#she’s conflicted about when she had to hide the triforce of wisdom
saltpotion · 2 years
the zelda ii backstory idea had morphed once again into a LU fanfic idea bc i cannot stop brainrotting aurora and dawn’s relationship, esp in light of everything that happens with aurora pre-sleep curse
might also give lu hyrule daddy issues. stay tuned
#listen i need a narrative foil to emphasize hyrule’s complicated relationship to power#i am not projecting#i think it’d be cool if they each had an aspect of the triforce they struggle with in some way#aurora being powerful but impulsive#not very wise#dawn being wise but struggling with courage#she’s conflicted about when she had to hide the triforce of wisdom#because it meant she had to leave her parents to die trying to defend the trifoce of power from ganon#she was put into a role of major responsibility at a younge age after z1 and she’s terrified of making the wrong decision#also there is some part of her that is slightly resentful of link for being able to fight ganon when she tried and failed#got kidnapped instead#like she knows it’s not fair but it’s still a part of her she doesn’t like to admit is there#rory can see right through that shit though#because her first language is resentment#& my headcanon for link/hyrule is that he gave the Triforce back to dawn after waking up rory#she tried to knight him but he refused#he doesn’t want to be in a position of power#part of him just wants to be normal#part of him really loves a good fight#and doesn’t know what he’ll do if the monsters ever stop chasing him#but being with the chain has given him a taste of safety he’s never really experienced before#and he realizes ever so slowly that the way he was living before was not sustainable#he’s also genuinely afraid of what will happen if he’s ever in charge of anything#he’s worried he’ll end up like his dad#he’s already a lot like him in more ways than he’d rather admit#idk if any of this makes sense just brainstorming#the stuff with dawn and rory is more decided on#i kinda forgot hyrule was also supposed to be a main character here oops#hy writes
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transskywardsword · 2 years
Bramble , the Hero of Hyrule and Barer of the Full Triforce
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Age: 13, was 10 at their first adventure and only just finished their second
Pronouns: he/they, starting to use he/him more often. it's still new to him!
Sexuality: ???
Nickname: The group uses a variety of nicknames along the lines of “kid” or “kiddo”
About: Bramble is the second youngest in the group and has arguably dealt with the most hardships out of all of them. Before Bramble became a hero came the Golden Age of Hyrule, a time of prosperity started by Hue and his Zelda and created by ruling with the power of the actualized Triforce, the knowledge of the Sages, and deeply compassionate wisdom. But the Golden Age didn’t last forever
After generations, greed and hunger for power took seat in the Hyrulian royal family. The family splintered, causing a vicious civil conflict, each wanting the complete power of the Triforce instead of sharing with Hyrule’s people. The last king to hold the full Triforce, fearing for his kingdom, hid away the Triforce of Courage and secretly entrusted the Triforce of Wisdom to his daughter, employing her to keep it safe and pass it down her female bloodline. The bubbling aggression broke out into violent war at the news that the Triforces of Courage and Wisdom had been lost and the king was killed, putting religious fanatics on the throne that were desperate for the unified Triforce. The country was decimated by generations-long wars and Princess Zelda I’s brother came into power. After learning of the ties between women in the royal family and the Triforce, he tried to force the knowledge from her, and when she would not give it to him, had her cursed, falling into an eternal sleep. A hundred years passed and just as Lorule had been slowly destroyed by the loss of their Triforce, Hyrule was crumbling at the seams. Finally, the lack of leadership from the royal family and hunger for the Power of the Gods lead to the weakening of the seal on Ganon. Seeing Ganon’s rule as a way to restore glory to the throne, some of the factions in the civil war turned to freeing Ganon, and when they did, Ganon’s power further obliterated what order was left in Hyrule. Ganon, with better knowledge of the Triforce than his followers from his centuries lusting after it, took the Triforce of Power for himself, and Princess Zelda II only barely managed to hide the Triforce of Wisdom before he captured her and then took complete control of Hyrule.
Bramble went on to defeat Ganon in an inhospitable and crumbling world, save both Princesses, and land a target on their head that left them on the run for years. They are the most survivalist savvy of the group, even more so than Wilds, as they grew up in a war-torn, barren, monster-infested Hyrule with seemingly no future to live for. They were born in a town that has long since been destroyed by war and lost their parents by 4, taken in by the Old Woman who lived in a cave far away from civilization. At 6, she was killed in a monster attack, leaving Bramble on their own once again. They were a homeless wanderer, moving from town to town and cave to cave, trying their best to make the world better than they found it. At 10 they saved Lady Impa from Ganon’s followers and were tasked with finding the Triforce of Wisdom and defeating Ganon, which placed a target on their back as soon as they succeeded. Ganon’s followers continued lusting for the power Ganon gave them, and turned to violent magic in hopes to resurrect him, leaving Bramble on the run for the past 4 years.
Bramble is the only Link to hold the full Triforce, not just the Triforce of Courage like most of them do. It is information they keep to themselves, not because they do not trust their companions but because they have seen first hand the damage that the Triforce can do. The other Links know they are tied more closely to the Power of the Gods than they are, but they do not know the full story, and while Bramble hopes to one day change that, they do not see sharing that information as possible at the moment. Bramble has innate magical abilities, meaning they were born with the ability to do magic, and often come across as otherworldly or unnerving because of it. Despite their magical ability, they are very self-conscious about their magical strengths and only use magical spells instead of internal power. Bramble doesn’t use magic in their day-to-day life like Hue and Legend do, saving it for combat and emergencies. Many of the Zeldas and heroes suspect Bramble may have a mage in their bloodline somewhere, but Bramble doesn’t really care where their magic comes from. The only spell they use for fun is their fairy spell. It is the first spell they ever learned and less of a spell than it is a way of existing. Growing up homeless and familyless meant they often spent time in fairy fountains to rest and find safety, and the fairies were drawn to their magic. They taught them the first of Bramble’s magical spells and gifted them with a spell that would allow them to transform into a fairy. Bramble loves it and loves fairies, which they see as brethren.
Growing up homeless, Bramble never had the chance for classical schooling, instead teaching themselves to read and write and do the barest of arithmetic. They love to read, even if they are at a very low reading level, and daydream of libraries. They enjoy writing and carry a notebook with them at all times where they write poetry. Books and paper are hard to come by so Bramble has had that notebook for years, ever since the beginning of their adventure. The Zeldas keep offering to buy them books and notebooks and fancy pencils but Bramble sees it as a handout and refuses to accept the gifts. Bramble feels their writing isn’t very good, something Hue and Legend greatly disagree with, and the two heroes constantly sing Bramble’s praises. Bramble is learning to read better from the two of them, especially Legend, who is a walking library. Legend is also teaching Bramble to better understand their magic, though it isn’t going very well.
Bramble is shy and extremely closed off, hiding that by sharing information that seems important but is actually useless. Lana’s chosen feel they know a lot about Bramble when they actually know very little about them. The way Bramble has survived this long is because of their secret keeping and ability to blend into the background, and Legend and Hue respect that, but are slowly beginning to break down Bramble’s walls. The heroes know that Bramble is wanted for their magical blood but do not know the extent of the problem: Bramble self cauterizes every wound, learning from 10 years old how to sear their skin closed to avoid bleeding, and is willing to burn alive if it meant a monster couldn’t find their body and use their blood. If they knew, the heroes would be horrified and Bramble hates the idea of that, so they keep it a very close secret. Other than Wilds, whose entire body is one great scar, Bramble has the most scars out of the chosen. Bramble knows pain and knows how to cope with it; after all, for the good of Hyrule, being a little baby (as Bramble sees it) will doom them all. Bramble seems naïve and often comes across as too young for their age, but prone to bouts of wisdom that peek into the deep maturity they actually have. They have had to grow up far, far too soon and it breaks the hearts of Lana’s chosen to know this.
Bramble is unsure of their gender or sexuality and feels it isn’t important to analyze while Hyrule is still on the brink of ruin. Bramble has put most of their life on the back burner in exchange for healing Hyrule, something many of the heroes disagree with. Hue has been pushing for them to ‘live a little’, and while Bramble thinks that sounds amazing, knows they could never do so in good conscious. Hue has been helping them experiment with their gender presentation, and Hue is the first person that Bramble ever used he/him pronouns with. Wilds has been pushing for them to try other hobbies and branch out, while Sky and Twilight have been providing the closest thing to friend therapy they can. Bramble doesn’t quite feel like a part of the group and while not all of them are aware, Sky most certainly is and has been doing his best to rectify that.
            Zelda I: The sleeping princess Bramble rescued when they were fourteen. She has a bit of a puppy dog crush on him, something Bramble has no idea about, and constantly tries to shower them with gifts, much to their discomfort. However, they do cherish one gift of hers. When their cloak was practically obliterated fighting the Thunderbird, Zelda I gifted them her own shoulder wrap of purple and white fur. It is the fanciest thing Bramble owns and they deeply love it and treat it with great care. It has become discolored, faded and matted from love and use, but the princess doesn’t mind.
            Zelda II: The first person to take real interest in Bramble’s magical ability, as well as their education. She has the biggest, and perhaps only, real library in Hyrule and gives Bramble twenty four hour access to it, something that fills their heart with joy. She is much older than Bramble and sees them as a younger sibling, where as Bramble sees her as a kind but still unattainable mentor figure. They often disregard Zelda II’s orders and requests, especially ones about safety, and this often leaves her exasperated by their decisions and wanting to throttle them. Lovingly of course.
            Legend: Bramble and Legend are related through blood, though it has been so long down the timeline that neither knows how they are related to the other. Bramble sees Legend as a mentor and, secretly, a parental figure. They do not know that Legend feels a similar way about them, instead worrying that they are crossing Legend’s boundaries by feeling the way they do. Legend serves Bramble as a mentor, working to teach them better magic techniques and better ways to utilize magic in battle. Legend is the only one who knows Bramble holds the full Triforce, though they rarely discuss it, even just between themselves. Legend and Bramble’s first fight occurred the first time the older hero saw Bramble shirtless and saw the sheer number of self-inflicted burn scars the hero had. Legend demanded to be let into Bramble’s personal life to help them find a safer alternative to the cauterizing, but Bamble adamantly and aggressively refused. They avoid undressing around Legend now, something that hurts the older person’s feelings deeply, as she feels Bramble doesn’t trust her anymore. In fact, Bramble trusts her deeply, more than anyone, even Hue, but they have lines they don’t feel comfortable crossing even with family. The thing Legend and Bramble fight the most over is Legend’s guilt for the downfall of Hyrule. Legend felt if they had truly destroyed Ganon instead of just sealing him away, Hyrule never would have fallen. Bramble refuses to see it this way and often gets extremely emotional when Legend brings it up, even to the point of tears.
Bramble and Legend have been working together to develop Bramble’s magic more. Bramble’s magic is innate, coming from deep inside them, while Legend’s comes from medallions and magic spells. The problem here is that Legend only knows how to teach using these, making a large learning block for Bramble. The sheer difference in magic styles has proven to cause plenty of problems, and Bramble is often frustrated by sessions. Still, they know the sessions make Legend happy and are willing to put up with frustration to spend time with family. Having taught himself to read and write, Bramble was naturally curious about the books Legend carries, as Legend is an avid reader and a lover of books. Legend has begun to help Bramble expand their reading ability and often reads to them during downtime. Legend cannot stand to see Bramble upset by anything and, despite not letting almost anyone touch their belongings, lets Bramble play with their rings and items to cheer them up on bad days.
            Hue: Bramble views Hue as an older brother and loves him deeply. He is Bramble’s closest friend and confidant, and Bramble, always a little too self-sacrificial for anyone’s taste, would die for Hue if the need arose. Hue knows the most about Bramble’s tragic childhood and magic blood and serves as a pillar of strength that Bramble desperately needs. Bramble loves writing Hue poems for any and every reason, and Hue cherishes them. Bramble is usually embarrassed by their terrible spelling and horrible handwriting, but with Hue, they never feel the need for their education and its execution to be perfect. Hue and Bramble rarely discuss magic like Legend and Bramble do; Hue wants to give Bramble a chance to be a teen and just relax, talking to them about any and everything but the important things. Hue has helped Bramble become much for confidence in their gender presentation and identity, though Bramble still has no idea what it is and hasn’t put much thought into figuring it out. He is the first one to make Bramble feel like they would use he/him pronouns and helped Bramble find colors and clothes they were more comfortable in than just their green tunic. Horrified to hear it was the same one Bramble had had since they were ten, just hemmed and altered over the years, Hue sewed them an entirely new outfit, embroidered and everything, that Bramble saves for bad days or special occasions, unwanting to mess up their brother’s hard work. Hue has also shown Bramble how to care for Zelda’s shoulder cloak, something that Bramble is so thankful for. Hue keeps trying to introduce Bramble to his Zelda in hopes of helping Bramble to better understand their magic, but Bramble is too shy and nervous to do so; Hue respects this, which is unusual for the pushy man. Hue has been teaching Bramble to embroider and while Bramble isn’t very good, they are so glad to have something in their life only tied to Hue. Using this skill, they have begun to make life dolls for the members of the group.
Items: Bramble is used to a life on the run and so carries very little with them, preferring to scavenge and build what they need and improvise at the moment. All the items they keep on them have very sentimental meanings: their magic sword and shield, power bracelet, their lucky red candle, damage-lowering blue ring, magic boots, and most importantly, their flute and their life dolls, which they keep very close.
Positives: Bramble is a compassionate, little shy young teen who cares deeply for the people around them and is willing to put everything, including their own happiness, on the back burner for the good of Hyrule. They are resourceful and clever, and incapable of getting lost, and other than Wilds they know the outdoors and terrain of Hyrule better than anyone. They can build a fire and make shelter in an instant, and have an iron stomach, capable of eating poisonous mushrooms and drinking foul water without getting sick, something that baffles their fellow heroes. They are selfless to a fault and simply want what is best for the people around them. They are incredibly smart, having taught themselves how to read and write, but they don’t think of themselves as intelligent, must to the frustration of the people around them. They have so, so much love to give and always give it freely.
Negative: Bramble is dangerously self-sacrificial, especially for a 14-year-old. They know their blood is all that is keeping Hyrule safe and would gladly destroy themselves and their body if it meant they never spilled any, even in death. They are paranoid to the tenth degree and see every wound as a potential for the downfall of Hyrule, leading to some very stupid decisions they believe are for the best and will keep everyone safe. They give their loved ones grey hairs with their insistence on suffering for the greater good. They keep constant secrets and while they give compassion freely, trust no one, and are suspicious of every person they come across. They refuse to ask for help and are a little too self-reliant, insisting that because they spent their childhood on their own they don’t need any help in the present.
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bae-leth · 5 years
FE3H x LoZ Part 2
Hi again! It’s been a while but here are some things I’ve come up with since the last post I sent. I hope you enjoy!
I’m still debating upon whethere there will be a fourth route that focuses on the Church of Hylia, so I won’t touch upon the leader of the Church yet (but if anyone has any ideas, please feel free to bring them up!) The following characters are faculty and staff at the Officer’s Academy, and they are all recruitable.
Byleth - So it’s come to my attention that a huge part of the narrative in Three Houses comes from Byleth. Therefore, I’m going to include Byleth in this AU! It feels kind of wrong especially since this blog has given them so much characterization that I feel they without a doubt belong to Three Houses, but the story needs something to drive it forward (one example being Byleth has to choose a house). Unlike Three Houses, however, there won’t be a super big focus on their origins. Sothis isn’t in this AU, after all, so Byleth will just be a normal mercenary who becomes the new professor by chance. I suppose you could say that Byleth is much more of a Mark than a Corrin here in terms of involvement, though they still can have supports with the other characters. Also, they have pointy ears to match everyone else.
Jeralt - Good news: Jeralt is alive for the story this time! Throughout the story he acts as a source of wisdom for Byleth, and eventually gets closer to the house leader and does that for them, too.
Telma - a healer from Hyrule who serves as a professor and the school physician. She really wants a man, and almost always has some kind of dating problems. However, she is very motherly and excellent at her job. Her favorite hobby is making cocktails (which help her drink her worries away) but she doesn’t make any for the students until post-timeskip. Strengths: Faith, Riding, Authority
Kass - he was a traveling bard in his youth but eventually became a full-time professor. He is known for giving profound yet mysterious advice. He has taken Medli under his wing (pun intended) as a musical apprentice. Strengths: Axe, Flying
Robbie - the training instructor at the Officer’s Academy. Known for his flashy battle moves. He has an interest in tinkering and mechanical work. Possesses close ties to the royal family of Hyrule. Strengths: Sword, Lance, Axe
Orca - a general in the Knights of Hylia. One of the oldest knights. He is strict and has a commanding presence over the other knights, and has risen to his position because of his renowned strategic prowess. Strengths: Sword, Lance, Authority
Linebeck - a rather lazy soldier in the Knights of Hylia. He is often being lectured by  for his lack of effort. Has a habit of taking credit for achievements that he didn’t contribute to. Strengths: Sword, Brawl, Heavy Armor
Osfala - a former scholar who is now a field physician in the Knights of Hylia. He is a graduate of the Officer’s Academy. Quite prickly, but very attentive and quick-minded on the battlefield. Strengths: Bow, Faith
Irene - a mage in the Knights of Hylia. She is a graduate of the Officer’s Academy. She is not devout to the Church of Hylia, but she took the job in order to help those in need (though she would never admit it). Strengths: Reason, Flying
Makar - a noble child born out of an affair and taken in as a servant of the Church. He can often be found tending to the greenhouse, his favorite place in the monastery. Somewhat absentminded, but always wants to do his best. Strengths: Lance, Faith, Flying
Before we begin, I’d like to announce that the name of the monastery is the Great Plateau Monastery! It’s named after the plateau it sits on, which is in the center of the continent. Its high cliffs act as a natural barrier against any skirmishes that happen on the borders of the nations.
This is mostly just a general summary of each route rather than going chapter by chapter.
Part 1: Clear Skies
Jeralt and Byleth save three children (Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf) from a bandit attack.
Linebeck arrives on the scene and thanks the mercenaries for their work… because he didn’t have to do anything!
It is revealed that Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf are students at the Officer’s Academy and heirs to their respective nations. Linebeck escorts them, as well as Byleth and Jeralt, back to the Great Plateau Monastery.
The mercenaries are recommended to the Church of Hylia: Jeralt as a Knight and Byleth as a professor. Byleth meets the students and selects a house to teach.
Byleth leads their house on various mock battles and real missions, while also using their status as professor to teach and train their students. The students also bond with one another, even mingling with the other houses – the three house leaders are notably close.
During one mission, Byleth and the students are tasked with protecting the monastery from an army led by an assassin known as Sheik. It is at this point where they begin to suspect that there is a bigger conspiracy at work.
Zelda later reveals that Sheik is a phantom that she controls in order to collect information and lead assaults while maintaining her identity as a student. She accuses the Church of hiding the truth from the world, and before she can elaborate, she escapes.
If Byleth has chosen the Azure Owls, they follow Zelda and she explains that there is a prophecy that has been erased from history by the Church, in which the three nations are caught in an eternal cycle of war and hatred over the Triforce Crests. She has learned that Ganondorf, as the bearer of the Crest of Demise, will wage war that will destroy the continent in the future, and she intends to stop that from happening as soon as possible.
If Byleth has chosen the Azure Owls, they join Zelda and siege the Great Plateau Monastery in order to make it a new base of operations for the Kingdom army. If Byleth has chosen the Crimson Boars or Verdant Wolves, they join their students and the Knights of Hylia in defending the monastery.
Regardless of which house they chose, Byleth is knocked unconscious during the battle, and wakes up five years later. The Kingdom, Empire and Alliance are at war with each other, just as the prophecy stated.
Part 2: Relentless Rain (Azure Owls / Kingdom of Hyrule)
Byleth returns to the monastery, where they reunite with Zelda and the Azure Owls. They learn that the Gerudo Empire has allied with the Church of Hylia – though they have different goals, they both oppose the Kingdom – while the Ordon Alliance remains neutral, but is struggling to prevent internal conflict.
The Gerudo Empire invades Kingdom territory, but to everyone’s surprise the Alliance arrives as well, resulting in a three-way battle. There are heavy losses on all sides, with the Alliance army especially damaged.
Zelda’s first plan of action is to eliminate the Alliance while it is still vulnerable. The Kingdom army storms the Alliance capital and though Link is there as the last line of defense, he surrenders upon defeat.
The Kingdom army continues to advance into Empire territory. The Knights of Hylia guard a vital fortress in one last stand, but are defeated.
Zelda and Byleth arrange a secret meeting with Ganondorf in hopes of obtaining more answers about the prophecy, which Ganondorf has learned about in the past five years. When they confront him, they see how much his mind has deteriorated, and they are ambushed by soldiers of the Yiga Clan. Zelda and Byleth are forced to retreat.
Zelda admits that she had worked with the Yiga Clan as Sheik in the past, partially to obtain information about the resurrection of the Demon King and partially to gain their aid in taking down the Church. However, since their goal is to unleash the Demon King, she plans to target them as well.
The Kingdom army arrives at the capital and sieges the imperial palace. Ganondorf has fully lost his sanity and exhausts all of his troops in order to try and overwhelm Zelda. He is defeated, but in a last-ditch effort he uses his Crest in order to transform into a Demonic Beast, Beast Ganon.
Zelda and Byleth defeat Beast Ganon. Zelda briefly mourns that of all people, the Crest of Demise happened to take hold of her friend. However, she is reassured that she has restored peace to the continent. Link steps down from leadership of the Alliance and becomes a lone traveler. The three nations unify into the Great Kingdom of Hyrule, and Zelda ascends as its first queen. She heralds an era of peace and harmony while turning her attention to tracking down the remains of the Yiga Clan.
Part 2: Roaring Thunder (Crimson Boars / Gerudo Empire)
Byleth returns to the fallen Great Plateau Monastery and encounters Ganondorf, who is continuing to grow unstable. He laments that he hears voices and has visions urging him down the path of evil. The two reunite with the rest of the Crimson Boars and claim the monastery as their base.
Ganondorf forces a sudden battle between the armies of the Empire, Kingdom, and Alliance. All three armies are hit extremely hard.
Link arrives at the monastery alone to talk to Ganondorf as a friend rather than an opponent. He urges Ganondorf to stop the war with him so they can live in peace as they did before. In a fit of blind rage, Ganondorf loses control of his own actions and murders Link.
Ganondorf realizes that he needs to locate the source of the darkness within him before he can cause any more damage. However, he must convince Zelda to stop the war, so the imperial army continues its advance into Kingdom territory.
The rest of the Verdant Wolves lead the Alliance army into battle, desiring vengeance for the murder of their friend and leader. Ganondorf is forced to defeat them in order to advance.
The imperial army arrives at the Kingdom capital, where Zelda faces them in one final stand. She refuses to yield, as she believes that her mission to eliminate Ganondorf is the only way to prevent further conflict. Ganondorf regretfully defeats her, and in her dying breath she says to “beware the eye of the Yiga.”
Byleth and Ganondorf obtain a posthumous letter from Impa, which details all of the information Zelda has collected about the reincarnation cycle, and Ganondorf learns of his true nature as the reborn Demise, the Demon King of ancient history. The Yiga Clan are a cult that seeks to revive Demise and bring forth the apocalypse, and the letter includes directions to their hidden base.
The imperial army storms the Yiga Clan Hideout, but in the chaos Ganondorf is restrained by the Yiga. They use their powers to extract the Crest of Demise from his body, and from the Crest’s power Demise is fully revived.
Byleth and Ganondorf engage in one final battle against the origin of evil itself, the Demon King Demise. Upon defeating him, the curse is broken permanently and Ganondorf is freed from its hold.
Ganondorf takes his rightful place as the King of the Gerudo Empire, and eventually repairs relations with the Kingdom and Alliance. He visits the Great Plateau Monastery, where Link is buried, the day before his coronation, and says a prayer for all of his friends who had fallen in the war. He is renowned centuries into the future as the catalyst who laid the continent’s demons to eternal rest.
Part 2: Shining Sun (Verdant Wolves / Ordon Alliance)
Byleth returns to the Great Plateau Monastery and reunites with Link, who has been hopeful for their return. Together they meet up with the other Verdant Wolves and rally their troops at the monastery, which has become their new base.
SIDE NOTE: in this route, Link has the option to recruit any units who were not recruited in part 1 if he approaches them in battle.
The Alliance army advances into the Kingdom, but are stopped by the Zelda and the Kingdom army. Ganondorf and his troops also arrive, resulting in a three-way battle. All three armies are forced to fall back, and Link decides to travel along the border between the Empire and Kingdom in order to avoid more ambushes.
Link confesses that as a commoner who ascended to leadership, he has always been treated as an outsider. His dream is to rebuild the continent into a place where everyone is treated equally, and where the bigotry and discrimination between social classes and nations is abolished. This is why his goal is to end the war in its entirety and unite all three nations.
The Alliance army is attacked by the Yiga Clan, which is when Byleth and Link first learn of the cult’s existence.
Before departing from the border and heading into Kingdom territory, the Alliance army faces Ganondorf and the imperial army one more time. Cia is particularly conflicted about her loyalties, and if Link recruits her during the battle, Ganondorf calls in reinforcements that surround them completely. Link is forced to defeat Ganondorf in order to proceed, and in Ganondorf’s last moments, Link promises to bring peace to the continent. (Though Link is not aware of the prophecy, he unknowingly fulfilled it by defeating Ganondorf.)
The Alliance battles its way through the Kingdom until it reaches the capital. Zelda refuses to hear Link’s pleas to cease the war, and the Kingdom engages the Alliance in battle. Midway through, she calls upon the Yiga Clan, and they arrive as reinforcements. Byleth and Link are able to endure and come out victorious, defeating both the Kingdom and the Yiga.
Zelda survives, but is exiled out of the continent. The three nations are united into the Hylian Alliance, and Link becomes its first ruler. Link is still upset over losing Zelda and Ganondorf, but makes sure to honor them by making his reign a just and noble one thats brings the Alliance into a golden age. He is remembered as a progressive leader who utilized his kindness and generosity in order to bring together people from all walks of life.
I’ve decided that Crests and Relics are also in this AU! Here are all of the ones that appear in this universe.
There are four crests that are not passed on by bloodline: the Triforce Crests (Din, Nayru, Farore) and the Crest of Demise. These are the oldest Crests; they can manifest in anyone regardless of status, but appear very rarely. The Triforce Crests are capable of manifesting in someone who already has another Crest, and they won’t have any negative effects, unlike what is shown in Three Houses. The Crest of Demise is a different story.
Din - one of the Triforce Crests, also known as the Crest of Power. Its Hero Relic is the Mirror Shield. Bearers: Ganondorf (minor)
Nayru - one of the Triforce Crests, also known as the Crest of Wisdom. Its Hero Relic is the Bow of Light. Bearers: Zelda (minor)
Farore - one of the Triforce Crests, also known as the Crest of Courage. Its Hero Relic is the Master Sword. Bearers: Link (major)
Demise - an ancient Crest named after the Demon King who bore it. Bearers of this Crest eventually lose their sanity and gain an unquenchable bloodlust. Its Hero Relic is the Demon Trident. Bearers: Ganondorf (major)
Hylia - a Crest that is usually found in members of the royal family of Hyrule. Its Hero Relic is the Goddess Sword. Bearers: Zelda (major), Fi (minor)
Nabooru - a Crest that comes from one of the first warrior heroes of the Gerudo Empire. Its Hero Relic is the Scimitar of the Seven. Bearers: Urbosa (minor)
Kakariko - a Crest that originates from Hyrule. Its Hero Relic is the Sahasrahla Staff. Bearers: Osfala (minor), Robbie (minor)
Holodrum - a Crest that originates from Gerudo. Its Hero Relic is the Golden Gauntlets. Bearers: Onox (minor)
Zora - a Crest that originates from Hyrule. Its Hero Relic is the Lightscale Trident. Bearers: Ruto (major), Mipha (minor)
Lokomo - a Crest that originates from Ordon. Its Hero Relic is the Light Force Gem. Bearers: Byrne (minor)
Goron - a Crest that originates from Hyrule. Its Hero Relic is the Boulder Breaker. Bearers: Daruk (minor)
Rito - a Crest that originates from Hyrule. Its Hero Relic is the Harpstring Axe. Bearers: Revali (minor), Medli (minor)
Kokiri - a Crest that originates from Ordon. Its Hero Relic is the Fairy Bow. Bearers: Saria (minor), Makar (minor)
Twili - known in Hyrule as the Interloper’s Crest. The first bearer of this Crest left the continent and founded the kingdom of Twili, and it is only found in members of the Twili royal family. Its Hero Relic is the Twilight Spear. Bearers: Midna (major)
These are some classes that I would’ve liked to see in Three Houses, so I wrote them down because it makes sense for certain characters. Also, the house leaders have their own Lord classes.
Dark Flier - a wyvern rider who uses lances and reason. I imagine this to be Midna’s canon class.
Holy Flier - a pegasus rider who uses axes and faith. I imagine this to be Cia’s and Medli’s canon class.
Blade Scion - an infantry unit who uses swords, lances, and gauntlets. I imagine this to be Impa’s and Groose’s canon class.
Goddess Knight - a horse rider who uses bows and reason. This is Zelda’s advanced class.
Holy Queen - a horse rider who uses bows and reason. This is Zelda’s master class.
Radiant Knight - a horse rider who uses swords and faith. This is Link’s advanced class.
Legendary Hero - a horse rider who uses swords and faith. This is Link’s master class.
King of Thieves - an infantry unit who uses lances, gauntlets, and reason. This is Ganondorf’s advanced class.
Demon King - an infantry unit who uses lances, gauntlets, and reason. This is Ganondorf’s master class and Demise’s only class.
I forgot to mention in my last post that Shad is also a Crest researcher, so he’s basically Linhardt but without the sleepy.
Pre-timeskip, Zelda has shorter (BotW2) hair, Link has a ponytail (BotW), and Ganondorf has short (OoT) hair. Post-timeskip, Zelda has long (BotW) hair, Link has short (TP) hair, and Ganondorf has long (HW) hair.
Zant is Midna’s adoptive brother, so he is from Twili, but not of royal heritage. He hates Midna because she is the true heir to the throne but seemingly takes it for granted and does not take her responsibilities seriously. Upon enrolling at the Officer’s Academy, both of them were members of the Crimson Boars, but Midna transferred to the Verdant Wolves after meeting and befriending Link prior to the events of the story.
The equivalent of the Death Knight is Cherry. Yes, Robbie’s ancient oven Cherry. She can create Ancient Arrows at will, so she’s basically the definition of a scary unit.
I’m in love with the Link’s Awakening remake and I wanted to include Marin in this AU somehow so, so badly, but she’s basically Malon + Medli, so it seems a bit redundant. Just know that I love Marin with my whole heart.
#submission#anon#fire emblem three houses#fe16#legend of zelda#zelda au#WHOOOOO A ZELDA AU UPDATE I WAS SO STOKED TO GET THIS!!!#ok there's many things to yell abt so im going to go in any order#first can i just say i love the attention to detail??? the crests.. hero relics.... the parallels btwn this and 3h's story.... everything#flows and fits so well together and i love it!!#firstly nJERALT IS ALIVE?? I THANK YOU FOR MY ENTIRE L I F E THIS IS ALL IVE EVER WANTED#telma as manuela.... i love telma sm so thi s is golden#and ofc linebeck has to be there!! i love linebeck... imagining his just Showin Up is just so funny asdfsjdfh#also iRENE!! ok i'll stop gushing abt chars now becayse that'll take forever LMAO#great plateau monastery is a lovely name i like it!! also v fitting for the location parallels huehuehue#sheik's used v cleverly n i like it! reminds me of phantom hourglass which is prob what you were aiming for. i totally expected a zelda is#sheik thing a la flame emperor reveal so this totally threw me off nice job#the part 2 names are so good? shining sun... roaring thunder... relentless rain.... i actually like these better than canon fe3h p2 names#and the plots!!!! OH MY GOD. i am so UPSET ganon kIlls link in a fit of raGE??? THANKS FOR SNATCHING MY FEELINGS TONIGHT :(#zelda being exiled is so v bittersweet oof#ganondorf vs demise a la byleth vs nemesis ingame? chefs kiss. i love that cinematic parallel#i was actually thinking abt something along the same lines the other day so our minds anon!! our minds!!!#those crests and new classes??? omg.... i Need to see a blade scion pls.... also demon king... b l ease...#CHERRY AS THE DEATH KNIGHT DSJHSHDF WITH ANCIENT ARROWS??? THATS HILARIOUS BUT ALSO REALLY TERRIFYING.#how do u escape the one who Canonically Creates ancient arrows... you can't..... :o#i cant believe that the ancient materials oven is the death knight dshjdhfhdHDSHDSHjhhjhh HHHHHH#AAAA I NEED TO PLAY THE REMAKE!! but honestly i agree. i love marin with all my heart too#even if she's not in this au i just. Love her. she's there as a seagull maybe or smthn#in conclusion.... this au still has my entire SOUL and HEART. thank you for feeding us once again!!!#i'll add this post to the masterlist huehuehuhe
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bigdrchief · 3 years
The Kronos Sage - The Scaled Hero
The people of Hyrule know the story of old, repeated countless times throughout history.
Of the demon king who sought power, to rule over the lands...
Of the princess who possessed wisdom, and fought for her kingdom's prosperity...
And of the hero who radiated courage, who would fight against the great evils of the world...
Each tale, passed down through time, told of this endless struggle between good and evil, each tale their own unique journey, with many eventually fading away with time. A tale of three souls tied together, forever tied to fate...
But there exists a legacy that remains etched in the minds of the Hylian goddesses, one a tale of time and souls, a tale of a different evil, of an admirer turned abhorrent destroyer of evil...
One of the enchantress named Del' Sia.
Long ago, there lived a young enchantress in the village of Kame'ge, who grew up fascinated by the tales of the demon king. Believing strength to be something one must acquire through any means necessary, she viewed Ganondorf as somebody to aspire to, and after stealing an ancient tome that spoke of Hylian magic, would run off to ally herself with the current Demon King.
Becoming the fierce second commander of the Demon King's army, her spells would ravage all who dare oppose Ganondorf's regime, and Del' Sia took pleasure in the fear her opponents displayed as she showcased her dominance over them.
However, one man would eventually come and slay her in battle-Link, the chosen hero of Hyrule. With the Master Sword in hand, he defeated the mighty enchantress in battle, ending her life forevermore.
But she was a devious witch, one who studied the art of magic intensely, and devised a method of retaining one's memories with every incarnation.
And so Del' Sia would reawaken 100 years later, and would come to serve that era's Demon King once more, intent on serving as his right-hand woman forevermore. To her, Ganondorf was the epitome of strength, and so she must follow if she wishes to achieve such greatness too.
It would be in this era that she would begin an experiment, one that would change the course of history forevermore...
When the Chosen Hero arrived to fight the Demon King, Del' Sia used her newfound experience to overwhelm the Hero, killing him in battle. Then, using her newfound knowledge of souls and magic, she trapped the reincarnating Soul of the Hero to a talisman, taking advantage of the soul's connection to the Triforce.
Unbeknownst to Ganondorf, she would perform various experiments with the soul, intent on devising a method of utilizing the power of the Chosen Hero to ensure that the regime of the Demon King goes uncontested.
It would be here that she would unwittingly give rise to a new Hero, one not of Hylian earth, but one made of demonic malice...
Subject 221 was a Lizalfos, a standard monster employed in Ganondorf's army, and one of the many test subjects that the Enchantress would test her many spells with. This unlucky soul, in particular, was chosen for one specific reason-what would happen if she were to place the Hero's soul in the Lizalfos? Would Ganondorf be able to use his magic to control this Lizalfos?
If so, then this would ensure that Ganondorf's reign would go unopposed forevermore.
So Del' Sia implanted the Soul of the Hero into Subject 221, and after extensive testing, presented this Lizalfos to the Demon King in the hopes of him accepting a clearly superior weapon that he can use to further terrorize the people of Hyrule.
To her shock, however, the Demon King rejected it, and demanded that she destroyed the Lizalfos upon her return to her lab.
The Chosen Hero had an unbreakable willpower, after all, and the Demon King knew that even in the body of one of his servants, that allowing the Hero to live would only bring forth his ruin.
However, Del' Sia instead locked the creature in her dungeons, intent on using the Hero's power once and for all. After all, how can a lone Lizalfos manage to topple the Demon King's empire? It was preposterous that it would incite such fear into the Demon King!
And so for the next few months, Subject 221 remained trapped inside the dungeons, stuck as an eternal chew toy for Del' Sia to play around. And every day, the Lizalfos would think to itself: What if things were different? What if it can see the outside again?
The next day, the dungeons were raided by a group of Hylian guards, Del' Sia leaving her laboratory to confront them. During the battle, Subject 221 managed to escape the dungeon and run off far away from the desert, never looking back again.
For the next few weeks, the Lizalfos was on the run, forced to hide from its fellow soldiers, who sought to hunt down a threat to their master's regime. Forced to survive by himself, without any aid from the other species, it runs far and far away.
That was its life, and it would remain that day until one fateful day, when a few days without food lead to it falling down unconscious on the road. Close to death, the Lizalfos would have died were it not for a Hylian coming across it on their travels.
Zelda did not know why she had chosen to grant the Lizalfos mercy and handed them her apples, but she just had this feeling, as if the goddesses themselves felt like this particular monster deserved mercy. As the Lizalfos walked away after eating the food, she wondered if she did the right thing...
As the Lizalfos walked off, it wondered why a Hylian had saved it, when it knew that it was merely a monster that worked for their enemy, one that must be slain if they wish to oppose the Demon King. What was this feeling it felt now from the Hylian's action? It did not know, but it wanted to learn more. It wanted a purpose, now that his old one was unattainable.
It would soon find this purpose when, upon the Hylian village of Hateno, it witnessed the village being ransacked by the various monsters of the Demon King's army. Something it would have normally ignored, now it found itself feeling a strange confliction towards. When it saw a Mokoblin about kill a Hylian child, displaying the same fear it had when its own kind had tried to kill it, it knew what it had to do.
It fought the monsters off, its own kin, then ran off from town, attracting the monsters' attention away from the town. It held no strong connection to them, so slaying them was easy.
And so for the next few weeks, it fought off the monsters and solved the problems of the various villages it came across, often leaving just as quickly as it had arrived.
At Pareka Forest, the Kikwis were hiding from the Lava Serpent Magmor, who was slowly razing down their homes. With the aid of the Forest Boomerang, the Lizalfos was able to slay the beast in the Burning Wind Mountains.
At Death Mountain, the Gorons were struggling to transport minerals for their Hylian friends due to interference from the Frost Giant Kicera. With the aid of the Water Staff, the Lizalfos was able to slay the beast in the Frozen Goron Mines.
At Harmonville, the Auroras were trapped in their town due to the efforts of the Stone Beast Tauros. With the aid of the Diving Screw, the Lizalfos was able to slay the beast in the Ancient Stone Walls.
At Rito Village, the Rito were being raided by the monsters created by the Thunder Machine Gerako. With the aid of the Clawshots, the Lizalfos was able to slay the beast in the Sky Raid Factory.
During its travels, it befriended a fairy named Bard, who loved telling tall tales and followed the Lizalfos around on the basis that it had a 'cool story'. Serving as a translator for the Lizalfos of sorts, he became the Lizalfos first true friend, often acting like a big brother towards the Lizalfos. Bard was also the one that would give the Lizalfos an actual name: Fang.
When asked why it deserved a name, Bard remarked that every living thing deserved a name. When asked why he was always helping it, Bard said that he deserved to be helped, deserved a chance to live.
Those words touched Fang, and it, no he, wanted a chance to live his life, to have his happily ever after. But first, he needed to defeat the monsters that plagued these villages, because he didn't want them to feel the same terror that he had.
On his journey, he would come across the Lost Woods, where he would meet the Great Deku Tree. It would be here that Fang would discover his connection to the Triforce of Courage, and his destiny as the Chosen Hero. Here, Fang would finally wield the Master Sword, to his own shock. It would be here that the Great Deku Tree assured Fang that he too deserved a chance to live a happy life, and that he despite what the people of Hyrule may believe, his willingness to fight against his own kin is a showcase of true courage, one of his own and not one of the Chosen Hero's soul.
He would then continue his journey across Hyrule, with renewed confidence and his friend Bard continuing to be his vanguard.
At Harvon Outpost, the Hylians were forced into hiding thanks to the Light Harbinger Blindox making it impossible for any travelers to exit their homes. With the aid of the Mirror Shield, Fang was able to slay the mighty beast in the Harvon Beacon.
At Hateno's Graveyard, the various researchers of the various nations are attempting to devise a cure to counteract the plague brought forth by the Force Titan Plulex. With the aid of the Gravity Boots, Fang was able to slay the mighty beast in the Forgotten Caverns.
At Lizard's Keep, the Lizalfos there were forced to work nonstop at the hands of the Dark Wizard Malkore, suffering and dying from the unfair conditions. With great prejudice and with the aid of the Lizalfos Claws, Fang annihilated the wizard who remained in the Warlock Tombs.
Throughout this journey, Fang learned of the Temple of Time, and when he had the chance, would make brief stops at the area, attempting to explore the place over time. His efforts were noticed by Del' Sia however, and desperate to regain control of the situation, would fight the Lizalfos when he was able to access the final floor of the temple.
To her shock, however, Fang was not only able to put up a fierce fight, but used the Master Sword to slay the enchantress once more! Fuming with rage, the dying Enchantress made plans for remaining the superior opponent upon her next reincarnation. But that was a story for another day...
With the mighty enchantress slain, Fang would soon travel to Gerudo's Fortress, where Ganondorf had taken control and was building his army.
Slaying various enemies, making past various obstacles, completing the toughest puzzles, Fang would soon confront the Demon King himself, wielding his own Triforce of Power.
The two clashed-demon king versus the chosen hero-and though Fang was a lowly Lizalfos, Ganondorf took no risks in the fight, throwing everything he had to ensure a victory.
But like any other tale, Fang won, and with one final swing, slayed the Demon King once and for all. As Fang stood over the dissolving body of the Demon King, the Hylian Army soon arrived to the scene, arms at the ready. Fang readied his blade, but to his shock, the army parted.
The princess, Zelda, came forth to thank the hero who fought bravely against the Demon King. She revealed that as Fang fought and defeated the Demon King's generals, his feats were heard by the people of Hyrule as the townsfolk he saved defended him. She explained that they were all grateful to Fang for choosing to fight against the Demon King for them, despite how logically they were meant to be common enemies.
It is here that Fang asks for something for the first time in his life, a small request; to have the Triforce grant all Lizalfos the ability to live without the need of Ganondorf's power. Zelda agrees, and using her Triforce of Wisdom alongside Fang's Triforce of Courage and the recently acquired Triforce of Power, this request is made a reality.
No one knows where Fang went next, after his harrowing adventure. However, rumors are abound that he has made a peaceful home far off in some unknown woods, content to live his life peacefully forevermore.
This, was the tale of a Lizalfos who fought against a Demon King to save a kingdom who saw him as merely a monster, who gained true courage throughout his quest, and who acted selflessly because he did not want others to suffer as he had.
This was the tale of...
The Scaled Hero
The First Sign
Other Details:
Del' Sia's name is a reference to "Delusion". You probably have a small idea as to why
The Auroras are basically a combinations of the personifications of music and the wind. Their appearance is similar to Will-o-wisps. A Aurora is born from a passionate song, and they an infinitely compassionate race whose very culture is about the development of music.
The Forest Boomerang was like the regular boomerang, but it could bind enemies with vines.
The Water Staff can create endless trails of water so long as there was a nearby water source, and freeze/unfreeze said water.
The Diving Screw is a screw that can wind up screws and quickly strike at an enemy's weakness. It can also be use as a makeshift winch and stabilizer.
The Gravity Boots are a pair of boots that can either increase the user's weight or decrease it, ignoring all other physics-altering effects.
The Lizalfos Claw is an upgraded form of the Clawshots, allowing the user to claw at enemies and latch onto smooth stone surfaces.
The first of twelve tales of the Kronos Saga, I wonder what the next tale will entail...
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