#she will be mace's padawan in a few years
merlyn-bane · 7 months
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jedi initiates deserve to stomp in puddles too!!!
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frostbitebakery · 3 months
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Depa doesn’t take one look at Anakin Skywalker and wishes him to be her Padawan. She takes three.
Studying the art of Soresu has taught her many things. How to protect others, how to protect herself, how to wear someone down without being worn out in return.
While Obi-Wan had… Depa doesn’t want to call it “hop around”, but Obi-Wan had seemed rather indecisive after Attaru had turned out to be not the right choice.
Depa’s first and only choice had been Soresu. While Mace had shed a theatrical tear that she wouldn’t follow in his footsteps, she’d been enamored with the philosophy of the form.
Her first look at Anakin had been upside down.
She’d come across Obi-Wan showing Anakin the Temple when she’d seen him sign “a change in perspective can reveal what is right in front of us”. The context hadn’t mattered much, just that Obi-Wan had hugged the boy around his middle and the next thing Anakin was upside down and pointing excitedly.
“Oh there it is!”
She hadn’t thought much of it until Obi-Wan had shown up at her doorstep.
He had felt some darkness in the child. His erstwhile Master was murdered by a Sith. He had murdered the Sith.
“Everything is rather tumultuous,” he had signed to her raised brow.
Anakin needed a stabilizing presence here and all of Obi-Wan’s friends were either crazy or up to their necks in trial prep.
“I’m flattered, Padawan Kenobi,” she had replied, “let’s spar.”
Sparring was, in the end, more moving meditation but she felt his mind slowing its frantic pace, the events of the past weeks shifting into understanding.
They’d sat in silence for a long time. His cheek ended up on her shoulder and she dropped her chin on his head.
“Sleep, Knight Kenobi,” she’d said softly. Much had been revealed during their meditation after all.
He had tapped a thank you on her arm.
Depa had taken her second look at Anakin after that.
A handful of a boy and she felt overwhelmed just by being near him. Only a Master’s Master would be able to train him when the time came.
Though she enjoyed his presence. Soaking up knowledge like a sponge, being deeply engrossed in tinkering with parts. The Force so close to the surface, like a maelstrom, but calming when Anakin had been given the right tools.
So bright the dark was almost unnoticeable. But Depa noticed. Wanted to help the boy overcome the darkness.
Depa had taken a third look at Anakin a few years after Obi-Wan had first brought him to the Temple, and she had realized that her wish to help him had transformed into wishing to train him.
“Yes! I feel so ready to begin my training,” Anakin had replied to her question, face alight with excitement and the jitters he couldn’t hide. “Ga’Tran said a Master chooses their Padawan but Loni said that’s…”
“Kriffing banthashit?” Depa supplied drily and felt Anakin laugh in the Force and her heart. “Anakin?” She wanted to at least offer. She wouldn’t be mad if he declined, life would move on and she’d still be there for him. But she wanted him to know that, now, gladly, with honor, she wanted to train him.
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gffa · 5 months
I've been a little slow on getting out new STAR WARS fic recs out, but in my defense it's because I've been reading a bunch of longer fics lately. In the spirit of "there's a special feeling to those fics that consume you and make you stay up until 3am because you can't put them down", here's a list of some of the ones I've loved or am in the middle of reading and they are haunting my thoughts and I need to inflict that on everyone else. Whether you're looking at a long upcoming trip and need some good reading material or avoiding your feelings by sinking into fic or just because you like reading, I hope you'll find something here! Including a bonus underrunning theme of throwing in a bunch of Jedi-loving fic to continue my agenda of making Jedi-centric fandom a more fun place to be. 30k+ is the minimum and this isn't all of my favorites, but it's a great list of "I have a week off to kill and I want to be in a fic coma by the end of it".
✦ Out with Lanterns by SkyeBean, mace & ahsoka & plo & shaak & cast, 312.5k     In another universe, Jedi Masters Plo Koon and Depa Billaba decide a Padawan could do Mace some good. It takes a while, but he eventually agrees. When he takes Ahsoka Tano as his Padawan, Mace knows that he's broken through a Shatterpoint and changed the course of a life. How, he doesn't know. ✦ Reprise by Elfpen, obi-wan & qui-gon & mace & yoda & anakin & cast, time travel, 558.9k wip     Ben Kenobi dies aboard the Death Star in the year 0 BBY. He wakes up shortly thereafter in the Jedi temple in the year 41 BBY. Haunted by memories and regret, Ben must forge a new path for himself in the Jedi Order of his youth while navigating the murky waters of time travel. Crafting a better future from bitter experience is hard, but learning to heal is even harder. ✦ Take it from the top and try again by mauvera, obi-wan & qui-gon & anakin & padme & mace & shmi & dooku & cast, time travel, 112k wip     Five years into his self imposed exile on Tattooine, Obi-Wan Kenobi is gifted the chance to go back and bring hope back to the galaxy. With hindsight on his side, he fully intends to save his master, save his padawan, make some new and old friends again, prepare the Jedi for a war they’ll hopefully never see and begin to pull apart all the many tangled threads of the Sith Lord’s plans. Should be relatively easy. Right? ✦ Post Order 66 Exile AU by Livsy, obi-wan & anakin & cast, 46k     Alternatively: after a failed order 66, in which many Jedi still died but the Sith were defeated, an exiled warrior and a boy wander a distant planet and attempt to get along. ✦ Remedial Jedi Theology by MarbleGlove, obi-wan & anakin & jedi & cast, 51.3k     Let us consider the fact that the Jedi Order is a monastic religious organization based out of a temple, with five basic tenets of faith. ✦ Supreme Chancellor Obi-Wan Kenobi by stonefreeak, obi-wan & anakin & padme & yoda & palpatine & bail & dooku & mace & quinlan & vokara & ahsoka & cast, 124.5k wip     By an old Republic law, all members of the Jedi High Council are senators in the Galactic Senate, and can thus be voted in as chancellor. A Senator from a less prominent planet has had enough of Chancellor Palpatine's incompetence and calls for a Vote of No-Confidence and the installation of Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi as Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. This one action becomes the catalyst that changes the direction of the galaxy. ✦ What We've Become by Vinyarie, vader & ahsoka & cast, 82k     Darth Vader and Ahsoka’s fight on Malachor takes a different path, and Ahsoka actually is able to save her master. Or rather, she’s able to convince him to save himself. Diverges from canon in the last few minutes of Twilight of the Apprentice and goes increasingly AU from there.
✦ time to change the road you're on by wreckageofstars, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & luke & leia & han & ghost crew & cast, time travel, 93.6k wip     The end of the Clone War is near - the fall of the Republic even nearer. Anakin Skywalker, caught up in the events that lead to the rise of the Empire and the loss of everything he holds dear, finds himself sent nearly two decades into the future. Ahsoka Tano, still coming to painful terms with the true fate of her former master, is - not exactly happy to see him. But the Force works in mysterious ways - and the future is not nearly as set in stone as they've been lead to believe. Multi-chapter AU, Rise of the Empire/Rebels-era. ✦ narrower than a razor's edge by bereft_of_frogs, obi-wan & dooku & qui-gon & anakin & sidious & cast, 30.2k     Dooku tips his hand ten years earlier because he can't stand the thought of his former apprentice's murder, and that might just be enough to save everyone...if it doesn't get them all killed first. ✦ soften every edge by gigglesandfreckles, obi-wan & ahsoka (& anakin), major character death, 48.1k     "Rejoice!" the galaxy says, in the wake of war and the dawning of peace. "How?" Obi-Wan asks. "No," Ahsoka says. (or: Obi-Wan & Ahsoka learn to live on.) ✦ hunting toward heartstill by blackkat, mace/cody & plo & fives & shaak & obi-wan & anakin & rex & cast, 207.2k     Plo has an idea. Mace agrees, and everything snowballs right into hell from there. (Or: Mace and Cody get married in order to give the clones citizen status. Before they can focus on that, though, they're going to have to deal with ancient Sith artifacts, evil prophets, plots to overthrow the Supreme Chancellor, lost planets, monsters warped by Sith alchemy, inconvenient , and Darth Sidious turning his eye on a potential new apprentice. Just...not in that order.) ✦ Cataclasm by dendral, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & waxer & cast, 63.1k wip     For reasons unknown to all but himself, Obi-Wan Kenobi has left the Jedi Order in the midst of the Clone Wars, taking with him a single clone. Anakin Skywalker has been unofficially tasked by the Order to find Obi-Wan and bring him home. Unfortunately for Anakin, it seems his former master is always ten steps ahead of him. ✦ Unexpected Awakening (The Rewrite) by Rhiw, obi-wan & qui-gon & anakin & feemor & bruck & jango & cast, time travel, 135.1k wip     The life of General Kenobi is cut short at the hands of his Padawan, but the sight that greets his eyes upon awakening is not that of blinding light of the Force, but the Jedi Temple he knew when he was still a youth. As he struggles to understand the path laid out before him, Obi-Wan unwittingly captures the attention of a singularly unusual Temple Guard, and that of a reluctant Qui-Gon Jinn.
✦ Knightrise by deviantaccumulation, obi-wan & ahsoka & satine & yoda & cast, 89.4k wip     There is no battle on Mustafar or in Coruscant's senate building. Instead, a small but still alive Jedi Order rises from its ashes on Mandalore. ✦ Fire and Ice by Yesac, obi-wan & anakin & cast, 111.9k     Anakin wins the duel on Mustafar, but doesn't kill Obi-Wan. Along with Padme, Obi-Wan finds himself living in a chaotic world where the man he thought he knew has become the thing he swore to destroy. Can Anakin be turned back? If so, what then? ✦ Better That a Millstone by Icarus_is_flying, obi-wan & luke & anakin & leia & cast, 86.7k     Vader discovers Luke and Obi-Wan on Tatooine when Luke is one year old and attempts to reclaim the family he threw away. Obi-Wan is less than pleased, and Luke and Leia? They have their own ideas about how their future should play out. ✦ Bloodlines by KCKenobi, obi-wan & anakin & dooku, 35.8k     When an explosion traps them in the same doomed escape pod, Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Dooku are stranded together on Tatooine. The goal is simple: cooperate long enough to survive, and not a second longer. But a shared past has a way of connecting the people we think we know—and bloodlines run deep. [or: your classic family road trip across a desert planet, except your grandpa is, you know, a Sith Lord. And now he's sort of starting to bond with your Jedi dad. And that might be an issue.] ✦ When Darkness Seems to Hide This Place by IllyanaA, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & rex & cast, 136k wip     After killing three of the Jedi Order's best and brightest, Palpatine's fight with Jedi Master Mace Windu goes shorter than expected. Afraid he's lost his chance at recruiting a new apprentice, Sidious unleashes Order 66 across the galaxy, but, per their programming, the Clone Army is not to harm Anakin Skywalker. After witnessing the most painful loss he's ever experienced and injured at the hands of his captors, Anakin is ready to die like the rest of the Jedi, though not before getting his vengeance. ✦ Precipice by shadowsong26, obi-wan & anakin & padme & luke & leia & bail & ahsoka & rex & cast, 253.6k     An AU in which Anakin Skywalker does not follow Mace Windu and the others to Palpatine’s office after they leave to arrest the Chancellor. As a result, he doesn’t get that final push over the edge, and doesn’t Fall. ✦ Averting Galactic Destruction by kj_feybarn, obi-wan & anakin & quinlan & rex & cody & fives & dogma & wolffe & plo & shaak & dooku & sidious, time travel, 44.3k     AKA The Time the Force Sent Obi-Wan Back in Time and Quinlan Vos kept him from Going Kamikaze because let’s be Honest, Being Forced to Come Back in Time Would Suck.
✦ Into the Archives by skygawker, obi-wan & anakin/padme & palpatine & cast, 104.9k wip     After hearing the legend of Darth Plagueis the Wise from Palpatine, Anakin decides that his best chance to save Padme is to break into the restricted Holocron Vault of the Temple Archives to search for information about Plagueis. Predictably, all does not go according to plan. Revenge of the Sith AU. ✦ Live To Fight Another Day by raemanzu, spica_tea, cody & rex & jesse & kix & obi-wan & anakin & fox & cast, 396.9k wip     Clones have their place in the universe, beyond the schemes of Palpatine. Events conspire to place Rex on the path of a new fate, one which will affect the future in ways not even the Jedi could foresee. Loyal to source material and characterizations. Canon-divergent. Starts between seasons 5 and 6 of TCW and explores Rex’s reaction to Fives’ dying words and subsequent events building toward Order 66. Variety of canon characters. No ships. Very Ace and Aro. Strong focus on certain friendships (Rex and Cody, Jesse and Kix, etc) with those friendships playing major roles. Thematically about how the clones navigate loss, trauma, the concept of their enslavement, their identities, etc amongst the larger active plot threads. Content warnings for war-related PTSD, trauma, combat injuries, and all around war-related angst etc in later chapters. ✦ Life and What Comes After by Ibelin, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & padme & cast, 177.2k wip     Obi-Wan dies on Jabiim. Anakin blames himself, doesn't know how to go on and yet - he does. Maybe the Force rewards that kind of thing, or maybe he just gets lucky, but when a mission lands Anakin on a vaguely familiar planet, he gets a second chance to do what he knows he should have done in the first place: save his master. (And maybe a chance to save the galaxy, too.) ✦ Knight-Errant by zinjadu, anakin & ahsoka & obi-wan & padme & rex & jedi & clones, 315.8k     AU - The Jedi Who Knew Too Much. Rex decides to stay "in pursuit" of his Commander; he jumps. Now, with backup, Ahsoka navigates the lower levels and deals with Ventress. Meanwhile, Anakin takes the Order to task, finds a little more support, and things turn out a little differently for everyone. And this is just the beginning. ✦ the massive machinery of hope by Killbothtwins, obi-wan & qui-gon & anakin & shmi & jedi, time travel, 150.1k     After the end of the war with the Empire, Obi-Wan wakes up in his twelve-year old body. Now all he needs to do is convince everyone he's psychic, trick his Master into taking him on before he's sent to Bandomeer, redeem a few bad guys, and try not to have a nervous breakdown. Pretty easy. It's not like the Sith are lurking on the horizon, waiting to devour the Jedi Order.
✦ The Exchange by MissLearn, obi-wan & anakin & qui-gon & ahsoka & padme & cast, time travel/body swap, 120k     The Daughter has a bad day and it irrevocably changes the fate of the galaxy, twice over. Or; ROTS Obi-Wan and Anakin are swapped with their younger, TPM, selves. It changes things, in both parallels. ✦ In All The World by Kjellarnen, obi-wan & anakin & cast, 144.8k wip     The story of how Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi tamed each other, from Naboo to Anakin's early days at the Temple. ✦ In Another Life by KCKenobi, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & padme, time travel, 52.3k     Eleven years after the rise of the Empire, a favor to a friend sends Obi-Wan traveling through the multiverse. He encounters different versions of the galaxy and of himself—including one in which Anakin never turned to the dark side. Obi-Wan and this Light Anakin are forced to work together to stop the creation of a disastrous Empire weapon. But as they move through different versions of reality, the timelines become more and more twisted—and the harder it is to distinguish who they are from who they might have been. And—to find their way home. ✦ The Intruder by Hollyoakhill, obi-wan & original clone characters, 82.5k     When a vicious attack from a strange, indestructible monster traps them on a derelict star destroyer, a young clone trooper fresh from Kamino join forces with Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi to find a way to escape. ✦ Conceal Me What I Am by Himboskywalker, obi-wan/anakin & padme & yoda & mace & palpatine & quinlan & cast, omegaverse, NSFW, 108.3k     Separatist Propaganda is turning the Republic against the Jedi Order and the Senate sees no choice but to join in a political alliance to fight dissent on a unified front.An alliance is proposed through an arranged marriage,between a Jedi Knight and Republic Senator. Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi are chosen as representatives of the political union by Darth Sidious, meant to bring ruin to the marriage and the public's support of the Jedi,for Obi-Wan Kenobi is not the Beta he claims. But even Sidious does not know of the secret Anakin Skywalker keeps, that he is not the Alpha the galaxy believes him to be. ✦ Equinox by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 95.9k     During the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan and Anakin crash on a remote planet and take shelter in the ruins of a grand estate only to find they are not alone.
✦ Invictus by Himboskywalker, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, 40.3k     "He is the balance, the other half, the completion to Skywalker’s soul, a perfect dyad in the force. But while Kenobi is a simple answer, the force also sees the difficulty of the pair coming together in balance. The foundations of the galaxy they exist in pull at them, threatening to intervene in their unity. But this is also a simple problem, for the force is far greater than the foundations of a single galaxy, for it is the foundation of all. So the force enacts its will, to bridge the pair over a span of moments, of years, of eternities, and Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi will fall in love, have fallen in love, and are falling in love." ✦ Neutron star collision by thedunesea, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, 121.2k wip     In the aftermath of Order 66, Anakin Skywalker's miraculous survival after his confrontation with the new Sith Apprentice Darth Vader ignites a sparkle of hope in the remaining Jedi, in the fledgling rebellion and, above all, in his former Master, who thought he had lost everything to darkness. But darkness is generous, and it is patient. ✦ Lex Talionis by intermundia, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & dooku & rex & cast, NSFW, 187.1k     The ancient Galactic Republic is dying slowly—an ugly death of corruption, sprawl, and decay—with the sin of slavery hanging over its every triumph. The beleaguered Jedi Knights are too few to adequately patrol and police the entire Republic, and are faced with complacency and greed at every turn. Born into a crumbling and stagnant galaxy, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker are faced with the greatest challenge of all: themselves. Obi-Wan likes rules and control. When the galaxy around him stops playing by the rules, what is a Jedi to do? Anakin needs rules and restraint. When the galaxy around him conspires to set him loose, what is his Master to do? Falling slowly or falling fast, falling through lust or falling through wrath—it all leads to delusion and moral decay. What can be born from the ashes? ✦ Atlas of Our Ruin by Ripki, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, time travel, 230.8k     Both the past and the future casts long shadows. Obi-Wan and Anakin learn that the hard way, when a mysterious holocron flings them backwards and forwards in time, forcing them to confront painful truths. But the time-travel is only the beginning… ✦ Seed by bell (belldreams), obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 44k     When Anakin falls prey to a lethal poison, Obi-Wan has no choice but use all his resources to heal him-- no matter how reluctant he is in administering the antidote.
✦ wicked thing by imaginarykat, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & cast, nsfw, sith!obi-wan, 124.2k wip     There are rumours of yet another Sith Lord hiding among the Separatists. The Council sends Anakin to investigate. Anakin has a bad feeling about this. or, the story of how Anakin exists in a perpetual state of intense embarrassment, Obi-Wan is enjoying it a little too much, and everything is, generally speaking, a gigantic mess. ✦ Rulebreaker/Wildheart by chapstickaddict, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & luke & leia & barriss & cast, NSFW, 230k     Darth Vader, the strong arm of the Sith, held loyal to his Order since they took he and his mother from slavery in the deserts of Tatooine. Until he became convinced they killed his wife. He abandoned his Order and disappeared in the chaos of the Clone Wars, presumed dead by all sides. That young Skywalker is known around town as a widower and homesteader; a Nabooian who emigrated to avoid the trade blockade; a father of overly-energetic twins and warding a Togruta war orphan; a decent mechanic if your farm equipment or maintenance droid is acting up. Anakin is a paranoid, over-protective hot mess doing his best to raise his weird pack the way Padmé would have wanted. How the hell is he supposed to do that when his kids and not-apprentice make him haul a half-dead Jedi Master home like a lost pet? ✦ more than a candle by jenmishe, obi-wan/anakin/padme, NSFW, 50.3k     "The dark is generous and it is patient and it always wins – but in the heart of its strength lies its weakness: one lone candle is enough to hold it back. Love is more than a candle. Love can ignite the stars." Or, a few thousands of words of how Anakin, Obi Wan, and Padmé realize many things, which include, most notably, how they feel about each other and how to handle said feelings. Oh, and in the meantime, they deal with a megalomaniac Sith Lord. ✦ Anamorphosis by avocadomoon, obi-wan/padme & anakin & mace & corde & qui-gon & cast, 33.5k     noun, plural an·a·mor·pho·ses [an-uh-mawr-fuh-seez, -mawr-foh-seez]. A distorted or monstrous projection or representation of an image on a plane or curved surface, which, when viewed from a certain point, or as reflected from a curved mirror or through a polyhedron, appears regular and in proportion; a deformation of an image.
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jessicas-pi · 6 months
So originally I was gonna do 3, but this one got REALLY long, sooo....
May I present the Jedi Get Hitched AU?
I posted about it once before here (and it got FANART!!!!) but other than that I haven't said much of anything else, soooo... here's more! and it's ENORMOUSLY self-indulgent.
The basic premise of the AU is that the clone wars end happily except the clones don't have rights but the Jedi find a loophole that will make them recognized as sentient citizens if one of them marries a Jedi, cue Aayla kicking open the door to the jedi council with bly in tow like I VOLUNTEER
ANYWAY. bly and aayla get married (they both freak out about it and Fox and Quinlan respectively have to give them pep talks before the wedding.) All seems well... and then Anakin saunters into the Jedi Council room one day and brings up that now that they're getting married (it was a one time thing, skywalker--) NOW THAT THEY'RE GETTING MARRIED, maybe they should consider that perhaps it would lower political tensions if a Jedi married, like, a senator or a planetary ruler or something. and the council is all like 🙄 skywalker we know this is just about you and senator amidala and he's like what??? haha no, i was talking about obi-wan and duchess satine. but while we're on the topic, i could definitely marry senator amidala too. she just adopted those twins and i could help raise them. they're force-sensitive, what a crazy coincidence amiright?? and plo and shaak are just lowkey planning their wedding and subsequent adoption of All Their Sons and mace. mace wants a break. please.
fast forward in time. Several more jedi have gotten married. Mace has retired from the council, citing "an excess of tomfoolery and nuptials" as his reason. Anakin married Padme, Obi-Wan married Satine and they officially adopted Korkie as their son, and Quinlan Vos and Asajj Ventress got married. Vostress is also currently running a jedi-nightsister exchange student program...
...which is how Merrin, 16 and slightly awkward but eager to learn more, ends up in the Jedi Temple, with a few other Nightsisters, though they're all a few years younger than her. Cal is assigned to give them the tour.
"Welcome to the Jedi Temple!" he says, holding one hand out to her and the other hand waving around them, indicating basically the whole jedi temple. it's supposed to be just a gesture, but then Merrin puts her hand in his. Completely seriously. Cal is like "...okay" and they hold hands for the rest of the tour.
Five years later, there is a second jedi-nightsister wedding.
Jocasta is delighted at the number of records being set within her lifetime.
(Jocasta is also officiating all the weddings, btw.)
A couple years after Mace resigns from the council, he decides to plan a shatterpoint lineage family vacation. So Mace, Depa, Grey (who is an unofficial part of their family), Caleb, and Caleb's brand-new Padawan, 11-year-old Ezra (who is pretty young to be a padawan, but he was following caleb around all the time anyway so caleb figured he might as well just make the apprenticeship official), all pack up... and go to Ryloth.
Caleb, who twenty-five at this point, promptly gets his first crush.
Mace Regrets This Vacation. He's actually started seeing marriage Shatterpoints. Depa and Grey, meanwhile, think it's really really funny that Caleb gets flustered around Hera, and Ezra has made more than a few insinuations about political alliances via marriage. Depa warns him that Caleb will get his revenge, but Ezra dismisses it. (Said revenge does come about, several years later, in the form of Caleb asking if Madame Nu needs to prepare to officiate the second Jedi-Mandalorian marriage in recorded history. Ezra kicks him in the shin. smh padawans these days just have NO respect for their masters.)
Ezra highly encourages Caleb to marry Hera.
It does not take much convincing.
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blushing-in-space · 3 months
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-> anakin skywalker
Summary: [Based on Clone Wars; S4 Ep15] As a Jedi Knight, it’s part of your duty to follow the orders of the Jedi Council, no matter how taxing or dangerous the task. You are given a highly classified mission that not only may end in your death but requires complete secrecy from everyone- Even your lover Anakin Skywalker.
Warnings: ANGST, Death, murder, blood, slight gore, loss of loved ones, grieving process. Probably inaccurate use of the force and force healing
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-> I looked at the message before me, brows furrowed. No, this couldn’t be right… Would the Jedi Council ask this of me? Something so classified sounds like it should be a mission of a Jedi Master, not a knight like me.
Mace Windu’s face was all the answer I needed. His eyes were slits as he looked down at me, face set seriously. His fellow council members had a similar expression.
“It is of the utmost importance no word spoken here leaves this room. Is that understood, [name]?” Windu repeats to me.
I have no choice but to nod my head. I serve the Galactic Republic, I cannot let my relationships meddle in my duties as a Jedi Knight.
I bowed my head, “Yes, masters. It will be done.”
“What’s the big rush?” Anakin smirks as I carry myself hastily down the dimly lit alleyway we always take when returning to the Jedi Temple from the port.
Ahsoka trails behind us both, thankfully oblivious to Anakin’s wandering hands. I did not agree to her being here and had suggested she take the shuttle home, knowing it would be safer for the young padawan. But like her master, Ahsoka was stubborn and determined to join us for the meeting I had lied about. I feared for her safety- I hope she will not be there when the time comes.
I glance over at Anakin, forcing a playful smile to adorn my lips as I would have in normal circumstances. “I’m not rushing. I’m just trying to get to the council meeting on time.”
I ignore Anakin as he rolls his eyes. “I can see it now- another boring debate I’ll sleep through,” he sighs, though his eyes linger on me and I can’t help but notice it.
We fell for each other when we were just padawans, and have remained loving by one another’s side for almost four years. While I was fairly good at hiding stolen looks and the brush of our hands, Anakin on the other hand doesn’t seem to understand the strategy of hiding our relationship.
He struggles more than I do with our relationship. It frustrates him so easily when he cannot pull me into a kiss after not seeing me for weeks, or to just wrap his arm around me as we walk as I can tell he wants to do now. I’ve known from the start about Anakin’s unusually strong emotional side for a Jedi. That is what makes me especially nervous for tonight.
“Luckily I’ll have you to keep my company,” Anakin mutters to me in a quiet and husky tone, his hand reaching to touch the crease of my waist.
I shoot him a look of warning, glancing over at Ahsoka who was just a few steps behind him. He’s lucky she happened to be looking away and had not looked too deeply into his words.
“If it's so boring for you, would you rather them call you in to train younglings?” I look smugly over my shoulder to Anakin, who grimaces at my comment while Ahsoka huffs a light laugh.
“I think you would enjoy that, master,” Ahsoka quips sarcastically as she steps to Anakin’s side, and he scuffs and looks away from his apprentice.
“As I thought.”
I try to keep up a high-spirited mood while with Anakin before my time comes to act. I see Anakin smiling, his lips parted to make another smart-assed comment. I give him a cheeky smile. After tonight I won’t see him again for yet another long week. And I know that week will be devastating for him.
He doesn’t hide anything from me. He’s told me how he held his mother in his arms and watched the life drain from her eyes. I’m aware he fears the same fate will reach another of his loved ones. Every time I leave for a battle I promise to him I’ll be safe and will return safely to his arms. Now I have been gagged by the Jedi Council from telling him the truth of what I must do. The guilt is almost unbearable having to keep such a secret from my own lover.
Anakin’s blue eyes search mine, I feel him wield the force to poke into my mind. I raise a brow at his perceptiveness. Does he know? I shake him, cutting off his access to my mind through the force. I don’t like it when he does that and he knows it. His brows furrow as he feels the loss of our connection, but he does not pry at my barrier. I nod to him in a silent already broken promise that we will talk later.
Our unspoken words distracted me so much that I almost wouldn’t have sensed the blaster shot coming toward me if Ahsoka had not warned me.
I roll to the side, taking cover behind the nearby crates. I whip my head around to see Anakin and Ahsoka have done the same, both of their backs pinned to the crates opposite of me. My blood pumps furiously through my veins. I should have let the shot take me down. The first and undeniable worst part of my mission would already be over.
“Where’d that shot come from?” Ahsoka yells, voice riddled with panic as she looks from me to the roof of an apartment building in the distance.
I show no concern as I peek my head over the crates, catching a glimpse of the bright blinding light of the sniper who had tried to kill me just then. Who I should have let kill me. My heart would be pounding in my chest if it weren’t for the drug I had taken before leaving that would suppress my heartbeat.
I shake off any fear. I won’t die today- I’m following my orders. My duty as a Jedi comes before anything else. Anakin will understand that when I return. I glance over at him and Ahsoka behind the crates opposite of me, and single them to follow my lead. Neither of them questioned my plan for us to split up over on the rooftop.
I feel Anakin trying to push into my mind as I roll behind the next set of crates, another blaster shot barely missing me. I feel his anxiousness about the situation, either for me being in danger or his padawan, I’m not sure. I just feel guilty for what I’m about to put him through.
I climb to the rooftop, keeping my cover as I deflect a shot back at the assassin to not rouse suspicion. I see Anakin has done as I asked him, for once in his life, and spot him heading to flank the shooter. Ahsoka jumps from rooftop to rooftop, taking the back approach to the shooter. I realize my time is running out to start this mission.
Anakin races on the rooftop across from me, taking cover at the same time as I do. He catches my eyes, blue eyes blazing across the darkness of the Coruscant alleyway. He’s going to dart around to get the shooter. I know he is.
“He’s behind the building!” Ahsoka coms to both me and Anakin, and I know this is where I must end this chase.
Anakin’s head whips around to the building across from us, eyes narrowed and his hand goes to grip his saber. I suck in a breath, closing my eyes as I prepare for the pain. I pray to the Maker the blaster-proof vest will be enough to save me from the real threat of death.
I block Anakin completely from my mind before stepping into the wide-open space as a red light hits my chest.
“[name]!” I hear Anakin scream as the assassin's blaster finally hits me, unexpectedly knocking me so far back I fall from the edge of the building and into sudden darkness.
Ahsoka’s heart sinks seeing Master [name] fall from the edge as she rounds the corner. She looks up to see her Master immediately trying to follow [name], attempting to run from his cover but having to soon duck as a blaster shot flies past his face.
“I got her! Go!” Ahsoka called out to Anakin, hiding the fear in her voice as she looked up at him.
Anakin’s eyes widen as he looks down at her, and his face seems to drain of color for a moment. He’s afraid. Ahsoka so rarely sees real fear on her master's face. No matter the battle or injury. His demeanor never falters. His expression is always lax and words smooth, even as he’s faced with danger, but in this moment Ahsoka does not see that familiar bravery in her master now. That is what scares her the most.
She doesn’t watch long enough to notice how Anakin hesitates for far too long before he chases whoever shot [name], she has no time to do anything but rush to the Jedi Knight's side. [name]’s body is completely limp in a pile of boxes and trash, left arm twisted unnaturally. There’s no blood, but a black mark is burned into the knight’s white-robed chest.
Ahsoka pulls [name]’s body from the rumble, panicking when she does not awake. She lifts the knight's head into her lap but freezes her finger above [name’s] neck to check for a pulse. She fears she knows the answer. Ahsoka has watched people die. Despite her age, she’s a commander- she sees death every day. But never someone so close to her. Someone she regarded as a friend. As a sister.
“Master?” Ahsoka whispers as she finally puts her fingers to the soft spot on [name]’s neck. She gulps as she feels nothing, then tries the curve of her wrist. Then feels nothing again. She sucks in a breath as her eyes become glassy at the sight.
Ahsoka hears Anakin drop from the roof and run down to her. “How is she?” He pants, wild blue eyes looking down at them.
Ahsoka can barely move her head to look up at him, and when she does, she nearly lets tears fall. She doesn’t know if she has the words to say it. She knows Anakin and [name] were padawans together. She knows how close the pair are. She only pretends to be blind to her master’s deep attachment to the other Jedi knight for his sake. That’s why she can hardly hold it together when he crouches down to see [name] completely unresponsive.
“[name]?” Anakin says, voice rattling.
Ahsoka doesn’t fight him as he takes [name] from her arms and holds her in his. He brushes her hair away from her face to reveal her eyes closed with death. Ahsoka watches her master's eyes fill with grief as he clutches her body to him.
“[name]!” He yells louder this time, desperately shaking her shoulders. He puts his hands over the black mark on her chest and continuously presses down on it in a failed attempt to start back [names] still heart. Ahsoka can’t look anymore. She can’t watch her master hopelessly revive a dead woman.
Ahsoka stands and runs away when Anakin calls out her name again, tears now falling from his eyes as he stares at his lover's dead body.
He had to hand her body off to the authorities when they arrived. He had to explain what happened all while pretending he didn’t just lose his wife.
The hardest challenge of his life wasn’t fighting Count Dooku or leading the largest battalion in the Republic Military- it was returning to the Jedi Temple with nothing to show for his lover's existence but her blood on his robes and her lightsaber.
[name] was supposed to come to his quarters tonight after the meeting. They hadn’t seen each other in two weeks, each being assigned to different planets, but each immediately returned to the other, as always. His fears of her usually vanish once he is reunited with her after their respective missions. He always assumes she’s safe when she comes home. He’d never thought of the possibility of her dying on his watch.
He wished he could have been with her body longer, but as soon as he saw the flash of red and blue lights he had to wipe his tears and place her body on the stretcher and watch as the medics pulled the sheet over her. Once the door to his quarters hissed shut he couldn’t hold it in anymore.
He sat at the edge of the bed, and unclipped [names] lightsaber from his belt. He ran his flesh hand along the customized hilt and ignited the saber of his lover. He could almost picture her beautiful face behind the [color] glow, a smirk on her lips before she jumped into battle. His eyes filled with tears as he un-ignited it and the color vanished.
It felt like when his mother died all over again. Again, he failed to protect someone. Again, someone he loved died in his arms. The only difference was there was no one he could get revenge on for the needless death. The assassin had retreated like a coward after firing the blaster. Anakin’s not even sure if the assassin killed her instantly. Perhaps it had been the fall that took her life.
Anakin’s heart ached when sleeping alone that night. He had been looking forward to feeling the warmth of [name] beside him since he had first been sent to Krios. Now he’ll never feel [name] again. If he had just got to the assassin in time she’d still be here!
Anakin’s eyes burned with tears of fury. He had no idea who the shooter was but he would hunt the bastard down after [name]’s funeral. To hell with the Jedi Code- revenge was the only way Anakin could bring himself and Eria peace!
Anakin felt himself slipping, but he had no motivation to crawl back toward the light when [name] wasn’t there waiting for him.
Eria thought she had severed her connection to Anakin, but when she finally woke up she felt the overwhelming grief and anger of her husband. It was so strong for a moment she confused it as her own. Those emotions were quickly replaced by the ache in her chest and the pain of her defiantly broken arm.
Her tears were gulped down as the medical droid healed her wounds. The droid asked if she was experiencing emotional pain, and she had to lie and say it was just her arm. All she could think about was when she fell. She heard Anakin’s scream and felt his tears on her as she played dead in his arms. It took every part of her being to not open her eyes and apologize for what she had done.
The door to my medical room hissed open, and I glanced over to see Master Windu and Master Yoda in the white light.
“I hope my funeral went well,” I mutter as the door slides shut behind them.
I see Master Windu’s eyes narrow at me as I quickly cover my emotions and dry my tears. I had been specially chosen for this classified mission out of everyone else in the Jedi Order, and I wanted to act professionally with the Council member who picked me. Especially because Master Windu was known for his intense belief in the Code.
“A great performance, your corpse played,” Master Yoda says.
I well as funeral can go, I want to add, but am silence by the medical droid sticking a numbing substance into my arm. I looked at the deep bruise on my twisted arm and for a moment wondered if this would even work. I was sacrificing so much just to learn information that may not even be true. Will Anakin even forgive me once this is all over?
“Will go well, the plan will,” Yoda says, sensing my doubt.
“I fell from the top of a building- It better go well,” I huff in pain and remove the blasterproof vest that saved my life.
“Survived worse, you have,” Yoda comforts, and though I know the Jedi Elder is right, it doesn’t help much when my back has turned into one massive bruise.
“Young Skywalker knows this,” Windu says in a firm voice, arms crossed and eyes looking down at me. As if testing to see my reaction.
I breathed deeply and held strong. I wanted to beg for them to let him assist me in the mission or ask how he handled the funeral, but most of all, I wanted to beg to just see him. But it was vital to the integrity of the mission that no one knows- Especially Anakin, who would flare up in anger if he knew I would be walking into the role of a bounty hunter and disguising myself among them, armed with nothing but a blaster.
I know that Master Windu is testing me with his words. Though he picked me for this, I was quickly made aware of his doubts in me when he had to clarify Anakin to me in private not even Anakin may know.
“I took the vital suppressors, you instructed of me, Master. When Anakin moved my body… I was dead to him. It’s impossible that he knows I’m alive,” I assure both of them, though it was clear in my tone it weighed heavily on me to do so.
Yoda hummed in agreement, “Yes- but sense he will, that something is not right.”
I wanted to add that Anakin will have no contact with me as I understand how important it is he is left out of this, but a Jedi Healer enters the room and bows his head, interrupting the conversation. The healer comes to my side to mend my broken arm, and I nod to the Jedi Masters.
“Anakin’s reaction sold the sniper of my death. What has been done is done, and I will carry out the mission as has been asked of me,” I say to Windu with no hesitation and my head held high. He seems surprised for a moment but turns to leave.
“What’s done is done,” he repeats as the healer snaps my arm back into place.
The healer seems to also understand this meeting should remain in confidence. He bows, then leaves soon after I am healed. Finally alone, I begrudgingly accepted it was time to put on the masked disguise of the assassin I will be taking the place of.
I reach down to remove my lightsaber from my belt but feel nothing of the familiar grip I built myself. I look down to see its holster empty but find for the first time since my fall, I feel an absence of worry. I let a sad smile curve my lips as I realize who took it.
I know it’s safe with Anakin.
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Notes: Part 2 coming soon! I'm sorry this is a little confusing if you've never watched the episode this is based on 😭
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ironborealis · 3 months
"I take Anakin Skywalker as my Padawan learner." The words rip themselves from his throat before he even has time to think them.
He's not cut out to be a Master, he knows this. The Council knows --
"It wasn't even ten years ago, as I recall, that you swore before the Council that you'd never take a Padawan again." Mace's eyebrow rises with skepticism, as he looks to the other council members for the confirmation that he doesn't actually need.
Qui-gon remembers perfectly what he said then.
"Much fear, I sense in the boy -- and long time it has been since the responsibility for a Padawan you have had." Yoda adds, eyeing both Anakin and himself with skeptical eyes.
"The boy must be taught." He insists, digging his heels in, something that only works with the Council a little over half the time.
"We're wandering off topic," Depa announces, breaking off the silent stalemate between himself and his grandmaster. "If Qui-gon is right and he did encounter a Sith on Tatooine and is targeting the Queen, then Qui-gon must go with her back to Naboo." Depa's lips purse momentarily as she scrolls through her data padd. "Knight Muln is an excellent pilot, the obvious choice for your second during the attempt to negotiate between the Trade Federal and Naboo -- but if this is a Sith, you'll need a second much more skilled in combat against other lightsaber users --" The corner of her lip curls upward with pleased surprise that sours Qui-gon's stomach because there are only a few possibilities -- "Fortunately, it seems that Knight Kenobi is available to join you for this mission."
"Absolutely not --"
"Why not? Knight Kenobi is a skilled duelist, and if anyone could help give us an accurate assessment of your readiness to take on a Padawan, then surely it would be your own lineage brother." Knight Kenobi's ability to assess Anakin's suitability as a future Padawan goes unsaid in Mundi's harrumph.
He's not seen the boy -- the man? -- since he left him on Bandomeer, after the boy had helped him defuse the bombs (had offered his own life to help him escape), in order to pursue Xanatos.
He'd sent a message to his estranged master after he departed, urging him to take the boy on as a Padawan, ignoring the fact that his master's own Padawan had fallen only a few months earlier.
It shames him now to think that the fall of Xanatos all those years ago has left him mired in such grief that to this day he feels unready to take another Padawan; yet he had been quick to throw a child at his own master, no matter their strained relationship, whose own wounds at the time were more recent.
"Then it's decided: Knight Kenobi will accompany you and the Queen to Naboo in order to confirm the your sighting of the Sith and assist in defending the Queen." Mace looks pleased as he makes his announcement.
Qui-gon has a bad feeling about this.
Anakin is frustrated (NOT angry!) and confused, as they stop briefly at Mr. Qui-gon's quarters (so small, so full of green) and the "quartermaster" to get supplies and fresh underclothes for Anakin.
The Council doesn't want him to join the Jedi because he's too old and too angry (too powerful?).
Mr. Qui-gon seems to have summoned an Idiot's Array from thin air by declaring Anakin as his Padawan, forcing the Council to accept him.
The Council has decided upon adding yet another test, for both him and Mr. Qui-Gon, involving a brother of Mr. Qui-gon's -- even though Jedi aren't supposed to have families...
He'd ask Mr. Qui-gon, but the man is in a mood that Anakin knows from hard experience to avoid in Masters. Whether that rule also applies to Jedi Masters Anakin is unsure and not eager to find out.
When they arrive at the dock where the Queen's ship is moored, there is only a Jedi standing stiffly in front of the gangplank. This must be Knight Kenobi.
Knight Kenobi appears human, and seems to present as male. His hair is much lighter than Qui-gon's, a dark sand-like color with a red tinge that hangs around his chin. He's short -- at least compared to Mr. Qui-gon who is very tall. His face is rounder and his eyes much grayer than Mr. Qui-gon. Some of that may be because Knight Kenobi is so much younger than Mr. Qui-gon -- like at least half his age.
They must have different fathers.
"Master Jinn," Knight Kenobi bows to Mr. Qui-Gon, and Mr. Qui-gon makes a face like he just took a drink of black melon milk as he nods in response. "Mr. Skywalker," Knight Kenobi turns and gives him a smaller box.
Anakin doesn't know what is stranger -- being called 'mister' or be *bowed* to of all the things.
"Knight Kenobi." Anakin makes a clumsy attempt at the bow Knight Kenobi gave Mr. Qui-gon. It's not like a slave's bow at all - the Jedi bow is all straight lines and sharp angles instead of the curved back and hunched shoulders that he's used to. It feels so unnatural.
When he comes back up there's a sparkle in Knight Kenobi's eyes, like he might be laughing at Anakin -- but as much as Anakin would like to tell him off, he knows that his future with the Jedi will depend on gaining Knight Kenobi's good opinion, so he'll hold his tongue.
"You and Mr. Qui-gon are brothers?" Slips out of his mouth instead before Anakin can stop it.
"Yes," Knight Kenobi says, at the same time Mr. Qui-gon says, "No."
Mr. Qui-gon gives Knight Kenobi a hard look before he marches up the gangplank and disappears into the ship. Anakin knows he should follow the man, but frustration (...and anger?) he feels from Mr. Qui-gon make him freeze in place instead.
He's been so busy worried about impressing the Council and now Knight Kenobi, that he's never considered what might happen to him if he upsets Mr. Qui-gon. Can a Jedi Master reject a Padawan?
Knight Kenobi has turned his head to watch Mr. Qui-gon leave. Then he, shockingly, crouches down until he's at eye level with Anakin. There's a slight smile Knight Kenobi's lips, but it doesn't reach his eyes, which are hard to read but maybe look sad?
"It's complicated; nothing for you to be concerned with." Knight Kenobi says.
The man stands back up, his grin growing a bit broader, a bit faker.
"Now, as we are the last two to board, we had best hurry before the Queen and Miss Padmé decide to leave us behind," Knight Kenobi's voice is cheerful as he steps to stand alongside Anakin and gestures towards the gangplank.
Padmé would never leave him behind. He's not so sure about Knight Kenobi though.
Knight Kenobi lets out a soft snort that's almost like laughter -- but Anakin is sure he didn't say anything this time -- can the Jedi really read minds?
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antianakin · 4 months
So I was recommended Out With Lanterns by SkyBean in this post about other potential masters for Ahsoka back in October, and I've finally gotten around to finishing it (as well as most of the other fics in the series) and I HAVE to say something about it because I feel like this fic has changed my brain chemistry just a little.
For reference, Out With Lanterns is a fic where Ahsoka is chosen by Mace to be his Padawan about a year or so prior to AOTC and follows her life and training with him through the clone wars.
Since this is a fic rec, I'm going to put a few warnings out front. There's absolutely going to be spoilers for this fic because I have a lot to say about it, so if you are interested in the basic premise and don't want to know any of the details so you can experience it for yourself, please don't read past this paragraph. This fic is NOT Anakin friendly, in any way shape or form. It isn't what I would consider a character bashing and he only shows up like 3-4 times total in a fic that's 300k words long, but it doesn't try to be particularly kind to Anakin when he is there. It's also not super kind to Padme or Anidala, unsurprisingly. The fic is completed, but the series is still ongoing. This fic takes the war a LOT more seriously than the show did and it doesn't shy away from some of the darker things that can happen in a war or the violence that the characters might have to go through as a result of fighting in it. Some of the other fics in the series continue past Order 66 and look more in detail at what life might be like for Jedi who have to go on the run and constantly fear persecution. It's dark, it's painful, it's harrowing, but it's VERY very good. This fic is also INCREDIBLY pro Jedi and Jedi friendly.
On to the spoilery bits.
I've been sort-of on the fence about Ahsoka since her show came out last year and it's embittered me towards her character quite a bit, which is sort-of sad because I HAVE really enjoyed her in the past, but nothing about her current trajectory is anything I like or find interesting and in fact it feels like it's leading that branch of Star Wars in a direction I find actively distasteful. And it's hard to look at her character and not REMEMBER where she's ended up, it's hard to look at her in TCW and Rebels and not see all the things that were signs of where she was heading.
But this fic has done a lot to make me like her again. This fic is written by someone who so clearly understands what made Ahsoka a really compelling character initially and focuses in on that in such a way that it makes me remember what I HAVE liked about Ahsoka. It allows Ahsoka to be incredibly flawed, even as she grows and develops and matures, she still makes mistakes and struggles and needs guidance from her master. But those flaws don't make her incompetent or a bad person, quite the opposite. Ahsoka, by virtue of having a real Jedi Master instead of Anakin, ends up capable of acknowledging her own flaws and learning from them. She knows where her strengths and weaknesses are and is able to make decisions with that in mind, and when she makes mistakes she doesn't sit there and dwell on them, but she DOES let herself learn from them. Ahsoka in this fic does not feel like a mouthpiece, she feels like a real distinct character and I LOVE THAT about her.
I love the ways we see her become the Jedi she can't be in canon due to Anakin's influence, the ways she retains so much more of her Jedi heritage as a result of not learning from him, and how that helps her SO MUCH MORE than anything Anakin's training does for her in canon. I also love seeing how much of MACE gets reflected in Ahsoka, the things she specifically picks up from him, both good and bad.
I love the complexities of Ahsoka's relationship with the clones and how it develops from the first initial overtures to the deep friendships she has with them by the end to the complicated feelings she has after Order 66 and after discovering the chips. Her relationships with the various clone characters she interacts with don't feel like they're all the same, they're distinct from each other the way they should be because the CLONES are distinct from each other. I like the balance she has to manage between being their commanding officer and their friend. I like that she can love them and recognize that there are things about the clones that she doesn't want to replicate in herself because it would make her a worse Jedi. In particular, she understands that there's a REASON the war feels very "normal" for the clones and so their reaction to the horrors of it are very different than hers, but she doesn't want to end up becoming numb to the horrors to the point that war starts feeling normal to her because she feels like it would end up making her a worse Jedi down the line. I love the complexity of that, the lack of judgment towards the clones but the recognition that their experiences are very different from hers and she cannot and does not want to be like them in this.
I also love that there's equal attention paid to Ahsoka's relationships with other Jedi and how distinct THOSE feel from each other because the Jedi are also individual people and not a monolith. Her relationship with Adi Gallia is very different from her relationship with Obi-Wan or Agen Kolar or Kit Fisto and Nahdar Vebb. She learns different things from each of them, intentionally or not, and she likes some of them better than others. I love how much Ahsoka loves her own culture and the different ways we see that expressed, from needing to meditate every day to the many times we hear about her interacting with younglings when she's at the Temple. Ahsoka finally FEELS like a Jedi again here and that identity actually means something to her in a way I think canon has sort-of forgotten or intentionally dismissed.
One of the things I think this fic REALLY does well is taking Ahsoka's general irrelevance to the Skywalker Saga and making that a GOOD THING. Ahsoka being Mace's padawan changes nothing. The people who die in canon still die. The war still happens. In general, the missions we know about from TCW still happen and happen almost exactly the same way. Anakin still marries Padme and still joins Palpatine to save her and murders the Jedi. Ahsoka's addition to Anakin's story changes exactly nothing about it because it CAN'T. She isn't the reason he falls, she doesn't save him and never could have, everything he does happens with or without her. So removing her from his story changes exactly nothing about it. But the change in her position within the narrative does change HER. SHE'S impacted by the narrative far more than it can ever be impacted by her. And her irrelevance to the Skywalker Saga doesn't mean she isn't a compelling character anymore, she's almost MORE compelling now than she's ever been before specifically because she's more outside of it and can see it from that perspective. Ahsoka is compelling because she's AHSOKA, not because she's Anakin's padawan the way Felony seems to think. She can be compelling WITHOUT HIM if they would just believe in her ability to tell her own story. And she doesn't need to be relevant to the Skywalker Saga in order for her story to be important simply for being HERS. She has a story to tell and it's a good one, even if nothing major changes because of it.
I love the way that that is woven into the fic because I kept EXPECTING things to change due to Ahsoka not being Mace's padawan. I kept expecting her presence to save some of the people who die during TCW, I kept expecting endings to change somehow, and they just... don't. And even when it DOES, right at the end, when she escapes with some younglings and an injured Mace, and they apparently go on to create an underground Jedi Order, it doesn't change the end of the story in the OT. Luke and Leia still go to Tatooine and Alderaan, they still end up fighting on and over Endor as the final battle, Luke still goes off alone to face Anakin and Palpatine and that confrontation goes exactly the way it did in canon. Ahsoka's presence and the things her new backstory have changed in the background of the narrative have no actual bearing on the major Skywalker Saga. But there are more Jedi survivors in this AU than there are in canon, an entire Order that has been slowly piecing itself together in secrecy for the last 20 years, and even though that doesn't change the actual story, it's not nothing. It's not insignificant that they survived and they're there.
And I think the last thing I will discuss that I absolutely adore about this fic is Anakin's padawan. This character is an OC created seemingly to be a foil for Ahsoka, a mirror into the person she could've been had she ended up with Anakin instead of Mace, a reflection of her canon self even though neither Ahsoka nor this new padawan would ever be able to know that. I love the way that this allows the author to make that comparison for the readers without it being super in your face about it. Ahsoka isn't facing a literal reflection of herself and the new padawan IS her own person with her own personality and struggles, but she still definitely feels like "who Ahsoka would've become if she hadn't been saved by Mace."
The new padawan isn't supported by Anakin, but she's really close with Rex. She ends up feeling almost DEFINED by her years with Anakin and can't really connect to her Jedi upbringing anymore after Order 66 even though she spent far longer without Anakin than she did with him. She's young enough that she can't see the truth about his darkness and defends him to others no matter what, even though she admits after Order 66 that there were signs she can see now and blames herself for not being able to see the truth of them then. She succumbs to her own darkness because it's the path Anakin guided her down and she can't quite figure out how to get back onto the path of a Jedi, no matter how much Ahsoka and Mace try to help her. She's lost, floundering in her own darkness because the person who was supposed to guide her towards balance ended up isolating her from the rest of the Jedi and making her feel dependent on him and then he discarded her like she never mattered to him at all.
And I LOVE how broken and shattered she is, I love how consumed she is by her pain and grief and anger because she's known little else for like two years, I love the way she lashes out because she doesn't know how to control it, I love how difficult she finds it to act like a Jedi anymore, I love how much she feels like she doesn't know who she is anymore. THIS is what I wanted to see Ahsoka struggling with in the aftermath of her revelation about Anakin. THIS is the kind of person I wanted Ahsoka to be in the Ahsoka show. THIS is why I can't agree with anybody saying that she came across as particularly unkind or prickly or broken at the beginning of that show because she really isn't. She's BARELY upset every so often, she's SO calm and in control at all times. I wanted to see her ANGRY, I wanted to see her LOSE CONTROL, I wanted to see her lashing out at people who are just trying to help her because she's lost all sense of who she is in the wake of realizing the person who had guided her on her current path became a monster and she has no idea how much of that has impacted the person she's become and how much it will CONTINUE to impact her going forward. I wanted to see Ahsoka GENUINELY STRUGGLE with the things that have happened to her and see her REALLY changed by it all before being able to come back to herself in the end. And that's not what I was given. Not until this series entered my life, anyway, and it's not even technically happening to Ahsoka herself.
(I'll also point out here that at no point does the padawan ever say anything Jedi critical. Even as an Ahsoka foil who is partially representative of canon Ahsoka, she never falls so far that she blames the Jedi for their own genocide. So despite how much more she's struggling than canon Ahsoka does, she's still a better person than canon Ahsoka has become.)
So if you hated the Ahsoka show, loved the Kenobi show, and want something that's immensely Jedi friendly and Anakin critical that takes things like the war and Order 66 and the ensuing Purge VERY seriously, give this series a whirl. It's definitely an epic (and it's not done yet) and I had to take breaks every so often by reading something a little more light-hearted, but it's SO worth it.
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aurora-starwars · 1 year
Maybe strange request? Anakin x fem Padawan reader (platonic/familiar) who discovered a way to manipulate and control plants with the force .
I'm So Proud Of You That It Makes Me Proud Of Me
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Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x fem!Padawan!reader (platonic)
Summary: When reader figures out how to manipulate plants with the force, Anakin is beyond proud
Word Count: 0.5k
Warnings: none, just fluff <3333
A/n: Thank you so much for requesting! I hope this lives up to your expectations! Enjoy!
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“Look! Look! Master!” [Name] shouted with a smile.
Anakin Skywalker had been sent on a mission with his padawan, [Name] [Last Name], to retrieve intel on the separatist droid army on a planet not far from the Mandalore system. Today marked day two of the stake-out, and himself, his padawan, and the 501st, were all more than willing to get used to the flora and fauna of the planet. The planet was naturally beautiful, and seeing as there seemed to be little to no signs of the droid army, he let his padawan run off and practice.
Anakin looked over to her with a smile at the ready, already planning to say “That’s great, young one”, sure that whatever move she had just perfected was great. But as he looked over, his smiled dropped.
Anakin always knew his padawan was talented and skilled with the force, otherwise the counsel would have never assigned [Name] to him. But as he watched the scene play out in front of him, he was beyond impressed.
[Name] had some how managed to what appears to be manipulating the plant in front of her with the force.
It was one thing to move and control the movement of objects and life around you, it was another to seemingly make a plant react in very organic ways with means of force manipulation. Anakin knew this. He knew that the force could help suggest things, but manipulation of plants! That was completely unheard of.
Anakin’s jaw was on the floor as he watched his padawan coax a night flower into opening during the day. Then he watched as [Name] moved roots from the ground and slither up to his foot before tying itself around his ankle.
[Name] couldn’t help but laugh as she made the roots pull away, causing Anakin to fall to the floor.
Anakin, who would usually be annoyed at this, couldn’t help but laugh as well. But not about how he fell, it was a shocked kind of laugh about the fact that he just witnessed his student do the impossible.
To say he was proud was an understatement.
“[Name], this-this is amazing! How did you do that?” The proud look on his face wouldn’t be wiped off for the next week.
“I don’t know, I just tried to feel the plants like you would when using the force with animals, and boom!” [Name] beamed, not even believing it herself.
“Boom is right! You know, I don’t think I tell you this enough but you are really skilled with the force.” Anakin smiled as he thought back to the skill [Name] had continuously demonstrated throughout her years as a padawan.
“You think I’m good?”
“More than good! I think, with a few years of good practice, you might just be the best!” Anakin beamed, his smile reflecting his padawan’s.
“Better than Mace Windu even.” Anakin added, smirking but keeping his voice low, as if he would appear at the mention of his name.
[Name] giggled at his comment. Anakin smiling to himself before finishing:
“You know, I am proud that you are my padawan.”
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A/n: Again, a little short but I hope enjoyed it! Thank you for reading and please feel free to request, and if you do please check out the request guidelines!
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margindoodles2407 · 25 days
How taco Tuesday saved the galaxy please!
HAHA You are in LUCK, this is a bunch of BULLET POINTS so you get the WHOLE THING
AKA The AU Where Nothing Goes Wrong And Everyone Gets To Be A Big Happy Family (AKA TAUWNGWAEGTBABHF)
A Star Wars Crack-Treated-Seriously Fix-It AU by Margin and Margin's Friend
The Premise
All the bad things that happen in the Star Wars prequels are prevented because Anakin and Obi-Wan established a tradition of Taco Tuesday with friends when Anakin was a young padawan.
The Premise, Broken Down
Tacos are an invention of Tatooine. They’re easy and inexpensive to make and can be garnished with practically anything. When Anakin was a child, Shmi would make them often for this reason, but they were so poor that she could hardly ever afford anything other than cheese and the spicy peppers that somehow thrive in the planet’s arid climate. (To this day, cheese and pepper tacos remain Anakin’s favorite.) Though they weren’t anything much, the simple love and care that Shmi put into the meagre meal established them as Anakin’s most favorite food.
After the events of The Phantom Menace, and early into Anakin’s apprenticeship, he shyly mentions to Obi-Wan that he misses his mother’s cooking. Intrigued about Anakin’s native culture (because he was the only member of the original party who didn’t get to go on that field trip to Mos Espa) and earnest to find ways to understand and befriend his young Padawan, Obi-Wan begins to research traditional Tatooinian cuisine- and Anakin gives him tips as they haphazardly learn to make tacos together. They both highly enjoy their experience, and before they realize quite what’s happened they’ve established a tradition of making tacos together every Tuesday night.
As time passes, they begin to invite friends over to share their taco-making exploits.
In the early years, this means a lot of visits from Obi-Wan’s best friend Quinlan Vos and his own apprentice, Aayla Secura (because the Anakin-Aayla childhood friendship happened and you CANNOT and WILL NOT change my mind).
About three years after TPM, 12-year-old Anakin spontaneously invites Master Yoda over, without Obi-Wan’s knowledge, and he shows up about halfway through dinner, leaving Anakin delighted and his poor master very confused. Yoda continues to just show up, uninvited, from then on, and after the initial shock wears off, taco night without Yoda is unnatural and unheard of. 
Obi-Wan himself, taking note of the mounting tension between his Padawan and Mace Windu, decides when Anakin is about 15 to begin inviting the Master over for taco night as well. Mace doesn’t care for tacos, but does quite enjoy nachos- another Tatooinian invention- and he and Anakin come to the realization that Anakin’s favorite kind of taco, cheese and spicy pepper and crickets, is practically the same as Mace’s nachos in a taco shell. It is the first of many times they will learn to reconcile their differences in such a manner.
Inevitably, Attack of the Clones happens. Padme is still almost assassinated, Obi-Wan still finds out about the Clones and Kamino, Anakin is still assigned to be Padme’s bodyguard and they still fall in love. But Shmi Skywalker doesn’t die. Because in this timeline, instead of a lavish dinner in a gazebo on the shores of a Naboo lake, Anakin makes tacos with Padme and his mother in Cliegg Lars’s kitchen… using ingredients that they bought while their transport, due to a technical oversight and a malfunctioning engine, was landed for a refuel and repair on Tatooine. 
Anakin wants to share his favorite food with the woman he loves, and while in the market, Anakin can’t stop thinking about his dreams about his mother. Their transport will be stopped for a few days, due to the amount of time needed to refuel and repair such a large ship, so he decides to ask around for her while they’re here anyway. He still meets Watto, Cliegg, and Owen and Beru. He still rides to the Tusken camp where his mother is still imprisoned. But he arrives days- nay, weeks- earlier than in canon. He can still save her. Shmi doesn’t die in his arms. The Tusken Massacre doesn’t happen. Anakin gets his mother medical attention and she is saved. By the time they return, though, his and Padme’s transport has already left for Naboo, but they decide Tatooine is still safe enough for Padme, so they let her hosts in the Lake Country know they’re safe but won’t be staying with them after all, and the Larses are kind enough to provide residence for Shmi’s son and the charming woman he’s traveling with.
Obi-Wan’s broadcast still reaches Anakin and Padme, and the battle of Geonosis still happens. The Clone Wars still begin. Anakin is still knighted, still secretly marries Padme, still takes Ahsoka as his Padawan. But in this timeline, there are Taco Tuesdays. 
Even on missions, as often as they can, Obi-Wan and Anakin make time for their taco dinners in some fashion. And their stretches of time on Coruscant absolutely provide for this. Various people come and go, but by the middle of the war, there is an established guest list that meets every tuesday night:
Anakin and Obi-Wan, of course. Ahsoka, naturally, because she’s their little sister. Rex, usually with various members of the 501st trailing behind him, and Cody, as often as he can make it, with at least half of the 212th. Yoda and Mace, who have been coming without fail every Tuesday since they were first invited, unless their lives are endangered or they are halfway across the galaxy. Padme, too, desperately needs a break from her senatorial duties, and as wife close friend to Anakin, she’s more than welcome.
And that’s not even getting into the various guests that will show up at Master Kenobi’s apartment, usually without warning but always welcomed with open arms. Plo Koon, Ki-Adi-Mundi, and Luminara Unduli will drop by whenever it is possible for them; Ahsoka will bound in dragging sweet, nervous Barriss Offee behind her at least half the time; Aayla, as Anakin’s closest childhood friend, stops by when she’s not overly preoccupied by something else, usually trailed by her husband Commander Bly or her former master, Quinlan Vos; during particularly tumultuous sessions of the Senate where representatives from nearly every Republic and Neutral Planet are called, it isn’t uncommon to see Padme walking in while in the middle of a conversation with the ever-well-received Duchess of Mandalore. Plenty of Clones can be expected at any given gathering, as well as any Jedi and/or Padawan who just needs a meal.
There are many reasons why so many people are drawn to Taco Night: the warmth of a family, the laughter of friends, the immutable fact that tacos are so diverse that everyone can technically be eating the same thing yet have exactly what they want on their dinner. And the conversations. The discussions, whether jesting in nature or of a more serious subject. 
And it is a mix of all of these things that leaves a mark on Anakin Skywalker.
From the beginning, even back in the days when he was nine years old and it was just him, Obi-Wan, and their apartment’s tiny kitchenette, he had a sense of home. Of a love similar to the one he shared with his mother- not exactly the same, never the same, but not quite so different as he had thought, and a good kind of different. He still misses his mother, of course, but he comes to realize- in a way that his canon self never did- that love multiplies, not divides. That to love Obi-Wan, and then Padme, and then Ahsoka, and then all his other friends, does not diminish his love for his mother. That to have a new family does not mean that he has forsaken the old one. He learns the difference between empty, jealous attachment, and full, warm, self-giving love.
And he learns to listen. The conversations that his family- his large, eccentric, taco-loving family- hold can range from silly (it is perfectly acceptable to tease Obi-Wan for eating tacos with a full set of cutlery, and to laugh at the fact that Ahsoka’s tacos are meat, and only meat, including having a slice of ham as the vehicle instead of a flatbread- Togruta are carnivores, after all) to serious (why exactly attachment is forbidden, what attachment even is, if and how it is possible to reconcile the current state of affairs in the galaxy with the peacekeeping nature of the Jedi), but one thing stays the same- people listen. In this universe, over meals of bread and cheese and various meats, Anakin learns to think about the other viewpoint. To compare, contrast, and reconcile his own beliefs with the opposing viewpoint. To observe, ponder, digest, what the other person is saying before blurting out something rash, or acting on impulse. Anakin learns to listen. 
And listen he does.
For it is not merely Anakin Skywalker who is changed by these weekly dinners. In various manners, the events that transpire at Taco Tuesdays prevent horrible catastrophes taking place.
Barriss Offee’s descent into despair.
The deaths of so many valiant and virtuous men and women.
Awful tragedies within and without the ranks of the Clone Army and the Jedi Order.
Most importantly… the mess that is Revenge of the Sith.
Because he learned to listen, to think, to be mindful of his thoughts and actions while around the dinner table, Anakin doesn’t let his anger get the better of him in the General’s Quarters aboard the Invisible Hand. He does not bow to the pressure of Palpatine to kill Dooku, instead remaining firm in his Jedi principles and insisting that Dooku be kept in custody. 
Because Barriss Offee never betrayed the order, Ahsoka was never framed. She was never expelled. She remains Anakin’s padawan. And so she continues to attend Taco Tuesdays, and one late night, utterly exhausted and thus lacking the filter formed by a fully-awake and alert mind, she comments that Senator Amidala is looking a bit fuller around the waistline than usual. And suddenly it’s not just Anakin and Padme aware of her pregnancy, it’s three Jedi Masters, a Padawan, and at least seven Clones. 
(Needless to say, everyone privately arrives at the very logical conclusion that Anakin’s the father. But at the moment, there are bigger fish to fry, including winning a war and getting the senator proper medical attention.)
The Council still asks Anakin to keep tabs on Palpatine, and Palpatine still forcefully appoints Anakin to the Council. He is still not made a Master. But years of learning while lounging on Obi-Wan’s couch with a taco in hand to listen, to observe, to be mindful have changed several things about Anakin. For one, he no longer blindly trusts the Chancellor. His observations and his intuition tell him that something about the man cannot be trusted. So he is, in this timeline, less reluctant to keep an eye on Palpatine. And for another, he is more understanding and respectful of the Council’s decisions. He may not personally agree with the decision to withhold the title of Master from him, but he understands that to be on the Council at all is a great honor, and he is hopeful that perhaps, someday, he may achieve the rank of Master through his wisdom. 
Obi-Wan is still sent to Utapau. He still confronts Grievous. Grievous is still killed. But back on Coruscant, something is different. Because, Obi-Wan may not be there at the moment- but, in this timeline, he’s not the lynchpin holding Anakin’s fragile sanity together. In this timeline, Anakin is wise. And in this timeline, he is not haunted by the deaths of his mother. Of the Tuskens. Of Dooku. Of the visions of Padme’s death.
When Palpatine asks Anakin to the Opera, intending to plant the seeds of doubt about his loved ones’ safety in the young Jedi’s mind, Anakin has to politely decline. I’m sorry, Chancellor, he apologizes. But that’s Tuesday night. I already have a commitment to keep. No one hears the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise that night.
Palpatine is astronomically frustrated. He has no new apprentice. He knows it’s only a matter of time before the Jedi, finishing tending to Dooku’s severed hands, begin to question their prisoner. He knows that his plan is falling apart at the seams. So he makes a final, last ditch effort to bring Anakin to the Dark Side.
He summons Anakin to his office one bright, clear morning. And he reveals that he’s Darth Sidious. He smooth-talks his way through Anakin’s righteous anger, promising him everything the Jedi can give him and more. He will make Anakin a Master. He will make his marriage to Padme safe and known. He will give him unlimited power, and Obi-Wan and Ahsoka can be his right-hand men. They will rule a glorious empire, together.
And perhaps Anakin starts to falter. Perhaps he considers it. Perhaps it truly does tempt him, for though he is wiser in this universe, he is still only a human, proud and prone to selfishness. 
But one thought, only a single thought, crosses his mind.
He asks, “But do the Sith have tacos?”
It is a foolish question, and he knows it. Instantly, his face burns with childish shame. But he was not asking whether or not the Sith can make the Tatooinian staple, not really. He was asking, really, if the Sith can give him the love and warmth and understanding of the weekly dinner meetings. If the Sith can give him a family. If the Sith can touch his soul.
Palpatine is taken aback, for a moment. Then, a smile crosses his face. “Of course,” he promises. And he strides over to his fridge and pulls out… something. A taco, he assures, but in a bag for convenience. And made with high-end, Coruscanti delicacies, not the crude aboriginal toppings of Tatooine.
And Anakin is disgusted. Because this taco is not a taco. Not in the sense that Anakin means. It was mass prepared by droids in a factory, not individually crafted by the hands of someone who knows and loves him. It is filled with bland, blanched pastes, not the symphony of colors and flavors that represent a galaxy of cultures in the palm of his hand. It was made to be nibbled on alone, on the go, not enjoyed with all the people he loves when he made time specifically for them. It is everything that a taco isn’t. It’s empty. Void.
Soulless. Just like the Sith.
Palpatine- rather, Darth Sidious- lies dead at Anakin’s feet, his head cleanly and painlessly severed by an arc of brilliant azure.
With the death of Sidious comes the death of the War. Order 66 never happens. The Jedi Purge never happens. Darth Vader, Ben Kenobi, Fulcrum, and the Rebellion are never born, and Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, and Padme Amidala never die. The Empire never rises from the ashes of the Republic. Bail Organa is elected Supreme Chancellor in the wake of Palpatine’s demise, and he ushers the Republic into a new golden age of peace and prosperity. Padme succeeds in convincing the Senate to pass the Clone Rights Bill, and millions of men rejoice as they are free to live as citizens of the Republic. 
And speaking of Padme- nine months have passed. She does not deliver her twins, dying, on a transport ship from Mustafar, but alive, well, and healthy in a hospital on Naboo, just as she had wanted so badly. She names her son Luke, and while Obi-Wan is still the first to hold him, it is not because of Anakin’s absence or Padme’s lack of strength. Anakin is right there, holding his wife’s hand because she still has one more baby to deliver. Obi-Wan is simply giving his assistance to a friend in need. And Anakin names his daughter Leia, and it is Ahsoka who holds her, torn between excited squeals of I get to be an AUNT, good Force she is the cutest little girl and a quiet, hushed reverence for the tiny life she holds in her hands. 
One final note on the Skywalker Family. Now that the War is over, it can be properly addressed: Anakin broke the Jedi Code, not merely by violating his vow of celibacy but by concealing this truth from the Council. Despite all he has done for the Order- which is acknowledged and given its due praise and recognition- he cannot be allowed to remain in it. Yoda, Mace, Aayla, and Obi-Wan- as well as many other Councilmen and Women- all wish it were not so, but the rules are very clear. And yet, Anakin is wise in this universe. He acknowledges his fault and his deception. He humbly accepts his expulsion, because he knows full well that he deserves it. And so he remains on good terms with the entirety of the Jedi Order. He is even allowed to keep his Lightsaber- because, Jedi though he may no longer be, the Force is still with him. And after all, this lightsaber is his life. 
Ahsoka is transferred to Obi-Wan to finish her padawan training. Anakin and Padme retire to Naboo, where they raise Luke and Leia in relative peace- that is to say, as much peace as you can get when your last name is Skywalker. They are happy. They are very happy. The twins love, and are in turn adored by, their Uncle Obi-Wan and Aunt Ahsoka, on their father’s side, and Uncle and Aunt Bail and Breha on their mother’s. They are doted upon by their Grandmother and Grandfather Naberrie (Padme’s parents) and spoiled by their Grandma and Grandpa Shmi and Cliegg, and Aunt and Uncle Beru and Owen. When it is discovered that they are both incredibly Force-Sensitive, Anakin has to practically wrestle the Council to not admit them to the Creche because all his Jedi friends want to train his children. Luke and Leia have, literally, thousands of uncles and/or cousins in the Clones, who are quite protective of their niece and nephew/baby cousins. No one is exactly sure what Satine is to them, but whatever it is, she has been quoted as saying, in private conversation, that she wishes they were hers, so clearly they have a loving relationship.
And when they are old enough to eat solid food, they, too, join the still-continuing throng of family that gather in Obi-Wan and Ahsoka’s living room every Tuesday for Tacos. 
And they love it.
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murdockussy · 2 years
More Than A Mission (1/6)
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader
Part 2 HERE
Summary: The Jedi council sends Obi-Wan and his two Padawans - Anakin and yourself - on a mission to capture an underground Bounty Hunter. If Anakin's false business deal fails, then you as the backup plan will be sent in to seduce the target - dressed as an escort, bound to send your Master into a jealous rage - while the council capture the wanted man. Will Anakin succeed? Or will you be left to your own distracting devices? And overall, will Obi-Wan be able to contain his deep temptation for you?
Note: This is my first time posting a fic here on Tumblr. I have no fkn clue how to work this site at all so pls bare with me,, but enjoy! P.s, just to clarify, reader meets Obi-Wan at 18, and present time is a few years later
Words: 3,700 ish
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Obi-Wan found himself stood centre of the Jedi council, his overlapped hand gripping the fabric of his gown in outrage as the members of the council settled an agreement for an assignment they wished for Obi-Wan and his two Padawans – Anakin and yourself – to take on.  
Three weeks prior to the meeting there had been rumours of an undisclosed man taking the lives of innocent victims in various cities, the man flying off planet before anyone had a chance to identify him. In the following days, a group of civilians caught sight of the man and placed a report which made its way to the council, where they we’re able to identify the person of interest and place a target on his back.  
Days carried on and all word of the suspect had been silent until two days ago where Obi-Wan monitored yourself and Anakin practicing a saber battle with one another, your pace slow as you both calculatedly danced around one another, Anakin giving you tips on subtle movements to block yourself from an opponent, when Obi-Wan was hailed to a council meeting, your training ending abruptly as you both were ordered back to your rooms. There Mace Windu broke the news that the suspect was an underground bounty hunter, and was rumoured to be enroute to Coruscant, his arrival expected to be made in three days time.  
Now, Obi-Wan patiently listened, anger continued to stir within him as the council created a plan of action to be accomplished for tomorrow – the expected date for the bounty hunter to arrive.  
“... that way if all else fails with you and Anakin, she will be likely to draw the target in” Mace Windu voiced, Obi-Wan growing irritated by the wave of nods flowing over the council.  
“I mean this with all respect, Master Windu” Obi-Wan interrupted, drawing the attention of the room onto himself, “But my Padawan is much more qualified in combat than to act as bait. She has never been in an environment of that sort, her inexperience with... seduction may cause this bounty hunter to slip through our fingers. If we could trace his exact location, my Padawans and myself could easily-”  
“We would not wish for your Padawan to do any more than to lure the bounty in. If word were to get out that three Jedi were in the same club as our target, he could easily escape, or worse. Under your supervision, all that would be necessary - if the original plan of action fails, that is – would be for her to hold his attention long enough to lower his guard. Then our own people could invade without causing any suspicion”  
Taking in the explanation, Obi-Wan simmered what anger - and jealousy - that he could, composing himself before humbly replying, “I suppose you’re right. My apologies for believing otherwise. My Padawans and myself will take this mission with gratitude”  
Rotating his body, he returned to his seat and listened in half-heartedly on the remainder of the meeting before all members were dismissed. Stalling on leaving the room, he wished the flow of exiting members a good evening before making his way to Yoda, the creature standing by the window as if he were expecting Obi-Wan to address the situation.  
“To me, Master Kenobi, you wish to speak?”  
“Yes Master Yoda. I can’t help but have doubts regarding this mission. Although I trust Anakin to succeed, by some chance that be wont, as capable as she is, I feel my Padawan may become too... timid when needing to interact with this bounty hunter. This could potentially turn dangerous very fast, and I wouldn’t want to waste this opportunity”  
“To waste, this chance won't go. Ensure faith and your Padawan exceeds, she will”  
“I do hope you’re right. Thank you for giving her, as well as Anakin this chance, they’ll take this assignment with great pride and caution. I’ll return and inform them of their duties and we’ll be sure to leave promptly” Obi-Wan said as he nodded in Yoda’s direction, preparing to leave the room before Yoda called his name once more.  
“Take down this bounty hunter you must, Obi-Wan. Do what you must, if all else falls through. And impressed, I might add, the council will be, if your Padawans succeed”  
Seated cross legged on the couch in the main living area, your hands twisted over one another as you practiced braiding the side of your hair, you quietly humming to yourself to not disrupt Anakin in his bedroom across from where you were stationed. It had been almost two hours since Obi-Wan left your shared home in the Jedi temple, someone calling him to a council meeting for the second time this week, and you were beginning to grow anxious. The first time he had to attend to the council, you thought nothing of it, assuming it was just another customary meeting. But the more frequent they became, the more suspicious Anakin and yourself grew, especially at the fact that not only were you both uninvited, but Obi-Wan refusing to cave and share the details behind the conference – something he’d always do if you and Anakin were on his good side for the day.  
Your thoughts were interrupted at the sound of the front door opening, Obi-Wan slowly making an entrance to the room once the door behind him shut. Throwing your half-braided hair over your shoulder, you rose to greet your Master, immediately sensing tension within his presence.  
Taking a step towards him, you waited for his usual welcoming hug, excited for a possible peck to the forehead – something he only did when Anakin wasn’t in the room – but was disappointed by the cool placement of his hand on your shoulder as he brushed past you.  
“Master?”, you hushed quietly, “Has something happened?”  
“We need to have a discussion, all of us”, he replied, the volume of his voice starling you as you watched him march down the short hallway towards Anakin's room, him knocking on the door as he continued, “Anakin! Up, now! We need to talk, we haven’t got much time”  
Returning to the living area, Obi-Wan caught sight of your worried expression and swiftly embraced you, pressing a light kiss to your forehead before requesting you to take a seat, Anakin shortly emerging from his room and seating himself besides you, sighing as he spoke, “This better be important”  
“The council are sending us on a mission, and th”  
“When?” Anakin interrupted, his sluggish demeaner immediately dropping as he sparked up with interest.  
“Tonight. We will have to leave within the next few hours which is-”  
“Will it be off planet?”  
“It’ll take place here, on Coruscant, but we-”  
“Will I be flying us anywh-”  
“Anakin!” yourself and Obi-Wan yelled in unison, the boy besides you falling back into the couch as he mumbled an apology, “Go on”  
“Thank you. Like I said, we haven’t got much time, so this needs to be quick. I need the two of you to listen carefully. The previous council meetings I've been attending to have been in regards to a bounty hunter that’s been taking the lives of innocent and deserting the planet before he could get caught. Reports of his whereabouts have been alerted to the council, and we’ve been successful in locking down on this bounty’s identity”  
Yours and Anakin's heads slowly drifted to face one another as your Master debriefed, his eye’s a reflection of the surprise that your own held.  
“He’s due to arrive on Coruscant tonight, and if all goes well, he will be falsely led to Kyorgs nightclub, where he’ll be expecting to attend a business deal regarding a fake target wanted for an unreasonably high price”  
“And the council want us to be said business partners?” Anakin questioned, his eager tone portraying the excitement that began to burn inside him.  
“Just you, Anakin”  
You could see in your peripheral the ego boost Anakin felt as the words fell from your Master's mouth, a devious smirk forming at the corner of his lips as he pushed out his chest. Yet, you couldn’t help but feel the opposite, just another mission Anakin will take all credit for and boast about till the end of time.  
“Well, that’s easy enough” The boy besides you said as he rose from the couch, impatient to begin the mission as swiftly as possible but being paused by the raising of Obi-Wans palm’s quietly telling Anakin to wait.  
“That’s not all,” Obi-Wan said, his tone turning softer as he spoke your name, “you’ve got yourself quite an important role too... though I'm unsure of how you’re going to take it”  
“Please don’t tell me I'm going to have to be this one’s fake girlfriend again” you groaned, your head tilting in the direction of the now offended expressioned Anakin, “That failed us last time, and I have zero interest on humiliating myself like that again”  
“Humiliating? If I were you, I'd consider that position as an honour” Anakin scoffed.  
“More like torture”  
“Hey! You know how many-”  
“Please! Not now!” Obi-Wan snapped, his hand stressfully raking through his pushed back strands of hair, “When I say I need you both to listen, I mean it”  
“Well what part is she gonna play then? Financial backup? Security?”  
“She’ll be a woman of interest”  
The words caused your pulse to speed up, anxieties beginning to bubble in the pit of your stomach, “I’ll be the target? The council want me to be the wanted bait to an actual bounty hunter?!”  
“No, young one. You’ll be made out to be more... a woman of a more desirable interest to our target” Kenobi said, internally cringing at the sentence he spoke.  
Being your Master, he knew he had the obligations of teaching yourself and Anakin the subject of sex, and the various topics surrounding it. He made sure to always be reliable and honest, ensuring the two of you could feel comfortable to discuss or ask questions regarding anything that could fall under that umbrella. He taught you the good and the bad, as he would with anything one could experience throughout their lifetime in all the galaxy, and was prominent on boundaries within the Jedi code – something he often had to remind himself of when it came to you.  
Obi-Wan had known Anakin for almost the entirety of the boy's life, but for you, it was completely different.  
You had always known something was different about yourself growing up, you having unspeakable abilities and urges, feeling pushes and pulls from an invisible entity. Having no known parents or relatives, learning to care for yourself and work for what you could from such a young age, you never had anyone to turn to for comfort, to console in about the ever-growing presence within you, growing stronger by the day.  
But everything changed the day a few members of the Jedi council stopped by your home planet, passing through your village and just so happening to feel an echoing presence in the force – that presence being you. Upon approaching you, they were stunned by your age, someone as force sensitive as yourself living for so long untrained, with no formal guidance on how to use your abilities, and with your luck, they ditched their mission and returned to the temple with you – afraid and alone – by their side.  
In the early days of your time at the temple, you’d been paired with various Masters, struggling to find your way, your age being the same as Jedi knights but your knowledge of the force being the same as a youngling, which eventually lead to torment from other Padawans of all ages.  
But there was the exception, one you would be forever grateful for - Anakin.  
The first he heard of you was when he was sat beside Obi-Wan in a council meeting, boredom overcoming him as it always did during the unentertaining gatherings, until the change in topic caught his attention. The conversation was brief, but had him eager than ever, an untrained Jedi found on a distant planet, around the same age as himself, but incredibly strong with the force. Few conversations were exchanged on your journey so far, as well as your slow progress with your Master at the time, and before he had the chance to enquire further information on this mysterious Jedi, the topic changed over once more, leaving Anakin on the edge of his seat.  
From there, rumours began to spread through the halls of the temple regarding yourself. You were mysterious, new, and had a delayed introduction to the Jedi that most of Anakin's fellow Padawans had experienced. Everyone was eager to see you, judge you on your force abilities, question your past, but not Anakin.  
The day he first saw you, he instantly knew you were the person everyone in the temple had been gossiping over for the previous few weeks. You we’re seated, cross legged on the stone floor, you further back in the room than the rest of the Padawans, sticking out like a sore thumb as you mediated quietly, and the sight tugged at a string in Anakin's heart. He knew what it was like to be misunderstood, the feeling of being unwelcomed something he was growing accustomed to thanks to the council, and call it what you will – fate, or even a pull from the force – but he instantly knew that you and him we’re destined to be friends.  
From that day, where Anakin sat beside you, interrupting your meditative state and sparking a conversation, the two of you instantly connected, growing to be close friends. Whenever you were away from your Masters, he’d assist you with your training, teaching you what he could as you’d openly share your doubts about your placement with your Master, the feeling of true connection and friendship - your emotions being recognized and sympathized by someone else causing your heart to soar. For the first time in your life, you understood how it felt to have self-worth and be cared by, but that was nothing to scale on how Obi-Wan made you feel.  
You first met Obi-Wan on a council meeting regarding your distaste to your allocated Master. You were struggling to connect with each other for the few weeks you’ve been paired together, him unable to break through your built-up walls. You stood beside the creature, your head tucked into your chest as your eyes relayed over the patterned flooring. You were nervous, and given your little understanding on the complicated ways the council spoke to one another, you were certain your time at the temple was being cut short. That was until you heard a familiar voice muffling words of an increasing volume from behind you.  
Turning around, you felt instant ease as you saw the familiar face of your only friend, his attention furiously diverted to the man besides him as they bickered between each other. The instant you laid eyes on him you became overwhelmed with emotions you’ve never felt before. Your heart grew warm, the fluttering effect of its rapid rhythm causing your mouth to turn dry as you gawked over the man's features. In the moment, his eyebrows were drawn together, his eyes wild as they peered down at Anakin, but there was a softness in his features, a warmth and kindness that was unbreakable no matter how angered he seemed. And although the voice of another man caught the attention of the two, snapping back the focus of everyone else in the room, your eyes never faltered from the man's face, the unnatural pull you felt towards him keeping your surveillance locked in place.  
“Master Kenobi, is there something that needs to be shared with the council?” Mace Windu spoke, drawing the attention of the two boys from one another and back to their surroundings.  
“I apologize for the disturbance, I am terribly sorry. It seems Anakin had urgent information he wished to share regarding the Padawan” Obi-Wan explained, the end of his sentence holding a sarcastic tone as Anakin slyly rolled his eyes, the scene forcing you to hold in a laugh.  
“And what exactly is this information”  
“I believe my Padawan has been able to connect to the girl, and has had some success in teaching her about the Jedi”  
“Skywalker, please elaborate further”  
Stepping forward with complete confidence, Anakin caught your glance as if to check if you were okay with what were about to happen, you subtly nodding before he proceeded.  
“I met her in one of her early meditation classes, and found that from that day she’s been willing to lower her guard, letting me in to teach her the ways of the force, of the Jedi. Only stemming from what Master Kenobi has taught me, of course”  
Your name being called, you spun back around to face the man in front of you, nodding as he questioned if that were the truth before giving Anakin permission to continue his statement.  
“If she trusts me, and is taking to what I’ve taught her, then I believe she’ll succeed in learning under Obi-Wan's guidance, just as I have”  
Mace pondered momentarily, hushed whispers between himself and Master Yoda sat beside him sparked as you turned back around to face the two, you immediately catching sight of Obi-Wans eyes as he glared at you. As you stared into his blue orbs, he did the same for you, ignoring the pleading sounds coming from the boy besides him, completely focusing in on the young woman in front of him. Staring unapologetically, lost in each other's features, you both felt an instant connection, deep and dynamic, as if an energetic switch flicked within one another, the wave of emotions you previously felt now releasing inside of him, flowing through his bloodstream.  
“Master Kenobi”, Windu spoke once more, “The council would grant you the objective of taking on this Padawan as your own, alongside Skywalker, if you believe you are capable of doing so”  
Keeping his eyes interlocked with yours, he answered without skipping a beat, “It would be my pleasure”  
“Well, then that’s settled” Windu said, dismissing you as he called your name, “You may join your new Master. Obi-Wan, you will mentor this young Padawan just as you have with Skywalker, all future missions both Padawans will need to attend with the councils permission, so best you try and catch her up to date”  
Making your way to what would soon grow to be your new family, you stood beside a now grinning Anakin, you falling shorter than the two men, your eye’s locking once more with the eldest of the two as you squeaked a small thank you, his kind eyes lighting up as he held a small grin while nodding.  
And from that day forth, everything Obi-Wan believed about the Jedi code became a personal test. Being a member of the Jedi council, he knew that if he were to become tangled in any form of unprofessional connection, he’d not only be kicked from his position, but stripped of any association with the Jedi. Yet when it came to you, he struggled every day with running the risk of letting it happen.  
Through your years of being Obi-Wans Padawan, you grew connected to him in a different way to Anakin. Sure, the ambitious boy was a rule breaker, often disregarding his Masters' rules and ultimately being on his own path, which often created ups and downs in his relationship with Obi-Wan, but Kenobi loved him regardless. Though not in the way that he felt love for you. As you grew to be the woman you were, opening up to your Master in way’s you’ve never opened up to anyone before, he uncovered your whit, your passion and charm. Your femininity stuck him unlike any others he’s witnessed before. On battlefields and missions, you were powerful, independent, your connection with the force was strong and bright, more so than his other Padawans, and it often left him in awe. But when all else were erased, and it was just yourself and the two men inside your home, you were delicate, fragile, depended on those you needed most, in need of the warming connection from those you cherished with your whole heart, and that was something Obi-Wan wished he could relish in every day.  
He loved you in ways he though was humanly impossible. He yearned for you, missing your presence when he was away. On days where it was just you and him, he would shower you in the most love he could, showing his affections through platonic embraces or pecks to your forehead and hands. He longed for late-night discussions, him sat beside you in your bed, ushering away your worries after a nightmare, his hand on the top of your head as he’d use the force to ease your resting mind. And on his own sleepless nights, he’d play the sounds of your laugher though his mind, the echoes of your joy bringing flutters to the pit of your stomach.  
Yet, although he was eternally grateful for Anakin bringing you into his life, it pained him to know he’d never be able to love you in the ways he wished he could - breaching the point of platonic and blossoming into a passionate and intimate relationship, not only because it was against the Jedi way, but because he believed you’d never harvest the same emotions for him that he had for you.  
But he was wrong.  
Little did he know that you were on the exact same page, forever fighting the urge to pursue more. You wanted to, with every fiber of your being you wanted to reach that unexplored level of connection with him, to feel his lips against yours, his skin against your skin, to bond with him in ways you’ve only heard about. And as painful as it was, like an unrepairable crack in your heart, you knew you’d never be able to peruse that dream with your Master. Not only because it would be incredibly selfish, risking not only your life with the Jedi, but his - the Jedi being what he’s dedicated his whole life to, but because you knew your Master could never harvest such feelings for his Padawan.  
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coruscantguard · 1 year
coruscantguard's Fic Rec List (01)
This list contains some of my favorite fics from my time in the Star Wars fandom! It is by no means a comprehensive list of all my favorite fics, just the ones I could find the very easiest— I'm absolutely planning on making more of these in the future. I hope you enjoy! (No, I'm not procrastinating working on anything rn, shushhhhhh)
we stand here, together by @nightdotlight
21k, Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker, Rex & Ahsoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker, Neyo/Mace Windu
Master Depa Billaba and Padawan Caleb Dume. Windu worries for them, out in the wider galaxy. Waging war, while he and Anakin sit here, waiting. But he trained Billaba, and Billaba is training Dume. Anakin once took lessons from her, when he himself was a Padawan, and he knows she is skilled enough by far, to ensure that both she and her student make it back to Coruscant safely. It’s ironic, that when cut off from the Force he can understand other people better than he has in years.
Nat, will you ever shut up about we stand here, together? No, no I will not. It's been three years since this fic was posted, and it still destroys me emotionally every time I read it in the best way possible. You want a fic to make you cry about the Jedi? I've got a fic that will make you cry about the Jedi in the best way possible. This story is wonderful and amazing and I'll probably be recommending it until the end of time.
Reputations. by @outpastthemoat
36k, Qui-Gon Jinn & Obi-Wan Kenobi
Defeating a Sith Lord before losing your Padawan braid, that’s a difficult reputation to live up to.
SUCH a wonderful look into Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon, this fic completely blew me away. The metaphors here are beautiful, the imagery is stunning, and I love how outpastthemoat portrays the Jedi. An all around treat to read, and a fic I've reread many times, and plan to reread many more.
observer's effect by @bytebun
6k, Cody & Obi-Wan, Cody & Rex
The fall of the Jedi was a fixed point, and there had to be a hand on the gun. It might as well be Cody’s.
(The story of your life is a tragedy, but you still get to make your choices.)
This fic contains one of my favorite lines of all time regarding the clones and their names, oh my god. I love the differing approaches it takes to Order 66, I love how the relationship between the 212th and Obi-Wan is portrayed, and the prose just blows me away. I enjoy reading this one SO MUCH.
the falling man by @cabezadeperro
35k, Fox/Quinlan Vos, Fox/Echo
It's been three years since the end of the war. Fox works nights as a bouncer in an Underworld nightclub and does what he can to help in the fight against the Empire. He wasn't expecting Echo.
I sobbed when reading chapters of this, y'all. As in, full out ugly crying sobbed. I remember it very clearly, because I was actually on vacation at the time, and I was hiding in my Grandmother's basement so I didn't have to explain to my family why I was sobbing. Post Order 66 stories just get to me in a way that few other stories do, and this one did so perfectly. The despair and the hope mixed together, the way that they just kept going, the SW cyberpunk setting— it just works PERFECTLY.
Twilight on Owl Creek Bridge by @yellowocaballero
33k, Fox & Leia Organa
SUBJECT: Regarding Senate Guard Objectives For Today This is a polite reminder to all guardsmen that patrol schedules for the Senate vote ratifying dictatorships are posted in the breakroom. I am also issuing a warning to linear time that days should follow sequentially and are not intended to repeat. Please cease repeating. I am getting a headache. Additionally, I'd like to remind all guardsmen that it is illegal to harbor invisible women in the Senate. If you see a ghost claiming to be Leia Organa, please remove her from the premises. She will be making a scene. Thank you for your cooperation in preserving the peace of the Republic, and all hail the Empire. FOX
This fic? This fic blew me away. Holy shit. This is one of those stories that simply altered me as a human being, you know? Every part of this story is expertly done, and I love how it all came together at the end. This story also contains some of my favorite lines of all time regarding the clones, and god, Leia's portrayal here is PERFECT. Feeling so many emotions about Alderrann again.
may you inherit his light by @notbecauseofvictories
2k, Leia Organa & Bail Organa, Leia Organa & Anakin Skywalker
When your father dies, say the Coruscanti, you are left clutching a star map for a different galaxy.
In this, as in many things, Leia is her fathers' daughter.
Speaking of feeling emotions about Alderrann, here's another fic that does that! Leia and Bail will always make me emotional, and this fic does so perfectly. I love their relationship, I love how Leia's grief is portrayed, I love every moment of her life we see and the visual imagery here simply blows me away.
So Call It Grace by @blackkatmagic
10k, Cody/Quinlan Vos, Quinlan Vos & Lando Calrissian
The only thing Quinlan wants is to keep his head down and avoid the Empire. Lando dragging one trouble and then another into his life isn't helping matters much.
This fic owns my entire heart and then some. Oh my god. Quinlan & Lando are such a great duo, and Cody!!! Cody!!!! I have no words, just sounds of joy about Cody. This story just took residence in my mind, and has refused to leave, which I am absolutely more than happy with, because I love this story SO MUCH. Quinlan is one of my favorite characters of all time, to the surprise of no one, and I adore how Kat writes him.
Carrion by callmelyss
2k, Merrin/Trilla Sunduri
Understanding thrills through the Second Sister—what Cal Kestis has awoken here by chance, what’s slumbered among the unquiet dead, waiting. A survivor. The taste of metal floods her mouth; her gloves creak as her hands clench. Laughter escapes her, flat and humorless and long, ricocheting along the close walls. “No,” she swears, allowing the venom into her voice, the hate to curdle in the air, met and devoured, as it always is, by the Dark. “Not a Jedi. Look closer.” The Second Sister goes to Dathomir in search of Cal Kestis. She finds something entirely unexpected.
These two? These two are AMAZING together. I love the writing here, the visual imagery blows me away, and the way these two relate to each other is AMAZING. The parallels here amaze me, and this is a frequent reread for me, it's just so good. This story makes me want to write about these two SO BADLY.
dead dog (bye-bye baby blue) by @patchmates
15k, WIP, Fox & Cody, Fox & Thorn, Fox & Quinlan Vos, Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi
The way it happens is simple: at some point during your service in the Guard, you’ll lose time. The thing wiping the Guards’ memories gets sloppy and Fox remembers the order not to let Fives leave the surface alive. It changes everything and nothing at all.
I am intrigued by this fic, y'all, I am so intrigued. This is a story that I can tell is going to absolutely crack my heart in two, but goddamn am I excited for it to do so. I'm always a huge fan of when people take a more cyberpunk approach to SW, and I am simply fascinated by patchmates' portrayals of the clones. I foresee this fic doing great emotional damage to me, but like, in the best way possible, and recommend it VERY highly.
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gffa · 1 year
Hi! I've got a 12 hour flight in a few days, so by any chance do you have any more star wars fic recs? I love your rec lists, they're so detailed and amazing and always such amazing recs!
Hi! I have been slowly plunking away at doing a recs list and here are some slightly longer fics (and a couple epics thrown in for fun) I've enjoyed that should hopefully round out your reading list! ✦ wayfinding by night by wrennette, obi-wan & luke & cast, time travel, 10.2k     Before him stood a fellow Jedi, worn and weary with loss. Obi-Wan finds himself on Ahch-To and helps Luke find a path through his grief.  ✦ Birds Fly in Different Directions by Triscribe, jedi & clones, time travel, 14.6k     In the corridor beyond her quarters, other Jedi were emerging from their own doors, most of them wide-eyed with shock. A few merely looked blearily concerned, and Aayla heard snatches of questions as she darted past, queries as to whether everyone experienced the same distressing vision. But those who clutched at their chests or throats, their weak points- those Jedi bore a muted horror in their eyes, and Aayla didn’t doubt they’d just suffered their own betrayals from trusted men.  ✦ Off-by-one Error by Jessepinwheel, obi-wan & cast, 12.2k     A stranger appears in the Jedi Temple. Nobody knows who he is or where he came from. Nobody knows what has happened to him except that it must have been something truly terrible. The stranger’s name is Obi-Wan Kenobi.  ✦ Loth-Cats and Loth-Rats by TessaDoesThings, mace & depa & kanan & ezra, 19k     All Mace Windu wanted out of the Post-Clone Wars world was a simple trip with his lineage to the long-forgotten Jedi Temples of the Outer Rim. However, on Lothal, the three might have bitten off more than they expected. The Republic may have triumphed, but the roots of what could have become the empire are gripped in the corners of the galaxy, and it might be time for some aggressive space weeding. Or a coup d'etat. That would work too. ✦ Unexpected Awakening (The Rewrite) by Rhiw, obi-wan & bruck & qui-gon & feemor & cast, time travel, 130.2k wip The life of General Kenobi is cut short at the hands of his Padawan, but the sight that greets his eyes upon awakening is not that of blinding light of the Force, but the Jedi Temple he knew when he was still a youth. As he struggles to understand the path laid out before him, Obi-Wan unwittingly captures the attention of a singularly unusual Temple Guard, and that of a reluctant Qui-Gon Jinn. ✦ Supreme Chancellor Obi-Wan Kenobi stonefreeak, obi-wan & anakin & padme & bail & palpatine & various jedi, 115.6k wip By an old Republic law, all members of the Jedi High Council are senators in the Galactic Senate, and can thus be voted in as chancellor. A Senator from a less prominent planet has had enough of Chancellor Palpatine's incompetence and calls for a Vote of No-Confidence and the installation of Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi as Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. This one action becomes the catalyst that changes the direction of the galaxy. ✦ Reprise by Elfpen, obi-wan & qui-gon & mace & anakin & cast, time travel, 558.8k wip Ben Kenobi dies aboard the Death Star in the year 0 BBY. He wakes up shortly thereafter in the Jedi temple in the year 41 BBY. Haunted by memories and regret, Ben must forge a new path for himself in the Jedi Order of his youth while navigating the murky waters of time travel. Crafting a better future from bitter experience is hard, but learning to heal is even harder. ✦ The Intruder by Hollyoakhill, obi-wan & original clone characters, 82.5k When a vicious attack from a strange, indestructible monster traps them on a derelict star destroyer, a young clone trooper fresh from Kamino join forces with Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi to find a way to escape.
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susanoosama01 · 1 year
AU in which almost all Jedi do political marriages to stop any conflict:
Obi Wan got married a few times. Satine was married to him for a few months but they got the marriage annulled because Mandalorians didn't like their Duchess being married to a Jedi. His other spouses include a ruler of a slave trade planet to put a stop to that, a few ambassadors from Separatist worlds in an effort to pull them towards the republic and Bail Organa.
Anakin almost burned the Temple down when the Council tasked Obi Wan to marry a slave trader King. Also he was in chronic fits of jealousy during the two years that Obi Wan and Bail Organa were married because he could easily tell that Obi Wan actually liked being married to Bail.
Master Mundi still has 4 wives.
Plo Koon is married to one of the Creche Masters because, well, no one knows. They just cuddle the younglings together and they are sooo happy about it.
Jocasta Nu was married to Count Dooku. They got divorced when he left the Order.
This whole thing is why Qui Gon Jinn was trying to charm Shmi. He could just marry her if he couldn't win Anakin in gambling. :'D
Anakin was never married to anyone. The Council doesn't trust him to stay still.
Mace Windu was somehow married to a Hutt when he was a Padawan only for a few short weeks and only to get intel out of the Hutt Clan. He is still traumatized about it but at least he speaks Hutteese. Anakin will never know from where Master Windu learned the word sleemo. Also, Cham Syndulla in Ryloth almost became his new spouse but they resolved the matter so it was never brought up again. His current wife is a young woman who is Count Dooku's great-niece or smt. and who got help from the Temple in her youth because of her force sensitivity. She is influential in the Separatist Worlds. She adopted a baby clone that was going to be destroyed somehow. She is a kind and calm woman who helps to settle Mace down when he sees a shatter point in the Force.
Obi Wan was lowkey into marrying Jango Fett after Kamino.
Something happened in Naboo so Padmé strategically planned to get into a short political marriage with a Jedi. The Council tasked Obi Wan. Anakin almost turned to the dark side but he was too busy trying to decide who he was jealous about between the two. Thankfully, that marriage didn't happen.
Palpatine asked for Anakin to be married to himself while he was grooming him for the Dark Side. He told Anakin that he would never be a slave again if he was with the Chancellor and the Council Masters didn't want to allow this because none of their spouses were as strong and important.
Ashoka dutifully accepted a marriage with a Separatist Lord. Anakin and Rex kidnapped her from her own wedding while Obi Wan and Padmé found her a way out.
Basically it goes like this: Conflict? Let's check the list of available Jedi.
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supersaiyanjedi14 · 22 days
Spectre Week
Day One-Spectre One
*a few days late, but better late than never*
Caleb Dume looked out upon the Corsucant traffic as it flew past the night sky.  To just about any other 13-year-old, the day he had just had would have been the most exciting thing to ever happen to him.  After all, it wasn’t just any day you were chosen to be a Padawan apprentice, and to a master of the Jedi Council no less!  When Depa Billaba had stepped forward and officially declared the boy to be her chosen student, Caleb had swelled with unbelievable pride.  He was about to start the next chapter of his life, one step closer to becoming a fully realized Jedi.
Yet there was also a sense of apprehension behind Caleb’s enthusiasm.  While the time he had spent with Master Billaba had assured him of her warmth and kindness, the remarks of other people of her being “damaged” still gnawed at the back of his mind.  He had been sparred most of the grisly details of what happened on Haruun Kal, but not all of them.  The things she had said and did, the horrors she had been subjected to, enough to drive her mad and fall into a two-year coma.  Caleb had been jumping at the chance to go out and get some action before the Clone Wars wrapped up, yet merely four months of it had nearly broken a Jedi Master.  It had been enough to pull him out of bed and pace around the Temple for a while, conflicting thoughts buzzing around in his young mind.
Caleb’s musings were interrupted by something tripping his senses.  A presence was approaching him, and given how strongly the Force was emitting from it, it had to be one of the masters.  He decided now was as good a time as any to slip back to his room.  Getting in trouble for being up late would hardly be the way to stary your first day as a Padawan.  Besides, he needed to get some sleep anyway.  Pulling his cloak around him, Caleb made his way out the door…
and bumped right into someone.
Caleb landed on the floor with a thud.  Wincing a bit, he looked back up, ready to apologize to whoever it was, only for his mouth to go dry.  Apparently, the presence he had sensed was a lot closer than he had expected.  Sure enough, it was one of the masters.  Specifically, a very tall, athletically built one with a shaved head and intense brown-eyed gaze.
“Ah- M-Master Windu!  I’m sorry, I was just- I mean- I…”
Caleb stammered uselessly trying to come up with an excuse.  For a long moment, Mace Windu just starred at the boy.  It took a moment for Caleb to realize that the Korun was not looking at him with annoyance or disapproval.  Rather, he seemed more curious than anything else.
“Padawan Dume, is it?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow.
“Y-yes, sir! I- “
“Slow down, son.  You’re not in trouble.”  Windu’s hands raised slightly to ward off Caleb’s rambling, his mouth curling into a slight smile at the same time.  “You’re hardly the first young Jedi to be up past his bedtime.”
“Right,” Caleb said as he pulled himself back to his feet, though he still hesitated to meet the Jedi Master face to face.
“Although,” Windu continued, “I am surprised you of all people are up this late.  If I remember correctly, you have a big day tomorrow.”
“Yeah- er, yes, Master,” Caleb corrected himself.  Indeed, he and Master Billaba were due to leave for Ilum in the morning.  Going to build his first true lightsaber was a landmark event for any Jedi.  “I guess I just have some stuff on my mind.”
Windu’s expression softened a little.  “Stuff like what?”
“Well…” Caleb paused for a moment, unsure of how to proceed.  Ultimately, he decided to just rip the bacta patch off.  “It’s about Master Billaba.  I mean, I like her, she’s a great Jedi, I’m proud to be her Padawan- “
“But you keep thinking about what happened to her.  And what people say about it.”
It was a summation, not a question.  Caleb would have normally been embarrassed to be caught like that, but somehow it felt better to just be honest about it.  He sighed.  “It’s just, she’s a Jedi Master.  And she was out there for only a few months.  And look what happened to her.”  He turned to pace a little around the room.  “What if something like that happens to her again?  What if…”  He didn’t finish, but he guessed that Windu could fill in what was unsaid.
What if that happened to me?
Windu was silent for a moment, then spoke.  “It is a sad position that one so young is troubled by this.”
Caleb turned to finally face the Jedi Master.  “I don’t suppose you can give any advice.”
Windu thought for a bit.  “I’m not exactly the leading expert on life counseling, I’m afraid,” he said with a hint of humor, “but bear with me.”  He pressed a button on the wall panel, and a rack emerged from an opened section of the floor.  Several metal cylinders were arranged on the rack.  Caleb instantly recognized them, and only now recognized that he had been in one of the training halls the entire time.
He blinked in confusion.  “Master?”
“I believe more in showing than telling.”  Windu explained, removing his cloak and hanging it on a hook.  “Lightsaber combat is more than just learning to fight.  It can also be an exercise in spirit and a way to reflect upon yourself.  And in any event,” he smirked as he drew the electrum-plated weapon from his belt, “a bit of exercise may help you get some sleep tonight.”
Caleb nervously laughed.  “I see your point Master, but I don’t think I’m about as good as you are.”
“Gotta start somewhere.”
Caleb relaxed a bit at the remark then shed his own robe.  A sparring match may be just enough to take his mind off things.  Taking a deep breath, he walked over to the rack and selected one of the training sabers.
Standing at opposite ends of the room, the two Jedi bowed before igniting their blades.  Caleb tried to relax as he gripped his weapon in the ready position.  He was normally good at keeping himself relaxed when training, letting the Force fill his awareness and strengthen his body.  Still, squaring off against arguably the greatest swordsman the Order ever produced was daunting no matter how you sliced it.  Easy, he told himself.  This was about clearing his mind, not adding more baggage.  Taking a deep breath, Caleb tightened his grip and advanced.  In a flash, the room was filled with flashes of light and the cracking of plasma.  Caleb’s blue blade moved through the sequences Master Drallig had drilled into him since he could walk, each slash driven by the currents of the Force.  Windu blocked each blow with practiced ease, his amethyst weapon one step ahead of Caleb’s.  Light flashed around the chamber as the two blades clashed again and again.  Windu’s lightsaber suddenly shot forward, the tip hardly an inch from Caleb’s nose before he managed to leap back out of range.  He stumbled a couple steps, then regained his footing and rose his blade in a high guard, waiting for the next move.  Master Windu stood at the other end of the room, his lightsaber still extended outwards to where Caleb had once been.
The Korun smiled.  “Well done, Padawan.”
“Thanks,” Caleb replied, catching his breath while he could.  “Still haven’t gone a lot past the Form I drills though.”
“Not for long, you won’t.” Windu replied as he started to move forward.  “A few weeks with Depa, and you’ll be far more expanded than usual.”
Caleb nodded.  He had almost forgotten that Master Windu had been Master Billaba’s old teacher.  He of all people would know what she fought like.
In more ways than one.
Caleb’s boost of confidence dwindled a bit as his eyes fell on Windu’s torso.  One of the few details about the Haruun Kal debacle he knew about was that Masters Windu and Billaba had fought an altogether vicious lightsaber duel, a duel that had begun with her spearing him through his stomach and being swallowed by the darkness.
“Hopefully not too far,” he whispered under his breath as he moved to intercept a few of Master Windu’s jagged slashes.  He had thought he was speaking too quietly for his opponent to hear.  He was wrong.
“Don’t worry,” Windu let out a light chuckle as he and Caleb locked blades, “she’s not going to be throwing you into Vaapad right out of the gate.  And especially not without my say-so.”
Caleb broke the lock and responded with a few quick stabs to force the Master back.  “Not sure I’d want to, anyway.”
Windu cocked an eyebrow and shifted to a low guard.  “Why is that?”
“Well…” Caleb hesitated a moment, unsure of what to say.  “I mean…isn’t it kinda why she went bad?  I mean, Master Drallig said that style brings you close to the Dark Side, right?  And Master Billaba, on Haruun Kal, she, you guys fought and-”
“Padawan.”  Windu interrupted, snapping Caleb out of what could have turned into a nervous ramble.  Windu’s expression was serious, but not hard or cold.  Caleb could see the calm exterior that was Mace Windu’s specialty, but at the same time, he sensed a simmering fire behind those fierce brown eyes.  Getting himself back into position, Caleb raised his blade as Windu continued.  “Do you know why I created Vaapad?”
Caleb thought a moment, then nodded.  “You wanted to rework Form VII, right?  Make it something that could fight the Sith.”
“Partially,” Mace agreed, “But there was a second point as well.”  His purple lightsaber rose into a powerful high guard.  “I created it to fight a very specific darkness; my own.  Defend yourself.”
Before Caleb could comprehend what that meant, Windu moved.  A flash of purple swept into Caleb’s peripheral and he only barely got his own blue beam up in time to block it.  No sooner had the blades crackled that another strike came from another angle.  And another.  And another.  Caleb worked to intercept each of the powerful blows.  And as he did so, Windu continued to speak.
“Yes, Caleb Dume.  I have a darkness within me.  Every being does.  Mine expresses itself here, in battle.  I like to fight.  I thrive on the trill of battle.  In the wrong hands, I could have been swept up by the Dark Side.  Vaapad exists to counter that.”  Mace and Caleb were now moving through the chamber with even greater speed, the elder hammering on the younger’s defense as he barely fended him off.  Barely, but still able. 
“When I fight, I accept the fury, letting it empower me.  But it does not control me.  Rather, I control it.  I also accept the fury of my opponent, turning their power against them.”  Blue and purple explosions filled the room as the two kept moving.
“The darkness is around me; I call upon it to strengthen me…but I do not let it touch me.”  Finally, the movement stopped, Mace Windu pressing his weapon down on the raised guard of Caleb Dume.  The two stoon there for a moment, then Mace disengaged and stepped away.
Caleb’s breath went short and hard.  He had been in plenty of intense training sessions before, but this blew them out of the water.  Despite how tired he was, he retained every word the Korun master had said.
“Why did Depa fall?”  Mace finished for him.  “Recall that everything I just said requires the user to maintain strict control of himself, preventing the darkness from getting too strong a hold on him.  That may not always be possible.  Maybe he is tired or scared.  Maybe he has experienced something horrible and it weighs on him.  Maybe the weight of his responsibilities is too great for him to brush aside and be begins to crack.  All these things can happen.  Even to Jedi.”  With that, Mace deactivated his lightsaber and returned it to his belt.
Caleb turned off his own weapon, though he still did not entirely understand.  “But don’t we train to not let that happen?”
“We do,” said Mace as he walked forward.  “But all the training in the universe cannot quell one critical thing, Caleb.”  He knelt to the ground to be on eye level with the boy.  “Jedi are people.  And people can be weak at times, they can face darkness, and sometimes they can fall away.”
Caleb nodded a bit.  “But Master Billaba is back?”
“Yes, she is.”  Mace put his hands on Caleb’s shoulders.  “Because we are here for her.  Everyone can fall, but everyone can also rise back up.  Sometimes on their own, sometimes with the help of others.  No matter how hard one stumbles, one can always get back up again.  You will face great trials in your future, even when this war is over.  But you needn’t fear that you may be lost to whatever darkness you confront.  Know this, Caleb Dume.  Wherever you go, whatever you may face, there will always be someone to help you back up.”
Caleb’s nod was a lot stronger this time.  “I think I get it.”
Mace smiled.  “Good.”  He rose to his feet.  “Now, I think you should be getting back to your room and get some sleep.  You have a busy day tomorrow.”
Caleb smiled his own lopsided grin.  “Right!”  He placed the training saber back on the rack, grabbed his cloak, and made for the door.  Before he departed, he turned around back to Mace, who was setting the room back in order and retrieving his own cloak.
“Hey, Master Windu.”
Mace turned to face the boy, whose face was showing the sense of relief he was feeling within.  “Thanks for the help.”
Mace returned the smile.  “Any time.  Sleep well, Padawan Dume.  And may the Force be with you.”
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Here's my halfway coherent, shoot-I-wish-I'd-actually-write-all-of-this no-Order-66 universe I've been mulling over for like two or three years:
Dead Palpatine (the hows to determine)
Kit, Agen and Saesee are NOT dead
(Adi probably isn't either tbh bc I love Adi)
People are touchy about Anakin and he's kind of absent (left? is in prison for killing Palps? not killing Palps? for turning? anyway it's a Sensitive Subject) (in the interest of limiting angst he probably helped kill Palps and left to be with Padmé but is kinda bitter about all of it, that way Liberosis fits into this and I don't have to think about it too much. the point is, things are strained and remain that way for a while)
The world is absolutely not all unicorns and sparkles but it's getting somewhere. The Jedi are Very Tired and overworked and stressed but also they get to just sit and watch sunsets and that warms them up inside
A random Senator becomes Chancellor (not Bail, Padmé or Mothma). The Republic is still licking its wounds but at least it's there
The CIS kinda collapsed without Dooku or Grievous so there's a lot of independent systems but they're not united anymore and— boring stuff. The point is: an absolute metric ton of diplomatic missions for the Jedi
Many Clones decide to stick around and get sort of folded into the Order Antarian Rangers style (the others are very happy napping on a warm planet somewhere)
Shaak Ti and Stass Allie are on Kamino helping to raise/relocate all the Clone babies so they can grow up somewhere nicer (tbd - I've written a micro fic about this one so far)
Most Jedi ditch the armor (as do a few Clones) and get the baggiest, gigantest robes they can get away with. A few others keep the armor but like, engraved and decorated
Ahsoka comes back after a lot of thinking and gets knighted
Two Jedi who got stranded on a deserted planet during the war had a baby and the Organas adopt her (very important!!! and half written and lingering in my drafts - since like, two years ago)
Obi-Wan takes Katooni as his Padawan
Ahsoka takes either Petro or Reva as her Padawan a few years later (probably Reva)
Ganodi is either Stass' or Adi's Padawan I think
Zatt is either Kit's Padawan or Jocasta's
Petro is probably Aayla's (or maybe she picks Mari Amithest and Quinlan picks Petro.)
Gungi is Plo's Padawan
Byph is Luminara's (he's a precious little duckling and deserves to be CHERISHED okay)
Barriss gets help and healing
If Dooku isn't dead, then he spends the rest of his life in a cell playing dejarik with Obi-Wan and Yoda and having tea with them and bitterly regretting his choices (while struggling to come to terms with Yoda's forgiveness and love especially - I've got a couple of very short fics toying with the idea on here and Ao3 I think)
Maul probably gets the same kind of treatment? Then I imagine he escapes and goes back to Dathomir and then to some desert to have 274 identity crises about stuff (he might also just be dead sadly - but if not he def gets to have more encounters with Obi-Wan)
Ki-Adi takes O-mer as his Padawan and Mace takes either Jinx or Tai Uzuma, in which case Cin takes Jinx (yeah, Mace and Tai, definitely. That way Caleb gets to hang out with her)
Either Shaak Ti or Bultar Swan takes Ashla
Caleb is still with Depa, Cal with Jaro, and Trilla with Cere
I want to find Masters for Ran Deezy and Farn Klin and their siblings (because they each seem to have a twin which!!! I LOVE!!! okay they could just be from the same species and not be related but idc) but I'm coming up kinda short so Agen for Farn, Rig Nema for Ran, Tiplee for Farn's twin, Eeth (who didn't left, comics can gtfo) for Ran's twin
Korkie is Duke of Mandalore (which is ALL ABOUT PACIFISM, AGAIN, because I want it that way. The Jedi drop by to say hi and help sometimes. It should be noted that he's not Obi-Wan's kid.)
The Jedi keep running into Hondo who loves them and therefore loves to make trouble for them (hey, I actually wrote that one!)
Boba is a precocious mercenary/bounty hunter trying to get noticed by some big clients like the Hutts and every so often he runs into some Clones or Jedi and a little angst ensues
A lot of time and writing is dedicated to how deeply fcked the war was and how tired and sad everybody is
like twice that is about chilling in the gardens, planting things, watching grass grow, sleeping and rebuilding and how happy and lively the children are
Yoda privately cries when he realizes that his vision of a world at peace (the one he had to let go of) did come true - and didn't. The world isn't as perfect as he dreamed but it's infinitely better because it's real
Obi-Wan and Cody get to have buddy comedy solo missions
Same for Obi-Wan and individual Council members. Just hijinks all around
It is very important to me that Cody chaperones a bunch of Jedi babies going to Ilum (probably Clan Bear? but also I want it to be like 10+ years down the line so he can complain about being too old for this shit even tho he's 23 - I WANTED TO SEE CODY WITH THE YOUNGLINGS AND GRIEVOUS ROBBED ME OF THAT)
Oh also Cody was made a General after the war and immediately retired from the army. For no other reason than I think he deserves it
Idk how Qui-Gon fits into all of this so for now his only purpose is to make Dooku angst some more but in a cathartic way
Padmé occasionally drops by with the twins - and vice-versa once Anakin is either free or over himself - and Yoda is their favorite person in the world. They're not being trained as Jedi and they kinda resent it a bit but they're doing fine. They see Uncle Bail and Aunt Breha pretty often, and Aunt Sola and Uncle Darred and Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru regularly, and they're besties with Ryoo, Pooja, and Bail and Breha's adopted Jedi daughter
Some quiet domestic moments where, say, Reva comes up to the slightly older Katooni & friends to get some help with her hair because she wants to do it like Tai's but is too shy to ask directly bc Tai is intimidating, but Katooni is obviously stumped so they try to find some Masters, and the first they come across are like Stass and Shaak Ti who also don't really know how to help, and it's Luminara and Cere who save the day
Quiet Master-Padawan moments in some of the smaller Temples, learning to meditate and be in the moment
A weird period of time before Ahsoka is officially knighted where she just hangs out with Obi-Wan and repairs her relationship with him. In the years after she is knighted but before she takes her own Padawan, she mostly stays with Obi-Wan and Katooni and he's having early days of the war flashbacks with his 'two' Padawans
Animal friendship. 80% of all Jedi missions involve it
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reconstructwriter · 9 months
Finally Broken Down and Watched the Prequels
I honestly don't remember if I've seen them all before or just clips. But after a few years of being a Star Wars fan on a steady diet of fandom, I broke down and pulled out the Phantom Menace to cap off my birthday. I’m spoiled to hell and back and a couple decades older than the intended audience but what the hell. So here’s my two cents (or more) arrogant opinion on The Phantom Menace:
Heads up, long post.
Shmi surprised me the most of any character. After reading fanfics about Jedi or Qui Gon pressuring/coercing her…she’s the one who asks them to take Anakin? For education she can’t give him? Okay, fair. And I’m 100% onboard with Shmi as Force Sensitive and/or taught Jedi beliefs cause her lines are peak Jedi. Anakin not only betrayed Jedi teachings but ALSO HIS MOM’S when he went Darth Vader. Congrats, you become not only Galaxy’s Worst Father but also Galaxy’s Worst Son.
Shmi is also clearly enslaved by the plot. Not even Anakin selling the winning pod racer was enough money to free her…but somehow Cleigg Lars has the cash? Is he supposed to be running a plantation here?
Jar Jar was annoying but given how low my expectations of him were set? Eh, the worst thing about him was the blatant racist portrayal (and he’s not alone) in a film whose MAIN THEME is equality. Bad enough to have a bigoted cliche show up but George Lucas are you deliberately shooting your movie’s message in the foot?
This is especially bad when another blatant racist portrayal is Watto and the Jedi are Space Jewish Buddhists! Enough idiots buy the Sith propaganda that Jedi steal children or whatever that attitude does NOT NEED REINFORCEMENT!
Especially not IRL.
Qui Gon harping on Anakin needing to be trained but NOT being the one to train Anakin was also a bit unexpected, given his fanon portrayals. I mean on the one hand I’m glad you’re not screwing your Padawan over completely but on the other hand you found and freed Anakin and now you want to pawn him off? Which he did, in the end.
Poor Obi Wan though, like I get this isn’t an easy solution and Qui Gon is backed in a corner but man you'd think a diplomat would be a little better! But kudos for Kenobi he looked past his hurt and rallied to support his Master for a nine year old’s sake.
Tales of the Jedi seems to imply the Council sent Qui Gon to Darth Maul like a lamb to the slaughter but that was not what I got. No one, not even Qui Gon or Obi Wan, seemed to think they couldn’t handle him. Not entirely certain they didn’t write off his appearance as a 100 on the random encounters table but anyway…
I’ve seen the clip of Anakin standing before the Council and unlike a lot of scenes it feels more open to interpretation – is Anakin cold cause of the Dark Side growing from his fear or cause he’s used to Tattooine? Does he fear for his enslaved mom or for his own pain from losing her? Is Anakin behaving himself better because he’s intimidated or because he has his serious pants on like everyone else? Does he think the Jedi will kick him out on the street or does he know he’ll still be taken care of?
Also the movie ends with Mace and Yoda - The Two Top Ranking Jedi - discussing the Sith Master, so the Jedi are clearly jumping onto that investigation.
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