#she was EXTREMELY lucky that Kite came at the right time
cocogum · 1 year
It’s scary to know that if it wasn’t for Kite, we wouldn’t even know who Gon was.
Like think about it for a second.
If Kite went to Whale Island and came only a second late to meet him, the dude would’ve already died by an angry mother Foxbear (yes, that’s what those creatures are called).
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The only reason why Kite even travelled to Whale Island was to find any possible clues about Ging’s whereabouts, NOT to find Gon.
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The man could’ve got there at any other time of the day, of the week, or even of the year and it just so happens that he coincidentally arrived on the same day that Gon needed rescuing, as soon as he almost gets killed by a wild animal. The timing of this is weirdly terrifying to think about because all it takes for this meeting between the two to change was if Kite was only a bit slower or got to Whale Island on any other day of the year.
Like the guy wasn’t even aware that his master had a son. He only went there because he knew that island was Ging’s birthplace.
So let’s see how the story would go if Gon wasn’t saved on time:
Kite was an inch too late to save Gon and he never learns about the fact that Ging has a son. Gon dies in the forest alone and Mito and Abe go look for him only to find that he had been mauled to death by an animal. They cannot do anything for him but to grieve for the youngest Freecss of the family. Abe manages to slowly make peace with it but Mito doesn’t and instead relies on drinking to forget the pain and irresponsibility of her actions that lead to her adoptive son’s death.
Fast forward a few years later and the hunter exam begins. Leorio and Kurapika have already made their acquaintances on the boat (right after solving their differences) and agree to help each other during the exam.
Killua also joins the exam except he seems to be much more lonely but especially bored while taking the exam. Killua never meets Kurapika and Leorio and the two never meet him.
On the final phase of the exam, Illumi forces him to go back home and Killua can do nothing but do as he says.
Kurapika passes the exam. Leorio fails due to Bohoro being alive (instead of getting killed by Killua to make Leorio pass by default). Killua fails due to quitting the exam in the last phase.
Kurapika starts his mission to eradicate the Phantom Troupe by learning Nen and joining the Nostrade group while also keeping in touch with Leorio while Killua stays at home being tortured as punishment for disobeying the rules and going outside.
You see what I mean??
Gon was the literal glue of the group. He was the one who made sure Leorio and Kurapika stay with him, he was the one that properly met Killua, he was the one that made Killua stay with the group, and he was the one who insistently wanted to get Killua back, encouraging the others to do the same. He was the one that made Leorio join the chairman election.
If it wasn’t for him, the others wouldn’t have gotten as close as they could have.
So if Gon, an important piece of the group, died a little too early, the group wouldn’t have even been made.
All it took for this scenario to happen was if a foxbear had attacked a second earlier.
This situation sounds very dark (even though we’re talking about HxH here) but it could definitely work in a world like this one. I actually find this reality to be very interesting because we would get to see the other’s point of views of their own situations much clearer but that’s just what I think at least.
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theonlygamergost · 3 years
Friendship disguised as rivalry - Seaside!au
It isn’t Gost if she doesn’t think about something and the writes about it, so here I am, making an au and writing a fanfic about it.
I haven’t written in a while and this was beta-read by me, so sorry for any errors. 
Seaside!Dspm au is a fanmade au by me where the members work at a sea housebath called, “Seaside”, here is the original concept, might wanna read it for context.
Dream accidentally says that ‘He’s better than Techno’, so they hold a Sky surf race to see if he’s right.
Warning! This contains swearing!
It had been a windy day, no doubt, the sky had been coloured by the plastic Sky surf kites floating around, sometimes it blew Wilbur’s mind that at the end of each one, there was a person, surfing away. The sunset could be admired perfectly from the counter of the bar, and because they were so close to closing time, he had time to admire it slowly, “I’m happy Dream’s and Sapnap’s course is going well” Ranboo approached the counter and left off a tray with dirty glasses, Wilbur hummed in reply. The younger boy, leaned on the counter himself and had to cover his eyes from the blinding light, “Niki came by and told me they had to call Tommy and Karl to help because of how many people there were”. The musician sighed and stretched before placing what Ranboo had brought inside the dishwasher, “They got lucky that there was a lot of wind today, perfect to launch off the activity” a little breeze passed right at that moment, both of the boys smiled at the timing.
A ring of a bell snapped Ranboo out of his thoughts, “Whoops, that's for me!” and hurried to the kitchen. Just as he left, Wilbur realized that loud laughter was coming his way, and when he turned to see who it was, he was welcomed by the “Dream team”, Tommy, Karl and Technoblade, all of them had slightly damp shirts and a towel, “The best thing is that the wind was in his favour and still lost!” Karl exclaimed and the rest apart Dream started laughing, “I’m sorry Dream but he beat you faire and square” George placed a hand on the blondie’s shoulder who immediately shrugged it off, “I don’t need you to remind me” he rolled his eyes, Tommy laughed once again, “What Dream?” Sapnap hit him with his elbow, “Is the little piss baby too angry to admit defeat?” The rest of the boys laughed, “Guys please stop, it isn’t funny” he crossed his arms, Techno spoke up, “Yeah guys, give him a break, it isn’t nice to rub salt in the wound, he knows he’s a sore loser” a bright smile and mischievous eyes looked at Dream, “Oh fuck off Techno” the blondie surrendered and leaned on the counter, Wilbur welcomed him with a smile, “Let me guess, they’re making fun of you because you called yourself ‘Better than Techno’, ey?” Dream nodded, sitting in one of the high stools at the counter, everyone did the same, dropping off the backpacks at their feet. Tommy slammed his hand on the counter, “Will you should have been there! Techno was a disadvantage the WHOLE time and fucking killed it!” The pink-haired man cracked a little smile, flattered to see the little blondie so excited about his win.
Wilbur grabbed six glasses and placed them in front of each boy, pouring water in all of them, Sapnap and Tommy chugged them so he had to refill them instantly, “Well now I’m curious, tell me how the race went” George giggled just thinking about the events that went down not too long before, “I’ll tell him!” Karl exclaimed, and started narrating.
On Phil’s recommendation, Dream and Sapnap, both Sky surf instructors, had put up an event where from two pm until five-thirty pm, with a small cost, you could Sky surf for thirty minutes with the establishment’s equipment, and if you didn’t know how to do it, they could teach you pretty easily. The idea was nice, both men were down to do so, and the day was pretty windy, they were expecting a maximum of six, seven people as soon as they opened, not twelve. Pretty early they called Karl to come help them with the event, an hour later they also had to call Tommy because they really had underestimated how many people would be interested. So the afternoon was going well, something about thirty people showed up in the end and everyone was tired, thank god the two helpers were around that day.
As everyone was getting back to shore, Techno, who had left Jack on lifeguard duty, dropped by to see how it was going, “I’m glad Phil’s idea took off” Dream was knelt folding the kites, he smiled at the pink-haired man, “Yeah, I mean when did Phil’s ideas not take off” Techno smiled, he was right, Phil always had the best ideas, “Are you tired yet?” The blondie got up and shook his head, “Nah, had to stay on land for most of the time, Sapnap and Tommy handled the sea part” he placed the kite in its respective backpack and grabbed the board and strings, “Would you be down for a race? Voices says that you’re better than me and I’d like to prove them wrong”.
Dream cringed, a couple of days ago, out of pure adrenaline from winning a race with the ‘Dream Team’ he had yelled that ‘He was better than Techno’, he didn’t mean it, Techno and he had was a mutual rivalry with a shared skill level, their only difference was Dream knew how to exploit the winds currents to go faster, Techno had more experience on surfing in general, so he had better balance, knowledge on how to control the kite and had an extreme precision when jumping, you couldn’t tell which one was better. “Ah… that… Yeah, s-sure! I’ll give you a chance” Dream stuttered, he was sure the pink-haired man knew he was the one who said that and yet, Techno smiled, as nothing happened. “I’ll go grab my equipment then, see you at the starting point” and so he turned around and headed off to the lifeguard chair. Dream sighed, “Oh what have I done...” he was already a little sore, mostly his arms, but Techno was ready to go and completely fresh, knowing the man, he was going to give it his all.
“Hey Dream what are you standing there for?! There are still things to put away!” Sapnap approached him, slapping his hand on Dream’s shoulder, he flinched, “I have done a mistake” he turned to look at the man with the black hair, he tilted his head in confusion, “What did you do?” Dream sighed once again, “I woke up the sleeping pig...”. Sapnap blinked, and upon realizing what Dream had said-
“Holy shit dude... KARL! TOMMY!” he immediately shouted back to the other two boys helping some people off their gear, running towards them, “TECHNO AND DREAM ARE HAVING A RACE!!!” at this point all he could do was sigh for the third time as yells of excitement came from behind him, he stared out at the sea, this was going to be a difficult one.
After they inflated the kites, slipped into their suits and laid out the strings, they were ready to go, “Ladies and gentlemen! A race between the best Sky surfers of the Seaside bathhouse is about to begin!” George talked through the megaphone, gaining the attention of the bathers, Dream started to feel the familiar adrenaline of being the centre of attention. “Please stay clear of the start/arrival and the path of the race!” He spoke again, looking back at Techno, Tommy was childishly jumping around him, probably spouting encouragements, like Techno even needed them.
“Hey dude, good luck” Sapnap approached him and smiled, Karl also waved his hands around, giving him a thumb up, “YOU CAN DO IT DREAM!!!” He shouted from next to Niki, that happened to come and watch, he felt a little reassured by the positivity. Right before they started, George whispered him a “Good luck” and smiled before speaking back into the megaphone, “The contenders will have to get into the water, circle the buoy in the distance and get back to shore, the first one to complete the course will be the winner!” After a deep sigh, he signalled Karl to let go of his kite, Techno did the same to Tommy, “Dream, Technoblade, that the best may win, good luck to both” the contenders nodded to George’s wishes, “You scared Dream?” The pink-haired man had tied his long hair into a pigtail, Dream scoffed, “I should ask the same to you!” The other man smiled, “Good luck green man”, he nodded.
“On your marks… Ready… Set…GO!!!” George gave the go, both men ran into the waves and hopped on their boards, the race was on.
Techno started surfing first but Dream passed him quite early, calculating how the wind went, his usual competitive technique should have worked just fine, and it did, he was the first one to circle around the buoy, Techno had lost a lot of ground, they were both too far way too hear the people cheering on the shore.
The wind picked up, Dream took it as a good opportunity to increase his speed, and so he did, kneeling a little. He could feel the adrenaline rise as the people were becoming bigger and clearer to see.
Well, that was until his rival surpassed him with a long jump, the happiness disappeared and got replaced with fear: It was Techno’s speciality, jumping a very long distance even without a favourable wind.
As the man got further away from him, he started calculating how he could gain back some ground: Jumping was out of the question, the wind would have knocked him in the wrong direction, how the hell did Techno do it? The best option was to follow the wind as much as possible and correct the trajectory manually, it was all he could do.
But not long after a dozen of meters, Techno jumped again, and of course skipped a long distance, getting him an irrecoverable distance from Dream. It was over, no way he was getting this, the adrenaline started to decrease as Techno got on land, a loud cheer announced his defeat.
“Ey! Good job Techno!” Wilbur shook the man a little, gaining a smile. “Dream did very well too, he had an impressive advantage at the start” George looked at the blondie, they both smiled, Dream felt lucky that his ‘Team’ had his back. “EWWW! Get a room you two!” Tommy yelled out, making everyone laugh,
“HEY GUYS!!!” They all turned to see Quackity wave at them from the other side of the bar, “We’re playing darts! Who doesn’t join is a pussy!” Tommy and Sapnap jumped off the stool immediately, “As if I wouldn’t join!” The one with the white bandana stated, George giggled and also hopped off, “Yeah sure, wait until I destroy you, then you wish you hadn’t joined” Quackity laughed, “Yeah, sure Gogy!” Karl followed the group, “I’ll cheer you all on!”.
As they got further away, Techno turned to Dream, “Thank you for the race by the way” Dream snapped his gaze at him, “Huh?” the man smiled, “You know there can’t be a better one between us, you have multiple recent gold medals and I have old gold medals. Plus, who cares? I just enjoy racing with someone of my skill level” Dream smiled, “Don’t get soft on me Techno” The pink-haired man smiled, “What, can’t handle compliments?” They both laughed, cheering at their rivalry-friendship.
Ranboo shook Wilbur’s shoulder and whispered, “Weren’t they supposed to be enemies?” the older one turned away from the small glass they were looking through, “Nah, Techno and Dream have always been great friends, they just don’t know how to express gratitude well, so they fight instead” Wilbur went on to help Fundy with the appetizer for the darts contest, Ranboo let out an “Oh…” and then followed Wilbur, leaving the two men alone to chat.
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The Time of Everyone’s Life (Favored Ones, Part 11.)
Series description: Many things were surely fucked up in the year 2038, but no-one ever told anyone how all of it went down. What happened before a group of people left for Seattle to handle personal matters? Why did one girl refuse to leave all of it be? And why there were so many dead in the end?
Part Summary: You weren’t happy that Eugene, your friend, had passed away. But he was quite old, to be honest and he died of heart attack. And since you knew he wouldn’t be glad to see you being all sad about this, you decided to respect the man in the best way possible. 
A/N: Honestly, I love Eugene. The time in his hut was the best spent time of the whole fucking game. 
Warnings: Side characted death, sexual innuendos, drug usage - weed, to be specific. Almost everyone being high as a kite in this chapter. Also, for some, it could be extremely disrespectful to talk about someone they do talk about the passed away person - but he was truly a living, breathing legend.
Word count: 5 K
Tagging:  @nemodoren @xxgoldenhour @missdictatorme​​ @peakymarvels​​ @davnwillcome​ @pickleriiick​ @jodiereedus22​ @gladiosamicitias​ @tamkashi​ @eternallyvenus​ @avengerssstuff​ @fangirl-inthe-us​ @avery-miller​ @mikah-writes​ @mad-hatter-98​ @sadiaafrin99​
Series master list: H E R E
Joel Miller’s playlist for the bonfire occasions: H E R E
Youtube playlists: JACKSON DAYS | SEATTLE DAYS
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The winter of 2037, three months before the incident:
It was a fucking funeral. You shouldn't be cracking up during the last farewell Ellie was reading from that piece of paper. Well, technically, you should be cracking up - but with tears and not with laughter. You had to keep the cool face. You and Dina were standing next to each other with a huge grin as you both fought the urge to cry with laughter again.
You were sure that Eugene would be happy to see you smiling like two dickheads at his funeral. This seventy-year-old dude was acting more like a teenager then you ever did. He was the biggest crackhead in Jackson and your friend as well. The dude constantly smelled like a weed since he was blowing that shit almost every other day, sometimes telling you to come along.
Any of you got to know where Eugene had his cache, but he always had weed on him. And man oh man, his weed was some fucking good stuff. And the crackhead jokes he had? Jesus. He always had you and Dina in total tears.
Maria was looking at you and Dina cracking up throughout the whole ceremony, but she didn't tell you to behave since she knew Eugene way too well. It was refreshing to see someone cry with laughter and happy memories at a funeral instead of the typical rivers of sad tears.
You and Dina told something way before Ellie. When you met Dina on that morning, she wasn't even surprised to find you on your sweatpants, obviously just woken up, on the other side of the town. She was too sad to realize.
But when you gathered around the breakfast, talking about Eugene, the sadness turned to fondness. You opened up and drank the wine she got you, drinking it in a record ten minutes. That was when you started to tell stories about Eugene - like the time he got so high he pretended he's a mermaid while swimming in a near lake. Or teach you how to start a fire while being stoned as fuck, accidentally lighting it up.
So that was why you were dying at the ceremony, cracking up all the time.
As it usually is, Eugene left a last will behind, which included most of his crackhead friends - including you, Dina, and Ellie. Jesse took the role of the man who was giving people the stuff he left them since it was obvious that Eugene could leave any random thing behind.
"So, first, we have Ellie here." - Jesse read from the will. She stood up immediately, earning warm applause from you and Dina. You loved Eugene so much. No matter that he was three times as old as you were, he still was your great friend. That was how you wanted to remember him as well. As a good friend and the funniest person, you've met. - "Give the girl my... Fun time magazines since she enjoys naked girls just like I do." - Jesse read, having you and Dina cracking up again. This was so Eugene. Just like Jesse read, the girl was given a huge stock of well preserved Playboy and Maxim magazines. The expression on her face was hilarious because she didn't know what to do with the shit. That motherfucker had thought his last will through really well.
"Then, there's Dina." - Jesse read when Ellie sat down with her new magazines, having a grin on her face. - "To this babe, I give my lucky lighter to light shit up no matter how windy it would be." - Jesse took out the lighter with his initials carved into it, having Dina smile in the sweetest way you've seen. The lighter meant a lot to Eugene. And you both knew that. But before you had another chance to cry, with melancholy this time, Jesse announced your name.
"And last, but not least, there's my bitch, Y/N." - With that, you stood up and bowed, having the girls whistle and clap for you. Eugene always called you bitch ever since you and Ellie called each other bitch when you got high. The conversation consisted of the word bitch for two hours in a row. - "Tell her, that her ass looks splendid and give that bitch my last joints. Also, tell her to give the other assholes the time of their lives." - Jesse read and gave you a huge glass full of joints, which you proudly rose above your head. All of these gifts... Were just small trinkets to remind you of the man, but nothing felt more like that man. It would be weird if he'd leave actual presents or valuables behind.
"Man, I love the dude so much." - Ellie whispered when she was going through the magazines. Suddenly, her interest peaked and she was now taking in every naked woman with a gourmand grin. So, naturally, you leaned in and started to look at them as well. Dina, being the sweetheart she was, laid on your thighs to join into the activity.
"Why are they so fucking oily?" - "Could they even walk with these watermelons?" - "Why did Eugene have so much of them?" - Those were just a few questions that Jesse heard throughout the whole evening. You decided to go to a barn near Jackson, to sneak out and smoke some of these joints out there, sending a real last farewell to the man. So, there you were, sneaking out after midnight, laughing like high school girls. You've taken even Diego with you for one specific reason.
"Listen, man, I'm sorry for what happened yesterday." - A whisper came out of your lips as you walked to the barn through the snowdrifts. Ellie was carrying Dina on her back while Jesse was looking at them with an unreadable expression. But he was still smiling so he wasn't pissed - which was great. - "I was drunk and I was just puking when you stormed in..." - You mumbled, really feeling terrible at that moment. Sure, Joel was giving you the ride of your life at that moment, but that didn't grant you a right to act like a total moron. Diego looked at you, searching for any sign of sarcasm or irony... But you were serious with the boy.
"There are always two sides to blame, Y/N. I shouldn't have been pushing you so hard into liking me when I knew you don't want it. I acted like a douchebag." - Diego stopped, offering you a handshake. Instead of that, you hugged him as a true friend.
"I mean, any girl would be lucky to have a boy like you by her side, but... I think I like someone. I'm not sure if it'd lead somewhere... But I want to try it." - Did you think that you like someone? You knew you were all over Joel. The man was bringing you chills with every praise he told you, with each daring smile and you loved it when you could see the small shine in his eyes. Diego seemed to be taken away with your confession. The boy opened up his lips with surprise, watching you before he chuckled.
"I think any boy would be lucky to have you by his side... Or did you joined Ellie's team?" - Oh, dear Lord, Diego wasn't holding back with his teasing that night. Which, at least, meant that you're good. You chuckled, looking at Dina falling into the snow, dragging Ellie along. Ellie was screaming something about bitches and freezing while Dina was hysterically laughing - soon after, Ellie shoved a fistful of snow into Dina's face, making the girl open up her mouth before she started laughing once again.
"Well, I think about joining team Ellie from time to time, but then I see stuff like this and I realize I'm good with boys." - You answered as a joke, watching the girls having the time of their lives, acting like two kids. Diego nodded, obviously thinking about your secret someone. - "I'm not telling, don't even bother asking." - You sighed, looking at the barn appearing in the distance. It was comfy - you made it comfortable throughout the years you kept coming there. There was a big fireplace, comfy couches, warm blankets, and some water and food if you'd be hungry. And, of course, an ultra-old stereo which Eugene somehow brought to live and his cassettes. When everyone was comfy enough, you stood up and clapped a few times to make the others look at you.
"Welcome to the ceremony of us giving our last respect to the man, the legend and the myth, Eugene Linden. Many of you knew him as the crackhead, which is the title he rightfully owned and of which, may I mention, he was proud. I wish to talk about my happiness regarding this man's peaceful death. I wish you to die the same way - old, happy, stoned as fuck and without pain." - Everyone was grinning the whole time you were talking. It could seem extremely rude to talk about someone who had just passed away in such a way, but everyone in the barn knew Eugene would've loved that. He would most probably be the one who'd laugh the loudest. - "And as the last farewell, I would like to play his 90s' tape, starting with the title song Macarena." - You bowed, earning small applause as you walked to the stereo, turning the music on. You chatted for a while, having Ellie reading you some particular articles about pleasing a woman from the Maxim magazines she got, having each of you rolling there in tears even before you opened the last stash Eugene left you.  
Since you were the one given the stash, you had the right to light up the first joint of the whole night. Dina had landed you the lighter she was given to light it up. With a serious look to everyone, you rose it up like glass, toasting to Eugene. - "To Eugene." - Each of you said before you sat down next to Ellie and lit the bad boy up. And it could be felt that it's one of Eugene's babies straight off the bat. It had you inhaling deeply, holding it in your lungs before you breathed out and passed it to Ellie.
For a small moment, there was silence as each of you thought about Eugene on your own. You were thinking about the time you befriended the old-timer. It was a summer day and you've seen him carrying some heavy stuff to the gates, so you asked the guards to let you out. It was just a week after you and Eve had arrived, you hadn't even known Ellie and Dina at the time. The old man was in Jackson from time to time, but it was evident he's residing somewhere else. When he saw you approaching, he was weirded out since he had never seen you in Jackson before - that was when you first realized he's stoned. The lapses before answering you were turning him in, just like his read eyes and slow reaction time. But he was a funny and sympathetic person to be around.
The first time he offered you to try some of his bad boys came shortly after Dina and Jesse started dating. Sure, you were just kids at the time, but the man wasn't the most responsible around and you were just a stupid bunch of kids who wanted to try some forbidden stuff. That time was also the first time you've ever visited the barn.
And how could you forget that you and Ellie had puked the trees standing in front of it so bad that it smelled there like vomit for weeks? Suddenly, Ellie's elbow hit your ribs and that was when you realized you had been crying for a while. Quickly, she helped you wipe the tears off before cuddling you to her chest. The world seemed to be so peaceful when you were high - so slow, without complications. Also, Ellie felt so warm when the cuddled you, played with your hair, and kissed your forehead from time to time. The songs seemed to play utterly slow, but you didn't care about that.
"I miss him too." - Ellie whispered after a while, having at least minute lapses between the words. Sure, you could be all funny around the whole dying thing, and you were sure that he'd love you to be joyful because he lived the was lived and he had done the things he has done, but you knew you'll miss him. Sure, it wasn't grief for a loved one, just the way you were grieving for Eve, but no-one had grosser jokes than Eugene. He wasn't your dude for serious conversations, but he was the one who could turn your day around. He was probably even masturbating when the stroke got him. Eugene never took a single shit seriously and the whole world could just fuck itself because Eugene wasn't backing off.
"I know, dude." - Dina answered to Ellie's thought a good few minutes later. - "Eugene was fucking dope, man. He saved my ass so many times... Especially on the patrols." - Oh, that was right. Dina was Eugene's patrol partner from time to time. It depended if the man felt to be a citizen of the settlement or not. Suddenly, with a burst of energy, Diego got on his knees looking at everyone.
"You up for a snowball fight?" - He asked seriously.
Honestly, it was one of the best nights you've ever lived through. All of you were laughing like a bunch of crackheads, which you were and all of you were soaking wet and freezing when you were coming back to Jackson, which was fairly reasonable when you had a three-hours lasting snowball fight with small stops for another joint. The only flaw about these bad boys was that the euphoria never lasted too long. It gave you about twenty minutes of feeling invincible, with some range after that, of course, and that was it. Sure, you felt tired, but when you got through this stage, you were more or less sober again. Everyone watched as you walked in a different direction than your house was - but they let you go. You were walking in the direction of the cemetery, so they assumed you're off to another chat with Eve.  
But five minutes later, you were knocking on Joel's door, hoping the man would answer. It took you about ten minutes of knocking, but the lights in the house slowly turned on as you heard the heavy, sleepy footsteps. When Joel opened up, all he could see was your freezing cheeks and nose, a big smile, and completely wet clothes. And you smelled just like Eugene. The man sighed at your grin, massaging the bridge of his nose.
"Do you realize how late it is?" - A grunt came out of lips, making you smile at the man. - "More or less. You let me in or should I fucking freeze to death?" - You asked with a giggle. Great, so you weren't only smelling like Eugene, you were also at least half the high as he always was. Joel stepped from the door with defeated, closing the door behind you.
"Straight to the shower, don't even stop here." - A yawn sounded through the kitchen when you put your jar with the last joint on the countertop. At the moment, you found Joel utterly cute - it could be heard and seen he had just got up from his bed. He had that messy hair, small eyes, and a proper grumpy face. - "Will you join me?"
"You're big enough to do it on your own." - The man dismissed you. It was his loss that he didn't want to join you - so you took a hot shower just to warm up a bit, walking out of the bathroom completely naked with a towel on your wet hair as you automatically went to dress into one of his t-shirts. Mr. Grumpy was laying on the bed, reading some book, and drinking coffee from his mug, while you had your tea ready on the other nightstand. Happily, you ran downstairs to come back with the last joint between your fingers. Joel first just glanced at you before he realized what you're holding. That grin... He knew he wouldn't like what you'll come up with.
"Are you serious?" - The man lowered his glasses and put the book down. - "You wake up at damn two in the mornin', smellin' like a weed growing room and now you're... Damn Christ, you're irresponsible at times." - Joel wasn't exactly pissed - sure, he was grumpy and not glad you woke him as early as you did, but he still tried his hardest to be nice to you. You didn't answer a single word to any of the accusations - you just walked to the bed, climbed in, and kissed the man. You knew what he was into - so you were grinning when you heard the approving grunt as your fingertips brushed his neck and shoulders.
"We have to talk. And this is a great opportunity. Especially when we lose it up a bit." - A whisper made him realized that you leaned off again - "Don't tell me you've never smoked weed before." - Joel didn't answer it off the bat, but he leaned his elbows to the bed, sighing - which was an obvious sign he had smoked pot before.
"To clear everythin' up, it was at a college party and I was twenty at the time." - The man smirked at the memory, watching you settling on his lap. Your grin at the word 'college' made him clear even more stuff up. - "I wasn't studying there, but I enjoyed myself hella lot there. Jesus, you'd love college parties." - Joel smiled, even more, leaning into the frame of his bed while making sure you follow him. When you sat down again, his palms started to draw small circles on your thighs. Sure, you were right. There was stuff both you and he had to talk about. Like him calling you baby girl. And the obvious feelings you had for him. Joel was aware of you liking him with every look you gave him. Thereš was this endless adoration - which, sure, made him flattered just as it made him worried. And losing the things up a bit was a good idea.
"You'll kill me one day, you know that, rite, baby girl?" - Joel smirked in the end, informing you that you succeeded in your persuasion. Before settling down to smoke the pot, you agreed to have some scrambled eggs, saving some for later. Then you withdrew the curtains in his room, closing the door and securing it enough for the smoke to stay in the bedroom only. You also made sure the window is open so it wouldn't smell like Eugene in Joel's bedroom.
"So, start talkin'." - Joel encouraged you, taking the joint from you. Jesus, he was too old for shit like this. He'll probably throw up after that. And that bad boy overwhelmed him for a second so much that he made a funny face, making you laugh. After a while, you gathered yourself and sat up to look him in the face.
"Let's just admit... Just hypothetically, okay? That this isn't more a thing where strings aren't attached, hm?" - You rose your eyebrow and played with the hem of his briefs. You watched Joel breathe out the smoke slowly, looking at you. Sure, it didn't exactly love what you two had going on, but there were some feelings in the air. That was undeniable. Joel grew fonder of you every time you came to see him and spend the night. Things in his house felt quiet and impersonal when you weren't there. Playing the guitar wasn't feeling the same as when he was playing it because you wanted him to. And he'd never sing to anyone just because they wanted to.
It wasn't exactly love he was feeling for you, no matter from which point of view Joel approached it. The man didn't know how you were feeling about him... But he liked you. And that was something big when it came to Joel Miller. - "I think that is somethin' rite to say. But..." - "Don't think too much about that, I know." - You sighed. There was a warm feeling inside of you which you weren't able to stop. So there were some strings attached between your two. Sure, you'd love to hear Joel say something I like you without bringing your hopes down immediately after that. But that was just the way Joel was.
"You know, it ain't the easiest for me, baby girl. I ain't a good man at all, you know? You may be thinkin' I am, but trust me, I ain't." - Oh, so weed was making Mr. Grumpy talk about his feelings. As you nodded, he passed you the joint back, watching you smoking it with grace. He sat up more straight as he searched for the right words. - "I've done some terrible things and if you'd hear them, you'd most likely get up and never come back again. I was survivin' for a damn long time. I've seen my friends end up dead. I've hurt many people. I've done stuff only the worst people do, you hear me?" - The man looked at you. All of these things were on his mind at the very moment, the weed made him re-live every moment he spoke of. Slowly, you nodded and passed him the joint back.
"I was a Firefly. Earlier. Back in Salt Lake. I was... In training when I overheard one of Marlene's conversations with someone." - You were nervous to talk about that. You knew that Tommy is a former Firefly and from what you've heard about Joel you knew that he doesn't like Fireflies at all. Yet the man was waiting for what you had to say, his eyes slowly slipping to your fingers around the hem of his briefs. - "My unit was named Spring. You know? They were probably just running out of names or what... But she told the guy that she's planning to send us to do another assassination. The attacks where they gave the squad some bombs and let them kill innocent people. And when the guy asked her if she's aware of killing all of us at the mission, she scoffed and asked him 'And?'. That was the final red flag. I knew I had to leave... So one stormy night, I sneaked out and ran. I just ran." - It most probably wasn't the right thing to say at the moment, but you felt that you had to tell him. Joel nodded and zoned out for a second before he gave you the joint again. One of his palms covered your thigh as he started to smooth it slowly.
"And what about your parents, you knew 'em?" - Joel whispered. Oh shoot, that was a killer question. Quickly, you pulled another smoke in, moving your palm on his.
"I did. Shortly, but I did know them, yeah. My mom was this nurse who took care of the people who were hurt and my dad? I don't even know what he was doing, I just remember pieces of his face." - A small smile appeared on your face as you memorized their faces, thinking about them after a long time. Ever since you met Eve, you weren't thinking of them. Because of what happened to them. Yet Joel made you visit the memories again. - "I don't really wanna talk about it." - You whispered, tears already slipping down on your face. Joel slowly nodded and got up, fetching the guitar to play you something.
"Sarah. That was my girl. She is my girl. And she listened to this big... Variety of music genres. She sometimes listened to this awful pop bands, sometimes I didn't hear anything but rock, but damn, that girl loved Elliott Smith. She got it after her handsome dad." - Joel looked at you from tuning the strings, having a wicked grin on her. You wiped your face clean again, nodding. You didn't know if it was because you were stoned as fuck, but when he started playing the melody, you lost yourself in it. You've zoned out, watching the string vibrating as he played, his fingers holding the right chords. How could he even play at that point? He should be zoned out and laughing. All you knew was that the song made you cry again just because of how beautiful it was. Joel was performing while thinking about Sarah, which could be felt through the tenderness of his words. He was in pain because of the thoughts haunting his mind, sure, but he could overcome it.
"Drink up one more time and I'll make you mine. Keep you apart, deep in my heart, separate from the rest, where I like you the best. And keep the things you forgot." - The man whispered, looking at you with a small smile, coming back for one last chorus. - "People you've been before that you don't want around anymore. That push and shove and won't bend to your will... I'll keep them still." - The last pull on the strings made you realize the song was over, but you couldn't stop crying. So Joel put the guitar away, took the joint out of your fingers to finish it, and then pulled you down to lay on his chest. You were a whining mess.
The memories you've never thought you had were popping up in your head. Your mom smiling while picking chamomile for her patients, promising you a crown from dandelions when you'll be done. Dad carrying you on his shoulders, singing some dumb kid song with you. The blood on the wall behind them, the moment when your heart stopped beating. Marlene dragging you from the place, screaming at you because you've sneaked out from your bed and saw something you shouldn't see.
Joel was quiet the whole time you were crying to his t-shirt, rubbing slow circles on your back while giving you tissue after tissue. When you stopped crying, the man sighed and looked down on you. - "Are you good, baby girl?" - Of course, you weren't good. But all you did was that you pulled him closer, kissing him tenderly. You laid there for almost half an hour, stealing kisses from each other before your eyes suddenly shut.
The following morning was the worst. The room was cold because neither of you cared enough to close the window, your head hurt like a son of a bitch, Joel was snorting and laying on you, pushing you down to the mattress. But what woke you up? Someone coming up the stairs. You panicked, jumped out of the bed and sneaked to the bathroom, closing the door silently. Jesus. You hoped you didn't leave your stuff somewhere where that someone could see them. The blood froze in your veins when you heard Dina's voice.
"Joel?" - She called out and knocked on the bedroom door. You put both your hands over your mouth, hearing Joel waking up as well. The heavy footsteps immediately went to open the door. Dina chuckled nervously, but you didn't know what that was about. - "Jesus, man, you have some cold here. Tommy sent me here, he wants to talk to you about the east perimeter and you didn't show up in the morning... So..." - She explained nervously. You almost wondered how it came that Dina didn't ask about his love life.
"Oh, Jesus. I've slept in a bit, kiddo. Thanks for wakin' me up." - Joel mumbled back, yawning in the process.
"Sure, no problem." - Dina said and you heard the wood cracking under her legs. - "I'll go tell Tommy, okay?" - She asked and then, she was off. Jesus, that was close. Slowly, you walked out of the bathroom, sticking your head our first to see if she's gone for real.
You said a pretty hasty goodbye, promising each other to hang out that evening again. You took the route B around Jackson so it wouldn't be as suspicious. That day, Ellie and you were finally cleaning up the mess in your workshop, painting the walls white again. The music was blasting through the whole neighborhood, making the old neighbor pretty pissed once again, but you couldn't care less as you both moved in the rhythm, made faces, and showed off your dancing skills... Which weren't particularly good either.
Sometime later, Dina suddenly rushed in, bringing you some lunch. She was bringing some big news - so you placed a blanket on the ground, sitting down to eat. - "So... I was at Joel's today, in the morning..." - She started, looking at both of you with expectations in her face. While Ellie just nodded regularly, you almost showed the utter terror that had risen inside of you. Ellie asked her what the fuck she was there, but Dina ignored her. - "And he had someone over. I'm sure of that."
"Why do you think so?" - You asked, grinning at her confidence.
"For starters, I don't think Joel secretly wears black panties, so why would he have them on the floor in his room? Then, there were two mugs on his nightstand and... I heard someone in the bathroom." - Dina rose her eyebrows. Both you and Ellie started to debate with the girl, but only one of you knew how deeply fucked you are.
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gukptune · 5 years
— if only, he wasn’t so perfect, (m.)
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Pairing: multiple, jimin x reader
Genre: friends to lovers
Warnings: multiple lovers, breaking people’s heart, dom/sub tones, public sex, loads of cum, fingering, slight cullinggus, choking, unprotected sex, quickies, anal play, butt fucking, voyeurism?, people might hear ops, and etc.
Summary: if only he wasn’t so perfect, if only he wasn’t your past, if only he wasn’t so into you.
Words: 8.4k+ (shit)
Note: hi, i’m back with more smut this time hopefully it’s great. I couldn’t shake this idea out of my head so I wrote about it! You’ll understand the prompt as you read! Enjoy and tell me what you think!
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Parties, they happened often and they’re well known, but the most exciting parties were those hosted by the resident baddies of the school. To get invited wasn’t exactly hard, be somewhat of their acquaintance and then you’re pretty much in, by that you just know where they live and are able to attend.
And if you weren’t exactly a visible acquaintance you’d have their little ‘group’ eye you like you’re some alien with a disease. But hey, getting stared at isn’t always bad if they were the hotties of the University, the bad hotties.
You had always been invited, specifically by an eccentric loud mouth himself. So here you were, doing nothing exciting but standing in their condo’s hallway listening to some people you didn’t know mingle—mainly because your closest friends didn’t fit in this kind of crowd, the rebellious troublemakers. And the few girls you knew were trying their best to get the main boys’ attention.
Let’s just say, in your University kids crowded together based on their interests and majors, you somehow managed to find yourself intertwined with a few different groups—some being due to your highschool life and the current due to your chosen course, you could say it was a rather nerdy course. 
Similar enough to your childhood best friend to still have you guys kicking it, though he was definitely not kicking it at this kind of party, Kim Seokjin would rather be dead than seen at a punk’s party.
You weren’t so up-kept about your reputation or well lack there of, the few ‘nerds’ or ‘preps’ of your crowd that attended came for the free drinks, relatively okay music and well maybe a good fuck if they’re get it out of the six main punks who casually sprawled themselves all over their living room, getting high as kites or well drunk as fuck.
It wasn’t exactly a conversational party, like those fancy rich people ones that Seokjin would drag you to, neither were they all hype and that like those frat parties on the tv, everyone was still enjoying their time but they were all baked, most of the time. Saying stupid things whilst tramping over the non-baked, yet it was fun watching people make complete fools of themselves.
Though, these boys weren’t always lacking in entertainment in terms of their excitement level in parties, just so happened that today the party just so happened to be right after this crowd’s end of semester exam, you were just lucky yours were weeks ago and didn’t have to suffer in silence as these sad ones brewed in their realisation that they could fail. 
Not that categorising people like that was typical for you to do, but you know the type of people that hung around these guys on a school night, those that cared little for actual school, but well more for the parties, the sex, or well they care about forcing themselves through a course their parents forced them to take. That’s only some though… well maybe most.
Yet, you felt a burning sensation on the side of your face as one of your dearest friends, Kim Jennie nearly falls all over you. You caught her with a roll of your eyes wondering how miss glamorous managed to fuck herself up so quickly.
In the circle of couches and huddle of best buds were the boys many spoke of, the baddest boys of campus consisted of a brainiac, but sulky and quiet, Min Yoongi. An extremely excitable yet intimidating, Jung Hoseok. Another brain that has a lot of brawn, but is relatively awkward talker, Kim Namjoon. A cute and bubbly yet cunning, Park Jimin. An artistic suave that could be considered arrogant, Kim Taehyung and lastly, a broody and still sort of nerdy Jeon Jungkook. 
These boys were the few that sparked the many crushes from girls all over campus. You can’t deny really, especially when one of them took your virginity in high school—whats better is that you also took his.
“Jung Hoseok! You’re spilling the vodka everywhere!” Taehyung groans, trying to push himself away from the overly drink hyung who didn’t give a crap of what he said and continued overfilling his cup.
Taehyung tries to brush off the drops of pungent alcohol off his trousers before his eyes glanced up to lay on a girl he hadn’t seen in the longest time, “Hey, isn’t that, y/n?”
With a quick turn of heads after hearing the name, the ones still consciously themselves tilted their heads around trying to get a good look of the girl Taehyung asked of, through the crowd of people weaving around the tiny stretch of a hallway, Namjoon answered, “Yep.”
“She looks like that now?” Taehyung’s face fills with awe, his eyebrows nearly lifting off his head.
Namjoon just shrugs as he responds, “Yeah? You haven’t seen her? She’s looked like that since the year began.”
Of course Namjoon, the smarter of the group would’ve seen you around having study in the same building. Taehyung couldn’t seemingly believe it, shaking his head as he whistles, “She looks fucking good.”
Jeon Jungkook didn’t seem to take what Taehyung said as a compliment, frowning at what sounded like Taehyung was speaking of you in a derogatory way. Jimin on the other hand couldn’t keep his eye off of you, even so that the other boys noticed and teased him.
“Jimin, nows a good time, she hasn’t come to our parties in ages and what if she doesn’t come again. Go—get it in,” Taehyung wiggles his eyebrows as he tries his best to convince Jimin.
Who shakes his head quickly and dismisses the idea, “No, no, I can’t—you guys know how she makes me feel. If she even looks at me I’ll fucking pass out.”
Namjoon quipped his eyebrow as he cocks his head taking a drink, “You won’t. And who knows, you’re only doubting the possibility of being with her because you’ve never tried.”
“And she’s not exactly a mean bitch, if she does say no, she’ll say it in a really nice way,” Taehyung pats Jimin on the back, “Hell, she might even give you a little kiss on the cheek for participation.”
Jimin groans at the thought of your rejection. Though, the black hole in the room went unnoticed as Jungkook, the epitome of black, rubs his face as if he was in pain, his feet tapping the floor impatiently.
“Alright,” Jimin makes up his mind, taking a quick shot before he stands up, “I’ll do it, what have I got to lose right?”
“A lot, actually,” Namjoon murmurs.
Immediately, Taehyung jumps up with a bright smile on his face, slinging his arm over Jimin hyping him up. “Yea! Alright, just go over there and don’t swallow your tongue yea?”
Taehyung also bends down to pick up a cup filled with a drink of sorts, “Maybe give her a drink to break the ice. You got it.”
As he pushes the blonde boy towards you, Taehyung drops back in his seat with a proud grin on his face. Turning to his side as Jimin strolls over towards you, Taehyung finally notices the brooding boy who had thrown his bucket hat over his face. He whips at it knocking the hat over as he watches the look on Jungkook’s face, “Sheesh, don’t look so fucking sad, you never know, she might actually say no.”
As Jungkook’s body physically rested from the words of reassurance Taehyung gave him. It was true, you might say no to Jimin’s advances but then again it was Park Jimin.
Before Jungkook had time to think of all the possibilities of your rejection for Jimin, across the room where Jimin had disappeared into the crowd was something that tore his whole world down.
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You were enjoying yourself very much. The night was young, the company was good—but most importantly were the boys you could clearly see eyeing you down.
Surprising you mostly was a particular boy coming up to you with a drink in his hand, he was swiftly and confidently strutting through the crowd with only one goal—you.
You were talking to your friends before he made himself noticeable, your friends immediately dispersing with knowing grins on their faces. You hadn’t expected him to actually come up to you, neither did you expect the person to be Park Jimin.
Here he was, standing in front of you. Grinning ear to ear with a drink in his hand as he doesn’t do much after that. You raised your eyebrow at him whilst you nonchalantly leaned back against the wall, allowing your hips to jut forward.
“Hey,” He finally spoke, his eyes continuously not leaving yours, telling you that he came here with a mission.
You weren’t hating his company, but you did hate the eyes burning into you from afar. Whether or not this would make it worse you pegged to flirt with him, “Hey, Jimin.”
Your hand coming up to brush against the collar of his jacket, pulling at it and flattening it against his hard chest. He takes a deep breath as if to calm himself and for a second looking back at the boys before he continues, “This is for you.”
He pushes the cup in his hand towards you, immediately you took it, taking a sniff you knew you didn’t like it. Definitely smelled like something Kim Taehyung would chug all night.
“I’m okay actually, you drink it,” You placed the cup rim against his luscious lips, truly you only did this hoping the seriously intoxicated drink would calm him down.
Park Jimin isn’t a very good liar, nor is he good at keeping secrets. His body clearly showed he was uneasy, nervous, didn’t know what to say, though you knew he wanted something at least.
Jimin’s eyes enlarged as he asked if you were sure he should drink it, of which you nodded, tipping the drink past his lips. From a far this would look very, sensual, you were pouring a drink into his mouth with your eyes narrowed seductively. Your body pushing itself off the wall to better support him, your hip now anchoring his. His eyes blinked through the cup trying to read you.
You only gave him a smile as he took the entire cup with one chug. You knew he was a lightweight, he was going to lose it in a matter of seconds.
“Y/n, I really— really want to go out with you,” half drunk Jimin finally spat it out.
You were shocked, surprised, wondering if he was serious or not. Did Taehyung put him up to this because he should have told his friends that good boys like Park Jimin were definitely not your type.
Jimin must’ve read your mind, pushing his fingers up to keep your lips sealed before you could speak, “I know, I’m not your type. I really do like you, and if we could try—it would be great, if you hate it you can just break up with me—”
As his rambling went on and on, your mind didn’t push past the idea he spoke of before hand. Dating cute boy Park Jimin, interesting, you wouldn’t imagine yourself every considering it. Park Jimin, a charismatic, charming, cute boy who’s got a heart of gold—gets relatively clingy, pouty whenever he’s drunk and when he’s man, the boy can truly become something else. How did you notice all of this, mainly from the fact that you’ve always had your eye on the person he clings onto most, someone relatively different from himself.
Here he was, right in front of you, his lips moving but you couldn’t hear the words passing his pink lips.
Surely, you hadn’t thought this through, surely you must’ve been a teeny bit drunk because before he could even pause for a breath from his long speech you couldn’t help yourself, not at all.
With your arms flung over his shoulder, a hand pushing up his nape towards his growing buzzed undercut, pulling him up against your chest with your back arched into him. His own hands reacting to your touch as it clutched onto the small of your back, giving your exposed waist, thanks to your crop top, a tight squeeze with his warm, and slightly damp hand.
He had reacted extremely quickly to the fact that your lips had interrupted him, it didn’t seem to bother him—it seemed to have pleased him as low groans slipped past his lip against your own. God, he tasted like the shitty drink you just made him chug reminding you very much of the boy that gave him the stupid drink.
His dyed blond bangs falling against your forehead with every movement of his lips, sucking and pulling at your own he seemed to have naturally taken the lead surprisingly. 
Maybe you could hear the faint whistling and gawking of his friends. Jimin’s toned body was hot against your touch as a free hand of yours made it’s way downwards to feel at his raising hem. He was even more vocal with a skin to skin contact that you could’ve imagined, you were liking this way too much.
“Ah—y/n, you’re killing me,” Jimin kissed his way down your neck, pushing his nose up against your collar bone as he collected himself from the very heavy makeout you’ve just had together.
You couldn’t help but let out a small laugh, even so looking over at his table of friends and seeing a particular fuming brunette pushing his way out of the room. Of course, he’d freak out. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes, seeing Taehyung running after the boy.
The boy who’s ever so often ignored you, never given you the time of day, would literally tell you that you look like a hoe. The boy you knew had the biggest crush on you but acted like a child with a crush he couldn’t accept, the boy now freaking out that his friend had just landed his crush.
The boy who’s name is Jeon Jungkook.
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You hadn’t thought much of Jimin’s advances. You two made out that night and well, he was too drunk to continue any further which lead to his friends dragging him home.
Apologies were said on behalf of him which you didn’t really need but was thankful for enough. As they dragged him into their car Jimin wouldn’t stop whining about leaving you, cute but definitely funny.
You merely waved and was told Jimin was going to call you.
It’s been three days and you’ve heard nothing from the boy, his instagram filled with videos of his party filled nights since Friday. He didn’t seem to have a pause button and was a heavy drinker. 
He hadn’t messaged you either, not on the app nor actually on your phone. You knew Taehyung had your number and that he’d likely give it to the boy but nothing.
It could’ve been possible that the boy was only speaking out of his ass, his drunk ass. Never the less you went on with your day at school without a bother. Only to be at lunch with your friends, hearing Jennie rambling on about her recent shitty date.
Jisoo wasn’t even listening and was mainly focused on her phone the entire time, the only person truly giving her the time of day was you. You weren’t doing much at all, just nodding and agreeing whenever she’d ask if you thought she was in the right.
Your mind was elsewhere, that elsewhere had bursted into the cafeteria with his posse. He was dressed in tight black jeans and a light blue sweater, looking as hot as ever. If anyone didn’t consider Park Jimin attractive they were probably blind.
He oozed attractiveness, drawing the attention of all even with his smaller stature than the rest yet he carried himself with a lot of pride which made him ever the more hot.
You were slouched against the seat without a care in the world, occasionally tossing fries into your mouth and sipping on some very good iced tea.
A true contrast to you, his eyes landed on you as he lined up for the food. His infectious smile brightening up his entire face, did you do that? His eyes pretty much disappear into his lids as he waves towards you making you jump, fuck, he did not just—
“Did Jimin just wave at you.” There it was, your angry best friend, he’s here to ruin the day.
You groaned and covered your face with the long sleeves of your shirt as you hear him set his tray down next to Jennie’s empty seat, who proceeds to ramble on about her guy troubles to him.
With your face tucked in your shirt sleeves you couldn’t see anything or rather hear anything as well, only seeing out from the bottom of the table through the peaks of your elbows. 
Until a familiar pair of shoes stepped into view, the shoes were boots and they had black jeans bundled at the top of the shoe, oh no.
You winced, peering up at him slowly. 
Jimin was leaned over with a hand on the back of your seat and another on the table as if he was trying to get a look inside your arms. “Looking for something?”
You immediately shook your head. The spiteful devil himself managed to sneer before you could speak a word, “She’s looking for an excuse.”
Jimin looked rather confused as he looked up at Jin. Turning over to you with a questioning look, of course Jin was trying to make you out to be the villain. He hated Jimin, mainly Jimin’s friends but Jimin was apart of that group.
“I’m sure she’ll come up with something great,” Jimin responds, being as kind as ever, “Can I talk to you?”
Within a flash you jumped off your seat, throwing your bag over your shoulder as well as picking up your food tray—dragging Jimin by his arm you ran away from confrontation with Jin about this situation.
You tossed the food and made your way outside with Jimin. His boyish laugh echoing through the hall as you both made your escape without peering eyes. Ending up nowhere special just barely outside of the building with the cool air brushing against your face.
“You wanted to?” You began, removing your hand from his arm and pushing them into your jacket pockets.
Jimin smiled, straightening himself up, “About that night—I really am sorry for not calling you. I’ve been busy—”
“Busy partying?” You interrupted.
Jimin cocks his head with a cute puff, “I—well I guess so but you know them, the guys they’d never let me miss a day of that—”
He explained himself very terribly, the only thing helping him was his very apologetic face. His eyebrows turned upright in the centre and his lips in a permanent pout.
“Jimin, I really don’t mind but honestly a text isn’t that hard especially if you’re the one that said you wanted to date me,” You jabbed, “Unless you were just lying.”
His eyes widened, “I didn’t lie, no no, I really do like you and really want to date you. I’m just—I was very drunk, I remember the amazing kiss but not much else, Taehyung said I needed some liquid courage and—”
“I know, I saw him push you over to me,” You added, beginning to grow bored of the conversation and biting at your nails.
“Let me redo this, can I please take you out...we could go to the movies today if you want,” He asked, his face filled with hope you didn’t want to crush.
Tonight, hmm, you were planning on watching a movie—a particular one no one wanted to go with you for, “Well, I was going to watch Endgame—”
“Great! I want to see it too.”
“Don’t you want to watch it with your friends?” You asked, secretly hoping he’d actually go with you.
Jimin acted as if he was considering it, going the whole way and putting a finger up to his chin, “Hmm, maybe... you’re right—”
You poked him in the stomach knowing he was playing with you. He laughed holding onto his side as he pushes away your tickling finger.
“Okay, okay, but really, you’re more fun than the guys so, I’d rather go with you.” He takes your hand and fumbles with it, lacing his fingers through it.
A damn flirt he was, knowing exactly how to get to your heart.
“Am I more fun to be around or am I more fun to look at?” You sussed.
Jimin grins, pulling your body towards his, “Maybe both?”
He was relatively more confident than he was when he was drunk which was strange since he was always pretty shy. 
“Let’s meet there then,” You suggested, “It’ll be colder tonight I need to get my coat.”
“You can wear mine—”
“I’d rather not have my date die of frost bite,” You teased.
Jimin bites his lip, realising that he’d never win. He opts to listen and nods his head. Pulling out his phone, “Give me your number.”
“I thought Taehyung would give it to you,” You did the same, exchanging phones with each other.
Jimin sighed, “He was suppose to, but he was too drunk to do that.”
Of course he was. Kim Taehyung was a delirious drunk who completely loses his sense of reality. You remembered all of it quite clearly, the damn nights that he’d get so wasted you’d have to force him home. All those times he would come to your house, drunk or high, stumbling into your bedroom right into your bed. The same bed he’d—
“I’ll see you after school.”
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The night came faster than you expected. As if time flew within seconds. You were on your way to see him at the movie theatre now, from his text he’d be waiting out front for you with the tickets he already bought for you. He’s slick, you’d never let someone pay fully for a date every but he managed to get there before you.
He was dressed in the same attire as earlier, as you were. Guessing that he came immediately after class alike yourself, his classes only ended earlier whilst yours ended at six which meant you were watching the screening at six thirty. It was currently, six fifteen in the evening. Somehow, the sun had set earlier that it usually does probably because of how cold it was.
“Hey,” Jimin noticed you immediately as you were walking him, untucking his hands from his jacket to embrace you.
You smiled and did the same, his body was warm under the thick coat he had on and you so didn’t want to stop hugging him. The scent of his cologne was deep and penetrating, only noticeable from so close but strong otherwise.
“Do you want snacks?” You asked, knowing that you wanted to pay for it since he paid for the tickets.
He nods with a smile, throwing his arm over your shoulder and tucking you into him. Walking towards the snack booth you scanned the snack choices. As the line grew shorter you were excited for one snack in particular.
You gave the employee a kind smile, “Could I get two drinks and popcorn—that’s okay with you right, and strawberry twizzlers.”
Jimin reluctantly allowed you to pay, only with a huff as he pushed his wallet back into his trousers. You weren’t a big fan of popcorn, only because of the buttery smell that could stick on your clothes after eating it and well you liked chewy snacks you could inhale the entire pack of without feeling bloated after.
With that you both got your snacks and went over to drinks to pick out what you wanted. Finishing up you both made way towards the theatre towards the seats Jimin had picked out, dead centre at the top with a great view of the screen.
You sat down on his left as he made himself comfortable, setting his drink on his right instead of next to you. He pulls up the armrest between the two of you and pulls you into him again, he did like being touchy—you weren’t about to complain you liked affection.
You opted to lean against him, his head constantly nudging against you as the movie begins. You were sort of late for the screening, the movie had been out a while therefore it wasn’t packed at all. You opted to snack on the long gummies as Jimin takes a long sip of his drink.
The comfort of his touch, and the great movie made for good fun, that was until he begins to show a little too much affection. His hand teasingly sliding down your arm right under it, gripping into your side as he tries to touch you under your shirt making you drop your snack.
“Jimin—what are you looking for?” You asked with a teasing tone, his mind was clearly not on the movie, rather he wasn’t even looking at the movie. When you looked towards him, his eyes were already on you.
Jimin was blatantly, upfront, “Your tits.”
Your eyes widened at that, he surely had no filter. You started feeling quite...turned on by his very dominant energy. You’d consider yourself into guys who were relatively switchable in bed but, he was surely a cutie who’s seemingly dangerous in bed—you weren’t so used to it, doms were in your past, one dom in particular made you a pretty bratty sub who loves teasing and playing with her partner.
You took a quick look around to see the nearest people around were near the end of the row and some were a few rows ahead. Unlikely that anyone would see what you two would do in the dark, especially if they’re watching a marvel film.
You reached for Jimin’s preying hand wrapped around your back and poking at the side of your left boob. You guided his little hands down towards the hem of your tight top under your jacket, getting him inside the shirt and over your bra. The heat from his hand already sending a wave of warmth towards your centre. He immediately beings groping at it, biting his lip as he looks into your eyes innocently as his hand did dirty things before you.
He boldly pushes the cup of your bra down, flicking his palm purposely over your hardened nipple—from the cold weather and his touch. From your close proximity you could hear him hum with satisfaction at the sheer size of your tit in his palm, he rolled your nipples between his ringed fingers as his lips breathed hot air down your nape.
“You’re shaking a little, baby,” He chuckled, the bellow of his tone vibrating against his throat allowing you to feel it against your neck. He was so close and fuck, you just wanted so much more.
With a bit more boldness from you, things got even more heated. Forcefully, taking his other hand your put it against your exposed thigh, he cocks his head looking down at your thigh. Your short tight skirt now riding up higher, he slides his hand down over your knees to snap the elastic of your socks against the back of you knees causing you to jump from the act, shit he was really going for it.
He bites your shoulder through your top as he makes his way up back to your thigh—towards the inner moistened thigh that you finally uncrossed, basically telling him that you’ve been rubbing your thighs together for some sort of release since he got his fingers on you.
“Already fucking wet, I want to take you in here so bad, fuck.” He was a freak, you’ve known—he looked like he was into fun things. He practically growled making you legs try to close but his hands were right there not allowing that to happen. His fingers scraping at your drenched underwear, his nails ever so often coming into contact with your clit making you shake.
You moaned when he began to push against your opening, “Where did shy Jimin go? Fuck—do it, take me right here.”
He seemed pleased with this, letting out a low growl as his fingers dipped through the side of your underwear pushing it aside for his fingers to enter with such ease.
You furrowed your eyebrows, biting your lips to keep yourself quiet. Your back automatically arching and your butt pushing up against him. From this position there wasn’t much he could give, you were pushed sideways against him. Your tailbone right against his hip. 
You were about to do something you never imagined doing, but your high was far. The quiet sounds of your cunt squelching as he tries his best to angle his two fingers inside you, his hot hands kneading your tit with such skill—your nipples as hard as it could be with his fingers pulling and teasing it. Since the armrest was already down, it made things much easier for you.
You got up, his fingers falling out of you and your top. His face stitched with confusion in his cute little pout. You were so over the movie, even if you wanted to see it so bad—fuck—with Park Jimin looking like this right in front of you, you had to take him, right here, right now.
Just look at him, his blond hair pushed over his forehead, his jacket falling off his shoulders and his thighs—his thick thighs just sprawled out carelessly over the red soft seats.
“Y/n? What are you—”
You shushed him with a finger on his lips as you leaned in, pretending to do something that wasn’t what you were actually doing. You had a longer jacket on, it fell over your bottom so you weren’t worried the lights from the screen would show anyone anything.
You pulled your skirt over your hips, as unattractive as it looked on you Jimin’s eyes dropped from your own towards your panties—your thong that you wore because your bottom was a little too large to wear normal underwear with without the lines showing were visible to his eyes and his eyes only. He bites his lips with anticipation, understanding now what you were doing as his adam’s apple bopped telling you he wanted it as bad.
His eyes darkened and distracted right where you wanted, you reached for the hemline of your panties and pulled them down. His hands coming up to hold onto your hips immediately pulling you closer to him. From any other view it looked just like you were fixing your skirt, very close to your date that is.
His lips made contact with the front of your pussy, he ducked to let his tongue taste you. You whimpered out, surprising yourself as Jimin grinned against you continuing to suck on the little area he had to reach for your clit. His fingers slowly opening up your folds to lick at your wetness. He pulls away with a cocky expression.
“Baby, you want to sit here?” He pats his thigh, raising an eyebrow at his suggestion.
You nodded, leaning over to rest a hand on his shoulder, “Fuck yes, I want to ride that dick so bad.”
He lets out a strangled breath, immediately popping off his belt buckle and pushing his pants down, allowing the little light coming from the screen to illuminate his erection, a hard—dripping cock that flung out of his underwear and stood straight against his stomach. He lets out a breath of relief now that his cock wasn’t restrained inside his tight trousers anymore.
“How—how do you want it?”
You answered by getting on him, leaving him breathless as you took charge and sat yourself on his thighs. Your back facing his front to blend in, his hands immediately held onto your hips as you rolled them against him.
His dick sliding back and forth against your folds with ease from your arousal and his precum, with how horny you both were, things were going to be very easy.
With a swift lift of your hips as he was helping guide you, his cock slips right inside. The thick head stretching you out to the point of a teeny sting, fuck, you loved it when a cock was so thick it would hurt like he was ripping you. By all means, he wasn’t big as you were used to but hell, he’s got girth many would die for. The sheer thickness was making you whimper like a little puppy, choking on your own breath, Jimin slides his hand up brushing against your tits to calm you.
“Hmm, that’s it, fuck you’re tight,” He murmurs, his lips sliding up and down your exposed neck before he begins to suck on it, flattening his tongue against your neck you could just imagine what his tongue could do elsewhere.
Your body was moving with it’s own idea, completely taking him fully, he’s bottomed out all the way inside of you—feeling your clenching walls squeezing his cock to it’s brim.
Jimin’s hands had gotten all the way up your neck, now his fingers encased them as he began to tighten his grip on it. Fuck, he’s into choking too.
Your lips fell open as inescapable moans and cries left them, you’ve lost all control now as Jimin begins pounding into you from below. The sounds of your wet pussy and his cock slapping against your bottom and his thighs. The sticky yet so erotic sound, you could feel the thick hot cum that was stringing between you both were just dripping now. 
“Ah, Jimin, you’re so good—holy fuck, I’m gonna cum,” Your high pitched whine made you come undone. Not giving him a chance at all, the boy also let out a loud moan, it sounded so good, so deep and hot just like his cock inside you right now.
Your pulsing cunt was squeezing the life out of him, you could feel his cum spewing out all over your wall—he stops when his cock has hit the hilt holding himself inside feeling your orgasm rip through you. Your body was shaking against him, with his hand held tight on your throat and hip you felt as if your best ever orgasm has just finished.
Fuck, it must’ve been the fact that you were in public and Jimin has just managed to fuck the shit out of you. You could feel his cock twitching inside as he begins to slip out, letting his softened cock fall against his thigh.
“Does this mean you’re my girlfriend now?” His joyful laugh echoed through your ears, as if this date couldn’t get any better.
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The days went by with a blink of an eye. Jimin, with his exponentially grown confidence had managed to skill-fully eye you down in University without your friends knowing. His own friends were quite happy with the fact that he had finally asked you out and fucked the shit out of you nearly everyday—of which you hoped he never explicitly given any fine details to his friends.
But of course you’d get a strange feeling whenever a certain brunette would sit near you in class with a brooding expression—as if he hated you. Jimin had mentioned how the younger boy had stopped talking to him ever so often and would only mumble one word answers to him.
You told him not to worry, you didn’t want to explain that Jungkook had a problem with it. You only lied saying that he probably had some girl issues he had to deal with—which wasn’t a complete lie, you just left out the fact that the girl involved in his issue was you.
You remembered the day you met him, first day of University you ran right into the unsuspecting boy which lead to him cursing you out before taking a better look. He was attractive of course, Jeon Jungkook was ripped—a sports student who cared a lot about keeping himself healthy and fit. He dressed well, always comfy with his oversized expensive clothes.
Over the months he’d constantly give you a funny look, you didn’t know what that meant, either he absolutely hates you or really likes you—you found out it was the latter at a halloween party that he dressed as deadpool, drunk and high as fuck drowning you with compliments on your own costume.
Taehyung looked from afar with a knowing glance, you has assumed that night that Taehyung was yet again proud of his bestfriend who managed to get his ass over to the girl he liked.
Then came this year, you tried, you really did try to talk to him but he wouldn’t budge. The boy would just nod and murmur back responses as if he wasn’t interested. Strangely enough the boy was vocal on text and whenever you’d game, which didn’t happen so often anymore since he’d been so busy with school and life. He’d only ever be so open that time and never again, especially not now when you’ve grown apart.
You felt like he hates you—sneering whenever you’d near him.
Now to the present, you’d barely seen him. You’d really only hang out with your friends as per usual with the slight attention from Jimin at school and his whole attention whenever you’re out of school.
It was nearly Christmas, Jimin loved Christmas—he dressed in reds and greens everyday looking like the god he is in just his Christmas sweaters and pants. He didn’t do anything special, he didn’t have to. 
He knows that if he had dressed in tight pants any day you’d soon rip them off when you’re alone, which lead to him purposely wearing his tight blue ripped jeans nearly every single day.
Tonight was different, very different. You got a message from Taehyung asking if you’d jump on a game with him real quick—he needed some help apparently and said, ‘you’re a nerd right, nerds are smart, help me’. 
You didn’t think Taehyung would be the person to play Monster Hunter World honestly, but here you were, helping him kill a very simple beast. 
“Taehyung, it’s just a Jagras—you’re only at the beginning of the game you idiot!”
He was, very, very bad at the game. You were frustrated, very fucking frustrated. He also refused to allow you to take the kill as he’d told you that you didn’t seen the level or the materials, which was true.
You just wanted to kill the thing so you’d finish this part already.
“It’s a giant ja-jarags—”
“Jagras—it literally says that on the screen.”
“Okay, a Giant Jagras. I’m new okay be nice to your new teammate,” He whined, continuing to try to attack the beast in the strangest matter.
You rolled your eyes as you laid on the bed on your stomach. You had the lights dimmed to a good amount and the main lights were from your PC and glow lights giving the room quite the moody atmosphere. You had your headphones on over your ears and the mic brushing against your cheek as you spoke, Taehyung really needs to invest in some good gear—you could barely hear the stupid guy.
You kicked your feet around behind you as you continued to mindlessly kill the other smaller Jagras around so they wouldn’t kill him, again.
“You sound frustrated,” his voice was low and raspy, drawing a warmth to the pit of your stomach. He kept his voice down so no one could hear from the other side.
You paused for the second to look back at him. How Jimin laid again your headboard with his shirt off from your previous heated make out that was interrupted by Taehyung’s pleas. He hadn’t even bothered to put it back on, only to give you a very nice sight of his ripped stomach and slim waist encased around his tight trousers and belt.
His feet kicks against your bottom as he sees you turn away with a huff. You were trying very hard to not jump on him right now.
“Oh my god! I almost got it!”
“But you didn’t,” you laughed, continuing to revive him.
You could hear Jimin scuffle around behind you, he was so restless. He must’ve been bored, tapping away on his phone as he watched you play with Taehyung. A boy who wasn’t your boyfriend who took away all the attention away from himself. Jimin was sulky, and pouty, constantly groaning and whining trying to fend to your attention which resulted in you telling him to be quiet and take a shower or something.
Jimin did not like not being the centre of attention, especially not being the centre of his girlfriend’s attention.
You paid attention to the animation of Taehyung’s constant deaths and his screams. Grinning ear to ear from how hard he was trying yet he fails at all cost.
Then of course, you felt a strange warmth on the back of your thighs—completely bare from your tiny shorts that probably rode all the way up over your bottom at this point.
You felt a wetness now, a hot, sucking sensation as it grew higher and higher. Then, a weight shifted and dropped over your legs, trapping them in.
“Jimin, could you not right now?” You whisper shouted at him, pointing at the screen.
He didn’t listen of course, what a brat. He sat his pretty ass right on the back of your knees as his fingers lingered at the hem of your shorts, “Aren’t these so unnecessary? They cover nothing babe, I can see your entire ass.”
His fingers teasing at the fold of your bare ass as he pulls the shorts over your ass roughly, allowing the crotch of the pants to rub against your clit causing your breath to hitch.
You immediately turned off your mic for a second, “Stop it. Tae can hear us.”
“Tae? Tae, you’re using nicknames now?” Jimin’s eyebrows cocked, his voice laced with jealousy, “You don’t even give me nicknames.”
His hands begin to grasp at your ass cheeks, squeezing them and rolling them out like dough. He used all his weight to keep you down, his frame slowly falling over your own as you felt him starting to grind against your ass with his hard erection.
“You’re such a brat, you call me a brat y/n—I didn’t leave my boyfriend all hard and horny to play a game with his best friend instead.”
God, his sarcastic petty tone was already getting to you. He was so jealous and it was so weirdly hot. He was thrusting with so much power you could feel yourself shifting back and forth, his hands were by your shoulders keeping himself upright. You couldn’t look back, he was trapping you—only allowing you to feel him.
His trapped cock, brushing against your ass—the sheer bulk of his bulge spreading your cheeks apart allowing him to push himself up against your wetting core but mostly your other whole...a particularly sensitive one he’s been begging to explore.
He bends downwards to nudge his head into the crook of your neck, peppering sweet kisses down your neck as you craned them over for him, trying to keep yourself shut as your mic had been back on.
“Tae-Taehyung you need to load up on h-health, gosh,” You tried to distract yourself from Jimin’s hands, but it wasn’t working anymore.
He’d notice your attempt and wasn’t going to lose your attention again. One of his hands left your side and proceeded towards somewhere else.
He dipped his fingers into his mouth as you could hear, before he pushes them into you through your shorts and underwear—causing you to choke on your words.
“Uh, did you slip, y/n?” Taehyung asked.
“Nope, I just thought I saw a spider...”
You could practically hear his smirk, fucking, Jimin was so pleased with himself. He continued to pry your pussy open with his fingers, curling them and stretching your hole out for him. Feeling the wetness, spilling out the sides as he kept digging for more.
His thumb would keep pushing up towards your asshole, running his thumb up and down, “Babe, can I please—fuck, it feels so tight.”
His voice was dark, hungry. You weren’t about to say no, you wanted it too. You liked anal play. Whenever Jimin wasn’t around you’d have fun with yourself too, touching yourself and teasing yourself, you knew that your ass was the epitome of sensitive. It gets you to cum in seconds.
“Will it hurt?” You asked, you’ve never had a man with larger hands than yourself in there, you were sort of worried—scared, but fuck, if anything more excited about how the stretch would feel.
“Huh?” Taehyung said, as he tries to slice at the beast again.
Jimin chuckled quietly as he whispered, “No, you’re in good hands baby.”
Literally, and figuratively. Jimin presses against the rimmed hole, feeling the ridges and just imagining their tightness around his cock, especially knowing you’ve never had anyone else in there. Maybe he did have a slight virgin kink, and anal virgin kink.
His thumb makes its way into you, swallowing hard from the sensation. It feels so good. His thickest finger proceeding to make it’s way into you, stopping at the hilt of his hand. Jimin couldn’t help to wriggle his thumb around feeling around the walls, thank god you had taken a shower before this.
Jimin’s satisfied grumble was enough to make you bite your lip, keeping it down. Yet, through your sealed lips he could probably hear your whimpers and grunts.
“Turn the mic off, fuck, I need to be inside you—you’re going to be so fucking loud.”
He was right, you did exactly what he said. He was also going to loud from the looks and sounds of it, just a finger in he’s already about to cum.
“Will it fit though?” “Babe, we both know I’m not that big.”
At least he was honest, and not arrogant right. You nodded, he liked this position you guessed. He stretched you out with another finger pushing into your asshole. It was so much, yet not enough.
As he finishes prepping your ass for him, he gives you a smack on the ass before pulling everything off your ass. Giving him a full view of your juicy ass, “Hmm, can’t wait to fuck this ass.”
You wondered how many times Jimin had actually done this, he seemed awfully experienced but your trail of thought was immediately cut off as he spreads your ass cheeks out—letting a drip of his saliva drop over your little gaping ass. He pushes his face into you, it wasn’t the first time he was eating you could but fuck, it was the first time he was eating out your ass.
You gripped onto the bedsheets that you could, biting into the fabric as he pushes your body down. Sucking, and licking into you, lubing you up as much as he could. He smacks his lips before popping off his belt and pulling down his pants only enough for his dick to come out.
You couldn’t see it but you wanted to imagine a red hot stinging dick just so hard and ready to rip you open. You hear you spitting some more into his palm before he pumps his cock a few times.
“Alright, deep breath,” He tells you, pushing the head of his thick cock up against your asshole.
You did, taking in a deep breath before it turned into a whole ass fucking scream of pleasure. He didn’t give you even a second to move, holding your hips flush against your bed as he fucks into you without a second thought.
He couldn’t even control himself, your ass was clenching at his every thrust—the base of his cock getting all the tightness it wanted. His balls slapping against your clit as good as it can it.
“I didn’t know—fuck, that jealous sex was this good—” Your words spun into a high pitched moan as he pulls out nearly all the way only fucking you with the head of his cock where he wanted more tension.
He sets his chest down against your shoulders, his bare chest flush against your still clothed top, “I’m only fucking you this hard ‘cuz you’re a fucking brat.”
Dominant Jimin was good, too fucking good—he’d get like this if you didn’t listen to him. He’d push your over his knees and smack your ass unlike it was red and boiling before he’d eat you out. He’d fuck you like he wanted to get himself to cum the fastest, without a care for how you were feeling—which was only a show, he knew you felt good, you liked being fucked hard.
“I should be a brat more often.”
He continued to drill into your asshole even harder like no other had before through the night, no fucking mercy. Taehyung only echoing into your ears asking if you were still there. Taehyung only thought of it was a glitch and nothing more. It was only when Jimin came inside your ass and began to pry out out his cum with his mouth did you realise that Taehyung had invited another into the game.
His gamer tag you knew well, from you dropped fucked out form you stared at the screen blankly. Jungkook had been playing with Taehyung for a while—he’d passed that part of the game and had better gear now. Holy fuck, how long did Jimin fuck you for—it wasn’t even enough, Jimin wanted to torture you, he didn’t even know Jungkook was in the game at this point.
He forced you to continue playing, joining back into the game with questions from Taehyung which you only said you took a while in the bathroom and forgot the mic was off. Jungkook casually speaking around you like you didn’t exist at all, of course with Taehyung trying his best to make you two talk.
He got better, only a few words but you couldn’t even say much without a squeak leaving your lips as Jimin bites and nips into your neck with his cock warmed all up inside your cunt the entire time.
You didn’t know why your head was getting off the idea of Jungkook hearing you cum, seeing you, you even imagined Jungkook in Jimin’s position right now, you were in deep shit, you were Jimin’s right now and not suppose to be thinking of fucking another but it was so hard.
So fucking hard. 
863 notes · View notes
louderthanbombsus · 7 years
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Song notes for Chestnuts – Neil Sims.
Cold Chisel, Khe Sanh (1978): basically the Australian National anthem. Cold Chisel are absolutely one of Australia's best ever pub rock bands. Lyrically brilliant, with a proper alcoholic fighting frontman, wonderful guitarist from Alice Springs (desert - smack bang in the middle of Aus). I absolutely dismissed this band in my youth largely because this song has somehow been adopted as an anthem by Aussie bogans (footy playing meathead types). I cannot fathom why this song has become so anthemic. The lyrics are about a guy returning from the Vietnam war and wanting to get back to Hong Kong to shag Chinese whores! If you go to a pub, and it's choc full of bogans and this tune is played, they will, en masse, yell every word of this song in your face while spilling some of the world's worst beer down your front. It's a kind of bonding thing. Cold Chisel have many other very beautiful songs. Flame Trees is another that often gets mentioned. Check out their album 'East' if you like this kind of thing. 
Courtney Barnett, Avant Gardner (2015): Courtney is something of a superstar nowadays. This song comes off the album before she struck it big. Courtenay writes beautifully about life in Melbourne's suburbia. This is the most beautiful song ever written about having an asthma attack. The lyrics at the end "I'm not that good at breathing in" - fantastic. 
Saints, I'm stranded (1977): Punk was invented in Australia! This tune pre-dates the Sex-Pistols and appears to have evolved independently. Apparently these guys were shipped to the UKL as Punk was exploding and they didn͛t really like it, so they came back. The guitarist, Ed Keupper, continues to play throughout Australia. In the saints he used a PA for a guitar amp and his sound was based on extreme volume. I like that kind of thing. Anyway, another affirmation of Australian musical heritage. 
Black Cab, Heart's on Fire (2007): Melbourne band. We are super lucky to have some of the world's best radio stations in Melbourne - 3RRR and PBS - these funded entirely by subscriptions, and they command a much larger share of the listening audience than they should for their income. Uncensored, very left wing, catering to true music lovers (funny story - Sydney has these right wing shock jocks that basically control our politics through terrifying the public and politicians - same as everywhere. Some super wealthy conservative bastards heavily backed a similar thing in Melbourne and it went bust in a couple of years because we just all ignored them- yay!). Anyway - there is one particular radio show on a Friday afternoon with 'the ghost' who has been on radio for about a thousand years. Somehow, on many occasions, he has played tunes that have been absolutely perfect soundtracks for what I was doing at the time - really quite remarkable. I remember driving in my VW beetle back into Melbourne from some interstate place, and there's this part of the highway coming into town where you get this amazing view of Melbourne City. I was kinda feeling odd about being in Melbourne at the time, and the ghost played this tune at exactly the point where you this amazing view emerges from the highway and open fields. It shaped my feelings about Melbourne. Good tune, too. 
Warumpi-band, Black Fella, white fella (1985): Like every country that has been colonized by white people, there is a strong movement in Australia to recognize and respect our indigenous (aboriginal) cultural heritage. I strongly support our indigenous aspirations. This was one of the first tunes by an indigenous band that I can recall hitting the record charts. Bit of a classic. 
The Drones, How to see through fog (2013): Another Melbourne band - This is just one of the best summer tunes I know. I always think of being in a shabby apartment in the stinking heat with light curtains waving in the gentle breeze. This tune also has one of the best Lo-fi guitar solos I know. I've been playing guitar for a million years and I still can't harness whatever wildness Gareth Liddiard is channelling here - awesome stuff. Gareth is becoming a ͚figure͛ in the Australian arts scene now. He͛ ll get really big soon. 
Australian Crawl, Beautiful people (1980): Aussie Crawl were super popular in the early 80s though I never really got into them. Aussie Crawl always seemed to be playing as I was spewing into the sick bag at the back of the coach heading to school camp. Now every time I hear them I have to lie down. This band is also famous for having virtually unintelligible lyrics courtesy of James Reyne. 
Civil Civic, the Gift (2016) – this is one of three instrumentals I͛ve selected. The guys I played with in my first band in high school turned out to be some pretty amazing people. The drummer is just a remarkable character who is now a band manager (Boy & Bear, Airborne, Paper Kites etc) - one of the key figures in the music industry in Australia. At 12 years of age, the Keyboard player was the smartest guy I have ever met - still is. Now the head of a significant finance company. Our singer and bass payer, Ben, was the most creative person I have ever met - beautiful artist and writer, and a great muso. We would be taking a break, mid-set, and he would just pick up a guitar and do a solo show, singing passionately and beautifully - the chicks and the parents loved him. An absolute talent. He plays bass in this band which is comprised of two ex pat Melbournites; Aaron living in London and Ben in Barcelona, and ͞The Box͟ which is a drum machine and few other bits of kit with some flashing lights on the front. Ben is a super smart guy and the intricacy of the bass playing on this album reflects the massive size of his brain. I can't even comprehend some of the stuff he plays, let alone remember what the heck happens from one section to another throughout most of the songs. Anyway, big ups to Ben and Aaron - much luck. 
Bat Piss, Weatherboard man (2017): I like this recent tune from another Melbourne band. The lyrics cover a lot of ground. The weatherboard thing refers to his background and ambitions etc. But houses are also more expensive in Australia than anywhere else on the planet (except Hong Kong - true) so any lyrics mentioning some housing thing stirs the ire of the people. Anyway, I just like the tune. 
Grinderman, No pussy blues (2007): I bloody hate Nic Cave, but he͛s something of an Icon for emotionally challenged people. I like his side project with Grinderman more than any of his other stuff. This tune is kinda rockin, and has a sense of humour which is bloody rare for Nic. Nic has lived in England for most of his life now, but somehow we maintain him on the register of Australian artists. While we are on this issue, I'd like to apologise for Rupert Murdoch. 
Slim Dusty - Pub with no beer (1957): Slim Dusty has more gold and platinum records than any other Australian Artist. He was the first Aussie recording artist to have an international #1 with this song. Slim Dusty was also the first artist broadcast from space when astronauts played his rendition of Waltzing Matilda from Space Shuttle Columbia as it passed over Australia on its maiden flight in 1981 (Wikipedia - could be wildly incorrect). Everyone knew Slim and this song (and Khe Sanh) when I was growing up. Part of Australia's musical history to be sure. The other good news is that if you hate the song, it's over pretty quickly. 
Ball Park Music - Nihilist Party Anthem (2016): We, DJ Chestnuts, became acquainted with one another via the very awesome Maux, whom I met at the greatest conference I will ever attend in Corvallis, OR. Maux and have I kept in touch via facebook ever since and we've shared a few tunes. This is one I sent to Maux some time ago and I think she liked it. These guys are from Brisbane. They͛re all music Nerds so you get a mix of some decent groove (like this track) and some overintellectualised slow stuff that I immediately ignore. 
Leader Cheetah - Bloodlines (2009): We have a national youth radio station called JJJ There's a running joke that it's run by 50 year olds, which I think is not that far from the truth. Still, some great shows and DJs. This station holds the Hottest 100, which is where people vote for the best songs of the year. They reckon it's the world's largest popular vote thing of its kind. They also have an 'Unearthed" thing which gives new bands a chance to play their stuff on radio, and I think this is where I heard this song first. These guys are from Adelaide, which along with Canberra (Australia's capital), is the butt of more Australian city jokes than any other. People who don͛t live in Adelaide hate the place. I kinda like it – many beautiful women riding bicycles and excellent Indian food is my main impression – it͛s like the Indian Amsterdam of Australia without the canals. Anyway, apparently Leader Cheetah have toured with Interpol, Dinosaur Jr. and Elbow. They've been pretty quiet lately and I've got no idea what they're up to. This song struck me with the very beautiful chorus and lyrics - totally channelling Neil Young here. 
C.W.Stoneking - Get on the floor (2015): This is the music they should have played in The Heart of Darkness, and I imagine a big white wooden boat going up a slow river on a still hot day, heading towards a raunchy drugged-up pagan festival of some kind every time I hear it. CW was born in Katherine, which is absolutely in the middle of bloody nowhere (NT, Australia). I think he only has one set of clothes, which is an impeccable white suit and shoes with spats. He records in a very beautiful and old fashioned way as far as I understand, which is to basically place a microphone in a room and play! They move instruments back and forth to get the mix right. Fantastic stuff. 
The Bamboos - Eel Oil (2006): The Bamboos are the elder statesmen of Aussie funk. They command a heap of respect in the industry and they get all the cool guest artists. The outfit is basically led by their guitarist, and when you see them live you get the impression that all the other (very capable) musos are in awe of this guy and playing to his beat. Very cool guy. I like some of their darker tunes, and you needed a couple of instrumentals, so here's another one. 
The Bee Gees - You should be dancing (1979): Believe it or not these guys are somewhat Australian. We like to own anything that once visited our shores and has since done well. Russel Crowe (NZ), Crowded House (NZ), Mel Gibson (USA), AC/DC (England/Scotland) etc etc... I think these guys parents moved to Australia at the dawn of time for about 6 months and so now we own them. I hear that sometimes you like to dance, DJ Chestnuts, and dancing is Disco! I wish I could rock skin tight white flares, high heels and a shirt tucked in so tight you couldn't get a cigarette paper into the inherently low friction gap between nylon shirt and gaberdine trouser if you tried. Alas I am too fat. 
Gold Class - life as a gun (2016): Good Melbourne fellas, essentially the embodiment of modern Joy Division. I dig this tune. They launched this album late last year and it sold out on vinyl in about a second. There's a couple of other goodies on the album too. 
Fractures - Low Cast (2017): Melbourne band. Don͛t know much about these guys but I dig the layered harmonies and smooth feel of this tune. A newey and a mellow goodie. 
AC/DC - Have a drink on me (1980): What would an Aussie playlist be without AC/DC, who have graciously accepted being considered Australian despite not having resided in Australia for many many years. This is from the Back in Black album, which was a tribute album to Bon Scott, their first singer who died choking on his own spew. That is so cool. It͛s the only AC/DC album that I really got my teeth into, and it was the soundtrack to a phase in my life where my buddies were getting their first cars, beer (we can drink at 18), some very dodgy parties, and experimentation. I listened to this a lot on cassette in my old mans car. I didn't know which song to pick from this album, but I support the inclusion of alcohol in all facets of life so this one jumped out at me. These guys are basically on their last legs these days, but luckily they have an almost direct replacement in the form of Airborne, who are much more famous in Europe than they are in Australia, and who happen to be managed by one of the guys I played in that band with: Greg, the drummer. 
Rocket Science - Burn in Hell (2000): THIS is the kind of music I like to wake up to - fast, groovy, and reminding you that you are damned either way. Fucking inspirational. There's a fantastic line in an LCD Sound System song about 'your favourite music helps you sleep'. To me, that is the wrong way to use music, and it signals a deficiency in the human organism for which this is true. We should pity people like that. Another Melbourne band. 
Peter Sculthorpe - String Quartet # 14 (1998): Peter Sculthorpe died recently, and was probably amongst the most famous residents of Canberra (our Nation's capital), along with Jackie Chan (no shit). I like this kind of whacko classical gear - it conjures up all kinds of landscape features, which helps me sleep. People who don't have music to sleep to should be pitied. 
Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever - Julie's Place (2017): Greater Melbourne is split in two by the Yarra River and there's a saying that "you're either on one side of the river or the other". The southern suburbs are salubrious and expensive. Things are green and tidy and everything is organised by accountants and lawyers and school mums in black Range Rovers. North of the river is where there are still lots of live music venues, young creative people and nobody ever cleans their front yard. The film clip to this song ("A time to mow") is pretty funny and nicely encapsulates a typical home situation in Melbourne's North. The tune itself is one of the best implementations of excellent song craft over the "we have no musical skills and made this song up in 7 minutes" sound. I dig it (and so does Maux if I recall correctly). 
Eddy Current Suppression Ring - Which way to go (2008): These guys are described as Punk. A good (Melbourne!) guitar band. They basically started from a jam at the record pressing plant where they worked, with vocals improvised over the top. Good riff. Good lyrics. Good clip - what's not to love. 
A.B.Original - January 26 (2016): January 26 is "Australia Day" and we get a public holiday for it. Nobody actually knows specifically why Jan 26th is the holiday. I could probably google it, I guess. But nobody knows. It is being increasingly seen as a celebration of European invasion, and many people are even calling it Invasion day. This song says a lot about how indigenous people feel about Australia Day. These guys recently won an Australian Recording Industry Award (ARIA) for their album, "Reclaim Australia", which, just like it says on the box, is full of protest. This song caused a bit of drama in the press - it rated top 20 in the Hottest 100 but the Murdoch press had a field day and said something like ͞song denouncing Australian values wins award͟ - surprise surprise. I'd like to apologise for Rupert Mordoch again. 
Science Fiction - Divinyls (1983): I never really got into this band, but I like this song's cool groove and flowy bass runs. Their singer, Chrissie Amphlet was an icon for many young Australian women. She had this really sexy look and she shoved it in your face. Great voice, too. Not sure how well known this song is outside of Australia. 
Good boy - Poverty line (2016): another of my morning music favourites and another JJJ Unearthed find. These guys are from Brisbane, which is in Queensland in Australia͛s north east. Queensland is affectionately known as the 'deep north', in reference to the US Deep South, as it is chock full of mosquitos, terrible beer, and all of the very worst of our politicians (Tasmania, that shitty island just off the bottom of the mainland runs a bloody close second for political retards). Only real estate agents and corporate criminals wear closed-toe shoes in Queensland, which makes it easy to spot the remainder in their board shorts and thongs (which is the correct name for 'flip-flops'). 
 Something for Kate - Captain (million miles an hour)(1997): Something for Kate are one of those bands that everyone in Australia and especially the music industry knows and greatly admires, but have never really broken it huge. These guys are another Melbourne band, and somehow I manage to see their singer, Paul Dempsey, all over the place around town - supermarket, laundromat, Chinatown. My brother had the same thing (”Did you see Paul Dempsey again today?””Yeah, WTF?”) and so we think that maybe he is stalking us. That's cool - being stalked is a like a compliment from an introvert. This song is an oldie. There's been many excellent Something for Kate newies, but I just love this one. I dig the straight ahead guitar and bass working together, and the lyrics send me to some dreamy place when I was very young. 
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