canimal · 5 months
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Upcoming Anthology Release!

Starting on my birthday, May 10th, I will be posting Forty Days of Deathmione. Every single day will feature a brand new story pairing Hermione with a Death Eater. When the forty days are over, she will have been paired with every single canon Death Eater as well as a few Death Eater associates. This is a challenge I’ve been trying to finish for years and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to finally do it.
Most of the stories will be stand alone One-Shots, but there are also extra scenes from stories I’ve already published, a few sequels and epilogue-like stories, and a few first chapters to some multi-chapter stories I will be working on. There is something for everyone. Many different genres are represented, some I’ve never written before and others I swore I would never write again.
There are many stories that I may be interested in continuing and expanding to longer, multi-chapter stories if readers let me know they want more.
If you would like to get the notifications of the new stories as I post them, please subscribe to me on A03.


All stories will be posted within the collection, Deathmione: An Anthology.


This is a project I’ve been working on for the better part of a year, though some of the stories I’ve been wanting to write for years. I hope you will all join me on this crazy journey. Being able to share so many new stories is exciting, but I’m also super nervous. I hope you will all enjoy them. Some of them are kind of weird.

I would not have been able to complete this insane challenge without the help of the wonderful @hwaetwegardena who was my cheerleader and Alpha Reader through this process. Y’all, I made her read some weird shit. Her encouragement was what I needed to complete this really insane (what was I thinking??) challenge.
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april-17-rose · 1 month
Hermione and Dolohov
Omg 😩😩😩😩 yesss thank you for this! I’m currently writing an Antomione and this is great inspiration 🔥🔥🔥 might just write a lil Drabble for this pic 🤔
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darkangelofsorrow · 2 years
I technically missed the time for my #doloholidays2022 prompt from my Dolohoes fam on Facebook, so I’m making up for it while the muse was going and adjusted it for the new year quickly approaching! ☺️🖤🥂
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Antomione with the prompt: Sex, canoodling, or cuddling in the vicinity of the Christmas Tree.
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calebski · 4 years
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I love each and every one of you and I hope to get some free time to write something for that universe this year!
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freyaishtar · 4 years
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Not an update, but after working on the piece for the lovely jupiterbluee's fic Queen of Yesterday, I was inspired to get off my arse and finally create the artsy cover I always wanted for this story. I just finished this after working all evening pulling it together and kinda wanted to show it off.🥰
🐍Daughter of Slytherin💀
The War was won, and all was well. Or so Hermione Granger thinks, until the night escaped Death Eater Thorfinn Rowle turns up in her kitchen, her broken wand in his hands and a story she can't bring herself to believe tumbling from his lips. (Tropes: marriage law/betrothal, pureblood!Hermione, ancient conspiracy)🐍FFN | Ao3 💀
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disillusionist9 · 7 years
Fenrir/Hermione "Where have you been" (hopefully you're still doing this cause I'm still catching up on what's been happening the last 2 weeks 💛💛)
“Where have you been?”
“Out,” she replied, working a ring from her finger and snapping the lid down on the jewelry box once it was snugly between velvet.
Before he could come up behind her, press his nose to her neck, and graze his teeth on her Pack mark, Hermione headed for the adjoining bathroom. The plush carpet of the hotel beneath her feet couldn’t compare to the soft crush of damp earth beneath bare feet. But she would take hot coals over wearing her heels a moment longer.
The door shut behind her, she could hear the dull thuds of Fenrir’s pacing on the other side, part protector and part possessor. 
Send me a ship and a sentence and I’ll write the next five
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curiouselfqueen · 8 years
Thorfinn/Hermione "That's what you're wearing?"
“That’s what you’re wearing?” said Thorofinn as he looked Hermione up and down, taking in her outfit, which he internally conceded was businesslike and modest although it didn’t include robes at all.
“Yes,” Hermione stated firmly, adjusting her blazer. She barely held back a roll of her eyes. How was it that after six months he still didn’t realize everything she did was intentional?
“But it’s-”
“Don’t finish that sentence,” she warned. “If you want to get through today’s rehabilitation meeting without extending your parol, I suggest you think slightly harder than usual about what you’re going to say before you open your mouth.”
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canimal · 4 months
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(Absolute coincidence that this is also Draco’s birthday. I didn’t plan this. The Universe just made it happen.)

Day Twenty-Seven of Deathmione: An Anthology
Title: Two Glasses Too Many
Death Eater: Draco Malfoy
Summary: Rejected by most of their colleagues at the Ministry of Magic due to his past, Hermione can’t help but feel sorry for Draco.  Not that she was eager to be friends with him.  Seeing him standing alone on the edges of a Ministry gala, she decides to put the past behind them.  One glass of wine leads to a second and then to a mistake she instantly regrets.
To be notified of all the stories I post in the next forty days, please subscribe to me on AO3.
To check out all of the stories that have already been revealed, please visit the Collection.
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kristeristerin · 7 years
Rarepair ship game
Rules are: This is the rare pair version of the I SHIP meme.
Tagged by the super sweet @thesilverlioness
Hermione with Harry Potter, Antonin Dolohov, Blaise Zabini, Fenrir Greyback, Fred and George Weasley, Lucius Malfoy, Rabastan Lestrange, Remus Lupin, Rodolphus Lestrange, Theodore Nott, Thorfinn Rowle,Tom Riddle Jr, Viktor Krum, Sirius Black, Regulus Black
Ron with: Lavender Brown, Luna Lovegood, Pansy Parkinson
Draco with: Charlie Weasley (The Dragon and the Dragon Tamer 😉)
Nymphadora with: Charlie Weasley, Remus Lupin, Rabastan Lestrange, Kingsley Shacklebolt,
Neville with: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Luna Lovegood
Lizzie Bennet/Mr Darcy, Jane/Bingley, 10TH Doctor/Rose, 10th Doctor/ Captain Jack Harkness, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Hermione with: The 10th Doctor, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester,
Because it’s ADORABLE: Ron Weasley/Luna Lovegood
Because it’s HOT: Hermione Granger and Fenrir Greyback; Hermione and Rabastan Lestrange; Pansy/Harry
Because it’s PLAUSIBLE: Hermione and Fred or George; Hermione and Remus, Hermione/Harry
Because they’re ALIKE: Lizzie Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy, Hermione/Remus
Because they’re OPPOSITES: Deathmione, Luna Lovegood/ Fenrir Greyback, Pansy Parkinson/ Neville Longbottom, Pansy/Ron, Sirius Black/Hermione
Because I like it in CANON: Molly/Arthur
Because of SUBTEXT: Sirius/ Remus
Because of FANWORK: Hermione/Antonin Dolohov, Hermione/Rabastan Lestrange, Pansy/Harry, Pansy/Fred, Hermione/Harry
Because it HURTS SO GOOD: Sirius Black/Hermione Granger; Remus Lupin/Narcissa Malfoy; Kingsley Shacklebolt/Hermione Granger;
Added by @kaarina-riddle:
Because it’s FEROCIOUS: Hermione Granger/Fenrir Greyback; Fenrir/Luna
Added by @chantal73
Because they have SERIOUS CHEMISTRY: Fred/Hermione,
Added by @vino-amore
So Rare you never thought you could LOVE IT SO MUCH: Rodolphus or Rabastan Lestrange/Hermione Granger; Fenrir/Hermione, Fenrir/Luna, Pansy/Ron, Pansy/Harrry, Pansy/Fenrir
Added by @crochetawayhpff
Because it makes your HEART HURT: Hermione/Fred
Added by me (geekmom13)
Because they could be high school sweethearts: Hermione/Theo Nott, Hermione/Neville
Added by me (thesilverlioness)
For Old Times Sake (the ship that got you shipping but you do not so much now!) Draco Malfoy/ Hermione Granger (90% of the time if I write this ship now one or both of them die by the end 😅)
Added by me (Kristeristerin)
Because of (at least one of) their names: Luna Lovegood/Fenrir Greyback, Luna Lovegood/Remus Lupin, Draco Malfoy/Charlie Weasley
I’ll tag a few lovelies 💛
@littleredsiren3101 @hollowg1rl @browneyesandhair @sissannis @nauticalparamour
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littlemulattokitten · 8 years
Hi babe, Tell us about 3 of your lowkey ships and then pass this on to 5 people!
Oh God, I’ll have to omit my poly couples I think. Otherwise, I can’t narrow it down to 3! Lol
Let’s see, and these aren’t in a particular order, but:
1. Charmione (Charlie Weasley x Hermione Granger)
2. Deathmione (Hermione x Death Eaters) specifically 
2. Abraxmione (Hermione x Abraxas Malfoy)
3. Is Sevmione lowkey? If so, Sevmione. If not, idk WeasleyTwin(s) x Mione or something.
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darkangelofsorrow · 3 years
This is what happens when I decide to procrastinate in the middle of the night 💁🏾‍♀️
2 Dramione edits, 2 Antomione edits, and 1 Tomione edit 🖤
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calebski · 4 years
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The Mixtape, Halloween Remix Edition - Haunted FF / AO3
[Hermione Granger x Barty Crouch Jr]
Later, once the fighting was all but over and they were planning their retreat, Barty saw her again. Hermione was standing with her head rested against one of the castle walls, or rather, hovering in front of it. 
“I miss it,” she breathed out, and for a moment she sounded like she had when Barty had been posing as her teacher, when she was alive. 
Barty took a step towards her before he could stop himself. As soon as the clip of his boot reverberated around the walls, the moment was broken. Hermione’s eyes shuttered over, and she regarded him cruelly again. 
“At least I still have you, Barty. Run along now,” she said, shooing him with her arms. “Wouldn’t want to get left behind.”
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freyaishtar · 4 years
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(omg, forever since this fic 😖)
🐍Daughter of Slytherin, chapter 28💀
❤️Rated M/E
The War was won, and all was well. Or so Hermione Granger thinks, until the night escaped Death Eater Thorfinn Rowle turns up in her kitchen, her broken wand in his hands and a story she can't bring herself to believe tumbling from his lips. (Tropes: marriage law/betrothal, pureblood!Hermione, ancient conspiracy)
🐍FFN 💀Ao3
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canimal · 4 months
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Day Twenty-Six of Deathmione: An Anthology
Title: One Wrong Turn
Death Eater: Augustus Rookwood
Summary: Hermione always felt a little guilty for her part in destroying the Time Room in 5th year. After leaving Hogwarts, she’s accepted into the Department of Mysteries Unspeakable training course. Her first assignment? Fixing what she broke. One mistake sends her hurtling through time 35 years straight into the arms of confused Unspeakable Augustus Rookwood. 
**This is the FIRST chapter of a multi-chapter story.**
To be notified of all the stories I post in the next forty days, please subscribe to me on AO3.
To check out all of the stories that have already been revealed, please visit the Collection.
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canimal · 4 months
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Day Twenty-Five of Deathmione: An Anthology
Title: Don’t Close Your Eyes
Death Eater: Wilkes
Summary: Hermione didn’t care when she learned the notorious Death Eater Wilkes was killed in her flat in a violent botched attempt at an arrest. All she cared about was the break she got in her rent. But when she realizes she might not actually be alone in her new home, she worries she was too quick to sign the two year lease. 
To be notified of all the stories I post in the next forty days, please subscribe to me on AO3.
To check out all of the stories that have already been revealed, please visit the Collection.
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canimal · 9 months
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New Antomione Holiday One-Shot!
*Written for the Yuletide and Mulled Wine Fest*
Summary: There was something fundamentally wrong with Hermione Granger. While everyone around her reveled in the Christmas festivities, she couldn’t wait for the holiday season to be over. Only a bowl full of spiked eggnog kept her from running out of the party in the Three Broomsticks screaming. She would remain long enough not to be considered rude.
A flash at the window noticed by no one else caught her attention. Someone was outside in the snow who had no business being there.
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