#she would have relooked her and he would not have stopped making her heart eyes
gloryride · 2 years
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The Doll & The Netrunner
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mavmax · 3 years
Just Keep Breathing | Maverick & Sooyun
When: March 1st, 2021 
Where: Soo’s Apartment
Warnings: Depression, Mention of parental illness
Featuring: @sooyunjeong
With March Madness, his mom’s surgery being pushed to during the event, and all of the emotion he’d be holding back, Maverick was getting ready to crack. Each day was a new irritability, each night he’d break down and he was exhausted. So he thought maybe, just maybe, he could escape to Sooyun’s to drown out the weight of the world. Even if they didn’t do anything physical, he just needed someone who could listen without too much scrutiny. So he knocked on her door. His eyes were apparent that he had a breakdown on the way but he would play it off as exhaustion. “Hey um...are you busy?”
Sooyun slipped on a pair of shorts and a baggy hoodie that Maverick got for her, she didn’t want to admit anything such as her feelings slowly growing more for the male. She would distract herself from thinking or dwelling over it. But when she noticed his eyes, Sooyun shakes her head as she took a step back to let him inside her apartment.
It was complicated for him between the fact he clearly had feelings for Sooyun, but was also in such a bad mental state. The last thing he wanted to do was say the wrong thing and make her run, but he also had nowhere to go. He nodded quietly and kicked off his shoes and removed his mask that kept his identity concealed and all he could do was look at her and carefully went to wrap his arms around her.
Sooyun automatically wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him in for a tight squeeze. Although she wasn’t very open about her own feelings, she couldn’t be mean to those who showed feelings. “C‘mon...I made some chicken Alfredo if you want some.”
Just feeling Sooyun's hug made it feel a lot more reassuring. Although it'd probably be weird just venting out of nowhere, the hug was what he needed in that moment. Maverick lifted his head and nodded, "Yeah, that'd be cool," He responded, his voice still slightly raspy. "Thanks, by the way."
Sooyun nodded her head, offering him a small smile, “you good?” Her hand reaching up to lightly caress his cheek, realizing what she was doing and dropped her hand from his face. “Go ahead and sit down, I’ll bring a plate for you.”
Maverick shook his head at Sooyun’s question and before he could even try to ease himself into what could’ve been a soft touch he cleared his throat and then nodded again with a smile. “I could get us drinks if you want? That way you’re not doing all the work?” He offered almost quietly.
Sooyun realized that they would be crossing something and the look and tone of his voice, made her heart hurt. “Sure, I would like a soda in the fridge and you can choose whatever choice for yourself.” Giving him a smile and walked backwards before turning towards the kitchen and continued walking to turn the stove fully off, grabbing two plates from the cupboards.
Mav didn’t want his emotions to muddy the waters between the two of them, but for the time being, it was hard for him to muster up and pretend that nothing bothered him, but he tried anyways. “Aye yi, captain,” He saluted her, giving her the best silly smile he tried to give, even if it wavered slightly. “I’ll grab a soda too, cause why not, right?” He said while reaching into the fridge for the two soda cans.
Sooyun couldn’t stop the nagging voice of concern in her head, no matter how she tried to keep it hush, the way he wasn’t the typical self he usually keeps a show on, it bothered her that she couldn’t stop herself from sighing. “Okay Mav, follow me.” She grabbed his hand and lead them to her couch, taking a seat and pat the spot next to her. “What’s the matter.”
He knew Sooyun could see right through him. He knew she could see the sadness crack through the charming smile, through the light chuckle. He knew that she knew. So he wasn’t surprised when she took his hand and he sat next to her. At her question, he looked up at her then back at his hands and took a breath, “A lot,” he chuckled, bitterly. “Figured I’d come here to escape the noise, not be judged for once.”
“Well...good thing you came here, I won’t judge you...I’ll give you a freebie,” she laughed lightly, “my mom always said never to eat when you’re upset, that’s how you get indigestion, so if you need a listening ear or just something to get your mind off of things then here I am. I know...shocking but seeing you like this...it’s not the Maverick I am used to seeing.”
“I figured I’d get a pass someday,” Mav teased lightly with a chuckle. “Your mom is a wise woman,” He began and nodded at Sooyun’s comment. “Yeah um...it’s been a rough go. My mom, she’s a stress eater,” He began with a small smile. “Except, she’s been sick for a while and her surgery’s during March madness. So, between that, the game, school—it’s been hard to breathe. Everyone just expects me to be, crazy Mav running around and causing shit but I don’t have the energy to hear the roasts and shit,” he sighed to keep his breathing steady. “My mom, she’s everything and I don’t know what I’d do without her. She chose my American name to save me from being tracked—cause my birth parents were murdered. Like sure, I love my dad just as much, too, it’s—it’s hard. I don’t know what I’d do without her warm hugs, or hearing her laughter down the hall. I just want her to be okay.”
As he talked about his situation, Sooyun stayed silent and listened, nodding her head every now and then, reaching out to place her hand on top of his, gently squeezing. “I know you probably hear the whole she’s going to be okay thing, but, I’m certain she wouldn’t want you to be bottling all this up. Maybe spend a day with her, bring over home cooked meals and talk to her about life. Hell even cuddle her if you can, your mom loves you and I’m sure she’s just as scared as you and the rest of the family.” Sooyun squeezed his hand and pulled it back onto her lap. Although she experience death from someone she loved deeply, it made her cold and closed off. Not wanting to talk with anyone for a year, but after that year, she finally turned to music and now she was able to at least work on herself.
Maverick could feel the lump in his throat as he explained to Sooyun about the situation, but he was grateful for her to hold his hand because the feeling continued to eat at him. "Yeah, um...it's just one of those things that's hard you know? I go with her to every appointment, she even got into eating edibles so she can eat again," He chuckled lightly as he felt a tear fall down his face and he quickly wiped it away. "It's my last semester too, so when I'm not out doing...typical me shit, I'm with her and sometimes I get angry cause there's just not enough fucking hours in a day to just hang out with her," His voice began to crack and he shook his head. "But I know I have to stop pretending to be okay but, Lexa and Izzy are stressed enough. Same with my dad. You're the only one who was willing to listen."
“I’m sorry,” Sooyun said softly, she could tell that he felt as if the world was on his shoulders, which in a way did seem like it. She couldn’t say things would get better because life didn’t work out like that, the fact he found silence with her, made her heart swell at that. “I’m sure as you stated everyone is stressed but as a family, you guys should be leaning on one another. Perhaps group therapy or plan a day with just all of you, do something that would make your mom happy. I mean as you can see I’m totally popular with having something to do, but there’s only so much I can offer.”
"It is what it is," Maverick shrugged a little. Soo's words didn't go unheard however as he nodded. "That's the thing about us Maxwells...we're stubborn. We don't like showing off whether we're troubled or upset you know, but I think...I think it'd be good to show that. Maybe not in group therapy. Last time we tried that, Lexa chased me out," He laughed at the memory and sighed. "But I think, maybe we should relook schedules and shit and instead of just settling for Sunday brunch, we could just...be together like on weeknights, y'know?" He mulled over out loud. "Hey, I appreciate what you've offered. Your advice didn't go on deaf ears," He said as he lightly squeezed her hand.
Sooyun smiled and nodded her head in agreement, “well I’m glad to be there. Sometimes it can be hard to keep that facade up of you pretending everything is fine.” She knew that well enough that it could get exhausting to stand that same old mask, she was starting to realize she was allowing maverick more into her life other than being inside her and he was bubbling up these emotions she wasn’t used to feeling in awhile. Sooyun slipped her hand away and reached out for her drink, sipping slowly.
“Tell me about it...it’s miserable. But, it’s worth trying you know? Just to keep all the shit away it’s better to just have that shield up,” He admitted to Soo with a sigh. It was exhausting to pretend everything was okay and now more than ever he was beginning to get burnt out. He knew Soo was beginning to share even her own personal things with him and he made a note to keep it safe with him. He let go of her hand and placed it back on his lap and looked over at her and smiled a little.
Sooyun needed to learn to trust maverick a little more, she realized this but part of her was still frightened to let him fully in, that one day something will happen she would end up hurting. “You can stay the night too if you want, just a little silence from the world and worry about it tomorrow.” She offered him, if it gave him the peace he needed, she’d offer it as many times as needed.
Maverick knew it'd take time for Sooyun to be completely open with him, but the fact she was willing to understand and see him, for him, knew that she was worth trusting. At her offer, Mav looked up at her for a moment and he nodded slowly. "Thanks, Soo. Don't worry, I'll wash the dishes and stuff as a thank you," He smiled a little but it faltered as he felt the tears begin to well up in his eyes again.
Sooyun alarmed by the way his eyes started to tear up, she set her drink down and reached out to caress his cheek, pulling him towards her by his neck and wrapped her arms around him, laying backwards against the couch so he was on top of her and rubbed his back. Staying silent to let him cry, knowing if she said something he might try to down play everything. It was a vulnerable moment that she would give him to let his emotions show.
Maverick leaned into Sooyun's touch for a moment until she pulled him more into her and all he could do was wrap his arms around her small frame. As much as he tried to battle the tears that were falling from his eyes, he couldn't help it because it all just came out. He was officially vulnerable, he had cracked first and sure, he'd kick himself later for it, but he needed someone to care, someone to hold him just in that moment before he completely fell apart. So he cried, very softly.
Sooyun rubbed his back up and down as she started to hum softly under her breath to a song she usually found herself singing when she was doing something, she wasn't exactly good with words but singing was her always go to when it came to having to handle a situation like this. Her memories flooded to when she finally cracked and crying, at that time she wished she had someone to comfort her which was why she was here, comforting Maverick, not saying anything besides humming a melody softly.
Hearing Sooyun's humming made Maverick feel this type of warmth, a safety that he only truly ever felt at home. He could feel himself easing up, his body was beginning to relax, but he still held her. In a way, it was his way of saying thank you for comforting him when he felt like he had nowhere else to go and he hoped one day, he would be able to hold her just the same if she ever felt like the world was on her shoulders. Taking a breath he slowly pulled back, wiping his eyes with his own sleeve and cupped her cheek softly. "Thank you," He whispered out softly.
Sooyun flashed a small smile and nodded her head, leaning forward to peck his lips softly, "Of course...just take it easy, don't try and bottle everything up, I'm sure your mom wouldn't want that to happen, and don't do anything reckless. Because if you haven't noticed...people have eyes and ears everywhere." her eyes looking over his features and brushing back his hair.
Mav smiled a little at the peck, and nodded at Soo's words of wisdom. He needed to take it easier on himself for once and not feel the need to self-destruct. As for the reckless part, he smirked and then said, "Well, I can't promise that, but...I'll do my best to at least not destroy the whole city." He smiled at the way Soo's hand felt in his hair, to which he took her hand and put it on his head again.
"Now that sounds promising," she rolled her eyes and continued to caress his hair, giggling softly at the face he was like a cat, wanting the attention from her. Sooyun lightly pinched his nose and dropped her hand, "Are you staying the night?"
"I know right?" He lightly teased with a raspy chuckle. Though, he was very, very happy that Soo was messing with his hair now. Her hands had a very soothing effect, he noticed. Until she pinched his nose, causing him to scrunch it up. "I can if you want me to? I don't mind as long as I'm not imposing on anything?"
"Are you kidding me? Do I look like I have anything else to do besides trying to write new music or binge watching some horror movies," sooyun shot him a raised eyebrows, "I mean...I will be using you as a body pillow so...you can run now or be stuck here with cold food now and I am about to make some tea."
Mav chuckled and shook his head, "I mean, no, but hey you never know, right? Sometimes musicians like to work in silence and shit. Although, you had me at horror movies." Finally, things were slowly returning to normal. "Hmmm..." He thought about it for a moment as he pulled Soo on his lap. "I think this'll suffice."
Sooyun let out a small squeal and realized she was now in his lap, turning her head to look at him with raised eyebrows, “oh...so you’re just going to man handle me like that? Damn.” She grumbled but didn’t bother moving as she turned the tv on and scrolled through the movies.
If there was one thing that made Maverick's usual smile return, it was hearing Soo's little squeal when he pulled her onto her lap. "I mean, I figured I'd do you a favor for once," He teased. He let his chin lightly rest on her shoulder for a bit, but then decided to lay back into a more comfortable position and pulled Soo closer to him. This, was comfort.
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coza-main · 4 years
Hello yes hi-
I want a one-shot! Pretty pretty please?????
❤️🙂 Don't care about which pairing (though one from Naruto is preferred) but I'd love to read a big kiss as the finale!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺
A/N: I guess I should preface this by saying you do not get what you want at the end, I’m afraid. I hope you are still satisfied nonetheless. It’s been a while since I’ve written and even longer since I’ve published something so hopefully it isn’t too cringy! But I had a lot of fun with it, and I hope you enjoy it on some level.
Also if anyone wants to send any requests, I’ll keep my inbox open. I guess that’s a way I can celebrate 100?
Sakura’s laugh was audible from the other side of the door as she fumbled with her keys. Light from the outside world flooded the room as Sakura’s voice became audible. “-well, Ino-pig. I honestly don’t know what you were-”.
Whatever Sakura was going to say was instantly cutoff when she sensed another chakra nature inside her apartment. She quickly pulled the door closed again and turned back to her friend. “Ino! I completely forgot to get us drinks! Do you mind running to the store and grabbing some while I tidy up?”
Ino began to protest, but Sakura quickly shoved a healthy amount of cash into her hand and stepped inside. “Buy whatever you want Ino-pig! I’ll meet you back here in 30 minutes!” Without waiting for a response, Sakura shut the door firmly. She could hear Ino grumbling as she walked away, but that was the least of her concerns right now.
“What are you doing here?” She hissed sharply at the silhouette in the chair. “You need to leave right now. You weren’t supposed to be back for another week. If Ino had seen you-”.
“I’m sorry, Sakura,” he cut her off. “It was...quite urgent.” There was pain in his voice that brought Sakura immediate concern. His words were thick, as though he could pass out at any moment. Now that her senses were alert, she could smell the distinct scent of iron. She cursed herself for not noticing it sooner as she flicked on the light.
“Itachi,” she breathed out, fear shining in her eyes. “What did you do?”. The wound on his shoulder was so deep she could see the white of his collarbone shining through the mixture of wet and dried blood. She was kneeling at his side in an instant, a green glow enveloping her hands.
“Kisame found out.” He flinched as Sakura’s hands touched his skin, but offered no other explanation. Sakura simply nodded, not needing any clarification. If Kisame had discovered that Itachi was actually a traitor to the Akatsuki, there was no doubt that he would try to neutralize the threat. Itachi was lucky that he got away from the swordsman with just this wound.  
Sakura’s mind was full of questions, but chose to stick to the professional ones for the time being. “When did this happen? Were you followed? How much blood have you lost?”
Itachi only grunted in response, and Sakura’s eyes flicked up to meet his only to find that his head had begun to lull backwards. “Itachi,” she snapped loudly, waking him back up again. When his eyes finally met hers, she returned her focus to healing and repeated her questions again.
“He caught me right at the border.” Itachi was always short whenever he first arrived at her apartment. He only answered the questions asked, never offering anything more. If Kisame had caught Itachi at the border, he would have been close behind him as Itachi fled to her. And with a nose created to sniff out blood…
“He’s dead.” Itachi’s voice sounded pained, which brought Sakura back from her thoughts. Her brow furrowed as she checked to see what injury she must’ve missed before she realized that a jutsu would not help this kind of pain.
“You did what you had to do. If you didn’t, you would be…” She could bring herself to say dead. Her heart nearly broke at the thought of it. Itachi merely nodded in response, his eyes staring into the distance at nothing in particular. She wanted to help him, but the necessary words seemed locked away, inaccessible to her.
She looked at Itachi’s wound, which was no longer life-threatening, and stood up. She decided to leave the wound tender as an alibi. He would need injuries since Kisame was dead. “Can you move? This’ll be easier to clean up in the bathroom.”
Itachi looked around as if he had just realized the mess he had created. “Ah, yes. I’m so sorry about all of...this.” He started to stand, but staggered backwards. Sakura quickly looped herself under his arm to help him gain his footing as if it were second nature to her.
“Take it easy. You’ve lost a lot of blood. I’ve got you.” Itachi simply smiled softly at her and nodded.
Once they were in the bathroom, Sakura sat Itachi on the ground and wet a rag to begin cleaning off the blood. He still had that sad, distant look in his eyes. And she still had no comforting words to offer him. Medical training had taught Sakura that when you can’t comfort someone, it’s best to distract them. So that’s what she did. She sat down next to him and began dabbing off the blood from his skin.
“Tsunade-sama has me working just about every waking hour in the hospital. It’s hard, but very rewarding.” She wiped away at the blood as she thought back on notable events. “I actually reattached a limb earlier this week! The guy came in so mangled, Itachi! It wasn’t even a shinobi. Just a construction worker in a freak accident.”
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a faint smile dance across Itachi’s face as he watched her. A sign to keep going. “By the time I finished up with him, he could move his toes. He has a long road ahead of him but he should make a full recovery! Oh, and on our training day last week, I even started talking to Tsunade-sama about Sasuke, which led to us talking about the massacre. I think I may be able to get her to relook-”
“Sakura,” he cut her off, all hints of joy gone from his face as quickly as it had appeared. “I’ve already told you that you are risking your life by doing that. As long as Danzo is in Konoha nothing will come to fruition. I will still be a traitor to the village. There is no reason for you to risk your safety here for something that will only result in your death.”
“Stop being a child.” His voice was so unexpectedly forceful that Sakura flinched involuntarily. Quickly realizing his error, Itachi sighed. “I just can’t lose you too, Sakura.”
Sakura stared at him as she tried to comprehend his quick switch in nature. Confusion and hurt danced in her eyes, but Itachi had to remain adamant as he maintained eye contact. “Promise me you’ll drop it.”
Sakura scowled at him and chose to focus on cleaning his wound, rather than answering him. She couldn’t promise that, not when there was a chance that Itachi could return home. But Itachi knew her too well, and clasped his hands around her own. “Sakura. Promise me right now.”
Why was he so unwilling to be happy? Sakura was certain that if Tsunade knew what had occurred with the Uchiha, Itachi would no longer be considered a criminal. He could come back to Konoha, get real treatments for his illness, live the life he deserved to. She wouldn’t have to hide him away. He wouldn’t have to sneak in and out of the village, risking his life in both Konoha and the Akastuki.
“Sakura.” He gave her hand a firm squeeze, bringing her back to the present. It was clear he wouldn’t let this go until she gave her word.
“I promise,” she said bitterly. He seemed content and pulled his hands away from hers. She continued to clean away at the blood in silence, painfully aware that his eyes were always on her now. Once she was content with her work, she looked him in the eyes. “Let me grab you some supplies. Be right back.”
She rummaged quickly through her kitchen drawers to find a makeshift first-aid kit and packed it with antibiotics, pain medication, bandages, and other minor things he may need. Itachi was stable, but she wanted to make sure he stayed that way. He was quick to forget about his own needs and Sakura did not need to see the wound infected the next time he visited her. With the bag packed, she finally spared a quick glance around her apartment.
It had smears of blood throughout it that would take a full day of cleaning to remove. It would probably be easier to get new furniture, but that amount of blood would raise questions to anyone who saw her throwing it away. She would just have to avoid having company over until she could figure that out. Not that she invited many people to her apartment, there was really just Team 7 and Ino.
She cursed at her forgetfulness. Ino was probably on her way back from the store at this point. She quickly grabbed a pencil and paper and scrawled down a lame hospital emergency excuse and apology and stuck the paper to the outside door of her apartment.
Hopefully Ino would accept her fake excuse and take the beer as her apology without looking into it further. She grabbed the small bag and flicked off the living room light as she receded back into the bathroom again.
“You should stay the night, so I can watch for infection.” She tried to hide her anticipation as she sat down across from him with the bag in front of her. Her eyes gleamed with the small hope that he would accept her offer.
Itachi smiled sadly and affectionally tapped her forehead. “I need to get back. You know that it’s not safe for either of us if I stay here tonight”.
Sakura didn’t even try to hide her blatant disappointment. Or her fear.
“You could have died today, Itachi.”
“But you saved me. Like you always do.”
“I don’t always save you.” Sakura’s face flushed as she averted her eyes from his. She was once again at a loss for words. The Uchiha seemed to have that effect on her.
Itachi smirked and lifted Sakura’s chin up with his index finger to have her eyes meet his. “Your face is as pink as your hair, little bird,” he teased, making her cheeks burn brighter. This was the Itachi she remembered. He had finally returned to her, which only meant that he was about to leave again.
“I wish you could stay,” she whined half-heartedly. She knew it was hopeless. Once Itachi’s mind was made up, there was no changing it. But it was still worth a shot.
“As do I, Sakura. But it’s not safe-”
“For either of us.” she finished his sentence with an eye roll. “I know.”
He tenderly pushed back her hair from her face and caressed her cheek. “Hey,” he said gently, his voice just at a whisper. “It won’t always be like this, okay? I’ll find a way to make this place my home again.”
Sakura felt herself involuntarily leaning into Itachi’s touch and closed her eyes to savor the moment. She found herself wondering what he defined home as: was it in Konoha or with her? She deeply hoped that he meant the latter.
“You promise?” she questioned, unwilling to open her eyes to see his facial reactions. She didn’t want to know if it was a lie or not.
“I promise.” His voice was barely a whisper, much closer than when Sakura had closed her eyes. She felt his lips press against the center of her forehead and her eyes popped open in surprise. But only black feathers danced around her, Itachi was gone again. She grabbed a feather and clutched it to her chest, trying to ignore the ache that was already forming in her chest.
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rosieclark · 5 years
51 and 66 with Plance 😏
So sorry its so late! hope you enjoy your angst! 
Accidentally married/its not you its my enemies 
“Remember you mission Lance.” Lotor was examining his fingernails. “That girl, Katie, is nothing but a pesky side effect. Do you even remember your objective?” 
Lance nodded numbly. “Infiltrate the Holt residence and destroy all potential evidence of one Matt and Sam, while deterring anyone interested from investigating their case.” 
“Correct. Now explain to me how you somehow managed to get married to the Holt girl in the process?” 
“Its--” Lance signed. “It’s a long story.” 
“I see,” Lotor mused. “Well it has come to my attention that your little wife has organized a hearing with the Supreme Princess Allura today to have the tragic accidents of her family relooked at. Is this true?” 
Lance nodded again, his throat dry. What could he say?
“Interesting. You know Lance, the Agency doesn’t take kindly to mistakes. Surely you’ve heard the story of Agent Shirogane?” 
Of course he had. What first year recruit hadn’t heard the story? Shiro had gone rogue, defying the Agency and breaking protocol. The next thing anyone knew, he was back, missing one arm, and assigned to trash missions. Lotor must have noticed a change in his face because he smiled. 
“Good. I’ll tell you what Lance. We’ll give you a second chance, a do over if you will. All we ask in return is in court, you testify against your wife, and then later dissuade her from ever investigating her family again. Make sure she never wants to see you ever again.” 
Lance felt like a hand was crushing his heart. Sure, at first Katie had just been a mission, but now she was so much more. She was smart, and passionate, and kind and funny and witty, and… well, the list could go on and on. And on top of all that, Lance was pretty sure her theories about the Agency were correct; that they were kidnapping and using their top agents for ulterior motives, motives the New Altea Regency had no idea about. 
He had to say something, but what? Lance cleared his throat. “You know, maybe I’ll just retire. Married life isn’t so bad after all and--”
He was interrupted by Lotor tsking him. “We were afraid you might say something like that. So Lance, I’ll offer you another deal. Do what we ask, or we take out our frustration on Katie.” 
Lance stilled, his blood running cold. They wouldn’t. 
“She’s quite adorable isn’t she? I can see how you’re so enamored by her, with those big eyes and how she sometimes whispers in her sleep, it's quite endearing.” 
That quizancking son of a bitch. He had Lance exactly where he wanted, and knew it. Lance couldn’t allow anything to happen to Katie, not to the woman he loved. 
“Okay,” he whispered. “I’ll do it.” 
Lotor smiled, a cruel, wicked thing. “I knew we would work something out eventually!” 
When he got home later that night, Katie was still up, wrapped in a blanket, staring at her laptop screen. She looked up when he entered, her face lighting up. 
“How was the meeting?”
“Same old, same old.” He shrugged off his jacket and kicked his shoes to the corner before joining her in their bed. “What are you up to?” 
“Just reviewing notes for the case.” She adjusted her glasses. “I guess I’m just scared I’m not going to be good enough.” 
“Oh Katie,” he pulled her to him, savouring her warmth. “You will always be good enough for me, and you’re 100% going to kick ass at court. I promise.” It’s me who’s going to screw it up for you.
Her arms wrapped around his torso, and before he knew it, they were snuggling under the covers, sleep edging on his mind. “Thank you Lance.” Her voice was muffled by his chest. “I love you.” 
It was barely a whisper, and he wasn’t sure he heard right, but his heart soared anyways. She loved him, and he loved her. And for that night, Lance held his wife, and pretended everything was going to be alright. 
The trial seemed to drag on forever. Allura asked question after question, and Katie had all the answered. Lance’s heart swelled with pride as she pulled diagrams and reports as evidence. His eyes caught Lotors and suddenly that pride turned into dread. 
Finally, Allura thanked Katie, and looked at all her notes. “I would like to call Lance Mcclain to the stand.” 
He ignored Katies look of shock as he made his way to the stool in the middle of the room. He forced himself to look straight ahead, at the princess, instead of at all the other people in the room, people he knew he was about to disappoint.  
“Lance Mcclain, do you have a relationship with Katie Holt?” 
He took a deep breath. “I do not.” 
He heard Katie let out a small gasp. The fist on his heart squeezed tighter. 
Allura looked surprised. “You two are married, are you not?” 
“It was more a marriage of convenience.” He sounded nonchalant. “Honestly Princess, can you picture a girl like her with a guy like me? I’d much rather be with someone as stunning as you.” He winked. Allura looked away in disgust. I don’t blame you, I’d be disgusted with myself too. 
“And what do you have to say about case 2840, regarding the deaths of Matthew and Samuel Holt?”
Lance shrugged. “Only that their really dead. I saw the file report myself.” 
Murmurs and disbelief made their way through the crowd. 
Allura raised a brow. “And can you prove this?” 
“No, but I can tell you this,” He pointed at Katie, her eyes ablaze with hurt, fury, sadness. “The time I’ve spent living with her has proved nothing except she is mentaly delusional. Her head is filled with crack theories that she uses to cope with the very real fact that her family is dead.” Lance sat back down, breathing heavily. “That is all Princess.” 
Allura pursed her lips, releasing a sigh that betrayed the weight of her job. “Very well. In light of a new testimony, I regret to inform you that your families case must remain closed. Court dismissed.” 
 Lance stood and walked as fast as he could. He needed to get away before he had to face Katie. He couldn’t bear to think of what he’d just done, and if she followed him, it would only make things worse. 
“Lance!” She was getting louder. He walked faster. Suddenly, she was right behind him. 
“I trusted you,” she cried, grabbing his jacket sleeve, forcing him to turn and face her. 
His eyes were cold and heartless, so unlike the joyful, giddy Lance she had gotten to know. “You’re mistake.” 
“Did you really think I actually cared about you?” Lance sneered, spitting his words in her face. For once he thanked Alfor that he was a natural actor. “Pathetic.” 
He could see her fighting her reactions, trying to show him that he wasn’t getting to her. 
“We’re supposed to me married Lance!” She shook her left hand at him, the ring catching the light and glinting in the sun. “Married people love and support one another!” 
“It was all fake! God, how pitiful are you to think we were actually real? Well news flash Katie, none of it was real!” 
“I think you really want to help me, that you--”
“Do you know what I think Katie?” He crossed his arms over his chest, looking her directly in the eye. In his peripheral vision he caught sight of Lotor watching them. Lance needed to make sure she never wanted to talk to him again, no matter how much it hurt him, her getting hurt because of him would a thousand times more. “I think you’re a scared little girl who wants to find her family even though, guess what? Their probably dead by now. Actually, their 100% dead, I saw the report myself. I think you just want to live up to their legacy, but that's never going to happen because you’re not good enough. You hear me Katie? You’re not good enough. You’ve never been good enough and the fact that you thought a guy like me could ever like, let alone love, a girl like you makes me sick.”
This time she couldn’t stop from flinching back as he used her own words against her, slapping her in the face with them. But he wasn’t done. His heart ached, but he knew she would just come back to him again and again unless he broke her heart. Lance took a deep breath, steadying himself for what he was about to say. 
“I would never give you a second glance, but I had to. I had to swallow the urge to vomit every time I looked at you because you were my mission. You were nothing more to me than another name on a file with--”
“Stop it!” Katie raised her hands in surrender, tears flowing freely down her cheeks. “Stop it. You made your point.” She turned away, walking a few steps before turning back. “And Lance? If I ever see you again, I will not hesitate to send Keith and Shiro after you.” Then she took off her wedding ring, the ring that had meant nothing, and yet everything to him at the same time, and threw it at his feet. It clattered harmlessly to the ground, rolling until it hit the toe of his boot. 
Lance bent to pick it up, but she didn’t wait to see what he did with it. By the time he looked up, she was already gone, and the weight in his chest was replaced by an overwhelming sense of loss. 
At least she was safe. That was all that matters. 
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multiphandomunnies · 5 years
kill this love | introduction
genre: angst authors note: welcome to my intro for my new series! in this part you're just supposed to meet the characters. if this gets good feedback ill work on the first proper part. twice haunted house au is almost ready to post,,im just scared to disappoint yall with how anti-climatic it is. i feel like yall really like the twice series but im not doing it justice  trigger warning: mentions of abuse and details of death admin: mirae
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“My distant grandfather was once a famous and skillful detective,” Donghyun said while placing the old and dusty box of files on your clean desk. You blinked at the sight of thousands of dust particles falling onto your desk and photos. “Jo Donghyuk was his name, he was involved with the supposed murderers of 7 girls” he added proudly. 
“Oh really? I'm the first detective in my family,” you replied while casting a quick glance at him. Donghyun could talk for hours if you had said the wrong thing, it took you a while to learn how to make him stop but after months of working with him, you knew the secret. 
He rolled his eyes at your statement “Good for you, kid. Just do me a favor and go through these files and find something to do,” he said, grabbing a stack of files from the box and slapping them on your desk. You stared at them in awe, body filling with curiosity.
 The station you worked at was extremely dead and barely any crime happened in your small town. As a result, your boss decided to make you look through some relatively recent cold cases. The first file you opened was only 10 years old. 
“Kim Jisoo, Age 28,” you read as you stared at the first page. Looking at her ID photo you were amazing with how stunning she looked. Her looks were so youthful and ethereal. It was like she was a goddess and if you were to see her on the streets you would have been certain that she was a model. Jisoo was found dead in a lake with her shirt off. 
At first glance, it would have seemed that it was an accidental drawing. The scene was littered with empty beer cans and various alcohol bottles and her blood alcohol content was extremely high. The officers working the case came to the conclusion that she had too much to drink and tried to go swimming, somehow hitting her head in the process and knocking out in the water, causing her to drown. 
However, that didn't explain the bruises on her wrists and previous extreme trauma on her elbow. You felt sick while reading the file, the police didn't even try to solve her murder. They rarely brought any suspects in for questioning, the only person they brought in was her boyfriend who was out of the country at the time. Not once did they listen to the families pleas to relook into her death. 
“Another case where the justice system failed them,” you sadly sighed while turning the page of her file. “Jisoo had so much going for her, she had just begun an internship at a graphic design company that she had been wanting to get into for years. She was a hard worker and she never once drank that much, she had a goal in mind and wouldn't let anything get in her way,” her close friend testified to the police station. “It's like they didn't even try or care enough when this poor girl was clearly murdered,” you thought to yourself, eyes darting around the small station almost warily as you took in everything. 
It was only 10 years ago that she was killed, the station had barely changed in that time as Donghyun always told you “The only thing different about this station from 20 years ago is that you're here,” you recalled the time at lunch that he spent the whole time talking about the worn out building rather than eating the dinner his lovely wife made for you both. You peered around the corner of the building to catch a glance of the older man cheering quietly as he watched a soccer game on his computer. 
Hands reaching out you closed her file and decide to open the next one, Jennie Kim. “Jennie Kim, age 30, a South Korean native who was raised in New Zealand,” just like Jisoo, Jennie was stunningly gorgeous. Her cat-like eyes pulled you in a trance, it was like you could feel her near you like she was encouraging you to go on. You felt yourself be pulled in as you opened her file and read through it. A CEO of a new fashion company, Jennie worked hard for her career. Jennie was another girl who was betrayed by the justice system. She was found at the bottom of her apartments stairwell, neck broken and body resting in a pool of blood. Judging by her high heels and the empty alcohol bottles police just assumed she fell down the stairs.
 It was tragic, really, but there wasn't anything they could really do about it. For Jennie, they didn't even bother to investigate it as a murder. Tears welled up in your eyes, your chest felt like someone was pushing on it heavily. Hurriedly you closed the file and open up the next one, hoping to be able to calm down some more. 
“Rose Park, 32, Australian beauty,” you read, heart feeling even heavier. Rose was fresh out of a toxic relationship, rumors had it that her boyfriend could be abusive but they were never proven true. She died in a car accident one stormy night after a bad night with her boyfriend. A hit and run that left her body rot in the mud, bugs crawling all over her making it hard for police to pull basic DNA testing. Obviously, the police looked into her boyfriend but there was nothing against him, he complied with everything they said and even offered to do a lie detector test. His alibi was proven true as his friend admitted that he came over to his place after the fight and they went for a couple of drinks. The police were still technically looking into the case but they hadn't found anything yet and just like the other 2, they had given up.
Out of the corner of your eye, you could've sworn you saw a girl wave at you. Whipping your head in the direction you began to blink rapidly and rub at your eyes, trying to figure out why your mind was playing such a cruel trick on you. There was definitely a girl next to you, as you remembered what you had just seen a chill ran down your spine. It was getting late, the sudden desire to go home filled every ounce of your body. Looking back at the file of the poor girl you wiped a tear and hurriedly closed it to grab the last file. Opening it you were filled with dread once more. 
“Lalisa Manoban, 34, Thailand native.” Lisa was a dance instructor for one of the biggest dance studios in town, her life was finally going the way she wanted as she was newly engaged to her boyfriend of 2 years. Her murder investigation was still going on. She was found dead in her apartment, the door kicked down and the rooms trashed. At first glance, it looked like a robbery gone wrong as her engagement ring and all the jewelry that she owned where not to be found. Her fiance was investigated at first but he was at work at the time of her murder so they had no choice but to let him go. As you stared at her file, hatred for the corrupt system growing, you couldn't help but notice one thing.
 The 4 girls were killed exactly 2 years apart, if there really was a serial killer on the loose then the pattern shows that they would strike again this year. You closed all the files with a heavy weight on your shoulders, in that moment you decide you wanted to help their families. 
“Donghyun! I'd like to investigate these cases, please,” you said while rushing to him and placing the files on his desk. He jumped at the sudden action, spilling her ramen on his chest. “Huh,, yeah sure go ahead,” he barely pared you a glance as he cleaned his shirt. For once you were happy with the lack of order in the station, most places wouldn't have let you touch the files but Donghyun just didn't care. “Hey kid, let's call it a day, yeah?” he asked, finally giving you a glance. 
You nodded your head and clutched the files tighter. You would go to bed tonight and started on the investigation into their murder tomorrow, a fresh day. Grabbing your phone you sent a quick text to your boyfriend “Hey babe,,Im getting off work now and Ill be home soon!” 
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ehyeh-joshua · 5 years
The role of the husband. Part 1; Genesis, at creation.
In this era, one of satan’s ways of attacking society is to attack the husband. By rendering the husband inept, society has been struck deeply, and it is in chaos for lack of godly men, and godly husbands in particular, as examples.
I am a man who aspires to the role. What I lack is, well, a wife...
And as part of what has been a lifelong desire for me I have studied it.
There is no Book in the Bible that does not have lessons for the prospective husband. He can begin learning what is required of him as soon as Genesis. The first chapter of Genesis is God creating a world for us to inhabit. This is our first inkling of one of the most important roles - provider to his wife.
As Isaiah put it, “For your husband is your maker, The LORD of Hosts is His Name; the Holy One of Israel is your redeemer, He will be called God of all the earth.”
God took six periods of daylight to create the world, (not 24 hour days; just periods of light, His own light being cast on the spinning earth before the creation of the sun)  and rested on the seventh day as a pattern for man.
In the same way, of showing a pattern that man was to observe, in providing the earth for us to dwell upon, God showed the man that the husband’s duty and privilege to create a place for his wife to live in, out of the provision God gave him.
In Genesis 2, we see the creation of the first husband. He is manufactured; the Hebrew word used to describe Adam’s construction is he is moulded together; a cast mould, the filling composed from soil subject to extremely careful rearranging, that has the spirit breathed into him, and then he is placed into where he is to build a place for his wife to dwell, when he meets her.
And God brings him most of the animals and most of the flying creatures, and gets him to name them. Why? To create the longing for her, fundamentally. (and the practical value of recognising what these animals could do, hence the singling out of the livestock animals)
And the man doesn’t find her. He sees all these creatures, each one with it’s mate, and he looks to his side, and he is missing someone.
And God puts him under anesthetic, and surgically removes one of the man’s ribs. Next to his heart to be loved by him, and under his arm to be embraced by him, and from his side to be equal to him, and from a self-sacrificial defensive structure in the body to be protected by him. (that, and ribs regrow; marriage is one, multiplied by one, equals one, and it is not a half plus a half)
And from the rib, God builds up - note the difference this time, this time woman is build up by cellular replication, not casting a mould - woman. And man awakes, and sees woman.
And the third lesson for the would-be husband; falls head over heels in love, recognising how special she is.
The chapter closes with one of the most important summaries of marriage in the Scriptures; “This is why a man leaves his father and his mother and clings to his wife; and they become one flesh.”
The problem with dating is the mechanic is entirely flawed - what we are supposed to do is grow in our singleness, and in God’s timing, we are introduced to our other. Yes, it is difficult. But a God-created couple is worth it.
Dating by contrast, is fundamentally an act of distrust; it necessarily implies that you don’t trust God in His timing, and most of all, relies on the assumption that you know what is best. One of the most condemned attitudes the Scriptures speak on is “everyone did what seemed right in his own eyes.”.
And then we get to Genesis three, where the man makes six mistakes that sadly husbands are still making today.
1st mistake; letting the serpent/”serpent” speak to Eve. Why was this so bad? The man already knew what the serpent was like; he identifies it in the previous chapter, given snakes are field-animals. And he fails to protect her. We don’t know why, but whatever it was, he failed to protect her.
2nd mistake; the man had failed to ensure the woman had the place for her to live; in the conditions of Eden, providing the place for her to live just meant ensure she understands what God’s instruction was. Compare what Eve restates in Genesis 3:2-3 to what Adam was told back in Genesis 2:17. He failed her in this.
3rd mistake; he fails to protect Eve from herself. Adam was told that he would most certainly die if the fruit was eaten. And he knew that; he taught it to Eve, relook at Genesis 3:3. He failed to stop her.
4th mistake; now, here Adam runs out of excuses. Perhaps he was away, and the serpent exploited the gap. Who knows. But now, Adam is with her, and Eve has taken the fruit.
Note, nothing has gone wrong at this point; sure, Adam has failed Eve, but he has the chance to do the right thing, to make it right, to take responsibility for his wife’s mistake and his failure to teach her properly.
And he fails miserably. She eats. Genuinely, for all he knew, she was about to kill herself. And he fails to protect her.
Then, the 5th mistake, and the second most serious one. Now, Eve has eaten. The world doesn’t break yet. Note that. Then, boom! Eve mistakenly gives Adam the fruit. What he should have done was stop her. At the minimum stop himself. But no, Adam eats, and suddenly creation is marred.
Having failed to protect Eve, Adam now fails to do the instruction he was given; he eats. And the moment he eats, everything goes wrong.
Then, the sixth mistake.
It was not all over yet; Adam still had the chance to go to God and say “Look, we messed up, we ate what we shouldn’t ate and I failed to stop it.”
But, he doesn’t. They try to cover up their guilt.
Then mistake 7.
God comes along to give them the second chance to come clean and be restored. Like any parent responding to their children doing something naughty, he lets them know He is around.
But, still Adam hides.
So God calls out. He has heard the children smash the vase, and now He gives Adam another chance to take responsibility for what he has failed to do. He calls out to him, and asks if they smashed the vase.
Now, the parent doesn’t really care about the vase; the first concern is did they hurt themselves on the smashed fragments, then figure out what to do with the vase later. Right now, it is the opportunity for the development of the child that is most important.
And then Adam semi-comes clean. He explains what they did.
And as he does so, mistake 8 - instead of taking responsibility, he blames Eve.
Eve accurately restates the facts; she was deceived, and she did eat. And she blames the serpent. So, she partly accepts responsibility.
The serpent of course, has no defence.
So, now, like any parent, God now has to discipline the children. It is the worst part about being a father, but if you say an action has a consequence, you have to be consistent, and you have to do what you said you would do. It gives the child stability as they grow by teaching them safe boundaries.
Eve is first, and partly she has a promise of good and the curse; as she listens to the curse on the serpent, she learns that her child would be the one to crush the serpent. We see that in the statement of faith in Genesis 4:1; she realises God has to take human form, and she says she possesses a man; GOD. Bible translators have the tendency to diminish her statement of faith and add “with the help of” in, but there is no justification for that in the Hebrew text; the Hebrew reads “I possess a man-” followed by the Divine Name. She understood the Messianic concepts in the curse on the serpent, she just wasn’t aware that it would be a much later descendant of hers.
Adam however, now has to work for his provision, and it is the fruit of his toil that he now must eat.
Then, God makes a sacrifice for them, and clothes them in the animal’s skin, before sending them out the garden. Now, they were always supposed to leave the garden in time - you cannot live in a cradle forever - but it wasn’t supposed to be like this. But actions have consequences.
And this leads to the first time Eve gets pregnant, likely with twins, as Adam and Eve discover what becoming one flesh with each other means. And then they discover what parenting is, which they would get a lot of practice at, with three named sons, at least two more additional sons, and at least two daughters. (see Genesis 5)
In this brief summary looking at the life of the first husband, we see the pattern forming; he is supposed to provide for his wife a place to live/nourishment, protect her, become one flesh with her, and lead her spiritually.
As one studies further, it does get more complex, but, this is the prototype - yes, they made mistakes. We are supposed to look at their example, see the mistakes, and correct it, and do better ourselves.
Next part, as I have to go to sleep, will be a brief look at the commandments Moses taught concerning marriage, as those four principles get extended to cover a much wider set of scenarios with higher standards. I plan to type that over tomorrow and Saturday, as the material I have to cover goes from 5-ish chapters to best part of a hundred...
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ronaldhainsey-blog · 6 years
age: fredrick anderson
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Requested: Can you write an imagine with Freddie Andersen where you‘re a lot younger than him (like 8 years) and others think it‘s an issue but it‘s never been an issue for you two but since others always talk about it you start to worry but it all works out in the end?
Warnings: angst, fuff
Your age difference had never bothered either of you, never even thought about it, but when others started to bring it up constantly, you were quite bothered by it.
It was the end of another long road trip for Freddie along the east coast of Canada, and at the moment all he wanted was to be home. He loved his job, absolutely loved it, but coming home to you after every game was something that just made everything better.
The two of you met at a mutual friends party two seasons ago and hit it off right away. You were close friends with Morgan Rielly, the two of you meeting many years ago, so it seemed perfect to him that yourself and Freddie started dating.
Some others did not see it that way tho. You were constantly under scrutiny from his fans, but you didn’t want to make your Instagram private because not all of them were mean, but it was getting to be quite a lot.
You had ended up falling asleep on the couch, half a glass of wine sitting on the table, and your computer open to the comments section on your latest post with Fred.
It seemed like years before Freddie finally got home, and when he did, he felt more relaxed. He quietly closed the front door behind him, dropping his luggage in the front hall and slipping off his shoes, before quietly setting off to find you.
Upon seeing your current situation, Freddie couldn’t help but smile. He dropped to his knees in front of the couch, gently pushing some hair from your face, “Wake up min skat” his voice was so soft, you almost didn’t hear anything. Stirring slightly, Freddie chuckled, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. That smile dropped after seeing what you had been looking at,
“Y/N?” His voice was weaker, and this caused you to open your eyes right away. Upon seeing where he was looking, you quickly sat up, trying to close  the laptop.
“Are- are they all like this?” He asked, pain evident in his voice.
she’s too young for him, he could do so much better
he’ll leave her soon, once he realizes
she’s using him, what a slut
fat anyways
You were left speechless, completely lost for words. You knew that Freddie wasn’t huge into social media, so his complete shock of this made you wanna cry.
“Baby,” His eyes seemed to fill with tears as he met your eyes. “Baby, don’t cry.” You tried to comfort him, but your own voice cracked as you spoke.
Freddie was quick, pulling you off the couch and onto the floor, resting you in his lap, simply holding you close to his chest.
“They don’t know us,” he told you quietly, using his larger frame to rock you back and forth. “They’ll never know us”
Tears continued to slip down your cheeks as he spoke, his hold on you only tightening. “It’s not like your 19, you’re 23.” His heart ached knowing how you were being treated.
Nodding slightly, you glanced up at the Dane who stared back at you. “I want to be with you. I don’t want anybody else. I don’t need somebody whos my age, you’re absolutely gorgeous, and don’t let anybody tell you otherwise, okay min skat?”
Feeling a rush of love come over you, your lips connected with his, your hand finding the back of his neck. Having him home with you made it better, almost like their words couldn’t bother you. He made you feel reassured, and you were beyond grateful for him.
“It’s us, baby.” His voice was soft as he pulled away from the kiss, resting his forehead against yours, “It’s me and you forever.”
“Boys, you’re foods here.” You called into the living room of your apartment, chuckling as two rookies came running into the room, followed by your boyfriend.
Freddie wrapped an arm around your waist, pressing a soft kiss to your temple before pushing some hair from your face, “You look beautiful” He reminded you, earning a smile.
“As do you” You replied, causing him to laugh and shake his head.
Once everybody had gotten their food and were settled, you and Freddie were invested in a serious game of Guitar Hero.
He had playfully tried to sabotage you many times, and upon seeing the final score, you looked to look at him with a playful death stare.
“It’s your fault I lost”
“Oh no babe, I’m just better than you.” His words were that did it. Using all your strength, you threw yourself onto the body of the larger Dane, using your hands to try and tickle his sides. It seemed like he easily got you under him, as he began to use your own strategy against you, “Freddie stop” You cried out, laughter almost hiding your words.
“Not until you say, Freddie’s the best guitar player in the world, and also very sexy.”
Though you didn’t like the part about the guitar, it was an easy truce. “Okay! Okay! Fredrick Anderson, you are THE BEST guitar playing in the world”You started, trying to catch your breath as his hands continued to work on your sides, “And you’re very very sexy”
His hands stopped their assault, looking up only to see Mitch recording the series of events, laughing loudly to himself, “That was great!”He exclaimed.
Everybody seemed to forget about the video, as Auston rejoined you and everybody settled down to watch a movie. Laying his head in your lap, Freddie placed your hand in his hair, begging for you to play with it.
Looking down at him with a huge smile, you pressed a soft kiss to his lips, “Thank you.” Your voice was sweet as you spoke. Freddie arched a brow and gave you a confused look, “For what?”
“Just for being amazing, for loving me no matter what, for always making me feel better.”
Freddie smiled at the women, before tugging her down so he could kiss her once again, “That’s what your future husband is supposed to do.” His words made your cheeks tint pink.
It was near the end of the movie, and late into the night when your phone screen lit up. Freddie was asleep in your lap, so you carefully unlocked your phone.
Marner_93 tagged you in a post.
The post was a picture of you and Freddie on the couch, he curled up in your lap, and you play with his hair. 
You looked up at Mitch and he gave you a small smile, “I’ve seen.” He admitted, “Those comments about you and Freddie.”
Your eyes dropped to your phone screen, but saw thousands of sweet comments, causing you to relook at Mitch. “I just wanted people to know that you guys do love each other and that you guys are gonna be together for a long time.”
Your heart just about melted at Mitch spoke. You gave him a smile and nodded your head. “Thank you Mitchy” He smiled widely and nodded his head, “I would hug you, but this huge man is preventing me from moving”
Mitch chuckled and shook his head, before standing up and making his way towards his room, “Goodnight mom”
This caused you to shake your head, a laugh gently falling from your lips, you loved your family.
min skat- my treasure
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calebski · 7 years
Songs Tag
Rules: List ten songs you’re into at the moment and tag ten people.
So, I was tagged by @synoir and @kreeblimsabs, and as usual, I have been really crap about finding time to sit down and do this. I wanted to make this somehow fandom relevant, and so I have put a song down to represent each pairing I am currently writing. 
1. Hearts Don’t Break Around Here - Ed Sheeran  
Viktor Krum x Hermione Granger
*Unpopular opinion warning* Ed Sheeran’s newest album had a lot of low points, like a lot, but this song, something about it makes me feel calm and hopeful. It’s a love song that's done in this gentle, real way and it has become the song I listen too when I am trying to get myself into the headspace to write Air. 
2. Never Let Me Go - Florence and The Machine
Regulus Black x Hermione Granger
Florence owns my heart, she really does, everything about her music calls to me like a religion. Her voice is so piercingly emotional I really could cry on demand after listening to just one of her ballads. Ready For The Storm was born from Kreeblim Sabs sending me the song of the same name (Dougie MacLean in case you are interested), and if that song was the first two chapters, this one is the rest. ‘In the arms of the ocean, deliver me.’
3. Don’t Stop Me Now - Queen
Cedric Diggory x Hermione Granger
Presented without apology, Queen are one of those bands that never fail to brighten up my mood and Cedric is a character that I feel similarly about. Freddie Mercury rattles through the lyrics gathering speed much like I imagine having Cedric in your life would feel.
4. Wicked Game - James Vincent McMorrow
Reuben Yaxley x Hermione Granger 
The original of this has always been a favourite of mine, but this version is just so haunting it pulls a lot of the darker emotions of the song to the surface in a much more startling way. It is my song for Renovate, perfectly encapsulating Hermione’s resistance to fall for the jaded, incarcerated Yaxley. ‘If the world was on fire no one would save me but you’.
5. In the End - Linkin Park
The Bloody Baron x Helena Ravenclaw
I can’t talk much about this song, recent events have led me to feel hollowed out whenever I think about the band. In any case, I’m not sure I could adequately express how much the lyrics of this one impact me. ‘I tried so hard, and got so far, in the end, it doesn’t even matter’. I have recently started mapping out a fic for this pairing, and given how they both ended up it felt fitting.
6. Ring of Fire - Johnny Cash
Sirius Black x Hermione Granger
From one man in black to another, this song has always just screamed Sirimione to me, right down to the fact that June wrote it and gave it to Johnny. I can just picture Sirius saying that he had no idea how to explain how he felt and Hermione just handing him a piece of parchment mater of factly.
7. Breathe Me - Sia
Fleur Delacour x Hermione Granger
The song that made me fall in love with Sia has become a motivator to relook at my one-shot for this pairing, and possibly look to expand it. Her vocal in this is so brave, she has an astonishing voice, but in this, she sounds as if she is reluctantly mumbling along to someone else's script much like how I feel Fleur behaves in this AU.
8. Jar of Hearts - Christina Perri
Millicent Bulstrode x Charlie Weasley
This one is a bit of a cheat as it is for a specific upcoming chapter in The Mixtape so I have moulded the characters to my own ends but still... I remember when this song came out and I was just old enough to understand how powerful a non-love song could be with a message like this at its core. Sometimes you need to be reminded that it’s okay to say ‘thanks for showing up, but you treated me like shit, so hit the bricks, dickhead’. 
9. The Scientist - Coldplay
Augustus Rookwood x Hermione Granger
Early Coldplay is a thing of beauty, total beauty. This song makes me want to lie on my back with headphones on my ears as I stare a the ceiling in the way they do in films. It makes me think of love as the war between head and heart, pleasure and pain - which is everything I think when I write this pair. 
10. Behind Blue Eyes - The Who
Louis Travers x Hermione Granger
A debate about this song resulted in me meeting my husband, so it has always remained important to me. Something about it speaks to the AU in Desire, a fic that I am working on expanding in the new year. Another great - this is not a love song - ‘My love is vengeance, that’s never free’.
I am sure everyone has been tagged so play if you want.
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diyarlight · 7 years
when I was your man
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Hotch x reader
prompt:  “He looked at her the way all girls wanted to be looked at.” - F. Scott Fitzgerald
He left a note.
As soon as she walked into their shared apartment, she knew something was wrong. Her instinct told her to call him, and she did. Instead of getting a ring, she found out that the line had been disconnected. She looked down at her phone, confused and panicking as to why isn't his phone working when she relooked at their apartment.
All of his stuff was gone. The pictures that she had with him were gone. The toys Jack loved that usually was in the corner of the living room was gone. Shakingly, she went to Jack’s room and found it to be empty. Her legs almost gave out, but with teary eyes and trembling hands, she managed to walk into their room.
The picture of her, him, and Jack that rested on her lamp table was gone, along with his books and the piles of his files.
Every single remember of him and Jack was gone as if they never lived in the apartment.
She found the note on her pillow, and she felt herself sink onto the floor, her hands shaking as she opened the note.
I am sorry, but I had to do this. Scratch was at Jack’s school, and I can’t take the risk of putting him in danger again. Jack and I are going into witness protection, and doing this was the best way to protect you. I know that you would want to come with me, but I can’t do that to you. You are in the best position in your life, and I can’t ask you to give up everything for me and Jack.
I love you Y/n, never doubt that. I am sorry.
It suddenly made sense. The cold shoulder from Hotch, the frown on his face whenever she was around, and the recent lack of connection between them.
She had thought that they were going to break up during late nights when he wouldn’t join her on their bed. But this, just leaving her like this, she couldn’t accept it. Yet, she sat in her cold room, her heart shattered loudly as she screamed, but no one heard it.
Three years.
That’s how long Hotch and Jack had to stay in the witness protection. That’s how long it took for Mr. Scratch to be dead.
In a way, the resignation was a blessing in disguise, as Hotch was able to spend a lot of time with Jack and not miss important moments. Yes, he missed his job, but to be with his son made up for it.
It was also been three years since he saw Y/n.
He groaned, drowning his drink. Jack was spending the night with his friend, so Hotch decided to spend some time in a bar alone. He could have hung out with Dave, but right now he wanted to just spend some time with himself.
For three years, he forced himself to not think about Y/n or about the circumstances he had left her or how she was doing right now. Not thinking about her at all was better than the guilt and hollowness he felt in his chest when he would catch himself thinking about her. His mind would wander whenever he would see her favorite movie on the television, the late nights when they would cuddle on the couch.
He knew it was the right decision to end it because he couldn’t ask her to give up everything for him. He couldn’t give any hints of where he was going, but the guilt at the thought of how he left weighed his heart down. It was cowardly but easiest way to leave everything, and it wasn’t something he was proud of it.
The loud shriek got him out of his trance, and he searched for the source of the sound. He found a small group of people at the corner of the bar surrounding a couple. The man was on his knees, proposing to the woman. But when Hotch looked closely at the woman, his heart stopped.
It was Y/n.
She was smiling with tears pouring down her cheeks as she said something and hugged the man. The crowd around them cheered as the couple kissed, eliciting a round of applause and whistling.
Hotch quietly slipped out of the bar, making sure to pay for the newly engaged couple’s bill. He knew that the man loved Y/n and would keep her happy because he looked at her the way all girls wanted to be looked at.
It was the same way he looked at her too.
Hotch saw the way Y/n would lean into him, a soft smile on her face as he kissed her forehead. He saw the way her whole face lit as he told a joke, her laughter eliciting a smile on his face.
It was the same smile Y/n showed to Hotch. It was the same laugh she let out whenever he would tickle her or tell a joke.
He had been the one to bring a smile on her face.
Now someone else will.
In the coldness of the night, no one heard his shattering heart in the empty lane.
He deserved this anyway.
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another-miracle · 7 years
Hi. I never actually intended to write for this fandom, but this post gave me an entry point I couldn’t refuse. I love Obi and Shirayuki. I really do. So here goes nothing! Dedicated to @superhappybubbleslove and @sabraeal because you guys are pretty darn awesome?? Hope you enjoy!
It takes three breaths for his hands to stop shaking.
There is little he can do but to follow helplessly behind her. His mind zeroes in on every minute drop of warmth she gives; a brush of her finger across his cheek, skin passing his as she wraps blankets around his form, the towel that cards through his hair. Shiver after shiver runs through him, and he is unsure in a million ways. There is nothing, nothing, to hold onto, and he’s drowning.
Her smile is the only light seeping through this abyss.
“Are you warm enough?” She settles next to him underneath another flurry of white, her eyes inquisitive and soft. Obi wants- something- but, dare he? Is he allowed to? 
“You don’t have to do this, Miss.” The whisper that leaves him is ragged. Everything feels so delicate, as if making the wrong move will shatter this strange, foreign image his mind has conjured up. He looks everywhere but her, the comfort slowly ebbing away to leave him lost- he’s so lost.
“Obi,” she touches his palm beneath the sheets and he flinches. “Breathe.”
Clenching his hands into fists, he forces himself to heed her command. It is unlike him to lose control this easily, but the events of this evening has taken so much out of him. A part of him hates himself for giving his heart to this place, to these people - enough to hurt. 
(Zen flashes his vision towards him then diverts it immediately.
“I-I d-don’t know if she’s okay,” he stammers. “She didn’t want to hear the rest of it. She just walked away, Obi. I think it may be best if we relook this arrangem-”
Obi is out the window before he can finish.)
He braves a glance at her face. She is still staring at him in earnest, concern etched over her features. 
The other part of him never wants to leave.
Obi thinks she deserves more than gasps of air taking up the silence between them. “I’m fine, Miss,” he mutters, looking down. 
He hears shuffling in the space beside him. Good, he rather her get comfortable, or as comfortable as she can with a man in her bed- scratch that thought.
He shifts away from her, face heating. She follows him for a moment, before settling down once more. A sigh escapes her, and Obi is tempted to turn back just to witness Shirayuki at her most relaxed.
“Oma used to do this when I was scared.” The words reverberate amongst the blankets. “I would pretend that the world didn’t exist outside of the two of us. We would just huddle together till we’re tired, and sleep after.”
He feels her body turn toward him, close, but not quite touching. The tenderness in her voice is almost palpable. “I’ll be here if you need me, Obi.”
“I’ll wait for you. As long as you want.” 
It’s like something clicks. The reason he feels lost is not that he does not know where to go. It’s because she’s giving him this, this freedom. To choose. To reach. To touch. She breaks down these chains of his, replaces the scars in his hands with the key to unlock whatever has been holding him back.
His hand darts out under the covers and clutches hers and squeezes tight. There is something stuck in his throat, and he exhales shakily. Her thumb swipes over his fingers, again and again. Obi doesn’t know how much tighter he can hold on. 
A gentle touch on his cheek and his form immediately shifts and crumples into hers. He buries his face in the crook of her neck, inhaling the scent of herbs and flowers and things that he has become familiar with in the past few wonderful months and never before in the life before this. He takes refuge in her arms, pressing himself as close as he can. 
It has never felt like this. Two bodies sharing warmth under the sheets has never felt so- breakable, innocent, relieving. 
He supposes this is what is should have always been.
He supposes this is what it feels like to be home.
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thingsmissed-blog1 · 6 years
Don’t it just break your heart.
❖ Hope is Witch, Vampire, Werewolf so how is her triggering her werewolf side going to be just like a full werewolf? ❖ So either bind Hope's werewolf side or kill Hayley? ❖ Hayley talked to Freya about her triggering her werewolf side, how painful it was and everything! Hayley had been open to someone! ❖ The Klaus/Elijah part with the hug has my heart a smiling. ❖ I am only paying attention to some of this episode so I will not be saying much about everything ❖ ❝A pain worse than death,❞ Klaus said about his binding of werewolf side. ❖ Roman laying on Hope's bed with Hope's stuffed toy in his hand. ❖ Hope is so pretty and I just want to see more Hope with her mother as a teenager but I won't get much more! ❖  Josh showing kindness to that woman! Ugh! ❖   If only Elijah had his memories! Granted, if he had his memories he wouldn't be where he is anyways. ❖ Random note, my hearing is so bad that I have to have the volume on the tv up so much. I feel bad for my dog and my mom. Granted, my mom tries to make me feel better about this by telling me that she can't hear the tv to well either. I might miss a lot because of my hearing but I'm trying! ❖ Are they trying to get me to pity or like Elijah's new love interest? ❖  Klaus foreshadowing the death of Hayley there by saying, "Breathless in a wooden box." ❖ Freya talking to Hope about the want to bind her werewolf side. ❖ Hope wants to bind herself just to save her mom! I am going to cry! Freya looks like she is going to cry. ❖ Another Hope/Roman moment. Hope kisses Roman! ❖ Crossing a few things off her bucket list by kissing Roman. ❖ Hope is willing to die for her mother! ❖ Klaus and Elijah together. Elijah talking about his abuse from their father. ❖ Klaus wrote fake letters to Elijah claiming to be Rebekah ❖ Danielle's eye color is beautiful ❖ Hope is willing to do anything for her mother but Klaus stops it ❖  I want to write an au where Hope did bind herself and they get Hayley back. Thread idea! Verse idea! I don't mind playing Hope or Hayley for this really. ❖ Finding out that Danielle played in the movie Wonder has me emotional. ❝Wonder.❞ 2017. She played Via's friend/ex-friend/turned friend again. ❖ Ejiah helping Antoinette leave her father is nice though. Maybe I do like Antoinette just a little bit right now but that could change again. ❖ ❝Klaus Mikealson has been a busy boy today.❞ Marcel said! Oddly funny really. ❖ It is a shame that Phoebe isn't in this season much ❖ I keep telling my one friend on discord that I'm done with the show but I keep watching the new episodes. I know that the moment Hayley is dead though, I will be done for sure (I believe) but we will find out. ❖ Hope's crescent moon earrings are liked but I feel like that is a bit of a mistake if this was all real for her to wear them. Granted, I would be overthinking everything though ❖ So the moment that Klaus shows mercy for Antoinette and her mother, is the mistake. ❖ I should relook at the other episode but Antoinette/Klaus moment wasn't like known or shown but then again it wasn't known to the actor/actress that was doing it so I feel like that makes sense. ❖ Roman, Antoinette, Gretta are all family. ❖ Okay, I don't think I like Antoinette as much anymore and I am starting to not like Roman in a way. ❖ Hope sneaks out with Roman, big mistake.
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