#she still outed her 2 times and her apology was err but we move on
yuridotcom · 2 years
just finished do revenge and OH MY GOD IT WAS SO GOOD WHAT
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thenovelartist · 3 years
And there was only One Bed - Tears of Themis Headcanons
Premise: There’s only one room left in the hotel, meaning the guys have to be roomies with MC for a night.
Err… his cheeks are red now.
He’s having to check with MC if she’s okay with it. Not that they had much of a choice.
They take the room, only to discover one bed.
And forget his crush on her; that’s the least of his problems.
He knows she shifts in her sleep.
“You take half and I take half?” MC offers. “Like when we were kids?”
He sighs, lamenting his fate. “I’m so gonna end up on the floor.”
When it comes to who showers first: rock, paper, scissors.
He’s the least phased of all the guys by the whole “share one bathroom” situation. They grew up together. They sometimes used to have quick conversations through the bathroom door, normally just a question or two about what they wanted for dinner or if their phone went off and it was their parents.
Which happened this time. “There was a vending machine down stairs. You want anything? And if you mention that diet, I’m getting you two of your favorite candy bars.”
“Just one and only one.”
“You got it.”
(@gavin-plz-call-me once called them the “King and Queen of No Boundaries” and I will never forget it.)
Eventually, Luke makes sure MC’s settled in for bed while he’s planning to stay up a little and figure out tomorrow’s game plan.
Until she literally drags him to bed.
He can’t protest against her.
Contrary to what he thought, he did not end up on the floor.
But it was kinda hard to sleep when the girl of his dreams decided his chest was her new snuggle pillow halfway through the night.
He’ll cave and roll with it. Be selfish just for tonight and hold her there.
Come morning, she apologizes for disrupting him, he dismisses it. And both their cheeks are red.
But it doesn’t phase them. Give it half an hour, they’re back to normal.
(Bonus: “So, kid. Let me get this straight,” Aaron Yishmir started. “You spent the night with her, and you’re still not gonna tell her anything?”
“It wasn’t like that!”
“You’re hopeless.)
Well… this is a predicament.
However, they come to some awkward agreement that if it’s the only place to sleep for the night, they’ll take it and figure it out as they go.
However, things only go from bad to worse when they learn there’s only one bed.
There were very few times since becoming an adult that Vyn ever found himself at a loss. And this was one of those times.
“Um… are you comfortable splitting?”
His glasses almost fell off his face at MCs suggestion.
Before he can even think about suggesting to take the chair, MC is putting up a blanket wall. “Like this?”
Er… aha…
Oh geez, this woman…
He caves to that deep, ugly part of him that’s begging “yes” and agrees.
Then comes the new revelation there’s only one bathroom, which rose the question of who was going to shower when.
He just lets her take the first shower while his mind is still storming.
During that time, he realizes this may be the only time he has the privacy to actually record his voice diary.
It’s a total disaster. He’s in mental turmoil and can barely think straight.
But MC is acting normal, meaning he’s got to try to act normal.
Normally, he takes his showers in the morning, but he takes it at night this time just so he can have another moment of privacy to get his thoughts in order.
This is just a practical arrangement. This is just a practical arrangement. This is just a practical arrangement…
Bedtime rolls around, and poor, unsuspecting Vyn believes they are each going to stay on their respective sides of the bed.
However, Author has a headcanon these two both sleep like dead logs.
Morning rolls around, and they’re still both asleep, only they’re totally entangled.
MC wakes up first, laying on top of Vyn.
And when she freaks, flailing and falling off the bed in the process, that’s when Vyn wakes, too.
It was… an interesting morning to say the least.
They come to the agreement to never speak on it again.
(Until a few years down the line after they’re together and can look back on that day with amusement.)
When the person at the front desk said there was only one room left, Artem about had a heart attack.
He cannot possibly share a room with MC. That’s super improper.
Will call around to any other hotel in the area, but no avail.
MC will literally have to drag this poor man up to the room.
“It will be fine, Artem.”
Except, it wasn’t. There was one bed.
Cue almost heart attack number 2.
He almost left to go sleep in the car. MC had to restrain him.
“We can share right? Like, if we—”
“No. Absolutely not.”
“Not even if we put a blanket—”
“No. I’ll sleep in the chair.”
There was no convincing him to sleep anywhere else.
And MC tried.
Eventually, she had to surrender. “Fine. Then do you want the first shower?”
Oh… there was only one bathroom… that they’d be sharing…
Cue almost heart attack number 3.
Will legitimately leave the room while she’s showering. He just feels too awkward and like he’s invading her privacy.
Then bed time rolls around and he’s unable to sleep, so he works on his laptop for the time being.
Ends up pulling an all-nighter, which MC anticipated.
She set an alarm for early in the morning so she could then force him to bed for a few hours.
While he insisted he was fine, he was too tired to protest as she pushed him down into bed. “Sleep, will you. I know you didn’t sleep all night.”
Thought he’d have trouble, but he was so wound up all night over everything that had happened that he’s passed out in fifteen minutes.
And stayed out cold for a few hours.
When they left, MC made sure to thank him for being such a gentleman. She thought it was the least she could do for his troubles.
That, and she quite liked the way his ears and neck turned red.
(Bonus: He hopes Celestine never finds out what happened on that business trip.
But when she finds out curtesy of MC, she will never let him live it down.)
The moment he finds out there’s only one room, he actually gets super flustered.
And as he does, instantly goes in to deflective Playboy Flirt mode.
“Get your head out of the gutter, you little—”
MC shut that down, real quick.
Most he could do then is just say “It can’t be that bad, right? What’s the worst that could happen?”
Well, apparently only be one bed.
Flustered Marius = Playboy Persona
“That’s it,” MC says. “You take the bed.”
“What? Don’t you wanna share?”
But really, he wants to find some way to get her to take the bed because he really will feel awful otherwise.
Then comes the single bathroom realization.
“You wanna shower together?”
“Marius, I swear I will kick you out of this room and take the keycard from you.”
“Oh, my feisty Miss Attorney.”
“Miss Attorney will sue you for sexual harassment.”
He gets to shower first, and then ends up giving her some excuse for leaving the room entirely.
He loves teasing her, but this might be the most he’s ever pushed his luck. And he actually doesn’t want her to hate him, so he’ll give her this space at least.
As for the bed situation…
MC tries to sleep on the couch, but he can’t stand it, so he decides to push his luck and simply carry her to bed.
“I won’t pull anything, I swear.”
“The only reason I’m agreeing is because I know I’ll sleep better here than the couch.”
“I’ll shut up.”
Regrets his decision halfway through the night when Mr. Light Sleeper realizes Ms. Dead Log moves in her sleep.
She was snuggled up against his back, and his heart was going doki doki too hard to even think about going back to sleep.
Eventually, he rolls over and snuggles her, not just because he wants to, but he hopes it will keep her still through the night.
Unfortunately, she was not happy in the morning.
“Can’t we talk about this?”
She kept her face turned away from him the rest of the day, but he knew it was red with blush. “Shut up.”
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bluemusickid · 4 years
Hi! I hope you're doing well 🥰 Can you I request one where Steve breaks reader's arm or leg by mistake during training and has to take care of her afterwards? Definitely won't mind if some smut is added 😅 Thank you!!
OMFGGGG MY FAV WRITER SENT AN ASK ASDFGHJKL (Also full disclosure: this has been one of my kinks for a while :P)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
Warnings: slow burn (just a tad), 18+, SMUTTTT, unprotected sex (don’t be silly, wrap your willy), did I mention NSFW? Read at your own risk.
A/N: I would like to thank @imdarkinme for sending in this AMAZING ask! She’s a doll and I’ve been a fan of her writing for so long!! I would also like to thank @donutloverxo for converting me to a Steve Stan loool. I wanted him to be a bit dark here, but in the end his dorky side won. :P Without further ado, I hope you enjoy!! Send in your requests here and you can join my taglist here (or you could just send an ask lmao)! Thanks!
I post my stuff only on AO3 and here, nowhere else. 
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The Learning Curve
You groaned as you got up from the mat, yet again. It was dumb of you to ask Captain Rogers to train with you. As a new recruit, you’d obviously wanted to impress him; he was the leader of the Avengers after all. There was only one tiny problem you forgot to factor in: the man was a Super Soldier, while you were...not.
“Come on, get up! We still have two rounds to go!” a voice bellowed from above you.
You mentally cursed at the voice. You’d tried to not let it affect you, but like many others, you had a bit of a crush on the Captain. But it wasn’t solely because of his looks, it was more about his passion to help and save and to protect. He was always so passionate, it was hard to keep away(which was a fiercely guarded secret). You felt like Icarus, when you were with him.
Getting up, you tried to block his punches, while getting in a few yourself. It was impossible, the man was a champ. You saw your opening, however, when he seemed to be distracted by someone approaching him from behind you. Seeing this as a golden opportunity to catch him off guard, you threw a punch aiming for his face. Unfortunately, he blocked the punch and pushed you, to ward you off. It seemed as if he too, forgot that he was a Super Soldier, pushing you a bit too hard.
You screamed as you fell to the ground, twisting to save your face, your arm breaking your fall. Your suspicions were confirmed as you tried to move your arm but couldn’t. Steve heard you yelp and rushed to your side, carefully inspecting your injured appendage. You squealed as he touched your arm, the pain indescribable. Steve whispered his apologies a million times, trying to haul you up by your waist, in vain. Finally, he gave up and picked you up bridal style, like you weighed nothing.
You gasped, partially out of pain, but mostly out of surprise at the sudden move. 
“Umm...Cap..tain..I..can..walk..” you stuttered, unable to keep the pain out of your voice.
He looked into your eyes and smiled, shaking his head. Oh dear lord. This man truly was gorgeous. Nearing the MedBay, he slowly placed you on the bed, his mouth tantalisingly close to yours as he lowered you onto the surface. You never realised how blue his eyes were, which at the moment were filled to the brim with anxiety and some other emotion; which you couldn’t quite place your finger on. Deciding you were probably delirious from the pain, you tried to focus on what the doctor was telling you.
“...so you’ll have to be on constant bedrest for the next two weeks before we can check again to see if you need a rod put in.” 
“Err, I’m sorry doc, what?” you mumbled apologetically, embarrassed by your thoughts.
“As I was telling Captain Rogers, you seem to have a hairline fracture in your ulna, which could require support. You need to rest and take it easy for at least two weeks. Training will have to be put on hold, and I suggest you call a family member to take care of you in the meantime.” the doctor said, scribbling notes.
“Oh, that..won’t be necessary. I can do stuff on my own, I’ll be very careful.” you said with a grimace, not wanting to seem weaker in front of Steve.
“That’s not gonna happen.” Steve said, firmly. “She’ll stay in my quarters. It’s the least I can do after breaking her arm.”
You stared at him, a million things going through your head. You and him, in the confines of a room, alone. Oh no. This was going to be torturous in more way than one.
“Oh no no no, Captain. I couldn’t. I wouldn’t like to impose. Plus, I’m feeling better already! I’m sure it’s more than manageable. Please..I..I’ll be okay, really.” you rushed, pretty sure that your voice was betraying just how fast your heart was beating.
Steve smirked. “This isn’t up for debate. Plus, I’m sure it would be easier for the others to check up on you when we’re away on missions.” he said, taking the prescription from the doctor.
You winced as he helped you up from the bed, the warmth of his hand making you hyperaware about what your life was gonna be like for 2 weeks. You sighed. It was gonna be a loooong two weeks.
You realised after a week that your worries had all been for naught. Steve was an excellent caretaker. He made sure you took all your medicines at the right time, ate properly and rested enough. He was also a thorough gentleman, always calling a lady nurse when you needed to take a shower or get dressed; really respected your boundaries. But you couldn’t deny the shift in his behaviour towards you. At first, you felt like you were reading into it too much, but then it started to get more noticeable. They were little things, but it meant so much. He would insist on having lunch with you, no matter if you were quiet or chatty; Steve always was there. He brought your favourite blanket from your chambers to make sure you felt more comfortable. At night, he would make sure you were comfortable, get you hot chocolate, maybe even sit next to you till you fell asleep. One time, he held your hand till you drifted off; but you were sure that you felt him leave a small peck on your cheek as you nodded off.
If you weren’t falling for him earlier, you sure as hell were now.
After hitting the two week mark, you went to the doctor again for a checkup. All seemed well, there was no need for a rod to be put in but the cast would have to stay on. Steve was there throughout the appointment, listening intently at everything the doctor said with his full focus. It was quite distracting and kinda hot, and you couldn’t help but sneak glances at him periodically. On one occasion, he caught your eye and grinned, catching you in the act. You wished the ground would swallow you up just then: this man fully well knew that you had a crush on him and was enjoying messing with you.
You nearly gasped as you felt his hand on your shoulder, guiding you to the lift. Something was different today. Steve seemed buoyant, which was very out of character for him.
“The nurse isn’t available today, she had some prior commitments. If it’s ok with you, I’ll be taking care of you tonight.” he said, softly. You gulped, his tone messing with your train of thought.
“Uh, that’s ok, I can manage things for a night. I’ve already imposed on you quite a bit and don’t want to create more of a hassle.”
Steve smiled. “Sweetheart, you’ve not been a hassle, trust me. It felt nice having you around, I enjoy your companionship. Just a few weeks more and you can get rid of me.” he said, with a mischievous grin. You groaned inwardly; this man was driving you nuts.
“Oh no, I really liked staying with you. You’re great company! I don’t think I want to get rid of you, ha.” you said in a flourish, mentally cursing yourself for being such a blabbering fool around him.
Steve looked at you, his eyes darkening. He stepped closer to you, opening his mouth to say something, but the elevator seemed to sense the tension rife in the air and opened at that exact moment. You both snapped out of the haze you were in with Steve beckoning you to his quarters, his hand resting softly on your back.
Back in your room, you realised you needed to take your nightly shower. You were about to call for the nurse, when you remembered that she wasn’t gonna come. Shit. You’d have to call Steve to help with your sling. Closing your eyes, you sighed before you walked to his room, praying to God that you would get through this. Just go in, get the brace off, and get out, you whispered to yourself. With that mantra in mind, you hesitantly knocked on his door. A muffled ‘come in’ reached you, and you timidly entered the lion’s den.
Steve was tinkering with the laptop, clearly engrossed in some work. You felt guilty disturbing him, but it was kind of an emergency. 
“Is everything ok?”
“Yes, I..just needed some help with my sling; I tried to take it off, but it’s not coming off. Can you..unfasten it? I’ll be out of your hair in no time..”
Wordlessly, Steve sauntered over to you, turning you around to face the wall. Softly, his fingers undid the clasp of the sling, pulling the straps off your neck, his fingers grazing over your skin gently. You jerked, surprised by the small currents you felt with these small touches. Turning you around, he helped you take your arm out of the sling, his hands accidentally brushing the sides of your breasts. You didn’t dare make eye contact with him; you were sure you would say or do something you would regret later on. 
“All done.” he whispered, his eyes not leaving yours. You realised he was merely inches away from your lips; the proximity driving you crazy.
“Thanks.” you mumbled, wanting to run out of the room.
“Are you going to bed? Do you need anything to drink?” 
“Yes, I was just gonna head to bed after my shower.”
“You can shower here. I’d be able to keep an eye on you then and you won’t have to worry about any mishaps. See? Win-win.” he said with a grin.
You were about to decline his offer but stopped when he held up his hand. “You need to stop thinking that you’re a burden on me. I like doing things for you, it makes me feel like I’m not totally alone. These two weeks have undoubtedly been one of the best weeks in my life. I like you, and I know you like me. I just want to show you how much I care for you in my own, peculiar ways.” he said, taking your hand in his, drawing patterns on your knuckles softly.
Your mind raced with all the information. You never knew Steve felt this way, he was always so taciturn. Your gaze flitted to his face, his eyes darkening the way they did in the morning. He didn’t need words to convey what his eyes said; he felt the same way you did about him.
You melted as he raised your hand to his lips, placing a kiss which felt like petals grazing your skin. Leaning down, his lips inched closer to yours, his breath tickling your face.
“Tell me if I should stop, and I will.” he whispered.
You waited a beat before making your decision. Raising your lips to his, you touched his lips slightly before murmuring, “don’t stop.”
And that was it. You were lost in the maelstrom of emotions that was Steve kissing you. It started off sweet, with Steve engulfing your lips within his, taking his time to make sure you were enjoying. It turned heated the moment you ran your fingers through his hair, gently tugging on it. Steve ran his tongue over you, begging for entrance. You moaned and opened your mouth, prompting him to unite his tongue with yours, as if to memorise every inch of you. You broke apart, the need for air greater than your desire. 
He picked you up and carried you to the bed, placing you on it carefully. Being extremely careful, he pulled off your tee, eyes widening as he took in your bare chest. Kneeling in front of you, he took off your sweatpants and your underwear, leaving soft but searing kisses at every inch of skin he exposed. You sharply inhaled, already feeling yourself get wet even though he hadn’t even touched you properly.
Lowering you to the bed tenderly, he made sure your arm was resting comfortably, placing a pillow underneath the appendage. Placing his hand next to your head, he kissed you deeply, pouring every emotion he felt into that kiss. You moaned as you felt his lips trail lower, leaving kisses along your neck, laving your pulse point. Moving lower, he kissed your breasts, leaving small bites along the way. Taking a swollen nub in his mouth, he sucked on it while massaging the other, prompting you to groan and run your uninjured hand through his hair, wanting him inside you.
While he moved his attention to your other breast, he trailed his fingers down your body, leaving goosebumps in their wake. He finally reached his destination, his fingers soft against your wet nether region. 
“Steve, please..I need you..” you whispered in urgency. His intrepid fingers found your swollen nub and circled; gently at first, and then with more intensity. Moving lower, his digits swirled around your wet lips, before plunging into your tight channel. You gasped as he began thrusting, his knuckles bumping along your front wall, hitting your sweet spot. You had to refrain from arching your back, instead relegating to pulling his head down for a kiss. He increased his speed, adding another finger once he sensed how close you were. You shrieked as you reached your peak, breaking apart from the kiss. 
As you opened your eyes, recovering from your orgasm, you saw Steve look at you, an unspoken question in his deep blue eyes. You nodded, cupping his cheek, running your thumb over his soft, soft skin. You don’t know what power he wielded over you, but it didn’t matter. You had no qualms being caught in this spell he wove.
Shedding his clothes, he returned to his place, widening your spread legs with his torso. Sitting back on his heels, he took in your body, his gaze running over every curve, every stretch mark, every beauty spot on your body. Taking his hard member in his hand, he gave a few strokes before lowering himself, running his nose against yours. He ran his tip along your wet folds before plunging into you in one swift move. You gasped and closed your eyes, your head falling back against the pillow. He gave you time to adjust to his size, your walls snug against him. After a moment, he began moving, careful to not move your arm. He started off slow, making sure you felt every inch of him. You hooked your legs around his hips, urging him to move faster. He took the hint, his pace increasing with each thrust. The coil in your belly was tightening and you could feel yourself hurtling towards completion for the second time. Running your hand along his back, your hand made it’s way to his ass, pushing down, begging him for more. Steve held himself up, looking deeply into your eyes, as he sped up his thrusts. You could feel him within you, each thrust hitting your weak spot over and over again.
You screamed his name as you reached your peak, your legs tightening around him; wrapping yourself around him like a vine. He was close too, his thrusts now becoming frantic as he was chasing his end. Your walls contracting around him set off his orgasm as he moaned, spilling every last drop of himself inside you. You both panted, as he dropped his head on your chest, trying to catch his breath. You both stayed like that for a while as you ran your fingers through his scalp, enjoying the feel of his weight on yours. 
There were many things to talk about, sure.
But for now, this was more than enough.
Tags: @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @donutloverxo @worksby-d @gotnofucks @imdarkinme @chris-butt @ozarkthedog
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mlbpotter · 3 years
Sole Crusher and why I hated it.
Ahh, one of the most prodigious episode for Zoe-fans.
You see, we see Zoe in a car touring Paris as she came from New York. She entered a bakery to get something for her family (A.K.A Audrey) Marinette entered, and slipped on the floor, but Zoe being who she is, clever perfectionist, nimble, quick blah blah blah, whatever the directors want to show us, caught Marinette in a blink of an eye.
In irl, I think if somebody did slip, in front of me, I’d be too shocked to react in seconds. I’d be gaping, mouth open, too shocked to catch anyone.
Ahh, well, Marinette then talked to her a little, learnt how she only had one friend, made some of us feel pity for her (eh, Thomas). So, NOW THE NEXT PART REALLY GETS ME! Marinette didn’t know who this unknown Zoe girl was (could be a thief, murderer, kidnapper idk) yet she gave away her phone number, free pastries, and invited her to HER FRIEND’S CONCERT! OMG you dumass, you don’t just give away these things to unknown people!
Well, still, moving on, zoe went back to the car, and to the bourgeois hotel. She gave away the pastries to the driver saying her family preferred sour from sweet, meaning they were not exactly caring. Just showing what a bad mother Audrey is, Zoe, like Chloe tried to act all snobbish and mean to get her mother’s attention.
To keep it short, Zoe met Chloe and they had a very meaningful conversation. But the thing that bugged me the most was that what Chloe said. 'Your father exists only to do whatever you want, whenever you want.'
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Huh? Forgot this, in origins pt.2? This shows that chloe actually loves her father.
Also, Chloe was shown locking Sabrina in a locker, and forcing her to do her homework.
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So how do u explain this?☝️
Chloe cares about Sabrina. Thomas really ruined Chloe's character her smh, in sole crusher.
Anyways, Chloe took Zoe to the school in a limousine, with Sabrina running behind them!
BrUh, thomas? R u serious? This is a kids show, no? You are supposed to show how to be considerate, not treating ur friend as slaves!
After some more uneccessary chloe-being-cruel moment, Chloe introduces everyone to Zoe.
She says, that Zoe needs a guy to pamper, who is preferably rich....wow, Thomas you already destroyed Adrien's friendship with Chloe, what more do u want?
When Zoe pretended to hate Marinette's macaroons, Sabrina started idiolizing her immediately. SABRINA ALSO NEEDS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!!!!
Obviously, Chloe 'tried' to teach Zoe some mean habits, and Marinette was confused about the way she acted so differently at school.
Being Marinette, she texted Zoe about the the confusion, and obviously blamed Chloe. When Chloe found out that her sister was texting her arch-enemy Marinette, she became furious.
Zoe lied and said that she was planning to humiliate Marinette. One of the worst things about Zoe is that she tries to change her nature just to meet up the needs for others. Chloe only does that to impress her mother.
Zoe went up the blacony, and was met by Andre, Chloe's father, who tried to console her, by telling her his own dream. Ok, listen up, how come Andre is only nice to his step-daughter, in a fatherly way??? And treats Chloe like a spoilt queen?? What kind of a father u r, even though u know that's wrong? Ugh
Anyways, the part where Andre wanted to be a film director was pretty cool. Again, we get some background history about the character. And yes, he listened to Audrey, about being rich, not a film director, blah blah blah, showing again how bad of a wife Audrey is.
Then, we discovered that Zoe wanted to be an actress for no good reason, and yest, admittedly she is pretty good a hiding her emotions and 'acting'.
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This is how Andre tried to cheer up Zoe, but obviously made the situation worse, as she only thought about the way Chloe, treated her, and not her mother. So yeah, She only has a grudge against Chloe, again showing how horrible and cruel Chloe could be, right?
Just because Chloe said, 'You either step on other people, or I step on you!' This is so out-of-character for, Chloe. She would never say that, I reckon this much.
And there we go, Zoe reluctantly wears the diamond shoes, and becomes akumatized by shadow moth.
So, her power was touching other people with her shoes, and she became bigger.
Sole crusher, found Chloe in her room taking selfies of herself, to shoe how vain she was and how much she admired herself. Ummm..when did Chloe have an obsession with taking her photos? Except maybe in the episode where Marc was akumatized.
Chloe caught a glimpse of Sole Crusher, on her mobile's photo.
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She said, 'How come you are using my image without my authorization?' Old Chloe loved to be idolized, so out-of-character.
So, when Chole discovered that it was Zoe, she began running like she was in a marathon, which was again out of character, as she wouldn't run, it'd be too much of work for her.
I think the running was just to show how bad of a character Chloe was, as she pushed Marinette's parents and Marinette herself towards Zoe, to show how cruel, evil and selfish she really is.
Another thing, I think that the kwamis shouldn't be allowed outside the box very long, as someone might catch them, like Chloe almost did.
So, the reason Sole crusher didn't step on Marinette, was because Marinette is the main character of the show, and she just can't be in a dangerous situation (Thomas logic). It'd made a great plot if Marinette was crushed by sole crusher. It would keep the viewers on their toes.
Eh, well, To make look Chloe worse, they made her run further, and order Zoe to literally step on the 'losers'. AKA rest of Marinette's classmates. (Do students really meet each other like this irl?)
So Marinette discovered that Zoe was Sole crusher, and gave some advice.
Marinette: That's not true, you don't need to crush on anyone. The 'winner' and 'loser' thing doesn't exist. It's just people, each one with your differences and unique features. (after Chat Noir interrupted) Zoe, no one will judge you here. You can be yourself! You can trip, you can fall, there's always going to be someone to help you stand up. I will always support you!
Shadow moth manipulated Zoe again, So Chat Noir tripped sole crusher giving Marinette the chance to run away and transform in a place that no one can see (totally). Since Tikki followed Marinette, and Kaalki alerted Adrien about the akuma, they both were able to transform.
Since I am no good at writing battle scenes, I'll tell the main points. Ladybug used her lucky charm, and got a shoe horn. So basically, Chat Noir and ladybug both destroyed the heels of Zoe's shoes, but the akuma didn't come out. Chloe insulted sole crusher, and got crushed.
Chloe : Look at how you're treating ur very expensive shoes! Go back to wearing you hideous and plain sneakers.
So ladybug figured out that the Akuma must be in those sneakers Chloe mentioned.
So the team tried to find out those sneakers in Chloe's house. Ladybug saw Sabrina in the closet, yet asked her about the sneakers, and ignored her. Wow, shoe some empathy ladybug, or even Chat Noir!
They saw Andre, and he told them where the Akuma went. So basically Andre showed them the box, and was so scared of Audrey, that her had hid those directories a secret from her. Since that box was not opening, ladybug used her shoehorn to open that box thingy. Long story short, ladybug repaired everything, and gave Zoe the lucky charm, and left.
Skip to the noon, where Zoe went to the concert she was invited in, and Chloe still believed Zoe's lame story about humiliating Marinette, and was super pissed off when Zoe ate the macaroons.
So yeah, Zoe apologized about her akumatizatidon, and told her 'tragic' backstory. She didn't want to disappoint her family's expectation, so she pretended to be mean.
In her boarding school, she was being bullied, and pretended to be someone she was not.
And since er...the miraculous fandom characters are so 'different' and tried to be nice to her, which was pretty cool of them....
Chloe demanded that Zoe leave for New York, but Andre was pretty cool about it, and made a lame yet nice excuse for her, to be enrolled in anther boarding school. So she had a different room. Obviously, the creators showed how err..awesome Zoe is as she said to Andre, 'Promise me that you are not going to give up on your dreams for too long.' But Andre's dream was very irrelevant, as nothing of that sort was mentioned after that.
Zoe's new found friends helped her become a better person, and there were some ending pics of her.
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Zoe's message to Marinette was pretty cheesy ngl. But if only Zoe was introduced as a character who didn't out smart her sister, I would honestly love her so much!
(If my dumb shit post doesn't get famous, I will quit. I literally worked so hard for this post, and also had to rewrite it multiple times)
18 notes · View notes
wiypt-writes · 4 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch41: Drops Of Jupiter Part 2- There’s Still A Life To Live. 
Intro: Pepper finally makes an honest man of Tony, and as the sun sets on, quite possibly, the most horrific year of their lives, the New Year brings a familiar face back into Steve and Katie’s life.
But Tony has some news that puts a smile on his sister’s face. If only her husband was as happy…
Warnings: Bad Language words. Brief mentions of Smut (NSFW, 18+)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N: @angrybirdcr​ I LOVE YOU
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 41 Part 1
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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October 2018
Despite Katie’s protestations to the contrary, Steve refused to believe that Tony and Pepper actually wanted him at their wedding. She had tried in vain to convince him to go but at times like this he was so stubborn and, ironically, the only man on the planet that could rival him for pig-headedness was Tony himself. So now she was doubly pissed at him. He knew that, and if he hadn’t already he would have certainly guessed it by the way she was currently throwing things into her bag after hardly speaking a word to him since the previous night.
FRIDAY informed her that Happy was here to collect her and Katie closed her small carry case. Steve sighed and went to pick it up for her, fully intending on carrying it to the car, but she beat him to it, swatting his hand away.
“I got it, its fine.” she said a little curtly as she did up her jacket. “Baby, c’mon, don’t leave on a bad note.” He pleaded, following her into the living area. “You know I get that you might think Tony doesn’t want you there, but I do.” Katie’s voice was quiet as she levelled him with a look. “And I was kinda hoping that would be enough to make you swallow your pride for once in your God-damned life” His face fell and the expression on it almost made her relent and apologise. 
But the Stark stubbornness in her won out and she simply left it at that, slamming the door behind her. 
Steve felt like shit. Absolute shit as he stared at the place his wife had been stood a few moments before, the noise of the door banging shut still echoed round his head. With a sigh he swiped at his face with his hands before he headed into the bedroom, changed and wandered down to the gym to work off some frustration.
Katie glanced at her reflection. The bridesmaid dress she was wearing was an Alexander McQueen, as was Pepper’s dress, her favourite designer who hadn’t been dusted. It was a deep, burnt gold, almost brown to look at with a hint of a shimmer, perfect Autumn colours. The dress was plain, with a sweetheart neckline, the bodice drawing in her waist and the skirt was floor length, with a slight flare to it.  Her hair was twisted up and she wore a white gold headband which was studded with diamonds and pearls, her mom’s necklace that Tony had given to her on her wedding day sat flush to her collar bone. But all that aside, what she really loved was her make-up. It was all autumnal colours, eyes lidded under a burnt orange which had a slight golden shimmer to it setting off her green and amber eyes to perfection, and the contouring was amazing. 
Smoothing down her skirt once more, she looked down and stepped into her gold Jimmy Choo heels and stilled as a familiar voice spoke.
“You look beautiful.”
Her head shot up and Steve’s eyes locked onto hers in the mirror before she spun round to face him stood in the doorway.
“I thought you weren’t coming?” She frowned.
“I wasn’t.” He said shyly, stepping into the room “But, after you left yesterday I thought about what you said and you’re right. So I spoke to Pepper and well, here I am.” Katie looked him up and down. He was dressed in his blue suit and underneath it he wore a light green shirt complimented by a tie more or less the same colour as her dress, along with his shiny dark brown oxfords. Exactly the outfit she’d picked for him and left at the front of the closet just in case. With his hair immaculately styled, short stubble impeccably trimmed and a nervous smile on his face, he looked absolutely gorgeous.
“I’m so glad you came.” She smiled, all anger forgotten as she stepped forward and he met her halfway.
“I hate it when we fight.” He muttered, gently kissing her, his strong hands on her back, pulling her to him. “I’m sorry, Doll.”
“Well, well, look what the cat dragged in.” A familiar voice drawled and the pair of them turned to see Natasha leaning in the doorway, two flutes of champagne in her hand. She looked stunning in a knee length figure hugging bottle green dress.
“You look great Nat.” Steve offered, surprised to see a faint tinge of red flushing up the blonde’s neck and cheeks as she uttered a soft thanks before she looked at Katie.
“Came to let you know that Tony’s here.” 
Steve took a deep breath.
“Right, erm…” Katie tugged on Steve’s hand and took a glass of champagne off Nat. “Come on.” “Where are we going?” Steve frowned. “To see my brother, the pair of you need to get this out of the way before the ceremony.” “Baby, I-” “Don’t argue with me Steven.” she retorted, leading him down the stairs and out into the Autumn sunshine, across the lawn which was sporting a banquet tent and down the small path which had been lined with a gold carpet. Tony was stood at the end, under the arch which led into the tent where the reception would be held, directing people. As the Weather was nice, the actual ceremony was going to take place at the end of the wooden jetty. People were already settling on chairs on the banks of the lake.
Steve felt, and looked, like a deer in headlights when he caught sight of Tony. Katie squeezed his hand and whispered for him to relax as Tony, who had seen them approaching, started striding over to meet them.
“Well, don’t you look handsome?” Katie said to him, taking in his dark grey formal tail suit, ivory patterned waistcoat and ivory ruffled tie.
“Errm, shouldn’t you be with Pepper?” Tony asked, dropping a kiss to his sister’s cheek. “You look beautiful by the way.” “Thanks. Your gorgeous bride is just having her hair finished off and then I’m going to get her in her dress, but I wanted to come and see you first, we both did.”
“It’s a err, beautiful house.” Steve cleared his throat as he spoke and looked around. He’d never been before, and he felt ridiculously uncomfortable right at that moment for being a complete jerk. He should have done this months ago. "Well, it’s a bit like you Cap.” Tony replied, his eyes locking onto his brother-in-law’s. “Ancient, but nothing a little modernisation couldn’t fix.”
Steve let out a chuckle and took a deep breath. “Tony, listen, I want to apologize. For everything.” He swallowed a little before he continued.“What went down in Siberia was, well it was harsh, and I was out of order. I should have told you about your parents. I’m sorry, I really am.”
Katie held her breath, she knew how much that would have taken for Steve to apologise, so heartfelt as well and she knew he wasn’t doing it just for her. As she stood watching, she saw Tony bristle and she stiffened slightly.
“You should be.” Tony sniffed, but just as Katie was about to chastise him she saw his face soften, “But all that’s in the past now. You know, I get that Barnes wasn’t in control of his actions but I still can’t-” he stopped himself and took another deep breath ”Look, it doesn’t matter now, so let’s just say I understand why you did what you did even if I don’t agree with it. And I’m sorry too, Cap.”
Steve took a deep breath and gave a small smile. “I missed you Tony.”
“Yeah, well, that goes without saying because I’m so incredibly missable” Tony shrugged before he smiled “I missed you too, buddy.”
The two men shook hands before Tony gave a small huff and pulled Steve into a slightly awkward embrace, the two men clapping one another on the back.
Steve felt like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders. As much as he had tried to deny it, Tony was like a brother to him and he had missed him. Plus, he knew how much it had hurt Katie them both being at odds. And he just wanted his wife to be happy and to move forward, past what had happened. As he looked over Tony’s shoulder he saw Katie watching them both, her eyes shining and she mouthed a thank you to him before she cleared her throat.
“Right, now that’s done can I leave him with you whilst I go do Bridesmaid stuff?” She spoke with a smile on her face that her two best boys were finally over their spat.
“Yeah, go ahead, in fact, I have just the job for you,Spangles.” Tony nodded, and the two men strode off, Tony’s hand in between Steve’s shoulder blades as they walked. Steve looked back at his wife as she strode across the lawns to the house before he turned his attention to Tony as they headed towards the lake.
The wedding was beautiful. And whilst he really should have been thinking this about the bride, Steve seriously thought his wife was the most stunning woman there. As she walked down the aisle first, arm linked through Rhodey’s she caught Steve’s eye from where he was sat in between Banner and Natasha and he smiled at her, a genuine smile which she returned. When it was time for Pepper’s entrance, Steve glanced at Tony and couldn’t recall a time where he’d seen the man so happy, so emotional. 
The small ceremony was conducted, and it was time for Steve to perform the task Tony had given to him-signing the witness register along with Happy. It was a small gesture, but one which meant a great deal to the Captain.
Then, the rest of the afternoon passed in a bustle of photos, drink, food and speeches. Tony’s was slightly self-indulgent, as always, before he gushed about his new wife. Rhodey told plenty of stories about them growing up, and then it was Katie’s turn.
“As all of you here know, Tony brought me up from the age of seven.” Katie cleared her throat, glancing round at the various faces in the room. “Our parents died and suddenly there he is, twenty-one years old with a business to run and a pain in the ass kid sister to look after.” She scratched at her head. “My childhood was happy, I wanted for nothing, and that was all down to you.” She locked eyes with her brother. “Tony, I don’t tell you this enough, but I really am grateful for everything you did and everything you gave to me, least of all the absolute, unconditional love I have always felt from you. I know we have had our differences but you always told me that you could never be prouder of me if you tried, and I want you to know, that the feeling is mutual. I love you, not just as my brother, but as the best substitute father I could have wished for. And it makes me so happy to see you here today, after everything, with the woman that finally made an honest man out of you.” A few more chuckles, but Tony’s eyes were now wet with tears as he glanced up at her.
“Pepper has been a big part of my life for almost twenty years now, and I couldn’t think of anyone else I’d be happier with as a sister-in-law. But, you do know what you’ve let yourself in for right?”
Pepper laughed and nodded.
“Good, because he’s your problem now, good luck!”
Katie sat down as the room erupted into laughs and Steve pressed a soft kiss to her lips, gently wiping at her tears before they could ruin her make up.
As the night closed in, the Marquee was strung up with lights and wooden benches giving the place a warm, welcoming ambient feel. Far too soon for Katie’s liking it was time for the first dance. Tony clearly hadn’t told anyone she was performing as many puzzled faces peered up at her as she took the microphone in her hand and cleared her throat with a nod to the keyboard player who struck up the opening notes to Eta James “At Last.”
Tony’s face split into a grin as he offered Pepper his hand and the new Mr and Mrs Stark took to the dance floor, applause and camera flashes filled the tent as Katie sang, watching her brother and his new wife dance closely. In turn, Steve watched his wife, her voice s powerful and sultry, her eyes shining softly as she was watching Tony and Pepper revolve on the dancefloor. And then, as customary, people began to join them and Steve turned to Nat.
“May I have this dance ma’am?”
Natasha studied him for a moment before she smiled and slipped her hand into his, where he took her into a polite hold and steered them around the dancefloor, catching Katie’s eye causing her to smile.
When the song finished everyone turned to her and she flushed a little, giving a shy smile before she cleared her throat. “I’ve got one more.”
Tony frowned as he looked at Pepper who met him with an equally puzzled look, but when the band started to play, Tony’s face slid into a huge smile as Katie winked at him, before she once more began to sing.
“Now that she’s back in the atmosphere, with drops of Jupiter in her hair, hey…”
As she continued through the verse, Tony looked up at her, his eyes shining as he tossed his arm over Pepper’s shoulders, everyone in the tent gently swaying along to the song, and when the upbeat part kicked in, everyone hit the dance floor again.
Katie was now completely lost in the song that her and her brother had sung together so many times. She allowed the memories to wash over her as she sang, suddenly back in his convertible mustang cruising over the Golden Gate Bridge, then again dancing round in shorts and a bikini by the pool, then she was back in the kitchen, both of them holding wooden spoons to their mouths as make-believe mics. She sang out note after note and as she launched into the final chorus. Tony, who knew the song was coming to a big crescendo had stopped dancing to start winding the crowd up as she belted out the last bit of the song, eyes closed as she dipped slightly, hand extended by her side.
And now you’re lonely looking for yourself out there
The marquee erupted into a cheer and Katie smiled to herself, handing the mic back to the singer of the band who thanked her, drawing another cheer from the crowd. Steve walked forward and offered his hand to his wife to help her walk down the small steps from the stage.
“You amaze me every single day you know that?” His lips brushed her ear as the band struck up into a soul song and he led her towards the bar for a drink. She beamed at him, cheeks flushing from the singing and the adrenaline that had been pulsing through her veins at the fact she’d been stood on a stage, singing in front of a group of people for the first time since she could remember. He dropped a kiss to her cheek and she moved her head to catch his lips softly.
At that she spun to face Tony, who didn’t say another word, simply pulled her into his arms and squeezed her tight, kissing the side of her head. She held him back, happily resting her head against his shoulder until he eventually released her, and then turned to head off over the dance floor to greet someone else.
“I saw you dancing with Nat.” Katie slid her hands up Steve’s chest as he ordered a beer and a gin and tonic, his jacket and tie now discarded on one of the chairs behind him.
“Jealous?” He arched an eyebrow, his hand settling on her hips.
“Not in the slightest.” Her hands connecting round his neck. “I thought it was one of the sweetest things you could have done. She’s been so down lately.” “She seems okay tonight.” Steve turned, watching the woman in question as she stood talking to Bruce. “Maybe she just needed reminding that there’s still life to be lived.” “That’s very philosophical of you, Captain.”
“I have my moments.” He grinned, looking back down at Katie, his hand on her hip pulling her closer. “Are you still staying here tonight or coming home?” “Undecided.” She teased, her hands resting on his chest, muscles broad and tense under her fingers.
“Well if you come back with me I’ll do that thing you like.”  His short beard scratched her cheek as he spoke softly into her ear.
“That’s blackmail.” 
Smirking, he kissed her softly. “I know.”
She did go home with him, and Steve was about as gentle and tender that night as she could ever remember him being. His lips were soft as he made sure to cherish every single part of her body. His hips rolled against hers, keeping them locked together, hands entwined together as he gently pinned them at either side of her head, eyes locked onto hers as he took her apart, piece by piece.
They lay there afterwards, Katie’s head resting in its favourite place on his chest, his hand gently running up and down her spine as she slept. Resting his head against hers, he closed his eyes on what had been a pretty amazing day in all honestly. He and Tony were back on an even keel, and being surrounded by people at the wedding, he couldn’t help but marvel at the love, friendship and happiness that had been present at the event. 
He hadn’t ever thought he’d see it again on that scale after the snap, and it gave him faith that, just like he had said earlier, there was still a good life to be lived.
January 2019.
Steve pulled his jacket collar up against the snow and trudged across the car park towards the store entrance. A soft, white blanket covered the cars that lay abandoned after the snap, something he knew that the Government was going to have to sort at some point. Heading into the shop, he noted that it was reasonably busy compared to how it had been the last time he’d popped in a few weeks ago. He supposed that was a good sign. Grabbing a basket he headed straight for what they needed- milk, eggs, bread, bacon, fabric softener and tampons. Okay, so the last weren’t what they needed, obviously, more what Katie needed. She’d laughed when she had given him the list, remarking that this was the first time she’d ever sent him shopping for shit like this before offering to go instead, but he was a modern man now, they’d been together for almost six years, married for over three, he could deal with buying his wife tampons, right?
Now he was making a mental note, as some woman was slyly eyeing him as he grabbed a box, to remind his wife it’s a fucking good job he loves her as much as he does.
He whizzed around picking up the rest of the stuff and was heading to the till when he heard a loud shout. Spinning round on autopilot he saw one of the security guards chasing someone, a kid dressed in a pair of dirty jeans, a jacket that was far too thin for the weather, and a baseball cap, down the aisle. Steve let out a sigh. Shoplifting and petty crime had rocketed as people struggled to make ends meet following The Decimation. As the kid neared him he gently held out an arm to stop them passing and the child, a girl, gave a loud yell and looked up at him angrily. 
Instantly his heart leapt into his throat. Granted, it was a few years since he had seen her at the last Stark Christmas Party, but he’d recognise those large, deep brown eyes anywhere.
“Gerrroffff me!”
“Emmy?” He frowned, and she paused her struggling to look up at him and he removed his hat. “It’s me. Steve.” “I know you are.” She blinked, and then began to struggle again.
“Stop it.” He instructed, voice full of authority and he turned to the security guard. “What’s the problem here?” 
“Caught her down the aisle back there, shoving packs of chocolate and chips into her backpack.”
“Has she actually committed a crime yet?” Steve asked. “I mean, nothing has left the store. If I pay for it…” “No but she was gonna!” “But she hasn’t actually?” The security guard let out a groan. “Look pal, you’ve no idea what it’s like trying to keep this place straight.” “Oh believe me Sir, I do.” Steve mumbled, before he glanced down at Emmy. She was small, her dark, ebony hair was dirty and knotted, and her olive-skinned cheeks were pinched like she needed a good meal. He looked up at the man. “I’ll pay for the items and then ensure she’s dealt with.” “Dealt with?” The Security guard frowned before he looked at Steve properly and then his eyes widened “Holy shit, you’re Captain-” Steve cut him off, holding his hand up. “I assume that’s an acceptable proposition?”
“Of course Captain Rogers.” He nodded. Steve shook the man’s hand and then turned to Emmy.
“Give me the bag.”
She looked up at him before she sighed, handing it over. Steve tipped it out onto the conveyor belt at the till. A few bars of Hershey, some kettle chips, toothpaste, soap.
“Have you been on your own since, well, since it happened?” He asked and Emmy shrugged.
“Foster parents both dusted. Not that I care like, they were horrible. Better on my own.” Steve stiffened slight as he handed over some cash to the assistant. He studied Emmy as she packed her things into her bag. He couldn’t leave her like this.
“No one’s better on their own.” He shook his head. “Listen, I’ll give you two choices. You either come back to the compound with me for something decent to eat, or I can take you to one of the shelters.” “And if I refuse to do either?”
“Okay, three options.” Steve raised an eyebrow at her sass. “I turn you back over to Mall Cop over there and you can be handed into the police.”
Emmy snorted at his film reference before she looked down and plucked at something on her coat. “Is Katie…” “Yeah, she’s there.”
“Suppose coming to see her wouldn’t be so bad.” The small girl shrugged. Steve smiled, picked up the bag of groceries and gently went to place a hand between her shoulder blades, to steer her towards the car, but he stopped dead when she flinched violently to his touch.
“Hey, its okay.” he said gently. “I’m not gonna hurt you.”
She looked at him, with an expression that made her look far older than her years and rolled her eyes whilst giving a snort. “Yeah, that’s what they all say.”
Lucky alerted Katie to Steve’s return home as he shot off the couch next to her and headed to the door before it even opened. Katie glanced over the back of the sofa and did a double take as Steve headed in with a familiar face in tow.
“Emmy?” She gasped, getting up off the sofa. The girl smiled a little and allowed Katie to pull her into a hug “What are you doing here?” “He kidnapped me.” Emmy glowered at Steve who rolled his eyes as she stood up from where he had crouched down to greet Lucky.
“That’s crap Emmy and you know it.” He said sternly as he turned to Katie. “She was stealing.”
“Don’t look at me like that, it was that or starve.” Emmy shrugged.
“Starve? What? Wait, have you been-” Katie let out a groan as she realised the implications of what the kid was saying. “Oh, honey you should have found someone, got help!” “Better on my own.” Emmy repeated her earlier sentiment, kicking the floor with her dirty trainers. “And you can’t keep me here ya’ know?”
Katie looked down at the girl. She would be ten now, but she looked a lot smaller than she should be for her age. Katie glanced up at Steve who nodded to the kitchen.
“Listen, I was gonna cook dinner so at least stay for some food?” She asked. Emmy shrugged.
“Suppose so, what we having?”
“Pot roast.”
“Got any mash?” The girl’s eyes lit up and for a brief second Katie saw the cheeky little kid she had last seen a few years back.
“I can do mash.”
“Okay I’ll stay.” Emmy agreed before she looked at them both, a little sheepishly “Could I have some hot chocolate, like they used to do at the parties, please?”
“Sure I can manage that.” Katie smiled.
After settling her on the sofa, Lucky jumping up beside her, Katie retreated into the kitchen and gently shut the door before she set about making Emmy the hot chocolate she had requested.
“What happened?” Katie looked at Steve who sighed, crossing his arm.
“The Security guard at the store was chasing her after he caught her stealing.” Steve shook his head “She’s been on her own since the snap, said her foster family all disappeared.” “Shit.” Katie sighed stirring the cocoa powder and a square of chocolate into the hot milk.
“Yeah but,” Steve gently moved to hand Katie the marshmallows out of the cupboard, “she said something odd, about her being better on her own and she practically jumped out of her skin when I touched her. When I told her I wasn’t gonna hurt her, she said ‘that’s what they all say’”
Katie’s hand slipped at little as she contemplated Steve’s words, and she reached for a cloth to wipe up the liquid she had spilt. “You don’t think…” “I don’t know.” Steve sighed “But I couldn’t just leave her.” “No, course not.” Katie shook her head, reaching up to touch his face. “Just one of the many things I love about you, Rogers.”
He gave a soft smile. “I thought maybe we could give her a good meal, get her cleaned up and she could stay here tonight whilst we can figure out what to do.” Steve shrugged. His wife smiled at him, and grabbing the mug, she stood on her toes and gave him a kiss.
“You know,” she said, opening the door to the kitchen, “you might not be Captain America anymore but you’re still a hero.”
The three ate dinner and then Katie convinced Emmy to have a shower and, after digging her out a t-shirt and a pair of shorts, settled her down in the spare room, promising her that neither of them were mad at her. Once she was convinced the eleven year old was asleep she dumped Emmy’s disgusting clothes in the washing machine, before she headed into the living room and snuggled down next to Steve who had poured her a glass of wine.
“She okay?” He asked.
“Yeah. Out like a light.” Katie sighed “I’m so glad you found her.”
Steve sighed a little. “She looked so lost. I can’t believe she’s been on her own for so long.” “Yeah well not anymore.” Katie scratched at her nose. “This is exactly why we need to sort those homes out. I mean there are hundreds of kids out there like that.” Steve nodded and took a long pull from his beer.
“Just seems so shitty.” Katie carried on “That she’s had two foster homes now and, ok, the last one doesn’t sound like it was so great, but we’re gonna shove her back in a home and…” She trailed off, tears in her eyes. “She deserves so much better, they all do.”
“Well,” Steve turned his head to look at her. “I’m sure you’ll make sure she has a good place for when she has to leave.” Katie stayed silent for a moment, before she took a deep breath and decide to just go for it and voice what was on her mind. “What if she doesn’t?” 
“Doesn’t what?”
“What, you mean, she stays here?”
“Would that be so bad?” Katie asked, “I just, I dunno, Steve, I can’t…” She trailed off, simply looking at him, a hopeful expression on her face that made Steve want to kiss the life out of her. He knew she loved the little girl, she’d always had a soft spot for her. And would fostering a kid for the time being be such a bad idea? It would mean changes, a lot of changes and they would be inheriting an eleven year old, with an attitude to boot. But, they had the room and Natasha was always on hand as well…
Maybe this was just another little way they could give something back.
“Why don’t we ask her tomorrow?” Steve suggested. “If she wants to stay then maybe we can look at it, at least until something else turns up.” “You mean that?” Katie looked up at him and he nodded.
With a teary smile she shifted so she knelt up and reached to gently cup his jawline with her fingers.
“Thank you.” she kissed him softly.
***** Of course Emmy wanted to stay. And, after a fortnight of her being at the compound, Katie and Steve made the enquiry into fostering her on a more official basis, which was easier than it would have been pre-snap, officials keen to rehouse children with people that were willing to take them in. 
The first month was full of teething problems. Emmy had refused to go back to the house she had been living in, screaming blue murder when Steve had suggested they collect her things. So Katie had taken her out shopping for clothes and bits and pieces that she needed. Then she had refused to try anything on in the changing rooms. Ever patient, and recognising the signs of trauma and panic, Katie had calmed her down and told her they would simply take the clothes home to try on there, and that it wasn’t a big deal.
It transpired, after a tearful confession later in her room, Emmy was simply frightened that they would see the marks on her back left by the belt her foster father had hit her with and she had broken down, Katie simply laying with her until she fell asleep. 
The girl also had nightmares, and would often wake up screaming, but wouldn’t let Steve anywhere near her to comfort her. He didn’t take it personally, not after he knew what she had gone through with her foster father, but it did upset him somewhat to think that she could be afraid of him. As time went by she became a lot more comfortable around him, but still wasn’t really happy with any physical contact from anyone bar Katie. Steve simply respected her boundaries, Katie assuring that she would come round eventually.
Emmy found a friend in Natasha, the young girl spending a fair bit of time with the woman, often Steve would find them in the gym, Natasha teaching her some boxing move or other. Steve wasn’t completely sure it was a very good idea, but he left them to it as Emmy would come back to the apartment gushing about what she had learnt, keen to show them both her ‘moves’ as she called them. It was those moments that they both enjoyed, the signs of a cheeky young, innocent girl flashed through and it made Steve’s heart swell to see her coming out of her shell more and more.
Maybe more surprising, however, was how much she took to Tony. Katie said it was because they were the same mental age, which Pepper had vehemently agreed with. But Steve thought it was because Tony simply treat her like he would anyone else with his usual sarcasm and bluntness and she was fascinated by anything the inventor would show her when they visited the lake house. Turns out she had a real knack for technology, and the two of them set about on a project, building a small remote control robot which Lucky wasn’t quite so sure about as the dog would run away, bark, come back, and run away again whilst Emmy cackled away from her vantage point on the stairs where she controlled it.
Alongside this, Katie was still working on setting up homes for other kids through SIDE, and when she came home saying that there was a place for Emmy at the most recent one, the Rogers were both forced to face the reality that, whilst they had meant the fostering to be a temporary arrangement, neither of them wanted Emmy to be placed back into care.
So at the end of April, they made the fostering arrangement permanent.
Which was why Steve now found himself in a hardware store with a ridiculously hyper young girl, picking out a colour to paint her bedroom in.
“I don’t want pink.” Emmy frowned, looking at the colour chart on the wall.
“Well, what do you want?” Steve asked patiently.
“Purple. I think. Maybe a lilac.” “Okay there are some over there.” he nodded and she crossed the aisle to study the colour.
“I think I like this one.” 
Steve nodded. “Good choice,” before he found the tin with the correct shade in and dropped four onto the trolley. “Alright, that’s that done.” He turned to look at her “You wanted a new lamp too?”
“I don’t need one…”
“No, I know, but you wanted one.” 
Emmy’s face lit up and she nodded so they headed over to the light display. Her eyes went wide as she made her way straight over to a tall lamp, the shade of which was decorated with tiny, silver stars.
“I love it.” She said gently. Steve nodded, picked a boxed one up off the shelf and dropped it onto the flat bed trolley.
“That was easy.” He smiled.
“Please can I get some fairy lights for round my bed?” Emmy asked timidly “We told you kid, whatever you want, well, within reason.”  
With another face-splitting smile, Emmy selected some fairy lights. And a rug. And a few new cushions. And a throw. And a new bed for Lucky who seemed to have taken up permanent residence in her room when she was in there. Several hours and a couple of hundred bucks later they were on their way home after Steve had been cajoled into taking a detour through the drive-through for a burger.
“Hey!” Katie greeted as they walked through the door, Emmy carrying the cushions, Steve lugging everything else “Wow, you buy the whole store?”
“Is it too much?” Emmy asked, nervously “We can…” “No, I’m teasing, honey!” Katie chuckled, dropping a kiss onto her head. There was a moment and then Emmy burst into tears.
“Okay,” Katie sighed, taking her hand “Come on.”
Steve watched, feeling slightly useless, as he couldn’t help comfort the girl. He followed as Katie led her to the couch and he sat on the arm chair as Katie patiently sat Emmy down and waited until she had stopped sobbing. Lucky jumped up beside her and pushed his face into hers, licking away her tears as she wound her hands into the dog’s sandy coloured fur.
“I’m sorry.” She whispered.
“You have nothing to be sorry about.” Katie assured her “Do you wanna talk about it?” “I’ve never had nice things.” The little girl wringed her hands together and looked up at Katie from underneath wet eyelashes. “And when I did, then my foster brothers would break them and then he would hit me because I didn’t look after them.” She never used her foster father’s name. It was always he or him. Steve clenched his fists and felt the nerve tick in his jaw as he fought back the urge to go on a rant about the asshole.
“You know we would never hurt you Emmy.”He leaned forward, fighting the urge to reach out and tuck the hair that had fallen over her face behind her ear. “And no one else is gonna hurt you whilst you’re here.”
She wiped her eyes and gave a small sniffle. “I know.”
“So, how about we dry those tears and you help me make dinner?” Katie looked at her “Whilst Steve-O puts your things in your room.”
Steve let out a playful groan as Emmy giggled. “I really wish you’d stop calling me that.” Katie stuck out her tongue as he rolled his eyes and stood up, slapping his thighs with his hands. “The pair of you are a monumental pain in my ass.” “Language!” Emmy shot back as she smirked at him and he gave a snort, picking up the items they’d bought and taking them into her room.
Whilst they were in the kitchen, Steve set about fixing up her lamp, the fairy lights, tossed the new throw and cushions they had bought on her bed and set the remote for the flat-screen TV they had had installed on the wall on her nightstand. He called the girls to come and look and Emmy’s face was a picture, her eyes lighting up as she saw her room. She glanced around and looked at Steve, then to Katie, then back again.
“We can start painting over the weekend-” Steve began but was cut off when the girl threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around his waist and pressing her forehead to the top part of his stomach. Steve paused for a moment before his hand gently fell to the back of Emmy’s head as he stooped and gave her a hug back, looking up at Katie who was smiling from her vantage point in the doorway.
“She’ll come round in time…”  
His wife’s voice echoed around his head as he dropped a soft kiss to the top of Emmy’s head and smiled.
That was just another time in a long list of instances his wife had been right.
***** Chapter 42 Part 1
**Original Posting**
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Patient || Kylo Ren/Ben Solo x Reader ~ Part 4
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A/N: Part 4! Thanks for everyone’s patience (lol) with this part - Uni has been incredibly time consuming and I’ve just been too tired to write anything - so I’m trying to write a few things in advance on my Christmas holiday! I think there should only be one or two more parts in this series, and feedback is always welcome :)
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 
Main Masterlist
Star Wars Masterlist
“What’s your reason?” Your eyes flickered up to meet Kylo’s after he spoke, trying to make sense of his question as your eyes unintentionally trailed over his face.
“My reason for what, Sir?” You eventually replied as you gave up trying to figure out what he was talking about. Why did he have to speak so cryptically? “You’re going to have to give me more than that – it could mean anything knowing you.” You smiled cheekily at him from your position at the end of his bed; this time he’d called you with a deep gash stretching up the side of his left leg. It looked incredibly painful, and you couldn’t comprehend how he was purposefully putting himself through this much pain just to see you – at least, that’s what you hoped he was doing, otherwise you were completely misreading this whole situation.
“You reason for joining the First Order.” Kylo spoke bluntly. “You’ve been fixing me up for months now, and yet I feel like we are still strangers to each other.” If you hadn’t just averted your gaze back to his leg, you might have noticed the corners of his lips twitch up into the slightest shadow of a smile – but it was gone as quickly as it came.
“Oh! Oh, right, of course.” You smiled. “Well, my father was the Chief Medical Officer when he was in the First Order, and on his breaks he’d always try and teach me as much as he could about medicine before my mother caught him teaching me things that were too gory or troubling for my ‘young eyes’.” You huffed out a laugh at the thought of your parents. “So I joined because I wanted to be a Doctor and to hopefully be the Chief Medical Officer myself one day – I love my father and I’d be proud to follow in his footsteps and be as half as successful as he was.”
“And I wouldn’t say we’re strangers – I mean I’m pretty familiar with your body by now.” Your eyes widened at the realisation of what you said, and you continued in slight panic. “Not like that! I didn’t mean it to sound like that at all, Sir, oh dear.” You sighed, deflated. “I look like such an idiot now.” You muttered under your breath, as you returned your efforts to applying some soothing balm to Kylo’s wound, and preparing the equipment you’d need to give him stitches.
“It’s alright.” Kylo peered down at his leg to try and see what you were doing. “I’m used to your tongue-tied manner of speaking by now.” You raised your eyebrows in surprise.
You let out a giggle at his attempt at a mild joke, and the rest of your visit was spent in friendly silence, dispersed with the occasional small talk.
 “Y/N!” You jerked upright in your seat, blinking rapidly as you came to your senses, the memory of one of your favourite interactions with Kylo fading from your mind. Yasmyn was staring at you in slight concern. “Are you alright? I’ve been trying to get your attention for a minute now.”
“Oh yes, sorry!” You sighed, running a hand through your hair distractedly. “I’m fine thanks, just a bit tired I guess.” You adjusted yourself on Yasmyn’s bed; the two of you were having your weekly girl’s night – or as girly as it could get aboard the ship.
“Something on your mind?” Yasmyn asked sympathetically as she finished braiding her long, dark hair. “Or someone?” She grinned at you, wiggling her eyebrows. “Maybe someone tall, dark and mysterious?”
“I wasn’t thinking about Kylo.” You chided firmly, trying not to let your blush be too visible. At least once every girl’s night the topic of Kylo Ren would be brought up, as Yasmyn was always eager to hear about what the you and Kylo had shared with each other, because ‘even though he’s practically the leader of our fleet, nobody knows anything about him, and the gossip on this ship is so dry, your relationship with Kylo is the only thing I have going right now’.
“I never said you were thinking about Kylo.” Yasmyn grinned triumphantly. “I only said you might be thinking about someone tall, dark and mysterious. I never said it was Kylo, Y/N. I never said-” She was cut off as you threw a pillow at her face in retaliation.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Another two months had gone by since Kylo’s incident with the ‘scavenger girl’ – although it was never too easy to tell the time in space, and you had gone from being someone relatively quiet and unknown except to those you worked with, to someone whose name was slowly being passed around the entire ship. This wasn’t your fault – you hated having more attention than was necessary – no, the only person you could blame for this sort of attention was none other than Kylo Ren.
Over these two months, he’d managed to amass a mysterious amounts of injuries – when you compared the sheer amount of times you’d been called in to the times he was off the ship or in training, you were finding it harder and harder to believe that Kylo wasn’t getting all these injuries on purpose. But try as you might, you couldn’t really complain about it, as every time that you were called to assist Kylo, the more you got to know him, and the more you opened up to him.
But the closer the two of you grew, the more the rumours started to spread around the ship; and they were very clearly not in your favour. Because the more you were sent to assist Kylo, the more your co-workers noticed, and the nosier they all got; every time you returned from a trip to Kylo’s room you were crowded with questions from those closer to you, and judgemental and resentful glances from everyone else.
By now, whether because of these rumours or not, you’d got a reputation for yourself, and had even been personally called by other high-ranking officers to personally assist them – if you were good enough for Kylo Ren, then you were good enough for them. And that was actually how you got yourself into the situation that you were currently in. You were currently attending a very important meeting regarding a mission that would put quite a lot of Stormtroopers at risk, so you had also brought various medical records and lists of all the medical equipment on-board the ship. You had also had to evaluate the percentages of how many soldiers would either die or be seriously injured, so the rest of the medical team could prepare the right amount of equipment.
When the meeting was originally arranged, it was supposed to be attended by the Chief Medical Officer, however he was needed elsewhere; he had an emergency surgery that he needed to attend, and he trusted you out of all the other medics to cover for him. Possibly because he knew Kylo…favoured you over everyone else.
“So,” General Hux spoke up, finally starting the meeting. “The attack on the rebel base will begin with at least a quarter of the soldiers on-board, as we currently only have a rough estimate of just how many rebel soldiers are hiding out in that base.” You nodded, typing out quick notes on your personal padd for later.
“We’ll most likely be sending about one third or our forces down to begin with – enough to scare the rebel forces and if needed we can send in reinforcements.” Hux moved tiny digital figures about on a screen, illustrating where each group of the forces would be positioned to attack the base. “The rest of the fleet will be on standby in case a new strategy is required and a temporary retreat is needed. I would hope that our forces aren’t pathetic enough for us to even consider retreating.” He turned abruptly, eyeing you haughtily. “Do we have sufficient medical supplies for the foreseeable casualties?”
You looked up nervously from your padd – you’d been making rough notes about this most recent plan so you could report back to your boss and he could begin to prepare everything.
“Yes, General Hux, I do believe that we have enough supplies.” You pulled yourself together, trying not to ‘um’ and ‘err’ your way through your sentence. “But of course, I will send all the necessary figures to my superior as I do not have full access to all our equipment, and in the case that there are any supplies we may be short on.” You added as an afterthought – if there was anything that needed to be ordered you didn’t want the responsibility to be solely yours. “One third of the forces was it? And the rest on standby…” You re-capped while scribbling down extra notes. “And my superior sends his most sincere apologies that he could not be here instead of me.”
“No matter.” General Hux waved away your apology indifferently. “As long as all information gets relayed I could not care less who is here in his stead.” And with that, he continued with explaining the various stages of the attack.
Then, just as you were retreating slightly back into the mass of officers crowded around the main screen, you heard someone speak under their breath; ‘Well, it won’t be long until she does have authority to all our medical supplies, considering she’s been sleeping her way to the top with Ren. And then who knows how irresponsibly she’d use our supplies.”
You stop where you stand, feeling a flush creep up your face, turning it bright red in embarrassment. You could see those nearest to you glancing in your direction with obvious distain and disapproval, as if they were imagining a future where you were in some ways their superior. You could hear whispers on every side, many of them agreeing with the nameless whisperer, and you finally opened your mouth to defend yourself, when-
“I hope you’re not insinuating that I, the descendant of Darth Vader, would be capable of behaving like a common whore on my ship.” Kylo’s cold, slightly robotic voice echoed loudly across the room, silencing everyone, including General Hux. Nobody dared to speak, and you stood frozen in a mix of fear and embarrassment. “Because that’s certainly what it sounded like, Lieutenant Kendell.” At this, a few people subtly turned their heads in the direction of the offending statement, and you turned to see a relatively weedy looking man visibly shrink away from Kylo.
“I- of course, no sir, I didn’t mean to offend you-” You watched him backtrack, stammering over his response as Kylo simply stood, watching him. “I-I simply wish to see our forces grow and thrive, and was only remarking that this medic would not be our best way of seeing this happen – I mean she may be far too inexperienced for such a role-”
“So you assume she is using me to gain status? Her family name far outranks yours in any case, Lieutenant, so such foolish thoughts are unnecessary.” Kylo interrupted, and the room seemed to grow darker. “You assumed that I would succumb to any such advances?” He took one single step towards the unfortunate Lieutenant. “You forget your place, Lieutenant. It would be wise not to do so again in the future. It would be unfortunate to lose a member of our staff because of such a foolish mistake.” With this threat hanging in the air, he turned, cape flowing dramatically behind him, to face Hux, who continued his speech.
As everyone began to settle down, you couldn’t help but let your mind wander as you replayed the conflict. You weren’t hurt by Kylo’s behaviour, more confused that he would go out of his way to seemingly defend your honour – you assumed he wouldn’t want people to know that the two of you were even relatively acquainted. You mulled over your thoughts, confusion fogging your mind as you absentmindedly followed suite and exited the room amidst the other officers, heading back to the med-wing.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Later that day, after you’d relayed all information back to your boss, and sent him the notes you’d made, you finally made the journey back to your room. Luckily, it was your day off tomorrow, so you could afford to have a nice, relaxing shower that would hopefully clear your mind of the stresses of the day.
Eventually, when you’d got out of the shower and put on less formal clothes, (not quite pyjamas – these were your own clothes so your evening consisted of leggings and an oversized shirt) you just so happened to check your padd for any messages from Yas, when you saw a message in your inbox that was unread. Upon checking it, your blood ran cold – it had been sent 8 minutes ago, and it was from Kylo himself. Not another officer messaging on his behalf, but from Kylo himself.
You sat bolt upright from where you had been reclining in bed, and double checked the message. It was from Kylo alright, and it had been sent-
“Eight minutes ago?!” You shrieked, hurriedly scrambling to your feet, shoving your feet in your usual uniformed shoes, pulling on a long cardigan and rushing out of your room. It took you longer than eight minutes to get to Kylo’s chambers, but it was a decent enough amount of delay from the time the message was sent to when you actually saw it, that Kylo would be sure to notice that you were eight minutes later than you should have been. He didn’t even set a time; he had simply requested your presence in his chamber, but the underlying message was that your presence was to be requested immediately.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
About fifteen minutes later, you skidded to a halt outside Kylo’s chambers, having run most of the way there. You frantically tried to catch your breath as you smoothed your hair, trying to appear as though you hadn’t spent the last fifteen minutes worrying that your lungs were going to explode. You introduced yourself to the guards outside Kylo’s room, and no sooner than you spoke the door slid open, one of the guards gesturing for you to go through.
“You’re late.” Kylo stated after the door had closed behind you. He was standing at his window, back to you, helmet off.
“My apologies, Sir.” You began, taking a few cautious steps forwards. “I was…well, occupied at the time that you sent the message. Believe me, I would have come sooner if I had seen your request sooner-”
“Occupied?” Kylo turned to face you, his expression impassive as ever; his interrupting statement, rather than question lingering in the air. “I was under the impression that once your shift was over you no longer need to be occupied.”
“Um...” You flushed slightly, subconsciously running a hand through your damp hair. “Occupied…in my shower?” You avoided his burning stare. There was silence for a moment, as if Kylo was trying to determine whether or not he believed you without delving too deep into your mind.
“You are excused of your tardiness this time.” He eventually spoke, and you relaxed slightly.
“If I may, Sir, why did you want me here?” You ventured, rocking back and forth on your heels as you glanced around the (now) familiar room. “If it’s to do with the comments made in the meeting earlier, I apologise if I’ve done anything to-to damage your reputation-”
“If anyone was going to ruin my reputation, it would not be you.” He cut in coolly. “You are not exactly in a position to do so.” He gestured to a chair set out in front of his desk. “Sit. We have much to discuss.” You did as he said, shifting around on the surprisingly soft seat, trying to get comfortable. He too, sat down in a chair he seemingly pulled out of the shadows of his room.
“If you think it is better for not to…run into each other more often, Sir, I understand that.” You started, leaning forwards in your seat. “I feel like rumours about-” you paused, unsure if you could refer to whatever the two of you were as ‘us’, but decided to go with it anyway. “Us, have been following me for almost a week now and it could ruin any chance I have of becoming Chief Medical Officer because everyone thinks I just sleep around and haven’t earned my place because of my family name.” You continued in frustration. “And it doesn’t help that, no offence, you seem to acquire a range of injuries from who knows where, and nobody else seems to want to take up the job because they’re convinced we’re having an affair or something – I’m lucky my boss is sympathetic towards me otherwise I could have lost my job or been demoted by now.” The words seemed to tumble from your lips, unending.
“You think my situation is any better?” Kylo stood, beginning to pace around the room. “I have the power of the Force, I can easily tell what people are thinking, and they do little to conceal their thoughts in my presence.” He spun on his heel, his bulking form towering over you. “I will not be taken for a fool by those pathetic enough to believe such rumours. I will not let them defile my name and my presence, or yours-” he cut himself off as his voice grew louder in anger. You stood as well, anxiously wringing your hands.
“I appreciate that, Sir.” You said quietly. “I know what’s on the line for you, and I’m sorry that it got this far. Maybe it would be better for a different medic to attend to your many injuries.” You felt more dejected than you probably should – after all this was a professional relationship.
“That won’t be necessary. While I am sure your co-workers are capable at doing their job, I know that you are most familiar with what antidotes work with my body and what do not.” Kylo dismissed your suggestion.
“Well what do you suggest?” You asked, a hint of exasperation in your tone. “While I do enjoy your company, Sir, I don’t want our meetings to affect your image.” There was a pause as Kylo took in your words.
“No. I will not be bullied by my insubordinates.” You heard him say, almost to himself. “We shouldn’t even be having this conversation; I don’t need to please the rest of the fleet – I just need them to win me this fight against the rebellion.” He strode to stand in front of you, and you gazed up at him. “I should not have to change my behaviour for them, and neither should you.” You opened your mouth in protest.
“But Sir, I-”
“You are under my protection. If there is anyone giving you trouble, you will report it straight to me.” He stood tall, not like that was hard for him to do, and you swallowed heavily, in awe of the sheer power he radiated. “That is an order. Do you understand?” His voice grew quieter at the end of his sentence; but he was no less grand.
“Yes, Sir.” You replied, suddenly finding it difficult to speak clearly, a smile visible on your face for the first time that day. “Thank you, Sir.”
“I think we’re past the use of such formalities, considering that today you’ve been accused of sleeping your way to power and I have been accused of doing such with someone of a lower station.” He said smoothly, his face as clear of emotion as ever.
“How else should I address you?” You asked, slightly flustered. (And slightly stung by the ‘lower station’ jab but it was the truth.) This must be one of the most bizarre days of my life, you thought to yourself, mind racing.
“You strike me as an intelligent woman, Officer Y/N; surely you do not need me to spell it out for you. Obviously the usual title when others are present.” He said, now walking you towards his door, hands behind his back, his form looming over yours. “Just because I allowed you to address me as such in private, I must remind you I will not be as lenient when we are in public.” He said placidly.
You nodded in acknowledgement. Kylo it is then – that was the only less formal title that you could think of. “Of course. I wouldn't dream of doing any such thing, Kylo.” You saw the left corner of his mouth twitch ever so slightly at your words as he opened the door, allowing you to step through. “I do hope you don't over-exert yourself in training, or do anything to worsen your injuries.” You called as you started to walk back down the corridor. “It would be a shame to meet again so prematurely.” For one of the most feared men in the galaxy, he isn’t nearly as subtle as he thinks, your smile widening as you walk back in the direction of your room, and you could have sworn you heard a chuckle echo down the corridor behind you.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Taglist: @ah-callie​
(also tagging @joscelyn02​ - just in case you wanted to know when the next part was out :) )
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whumpster-fire · 3 years
Athanasia Part 2: The Traveler
Okay I finally wrote some Tansy comfort! Or at least rescue, since the poor thing’s still not in good shape.
Tansy’s refsheet
Part 1
CONTENT WARNINGS: Animal Whump, monster whump, mention of past animal cruelty, infected wounds, amputation mention, marginally competent caretaker
The man stumbled through the door of the inn the moment it opened, bringing quite a bit of rainwater with him. William stepped back out of the way and hurriedly replaced the bolt. He briskly lurched back to the desk ahead of the traveler, and hurriedly stuffed the almanac he’d been squinting at by candlelight back in the drawer. It was boring work waiting at the desk just in case someone happened to show up late at night. Especially on a night like this. Not many travelers on the road after a whole afternoon of pouring rain, not to mention the wind. But if one did happen to turn up, they wouldn’t want to be kept waiting at the door in such foul weather.
William apologized, but the traveler didn’t seem bothered. He wordlessly took his time taking off his wide-brimmed hat and shaking the water off, and adjusting his heavily-patched cloak. After looking around for a place to hang it and finding none, he haphazardly put it back on and shuffled up to the desk, setting a waterlogged tin lantern on it.
“Evening.” The stranger kept one arm around his cloak, holding the front closed. William thought he saw an odd lump underneath – but no, just the cloth and the flickering light. He had a large pack over his back that clanked with his movements. A peddler of some sort. More than a few came through the town this time of year. There was something odd about this one, though. The way he wasn’t looking directly at William. Just for a moment, their eyes met, and he felt goosebumps rise on his arms. They had a strange yellow glow. William thought about waking his father, but – no, there was no point. A guest was a guest. And if this man… well, wasn’t, it seemed best not to anger him or turn away an unearthly traveler in a storm. That was how people ended up turned to frogs or cursed in children’s stories.
“Quite a storm out there, eh?” William asked nervously.
“Aye. Bloody road’s turned to a mire.”
“The courtyard’s no better. Do you have a horse?” Will immediately kicked himself. The pack made it obvious he was traveling on foot.
“Will you be staying more than one night?”
“In town, maybe. Here… likely not. One night, a hot meal, and...” the man kept his gaze riveted on William’s guest ledger. “Do you have a room with no one else in it?”
“Err...” he scanned the ledger. “We have two tonight. Not as much business as usual.”
“How much to keep it that way? Just for one night?”
That was a strange request. Unusual but not unheard of if someone important had no better accommodations than the coachman’s inn, but from a simple tradesman? William added the numbers up in his head. “That’d be… a shilling.” He caught the man’s wince, and reconsidered. There were enough beds available that there wouldn’t likely be a pressing need for the others tonight, not after this hour, in this weather. In this weather the traveler wouldn’t be inclined to take his business elsewhere, he’d probably just pay for a bed if he couldn’t afford that, but that would just be threepence, six if he wanted a bed to himself. Should he get Father? No, he could handle this himself. “Or, on second thought, if it’s just for the night we probably won’t have to turn anyone away on your account, so… eightpence?”
“Thank you.” The man reached under his cloak, being very careful to keep it held closed. Muttering under his breath, he fished out a few coins, then a few more. “One more thing… do you have a hearth where I can boil water and a few clean rags, to wash with? And a washbasin?”
“Err… there is a bath down the street a ways, that’ll be open in the morning.” It was another strange request. “Is there something… urgent?”
The man looked like he was struggling to come up with something. “Took a bad fall earlier, onto a branch and some gravel. Just want to make sure that gets cleaned, and I’d rather not catch my death trying to wash it out in this rain.”
“Oh. Sorry. I – there should be some rags I can borrow, and you can ask Mother about payment in the morning.”
“Thank you, young man. I appreciate your hospitality.”
Young man? William stared at the stranger. He had a long, brown, unkempt beard, but he didn’t look that much older than William was. He shrugged. “I’ll take you to your room in a moment – I didn’t catch your name, I have to put that in the -”
“There’s… two Johns here already, sir.”
William noticed that John Markeley had a slight limp he hadn’t seen before as he lead the traveler to the room. But he shrugged as he went down to fetch a few rags and a bowl of the evening’s stew. It wasn’t his business to pry. He figured either the man had something embarrassing wrong with him, or something that William didn’t want to bring down upon himself by asking too many questions. But a guest was a guest.
The small creature hiding inside the traveler’s cloak freezes when she hears the knock, and the door creak open. She is still shaking – she tries to stop but she is so cold, and so hurt, and so frightened, that she can’t. She thought he wouldn’t hurt her – but he is taking her into a building! Closer to other humans. Closer to another cage. She can’t go back! She can’t go back!
She wants to wriggle out of his grasp, to jump to the ground and run and hide. But where would she go? Where would she go? She is too weak to run, too weak to do anything but crawl, and not very far. One of her back paws was broken in the fall that smashed the cage open. One of her forepaws was broken many days ago, and she is so weak from hunger that it has not healed. All she can do is cling to his clothes with what little strength she has.
She hears their voices, hears a voice she recognizes. A young man who has thrown things at her when she was in the cage on the gibbet. And before that when they made a show out of hurting her, out of trying to kill her, he sometimes helped. She bares her teeth, but she cannot make a sound. She has to stay quiet! If he finds her… she knows he will make sure she is caged again. Or worse. She remembers the whip in his hand, flaying her side open, and shudders.
The door has closed behind the traveler. It is too late to escape. She is trapped. She is going to… she is going to die here. Maybe. Nothing anyone has done to her before has killed her, but they stopped feeding her many days ago, and she has never been this hungry before ever. She has become so weak her wounds have stopped healing, and she is afraid she will rot away to nothing like the man who was hung on the gibbet beside her in a larger cage.
Footsteps take her farther from the door. Farther from safety. Through another door. The traveler and the young man speak to each other again, and the second door opens and closes. She hears footsteps faintly through it, getting farther away, and finally lets out a whimper of pain. Her leg hurts so much. It is being twisted and bent in a wrong way by him holding her under the cloak, and it feels like it is being  torn off. The creature feels dizzy, and sick. She squirms, trying to get free.
“Not yet. Not yet.” The traveler’s voice, low and deep but gentle, says. She hears it, and she can feel the words rumble in his chest. “Sshhh… hold still. I’m not gonna hurt you.”
The creature cannot understand all the words, but she understands enough of them. The people of the town do not talk quite like the people she knew before she was gotten rid of, but she has been in the cage for long enough that she has learned a lot of it, listening for the words that are about her, the words that mean pain.
She waits, trembling, while the man slowly paces back and forth, his boots heavy on the hard floor. Every step jostles her painfully. The young man comes back once more, and he comes so frighteningly close that she is sure he almost touches her, but she cannot see where he is. She tenses, expecting a blow to come out of nowhere. But it never does. Instead, he leaves again and the door closes.
The traveler takes her out of his cloak. He holds her around her chest, firmly but not squeezing enough to hurt her much. She tries to hold still. But thunder crashes outside, so loud the creature’s ears ring and the window rattles in its frame. With a terrified growl-yelp she twists in his grasp, kicking and scratching at his arm and biting at his glove. He hisses in pain himself and drops her. The instant her paws touch the floor she scrambles underneath the bed and cowers there, glaring out at him. Her heart is pounding so hard it feels like her ribs will burst.
She is sure he will hurt her. She is sure he will drag her out from under the bed and throw her against the wall or stomp on her or beat her with the iron stick next to the hearth. Every time she has clawed or bitten her captors they have hurt her so badly that any other creature would die several times over. But he just takes his glove off and shakes his thumb, and holds where she bit him, and sits there calmly, watching her.
“Come on out. Come on, let’s get a better look at you.” The traveler pokes at a wooden bowl with a spoon. Steam is rising from it. The creature sniffs the air. She has been too sick to smell much for a while, but she can still make out the scents of cooked meat and vegetables. “You’re hungry, aren’t you? C’mon, there’s got to be some meat in this stew… here. Here’s a little. I think it’s mutton.”
He brings a piece closer to her. She sniffs at it, reaching her head out from under the bed, but flinching back underneath when he moves a little. It has to be a trap. She knows it has to be a trap. She knows how people use food to draw creatures into danger. But she is so hungry! It has been so long since she was fed enough, so long since she was fed at all. She slowly creeps out, stretching out her neck towards the meat. It does not smell as good after being cooked. There are so many plant smells mixed in, and she does not know if some of them are poisonous, but she has to eat. She snatches the piece, and scarfs it down. But just crawling out from under the bed takes all her strength. She tries to run back under, but her sight goes blurry and her legs will not bear her weight. The floor doesn’t feel solid, it still feels like the cage swaying in the wind. The tiny bit of meat almost comes back up. She lies there, panting, trying to make herself as small as possible because she is sure she will be struck or grabbed.
But the blow never comes. The man raises a hand, but stops when he sees her flinch. “Poor thing. You’re naught but skin and bones.”
He fishes another piece of meat out of the bowl and inches the spoon closer to her. The creature snatches it again, this time with less hesitation. It is not fresh, but it is not rotten. Not like what they fed her half the time, when they bothered to feed her at all. It is wet with broth, but it is salty, and it makes her mouth so dry she can barely swallow. The third bite she can only chew and spit out, even though she is still desperately hungry. She has not been given any water for days.
But he seems to notice. There is a pot and a pitcher full of water that was brought to the room along with the food. He digs a metal cup out of his pack and fills it with water. She sniffs at it carefully, because sometimes they gave her bad water and it made her sick. But it smells clean. She laps at it until the effort of holding her head up makes her neck and shoulders hurt. She has to stop even though she is still thirsty because it feels like her stomach will burst.
And the water is bitterly cold. It is warmer in here than out in the rain, and it is dry, but the creature is still soaking wet. Her fur is not very good at keeping the water away from her skin, especially not after many days of it being so dirty she could not bear to groom herself. The rain has chilled her to the bone, and her waterlogged fur was flattened against her body even before the gibbet fell, even before the cage broke, even before she fell in the deep, muddy puddles that the road turned into. She is covered in mud now. It is so cold and clammy and heavy and uncomfortable. She hates it so much, but she doesn’t have the energy to try to get it out of her fur. Even out of the rain, she cannot stop shivering, and her paws and her ears and her nose are burning with pain they are so cold.
The man has been eating too, but every time he finds a piece of meat in the stew he offers it to her. There was not much in it, but it was enough that the thought of eating more right now makes her feel sick. She wraps her tail around herself even though it is too sodden to keep any of the cold away, trembling violently. She can feel the warmth of the fire, but she is afraid to get any closer. She does not think he will push her into it or burn her with the poker, but they have done that and much worse to her before.
He sets the bowl aside and reaches out slowly, keeping his fingers low. Like he is offering his hand to her. Or like he is showing it to her. He stops far enough away that she has to crawl forward to sniff at it. It smells of people and metal and charcoal and blood. His blood. His finger is smeared red, but she cannot tell where the wound is.
“It’s all right. It’s already closed. See?” He dips his finger into the pot of water that has been hanging near the fire. He grimaces and takes it off its chain. He rubs his finger with his other hand, wiping the blood away. “You’re like me, aren’t you?”
Two pairs of yellow eyes meet. His are not quite like hers – they have round pupils like other humans, and the irises are small like theirs – but they are so different. And so kind. The creature does not understand the words at first, but she understands that moment of connection out there in the storm, when she let him pick her up, when she trusted him, was real.
She closes her eyes, and lets her head slump to the floor. And this time, the touch she braces herself for does come. Just a gentle touch, one or two fingers stroking her head, brushing her ears. It still hurts, because her forehead and ears were cut and scrapped by sharp broken iron when she dragged herself out of the cage, but long-faded memories come back to the surface. Memories of gentle, comforting touch, of soft voices, of being held without being grabbed and restrained.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” he says again. “But you’re half-frozen. I can’t leave you in this state. I’m going to get you clean and dry. It might hurt a little, but you’re going to feel better. Trust me.” He wets his hand in the pot of water, and strokes her head again. It feels warm, warmer than water should ever be, but the warmth is not bad. It actually feels pleasant.
She is still nervous, but she lets him touch her more. She does not bite or pull away even when he lifts her up and sets her into a metal basin. But only because she is frozen in fear except for the shivering. No! No! He is not going to drown her. He is not going to drown her, he is not going to pour boiling water on her! But it is so hard to believe that he won’t. She tries to scramble out, but her legs still hardly bear any weight, and it hurts so much to even try that she cries out. And her paws have pushed the piece of cloth he put down under her away, leaving just the cold metal. She holds herself up on the rim of the basin with her good forepaw even though it is burning from the cold.
To her surprise he does not fill the basin, though. He dips a rag in the warm water, soaking it, and lets her sniff it and poke it with her nose to make sure it is not too hot before he slides it over her fur. He barely touches her at first, but then presses down harder, wiping the mud away bit by bit. He rubs his fingers through her fur, drawing it out into spikes. Slowly, the numbing cold of the mud and rainwater is replaced by the faint warmth. The cloth was already dirty gray, but it becomes almost black, and the water pooling at her feet is so dark she cannot see the bottom of the basin. She is leaning awkwardly on her side to keep her weight off her hurt back leg, but it is painful to keep holding herself up like this. She loses her grip, and falls with a splash and a yelp.
The hardest part to hold still for is when he washes her legs and her belly. He has to take her out of the basin and set her on a motheaten cloth so he can reach. No matter how gently he touches her it causes horrible, sickening pain, and it takes all her willpower not to bite.
“Good girl. I know it hurts, just be patient.”
He grimaces, examining her hurt foreleg. The rain and the mud and the warm water must have drowned the maggots, but the fur and skin are so crusted with blood and pus that it does not wash away.
“I don’t know if this leg can be saved.” His eyes are so sad, so sympathetic. His hand shakes a little as he holds her paw. She can still feel it, but it is broken so badly the bones have come out through the skin, and the torn flesh is rotting away. “Christ’s weeping syphilitic lesions,” he mutters through gritted teeth. A spark of anger flashes in his eyes, but she can tell it is not at her. “If it were my own hand I’d see a surgeon about cutting it off, or else look to a bottle of strong drink and a hatchet, but you… for all I know the surgeon’s the one that did that to you, hmm?” He yawns, and runs his hand through his beard. “Don’t even know if it’d grow back, and even if it did you’d think I betrayed you.” He sighs.
The creature blinks at him. Her eyelids are heavy with exhaustion, and the words barely make sense anymore. Her head is throbbing with deep, dull pain like it has been struck over and over. It takes a long time for her to understand any of what he says, but when she does her eyes widen with alarm. Leg… saved… cutting off… grow back. She shrinks away, her eyes darting around the room, but they are sluggish, not focusing on anything. There is no way out… no way out… is he going to hurt her? To cut her leg off? She draws it close to herself, trying to tuck it under her body. She winces as the broken place is moved, and gasps in pain.
But there is a little flash of the terrible scent of rot and disease. She sniffs at the wound again, even though she knows it is bad. She has for a long time, but her nose had grown numb to the smell of decay because it was all around her. It is like now that it is clean, she notices it more.
She has chewed her paw off before – once, when it was caught in a snare a long time ago. And another time, when they put her in a long cage and chained her paw to one end and lit a fire under her. But only when she was so frightened she could not think of anything but escape, and it hurt so much she was afraid to ever do it again. And she knows that if the wound would not heal, it would not grow back either.
But maybe now… not now, but if she is able to get away, if she is able to find food…
The creature limps forward, dragging herself along the rough wood floor until she is right next to the man. Tears fill her eyes. The water soaking her fur has become cold again, and she is shivering violently. But she holds the broken leg out in front of her. He does not understand at first, but finally the creature works up the courage to do what she was too scared to for a long time. She bites down on her leg.
Immediately she cries out in pain. She barely breaks the skin, but the taste of her own blood makes her feel sick.
“No!” the man raises his voice for the first time, and lunges for her. The creature shrieks in fear and shies away, but her back leg crumples under her and she rolls onto her back, tail tucked between her legs.
“Sorry. Sorry I shouted. Don’t hurt yourself, all right?” he offers his hand for her to sniff again. “You don’t need to...” his eyes widen in shock, in disbelief. “...You can understand me?”
She does not know how to tell him she can. She just holds the broken leg out in front of her again. She has to trust him… she has to trust him…
“Damn this,” he mutters. He examines the wound again. “I can try to clean it up a bit, wrap it up… for tonight at least. It’s going to hurt, though. And if it’s gotten worse by tomorrow… the best thing for you’s just to cut it off.”
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lys-lilac · 3 years
The Realization of Importance
Part (2/3)
This was in my drafts for so long... So I thought not to let the cliffhanger stay for more time.
A/N: This is to say that all the characters and the main story line belong to Voltage Inc. Only the fictional story is a work of mine, as well the fictional characters, Hana, Touma and Akari. Also this story is based on dream event, because I had this as a dream many days ago. It might be a little different from the usual genre, a little more angsty, so this little girl wants to know your honest opinions about the work. Be honest and do let me know what you think. But, if it feels a little bit dreamy or weird, you can discontinue reading from here.
Part 1 II Part 3
                                                  Part (2/3)
Okay, now that I have cried so much and wiped away my tears, it's time to figure out things. How this all happened, or maybe I am still snoozing.
MC: But first, I need to find somewhere to live for now...
I can't probably return to my apartment, because the other me might be living there. Even if I go there, I will feel awkwardness surrounding me. So, I decide to take shelter in Asuka's home for tonight.
[Asuka’s Home] 
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{A/N: This is not shown in the MS, so I just added a fictional place}
A surprised Asuka greets me at the door.
Asuka: MC?
MC: Hey Asuka, if it's not troublesome, can I stay here for the night?
Asuka: Of course, come in.
Relieved that Asuka didn't doubt me, I put the slippers on and sit on the sofa in the living room.
Asuka: Color me surprised though, what brings you here, and today itself?
MC: Hmm? Can't I visit your home and stay over like we did in university days? I was just hit with nostalgia and-
Asuka: That's not the case. Didn't you tell me during lunch that you and Dr. Kasumi are going home together for the first time in two weeks of exhaustive work?
MC: ...
Now that I think about it, I arrived here in the evening, so it might be possible that I didn't know about the schedule beforehand. For now, I have to find an excuse to convince her.
MC: Err... yeah! Kasumi had some post-OP scheduled with new interns, so he told me to leave early, but due to the weather...
Wiping my hair and damp clothes with a towel, Asuka nods her head as if she understood what I meant.
Asuka: Poor girl... You could just have given a call, so that I could have rushed there.
MC: Asukaa!! You are literally my paradis-
Asuka: But, that would have caused Dr. Kasumi to blame me for stealing his girl.
MC: Wha?
With her light banter, we both break out into a laughter. She is really a savior to me, even though she doesn’t know the situation now.
Getting into a pair of PJs that Asuka gave me, I lie down on the sofa. Events of the day start reeling in my mind. Now’s the time to figure out what exactly happened. Is it just a dream? But it’s too realistic... Or what if I am thrown to another world, just like what happens in mangas?
A little bit confused, I open up to do list on my cell phone to check the schedule, but the next sight leaves me agape.
MC: I am a new resident in cardiovascular surgery starting from tomorrow?! 
And my name is not MC, it’s... Hana? Well, it’s better this way, as anyone will not get confused anymore. After all, I am someone who is not meant to be here...
MC: Gahh! I will think about it tomorrow, otherwise who knows what will happen to my brain... I might as well get an ischemic stroke in this situation.
Putting a lid to my thoughts, I doze off to sleep.
{A/N: From here, actual MC is Hana, and the other MC is just MC. I just came with a random name for the MC.}
Sekai: MC, you will be all fine... Don’t worry...
Hana: Aww Sekai, thank you... You really are my- wait what? Why are you addressing me as MC?
With a shock, I sit up. 
Hana: Just a dream, huh... Guess I better hurry up.
With a short yawn, I prepare for the day.
[Morning: Dean’s Office]
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Matsunaga: ...and therefore you will be assigned in the cardiovascular surgery starting from today.
Hana: ...
Matsunaga: Hana?
Hana: ! Ye-yes! I completely understand. It is a pleasure to be working with you all.
I bow deeply.
Matsunaga: Though I have to say, you really look like Dr. MC. Are you sure that you are not her long lost twin sister?
Hana: It’s a pure coincidence, haha. But I have a way to recognize both of us!
Matsunaga: Oh?
Hana: Yes. Look at this!
I show him the pearl beaded hair pin in my hair. I bought it when I went to the zoo with Kasumi. But, he might not remember this too.
Matsunaga: That’s a great way. You are really a smart girl!
Smiling on the approval, I bow once again, and leave the office to my work.
On my way to Cardiovascular medicine department, I decide to take a turn towards the EICU. After all the act I put there, I should at least apologize properly. It doesn’t matter if Kasumi doesn’t remember me now. Even though it hurts me to change my behavior towards him, just like strangers for now, I can never let the boy who suffered so much to lose his smile once again. Now, only my job matters!
[Seimei University Hospital EICU]
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As expected, everyone is there for the morning briefing, including the other me. I take a deep breath and knock on the door, making all of their gazes turn towards me. The confusion would have all been over now.
Hana: Good morning, everyone. I am here to apologize for the mess I created here yesterday. I am sure I had hit my head somewhere yesterday that I-
Takado: Can I tell you a copycat? You are exactly the same as this one over here, talking without stopping...
Hana: ...
They didn’t blame me for yesterday. I guess that’s good for now.
Hosho: I am now starting to believe that miracles are true.
Hana: Wha?
Hosho: Yes. I have never in my life met people with such exact features. It’s interesting but confusing at the same time.
Hana: Oh, about that, I have a solution! Look at the hair-pin tucked here. You will recognize me. And it’s not like I will work in the EICU. I have been assigned to the Cardiovascular Surgery from today. So I will rarely visit here.
Kasumi: Oh.
What makes him say that... Well, I can’t think of that myself. Maybe his curiosity is piqued, that’s all.
Kyogoku: Drop by the Pediatrics if you need any help.
MC: We would appreciate your help in the ER too.
Ok, now what? WHAT THE WHAT?! The legendary bodyguard is lending me a hand if I get in any trouble? And the other me... she is like 100 times more sweeter than me. No wonder Kasumi deserves a better one like her, not someone like me who behaves like a child till now.
Ekuni: And, if you run out of snacks, I can recommend you some.
Why are they all so sweet? Keeping my fast beating heart to myself, I mutter a small ‘thanks’, bow once again and leave the EICU. But, I feel a gaze looking at me from behind. Maybe I am hallucinating...
[Seimei University Hospital Cardiovascular Medicine Department]
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After some greetings in the Cardiovascular Surgery Dept., I get to work at once. Apparently due my good grades here too, I am immediately handed a case of a surgery. 
The patient is 11 year old, who is admitted today morning, has tetralogy of Fallot. This disease is generally congenital, which causes cyanosis, that is, bluish skin and oxygen-poor blood to flow out of the heart and to the rest of the body. If treatment is not done soon, it may become more severe.
Without any other delay, I head to the cabin where Touma is. Oh yes, Touma is the patient whose case I have been handed now.
[Seimei University Hospital Private Cabin]
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When I enter the cabin, I see a gloom Touma sitting on the bed with his mother, Akari.
Hana: Good morning, Akari, Touma.
Akari: Good morning, Dr. Hana.
Even though she smiles, I can see her face washed with sadness. It’s okay, after handing so many cases with Kasumi, I have stabilized myself enough to deal with my anxiety. I reach out to her, and with my hand on her back, I look towards Touma, who is also a little bit scared.
Hana: How are you, Touma?
Touma: I- I am fine.
Hana: I know you came here way early in the morning. How about we go and get a drink for ourselves to cheer you up?
A little happy, he nods.
Touma’s treatment is starting from today afternoon, so luckily, saline and other devices have not been put on him for now. Means, he is free to move.
Holding his frail hand, I lead him to the refreshment zone.
[Refreshment zone]
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I grab myself a can of coffee and give a bottle of orange juice to him.
Hana: So, what is Touma’s favorite activity? Hana is curious.
Touma: I like gardening, and going sightseeing.
Hana: Oh? You know how to plant flowers?
Touma: Yeah! Not only that, I know how to plant vegetables and fruits too! You know Hana, I harvested a lot of fruits, like strawberries, grapes last year that we had my friends and mama’s friends to finish it up.
Seeing Touma’s eyes sparkling, confiding in me and trusting me by calling my first name, I couldn’t help but smile.
Hana: Wow! You are really talented, little one! What about sightseeing? What places do you like? 
Touma: I like Hokkaido. The weather there is so beautiful! But... I know I couldn’t do that after the surgery.
The little sun who was brimming just now with happiness, looks like the flame of a flickering candle.
I hold his hand and say.
Hana: I know you can do it. With me here, you can share anything you want. You are strong to handle every problem that comes to you. I can get that from your passion of gardening. Even if a storm comes, you can do anything to protect your little space, right? I want that confidence of yours in you too. 
Touma goes silent. I see his face, surprised, and a little... flushed?
Touma: I brought some dandelions for you, Hana. I thought they could be my thank you gift to you for listening to me.
Hana: Thank you. That’s so sweet of you.
Oh my god. How sweet and mature he is! I was not even half of it during my teenage.
Touma: But, I have a favor to ask.
Hana: Sure, as long as it’s in my reach, I can do it for you.
Touma: After I recover, can you visit with me somewhere?
Hana: Where to?
Touma: I want to show you my garden.
Hana: Oh, sure. I would love to!
The happiness that left his face comes back.
Touma: It’s a date, then!
Hana: ...
What did I hear now? A. DATE. What?! But sighing, I put away the awkward thought and my lips curve upwards.
Touma: Although... Who is that guy behind you?
Surprised that I didn’t notice anyone, I turn backwards and see...
Hana: ?!!
This got a bit long, so I broke it further into two parts. Last part is on the last phase of editing. I will try to post it by tomorrow. Who do you think stands behind Hana? What will happen next?
Stay tuned.
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purplesunrisefanfic · 4 years
Day Out (Abby/GN!reader, fluff)
In which Abby introduces you to a new friend.
Find more of my fics on my AO3 and my Masterlist
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One mild sexual reference.
Reader is shorter than Abby and struggles to keep up with her.
Reader is referred to at one point as “Shorty” in a light-hearted fashion.
Apologies for typos etc
Dedicated to awesome fellow fic author @pinkchubbiebunnie Check out her masterlist here.
“Where exactly are we going?”
“Come on, Shorty, it’ll be worth it!”
You didn’t thank your girlfriend for making that joke right when her long muscular legs were genuinely giving her an easier time of it, and you told her so. Her response? She squats down and gestures for you to hop onto your back! You’d hate her for being such a show off if she wasn’t so hot with it.
Still, you can’t deny you have a lot of fun during your piggyback ride to wherever the hell you’re going on this mystery tour. She goes so gently, and you’re sure it’s because she’s determined not to hurt you even a little. She still manages to be utterly daft despite all her care, with a succession of animal noises, first oinking for the piggyback and then neighing like horse, and you nearly fall off of her with how hard you laugh about it.
Why exactly is she so attractive again, considering how daft she is really? Oh yeah, those arms. Well, all her toned muscles actually, and that cute dorky face when she finds a new coin somewhere, and the way she sweats in the gym, and the...friction against you right now, that you probably shouldn’t focus on until after the mystery tour of fuck-knows-where, Utah is over with. The time is dragging enough as it is.
She gets a bit more serious towards what turns out to be the end of your trip. She checks that an old bench it sturdy before she slowly sets down.
“This should be awesome, but I could have some work to do as well. Dad sent me to check up on this guy so I might need you to play glamorous medical assistant if she’s hurt. That okay, babe?”
“Glamorous?” You snort. “Not sure about filling that job requirement.”
“Shut up,” she tells you, right before she shuts you up herself with a kiss.
You’ve only ever seen them in books before, and it turns out that the creature is even more majestic that you imagined.
“Oh, my God, Abby,” you whisper, dazed.
“Shh, careful. They communicate with posture. Copy mine, and move slowly.”
Then she hands you some green shoots.
As you copy her posture and movement, she whispers confirmation, “Yeah, like that, follow me.”
Following Abby’s lead, you approach the new mother cautiously, both of you offering handfuls of green shoots to eat. It’s mindblowing when you eventually get up close. The strips are so striking against the green backdrop of spring. You’re so captivated you almost forget that you can even touch her, imitating the social grooming that you had previously thought Abby was only teaching to be sweet.
Abby checks underneath the zebra while you continue to groom her. She sounds relieved when she tells you that she’s in great shape and doesn’t need any medical attention. You’re not surprised to see her relax after the check up, either, since you know she doesn’t totally share her father’s ease with clinical stuff.
“Do we have to leave?” You try not to sound sad when you ask her.
“You think I’d drag you all this way to come see your favourite animal without giving the base every excuse in the book for why we’d have to be all day, babe? Nah, we golden so long as we get back by sunset. Even brought us a little picnic in case you get hungry.
You beam at her, eyes torn away from the beautiful creature for the first time since you saw it.
“Oh but I should warn you that I, err, well I do kinda owe Leah every favour in the book right now, so I might be busy with that after today.”
You look perplexed at her, and she chuckles very softly — not wanting to spook your new friend — as she reaches into her bag.
You’re a new level of shocked and struggle not to cry when Abby’s hand emerges from her satchel clutching Leah’s prized possession.
“Really?” She in utter disbelief.
“Yeah,” she confirms, “And with 3 pieces of film, so err, 2 for you and if I’m lucky maybe I get to keep hold of one picture of that smile on your face? Or 3 for you, if you’d rather.”
Two pictures of you with a zebra, two pictures to remember this perfect day by? You could cry.
But you show your sense of humour, too. “Hmm, let’s see, if the rest of the day lives up to this, then I’ll think about letting you keep one, so watch yourself, Anderson,” you tease.
“Deal,” she agrees, become watching you stroke the zebra some more and capturing the happiest she’s ever seen you look to keep forever.
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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[Stand My Heroes] 挽夏のミステリーブライド (Late summer Mystery Bride) Event Story: Part ④ Translations [FINAL]
*Sutamai Master-list *MC name is retained default Izumi Rei *Scenario Writer: @eno_bara (榎戸乃ばら)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Special Stages
⋆⋅☆ Old Castle: Corridor ☆⋅⋆
Rei: ――!
Rei: (…I’m in the Corridors. And it’s back to being Afternoon now.)
Breathing, sight, warmth—All of the basic feelings of being acutely alive suddenly rushed back into my body. That was how I felt.
Rei: (The picture I received from him; it’s gone!)
I had my Smartphone in hand. Looking at the time, I saw that it was the exact same as the time I had originally left the Study to pick up the call.
Rei: (Am I back to reality?)
Gripping onto the cool doorknob of the door, I nervously sucked in a deep breath before pushing it open…
⋆⋅☆ Old Castle: Study ☆⋅⋆
Hinata: …Oh. Are you done with your call?
Rei: Shion-kun…
⋆⋅☆ Old Castle: Study ☆⋅⋆
Miyase: Is everything okay with work?
Rei: Yes…
I smiled as I replied him, but I couldn’t help keeping my eyes trained on Kujo, Kaname, Kirishima, Shindo and Shion, intently watching their every move.
Kaname: …Big sis?
Shindo: Did you see my other self again?
Rei: No, you never did appear again.
Shindo: Hah…?
Kirishima: …Rei, sit here.
I took a seat beside Kirishima as he prompted me to. Atop the table laid an open Album with a familiar photograph.
Rei: This…
Hinata: Yup. This is the only photo that has her looking directly at the camera.
Kaname: This letter was together with it.
Opening it after Kaname passed it to me, I could see the words “As thanks” written in beautiful font.
Miyase: It seems like the owner of this Castle helped her out back when she lost her footing on the steps.
She had told Ayanokouji Hirokimi, “Please allow me to thank you”. To which he had responded with, “Then, allow me to have a picture of that lovable trickster cat of yours.”.
“If possible, I’d love to snap a picture together with it’s owner. I’m sure it’ll make for a nice happy picture”.
Rei: (So he did have a chance to talk to her properly…)
But even so, he never did convey the feelings he had for her even till the very end. And now, he was chained down within this Castle with only his loneliness as company.
--And if what I witnessed earlier wasn’t just a fleeting mid-summer’s dream…
Shindo: What an opportunity. Wouldn’t someone normally ask for something of a high price in return?
Shindo: So the owner of this Castle was someone cowardly in the face of someone he fancies?
That’s…certainly how it looks like. It was a logical conclusion, coming from someone who has never contacted said person before. However, having been moved by the strange string of incidents, I found myself wanting to ask him more about it…
Rei: …Shindo-san, if someone you fancy had already had a lover,
Rei: Would you still convey your feelings to her and not be a coward?
Shindo: What—
Rei: Oh…Sorry, I was just curious.
Shindo: ……
Shindo: --I actually might.
Rei: !
Shindo: (But, that’s only if there’s even a woman out there who’ll out-win my thirst for money.)
Miyase: You’re a passionate one, aren’t you?
Kujo: ――
Shindo: Kujo, wipe that look off your face right this instant.
Kujo: But this is the face I was born with.
Shindo: You know that’s not what I meant.
Kaname: This conversation’s going to moot again.
Hinata: Yaawn…I think I’m starting to get sleepy.
Was it a dream? Or had it been real?
It certainly felt real, but everyone was acting as per normal, as if that strange time I had spent earlier never happened. As such, I returned back to having a peace of mind. --But the information of “Kiyo-san” was ingrained into my memory.
Rei: (I’ll search her up once we get back and find out as much as I can!)
Having put my foot down on that matter, I— Continued staring at the picture that enclosed a sad past for a little while longer.
--A few days later.
⋆⋅☆ Investigation Division One ☆⋅⋆
Asagiri: And here you are, right on time.
Rei: I apologize for coming in when you’re so busy.
Asagiri: I’ve gathered the documents here, regarding what you had spoken to me about previously on the phone.
He handed me an A4-sized tea-coloured envelope. Within it, was the information pertaining to “Niikiyo”.
Asagiri: She’s the daughter of one of the Japan’s Four Great Financial Groups, so there was a relative lot of information that’s known to public saved in the database along with some of her private un-disclosed information.
Rei: I’m truly thankful for this.
Asagiri: …So?
Rei: What?
Asagiri: I’m asking about what you said in the phone call. Are you really going back to see the “ghost” you mentioned, to report all of this information to him?
Rei: Well, yes…I did promise him that I would.
Asagiri: …I know someone from the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine who’s pretty good at what he does. I could introduce you.
Rei: Ahaha…I suppose it’s normal for you to think that I’m hallucinating it all.
Asagiri: ……
Rei: But I think I want to try heading back to that Castle once more.
Rei: And put this to an end, once and for all.
Asagiri: ……
I smiled a little comically as I faced Asagiri in all his muteness.
Rei: If I ever end up seeing anything weird after that…Then I’ll take you up for your referral offer.
Asagiri: --I’ll accompany you.
Rei: Eh? To the Hospital?
Asagiri: To the Castle. I want to try meeting this ghost, or whatever it is, too.
⋆⋅☆ Inside the Car ☆⋅⋆
I was seated in the Passenger seat of the car that Asagiri was driving.
Rei: Sorry. I made you come with me even though it’s a weekend.
Asagiri: I’m the one who decided to come.
Rei: But…
Asagiri: ……
Rei: (It kind of feels harder to talk to him than usual with the atmosphere in here…)
⋆⋅☆ Old Castle: Corridor ☆⋅⋆
We headed down to the Corridors outside the Study, having told the Staff that we had “forgotten something”.
Asagiri: …So where’s this ghost you speak of?
Rei: The last time we saw him, the Teacup fell off the table of it’s own accord.
Rei: And the books flew out of its shelves.
Asagiri: …Ghosts don’t exist.
Rei: (Asagiri-san…)
⋆⋅☆ Old Castle: Study ☆⋅⋆
Reaching the Study, I slotted the envelope with Kiyo-san’s information into the Album.
Rei: --Alright. Let’s go back, Asagi—
Asagiri: You have my gratitude.
Rei: !?
Asagiri: I never thought that’d you’d actually search into it for me.
Saying as such, Asagiri (?) picked up the Album and touched the envelope.
Asagiri: ……
Rei: You’re Ayanokouji-san, aren’t you?
Asagiri: ――Back when I was alive…
Asagiri: ―I thought that I’d lose everything, once the spark of life snuffed out.
Asagiri: ― Affections. Loneliness. Happiness, sadness…--All of it.
Asagiri: But I was mistaken. Everything still resides within me, as vivid as ever.
Asagiri: Affections, loneliness, happiness, sadness…--Therefore,
Asagiri: I wish to stay by you.
Asagiri: I cannot stand being alone any longer.
Rei: A-Asagiri-san…?
Asagiri: If I’m unable to stay by you, then I’d much rather I--…
Asagiri: That’s what I thought, back when I was alive. That’s why I took my own life.
Asagiri: It seems like she had apparently lived out a happy life, thanks to my death.
Asagiri: I’m glad; I really am.
The second he smiled, however-
Rei: Ngh…
I found myself hit by an intense bout of dizziness and had to hold onto the bookshelf to steady myself.
Asagiri: Izumi-san? Is something the matter>
Rei: Ah…
Asagiri: Are you feeling lightheaded?
Rei: Are you…Are you Asagiri-san?
Asagiri: Huh? I am. Why?
Rei: Of course you are…Of course. You are Asagiri-san.
Asagiri: ……
Rei: Sorry. I think I’m a little sleep-deprived.
Asagiri: Did you see something?
Rei: What?
Asagiri: Was the ghost here? Please do tell me more, in detail, if you’re able to explain it.
Asagiri: How was this ghost able to talk to a living person like you?
Rei: Um…
Asagiri: What’s the difference between people who can become ghosts and people who cannot? Please help me ask that ghost, if he’s still here.
Rei: …Err, I think he’s not here anymore.
Asagiri: ��―
Rei: Asagiri-san…?
Asagiri: …Sorry. What foolishness have I spouted— We’re leaving.
Rei: (Ah-)
I couldn’t help but to blurt out the one question that was on the tip of my tongue as I saw his retreating back.
Rei: Asaigiri-san! Why are you so sure that ghosts do not exist?
Rei: And if you believe that they don’t exist, then why did you come along with me today…?
Asagiri slowly turned back around.
No emotions showed on his face. --Or rather, he was intentionally putting on a poker-face, but if I had to describe it, there was a hint of denial to his expressionless-ness.
Asagiri: There is no such thing as ghosts.
Asagiri: …Because I know that there’s no way you can meet someone who has died again.
Rei: ――
Asagiri: Let’s go.
I thought as I followed his retreating back this time.
I’m sure that there’s someone he wants to meet again, even if they were a ghost. But meeting them again is impossible, despite how much he wishes for it. That’s why he’s so determined that ghosts do not exist.
Rei: (…I don’t want to leave him alone like that.)
I know that it was arrogant of me to think so. Perhaps it was even out of my place. --But even so,
Rei: Um! If it’s not any trouble to you, would you allow me to treat you to something as thanks for accompanying me here today!?
He came to a halt as he voiced a reply without turning back.
Asagiri: …Do I get to choose what we’re going to be eating?
Rei: Of course!
A split second was all it took. I heard shoes clicking against the Corridor’s flooring. Asagiri was coming back.
Asagiri: …Then, can we go to the Italian place nearby where there’s all-you-can-eat pizza?
Rei: Let’s go! There was a place like that nearby?
Asagiri: I looked up the places near this place, since we were headed here anyway.
Asagiri: It’s a place where you won’t be wasting any time, for you’ll be able to eat whatever you like—and loads more of the good things.
Rei: That’s a brilliant mind-set you have there.
Asagiri: Rather than it being a mind-set, I’d say…
Asagiri: --That it’s because we’re alive and kicking today as well.
───⋅𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐸𝒩𝒟⋅☆
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silvia7272 · 5 years
3 ~ First Meetings Aren’t Normal Part 2
Well, here's another one folks. Also, I might struggle with original Akuma motives, designs and powers, feel free to suggest ideas to me. Also, if you have any character drawing requests for me please tell me and I may consider it if I have time. This is probably my longest chapter yet. And I really hope you like my OC’s. If there's any other type of information you want, I’ll try to provide it.
Word Count: 4266
Tags: @queenmj10​ @fangirl39​
“Marinette are you ok? You look slightly pale” Sabine mentioned but Marinette just ignored it.
“What is she doing here?” Confused by her daughter's random outburst, blinked.
“Rosina had wished to speak with you about something, and she seemed so friendly, so I offered her some new types of macarons. She is such a sweetheart” Sabine pinched her cheeks lightly while Rosina blushed from embarrassment.
“I’m sorry for seeming to barge into your home Marinette, but my Aunt wanted me to talk to you.” The bluenette stared at her. No way was she a fighter, without a Miraculous there's no way they could fight any enemy, Akuma or not. She hoped she wouldn’t intervene in any of the battles. With Chat as he was, she didn’t want someone else to goof off.
“Ok, Maman I’m going upstairs, we err have some… Stuff to sort out” Her Maman looked so happy at the news.
“Oh, I’m so happy you’ve made a friend you can truly trust Marinette.”
“Huh? But I thought-” Marinette grabbed her collar before dragging her off.
“Ahh wait. Thanks, Mrs Sabine, I love the macaroons I’ll be sure to take some to gooooooo~” Sabine giggled before taking care of the next customer who just came in at that moment.
‘Master Fū why didn’t you tell what to do?’
“Wow, your room is so cool, there are so many materials around here. -Gasp- you have cotton, ah, so soft to the touch” She continued to ramble on about anything within her room. But Marinette still wasn’t pleased.
“What exactly are you doing here?” Rosina paused, turning around with a confused look.
“Complimenting your room?” She answered hesitantly.
“No not that I mean here in Paris. Why are you and your Aunt here?” She questioned further.
“Didn’t Aunty tell you? Aw man, long explanations really aren’t my thing” Crossing her arms and looking in deep thought, a realisation came to Marinette.
“You know my identity, don’t you?” She knew already just wanted to clarify before her next statement.
“Y-Yeah, so-” She was interrupted.
“Are you going to try and become Ladybug? Are you and your Aunt going to take the Miraculous?” Rosina widened her eyes.
“No of course not, I would never even think of that”
“Then why are you here?” Marinette really didn’t trust this girl. Was she lying?
“W-Well Aunty said we’re here to assist the young heroes of Paris. And err yeah that’s it, Hehehe”
She was lying. She was so hiding something Marinette was determined to get to the bottom of it.
“Look if you're trying to get on my good side you can forget it. You won’t trick me like-” She stopped mid-sentence; she really didn’t want to think of that.
“I promise I’m not lying. Aunty researched everything, Mr Wáng once saved Aunty before so this is us repaying him, so that may help, right?” Marinette still narrowed her eyes at her.
“Then why now, this has been happening for a year now, why not before?” She flinched at her words, as if she were on the blink of finding the truth.
“We were… Preoccupied with other events” She looked down appearing to be nervous.
“Really? If you’re just going to lie to me forget it, I don’t need another Lila around me”
“Huh so you know she’s lying too, was that why you didn’t hang out with the class at lunch?” She paused.
Rosina knew Lila was lying?
“How did you-”
“She said she knew Mandarin but didn’t know what dă shì qīn, mà shì ài was, of course, she’s not multicultural, I doubt she’s even Italian, I mean I know Aunty researched the class but she wouldn’t miss something like that” The girl nodded her head in thought while Marinette stood there.
‘She knew? She knows she’s really lying. Can I really trust her?’ She thought until she spoke some words that seemed vaguely familiar.
“I’ll stand by you as well” No, nonono not those words, anything but those words. Please not like he said.
“S-Shut up. Stop lying to me”
“But I’m not-” Rosina tried to explain herself but to no avail.
“Get out of here, I never want to see you again”
“Akuma Alert!! Akuma Alert!!”
“I have to go”
Before the redhead could respond Marinette had already gone up to the balcony when the red Kwami came out.
“Marinette that was rude of you. She was only trying to help. I may not like Mrs Franchezca but that doesn’t mean Rosina is like her. And what if she had been Akumatized? Or even you, Marinette? You need to apologize afterwards” She fretted at the thought, she had just been tired of being backstabbed by the people she thought cared about her.
But maybe she wasn’t like them.
“Yeah Tikki. I’ll apologise and hopefully, I’ll hear her out. But for now…”
“Tikki! Spots On!”
“Well, M’Lady looks like our fates have crossed again.” Chat Noir was seen racing across the rooftops when he was following where the Akuma was going to be.
Ladybug was swinging her Yo-Yo after him, even if the previous events were still on her mind, she couldn’t let them distract her.
“Not now kitty, I have to finish this as soon as possible” The cat in question tilted his head in confusion.
“Aww M’Lady I can’t be that bad, can I? What's your reason for this quick evacuation?”
“Chat, please. I don’t want to talk about it” Naturally Chat wanted to pry, secrets shouldn’t be kept between both of them. He had told her time and again that if she trusted him there shouldn’t be anything he wouldn’t know.
As he was about to snoop, the sight in front, stopped him.
Someone was running along the rooftops!
With a fencing sword no less.
They nodded before rushing towards them. This wasn’t the first time one of the Parisians had tried to help out with an Akuma.
Kagami sure can prove to be a pain in the butt with the number of times she got caught up in the mess.
And don’t get them started on Alya.
They were just about to reach them… When suddenly.
She leapt off the building.
“H-Hey! What are you crazy!?” Ladybug leapt to catch them as Chat Noir continued to run along the buildings, his Lady could take care of that, until they turned around and whispered.
“Marinette” Her eyes widened; it was Rosina. How had she gotten here so fast, and how did she get a fencing sword, they don’t have a Miraculous?
She didn’t catch instead swinging away, before Chat could intervene a light surrounding her sword appeared and turned.
“What the!?” He exclaimed before it died down.
She was safely on the floor but with something moving around her finger.
“Hello, you two. Please inform me of the current plan” Her smile was bright but that didn’t matter to the 2 heroes. They noticed the thing on the girl's finger, but they needed one answer at a time.
“Who are you? And what are you doing here you could’ve got hurt!” She had to pretend she didn’t know her; she didn’t want Chat accusing her of more as well.
But before that happened there was a crash as more people ran away. The thing following the girl whirled around her before turning into a… Gravelling hook.
“Crisono Tassa is my name, I hope you’ll all take note of me” She winked before going off into battle using her newfound object, with Ladybug fuming ever so slightly.
“I knew she was going to come here, damnit, she can’t do anything without a Miraculous” Chat heard her, and he couldn’t keep his anger.
“What? You knew who she was and lied about it. M’Lady, that’s not fair, don’t you trust me?”
“Chat!? I do but first we-” He interrupted.
“You shouldn’t have lied to me how can I trust you if you won’t tell me everything, it's bad enough you deny my affections!” He pouted, waiting for his Lady to apologise like always.
“But I told you, I don’t love you Chat, you’re my frie-”
“But I want to be more than that! You just don’t see how we're meant to be, just because you can’t see it yet” He was annoyed, irritated even.
“Fine, it doesn’t matter because obviously, if you really don’t trust me, I’m leaving. You don’t need me anyway.”
“Chat? … Wait Chat!” Using his baton, he scurried off.
“No, wait!” Ladybug panicked, would she go after him to get some support or put the people first? She knew what she had to do and begrudgingly without her feline, went off to fight the Akuma alone.
But she wasn’t really alone.
Arriving on the battlefield held, an unexpected view.
The girl, Rosina, was battling the Akuma, and rather efficiently too.
“Wow, she’s actually handling herself out there. Maybe I was wrong” She looked on in amazement, this was the first time someone without a Miraculous or Akuma was fighting fiercely, dodging expertly…
Until she saw the Akuma, a giant being who grew after every minute, was about to swipe her feet from under her.
“I knew it was too good to be true” She was about to interfere, until…
That bright light again!? What was happening?
She was being protected, like Carapaces’ Shelter, except it was just a large square, with a circuit board design?
With the Akuma distracted she jumped onto its arm. She successfully dodged all attacks made by its other arm and raced up its arm looking around.
“She’s looking for the Akuma.” She realised before looking herself. In her Ladybug vision, she finally noticed it.
“Ros- I mean Crisono it’s the handkerchief look” Luckily the redhead acknowledged the Heroine's words and jumped into the air, making a bee-line for the object.
She caught it in her sword.
“She did it, she really did it.” She sooooooo owed Rosina an apology but that was incredible. No wonder Fū and Tikki knew they could handle themselves. The guy was back to normal as she gave the handkerchief to Ladybug.
But before she could congratulate the girl, a familiar reporter, and a reluctant brunette, beat her to it.
“Wow that was incredible, are you going to be a new permanent hero? Which Miraculous do you have, what's your name and where did you come from? Are you a new hero Ladybug came to get? Could you spare a few moments of your time to give me an interview?” The young reporter didn’t let the poor girl get a chance to speak before she put a finger to her lips.
“Please no more questions Alya, but I can say a few words to you. My name is Crisono Tassa and I don’t have a Miraculous.” The brunette gasped in surprise; how did she know her name? And how did she fight without a Miraculous?
“Ladybug and I may work separately, I’m not sure about what will happen in the future, but I guarantee to help out whenever, I wish to become a number to each and everyone here. So, I bid you adieu Alya, Lila.” It appeared she flew off, amazing the Parisians enough with a round of applause but with both girls confused about being a number.
What did that mean?
“No more evil-doing for you little Akuma” Her usual De-Evilising routine continues before she overhears her ex-best friends’ conversation.
“Wow, a new permanent hero, and she knows my name? My blog is going to get so many hits.” Alya exclaims gleefully.
“Well, of course, it was meant to be a secret but Crisono and I know each other personally. And I told her all about you and your blog. I can help get you an interview if you want?” The girl with glasses squeals with delight and hugs her.
“Oh, Lila you’re the best” Normally the bluenette girl would be irritated with what Lila said but it was somewhat true. She threw up her lucky charm, having to do it before using the Miraculous Ladybug.
What came down confused her. It was a DS.
“What!? What does this have to-?” She looked over it.
It had a game over screen, with the main menu, restart and quit button there. In the background, there was a redhead. She was still so confused. What was she meant to do, surely the battle had already finished what did she have to figure out? But then she saw it.
It had flashed along with the background character.
She knew what she had to do; it was clear to her.
‘Rosina, please don’t go too far’
“Miraculous Ladybug” She yelled, repairing everything in her path.
“Oh Ladybug, can you spare just a few for me please?” She couldn’t stop the smile spreading.
“Sorry, I gotta go I’m about to Detransform. Bugout” She Yo-Yoed away leaving the reporter denied of having two interviews that day.
‘C’mon c’mon where is she? I only have a few minutes left’ Running along the houses to search for the redhead was like finding a needle in a haystack.
“Wait I see her. Crisono wait!” She shouted and luckily for her she turned to look at the Heroine.
“Ladybug?” Her mask was off, but something felt different. She wasn’t smiling.
“I’m sorry, I’m really really sorry. You really can fight that was amazing. I- Are you ok?” Rosina was still looking down. Her arms hugging her tightly.
“I was lying to you Ladybug. We’re weren’t really here for Akuma’s, that was just extra, and I know I need to tell you, but Aunty said not to tell anyone yet. I feel as if I’ve betrayed you.” Solemn her gaze continued to the ground.
But Marinette wasn’t concerned with that, if she continued to feel bad then an Akuma would come.
“Wait, don’t feel bad. It doesn’t matter, your secrets are yours you don’t have to tell me until you want to. It doesn’t matter ok, just please stop being sad you’ll attract an Akuma?” Rosina widened her eyes, she had almost forgotten.
“Ahhh, I’m so sorry I forgot. Aw man, Auntie’s gonna kill me” Ladybug was able to laugh, so much had happened it was good to let it out.
Until she heard that familiar beeping sound.
And to make matters worse.
“Ladybug? Where are you? We need to talk”
‘Oh no, if he comes now, he’ll see me as Marinette. I’m doomed, I’m going to lose my Miraculous’ Ladybug panicked, while Rosina looked deep in thought.
“Ladybug I can help but you have to trust me.” A serious expression donned her face, surprising Ladybug.
“Huh? How?” Rosina touched something on her cloak.
“There's no time to explain, please” She extended her hand out to her.
‘Trust me’ She spoke with no words needed.
“Ok I trust you” she grabbed it.
“Priselio” She barely heard her before she had to shield her eyes.
And just as Chat peered into the alleyway…
There wasn’t anything there.
Ladybug had her eyes closed; she still didn’t have any idea what was going on.
“Hey, Marinette. You can open your eyes; this part is my favourite.” She hesitantly opened one eye. But her other one opened soon after.
In front of her, would be an experience she would never forget.
“Where are we?” Around her seemed to be a galaxy of some sorts. They were in a tunnel with stars surrounding them in a seemingly endless array of space.
“When we get there, I will explain more. Or at least try to” She wanted to ask further, but it looked like she was concentrating so she didn’t want to interrupt.
She looked at her hands, or rather her costume in fact. Shouldn’t she be De-Transformed by now?
“This place has no concept of time, it’s as if it doesn’t exist. That’s why you won’t De-Transform here unless you choose to. When we go back the amount of time you should’ve spent here would’ve passed… At least that’s what Aunty tells me” She assumed she saw her confused face and answered her question.
Marinette could feel a change in the air, and it seemed like Rosina noticed it as well. Soon it appeared they had arrived with Ladybug astonished at the view. It looked like a forest, but the sky was green, and the grass was blue. The trees were purple and the river running through was pink.
“Wow, this place would give me loads of inspiration for my drawings” Her eyes bored into everything she could see.
“Yeah, I still remember my first time seeing this place. Its where we train and battle against the Revenant”
“Revenant? What's that?” They sat crossed-legged towards each other. Tikki was there to hear it for herself after Rosina told her it would be best.
“It's like our version of an Akuma or Amok. There are these Trinkets that are spread around the country that I have to collect before they either awaken or worse crack”
“It doesn’t ring a bell for me. Do you have a picture of what one looks like?” Tikki questioned. Maybe it went by a different name?
“Well, actually it's all of this. Plus, this Trinket I have on my cloak, don’t worry I err purified it? Is that the correct word?” She muttered the last part before continuing.
“It is like an Akuma if I have to be honest, except when you touch it, you get transported into its world. I should take you one day. There are more things to fight though so Akuma’s are by far easier, at least if they’re like anything by today's standards.” Marinette shook her head quickly.
“But they shouldn’t be underestimated. You must always be vigilant whenever you go into a Revenant, one wrong move and you’re done. I doubt Aunty would ever let me tell Chat”
“What!? But Chat Noir is my partner, he could help us with this!”
“No! I mean, sorry for raising my voice but he wasn’t there today, why should I rely on him?” Her voice wasn’t accusatory, more confused and wanting to understand.
“But he… We”
“I understand that you two are partners Marinette, but I can only trust you today. And by what he’s shown me I doubt I could ever trust him by his immaturity.” She nodded to herself, a habit the girl was accustomed to.
“You’re, right” She lowered her head causing Rosina to worry.
“But hey that isn’t to say he isn’t a bad guy anyway; I don’t even know him” She was rambling now. Someone stop her.
“But… He is immature, and always thinks it's like a game to him. I’m always the one who has to carry the responsibility. He doesn’t realise how much I have to figure a plan out or it will all come tumbling down. He doesn’t comprehend the burden I carry if I might screw up one day. And with everything that’s been going on, I just don’t know how I’m going to handle it anymore” Rosina stopped. Mainly because she saw the tears rolling down the poor girl’s face.
“Marinette you’ll attract an Akuma please don’t be sad” Tikki commented, she hated seeing her cry.
“She won’t Tikki. Nothing from Paris could ever come here, I’ve tried it. We’re blocked out from there. And besides, I think it’s good if Marinette lets it all out. Never being able to express your emotions could make her have a breakdown in the future.”
She could cry and not have to worry about being Akumatized?
“Yeah of course, please Marinette it's not healthy for you to be like this. You need to let it-” She was stopped when arms flew around her neck. The poor girl was crying heavily in her arms. The redhead couldn’t help but feel sorry for her, had she really been holding all of this back. Whoever Hawkmoth is would get a serious beating when she finds out.
Tikki felt guilt rising in her at the sight of her holder. The inconvenience of being Ladybug and living in Paris meant never being able to be a normal teenaged girl. She too let out some tears and hugged the girl.
Rosina could only try and soothe her with gentle pats and a song.
Night had fallen.
The girls didn’t notice how long they had sat, talked, cried and laughed in that world before returning to the girl’s home.
Marinette was worried her Parents had checked up on her, but it appeared that hadn’t been the case.
“Thanks, Rosina, I really needed that, more than I thought I would.” She scratched her head before blushing. It felt like she had made an embarrassment of herself on the first day of meeting her. Rosina seemingly noticing waved her off.
“It's no sweat Marinette, I couldn’t imagine never being able to cry for a whole year. I always stub my toe on something.” Both girls giggled again before the silence settled. Marinette scratched her head again.
“Hey so err, are we- we can- I mean can we be friends?” She was hopeful, but she also knew she shouldn’t be too hopeful.
But Rosina’s cheerful smile cleared her doubt away.
“You really want to be friends with me? Wow, this is such an honour. I would love nothing more than for you to be my first friend Marinette”
“First?” Rosina slightly grimaced.
“Because Aunty and I travel to different countries, I’ve never really been able to have any friends. I had to either study or train because of the, you know what. But I would love to be your friend Marinette” She grabbed her hand in glee.
“Now my first friend what activity do we do first? Painting nails? Popcorn and movies? -Gasps- Can we have sleepovers?” Marinette had to cover her mouth to stop the further questions that tried to fly out her mouth.
“I think it's getting late now and we’ve gotta go to school tomorrow, but we can do whatever you want tomorrow if you want. Unless if, you know what happens” She was the only one to laugh at that as Rosina looked on with a sheepish smile.
“Yeah, of course, you’re right. It's just that, the place we went. It needs to recharge and err that was where I live”
“So that means-” Marinette felt guilt ridding in her.
“I don’t have anywhere to stay” Rubbing her head she prepared for the voice of concern come out of her friend’s mouth.
“WHAT!?” That voice of concern didn’t come from Marinette. It came from the little hatch that entered the girl's room.
“Maman? Papa? What are you doing up here?” Without meaning to they ignored the daughter's wails of embarrassment to turn to the new guest.
“Oh, you sweet poor girl, where are your Parents? They shouldn’t leave you all alone in Paris, if you were attacked by an Akuma who knows what would happen?” She slightly winced but she knew they were just concerned.
“It's alright really. My Aunt just has a lot on her plate at the moment, she just accidentally took the key to our apartment. I know she didn’t mean to” Wow, if Marinette didn’t know the truth she would’ve brought that lie, she was good. Not like Lila because hers were actually convincing.
“But still, oh I know, you can please stay with us. You’ve been so kind and helpful towards Marinette it would be so nice for her to have a proper friend.” Marinette couldn’t believe her Mother’s words. She was so kind to even a stranger, it was commendable.
“Oh no I couldn’t possibly do that, Sir, Mlle that offer is so kind, but I’ll be fine”
“Nonsense, a friend of Marinette’s, is a friend of mine. I’ll just get some blankets for you” Tom, Rosina had to guess was Marinette’s Father, proclaimed and walked down the stairs while she shuffled from spot to spot.
“But I- you’re not going to let me deny are you?”
“No honey, now I’m sure Marinette has some spare pyjamas for you, you two look roughly the same size, now you two get changed and go to bed, I don’t want you both being late in the morning” She mainly aimed that at Marinette leaving her giggling.
“I’ll try not to Maman and thank you.”
“Yes, thank you, Mlle Sabine, I will help in the bakery whenever I can for allowing me to stay here.”
“Oh, sweetie you don’t have to. Although it would be nice to have some new company” She teased before walking down the stairs.
“So, err what just happened?” Confused they sat on the sofa Marinette had, the day's events exhausting the two.
“I think you just got adopted into my family” She answered honestly. It had never happened before, she was still in a state of shock.
There was much talk the next day at Dupont. Since they had all followed Alya’s blog plus Nadja’s official announcement on the topic, it had the whole of Paris talking.
‘Just who was she?’ That had been on everyone's mind.
However, that hadn’t been the most shocking thing that had happened.
When Rosina, the one they wanted to get to know after her compliment introduction, had walked with someone besides her. Laughing and chatting as if they had been long-time best friends.
It was Marinette, she had somehow tricked her to be her friend!
Crisono was the least of their worries at what they saw next.
Their arms were linked together.
Well, that’s it, I hope you’ve enjoyed their meeting, and I hope I’ve kept everyone as much in character as I can. Do you think I should add some more information for Rosina, or should I just state it in later chapters? Do you like the OC’s or do you dislike this idea? Also, I made a drawing of what Rosina would look like as Crisono. I hope you enjoy.
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Also, can anyone guess what the meaning of Crisono Tassa is?
What should my next chapter be? Chloé becoming friends or meeting Piper or something completely different?
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Conjecture |6|
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Yoongi x Reader
Idol Reader Au, Enemies to Lovers AU
Summary: Your management refused to renew your contract unless you collaborated, so you ending up working with Min Yoongi. A guy you’d disliked from before both of your debuts. There is more to their past than meets the eye.
Warnings: SMUT (Oral, Orgasm denial, ruined orgasms.) Domme/Sub themes, Sub!Yoongi. Some Sass!
Links to other parts in my masterlist
if you want to be tagged let me know :)
Here it is guys as promised :)
Reblog, Like, Comment pwwwweeasse :)
//She came to me! To me! Yoongi thought, feeling the bed lightly depress next to him. His mind was a drowsy haze, it was too deep to climb out of but his face muscles managed to creep into a small docile smile as he turned and held her like a lost bear finally found.
“Hey” Yoongi heard her say in a gentle tone. “Sleepy head” she said with a little more strength.
Even when she’d just woke up she was the epitome of beauty.
“We need to get to the studio by 10” she warned, by twisting over and glancing at the clock he saw he had little under half an hour to get ready. Looking up at a flawless face, content eyes all beneath messy hair. He wanted to drag her back in with him to be consumed by the warmth of each other; he wanted to feel her weight on him grow heavy as she drifted off to sleep in his arms. Instead he nodded with dozy movements and watched as she placed a mug of coffee beside him and left him with an awakening view of the bottom curve of her behind underneath a long t-shirt.//
 You arrived at the studio just minutes early. The studio techs wore small scowls as they powered up the equipment for you both, their distaste only pulled an amused smirk onto your face.
“Thanks, guys, we really won’t need any assistance today if you have some other work to be doing” You offered the pair. They shared a ‘Thank fuck’ kind of glance both turned and bowed
“Thank you, are you sure? If you need us Yoongi has our number” They scurried out leaving the faint whirring of the equipment with us. Yoongi gave you a questionable smile
“What? I’d rather just the two us work in the studio, we’re only doing the choruses today”
Yoongi shed his leather jacket and chucked it onto the small leather 2-seater at the back of the room; leaving him in just a plain black v-neck tee and a washed out ripped pair of denim jeans pooling at his vans hi-tops. You looked about as casual with your ripped high waist black skinnies and loose red crop top, you were removing your white converse perched on the arm of the sofa. Again a quizzical look from him.
“I’m comfier without them on when I’m in the studio, okay mr judgey eyes” you toyed playfully, the cheekiness glittering through your pupils
“Off your high horse miss jump to conclusions I wasn’t judging” he paused taking a sip of water. “Merely admiring” he admitted.
“Well I’m sure I can find the converse online somewhere” he glided into the control chair
Guess I’m going in first then
“I’m pretty sure you can’t find what I was looking at anywhere else. Go on you first” his head tilted in the direction of the narrow door connecting to the sound proof recording room, he slotted in the usb and transferred the backing music to the program. Neither of you had spoken about last night, at first you thought it would be awkward but it turns out it seemed to be more of an appetising secret and you were both politely waiting for the main course whilst silently adoring each other’s company amongst the flickering of a candle.
“Of course you can’t” you agreed before securing the door to the studio, the red light above the door ceased to live and the green light neighbouring it sprang into existence. The rectangular room was decorated with plain red walls and topped off with dressings of acoustic foam. The metal microphone hung from the ceiling a chandelier for any music artist. You adjusted the length to correlate with your height and moved the pop filter in line with your mouth. You stood side on to the glass window, Yoongi’s captivating eyes were not going to absorb you today.
“How you want to play this?” he asked through the headphones now sat snuggly cupping your ears blocking surround sound locking you into your element.
“Play the first verse and the first chorus first, then play the lead into the first chorus. The lyrics were laid out, a window to your soul on a neatly folded a4 sheet of paper you begun unfolding. A lot of artists read from their phones now but you were not a lot of artists. Having an editable canvas where you could scribble your own notes where you pleased was essential. You gave Yoongi a thumbs up once you’d completed your vocal warm up, it was shorter than the warm up if you was to be singing and not rapping.
You swayed and moved your head according to the beat which fell flawlessly into your ears and swam through your body transforming it to a pool of rhythm which guided you to freedom. You loved what you’d both created.
“Okay, ready” you affirmed ready to lay down some vocals.
“Go smash it” he encouraged.
For the 20th time you were listening to your words against the music, demanding Yoongi tweak one bit or another.
“Okay put the volume down on the percussion for the last three beats”
He did as he was told, his eyes glued on the screen in front of him, focus never faltering, watching him in his element was enthralling, you mind blocked out the sound of the headphones focusing only on the picture in front of you. His wide ‘well?’ eyes framed a knowing smile finally dragging you into the moment.
“Err… sorry once more” your smile mirroring your vocal apology. You swear you saw him gently shake his head with a grin.
“Perfect” You were done, very rarely can you be distracted in the studio yet here you were picturing less than professional things unfolding in this small space. You decided in that moment before your mind completely clouded that you’ll go home tonight and work on vocals alone away from the irresistible Min Yoongi.
The light red above the door announced your freedom to leave which you took. Yoongi was stood gulping down water like a fire was blazing in his throat.
“Did you do as I asked last night?” you asked, professional mode departed leaving you just wanting to play. He choked on a mouthful.
“What?” he replied in a state of disbelief, backtracking his memories for what you asked of him.
“I’m pretty sure I asked you to stop touching yourself, did you?”
You were sure your eyes must have darkened as a warning to Yoongi. You pressed into him nudging him backwards until he bumped into the edge of the desk. His eyes shifting manically around the room in a panic. You rolled your eyes in jest and headed to the door and turned the lock. Tracing your footsteps back to your prey.
“No…” he asked almost like a question, wanting a hint at the consequences.
“Did you cum?” you asked, nudging his head aside to lay a soft kiss on his neck, you heard the small guilty sigh before he answered
“Yes?” Before he could ask any more questions you caught him in heated kiss which swept both your breaths somewhere else, you unhooked the top button of his jeans, the contact of your lips never faltering
“What…are you…doing?” his hand caught yours and halted any more of your moves.
“Want me to stop?” Your chests racing for each other centimetres apart. He released your hand giving you full reign over his kingdom, the way his head dropped back with his jaw slightly ajar accompanied with the sound that rolled past his lips was intoxicating; near short circuiting your system with the surge it caused at your core; and this was only the result of you touching him. You needed all of him and it drove you nuts.
When you got to your knees there was a brief moment your eyes were held in his as your smirk grew as much as it could as you took him in your mouth. One free hand cupped his balls and the other the base and teased what wasn’t in your mouth. Your tongue danced at his tip
“Jesus Y/N” taking his words with relief drenched behind them as a means to not stop you didn’t. You continued clawing guttural groans from his throat. The sounds he made just did something to you, it reverberated round your mind almost overriding you punishing him. It was only his sudden tightened grip on your hair that pulled you out.
“You’re…going to…” he stuttered, You left him completely, his expression pulled struck with wide eyes glaring at you desperately as you sat with nothing but a grin moulded by the devil himself.
“That’s what you get for not doing what you’re told. It has consequences you know” getting back to your feet. He wasn’t sure how to respond to you or he’d just not caught his breath back, it’s quite likely it’s a mix of both.
“I can’t exactly go out like this though” he pleaded. You were pressed to his chest, eyes darting sideways biting your lip.
“Hmmm, that’s not exactly my problem is it” you cooed. You enjoyed the look of horror wash his face even paler than he was already for a moment before you threw him a lifeline.
“Okay, I’ll be lenient THIS time. You can finish yourself off” His faced creased as he was about to protest but the fight dropped from his face and his own hand sought to fix the ‘situation’
“But” you chimed up before he could start “just before you cum I want you to stop all contact, you can still cum but it won’t be as good for you”.
“You want me to ruin my own orgasm?” he checked hardly believing your words could be so cruel.
“Yes, exactly, this way it’s still a punishment but it still sort outs your…problem” your lips crept smugly to kiss his cheek.
“Just imagine what it’ll be like when you finally get to fuck me” you whispered teasingly into his ear, his breath hitched at your words.
  “Who would have thought I could tell Min Yoongi what to do in a studio, that was literally one of the sexiest things I’ve seen”
“Yeah?” he asked searching for reassurance. You wasn’t lying, watching him affected you more than you expected; but you needed way more than the thirty minutes left of studio time available to you.
“Mmhmm” you stalked over to him lightly gripped at his shirt at his chest “Don’t believe me?” you asked with a kiss. You took one of his hands and guided it beneath your waistband. You watched his mouth drop open a silent exhale.
“Fuck, yes I believe you” you couldn’t help but adore and melt at the sight of his pout when you pulled his hand away; your body also arguing the decision.
“Go on we’ve not even got any of your vocals yet” nodding your head toward the studio. He took a moment to sulk before taking begrudging steps away from you.
To say he wasn’t quite in the zone to lay down vocal was an understatement. You probably didn’t help the situation sat chewing the end of a pun seductively shadowing an amused grin at his torment. Five minutes before time was up the rest of the boys bundled into the studio and waited for him before their dance practice started. You both shared glances of yet another dirty secret; with all the chaos that follows all seven of them you didn’t get a chance to say bye properly or let him know you wouldn’t be at his when he got home.
After you messaged your mum asking her to drop off Charlie in the morning you filled Yoongi in.
-I’ll stay at mine tonight to get some more of my vocals done, I find being in enclosed spaces with you way too distracting; P.-
- You find me distracting? :O the audacity after only allowing me a touch-
-If it’s that bad nothing stopping coming to mine, only after I’ve finished working though!-
-I might have to take you up on that offer but also depends if you’ll let me have you drives me insane I’ve not made you cum yet, also last night you never actually told me how you actually wanted me-
You postponed your response until you were laid out on your front drowning in the comfort of your own bed, the scent of fresh bedding heavy in the crimson sheets.
Mum’s the best you thought.
-Remember you asked…
You obviously can’t be trusted to do as you’re told so firstly your hands would be cuffed above your head, I’d have a spreader bar at your ankles keeping your legs spread so I can easily thigh ride you and if you get needy you can’t stop me unless you beg. You will need to use your words to tell me how good it all feels especially when I’ve raided my toy box.
You wasn’t going to be too specific you’d rather his imagination have free reign of that.
If you’re good then I’ll let you have me. I’ve been dying to find out the extent of that tongue technology and how my hands look round your neck. Only when you’re so hard it hurts and you’re begging me I’ll let you cum. If you don’t do as you’re told, well you know now they’ll be consequences-
  He’ll be practising now but you were buzzed wishing to see his face when he did read it, curiosity blooming to see how he’ll deal with all that in the middle of his day.
The house was a void of noise, the lack of quiet tapping of claws across the wood flooring of the apartment filled you with emptiness; before allowing it to completely consume you, you escorted yourself and you glass of wine to your studio.
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch42: Maybe Baby Part 1- I Made That
Intro: Katie and Emmy both meet a new friend, and Tony and Pepper welcome their baby girl to the world. As the family enjoy the happiness the new addition brings, it leads Steve and Katie to a big decision of their own…
Warnings: Bad Language words. Smut! (NSFW) No under 18s. Teeth rotting fluff…
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 41 Part 2
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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May 2019
“Come on, Emmy, throw me a bone here!” Katie sighed as she sat in the chair of the coffee shop. “I can’t do anything about it if I don’t know what’s wrong.” She paused and rolled her eyes. “Jesus I sound like Steve.”
Emmy sighed and looked out of the window. “Why do I have to go back?”
“Because.” Katie said, rubbing at her temple “Look, you’ve already been out of school for like nearly a year, and it’s only for a couple of months and then it’s gonna be summer.” “So what’s the point of going then?” Emmy persisted. “Can’t I just wait and go back in September?”
Katie let out a groan, dropped her head into her hands before she heard a soft chuckle. She looked up to see the woman who was behind the counter had come across to clear away the empty mugs on the table. “She sounds just like my daughter.” The red haired lady smiled. “Nothing but back chat.” “I thought a hot chocolate and a muffin would help.” Katie side eyed her foster daughter. “Clearly I was wrong.”
Emmy scowled at her in response.
“The Decimation screwed a lot of things up” The woman sighed. “Tell me about it.” Katie breathed out. At that point the woman was joined by a girl who was the spitting image of her, Katie assuming it to be her daughter.
“Oh.Em.Gee!” The girl spluttered, looking at Katie “You’re Katie Stark, I mean Rogers!”
Katie grimaced and glanced around the shop. There were only three other people in and as they looked over she let out a relieved noise as they simply nodded to her and turned back to their drinks. “Brooke!” The woman chastised before giving Katie an apologetic look. “I’m so sorry, you’re clearly here for a quiet drink and-” “It’s fine.” Katie hastily said, glancing at Emmy who was looking at the girl, frowning.
The woman looked at her daughter before she glanced at Katie, then to Emmy. “Brooke here goes to MS in Brooklyn.” she offered suddenly.
“What’s MS?” Emmy looked at Brooke.
“The Maths and Science Exploratory School.” Brooke nodded. “It’s really cool. Before the err…well, before they used to do all sortsa stuff…” “Brooke, why don’t you take Emmy into the back and show her some of your work and the website?” the woman offered “If that’s ok with you.” She looked to Katie. “Fine by me, what do you think Em?” Katie asked.
Emmy gave a nonchalant shrug. “Whatever.” “Manners!” Katie looked at her sternly. Emmy had the good grace to look a bit abashed when she stood up and turned to Brooke.
“Sorry, yeah I’d like to see.”
Katie watched her go before she looked at the woman “Thank you.” The lady smiled and nodded to Katie’s mug “Refil?” “Please.”
“Coming right up.”
Katie leaned back on the comfy sofa and pulled out her phone. She had a message from Steve, asking her how it was going. She responded with three words ‘Fucking hard work’ before she slid her phone away as the woman came back with two mugs.
“Mind if I join you? Might as well take a break whilst we’re quiet.”
“No, of course not.” Katie gestured with her hands and the woman took a seat on the chair at the other side of the table.
“I’m Jennifer by the way.” She held out her hand “I own this place.” “Nice to meet you.” Katie smiled “I would introduce myself but…”
“My loud mouth daughter did it for you.” Jennifer rolled her eyes. “Yeah, sorry about that. I wasn’t sure she would recognise you and I didn’t want to draw attention to you by warning her not to say anything…”
“Don’t worry about it” Katie shook her head “I mean it’s not like my identity is a secret. It’s just not everyone is particularly pleased to see us now-a-days. They seem to flip from either thanking us all for our efforts or screaming at us that it’s all our fault.”
“People are idiots.” Jennifer said simply “Anyone who blames you guys for any of this needs to get a check of themselves.” Katie smiled, sipping at her coffee “You know this is a really good roast. I’ll have to tip Steve off about it, he’s a coffee fiend.”
Jennifer smiled and then she looked over to the counter before glancing back “So, sorry for being nosey but I know you didn’t have a kid before, well, you know.” “Oh, she’s fostered.” Katie smiled. “I’ve known her since she was eighteen months old and she lost her last foster carers in the snap. We took her in for a night and she never left.”
“That’s good of you.” Jennifer smiled
“Least we could do.” Katie glanced at her coffee “When I look round and see what others lost, it brings it home to me how lucky I was, you know. I mean don’t get me wrong we lost people we cared about, a great deal. But my brother, my family, my husband, all still alive.”
Katie trailed off and thought to their baby. It had struck her on the first anniversary of the snap a few weeks earlier that their baby would have been with them now. Either a boy or a girl, blue or green eyes, blonde or dark, they’d never know.
“You can’t think like that.” Jennifer shook her head. “It doesn’t matter who you didn’t lose, you still lost. Hell, everyone lost, and everyone hurts, regardless of whether it was 1 person or 10. It doesn’t feel any less shit.” “You lost someone?” Katie looked at her.
“My dad.” Jennifer looked at her hands “My mom died a few years back and my husband was killed in Afghanistan not long after Brooke was born. So now it’s just us” “Sorry.” Katie bowed her head as the woman wiped at her eyes “I didn’t mean to…” Jennifer waved away her apology and smiled “Don’t be. It is what it is.” At that point the two girls came back into the main part of the shop, and Emmy was clutching a pile of paper.
“We printed some info off, mom.” Brooke said, “So Emmy can read it later. And we exchanged numbers, so she can text me later if she has questions and stuff.” “Good thinking!” Jennifer smiled.
“Right, you ready to go?” Katie looked at Emmy. “Steve’s cooking so we should go make sure he hasn’t burnt the compound down.”
“You live in the Avengers Compound?” Brooke looked at Emmy, wide eyed “Man that’s awesome.” Emmy smiled before she looked at Katie “What’s Steve-o making?”
“I think he said he was doing carbonara.” “Oh, that was good last time he cooked it.” Katie smiled, pulling on her jacket. “Yeah, it was actually.” She stood up and smiled at Jennifer. “It was really nice to meet you.” She reached into her bag for a twenty to pay but Jennifer waved it away “On the house.” “Oh, no.” Katie protested, dropping the twenty to the table, but the woman picked it up and handed it back. Pursing her lips, Katie spotted the tip jar on the counter and quickly strode over to it, depositing the note through the slot before giving the woman a smug look. Jennifer laughed and shrugged before she reached over the counter and handed Katie a business card.
“My mobile number is on there.” She smiled, “If you ever fancy a chat or a drink some time, anything at all.” “Thanks” Katie beamed. “That’s really kind of you.”
“Bye!” Emmy waved as they exited the shop. She turned to Katie as they walked to the car. “They’re nice.” “Yeah, yeah they are.” Kate smiled “Come on, let’s get home before we’re late and we get the eyebrow of disappointment.”
****** The last week in May brought some unusually cold and wet weather for the time of year, which wasn’t surprising as the climate was still all over the place. It was normally the time of year they celebrated Tony’s birthday on the 29th with a BBQ or something, but there was none of that this time. Not least because of the weather, but more over that his birthday was overshadowed spectacularly by the arrival of his daughter, Morgan Hope Stark some four days earlier on the 25th.
“Guys.” Katie gulped, tears welling in her eyes as her baby niece gently stirred in her arms, her eyes not opening as she moved her hands gently, “She’s…” “Amazing, I know.” Pepper gushed beaming up at Katie from where she was sat, propped up in the hospital bed.
“I made that.” Tony bragged, his chest puffed out. Katie knew how genuinely proud he was simply by the affectionate gleam in his eyes. Pepper rolled her eyes playfully, sharing a look with her sister-in-law.  
Steve’s arm curled round Katie’s waist as he gazed down at the baby in her arms, smiling gently as he smoothed the blanket down to get a closer look. She had a light dusting of dark hair, Tony’s cheekbones and Pepper’s nose.
“Wanna hold Uncle Steve?” Katie asked, looking at him.
“Erm, yeah, sure, that ok?” Steve looked at Pepper and Tony.
“Just don’t drop her.” Tony narrowed his eyes “Or throw her, she’s not a shield.” “Tony, you’re such a dick.” Katie sighed, passing the precious bundle to Steve who gently took her, supporting her head with his large hand.
As Steve cradled the tiny baby in his large arms, filled with wonder at the miniature human he was holding, he suddenly felt a lump in his throat. 
This would have been them.
As Morgan curled her hand around his large index finger the lump grew larger and he fought to keep the tears that had sprung into his eyes from dropping down his cheeks. 
Across the room, Tony curled his arm round his sister’s shoulder and dropped a kiss to her head as she wiped away the single tear that she herself had shed hastily before Steve saw.
Steve collected Emmy later that evening from Brooke’s. Emmy had decided to go to MS after all, and as such the two girls had fast become inseparable during the week and often at weekends too.
“She’s been ever so well behaved and polite.” Jennifer smiled, handing Steve Emmy’s rucksack. Steve nodded and gently placed a large hand on the back of Emmy’s head
“Gerroff.” she shrugged him away “I’m not six.” Steve rolled his eyes as he looked at Jennifer and raised an eyebrow “Clearly just us she gives back chat to.”
Jennifer chuckled “And they say it’s gonna get worse as they get older” “I can’t wait!” Steve replied, sarcastically. The woman laughed, Steve thanked her again and they headed to the car.
“So what’s Morgan like?” Emmy asked as Steve set off back up the main road to head out of Manhattan and towards the Compound. “Does she look like Tony?”
“A little, more like Pepper really.” Steve smiled
“Phew.” Emmy grinned and Steve gave a snort.
“Katie got some photos so she’ll show you when we get home.” Emmy glanced out of the window at the passing trees before she turned back to Steve “Do you think you and Katie will ever have a baby?” Steve’s knuckles tightened on the steering wheel as he took a deep breath, and he instantly regretted it when he felt Emmy recoil in the seat next to him.
“I’m sorry.” she began, and Steve cursed himself for being so damned easy to read. He hated it when she got scared and fearful that she’d done something wrong. Every time they tried to discipline her for misbehaviour she would end up trembling out of deep rooted fear she was going to get a beating.
“Sweetie, I’m not mad, and you have nothing to be sorry for.” Steve sighed, “It’s just, well,” he bit his lip “,in the Snap, Katie and I lost a baby. Katie, was pregnant and we didn’t know.” “Oh.” Emmy frowned, looking back at her hands “That’s sad.” “Yeah.” Steve said with a small smile. The simple words she had used were spot on, there was no other way to describe it. “Yeah it is. But, we got you to look after and you can throw some spectacular tantrums so it’s kinda like having a baby in a way.”
“Rude.” Emmy glared at him, and he couldn’t hide the smile on his face at her indignation.
The two of them arrived home to Katie declaring from her spot on the sofa that she didn’t want to cook so had ordered take-out Pizza much to Emmy’s delight, but one look at his wife told Steve she’d been crying. As soon as their foster daughter was out of earshot and had gone to her room he sat down next to her and turned to face her.
“What’s wrong, Sweetheart?”
“I’m fine.” She shrugged, and Steve quirked an eyebrow.
“You forget Mrs Rogers, I can read you like a book.” He snaked his fingers in between hers and she took a deep breath “Talk to me, honey.”
“Just seeing you there with Morgan before, I couldn’t help but feel that…” she stumbled over her words as her tears began to form again “That could have, should have been us, you know?” Steve sighed and gently reached out to her, pulling her to his chest.
“I know.” He whispered softly, dropping kiss to her head “I know.”
“They would have been coming up for six months old now, give or take.” Katie sighed gently and his arms tightened around her. Taking a deep breath he decided to voice what was on his mind and dropped his head slightly, nudging her face up with his nose.
“You know, we could always…” He trailed off, and she licked her lips as she looked at him, understanding immediately what he was suggesting.
“I dunno.” She sighed, “I mean I like the idea, but…” “But?”
“I’m scared, Steve.” “What of?” “Well, that something will go wrong.”
“Why would it go wrong?” he frowned.
“It did last time.”
He sighed. “Katie, nothing you could have done would have made a difference. Once he snapped…”
“Do you really want kids?” She cut him off, looking at him.
“Yeah, I do.” He answered honestly “I wasn’t that bothered about it before but now, well with Emmy being here and Morgan, the thought of our own child, running around, one that’s half me half you…I can’t even begin to explain how amazing that feels.” Katie looked down at her hands and Steve took a deep breath. “But if it’s not what you want then it doesn’t matter” He gently titled her face up to look at him.
She looked at him, her eyes locked onto his and her words were almost a whisper. “I do want. I want a baby with you.” His eyes flashed and he gave a grin. “Well that’s good, I’d be worried if you wanted one with someone else.” “Jerk.” She scoffed, hitting his chest as he laughed before she took a deep breath “Maybe we could like try but not try.” “I’m not following.” Steve frowned.
Katie sighed. “I don’t wanna get hung up on it.” She shrugged “No pressure. So maybe not try as such, just don’t try to stop anything.”
Steve smiled, if he was honest, a baby to him should be borne out of love and not some kind of weird planned parenting mission. 
“Is that ok with you?” she looked at him. “Oh, Kitten.” Steve’s face split into a huge grin and he took her face in both his hands “It is very, very ok.”
August 2019
“Thor came here?” Katie asked as she looked at Tony, the two of them sat on his porch. Katie was bouncing Morgan on her knee whilst Emmy was busy helping Pepper feed Gerald, Tony’s newest addition, an Alpaca.
“Yup.” Tony nodded “He came to see Morgan. He’s errr, changed.” “Changed?”
“Yeah, erm, he’s a little bit portly.”
“Portly?” Katie stopped what she was doing until Morgan let out a screech, encouraging her to continue. “As in…” “Fat.” Tony nodded.
Katie snorted “Bullshit…” “Straight up Kiddo. Apparently he’s got his brewers working on a new beer. Clearly been sampling it a little too much.”
“Other than that how did he seem?” Katie asked. Despite herself she couldn’t help but wonder how the man she had once been good friends with was holding up. Tony took a deep breath “Ok, I think. I mean it was a surprise him showing up. I haven’t seen him since, well, that day at the compound.” “He took what happened really hard” Katie sighed. “But the rest of us had to move on, he needs to do the same. I tried to talk sense into him…” “You punched him in the face.” Tony raised an eyebrow. “He deserved it.” “I know.” Tony paused “And for what it’s worth, he hates himself for it. He told me.” “Well maybe he should apologise.” Katie shrugged, and that was the end of the conversation. They stayed for a few hours before heading back to the compound and, given that it was a nice night Katie and Natasha retired to the large garden area and the hot tub for a girl’s night in.
“You talk to Steve today?” Nat asked, pouring Katie a glass of wine from the ice bucket at the side.
“Not yet.” Katie shook her head, turning from where she had been watching Emmy playing fetch with Lucky to look at her “I’ll speak to him later. He’s ready for home though. Keeps moaning about how the chef doesn’t make Mac and Cheese as well as me.”
“He loves it really.” Nat grinned.
“Yeah, he does.” Katie smiled “It’s nice to see him so focussed, you know with something to do.”
“When’s he back? Feels like he’s been gone for ages”
“He has, it’s been almost three weeks this time” Katie smiled, “But he’s home in a couple of days and on that I got a favour to ask. Could you maybe have Emmy for us? Thought we might go out or…” “Or stay in?” Nat raised her eyebrows, smirking.
“Something like that.” Katie snorted.
“Yeah, no probs. We can have a girl’s night in my apartment.” She nodded over to the pre-teen who was running across the lawns. “She’s never any trouble.” “Thanks Nat.” Katie smiled, sipping her wine and pulling a face at the sour taste.
“How’s she been recently?” Nat nodded to Emmy.
“Good.” Katie nodded. “The nightmares have pretty much stopped. She still gets a bit reserved now and then but I think getting her back to school has helped a lot. She’s a bright kid, good at art as well as the technology and science. Should see her and Steve when they get going.”
“Yeah they seem pretty close.” Nat smiled.
“She’s like his shadow when he’s here.” Katie snorted. “I don’t get a look in.” She took another sip of her drink and shook her head. “Does that taste right to you?”
“It tastes fine, but then so did that Tuna you said was off.” “It was off.” Kate grimaced, nodding to the dog that was currently splashing in the shallows of the river, after his ball “Even Lucky wouldn’t eat it.”
“Well I ate it and I’m fine” Nat shrugged.
Katie took another sip shook her face before tipping her wine into Nat’s glass “I can’t drink that. It’s nasty.” “Errr, that is a fifteen year old vintage, stolen from Tony’s old stash in the cellar!” Natasha grinned.
“Don’t give a fuck what it is, it’s gross.” Katie shrugged, standing up and stepping out of the tub. “I’ll stick to the beer.”
She pulled a Bud out of the fridge, twisted the top off and threw it into the garbage. She took a swig as she walked back outside and, as she sank back down into the water, Nat took a deep breath and leaned forward.
“I got an email from Rhodey. More bodies have turned up, this time in Johannesburg, some drugs baron and his cronies.” “Clint?” Katie asked, pausing her beer half way to her mouth as she nodded.
“It’s his MO.”
Over the past six months more and more bodies had been turning up, along with numerous witnesses, which led them to the conclusion that Clint was acting as some kind of vigilante, hunting down Crime Lord Syndicates and taking them down one by one. Natasha at first had point blank refused that it was him, until one of Rhodey’s contacts had sent an extremely clear shot from some CCTV footage. There was no denying, it was Clint. Natasha had been heartbroken, locking herself away and refusing to speak to anyone, emerging only when Steve threatened to kick her door in. She’d opened it, red eyed but with a glimmer of a smirk on her face and called him a “bossy, interfering bastard.”
“Any leads on where he could be?” Katie asked
Nat shook her head “he doesn’t want to be found. But then, when have I ever listened?”
They drank and talked until late in the evening, probably more than they should have done which is why the next morning Katie woke up with a killer hangover and barely made it to the toilet. She threw the contents of her stomach into the bowl before standing up, splashing cold water onto her face and heading to make sure Emmy was up and getting ready. Sometimes, being a responsible adult sucked.
Once she had managed to get Emmy packed off to the summer day-camp her School was running, she grabbed a slice of toast and an orange juice and felt ready to face walking and talking at the same time. She called Steve quickly, who wasted no time in telling her that they’d drunk called him the night before. Katie groaned as he laughed down the handset, before the conversation grew slightly more serious and he said that Rhodey had filled him in on the murders in Johannesburg. They discussed it for a while when he declared he had to go and after promising to speak to him later that evening, sober, Katie cut the call.
She headed down to the common room to find Nat was already in there.
“Hangover too?” Natasha looked at Katie pulling a face. “I feel like shit. How much did we drink?”
“Enough.” Katie sighed “You sank two bottles of that wine, I went through a full crate of bud.” “And that was before the vodka.” Nat groaned, dropping her face into her hands. Katie grimaced, picking up a bottle of water and taking a long drink before they got down to business, looking over some plans for an old School they were intending to acquire to make into a half way hours for the older teenagers that had been left without homes or families in the snap. Too old to be in an orphanage or children’s home, Natasha had pointed out they probably needed somewhere they could live independently, but safely. It was a great idea and one Katie was fully behind.
“I’ll get it typed up into a formal proposal this evening,” Katie nodded to Nat “then we can start the ball rolling. All goes according to plan we can get the Real Estator on the phone tomorrow and push ahead with the purchase”
Nat nodded. “Yeah, about that.” Katie groaned “You’re going to Johannesburg aint you?” “I have to.” 
“He’d do the same for me.”
“When?” Katie sighed, knowing there was no point in trying to talk her out of it. “This evening. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone.”
“Just be careful,” Katie said, “and prepared. Chances are you won’t like what you find.”
“I know.” She said, her eyes tearing over. “But I have to try.” Katie nodded, dropping a hand to her shoulder as she picked up the files and laptop before leaving her to her thoughts.
She was sat in the office working on the proposal that evening when she heard the jet taking off. Glancing out of the window Katie watched as it shot into the grey sky and vanished behind a cloud. Emmy paused to look up from where she was outside on the lawn with Lucky before she tuned to look at Katie, mouthed the universal sign for “I’m hungry” and Katie grinned, deciding to call it quits for the night.
**** Chapter 42 Part 2
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ladylb · 5 years
To Cry
Chapter 9 The Answer found on AO3 here
To start at the beginning, Chapter 1 on AO3 here
Summary: Warning Puppeteer 2 references :  Frustrated that Adrien doesn’t understand what happened at the museum and how to go forward, Viperion recounts what happened from an outsider’s point of view and how it may have looked. Which meant pasting together an answer that maybe even Chat Noir could understand... but may not like.
Chat Noir muttered, “I hurt Ma-Marientte?”
Chat gulped as Viperion again listed off some of the reasons that it looked like he was rejecting Marinette at the museum irritably. “Yes, you hurt Marinette. You’ve rejected her by thinking that it would be a good idea to prank her, by not calling off the prank until you embarrassed her, by jumping away from her kiss and then by mentioning the ‘girl’ that you love. I mean, it would be like you’re rejecting her and to top it off you have to let her know that she is SO unattractive that it looks like you had to invent a girl indirectly to be in love with to just get Marinette to get the picture, which she already understood, just to get her to leave you alone! Which guess what? It seems like that is what she’s DOING by avoiding you!”
“I-I didn’t mean any of that! Does-does that mean that I-I really hurt her?” Chat Noir looked at the other hero in disbelief, “but she said that she was okay, that it was just a joke! Like mine was!”
“Yeah, but was it a joke to her, really? Would it have been a joke to you or on you if Ladybug had done the same to you?”
Chat Noir swallowed before he muttered, “maybe… maybe it wasn’t a joke to her?”
“Bingo.” Viperion sighed, “just for a little more context here. Did she look happy or was she trying to look happy after all of this was done? I mean, did she still seem nervous and then sad or hurt afterwards?”
Chat Noir looked at his feet and let his arms droop. “Nervous and sad.” He blinked and looked disappointed in himself as he looked to the side before looking up at the older boy, “and… and hurt. Do you really think that I hurt her without meaning to?”
Viperion blinked at him and shook his head slightly, “what do you think cat? Because it really doesn’t matter what I think.”
Chat Noir groaned. “I think… I think that I may have accidentally hurt her, but…but I didn’t mean to.” Chat Noir clenched one hand and pounded it into his other hand resolutely, “well then, I’ll just have to apologize to her and fix it! Then we can be friends again!”
“Wait.” Viperion held up his hand. “Stop. You are forgetting two things here. First, did this happen yesterday?”
“No, it’s been awhile actually.” Chat Noir admitted, “a couple weeks maybe? That doesn’t matter though, a good apology will fix everything and it well, it really hurts to think that she’s upset with me. I want my friend back Viperion.”
“Look, it doesn’t sound like she’s upset with you but at herself at this point.” Viperion pointed out, “she says she’s still your friend but avoids you right?”
Adrien nodded as he tried to follow as Viperion went on, “and that brings us to my second point. She’s probably still hurting but can’t say anything about it. She’s doubting herself and her attractiveness and such.”
“Marinette is gorgeous and she probably could do anything that she wanted to!” Chat Noir told the snake defensively.
“Chat Noir, look, you’ve clearly put her in the friendzone.” Chat Noir’s eyes widened with shock as Viperion calmly continued, “so unless you want to confess to this girl and let her know that you’ve finally figured out that you love her as more than ‘just a friend’ and that you want to ask her out on a date, then maybe you should just leave her alone to deal with her heartbreak.”
“Heartbreak? Wait! NO! I-I didn’t want to hurt her! I didn’t mean to hurt her!” Adrien quickly objected.
“It sounds like she realizes that.” Viperion wisely pointed out, “she must have figured that out pretty quickly to have hidden all of this from you,” he rolled his eyes as he subtly added, “not that it would be hard to with how oblivious you are.”
“Own it Adrien.”
Chat Noir growled at him.
“I’m only speaking the truth here,” Viperion waved his hand, “because otherwise she would have told you to leave her alone and that she never wanted to see you again. Which is usually what will happen after a bad break up or heartbreak like that.”
“We were never together like that though!” Chat Noir objected. “She’s just my really good friend!”
“R-Remember what I said. Do you want to be?” Viperion coughed once before he asked painfully. “Together. With her I mean?”
Chat Noir swallowed and looked away as he answered plaintively, “n-not like that. I-I love Ladybug.”
Viperion nodded, “then that settles it. Your little crush cares enough about you to not want to hurt you, so please, do her the service of doing the same.” He sighed, “what I mean is that she thinks that you don’t know how she feels. It would probably be better to let her move on. She’ll probably truly be ‘just your friend’ when she’s ready.”
“I-I miss her though.” Chat Noir admitted as his eyes grew wet, but he was determined not to cry in front of Viperion. “She’s a… a really good friend, or she was, to me. I, I don’t want to lose that.”
Viperion put a hand on Chat Noir’s shoulder supportively. “Honestly, it probably won’t be like it was before, like, ever.”
“Ever?” Adrien looked heartbroken himself now, but he wasn’t sure why.
Viperion nodded, “remember, she used to treat you like she loved you, like she was trying to woo you and she has to stop doing that for her own sake, maybe find a guy that appreciates her for well, her.”
“I appreciated everything she does for me, or… or that she did.” Chat Noir’s ears were twitching, screaming his disappointment that he can’t make things go back to how they once were.
“Cat, she’s got to learn to be ‘just’ your friend. She’ll heal faster if you leave her alone and let the knowledge that you don’t see her in a romantic way sink in.” Viperion swallowed, “look, Marinette obviously is easily embarrassed when it comes to you because she likes you and she’ll probably avoid you longer if she finds out that you know that she liked you like that, maybe even loved you.”
“You, you think that she loved me?” Chat Noir asked with wide eyes.
“Possibly. Why else would she let you go and not fight for you when you’re in love with another? She’d,” Viperion avoided his gaze and swallowed as his own eyes teared up, “she’d want you to be happy if she’s not what you want, or do you think that she would be petty about it? Put her feelings above your own and demand that you date her or else? That’s not love Adrien, that’s being possessive and cruel.”
Chat Noir sighed, “no, if she does, err, did like me or love me like that, she… she’s never told me and now that she knows that I love someone else…” Adrien sighed again as he rubbed the back of his neck in misery. “Or even if she thinks that I’ve invented a girl that I love, to turn her down without really meaning to turn her down, well, y-yeah. I can see that she might want me to be happy like that.”
“She might…?” Viperion prodded.
“Well, I think that she would hope that I was being honest and that she would want me to be with them.” Adrien remembered when they had gone skating at the ice rink. Marinette was so supportive, but… but sad for some reason. It made sense. She liked him, as more than a friend, and he’d asked her how to ask out Kagami!
Then she brought Luka and he couldn’t take his eyes off of her or how Luka seemed to care about her. Why did that bother him? Then or now?
Chat Noir felt his eyes tearing up. “Ugh! I’ve been such a jerk to her! I even asked her for dating advice when I tried to get over Milady once, but I-I just couldn’t do it and I didn’t mean to hurt her though. I really should still apologize.”
“Now YOU’RE being petty.” Viperion scolded.
“What?” Chat Noir looked shocked.
“Do you really want to apologize to help HER feel better, or do you want to do it to make yourself feel better? Because if it’s the latter, you are being selfish. She’s trying to respect your feelings and you would be rubbing it into her face again that she’s not enough for you by reminding her of all of this, plus embarrassing her by mentioning it.”
“That’s not fair! I loved Ladybug before I noticed her!” Chat Noir defended, “and I never said that she wasn’t enough, Ladybug is the one that I love!”
“I already told you, life isn’t fair and apologizing will only open up her wounds.” Viperion scolded again, “you have no reason to feel guilty about her feelings or for your own. She can’t make you love her and you can’t make her unlove you.”
Viperion took a breath and tried to calmly explain. “Your little crush has to make the choice to move on Chat Noir. If you care about her, which I think that you do but not enough to return her feelings. So please, let her make this less difficult for her and let her move on.”
Chat Noir shook his head, “I don’t want her out of my life though.”
“Ugh, how do I explain this? It sounds like she’s taking a breather, but ought to come back as your friend to some degree from the looks of things, why can’t you understand that?” Viperion folded his arms in frustration, “and if Marinette is only ‘your friend’, it would be appropriate to let her make her own choice and respect that. Marinette is respecting your love for your mystery girl and your obvious distaste of the idea that she could ever be something more, which means that you should do the same for her.”
Chat Noir frowned at him, “it’s not that I don’t like the idea of… of being more than a friend with Marinette, but Ladybug has that place in my heart already. Didn’t I already say that?”
“I know that and now she knows that.” Viperion pointed out harshly before he took a breath and attempted to explain, “even though it hurts her. She needs time to adjust. So maybe it’s time to let go of your little itty bitty crush and let her move on, it’s what she’s trying to do for you after all.”
“You make it sound so easy.” Chat Noir shook his head, “but it’s not, and… and it, it just feels wrong not to apologize.”
“If it comes up, apologize for the prank and for letting it go on for too long, but if it doesn’t, don’t bring it up.” Viperion advised calmly, “you don’t have to apologize for not loving her the way she wanted you to, especially since that will let her know that you now know about her feelings, which obviously she didn’t want to bring up since she now knows that it’s useless.”
“Wanted to, ugh.” Chat Noir scoffed. “It sounds awful that way, like she won’t care about me anymore if I don’t love her the way she wants, that’s just typical.”
“And that’s hypocritical.” Viperion continued for him as he rolled his eyes at the irony. “Since obviously you haven’t moved on or given up on Ladybug like she has asked you to on the news, because she’s interested in someone else.”
“It’s not the same. I’ve told Ladybug how I feel about her!”
“Now listen you… you stubborn cat, Marinette is trying to not care about you so much that it hurts her. She has been loving you from afar and frankly, not confessing to you so you could have the opportunity to let her down gently has already hurt her. That was her fault true, but she gets that, but you’ve got to admit it’s very similar. You can’t take away the hurt that Marinette is feeling right now. She’s staying away at the moment to heal her heart and to build a better and healthier boundary between you and to learn how to hope that there is someone else out there worthy of her. That’s how she’s handling your not so subtle and numerous rejections. Can’t you see that?”
“I don’t want her to push me away though, I don’t want her to leave me.” Chat Noir looked at him with wide eyes and pouted, “since she is staying away from me, does… does that mean that she will stop caring about me completely?”
“From the sounds of things, she wants to be your friend and she just needs time to figure out what that means. You have to let go of the idea that it’ll ever be the same between you. I mean, come on, without you knowing it, she was showing you that she loved you before and now she’s doing it again by leaving you to your mystery woman and trying to move on, isn’t she?”
“M-maybe. I don’t know what to do about all of this though, she, she seemed to like, err, maybe even love me so much the way you explain it. It’s just, I don’t understand why?”
Viperion chuckled, “I think that the best answer there is why not? You’d have to ask her, but I think that would be a bad idea right now since you can’t point out that you know about her feelings. If you love her a little bit, it probably means more to her for you to love her the way that she loves you and try not to say anything. I mean, real love isn’t easy,” Viperion winked at Chat and shot him a finger gun, “but it’s worth it.”
“Yeah.” Chat Noir looked sad as he agreed. “I just wish it wasn’t so confusing.”
“I’d definitely have to agree with that.”
They were quiet for a minute, looking out at Paris as they let everything sink in, before Viperion stretched like he was getting ready to leave.
“Well then.” Viperion wiped his hands of the matter, “it sounds like you’re going to have to leave your little crush to do her own thing now and hope that she comes back as your friend, as you continue to go after Ladybug that is. Am I right?”
Chat Noir only nodded once and weakly answered. “Y-yeah, because I, I love Ladybug.”
Viperion frowned and pointed out, “you know, you say that a lot, but saying it won’t make it so that she loves back, you know that, right?”
“I know, but I’m not giving up.” Chat Noir told him defiantly. “I love her too much to let go!”
Viperion shook his head, “it’s like we haven’t even had this conversation huh?”
“What do you mean?” Chat Noir raised his eyebrow at him quizzically.
Viperion sighed, “I mean I’ve done all that I can tonight. I’m a mere mortal after all and I guess that means that it’s only fair that I warn you. Sometime in the near future, you may have some competition.”
“I’m going back to the reason why I came out tonight and I’m letting you know that I’ll wait until the pretty girl who is under Ladybug’s mask is ready, but when she is, I intend to ask her out on a date.”
“But… but, that’s not fair!” Chat Noir objected, “she won’t date me!”
Viperion nodded, “because of the masks, I know. Now I’ll let you know that I’ve wanted to date her since I met her civilian side and now that Mr. Oblivious will likely no longer be her focus, I might have a chance.”
Chat Noir pouted, “but it’s not fair, I want a chance to ask her out too!”
“I’m just being honest with you. You know enough to figure out Ladybug’s identity, you just can’t because you’re so focused on the mask.” Viperion looked out across the city. “I will tell you one thing though just in an attempt to be fair, as long as you’re focused on the hero, you’ll never see the girl behind it. She has faults Chat Noir, she’s not perfect, close but not quite.” Viperion finished as he chuckled, “so I guess I’m just being a gentleman and telling you to get ready for some competition.”
“Viperion, look, I know that she’s not perfect, but she’s perfect for me and I know that she’ll choose me!” Chat Noir insisted, “I’ve loved her since she put on that mask! If anyone has a right to ask her out, I do!”
“I never said that you couldn’t. It’s Ladybug’s choice, and if anything, I have loved her before I knew that she wore her mask.” Viperion told him resolutely as he gave his competitor a two-finger salute. “Now that a certain blind idiot has turned her down, she’s going to need someone someday that truly loves her and who knows,” he shrugged and grinned, “maybe she’ll give us each a chance when that time comes.” He chuckled, “I’m just telling you that right now because I doubt that we’ll be seeing each other often like this, so may the best man win.”
“I will! I’ll ask her out too.”
Viperion laughed lightly and shook his head like he didn’t believe Ladybug would accept, which infuriated the black cat.
“Whatever Chat Noir, I’ll see you later!” Which was when Viperion jumped to the next roof over and began to run away.
Chat Noir scowled at his disappearing form and almost yelled, “I don’t care what you think, she’ll choose me! We’re meant to be! I know it!” Then he frowned and whispered worriedly a moment later, “right?”
To start at the beginning, Chapter 1 on AO3 here
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tournesolia · 5 years
Lunatic Parade Ayato Chapter 2 Translation
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Place : Hotel Mondstein – Guest room
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Yui : Hm... Hmm... ?
(… For how long have I been sleeping...?)
Ayato : Zzz... Zzz...
Yui : (Ayato-kun is still sleeping. I must be careful not to wake him up...)
Here... we go
Scene change : Hotel Mondstein – Balcony
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Yui : Hm... ?
(… What's this smell...?)
(There's a nice smell coming from the lower floor... What is this ? Food stalls ?)
*gurgling noise
Yui : (… Shall I go have a look for a bit...?)
Scene change : Glimmer Main Street – Front wagons
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Pretzel shopkeeper : Aah, the young lady other here. How about some delicious and freshly baked pretzels ?
Yui : (Wow... There's many more kinds of pretzels than I thought...)
Pretzel shopkeeper : I've been practising making pretzels in the Human World for a long time, so I'm confident about the taste
They were well received by the customers from the Demon World as well. So, which ones do you want ?
Yui : (Hmm... What should I do ? I'm getting lost...)
Um... Do you have any recommendations ?
Pretzel shopkeeper : Recommendations... That's right. I'd like to say I recommend everything, but... Hmm...
Lout A : Hey, old guy. Give us some pretzels too
Pretzel shopkeeper : Aah... Then get in line here
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Lout B : Aaah ? We asked you to give some now ! C'mon, give them now !
Yui : … !
(What are those people...?)
Pretzel shopkeeper : Don't be absurd ! There's a guest waiting before you... Uh !?
Lout A : … Hey, old guy. Just who are you telling to line up ?
Lout B : If you're being so sassy, we'll make sure you won't be able to do business ever again !
Yui : (This is insane...!)
H-Hey... !
Lout B : Aah ? What do you want, woman... ?
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Yui : You make false accusations at this person even though he didn't do anything...
Pretzel shopkeeper : Ah... Young lady... !
Lout A : Ha ! How funny. Is that woman gonna rebel against us ?
Lout B : … Looks like it. In that case, she can't afford to go home safely !
*one of the louts grabs her
Yui : Kyaa !
(H-He's amazingly strong... ! What should I do ? At this rate...!)
??? : Don't touch her !
*someone punches the lout
Lout A : Uwaaah !!
Yui : … !?
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Ayato : Hey, who the hell are you... ? Don't lay your hands on a woman without permission !
Yui : Ah, Ayato-kun... !
(Could it be... He jumped off from the hotel veranda...!?)
Lout B : H-Hey... ! Are you okay ? Tch... How dare you !?
Ayato : What... ? What are you gonna do ? Is it fine to attack me altogether ? If you wann have a very bad time !
Lout B : … S-Shit... ! Hey, let's go !
Lout A : Y-Yeah... Hey, we'll remember that !!
*the louts escape
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Ayato : Phew... Geez... Hey, breastless !
You did something on your own when I was sleeping. I was worried !
Good thing I happened to take a peek outside, who knows what would happen at this time if I didn't...
You won't be targeted by vampires since you don't have a heart
But that doesn't mean you can wander around alone
Yui : I-I'm sorry...
Pretzel shopkeeper : Now now, you there. You don't have to be so angry at the young lady
Ayato : Aah ? Who're you... ?
Pretzel shopkeeper : As you can see, I'm the owner of this stall. And my precious store didn't end up broken thanks to this young lady
There's not much I can do but this is my thanks for you help. Eat them together
Yui : Eh... ?
(He gave us so many pretzels...!)
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Ayato : Is that fine ?
Pretzel shopkeeper : Aah, of course. Since you are here, you should enjoy the parade as well
Yui : Thank you very much !
Ayato : Heh... Well, since he took the trouble to gave those to us, let's eat them...
Yui : You're right. Let's sit on the bench other there, then...
*some time passes
Ayato : *munch... They're pretty good. He made them so black
*munch... What's that taste ? Hey, breastless. Come eat one too
*Ayato gets closer
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Ayato : C'mon, open your mouth
Yui : Eh ? … Hmm... !
(… He force fed me...!)
*Ayato moves back
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Ayato : Hehe ! What do you think ? Good, huh ?
Yui : Hm... Yes... I wonder what is it... It tastes like... black sesame ?
(The shopkeeper told me he practised making pretzels in the Human World...)
Ayato : Aah ? There's black sesame in the Demon World ? Well, whatever, the taste isn't bad anyway
So ? What do we do now ? We have to handle Walter's task, right ?
Yui : Yes...
(… Our “bad deeds”...)
(… As I thought, this is...)
Hey, Ayato-kun. I thought a little about it, and...
Ayato : … ? What... ?
Yui : When we came to the Demon World and were fleeing from the gatekeeper and the townspeople,
we caused trouble to a lot of people...
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Ayato : Trouble ? … Really ?
Yui : We entered the basement of someone's house without permission, you knocked down shelves...
Ayato : … Yeah. Something like that happened...
Yui : I was wondering if these were our “bad deeds” the earl talked about...
Ayato : Hmm. Then, if that's what Walter was talking about... What should we do ?
Yui : I don't know well either, but anyway, we have no other choice but to go apologize to them once...
Ayato : Aah ? Apologize ? Hell no...
Yui : But... The earl told us to clear our bad deeds... We can't do anything except apologize...
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Ayato : Hmph, I hate it
Yui : …...
Ayato : But well, there's no other options I can think of. So I got no choice but do as you say
Yui : … ! Ayato-kun... !
Ayato : Alright. Now that it's settled, let's go quick
Yui : … Yes !
(Thank you, Ayato-kun)
Scene change : Underground corridor
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Yui : (It was around here...)
Kyaa !
Ayato : Shhh, be quiet
Yui : (…?)
Ayato : Hey, look. Something feels different from yesterday
*someone knocks at the door
Suspicious man A : … It's me. Open
Suspicious man B : We're all here … It's okay, no one should catch us
*the two suspicious men enter the room
Yui : That room over here, this is the one... right ?
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Ayato : Yeah, no doubt. It's the basement from yesterday
I don't get it but they sneaked in. What the hell is going on ?
Yui : (As Ayato-kun says, something feels different...)
… Anyway, it would be troublesome if we lose points again for getting in their way, so let's wait here for a bit ?
Ayato : Tch, we have to wait in that damp place ?
Hey, breastless. Let's make out to kill some time. *kiss...
Yui : Eh !? Wait a second ! At such a place... !
??? : … Then, we'll carry out the plan the day after tomorrow at night...
Yui : (… Hm ? I can hear a voice from the other side of the door...)
Ayato : C'mon, come closer
Yui : … ! Ayato-kun, keep silent for a bit... !
*Yui pushes Ayato
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Ayato : … !?
??? 2 : … I see. This is an opportunity since the people around will be focused on the parade...
??? 3 : … I'll be the decoy... As for the place, is the Mouth of Zartan good ?
??? 1 : Yeah, I don't mind. However, we have some problems...
Yui : (… A strategy meeting for something...?)
Ayato : … Hey, breastless... Why you... !
You've got some nerves to thrust the Great Me away !
When it comes to this, I'll suck your blood here right now ! C'mere !
Yui : Ah, wait a second, Ayato-kun... !
??? 1 : Oh... Who's there !?
*they leave the room and come
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Owner : … ! You two are... the ones from yesterday !!
Ayato : … !
Yui : (W-We got caught !!)
Suspicious man A : Ah... I heard some talk just now ! So... You guys were spying on us !?
Ayato : Aah ? Spying ? What are you talking about ?
Yui : We didn't came... to spy ! We just came to apologize for yesterday... !
Suspicious man B : Shut up ! Now that you hear about the plan, you won't just get away with that !
Yui : It's the truth ! We really came to apologise to you about yesterday !
(Believe me...!)
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Owner : Apologize, huh... Hey, kid. What about you ?
Ayato : Aah ? Who're you calling a kid !? Don't fuck with me...
But it's as she said. 'Cause yesterday, we interfered in your room...
Owner : I see... Well, however...
You have heard of our plan. Besides...
You caused big trouble yesterday. No matter how much you apologize, I'm not willing to forgive you
Yui : (No way...!)
Ayato : Big trouble... ?
Owner : Hmph... When you ran away, you knocked down the shelves
Because of that, my important key is broken. Take a look
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Yui : (Ah... It's broken in half...)
I-I'm sorry... !
Ayato : Heh... That's it ?
Hey, old guy. Lend me that key right now. The Great Me's gonna fix it
Will you forgive us if I do that ?
Owner : … Well, that will be the case. If you can do that
Ayato : Aah ? That's easy. I just have to go to the locksmith and have it fixed
Yui : (It's surely as Ayato-kun says... Right...?)
(But... Something feels different...)
Owner : Hmph, you're very confident. Well then, I'll deposit this key to you
But you have until tomorrow. By then, if you don't manage to fix the key...
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Ayato : Heh, no worries, one day is enough. See ya, old guy
Let's go, breastless
Yui : Y-Yes...
(I have a bad feeling about this, somehow... I hope it's just my imagination...)
Scene change : Glimmer Main Street – Front wagons
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Ayato : Err... Locksmith, locksmith... I wonder where is it... 'Can't be helped, I'll ask someone
??? : Well, welcome !
Ayato : Ah, hey. The old man other here, is there a locksmith around ?
??? : … ! You, you're from yesterday... !
Ayato : Ah... ?
Yui : Ah !
(This person must be...!)
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Ayato : Hey, breastless ! Let’s take a short cut ! Over here !
Yui : Eh !?
Crepe shopkeeper : Crepe ! Would you like a crepe ~ ?
Ayato : Get out of my way !
Crepe shopkeeper : Uwaaah ! My stall !
*end of flashback
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Yui : (At that time, we...!)
Crepe shopkeeper : Hey ! How dared you make my stall a mess at that time !?
Ayato : Aah ? What are you talking about !? Anyway, just tell us where the locksmith is !
Crepe shopkeeper : And why should I do such a thing ?
Ayato : Aah ? What the hell... ?
Yui : (… !)
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Choice 1 : Stop him by restraining him (correct)
*Yui restrains him
Yui : Ayato-kun ! No !
*Ayato struggles
Ayato : … Let me go ! What the hell are you doing !?
Yui : Calm down... !
*Ayato continues to struggle and manages to free himself
Choice 2 : Stop him by yelling (incorrect)
Yui : Ayato-kun ! No !
Ayato : Shaddup ! Keep your mouth shut !
– End of choices
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Yui : (Ayato-kun completely forgot !)
You overturned this person's stall when we were running away, yesterday. Don't you remember ?
Ayato : Hm ? A-Aaah... I guess something like that happened...
Yui : Mister Crepe shopkeeper ! We apologize for that time. We're really sorry... !
Crepe shopkeeper : Hah ! It would be difficult to apologize now
Yui : But... It would be troublesome if you don't forgive us... !
(If we don't do that, the earl's task won't be...)
Crepe shopkeeper : Hmph, what a strange thing to say, young lady. But I'm afraid to say I don't feel like forgiving any of you
After all, I wasn't able to do business for half a day, yesterday !
??? : Now now, Mister Crepe shopkeeper. Wait a second
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Yui : (… This is...)
Crepe shopkeeper : … You are... The pretzel shopkeeper...
Pretzel shopkeeper : These children are passing acquaintances of mine
In fact, they helped me by interfering with the louts this morning
Crepe shopkeeper : … These two ?
Pretzel shopkeeper : That's right. So, what do you think ? Can you pardon them for my sake this time ?
Yui : … !
Crepe shopkeeper : … But... I still can't do that for free...
Hmm... It can't be helped. In that case, how about this ? You'll work at my store for half a day
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Ayato : Work at your crepe store ?
Crepe shopkeeper : That's right. I've just been thinking and I want to show the parade to my wife
If you manage my store in the meantime, I'll forget about yesterday
Yui : Really... !?
Ayato : Hmm, a crepe store, huh... Well, I can do it. That sounds a bit interesting
Yui : I'll do it as well ! Thank you very much !
Pretzel shopkeeper : Good, good. In that case, good luck
Yui : Thank you very much to you as well, Mister Pretzel shopkeeper !
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Crepe shopkeeper : Well then, I'll teach you how to make crepes, so come this way
Yui : Yes !
(We managed to find a way for him to forgive us. Thank godness...!)
*some time passes
Ayato : Alright, let's do it. The one baking the dough is the Great Me, obviously !
Yui : Okay, I'm fine with it
(Hehe. In the end, Ayato-kun is pretty enthusiastic)
Ayato : Well then, let's go !
Yui : Ah, Ayato-kun ! If you pour the dough all of a sudden...
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Ayato : Ah ? What about it !? Next, I round with this spatula... Huh... ?
Damn, it doesn't go well at all... What the heck is that... ?
Yui : A-Ayato-kun... At this rate...
(… The smell...)
(… As I thought, it's burning !!)
Ayato : Tch, shit... It didn't go well at all. I'm stopping that ! I'm done ! I'll leave you to it, breastless !
Yui : Eh !? W-Wait a minute... !
(… Geez, when it comes to this... !)
*some time passes
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Yui : (… It seems I managed to get the gist of it... Thank godness)
Vampire woman E : They look delicious, huh. One crepe, please !
Vampire woman D : Me too ~ !
Yui : Y-Yes ! Right now--
*a lot of people gathered around the crepe shop
Yui : (Ah... What should I do ? It's suddenly crowded)
??? : Aah-aah, looks like you can't turn around by yourself anymore. The Great Me'll help out a little
Yui : … ! Ayato-kun !
(Thank godness, he came back...!)
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Ayato : … Hey, the woman other here, what flavor you want ? Hurry and decide !
Vampire woman E : M-Me... ? Then, caramel and...
Ayato : Heh, rejected
Yui : Eeh !?
(Ayato-kun shouldn't use such an attitude towards a customer...!)
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Ayato : Hmm... I know. If I do it like that...
Yeah, like that. I'll name it “The Great Ayato's special made bloody crepe” !
Yui : B-Bloody... !?
(A lot of strawberry sauce is sticking out and dripping...!)
(At this state, the customers will surely get angry...)
Vampire woman F : A-Amazing ! It's the first time I see such an innovative crepe !!
Vampire man D : That's right... ! This is the crepe that follows vampire's liking... !!
Vampire man E : Big brother, I want one too !
Yui : (A long line formed very fast before the stall...!)
Ayato : Heh, if you want one, just quietly wait !
… Hey, breastless, cook lots of crepes !
Yui : A-Alright... !
(I don't understand but Ayato-kun's amazing...)
*some time passes
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Crepe shopkeeper : Impressive, you really helped. In addition, you seemed to have a big success
Ayato : Heh, the Great Me made those crepes so that's obvious !
Crepe shopkeeper : Haha. Anyway, as promised, I'll forget and forgive you about yesterday's case. I'll tell you where the locksmith is located as well
Yui : Really ?
(Thank godness...!)
Thank you very much !
Scene change : Diamante's fountain
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Yui : … Hm. I think it's around here, but...
(According to the map written by the crepe shopkeeper, the locksmith is located at the fountain square...)
Ayato : Hey, wait a second
Yui : Eh ? … Kyaa !
*Ayato gets closer
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Yui : (W-What...?)
Ayato : Hehe, breastless. You have cream on your face. How much desperate were you ?
Yui : Eh !?
Ayato : Tch... Don't move. I'll remove it...
Yui : (… He's licking...!)
Ayato : Heeeh... It's quite delicious. The taste is worthy of it's reputation. But...
I prefer this one. *kiss...
Yui : Hmm... !
(Ayato-kun kisses me when there's so many people...!)
A-Ayato-kun... ! It's not the time to play around... !
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Ayato : Oh ? Hey, look at that. There's a key shaped signboard. Isn't it over here ?
Yui : Eh !? Ah... That's true. It's over here
Ayato : Alright, let's go !
Yui : (… ! I have the feeling I've been well deceived !)
*They knock at the door
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Yui : Pardon uuuuus
Ayato : Hey, is no one here !?
Yui : (Maybe they're on break...?)
Flower shopkeeper : Aah, if you're looking for the locksmith, he's actually on break
Yui : Eh... !?
Flower shopkeeper : … He always closes the store during the parade, saying there's few customers
Yui : (N-No way...)
Ayato : Shit ! We finally made all the way here and he's on break !? Are you fucking kidding me !?
Aah-aah, I quickly lost interest... I'm too tired to do other things today...
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Yui : (… He must be a little tired...)
Ayato : Hey, breastless. He said we have until tomorrow to repair the key, right ?
Yui : Yes...
Ayato : In that case, let's look for the locksmith without hesitation tomorrow
It will be hard to find someone we never met in that crowd
Yui : (That must be true...)
(Besides, Ayato-kun helped me, when I was entangled, by working hard and seeling crepes...)
(He wants to take a little break...)
… That's right. Then, let's head back to the hotel early...
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Ayato : Stuuupid, Which idiot would return to the hotel at such a time ?
Yui : Eh ?
Ayato : Now that we're here, let's go watch the parade for a bit
If we go all out tomorrow, we'll manage to do it in some way. So let's go !
Yui : Ah, wait, Ayato-kun... !
Scene change : Saint nore park street
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Ayato : Aah, the magic carpet was the best ! Now, where are we going next... ?
Yui : (Ayato-kun is having fun... I'm glad)
(We still have problems piled up but he wants to have some fun at the long-awaited parade...)
Ayato : Oh, there's a thing that looks fun other here. Hey, let's go
Yui : Okay !
Scene change : Saint nore park street
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Ayato : Alright, it's a game where you have to escape from this mirror house as fast as possible !
Yui : I get it
Ayato : Hehe, I definitely won't lose ! The Great Me will go this way. See ya at the exit !
*Ayato leaves
Yui : (Alright, I'll try my best to not lose either !)
Scene change : Mirror house
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Yui : (Hmm...)
(It's the same scenery no matter where I go, as if I've been going around the same place over and over again...)
*white flash
Yui : … !?
(W-What... ? I suddenly feel dizzy...)
(Maybe I'm getting sick because of the mirror house...?)
*another white flash
Yui : … !
(… No... It's not that... I'm sick...)
(My heart... The kleinod is acting strange...)
*Yui falls
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Yui : (Everything before me... becomes dark...)
(… Ayato... kun...)
??? : … ss... Miss...
Yui : (…)
??? : Miss... Hang on. Miss... !
Yui : (… Who is... calling me...?)
*Yui opens her eyes
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Yui : … Hmm... ?
Vampire gentleman : Aah, you came to ! I'm so glad !
Yui : (Ah... I see, I collapsed inside the mirror house...)
Vampire gentleman : I got scared when you collapsed in such a place. I'll bring someone....--
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Ayato : … Hey ! What the hell are you doing !? Get away from her right now !!
*Ayato kicks the vampire
Vampire gentleman : Ugu !?
Yui : … ! Ayato-kun !?
*Ayato gets closer
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Ayato : Yui ! Are you okay !?
Hey, you bastard ! She belongs to the Great Me ! I won't show mercy to those who lay a hand on her without my permission !
Vampire gentleman : Guh... Lay a hand on her... ? I was just...
Ayato : It's useless to make excuses ! I'm gonna beat your ass right now !
Yui : (… ! He absolutely guessed it wrong !)
Ayato-kun ! That's wrong !! You're misunderstanding !
This person was just helping me when I wasn't feeling well...
Ayato : Aah... ? What the heck... ?
Vampire gentleman : Hmph... This is what I get for showing kidness... ! That was impolite of me !
*The vampire left
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Yui : Ah...
(He left...)
You suddenly hit him. You went too far, no matter how you put it...
Ayato : Tch, I couldn't help it...
'Cause from my angle, it just looked like that bastard was sucking your blood...
Geez... I waited at the exist but you wouldn't come out, so I got worried and came...
Yui : (… Ayato-kun...)
I'm sorry for worrying you...
Ayato : Hey, more importantly, you said that you weren't feeling well... Are you okay ?
Yui : … Yes, I'm fine now...
*white flash
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Yui : ...-- !?
(… Again...?)
Ayato : … !? Hey !
Yui : (No... My consciousness is...)
*Yui lose consciousness
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Ayato : Yui !
*some time passes
Yui : (… What is this... ? I feel that my body’s light...)
??? : ui... Yui... !
*Yui opens her eyes
Place : Hotel Mondstein – Guest room
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Yui : … Hmm... ?
(This is... The hotel...?)
Ayato : Ah ! You finally came to...
Yui : Ayato-kun... I...
Ayato : You passed out and I panicked ! So I carried you and head back here first
*Ayato gets closer
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Ayato : … Are you okay ?
Yui : Yes, I'm fine now
Ayato : Hm, that's great then, but... Don't overdo it, okay ?
Yui : (Ah... He's stroking my head...)
Ayato : Sigh... Anyway, it's getting late now so get some sleep
Yui : Yes, I will do that. I'm sorry for causing lots of troubles
Ayato : … It's fine. Besides, I never thought you caused me any trouble
Your safety is what matters most to me...
Yui : (Ayato-kun... You're so kind...)
(… Now that I'm relieved, I feel sleepy...)
*Yui falls asleep
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Yui : (… This place is...?)
(Could it be again...?)
Mysterious man : … Hello, it's been a while
Yui : (This voice...)
Are you by any chance... the earl of Walter... ?
Mysterious man : Hehe... Well, what about it ?
Yui : …...
Mysterious man : You know, this Ayato guy... He's quite infatuated with you
To think he would hit so quickly a complete stranger who was a kind man... How troublesome
Yui : … So you saw this...
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Mysterious man : That's right, I saw everything... Still, I wonder for what reason he's attached to you so far
Yui : Reason... ?
Mysterious man : That's right. Have you ever thought about it ?
Yui : Well...
Mysterious man : Are you perhaps thinking... It's because he loves you ?
Yui : … !
Mysterious man : Hehe, it seems I hit the mark. However, you should think it over without delay, in that case
Yui : … What do you mean ?
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Mysterious man : As you see, this man always sticks to being the best
This is why he doesn't want to hand over you, who possesses this one and only heart, to anyone... Am I wrong ?
Yui : … That's... !
(Is he implying Ayato-kun is protecting me for my heart...?)
(That must be wrong... Because Ayato-kun isn't...!)
Ayato-kun isn't this kind of person. He clearly...
(… Thinks about myself... Not my heart...)
Mysterious man : … Hehe... Hahaha... !
Yui : … What's so funny ?
Mysterious man : Nothing, sorry. I was just thinking how foolish you are, you poor girl...
Do you truly think vampires understand things such as love ?
… If you do, you make a big mistake
*Yui wakes up
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Yui : … Haa... ! Haa... Haa...
(… Was it a dream just now...?)
… Ayato-kun... ?
(… Looks like he's not here... Did he go out...?)
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Mysterious man : Do you truly think vampires understand things such as love ?
… If you do, you make a big mistake
*end of flashback
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Yui : (… That's not true. Ayato-kun isn't that kind of person)
(I trust him...)
Chapter 2 : End
109 notes · View notes
tabithacarlisle · 5 years
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*OFF THE RECORD PART 3: 🧺by Jo ( @tabithacarlisle ;) 
Notes: Based of Pixelberry Studio’s The Royal Romance with: Maxwell x MC, Liam x MC, Drake & Liam (*Pixelberry owns these characters, I just have fun playing with them :) Word Count: 1276 (it’s a shortie :)
Warnings: Rated T for Teen: marital angst, extramarital affairs implied, pregnancy, awkward silences, ‘dirty laundry’ 🧺 👀, and brief swearing Note: 
*This chapter makes much more sense if you’ve read OTR Part 1 and OTR Part 2 in order, first! 
*OTR Part 3 “Yes, I’d like to think I can anticipate my wife’s every need, quite nicely.”
A large flat sheet billowed in front of her until it settled on the bed and revealed the person changing their linens.
Tabitha stopped dead in her tracks- Liam.
“Good afternoon, my love.”
He was walking around the foot of the bed which he clearly had just made up himself with a fresh set of linens. A laundry basket near his feet appeared to hold the sheets that had been used the night before. She instinctively pulled her towel wrap higher. It now completely covered a small, purplish hickey forming just below her collarbone. “Goodness —Liam? You’re home! But what are you doing? you didn’t have to go through the trouble— “ “Not at all. I asked Gladys to allow me to change the sheets myself today. I rather enjoy making my own bed from time to time. Achieving that perfect hospital corner-fold lends itself to a sort of zen-like calm for me, I’ve found.” Liam finished tucking in their lush duvet and then walked over to embrace her. His hands dropped to her waist and he whispered tenderly against her forehead, “I’ve missed you, so much my love.”
Tabitha’s arms encircled his lower back as her cheek nuzzled into the soft merino wool sweater over his broad chest, where she could easily breathe in the familiar scent of his cologne. Her thoughts were racing a mile a minute. “I’ve missed you too, Liam. You’re home early though, what happened?”
“Or ‘on time,’ rather.” he smiled, “I was able to reschedule those trade meetings with the foreign dignitaries for next week. Some of them even agreed to meet with us here in Cordonia, thankfully. Which means I was able to call your doctor and make sure we could keep our appointment for your 20-week sonogram today after all.”
They could both hear the sound of the shower water turning off. Tabitha tried her best not to cringe and maintain a carefree and pleasant expression.
“Oh! that’s such a relief! Thank you, Liam I’m so happy.”
“Tabitha, I really must apologize for disappointing you earlier, having you think we wouldn’t be able to make this work out today. I should have realized how important it was to you for us to mark the occasion of seeing our child’s image together from the start. And, If you can forgive me, I hope to set things right, now.”
“It means the world to me, Liam. I know how difficult it can be to tear yourself away from your duties to Cordonia. Thank you, for making this time for me, for us.”
“Certainly. Though, I have to admit... I’ve -noticed we aren’t quite alone here? I’d recognize those size 44 Hermès trainers anywhere.” Liam nodded towards the pair of black & orange leather sneakers resting in a clump by the door. “Maxwell? You can come out now.”
Tabitha blinked hard and swallowed, putting a hand lightly to her neck as she turned to look towards the master bathroom door.
Maxwell walked out sheepishly, white-knuckling a towel slung low around his hips. He ran his free hand nervously through his wet hair.
“H’Hey... Liam! You’re... you’re home early?”
“So I’ve heard. It’s good to see you too, my friend!”
Liam moved to shake his hand but they both decided the better of it when they realized how awkward it would be for the towel clad and still slightly damp Maxwell to do this. Liam’s hands returned to resting on Tabitha’s shoulders before he spoke again.
“Since we’ve the good fortune of having you in town this week, Maxwell, I’d like to extend an invitation. Would you care to join us for Tabitha’s appointment this afternoon? Once you’ve... finished, getting ready of course. You’ll, be able to see the baby with us. That is, so long as Tabitha agrees?”
This has got to be the most awkward moment in the history of awkward moments, Maxwell thought to himself. What the hell am I even supposed to say? Looking down at the floor and trying in vain to stop blushing from all of the unease, he spoke,
“Oh! um... I shouldn’t. I don’t want to intrude on a private family moment.” “Nonsense, Max! You’re family to me, too. You wouldn’t be intruding at all. I want you to come. We... want you to come. Right darling? It’ll be good for all of us. Thank you, Liam.”
“You know I’d do anything for you, my love... I hope you both won’t mind? I took the liberty to invite Drake to accompany us this time as well.”
“Great,” she exclaimed, “The more, the merrier! It’s really, going to be special.”
Liam beamed and gently rubbed her shoulders. “Excellent! I shall meet you both downstairs to take lunch in the dining hall, then we’ll all head over in the ‘Rover to drive to the Adair Wing together.” He kissed her and then nodded, smiling genuinely at Maxwell before picking up the laundry basket to leave and close the door behind him.
Maxwell let out a low whistle once it was just the two of them again.
“Well, that went...”
“Yeah...It sure did...”
“You weren’t expecting him back so soon?”
“No, of course not! I told you I was devastated because the impression I was under after speaking with Bastien over the phone, was that rescheduling Liam’s meetings would have been completely out of the question. I wonder what brought on the change?”
“Err, speaking of ‘change,’... I left my suitcase, with all of my clothes in my room upstairs yesterday... so....”
“Oh, just put something of Liam’s on real quick ‘til you can get up there—“ She stopped herself when she noticed a shadow in the hallway coming from behind the bedroom door, and opened it. There she found a small duffel bag with a toothbrush, a men’s travel Dopp kit, and a single day’s worth of Maxwell’s clothes.
“Or not?” She closed the door and handed him the bag. “Looks like someone wants to help us.”
“Well, I don’t know who, but I’ll take it.” —-
Later as they finished up their lunch, Tabitha noticed Liam making an effort to make small talk with Maxwell across their table, and took the opportunity to speak privately with Drake.
“So what really made him able to cancel those trade meetings in Davos all of a sudden?”
Drake leaned back in his chair and spoke to her in hushed tones with his arms crossed over his chest.
“I told him he was making a big fucking mistake letting you down like that, Carlisle. That’s the ‘long and short’ of it. He finally listened to me.”
“Then you really are the ‘Liam Whisperer’ after all! I’m not sure how you did it, but I owe you one, Drake. Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it. But, I don’t s’pose you could thank me by figuring a way to get me out of going to this thing? No offense, but I’m not exactly looking forward to playing referee for you three today, and I hate doctors’ offices.”
Liam stood up before she could respond and went over to offer Tabitha his arm. “Right then, shall we?”
“Too late!” she mouthed silently back to Drake with a wink. ............ Click Here to Read on >>>> OTR Part 4
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