#she sounds so very cool while still being teto
ra-vio · 1 year
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Congrats to Teto on her synthv debut
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39-caterpillars · 2 years
vocacolle 2022 autumn favorites
hello i have made the executive decision to post whatever i want so im gonna talk about vocacolle
this last vocacolle was really cool, all of the songs were wonderful and i loved seeing lesser known synths being used more (still cant believe the winners of both the regular and rookie category are utau originals!!)
anyways,, these are some of my personal favs (this is gonna be long, prepare yourself)
スコーピオンガールの貴重な捕食シーン - STEAKA : , im not sure how to describe this song, but its so good. its very "noisy" i guess, i really love the use of miku in this one, its pretty unique. easily one of my favorite favorites
知っちゃった - 椎乃味醂 : i loved this producers vocacolle entry in the spring, so im glad to see that they uploaded one for this one as well and it even was #3! reallygood, plus: yukari talking, i love it
シルバーツインズ - ぬゆり×栗山夕璃 : cmon,,, nulut and kuriyama yuri,, of course its amazing. i am blessed to exist at the time as this collab. its super jazzy, love the instruments in this one
ディストレス - ユギカ : i really like all of yugica's works, super high energy stuff. i adore the second verse on this one, and the mixing in the instrumental break near the end
ワンダールインズ - 晴いちばん : the chords , absolutely stunning , this songs also super catchy, the instrumental before the choruses at the beginning and the bridge are both really beautiful as well
アワーグラス -  柊キライ : this song is like, really weird. i really appreciate that part of it though, sounds kinda like a combination of トゥルーセラピー and ラッキー・ブルート, but still with its own twist on it
TYQOON - Sohbana : meiko!!!! doesnt sound much like her, but i feel like it was the best choice for this song. this is another one with a killer bridge (? idk the part in the middle) , i love the bass during it. i need more meiko in this genre, she really fits it
スペクトラム・ケプストラム - Adeliae : the video for this one is really good, i love the backgrounds. the guitar in this one really stands out to me, and i love the melody. this song has an energy thats hard to describe, but its so, so cool, listen to it
Satellite - a_hisa : this songs very, chill, makes you feel like your floating (thats the best way to describe it) i really like the atmosphere this one has
404ルサンチガール - MINO-U : meiko!!! (part 2) i love mino-u's music a whole lot, and this song doesnt dissapoint in the slightest. really catchy chorus, cute art, whats not to like?
フラッシュバック - なみて : everyone go listen to namitape, now. really chill song, kaai yuki fits really well in this song for not having any lyrics, love the chords in this one as well
Girls Night Party - めろくる : really adorable song, another one with a great instrumental. the vocals are great too, really add to the cute, happy vibe it has going on. love rin in this one
ノンストップメドれ!- また切ない世界を生きる : this songs also pretty crazy, very catchy. yukari really fits with this genre, suprised she isnt used more. huge props for the video, it has a whole ton of editors on it and is such a delight to watch
夢枕にとけこんで - blues : i really hope blues gets more popular, their stuff is super good. this songs super cute, super relaxing, really great listen
流転光速 - フロクロ(Frog96) : this producers great too, love how they do a lot of work with utau. this songs very good, very digital sounding, reminds me of a video game ost
空回りライブラリ -  雪乃イト: another very cute song, i love how popular karin is becoming. this songs really solid overall, i love the little time signature switch in the middle (at least i think it is, it might just be messing with me)
コトダマ - kamome sano : i love teto in this one, it really plays to her strengths i think. this song overall is really interesting, sounds super emotional and heartful while still remaining digital. the music video for this one is really cool as well, i love when visualizers of the instrumentals are included
BREAK OUT SYNDROME - ryo-shun : this song is so cool, i honestly wasn't expecting to find any vocametal originals this time around but i was pleasantly surprised. this song has really well done guitars and drums, really fun to listen to
ドッペルゲンガア - しゃいと : love the energy in this one, especially in the pre-chorus. im surprised this song didnt get more popular
推世 - AsLeep : last but certainly not least (i wasnt going in any particular order anyways) this song feels distincly "vocaloid" in a way thats hard to explain, i really like it. this song feels really emotional, its really incredible
thats it (at least for now, im tired) and im probably writing to no one right now anyways, but i want more people to find and listen to these songs. also, i couldnt get to them all, but all the vocacolle submissions are really great music and they all deserve their own recognition. if anyone has any vocacolle song reccomendations, let me know, super excited for spring 2023!!
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bmpmp3 · 4 months
THIS is little late for the weekend sowwy BUT I must tell you the truth. I am the king of being late. I didn't used to be, but for the past two years I have been consistently showing up ten minutes late to everything in my life <3 I'm working on it but it will happen again LOL
Anyway, this week's (last week's?) focus is gonna be Show (唱) by Ado!!
Another non-vocal synth song, my favourite Ado tune!! Although again, vocal synth adjacent: Ado grew up doing utaite activities and so many of her songs are like the who's who of vocal synth producers; giga-p, deco27, syudou, the works really!! And specifically her work with Giga-P and Teddyloid (this song and also my previous favourite of hers, Odo, were arranged by them) has been so good, these dance tunes let her go NUTS all over the track, playing with all these cheeky vocal styles. She yells, she uses falsetto-type tones, she vocal fries, she flip-flops between head and chest voices, she growls, she fucking YODELS it's fantastic, it is just wonderful. I never get sick of her scratchy yet powerful "warning!!" no matter how many times I listen to it.
I'm also very fond of the video, the character designs and animation is SO so so fun, I love the dance and the design of the girl in the eyepatch and dress, I think she's so cute LOL
To start with the covers, most of the one's I'm going to highlight are actually going to be vocal synth covers interestingly. I wonder if maybe because this is such a vocally intense song it makes the sound of a synthetic voice sound particularly interesting to me with it? But of course I do love plenty of real people covers, it's just a fun song all around.
The first cover I want to point out is the only human singer in todays list outside of Ado herself, the utaite Eruno (えるの):
Big fan of this cover in particular and it's going to sound kind of odd why but it's because the dude sounds like he's having a BLAST lol This song is super hard to sing already because Ado is extremely talented and extremely good at soundly like she's having effortless fun while singing some insane shit, so it's fun to hear another cover where someone is still keeping up well with the range but playing around in different ways! He matches some of her tone switches, but he messes around with his own voice particuarly in the verses in different ways which sounds very nice!
Next I want to point out not just one, but two Teto covers! Yasutange's UTAU Teto (top) and SynthV Teto (below) covers:
Both are fantastic, I love that this producer put so much footage of not just their pitchbending, but also some of their parameter edits in both OpenUtau and SV, it's really inspiring seeing how people mess around with these things. I like to listen to the UTAU cover slightly more because I like the UTAU edge, but I adore watching that SV cover to see those breath and gender sliders go NUTS. And I have no clue how they did those vocal fries in SV, that's awesome. Both covers are really fun to listen to and look at the videos, check 'em out!
Another cover using a vipperloid that I want to show you guys is this Yokune Ruko cover by ナイトウ_UTAU:
Using both of Ruko's fem and masc vocals, it sounds so expressive its UNREAL. The beginning "yeah yeah yeah SHOWTIME" blasts you off into space and it just gets better by the second. Before the first chorus the fem vocal has this cool seductive tone, and all the interjections like the "hey"'s and the "uh"'s sound so natural it is WILD. Wonderful cover <3
I want to talk about one last cover, I'm doing what I did last week again, saving my absolute favourite for last LOL BUT this cover. This wonderful cover. A Kaito V1 cover by Persephone-p:
I've mentioned this before, I'm a V1 lover. And specifically, I'm a Kaito V1 FANATIC he's my favourite version of Kaito ever on earth <3 YES he's glitchy YES he's robotic but he also has these strong, deep vocals that still somehow keep their clarity, really love it - and this cover takes the fun roboticness to the next level: Persephone-p has leaned into the effect particularly in the lower parts and the verses, letting Kaito sound anywhere from his usual self to a MacinTalk-esque tone then all the way to deep 1970s Speak-n-Spell growl. SO GOOD so so so good. And all that's not even going to the actual expressiveness of the tuning itself, he sounds like he's having a blast LOL Really wonderful cover, my absolute favourite cover I've heard of this song!!
That is all for tonight, please enjoy these fun covers of this fun song!! (stands up and immediately dies and goes to hell and becomes a zombie in order to dance a choreographed dance in a orange prison jumpsuit)
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dangan-happy · 3 years
P: Too much artsy, not enough fartsy. We talked about this, clown!
Okay, so before I begin, if any of what I’m about to do somehow breaks any of the rules (and thus, you can’t answer any of my asks), then I completely understand /g However, I care deeply for this person; pup’s a hard worker who does his very best, and he absolutely deserves this. Pup truly does. So maybe I’m going overboard for him; maybe you mods will end up despising me for doing something like this. But when I care about someone, I go all out, and he deserves some good stuff in his life. Heavens knows the amount of bullshit he’s been through and, hell, continues to go through! So if you don’t mind me doing this for him, then my gratitude is forever yours /srs /pos
Oh, and by the way, you can just refer to me as Teto!
And with that out of the way, Ask #1 for the birthday person is a go, with this being addressed to Kyoko, Junko, and Mukuro!
Hey, you three! I hope all of you are doing good so far. So there’s this super duper cool person who works hard and has gone through a lot known as Ollie. Ollie really likes you three (amongst a few other cool gals on this blog), and I am (politely) asking if you three could give him some birthday hugs and kisses on the cheek, please? I think (and hope) that’ll make his day and make him smile with so much joy!
Thank you very much!
~ Teto
So the little guy likes me, does he? That’s so sappy of him. But what can I say, I’ve seen the guy. He’s preeeetty cute that it’s disgusting. I can’t lie though, he’s pretty fucking crazy.
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No wonder we really get along soooo well! Yeah, birthday hugs and kisses on the cheek sound good.
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Although I do not normally allow such peasants to join my side, I will allow him to always be at mine, sure I am the queen. But every queen does need her king! And he’s so full of despair that I could just cause a tragedy with him!
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Huh? We’re not allowed to do that?…fiiiiine. Man, leave it to the rules to be boring as hell. Well, I’m still going to give my little Ollie Pop affection like he deserves.
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How interesting, I didn’t think anyone would ever find interest in me. I cannot say I’m too surprised. He has displayed many hints of his attraction towards me, I could deduce it with my hunch.
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However, I won’t deny him of your request Teto, perhaps it could be me displaying a sign of emotions. But I have Naegi to partially blame for that.
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Hugs and kisses on the cheek, correct? Alright Ollie, come here so I may give you what you would want as a gift. Don’t - take that out of context, I know how people's minds work, I don’t want to be mixed up with something so vulgar.
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It’s going to be a while before we get a turn Kirigiri, Junko likes to hog all the attention for as long as she can. Which is completely okay, I don’t mind. I hope you don’t either, especially when it comes to Ollie. She’ll spend however long with him as much as she can before she gets bored. If she ever gets bored.
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I can fulfill this as well Teto. Whenever Junko is ready to give us a turn by giving Ollie birthday hugs and kisses on the cheek, we will do so. For now, I think we’ll need to be patient.
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I also hope he doesn’t mind that I hold his hand…I’ve always wanted to. I just never got the courage to do so.
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dojoliveblogs · 4 years
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Well, this opening introduction page certainly lays out the setup and Miyazaki’s intentions with the story, so I’m excited to see it come to fruition. So, volume 1 was interesting, it’s mostly setting up the story and circumstances of its characters, so, again, I’ll be interested in seeing how they pay off. As a note, I am using scans that have the manga flipped, which I believe was a common practice back in the day when bringing manga westward, but, with that, let’s talk about the volume.
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So, let’s start with Nausicaa herself. She’s pretty classic Miyazaki protagonist, which is a good thing, because I love his main characters, Kiki probably being my favorite. As of now we’ve been learning about the various abilities and skills she has, so we haven’t gotten to know her too well, but we’ve gotten a glimpse of what her arc may involve when she killed a Torumekian guard in anger during a duel, similar to how the Ohmu seem to react when another bug is killed. Her skills seem to be that she’s very good at reading the wind and is thus an excellent pilot/mehve rider and empathy that reaches to animals, insects and people alike. She also has a fascination with the Sea of Corruption, even conducting some minor experiments, such as growing the flora in a lab, which shows no signs of the properties that kill people. I’m not too sure what to make of her dream/flashback of her father killing a bug she tried to keep, but I’ll keep an eye on that. There’s three characters who are often close to her who haven’t gotten too much to talk about separately:
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Her father, Jhil, he’s the old ruler of the Valley of the Wind and, let’s face it, will not be surviving this story. Most notable character moment from him I’ve seen is that he actually flat out stated in the private accompaniment of Yupa that he wishes Nausicaa have been born a boy, which is kind of surprising to just hear said, though he still seems to support her and let her become chieftain, so it’s definitely a pretty patriarchal society.
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Master Yupa seems to be the one who helped train Nausicaa as she grew up, and seems to lead a life of his own adventures. He brings Teto into the story so that’s pretty nice, but as of now he hasn’t done too much, but one thing is for sure, he’s a certified badass. Though, the stunt depicted her does seem to have cost him a bit of use in his arm.
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Uncle Mito is a cool looking dude who’s missing an eye and acts as Nausicaa’s co-pilot. Si far he hasn’t really done too much aside from chastising her when she gets a bit too dangerous in her flying and keeping her tethered to reality when her empathy power seems to give her an out of body experience. Mostly he’s been there to highlight how incredible her feats have been.
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Kushana, now this is a character I am *really* looking forward to seeing more from, she has such a presence already and a tactically sound mind. Though at the same time, it’s clear that she cares deeply for her guards, as she wept over those who sacrificed their lives to shield her from bullets. Right now, she seems to be hunting for the stone Nausicaa had, as it seems like it powers the ancient machines that destroyed the world. Otherwise, she seems to be in a royal feud with her father and brothers, but there’s not too many details beyond that.
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Kurotawa is Kushana’s latest in a long line of advisors and he seems to be formidable and smart individual. If I’m not mistaken in the implications, Kushana tested her advisers out by sending them to the pit and seeing if they’d be on guard enough to actually live instead of being killed by one of the wormhandlers. He’s an excellent dogfighter and managed to take down Asbel (admittedly while he was distracted). He seems to be a schemer in it for himself, though, as noted with the way he reacted upon seeing the God Warrior.
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Introduced just before the end of the volume is the last important character, Asbel, brother of the deceased Rastel whose last act was handing the stone to Nausicaa to give to him. He currently has said stone and seems to already know its purpose. We haven’t seen too much from him, but we have is interesting, a bit aggressive but kindhearted, immediately going to take revenge for his destroyed land of Pejitei and killing the bugs within the Sea of Corruption. He’s also an excellent mechanic, replacing parts of Nausicaa’s Mehve so that it can function again. He was willing to stay at the bottom to allow her to go on, but Nausicaa isn’t really one to leave someone behind, so she devised a solution using her talents and wits.
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The real star of this manga, however, is the world. It’s something Miyazaki’s always been incredible at, a sense of place in a world. He’s always great at making it feel natural and lived in, with a downright relaxed atmosphere, even if something intense is happening. I’m really interested in seeing how the world continues to expand here, as the world building itself seems incredibly intriguing to me. Characters just feel rigidly part of this world, casually mentioning or talking about different aspects. So, we’ll see how it continues to go, as I imagine we’ll begin to learn more about the Torumekian empire. But that’s where I’ll end this post. Thanks for reading!
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im-fairly-whitty · 6 years
Hermanos -- Coco Villain!au
Hey guys! It’s been a while since the finale of the villain!au. Miguel is getting the care he needs and Enrique is getting some much needed rest, Ruy has been spending time with Iria on her side of the afterlife while he recuperates and everything is generally blessedly calm.
Except things never end that cleanly, not when there’s been literal decades of turmoil to repair. The Rivera family at large has been undergoing some serious upheaval. Teto and Matty is doing his best to rebrand the family charities and foundations as being separate from their now disgraced parents while Teto does most of the heavy lifting with PR and finances. 
Ruy meanwhile has been characteristically absent and trying to ignore the growingly obvious unaddressed issues that still lie between him and real happiness, instead content to distract himself with Iria’s company while he recovers.
But Teto isn’t one to leave jobs half finished, and even though he’s spent nearly the last century feuding with his younger brother, he knows this may be his only chance to try reconnecting with him, and that it’s his older sibling duty to at least try. Even if he’d rather die again.
Here’s part 1 of a 2-part special for the villain!au, it’s a dig into the two youngest Riveras and their brotherly relationship, so enjoy. The Iria and Ruy POV are written by @slusheeduck , and the Teto POV is written by me.
 Part 1
 “You know, I’m sure if we just sent flowers by mail there would actually be a higher chance of emotional repair.” Teto said, scratching the back of his head as he looked at the door of the house where his younger brother had reportedly been staying for the last couple of months.
Ever since the disaster.
“And we would have to pay triple for shipping.” Jasmine said with an ironic little smile, “Wouldn’t want that, would we?”
“Hilarious.” Teto said, rolling his eyes, “But if I get punched in the face let the record show that this was your idea.”
“It’ll all be over in a few minutes anyway.” Jasmine said, kissing his cheek, “And we both know it’s the right thing to do.”
Teto sighed, holding her hand more tightly. Everything about this was strange, the real fresh flowers he was holding, seeing Jasmine young and alive looking again, but mostly him about to voluntarily speak to Rodrigo.
 Well. Pride was a dish best eaten quickly.
 Teto let go of his wife’s hand just long enough to rap loudly on the door.
The knock rang loud enough to be heard through the whole house. Ruy, as usual, let out a grumble of protest as he threw an arm across Iria’s lap.
“Don’t,” he mumbled against her skirt, clearly very content to keep using her lap as a pillow. “They can come back.”
He looked up just in time to catch Iria roll her eyes, though the act was softened as her fingers ran through his hair.
“You do this every time there’s a knock.”
“I just got you back, Estrella. I shouldn’t have to share you yet.”
Iria pressed her lips together, then let a breath out through her nose before she pushed his bangs back to look at him. “Look, it’s someone I expected. Please, honey, if you could be a dear for just two minutes and open the door?”
Rodrigo’s brow furrowed. “If you are the one expecting them, why would you want me to open the door?” he asked slowly. “Most of your friends on this side still look at me funny.”
Iria gave him a small, tight smile. “They’re not from this side.”
Ruy’s eyebrows rose, and his face brightened. Ah, so it must be one of his friends coming to say hello. Probably not Seba--he wouldn’t be so sneaky--but Tonio would. Or Paloma, or Cheque--Cheque would definitely be this sneaky. He pulled himself up, scrunching his face at the stiffness in his torso as he did. The majority of his injuries had fully healed, but he still wasn’t quite at one hundred percent. He really ought to talk to the person in charge of this side.
Ah, but that didn’t matter. He gave Iria a sweet, quick kiss before getting to his feet and making his way to the door. It’d be nice, seeing someone from his side. As much as he didn’t want to go back just yet, there were still some skulls he missed. So, once he reached the door, he stretched out his back, ruffled his hair, and opened the door with an excited grin.
The grin immediately died as he saw his least favorite person in the entire world on the doorstep, and, with only one spat-out profanity as a greeting, slammed the door right in Teto’s stupid face.
“Well, we tried.” Teto said, an entirely unexpected chuckle escaping him.
Ruy’s reaction had been laughably predictable, and now he was off the hook. He’d come, he’d tried, and now he could leave.
“Not yet.” Jasmine said, catching his sleeve as he turned to go and knocking on the door again.
“We’re closed.”
Iria had been sitting on the edge of her seat as Ruy went to the door, and she sighed as she heard the door slam and the snarled out snark. She’d...figured it’d go like this. And, honestly, she wasn’t all that keen on having Teto of all people here to see him. But...well, his wife had sounded surprisingly rational for a Rivera--even one that had married-in--and she’d raised a good point about the two at least making an attempt to reconcile after...everything. 
She got to her feet and made her way out to the foyer, wincing as Ruy turned and gave her a look of complete betrayal.
“You were expecting them?”
She held up her hands. “Listen, honey, I…”
“He made my life hell for twenty-three years, Rita! And that’s not even counting all the years of him judging me at the welcoming parties!”
“I know, Ruy, I know.” She stepped forward, cupping Ruy’s face and brushing her thumb against his cheek. “But...look, his wife and I talked…”
“Like she’s any better than him.”
“Listen. She said he’s...a little in shock, after everything that happened. He just wants to talk, and if things go south, both Jasmine and I will end it right away.”
Ruy’s jaw set, eyes hardening as he stared at nothing in particular over her shoulder. This was the very last thing he wanted, especially after what had happened. He didn’t want to let any Rivera into his last safety net, much less the one he’d fought with for so long.
Iria’s question was followed by another knock at the door. He grimaced, then looked down at her.
“You promise we can kick him out if he does anything awful?”
Ruy huffed out a breath, then took her hand and quickly kissed the palm, though his eyes were still hard as he lifted them to look at her.
“Anything. I mean it,” he said, then let go of her hand and took a deep breath. He set his hand on the doorknob, hesitating until he felt Iria’s hand land on his shoulder. He set his face into as emotionless an expression as he could, then let out the breath as he opened the door again.
“Jasmine, he doesn’t want to see me. Let’s just leave.” Teto said, taking her hand.
“You both need this.” Jasmine said, shaking her head and resolutely refusing to let him pull her down the steps, “And Iria agrees. This is for both of you.”
“You called ahead?” Teto asked, grimacing.
“Of course I called ahead, idiot.” Jasmine said, yanking him back, “Now please stop acting like a child.”
Teto whined but dutifully stood behind her, pulling on his best disinterested face as the door opened again.
His mask nearly broke as he got his first good look at his brother.
He looked...clean.
Aside from looking alive, just like he had before he’d died, Rodrigo actually looked put together. Clean tasteful clothes, clear eyes, even his hair looked like it had been cut.
He looked uncomfortably like the Rodrigo that had lived in Mexico with them. Not the Rodrigo that had spiraled into madness, taking the family name with him. Whatever had happened to him in the last few months, it honestly looked as though he had fared the best of any of the Riveras.
And there standing behind him was the mystery woman who must have done it, Iria. He’d never heard of her before he’d started asking around a few weeks ago to track Rodrigo down. Apparently, she was some old flame of Rodrigo’s from back in New York he’d never cared to write home about. Teto had assumed she must be some tramp...but when faced with her handiwork he could already feel his respect for her rise exponentially.
“Rodrigo...” he said, keeping his face neutral as he floundered for words. “You, uh, you look good.”
Rodrigo rolled his eyes. “And you look like a cabron, as usual. Thanks for the visit, don’t come back.” He started to close the door, but Iria caught him.
“Ruy.” There was a definite note of surprise in Iria’s voice as she stopped him from shutting the door. She’d heard horror stories about Teto, certainly, but...well, she’d never seen him be actively unfriendly. With anyone.
Well, unless they deserved it.
Even so, maybe that was a better reason for them to have this talk. At the very least, she could find out what had made Ruy hate his brother so much. She looked up and gave her best ambassador smile. “Come on right inside. Let’s have our talk somewhere besides the front porch.”
Teto glanced at Jasmine.
I didn’t expect to get this far.
She raised an eyebrow back at him as she stepped into the doorway first.
Well think fast, dear. She seemed to be saying.
Teto nodded to Iria as he entered her home, which was very tastefully designed and decorated, and joined Jasmine on one of the parlor sofas that Iria had motioned them towards.
As they made their way back to the sitting room, Ruy huffed as he grabbed a poncho haphazardly draped on the stair bannister, pulling it over his head as he entered the room. He gave a cool glance toward Teto and his wife, then walked over to where Iria had sat and threw himself down beside her. While normally he would find some way to maintain contact with her, this time he simply crossed his arms beneath the poncho and sank down into his seat, sending a dark stare Teto’s way.
Iria glanced over at him, still reeling from the way he was acting, then shook her head and turned her attention back to Teto. Better to get this over quickly so she could get her normal Ruy back. “So...there was something you wanted to say? That’s why you’re here, yes?”
“I...yes.” Teto said, looking at the flowers in his lap.
Jasmine put her hand on his knee and he glanced at her gratefully. He took a steadying breath and looked at Rodrigo, who had seemingly materialized one of his ridiculous woolen ponchos out of thin air when he hadn’t been looking.
“There’s not really any way to say this easily I suppose.” Teto said, recalling the phrases he’d practiced in the mirror that morning on the off-chance that they did end up talking, “But with everything that’s happened I thought it was my responsibility to reach out to you. With...everything that’s happened...we wanted to let you know that we don’t stand with our parent’s...choices. If we’d known anything about all that we would have left the mansion much earlier.”
He leaned forward, setting the bouquet of flowers they’d brought on the coffee table between them.
“I’m really sorry for what happened Rodrigo,” he said, sitting back again, taking Jasmine’s hand in his, “None of this should have happened, I think we’re all still processing it. I know I’m not welcome here, but...I didn’t want to just leave it unsaid. I guess.”
Jasmine squeezed his hand in approval as he took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. He’d said what he needed to. Now he just had to weather whatever Rodrigo threw at him without lashing back at him, and then he and Jasmine would be able to escape for good.
Ruy kept his gaze fixed on Teto, jaw clenched tightly as his brother spoke. He let out a long breath through his nose once Teto finished. Clearly he thought he was doing Ruy a great favor here. What an arrogant prick.
“So….what? Am I supposed to forgive you?” he asked, acid in each word. “You only apologized for the things you didn’t do. Que generoso! What a kind brother I have, saying sorry for what other people did.” He narrowed his eyes. “Look, you may not have splintered my arm or killed a kid, but you’re just as bad as everyone else in that family. So stop pretending you have the high ground and head back to them.”
Iria stared at Ruy as he spat his response to Teto’s apology, and she quickly took his arm as she noticed the way his shoulders trembled--with anger, she realized. She pulled his hand into hers and threaded her fingers through his, swallowing as he squeezed it tightly in a silent plea to help keep him grounded. Almost immediately, she put on a cool expression as she looked up to Teto and Jasmine, ready to push them out if Teto fought back too hard.
“If you had actually listened,” Teto said, showing his teeth in a false smile, “then you would have heard that I haven’t apologized for anything, hermano. A lot of bad has been done by a lot of people, but not by me.”
It had been a while since he’d actually spoken face to face with Rodrigo, he’d forgotten just how aggravatingly thick he was. All temper, no brains. The worst part was that Teto knew he could  be intelligent if he wanted to. He just never seemed to want to.
Jasmine’s hand was still in his, but she wasn’t showing any sign of him having gone too far. Rodrigo had misconstrued what he’d said and now he was fixing it. Teto wasn’t the one being confrontational and abrasive. As usual.
A sharp, harsh laugh burst out of Ruy at Teto’s words. “Not by you! Oh, sure, of course not. You’re the model son. You’ve always done right by everyone.” He tilted his head toward Iria, but kept his gaze on Teto. “You know what his favorite nickname was for me while we were growing up, Rita? Accident. And you know who gave every new member of the family a crash course on the Rivera black sheep and what a disappointment he was? I’ll give you three guesses.”
Iria bit her lip, then squeezed Ruy’s hand to bring his attention back to her. While nothing she was seeing was making her any more keen on his brother, Ruy getting worked up would be good for exactly no one’s sake. It took one soft, “Ruy,” to get him to finally turn his attention back to her. His expression was still sharp, his body still tense, but he softened ever so slightly as he fixed his eyes on her face.
“Alright.” Teto sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose, “So the grand tally of my earth-shattering grievances against you are being a good son, a fight we had when I was nine years old, and having to be the one to explain why the youngest child of the family was an alcoholic addict that had drained our parent’s bank account, sullied the family name in the papers with outrageous stunts, had broken our mother’s heart, driven our father to madness, traipsed off to the United States without a second glance, left scar on my face, and left us all behind without a single phone call or letter for the three years it took him to drive himself off a bridge.”
Teto looked up at Rodrigo, surprised to realize that there was no anger inside him at that moment, just very very tightly wound exhaustion, decades of it, rising to the surface.
“So tell me Rodrigo.” he said, his voice tired and stiff, “What part of that is my fault. Where did I wrong you. Where are the lies I told. I didn’t have to slander your name Rodrigo, all I could do was try to keep your own self-sabotage from bleeding back to Mexico to stain the rest of us.”
Ruy pulled his hand away from Iria’s to point sharply at Teto. “Do not blame me for whatever happened to Papa,” he said through his teeth. “He made it very clear that I was no son of his, even before he died.” He sank back in his seat, crossing his arms as he looked off to the side. “And don’t pull the concerned son act. None of you even wanted to hear from me once I left. You probably thought my dip into the bay was the best thing that could have happened to the family.”
Now Teto was angry.
“Why does everything have to be about you?” he said, his voice rising, heat flushing through him, “Why do you always have to be so dense? Why do you always need all the attention, all the spotlight? You don’t exist in some kind of vacuum Rodrigo, your actions? They actually affected other people, I know it must sound crazy to you.
“But guess who had to do all the social damage control once you left? Matty. Guess who had to keep the family together? Coco. Guess who had to talk Mama out of her depression when she would stare at the wall for hours without moving because you’d just left and hadn’t called. Guess who had to face Papa roaming the house listlessly for days because his favorite son, who by the way was the only one who had ever been the son he wanted, had run off and gotten himself killed. Because it wasn’t you Rodrigo. It was the rest of us who had to try and find a way to hold our family together after you shattered our parents.”
Teto didn't remember getting to his feet, but he was standing now, shouting down at Rodrigo as the words spilled from his mouth, leaving an acrid burning taste behind.
“It didn’t even matter that you’d done everything possible to hurt our parents, because their golden musical child of course would be better someday, of course Rodrigo would come back, of course precious Ruy didn’t mean it and would someday return the triumphant prodigal son. You never had to do anything Rodrigo, because our parents didn’t have the sense to cut you off before you cut yourself off, because you were their only son that even mattered.”
Ruy sank back into the seat, eyes wide as Teto’s voice steadily rose and even cringing back once he got to his feet. He stayed completely still as the accusations spilled out of Teto--even if he’d wanted to get a word in edgewise, there was no way he’d be able to. He didn’t even move once Teto finished, too much in shock after hearing his ever-cool-headed brother be emotional.
Iria sat still during Teto’s accusations as well, but she quickly took Ruy’s arm again as barb after barb flew at him. Right now, it didn’t matter if what he said was true or not; it was too soon after everything that had happened to be having this sort of confrontation. “Look,” she said once Teto went quiet. “I think it’s time for you to le--”
She trailed off as Ruy let out a strange noise, and looked up at him as his head tilted back before he started to laugh. He covered his eyes as he laughed almost hysterically, shaking his head.
“Ayy, Teto, I didn’t think you could be funny,” he said as he wiped his eyes. “Me? The favorite? Que gracioso!” He shook his head again, his last few laughs turning bitter. “They didn’t mourn me. They mourned the musical son they wished they’d had. There’s a reason Papa only put up that damn first magazine cover on my grave; that was the last time I tried to get him to look, to listen to what I did. And after all that, what did he do? He sent a telegram saying ‘Sorry, Ruy, couldn’t make it’ after the debut I begged him to come to.”
He let his head fall forward for a moment, then let out another bitter laugh. “But my brother. Why can’t you be more like him, Ruy? Why can’t you be like the perfect son that we actually wanted to have? The smart one, the war hero, the one who has a lovely family and rolls over every time we ask him to?” He lifted his head to stare up at Teto, mouth in a hard line. “There was definitely a favorite son, but it wasn’t me.”
Teto stared at him, shoulders still shaking slightly from his shouting.
He tried to find any trace of sarcasm in Rodrigo’s face, any sign that he knew what he was saying was absolutely ridiculous, that he wasn’t that dumb.
But it wasn’t there. Rodrigo truly believed that he had been wronged, not only that, but that he hadn’t been the golden sunshine child of the family that had drained the life out of their parents, leaving the rest of his siblings with only shells.
There were so many things Teto could say that he found himself speechless, the words clogged up behind a barricade of emotion inside him.
“I can’t do this.” he said hoarsely, turning to Jasmine, “I, I can’t. I can’t do this one Jasmine.”
She stood, her mouth a hard line as she looked pityingly at Rodrigo. They both could see how deep this ran and neither of them knew what to say.
Ruy let his head fall back against the sofa, staring up at the ceiling. “Wish you could’ve been there when they crossed over. You probably would’ve loved seeing that. Leti convinced me to come see them, and the looks on their faces. It was like they’d forgotten who I was, and they’d expected to see that pendejo on the front of that damn magazine--all starry-eyed and desperate for Papa’s approval.”
He gave a bitter laugh. “The very first word out of his mouth was ‘Rodrigo,’’ he said, doing his best impersonation of his father’s disappointed tone. “Like I was just some kid who’d tracked mud into the house.” He pressed his lips together and idly rubbed his cheek. “I hadn’t even done anything yet and I was still the family disappointment. Definitely wasn’t like the hero’s welcome you got.”
“So Papa missed your stupid concert. The one concert.” Teto said, the barest edge of a hiss back in his voice, “And that was the end of your world? He missed your debut concert, you knew he was a literal celebrity with a freakishly busy schedule, and that one time you couldn’t manage to get his attention, the one time you were ignored, that is what tipped you into your spiral of self-destruction? You’re even more pitiful than I thought. 
“I guess one missed concert sure is enough to erase all those hundreds of hours he spent with you on his lap learned the piano or guitar or whatever else was going to be your freakish prodigy accomplishment of the week that he could go brag to everyone about. I guess two hours of missed concert sure erases all the nights he would stay up late crowing over your scribbles on lined paper, or him constantly taking you on private outings to concerts and performances, and press conferences and parties and literally anywhere else that he could show you off to whoever would possibly listen.”
Teto squinted at Rodrigo, actual childhood hate coming back to him. “You want to talk about being ignored? Alright, let’s talk about being ignored. First of all, imagine never being called your real name, because it was a cheap copy of your father’s. Second, did you ever stop to think for one instant how much time Papa spent with me? He never took me out with him anywhere. Not once. Not once Rodrigo. I hate music. It’s never made sense to me, it gives me migraines, and that made me unlovable to Papa, all he knows is music and your blasted bones are made of it. I don’t remember a single time that he was ever interested in my projects, not a single time I had a real conversation with him about something I loved.
 “I grew up thinking that maybe if I was perfect then maybe he would love me back, I went into business because that’s what Mama did and he loved her. I hate business, but I did it anyway. And guess what, it still didn’t work. I enlisted because it was the right thing to do, and when I got back it was to a press conference, not Papa’s love. He wasn’t proud of me Rodrigo, he was proud to show me off. So don’t you dare try to tell me I was the favorite son, don’t you dare talk to me about being ignored. I did everything I could to keep from being forgotten and failed, you did everything you could to be ignored and failed even then.”
There was something wrong with his throat. It felt like it was closing up, making him choke on his words, and he was really shaking now. Something was in his eyes, he wiped at them with the back of his sleeve, wet marks left behind on the fabric.
Ruy once again froze as he stared at his brother, but this time for an entirely different reason. This was...wrong. Teto didn’t cry. Teto didn’t have emotions, and he definitely didn’t show them. He was logical, he was calm; he was the polar opposite of Ruy. And seeing him start to break down left a sick feeling in Rodrigo’s stomach. He couldn’t bring himself to move or speak for a very long moment, until finally he shook his head slowly.
 You’re...an idiot,” he breathed, eyes wide. “You had all the freedom in the world. You could have done anything. And you threw it away because you wanted his love?”
“You already had his love, why were you so eager to throw it away?” Teto said, rubbing his eyes. He felt Jasmine’s hand on his shoulder.
“Because it wasn’t worth all the effort to keep it!” The words were almost a snap, but too incredulous to keep any of the sting. “You thought he showed you off? What do you think happened on all of those concerts he brought me to? I was always goaded into playing whatever I’d been writing or even making stuff up on the spot. And I kept performing, I kept writing songs he would like so that he would keep loving me.”
Ruy sat up straight, running his hands through his hair. “Do you even remember what I was like when I went to school? Every day, every hour I was terrified of doing something Papa wouldn’t like. That I’d get that Rodrigo again like I had growing up. He liked me plenty when I did music, but everything else? I was just disappointing him over and over. 
“But I kept thinking, if I work hard, if I show him that I love music the same way he does, he won’t stop loving me. My first concerto? It’s Papa’s song. It’s everything I knew he would love. That’s why I begged him to come. That’s why I needed him to be there. Because I didn’t know what I would do if Papa decided that even my music wasn’t worth his time anymore.”
Ruy blinked, feeling his eyes sting, and he leaned forward as he looked up at Teto. “You could have gotten out from under his shadow. You could have been your own person without even trying. And you didn’t. That’s your own fault, not mine.”
“I did, Rodrigo.” Teto said, blinking hard as he looked down at him. He put an arm around Jasmine’s waist, pulling her to his side. “I cut my losses. I stopped performing for him when I got back from the war. I knew it was a losing game, but I didn't make others suffer for it. I married Jasmine, she’s my whole world, we have children and grandchildren and great and great-great grandchildren. Everything Papa did to me I made sure I never did to my children. I was in business, but I made the best of it.
“Papa rarely gives me the time of day, but I knew that family was still important, and that I still needed to be there to support our siblings and parents so that the next generations could be provided for and safe and happy. Jasmine and I have an entire legacy Rodrigo, we’re not perfect, but we’ve done the very best with what we had, love or no love. We didn’t let it rule our lives. Or afterlives.”
He took a shaking breath. “So why did you have to punish the entire family when you realized you were losing?”
Ruy flinched as Teto spoke about marrying Jasmine and the grand family they had, an awkward chill running between him and Iria even as she rubbed his back. Maybe that would have saved him--and the family, too. Or it would have made him just like Teto. Which was the worse option?
He wilted in his seat as Teto shot another accusatory question at him, and he pressed the base of his hand to his forehead as he stayed silent. It wasn’t fair, having all the family problems foisted on him--Teto clearly didn’t understand the immense pressure that came from being the “favorite” (please), and he was just trying to blame him for everything, as usual. He let out a soft whine as he shifted, still keeping his head down.
“I just wanted it to stop,” he whispered. “Just for a little bit. Just to get some peace.”
“And did it work? After all that, did you find peace?” Teto asked, feeling calmer just from having Jasmine against him.
Seeing Rodrigo this close to admitting that maybe he wasn’t right, that maybe he had messed up, it was surreal. Seeing him as anything other than sarcastic and raging hadn’t happened in decades.
He wondered for the first time how much Iria must have hurt when his brother had died.
Did it work? No, no. Nothing had worked. Nothing had made things stop, not even his death. And he’d even driven off the best thing in his life when he’d frantically tried to find some peace without her. No matter what he’d tried, he hadn’t been good enough. Not for Papa, not for Rita…
He tried to hold off on touching Iria much while his brother was here--a part of him still fearful that any show of how much she meant to him would make his family ruin things--but the wave of utter failure that hit him was too much, and he turned to bury his face in her shoulder with a soft, begging “Estrella.” She was still here. She hadn’t stopped loving him. Not yet.
Iria blinked as Ruy threw himself at her, hands automatically going to stroke his hair. She pressed her lips together as he held her tightly--as if she’d disappear--then looked up at Teto and Jasmine coolly.
“This would probably be a good time for you both to leave,” she said softly as Ruy’s face pressed against her neck.
“Iria, thank you again for allowing us in your home,” Teto said, feeling a surreal sense of calm, not taking his eyes off Rodrigo, “but I’m not leaving until my brother can give me a real answer. He’s an idiot but he’s not an imbecile. I know he’s better than this, and I want to know why he hasn’t chosen to live up to his own potential yet.”
“Really, I’m going to need you to--”
“You try it!”
Iria went silent as Ruy pushed himself up, trembling as he snarled out the words with glistening eyes. He sucked in several breaths, blinking rapidly as he stared up at Teto.
“You try it,” he repeated, pushing himself up to his feet. “You try having the entire Rivera family legacy on your shoulders. You try being told again and again and again that you’re so talented, but your recent work...eh, not that great. You try--”
“I’m not talking about music Rodrigo,” Teto interrupted sharply, “I’m talking about you. I don’t care about your concertos or your symphonies or whatever you wrote or didn’t write. I don’t care what Papa told you or didn’t tell you. I’m talking about you.”
“My music is all I have!” Rodrigo snarled, stepping forward to get into Teto’s face.
“What about her?” Teto snapped.
He pointed at Iria.
“What about her Rodrigo? What’s more important? Your precious music or the woman you loved and who loved you? Did you let your own disappointments get between you and what should have mattered more?”
“You leave her out of it. I never wanted any of you to find out about her and this is why.” He took several breaths, then set his jaw as he stared up at his brother, quickly swiping at his eyes. “I...I…”
“I don’t appreciate being used like this,” Iria said tersely as she got to her feet. As she set a hand on Ruy’s arm, she looked up at Teto with a hard stare. “You don’t know our history. You don’t know how we got to where we are now, and trying to use me as a...a crowbar to get whatever confession you’re looking for out of Rodrigo is not appreciated.” She let out a short breath as she rubbed Ruy’s arm, then sent another frown to Teto. “I asked you politely to leave, Senor Rivera, but if I have to ask again, it won’t be nearly so polite.”
“While I agree that my husband is beginning to be rather blunt,” Jasmine said quietly, looking up at Teto for a moment, “I would respectfully ask that they be allowed to at least reach the end of their conversation. It’s true that we don’t know your history, that’s an unfair assumption to make, but similarly, you don’t know their full history either Mrs. Solares. This is something they’ve been struggling with for nearly a century now, and this is most they’ve spoken in nearly that entire time combined.
“What Hector is trying to say,” Jasmine continued, gently pulling Teto’s arm so that he silently sat down on the couch when she did, “is that it’s been terribly painful for their family to see Rodrigo engage in so many behaviors that are not only destructive to others, but to himself as well. The reason we came was to try and extend an olive branch of sorts, because Rod-, because Ruy has been greatly missed-”
“Don’t call him Ruy,” Iria interrupted.
“My apologies.” Jasmine said calmly, nodding, “because he’s been greatly missed from the family and there’s been so much dysfunctional anger built up over the years on both sides. With everything that’s happened, so many assumptions being overturned and the family at large having to reinvent himself without Hector Sr and Imelda to dictate things, this is the first time it’s felt like there’s been a good chance to reach out.”
“I don’t want-” Teto stopped as Jasmine looked at him warningly, then carefully continued, “My wife is better at these things than I am.” he said, looking at the floor, “What I’m trying-”
“So’s Rita, but she’s not speaking for me,” Ruy said shortly. He puffed a breath through his nose. “Can you just leave?”
“She’s not speaking for me, Rodrigo, Jasmine speaks with me.” Teto said tiredly.
Rodrigo rolled his eyes at Teto’s response, but otherwise remained quiet, eyes narrowed as he listened.
“But alright.” Teto continued, “I’d hoped for a conversation, but evidently I assumed too much to think you were ready for that kind of thing.”
“Thank you for allowing us to visit.” Jasmine said as they both stood, taking Teto’s arm, “We wish you both the best as you...adjust.”
Iria gave them a short nod as Ruy fell back onto the sofa, wilting again. He pressed his lips together, then, before Teto and Jasmine were out of the room, he said, “That potential you were talking about? I did live up to it. And I was miserable. And when I gave up on it, I was still miserable, but at least I wasn’t living someone else’s dream anymore. That’s more than I can say for you.” He shrugged. “But that’s what family’s about, isn’t it? Trying to make the world’s worst father love you when you know he never will.”
“I don’t think you have a dream anymore Rodrigo.” Teto said as he pulled the door open for Jasmine, “As long as you think of your future as either what Papa wants or what he doesn’t want you’ll never be happy.”
And then they stepped out the door, and were gone.
This has been an extremely interesting familial relationship to explore, seeing the same but different traumas affecting siblings differently even into adulthood, and the emotional complexity that comes with trying to repair long burnt bridges. 
Part 2 will be posted this Sunday. And don’t worry, this isn’t going to dethrone teacher!au, this is just some role play work that Slush and I have been doing over the last couple months to relax that we’ve finally finished and have finally gotten around to posting.
- Wit
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songmasters · 6 years
Muses (Mobile Friendly Version)
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Miku Hatsune
Age: 17
Role: Captain of the Exploration ship Crypton and current Voice of Terpsichore for the Vocaloids.
Bio: A cheerful and kind-hearted girl with a great passion for music. She’s still quite young and very new to the position of Voice and as captain of her own ship but she’s a confident girl determined to do her best in both areas. She’s always wanted to explore the galaxy and meet and sing for other people since she was little. She was chosen due to her high aptitude with the Universal Harmony and high natural charisma that tends to naturally draw others to her.
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Age: 16
Role: Navigator for the Crypton
Bio: An energetic and adventurous girl with an occasionally strange outlook, Gumi jumped at the chance to join the Crypton crew on their journey. She has a particular talent for tuning into the “Heart’s Melody” of an entire planet, making her well suited as a navigator. Gumi is also a bit strange on occasion and has a tendency to adopt stray animals as pets. Or at least try, Luka usually doesn’t let her.
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Rin Kagamine
Age: 14
Role: Communications Officer
Bio: The more outgoing and mischievous of the Kagamine twins, Rin came along mainly out of boredom and to look out for her brother. She prefers to spend most of her time playing video games and will sometimes do so even when she’s supposed to be on duty. Her other past times include playing pranks on the rest of the crew and teasing her brother.
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Len Kagamine
Age: 14
Role: Helmsman
Bio: The more reserved and responsible of the Kagamine twins, Len came along out of a desire to see new worlds like most of the others but also because he took to learning the ship’s controls the easiest out of the Vocaloids chosen to go, making him best suited for the role of the helmsman. He tries to get his sister to take things a little bit more seriously, but he often ends up getting dragged into her mischief anyway and even sometimes willingly goes along if only to make sure it doesn’t get too out of hand (and it can be fun). The Kagamine twins have a special gift for using the Universal Harmony that is strongest when they sing together.
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Luka Megurine
Age: 20
Role: Second in Command
Bio: Luka is the Mom Friend™. A mature and elegant young woman, Luka is Miku’s best friend who came along to help her on her mission and keep her and the rest of the crew out of trouble. This isn’t always an easy task, but at least she has it better than Defoko. Like any other Vocaloid though, she does know how to relax and have fun. It’s just that someone needs to be The Adult around here and it sure isn’t going to be Meiko.
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Meiko Sakine
Age: 21
Role: Ship’s Engineer
Bio: As one of the oldest members of the crew, you’d expect Meiko to be the most responsible, but you’d be wrong. The truth is that Meiko is a far too laid back woman who spends most of her time drunk. Still, she does know what she’s doing as an engineer. She can act more maturely while sober, when the situation warrants, but most of the time she doesn’t bother, much to Luka’s annoyance.
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Kaito Shion
Age: 17
Role: Chief Medical Officer
Bio: Kaito seems like an odd fit for a medic. He’s clumsy, has terrible luck and is a favorite teasing/bullying target for the ship’s more troublesome crewmembers but he always works hard and tries his best. Fortunately, he is surprisingly talented at his job for his age, which is why he got the job in the first place (that plus no one more experienced was really available).
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Gakupo Kamui
Age: 22
Role: Chief of Security
Bio: Gakupo dresses as and sees himself as a samurai (don’t ask how they even know what one is) and is pretty skilled with a sword, probably being one of the only members of the crew with formal combat training. That is basically the only reason he got the posit of security chief, though he certainly does his best to conduct himself well in this position.
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Teto Kasane
Age: 30 15
Role: Captain of the Vip2ch and Voice of Terpsichore for the Utau
Bio: A mischievous and fun loving girl who is probably the most gung-ho about going out and seeing the galaxy. She has a friendly rivalry of sorts going on with her fellow Voice Miku and is eager to prove that Utau are just as capable as idols as Vocaloids are. Getting to go on cool adventures is also a plus. While seemingly a very irresponsible and scatterbrained person who makes many who encounter her wonder how a girl like her got the position of Voice, let alone made the captain of a ship, she is scarily competent when the chips are down. Teto is a “chimera” which is to say, she has the power to spontaneously sprout giant bat wings out of her back and use them to fly.
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Momo Momone
Age: 16
Role: Chief Medical Officer
Bio: Based on a template for a type of Utau meant general domestic service as well as musical entertainment, Momo enjoys helping and taking care of others making her a natural fit as a medic, though she’s still learning. Momo is a very sweet girl but somewhat shy and sometimes a bit of a pushover with anyone who’s not currently a patient of hers. Momo has the ability to gain super strength in an emergency, but the power only lasts for five minutes.
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Uta Utane/Defoko
Age: 15
Role: Second in Command
Bio: While seemingly the most calm and level-headed of the Utau on this mission, Uta actually has a very sarcastic sense of humor and enjoys teasing her friends on occasion, especially Momo, but in many ways, she often is the most responsible person on the ship. As the Vip2ch’s second in command, she has the often thankless job of keeping her captain from going too far off the rails and wrangling the rest of their ragtag crew together, making sure they don’t get into too much trouble. This isn’t really anything new as most of them were already friends before the mission but it’s a bit different when they have to all live and work together in a spaceship for who knows how long. Fortunately, she has a lot of patience and is quite used to how quirky most Utauloids are. She suffers from a condition where her voice sounds more obviously robotic than the average Utau, making her sound almost emotionless in normal speech, but she can still manage to sing well despite this if she works at it.
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Tei Sukone
Age: 19
Role: Communications Officer
Bio: While she seems like a nice enough girl under normal circumstance, Tei is actually a mentally unstable backstabber, albeit one who genuinely cares about her friends and fellow Utau in her own special way. It’s Vocaloids and especially Miku Hatsune that she hates. The only exception to this is Len Kagamine who she has a rather unhealthy and potentially (ha) dangerous obsession with. She also considers Teto a rival, though in a more friendly way. She’s mostly here because she knew Miku and Len were also both going out on the same mission and she is hoping to meet them. She probably won’t betray the rest of the crew at some point just to get at Miku or Len, probably…
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Ritsu Namine
Age: 20
Role: Helmsman
Bio: Ritsu is a bit of an odd one. He claims to be a man cross-dressing as a woman and stuffing his bra, but since he claims he’s stuffed it with missiles, no one is sure whether they should take him seriously, which is how he likes it (he also claims to be 6 years old but that one’s more obviously a lie). He has a reputation as being a bit of a bully and enjoys messing with people’s heads.
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Ruko Yokune
Age: 19
Role: Navigator
Bio: Ruko is a romantic person and is rather eager at this chance to see the stars, but she’s also extremely prone to drowsiness and spends a lot of time sleeping, even sometimes (often) falling asleep on duty. Still, she has the same power to navigate by hearing the Heart’s Melody of planets that Gumi has and she does her best to do her job to the best of her ability. Unfortunately, Ruko also has a bit of a gambling habit.
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Miko Ooka
Age: 14
Role: Chief of Security
Bio: Miko claims to actually be a wolf in humanoid form, and she does indeed possess a wolf’s ears and tail as well as the power to fully transform into a wolf. She also tends to act rather more animalistic than most Utau, from the way she sleeps to her tendency to bite people, even chewing on people she likes as an odd way of showing affection. Still, she’s actually fairly good at her job as security chief and one of the better fighters in Teto’s crew, as well as a pretty nice person overall despite her eccentricities.
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Hate Aino (Pronounced Ha-Te)
Age: 17
Role: Ship’s Engineer
Bio: Hate is an energetic chatterbox. She will talk your ear off about any manner of things and seems to actively hate being quiet. She’s also very friendly and really likes working with tech, which makes her perfect for the job of Engineer so most people forgive her so long as she does her job.
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curewhimsy · 4 years
Shiro-Sora masterpost
Here are plans for my Mega Project. It’s a visual novel concept.
But since I have no skill in making a VN, I’m just going to write a story. Like the anime that will be based off the VN. Like Clannad’s anime or something.
It’s going to be long since I have (ahem...) FOURTY-SIX (46) WHOLE CHARACTERS WITH ROUTES THAT I’M GOING TO INCORPORATE.
This is why I said I will never ever finish it, even if I devote my entire life to it.
But it won’t feel right without all these characters. I WANT to have all these characters. I’m a “go big or go home” person. I’m too ambitious and I know that.
Well, since it has 46 characters, I’m thinking of calling it “Shiro-Sora” meaning “White-Sky” since 46 can be pronounced as “shiro.”
In kanji: 「白空」
In hiragana: 「しろそら」 (This will be the “official” Japanese spelling btw)
Alternatively: 「46そら」
Here are the characters.
Haku, Neru, Miku, Luka, Teto, Gumi, Meiko, Lapis, Merli, Lily, IA, Yukari, Uta, Zatsune, Rin, Len, Kaito, Akaito, Dell, Gakupo, Yuuma, Piko, Mizuki, Nigaito, Dex, Daina, Ruby, Taya, Longya, Ling, Momo, SeeU, Ruko, Ritsu, Miki, Aku, Bruno, Clara, Iroha, Yuu, Wil, Kyo, Akari, Qingxian, Anon, Kanon
In the story adaption, Uta Utane (Defoko) will take the role as the player/main character, and learns everyone’s backstories. She will be the one with the (gigantic) “harem” around her. Think, Tomoya from Clannad. But IF there’s ever an actual game, I’ll plan on Uta being one of the date-able characters. She’ll be your childhood friend.
The characters are all college students here, attending a predominantly music-oriented community college called Sonare Community College. There is also an acting branch as well, but it’s less predominant. This is why there is an emphasis on music, instruments, composing, and singing.
The reason the characters are all between 18-24 is so they can mostly be in the same age range. Therefore I can ship quite a lot of pairs...
Here are descriptions I thought of already. For some of these Loids, this is my first time EVER writing or portraying them. Ever.
(Full names are listed in Western order. This is partly due to the story taking place in the USA, in a “Japantown” sort of place to explain the prominent Japanese population.)
Haku Yowane- Age: 22 A shy, gloomy girl who is looking to join in the school’s choir. However, she isn’t confident to work up the courage to audition. The choir has been moving down in popularity every year, with more and more students pursuing solo stardom. When she gets the news the choir may be disbanded, Haku feels she has to do something soon. Haku has only a small bit of experience in both singing and the piano, but she came to Sonare Community College because music is her dream. Haku seems to depend on Neru, her only friend, to comfort her when she gets down. Haku is the cousin of the popular Miku Hatsune, who is the most popular girl in the school and a very talented musician in many ways. Haku ends up a musician who sings and plays the piano. Neru Akita- Age: 22 A tomboy with a hot temper. But inside, she hides delicate feelings. She seems to always be with Haku, cheering her up when she gets down. The two seem to only have each other. Neru didn’t go to Sonare Community College to pursue music, however, she ends up joining the choir with Haku, despite her shabby voice. She also ends up falling in love with musical theatre! Miku Hatsune- Age: 20 A very popular girl and talented singer, dancer, and performer. A bubbly, cheerful sweetheart. Has lots of friends and is always smiling. Idealistic and doesn’t believe in impossible. Miku dreams big, but apparently she gets very depressed when her dreams are crushed. Luckily that never seems to happen… for now. Miku is an all-star musical performer. Luka Megurine- Age: 24 A polite and elegant woman. She can appear aloof and intimidating at first, but is actually just shy. She is half Japanese, a quarter French, and a quarter German. A talented vocalist who can also play quite a few instruments. Teto Kasane- Age: 20 A bubbly girl who can be childish. Is playful, weird, and a bit demanding. Very clumsy. More inclined in visual arts than music, but started a music hobby on a whim. Gumi- Age: 21 A girl who can be a bit shy, but once you get past that, Gumi is unique, free-spirited, and chill. She likes art and reading books. She keeps a sketchbook with her at all times. More inclined in visual arts than music, but likes musical theatre. Meiko Sakine- Age: 24 The confident, mature woman of the group. Energetic and loves to party. Still responsible. Like a mother or older sister. Has quite a temper, though she mostly uses it to defend others… Has a love of karaoke, and wishes to improve her singing. Lapis Aoki- Age: 20 Merli’s stepsister, who seems to be the opposite of her. Bubbly and playful, and quite childish. Quite friendly. However, she can be a bit selfish at times. Lapis is Japanese, though her adoptive sister Merli is Indian. Loves singing and theatre. Merli Aoki- Age: 24 Lapis’ stepsister, who seems to be the opposite of her. She can seem cold and distant, even a bit harsh at first. But inside, she is very thoughtful and willing to help those important to her. Merli is Indian, though she was adopted into Lapis’ Japanese family after the death of her parents. Is a singer with a dramatic vocal, and has a secret love of theatre. However, she is often chosen to be the villain due to her voice. She wishes her voice were less “intimidating” so she could be the heroine. Lily- Age: 23 The school’s toughest female delinquent. People often wonder why or how she’s still in school. She gets into a lot of fights. What people fail to notice is that she’s usually defending the weak, bu she sometimes just goes overboard. Lily has a punk-rock style and plays the electric guitar. IA- Age: 22 An idolized girl in the school for her good looks and singing skills, along with being a great songwriter and composer! However, she hides dark feelings? Yukari Yuzuki- Age: 21 Half sister to Akari Kizuna. Looks up to IA but also feels she will never be as good as her. Composes music as a hobby, and sings. She feels her singing is horrible. Uta Utane- Age: 21 A rather plain, bluntly-spoken person who doesn’t see much in life. Usually bored, silent, and rather deadpan. Once a bright girl with lots of dreams. Deep inside, she is passionate and caring, really… Can it be restored? She is non-binary, going mostly by she/her. Uta is rather bored with life, including music, and really only keeps playing the violin because she’s come so far and doesn’t want to quit. Miku Zatsune- Age: 21 Edgy and hates Miku (out of mostly jealousy.) She would rather be called Zatsune, because her first name happens to be Miku, like the person she despises so much… But could there be something deeper to her? Zatsune’s music style is heavy and gritty. She considers it “harsh reality,” unlike Miku’s “bubblegum fluff.” Rin Kagamine- Age: 18 Rin is a bit chaotic. She is bold, brash, athletic, and charming. She is also just plain nuts. She plays the saxophone. Len Kagamine- Age: 18 Len fries to be cool and hip, but he is just a big dork. He is quite the comedian however, sometimes unintentionally. He plays the drums and trumpet. Kaito Shion- Age: 22 Kaito is a silly boy. He loves ice cream, unicorns, rainbows, and anything fluffy. But he also has moments of seriousness where he says really deep, philosophical things. He is quite romantic. He plays the piano and sings. Akaito Shion- Age: 24 Akaito is a sarcastic and grumpy boy, but when it comes to romance, he gets quite passionate. He sometimes flirts around with girls, but when he finally finds a true love with a girl (or guy) who truly changes his life… well… it’s a bit different. Akaito is a choir singer and he also plays electric bass. Dell Honne- Age: 24 Dell is usually in a bad mood. He currently lives with a father who barely acknowledges him. He tends to keep it all inside, and he’s really just lonely and needs to find someone to vent to. He is Haku’s half-brother, but they didn’t grow up together. He enjoys computer programming and composing electronic music. Gakupo Kamui- Age: 24 Gakupo likes doing kendo and martial arts, and is generally athletic. He is a nice guy who also loves animals and history. He seems serious, but can be unexpectedly silly sometimes. He likes embracing his Japanese and Ainu heritage. He often plays the shamisen, and also drums. He likes rock music. Yuuma- Age: 23 Yuuma likes music and is quite popular. He may seem hard to approach, because sometimes he doesn’t know what to say. He is a little blunt at times, but has a good heart. He has a crush on Mizuki. He likes orchestral music and EDM. Piko Utatane- Age: 21 Piko is a genius who loves astronomy and excels in mathematics and physics. He is a shy and compassionate person, but whenever he opens his mouth, he sounds very strict. He is bad at socializing and making friends, which leaves him quite lonely. On top of that, he is sickly and absent from school often. Piko wishes to make a friend. His first friend in the school is Lapis Aoki, who pretends to be a fairy to grant his wish. After a while, Lapis declares that she wants to be Piko’s friend. Piko ended up at Sonare Community College despite excelling in other studies due to his missing many high school days. However, Piko likes EDM and is inspired to be a singer after spending days at his college. Mizuki- Age: 21 Mizuki is a singer who also plays the a Japanese harp (koto.) She is quite a charming person and seems to flirt with many people… even girls… but not Yuuma. Since Yuuma has a crush on Mizuki, this discourages him. Nigaito Shion- Age: 19 The youngest of the three Shion bothers. Nigaito’s nicknames are Nini and Nii. He is rather sickly, but remains to have a warm and pure heart. Nigaito plays the clarinet. Dex- Age: 22 Daina’s childhood friend. Best friends, even though they are of completely different genders, and with very different personalities. Some people wonder how it works. Dex is silly, fun, a bit of a party animal, but he is still very caring and compassionate. He just needs a bit of help devoting himself to his studies. But he is quite intelligent when he is focused. He is Black, Creole, and is learning French. Dex plays piano and sings. Daina- Age: 22 Dex’s childhood friend. Best friends, even though they are of completely different genders, and with very different personalities. Some people wonder how it works. Daina likes to study and learn, and doesn’t like atmospheres like parties so much. She prefers quiet, peaceful places. She may seem a bit distant on the outside, but she is just a little shy. She is White, with English and French heritage. Daina composes music on the computer and sings. Ruby- Age: 21 Ruby is rather confident, yet nice, and will always give people a helping hand. She is Black and Latina. Ruby likes EDM and sings and dances. Taya Soune- Age: 21 Taya is incredibly polite, bowing at many occasions and also offering to do favors a lot. He speaks very formally. Taya has anemia and sometimes needs blood transfusions. He is non-binary, but go mostly by he/him. Taya likes musical theatre. He also plays the cello. Longya Yuezheng- Age: 24 A quite serious man who is dutiful and studious. Protective over his younger sister, Ling, and monitors her safety constantly. This is due to Ling nearly getting into a tragic accident when they were younger, traumatizing Longya. He is Chinese. He plays piano and flute. Ling Yuezheng- Age: 20 Ling is a hardworking student, however she has a playful side and she feels lonely that she doesn’t have many friends and is devoting her life to studying. She sings and dances. Momo Momone- Age: 19 A peaceful, sleepy girl. Rather low-energy and tranquil. However, Momo has quite a temper when it comes to injustice. Momo is a singer and theatre performer. SeeU- Age: 20 A rather eccentric, bold and energetic girl with “the light of the stars in her eyes.” She is Korean. SeeU is a singer and dancer. Ruko Yokune- Age: 24 Ruko is one of the most mature characters, having a lot of wisdom about life and many experiences. However, they still have moments where they need a helping hand. Ruko is non-binary, mostly going by she/her or they/them. Ruko is a talented vocalist with incredible range. Ritsu Namine- Age: 22 Ritsu is rather brash, but means well. He is non-binary and mostly go by he/him. He is a talented singer with a powerful voice. Miki- Age: 18 Loves romance anime/manga and is obsessed with “cute couples.” A true fangirl. Acts cute and animated. Iroha’s best friend. She is a singer, who also wants to be a voice actress in anime. Aku Yamine- Age: 19 Hates her name, because it’s pronounced the same as the word for “evil” in Japanese. Prefers to be called Akurin. Aku is a very nice and naive, somewhat clumsy girl with big dreams. Is half Black and half Japanese. She is a piano player and a theatre performer. She struggles with singing. Bruno- Age: 22 Black Latino, lived in the Dominican Republic. Polite and soft-spoken, but a talented acoustic guitarist. Sometimes sings. Clara- Age: 23 From Colombia, and is Latina. A rather doting girl who somehow feels like both a mother and a little sister. A singer and dancer. Iroha Nekomura- Age: 18 Loves cute things and stuffed animals. Is kind of insecure and doesn’t find herself very cute, though her best friend Miki constantly reassures her. A singer and drummer. Yuu- Age: 20 A sweet, cheerful guy who is always filled with energy. Half English, half Japanese. He is in a boy-band with Wil and Kyo called ZOLA PROJECT. He sings and plays electric guitar. Wil- Age: 22 A sophisticated, fashionable guy who is quite outgoing. He is Black. He is in a boy-band with Yuu and Kyo called ZOLA PROJECT. He sings and plays electric bass. Kyo- Age: 21 A wild, energetic guy who is always raring to go. He is Japanese. He is in a boy-band with Yuu and Wil called ZOLA PROJECT. He sings and plays drums, and adds sounds to their songs via computer programs. Akari Kizuna- Age: 18 Yukari Yuzuki’s half-sister. Cheerful and sweet, and wants to make others smile… even though many heavy thoughts are hiding behind her own smile. A singer who is also an actress. Qingxian Mo- Age: 23 She seems very nice, but she’s actually a bit self-absorbed. Since her name is hard to pronounce for English-speakers, she insists on being called Qing (pronounced like Ching.) A model who also sings and plays clarinet. Anon- Age: 21 A somewhat reserved girl who likes to read and play video games. Very resilient and tough. Does martial arts. Has a very strong punch. Is often annoyed by her sister, Kanon. Sings, dances, and composes music. Kanon- Age: 21 A cheerful girl who likes to annoy her sister, Anon. But like her sister, she does sometimes get kind of scary. Does martial arts. Has a very strong kick. Sings, dances, and composes music.
Now, I made a list of couples... Who ends up with who by the end of the story? This is for the “novel adaption”, obviously.
Uta and whoever she ends up with might get a bit of an... “After Story” like CLANNAD After Story. And it might feature everyone else as a married couple too!
Spoilers below the cut.
Haku x Neru
Kaito x Dell
Miku x Gumi
IA x Yukari
Lapis x Piko
Teto x Luka
Meiko x Gakupo
Iroha x Miki
Ruko x Ritsu
Merli x Lily
Akaito x Yuuma
Bruno x Clara
Dex x Daina
Len x Nigaito
Rin x Akari
Ruby x SeeU
Anon x Mizuki
Zatsune x Aku
Wil x Longya
Yuu x Ling
Kyo x Qingxian
Kanon x Momo
Uta x Taya
Yes, the main couple by the end will be Uta and Taya. I think you MAY have seen it coming... considering I was all over Taya today. But also, as I was pairing up every Vocaloid, only a few remained, around six. Uta and Taya were two of the last ones, and I decided it worked. So yeah.
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curewhimsy · 4 years
About that New Project (UPDATED)
EDIT: I updated and I added MORE CHARACTERS (something felt imbalanced still and I couldn’t stop lol) and I actually did general descriptions for all of them... They’re not extensive and may change, however.
The thing I was talking about in my Soune Taya post...
The Mega Project?
Well... it was going to be a visual novel concept.
But since I have no skill in making a VN, I’m just going to write a story. Like the anime that will be based off the VN. Like Clannad’s anime or something.
This is why I said I will never ever finish it, even if I devote my entire life to it.
But it won’t feel right without all these characters. I WANT to have all these characters. I’m a “go big or go home” person. I’m too ambitious and I know that.
Here are the characters.
Haku, Neru, Miku, Luka, Teto, Gumi, Meiko, Lapis, Merli, Lily, IA, Yukari, Uta, Zatsune, Rin, Len, Kaito, Akaito, Dell, Gakupo, Yuuma, Piko, Mizuki, Nigaito, Dex, Daina, Ruby, Taya, Longya, Ling, Momo, SeeU, Ruko, Ritsu, Miki, Aku, Bruno, Clara, Iroha, Yuu, Wil, Kyo, Akari, Qingxian, Anon, Kanon In the story adaption, Uta Utane (Defoko) will take the role as the player/main character, and learns everyone’s backstories. She will be the one with the (gigantic) “harem” around her. Think, Tomoya from Clannad. But IF there’s ever an actual game, I’ll plan on Uta being one of the date-able characters. She’ll be your childhood friend.
The characters are all college students here. They are all college-age, roughly between 18-26, depending on which character. I may give them specific ages eventually.
Here are descriptions I thought of already. For some of these Loids, this is my first time EVER writing or portraying them. Ever.
(Full names are listed in Western order. This is partly due to the story taking place in the USA, in a “Japantown” sort of place to explain the prominent Japanese population.)
Haku Yowane- A shy, gloomy girl who is looking to join in the school’s choir... However, the choir doesn’t have enough members. And it’s not like Haku is a good enough singer to singlehandedly bring it back to life... or confident to work up the courage to even audition. Haku seems to depend on Neru, her only friend, to comfort her when she gets down. Haku is the cousin of the popular Miku Hatsune, the most popular girl in the school and star singer in the choir. Neru Akita- A tomboy with a hot temper. But inside, she hides delicate feelings. She seems to always be with Haku, cheering her up when she gets down. The two seem to only have each other. Miku Hatsune- A very popular girl and star singer in the choir. A bubbly, cheerful sweetheart. Has lots of friends and is always smiling. Idealistic and doesn’t believe in impossible. Miku dreams big, but apparently she gets very depressed when her dreams are crushed. Luckily that never seems to happen... for now. Luka Megurine- A polite and elegant woman. She can appear aloof and intimidating at first, but is actually just shy. She is half Japanese, a quarter French, and a quarter German. Teto Kasane- A bubbly girl who can be childish. Is playful, weird, and a bit demanding. Very clumsy. Gumi- A girl who can be a bit shy, but once you get past that, Gumi is unique, free-spirited, and chill. She likes art and reading books. She keeps a sketchbook with her at all times. Meiko Sakine- The confident, mature woman of the group. Energetic and loves to party. Still responsible. Like a mother or older sister. Has quite a temper, though she mostly uses it to defend others... Lapis Aoki- Merli’s stepsister, who seems to be the opposite of her. Bubbly and playful, and quite childish. Quite friendly. However, she can be a bit selfish at times. Lapis is Japanese, though her adoptive sister Merli is Indian. Merli Aoki- Lapis’ stepsister, who seems to be the opposite of her. She can seem cold and distant, even a bit harsh at first. But inside, she is very thoughtful and willing to help those important to her. Merli is Indian, though she was adopted into Lapis’ Japanese family after the death of her parents. Lily- The school’s toughest female delinquent. IA- An idolized girl in the school for her good looks and singing skills. However, she hides dark feelings? Yukari Yuzuki- Half sister to Akari Kizuna. Looks up to IA but also feels she will never be as good as her. Uta Utane- A rather plain, bluntly-spoken person who doesn’t see much in life. Usually bored, silent, and rather deadpan. Once a bright girl with lots of dreams. Deep inside, she is passionate and caring, really... Can it be restored? She is non-binary, going mostly by she/her. Miku Zatsune- Edgy and hates Miku. She would rather be called Zatsune, because her first name happens to be Miku, like the person she despises so much... But could there be something deeper to her? Rin Kagamine- Rin is a bit chaotic. She is bold, brash, athletic, and charming. She is also just plain nuts. Len Kagamine- Len fries to be cool and hip, but he is just a big dork. He is quite the comedian however, sometimes unintentionally. Kaito Shion- Kaito is a silly boy. He loves ice cream, unicorns, rainbows, and anything fluffy. But he also has moments of seriousness where he says really deep, philosophical things. He is quite romantic. Akaito Shion- Akaito is a sarcastic and grumpy boy, but when it comes to romance, he gets quite passionate. He sometimes flirts around with girls, but when he finally finds a true love with a girl (or guy) who truly changes his life... well... it’s a bit different. Dell Honne- Dell is usually in a bad mood. He currently lives with a father who barely acknowledges him. He tends to keep it all inside, and he’s really just lonely and needs to find someone to vent to. He enjoys computer programming and composing electronic music. He is Haku’s half-brother, but they didn’t grow up together. Gakupo Kamui- Gakupo likes doing kendo and martial arts, and is generally athletic. He is a nice guy who also loves animals and history. He seems serious, but can be unexpectedly silly sometimes. He likes embracing his Japanese and Ainu heritage. Yuuma- Yuuma likes music and is quite popular. He may seem hard to approach, because sometimes he doesn’t know what to say. He is a little blunt at times, but has a good heart. He has a crush on Mizuki. Piko Utatane- Piko is a genius who loves astronomy and excels in mathematics and physics. He is a shy and compassionate person, but whenever he opens his mouth, he sounds very strict. He is bad at socializing and making friends, which leaves him quite lonely. On top of that, he is sickly and absent from school often. Piko wishes to make a friend. His first friend in the school is Lapis Aoki, who pretends to be a fairy to grant his wish. After a while, Lapis declares that she wants to be Piko’s friend. Mizuki- Mizuki is a singer who also plays the a Japanese harp (koto.) She is quite a charming person and seems to flirt with many people... even girls... but not Yuuma. Since Yuuma has a crush on Mizuki, this discourages him. Nigaito Shion- The youngest of the three Shion bothers. Nigaito’s nicknames are Nini and Nii. He is rather sickly, but remains to have a warm and pure heart. Dex- Daina’s childhood friend. Best friends, even though they are of completely different genders, and with very different personalities. Some people wonder how it works. Dex is silly, fun, a bit of a party animal, but he is still very caring and compassionate. He just needs a bit of help devoting himself to his studies. But he is quite intelligent when he is focused. He is Black, Creole, and is learning French. Daina- Dex’s childhood friend. Best friends, even though they are of completely different genders, and with very different personalities. Some people wonder how it works. Daina likes to study and learn, and doesn’t like atmospheres like parties so much. She prefers quiet, peaceful places. She may seem a bit distant on the outside, but she is just a little shy. She is White, with English and French heritage. Ruby- Ruby is rather confident, yet nice, and will always give people a helping hand. She is Black and Latina. Taya Soune- Taya is incredibly polite, bowing at many occasions and also offering to do favors a lot. He speaks very formally. He is non-binary, but go mostly by he/him. Longya Yuezheng- A quite serious man who is dutiful and studious. Protective over his younger sister, Ling, and monitors her safety constantly. This is due to Ling nearly getting into a tragic accident when they were younger, traumatizing Longya. He is Chinese. Ling Yuezheng- Ling is a hardworking student, however she has a playful side and she feels lonely that she doesn’t have many friends and is devoting her life to studying. Momo Momone- A peaceful, sleepy girl. Rather low-energy and tranquil. However, Momo has quite a temper when it comes to injustice. SeeU- A rather eccentric, bold and energetic girl with “the light of the stars in her eyes.” She is Korean. Ruko Yokune- Ruko is one of the most mature characters, having a lot of wisdom about life and many experiences. However, they still have moments where they need a helping hand. Ruko is non-binary, mostly going by she/her or they/them. Ritsu Namine- Ritsu is rather brash, but means well. He is non-binary and mostly go by he/him. Miki- Loves romance anime/manga and is obsessed with “cute couples.” A true fangirl. Acts cute and animated. Iroha’s best friend. Aku Yamine- Hates her name, because it’s pronounced the same as the word for “evil” in Japanese. Prefers to be called Akurin. Aku is a very nice and naive, somewhat clumsy girl with big dreams. Is half Black and half Japanese. Bruno- Black Latino, lived in the Dominican Republic. Polite and soft-spoken, but a talented guitarist. Clara- From Colombia, and is Latina. A rather doting girl who somehow feels like both a mother and a little sister. Iroha Nekomura- Loves cute things and stuffed animals. Is kind of insecure and doesn’t find herself very cute, though her best friend Miki constantly reassures her. Yuu- A sweet, cheerful guy who is always filled with energy. Half English, half Japanese. He is in a band with Wil and Kyo called ZOLA PROJECT. Wil- A sophisticated, fashionable guy who is quite outgoing. He is Black. He is in a band with Yuu and Kyo called ZOLA PROJECT. Kyo- A wild, energetic guy who is always raring to go. He is Japanese. He is in a band with Yuu and Wil called ZOLA PROJECT. Akari Kizuna- Yukari Yuzuki’s half-sister. Cheerful and sweet, and wants to make others smile... even though many heavy thoughts are hiding behind her own smile. Qingxian Mo- She seems very nice, but she’s actually a bit self-absorbed. Since her name is hard to pronounce for English-speakers, she insists on being called Qing (pronounced like Ching.)
Anon- (Coming soon)
Kanon- (Coming soon)
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