oh-oa!” He said, giggling at your reaction when he started tickling your ribs. “Bad spot?” He asked.
“NOHOHOHO!” You screamed. You grabbed his biceps as he continued to scratch and squeeze your ribs. He finally stopped and grabbed your arms, pinning them above your head.
“Ah ah ah,” he mocked telling you off. “Now then, where else are you ticklish?” He asked.
“N-nowhere…” you blatantly lied. He looked at you, eyebrow raised.
“Tell me or I’ll have to find out for myself,” he said, a teasing tone in his voice.
You stayed silent.
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” he gave you a sly wink and let go of your arms to shove his hands in your armpits. You slammed your arms down to your sides and shrieked louder than ever.
“My, my. Is this a bad spot?” He asked.
“No? Are you sure? It seems pretty ticklish to me,” he said with a puzzled look on his face. He picked up the pace of his wiggling fingers and you threw your head back in ticklish agony.
“Does this tickle?” He asked.
“Hm,” Tom bent down and nuzzled his beard into your neck. You twisted your head to the side but he had already buried his face into the crook of your neck. Without warning, he blew a big raspberry whilst still tickling under your arms. You screamed.
“Did that tickle?”
“Damn. Okay,” he said. He shuffled himself down a little bit, his hands leaving your armpits to scribble over your ribs again. He thought for a moment before lifting up your top with his nose.
“TOHOHOHOHOM DOHOHON’T YOHOHOU DAHAHARE!” You shrieked, knowing full well what he was planning.
He grinned at you and winked before lowering his head. Your screams turned desperate after he blew raspberry after raspberry up and down your tummy. The worst one was when he blew a raspberry just under your belly button and nuzzled his beard into your tummy. It was torture.
He kept blowing raspberries on your sensitive tummy, his beard tickling you as he did so. His hands switched between tickling your ribs and your sides. You finally gave in and fell into a silent laughter, weak from the tickles. He lifted his head after one more nuzzled raspberry and ceased his attack.
“Still acting?” He asked, chuckling.
“Shut….up... “ you panted.
“Answer the question,” he said, dragging one set of nails down your tummy.
“Ohohokay, I was acting!” You giggled, swiping at his hands.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were this ticklish?” He asked.
“Because I knew you’d do that,” you replied.
“You say that, yet not once did you actually ask me to stop,” he said. You went silent.
“Did you want me to stop?” He asked. You blushed. You brought your hands up to hide your face and he awed at you.
“Hm, 15 minutes till we’re due back. I think round two,” he declared. He quickly grabbed your arms, before you could protest, and pinned them to your chest before bending down and blowing more raspberries on your sensitive tummy.
You were both laughing so much that you lost track of time and were 10 minutes late back to set. But you made sure to get Tom back after filming...
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mythicamagic · 4 years
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Thanks @prationality also a reminder to everyone that all prompts have been posted to Ao3 and so on under the title 'Romancing Ego.'
20: a kiss on where the back of the neck turns to shoulder.
"You know, when your reiki and youki brush against each other, it kinda feels like you're playing footsie under the table."
Kagome blinked, roused from her impromptu daydream and arching a brow at Shippo. "H-huh?"
The fox kit shrugged, licking at a lollipop casually while she tried and failed to scrub a bloodstain from a yukata in a tub filled with steaming water. "That was Sesshoumaru's energy passing by the hut just now, wasn't it? Find it kinda weird that your spiritual powers don't repel him but almost eagerly reach out instead. It's like they know each other really well, or are hmmnn...intimately acquainted?"
Rolling a stiff shoulder, she frowned and kneaded the sore, aching muscle at the back of her neck. It had begun acting up since she started washing clothes. Maybe the positions Sesshoumaru had lowered her into while seeking the most pleasurable angle were starting to take their toll. "I'm sure you're just imagining it Shippo."
"Heh, nope I'm not."
Kagome's mouth turned dry but she scrubbed stained clothes against the washboard more aggressively, water sloshing about loudly from her ministrations and soaking her arm. "Spit it out then, buddy. Why's it important?"
The fox kit cushioned his head with his arms, elbows bent. Green eyes glittered with mischief. "I don't have anything to say about it~ not my fault your energies are flirting so openly."
Stiffening and then hissing at the pulsing, tight sensation cramping her muscle behind her neck and shoulder, she forced a smile. "They're not flirting, Shippo. Ahahaha, promise! Don't go blurting that around, k?" she chirped. "People might get the wrong idea."
Cherubic features stared up at her, batting delicate lashes innocently. "I think I'll go tell Sango and Miroku."
"WHAT?" hysteria laced her voice.
"Better yet, maybe the whooole village should know."
"Shippo- no!"
"Hello everyone!" Rin called happily, ducking under the flap covering Kaede's hut, arms full of edible fungi.
Shippo immediately whirled to look at her with a large, toothily grin. "Hey Rin, guess what?"
Opening his mouth to blurt something- Shippo found himself snatched back, a hand pressing over his lips. Kagome beamed and petted unruly red locks firmly, "n-nothing Rin! Shippo just has an over-active imagination, that's all."
Rin tilted her head while the kit wriggled and squirmed in Kagome's arms, seconds before he let out a muffled 'transform!' and burst from her arms in a puff of smoke. She was left groping open air as he flew free as a small frog, hopping towards the door.
"Stop him!" Kagome yelled, hurrying to stand but having to pause and wince, clutching her shoulder.
Rin dutifully obeyed and grabbed an empty pot, trying and failing to slam it down over the leaping frog. The miko felt her stomach drop as he lept out under the entrance, no doubt fleeing. Dread, nausea and fear climbed up her throat like she'd swallowed mud, body rejecting it.
If their secret got out and Sesshoumaru felt cornered and exposed, he could potentially break off their arrangement. For some reason, she just couldn't handle the idea. Kagome grit her teeth, forcing herself to rise and push past the discomfort. Anything was better than being denied that warm, safe, pleasurable place Sesshoumaru took her to. Words of panic built upon her tongue- before the flap was pushed back.
Ducking inside their humble hut, the Daiyoukai straightened.
Kagome's heart automatically skipped a beat, mouth opening soundlessly and clicking shut the second he raised a hand. A fluffy tail was grasped in his fist, Shippo hanging from a tight grip and squeaking.
"I-I was just teasing," he said thinly.
"Hn," frosty golden eyes strayed down to the kit. "Jokes should not lead to the distress of your pack member, brat."
Shippo whimpered an apology and was released to pounce off the floor and into the safety of her arms while Kagome shook her head. "It's fine, Shippo. You didn't realise," she mumbled.
Rin piped up in greeting to the stoic lord, who acknowledged her with an incline of his head, eyes softening just a touch.
After assuring Shippo that she was alright, he and Rin exchanged conspiratory glances while heading out of the hut together, whispering fiercely. Kagome immediately pinched the bridge of her nose when left alone, sighing.
"That was a close one," she exhaled in a rush, rubbing sore flesh absentmindedly. "I mean did you hear him? He was going to blab to everyone that we were flirting! I nearly died from panic."
Sesshoumaru regarded her with a peculiar intentness to his severe gaze, shifting over her features carefully. She noticed he usually returned to his guarded and aloof persona when out in public, so different from when they were alone in the cave together.
"It was fortunate this one caught him then," he uttered quietly. Drawing himself forward, Sesshoumaru then stepped around her, attention straying.
Feeling like circled prey, Kagome clutched at her shoulder and blushed. She was about to ask what was wrong when the demon lowered himself to sit behind her.
"What are you doing?" a thin hiss slid out.
"Spare me the theatrics and lower your garment."
Red-faced, Kagome's hands fretted. "We can't do anything- what if someone walks in?"
His attention flicked up to her eyes, a wicked smile lifting kissable lips. "As much as the idea of pleasuring you covertly in public appeals to me, that was not my intention. You are in discomfort."
Her breathing stalled as he tugged the back of her summer yukata down, exposing the creamy expanse of her shoulders. Sesshoumaru swept the thick fall of curling black hair over one side to expose her neck, brushing the crook of one finger across her exquisite nape.
Kagome shivered, hands curling in her clothing. Her senses spread out nervously, searching for any sign of her friends approaching the hut.
"Relax," he tutted, tone sharp and the opposite of soothing. Giving a sigh that fanned warm breath over her flesh- Sesshoumaru pressed a long kiss to the flesh between her neck and shoulder. He then caressed the spot, massaging sore muscle with the pads of deft fingers and thumb. Kagome caught herself moaning openly- a hand clamping over her mouth. Blue eyes widened slightly when she realised it belonged to the demon and was not her own. "You will give us away, miko," a velvety voice purred.
She wanted to ask why he was doing this for her, but he seemed to understand her muffled noise.
"This one is partially responsible for this, I'd wager. Set aside your qualms for now, no one will see," he uttered, pressing more lingering, open-mouthed kisses to burning skin. "The sight of you lasciviously caught in carnal need belongs to this Sesshoumaru alone."
Squeezing her eyes shut, Kagome held the steel band of his arm like a lifeline as he continued working out the knots in her muscles. His calloused palm soon became slick with her saliva as she couldn't help but moan and lick any available flesh. Two fingers- the claws clipped blunt for...recreational uses- pressed against her lips. She accepted them into her mouth and lewdly sucked, tongue curling around the digits and treating them very reminiscent of something else.
Feathery bangs tickled her neck as Sesshoumaru bent his head, letting out a halting breath. "From the glare Inuyasha sent my way, the runt no doubt knows of our agreement," a sinuous, wet tongue slid over her nape. "He likely thinks I have corrupted you, miko. No one need know the truth...the endless depths of your hunger."
By now she was squirming, ashamed of herself but also uncaring. Her body sighed and melted in his hands, becoming putty. Sesshoumaru's touch strayed from her shoulder, inching down her collarbone and gliding lower-
Footsteps crunching on dried earth caught their attention.
Soaked digits were ripped from her mouth, Kagome shoving his arm away in panic as Sesshoumaru yanked her yukata back up her shoulders.
By the time Kaede entered, the demon and miko were 5 feet apart, Kagome preparing tea.
The old woman rose a brow, her single eye straying between the two and noting the rumpled curl of Kagome's collar. Nonetheless, she shuffled in and began helping her brightest student.
It wasn't any of her business.
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Hi, I recently found your blog & I love it so much! All your fics are so great & cute! I was wondering if you could write a fic where Sam & Bucky are teasing Peter & they try and steal his phone while he's texting Ned or MJ & they're basically being teasy older brothers to Peter cause that would honestly make my life. There's not enough content with the 3 of them. If you don't want to please don't feel obligated
Too cute! You got it my dude! (Sorry btw for taking so long w/ like everything I’m in school now and it SUCKS. But anyway…) @amazingmsme
Tickle Monsters
Sam and Bucky can tell Peter is hiding something. A special persuasion technique is found very effective on breaking the young hero’s stubborn disposition.
word count: 2,730
“You’ve been uncharacteristically quiet today.”
Peter glanced up from his phone for an instant before immediately turning back to the screen. “Have I?”
“I mean, I’m not complaining. I’ve just gotten so used to developing a headache by five o’clock from all your yammering, it feels weird to be able to see straight right now.”
Peter rolled his eyes but didn’t retaliate. His thumbs flew across the virtual keyboard while he lied upside-down on the couch, legs draped over the top pillows and head dangling off the edge of the cushions. No matter where he was settled, the kid didn’t seem capable of sitting normally. Sam Wilson narrowed his eyes as he stared at him, mildly amused.
“What do you kids do on those things all day anyway? Gamble? Look at porn?”
“Yep, that’s it. The secret’s out. You got us.” Spider-Man snickered. “Gosh, you sound so old.”
Sam scoffed. From the recliner beside the couch, Bucky snorted.
“Glad I’m not the only one. The Wakandans basically thought I was a caveman.”
Sam threw his hands in the air. “Seriously, though, what are you doing right now? I gotta know what could possibly be entertaining enough to shut you up for the entire evening.”
Sam swore he saw the tiniest hint of pink rise in the kid’s upside-down face. “Just texting,” he replied. “My, um…friend.” Peter held the phone slightly closer to his chest, clearing his throat.
“Really?” Sam said. “A friend?” He raised an eyebrow at Bucky, who grinned back at him knowingly.
“Uh, yeah. That’s what I said.”
“A girl-friend, perhaps?” Bucky inquired, rising from his chair. He sat by Peter’s head as the blush in his cheeks deepened.
“W-what? No, it’s not—she isn’t—”
“Ah, a she it is then,” Sam said with enthusiasm, flopping on to the other side of the couch, smiling smugly. Now Peter was sandwiched between them. He gripped the phone like it was a lifeline.
“So? I can have girl friends. I mean—um, y’know—friends who are girls.”
“Sure you can,” Bucky agreed, slapping the kid’s shoulder. “But I’ve never seen someone beam all googly-eyed at a text conversation for as long as you have. I know a brewing love affair when I see one.”
Peter huffed and shook his head. “You’re crazy,” he grumbled. The pair of veterans always seemed to have it out for him, like two annoying older brothers. Once he joined the team, embarrassing Peter Parker became their new favorite pastime. Peter seriously hoped the phase would blow over quickly. At that moment, the phone buzzed in his hands, making his eyes drop to the screen and his heart skip a beat.
“Then prove us wrong,” Sam said, reaching forward. “Let me read your texts.”
Peter jerked away sharply. “What? No.” His elbow bumped into Bucky, who made a grab for the device as well.
“If you’re telling the truth, then you’ve got nothing to hide.” Bucky caught his wrist, but Peter ripped himself free, panic blooming in his throat.
“You’ll just send something weird!” he yelled. He whipped his arm around to keep it out of both men’s reach, regretting his unconventional sitting habits, struggling to free himself from the unexpected couch trap, when Sam pressed his hand against Peter’s stomach. It wasn’t on purpose, but the effect was all the same. Before he could stop himself, Peter slammed both arms down to his sides, a squeal leaping from his lips.
“What was that?” Sam snorted. Peter clutched the phone to his chest with both hands, his face heating up.
“W-what was what?” he asked, shifting nervously. “Just lay off already, would you?”
Peter thought he’d played it off well enough to divert suspicion, until a finger tasered his side, shattering what pitiful remnants were left of his facade. He jolted and yelped and glanced left to see Bucky towering over him, boasting an evil grin.
“Well, what do you know,” he said, tilting his head to the side. “Do my eyes deceive me, or is Spider-Man a little ticklish?”
Peter wanted to disintegrate. Sam smiled.
“Oh, is he now? Is that true, Spider-Man?”
Peter shook his head fervently, curling further and further into himself. As if Bucky and Sam didn’t already have enough embarrassing dirt on him. Now this? Couldn’t it be anything but this? His legs shrunk from the top of the couch to his chest.
“In that case, this situation becomes much simpler.” Sam held up both hands, wiggling his fingers threateningly. “Give us your phone, Spider-Man, or else.”
Peter looked between the two Avengers with wide eyes, hiding the device as well as he could, grasping for a way out of this, but they didn’t give him a chance to find one. The second he made a move to escape, the two heroes pounced on him.
“Ahaha!” Peter shrieked. “N-nohoho, wait!” Sam went for his right side while Bucky attacked his left, the pair gunning for every ticklish spot that was exposed. They squeezed his sides, kneaded his belly, and drilled his ribs with their evil fingers. Peter thrashed and kicked, unable to contain the explosion of giggles that immediately started pouring out of him.
“Oh dear,” Bucky chuckled, digging his thumb into hip. “The itsy-bitsy spider is very ticklish indeed.”
“How did we not figure this out sooner?” Sam wondered, dodging the kid’s flailing legs as he tickled him all over. “We’re barely even touching you, and you’re already squealing like a little spider piggy!”
Peter laughed helplessly, blushing from head to toe, bucking and squirming all over the place. “Stohohahap! Guys! Come ohohohon!” He squeaked when Bucky poked his armpit, making the two Avengers grin.
“Cough up the phone and we will, loverboy.”
Peter held his arms as tight to his sides as he could, but Bucky started pulling at his wrists to dislodge the phone, occupying him just long enough for Sam to shove both hands into the kid’s underarms. He wiggled his fingers against the incredibly ticklish spots, sending Peter into a frenzy of laughter.
“Ahahaha nohohohoho! Oh gahahahad! Gehet ohohohohoff meheehee!”
While squirming hysterically, Peter accidentally flung his legs far over his head, so much so that his weight went with them and he ended up somersaulting backwards off the couch. Taken by surprise, Sam and Bucky flinched out of the way as Spider-Man tumbled to the floor, landing ungracefully on his rear end. He sat blinking for a moment, dazed and breathless with giggles. He lifted his eyes to his tormentors, the phone still clutched in his hands. The two men smiled deviously.
He did not need to be told twice.
Peter bolted towards the wall, knowing that if he made it there, he could crawl to safety. It felt like he was moving faster than he ever had in his life, perhaps because the incentive for escaping was such a big motivator. He took off in a running leap, nearly there, so close to salvation, when a metal hand caught his ankle. Peter flailed and dropped to the ground. He glanced over his shoulder to see Bucky holding his leg, grinning evilly. How the hell is he so fast?! Peter thought. He often forgot just how super the super-soldier serum had made him.
Sam was on him a second later. Peter couldn’t scramble away fast enough. He screeched and curled into a ball just as Sam reached him. Immediately, the Avenger started tickling his sides, scuttling his fingers up and down his torso. Peter bunched his arms and legs to his body, guarding himself and the phone as best he could, but it wasn’t enough. High-pitched laughter was soon flooding from his lips and shaking his entire frame. For reasons none of them could fathom, it seemed tickling reduced Spider-Man from a nimble, powerful superhero into a helplessly giggly kid who could do nothing but take it and laugh his ass off. It was kind of adorable.
“There’s got to be something real juicy on that phone of yours if you’re this determined not to let us see,” Sam said, worming his hands through Peter’s defenses and clawing at his ticklish tummy. “What is it, then? A heartfelt love confession? A poem maybe? Or a song? Please tell me it’s a song.”
“Ihihit’s nuhuhuhahathing!” Peter laughed. “Sahahaham! Plehehehease!”
Bucky joined the tickle-attack, drilling his fingers everywhere left vulnerable on the poor kid, making Peter twitch and jump and giggle like crazy. “I bet they just send each of a bunch of those little cartoon hearts back and forth,” he chuckled. “What are they called again? Emojicons or whatever?”
Sam snorted. “Close enough.”
Peter squeezed his eyes shut and pressed his face to the floor, his laughter muffled and punctuated by hiccups. “Ahahahahahaha! Nohoho mohohore! Nohohoho mohohohohore!” He squirmed and squealed and clung to the phone for dear life. Sam and Bucky chuckled.
“What’d you say? More? Alright, if you insist.” Sam ground his knuckles into Peter’s ribs, making him erupt with giggles. Bucky followed suit, slipping his hands underneath his shirt and squeezing his bare sides and belly. Peter collapsed on to his side, shrieking.
“We’ll stop when you give up!” Bucky said playfully. “Until then, we’re the Tickle Monsters! The dreaded nemeses of Spider-Man, sworn to defeat him with our evil tickle powers!”
Sam went for his neck, making him cringe and squeak. “That’s right! Give up, or we’ll tickle you to death!”
It was amusing to see the Falcon and the Winter Soldier acting so childish. Unfortunately, Peter was too busy laughing like a child to enjoy it, and their teasing was not making the unbearable tickle-attack any easier to endure. His blush deepened and his giggling climbed.
“OHOHO MY GAHAHAHAD! PLEHEHEHEHEASE!” Tears pricked in his eyes. He knew he was done for. He couldn’t stand it another second. Every little poke and prod were driving him mad. A sudden squeeze to his knee startled him so much, the phone clattered out of his hands, skidding across the wood to the other side of the room. Welp. Shit. That was it, then. But before anyone could get up and retrieve it, a figure stepped through the doorway, scooping it off the floor.
“Um, hi,” Tony said, studying the odd cluster of people on the ground with narrowed eyes. He held the phone out skeptically. “Peter, is this yours?”
While Bucky and Sam were distracted, Peter flew to his feet. “M-Mr. Stark! Please—don’t let them—EHEHAHAHA!”
Bucky seized him from behind before he could finish, wrapping both arms around the kid’s midsection and drilling his fingers into his tummy and sides. Peter flailed with laughter, clawing at his metal hand and kicking his legs but unable to escape the super-soldier’s grip. Bucky lifted him off the ground to decrease his leverage, wrecking the poor teenager with a barrage of tickles. Stark watched Peter laugh hysterically with confusion and amusement. Mostly amusement.
“Should I even ask what’s going on here?” he snorted.
“Nah. Just calling the kid out on an obvious lie he was telling us by looking through his texts.”
The corners of Stark’s mouth twitched upright. “A lie, huh? He is notoriously bad at those.” He eyed the giggly hero, smiling bemusedly. “So what’s all…this about then? Avenger hazing?”
“Persuasion technique. He wouldn’t give up his phone. Turns out this particular technique is incredibly effective on him.”
From how adorably pathetic Peter Parker looked, Sam’s assumption appeared sound. The kid was doubled-over with squeaky laughter, his entire face flushed pink, struggling and failing to break free of Bucky’s tickly hold. It sounded as though he was trying to squeeze in a word or two between bouts, but all of it was drowned in a bubbly waterfall of giggles. Tony bit back a chuckle.
“What’s he lying about?”
“A girl he’s been texting all day. He says they’re just friends, but we don’t buy it.”
Tony scoffed and rolled his eyes. “You people are ridiculous,” he sighed, but handed the phone off. When Peter saw the exchange occur, he started thrashing even more.
“Let’s see,” Sam said, ignoring him as he went to his messages. “Ooh, okay, here we go. Two unread texts from a person named…MJ.” He started scrolling through their conversation. It went on for a significant amount of time without any breaks. They had, in fact, been texting for two hours long, back-and-forth, which was impressive. But the texts themselves? Boring. So dull. Arguments about space, math, science stuff. Homework questions. Total nerdfest, with only the occasional friendly tangent here and there, some of which made Sam cringe a little on Peter’s end. But for the most part? Completely devoid of romance. Disappointing to say the least.
“That’s all they said?” Bucky murmured, frowning.
“Please tell me I’m missing something here,” Sam scoffed. “If this really is your girlfriend, this is the saddest relationship I’ve ever seen.”
Bucky stopped tickling the kid but didn’t loosen his grip. Peter went limp, giggling dazedly, wheezing for breath. “Aheh..eheheh…oho man, plehehease…” His sides ached and his head felt loopy. “Plehease don’t tell her.”
“Tell her what?” Bucky asked. When Peter didn’t answer right away, he tweaked his side, making him flinch and squeal.
“Ahaha! Fine! Th-that I like her, okay?”
The room fell quiet. Peter’s face burned every shade of red under the sun.
“There, happy? I said it. I like her.” He huffed defeatedly, glancing around the room. “But please. I don’t want to ruin our friendship. I’m not ready for her to know yet. Just please don’t tell her, okay?”
Slowly, Bucky set him down. Peter hugged himself around the middle, grateful to be free, still short of breath, lifting his gaze to Sam desperately. A smile spread across Sam’s face. Across everyone’s faces.
“Ah, kiddo. You are too damn cute, you know that?” He clicked off the screen and tossed Peter his phone. He caught it messily, relief rushing through him. “Just look at him. Little Spidey with his little high school crush, stuck in the friend zone, too shy to tell her how he really feels. Doesn’t that just make your heart melt?”
“Shut up,” Peter mumbled, smiling coyly, shoving the phone into his pocket. Immediately, Bucky tasered him from behind, causing Peter to leap with a start and giggle sharply.
“I’d suggest speaking to us with a little more respect, Spider-ling,” he said, smirking.
“Don’t forget,” Sam hissed, wiggling his fingers. “We know your weakness now.”
Peter winced back like a scared puppy, partially hiding himself behind Tony Stark. Tony chuckled, ruffling the kid’s hair.
“This girl you like—she’s the one I saw at your last decathlon meet, right? Blunt, a bit on the scary side?”
Peter blushed. “Probably. She’s a lot nicer than she seems.”
“Yeah. She definitely already knows that you like her.”
He cringed, the color draining from his face. “What? Mr. Stark, w-what do you mean? How?”
“Because she’s smart. And you’re really bad at hiding your emotions. I guarantee if you tell her, she won’t be surprised. I picked up on it the first minute I saw you two in a room together.”
Before he could even process this very unexpected and alarming information, Bucky and Sam burst out laughing. Peter’s color returned, blooming bright red in the apple’s of his cheeks. Dying right about now sounded pretty great. At the same time, if MJ did know that he liked her, and she was still talking to him, that gave him a little bit of hope for the future.
“Well, you know what that means,” Sam said, cracking his knuckles. “Time for phase two of our evil plot: get Spider-Man to confess his love to his dream girl.”
“When should phase two begin?” Bucky asked, eyeing Peter with a devilish smile. Peter looked between the pair in disbelief, laughter already welling in the back of his throat at the mere thought of being tickled again. He looked to Tony for help.
Sam grinned. “Why not…right now?”
As the two Avengers approached, Stark turned to Peter and shrugged. “Well, what are you waiting for?” he said, spidering his fingers menacingly. “Better start running.”
The teen’s jaw dropped. You—you traitor! He didn’t have time to dwell on it though, for the Tickle Monsters were nearly upon him, now with a third member. He took off in a mad dash, giggles already spilling from his lips long before they caught him.
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